#I can't NOT take notice and look deeper into it
4ngel-inc · 2 days
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notes — [ 18+ ], fem reader. we're supporting healthy relationships and open communication over here guys !! we must vow to never fake our orgasms again ok mwah ᰔ
feat. — dazai, fukuzawa, sigma, akutagawa.
DAZAI isn't really offended when you tell him you've faked some of your orgasms—he's had plenty of drunken one-night-stands, and he's certain more than a few of his previous partners hadn't gotten off on the erm . . . rather sloppy sex he'd given them. however, he does find himself hurting a bit, but he more so hurts for you, because he knows this has probably been weighing on your mind for a while. have you faked it with your previous partners? has anyone ever actually asked you what you want in bed? come to think of it, dazai himself has never asked—he figured he could just pick up on the subtle cues of your body, but clearly there's more to pleasing you than that. "my sweet angel, i've been such a fool!" dazai handles the situation the only way he knows how—with drama and humor. "allow me to make it up to you, my peach, pretty please?" ten minutes later he's on his knees, your pussy presented to him so exquisitely as you use your fingers to show him all the little hidden places you want his tongue. later, he slides his fingers inside you nice and slowly, and follows your cues until he finds the spot deep inside you that makes you tremble. "like this?" he curls his fingers and you whine, and dazai thinks he might like to do this again sometime. "ah, this is so blissful, sweetheart. i love learning all i can about your beautiful body."
FUKUZAWA has absolutely no problem listening to you talk about your struggles to orgasm—he understands, sometimes he has trouble reaching his climax too, particularly when he's stressed or feeling overworked. his pride isn't even a factor in the conversation at all, he's just listening to you intently, trying to understand your point of view and determine what he can do to make you more comfortable during intimacy. he's so grateful you've decided to open up to him about how your body reacts to certain things, and since it's still early in your relationship, he feels the need to clarify that this won't change his feelings towards you at all. "we can take things slower, my love—i don't need sex in order to fall in love with you, i'm alread-" he cuts himself off, and you both find yourselves blushing. "well, let's just say . . ." he clears his throat, "i'm already quite captivated by you, i'm confident we'll work our way toward a more comfortable sex life, if you wish." you smile at that, and it occurs to you that this may be the first time you've ever felt truly heard when it comes to sex. "i'd really like that, yukichi," you pull him toward you with a cheeky smile, "and i love you too, you know that?" he laughs against your lips as you tuck a strand of silver hair behind his ear, your lips gently caressing his. "was i that obvious, dear?"
SIGMA realizes you've faked your orgasm right away, and he's so sad about it he doesn't even finish, slowing his thrusts right before he cums when he notices the way your sighs become deeper, thick with disappointment. he knows your body well, and you've never faked it before, so why now, all of a sudden? he isn't mad at you—of course not, he could never feel anything but unconditional love for you, your presence alone in his life feels like heaven—but his mind begins racing the moment he lowers your legs from his shoulders and sits up, caressing your body gently as he catches his breath, wide, glossy eyes locked onto yours. "b-baby?" you look confused, but sigma can't calm his pounding heart, the sense of impending doom sinking in. oh god, it's happening. you're falling out of love with him. it was only a matter of time, why would you even stay with him for as long as you have? he has no experience. he's probably awful in bed- you must hate hi- "sigma? did you hear me?" he snaps out of his trance, heart still beating fast in alignment with his racing thoughts. "o-oh, sorry . . . i- i'm just . . ." he sighs, "i'm just really sorry." you stroke your fingers over his cheek softly, "sorry for what, baby?" he sighs, "you didn't orgasm, i'm sorry. should i just-" he looks toward the door, and you gasp. "what? no, no no no baby- i'm sorry, i'm just sleepy! i love you, i love you, i love you. please don't think too much into this, ok?" as time goes on, you hope sigma will begin to believe you when you tell him he's your everything, that you'll never leave, that you'll love him forever.
AKUTAGAWA isn't hurt, he isn't offended, he isn't mad—he is simply confused, because sex is new to him and he doesn't understand why you would fake it when you could just tell him what you want. "do you feel you cannot be honest with me?" he looks disappointed, likely in himself, and you sigh, honestly feeling a little guilty you've deceived him when you know he would never judge you—perhaps it was just instinct to lie, a result of your previous partners' frustrations with you not being able to climax quickly. no one has ever really wanted to learn about the complexities of your body, but ryu is different. he listens, he takes his time, and he's always eager to learn. "i'm so sorry, baby- it's just . . . sometimes it takes a while for me to . . . well, i just didn't want to disappoint you. i'm so sorry." he looks incredulous as he slides his hand up your thigh, "no, don't be sorry. you've done nothing wrong, but please, show me what you like. there is no point in us being intimate if we aren't both enjoying this." you smile and pull him toward you for another kiss, a light sheen of sweat still decorating both of your bodies from your previous fuck. "ok, let's try again, then, ryu." he nods before speaking, "and if you aren't comfortable, please tell me. i'll wait forever for you to be ready, you're worth that much to me."
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r0-boat · 2 days
Von Lycaon eating pussy
I'm sorry
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Cw: NSFW, AFAB!reader.
Summary: based off of my last post of hired Butler and bodyguard Lycaon
"are you stressed young Master?" The cold husky tone of your bodyguard cuts your concentration as he gently places a cup of warm tea on your desk. Your eyes have been staring at a white paper for so long You had to rub them before looking up.
You sigh the grimace on your face was imminent of your displeasure.
"I just been working on these papers I want to get them done soon but... It's been a couple hours now and I can't focus." You are always vulnerable with him and like always he is willing to listen but this time He had something different in mind.
"pardon me if I make a suggestion perhaps I could help you de-stress?" You swore you saw his tail twitch his lips twitch up word as well. At first you thought he was just going to nag or something but little did you know. He had something different in mind.
"What is it?" You said giving him the go-ahead. Your heart stopped in your chest as he turns the chair around for you to face him towering over your smaller form before he gets on his knees His soft fingers delicately tracing over your skin before holding onto your legs forcing them apart.
"Wh-Woah woah! Hold on What are you doing?!"You felt heat flushed to your face You can't lie in saying that you hadn't done things with him before but this??? In the office???
And that's when you saw it, It was a small yet wolfish smile. "You've always told me that I need to 'be more wild' to 'have some fun' as well as 'bend the rules'"this guy... Sounds like he's mocking you. You grit your teeth but couldn't hold up your gas when you felt his tongue lick your bare thigh as he slowly begins to pull down the rest of your garments.
"I think this is more than bending the ahh~."
And with that his tongue licked against your folds.
Lycaon hummed tasting the sweet arousal on his tongue "Delicious. I don't mind having you as my meal tonight."
The way he was speaking so elegant yet so lewd and that damn smile now showing glimpses of his sharp teeth. Which he had noticed.
"Don't worry master I'll watch my teeth, I'll be gentle. Thank you for the meal."
He growls before diving back between your legs. His tail was thumping against the ground but he didn't care His ears twitching has he tries not to dig his claws into your flesh thighs as he struggles to go deeper with his tongue.
When his thumb presses against your clit you tilt your head back It took everything in you to hold back your noises Your thighs trying to close onto his head but he was far stronger than you holding you completely still practically pinning you to the chair. He was not only deeply engrossed in your wet sweet folds but also your pleasure. He tried not to play with your wet pussy too much with his fingers afraid his sharp claws but he touched you just enough for you to squirm.
Part of him wanted to tease you. To withheld pleasure until you beg, But you've been good doing your work all on your own you deserve a break, You deserve a reward.
When you clenched around his tongue trying to grind your hips against his face He knew you were close. Your hands and tangled in his fur grabbing and pulling him rather roughly You hear growl coming from him a sound you have never heard him make before your whole world shifts You stare at the ceiling your back against the seat He lifts your legs up His shaky breath against you.
"cum." He growls "Cum for me."
He didn't have to tell you twice as you came all over his tongue he tasted every sweet bit of you.
As you laid their panting he scooped you up putting you back on the chair taking out handkerchief from his coat pocket wiping his mouth dry.
"Oh my it looks like you're even more exhausted I'll draw a bath for you." Lycaon smiles before leaving the room leaving you in a daze. His tail swishing side to side on his way out.
"I shall come back once a hot bath is ready for you."
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wikiangela · 2 days
you're the sun to me
Buck's in the middle of cooking dinner when there's a knock at the door. Before he can even move or open his mouth to tell his guest to come in, the door is opening, and his boyfriend walks in. Buck grins at him from where he's stirring in the pot, heart swelling just at the sight of him. It's supposed to be just a regular evening, not really a date, just eating dinner together like they try to at least once a week whenever their schedules allow.
"Hey." Tommy says, kicking off his shoes at the door. Buck instantly notices that he has his arm hidden behind his back, and is careful to face Buck at all times as he walks over to him. Huh.
"Hi, Tommy." Buck responds, raising an eyebrow. "What-" he starts, but just as he's about to ask what Tommy's hiding, he's already right next to Buck, spinning him with one hand to press him against the counter, and kissing him hello. Buck instinctively closes his eyes and kisses back, smiling into Tommy's lips. Kissing him is still one of his favorite activities ever, and he doesn't think it's ever going to change.
The kiss is sweet and soft, and way too short, Tommy pulling away way too quickly for Buck's liking. He's about to pout and complain about it, and probably get another delicious, deeper kiss, like usual, but when he opens his eyes, he's a little stunned. Because he finds himself staring into a bouquet of sunflowers, that Tommy's holding up to him in the hand previously hidden behind his back. Oh, okay. That makes sense. Or, does it?
"Um. What's that?" Buck asks dumbly, as if he's never seen flowers before.
"Sunflowers for my sunshine." Tommy responds, a beaming smile on his face. Buck's heart is racing and he thinks he's going to melt into a puddle. He thinks there are tears welling up in his eyes, and he blinks them away, feeling so silly. "Is that... okay?" Tommy asks when Buck's been silent for a minute, still staring at the yellow flowers.
