#I can't believe we're being saved by an orc
jeff-from-marketing · 2 years
Wow so uh, some shit has been going down in the TTRPG space lately. I didn’t exactly intend for this to become a TTRPG blog, but oh well that’s what brain has decided and I’m not one to argue against it. Wouldn’t go well anyway.
I do however want to talk about “holy shit Paizo are absolute fucking mad lads and I respect the shit out of them.”
Let me get one thing clear: I trust any company about as far as I can throw them. Often times, if given the chance and the choice, most companies will gladly stab you in the back if it means a few extra coins in their pocket. Hell, Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro have shown that perfectly fine this month and a bit. But I would also be lying if I said I didn’t have trust in Paizo, because as far as I have seen and as far as I can tell, they do basically everything right and everything I could ever hope for in the TTRPG space.
Everything a player needs to play the game is available for free by Paizo on sources like Archives of Nethys, which reduces the barrier of entry to basically nothing and heavily encourages the “try before you buy” mentality that more of every industry needs to adopt more of. They have really solid and respectful representation of so many people across so many different walks of life, as well as do a lot to actually look after their players and ensure that everyone has a good time. Hell they even became a union without a fight. And this is to say nothing of their community outreach, how well they encourage third party creators to make stuff, the actual quality of their works, etc. etc. If anything my biggest complaint is that it’s hard to find their books in local game stores, which isn’t really much of a complaint.
But the announcement of the ORC? Holy shit. I was not expecting that. 
I was absolutely expecting Paizo to have something in their back pocket. A “break glass in case of Wizards of the Coast” plan if you will. Something to ensure that they can stay afloat, and maybe even fight WotC in court or something. Comments they’ve made in the past have suggested such things anyway. Paizo did that and so much more. Seriously I cannot do the whole thing enough justice, I really recommend reading it for yourself. The fact that Paizo have effectively said “we waited for your response Wizards, we were there when the original OGL was forged, we have not forgotten. So we’re making our own OGL, with blackjack and hookers” and came out with the Open RPG Creative License (or ORC License, which I just find is a delightful name). Then in that same post, openly and publicly stating that they are ready to legally fight Wizards of the Coast is one hell of a move. Not to mention the not insignificant number of other sizeable members that are behind the creation of this new ORC, and Paizo’s plan to not own the license so there’s no chance of history repeating itself. It’s as if Paizo saw everything that’s happening now, and was like “right, make this even more watertight and so that none of this can ever happen to it.” 
I gotta say, I respect the fuck out of Paizo for that. The absolute audacity to slap down Wizards, come out with their own license with blackjack and hookers, and futurerpoof to ensure this can’t happen again. 
The question now is simply: where does this leave Wizards of the Coast? 
Now I’ll admit, I’m no legal or marketing expert... ignore the Tumblr handle real quick. But I can’t see this possibly ending well for them, at least not with the D&D division. This whole situation has caused the biggest backlash I think I have ever seen to something like this. Such is the case that several major news outlets and even non-TTRPG based content creators such as Linus Tech Tips or Moist Critical are covering this and going “my dude, what are you doing?” Coupled with the backlash being such that they’ve had to completely cancel announcements relating to the OGL, and now the campaign to mass unsubscribe from services like D&D Beyond...
Thing is, even if they do in fact perform a 180 and cancel all OGL 1.1 plans, that’s still a net loss for Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro. They’ve shown their hand now, they’ve shown that they are a bad faith actor that cannot be trusted, so why would anyone willingly enter any deal with them? Why would anyone trust that they won’t continue trying to undermine the OGL? And now with the ORC, why would anyone not go for that instead? Even if this somehow does result in some short term monetary gain for Wizards, they’ve lost the one resource that is incredibly difficult to renew: good will. A resource that Paizo and other companies are now drowning in. That can only do harm to D&D in the long term. Leaks show that they’re banking on the community just simply forgetting and moving on. Were this the gaming industry, I’d say that’s a safe bet. This isn’t the gaming industry. I’ve found that people in the TTRPG space have long memories and harbour deep grudges. This is certainly something that’s going in The Book.
Personally? I’m excited for the whole thing. I’ve been saying for a while that D&D’s soft monopoly is hard to beat; that the brand name of Dungeons & Dragons is incredibly powerful and often analogous with TTRPGs themselves. But they may have just undone that monopoly themselves. I don’t expect D&D to just shrivel up and die, it’s still a very big name after all. I do, however, expect other systems to gain a surge of popularity following recent events, and that much is even already starting to happen. I do hope that other systems will get the light of day they deserve, and that it’ll now be easier to convince those new to the hobby to try other systems. 
With this latest announcement, I think the future is starting to look quite bright for TTRPGs. 
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socksracoon10 · 8 months
Being best friends with Legolas
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Headcanons below the cut!
Legolas and you are probably inseparable.
I mean let's be real here, when it comes to friendship, Legolas values it so much.
You're practically family to him.
And you think the world of him.
90% sure as young elves, you two would spend all day in the woods and play tag, practice archery or just run around and laugh about something.
hang out in the trees, swing from tree to tree.
usually you'd instigate the tomfoolery (as Thranduil would point out) and Legolas would just follow you with a soft smile because though he's not very expressive, it's super clear that he loves to just hang out with you.
Yeah, Thranduil ain't too happy about that, though. But then again, when has he EVER been happy after his wife passed away?
It's obviously no surprise that when everyone's gathered in Rivendell at the secret council with Elrond that you volunteered to go with Legolas.
Wasn't really a favored choice, though, considering that Elrond gave you the side-eye and Gimli almost lost his mind at the thought of having to deal with not just one, but TWO elves.
Poor dwarf's wringing his hands in the air, and swinging his axe around.
Doesn't sway Legolas's opinion, he's ecstatic about the fact that not only were you joining The Fellowship to get rid of the One Ring (an important task) but you were going to be able to hang out with him even more?
The past few years the two of you hadn't seen each other since he had been with Aragorn, but this was a prime opportunity!
You'd probably eat Lembas bread with him and chat about how your life has been since you've grown up
Not much time for your usual shenanigans and the dynamic has quite shifted since you were young
Rather than trying to do something for the sake of adventure, you were going on an adventure for the sake of saving Middle Earth.
Yeah, BIG change.
And Legolas, being the best friend you could ask for, would certainly help you along the way, guide you through the quest and still be that kind soul you knew when you were young.
You could tell him anything, and he'd listen intently
your own personal little therapist and he'd listen to you rant about something
and he's ALWAYS interest to hear what you have to say, even if it's in the middle of fighting a bunch of orcs or Nazguls.
Y'all got each other's backs ALL the time.
I mean ALL the time.
When Legolas and Gimli are having a face-off at Helm's deep, best believe you're killing these orcs alongside him
"That's not fair! You can't just add your kills together!" Gimli would cry out
"Ah, but you forget, we're practically the same... one in soul," you'd reply with a cheeky grin.
Legolas would totally grin back as Gimli's losing his mind.
The banter?
You're more forward than Legolas, so you're quick to tease Gimli whenever an opportunity comes up. Legolas is more subtle, finding only a few moments to tease the dwarf
but when he does? yeah roasted
Both of you teaming up against Gimli for fun sometimes, hunting together, making plans
Safe to say that when Legolas leaves for the Undying Lands with Gimli, he brings you as well.
Just the three of you guys, on a boat, talking about life and making tons of jokes
Best friends, side by side, with no worries at all.
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consider this: chengxian silm/children of hurin au. instead of 2 boys 1 core it’s 2 boys 1 sword. with jyl as nienor, wwx as turin and jc as beleg 🥰 after a little consideration i cannot believe how similar their stories are
WWX as Turin is honestly the best character description for WWX I've ever heard.
