#I bet encanto
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*From 2020-2022, as Wish (2023) hasn’t come out yet as of posting this poll. A different poll pitting Wish and Elemental (2023) against each other will release the first week of January. That winner will then be pitted against this poll’s winner, as a new potential 2020s winner.
If a new movie for the 2020s wins, I will then hold a new decades poll, pitting the winners from each decade against each other once again.
2023’s decade poll (aka, the Finale) is coming out next week, after this poll ends and I know the result to put in for 2020s.
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The problem with Encanto headcanons
As a Colombian I LOVED Encanto, but I know people have headcannoned Isabela as lesbian and Mirabel as bisexual among other characters. The issue with that is..
There is no issue.
In 2020 this was such a prominent issue to people and even 4 years later I have no idea why so many people took issue with this. It was fine for people to headcanon Elsa as lesbian, it was fine for people to headcanon Merida as lesbian, but all of sudden it's "forcing representation" and "taking away from the main story" if Isabela gets headcannoned as lesbian?? NOBODY is saying this for Max Goof and Bradley Uppercrust III when the movie was trending. NOBODY was saying it was forced representation when people shipped Bill Cipher and Ford Pines (even though the fact its gay isn't the issue but the fact it was a very manipulative relationship was but many people ignored that). And it's not bad to headcanon any of these things for any of these characters. I just don't understand why it was such an issue when Isabela (who's whole arc is honestly very WLW coded) gets called a lesbian. And its the fact its coincidentally a Hispanic character (I'm not implying ANYTHING.)
Overall, as a Colombian while i dont speak for every Colombian it never was and still isn't offensive to headcanon any Encanto character as queer since many people figured it was. Both the story and the headcanon can coexist. Acting this way won't get you approval from homophobes and transphobes! They still hate us stinkabutt 🤞
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TL;DR : there was nothing wrong with headcanoning an Encanto character as queer in 2020 and there still isn't anything wrong with it in 2024.
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jacarandaaaas · 6 days
in the mood to share a sad hc ! whilst we see antonio is happy at his ceremony I’ve noticed that antonio seems a little bit down in this scene despite dancing.
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Why? well I hc that in the nursery mirabel and antonio would talk a lot about what they would do for antonios party! maybe they even practiced their dancing? so I feel like antonio would have wanted to do the dance they had practiced together for his party! except when it times for the music and dancing to start he looks around and his best friend is nowhere to be seen and he doesn’t see her for the rest of the night. So he never got to dance with her :(
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madrigaljail · 1 year
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Oh hey Jared answered my question. Sort of.
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empty-cryptid · 1 year
Bruno, stumbling to the breakfast table, disheveled and clearly sleep deprived: *counts family members* Huh... *counts family members again*
Family: *watches him with mild confusion*
Alma: We are all here, Bruno. Sit down and have some breakfast.
Bruno: Oh. That one isn't here yet.
Family: *realization and questions ensue*
Bruno: Spoilers. Not telling. *sips coffee*
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Do you think Félix is so insistent on telling Mirabel about Bruno because he doesn’t normally get to talk about his wedding? Like, Bruno “ruined” the wedding, and they aren’t allowed to talk about him, so do you think this is the only time he gets to talk about his wedding?
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disney world is getting a villains land 😭😭😭
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brascu · 1 year
If I was able to draw this, I'd like a family portrait of Diego, Lila and their kids. But like, with Stan there too.
The other two kids would be slightly darker or lighter than their parents, and as the picture is taken, Lila turns to Diego and throws a "and who'd have thought Stan would still be the one who looks like you the most?"
And, yeah, as the kids grow up their new friends all think Lila and Diego got married and brought their own kids to live with them, being the little ones Lila's and Stan, Diego's.
When they correct people, it's to say all of them are both of theirs.
Stan finally gets a family.
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demoisellebeauty · 2 years
what am i, a duck?
"Of course not. You're a girl, like me. And girls as I understand it, sometimes go swimming." To make a point, she splashed some water up at Louisa with a giggle. "You don't have to join me if you don't want to, but I didn't have any friends to do this with while I was growing up."