"Of course." Buck whispers, then clears his throat, lifting his eyes to look into Tommy's. "It's just- no one has ever gotten me flowers before."
"Hm. Well, we gotta change that, then. I can buy you flowers all the time. If you want. If you like them." Tommy shrugs, seeming a little self-conscious now, and Buck can't have that. He's wonderful, and always manages to surprise Buck in the best ways possible.
"I do, I really do. It's- it's really nice. Thank you," he says, just amazed. He'd never expect this, he'd never expect he might want this, but now that it's here, now that Tommy bought him flowers, he's actually really touched. It's stupid, it's just flowers. Still, it feels like a big deal. "But why- what's the occasion?"
"No occasion." Tommy looks down at the bouquet in his hand, smiling softly. "I was walking by the market near my house today, and saw these, and they made me think of you," he shrugs again. "So bright and happy and beautiful. Like my Evan." He grins, eyes soft and full of love and adoration, and Buck's face is burning. God, this is silly. It's such a simple gesture, but somehow it's one of the nicest and most thoughtful things a partner has ever done for him. It's sunflowers, the flower of loyalty and adoration, and happiness. And they made Tommy think of him. He called him his sunshine, didn't he? God, he's the sweetest. "To brighten your day, like you brighten my life." Tommy adds so casually, as if it wasn't one of the most beautiful things anyone's ever said to him.
"I love you." Buck sighs, and tries to lean in to kiss Tommy, but there are flowers in the way, still in Tommy's hand, extended to Buck, probably expecting him to take them, but he was too surprised to think about that. He slowly lifts his hand, placing it over Tommy's on the flowers.
"I love you, too, Evan." Tommy responds, smiling fondly. "Now, do you have a vase or something to put them in?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I think I have-" Buck goes to look for a vase, stirring in the pot again on his way. He doesn't stop smiling the rest of the evening. The flowers stand on the kitchen table for weeks, slowly wilting, and when they do, Tommy replaces them. Buck thinks he wants to buy his boyfriend flowers, too, so he does, researching the meanings of specific flowers and their amount. He finds it a good way to show Tommy how exactly he feels when simple words don't seem like enough anymore.
Years later, when they stand at the altar about to vow to love each other forever, both of them have little sunflower boutonnieres. Tommy's the one who insisted on the flower being present at their wedding. The dork proclaimed sunflowers their flower, and it's equally silly and adorable. Buck had never given much thought to what his favorite flower might be. Now, the answer is obvious.
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mungdou · 17 hours
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W. kissing, biting, licking, nipple play, fingering, cum tasting, hair pulling, handjob, masturbation, voyeurism, cervix fucking, coming inside, p in v sex
AN. highkey, my first smut piece. anyways. it's filthy, but pretty vanilla i think.
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Your belly tingles as his lips move up your torso so light and feather-like, you almost can't feel it except for when his lips suck ever so slightly against the soft skin of your belly. When he reaches your succulent breasts he grazes his tongue across your nipple, swirling the hardened bead before kissing the underside of your right breast. His hands gently massage your other breast, his thumb coated in your slick as he draws circles around your nipple before pinching it quickly before grabbing your wrists.
He pins you down. It's not painful at all. In fact, his hands hug your wrist perfectly, his thumbs drawing circles into the heel of your palm. Your eyes close as he leans down to taste your lips, his teeth grazing your bottom lip before nibbling it until it turns puffy and red.
Releasing your wrists, he quickly, yet steadily drags the tips of his fingers down your sides. You twitch, feeling ticklish at the feeling, but immediately gasp, your fingers instinctively digging into his silky locks. His fingers plunge deep into your slick cunt, curling in the way that hits that familiar spot all too well. The spongy flesh of your pussy pulsates, clenching around his knuckles, as he pushes his fingers in and out of you. A ring of white cum forming around the base continues to grow thicker, dripping down the back of his hand.
You mewl against his lips, admiring the sight of his sweat-glistened cheeks, heavy-lidded eyes, and perfectly pink lips, swollen and flushed from you sucking on it for the past five minutes. Your hips begin to buck, pushing his fingers deeper, and you find yourself rocking to the rhythm of his fingers so that the heel of his hand would bump into your puffy clit every so often. Every time you feel the roughness of his palm graze your sensitive bud, a whine escapes your mouth and your hips jerk, almost as if you're trying to make a run for it.
Your hands slip around his nape, fingers gripping onto the short hairs at the back of his head. Despite the fact that your vision is turning fuzzy as you struggle to keep your eyes trained on the gorgeously flushed man, hypnotized by the sight of his fingers in your sloppy cunt, nothing in this world could take you out of this moment.
He pulls his fingers out of your cunt, cum dripping out of it, barely bridging itself between your now empty hole, clenching at nothing, and his fingers, which are now coated in your slick. He sucks at the tips of his fingers, humming his approval as he savors the mild salty flavor before taking his slicked fingers and coating his painfully hard cock with your juices. He sighs in relief at his touch before wrapping his hand around his thick member and pumping it.
You grin, getting up. Though you didn't hit your peak just yet, it couldn't hurt to help him out just a little. You lean forward, expecting for him to glare at you to get back down, but his undying focus the overwhelming pleasure he feels at that moment that he doesn't notice you inching towards him until he sees your delicate fingers wrap around the tip of his cock. He shudders as your thumb swipes the tip of his member, a small whine dragging out of his mouth. You move your hands down lower, wrapping around his hand and extending your thumbs to trace the veins underneath. Delicate fingers guide his, pumping up and down until a little bead of cum pools at his tip. You take the cue to smear it off and draw a circle rimming your empty cunt. Rising to your knees, you aim his cock at your opening, pressing down at his spongy tip before fully sinking in until you feel him fill you up.
You hiss through your teeth as his tip brushes your cervix. His eager eyes look up at you through his teary lashes, waiting for you to move, except you don't. The anticipation is killing him as the clock ticks by, he waits and waits, but before he can let a pleading whine slip through, your hips draw circles in his lap and his whine turns into a sigh. His hips begin to buck as you bounces on his lap, a string of curses leaving his lips as he feels your tight, messy cunt twitch each time he hits your cervix. You feel his fingers wrap around your waist, his thumbs pressing down on your lower stomach.
"Mmhm-ph~ ahh, right there~" A shaky sigh from you fills him with energy, as he pounds deeper. The strained sound that comes from your lips, begging to be released comes out like a whistle. "Mgh- I- I'm gonn- ah-!"
His voice is slurred, distracted by the sight of your bouncing tits and the sweet sounds of your mewls. "Agh- just a lil' more sweetheart- we're almost there-"
A familiar knot tightens in the pits of your stomach, threatening to snap. Your fingers inch down towards your clit, ever so slightly grazing the bud, causing a wave of pleasure to crash down on you. He comes just a second later as your pussy flutters around his sensitive shaft, shooting white hot ropes of cum, painting your womb with his seed.
Both of you, panting in sync with each other, lean forward, deepening the intimacy of the moment.
"Thank you for taking care of me" You smile tiredly, a dopey feeling washing over your face. Your hands reach for his cheeks, cupping them with a gentle grasp, almost as if you're afraid to let him go.
"It's the least I could do." He melts in your hands with a satisfied grin painted on his face.
BOKUTO, sugawara, daichi, HINATA, iwaizumi, OSAMU, NANAMI, gojo, GETO, rengoku, tengen, GYOMEI, AKAZA, + your favorites :)
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masterlist || request
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glossyblue · 2 days
Sleepless Somersaults
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glossyblue: Based on @megannandrewss request, hope you enjoy💗 Feel free to send your requests🩶🫶🏻
summary: you are pregnant and you can’t sleep because the baby’s doing somersaults all over your belly, so you wake kylian up.
pairing: Kylian mbappe × reader
In the quiet stillness of the night, you lie awake, your discomfort a constant companion throughout these pregnant days and sleepless nights. The moonlight casts a gentle glow on the room, illuminating your swollen belly and highlighting the ripples beneath the surface as your baby does somersaults within you. You can't help but smile at the miracle growing inside of you, but as the minutes tick by like hours, all you wish for is a moment of peace and respite. Your gaze shifts to your husband, Kylian, who slumbers peacefully beside you, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm that is unfamiliar to you. In your mind, you can't help but conjure the images of the intimacy you used to share before pregnancy took the reins of your life. With a sigh, you reach out a hand to lightly touch his bare back, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
The slight touch sends Kylian stirring from his sleep, his eyes fluttering open as he turns to look at you. His brows furrow as he notices the dark circles under your eyes and the pained expression that you desperately try to hide. 'Is everything alright, ma chérie?' he asks, his voice thick with sleep. Your heart swells with love for this man who can sense your discomfort, even in the depths of his slumber. You draw in a deep breath, trying to steady the waver in your voice as you speak. 'All I want is a good night's sleep, Kylian. I feel like it's been ages since I've had one.' Your words betray the desperation that courses through your veins, and Kylian's face softens in response, a sympathetic smile playing at the corners of his lips. He shifts his position, pulling himself up so that he is sitting next to you. 'Well then, let's see what we can do to help,' he says, his hands reaching out to find yours and gently pulling them towards him. The warmth of his touch offers you a moment of solace, and you close your eyes, allowing yourself to bask in the comfort.