Also Beleg being tortured by Turins people before turin comes and saves him, kinda the opposite for WWX and JC
JC being tortured by the Sect that WWX would later make "his people"
Idk if this is what you meant by the one sword thing but if we're taking the "sword" to be the golden core then Beleg/JC trying to cut Turins/WWXs bonds with the "sword" only to end up cutting him which then leads to Beleg/JCs death because Turin/WWX can't see properly and thinks he's an orc... BECAUSE HE STABBED HIM AND KILLED HIM WITH THE "SWORD"
Is that what you meant??
JYL and Nienor both have this whole suicide thing going on, I get it
Turin Turambar married his sibling and then killed himself lmfao chengxian subtext will always win
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little-spicy · 2 years
!Orc Stucky x !Princess Reader
Summary: In order to save her kingdom from a war that would turn fatal, Y/N sacrifices herself as an alliance between orc and human.
❗️❗️WARNINGS; SMUT!!! 18+Tummy bulge; praise kink, size kink, etc.
Part 2
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IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AS THE PRINCESS STOOD NEAR THE DOOR. She could hear the sound of her father shouting at his councilmen, his anger drowning out the fear that dwelled in the room.
"I REFUSE TO SURRENDER!" He shouted and as his councilmen stood silent one came forward.
"King Anthony as much as we refuse to accept it, whether we like it or not the Orcs have beaten us and our kingdom isn't safe." One of his men; James Rhodes said.
"If we lose then my wife, children, everyone is at stake for an attack." The King said and with a sigh sat down in one of the chairs.
"We could speak with their leaders, perhaps they'd be willing to compromise." Another man; Fury said.
"We'd be wasting our breath, what would they be wanting that they couldn't take from by invading?" Rhodes asked.
The princess could no longer listen and scurried away from the door as they hardening news weighed on her.
This war had been troubling ever since she was a child and to hear that everything was going to crumble. She remembered when her father had been in the war and now all these years had caused him to grey and her mother was just as tired.
Her little sister Morgana was only a child and if anything were to happen to her, she wouldn't know what to do.
"My lady, you mustn't be up this late." Her lady in waiting; Natasha said. "If you're found I'll be in heaps of trouble."
Natasha led the princess into her room and the princess turned to her as Natasha shut her doors.
"Natasha tell me about the Orcs?" She asked and Natasha turned so quickly her head could of gotten whiplash.
"Orcs are monstrous and strong creatures, strong as twenty men. I've even heard they've even taken maidens as wives." Natasha said. "But I-"
The princess drowned at Natasha's babbling as she thought of what Natasha said when she meant that Orcs took human women as brides. She chewed her lip in thought and her eyes widened.
"- never met an orc in person I-" Natasha was cut off by the princess.
"Can you help me get out of the palace?" She asked and Natasha looked confused.
"What do you mean? It's late enough as it is and-" The princess cut her off.
"Natasha it's important I need to speak to the leaders of the Orcs." She said urgently and touched Natasha's shoulders. "It could change everything."
"My lady if we're found-" Natasha was cut off again.
"I'll say it was my idea and that I ordered you, now come on." She said as she grabbed her cloak from her desk.
"What are we doing exactly?" Natasha asked her as she grabbed a cloak as well.
"To make a deal." The princess said and with that, Natasha grabbed a lantern and quickly lit it. Entering the hallway and leading the princess to what she think was her doom.
THE PRINCESS TURNED HER HEAD AS SHE SAW THE CASTLE FROM A FAR DISTANCE. The sound of frogs and crickets rang throughout the forest and fireflies could be seen faintly lighting it.
Natasha stood in front of the princess, lantern shining bright and their hearts beating rapidly.
"This where we go to find them, my mother spoke of the forest being the home of all creatures." Natasha said and as they stepped forward each step made a loud crackling sound. "Stay behind me."
"I trust you." The princess said and as she followed Natasha and her went deeper into the forest.
"You still won't answer my question, what are you going to offer them?" Natasha asked. "I mean what's more valuable than ransacking a kingdom? They aren't know to taking gold and leaving peacefully."
"It's for me to discuss with them." She said stubbornly. "It's a private matter."
"I can't believe the war is over though, do you remember when it first started?" Natasha asked and the princess shook her head.
"It's started when I was so young, it's been going on for 10 years." She said. "Morgana was born during the fourth year of the war."
"It's always remember the bloodshed but yet never remembering what started it." Natasha said. "I remember hearing the bells and the sound of my father being taken to war."
"So many men were put in the war." The princess remembered. "I remember my father talking to the crowds of men when I watched from my window."
"All of this to be for nothing." Natasha said bitterly. "What a way for the Stark kingdom to fall."
"Not yet." The princess said and suddenly they stopped as Natasha saw the glowing of a light in the distance.
"I think that's their camp, we need to lay low or-" Natasha was cut off by a low grumble.
"Well what do we have here?" The two girls turned around quickly as they stood in front of an orc. The princess had never seen one in person and as she stared up at the large creature, she was terrified.
Their strong and large stature made her feel like a tiny bug that they could squash at any moment.
"It seems you two little girls are lost and all alone." The orc chuckled and as he was about to touch the princess, she firmly slapped his finger away and looked at him.
"I need to speak to your leaders, it's very urgent, I beg of you." She said and the orc laughed.
"And who must you be?" He laughed and looked at her smugly.
"I'm princess Y/N of the Stark kingdom." The orc stopped laughing and his face turned stern.
"Well then, come with me." He said and she nodded.
"T-thank you." Y/N said and the orc ignored her and Natasha looked at Y/N in shock.
"We need to-" Y/N turned to Natasha quickly.
"No, we can't leave now, Natasha I need you to understand everything I'm doing is for the kingdom." Y/N said and Natasha said nothing as they began to follow the orc.
"SIRS, THE PRINCESS IS HERE TO SEE YOU." The orc said amusingly.
When Y/N and Natasha had entered the orc camp, everyone had turned to see the princess and her handmaiden following to whom they heard their name was Bruce.
Y/N looked as if she would throw up and as she stood in front of the two leaders, she felt as if she couldn't move.
"The princess? Well what a lovely surprise." One of them said.
Y/N looked at the leaders and saw them bigger and more large than most of the orcs in the camp.
One of them had dark blonde hair and a beard that went across their large jaw and their tusks getting lost in the sea of dark blond curls, he wore a bear skin that draped across his large toned body, and robes that was under it, gazing at Y/N with questioning.
The other who spoke, was a bit shorter but not by much, he was more thick and more muscle and his long brunette curled contrasted with his green skin. However on the brunette's left arm was gone and all that was there was a metal one to replace it. He wore a wolf pelt instead and he had similar robes to the other man and looked more deadly than his companion.
"I came her to talk to you, privately." She said as turned to Bruce and Natasha.
"Leave us." The brunette said and Natasha looked at Y/N fearfully. "Don't worry your friend won't be harmed."
"Come along little minx, I don't bite." Bruce said and Natasha looked at him unconvincingly.
"I highly doubt that." She said and as the two of them left, only Y/N and the orc leaders remained.
"What is it you wish to speak to us about?" The blonde one asked.
"About the war, my father doesn't know I'm here and I-" Y/N was cut off by the brunette.
"If you think we'll surrender you're out of the question, this war has been nothing but pain for our people, pain your grandfather caused." The brunette growled.
"Bucky, calm down." The blonde said. "What about the war, I understand you know that we've won and there's nothing we can do to stop that."
Y/N looked at them both and fiddled with her thumbs and but her lip.
"I understand that, I was proposing- a- uh- an alliance." Y/N said and as she waited for their response all she got was laughter from them and her face turned red from embarrassment.
"If you'd ever think we'd be allies your surely mistaken we've-"
"I'm willing to become one of yours' bride, I'll give myself to one of you if it means that you'll spare our kingdom." Y/N said and then came forward and got on her knees and had her head down.