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Danny in an Encanto crossover gives the impression of someone trying to befriend a stray feral cat and bring them inside to give the love and shelter, but the stray feral cat doesn’t trust them and keeps hissing every time they get too close.
Although, I’d love to see everyone being completely accepting of Danny. They don’t look at him with suspicion or hatred when they see him slip up, they’re amazed! He has powers just like the Madrigals? That’s super cool! And he has more than one? Not just phasing through solid objects, but also invisibility and sensing ghosts nearby? Even better!
I bet that Bruno would relate to him in a way. They were both looked down on for their powers, but in different ways. Bruno because he mostly predicted bad things with no control over it, and Danny because a lot of people, including his parents, really didn’t like “Phantom” because the sole reason that he was a ghost. Alma knew that it was Bruno who had the powers, Danny’s parents didn’t know he was the ghost they keep shooting at.
Also, Danny 100% defends Bruno from any villagers who blame him for having bad visions. Bruno’s lacked social interaction with other humans for ten whole years, but Danny’s up for fighting for him. His favorite line to use was “If I’m a child and I have to explain this to you, what does that say about you as an adult?”. He didn’t get in trouble for it.
Danny talks about space and teaches them about it! He’s more than happy to explain it all and answer their questions the best he can!
Danny eats Julieta’s food and is honestly freaked out because his ribs are suddenly not broken anymore. Take it a step further and say that he’s sleep deprived, and one of the side effects of having food that heals you is that it can make you really tired if you haven’t slept well for a while, so you can’t help but take a quick nap. So he just falls unconscious after a few bites and wakes up in the early morning not knowing what year it is.
It doesn’t get rid of his death mark, though, which confuses everyone. Speaking of his death mark, Danny doesn’t like to talk about it, but eventually explains that it’s a scar from being zapped. He doesn’t go into detail or talk about what exactly the incident did to him, though. He just mentions that he got zapped and has a scar from it.
Eventually, the Madrigals will come to the realization that he doesn’t just have ghost-like powers. He’s actually a ghost. Half ghost, at least.
Also, Danny swears he sees Pedro around the house, not just in the paintings, and the most often place is by Alma’s side. He’s even had conversations with him. To everyone else, it looks like he’s talking to thin air, but he seems so fixated on something that’s actually there and listens to nothing so much that they think he’s actually being serious. Once, during a conversation with Alma and she was telling him about Pedro, he looked at her very confused and said “What are you talking about? He’s standing right next to you”.
At first, she was upset, but he said it with way too much confusion and conviction that she starts to realize he’s serious. Every time someone says that he isn’t, Danny gestures to nothing and goes “Are you blind?! He’s right there!”. In his eyes, Pedro really is there, looking awkward because this kid sees him and is arguing with his family about it.
Honestly, Danny doing something by himself and then suddenly turning around and making immediate direct eye contact with Pedro would be really funny. Pedro is honestly freaked out because something seemed off with the kid from the beginning, and he just made eye contact with a ghost?
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Oh, and you best believe that after being treated so nicely by everyone, Danny will start throwing hands the second another ghost tries to cause them trouble.
Make it even better by combining it with Good Vlad. The two just show up one day trying to find a place to live. Their dynamic confuses more than a few people because people usually treat their god father or technical uncle with love and respect. Danny’s constantly getting on his nerves for the fun of it, doing things including but not limited to taking his coffee. He also calls him a “fruit loop”, which apparently means someone insane. Vlad calls him “Little Badger”, and yes, he’s actually been bitten by Danny once because Vlad startled him when he grabbed him to pull him out of danger and Danny’s first instinct was to bite him.
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Remember that argument scene in Encanto with Isabela and Mirabel, just imagine that now with Adam and Vaggie in the garden au
Vaggie enters the empty store nervously looking around for Adam who appeared to not be there. She clears her throat and calls out for him
Vaggie: Hey! Adam? Uh I know we had our differences in the past and we left on a bad note but now that you’re coming into our family, you know with his majesty? I figured we could um, well it was Charlie’s idea but I figured we could (exhales a bit loudly) forgive and forget?
Adam: forgive? And forget?
