#I can’t take this man seriously
betterthanbatman1 · 5 months
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I’ve never seen someone eat spaghetti so aggressively before in my life
Ft angry burger munching
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loopyarts · 1 month
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Day 4 SuperheroxVillain IchiLaw
Law: Uh… Stealth black is that you?
Ichiji: ?!. In his mind, he can’t decide if he should be offended by this or be just outright confused and baffled at this point.
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notsoevilmagistrate · 8 months
Reading American Psycho and god, Patrick is so pathetic, somehow even more so than in the movie. He saw a lady on a bench sipping coffee and assumed her to be homeless(because he’s an ignorant FUCK and doesn’t pay attention to shit), and tosses a dollar into her FULL COFFEE CUP, causing the most awkward situation known to man.
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I can’t take a lot of like angsty Minecraft role play too seriously bcus like yeah I get invested in the story but also it’s a little rectangle dude. Don’t even get me started on Minecraft role play deaths. That is hilarious I’m so sorry u have this whole fucking moment and the visuals are
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ploppymeep · 2 years
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i finished that Florida flag i had to make for class…….. <3
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ennard-is-near · 25 days
🔥 Michael Afton is the king of hallucinating🔥
🔥 🦅 He will be sitting in an empty room and just starting seeing shit 👀 🔥
🔥 ✨ 👑 He will never truly be bored because if he’s not doing anything his brain will send nightmares for him to enjoy 🧠 ✨🔥
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lexqa · 8 months
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nah i’m actually speechless
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marsconer · 6 months
mr.d claiming percy for the funsies and the wine and now he has to actually parent the little shit
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asleepygremlin · 2 months
Nemona is never going to escape the lesbian allegations
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Please don’t take this seriously yall can have your own headcanons
First it’s kimiame (does anyone even know what that is) then biribiri and now pokespe lol
From here: https://mangadex.org/chapter/7a021f7c-7c18-4360-8702-393e87600483/5
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“omg adam face reveal 😳” “yo why adam kinda…” “who was gonna tell me adam is hot under that mask??? 👀” girl what are you talking about adam looks like dreamwastaken
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clericalsidhe · 5 months
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— “𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘶𝘥𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺?”
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smolavidreader · 2 years
I can’t wait for Pantalone to be in Genshin. It’s not for a normal reason. It’s because I legit can’t get over his name. Y’all thought the Tartaglia nicknames were bad. This guy’s name is Pants, Pantaloons, Trousers, Jean with an s, and so much more. You can also go with Regratorade, Cheese Grater, and Refrigerator. Isn’t it amazing?
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ssreeder · 5 months
he… he was born to be a hero and became a villain… he was born to be a villain and became a hero… no one asked them what they wanted… they don’t even know what they want they don’t even know who they ARE…. they bring out the worst in each other…. they can only be honest with each other and they hate it love it hate it destroy it in the end…. they ruin each others lives…. they don’t regret each other…. if you even care…. I’m gonna apass out
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#WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME????#HELLA WHYYYYY#I swear this is cruel and unusual punishment#you can’t take your talented brain and invest it into dabihawks and pull out the most beautifully tragic words for them#YOU CANT MAKE MY HEART WANT TO CHAIN SMOKE#MY HEART IS CHAINSMOKING#WHY WHY WHYBWHYYYY#Wait why am I thinking you write a MHA fic???#I’m going to go to your ao3 and find out#Hella why do you want me to suffer with you???#I’m trying so hard not to get sucked into their bullshi#But I can’t stop thinking about them now#Seriously the way hawks respond to things with wit and a smile even though his sense of justice is more fucked than even dabi#Dabi sees the injustices in the justice system and he wants to burn it to the ground#& hawks is over here like ‘just not the wings man’#fire is good fire is bad fire is good fire is bad#Hot is good hot is bad hot is soooo good but it’s sooooo bad#Damn it hella stop it#STOP IT#Is is bad to say I do like endeavor?