#I cannot resist a character with a flower motif
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wretchedvulgarian · 7 months ago
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I’m in the middle of David Copperfield and had a vision for Dora so I had to make a little sketch
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entropyvoid · 1 year ago
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I wanted to design some fun alt skins for Genshin characters, (especially after going through the character archive and realizing that basically no one is wearing pink which was a bit of a surprise tbh,) and ended up inventing a whole potential event to go with it. My thought process went:
Kaveh pretty bird —> Get that man in a kimono stat —> Wait why is he in Inazuma —> Pretty much every island in Inazuma except Narukami is totally wrecked but only Watatsumi seems to be doing any rebuilding which is kinda bunk —> Have the shogunate hire Kaveh to rebuild some villages —> Ehehe Seirai pretty so let’s have it be Seirai themed assuming the traveler cleared the Thunderbird so it could be repopulated—> Alhaitham needs one too bc they just go together so I’ll base Kaveh’s outfit on the Seirai sky (purple clouds + sunset + thunderbird + keeping architectural and lotus flower motifs) and Alhaitham’s on Seirai plants (naku weeds + amakumo fruit + teal grass + keeping signature leaf shapes and color palettes and adding to it.)
I’d like to imagine that these outfits were a gift from Kaveh’s new friend Yae. He met her at a bar loudly and drunkenly complaining about his roommate, and Yae, realizing this man was a walking talking light novel inspo goldmine, listened intently and seemed very supportive. This evolved into meeting up for drinks every weekend while he’s staying in Inazuma, in which he tells her all about his life and his friends and then promptly forgets all about it. It takes him at least a couple months for him to put together exactly who she is, and he gets pretty embarrassed about it, but they end up pretty close buddies. I also think Yae could use friends who are not either other shrine maidens, intimidated by her in some way, or Ei. She basically spends all her time playing with dolls, but the dolls are people. We also know for a fact that she cannot resist putting pretty men in ~outfits~ from the whole Gorou/Miss Hina thing.
(She was also the one who encouraged him to write a letter to invite Alhaitham to a festival celebrating the completion of the construction. She throws matching outfits at them promptly upon arrival.)
(The light novel series based on the mess that is Kaveh makes it all the way to Sumeru. Collei recognizes it and shows it to Tighnari and Cyno and thry all lose their minds. Kaveh reads it on his own at some point, but never really puts the pieces together.)
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 years ago
this is my half of a collab with @izzy-the-bizzy ! I hope that you enjoy it.
characters/pairing: Dream, Reaper!Sans, nameless characters, ReaperxDream
word count: 2,098
Summary: While frantically fleeing from his brother, Dream stumbles into a group of mortals afflicted with a deadly plague. He heals as many as he can. 
Dream wasn’t sure how long he had been running and teleporting - frantically trying to avoid Nightmare’s grasping, painful tentacles, his breath coming out in short, sharp gasps, afraid to glance behind him lest that slow him down enough to catch the other. He wasn’t sure why Nightmare hadn’t caught him yet - his other half had always been faster than he was… Unless the other was deliberately allowing him to exhaust himself, chasing after him and waiting for Dream to stop moving, so that the twisted caricature of the caring and quiet monster that he loved with all his soul could capture him and… Dream wasn’t sure what the other was planning on doing, once. No. If. If Nightmare captured him. He had to believe that he could actually evade the other - as otherwise he would end up captured and … He had no idea what this version of Nightmare was capable of, and as much as he desperately wanted to believe that he would be able to reach the other he… The… The other’s fury and the way that he had warped
and twisted their home was terrifying on a level that he wasn’t going to begin to contemplate - as it would cause him to panic worse than he already was and…
No! He had to stay positive! Too many negative emotions would both weaken him and guide the other straight to where he was. Dream paused for a couple of moments, leaning against a tree and panting, pressing his cape to his face in an attempt to muffle the harsh sounds of his ragged breathing as though he couldn’t sense Nightmare anymore, that didn’t mean that the other wasn’t close by, hiding his magic and aura. The tree that he was leaning against wasn’t dead and twisted… There were leaves on it’s branches and a couple of flowers, the shape of which the guardian didn’t recognize.
Despite the fact that Nightmare was very likely to be right behind him, Dream couldn’t help but take a curious look around. The trees were spaced in regular intervals - all sorts of fruit trees - peaches, pear, cherry… Apple. As if they were deliberately planted. The ground beneath the trees were bare - and looked very neat. Was this what, in one of Nightmare’s books… Was called an orchard? Dream had never seen such a thing before - he and… No. He couldn’t think of that, as otherwise he’d start crying again and feeling the crushing weight of his guilt and failures as guardian of positivity… Which would point Nightmare in his direction, especially since there didn’t seem to be anyone else alive anywhere that he’d fled to in their home.