Vaggie now sees Adam appears at the top of the stairs that led to his apartment she slightly gulps as he descends and makes his way over to her
Adam: You betrayed not only me but all of Heaven by sparing a sinner you have no clue what they were there for, becoming entangled with the princess and then HELPING her with her stupid hotel, and then finally you kill over half of the exorcists, YOUR SISTERS, manage to maim Lute, and got me killed, effectively ruining my previous life, and you want to forgive and forget? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MINE!?!?
Adam: You think I forgot about how fucking HAPPY you looked when I was LITERALLY STABBED IN THE FUCKING BACK!?
Vaggie, wincing: Adam, I -
Adam: Cause I sure as shit didn't forget. I raised you like you were my own fucking kid and this is the thanks I get? For taking care of you, training you, fuck even loving you!?
Vaggie: But you-!
Adam: Yeah, Lute cutting out your eye was fucked up. Shouldn't have happened. But YOU LIVED!!
Adam gets in her face, grabs her by the arm with a hand, a vine takes her other arm and pushes her towards the door.
Adam: You're not even here on your own accord I bet, Charlie probably asked you cause I'm dating her dad. Well guess what, Vagina, cause that IS your name.
Adam: You can take your forgive and forget, and shove it up your fucking ass!!
Adam then throws her out as hard as he can, slamming the door and locking it behind her.
Vaggie: Fuck.....
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jacarandaaaas · 8 months
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one step closer to getting the whole family but how did we get casita before pepa💀
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samatheia229 · 2 years
Rise Ponderings:
The Turtles With Japanese Names
I've seen a lot of headcanons lately that support the "Rise boys' given names ARE their colours and they only got the artist names later on" narrative so I'd like to share my own.
Rise Splinter is undoubtedly very Americanised but I think that despite him forsaking his familial duties and old life, he’s still Japanese, is still a Hamato. So, subconsciously, he gave the boys Japanese names (of their corresponding colours, of course).
On that note, for all that Splinter has Celebrity-Who-Gives-Their-Kids-Unique-Names energy, I believe that he would still have enough decency to give them somewhat proper Japanese names not just 'Aka', 'Ao', 'Murasaki' and 'Orenji'.
However, for a period of time, the English-colour-names Splinter uses in the show would have been how addressed each other because they are, for the most part, an English-speaking household. Until an eight-year-old April came along insisting that those weren't 'real names', the turtles English names were 'Red', 'Blue' etc. 
After adopting 'proper' English names, those became the common form of address, though Splinter still calls them by the English colours because it's a habit for him. They don't mind.
They don’t use their Japanese names often. It’d mostly be during serious-talk time, in official stuff, calling someone by their full name or teasing. 
Ironically, in Splinter's (read: my) effort to not be a basic bitch, most of the boys' Japanese names are female. You can bet they tease the shit out of each other about it. The only one that actually takes offense to the teasing is Donnie whose name is very common and recognisable, so he always gets asked why he has it and/or if he realises that it's a girly name. 
The Names
*NOTE: I'm using Kanji here. Fair warning, they could be written wrong, so if there are any Japanese speakers out there, do correct me.
Hamato 'Raphael' Shuiro
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Shuiro 朱色 = vermilion
Raph’s name is the only one that isn’t a real given name but I thought it suited him.
Colour Symbolism:
Besides being one of the most dominant colors in Japanese culture, red is associated strongly with authority, strength, sacrifice, passion, joy, and happiness. It's also regarded as an auspicious color in Japan.
Frequently said to have Eldest Daughter Syndrome by the fandom, Raph is the ultimate authority among the brothers. He self-appoints as leader not because he necessarily wants to be, but because as the oldest and the biggest, he feels like it's his responsibility to look after the others. Which often takes great strength and sacrifice. Surface Pressure from Encanto, anyone?
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Furthermore, red, specifically vermilion, is very symbolic in Japanese architecture:
Red is the color of torii – Shinto shrine gates – temples, and traditional daruma dolls. Red is said to scare away evil spirits and represent protection, strength, peace, and power. 
All in all, very fitting for the big brother and family protector, if you ask me.
Hamato 'Leonardo' Aoi
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Aoi 青い = blue
Aoi is a unisex name; meaning hollyhock flower when used for girls and blue for boys. I'm using the male meaning for Leo. 