With a tender smile, Kylian releases your hands and moves down to the foot of the bed. He takes one of your feet in his hands, his fingers gently kneading the soles. The pressure is gentle yet firm, and the sensation sends waves of relaxation coursing through your body. You let out a soft sigh, the tension in your muscles beginning to recede as his fingers work their magic. He continues to massage your feet, his movements slow and deliberate. You can feel the baby inside of you begin to quiet, the somersaults becoming fewer and farther between as they, too, succumb to the soothing rhythm. You allow yourself to sink deeper into the pillows, a contented smile spreading across your face as you feel the sheer exhaustion finally begin to take hold. Kylian then moves his hands up to your belly, his touch gentle yet reassuring. As he massages your bump, you can feel the baby shift inside of you, as if acknowledging the presence of their father. You let your eyes flutter closed, the feelings of love and contentment mixing with the physical relaxation brought on by Kylian's touch. As you drift off to sleep, you feel Kylian's lips brush against your cheek, a tender goodnight kiss that fills your heart with warmth. 'Dream sweet, ma chérie,' he whispers softly in your ear. And with those words, you surrender to the embrace of sleep, your body finally finding the rest it so desperately craved.
The next morning, you wake to the sound of birds chirping outside your window, the sun casting a warm glow on the room. You stretch your arms above your head, feeling the energy slowly returning to your body, and you smile, remembering the tender moments shared with Kylian in the stillness of the night. As you roll over, you see him, awake and watching you with a look of love and adoration in his eyes. 'Good morning, mon amour,' he says, reaching out to take your hand in his. You entwine your fingers together, a sense of gratitude and appreciation filling your heart. 'Thank you,' you whisper, your voice raspy from the deep sleep. 'For everything.' Kylian simply smiles, his eyes never leaving yours as he leans in to place a soft kiss on your forehead. In that moment, you know that no matter the sleepless nights and discomfort, you have the unwavering support and love of your partner by your side. And as your belly ripples with movement, a newfound strength and determination surges through you, a promise of the love and support that awaits the life growing within you.
------------------------------------ ᵍˡᵒˢˢʸᵇˡᵘᵉ ᵒⁿ ᵗᵘᵐᵇˡʳ💌
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
What's It Like
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Summary: You can't sleep and decide to pay Harry a visit in the next room.
Warnings: Oral sex (m receiving) 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1116
A/N: A short little blurb originally from 2016. I remember I was listening to this song by Lissie a lot (I highly recommend checking it out, her music is fantastic), and it gave me ideas. But there is no reason given why Y/N is in a house with Harry and other people. Perhaps it was a weekend getaway with some friends. This may possibly be the last blurb I ever wrote in present tense. Haven't thought about that in a while, but I guess it was something I used to do lol.
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You can't sleep. The room is hot and you've spent the last hour trying to chase the cold spot in the sheets to no avail. You give up and toss the covers aside, climbing out of bed. You cringe when the door squeaks open, hoping you didn't wake anyone. The house is dark and quiet as you make your way down the hall to the kitchen.
You open the refrigerator, allowing the glow from within to be the only light in the room. You grab a bottle of water, taking long hard gulps to quench your thirst. It's only then that you notice a dim blue hue shining underneath the bedroom door next to yours. Harry's room. It's nearly three a.m. Everyone else had gone to bed long ago. You wonder if he's suffering from the same insomnia as you and had decided to watch some television.
Grabbing another bottle of water, you shut the refrigerator and tiptoe back down the hallway, stopping in front of Harry's door. Just when you're about to knock, however, you hear faint sounds coming from within. Pressing your ear to the door, you swear it sounds like someone breathing heavily. The tiny hairs on your arms and on the back of your neck stand on end.
Biting your lip, you bravely rap lightly on the door. The second you do, you regret it, wishing you would have just been bolder and snuck inside. Your hand falls to your side and you're about to turn and walk back to your room when the door opens. Harry stands before you shirtless, a prominent bulge in his shorts. Your eyes go straight to it, particularly because it's the first thing you notice. When your eyes finally peel away and meet his, he has a sexy smirk on his face.
"Um..." you stumble, "couldn't sleep?"
"No," he replies, the damn smirk still there.
You clear your throat, suddenly remembering the water bottles. You hold one out to him.
"Here. Thought you might be thirsty. It's...um...kinda warm in here."
"Thanks," he says, taking it from you and twisting the cap.
He takes a large sip, his eyes still on yours. You shift your gaze past him to the bed where you see an iPad laying. You realize then that was where the light was coming from. You feel the ends of your mouth curl up as you imagine what Harry was probably watching on it.
"You wanna come in?" you hear him ask.
"Huh?" you look back at him. "Oh. Yeah, sure."
You step past him as he closes the door. You walk to the edge of the bed, the iPad now in closer view. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see the screen paused on what looks like a couple having sex.
"Harry," you immediately roll your eyes as you let out a chuckle.
"What?" you hear him behind you.
"You were watching porn," you state.
"Yeah," he says, his arm reaching around you to grab the iPad. "Probably won't be needing that now."
You turn around swiftly, practically bumping into him. Temporarily disoriented, you blink, one hand on his chest, your other gripping your half empty water bottle. Your eyes focus on his tattoos, trying your best not to let your eyes roam back down to his shorts. His arm reaches out to set the iPad on the nearby dresser, next to the water you'd brought him before taking yours from your hand and setting it there as well.
"Y/N," you hear him say, his voice deeper than usual.
"Yes?" you reply softly.
You dare to look up at his face. His smirk is gone, and his eyes appear to be serious. You feel his hand cover yours on his chest before he slides it down his stomach and into his shorts. His eyelids get heavy when your fingers graze over his erection.
"Touch me, baby," he insists.
You oblige, gripping his shaft and pumping him gently. Letting out a deep groan, Harry slides his other hand under your ear, covering your mouth with his. Dipping his tongue inside, it meets yours sending sparks throughout your body. When he kisses a trail down your jaw to your neck, you let out a breath and begin pumping him harder and faster. He curses in your ear, and you freeze your hand.
"Don't stop, love, please," he begs. "I'm so hard."
"I know," you say, licking your lips.
You slip both of your hands into the sides of his waistband, pushing his shorts down. They fall at his ankles and he steps out of them, his eyes still on you, his perfect lips parted. You kneel down then, Harry's erection in front of you. You gently squeeze it, your hand sliding up and down the shaft. You can hear Harry breathing hard again as the tip of his cock is as close to your lips as it could be without touching.
"Baby..." he groans. "Put it in your mouth, please."
His fingers comb your hair back from your face so he can watch you as you look up at him for a second before sticking out your tongue and licking the head. Harry's eyelids flutter as his jaw drops open.
Refocusing your attention on his hard cock, you take him into your mouth. You hear the sounds coming from his chest as he enjoys the pleasure you're giving him. You pull back to lick him again, returning to your sucking, your hand pumping him at the base.
Harry's hips buck against you, his hands on the back of your head.
"Oh, Jesus," he cries. "Ah fuck you're gonna make me come."
As your mouth devours him and your right hand jerks, you bring your left hand up to his stomach. You feel him shake underneath your touch just before he lets out another cry and empties himself inside your mouth. When his body stills, you swallow and rise from the floor.
"Fuck," Harry whines, cupping his face in your hands.
He kisses you hard, taking your breath away. When he releases you, you bite your lip shyly before eyeing the door.
"I should probably get back to my room," you say.
"No," Harry shakes his head, "Please. Don't go."
You blink, your eyebrows raised. "You want me to stay?"
"Yes," he replies, his fingers brushing the skin on your arms. "I want you in my bed."
You feel your face turn pink, grateful that the room's dark. Your fingers trace the bird tattoos on his chest before you look back up at him.
"Alright," you whisper.
"Good," says Harry before pushing you back onto the bed. "'Cos now it's my turn."
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violetmuses · 3 days
Let's Get Away - A. Aretas (18+ MINORS DNI) 🔥
Title: Let's Get Away - A. Aretas (18+ MINORS DNI) 🔥
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe 
Character: Armando Aretas 
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Criminal!Female Reader 
Main Storyline: One choice brings out more than planned. 
Author’s Note: Hey! As a warning, this One Shot includes SMUT content. (18+ Minors DNI) Adult themes, strong language, etc. Thanks so much for reading and feedback would be greatly appreciated. - V. 💜 
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“Look who's outside, ya'll?” Stepping out in Miami, Zway-Lo Rodriguez recorded this personal video for his phone and captured one rare moment at the club. “Say something, man.” 
Rolling both eyes toward the ceiling, Armando Aretas joined for once instead of sitting by himself every weekend. 
“You dragged me here.” Armando's slightly accented English pulled through laughter. 
“Uh-uh. Don't act innocent.” Zway just continued filming. “What did you tell me before we left?”
At that moment, Armando turned around and winked toward Zway's camera phone. 
“I want to meet somebody's daughter.” Armand stamped his words and Zway cheered out loud, finally stopping the video. 
The dance floor packed, but Armando set his eyes on you without thinking twice. Even Zway cornered himself just to watch everything unfold. 
“What's your name?” Armando scored, trying English just in case. 
Your name doesn't matter right now. You gestured for this handsome stranger to move closer as music boomed around the nightclub. 
Though Armando wore black, you notice the gold necklace that shined around his neck. 
“Nice chain. Real gold?” You toy with his jewelry and the motion drove him wild from within. 
“Si.” He would never fib, unlike other idiots who lurked around this big-time city. 
“How?” You questioned while standing between flashed spotlights. 
Glancing around for privacy, Armando Aretas stepped closer to you and whispered. 
“Cartel shit.” Armando still told the truth by this point. “You a cop?”
“No. I keep running just like you.” You stepped back and folded both arms.
“What's your trade?” Armando bit his lip toward you and waited for more. 
“Depends on the situation.” You affirmed, skilled for many reasons. “What's going on?” 
“If you'll have me, I want you.” Armando offered genuine interest. 
“Well, c'mon.” You express absolute consent and Armando exits while holding your hand, leaving Zway in the dust. 
Clothes loosened as you kissed him deeply and planned more, but his cell phone rang out of nowhere! 
“No.” You whimpered, desperate to keep this man close. “The phone can wait, baby.”
As you moaned through every kiss, Armando's energy heightened. 
It's been too long. He thinks, nearly overtaken by foreplay alone. You are so beautiful.