Dream froze as he saw a group of monsters and humans walking down the very well tended orchard, shoving down the confusion and stress, quickly making sure that his outfit wasn’t a mess and wiping the dried tear stains from his face, doing his best to force a bright (and completely fake) smile on his face. He teleported directly in front of the group, clearing his non-existent throat and greeting them with a cheer that he didn’t feel in the slightest “Hello!”
Their emotions hit him all at once- the chaotic mix of confusion, surprise, curiosity and a surprising amount of fear (he was the failed guardian of positivity) that pulsed through their souls was a shock to his system - Dream had been running for… He’d stopped counting the days and nights as he’d fled from one end of his home to the other long ago as he continued to search for survivors while simultaneously fleeing Nightmare’s wrath. They started to ask him questions all at once - but their voices - fast and high and overlapping - was too much for Dream, who blinked once, and begged them “Please… Run. I cannot stop him and he has killed many.” before the darkness eating at the edges of his vision claimed him, and the guardian collapsed to the ground face first, completely unconscious.
When he wakes, Dream finds himself somewhere else. The only reason why he doesn’t immediately teleport off, is because he can sense that there are a mix of positive and negative emotions around him… Rather than desolate nothingness and his own feelings of shame and despair. When he activates his eye lights, the skeleton notes that the room he’s in is spacious and airy, painted in light, warm colors. He noticed that there was a golden flower motif running through the room - painted along the edges of the walls, and a larger flower carved in the center of the floor. He tries to remember anything that might explain why but… Dream comes up with nothing.
There are about a dozen beings in the room - an even mix of humans and monsters, and all of them are laid out on cots like his, covered with blankets. Dream sat and then stood up, feeling a little lightheaded and unsteady, but after closing his eyes and gathering some energy from the positive feelings around him, he felt better. He moved to the closest person - an elderly dog-monster who, when he checked, was sick. With a frown of concentration, Dream started to heal the dog monster, paying no mind to the frantic whispers at the far end of the room, where a couple of beings were clustered, holding back a tall and broad-shouldered dog monster, who was becoming increasingly distressed.
Dream lightly rested his hands on the sick dog-monster, so that the healing magic would transfer better, pouring more of his magic inside of the being. An anguished howl startled the positive guardian, causing him to glance back at the door. The tall dog monster charged towards the both of them at full speed, skidding to a stop and staring in shock as the older dog monster stirred beneath his hands, their voice thin and wavering. It took Dream a couple of moments to understand what the dog monster was saying “Greater dog? Why do you howl so? Your granpap isn’t done yet. Come here, you silly thing.”
“I thought… I thought for sure that you were going to dust! But… but you’re better? I… how that doesn’t make any sense. You were… You were touched by… By…” The younger dog monster whimpered, confused, distressed but hopeful and happy at the same time.
“By what, pup? You’re not making any sense.” The older dog monster responded, confusion touching the other’s soul “Surely the priests of Life healed me of what was making me sick?”
“No...N-no. T-two hours ago, I saw o-one of the priests telekinetically carrying that into the temple. It… They were the one who healed you. But… The only skeletal beings are… Are gods, and none of them have healing magic.” The younger dog monster whispered loudly, gesturing towards dream, their eyes wide with confusion.
Dream stepped back from where the reunited pair were, moving onto the next being - a human this time - stricken with the same illness. He methodically healed each and every being in the room who was in the room, noting that all of them were sick with the same illness. Dream was partially listening to what they were saying, confused as to what they were referencing, but not wanting to ask, as it was rude to eavesdrop. He walked back and sat down on one edge of the bed that he’d been placed, his golden eye lights partially fuzzed out. Gods, hmm? It wouldn’t be the first time that Nightmare and he would have been referred to as such. But Dream had thought that they had firmly discouraged that thought. They were guardians, protectors of the Tree of Feelings… Unless of course, those who hadn’t been killed fearfully worshiped Nightmare, in exchange for their lives?
But… They didn’t recognize him? Dream was fairly sure that the other would tell the terrorized beings he’s forced into submission about him - at least so that they could try to trap him before contacting Nightmare. The exhausted, worried and confused guardian resisted the temptation to flop back down on the bed and sleep - he needed to keep up a positive, happy front on front of the mortals after all.
One of the beings in gold, green and white approached him, asking once they were within reasonable speaking distance. They were human with bright green eyes “If you would please come with me, there are more who are sick. The plague has affected over half of the city, and any help that you would be willing to provide… we would be very grateful.”
A look of genuine concern appeared on Dream's face as he answered immediately “Of course, I’ll help as many as I can.” Or until he could sense Nightmare. Then he would flee - but that was just as much to protect them from Nightmare killing them as it was to prevent himself from being captured.
