#I can't say the same for Cauchemar
procrasti-pastel · 4 months
Wait NVM, Can I both ask for him and cauchemar's hand in marriage-
Unfortunately Khalom is married 😔 and as for Cauchemar, let's just say his heart isn't open for it 😔
*but you can still get a compensation hug from both--*
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xxsycamore · 3 years
- You offered solace, I found love - [LUKE/MC SMUT]
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Rating: E
Word count: 2,839
Relationship: F/M; Luke Randolph/MC (Emma)
Summary:  Waking up from grotesque sights of spilled brother blood, Emma remembers the one person whose arms would always be open for her.
Luke, the biggest comfort there is.
Even if looking him in the eye is difficult sometimes, she accepts his invitation, unaware of where it would lead them both.
Tags:  Crushes; Friends to Lovers; Love Confessions; Cuddling & Snuggling; Spooning; Dreams and Nightmares; Comfort ; Masturbation; First Time; Loss of Virginity; Size Kink; Size Difference; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Cunnilingus; Oral Sex; Creampie
Check my masterlist here! You can also find all my works on AO3 under user xsycamore.  In my profile you can find my Ko-fi if you would like to support me!
Written for my Visions of Temptation Kinktober 2021 challenge. [DAY 1] [DAY 2] [DAY 3] [DAY 4] [DAY 5] [DAY 6] [DAY 7] [DAY 8]
DAY 9 - Size difference kink + “If we both can’t sleep, why not do something fun instead?”
A/N:  This started as just another kinktober piece and quickly transformed into something so very wholesome that I'm sobbing over it... I hope you like it! I love Luke a lot, I hope I did him justice with how little I know about him! Hopefully we'll have more Luke content in the future, he deserves all the love and more. 
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Ever since first meeting him, Luke has always struck Emma as a super nice person.
Among the eight beast princes, she's lucky to have more than one shoulder to lean on, in times of need. Luke in particular, has shown her how trustworthy he could be with little gestures that almost always have occurred when she'd least expected it.
Like lending his overcoat in a night of a ball that suddenly turned cold; carrying heavy stakes of paper from one office to another; most frequently, handing her those upper-shelf books that she always misguides her ability to reach. For this last one, with the amount of times it has happened, a joke has already started running between them of Luke becoming Emma's personal ladder.
And with that, ever since first meeting him, Luke has always struck Emma as…big.
Not just his height, but all of him: the number of sizes larger than hers his overcoat was that one night, and when he handled that stack of papers perfectly easy in his big hands where she found it a struggle to do the same… And, of course, all the times he has loomed over her in front of these bookshelves. It's impressive to say the least, and Luke himself can hardly help himself from sliding some friendly teasing remarks of just how tiny Emma is in comparison.
At first it's a mere heartthrob that comes and goes, in these situations.
Then they start to get closer, becoming each other's cuddle buddy somewhere along the way, and gradually spending more and more time together.
Emma can't help it but spot more things about her that are tiny and more things about Luke that are big.
  Tonight she falls asleep with a pleasantly tired feeling in her body after having spent some time thinking certain things about Luke, with a hand between her tights. The embarrassment that comes along with the visions inside her head is enough to make it hard to look him in the eye the next day. But that will be a concern of Emma of tomorrow, so instead of guilt, she settles in for the more preferable emotion of hazy satisfaction and some daydreaming about Luke that would help lull her to sleep.
But those daydreams not always lead to happy dreams.
Even if Emma claims that the anxiety coming with her new responsible role as a Belle has started to fade little by little, sometimes it would come haunting her during the night. Dreadful sights of spilled brother blood and rebellious crowds of people - they always result in those awful sub-conscious sensations of wanting to scream when her voice refuses to come out. Sometimes, she dreams of her own death, behind the bars of dungeon's cell.
Tonight's cauchemar consists of nothing less. If anything, the sights became more grotesque, and dare she say, more realistic. Turning to the other side in bed proves to be no escape from the disturbing non-dream memory of Leon and Chevalier having a heated argument the previous day.
She rolls on her back and opens her eyes. Luke. The only comforting thought there is, in such moments. She tries to distract herself with the far brighter thoughts of discussing the country's future with him, and how he always seems to remain positive about it. How he always changes the topic when it gets too gloomy.
Emma hugs a pillow close to her chest, recognizing the need of human warmth to her side right now. The warmth of Luke.
She is yet to accept his super sweet offer of turning some of their nights into a cuddling session. It has since been so tempting, and she had to deny despite herself. Her elevated heartbeat reminded her that she'd hardly take it to be by his side for so long, and in the same bed.
Tonight is different, because the nightmare-provoked fear is making her weak, and needy. With a pout on her face directed at rational-thinking Emma, she slips out of bed. After all, rational-thinking Emma and Emma of tomorrow happen to be the same person, and that is still none of her concern.
