#I bet Hunk has a great singing voice. I simply know this in my heart
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discordiansamba · 1 year ago
me, minding my own business:
my brain: idol duo Hunk and Romelle. and Keith is their bodyguard.
me: sure I'll rotate that for the rest of the evening
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getyourvitamin-bri · 7 years ago
Super-Mega-Foxy-Awesome-Hot Klance Fic Recs!
Sweet Quiznak - CheckeredCloth Read if your into hurt/comfort and humor, an odd mix but this fic does it awesomely. Summary: "You're really into him," Hunk mutters, and wow, Lance's face is on fire. Hunk is killing him. "Look, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally would've mowed his ass like grass. That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife." Rated Teen & Up
Love Bug Stuff - WhatTheBodyGraspsNot @whatthebodygraspsnot I’m such trash for Love Bug fics, this one in particular is stellar. Summary: Keith is bitten by an alien love bug that makes him fall in love with the first person he sees. And just guess who the heck that first person is? Rated M
Never Saw You Coming - dimpleforyourthoughts @dimpleforyourthoughts Read if you love angst, slow burn, mutual pinning, and hurt/comfort aka read if you love being put through all the feels :) Summary: Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story. Rated M
nothing’s quite as sweet - dimpleforyourthoughts There is cute cats and cute klance, need I say more? Summary: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street. Rated Teen & Up
Muy Lindo - flipfloppandas - I’m trash for shy adorable keith and this fic delivered. Summary: In which Lance must learn how to navigate through a relationship with a Keith who is surprisingly shy, but it’s okay because Lance honestly freaking loves it. Not Rated.
implosion (the lines we cross) - pidgeotto_gunderson Some well written hard core angst if your up for it. Summary: The adrenaline is pumping through his veins - this is what he needs, what they both need. To yell and scream and hurt each other before they can mend.Fix-it fic for s7e6, imagining if Lance and Keith fought things out while they were all lost in space and it led to Lance finally spilling about his insecurities. Rated Teen & Up
Crest of White, Bow Down - 2towels @2towels I totally went “awwww” while reading this fic, its so adorable, it will definitely make you smile. Summary: “I don’t know what I need to do to prove to you that I haven’t thought about leaving, but I haven’t.”Without hesitating, Lance lifted his good hand to rest on Keith’s cheek and stroked his thumb across it, silently appreciating his pouty features as he swallowed. “Tell me every day you love me more,” He finally demanded dramatically and breathlessly, flitting his gaze down to Keith’s shoulders instead of the intensity of his eyes, “maybe that would work.”“That wouldn’t even be a challenge.” Keith said quietly.--Five times Lance is swept off his feet, and one time he falls. Rated Teen & Up
Kodachrome - HoddieMaine @joinmeinthishell , Ninke_A @collector-of-hats Wow this is such a beautiful story, its really well written, read if you love pinning and fluff. Summary: Keith has been at a loss for a while now. His job is terrible, his passion for photography has waned, and his pseudo brother has moved to some little town and keeps insisting he visit.When Keith finally does go, he ends up on a little street full of quaint shops. He intends to simply spend time with Shiro but ends up in a record store across the street. With a very attractive man, who signs instead of speaks. Rated E
Thinking ‘Bout You - BleuSarcelle @bleusarcelle, Queerklancing   @queerklancing I got a cavity from the fluff in this fic :) Summary: That time Keith had a voice in his head singing and found out he had a quite unique soulmate link. Rated G
Rose-Colored Boy - melancholymango  @melancholymango Read if you enjoy angsty lance, langst, & to experience all the feels. Summary: “I missed you, you know.”“Yeah?” Lance sighed, warm and giddy, clearly not absorbing how serious the words truly were. “Yeah.” Keith said, more certainty in his voice now. He reached down, hesitantly threading his fingers through Lance’s and giving his hand a squeeze. Lance tensed next to him. “I still do.”“I mean, I’m right here.”“Are you? You still seem pretty far away.” Rated Teen & Up