“Very well, come with me. The next room isn’t far.” The human responded, moving swiftly.
He wanted to ask for their name, but the walk to the next room was very short, and there were over thirty monsters and humans on cots - and all of them were in much worse condition than the room that he’d been taken too. Dream focused on the beings sickest, healing each of them as quickly as possible, his vision swimming as he reached the last patient in the room, stumbling towards them. He was trying to draw on the positive energy around him - but… He was having difficulties doing so.
A cold chill fell over the room, and panic clawed its way through Dream’s soul as he felt a dark presence suddenly appear. It was unlike anything that the guardian had ever sensed, and the dark force floated towards the last patient, who’s HP was steadily dropping to zero. With great effort, Dream teleported in between the two of them, his hands glowing green ever so faintly as he deliberately summoned the human’s pale orange soul, pouring his magic directly into it - which would work faster to save the violently coughing and unhappily mumbling human “No… Please…” Dream murmured, his eyes focused on the floating, black clad figure with a glowing blue eye light.
“Look,  you’ve made my job a lot easier today. But you’ve been causing a shortness of Death since you’ve woken up, and that human’s… Well, you can pour all the magic into them that you want, but since you’re holding their soul that easily, I’m afraid they’ve already pasta way.” The other being responded, a blue and silver scythe in his hands. “Check their stats, if you don’t believe me.”
Dream did as the other suggested, a sorrowful expression appearing on his face, even as he did his best to push past his exhaustion “... Their HP keeps decreasing, despite the fact that I’ve healed them of the illness.” He also noticed that the human had stopped breathing, and while they were still warm, a quick press of the fingers to one side of the other’s neck revealed that their heart had stopped beating. With a soft sigh, Dream lets go of the soul, watching as the other sliced the soul in half.
“Thank you for being reasonable.” The other being responded, and he could sense amused curiosity within the other.
Dream got up, intending to ask the other being their name when he stumbled forwards and fell into him, instinctively grabbing onto one of the other’s arms “S-sorry. I’ve used more magic than I’ve anticipated. I didn’t mean to fall on you.”
The other being - who appeared to be a skeleton - promptly shrieked in surprise, shoving him off and taking several panicked steps back, the other’s eye lights turning white as he stared at the other “No… No no no… It wasn’t your time yet, why the - why did you touch me? You… You’re not dying.”
“No… Is there a reason why I would be?” The ageless, immortal guardian asked curiously, tilting his head a little to one side, sending a couple of low pulses of calm and contentment the other’s way. His yelling would wake the mortals - and attract the attention of those who were already awake.
“I…M-my touch kills… Hell, the only other being I’ve ever been able to interact with is Pap, and that’s because we’re both aspects of death… You should be dusting right now… What the fuck?” The other stutters out, his hood falling, his features looking strikingly similar to Dream’s own.
“Oh, well there’s a simple explanation for that. Unless I’m killed, I can’t die.” Dream responded cheerfully, beaming at the other.
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queenofnohr · 8 years ago
FGO Material III - Ryougi Shiki (Saber) Profile
Another commission! Thanks so much for the support!
*If anyone is interested in commissioning me, here’s my regular commission page, and here’s my chart for Chapter America/E Pluribus Unum!
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: A
No matter what kind, magic less than A rank will be nullified.
Independent Manifestation: C
A special skill. An ultra-high level version of Independent Action. Additionally, for definition’s sake, she resists Insta-death and time manipulation style attacks. Having this skill, she---
Connection to the Root: A
Something that comes from「」, and goes to 「」. Divided at the two, revolving with the four symbols, managing the eight trigrams, it is what lays the foundation of the world. The Ryougi is the cosmic duality of the taijitu, exemplified. Her name is Shiki as in suushiki* and from Shiki in shikigami.**
Thus, this is proof of an all-powerful wish granting device. To those with this skill, normal parameters hold no meaning.
Personal Skills:
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception: C
It ranks lower than Assassin Shiki’s. It’s not something she actually needs.
Cloud Shine: B
A high-speed sword rush from the readiness of changing into a mindset of that of a swordsman. Five intervals…… Meaning nine meters can be crossed instantly to her target.
Taijitu: A
Taijitu Raden***. If you wish to remember it, if you wish to save it, then - forget it. Longing and regret are two sides of the same coin. It is the same as life and death. A paradox spiral. This Shiki gains HP by losing NP.
Noble Phantasm:
Mukushiki - Kara no Kyoukai
Rank: EX Classification: Anti-Unit Range: 1~999 Maximum Number of Targets: 64 people
Mukushiki - Kara no Kyoukai. By applying the theory of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, she can cut the target’s “lines of death.” From nirvana, a single sword swing of the afterlife cleaves, and all life is given peace.