Colour Symbolism:
Blue commonly represents the sea and the sky (for which Japan is surrounded) and symbolizes purity, dignity, calmness, stability, security, and fidelity. Blue is also regarded as a lucky colour.
In this case, blue is rather in juxtaposition with Leo's personality, but looking at it from a franchise perspective, blue is indeed a leader's colour.
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Back then, Japanese society was strictly hierarchical and displayed through the colour of their robes. Of the colors that were allowed for common folk, the color blue was work by higher ranking people. It symbolized wealth and prestige, while also remaining a color of the common folk.
That being said, Leo's a little different from his predecessors. Eventually, he will grow into the role of the leader we know and love. But even when he was unburdened from being leader, he was still the strategist. Leo's leadership in fights is a balance between what is uniquely Rise and the mission-mindset of the leaders in blue who came before him, strategies that are fun, wacky and maybe a little unorthodox yet still as effective for the team.
Hamato 'Donatello' Sumire
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Sumire 菫 = violet (flower)
Sumire is usually a girl's name but I don’t think Splinter would’ve cared all that much about gender.
Donnie doesn't either and even likes his name, though it has caused him a lot of grief over the years. A lot of people think it's strange for a guy with his personality to have such a feminine name, and he's really sick of having to defend his name after introducing himself. Part of why he wanted 'Donnie'.
Colour Symbolism:
Like in the West, purple in Japanese culture is associated with royalty, as purple dye was rare and only available to those of a higher status. It can also reflect on nobility, spirituality, and wisdom.
Out of everyone, Donnie embraces his colour about the most. His clothes are purple, his tech is purple, his lab is bathed in purple lighting. Purple is Donnie's thing. This, in a way, ties in with the colour's exclusivity back then.
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Flower Symbolism:
In Hanakotoba (flower language), the meaning of violet is sincerity, a small love, and a small bliss. Violets are a common gift, as they are an ideal way to show appreciation for a family member or friend and to express sincerity or love.
I think this is very Donnie. What he lacks in the emotional department, he makes up for  through his tech. He creates things for his family, making them all kinds of personalised gizmo. Sometimes it results in disaster but the intention to help is there. Gift-giving is his love language.
Hamato 'Michelangelo' Mikan
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Mikan 蜜柑 = tangerine
Mikan is a common Japanese girl name. Baby girls named "Mikan" are usually joyful, positive-thinkers, smiley and generally happy people.
Mikey loves his name and doesn't care that it's girly and cute, no matter how the others tease him about it. (SIDE NOTE: I swear the near-matching names wasn't intentional. I was just looking for a name that means mandarin orange for a bit I'm writing).
Colour Symbolism:
Orange is symbolic of love, happiness and the sun.
The youngest of the family, Mikey is optimistic and cheerful. He brings joy and colour to the household through his art. He encourages everyone to be express their love openly and always tries to be supportive.
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Fruit Symbolism:
Besides good fortune, wealth and longevity, the fruit mikan can be tied to family because of its role in Japanese traditions. In Japan, there is a word “Kotatsu de Mikan”, which means:
A family sits around a kotatsu (a traditional Japanese table with an electric heater attached to the underside), watching TV and eating mikan —  the traditional picture of a harmonious family seen in the wintertime.
Mikey is all about family. He's the heart, always the peacemaker, always bringing everyone together.
TLDR; I really love how each turtle has a role to play in the family, how their respective colours are so appropriate for who they are as people, and I wanted their Japanese name to reflect that.
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sirfrogsworth · 6 months
hi hi!!!
I'm a CFX artist (I do hair and cloth for 3D animated movies) and I wanted to clarify something!!
the encanto post? we talked about that one at length at work when it was first made, and it is incredibly evident that the guy who posted it is just bad at his job. the exact same effect can be archieved by changing the camera focal length- but animators never reach for technically competent solutions. (this is a roast.) and even if thats not possible, there is NO reason for why her shoulder area or chest are completely crushed or why her feet are inside of her hip bone.
and also, since I am in the department that comes right after animation- if I had gotten that shot, I would have either sent it straight back to the animator to fix it, OR cleaned it up myself, by which I mean it absolutely did not look like this off-camera by the time we send it for final light render.
essentially if animation looks that messed up off-camera, it is not "animation magic", it is actually someone doing a bad job.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.