For once, Armando is gentle on purpose and slowly takes off your clothes before grabbing a condom. 
You nod through consent again and feel solutely sure. 
Shadowed by moonlight as you softly land on the bed with him, kisses returned just as he wore protection and lined with your core, ready at last. 
“We can always stop.” He genuinely checked on you once more. 
“Please don't stop.” You wanted this man so badly right now. 
When Armando finally slid inside of you, he nearly covered his mouth in the dark, almost shocked to feel this warmth after so long. 
You gasp in return, trembling through more and more whimpers as he joins the moment. 
He can't increase the pace with you, at least not yet, slowly beginning to thrusts as real tears almost cloud his eyes. 
This secret affair belongs to you and him, no one else. 
“Faster…”You cry, wrapping your legs around his waist to push him deeper. 
I can be nasty. Are you sure?” His accented English drives you wild. 
“Please?” You ask permission and beg further this time around.  
“Okay.” Giving you one last sweet kiss, brown eyes darkened and this man plotted to change the attitude within seconds. 
Once you planned for more, you found yourself planning to ride him, not even able to cum during missionary. 
“Oh my…” You slide right back on top, mounting him as your palms set out his chest.  
“Eyes on me.” Armando bit his lip while offering more instructions. 
The switch is what Armando means. These warnings. Much control. You can't even think straight as he dared to slap your ass in the position. 
“Mmm…”You struggled, overwhelmed by pleasure as the coil found within your stomach would unravel soon. “I'm going to cum…”
"No puedo oírte, princesa.” He “can't hear you” and pretends to be clueless, quietly laughing underneath your body. 
“I'm going to…” You can't finish the sentence and end up spilling for him, almost screaming toward the bedroom walls. 
Right then, Armando followed your lead and breaks, only pulling out to immediately discard the condom. 
Returning to bed, dim lights slightly brightened his room when this man held you in his arms and offered gentle kisses once more. 
“Hey…It's over…You okay?” His clipped yet sweet words pull your attention. 
“Yeah, that was really good.” You told the truth. Of course he was perfect. 
“Thank you.” He accepted the compliment and laid on his back, watching that ceiling. “I'm a little rusty.”
“That's not rusty at all.” You say, laughing for a moment. 
That night, you just fell asleep within his own embrace. Who knows what tomorrow brings?
The next day, you both pull yourselves together and at least share breakfast first. 
Near the front door of his apartment though, you make the mistake of kissing Aretas to say goodbye. 
“I need to go.” You smiled against his lips and gathered your purse after calling this rider-share vehicle. 
“Okay. Call me?” Armando cleared his throat for a second. 
“Of course.” You planned to step out and leave, but music rattled outside the window. 
“That's Zway. I'm sorry. Just go.” Armando rolled his brown eyes while still holding hands with you. 
“One of your goons?” You ask the question just in case. 
“Yeah.” Armando nodded. “He's annoying, but good.” 
“Fair enough. Bye.” This arrival text pinged for your ride outdoors and you stepped from Aretas, trying to act like nothing happened. 
“Bye.” Alone, Armando stepped back, nearly flabbergasted while thinking of you. 
“You hit it last night?” By nightfall, Zway acted nosey and questioned too much while Armando reached the dock of that putrid Miami Harbor. 
“Don't make me kill you.” Armando grumbled, quietly fed up. 
“I'm just asking.” Zway shrugged. “She was fine as hell.”
“None of your business. Let's find the money and go.” Armando wouldn't make eye contact with Zway this time around. 
“Coño!” Zway shook his capped head while facing Armando. 
“She's already here.” Aretas walked near this set of gangsters who organized this meeting. 
Zway lifted his brow, impressed. 
“Who's the beauty? She'll look really nice on my arm.” This idiot wearing terrible sunglasses moved forward and noticed you standing near Armando. 
“Might wanna fall back. That's his girl, man.” Zway couldn't mess around and defended your plot with Aretas. 
“You're a pimp?” The man wearing sunglasses questioned Armando this time. 
“Nah, but she's mine.” Aretas rasped, still not boiling over. 
“Fine, then. Let's renegotiate.” The idiot wearing shades lifted his gun.  
Rolling his eyes once more, Armando nodded toward you and revealed this sharp knife from his veiled pocket, almost slicing that goon’s neck.
Others intervened with this fueled attack, but Armando caught on right away, stabbing or shooting like a menace until bodies hit the ground. 
“C'mere, look at me. We had a deal and I won't renegotiate.” Both of you kneel toward the choking man's face and Armando takes one last shot to kill this asshole for good. 
“Nice one.” Zway offered the compliment and smiled with gold teeth, but Aretas didn't even care. 
Taking your hand, Armando leaves Zway to deal with those remaining gangsters by himself. 
“After we lock down everything for my mother, let's go.” Armando's spoken English pulled your senses after you made love in the shower. 
“Where?” You ask, hardly dressed and still clouded by his presence. 
“Don't even care right now. I just wanna be with you.” He genuinely smiled for a moment and scooted closer until your lips met. 
“Going on the run. That's how you roll?” You held Armando's cheek. 
“I'm not selling hot dogs on the corner.” Aretas chuckled and set you on top of him. 
“Very funny. Ah!” You squealed when Armando slapped your ass. 
“You're so cute.” Switching positions, Aretas turned his head and looked at you. “Honestly though, what happened before this shit?”
“Just know that I've made bad decisions.” You vaguely told Armando the truth here. “Miami is the perfect spot to hide.” 
“Need a partner?” This dangerous man kissed you once more. 
“I'm yours.” You flipped the proverbial switch and knew when Aretas took charge instead. 
You would never leave. 
Armando's mother Isabel burned in the name of revenge and died through madness, never remorseful. 
Even Armando landed in prison regarding his own crimes. 
While brokenhearted now, you stood alone and still lurked with different  personal choices as the underbelly would shadow all over Miami, Florida.
One night through, this text message pinged on your cell: 
 Open the door. 🚪 🔥 
You didn't recognize this phone number and grabbed one of these firearms, veiling this weapon by your hip just in case. 
Checking that peephole, you immediately noticed Armando standing on the porch. Those perfect brown eyes gave everything away. 
“Arman?” You unlock the door and bring Aretas inside, careful not to trigger your gun. 
“It's a long story, but I need your help.”  Aretas wore a Bud Light shirt and this trucker hat veiled his eyes. Dirty jeans covered both legs and dark boots moved along the floor. 
“We need somewhere to stay now.” Armando explained. 
“Who's outside?” You squinted, definitely concerned. 
“I have two Miami detectives around, but we can trust them.” Armando went on before you could refuse this idea. 
“You just brought cops to my house?” You immediately want to run away at this point. 
“I know. I'm so sorry, but it's mportant.” Armando lifted both hands. “Just put the gun away and we'll explain everything.” 
Begrudgingly, you listened to Aretas and prepared to deal with this unexpected situation. 
Famous Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett joined Armando past your threshold. 
You then bring all three fugitives to the basement where most equipment stashed when needed. 
“Who's this girl, a hacker or something?” Marcus grumbled first after looking toward Armando. 
“Jack of all trades.” Aretas said. “We met when I stayed with the cartel.”
“Damn.” Marcus shook his head while glancing around the coveted room. 
“Captain Howard was framed. Can you help us out?” Mike cleared his throat and detailed the problem for you.
“What's going on? I could find anyone.” You loaded the databases and waited, peering toward these men without smiling for obvious reasons. 
Once Mike handed this flash drive to you, work mode pulled through. All three men circled your path to watch each computer screen up front. 
“Here's the picture.” You nodded. “Who's our main character this time?” 
“Zoom in near the back.” Armando pointed to one specific man with light hair and chiseled features. 
“Kay.” Pulling the magic, you worked as expected and concentrated while Mike and Marcus held their breath. 
Meanwhile, Armando changed his seat and perched next to you, watching your side profile. 
Still gorgeous. He thought. Yet, Aretas is mostly   grateful that you're even alive. 
“She's good.” Marcus then raised his brow, impressed with you. 
“Bingo! James McGrath: Former Army Ranger turned DEA agent. Tortured for quite a while before joining the cartel himself.” You explained highlights. McGarth stood in the shadows with even more power. 
“Thank you. We'll get out of your way by morning.” Mike spoke up and you nod, but Marcus chimed in. 
“What's going on with y'all?” Marcus gestured between you and Armando. 
Lie. You exchanged this glance with Armando for obvious reasons. 
“Nothing.” Aretas took off the trucker hat before sitting down again.
“Uh-huh.” Marcus just walked away and grumbled once more. 
“Have some common sense.” Even Mike Lowrey grit his teeth near Armando. 
“You slept with my mother.” Armando smirked and you held back laughter. 
“Shut up.” Mike rolled his eyes before heading upstairs. 
“Hola, mami.” Armando stepped closer and wanted overdue kisses, but you turned him down. 
“Shower first. You smell terrible.” You shook his head and pointed toward the separate hall while Aretas chuckled on his way. 
The basement level doubled as your late-night home when different secrets arrived. 
“Thanks for helping out.” Armando peeked from the corner. 
You even set up this private room for Armando while seeing each other. 
“Hey. I'm sorry for getting upset.” You genuinely apologized to him. 
“I understand.” Armando pulled you into his arms as he wore this dark tank top with matching sweatpants. Even cologne returned. 
Kissing Armando Aretas for the first time in years, you smiled against his lips, grateful. 
“C'mon, we've got somethin’ to do!” Armando then lifted your weight and carried you over his shoulder.  
“Wait, babe!” Sooner than later, you nearly squealed through the walls, giggling. “Oh my God!”
“Y'all sleep well?” Marcus laughed over breakfast the next morning. 
“Armando Aretas-Lowrey? I'll kick your ass if you don't tell me what happened last night!” Though sighing, Mike immediately faced his son. 
