#I can never truly respect Joe Biden after everything he’s done to these people
Biden isn't committing a genocide he's not an Israeli leader. You're either overestimating his power in this situation or you somehow think there's an illuminati thing going on which is actual flat-out alt right psycho shit.
Being wrong for no reason isn't going to help Palestine.
It actually has nothing to do with the Illuminati and you’d know that if you understood the US’s role in the colonization of Palestine.
The entire reason israel was formed was so the British could start another colony in the Middle East in the attempt to make a grab at oil, and both the US and France agreed this was a good ideas as it gave them access to the oil as well, which is were the half assed excuse of ‘making it up to the Jewish population’ came from. (I hate that I have to clarify this but this is not at all against the idea of making it up to that population after the awful atrocities that took place, these large governments just used it as an excuse. They had no real desire to ‘make it up’ to those who are Jewish.)
The US became a strong standing ally to the Israeli government over the years, despite the slaughter that has been taking place in Gaza since the beginning. The US is unlikely to gain as much access to oil if the Palestinian people take back their get so the US has no reason to stop the genocide because they actively benifit from it. And if you aren’t against something you're for it.
But that’s just the US government as a whole, what about Biden himself? Well, Israel has been given 3.3 billion dollars in the past year alone, most of the money goes to military expenses. Biden could cut this aid but refuses to. Also, most of the weapons being used by the Israeli army are American weapons, which again, Biden could easily stop but chooses not too. Finally, many Americans have gone over to fight on the side of Israel, including active duty members. Biden could make this a punishable offense seeing as he is THE HEAD IF THE US MILITARY. The president is in charge of all of that and he chooses to not even condemn Israel.
You say being ‘wrong’ isn’t helping Palestine, but here the thing. 1, I’m not wrong about this. And 2, it’s hurting the Palestinian people more to actively ignore how America is an active member in their destruction, colonization, and oppression.
Finally, why do you feel the need to be on anon? I’m confident enough in my stance to be open on my blog about it, why do you feel the need to hide behind the anon button? I’d be happy to have a full conversation on the topic, but instead I’m left to just hope you see this. And I really hope you do as I think you are simply miss-informed on what is really taking place.
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childofjesus · 4 years
Hurt Me And You're Going To Feel Pain Hurt My Best Friend And You're Going To Need An Ambulance Funny T-Shirt
Myself and My Family a Hurt Me And You're Going To Feel Pain Hurt My Best Friend And You're Going To Need An Ambulance Funny T-Shirt Real Service in the Country Is Service Them A Lot but It’s Easy to Unite the Democratic Party Where Rambunctious Group Is Pulled That off You Want to Get the Best Ideas on the Table so We Can Move Forward in the Best Way Possible Is Unified Our Group around a Clean Energy Strategy Is a Kind of Leader That Brings Other Leaders This Is a Guide Us to Walk into the Old Office and Not Have To Find a Way around It a Blessing Walk in and Have Already Soared Home the Instincts of the to Leave the Most Powerful Nation on Earth through a Crisis That Everyone for about Three There Are No Sidelines Is No Sitting This One out There’s No Hoping That Someone Else Come and Say That If There Is No We Are the Moment Has Found the Person That Person Is Joe My Got One Shot One Shot Right Resident and We Understand in November We Need Your Help Is Able to Go to Jail by Not Turning to in Five 10 Whenever You Can to Find Which We Need to Save My Democracy Because Every Bit Matters All of Us to Make This Happening. The commotion prompted the teacher to mute the audio from the video call Martin County Sheriff William Snyder told reporters the teacher said she heard and saw a commotion profanity and realize there was some sort of domestic altercation he set then the teacher sees a 10 year old put her hands up to her ears that’s when shots were fired inside the home official set including one bullet that shut the computer being used by the girl making her screen go blank Snyder added about 40 minutes later Snyder said deputies arrested 27 year old Donald J Williams on suspicion of killing 32 year old Maribel risotto morale is authority. Election and you see what’s happening with so many different places and doing even trial runs your disaster and I don’t want to see an election so many years I’ve been watching elections and they say the projected winner or the winner of the election I want to see that take place in a week after November 3 or a month or frankly with litigation and everything else it can happen years years or you never even know who won the election yes sending out hundreds of millions of universal mail in ballots hundreds of where you are being sent to its anointing about politics Democrats this Democrats know the state so I want to see how wanted election and a result much much more than you are doing very well in the same for fake balls but we have real calls with very well I just left Texas and Biden came out against fracking that means Texas is to be one of the most unemployed states in our country that means Oklahoma North Dakota New Mexico can be a disaster Ohio Pennsylvania disaster no fracking I want to have the