Blue Christmas -  melancholymango  I loved how keith and lance were written in this fic, its just overall super well written. Summary: The team decides to celebrate the holiday season in space as nostalgia gets the better of them, but reflecting on the past hurts Lance more than it helps and Keith doesn't have any memories to reflect on. AKA the one where Keith and Lance hate the holidays together, only to realize that they were actually celebrating all along in their own Keith and Lance way. Rated G
Not That Bad - varelsen @lvtvr Yeah this fic gave me lot of feelings, their relationship builds beautifully. Summay: “Am I really going to have to explain this to you?”“No, I’m totally fine with you shutting up right about now.” Hunk cups his hands around his mouth. “You. Are crushing. On Keith.” Or, a college AU featuring coffee shops, silly rivalries, motorcycles, arcade games, friendships, and lots of warm, fluffy feelings that are both confusing and delightful all at the same time. Rated M
Entangled - Purpleneutrino (mackerelmademedoit) @purpleneutrino I found this fic super interesting to read, and literally could not put it down. Summary: When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon. Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind. Rated M
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - klancekorner @dimplesandcurlsss Yeah I stayed up till 4am reading this and it was glorious, I finished at 3am and just thought about it for another hour, so awesome! Summary: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else. Rated M
Something just like this - klancekorner A summer romance sundae with a friends to lovers cherry on top. Summary: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin Rated M
You and I Collide - idratherhaveyou @itsthegameilike If you looked up cute in the dictionary, this modern apartment au would be the definition. Summary: Lance likes to sing in the shower. Keith lives in the apartment next door and the walls are not very thick. And you can bet when Lance wakes him up at 7:30 in the morning, Keith has something to say about it. Rated M
I’ve Got You - DragonofFernweh @dragonastral Keith comforting lance is my aesthetic, this fic is my aesthetic. Summary: Keith isn’t great at the whole comfort thing, he doesn’t have a way with words, nor does he have much experience in way of affection. Still, when Lance hurts, Keith wants to do something to help. Otherwise known as; five times Keith comforts Lance, and one time Lance comforts Keith. Rated G
it’s easier for you to let me go - welcometothehumanrace  Should be called 6 times I went AAJKSCNSKDCNSJ because of how fluffin’ cute keith and lance are. Summary: Keith did not think Lance's arms were anything to get excited about. Or his shoulders. Or any general part of him. Just everything about him was unexciting as a whole.Obviously. Or 5 times Lance put his arms around Keith and the one time Keith really wanted him to. Rated Teen & Up
The Message - shipstiel @shipstiel-writes Wow this wrong number fic is just glorious, I laughed, I went “awwwww”, I just had such a good time reading this. Summary: Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he's not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would've thought. Rated Teen & Up
Homesick at Space Camp - K0bot @k0tron So awesome...just a fucking great fic. Its got fake relationship/married, its got angst, its got ballroom dancing, its got so much fluff, do I need to say any more? Summary: Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Fake It Till You Make It - nikkiRA @aravenlikeawritingdesk I’m a sucker for Fake/Pretend Relationship fics and this one is the fic that started that particular habit. Summary: “What Keith here means to say,” Lance says, and although his voice is steady, he is gripping Keith’s fingers so tightly it’s painful. “Is that we can’t mate with your people, although we, um, appreciate the offer, because, well. We already are. M-mated, I mean. With, you know. Each other.” Rated M
I hope you love these fics as much as I did, they are some of my fav fics of all time. It took me forever to finish this post because I sorta, kinda, maybe, totally re-read a lot of them while making it :) Shout out to fanfiction writers, thank you for putting so much of your time into these stories for free, your all amazing! 
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Check out my blog if you would like >>> @getyourvitamin-bri
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selstonbloggergw · 7 years ago
Heathers AU!