An integrated personality of Shiki Ryougi’s subconscious. A female in her late twenties. A gentle and understanding elder sister. Shiki grew until her late twenties and took on a maternal charm. She exudes a sense of otherworldliness, yet in actuality, she has no sense of danger as a character like “the dream Shiki sees.” Everything is “seen through glass” and accepted. She is not a Western Goddess, but a kami of the East. She is close to being a benevolent manifestation of a kami, but since she is intrinsically malicious, she could be said to be a “devilish manifestation of a kami.” She denies the theory that humanity is fundamentally good. She has a sighing, “Because human beings are fundamentally evil, things will become worse,” while cheering on humanity’s underlying strength in their false courage, saying, “So please do your best,” kind of stance. It’s truly troublesome.
Motivation and Attitude Toward Master:
Because the chance of summoning her is on par with a miracle, she follows her role as a Servant well. She almost certainly sees this as a game. For her, who cannot be found by anyone, whose existence cannot be spoken of by anyone, what is this fleeting encounter?
Speech Example:
“Servant, Saber, Ryougi Shiki. I have appeared in response to your summons. …...Fufu, is this alright? There’s a limit to uniqueness, but even so, I look forward to working with you, Master?” “Everything is but a dream--- and this, the remnant of flowers.” “It is good to replace a katana. You can never have too many beautiful children.***” “I am a Servant. No matter what, I will obey any command. I mean, this seems pretty fun.” “Things I like? Of course that would be you, who summoned me, Master. Even if this is but a fleeting dream.” “Truth be told, I do not sleep. That’s why the nights are always so lonely. The feeling that something is missing is frustrating. But seeing your sleeping face is a benefit. Be that I could protect you, even in your dreams.”
This Figure in FGO:
A glimpse of a goddess, a Shiki from the boundary, a rogue singularity. She wears a radiant kimono, has a graceful bearing, and benevolent judgement. She regards all strange circumstances as simply daily life. Because her existence is uncertain, despite realizing events are strange, it is of no concern to her.
Properly speaking, one will never meet her. Still--- if she were to be encountered, it would be on a snowy day while everyone is asleep.
This is the same Shiki Ryougi as the girl who wears a leather jacket on top of a kimono. However, her personality is different. If Shiki Ryougi is a girl named “Shiki,” then this person is a woman named “Ryougi.” In addition to Ryougi it is the origin, the personality of the body itself embodies 「」. Because she should not come into the world, she slumbers within Shiki from her birth to her death. Shiki cannot perceive “Ryougi,” yet still, “Ryougi” would never impersonate Shiki.
Ties to Characters:
Mysterious Heroine X: “She’s much too cute. Somehow it’s similar to cutting.” *Too much…… The meaning of “too much.” She uses it to mean something like “the best” and “absurd.”
Minamoto no Raikou: As both of us are katana wielding Servants, I’d like to have a bout. There’s also a sense of familiarity in toying with a devilish lurking within.
Xuanzang Sanzang: Sanzang is someone Shiki Ryougi cannot keep quiet about. “So you’re the administer of the Tathagata. Then…… can you stop a blade with your bare hands?”
Illustrator Comments:
Initially, I thought her third stage should be a young bride from Mirai Fukuin, but in terms of concept, she’s slightly different in FGO, so I made her a new design with Kaguya-hime***** as the motif. That’s why her uchikake pattern is the same as the Silicon Princess’s from Tsuki no Sango.******
*The kanji for Shiki’s name is used in many words with the same pronunciation. “Suushiki” means a numerical formula. **Likewise, that kanji is also used in “shikigami.” “Shikigami” are beings in Japanese folklore, originating from the Onmyoudou (literally - “The Way of Yin and Yang,” which ties into Shiki’s thematic motif of taijitu AKA yin+yang). They’re thought to be a sort of kami and are conjured to act almost as familiars to their conjurer. ***”Raden” is a technique in lacquerware in which inlays of shell and ivory are used. The kanji itself translates to mother-of-pearl. The Onyou Raden (or Taijitu Raden) is also Shiki’s parry in Melty Blood. ****She says, aloud, “children,” but in the material book “children” is in parenthesis, and what she means is sword. (Yes, she sees her swords as children apparently) *****An uchikake is a woman’s bridal robe with trailing skirts worn over a kimono ******Tsuki no Sango is a written work relating to Tsukihime, in a world where the events of Tsukihime didn’t take place. The “Silicone Princess” is the also known as the Girl of the Moon (or Moon Girl if that’s a mouthful) who was the moon’s mind/soul put into a silicone body scientists created for her.
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