Both orcs looked down at the princess in shock, their eyes widened as the princess stood before them and they could see that she was serious.
"You don't understand what your giving." Bucky said and Y/N looked up to him and a tear fell down her cheek.
"I do, I would be the most devoted wife, if you don't wish to I understand but-" She was cut off by Bucky.
"Steve and I are to share a mate, we are very serious about our mates. Once we've made this deal you can never go back, this will be your fate." Bucky said and the blonde; Steve nodded.
"B-both of you?" Y/N asked as she looked at both of them and they smirked.
"We share, and we've always had the notion of sharing our mate." Steve said and put his finger under Y/N's chin. "You'll be our princess."
Y/N gulped and nodded.
"I'll be your princes but only if you spare the Stark kingdom." She said and the orc men nodded.
"It's a deal." Bucky said and Steve suddenly picked up Y/N and she screamed. Steve put his hand over her mouth and her screaming was muffled.
"We aren't going to hurt, we just wanted to pick up our bride." Steve said and she stopped screaming but the fear never left her eyes as she looked at Steve. "Notify the clan, we are leaving. But not before the princess sends a message to the king."
Bucky nodded and as he left the tent with a grunt, Steve placed Y/N down to were he was sitting and grabbed a piece of parchment and a feather with ink.
"Send your message, then we must be off." Steve said and Y/N looked up.
"Can't I at least say goodbye?" Y/N asked and Steve shook his head.
"Knowing your father he would never let you leave and this deal has been struck, if he dares to break our deal than your kingdom will be in ruins." Steve said and Y/N shut her eyes and tears fell from her eyes and onto her cheek.
Steve looked at the small human and felt a pain of guilt, he wiped the tear away with his giant hand. Y/N winced and Steve once again felt guilt.
"Maybe one day." Steve said and the emotion on his face then disappeared as he got up and exited the tent.
Y/N watched his retreating figure and once he was fully out of site, she looked down at the parchment in front of her and a tear fell onto the sheet.
She fully comprehended what she had just done, she didn't regret it but nevertheless still felt waves of sadness as she wrote down each word, saying goodbye to her family on the paper, and the last words she would ever say.
"I hope one day you understand." Y/N said to herself and as she signed her name down on the scroll, she wrapped it up and sealed it.
As she did, she didn't notice her soon to be husbands entering the tent. She felt one of their fingers on her shoulder and she jumped.
She turned to see them with their stoic faces and she looked away and held up the parchment.
"It is done." She said and Steve took it and nodded.
"Come princess, time to leave." Bucky said and with no warning picked her up again and she gasped.
She looked up to him as he held her.
"Get use to it, you humans are such small and fragile creatures, our mate is not to walk." He chuckled and Y/N tried to ignore the heat rushing to her cheeks.
"I-I'm very fine with walking S-Sir." She said nervously and Bucky snarled.
"I wasn't asking." He said gruffly and took her out of the tent. Y/N looked and saw all of the Orcs looking at Bucky and more directly her. She felt like shrinking away, Bucky could feel that as she squirmed in his arms and glared at everyone. His gaze made them turn away.
"LETS MOVE!" Steve shouted and all of the Orcs nodded to Steve.
Y/N began to feel drowsy in Bucky's arm, the way he swayed her in his arms lulled her closer and closer to sleep.
"Sleep princess, we have a long journey home." Bucky said but Y/N had so many questions, but he fight was sleep was stronger and as she tried to fight, her eyes closed and soon her light snores could be heard by Bucky.
"Well Buck, this seems like a better bounty than gold, huh?" Steve said and Bucky smirked.
"Once we get home, get the ceremony started as soon as possible." Bucky said and Steve agreed.
"The sooner the better." Steve said and soon they began of the ceremony, looking down at their princess every so often and excited for what was to come.
It was days later and they clan had traveled back to their home. It was already spreading like wildfire that their leaders were marrying a human princess.
Everywhere Y/N looked Orcs would stare and whisper. It was hard for Y/N to be in a strange place and to have the Orcs whispers but it wouldn't last long when Steve and Bucky would glare and pick her up, showing the clan that she was theirs.
She knew how possessive they were, it wasn't hard to tell when every moment they held her and cradled her. Every time they did it was hard for her not to blush.
She knew that they were gentlemen and could see how gentle they were trying to be with her but she knew after the ceremony it would be more than holding.
She was scared, scared of what to expect, she has been told of bedding. She was a princess of marrying age, it was told she was suppose to marry a prince from the Odin Kingdom.
But this was different they weren't a man and she didn't know if she was going to see something darker after the ceremony.
Of course she was more nervous once they began to explain that the ceremony was to be happening as soon as possible.
She could tell how much it meant to them as they explained how their mothers would say it was important.
Y/N was standing in one of the tents and dressed in a simple white gown. Her hair was put up and flowers were placed in her hair.
She looked at the mirror as Natasha did her hair, Y/N tried not to cry but her fear was overwhelming. She is trying to understand the orc men but she feels like a sheep ready for slaughter.
"We should of never done this." Natasha told Y/N. "I never should of listened to you, it's my fault."
"I don't regret what I did." Y/N said and as tear up, she wiped away tears. "It's just I wish I could be braver."
"Just keep your chin up." Natasha said, and Y/N nodded. "You'll be fine."
"I heard your going to be mated as well from what James told me." Y/N said and Natasha nodded and huffed.
"That guard Bruce ." Natasha said and looked at Y/N with a sad smile. "It already happened, while we were traveling."'
"Natasha I'm so sorry." Y/N said but Natasha shook her head.
"No it's alright, I may of judge him, and their kind a bit too soon." Natasha said. "He is gentle really- it's just I always though Clint would be my husband- and I-"
"Still I should of never-" Y/N was cut off by Natasha.
"No id rather be here with you than you alone."'Natasha said and finished the last touches. "Besides maybe the leaders won't be too bad, they have a beautiful and fierce princess as their mate."
Natasha let Y/N see her full look and Y/N looked at herself and for a moment forgot about everything and smiled.
"You look beautiful." Natasha said and squeezed Y/N's shoulder. Y/N was brought back to reality and let out a shaky sigh.
"Lets go to my ceremony." Y/N said and Natasha turned Y/N around to look at her.
"Give them a chance, I did with Bruce, what's the worst that could happen?" She said to Y/N. "Bruce took a vow and it's important to them with this vow that I know and I promise you that it won't be bad."'
Y/N listened to Natasha's words with a nod and Natasha led her outside the tent and there stood Bruce.
He was outside waiting and he bent down and kissed Natasha's forehead. Y/N looked at Natasha and Bruce and what Y/N saw was true. He looked like he was being careful, gentle. Not at all when he first met the two.
She could see Natasha needed time but she could tell Bruce would never harm her.
"Steve and Bucky told me to take you to the river." Bruce said and Y/N nodded.
"Is everyone f-from the clan going to be there?" She asked and Bruce shook his head.
"No, our ceremonies are very sacred." Bruce said. "Just the elder and our leaders will be there."
Y/N nodded and Natasha held her hand and squeezed it.
"It'll be alright." Natasha said and Y/N let out a shaky breath.
"Time to move, the sun is setting." Bruce said and led them down the path.
The fireflies glowed in the orange and purple hues of the forest. Y/N held flowers in her hand and at each step she felt sick.
She followed behind Natasha and Bruce and had her head down.
She wished her mother could of been to the ceremony, especially her father. She remembered her father telling her she would be the prettiest bride and that he couldn't wait for the day that he could dance with her.
But that sadly would never happen, she missed her family with every fiber of her being but always reminded herself it was for her family.
The farther they walked Y/N could hear the sound of the water flowing in the river. She could see torches lit in the distance, and flower scattered across the floor.