It's never a “good morning.” At Voltron high. Like any other school you have your set groups, all picked out for you before anyone has a chance to actually think it over. Voltron High was no different...yet. A young boy named Lance Sawyer was standing in front of his blue, chipped locker in the usual dingy corridor he'd become familiar with. A shabby and torn book between his hands. Now Lance didn't really fit in...anywhere. Not even the nerds would take him. His usual outfit was a loose fitting denim jacket with a colourful scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. Ripped and worn jeans seemed to contrast his floral shirt. “September 1st 1989. Dear diary…” Oh yeah, he also kept a diary. And one would wonder why this poor kid has no friends. “I believe I'm a good person! You know I think there's good in everyone, but here we are, first day of senior year and I look around at these kids that I thought I'd known and I ask...what happ-” Lance was rudely pushed out of his own time and hit his head straight into the locker door. Looking behind him, a group of “popular” kids ran off, yelling things along the lines of “freak, slut, burnout, bug eyes, poser and lard ass.” Y’know all of them classics. Only 1 of them even applied to Lance so it baffled him to think they'd use such textbook insults. It wasn't hard to insult him they just weren't trying hard enough. Lance turns back to his book with a sigh. He picks it up and writes while making his way down the corridor. “We were so tiny. We all seemed happy and shiny. Playing things like tag and chasing each other around. There weren't any groups back then. All we did was sing, clap and bake cookies...Hunk used to like baking. For some reason getting bigger was the trigger but I just have to hold my breath. At least we're graduating soon!” As Lance finished his sentence a jock slumped him particularly hard in the shoulder before turning around and yelling “WHITE TRASH!” Rubbing his shoulder Lance grimaced and turned back to his book muttering “I'm not even white…” “College seems like a paradise but I'll be lucky if im not dead by June. I know life can be ‘beautiful’ and all I can do is pray for a better way. We changed once, maybe we can change again…?” He looked up from his book when he heard a thud from the other side of the hall. A hipster looking boy had just been shoved to the floor by some much larger boys who were now high fiving each other. Looking from his book to the scene he rubbed his eye before murmuring out a faint “Just not today.” He knew how this would play out but he did it anyway. Extending a hand to the boy on the floor, Lance smiled and nodded. Immediately he was met with a glare. And a shove. Sighing for the 50th time that morning he simply made his way to the canteen. While on the way he continued his writing. “Once I get my diploma I can blow this town. I'm currently fighting a strong urge to strike a match and set this dump a blaze.” By the time He'd written all of his thoughts down he'd already made it to the creepy old canteen. A green tray that was digging into his side was jerked away quickly as the kid behind him had their food slammed to the floor. The jock in question threw his hands to his face before laughing out “Oops!” Another part of Lance’s diary was the “character analysis” part. All his recognisable classmates had a page. Under the boy who was laughing at the kid trying to pick up their lunch it wrote “Zarkon Sweeney: Third year as linebacker, eighth year of smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick!” No change it seems… In among all the commotion Lance seemed to accidentally catch Zarkons eye. With all the grace of a cat in a bathtub, Zarkon marched over and poked at his shoulders. “What was that skank?! You got something to say?”