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The one who is name I know was closed on Friday because most touchdowns last year coincidently against the guys we compared against he ran the most yards quickly 12 on our compared these guys he ran further on average any hottest gameand title cemented our lab in our now that I know a Hurt Me And You're Going To Feel Pain Hurt My Best Friend And You're Going To Need An Ambulance Funny T-Shirt lot of satellite you know we can do is got the last numbers on a Saturday set on that we could check the details you seems like smooth sailing for Antonio Brown Titan Luke Wilson overseas charted the right course as well the seventh year pro sign with the Raiders just this past March the Canadian native is still learning the bay area I ever someone tell me you go through training camp finality level by long days lie hours to my posse is always a big help ran into just one thing plan evil ball that idea female here Sausalito David Reno favorite maybe the NHL later when you’re hair massively always want to be one of the brothers is for some about a decade is a crucial cruise ships you feel the rock I is all I low NRA every dad wants to hear his kid worried about is here slow dresser yes is will see you first got here to tell you the Golden gate Bridge having grown up in Windsor my mom worked to try to cross in Sturbridge all the time you cite a very cool bracing but regal yesterdayand I like sweating warm up my boss that are twenty year let them on my flocculants rightand goes well you that I am subconsciously asking chance of rain Ursula Cassand I was running bikeand said something like I can understand himand he said hey Manny I have beer path like that is in my head going to Luke Wilson might not like his legs it’s hard to fold his hands still easy is one of six tight ends the depth chart that only has room for I still got man so got it okay I love you just a thought to get us some chipsand a metal Smit would best friendships that selected fees on 3123D take my shirt offand take my share I walk around you know what math body like cannot be Santa Monica deer work on your raffle I showed off Sandy but those days are overand would joke with the film on this a couple clips there real quick guide that light when some reminders as we get the Arizona a short week Arizona is dangerous on down there it’s a home game for them they’re selling a lot of season tickets because the one guy who is people want to see him play not just telling you when I studied Murray you can say whatever you want but I never seen a quarterback that runs for three it’s a new friend like this guy we make a mistake on him he can hurt us real bad we gotta contain him we got good after his acts have a respect for this cat now he can run anything from any doesn’t need a lot of protection he can find cracks in the defense he keeps his vision down a failed SR to flick the ball 60 yards like that on a dime this guy’s dangerous respect them let’s get after his ass not do what I Murray I everybody staying to gain everybody standing game pay attention we can have this happen in you got jealousy scrambling around the third 15 not getting it the first down the ball comes out it’s a fumble guys you arrive back for a touchdown but the long snapper for the Chargers all he thought was he thought was gone before Cassie comes out on the field with the wall on the on the fieldand there is arranging cages right if this is the overall the ball the name on snapper is breakingand good night all blessed real quick it’s a short week this is a real challenge for us is a real challenge man we play Saturday we are Wednesday night in Phoenix it’s a real challenge great job last week start fast but we gotta keep put wood on a fireman we get something going man we gotta stay the start fast as gap in their ass before we do anything I like say happy birthday Mike Mackey is ready at the very dayand andand and beer on herand froze seeing any moral throw up a frame is a Nokia no matter not they would be as excitingand their wrath on a newand alterative players a rate of a foresight to get them on the football field is designed to get a mama football field as he is distracted number 84 legally in gasand energy man in herand saying no moreand saying no more tears Ozzy Osbourne in the locker roomand I feel it back to you know a lot you coach Jon Gruden is eager to see quarterback Derek car it is first action 2019and staff boys later I the Raiders on the opening kickoff with their first unit out taken right down the fieldand also the second year I see with our system the defense is easier to see Seth thereand everyone Darren Waller takes his recovery series is trying to take the next step in his development as a Titan for his favorite fairy is a personalized substance abuse that throw in a welder is done for the night but my Glennon’s case to be Derek cars back up is just beginningand as soon as the place I said is over so my all my I lay my evil he will not jump in but nobody will decide in a the Raiders have ablated perfect for Darren Waller only problem is another tight ends in the is my Arizonaand I will carry you away now you metabolites in command M Elliott if we can get lazy good players is a either pissed off be heads operating some of you quarterback Tyler Murray was this year’s number one overall draft pick the figures to be a sensation to the Raiders first round picks number 96 Cleveland furled a number 24and Abram determined to keep him grounded fracture I reallyand truly the Raiders have absolutely no pursuing late’s recent rise inand write a willand no evening he wants to win the back of quarterback John would be the time to proveand andand andand the some help. We know how she’s doing joyed I spoke to multiple sources that talk to hope within the last day