“You cared about my mother, right? This is no different.” Armando nodded toward Lowrey and smiled at you for a moment. 
“Armando expressed himself again.” Marcus whispered to Mike. 
Let's go.” Mike didn't even help cleaning up the kitchen table and grabbed car keys of an rusted truck parked outdoors. 
“Sorry, he's irritable.” Marcus apologized to you for Mike's behavior. 
“It's fine.” You answered regardless. 
“Need help?” Even Armando stepped up and cleared his throat here. 
“No. I'll watch you guys leave. Be safe.” You only kissed Armando's cheek while Marcus waited nearby. 
Uniformed through tactical gear, all three men would roll out to complete their mission.
“You look good.” You've gently complimented Armando. 
“I know.” Aretas bit his lip toward you, playing around.
“Come back to me.” Your own words reveal this vow. 
“Of course.” Armando points in your direction and you motioned back, watching the truck leave this house. 
Mike, Marcus, and Armando survived! 
Aretas started hiding right back in Mexico, but Mike Lowrey pulled a few strings and law enforcement cleared your name with Armando. 
“We got food!” Mike and Marcus hung out at the park with everyone this afternoon, but Armando unfortunately declined that invitation. 
Even you joined their fun, dancing among the crowd and bringing leftovers home. 
“You good?” Mike checked on Armando for a second. 
“Yeah.” Aretas nodded. “I'm not ready for the public yet.” 
“You'll get there.” Mike would still put out his own faith. Look, eat something with us and chill for a little bit. You don't need to stay on alert anymore.” 
“All right.” Armando faced the offer and walked to the kitchen table with Mike. 
At first glance, you waved to Aretas with the biggest smile on your face, thankful once more. 
Maybe happy endings exist after all.  
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graceeshii · 13 hours
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sunghoon x f!reader. in which ⸝⸝ fate, time & the golden hour interwind. genre: fluff, slight angst. warnings: sunghoon's ethereal, flirting. wc: 0.8k.
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"So," you begin, your curiosity piqued. "What brings you to this event?"
He grins lazily, leaning against the wall in a casual manner. "Oh, the usual. Obligation and boredom, mostly," he replies, his voice dripping with nonchalant charm.
You can't help but chuckle, amused by his response. "Ah, the classic 'I'm here because I have to be' excuse," you tease, a playful glint in your eyes.
He chuckles in return, his smile widening. "Guilty as charged," he admits, holding your gaze. "But I have to say, meeting someone like you makes it easier to endure the night."
Your heart stutters slightly at his compliment, but you quickly regain your composure. "Flattering," you respond, a hint of a smirk playing at your lips. "But I'm sure you say that to all the strangers you meet at these parties." 
He smirks, tilting his head to the side as he studies you. His eyes roam over your face, searching for that elusive quality that sets you apart. "You're different,"
he says, his tone low and contemplative. "There's something about you that's captivating. It's like a faint echo of a memory, a flash of familiarity that I can't quite pin down. It's intriguing, to say the least." He pauses for a moment, his gaze locking with yours. 
There's a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, along with a hint of something deeper that you can't quite decipher.
"I don't know what it is," he continues, his voice taking on a softer edge, "but there's something about you that's stirring up old memories. Memories I haven't thought about in a long time."
You raise an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and curiosity dancing across your features. "Old memories, huh?" you murmur, your voice tinged with a hint of confusion. "What kind of memories are we talking about here?"
He purses his lips, a faraway look in his eyes as he gazes out. "They're memories I thought I'd forgotten," he replies, his voice taking on a nostalgic tone.
He stands up suddenly, his eyes still distant and lost in thought. He begins to walk towards the balcony, with you following suit. You both stand at the railing, taking in the breathtaking view of the sunset-filled horizon.
The silence between you is laden with expectation; the unspoken words are heavy in the air. For a few moments, neither of you speaks; your thoughts are occupied by the beauty of the scene before you. 
As he turns to you, the golden light of the sunset bathing his features in a warm glow, you can't help but notice how attractive he is, in spite of the mask covering his face. In fact, the mask only seems to enhance his good looks, adding an air of mystery and intrigue that's strangely captivating.
There's a certain allure to the way the mask highlights his sharp jawline and strong cheekbones, drawing attention to his eyes, which are still veiled in shadow. The combination of the mask and his natural good looks leaves you slightly breathless, with your heart skipping a beat in your chest. 
"There were the times we spent down by the river, sitting on the bank and watching the boats go by. We'd make up stories about the people on those boats, imagining their lives and the adventures they were having."
You listen intently, your mind racing, as he talks about the times spent by the river. As he recounts the memories, something about them feels familiar to you. You can't quite put your finger on why, but it's as if you have experienced it.
He smiles at the memory, his eyes distant and nostalgic. "And then there was that time we tried to catch fireflies in the twilight," he reminisces, his voice carrying a nostalgic tone. "And she always used to say the sunset was like 
'hues of pink and orange, and clouds floating lazily across the horizon like puffs of cotton candy.'
Their words flow seamlessly as they speak in perfect unison; the synchronization is flawless and almost magical in its synchrony. 
'It was a view we both loved, and we would always marvel at its beauty together...'
As the final words leave their lips, their gazes lock as a silent connection passes between them like a current that ignites the air around them.
Their words and their voices are perfectly synchronized, creating a beautiful harmony of memory that flows effortlessly as if they're a part of a familiar dance, one they've both performed countless times before.
Time seems to slow down as the two of them find themselves in a world of their own. Every noise seems to fade, and they feel as if they are the only people in the world. The sky, a masterpiece in hues of orange and purple, serves as the backdrop, witnessing every single moment. 
They look at each other, their faces radiating a loving smile. A thousand questions and emotions swirl in their minds, each filled with hope and uncertainty.
But, in that moment, nothing else seems to matter. All that matters is living in the present and savoring every moment of this beautiful dream they don't want to wake up from. They take in every detail, engraving it into their memories. For them, this is their...
Golden Hour. 
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copyright, graceeshii 2024 I @bywons
Perm tag: @amorek1m @allurecile @luvleeheii
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sebsxphia · 2 days
Imagine being a pilot and being married to Jake. You had a close call at training one day because of a bird strike. You ejected in time, but still, you have to stay for monitoring for the night. Jake is by your side the whole time, collected as ever, trying desperately to cheer you up and make you feel good despite being grounded for the rest of the week. The next day you are discharged and Jake takes you home. He has to go back to work. Even though he jokes that you are probably happy to be rid of him for a few hours, since you teased him for not letting you do anything while you were at the hospital, his smile doesn't reach his eyes. His tone is a bit more on the self-deprecating side than the pure fun side, you notice. However, you can't question him right away, as he quickly kisses your forehead carefully before turning and heading out back to work.
He seems like his normal self once he is back home, if a little more protective of you.
But that night, when you are about to make love, he just touches your folds with his length and lets out such a deep sigh. He put up a front of being okay, that the events didn't shake him as much, that he moved on from worrying once you turned out to be fine. But now that you are both so vulnerable with each other, and he sees your bruises, he cannot keep up this pretence. He starts sobbing. You pull him close, press his chest to yours, your arms holding him so strong and safe. With the movement of getting closer to you, he unintentionally slipped into your depths, and it knocks the breath from you. He whimpers lowly at the feeling, but you kiss his temple, trying to soothe him. You both feel so incredibly close to each other and neither of you want to pull away any time soon. His cries are so heartbreaking and your own worries come to the surface. His openness makes you let go too, and you join him, crying into his shoulder, murmuring how much you love him into his ear. The words and your warm breath on his skin make him shudder. He wraps his arms around you, going under your back and squeezing you impossibly closer. It feels like you are about to melt together, the light sheen of sweat between your bodies sticking you together further, allowing his chest to move smoothly over yours with each heaved breath and sob.
"I'm here, Baby, I'm right here with you" you whisper in his ear, voice thick with emotion and tears, your heart breaking at his choked sobs.
After a while, he calms down enough to just have a few remaining tears run down his cheeks. He pulls back just enough to look you in the eye, "I was so scared for you Honey..."
It breaks your heart all over again, to hear him confess, to see him so vulnerable. Your eyes refill with tears, "I'm so sorry for scaring you."
But now a fierceness comes over his features, "Never apologise, Honey, you did everything right. I'm so proud of you."
You kiss him then, overwhelmed by his love for you and your love for him. He kisses you back with just as much passion.
And then he moves. He starts with slow, shallow thrusts, just rocking into you, then growing the intensity and going deeper.
Even though this is not your first time, it feels new. You saw a new side of him and you both embrace this deeper connection.
i’m gonna sob! i’m absolutely gonna sob, my beloved anon! jake holds up this wall and although with you he’s begun to lower it, he’s been like this his whole life. it’s still hard for him to be so emotionally vulnerable with you like that. but when he feels you so intimately physically, he can’t help but let his intimate emotions pour out as well. what i would give to have jake make love to me like this 🥺 just slowly and rocking. mmmm. thank you so much for this incredibly touching thought, my beloved anon! 💌
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kayhi808 · 1 day
Now & Then - 3
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This was started for @armystrong980 & she requested that it take place during the Civil War timeline.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" You look around the older, run-down buildings.
"It's what Sharon gave me."
Through your earpiece, "If it is, he's not home. Red Wing isn't picking up any heat signatures in the apartment." You quickly glance to the rooftop that Sam is stationed on.
"Sam, keep an eye on the apartment, we're going to take a look around the neighborhood."
"Copy that."
Steve sighs, "He's evaded us this long, I can't imagine him wandering far from here."
Squeezing his arm, looking up at him, "Do you really think we'll find him? Do you think we can bring him home?"
"After what happened in Vienna, we probably won't be able to head home in a while. We need to figure out what he's done."
"But we'll find him right? We'll help him. You don't understand what they did to him. He needs us. We're all he's got."
Pulling you near & dropping a kiss on your head, "We'll find him."