 With a vest draped over her shoulders and that same pillow still hugged to her chest, she tip-toes across the corridor to where Luke's bedroom is situated. All the way there, her sleepy mind comes up with starter ideas as to how to tell Luke that she is suddenly not that opposite his nighttime cuddling idea, and that she's changed her mind in the middle of the night of all times.
Once inside, she finds out that the hardest part about all of it is…waking Luke up. She hasn't thought of how saddening it would be to watch his angelic face and those slightly parted lips and to have to disturb his sleep…
But it eventually happens, with the slightest of tugs on the hem of his shirt. Luke's soothing green eyes meet hers in the low light and his initial surprise quickly morphs into joy. He is way sleepier than she is, and he seemingly abandons the idea of trying to tie together more of a sentence than a simple "Oh, Emma? Come here."
It's nice and comfortable in his arms. Emma almost forgets to be bewildered of the unfamiliar place and the unfamiliar sensation. Luke moves her into a comfortable position for both of them, nestling his head just above hers, as he spoons her. The blankets are soft and warm around the two of them, and it's all perfect.
Emma marvels at the way the man didn't need as much as a simple explanation of her sudden visit. Just as she wonders if he gave it any curious thought at all, a raspy voice whispers just above her ear.
"Another bad dream?"
That's right, she's mentioned before of having those often. It's only heartwarming to know that Luke's remembered that well enough as to connect the dots in so short.
"Yeah…" She whispers back, curling some more onto herself. The pull of sleep comes as soon as neither speaks a word for a couple of seconds, and she tells herself that it's all fine to be where she is.
 It's devastating to learn that her mind is doing tricks on her, again. The familiar just-on-the-edge-of-falling-asleep feeling lingers behind her closed eyelids, making her almost irritatedly tired, while another part of her mind is wide awake and refusing to shut down. She shifts some more, changing the positions of her arms and sighing into her pillow.
Luke's breathing gives him away that he is in a somewhat similar position. His own restless movements are not much different, and at some point their limbs bump into each other's, resulting in quiet laughter from both.
It's only worse when they start idly conversating. Emma feels herself getting more and more awake, but she also notices that she is not all that angry about it anymore. The things they talk about are funny more often than not, and if anything, all remaining anxiety vanishes from her. The outlines of the almost pitch black room are now starting to get familiar to her.
And somewhere amidst talking about this and that, Luke's hand wraps up tightly around her waist. Over the sheer material of her nightgown, Emma feels every little movement as Luke slides his fingers down the side of her hip and then up to her waist, repeatedly. She wonders if he does it to soothe her into sleep, or…
"Hey Emma? If we both can’t sleep, why not do something fun instead?”
Even the previously demanding side to her mind that refused to shut down now does it at once. She digs her nails into the corner of her pillow, hurrying up to answer him.
"Like what?"
"Like…" Luke's movements pause at her hip, his fingers briefly dipping into the flesh of it, experimentally. "…Having sex?"
Emma turns her neck, knowing full well that she won't be able to face him the slightest, yet her gesture is enough to tell him of her bewilderment.
"Sex? You want to have sex with me?"
"Don't you? Oh, I'm so sorry! I just thought that…it would help tire you down, and calm you down, and…"
"Luke, wait, that's not- I want it!"
The words leave her lips before she gives it any thought, and a hand comes clasping around her mouth in realization. Thankfully Luke breaks the silence.
"I talked with Jin about your frequent nightmares… I asked him how I could be of any help, in case you came to my room after waking up from one…"
Blinking, still more at the ceiling than the man at her side, Emma's hand searches under the covers for Luke's, giving him a tiny squeeze that would let him know it's alright to keep going.
"And Jin told me to try cuddling you, talking to you - but not about the dream, and, well, he said that having sex would help comfort you. Assuming that we've, erm, reached that page."
Emma is speechless. Right, Jin, of course it's Jin.
The wisest thing to say in such moment never comes to mind, and laughing is surely the best fit, but she finds herself chuckling. Luke does the same. His voice is a little more awake-sounding now.
"Nothing good comes from listening to him after all now, does it?"
"Ahahah, it's so much like him to suggest something like that! But, I mean, I guess it's not a generally bad advice."
Emma goes quiet again, realizing how her words sounded awfully suggesting instead of simply easing Jin's fault. Luke, however, doesn't falter the slightest with that.
"So? Are we…already on that page?"
And there goes her effort at keeping a cool head. She must admit to herself that she went relatively far. Sleeping with Luke? Is she truly ready for that?
"I'm… ready for that. If you are too, I mean."
She can't see it, but Luke is surely smiling at her side.
"That's great to hear! The truth is, I've been thinking about this for some time now. Thinking about doing this with you."
Emma lets her head fall back into its initial comfortable place nestled just underneath the crook of Luke's neck. She curls more onto herself, if it's even possible, and lets things go slowly, enjoying the newly broken barriers as Luke rubs over her skin more confidently now.