"This is where we leave you." Bruce said and lifted Natasha into his arms and nipped at her neck, which she blushed. Y/N looked away and as the two left her alone, she could hear Bruce growl.
Y/N looked ahead and saw Steve and Bucky in the distance and in between them was what she assumed was the elder of the clans.
Y/N gulped and walked to them and there they stood with special pelts and flowers on their pelts. They were groomed and could tell they had freshened up for the ceremony.
"This must be your mate." The elder woman said. "I'm Okoye, one of the clan's elders."
"H-Hello." Y/N stuttered and the warm smile of the elder calmed her.
"It is okay my dear, no need to fear." She said and looked at the two men. "May we begin?"
"Yes, please." Steve said and looked down at Y/N and for the first time, Y/N had seen joy on Steve's face.
"Yes." Bucky said and Y/N could see the same expression on Bucky.
"We stand here today in nature, within the glory of this land to bind you three together." Okoye began. "We treat our other half with love but most importantly trust, you have your cloth?"
Steve nodded and pulled out a blue silk cloth and Bucky a red one and held it out to her. She grabbed it and looked at Y/N.
"Come my child." She said and Y/N put the flowers down and held out her arms. Okoye was gentle and wrapped the two silks around her arm and tied them.
She then tied the blue and red together and both men used a hand to grab each arm gently.
"This binding is permanent, this is a symbol of bondage and mating, do you understand?" Okoye said and the men smiled.
"We do." They both said and Okoye looked down at Y/N once more.
"Do you understand?" She asked and Y/N nodded shakily.
"I understand." She said and Okoye nodded and grabbed the silk and with astonishments the blue and red silk began to glow.
Okoye's hand were glowing and in an instant the silk disappeared and she let go and Y/N stood there in shock.
"It is done, I now pronounce you mates." She said and bowed. "You may kiss the bride."
Bucky instantly grabbed Y/N and kissed her and she was shocked. Overwhelmed by the feeling of electric sparks from the kiss, she melted into the kiss. Gripping onto Bucky's arm.
Then Steve turned her around and did the same thing and kissed her as well. Feeling the same thing and touching Steve's face. She pulled away and gasped Steve got on his knees and put his forehead on hers and Bucky came up behind her and breathed down her neck.
"You are now one." Okoye said. "May Mother Nature bless your union."
Okoye bowed to her clan leaders and left the three in the flower patch. She blushed as she felt their touches.
"You're ours now princess." Bucky said and kissed her shoulder.
"We have a place to show you." Steve said and picked her up, she squealed and felt her heart race.
"W-where are we going?" She asked and Bucky tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Somewhere special." He said and the men began to grab a few things as Y/N stayed in Steve's arms, her heart racing and face red. Bucky grabbed one of the torches that lit up their ceremony.
They began to walk across the river and far away from the small place of their union. She watched as the only thing lighting up the forest was Bucky's torch.
She could see the sun had finally set and night time had begun.
The firefly's light would spark every few minutes, she watched as Bucky stopped and Steve covered Y/N's eyes.
"What are you doing?" Y/N huffed and Steve squeezed her leg.
"Little minx, we have a surprise." Steve said. "We understand we've made you give up so much, and that you've lived different from us so this is a gift for you, a wedding present."
Steve released his hand and Y/N was let down and in front of her was a barely built cottage, stones and axes close near a tree. In front of the building cottage many lovely lantern lit, display of flowers, fruits, and a blanket of fur laid down on the ground.
"W-what is this?" She asked surprised, her eyes filling up with tears.
"This is going to be our home." Bucky said. "We ordered it as soon as we got back, we've only laid down foundation and such but this will be our home instead of the tents in the camp."
"R-really? And this?" She asked as placed her knees on the soft fur.
"We understand that your scared of- of bedding, especially two Orcs like us." Steve said and got down on the fur blanket. "We want this to be a good experience for our mate."
"We want to show you we want to be good mates." Bucky said and laid got on his knees and took her small hand into his larger one. "If you let us."
Y/N smiled for the first time in front of the two Orcs and threw her arms around them. They were surprised as she tried to hug them tight.
"I'm so thankful- I've never in my life been gifted something so special and thoughtful." She said and looked at the home. "It's beautiful."
"Lay down, let us make you feel good." Steve said and laid her down on the fur. She let out a shaky breath as the two Orcs looked down at her hungrily.
"I've been waiting for this." Bucky said and leaned down and and began to suck on her neck. She mewled and laughed, feeling aroused and ticklish.
As Bucky kissed her neck, he grabbed her dress and ripped it immediately. She gasped as she was no bare, her nude body dimly lit from the lantern.
Steve and Bucky looked down at her body in awe, looking down to what they believe was heaven.
She tried to use her hands to cover herself up but Steve grabbed her hands and put it above her head.
"Don't hide your body from us." Steve said and put his head on the other side of her neck and nipped. "Body sent from heaven."
"Wonder if she tastes like heaven." Bucky said grinning.
Her breath hitched and before she could protest, Bucky got down to her aching core and with his long and thick tongue, he licked her core.
She jumped at the feeling as his tongue glided through her folds. She moaned as he dragged his slowly and touching her clit every so often.
"How does she taste Buck?" Steve asked as he gripped Y/N's side with his large palm.
"Heaven." Bucky said and wiped his mouth for a second. "Glad no man has ever been in between these legs, this is better than any drink."
Bucky dove back down like a mad men, he licked little kitten licks and used his two fingers to spread her lips open.
She felt the cool air and she gasped, until Steve bent down and kissed her. He growled into the kiss once Y/N began to tug on his hair. Steve pulled away from the kiss and began to suck on her breasts.
His tusks grazing her skin and making her moan.
"Let's stretch her a bit." Bucky said and entered his tongue into her core. His tongue going in and out, Y/N screamed in pleasure from the intrusion.
The stretch burned at first but with Steve kissing and marking all over her body, the pain was unnoticeable.
"You've been hogging her Buck." Steve said and Y/N had an idea and she couldn't believe she was about to offer.
"Steve- I can- I mean can I suck you off then?" She asked and both men looked at her with bewilderment. Steve's only lasted moments until he growled and immediately pulled down his garment and there his cock was there in all its glory.
She was very intimated to say the least, his cock had to be at least 9 maybe 10 inches. It was long and veiny, the tip of it angry and leaking, waiting for it to be touched.
"It's okay, let's take it slow." Steve said and touched her cheek with his palm. "Get her on her stomach."
Bucky flipped her over and began to eat her out again, she moaned out and Steve loved the view that was in front of him.
He watched as his friend began to devour her, and the site of his bride, mouth open and drooling had him ready to burst.
Steve rubbed his cock a few times before letting her grab it. She looked up at him with doe innocent eyes.
"What should I do?" She asked and Steve chuckled, and took her hands and let her hold it firmly.
"You can lick it, suck it, do what you feel is comfortable." He said and she began to lick up and down his cock, making him jolt.
She tried but her small mouth couldn't do it, she decided to lick the tip, and as her spit coated his cock, it was easier for her to move her hand up and down.
"Oh god." Steve shuddered. "So good."
Y/N moaned on his cock as Bucky used his finger and began to pump it in and out as his tongue licked her soaked clit.
"B-Bucky." Y/N moaned and Bucky moved faster and faster and she whined.
"S-Somethings happening." Y/N said and Bucky didn't stop but went faster. "Oh god."
She began to feel an overwhelming feeling in her tummy.
"Your gonna cum." Steve said and looked up and watched as she as mess as Bucky fingered her. "Bucky she's gonna cum."
Y/N arched her back and suddenly she felt the coil snap, the overwhelming feeling washed over her, making her quiver and legs shake.
She felt something pooling at her core and Bucky came up and was coated in juices.