For one thing, the behind the scenes image was not close to a final render so I don't think you can fairly judge what was probably just the animator lining up and blocking the shot. I don't think at that state they were concerned with the shoulders, chest, and feet. I'm betting the final polished version looked much better.
And I also disagree the exact effect could be achieved by changing the focal length.
As a photographer, focal length is not just about cramming everything into the field of view. I don't only use a wide angle because I want more stuff in the photo.
It is also an artistic decision.
Wide angle lenses exaggerate distance and can make foreground objects seem massive and background objects seem tiny.
Look at this super wide angle shot of Otis lusting after a tennis ball.
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The ball has a huge presence in the photo. It is only two feet away, but the distance between them seems immense. The ball takes up as much space in the photo as Otis.
Compare that to the ball in this telephoto image.
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The picture now becomes less about the ball and more about the act of chasing it. The ball is literally only a foot closer to Otis, but it has no commanding presence like in the super wide shot.
So what artistic intention comes from using a telephoto lens like in Encanto?
Telephoto focal lengths compress distance. Background objects appear much larger in the frame. They also flatten the face and give a more flattering perspective of said face. Human faces can look a bit alien at wider focal lengths.
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So what if you want the background to look large and encompassing and you want the flattering facial proportions from a telephoto lens, but you also want a foreground object to have a commanding presence like the ball?
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You cheat!
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This is not a technique confined to the world of 3D animation though. It is actually an old live-action trick. They will actually use another person's hands to do effectively the same thing as above.
In Hellboy II, Guillermo had two problems. He wanted a telephoto feel and depth of field and he also wanted a very intricate practical egg prop that could open mechanically.
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To get the proportions and the framing and the feel of the shot as intended, he double cheated!
He made a big freaking egg with a big freaking fake hand.
(I know there is a picture of the giant hand somewhere but my googling failed me.)
In any case, I think this is just a case of good problem solving over incompetence. I think the director or the animation lead wanted this scene to fit within a specific focal length and it was easier and more efficient to just give her crazy long arms.
I'm not trying to dispute your expertise or animation-splain. Perhaps there was a better way to achieve the same look. But if the final result looked good, I don't think we need to bash someone who was probably under tight deadlines and had a lot of other work to complete. At least not without a lot more information.
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dazeddoodles · 8 months
The Encanto Owl House AU characters in the canon Owl House universe.
I bet Mirabel and Luz would get along so well!
Maybe Bruno and Eda know each other?
I've gotten comments before about how Mirabel and Luz would be good friends. Surprisingly I've never drawn them interacting.
But when in was my birthday I drew some of my fav characters together and had Bruno and Eda interacting.
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famwhy · 2 years
Yandere Camilo Madrigal
Word Count: 2,034
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The town of Encanto was extra energised. The bustling streets were more rowdier than ever, the children asking more questions than usual. The atmosphere screamed of excitement and a certain H/C-haired individual was living for it.
You didn't know what was causing people to be so elated but you weren't complaining. It was rather nice to watch from your window. You bet it would be even better going down there and experiencing it for yourself.
With a grin, you scurried out of your room, dashing down the stairs before pecking your mum on the cheek and opening your front door. "Bye mamí!"
"Don't forget to do your chores mija!"
With a skip in your step, you walked out into the sunny streets. Whatever was happening, Pepa must have been thrilled for it.
"Y/N!" The sudden voice coming from your right startled you enough to cause you to jump.
"Ah, José, what's up?"
You blinked twice, an eyebrow quirking upwards not soon after. 
'Felicidades'? Why was he congratulating you?
"Uh, thanks I guess?"
As he walked away to join the hustle and bustle of the streets once again, you were left standing in a bubble of confusion. 
Before you had time to ponder, though, your arms were grasped by another pair and you were brought up to a lady's face.
"Felicidades, Y/N!" With that, she let go of you before taking off in another direction.
Okay, that was the second time someone had congratulated you today. Weird.
You brushed it off, maybe they were congratulating you on your work ethic or something?
"If it isn't the woman of the day!"
