#I can look past the domestic husband vibes in human AUs or as background shenanigans in other fics
nordickies · 1 year
one thing about sufin that I've noticed is that sweden is not allowed to be angry/irritated at finland (fanon), he is always portrayed as this perfect ✨husband✨ Do the fandom really think that Finland never ever does something wrong? I'm just imagining sufin planning their anniversary, and then finland ends up staying out late forgetting he was supposed to come home to sweden, and when he does come home being like "I'm sooooorryyy but estonia insisted we take another round of shots!" and sweden is just;😑
I literally can't name a single negative trait people have collectively assigned Finland in the fanon. Granted, Finland is a boring character with not much going on with him. So he's not particularly interesting to explore. Though the fandom portrays him as having bloodlust or murderous intent, it's always just played for laughs. But that could be an interesting flaw to give him; commit to the bit! Make him fucked-up or even capable of violence if he's provoked. Finland should be way more awful than he is portrayed as. I want him to be self-centered, stubborn, and just painful to work with at times. He's petty and unpredictable.
But true. I don't feel like it's solely SuFin issue though. I feel like people never let Sweden be mad at anything. Or the only time he's allowed to be mad is at Denmark. Maybe it conflicts with his stoic/mysterious persona, but I feel like he'd be so easily angered, especially when he gets overwhelmed? We don't even see him annoyed or provoked!
If I had to guess as to why that is, it probably stems from the fact that in the canon, for a good portion of their screen time, Finland is either scared or nervous around Sweden. He's always wondering if he has offended him (needless to say, I don't like this). That sort of nervousness, combined with their power dynamic probably just makes people overcompensate to make Sweden the perfect person, a gentle giant who could never do anything wrong.
So, I get where it comes from and I can totally understand it. And it's not like everyone has to make their favs super fleshed out and realistic, and have equal amounts of positives and negatives. Sweden especially is a comfort character for many people in this fandom. But I personally like nuance, and I love shitty characters. And I love when the past comes to haunt them about it <3 Just torturing my fictional dolls, don't mind me
But I'm seriously interested to hear, especially from writers, how do you handle this issue! What kind of bad traits do you give Sweden and Finland? When do they have conflicts? Believe me, I have a long list, so I'd love to hear yours! I'm especially interested in Nationverse character-building
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