#Are people going to throw shit at me from the back!?#I love myself a flawed character with a fucked up sense of judgement and I’m also a sucker for that character realizing that they fucked up#& then trying to make amends because it’s not too late but it is too late hunny nothing will never be the same as it was and even when it w#It was fucked I mean come on man shotos crying in the dojo because you hurt mommy while touya is imploding in the forest and now they’re#Battling it out for your love while also seemingly rejecting it because they don’t need to be loved (but they need to be loved so badly)#SOMEONE LOVE HAWKS DAMN IT#Haha I love hawks though he’s like welll shit I kind of forgot about my mom I hope she got out ok and Dabi didn’t murder her oh well#Shit happens wow this is a nice apartment maybe I’ll sublease this thing#Make back some of the money she made SELLING ME TO THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT#*deep breath* I’m getting rambling over here
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
(NOT ATSV) my ideal miguel and miles friendship (bordering on enemies) dynamic is where Miles is sort of a Mean Girls figure where he’ll say the worst things to Miguel, who actually has no problems dishing that shit right back out, is usually too fed up or somewhere else mentally to reply. They fight a lot, more physically than verbally, usually in a slapstick comedy type of way. Miles is banned from Nueva York once a month and got a restraining order against Miguel in his own dimension. His parents fucking hate him and Miguel hates them right back. Rio has tried and failed to poison him via food and Jeff is considering hiring a hitman. Gabriel is beloved by them. Miles takes Miguel’s money at least twice a week to go spend it just because he can. Miguel has tried (and succeeded once) to get Miles sick with a future illness because he figured out the lesbian bar Miguel liked to perform at in drag. Miles has cried at least once in every room of Miguel’s apartment and Miguel has been confused on what to do each time besides an awkward hug and pat on the back. People are rightfully worried for Miles’s safety at least 80% of the time but when they aren’t they’re shaking their heads at the two’s antics. They need to be separated until they have a healthy “this is a grown ass man / this is stupid little girl i don’t like at work” relationship and it’ll take an act of god for either of them to realize their current one isn’t healthy at all and has extremely negative impacts on their mental state.
#i wanna write this so badly bc like . this type of relationship with adults as a kid when you can’t 100% trsut them and place your safety +#in their hands is sooo interesting to write esp considering Miguel’s past and what Miles is used to#which is dangerous fights from adults (his villains) but also the loving ones like his parents his neighbors ripeter and peter b etc#and this miguel (imo) wouldn’t hurt miles on purpose because he knows the pain BUT he also doesn’t realize some shit is pain-causing both+#mentally and physically bc yknow some abused kids grow into adults who subconsciously do similar shit#and for Miles and Miguel to finally realize beating the shit out of each other almost constantly and the negative back and forth (if miguel#feels like talking that day) is just. not a good thing#it’s sort of like the way i write pavitr and miles’s relationship regarding their fighting because it’s genuinely helpful but#can seem borderline awful and physically abusive to each other#peter b is so fucking worried sometimes bc he sees Miguel in a completely different way than other people. like he’s off in lala land#like. he’ll see this 15 year old stickbug of a kid fighting his buddy Miguel who has been known to kill#he’ll say some fights tou just can’t win Miles… and Miles is setting Miguel’s apartment on fire#like they have good moments. okay. trust me. but a toxic friendship like the kind you see that people take too seriously from a show like.#idk bluey. or some kids show like that.#spiderverse fans DNI ‼️‼️‼️🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾‼️‼️‼️‼️#not ship never ship don’t even tag is as such bc i’ll just delete the post#miles morales#spiderman#spider man#gabriel o’hara#rio morales#jefferson morales#miguel o’hara#m&m posts
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Watched the marvellous To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar last night and here I am once again asking why they didn’t just take Blanche to see a drag show
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robyntherav3n · 2 months
so………slayer huh………………..
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