As you walk around the crowded streets, you try to keep an eye out for Bucky & for any other agency in the area surveying the neighborhood, too. Steve is about to take you one street over when you see an open market.
"I'm going to check in there. He may have left to pick up necessities." Steve starts to follow you, "No, you'll attract too much attention." All 6'2" 240lbs of him surrounded by old Romanian women taking care of their daily shopping. "Meet me back here in 15." He opens his mouth to protest. "I'll be fine. It's an open market."
"If you see the subject, do not engage."
"He's not a subject. He's Bucky."
"I'm serious!"
"Fine. Fine." shaking his arm off, you head to the market. You scan the people in the area. Bucky is tall, so he may be easy to pick out in a crowd as well. As that thought skipped through your mind, you notice a tall man up ahead. Dark hair sticking out from under his baseball cap. Baseball caps in Europe always scream "American." His build is bigger than what you remember but there's a fluttering in your belly telling you that, that's Bucky. You hurry through the crowds, not wanting to lose track of him.
In your rush to get to him, you have to dodge out of people's way, "Excuse me. Sorry. Scuzati Ma." You round a fruit cart & you lose track of him. He's gone. "No, no, no." You search the area. Where could he have gone??
You wander deeper into the maze of stalls looking for Bucky when a heavy hand covers your mouth and a Vibranium arm wraps around your waist, pulling you back into an alley. Your heart races, but you know it's Bucky. You don't fight. You don't give him a reason to hurt you. Spinning you around he pins you to the wall with his hand around your throat. You grimace at the pressure, but notice Bucky's eyes widen in surprise, in recognition.
"What are you doing here?" he quietly hisses at you.
Your hands reach up to circle his metal wrist, trying unsuccessfully to ease the pressure on your throat, "Looking for you."
Squeezes harder against your throat, "I should just kill you now. One less HYDRA agent in the world."
Looking into his blue eyes, "You truly believe I'm a HYDRA agent? Do you not remember me at all?? Soldat? Bucky." Bucky is silent, but the grip around your throat eases. "There's people after you. I want to help you. They think..."
He shoves away from you, releasing you. "I know what they think. It wasn't me. I wasn't in Vienna."
"Please Buck, let me..."
"I don't need your help." He glares at you & stalks away.
"Don't leave. Please." You chase after him, but he's gone. Like he disappeared into thin air. You turn your link back on, "Bucky was in the marketplace. He just left."
"Jesus, Y/N!! Where have you been? Why didn't you answer us?!"
You knew Steve was going to be angry. Ignoring his outburst, "He said he wasn't in Vienna. It wasn't him, Steve."
Growling, "I told you not to approach him! Sam, I'm heading back to his apartment. Y/N, go back to the hotel."
"No! I can help."
"You want to help Bucky?? This is how you do it. Go back to the hotel! Sam & I can't protect Buck & look after you, too. Especially if you can't follow simple instructions!"
Sam interrupting, "Cap, there's radio chatter, German special forces are in the area. You need to hurry."
"Ok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please go to him, Steve." Steve doesn't respond, but Sam hears your quiet sob.
"Hon, look, go back to the hotel & pack up. If this goes sideways, they're taking us to Berlin. Keep your burner phone on you. We'll contact you that way."
"I'm so sorry, Sam. Please be careful."
He sighs, "I know. Stay safe. We'll contact you as soon as possible."
You know you promised Steve to follow orders, but you couldn't help yourself. The opportunity presented itself and you had to take it. You couldn't let Bucky go. You busy yourself packing up everyone's things from the hotel. If Sam & Steve get to Bucky, you imagine you all will be making a quick exit from Romania. And if not...you're headed to Germany.
As you complete packing and moving your bags by the door you notice the high speed police chase on TV. Shit. Shit. Shit. You sit at the foot of the bed watching everything unfold They're all arrested. Oh God! Rhodey is there. That can't be good. Tony Stark wouldn't be too far behind. Tony & Steve were arguing before you left for Peggy's funeral. You quickly turn off the tv & make your way to the airport.
1940 Brooklyn, NY
It was another full moon so the Emergency Room was a zoo tonight. You were so happy to see the overnight crew arrive. You wanted nothing more than to go home, shower & pass out. You didn't even have the energy to eat. You pull the cord signaling the bus driver to stop. It was close to midnight, but the bus stopped half a block away from your apartment. You always felt safe, but tonight you noticed someone sitting on the stoop to your building.
"Hey, Doll."
"Bucky?" You quicken your steps to get to him. "What are you doing here?" As you get closer, the bright light of the moon shows evidence that Bucky's been in a fight. "Damn it, Buck." You scan his body looking for signs of blood. "What happened?" You climb the stairs to unlock the door to your building.
"You know, there was a misunderstanding. Words were said. Fists were thrown. Noses were broken." You stop, turning to glare at him over your shoulder double checking to make sure his nose was in tact and he laughs. "Shhhh! People are sleeping."
Locking up, you tell him to sit & he automatically pulls out a kitchen chair. You grab your first aid kit and place it on the table. He eases off his jacket & you notice the blood & slice in his shirt. You gasp & kneel by his chair untucking his shirt & undershirt to get to the wound. Bucky keeps his shirt up, "How bad is it, Doc?"
"You won't need stiches, but I'm going to need to clean & bandage it." It wasn't as bad as you feared. Only a bad scratch. He'll survive. You concentrate on cleaning & bandaging his wound. You stand to check his bruised cheek, running your finger gently over it making sure his bones were still in tact. You feel Bucky's eyes on you & you start to feel flushed.
"What would I do without you, Doll?"
His hands rest on your hips & it flusters you. "I'm sure you'd manage. You'd just have to find a nurse to date, so she can patch you up." You move away to repack your first aid kit.
"Nah. She wouldn't have your gentle touch. There's no one like you, Dollface." You made the mistake of looking over at him & your breath catches. The way he's looking at you. It's like...like you were special to him.
Civil War - Berlin Germany
Sam contacted you & brought you to the warehouse where Steve & Bucky were at. Steve walks out and you run to him, throwing your arms around his neck. 'I was so worried! I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, Stevie. If something happened to you, I wouldn't have survived knowing you were mad at me. Forgive me. I'm so sorry."
Picking you up off your feet, "I should have known better. You've never listened a day in your life." He gives you a smile and you know he's forgiven you. "Twins," placing you back on your feet.
"Forever." Laughing, "There's someone waiting to see you." Your eyes widen & Steve nods over your shoulder.
Turning, you see Bucky in the doorway. "That punk gets a hug, and I get nothing?" Your jaw drops. You were expecting Soldat. You cover your mouth with your hands, shaking your head. You look over your shoulder at Steve and he has the biggest smile on his face.
"Jamie?" you breath out on a sob.
"You're the only one who's ever called me Jamie, Doll. I can't tell you how nice it is to hear it again." It takes 5 steps and you're in Bucky's arms and you're able to let your tears fall. Your sobs get harder and yet you try to apologize over & over again. It just came out as jibberish, which made Steve & Bucky laugh. Bucky's arms wrap around you tighter. He was forced to do terrible things in order to protect you. He suffered so much because of you and now you have him back.
Helicopters with searchlights are still passing the area. You see the lights occasionally flicker through the warehouse windows.
"Why aren't you asleep?" Bucky eases himself to the floor beside you.
Staring at Bucky, "I can't believe you're actually here. I don't want to fall asleep. What if this isn't real? I wake up and this was nothing but a dream. I'd lose you all over again. My heart wouldn't recover." It's easier to confess what's in your heart in the darkness of the night.
Bucky moves you so you straddle his lap, his arms wrap around your waist pulling you against him. His face rests in the crook of your neck. You feel his breath as puffs of air against your skin. Your fingers card through his hair, "I'd dream of having you in my arms like this. I thought you were gone but it still helped me get through the War. But you weren't gone." He pulls away & cradles your face so he can look at you, "You were there in Moscow."
"I'm so sorry, Jamie. They made you do terrible things because of me. Forgive me, please." He pulls your mouth down to his and you sigh at the touch of his lips. Soft sweet kisses, him moving between your upper to your lower lip.
"There's nothing to forgive, Doll," using his thumb to brush away tears you didn't realize had fallen. "Or if that's the case, I'm sorry I failed so many missions and you paid the price."
"HYDRA is to blame. Only them." You kiss him again, running your tongue over the curve of his lip. Pulling you snug against him, he deepens your kiss, his tongue sliding against yours. His hands slide up to squeeze your breasts, fitting perfectly into the palm of his hands. You cover his hands with yours, stilling them & breaking the kiss, moaning "Jamie. Steve and Sam are in the other room."
His hands slide back down to your hips. "Shit." You softly laugh as his head falls again to the crook of your neck, this time trailing kisses from your jaw to your neck & shoulders. You move off him and he slides down, tapping his chest.
You lay beside him, using his shoulder as a pillow and an arm thrown across him. "This isn't a dream right? You'll still be here when I wake up."
"Sleep, doll. I'll be here."
@severelykinky @panandinpain0 @elijahssuit @ordelixx @moonlovefairy @cjand10 @vicmc624 @marianastudiesart @thefandomplace @longlivedelusion @snowkestrel @insomiax @babybreathbabes @k-marzolf @danzer8705 @nekoannie-chan
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
The way that the Suspicious Object Detector works is pretty vague, acting more like a Pokedex than anything, but I like to think that it's sort of a telepathy machine.
It gathers information that's impossible to observe from the outside, not to mention things that its recipients haven't disclosed to anyone before (Raffina's pouch, the doll that Schezo made by hand, etc). Sure, it senses energy as well, but the detailed stuff has to come from the person's thoughts.
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With that interpretation, then, why would Sig's profile just be "he likes bugs"? Other characters suggested much more self-awareness than that, like Suketoudara knowing he comes across as a nuisance, for example.