"Steve she squirted all over my face, her juices just kept flowing." Bucky said and as Y/N was gasping for breath she didn't realize that Bucky lost his garments as well.
"I think it's time for her to take us, don't you think?" Steve asked and Bucky nodded.
"You take her first, I'm thicker." Bucky said and Y/N looked down and what he said was true. He was about 8-8.5 but he was thicker than Steve.
Steve came over and shivered as he looked at Y/N in her lust filled state.
"I'm gonna try and be gentle, okay?" Steve said and Y/N nodded. Steve put his hand down and Y/N grabbed it and rested it up against her face and sighed. "Ready?"
She nodded and Steve used his cock to slide across her folds and when he thought he had enough, he began to push in.
She gasped and immediately Bucky laid down beside her and soothed her with words. Tears began to fall from her eyes and tried to be strong.
The burning sensation was more apparent now as Steve stretched.
"Fuck me, this is the tightest cunt I've ever been in." Steve said and tried to hold the urge of fucking her senseless. "Like velvet."
"Your doing so good baby." Bucky said as Y/N began to breathe heavily. "You taking Steve so good."
"C-can I move princess?" Steve asked and Y/N nodded shakily.
Steve began to move his hips and slowly enter her in and out. She gasped as she soon felt pleasure over pain.
"How does it feel?" Bucky asked and Steve began to move his pace a little bit more.
"G-good." She said and Steve smirked at Bucky. "D-do you want me to-"
Bucky cut her off with a kiss and pressed his forehead against hers.
"No, this is all about you, trust me we have many nights for this." He said with a chuckle and sucked on her neck, leaning another big mark. She moaned loudly and it only stroked their ego more.
"Better than any man, you need to be fucked by someone who can pleasure you." Steve grunted. "Say it, say that no man would pleasure you like this."
Y/N had her mouth open but said nothing, Bucky used his finger to get her to look at him.
"He asked you to do something. Do it." Bucky ordered and cause Y/N to grip on Steve's cock tighter.
"N-No man would g-give me p-pleasure l-like this- oh god." Y/N said and began to whimper and feel herself getting close.
"Come with me princess." Steve said and used both fo his arms to hold Y/N up against his chest. Her warm filled cheeks pressed up against his hard chest.
She felt safe and contented and it only added more when Bucky came up from behind and held his palm up against her back.
"I'm coming." Y/N moaned out and lifted her head up and looked at Steve, grabbing his face and leaning it down for her to kiss. Steve growled and began to go fast as he reached his release.
He could feel the liquid spill on his thighs, causing his sex drive to increase.
A string of curses filled the air from Steve as he emptied himself inside of her. She felt his cock twitch in her and Bucky caught her before she fell back on the fur.
He rubbed her stomach as she felt knocked out, Steve chuckled and she could see the sweat off his forehead. His hair sticking to it as if he had run a marathon.
"Don't think we're done yet." Bucky said as Steve slowly pulled out, causing Y/N to wince from the empty feeling. "I still need to feel our gorgeous princess."
Bucky then switched places with Steve and Y/N felt his seed falling out.
Bucky thick cock went up and down her folds, collecting her slick and Steve's cum and making it a lubricant for himself.
"Alright princess, if you need me to stop, tell me." Bucky said and Y/N nodded as Steve massaged her breasts. Every so often pinching her nipple, making her jolt.
Bucky began to enter and this was another wave of pain as Bucky stretched her out more.
"It'll get easier over time, Bucky and I will never be satisfied." Steve said and squeezed her left breast. "We'll be filling you up almost every day and imagine our cottage filled with little ones."
Y/N was too hazed to feel anxiety, as Bucky's cock stretched her.
"Steve you were right, velvet." Bucky said and pulled out slowly, then pulling right back in.
Y/N winced and Steve touched her tummy and felt Bucky's bulge.
"You feel that? You feel Bucky cock so full inside you, it barely fits?" Steve asked and Y/N gripped Bucky's cock from Steve's words.
"You we're made for us." Bucky said as he began to set a pace. "Made to be our mate and mother to our children."
"Yes! Yes!" Y/N chanted and began to feel that same feeling of pleasure.
"Good girl princess." Bucky said and began to go harder and faster.
"Look at you taking a real orc's cock like a good girl." Steve said and kissed her cheek.
"Hell, just like that." Bucky said and began to slam into her causing Y/N to scream and arch her back. Bucky felt the same trickle as he did on his face earlier and saw as she spilled over his thighs.
"Yes princess, yes." Bucky said and just as he did Steve, he released inside of her. Both Steve and Bucky's cum coaxed her walls, claiming her as theirs.
Y/N began to breathe heavily once again and Bucky tried not to fall straight on her. So he gently pulled out and left her empty and yet full at the same time.
"Did I do good?" Y/N asked sleepily as both Orcs laid down beside her. Steve grabbed fresh water from the bucket they had and grabbed the ladle and helped her drink a bit.
"Yes, better than we've ever imagine, mate." Steve said and laid down beside her and placed his arm around her stomach.
"You did so good." Bucky said and put his arm around her chest. "Our princess now."
"But-" Y/N tried to talk but Steve shushed her and nuzzled his face into her neck.
"Sleep now, we have plenty of time for talking." Steve said and squeezed her tight.
Steve and Bucky could hear her soft snores as she fell asleep after taking the two Orcs.
"Our princess." Bucky said and looked down at her claimed core. Shutting his eyes as well and falling to sleep.
"Best treasure." Steve whispered and was the last one to sleep.
The three of them laid on the big fur blanket and the only thing that could be heard were frogs and crickets that made sounds in the night.
The lantern began to dim, leaving them in the dark. The princess slept peacefully and for the first time since she's been with the Orcs felt completely safe.
OMG THIS IS A LONG ONE!!!!! Hope you like it and I might do more on this AU! Like, Reblog, comment if you like this and if you have any requests or ideas let me know!
I do Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, etc.! 💕✨✨
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ailendolin · 2 years
Rings of Power episode 3 thoughts:
I love the design of Numenor. Not only does it show the influence of the Elves it also has elements we know from Minas Tirith. It's a beautiful combination that, together with the maritime theme (fish scales on the armour for example) gives it a unique yet familiar feel
I'm still wary of Halbrand. There are definitely Aragorn parallels there (I swear he looked eerily like Viggo in one shot) and I want to believe he'll turn out to be a good person, especially after being guided by Galadriel for a while, but something tells me he will be another example of the strength of men failing
The reveal (for the casual viewer) of Elros being Elrond's brother was really well done. I like that they used the tapestry and simply showed us his face next to Elrond's to tell the story
Arondir's parts were breaking my heart. Why did that have to happen to Medhor and Revion? Both their deaths were completely unexpected (which I liked) and Medhor's especially reminded me of Haldir's death in TTT. I really wish we'd gotten to spend more time with them, maybe see them overcome their prejudices against the people of the Southlands
Revion trying to save the tree was so beautifully Elvish, as was the pain in Arondir's eyes when he gave in and cut it down
I see we're keeping LotR's tradition of making the Wargs ugly as fuck alive. Good for RoP and welcome to the family, Chihuahua Warg
The Orcs were great btw. I really dig the skull masks they wear (presumably to shield themselves from the sun). Also I'm pretty sure one of the Orcs was Jed Brophy which is great because I love Jed and I'm glad he keeps blessing us with more Tolkien characters. I can't wait to hear his stories about RoP at MagicCon
Also Adar - holy shit! I love that the Orcs call him that, seeing that they were once Elves. It's a subtle yet heart-breaking nod to their ancestry
Harfoots my beloved. Them remembering those that didn't make it really hit hard for me because today is the three months anniversary of my mum's passing. Seeing Poppy mourning her loved ones while still trying to be strong reminded me a lot of what my family's been through these last few months and for that reason alone this scene will always be special to me
I absolutely adore Nori's family, especially her father. They both seem very Tookish and I like that
I still think the Stranger is one of the Istari. There was a shot of him where I literally gasped because he looked exactly like Christopher Lee's Saruman. The nose was unmistakable. That aside, I really feel for his character. He looks so terribly lost that I keep wishing someone would give him a hug. I'm so happy Nori's family welcomed him into their midst at the end
Long story short - this show continues to be incredible and I can't wait for episode 4 next week.
