#I bought a hunter outfit and can cosplay Aiden now! Sorta. I even bought a wooden bow which is neat!
writerfae · 3 years
Hi! I haven't been active here for a while so I'm a bit behind on your current projects. Please, feel free to gush about your AUs and OCs!
Hi!! It’s good to see you are back :) sorry for the sorta late reply, this week was busy, haha.
Ohhhh a free pass to ramble 🙈 thank you!
The past months I wasn’t that successful when it comes to writing and word counts, but I did manage to write and work on my projects once in a while! My main focus still lies on The Knights of the Alder (and probably always will cause I am, as the kids say, attached) and its AUs, though I made a short foray to my other project A Summer at Cotton Bay (I actually managed to write something for my summer related story DURING summer can you believe?).
What else is new?
My main characters each got a new intro post a good while ago, I don’t know if you saw. I remade them because - and I’m proud to say that - every of my babies ocs have developed a lot since the original intros were posted. Especially in the last months!
I think who got most attention from me when it comes to fleshing out the character is Talon! That’s mostly the fault of me shipping him and Aiden so much that I easily let that distract me from writing the actual thing but hey, that is nothing new right? xD
Anyways, I don’t know how that happened but Talon got issues with his dad now? Like, I planned to have a bit of family conflict all along, to be fair, but I’ve gone a lot more in depth with it now? Talon’s father is having high expectations for Talon because he’s the family heir and Talon struggles with it because he always has to be perfect and somehow his best never seems to be enough. Idk I liked exploring this situation and what it means for Talon and his character. So yeah, that’s a new development, one I might make a post about some day!
Also, ever since I revealed that Henry is a fae and is actually dating Callan (i don’t know if you know that already? I revealed it some months ago I think, but I’m not exactly sure) I had lots of fun playing around with it, haha. I’m still waaaay too obsessed with the two, that’s why they’re in focus of many AUs I came up with recently. So are Talon and Aiden, but that is no surprise xD
And God knows I suffer from „too many AUs“ disease (ask @deadlycupid she has to suffer the consequences most of the time) so I have lots of them. I don’t have too much content about most of them but they live in my head rent free.
I gotta name some of the more recent ones I have (and love)! In case you want to know more about one of them, you can always ask (if I talk about all of them in this ask we’ll still be here tomorrow) ^^
They are the spy au, dance au (sort of the origin of my ocs btw, because they started out as sims who were sort of a dance crew), The Greatest Showman au (it’s just so good okay? 😩), as well as a heist au (because who doesn’t love a good heist? especially criminal power couple Aiden and Talon?) and single dad! Callan x teacher Henry au (the cutest thing ever. It even features Celene, who in canon is Callan and Henry’s daughter!)
And then there’s my newest au and I’m so into it I just have to tell! It’s an au based on the book/movie Krabat! Which is btw a really good story. I mean, it has black magic and ravens so yay! Anyway, let me tell you about the plot (it’s not too worked out cause the au is from this week xD) cause I might be obsessed. Hear me out:
Henry, an orphan, got separated from his younger brother. He ends up at a mill and the miller offers him an apprenticeship. Glad to have found a place to stay, he accepts. He is one of several apprentices and first he struggles to fit in with them, but soon he finds his place among them. Several months into his stay he learns that the miller doesn’t only teach the boys to care for the mill, but also how to work black magic and soon he too gets trained in that subject. He’s really good and over time gains everyone’s respect. He likes his new life, especially when destiny reunites him with his brother, but still something seems off about the place he now calls home. Every year the eldest of the apprentices dies under mysterious circumstances and every year the miller, who’s been aging rapidly in the days before that, suddenly returns as young as ever. When Henry learns the truth and also falls in love with a boy from the near village, all he wants to do is to find a way to get out. But his time is running out, because this year, he is the eldest apprentice…
I’ve been brainstorming about this au a lot lately and let me tell you, it got me really excited! In this au one of the things Henry learns to do is to turn into a crow, which is pretty cool (and fits his theme). Also Aiden plays a little role in it as well, and so does Callan. And no need to worry, it’s an au with a happy ending!
Lastly, I also had the idea for an au that could technically also work as a sequel for the knights of the alder. It’s a bitter sweet au, but I can’t talk about it on here because it’s too spoiler-y ;)
So yeah that’s what I’ve been up to these couple weeks. You see, a lot was going on :D
Sorry that this is so all over the place, but I was pretty excited to talk about all this so yeah 😅 thank you for this opportunity ^^
Have a wonderful weekend! 😌
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