#I canot tell you how much it means to me to have a picture of him doing the horns
teal-skull · 1 year
Käärijä at Kesärauha 17.6.2023 - Performing
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image source: me
more pics from Kesärauha:
midspeeches + Jukka Sorsa
funny and cute (with surprice Häärijä)
shenanigans (mostly b-roll pics)
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callsign-blue · 6 years
The100 5x13 Damocles pt2 The Finale review
I have absolutely no idea on what to review on....
Well my eyes hurt from crying, my heart is racing because im amped up to see what season 6 has in store for us!
Like we all were thinking “Fuck Mcceary” and diyoza is still alive.
Shannon Kook’s charater shook me to the core. Jordan Jasper Green, i’m so happy that shannons charater was introduced in such an amazing and different way.
Marper. May We Meet Again❤️
The conversation between Diyoza and Octavia was really interesting a good interesting.
Im honeslty loving the murphy x emori ship hella.
I thought it was really interesting, is that monty and harper decisided to wake up bellamy and clarke instead of like bellamy and echo....but i mean that could mean that they still see them as main leaders in their minds and even though madi is heda.
I feel like becho will be tested(saying this is just like a foreshadowing like who knows they might be strong or weaker. And im NOT being bias)
I wonder what the egliuis3 ships are using the oil or what ever their mining for on?
The radio calls were talked about but bellamy and clarke havent talked to eachother about it hmmmmm madi you sly dawg you.
Harper and Monty, im so happy that they lived the way the wanted to live. You can tell during their time at polis that they just wanted nothing to do with this war and at the desert. They made the decision to keep living when there wasnt war but that didn’t stop them on finding a solution for everyone else. Just the fact that both harper and monty grew in positive ways even though they’ve had tramatic things happen to them. They made peace with it. Instead of one them changing the other they changed eachother for the better. They fulfilled what they wanted life to be about.
Im so excited to see what jordan has to offer! Im so pumped for SEASON 6!!!
And there’s an article saying that there might be a Season7? If yall are on insta look at some fact blogs that are from the 100 they might have that on their story or something.
I think Octavia and Abbey scene was much needed because it showed the resent meant. Octavia could’ve just let the people die but she took theor choice way but not all by herself, abby suggested it. Felt like taking their choice away was kinda taking away their, Octavia and Abbey’s, humanity away. But by the end they both owned up to what they done.
A true leader knows when to step down and I applaud Octavia for doing that even though she had to do not so nice things to them to forcibly gain their respect. Being in the bunker with clans that gave more respect to a 12 yr old then to a girl who won the conclave to save THEM ALL must’ve bruised her ego but she realized that since there was a true commander out there no one was gonna follow her.
Spacekru is still strong.
Wonder whats gonna happen between abbey and kane with diyoza in the mix. I mean if there anything romantic between them, probably or probably not.
The tension between Octavia and Bellamy, wonder how they make up or IF they make up. How everyone who trusted Octavia is gonna forgive her or IF they do. If raven and clarke are gonna have a conversation that doesnt include a gun in bewteen them(lol).
Right now for me there’s a lot of if’s, or’s, how’s, and when’s , going through my head.
I guess we just have to wait and see till what, spring2019? I wanna see bts pictures already....even though they haven’t started shooting yet.
I wonder how or what madi is gonna think about the new planet, like i feel like her leader ship role is gonna be tested. I feel like everyone is gonna be tested. But bellamy telling madi that she could DO BETTER, BE BETTER, BE DIFFERENT, and that she could Break the Cycle was like A++++++.
And im FREAKING READY FOR THE CHARATER TO TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS! I think its about time that they stop ignoring their feelings and keeping it all inside.
I’m curious on how everyone is gonna react about what happen to harper and monty, their son, and where their headed. I bet raven is gonna be pissed that monty cracked the files before her.
Like i’m just curious how people are gonna adapt to the new planet. If there are people already on the planet, like how are they gonna be when these new people are coming. Like i was ready for the 10 yr jump but fucking 125 yr time jump was like insane, and montys video logs ❤️. But that bellarke ending scene...my heart.....
Im sad but not as sad as i thought i was gonna be, like i’m more excited because now its literally, were gonna land in fresh soil(peep the pun) but like everything is different. Heda, prionser are with them & diyoza, new planet, jasper, like theres so much possibly and room for imagination and improvement. Like all we have to go on is just imagenation or predictions.
In my opinion I think we shouldn’t get discouraged about how we haven’t seen bellarke yet, i still have hope, i hope other bellarkers do. I know its been like a really long time and we’ve only gotton hugs, screen time, and kisses on cheeks, and them working together but like there’s gonna be season 6 and possibly a season 7 (so i’ve heard and/or read). Don’t give up guys.
One Garden. Two Serpents. Eden Never Stood A Chance.
(I bet echo is gonna be butt hurt about the fact bellamy and clarke woke up first. Lol dont hate me i just wanted to say that and there is NO heat behind them)(again i respect it doesn’t mean i have to like it)
5x12Side note :
I got really mad at echo one time, the whole season and the one time was, when they were in the village and she said to clarke “i should’ve killed you when i had the chance” like that made my blood boil. Like i get it echo was mad at clarke for leaving bellamy behind but clarke was doing what she thought was right even though later she came to her sense and actually did something smart. But, like, echo old habits die hard dont they?hmmm.
Side note done.
(i may later on update this review because i might think of more things or just edit it)
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