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graphicabyss · 2 years
On War and World Politics: a Rant
Last night I saw someone on Twitter tweet something like "Be careful what you reblog, propaganda is everywhere" in regards to Ukraine war and it made me so bitter. I mean, in a different situation I might agree but right now it feels like a dangerous sentiment. Everyone has an agenda? Sure. Except someone's is getting more funds so their people don't get slaughtered and someone's is slaughtering as many as they can. Some make exaggerations and spin the facts to raise the morale of their warriors and some make up alternate realities to make people want to kill the neighboring nation. And I do feel a little conflicted about the way we try to dehumanize the enemy, such as calling them 'orcs' but right now it's really a matter of our survival. After all, they try to convince their soldiers our democratically elected government is neo-Nazi. Despite, you know, our president being Jewish?
And Putin wrote his own short Mein Kampfs and did speeches that were a prelude to genocide. Ukraine never existed? First off, that's not how countries work. Sure. Ukraine is young as a country. So is Slovenia or Montenegro or actually half the East European countries. A hundred years ago there were like 80 countries in the world, now there are 195. And even if it did in fact never exist before 1991, well it does now, bitch, and that's the only thing that matters. And sure, we struggled with our national identity, still do. The ironic thing is, nobody did more to unite the Ukrainian nation than Putin.
Another sad thing is, I was born in Russia and have family there. But like most, they don't get it. Most Russians are confused about the war, but in the end they say "idk, the government knows best so they much be doing the right thing??". At best they say shit like "War is bad" or "there are good people on both sides". And I understand why. It's not about the facts, it never really is. The Russians refuse to believe they are the bad guys. That it's their soldiers burning down villages, raping and killing.
Meanwhile, the West looked at all this and was very concerned. I don't consider myself naive but these days I can't help but be in disbelief at how little changed in world politics. The West knew. They knew exactly what was about to happen. They were convinced more than we were. That's why they evacuated all of their embassies weeks before the invasion. They thought we were going to fail within days, even hours. So why give weapons to a country that's gonna fail anyway? I remember our president going to EU to plead and urge the West to implement preventive sanctions. It was a desperate attempt. "You you really think Russia will attack, why not sanction it now? Before blood is spilled?" They gave him a standing ovation. They did not do as he asked.
I am grateful to the West for the help but looking back, I also feel bitter and betrayed. What's the use of UN and peacekeeping if they just stand by and watch? It feels a failure just like the League of Nations. We're grateful for the thoughts and prayers, but thoughts and prayers don't save lives. Fighter jets do. And not one country gave us a single one. The US almost agreed to give us some through Poland but Poland was like "yeah, no".
And some people say we should be grateful for what we get. But this is not a charity. If Putin gets Ukraine, he won't stop. Baltic countries, Poland, Moldova... everything is fair game. We're taking the hit now.
And yet, for every million in aid to Ukraine, Russia is getting a billion in gas money. The world, Germany and France, in particular, need that sweet cheap gas and oil from Russia so they kept paying it money, the money it used to make tanks and guns that kill our people. Well, sometimes they just sell the weapons directly, my bad.
Looking at all this, it becomes so easy to see how Hitler wasn't stopped until it was too late. They tried to appease him and bargain with him hoping he'll just somehow chill out and it'll be fine, even when he already slaughtered hundreds of thousands. The first concentration camp opened 6 years before the start of WWII. And it is particularly sad to see how hesitant Germany is now to take action.
Anyway, nobody wants to hear about this now. It's tough and depressing. And then there's just the general news fatigue. There are other issues in the world. I get that. But that doesn't make it any easier. I got so many messages in the beginning asking me if I was ok and I felt grateful. But it's a bit like hospital visits - you go once and then your job is done. It feels like everyone has already moved on. And I can't blame them, nobody wants to hear about mass murders. But I am still here and it feels like a really lonely spot to be in.
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Character Descriptions for Fantasy High 2.9!
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: trauma, abuse, mental abuse, neglect, starvation, manipulation, memory loss mention, dark themes, isolation, imprisonment, fantasy racism, vomit mention (please let me know if I missed any)
All pronounciations typed out have a rolled R.
The party is currently at 44,100 exp. each. Next level is at 48,000 (which will probably take 3 more big battles, 2 if Brennan is super generous with RP awards).
Abernant family had all their land and wealth reclaimed by The Court of Stars for their treachery and failure to prevent a war with Solace. Elianwyn committed treason and betrayal as well.
To save Adaine, the group decided to break up into 3 teams: Pylon 1 (Ragh, Tracker, Cathilda, and Sandra Lynn), Pylon 2 (Gorgug, Fabian, and Riz), and Recovery (Ayda, Fig, and Kristen). Team 1 and 2 would simultaneously take out the pylons. Then, the recovery team would go in (invisible and/or disguised) and gets Adaine and Aelwyn. They would all meet back at Van where they would most likely use Ayda's teleport to leave Fallinel (or regroup to plan their next move).
New Characters
Tell-ah-mine Low-men-el-da
Fabian's grandpapa
Tall elf with regal green robes, a silver circlet, long platinum white blond hair with a widows peak, and shimmering blue eyes
Crinkle in the corners of his eyes shows his age in sort of an Elrond way. He look of a dude in his late 40s/early 50s who took excellent care of his body and kept it tight
Moves with supernatural grace
Can turn into silver sand and float away
Has no concept of what time means
Obsessed with the fact that his grandson will die before him (Your human blood has brought mortality to this family. You will one day die.)
Offers to send word to an elf who is a fabled eye smith who lives on the high mountains at the heart of Fallinel that can craft a working eye (from songs, whispers, beams of moonlight, jeweled edges of the blue of the sea, and shimmering poems pulled from the ether itself) for Fabian, but has no clue how long it will take (a moment, a year, or a hundred years).
Can't pronounce words in common very well, especially words he's never heard before (which delights Fabian and pisses off Gorgug)
Calls Fabian Aramais Seacaster fa-bee-ahn ah-rye-ah-my-ess Seacaster (which might actually be the proper pronouncations of his name in that region as "Seacaster" was said correctly and that's how all the other elves say his name as well) and calls Hallariel ha-lair-ee-el
Weeps without moving his face, but also sometimes makes a soft eeehhhh sound when he cries (at one point he cried over a drop of water)
Gifted stewardship of Khy-low Meh-new-rah 3000 years ago after he crafted The Sword of the North Star (he was the smith of fung-dran-ghoor) for the ancient king of Fallinel Th-wrist-win Eversong.
"Without the Elven Oracle, we are lost."
Saw the Abernants as power hungry and cruel and can't understand why they would leave Fallinel. He found Anguin in particular to be a crass and small man with no nobility, only a thirst for power.
Thinks Riz has a harsh energy, is "a little dick", and calls him "a strange green mouse thing"
Got physically ill when a gun was explained to him, calling it gross and some dwarven kind of thing before vomiting which he turns into a flock of white crows
Fabian's aunt
Tried to heal Fabian's pneumonia with elvan singing
Said "I have failed" when her singing doesn't work before she fades into starlight and vanishes
Hal-door-in and [unnamed youth]
Elven teens in white linen shorts arguing because [unnamed] believes Hal-door-in took his lute.
Calmed by a distant song which stopped their fight.