she’s doing okay she is in content of the coronavirus she has been resting at home in which most of the White House a big travel with the president art be before the roadmap exactly what happened I hope Monday morning she had joined the president on his trip to Minnesota she asked her though the impact is negative and she would with the president heading towards Minnesota on July sources decided to outside significant when she was actually I she can quarantine on board the plane but she did I’m told the bones unfortunately for Hope I did get a little worse after the obligee is at home she is resting on and I see is no hoping to make a speedy recovery page on my reporting out and come back when you got it from bringing Mary Mary Jordan registering a book on the lot entrance to the art of dealing and Mary on my also tested positive we learn that last night Hassan is perhaps not quite as severe yet as as her husband was. They served as Atty Gen the same time it took the same big they took on the same big fights to get California bow here in Delaware big fights helped change the entire country I know how much bow respected and her work that matter a lot to me to be honest with you as I made this decision so now we need to get to work playing this nation out of these crises we find ourselves See Other related products: I Traded Up From A Six Pack To A Full Pledged Barrel Beer T-Shirt
0 notes
thisdaynews · 5 years
Trump’s Ukraine envoy has a problem named Rudy Giuliani
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/trumps-ukraine-envoy-has-a-problem-named-rudy-giuliani/
Trump’s Ukraine envoy has a problem named Rudy Giuliani
The envoy’s resignation came as three House committees slapped Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with a subpoena, demanding information on the controversy and scheduling depositions for five State Department officials, including Volker.
The news of Volker’s departure was first reported by a student news organization at Arizona State University and confirmed to POLITICO by a person familiar with the issue.
It also comes a day after Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, claimed that Volker had asked him to talk to Ukrainian officials — discussions that may have involved demands that Ukraine dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden, the current Democratic 2020 frontrunner.
On Thursday, Giuliani publicly shared what he said were text messages from Volker. One of the messages, dated July 19, shows Volker telling Giuliani he “really enjoyed breakfast this morning” before adding: “As discussed, connecting you here with Andrey Yermak, who is very close to President Zelensky. I suggest we schedule a call together on Monday – maybe 10am or 11am Washington time?”
Giuliani revealed the text messages, he said in a Fox News appearance on Thursday evening, to bolster his claim that he was fulfilling a State Department request to meet with Ukrainian officials. “He should step forward and explain what he did,” Giuliani told host Laura Ingraham, referring to Volker.
The State Department “basically knew everything I was doing,” Giuliani added.
Volker, who declined to comment, has not stepped forward to explain what he did. But he has not denied sending the messages. Nor have Pompeo and other top State Department officials explained what role senior leaders in Foggy Bottom played in Giuliani’s efforts.
People who know Volker say he was probably well aware of the risk he was taking in deciding to work for Trump.
“You can argue about whether people should take jobs in this administration or not,” said Evelyn Farkas, a Russia specialist and top Pentagon official under former President Barack Obama, “but there are people who are well-intentioned, who think they can advance the U.S. interest and do damage control, and I think he falls into that category.”
Volker is a former career Foreign Service officer who served as an unpaid U.S. envoy part-time, while holding other, paid positions, including as an adviser to a lobbying firm and as executive director of a Washington think tank named for the late Arizona Sen. John McCain.
He largely stayed out of the limelight while in the Trump administration. His exact role in the still-unfolding Ukraine scandal remains murky, though the whistleblower whose complaint set off the Democrats’ impeachment push this week said his understanding was that Volker was trying to “contain the damage” inflicted on U.S. policy by Giuliani, and help Ukrainian officials “navigate” Trump’s requests.
Giuliani has repeatedly mentioned Volker, as well as U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, as two State Department officials he briefed on his conversations with Ukrainians linked to the country’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky.
Despite his efforts, the former New York mayor hasn’t put to rest the question of who initiated the idea of him meeting the Ukrainians.
According to the State Department, it was Yermak, the Zelensky adviser, who asked Volker to connect him to Giuliani. Yermak may have done so because Giuliani had spent much of the spring publicly talking about Ukraine-related issues, including unproven claims that Biden and his son, Hunter, were involved in corrupt activity. The fledgling new Ukrainian government may have decided it had to establish a link to Giuliani.
The Biden-related allegations were on Trump’s mind, too. According to a memorandum the White House released this week under pressure from Democrats, in a phone call between Trump and Zelensky on July 25, the U.S. president repeatedly urged his new Ukrainian counterpart to look into the claims against the Bidens. Trump also pressed Zelensky to connect with Giuliani and U.S. Attorney General William Barr.
“Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy,” Trump told the Ukrainian leader. “If you could speak to him that would be great.”
Volker was not mentioned on the call. But the whistleblower’s complaint mentions his name five times, along with Sondland’s. The whistleblower, whom The New York Times has described as a CIA officer, cited his conversations with other concerned U.S. officials as evidence that the two diplomats were well aware of Giuliani’s Ukraine-related activities.
Some former officials and analysts said Volker looked foolish in having engaged Giuliani at all, given that the president’s personal lawyer is a private citizen who is not formally authorized to represent the United States to foreign governments.
“He should have known better,” a former White House official said on condition of anonymity to speak frankly. “Kurt, in particular as a former career ambassador, knows where the lines should be drawn.”
Other observers suggested cutting him slack.
They said Volker — always ambitious — was more willing to pursue unorthodox methods than many diplomats if he believed it could help achieve U.S. goals. Knowing how much Trump relies on Giuliani may have factored in Volker’s calculations, too, some said.
“Giuliani is already doing this stuff, and then the Ukrainians are saying, ‘Look, what do we do?’” said Dan Fried, a retired 40-year State Department veteran with extensive experience on Eastern Europe and Russia. “You could say, ‘Don’t talk to Giuliani,’ but would you truly give that advice to the Ukrainians if you knew that refusal to talk to him would piss off Trump?”
Volker, now 54, spent many years in the Foreign Service, working under multiple presidents and focusing largely on U.S.-European policy. He served a short stint as U.S. ambassador to NATO starting under President George W. Bush, earning a reputation as a skilled operator with serious policy chops.
“I’ve always had the utmost respect for Kurt,” said Alina Polyakova, a Russia and Ukraine expert at the Brookings Institution. “He’s someone genuinely interested in helping resolve the conflict in Ukraine.”
While aligned with Republicans, Volker was well-regarded among Democrats. Unlike many prominent GOP national security experts, Volker didn’t sign the “Never Trump” letters circulated during the 2016 campaign — a testament, perhaps, to his reputedly keen political instincts.
At the time, Volker explained that he wanted to be free to advise future presidents of all stripes, though he didn’t intend to serve in an administration led by Trump. “He would actually use it as a bragging right,” he told Reuters in a March 2016 interview.
That decision made it possible for Rex Tillerson, Trump’s first secretary of state, to tap Volker for the Ukraine envoy role early on, while those who did sign the letters were blackballed.
“Kurt’s wealth of experience makes him uniquely qualified to move this conflict in the direction of peace,” Tillerson said in a statement announcing the move. Russia hawks, alarmed at the new president’s overtures to the Kremlin, praised Volker’s appointment as a welcome sign.
“He brings the right experience and judgment needed to represent the United States as we continue in our efforts to stop Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine,” McCain said at the time.
Volker struggled, however, to make much progress in ending the conflict, though not for lack of trying—it may be an impossible task given Moscow’s recalcitrance, observers say.
In the meantime, Volker’s unusual arrangement with the Trump administration drew notice: He essentially was a part-time volunteer envoy who held other positions.
Those include serving as the executive director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership, a D.C.-based think tank that is part of Arizona State University, and acting as an adviser to the BGR Group, lobbying and public relations firm in Washington that temporarily represented the previous Ukrainian government. (BGR Group says Volker recused himself from all issues related to the government of Ukraine.)
Some former U.S. officials privately expressed discomfort with Volker’s overall setup, saying it was often unclear in what capacity Volker was operating. But all stressed that they’ve seen no clear evidence of improper activity or a conflict of interest, and none has emerged publicly.
Volker’s mission was supposed to focus narrowly on resolving aspects of the Russia-Ukraine military standoff, but at times he seemed to go beyond that remit, the former White House official noted. He spoke out, for example, on a dispute between Hungary and Ukraine over the latter’s adoption of a law giving special status to the Ukrainian language.
The strangest thing about Volker’s role, a former U.S. diplomat said, may be that it was part time given that “our relationship to Ukraine is a really important one.”
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend and I'm here to deliver everything spicy & dank from the past week! If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!
Sunday, May 5th:
I am pleased to inform all of those that believe in a strong, fair and sound Immigration Policy that Mark Morgan will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE. Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!
The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!
For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars.... ... ....of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!
After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents - all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION - why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller....... ... ....to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!