Wellllll, Angst Headcanon Extraordinaire that I am, I do have an idea.
At this point in the story, Sig is decidedly Not Himself. But considering that Risukuma's episode takes place before he meets up with Ringo, it's likely that Sig hasn't been like this for very long, yet. That part is important, because the longer his power builds up, the less like himself he becomes, until he eventually discards his name entirely.
So, if he's still hanging in there, trying to cling to a sense of identity even while he's largely being piloted by his demonic powers...
Perhaps that's the one trait he decided to latch onto as his lifeline, due to its simplicity, and it's been repeated in his head so many times that it's the only thing the detector can pick up. For all we know, it could be the only thing he remembers by now.
Because it's not like there isn't anything else it could pick up on, if we use the other characters as a template. It could've easily referenced other things that tend to crop up in his bios; the way he always moves at his own pace, his ability to fall asleep standing with his eyes open, or y'know... the fact that his eye and arm are red? And that he doesn't care about it??
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Risukuma has to notice his arm for himself, but it's such a standout feature that you'd think the Suspicious Object Detector of all things would mention it. Especially since it's most likely the thing it was sensing a strong reading from in the first place.
For Sig's thoughts to be blocking all of that out, he must be trying really hard, huh?
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gojosprettyprincess · 5 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Men + How they'd moan w/audios.
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Tw - dirty talk, assplay in Suguru's, daddy kink in Nanami's, (Got a bit carried away in the geto one haha) also not proofread cause I got tired.
A/n this was requested so tysm to the person that requested it but a part of it is kinda a repost because I've already done something similar before but I hope you guys like it! Gojo, Geto, Toji, Choso, Nanami
Gojo Satoru
This is how Gojo sounds when he's close. (Ik this because he fucked me before so you can trust me on this)
He's very loud when he fucks you and he'd also whisper a lot of nasty shit to your ears while he's rutting his hips inside you, fucking you deeper into the bed while he has your legs over his shoulders, hissing and groaning at the way your tight cunt sucks him in so well, while your sinking your freshly manicured nails that he paid for into his back, decorating it with angry red marks and when he's close he'd be panting and breathing heavily on top of you, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead onto you from how much he's been fucking you.
"Fuckfuckfuck gonna fill you up so good baby, m'gonna stuff you so full of my cum, bet you'll like that yeah?".
Geto Suguru
This is how Suguru sounds while you're riding him in cowgirl position, he has a clear view of the way his cock slides into your soaked cunt every time you bounced on it, he just can't take his eyes off of it, the way your cunt would swallow his cock in and the way your ass jiggles every time you moved your hips, it was so hot. One thing that really caught his eye though was the way your asshole looked so neglected and desperate to be filled, he thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try something.
he spat on his right thumb, making sure to gets his spit all over it to use as lube before circling it around your hole, spreading his spit all around it then sinking his thumb slowly into the tight rim. He hisses as he felt how tight your ass was, clammed around his finger. He noticed how you started slowing down, and how your moans got so much louder, he lands a sharp slap on your ass. "Fuckkk sweetheart k-keep going, Fuck yeah, keep bouncing on my cock, yesss that's it, don't worry princess I'll make you feel s'good". He groans, feeling your cunt fluttering and cleaching around his cock.
He starts thumbing your ass, fucking his finger in and out of you matching your rhythm. "Holy fuck need you to cum, Be a good girl and cum f'me yeah?". He hisses, feeling you thrusting your hips faster and faster onto him, your brain gets all fuzzy and blank it was too much, both of your holes were getting stuffed and penetrated. You start feeling yourself getting closer and closer as you bounced yourself on top of him. "F-fuck sugu gonna cum, M'gonna cum!" you cried out. "Go ahead, cream on my cock baby you can do it fuckk", and that's all you needed to hear before you came undone, creaming all over his cock, rings of your nut appearing at the base of his cock, his thumb still buried in your ass to the hilt. He lets out a loud groan, looking at how your creamy cunt covered in cum. "Good fucking girl, see the mess you made on my cock baby?".
Toji Fushiguro
This is how he sounds when he's close, he doesn't really make that much noise while he's fucking you, maybe you'd earn a few groans and grunts once in a while because of your cunt but most of the time it's just dirty talk.
But when he's close, he gets so much louder and faster, he picks up his pace, hammering into you harder from behind while your face is buried into the pillow beneath you and landing harsh slaps onto the soft flesh of your ass while looking down to watch it jiggle everytime he thrust his hips against you. the sound of his cum filled balls that's waiting to be emptied inside your little cunny, slapping against your clit filling the room with each thrust along with your muffled moans. Your cunt was clamping around him like crazy because one thing about Toji, he always fucks you so good every damn time.
"Holy fucking shit, tight little cunt milking my cock so well, you gonna give me another kid baby or what?".
Choso Kamo
This is how he'd moan while you're on your knees sucking his cock and he's getting close; he'd be whimpering and moaning loudly while saying stuff like "pleasepleaseplease m'so close don't stop please" with tears prickling from his eyes while he's looking down at you. He begs you alot and he's also really sensitive so that makes him moan and whimper even more.
Nanami Kento
This is how he sounds when he's ramming his cock up into your poor messy cunny in his work office, purposely molding your tight hole into the shape of his thick girth as his large beefy hands gripping onto the back your thighs to hold your legs up into a full nelson-type positon but the difference is that he's sitting down and your back is leaning against his board chest.
His thrusts was hard and fast as he continues feeding your greedy tight cunt with his fat cock, loud pants and groans escaping his lips at the way your cunt tightens around his cock while he stretches you out. "Hah- oh fuckk such a good little slut, taking daddy's cock so well, s'good f'me baby". His deep and husky voice made you throbbing around his cock while he ruins you.
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s0dium · 12 days
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Warnings: Creepy/stalker behavior, breeding kink, pussydrunk behavior, cumflation, stomach bulge, subspace, premature ejaculation, orgasms
You know it's wrong, so wrong to enjoy the attention of a creep.
At least, that's what people call him. But through the snickers and sidelong glances that surround him, there's something about him that intrigues you, attracts you, something you can't seem to get out of your head.
It starts off small, letting him eye you from across the room and flashing him a small smile. Then you notice he starts to get bolder, more confident in his advances. As the days pass, his presence becomes a constant in your routine. He waits for you after class, catches you alone in elevators, leans in closer during conversations, and even starts to find excuses to touch your arm or shoulder. Each interaction feels like a challenge, a test of boundaries that seems he's all too willing to push.
In the beginning, you almost listen to the unease flickering in the back of your mind, warning that maybe you are playing with fire. But as the tension builds, you find your resolve slowly melting, small touches on your arm turn grazes against your ass and the quick glances evolve into him blatantly checking you out.
So only you can be blamed for the situation you're in right now. Only you can be blamed for letting it get like this.
His hips snapped so fast you can't think, you can breathe. Pleasure courses through your body in electric flesh arrows and you could feel your pussy clench around his length in a futile attempt to adjust for his massive size. How could a creep like him be so big? Jesus, you could feel his mushroom tip press against your cervix every time he slammed into you. Countless loads of cum dripped from where you two were connected onto the white sheets below. At any given time he'd blow his load right into you and without much of a stutter fuck the liquid back into you, until he reached his high again and started the cycle over again.
"Mine," he grunts out, his breath hot against your cheek from the brutal mating press he has you in. The bed shook with every thrust, the head board banging against the wall from the way your cervix was getting absolutely abused. The friction, the way he filled you up so perfectly, his hot skin against yours, it was too much, too overwhelming, and your brain couldn't handle the pleasure. You could feel the euphoria absorb your body, making your toes curl and uncurl from the sheer pleasure.
"G-gonna cum in you again" He says through a moan, peppering kissed along your jaw. "Gonna fill you up, make you feel so so good." He doesn’t slow his movement, instead picking up one of your legs and throwing it over his shoulder so he can reach even deeper. He places his other hand on your belly, rubbing your skin with his thumb.
"You feel me?" He coos, pressing down on your stomach, intensifying the pressure of his cock inside you and making your moans grow even louder.
"I can feel you, I can feel you squeezing me, feel so good, better than my fist." He chuckles and grabs your throat, squeezing it so your brain goes fuzzy with the slight light of oxygen.
His breathing becomes jagged and with a soft whimper followed by a silent "oh-fu", he blows his load into your battered pussy. There is no warning when cums into you, only the slight stutter of his hips that does nothing to deter his brutal pace. You are soaked down there, his sticky cum leaking out of you as he pushes into you over and over again. But you couldn't be bothered to look right now, you couldn’t open your eyes and ignore the colors you were seeing behind your eyelids. Everything was good - so, so, so good. Your skin was buzzing, mind cloudy, and the only thing you could focus on was the throbbing that was taking over your body.
"You gonna cum?" He coos into your ear, punctuating his words with an extra sharp thrust. "Cum for me, please." 
As if on cue, you gasp, and let your orgasm wash over you. He doesn't stop his movements, instead, he fucks you through your orgasm until your crying for him to stop.
"Not gonna stop, gonna fuck you until m' shooting blanks okay?"
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mommypieck · 4 months
⌗︙・boss nanami hates you, but not your throat ⸜⸜・
boss nanami who treats you worse than any of your coworkers. he's rude, always saying how you can't do your work. your colleagues notice it and they try to stand up for you, but to no avail.
"he fucking hates you." shoko says with a cig in her mouth, making you chuckle.
"yeah, he does." you reply, cursing your boss in your head. a little you don't know is that nanami is listening behind the door.
"yeah, i fucking hate you." he says, pushing you down on your knees by your hair. he's rough, but your lips are already bruised by his own so you don't really care now.
"i hate how hard you make my cock." he pushes his crotch into your face and you can feel how hard he is in his work pants. your mouth opens instinctively to lap at his cock, making him laugh out.