Lithe elven youth (around 17 or 18 years old) with a blond mop of hair covering one eye
Bakes elven whey bread
Lived a sheltered life
Ragh was the first half-orc he met
Mostly into Ragh due to Ragh being half orc, excessively talking about his green skin (like the boughs of a tree leafy, my leafy man), being big and beefy (your legs are like the mighty trunks of trees), was really into rage (like when Ragh punched a seat cushion) to the point of it making Ragh uncomfortable
Sang in bed
Elven youth who does morning dance yoga
Tried to get Fabian to eat a grape
Oak Warriors
Elemental plant based automaton soldiers made of pure magic
Look like 8 foot tall green men with leaves coming from their faces
Changes to Established Characters
Matted long blond hair
Dry skin, chapped colorless lips, and thick bags under her eyes
Severely dehydrated and trance deprived (probably hasn't been allowed to trance for nearly a year)
5 points of exhaustion. Only magic is keeping her from going to the 6th level and dying.
Her "room" is a large large beautiful elven chamber with silver and marble. Ambiant light glows from the white stone.
Trapped inside a 15 foot diameter orb that's constantly turning so she can't trance
Crawling on hands and knees while trapped, shaking with the effort
Doesn't give Adaine up to Kear
Can still remember how to cast the message cantrip
Feels strange and addled (unable to think clearly; confused), can't remember what's real or imagined anymore, doesn't clearly remember what happened in her past (including what she did to get imprisoned), and forgets what she and Adaine have already talked about (causing a lot of reputation).
Thinks her parents "tried their best they could" and that "they expected quite a lot of us, but isn't that what- doesn't that... didn't that make us great?" (possibly due to something her father said or did since her imprisonment as it echoes a few things he's said)
Looks scruffy (from not shaving), dirty, and has pit stains
Somehow didn't mess up being diplomatic with Fabian's grandpapa
Unbuttons the top button on his shirt when he "lets loose"
To Fig about Sandra Lynn and Garthy: Are you aware of such... hanky panky?
Learning of Sandra Lynn's infidelity with Garthy "Honestly? Perhaps this is... fucked up. It makes me feel... like there wasn't something uniquely wrong with me. Maybe a tiny little w for Gilear."
Spent the night walking through the forest with Hallariel's father, reciting poetry (badly)
To Fabian after Hallariel's father threw up "You're low and he's low. It's Gilear's day baby! It's Gilear's day."
Tried to ask Hallariel's father for her hand, but even though Fig gave him bardic inspiration and Riz helped by covering Fabian's mouth, he failed... so much. ("Lord Tell-ah-mine of Khy-low Meh-new-rah I like you am-" *makes himself throw up* "We get it. We both get it. We... We're the throw up boys." *passes out*)
Hid in the van the entire visit
Might have rejection sensitive dysphoria (which is common in those with autism or ADHD)
Did a sending spell to Zelda for Gorgug for 150 gold (after reminding him that she very much does not like anyone in her debt or visa versa)
Offered to exact vengeance on Zelda for Gorgug
Is powerful enough to know teleport and learn plane shift (so level 13 or higher)
Stated that Adaine is her best friend and decides that since Fig is also Adaine's best friend, by the transitive property she is best friends with Fig as well (and Fig agreed). Learning this, she says "Fantastic. I grow richer by the day. I'm emotional." before starting to cry fire "I'm emotional. I'm gonna fly away." She then flew away, returning after she had calmed down.
Ate grapes and started burping musical notes after he left Khy-low Meh-new-rah.
Lost his virginity to Faf-threth-riel who then got creepy and kinda racist, making Ragh very uncomfortable (and want to get out of there asap)
Lost both points of exhaustion thanks to the 8000 thread count elven sheets (did they get to keep the sheets or at least one sheet for help with exhaustion?)
Felt really good when he tried out dance yoga, even wondering if he should be some kind of yoga dancer instead of a fighter (how about a whirling dervish dancer like Cathilda?)
The grapes he put in his pocket (after refusing to eat them) turned into song
Indifferent towards saving Aelwyn and doesn't want to be on the retrieval team
When he started feeling anxious about the Aelwyn stuff, Riz told him to lose himself in dancing again to feel free (Riz: You are the only one that I wanna see dancing right now.) It made him feel much better.
Other Characters
Taken by Court of Stars
Her jacket and spellbook were taken
Trapped in an orb which is soft and doesn't hurt her, but the constant movement of its slow turning doesn't allow her to be still or trance
The walls of her room glow with runes and there are many perminant magical effects, making her captors capable of some crazy things (like prepared directional counter spells), but the setup wouldn't counter cantrips
Escaped the orb with dispel magic (dc 15) which makes a couple counter spells go off and an alarm sound
Hid in Aelwyn's room. The sister's spoke before she was recaptured and placed back in her orb. Adaine told Aelwyn that she was going to get her out
Discovered that her room was close enough to Aelwyn to talk to her via the message cantrip
Repeatedly cast Ray of Frost to turn her orb into a slip and slide to stay entertained
Instead of speaking to her father in elvish, she responded in common. Also cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on him.
Anguin and Kear said she would be executed for treason for staying in Solace and refusing to cooperate. She demanded a lawyer and then the Ambassador to Solace, citing her age and being a student at Augefort Adventuring Academy which summoned a recorded hologram of Arthur Augefort.
Arthur Augefort
Has a recorded hologram that is activated when a student claims the need of his diplomatic help in foreign affairs.
It threatens the listeners with graphic and terrifying violence and doom, giving them the options of either rectify the actions that summoned him (Yes) or refuse and welcome the aforementioned punishment for their actions (No).
Fabian's grandfather called him Jhor-judge
Finally got a message to Zelda via Ayda using her sending spell (Zelda. Safe in Fallinel. Gonna finish cell tower soon. Sorry about everything, but hope your break is going well in spite of this. Miss you.) and got a reply the next morning a little while after waking up (Sorry. Was at a party. You don't have to build a cell tower. That's crazy. It's all whatever Gorgug. I don't blame you.)
Didn't sleep well, but still got the benefit of a full night's sleep due to elven sheets.
Got in a fight with Tracker and then got 3 nat 1s on persuasion checks when she tried to make up with her.
Slept in Adaine's room
Doesn't know how to make a cell tower
Took one of the 40 to 50 foot long diaphanous silk scarves with her
Gave (inspiring?) speech ending with "Friendship is thinker than water and we need water to live." which gave everyone 11 temp hit points
Accidentally called Pok a "smiling elf" and then blew it off as being due to her being human
Can now see Shadow Cat in the picture (along with Tracker, Sandra Lynn, Garthy, Riz, and Sklonda and possibly the dead cambian, Pok, Jace, and Adaine's mom) and reacted by saying "Was I spooning the cat all night in the milk!?"
Sandra Lynn
Dropped out senior year and got her diploma after the fact to join an adventuring party
Joined as a replacement member for an existing adventuring party that was already active in the world and included an older much more powerful married couple.
Fresh out of high school, fell in love with one person from the couple (nonbinary or gender intentionally hidden) who "did not treat her very kindly"
When it all came out, she was ejected from the adventuring party, her romantic partner took great pains to smear her name (so no one would accept her), no other party would take her as a replacement, and she was forced to become a Celesian Ranger
Gilear knows who the couple were, but doesn't want to tell Fig (could she know the people involved?)
Child-like elven maiden with long brown braided hair, a white gown, and a large staff.
When confronted by Arthur Augefort's hologram, she chose to not heed his warnings.
More from 2.9!
