#I cant believe I’m in both a prank war and a war for affection at the same time what is even my life
*scratches head as I try to figure out how to write simeon*
“Soooo… do you have wings?”
You had been invited over to the purgatory dorm for studying today, which ended up just being you and Simeon. Luke had agreed to bake sweets with Barbatos and.. well who really knew what Solomon was doing in his free time.
Going over demon anatomy was simple. It was a lot like human anatomy but magically imbued and with just a couple extra pieces. As you grew bored you had started looking around for something interesting, which is how your eyes ended up on Simeon.
Through the beams from his window that somehow seemed brighter than the rest of devildom, casting new light on his features, you stared. He wasn’t what you expected an angel to look like, nor was he even close to biblically accurate, but he was.. pretty. Yeah, pretty seemed to fit.
His eyelashes were long, and his hair even though it looked stringy, was smooth and nice. You didn’t get the whole shirt and shoulders thing, but you didn’t think it looked bad persay. As you stared, soon he started to notice. At first he just rolled his shoulders and tried to ignore it, but your gaze was intense and he felt like you were unraveling him. When he finally asked what you were thinking, you were well into thought and didn’t actually think about your answer.
That’s how you got him to actually blush. He was surprised if he was honest, but gave a firm nod, “Indeed I do. Most demons still have wings from their times as angels, but not all of them as I’m sure you’ve seen.”
You tilted your head. You’d noticed only a select few demons had wings, yes, but part of you doubted Diavolo was ever an angel. “Are yours fluffy and white and such?”
“Haha.. come on now, this isn’t a lesson about angels. We’ll never get done if you keep distracting me.”
You sighed but nodded. He was right. Back to the books you went.
The truth was though, he didn’t want to tell you how his wings were slowly turning grey. The more and more time he spent down here, the more time he spent with you, his wings ever so slightly started tinting. They were still plenty white.. no one would mistake him for a demon by any chance… but he noticed.
He noticed around you he didn’t quite feel like an angel or holy for that matter. He felt.. average at best. Like he was almost just another human, but he knew that wasn’t possible. It was angel or demon for him, human itself not being an option. Part of him found it unfair. He wanted to hold you close and refuse to let you go, for his own selfish reasons.
He smiled and shook his head. That wasn’t very angel like, now was it? -🥀
Simeon Commits A Thoughtcrime!
Words cannot describe how much I love and appreciate this. How little choice angels/demons have to be either one or the other - not something in between. Him being physically brighter, different in the devildom which could be his angelicness or just him and. Just. aaaaaaaaaaaaa 💛💛💛
This will be a war of no losers only winners
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