"of course, you're a slut. I haven't even pulled my pants down and you already want it in your mouth."
your eyes are begging, you just want him to fuck your mouth hard. he shoves his pants down, not wasting any time putting his cock in your mouth.
your choke around his length, but you happily suck with all you have. you can see that he likes it, his dominance over you wavering a bit. your mouth is doing wonders on his cock and he can't deny that you have him wrapped around your finger with this.
"yeah, take it all." he says as he grabs your hair, helping you take him even deeper. the tip of his cock is hitting the back of your throat and it hurts to have your mouth used like this, but you love it. he's making you feel like you are so loved.
and nanami can say that he's falling in love with your mouth. he's always hated you for being so hot and annoying at the same time. and now he knows that he loves you for your mouth too .
he's getting so close, it's really embarrassing. he's sure, he's never came this fast in his life.
"open your mouth." he instructs, pulling his cock out of your mouth to stroke it. you're looking at him with wide eyes, just waiting for him to paint your face. he growls, droplets of his cum falling on your tongue and face. there's a lot, and you choke on his cum, making him chuckle.
"now you finally look like a good slut." he says, helping you get up. you squeak when his hand gropes your pussy.
"now it's time to take care of her."
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yandere bunny hybrid x reader
A/n: the Intro was rushed because I got too excited to write the smut. Not proofread 🌺
Tw: noncon turns to dubcon, androgynous breeding kink, little dirty talk, he's a horny bastard. Mommy kink but it can be applied to any gender. Slapping body parts, he has a minor lactation kink. Mdni please!
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★you met the little furball while you were out on a evening walk. It was the middle of winter and being cooped up inside the house all day was starting to get a little claustrophobic
★you didn't notice him at first since he blended in with the snow. Stopping mid-walk when you heard a weak little whine coming from behind you. Slowly turning around, you saw a pair of red eyes staring at you from beneath the snow
★approaching them slowly, you could finally see him more clearly. Milky white skin turning a light blue due to hypothermia. He didn't have the strength to run when you picked him up. Patting his head, you headed back home.
★giving him a warm bath and setting him next to the fireplace, you slowly nursed him back to health. He was very reluctant at first, but your touch was too comforting to pull away from. He hasn't felt this safe since he was just a baby bun! He stayed with you nearly the entire winter
★midway he starts to get himself familiar with your home, peeking under furniture and into rooms, he seemed to understand you when you'd ask him questions in English
"what's your name little fella?"
★eventually you had to let him go back into the wild, just a month before spring arrived. He was reluctant but with enough convincing he finally left. Looking back at you from the forest edge, watching you wave goodbye with that beautiful smile he loves
❣️cotton who goes into heat early because he can't stop thinking of you. Burrying himself in his burrow, humping the air. Nothing is as soft as you and your bed. Nothing can make him feel as safe as your touch does
❣️he shoos any females who wish to mate away. Claiming he already has a mate. Oh he wished you'd come into the forest looking for him, to take care of him again as he fills your tight little hole up with his cum
❣️he spends most of his time shamelessly masturbating to the thought of you. His entire heat cycle has been on loop since he left, so finally gathering the balls he heads back to your cottage. Watching you from a distance, lazily stroking his already sensitive cock.
★just minding your business, you don't notice the certain bunny hybrid approaching slowly. You don't have much time to react before a familiar mop of white hair tackles you to the ground. Desperately humping your clothed sex as he whines and grunts.
"cotton!? What the hell are you doing!?"
"hah- nhg need.. mate.. pretty mate.. need to breed! Ohh!"
★you tried pushing him off, but when did he get so strong!? Pining your arms down and ripping your clothes off, wasting no time in lapping at your genitals. Eating you out like a starved man, sucking and nipping your inner thighs until he's sure you're nice and lubed up
★he carefully pressed the tip in, but he doesn't last long as he slowly sinks deeper into your gummy walls. Letting go of your arms and roughly grabbing your hips, which were sure to bruise later, brutally fucking your brains out. Slapping your chest and privates as he grinds his cock deeper
★he keeps going even after he's ripped multiple orgasms out of you. The pleasure slowly chipping off your resistance. Leaving you a blubbering moaning mess under the bunny. A pool of his cum under where your sexes kept meeting.
★it doesn't matter what gender you are, he's determined to breed you until you're swelling with his children. He couldn't wait to suck and bite your chest once it was swollen with milk!
"gonna be so pretty- mph! So pretty, all swollen 'n fat with my babies.. gonna be a good mate, right? G-gonna give me lots of 'em right? Oh ohhh! Cumming again! 'Yer squeezing all my cum out! Mommy!!"
★let's just say that you should get use to your new roommate husband, because now there's no way of getting rid of him. Ever.
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baohanhanesel · 1 month
Calling them by their Call-signs.
Mentioned: John Soap Mactavish, Simon Ghost Riley
The reader is a civilian. The scenarios are separate. The reader is not gender specific.
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John Soap Mactavish
"Soap!" You shouted from the other room, which earned you fast footsteps to the said room. The door was swung open and there stood John Mactavish in all his glory.
You had a basket in your hands, leaning it against your hip and holding it upright.
John was frowning at you, unusually quiet. It was obvious he wanted you to have the first word.
You, all too aware of what you had done with the name-call, smiled innocently and started speaking.
"Do you have any black clothes I should throw in the bin?"
John audibly relaxed before cursing.
"Yer think dats funny, hen?"
"What do you mean, Soap?"
"Nae. Nae. Nae. Dats nae reserved for ya. Not when we're home."
You shrugged. You knew exactly why. Soap was who he was on duty. The man who would kill with orders and clean the field with efficiency. The name meant John was on track. That he was ready to make a run for it. And it being spoken in this domestic setting...? It made him upset. The fact you were doing it knowingly? He was annoyed.
"I don't understand, Soap. Why don't you want me to call you by your name?"
John's eyebrows furrow, and he lets out an exhausted grunt before making his way to you. He grabs the bin and just throws it to the ground before scooping you off of the ground.
You don't act surprised, you were kinda rooting for this. A grin betrays your play of innocence and stretches wide on your face.
"Soap aye? Soap. Fucking Soap? Fine. Let's go w' it."
"Let me remind mah name, bonnie. Maybe muscle memory will help ya?"
John throws you on the bed a little roughly, and you can see just how annoyed he is.
"Wait John--"
"Och, it is John now? There we fucking go. Told ya muscle memory helps."
You grumbled, face incredibly red and a smirk accompanying it.
"Wait where are you going?!" You sat up abruptly, about to stop John because he made a move to take a step away from the bed.
"... Aye ah wasn't serious... Ah would never initiate without... ye ken... That's nae very... okay ta just throw ye like that cause lil ol' me was pished."
"John if you do not get your hands on me I swear to god---"
"Do nae have to tell me twice."
You add the clothes in the bin after.
Simon Ghost Riley.
You grab the remote and raise an eyebrow at Simon. He isn't looking at you, he is looking at his phone; scrolling away.
"Hey Ghost, you won't watch with me?"
Simon snaps his head up the moment the name is out of your mouth. He stops. Looks at you with widened eyes and a piss poor expression. What did he do?
"Sorry, love. Yes, yes I will."
"Hop close big boy." You pat the spot next to you and Simon plops himself right next to you. What did he even do?
He just sighs, throwing an arm around your shoulders and looking at the screen.
"Ghost, you think we got popcorn?"
"What did you just call me, love?"
"Ghost? Your name?"
Simon frowns. His blonde lashes flutter aggravatedly. He huffs in annoyance and slowly wraps a strand of your hair around his point finger.
"Since when I am Ghost to ya?"
"What are you saying?" You fake innocence, but don't make the mistake of looking at his face. You can't. You know how upset he must be- how annoyed he must look.
Ghost is, well, the Ghost. Ghost is cold, he is a weapon. He is a man who dug his own grave and crawled out of it like the legend he is. He is no man. He is more than that. Simon thought he had told you that. That the Ghost wasn't meant for your lips. He was always Simon with you in his house. He'd never dare to look at you when he is Ghost. When he is dirty, when he is corrupt.
The dark memories make him frown deeper. His eyes darken noticeably and you think about giving up on this name calling here and now.
"Ghost?" Simon parrots, then he laughs.He laughs, with tears in his eyes. "You think that's funny?"
"You are laughing...?"
"Call me that again."
"Simon, love--"
"No, none of that. Call me by my name."
"Are you sure I--" You turn to look at him. That's not the reaction you thought you would be triggering.... You clear your throat. Asking if he is sure is stupid. "Ghost."
"That's it, you want the Ghost?" Simon hooks his fingers all around your hair and grabs a fistful.
"Ghost, please, I was just joking." You are sweating. You look into Ghost's eyes; they are not as bright. His thoughts are not very bright either...
He grabs your hair and makes you face him, rotating your head however he likes gently with the grip he has on your hair. His lips catches yours, and immediately drowns you into a deep kiss.
The dark thoughts, the memories... All of them flicker away as if your lips was all he needed all along. His mind clears, and he can't even feel anything but a strange giddiness. He doesn't let it show on his face, or the pace of the kiss.
When you part away, you pant for air. Your lungs are burning and heart is skipping multiple beats. "My love..."
"Shhh shhh..."
It is no surprise that Ghost is a petty man. It is a surprise that it is turning you on. You swallow hard, his hand pulls your hair and positions your head however he likes. He has a go at your neck, down your collarbone and all under your jaw.
His heart is light, his mind is empty. He smiles as he presses his lips all over your warm skin.
You stop when Ghost has left your torso bare of cloth.
His eyes search for a hint of discomfort in your body, he finds nothing akin to it. Not with you. Never with you.
"Are you mad at me?" You barely manage, mind too foggy.
"I am having a good time. Are you mad at me?"
"For pulling my hair?"
"And for stripping your chest bare."
You laugh, holding his face in-between your hands. "I am having a good time, Simon."
"Y'know... I don't mind being the Ghost with you."
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