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Ro & Ali
Ro: …---… Ro: Mayday mayday Ali: This is AlleyCat, roger your mayday, position is our bedroom, how can I be of assistance? Ro: That was a very efficient response Ro: What would your ETA be for reaching the fantasy section of the library? Ali: Constant vigilance, Rosaline Ali: 15 minutes ish providing the hairy-footed hobbits aren't too thick a crowd to cut through Ali: What's the danger? Ro: Let me preface by saying that I could burn a forest of cedar and do not believe I'd be adequately protected Ro: Now that you're forewarned, I'll explain Ro: Kayne is here because his dear sister is having a party at which he is unwelcome Ro: As if her birthday wasn't already cause for lack of celebration enough, I can now not escape his attentions Ali: Yikes! Not to mention the environmental damage too, and if it's not gonna work, we're defs best to avoid Ali: Also the Librarian would probably think you were blazing up back there and using pages of an old Jilly Cooper as roaches and who wants to be tarred with the same brush as Donovan O'Reilly? Ali: Gross, skip the protection spells and the like and go straight for a swift kick in the balls Ali: How is it he's ALMOST as delusional as his sister? Not in this galaxy or one far, far away, honey, c'mon Ro: Precisely Ro: Not to mention of all days today I chose not to wear black and I don't need the ash blow back to ruin this outfit Ro: He's in no way worth that damage either Ro: Hm! I couldn't possibly do that, though I have pondered long and hard enough to suggest telling him that we'd (providing you and Carly would be willing to tag along, that is) crash the party, only to leave him there and make our escape Ro: Perhaps I'm being delusional myself to create a narrative whereby Laoise isn't hyper alert to our presence upon all occasions Ali: That's what it is, you've let your cover down and he's taken it as an invite! Ali: Though sure, you could probably wear a potato sack and he'd still be mooning Ali: Ha, that would be hilarious though! Rock up with a card and a bottle like, hey babes Ali: Least we could leg it, only a few doors to safety, after-all Ro: Oh Ali! I don't know what he sees in me and frankly do not wish to know Ro: What would be proper attire for a soiree at your nemesis' house? Ro: I'm certain she'd love to see me a potato sack even more so than her brother would, so I'll assume not that Ro: Exactly, why would she ever be hesitate to drink anything we offered or read anything we'd scribbled on a piece of paper which may or may not be a curse?! Ro: Very amusing. Unlike the conversational loop I am currently stuck in Ro: To use the term conversation very loosely, of course Ali: DUH, you're beautiful AND smart, not like other girls! Gag Ali: [Sends multiple options with are a lot of black silk, lace, fake fur and leather moments] Ali: Right? We're the perfect party guests Ali: Been ages since we tried anything dark sided, don't let the chic looks fool ya Ali: Oh Lord, what is he even? Last time I got stopped by him on my way to the post office he was prattling on about some online game and I should join and Ali: I'd feel bad for him but he's also intensely dislikeable and entitled with it all so Ro: Oh god, you're not actually considering putting my pretend party crashing into action, are you? Ro: I'm as tempted right now as I've ever been to dabble in dark arts, but that's solely for his benefit, and my own in ending this interaction, not hers Ro: He's offering to tutor me right now, which I neither need nor believe to be his real intentions in asking Ro: I know I'm not as scholarly as you, but that's why I'd turn to you if I needed assistance, not someone whose scores are not even on a par with my lesser subjects Ali: Of course I am Ali: She knows she misses us, you know I know that you need saving Ali: Win win on many different levels Ali: 😂 Nice try, bud Ali: How cliche, taking too many lessons from bad porn and worse romcoms himself, like Ro: Please no Ro: If you bring an invisibility cloak I may consider it, but otherwise Ro: As for Kayne, I almost miss the days he used to put slugs in my hair Ro: He had the excuse of childhood to blame his cliches on and we had some new pets into the bargain Ali: It all comes down to who you'd rather be fighting off, him or her Ali: Pets, or INGREDIENTS, eh, Leesh? Ro: I just snorted, so score one for appearing unattractive, thank you Ro: If I take off my glasses will that likely add or deduct a point? Ro: But to answer your query, the way I see it, Carly's owed a rematch so maybe we should go to the party Ro: Birthday beatings are a time honored tradition, no? Ali: Welcome, if he gives us room to pull of an anti-makeover I bet I can get that score in the minuses Ali: He's defs into the glasses vibe, makes him think he gives a shit about what's on the inside and your brain, as if you aren't the epitome of beauty still Ali: Ooh, true, true, many scores to settle, rights to wrong...I'll see if she's down or wants her own training montage to counteract yours Ali: Now you're sounding like a McKenna! Ro: But even if I switched to contacts, dyed my sister's hair and went shopping for an entirely new wardrobe, he'd still take my personality as an invitation Ro: As though I crafted any of this to appeal to him, or indeed to repel his sister Ro: Just trying not to lose my own voice here as he mansplains the plot of the novel I was faux browsing Ro: I may take a swing for him if this continues for much longer however, and thank Fearghal later for the lessons Ali: You mean its not him, him its all for him? Shocker Ali: You got two options way I see it (still on the peace path, your soul can thank ME later) Ali: Either outwit him and pick a book he so won't understand and show him up with your superior intellect, easy or hard mode, act infuriatingly dumb 'cos that would dead put him off his ideal of you Ali: like Shakespeare who? Is that the Leo movie? Ro: Both excellent suggestions Ro: And I could indeed wax lyrical about how gorgeous Leo was in that movie until the library closes so Ali: Honestly, proof of angels Ro: Thank you, yes! Ro: Not that it's needed, but if people insist upon being ignorant, there you are everyone Ro: He'd never talk down to me about Trolls and Orcs Ali: Seriously Ali: If our teachers ever got creative with the assignments, then I could too, dissertation READY on how this dirty world of ours has tainted him Ali: not quite fallen angel level of dark deeds but he's certainly aging into a Nicholson and not a Caravaggio Ro: If you keep discussing his visual decline I'll have no need for an escape route because I'll simply burst into loud and dramatic tears Ali: Oh God, don't Ali: He'll want to comfort you Ro: Oh Ro: I never thought of that and I hope the mental image never crosses my mind again Ali: Yeah, that's his shit, worst type Ali: as bad as the boys making you cry, that's right Kayne, I said it Ro: I don't understand why he likes me when you exist Ro: Surely you're his type, as you are the bad boys around here, as well Ro: Sorry Tess Ali: Nah, I'm not as nice as you Ali: thus not worthy of his lurve Ali: Devastated, of course Ro: You're nicer than me, as Carly can attest Ali: Only to those who deserve it Ali: He gotta know that Ro: He believes he is one of the chosen though Ali: As far as I know he's neither Jewish nor Harry Potter so Ali: not that those are MY parameters 😂 Ro: He's proud of not having read any of the Harry Potter books as far as I know Ro: And to think we could ever be together! No no Ali: 'Course he is Ali: HATING POPULAR THINGS ISN'T A PERSONALITY TRAIT, NOR IS IT INTERESTING OR ENDEARING TO PEOPLE Ali: Shouting so he can hopefully hear Ro: I would tell him but I'm so embarrassed by everything he's already spoken aloud that I can barely speak Ro: I have to get out of here Ali: Run baby run Ali: I can do a stellar Ma impression Ali: out of the realm you'd be in trouble but I can ring you with drama like Ali: FUCKING HELL, GET HOME NOW, ROCKY'S ON THE ROOF AND THE CHICKEN'S BURNING AND ALI IS NO HELP AT ALL AHH Ro: Please do Ro: I didn't expect to be asking for an invocation of your mother to get me out of trouble but I gladly shall Ro: And owe you one too Ro: I've been on and off my phone so he can't appear as if it'd be out of the blue Ro: Oh and now I'm rhyming... Ali: Find yourself in times of trouble, Mother Tessie comes to thee, speaking words of wisdom, let it be Ali: On it Ali: Scouse don't fail me now Ro: If you keep making me laugh this plan is going to fall apart Ro: If in doubt, speak angry Gaeilge, he doesn't so he'll never know what you're talking about Ali: Into it
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