Lance swayed slightly before averting his eyes around hurriedly as if searching for some sort of escape, a magic door to take him away. “Haha no! I didn't say anything! I don't even know how to English speak!” Was all he could say in his hurry. It was obvious by his tut that Zarkon didn't buy it, who would? But he didn't continue and turned back to his group of jocks. Ugh, how Lance hated them all. While trying to regain a small amount of composure a tap came to his shoulder again. He turned himself around and was fully prepared to fight for his lunch money, only to be greeted by the biggest smile he'd ever seen, a smile that could instantly make him happy. “Hey Shay” “Hey!” Shay seems to look behind him, as if debating whether to help the kid with his lunch all over the floor. She wanted to, Lance knew she wanted to. But bless her massive heart, she was too scared of rejection. Quickly, Lance licks his finger and flicks through to one of his first diary entries. “Shay Dunnstock, my best friend since diapers! She's got a huge heart, but around here, that's not nearly enough.” Clutching the diary to his chest, Lance smiled happily. Shay was Lance’s beacon of hope. She had stayed unchanged from these years in hell. Shay seemed to look at the book and smile before looking Lance back in the face. “We still on for movie night?” Shoving his book into a tattered little satchel that Lance tried to pass as a bag, he moved along the lunch line and grabbed an apple. “Yeah, you're on Jiffy pop detail.” Shay shuffled along behind the barrier for the lunch line. “And I rented the princess bride!” She said happily, hands coming together so she could rest her hands on them. Turning around to look at her for a few seconds before turning back to the lunch lady and dropping his money into her hands, Lance sighed. “Again? Don't you have it memorized by now?” Which wasn't even an exaggeration, Lance hears her mumble the words when watching. She rubs her neck before holding onto Lance’s arm as they walked back to the table. “What can I say? I'm a sucker for happy endings!” They were about to sit at the table in the back of the room. No one ever sat there because of the location...right next to the bin. Before they could sit down and enjoy their “lunch”, a tall man came up behind them quickly. “Shay Dumptruck! Wide load! HOOONK!” Is all the warning they get before Shay’s lunch tray is flying through the air, her food scattering over the floor and in her hair. Furious, Lance swivelled around to see whoever was pathetic enough to do such a thing. He should of guessed really. Lance had his diary page memorised, he was rather proud of it. “Sendak Kelly, quarterback. He is the smartest guy on the football team...it's kind of like being the tallest dwarf!”
Lance wants to punch him, he really does...but that won't help Shay right now. Instead he turns around again, putting a hand on Shay's back before slowly picking a few bits of food out of her hair. “Honk honk!” Sendak yells before high fiving Zarkon, who seemed to be lurking behind and laughing at the show. Lance was almost certain you could see the vein on his forehead at this point. “Pick that up right now!” He yells, moving from his place behind Shay to come face to face with Sendak. Well, more face to pecks than anything else. The two boys seem to share a look before turning back to Lance. “I'm sorry, are you actually talking to me?” Sendak hissed before moving closer to Lance, trying to loom over him. Somehow without Lance noticing, Zarkon had gone behind him. “My buddy Sendak just asked you a question.” He whispered into Lance’s ear before pushing him forward, chest meeting Sendak waiting fist half way. The wind was momentarily taken out of him but Lance stood straight back up. He was done, done with laying around and letting it pass.
He hobbles over to stand defensively in front of Shay. Standing up as straight as possible through the pain, Lance looks directly into Sendak’s eyes. “Yeah, I am! I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on my friend. You're a high school has been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant, and even then you'll be lucky if they accept you!” Zarkon and Sendak share a glance before they lean in, arching their backs to tower over Lance. Cowering back, Lance makes sure he's in front of Shay. He wouldn't let them hurt her. Zarkon raises his first and Lance braces for the shap pain. When that pain doesn't come, he poems one eye and is met with an evil, sickening even, grin. “You've got a zit right there!” They both yell out before pushing Lance back so he staggers, falling backwards onto the bench of his table. “Oh my goodness are you ok?” Shay asks, fussing over Lance's sprawled out figure. He grunts before pulling himself up. Their little show had attracted a great deal of attention but people were still trying to hide their obvious interest. “Someone stood up to them?” “Wow! I could never do that.” “Why do we hate him?” “Why does he act like such a freak?” “Why did they hit him?” “I bet he cries himself to sleep.” He knew they were directed at him, knew he probably wouldn't stop getting whispers as he walked by. He was used to it by now, which is kinda sad… Batting away Shay’s fussing hands, he hauls himself up and drags Shay into the nearest corridor, away from all the gossip and voices. Lance may be able to deal with it but Shay was still too fragile for all this. “I'm gonna hit the restroom before next period, don't wait up! If worst comes to worst I'll forge some sort of note.” He said, patting Shay’s shoulder lightly. She looked up at him with big eyes and nodded before slowly turning to head to the next class. Sighing, Lance scurried off. He was ruffling a hand through his hair on his way into the boy's toilets when he heard it. “Ugh, grow up Pidge! Bulimia’s so ‘87.” The hand that had rested in his hair now seemed to absently pull itself down his face. Lance could just not be bothered with this right now.