Sure enough, there stood Dolores' husband in all of his muscular glory.
"Y/N! I bet you're the most excited out of all of us, huh?" He smiled down at you, beaming with delight.
"Remind me what I'm excited for again?" You were so lost.
"Huh? You've forgotten so quick? You were the one telling everyone about it just the other day." It was Mariano's turn to be confused.
"I was?" 
"Yeah, you were going around to almost everyone announcing it with a huge grin."
"Wait wait wait, what was I announcing?"
"That Camilo would propose to you today!"
"Lo siento... WHAT?!"
This was news to you - even though you were, apparently, the one to announce it to everyone.
"What's the matter, cuñada?" 
Did he just call you-?!
"Mariano, are you 100% sure it was me going around telling everyone?"
"Who else could it have been?"
Well, you had no recollection of going around announcing your best friend would be proposing to you so, unless you were drunk out of your mind that day, it must have been Camilo posing as you.
That slimy little-.
"I should go, your future sister-in-law will have my head if I'm not back in time." His wink that followed after did nothing to soothe you.
In fact, you didn't even register his words, too busy bubbling up with fury at what the Madrigal you've known since childhood did.
With gritted teeth and eyes as narrow as a river, you made your way to Casita, the building housing the very Madrigal you were furious with.
"Felicidades, Y/N!"
"I can't believe you got so lucky! I want a man like Camilo!"
Every comment that followed after your presence only proved to further enrage you, hot lava filling your veins and steam practically pouring out of your eardrums. Your footsteps were loud and you were sure Dolores was already covering her ears (you'll apologise to her later). 
Your whole demeanour screamed of anger like no other.
Casita opened its doors for you, the tiles on the floor already seemed to be shaking from fright and fear for the Madrigal you were about to flip at - yet it made no move to stop you.
"CAMILO!" Your voice was booming, demanding attention right away - attention that was not refused.
"Sí, mi amor?" 
Your head tilted upwards, meeting his gaze and that signature smirk you would usually adore but now, found to be quite mocking.
Look at him, leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs so casually as if he'd done nothing wrong. The audacity of the man caused your nails to dig further into your palm, leaving crescents indented in your skin.
"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" You made no move to lower your volume, uncaring for whether or not the other Madrigals heard you and came to investigate the commotion.
"Whatever do you mean, mi cariño?" 
"Do I?~"
"Camilo." Your tone was stern, a contrast to his playful and mocking one. "Please explain to me why EVERYONE BELIEVES I AM BETROTHED TO YOU?!"
"Hmmm, they seem to think that because of you, amor."
"You know damn well that it wasn't me who went out onto the streets and told everyone you would propose." 
"Well, it sure looked like you."
"Did it now?"
The coy behaviour of your childhood friend did not sit well with you. In fact, it only served to piss you off further.
"Camilo, I know you shapeshifted into me and went around telling everyone you would propose today."
"Woah, that's quite a big accusation you have there, cariño." 
Oh, you were so sick of his bullshit.
"Don't be coy with me, Madrigal."
"How am I being coy, Madrigal?" 
The audacity he had to be declaring you a Madrigal was so unbelievable. 
"I am not a Madrigal."
"Not yet."
Your eye twitched, teeth grinding against each other in complete and utter agitation.
"Y/N?" Your attention was drawn away from Camilo and towards his abuela. "You're here early. Dios mío, we haven't even set up the table!"
"Señora Madrigal-!" 
"Please, mija, call me abuela." She walked over to you, extending her arms so that she could cup your cheeks and bring you closer to her face. "Such a beautiful girl. Perfect for my Camilo."
Although you weren't facing the aforementioned male, you could tell he wore the biggest shit-eating grin on his face than ever. 
"I don't know, Señora. Wouldn't calling you that be disrespectful?" Your eyes darted around, refusing to meet her own as you wondered how you would tell her that you would not, in fact, be accepting Camilo's 'proposal'.
"Nonsense, you are my soon-to-be granddaughter-in-law. You can call me abuela." 
"No, you don't understand, Señora, Camilo-."
"Y/N?!" They just keep coming, don't they?
"Señora Pepa, hola."
"Please, call me mamí!" The rainbow that showed up over her head was enough to let you know that she was very excited. No wonder why the weather was so great today.