And going back to that thought again now, Luke is big. And curled-up like this, Emma now is so contrastingly small - she pictures the margins of the bed and how Luke is easily reaching the end of it when he stretches out his legs, and how she herself occupies just half of that. And it's a good feeling, definitely, as she feels entirely engulfed in his presence. Falling asleep in this embrace later would only provide an endless sense of being protected that she would have a hard time exchanging for her own cold and lonely bed.
But that's enough of the concerns of Emma of tomorrow. Speaking of concerns, this has to be the most fitting word to describe the feeling of something large and hard pressing into her backside.
Oh, no. Luke is huge. Big and large and even enormous in the eye of her mind and- of course his cock would be big, too. What is a tiny woman like her going to do, more so with Luke being her first?
She keeps on thinking about that all through their make-out session once she rolls the other way to face him and they get more and more familiar with each other's forms. Limbs get entangled and arouse peaks, resulting in some needy, honest moans seeping far too early from her lips. Luke's soft giggles are comforting as he moves on to the next step, preparing her for what is to come.
His hot mouth on her pussy feels already too much, but Emma would be damned if she asks him to stop before the real thing. She simply lays down without having much of a choice as her body melts to a near-liquid state under Luke's ministrations. She all but wonders just what else Jin has advised him about.
By the time two orgasms are drawn out by his tongue, Emma is sure she is making a mess out of the sheets by her sheer wetness alone. Luke is seeing that too, dipping his finger to her entrance and sliding it all the way up to her clit, taking notice of her state.
Emma jolts a little at the slight overstimulation on her clit, but it only highlights the need for more. She lets Luke know that by spreading her legs further and lifting her arms, inviting him to meet her in an embrace.
Their lips are the first thing to connect once Luke comes in closer. He positions himself carefully over her smaller form, kissing her desperately to claim all the kisses they've missed in the past. Neither lingers too far from the main demanding need that throbs in both of them that comes to light each time their parts rub against each other.
The slide of his two fingers inside her virgin folds feels already burning enough, and by the time he works her on a third, her every breath is just another moan of his name. He shushes her reassuringly with a kiss. Not as much as a couple of seconds pass before the scissoring motion of his hand indicates that she's relaxed somewhat. As pretty as the sight is to Luke, he reminds himself that he could save idly pleasing her for some brighter part of the day. She looks like she'll start wincing any moment now about how she wants him to hurry up, and thankfully her wetness aids in preparing her for the taking, because Luke himself can't wait much longer.
"Here I go. Remember to breathe, Emma."
Breathers would come easier if there isn't someone to steal them, Emma thinks, while being perfectly content with how breathless she is, all because of him. Soon every thought goes away as she feels Luke's length slowly making its way inside her.
"Ahh, so big…"
"And you're so tight, Emma… shh, relax, try to relax…"
"I am relaxed though…ngghh!! Luke…"
All the pent-up air in Luke's lungs comes out as a broken moan as he's almost forgotten to breathe for a second. He is now halfway in, and without pushing further, he decides to try thrusting in and out shallowly.
They both moan at how good it feels. Luke kisses Emma anew to distract her if any additional pain occurs as his thrusts gradually grow in depth and speed, and he is met with more moans of his name.
"Emma, that's it Emma, let it go… I'm not going to last much longer too…"
Definitely not long enough if she keeps squeezing him from the inside like that, not with those adorable whines that invite him further to chase after his peak.
"Come with me, Luke…"
With his thrusts now fast and deep, and the sounds of them echoing in the darkness of the room, a pair of broken moans announce their joined fall into the pits of pleasure. It lasts for who knows long before they start to calm down. Luke grunts against Emma's lips as he feels a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Emma? Are you alright?"
Pushing him face-first into her chest, Emma laughs. It reminds Luke a lot of a moment they shared earlier that night, and naturally, he laughs too.
"I take that as you liked it. I'm glad." Luke kisses what he can of Emma's chest as he shifts his weight to the side without letting go of her embrace.
Emma stokes his hair in return, feeling the pleasant heaviness fall on her eyelids again as they've been shut for some time now. She feels the desire to say something to Luke, yet her mouth refuses to move safe for stretching out in a tiny smile.
"I liked it too, Emma… I love you so much."
He feels his own heart skipping a beat, and realizes the weight of those words, but surprisingly not accompanied by the panic he expects. He can't help it but smile to himself, balling his hand into a fist as he delights in the content of finally saying those words out loud.
Only, the reply never comes. Luke listens carefully and concludes that Emma has most definitely drifted to sleep somewhere between the hair strokes that have ceased as well.
Luke carefully brings the blanket over the two of them, engulfing them both with the warm of some well-deserved sleep to come. Mostly for Emma and her nightmare-plagued mind that remains the main reason of her coming here tonight.
Even if that doesn't seem like the case anymore.
The smile still stays on his face as he whispers, more to himself than anything.
"I agree, Jin's advice wasn't bad after all."
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @leonardoism @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp  @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @btarinana @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @judgemental-seal @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @toxiicmoron @ikemenlover24 @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles  Please let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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