He walked in and looked behind him quickly. ‘Huh, could've sworn I heard angelic music…’ Pushing it aside he looked on to the voice he'd just heard and what do you know! Standing there in all her bitchyness was Nyma Chandler. Powdering her plastic face while gazing into the mirror. She was decked out in her usual outfit. A red blazer buckled over a white shirt. She had pulled her pleated and checked skirt up further than necessary to show of her thighs. Speaking of thighs, she also wore thigh high socks with red and white diamonds on them. “Nyma’s right, maybe you should see a doctor Pidge…” The soft voice came from a rather large boy standing awkwardly at Nyma’s side. Hunk McNarma, wearing the same blazer as Nyma but in a vibrant yellow. He wore designer jeans that complimented his shoes that had been specially imported from England. As Lance finally brings himself to turn the corner, he's met with a croaky voice from the end stall. “Yeah Hunk, maybe I should.” He should've known that wolves always hunt in packs. Pidge Duke was currently hacking up her guts into one of the private stalls to the left of Nyma. Lance couldn't see her but he assumed she was wearing nearly all the same as Nyma, expect green. Seriously, they looked like a perfect Eurovision entry. Sighing, Lance hobbled over to the cubicle furthest away from the group and was on the verge of relieving himself when the door shot open again, revealing Ms. Flemming, or Allura as she tried to get the students to call her. Lance hastily shoved himself back into his boxers before the teacher caught a glimpse. Did nobody respect signs these days?! “Ah, Hunk, Nyma and-” Pidge vomited in the background… “Pidge...Perhaps you didn't hear the bell over all the vomiting but you're all late for class. And Nyma, what are you doing in the boys toilets?”
Nyma looked away from the mirror to glare at Ms.Flemming for a second. “Oh please. The boys toilets are much nicer, and I wasn't about to bring a boy into the girls toilets. No, that'd be weird.” Everyone in that room new exactly what she was actually in the boys toilets for and it momentarily grossed Lance out. “And anyway, Pidge wasn't feeling well so we're helping her.” Ms.Flemming seemed to glare at her spread out makeup assortment for a few seconds before turning back with a sigh. “Not without a hall pass you aren't, weeks detention to all of you.” She spun round to stare at Lance who was vaguely glad he'd tucked himself back in. He scuttled over to the taps. Hastily he pulled some blue paper out of his trouser pockets before scribbling onto it as quickly as he could. Lance was fully prepared for this turn of events, minus the plastic fuck cases currently staring at his back. But...maybe, just maybe, this was Lances chance? His opportunity to force himself through the thick layer of fake separating him from the Chandlers? Even in his own mindscape Lance hates referring to them as the Chandlers. Pidge and Hunk had been stripped of their names and made into Nymas puppets. Thinking about it though, was that really that bad? Sure all sense of decency is gone but it comes with status, respect and exclusive privileges. It was a split second decision. Wiping his hands down, Lance pulled out 3 more pieces of paper and quickly scribbled on them. “Sorry, but no hall pass no-” “Actually Ms Flemming!” Lance began with thrusting the paper towards her. “All four of us are out on a hall pass. Yearbook committee.” Was all he said, giving a cheesy lopsided smile in her general direction. She skimmed over the letters a few times, only stopping to skeptically look at Lance from under her glasses. “Well...I see you're all listed. Hurry up and get where you're going.” She spoke quickly before shoving the paper absently to Nyma. After gathering in the doorway to make sure the teacher had left, Nyma finally looked down at the now crumpled paper in her hands. “This is an excellent forgery-” she threw out her arm and pushed the paper into Hunks chest. “Who are you?” Palms sweating, he looked straight into her eyes. “My name’s Lance Sawyer, I crave a boon.”
Part 1 done!!
Hope its ok! ^^
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