"I don't think-."
A small body crashed into your own, arms wrapping around your waist. It was Camilo's 10 year-old brother, Antonio. 
"Ah, Antonio." Your arms instinctively wrapped around the boy, patting him lightly on the back as though he were your own brother.
"I'm so glad you'll finally be able to be a hermana to me!"
Okay, too many people believed Camilo would actually propose to you. He better end this practical joke of his before you end it for him.
"Camilo." You called for the male who was still leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs, watching with a smirk as his family smothered you with affection. "Are you going to tell them what you did or should I?"
"Whatever do you mean, mi vida?" He refused to let up.
With a piercing glare sent in his direction, you went through with your threat. "Camilo was the one who announced that he would be proposing to me while posing as me."
When his smirk didn't falter, you started doubting yourself. Why was he not panicking? You just told his family of his wrongdoings, he should be scared out of his mind.
"We know, mija." Pepa's casual words froze you, a slight chill going down your spine.
Camilo's smirk only grew wider.
"We wanted to surprise you!" The innocent smile Antonio sent you caused your whole core to shiver in discomfort. Was he even aware of what he was saying? What his family were doing?
"Look." Your hands let go of Antonio as you reached out for the tablet in Señora Alma's hands. 
There, you witnessed an image of you and Camilo stood under a canopy, holding each other's hands as you gazed into one another's eyes. Your attire was as clear as day, a wedding gown.
Your pupils shrank as you continued staring at the prophecy before you. It was one of Bruno's prophecies... and his prophecies always come true.
"I'm just so glad it's you that my Camilo has decided to settle down with. You are a wonderful chica, Y/N. You would make for a wonderful Madrigal." Pepa squealed, the sky seeming even more brighter than it already was.
Your eyes didn't leave the plate before you, refusing to believe that it would come to fruition. You didn't love Camilo, you never had, he was always just your mischievous best friend who managed to put a smile on your face whenever you were feeling down. This prophecy, this prediction... it can't be true.
"Do you see that, mi vida?" You almost didn't register the fact that Camilo snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and laying his head on your shoulder as he gazed down at the tablet with you. "We're perfect for each other, even fate believes it."
You trembled as your fingers grew weaker, your grip losing it's strength.
"Will you marry me?"
Did fate really believe you were perfect for each other?
Well, no, no it didn't. In fact, fate believed you were perfect for another guy.
But... fate could always be changed, right?
The first time Camilo asked his Tío Bruno for a prophecy regarding you did not go well.
"Who. The. Fuck is that?" He shook with rage, gripping the glass so tightly that it almost shattered under the tension.
"Sorry, kid, can't change fate. Wish I could help you out more." His Tío shrugged it off, used to the negative reactions to his visions by now.
'Can't change fate' huh? What if one of the people in said 'fate' just... magically disappeared? 
Camilo's frown contorted into a smirk, malicious intent practically radiating off of him.
"Nothing's impossible though, right Tío?"
The flutter of his heart told him exactly who called out his name.
"Sí, mi cariño?" He turned around with his signature playful smile resting on his face, his cheeks tinted by the slightest bit - as they always do when he spoke to you.
"Did you hear about Andreás? He went missing the other day."
"Really?" Had he been a little less good at acting, you probably would have noticed his surprise was not genuine.
"It's such a shame, he was such a sweet boy. I really was starting to befriend him." Camilo saw the way your lips tugged down into a frown. He couldn't help but feel even more anger towards the topic of the conversation, how dare he bring a frown upon your beautiful face?
"It really is such a shame."
Such a shame that he didn't kill that rodent sooner.
"Would you look at that. The prophecy's changed. Good for you, kid!"
The feeling of utter satisfaction flooded through him as he gazed down at the picture displayed in his hands.
There we go, just as he wanted. He just needed to help fate out a little.
Mamí = mum Felicidades = congratulations cuñada = sister-in-law lo siento = sorry mi amor = my love mi cariño = my sweet mi vida = my life sí = yes tío = uncle abuela = grandma chica = girl
In case you couldn't tell, this takes place 5 years after the movie.
Idk if any1's even into Encanto anymore lmao.
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