“The Report sounded an awful lot as being Comeyesque, in other words, I’m not going to charge this person (there wasn’t even close to being a crime), but I’m going to criticize him on the way out the door. That’s unfortunate because it’s stepping outside of the role.” Robert Ray
“This is not Congressional Oversight, this is bullying.” Jason Riley, The Wall Street Journal
Pending the confirmation of Mark Morgan as our Nation’s new ICE Director, Matt Albence will serve in the role of Acting Director. Matt is tough and dedicated and has my full support to deploy ICE to the maximum extent of the law! #MAGA
Once again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens.... ... ....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!
Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back..... ... .....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Urban Dictionary is a treasure trove
Well that poll is backfiring. Let’s keep it up pedes!!
YouTube bans Tommy Robinson for talking about Muslim gangs sexually exploiting white girls, but I can go to YouTube and watch Muslims rapping about sexually exploiting white girls, and it was played by the BBC.
Just going to leave this handy chart here.
Is it acceptable for the attorney general to say this?
When Democrats Are In Power...
Happy Cinco De Mayo Pedes!
Trump for 2020
Who would TRADE creepy non-human ZUCK for TOM? I hate reptilians.
Monday, May 6th:
Three Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump Welcomes Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic to the White House
President Trump Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the U.S. Military Academy Football Team
President Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods
“Democrat Texas Congressman Al Green says impeachment is the only thing that can prevent President Trump from re-election in 2020.” @OANN In other words, Dems can’t win the election fairly. You can’t impeach a president for creating the best economy in our country’s history..... ... Also, there are “No High Crimes & Misdemeanors,” No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction. ALL THE CRIMES ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, and that’s what the Dems should be looking at, but they won’t. Nevertheless, the tables are turning!
The United States has been losing, for many years, 600 to 800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry, we’re not going to be doing that anymore!
Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!
Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!
Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football!
Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the @ArmyWP_Football Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!
Finally, some support for POTUS!
imagine if the parties were swapped
Pres. Trump Pardons Army Lt. Michael Behanna, Convicted Of Murdering Al-Qaeda Detainee
This 👇🏻
Is it just me, or are things getting crazier out there?
Today on “They Asked, So I Answered”:
He’s still standing on the graves of his classmates for his own self serving purposes
Free Speech Cafe (No Conservatives Allowed)
I was asleep in 2016; this time I'm signing up for the meme war.
Tuesday, May 7th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts
First Lady Melania Trump's Be Best Anniversary Celebration
Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the 49th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas
Democrats in Congress must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken!
(Retweeting The White House) On the one year anniversary of @FLOTUS' initiative, Be Best, take a look back at some of the highlights! #BeBest
Congratulations @TigerWoods - you are truly one of a kind!
'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive http://bit.ly/2VKPFNq via @BreitbartNews
He wants to impeach because they can’t win election. Sad!
I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Great work @GovKristiNoem and @SecBernhardt! #MAGA
CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Is Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being inside of Her’
Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election 🤬
Over 35.4k upvotes and climbing on r/all. Good job pedes!
TWITTER Bans Account that Tracks and Reports on Epidemic of Violence Against Trump Supporters
This is serious
Looking forward to warmer weather. How about you?
Some people just can’t comprehend this
Careful lads, he's high on truth.
Wednesday, May 8th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration Post
Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of Iran
Vice President Pence Visits Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Louisiana
President Trump Departs the White House in Marine One
McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is 'Case Closed' | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VNaqIl via @BreitbartNews
The reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come.... ... ...Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!
“The real “Obstruction of Justice” is what the Democrats are trying to do to this Attorney General.” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). @MariaBartiromo
“Shouldn’t 2015 and 2016 be revealed, how Intelligence Agencies, FBI, tried to sabotage a particular campaign - never been done before?” @SteveForbesCEO @MariaBartiromo
Big Court win at our Southern Border! We are getting there - and Wall is being built!
“Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement. It proved No Collusion, & people want to trace it back to see how this all happened?” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends TREASONOUS HOAX!
“This British Spy, Christopher Steele, tried so hard to get this (the Fake Dossier) out before the Election. Why?” @kilmeade @foxandfriends
Real estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter,” ...... ... ....you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes....almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!
GREAT NEWS FOR OHIO! Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who informed me that, subject to a UAW agreement etc., GM will be selling their beautiful Lordstown Plant to Workhorse, where they plan to build Electric Trucks. GM will also be spending $700,000,000 in Ohio... ... ....in 3 separate locations, creating another 450 jobs. I have been working nicely with GM to get this done. Thank you to Mary B, your GREAT Governor, and Senator Rob Portman. With all the car companies coming back, and much more, THE USA IS BOOMING!
Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally! 14,996 replies 18,369 retweets 69,053 likes
Our Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.
Thank you @NewtGingrich & @FoxandFriends!
Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!
“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITC
Big announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!
Just landed in Panama City Beach, Florida for a rally beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern. Will be live on @FoxNews! #MAGA @tuckercarlson @seanhannity
Big crowds in Panama City Beach, Florida. See everyone in 30 minutes! @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson @SeanHannity
Beautiful evening in Panama City Beach, Florida. Thank you! #MAGA
After a great rally in Panama City Beach, Florida - I am returning to Washington, D.C. with @SenRickScott and Senator @MarcoRubio, discussing the terrible abuses by Maduro. America stands with the GREAT PEOPLE of Venezuela for however long it takes!
This young patriot bravely sacrificed his life to tackle a deranged school shooter yesterday. He stopped the gunfire, saving lives. Kendrick Castillo is a hero. You won’t see this on redacted because WE are the side that honors selflessness
BREAKING: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warned UK PM Theresa May that if she allows Huawei Technologies into Britain's 5G, "U.S. will not share America’s national security secrets in a network we don’t have confidence in and is controlled by China"
FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files show
Two young men, who did what was right. No matter what it took.
Watch Party: President Donald J. Trump MAGA Rally Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19
Word of the day: "Baizuo"
OMFG DED 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀
Line for the Trump rally in Panama City Beach. Three and a half hours before the rally begins
Thursday, May 9th:
Proclamation on Military Spouse Day, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to a Key Administration Post
President Trump Delivers Remarks on Ending Surprise Medical Billing
President Trump Welcomes the 2018 World Series Champions The Boston Red Sox to the White House
U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost Testifies About the Border Crisis
Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!
Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse!
House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers - & that’s exactly what we’ve done!
(Retweeting The White House) President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House!
James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted large and illegal donation from the sex slave cult NXIVM
THE HILL: FBI's Steele story (completely) falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
President Trump and his admin distributing AIDs preventing medicine to hundreds of thousands of people - why do I feel like Democrats will still find something to bitch about?
Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AG
Trump to Nominate Patrick Shanahan as Defense Secretary
One important takeaway from Google unpersoning us
Another nugget of gold from twitter:
Rosenstein's last day at DOJ is tomorrow. I got him a card. Who wants to sign it?
Got 'Em 👌
Friday, May 10th:
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the Celebration of Military Mothers
We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!
V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.... ... ....The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy..... ... ....agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!
Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!
Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with “murder!”
The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!
....If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!
Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!
Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS, the greatest anywhere in the World!
Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!” Good numbers all around.
Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!
“We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina @MariaBartiromo
Great Republican vote today on Disaster Relief Bill. We will now work out a bipartisan solution that gets relief for our great States and Farmers. Thank you to all. Get me a Bill that I can quickly sign!
Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations.... ... ....into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!
Military spouses share an admirable legacy of unwavering devotion to their loved ones in uniform and to the cause of freedom. On Military Spouse Day, we honor our Nation’s military spouses and express our deep appreciation for all that they do!
Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!
He did it..Name change
This is the funniest damn thing I’ve read today! The left is so triggered over this!
Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for Trump
Biden goes crazy. Backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide it
JUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails
"SSSHHHH....just keep playing..."
Babylon Bee with the spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Lock. Him. Up.
Movie posters we really want to see..
Saturday, May 11th:
Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!
Another false #metoo, but this time it ends in death.
President Trump: It would be 'appropriate' for me to talk to DOJ about investigating Biden
Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns
Red Sox fans hanged a "Trump 2020" banner over Fenway Park tonight
Trump’s ‘Uplifting’ Letter To Cancer Patient Meets With Hateful Response From Libtards On Twitter
It's Now A Neck and Neck Race
The Ultimate Red-Pilling
OVER TARGET! Dems and fake news are shitting themselves over Guliani going to the Ukraine. They're calling for investigation into Guliani, and ignoring the the Ukrainian investigation into Bidens. Even Fox cut off Guliani when he tried talking about Biden. Guliani connecting Steele with Ukraine now.
Just spit out my coffee from laughing so hard.
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
My Song
American Girl
You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
HAPPPPY SATURDAY DEPLORABLES!!I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend and I'm here to deliver everything spicy & dank from the past week! If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!Sunday, May 5th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I am pleased to inform all of those that believe in a strong, fair and sound Immigration Policy that Mark Morgan will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE. Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars.... ... ....of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents - all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION - why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller....... ... ....to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!“The Report sounded an awful lot as being Comeyesque, in other words, I’m not going to charge this person (there wasn’t even close to being a crime), but I’m going to criticize him on the way out the door. That’s unfortunate because it’s stepping outside of the role.” Robert Ray“This is not Congressional Oversight, this is bullying.” Jason Riley, The Wall Street JournalPending the confirmation of Mark Morgan as our Nation’s new ICE Director, Matt Albence will serve in the role of Acting Director. Matt is tough and dedicated and has my full support to deploy ICE to the maximum extent of the law! #MAGAOnce again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens.... ... ....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back..... ... .....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Urban Dictionary is a treasure troveWell that poll is backfiring. Let’s keep it up pedes!!YouTube bans Tommy Robinson for talking about Muslim gangs sexually exploiting white girls, but I can go to YouTube and watch Muslims rapping about sexually exploiting white girls, and it was played by the BBC.Just going to leave this handy chart here.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Is it acceptable for the attorney general to say this?When Democrats Are In Power...Happy Cinco De Mayo Pedes!Trump for 2020Who would TRADE creepy non-human ZUCK for TOM? I hate reptilians.Monday, May 6th:TODAY'S ACTION:Three Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump Welcomes Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic to the White HousePresident Trump Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the U.S. Military Academy Football TeamPresident Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“Democrat Texas Congressman Al Green says impeachment is the only thing that can prevent President Trump from re-election in 2020.” @OANN In other words, Dems can’t win the election fairly. You can’t impeach a president for creating the best economy in our country’s history..... ... Also, there are “No High Crimes & Misdemeanors,” No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction. ALL THE CRIMES ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, and that’s what the Dems should be looking at, but they won’t. Nevertheless, the tables are turning!The United States has been losing, for many years, 600 to 800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry, we’re not going to be doing that anymore!Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football!Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the @ArmyWP_Football Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Finally, some support for POTUS!imagine if the parties were swappedPres. Trump Pardons Army Lt. Michael Behanna, Convicted Of Murdering Al-Qaeda DetaineeThis 👇🏻TRUMP: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE OBAMA FOR WHAT HE DID TO OUR MILITARY... AND MANY OTHER THINGS THAT I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IN THE FUTURE 😁🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Is it just me, or are things getting crazier out there?Today on “They Asked, So I Answered”:He’s still standing on the graves of his classmates for his own self serving purposesFree Speech Cafe (No Conservatives Allowed)I was asleep in 2016; this time I'm signing up for the meme war.Tuesday, May 7th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsFirst Lady Melania Trump's Be Best Anniversary CelebrationVice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the 49th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Democrats in Congress must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken!(Retweeting The White House) On the one year anniversary of @FLOTUS' initiative, Be Best, take a look back at some of the highlights! #BeBestCongratulations @TigerWoods - you are truly one of a kind!'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive http://bit.ly/2VKPFNq via @BreitbartNewsHe wants to impeach because they can’t win election. Sad!I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Great work @GovKristiNoem and @SecBernhardt! #MAGASIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Is Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being inside of Her’Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election 🤬Over 35.4k upvotes and climbing on r/all. Good job pedes!TWITTER Bans Account that Tracks and Reports on Epidemic of Violence Against Trump Supporters🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:This is seriousLooking forward to warmer weather. How about you?Some people just can’t comprehend thisCareful lads, he's high on truth.Wednesday, May 8th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration PostProclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United StatesExecutive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of IranVice President Pence Visits Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in LouisianaPresident Trump Departs the White House in Marine One🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is 'Case Closed' | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VNaqIl via @BreitbartNewsThe reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come.... ... ...Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!“The real “Obstruction of Justice” is what the Democrats are trying to do to this Attorney General.” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). @MariaBartiromo“Shouldn’t 2015 and 2016 be revealed, how Intelligence Agencies, FBI, tried to sabotage a particular campaign - never been done before?” @SteveForbesCEO @MariaBartiromoBig Court win at our Southern Border! We are getting there - and Wall is being built!“Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement. It proved No Collusion, & people want to trace it back to see how this all happened?” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends TREASONOUS HOAX!“This British Spy, Christopher Steele, tried so hard to get this (the Fake Dossier) out before the Election. Why?” @kilmeade @foxandfriends“CASE CLOSED!” @SenateMajLDRReal estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter,” ...... ... ....you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes....almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!GREAT NEWS FOR OHIO! Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who informed me that, subject to a UAW agreement etc., GM will be selling their beautiful Lordstown Plant to Workhorse, where they plan to build Electric Trucks. GM will also be spending $700,000,000 in Ohio... ... ....in 3 separate locations, creating another 450 jobs. I have been working nicely with GM to get this done. Thank you to Mary B, your GREAT Governor, and Senator Rob Portman. With all the car companies coming back, and much more, THE USA IS BOOMING!Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally! 14,996 replies 18,369 retweets 69,053 likesOur Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.Thank you @NewtGingrich & @FoxandFriends!Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITCBig announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!Just landed in Panama City Beach, Florida for a rally beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern. Will be live on @FoxNews! #MAGA @tuckercarlson @seanhannityBig crowds in Panama City Beach, Florida. See everyone in 30 minutes! @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson @SeanHannityBeautiful evening in Panama City Beach, Florida. Thank you! #MAGAMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!After a great rally in Panama City Beach, Florida - I am returning to Washington, D.C. with @SenRickScott and Senator @MarcoRubio, discussing the terrible abuses by Maduro. America stands with the GREAT PEOPLE of Venezuela for however long it takes!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:This young patriot bravely sacrificed his life to tackle a deranged school shooter yesterday. He stopped the gunfire, saving lives. Kendrick Castillo is a hero. You won’t see this on redacted because WE are the side that honors selflessnessBREAKING: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warned UK PM Theresa May that if she allows Huawei Technologies into Britain's 5G, "U.S. will not share America’s national security secrets in a network we don’t have confidence in and is controlled by China"FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files showTwo young men, who did what was right. No matter what it took.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Watch Party: President Donald J. Trump MAGA Rally Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Word of the day: "Baizuo"BackfiredOMFG DED 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀YesLine for the Trump rally in Panama City Beach. Three and a half hours before the rally beginsThursday, May 9th:TODAY'S ACTION:Proclamation on Military Spouse Day, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to a Key Administration PostPresident Trump Delivers Remarks on Ending Surprise Medical BillingPresident Trump Welcomes the 2018 World Series Champions The Boston Red Sox to the White HouseU.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost Testifies About the Border Crisis🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse!House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers - & that’s exactly what we’ve done!(Retweeting The White House) President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House!James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted large and illegal donation from the sex slave cult NXIVMTHE HILL: FBI's Steele story (completely) falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISAPresident Trump and his admin distributing AIDs preventing medicine to hundreds of thousands of people - why do I feel like Democrats will still find something to bitch about?Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AGTrump to Nominate Patrick Shanahan as Defense Secretary🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Yup.One important takeaway from Google unpersoning usAnother nugget of gold from twitter:Rosenstein's last day at DOJ is tomorrow. I got him a card. Who wants to sign it?Got 'Em 👌Friday, May 10th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the Celebration of Military Mothers🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.... ... ....The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy..... ... ....agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with “murder!”The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!....If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS, the greatest anywhere in the World!Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!” Good numbers all around.Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!“We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina @MariaBartiromoGreat Republican vote today on Disaster Relief Bill. We will now work out a bipartisan solution that gets relief for our great States and Farmers. Thank you to all. Get me a Bill that I can quickly sign!Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations.... ... ....into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!Military spouses share an admirable legacy of unwavering devotion to their loved ones in uniform and to the cause of freedom. On Military Spouse Day, we honor our Nation’s military spouses and express our deep appreciation for all that they do!Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:He did it..Name changeThis is the funniest damn thing I’ve read today! The left is so triggered over this!Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for TrumpBiden goes crazy. Backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide itJUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:"SSSHHHH....just keep playing..."HABabylon Bee with the spice 🌶️🌶️���️Lock. Him. Up.Movie posters we really want to see..Saturday, May 11th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Another false #metoo, but this time it ends in death.President Trump: It would be 'appropriate' for me to talk to DOJ about investigating BidenComey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political CampaignsRed Sox fans hanged a "Trump 2020" banner over Fenway Park tonightTrump’s ‘Uplifting’ Letter To Cancer Patient Meets With Hateful Response From Libtards On Twitter🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:It's Now A Neck and Neck RaceThe Ultimate Red-PillingOVER TARGET! Dems and fake news are shitting themselves over Guliani going to the Ukraine. They're calling for investigation into Guliani, and ignoring the the Ukrainian investigation into Bidens. Even Fox cut off Guliani when he tried talking about Biden. Guliani connecting Steele with Ukraine now.Just spit out my coffee from laughing so hard.WEEEEW LAD!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:FeelsMy SongPromisesAmerican GirlYou Took the Words Right Out of My MouthMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes