#I appreciate the art and creativity of others but I genuinely just cannot do that myself.
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neverendingford · 6 months ago
#tag talk#playing Polybridge 3 and I'm just reminded that I'm just genuinely not that creative or visionary#my whole life is been inundated with arts and science and I've been pushed to create and I'm just not that creative#I watch genius minecraft builds and cool dwarf fortress sagas and amazing bridge designs and I realize I am not like that.#I appreciate the art and creativity of others but I genuinely just cannot do that myself.#I recently sold my electric piano because I've realized that as much as I love listening to music? I just don't have the drive to create it#I love reading books but I don't have the drive to write stories myself.#I love looking at art but I just don't have the spark that makes me need to create it#and this sentiment gets perceived by others as me being hard on myself. like a self deprecating “oo I'm not good enough to make art”#and it's annoying because I'm not being emotional and sad about it. I'm simply taking stock of the fact that I do not have the drive for it#and that's fine. I grew up in a artistic family and I enjoy being able to appreciate art#but a big part of growing up has been learning to let go of the pressure to perform. the pressure to create and be an artistic individual#and just allowing myself to appreciate the beauty that others bring into the world without feeling the need to compare myself to it#everything I wrote as a kid was just blatant knockoffs of other stories I had read. songs I whistle are songs someone else wrote#and that's fine. that's okay. I don't need to create to enjoy life. I don't need to produce in order to be alive.#I am allowed to be content consuming the art that others have made.#and sure. every once in a while I make something. I'll paint or sketch or write a poem or make a new minecraft build or something#but I'm really just working on being okay with doing nothing for a while.#I used to be such a pressured hyperactive kid and I feel like my character arc is just me learning to chill the fuck out#learning to relax and do nothing and be okay with it.#I just don't have that drive. I'm not a visionary. I'm not a leader. not a creative soul. I'm not destined for great things#and that's okay. that's fine. that's normal. and I'm allowed to be normal.#after a whole childhood of being pressured to be better than everyone else. of being driven by others to perform to their expectations#I can finally sit down and breathe and still the churning in my stomach and slow down and just allow myself to chill out#and I'm happier like this.
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the-peak-tmnt · 1 year ago
Hey The Neon Void readers, quick update from the author's sister!
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(art commission by @kaysdenofchaos)
Hi readers of The Neon Void fanfic. This is the author’s older sister. She’s been getting a lot of fan art and asks lately. She’s sent me screenshots of a few unanswered ones looking for advice on how to respond.
While all the love and support of TNV is genuinely appreciated, my sister @sugarpasteltmnt is not equipped to respond to a small handful of these asks/comments that are, quite frankly, inappropriate.
Sugarpastels is not a therapist, and she’s certainly not an internet stranger’s therapist.
She’s an adult with an extremely demanding and stressful job for a very large client. Some of you have already experienced and enjoyed her work IRL without knowing it. Her company is close to finishing another project that will bring a lot of joy to hundreds of thousands of people every year, but working on a project of that scale is extremely stressful.
She is writing this fanfic for fun. TNV is a way for her to decompress and put her creative energy towards something other than work.
What’s not fun is coming home to asks/comments from readers who are projecting their own struggles/mental health onto TNV, and even Sugarpastels herself, and demanding some sort of attention from her over it.
Let’s be real: it’s fun to watch our blorbos suffer! So much of fandom is just us putting our favorite characters in Situations because it’s fun. Simple as that. But I think another reason TNV has resonated so strongly with readers is because of the way Sugarpastels writes the internal struggles of these characters.
We are both aware that TNV deals with mental health topics. Since the early days of “modern” fandom, fanfiction has been a way for people to explore complicated, difficult and sometimes even taboo subjects. There’s no shortage of complex feelings being explored in TNV, which is why we’re all having so much fun reading it.
But that’s all it is; an exploration. Sugarpastels is not a mental health expert. I’ve read a handful of books on PTSD and mindfulness for research while writing my own fanfic, and I would never consider myself prepared to help someone else.
It’s okay if you relate to things from TNV. I know I do! Again, fanfic has always been a way to read about things rarely dealt with (or handled poorly) in published fiction/tv shows/movies. I will always argue one of the greatest things about fanfiction and other fanworks is being able to see ourselves and our own struggles through our favorite fictional characters.
But Sugarpastels is not a fictional character. She’s a real person. Most importantly (to me at least) she’s my little sister, and this big sister cannot handle watching some of her readers expect more of her than is appropriate.
So I’m asking you to please be mindful of what you ask/say to not just her, but literally everyone on the internet. Unless you’re chatting with someone regularly, they do not know you. Whether it’s friends, family, teachers, coaches, etc, there are people in your life who know you personally, and are therefore better equipped to help you than a stranger on the internet.
Sugarpastels is so full of empathy that it’s hard to not feel for you when you send things like this. But it just isn’t fair to put that kind of unnecessary pressure on someone who is, at the end of the day, just trying to have some fun writing about ninja turtles bein’ sad.
(That being said, PLEASE DON’T BE SCARED TO SEND HER ASKS AND FAN ART!!! They make her day every single time and are seriously so, so appreciated. She’s texting me about it constantly how much she loves all of TNV’s readers. This whole post is really directed at an extremely small percentage of her readers, but there have been enough I felt something needed to be said.)
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obsessivecelestial · 2 months ago
Ahem ahem,,, I supposed I need to make a lil appreciation end of the year post :3
Imma try to get to as many people as I can, and if I forget you, it’s because I’m fighting off a sickness so I’m a lil out of it!
@stormbreaker-290 I don’t really know where to start, but you’ve genuinely brightened my year! You’re very funny and sweet and I always find myself smiling and literally kicking my legs whenever you post anything! You’re an amazing friend and I’m happy to have somebody to share my interests with!! Your art is also amazing and I adore it so much! I love when you show me little doodles you make :3
@bumble-the-sun-bee if it weren’t for you, I never would’ve ever met Storm of any of the people I now know! You’ve played the biggest part in this and I couldn’t be more grateful for you. You were one of the reasons I started experimenting with my art and why I’ve improved because of your silly little virus guy! You’re also just enjoyable to talk to and I love seeing all the art you make. It’s motivating and inspiring every time you post and I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to all of the people I know. You’re also very kind to me and I appreciate that!
@eternal-soup SOUP! You’re, again, so amazing! I really really love playing Roblox with you, and I really appreciate how you put up with my shenanigans and constant talking. You’re also so sweet towards me and others! Your voice is soothing to listen to as well and I thought you should know! :3c thank you for drawing things for me and being my friend for the months you have! And I hope we continue to be friends! You’re silly and sweet, and I find that you make me happy a lot!
@multifandomcutie13 we don’t talk a lot or interact to much, but when we do, you’re very kind! You seem like you’re a sweet person and I hope to grow our friendship through time!
@escapetheslaughters we also don’t talk a lot, but you’re still my friend! Your roleplaying is so entertaining to read and I can’t wait to interact and roleplay with you more! Your random posts also get giggles out of me, and I find joy in being apart of your blogs!!
@purplelordstudios hii!!! We actually haven’t properly spoken since Pinterest a few years ago! And I also have to thank you for being my friend back then and I hope we can maybe become good friends again now! You helped me through art and gave me some motivation for it back then, and now I enjoy seeing how you’ve grown and how your art has changed over the years! I hope to draw our OC’s together again! It’s been a while since they’ve last seen each other!
@jackamaryllis you know who you are to me, and I love you so so so much. You’re been with me my whole life, you’ve been my longest standing friend and I cannot thank you enough for that. You’re hilarious, you’re creative, you support and help me just as I do you. You’re one of the closest people in my life and I don’t ever want that to change. You mean the world to me, and I physically cannot imagine one without! I can’t wait to see you again and I can’t wait to cosplay with you again! You’re kind and you’re smart and you’re just the most amazing person I can ever ask to be in my life!
@compulsiveimpairment @bipolar-sad-and-ready-to-cry @bittyfromquotev @wonders-sunlight @pinkieglitterheart @redvelvetstars22 @animatronic-assistant @upsidedownapple @achickennamedcheese @kibblenoodlesnail
All of you are also so amazing, and I can’t thank you all enough for being in my life and being my mutuals! Some of you we don’t talk, but I still think about you and care for you all deeply!
I hope the new years treats every single one of you well and it’s a good year! You’ve all impacted my life in a good way and I thank you all for that. I love you all dearly /p
Happy new years (eve)!! đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚
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welcomehomediscordserver · 2 years ago
I have found joy in your little show that I rarely find in things. The overwhelming love and care I have not just for these specific characters but for your art and talent as a whole is astounding. I want you to know that your community, the good parts of it, support you in any endeavor you choose to take. Although this project may have blasted your popularity you are 3-dimensional, you are much more than the creator of welcome home. You are a multi-medial, skilled, talented, and strong artistic being. Throughout all of this I have had nothing but the utmost respect for you. I will continue to no matter what. Just know we over at The Welcome Home discord server have been following your art closely and appreciating every detail! Do what is best for you clown, and continue to do so! -Reggie
It's been a while since something has grabbed me like this... Welcome Home is one of the most precious things I have ever seen, the creation has and will it always have a place in my heart. Thank You creator for sharing this piece of you heart with us. But your safety is more important, I hope that you'll be safe. -Jax
"dear clown, from the heart of one fan to many others, i find so much comfort in your project that i hope that even when things just like now are awful, you know that there's people simultaneously supporting you in every step of the way! We can wait however long you believe is necessary, you deserve to feel respected with your own passion project! And with that to a close, i wish you well! Thank you for giving us a grand welcome home!" -gremints
dear clown, you don't know me. i don't know you either. but everything you've been working on? it's changed my life. and i know that sounds cliche and silly, but it's true. you've inspired me to keep working on my own passion projects, to keep going. because of you, i have found a little community to call home. because of you, i have rekindled my love of silliness and color and creativity. i cannot thank you enough. without you, i would not have found the friends i have now. whatever you do, i want you to know that we're here to support it. and i hope that wherever you go, you also find home. - moth
Hi you dont know me but im Bug, one of the mods^^, I just want to start my message with this, Before I found welcome home, everything for me was going downhill, I had lost so much that was important to me in less than 2 weeks, I couldn't get out of bed and I wasn't doing my favorite things anymore. I couldn't even smile, My eyes were tired and heavy from crying. But thanks to you, Clown. Wonderful you..and your beautiful vibrant creation. With characters I saw and adored right away. I've smiled, danced, sang my favorite songs again, met new and amazing friends & began to draw again. I felt happiness faster than I thought I would again. A peace from your life helped heal some of mine and I'm grateful. Your creations bring me and so many others joy, But even then it as not as important as you. Yes It brings many smiles to people and i hope that doesn't sound to overwhelming.. But although we can't fix the issue people have caused you, we can't apologize for those who don't respect the boundaries you've set and we can't take back what others have done we want you to know that no matter what, the good of the community will always Have what's best for you in mind, in our server we make sure all rules are followed and you're privacy and mental health is respected. Take as much time as you need to take it all in, relax, do what's best for clown. 💚 take care of yourself before aything else. We thank you for all you've done already. -Boogerbug
Hi Clown! Just another rando passing through! While I have known about your artwork for a few years now, I never dove into it until Welcome Home became popular, and I genuinely love the vision you have. Your other artwork is also phenominal and genuinely inspires me, and it always has, even before I discovered the Welcome Home website. Your character designs are impeccable, the way you portray the muppets is genuinely awesome and brings back a lot of good memories, as I grew up watching puppet shows. Explains one reason I enjoy your work doesn't it?Despite making godly artwork, people forget that you are a human like the rest of us. Most people who become famous or popular because of something they have done experience this and it is unfortunate, but there are some of us that know you have a life and are already struggling. Take the time you need to rejuvinate yourself and try not to let these people get to you, as hard as it is to do, as even I still struggle with this daily. These are your creations, and you deserve to have control over what happens with them, and the disrespect this slowly growing fanbase has for your requests is terrible. Hoping that things eventually improve on your end, especially since you already aren't in a safe environment, something I also understand. I've already planned on throwing some bucks at you through Ko-Fi once I open my new bank account, and even if I cant, I still want to help prove that you are worthy and deserve better than this. You are incredibly talented and I hope to see Welcome Home and all of your other works of art flourish over time! - Sunnie/Mizo
Now onto the big reveal....
Our server members as well as a few mods all banded to together to create a collage showing our appreciation and support for Clown during these rough times. I hope this can serve as a reminder that despite the shitty people out there, there is a large community who still very much respects and enjoys every aspect of Clowns artwork.
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An art collage put together by the moderators with art submitted by members.
Below are more signages as well as the usernames of everyone who participated:
- and lastly, the rest of the welcome home discord server đŸ©·
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homestuckreplay · 5 months ago
Webcomics at Day 100 #5: Bob and George
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Pages read: 4/1/2000 – 4/5/2002; 718 pages (including author’s commentary)
Reason for selection: Bob and George was a pioneer of the ‘sprite-based’ comic genre, where video game sprites (or custom sprites) are used in place of original character art to reduce the artist’s workload. B&G is also famously meta, almost entirely disregarding the fourth wall.
Original run: 4/1/2000 – 7/28/2007; daily updates with 2658 total pages. Completed before Homestuck began.
Content warnings: homophobia and mild ableism (comic), cultural insensitivity, centrism, and severe ableism (author’s commentary)
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Overall thoughts:
‘Now, there is something to say of the nature of creativity. How creating a fictional world makes you akin to a creator god. You could say that, sure - if you were fucking nuts. It's a fucking story. It's not real. I don't give a fucking dick's shit how many readers there are, how fucking huge it is - every fictional world is exactly that, fictional.’ – John S.
‘The jokes are bad, the art is plagiarism, and I firmly believe the only people that can appreciate this comic are 14 years old or younger.’ – Cesar R.
Some people on the internet like to spend large amounts of time talking about things they hate, and both of the above quotes come from Bob and George reviews on blogs dedicated to discussing webcomics the authors think are bad. I don’t personally have much respect for the Avowed Hater, but I cannot express how much I love these quotes.
However. I think this webcomic rules.
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Here’s a brief overview. David Anez invents two characters – the titular Bob and George – in middle school. Aged 20, at the turn of the millennium, he decides to make a webcomic about these characters, despite having no idea how to draw. He plans to start on April 1, 2000, but can’t source a scanner by then, so begins making placeholder comics using 8-bit and 16-bit sprites from Megaman games, telling a potential audience that the comic isn’t ready yet – meaning that from day one, Megaman knows that 1. he’s in a comic created by an author, and 2. he’s not supposed to be the main character.
Months later, Anez sources a scanner and begins to draw Bob and George. They’re two college aged brothers who are also a superhero-supervillain duo. By this point the strip already has readers, and they don’t like this format as much. It’s also more difficult for Anez to make, so he returns to the Megaman sprite comics, but also edits some sprites into representations of both Bob and George, who become characters transported to the Megaman universe from another dimension. The story cycles through ‘retellings’ of the first six Megaman games interspersed with original storylines, dimension hopping, time travel, predestination paradoxes, alternate versions of characters, fan created characters, at least two characters who are explicitly the author, and other characters reading the comic they’re a character in. It goes from a simple story about George passing the days at his summer job before college, to a huge, whirling, spiraling mess of continuity and temporality.
In July 2007, after just over seven years, Anez brings the story to a conclusion, goes through the archives to add author’s commentary to each and every strip, and then
 disappears. He focuses on his day job and his wife, and he never does another internet project again.
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I genuinely love amateur art. I think Anez can be too self-deprecating in his author’s commentary – because he’s right, the jokes can be repetitive and don’t always land, the hand drawn art is ridiculous, the characterization is inconsistent and the ideas are unoriginal, but art can be all those things and still be meaningful. ‘I could have made this’ should be a compliment. It should mean: this makes me think I could create; you have achieved something and have inspired me by doing so, because this is within my grasp, too.
Unlike Cesar R. above, I don’t think sprite comics are plagiarism – these are firmly transformative works. Anez rearranges the Megaman sprites, gives them dialog and puts them in situations, and recaps and expands on the game storylines. He credits Capcom with the sprites’ creation, and wrote a homage to the games, not a substitute for them. However, due to the copyright issues, sprite comics are famously un-monetizable. Some original-art comics were occasionally able to turn webcomics into income, but even when Bob and George was at its peak of 25,000 daily site visitors, Anez wasn’t able to sell character merchandise or books and could only source small donations via PayPal. In this way, he sits among hundreds of big name fans who have created wildly popular fanfiction and fanart that’s almost entirely unpaid labor.
Anez’ author’s commentary is sometimes highly problematic but gives fascinating insights into his process. On October 19 2001, Anez included the Author - an established character - in the day's comic, wearing a helmet for the first time. In the author's commentary, he states that 'the Helmeted Author was never intended to be a new character' and that the helmet's inclusion was necessary due to artistic limitations with the sprites. However, the Helmeted Author stuck around and became a separate and important character. Similar instances recur in the commentary, where an accidental continuity error or an out-of-character moment ends up being folded into the overall story, becoming smooth and seamless in retrospect despite being entirely unplanned. It’s an open and honest look into how serial narratives work in practice.
An ice cream joke followed immediately by a self-deprecating joke is pretty standard issue for this drivel. Seriously, look at yourself. You're reading a sprite-based webcomic with Megaman characters, and they were just arguing about the merits of ice cream. I can't believe you read this stuff. Hell, I can't believe I wrote it. That being said, it's a fun way to waste your time, isn't it? – David Anez (author’s commentary for 10/23/2001)
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Relevance to Homestuck: [ooc – vague spoilers for the entirety of Homestuck]
Bob and George feels like a rough draft for a LOT of things Homestuck would end up doing in (relatively) more artful, complex ways. It’s often painfully explicit about what it’s doing, hammering its own themes and experiments into the ground via the small amounts of dialog there’s space for instead of advancing a plot – but it’s the earliest webcomic I’ve personally looked at that’s actually testing what the medium is capable of. Anez begins with a simple four-panel strip, and primarily sticks to this style throughout, but from early on he thinks that some strips would look better animated and that the fourth-panel punchline format is a ‘severe restriction’, especially with battles.
As time goes on he begins to experiment with art size, style and aspect ratio, animate part or all of some strips, include interactive strips where readers can click through the panels at their own pace, and include panels in the wrong orientation or that aren’t physically connected as they should be – all elements that would become hallmarks of Homestuck. Characters even comment on the change in panels, and in art style (such as their own change from 8-bit to 16-bit to 32-bit sprites). In commentary for July 2nd 2001, Anez says, ‘I suppose these comics are my non-animated contributions to the infinite canvas nature of webcomics, huh?’
B&G never reaches the extremes of Homestuck, but it’s still a multimedia story. It recaps its own storylines, celebrates its own anniversaries, and folds fan contributions into its main arcs. Prominent fan creators have custom sprites made of them which are included in panels, including the Second Party arc, where a character ‘interviews’ fancomic creators and references their work and their activity in the forums and chatrooms. As such, to have a complete understanding of B&G, it’s necessary to also read prominent fanworks, and to understand its surrounding community – much of which is no longer archived. ‘Subcomics’ are differentiated and elevated from officially-hosted ‘fancomics’ which are again differentiated from fancomics which didn’t make the cut, and a hierarchy based on official recognition is born in the community, not unlike the elevation of Homestuck fanartists to official contributors.
B&G is similar to Homestuck in themes as well as form. From early on it asks questions about the meaning of ‘reality’ and an ‘official’ or ‘canon’ timeline, and explores ideas of what it means to have free will (or not) when you’re a character in a story, you know what’s going to happen next, you’ve met the guy who wrote it, and that guy may or may not be dead. It’s about physically two-dimensional characters who are in both a video game and a comic, and continually blurs the boundaries between those mediums. In both comics, an author – born in 1979 – has grown up witnessing the birth of technology that is going to change everything about how the world operates and break down our interactions with physical space and time, and they’ve made weird, longform, and often technically ‘bad’ art exploring what that means. These comics are holding hands as two links in a chain of a broader artistic movement.
Continue reading? I cannot WAIT to read the rest of Bob & George.
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elderscrollsconceptart · 10 months ago
Have you thought about showing off concept art from fan projects like Skyblivion/Skywind? Could be neat, and they definitely have a few concept artists. I think they'd be happy to let you show some of it off
Hello and thank you for your question!
Please everyone bear with me on this, as this will be a loooong reply, but I've got a lot to say on this matter and related matters and this ask is an opportune time to write all this 💜
I've given *a lot* of thought about this exact thing over the past few months.
Everytime I go looking on artstation, deviantart, etc. for TES artists I come across a lot of art from these and other TES community projects. The people working on these are super talented and alot of them are (IMO) on par with the in-house artists and creatives at Bethesda.
My main drive when creating this blog was to bring attention to the often ignored and overlooked artists behind TES. For years it frustrated me how comparatively little we know about the ins and out of TES games and art development. Everywhere you look online in TES and fantasy forums you see mods, fan art, fan projects etc, all worked on by brilliant and talented artists and creatives.
What is often missing however is the work and creative perspective of the official artists of TES. Take here on Tumblr for example. Follow the right tags or blogs and you'll see nothing but wonderful TES fan art from thousands of artists or fantastic mods and community passion projects.
But you know what you almost never see? Actual TES art posted by TES artists themselves, or at least their art posted by fans with the artist name attached for credit. Occasionally now and again a blog will post official TES art with proper artist credit, but there seems to never have been a blog or sub-community on here exclusively dedicated to just posting official TES art. There should be and elevating the artists of TES with proper credit is something I think we all know should be done. This blog belongs to the community and I try my best to fill this gap as I know for a fact others here feel the same as I do.
There's so much fan art online (which is a good thing!!!) but not nearly enough official TES art posted with artist credit. Thats what this blog is for.
I fear people here and elsewhere are so used to seeing fan art and trying to elevate fan artists, that when they come across this blog they will still just assume its posting fan art because thats virtually all they see on a day to day basis. This has happened numerous times. I will post a piece with full artist credit listed and someone will reblog:
"Wow! This is amazing!" #TES #Fanart
When that happens my heart aches.
It genuinely makes me feel like I'm failing my responsibility to ensure that it is clear that all art posted here is official TES art. All art seen here should be understood as the work of industry professionals working for Bethesda/Zeninax themselves.
It is really really important to stress that I *do not* personally perceive industry produced TES art as naturally superior to fan art.
Art is subjective, as is the merit of it's quality. What I'm trying to stress is that this blog is just trying to bring attention to the oft ignored or unknown artists who make TES. Fan art and projects should be praised and elevated, but I feel this blog is not the space to do so.
Almost daily I see TES fan art on here, Reddit, Twitter, etc. which gets thousands of likes.
Conversely I come across a TES artists on Artstation or elsewhere who will get literally less than a few hundred *views* let alone likes or shares.
That breaks my heart. Everyone's art should be fully appreciated, official art or otherwise. I can't imagine how it must feel to work your way up to becoming an official artist on a beloved series like TES only to have your work stolen or virtually ignored. Your work may be seen but no one will know your name or that *you* made it.
I cannot speak for them, but I'd imagine it is beyond frustrating for TES artists to see their portfolios going ignored or reshared without credit.
I really feel there *should* be a blog that shares TES fan projects art and concept art with full artist credit. That 100% should be a thing and I highly highly encourage someone in the community to make such a blog. Perhaps one day I may even make a side blog like that if I can find the time.
I hope this didn't come across as too long winded of a reply, but hopefully it clarifies the intentions and purpose of this blog for anyone who may not have know. I hope All artists who create art get the respect and exposure they deserve for their hard work and skill. This blog is my best attempt at helping official TES artists get at least a bit more credit and appreciation from the community.
Thank you all, and I apologize for not doing a more thorough job clarifying all art on this blog is official TES art by Bethesda/Zenimax artists.
Love you all 💜
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zae-heeyyy · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Zae! 🎄🎉
(I've been drawing little Christmas-y Arthurs for my moots but yours is a little special. He bathed, put on his best suit, and is a little nervous to give you his gift <3).
Where do I even start? I guess I already said so much yet so little about you, Zae. You are the beating heart of this app, your talent is absolutely unbeatable and you're genuinely such a beautiful and caring person. In French, we use an expression to describe personalities like yours:
"Une personne solaire" (a radiant person). exp - Solar/Radiant people are people who radiate positive energy through a pleasant, smiling attitude, and a peace of mind, enabling others to readjust to this right balance. Calm and serene, they radiate on others and soothe them with their simple presence.
This is exactly what you are to me! You push me and so many others to their best, you're full of exciting and creative ideas, whether in your writing or your drawings and your art in different forms, and your positivity and benevolence are contagious! Just you being you is enough to put a smile on my face!
And you already know what I think about your writing style and your incredible fics. They amaze me and leave me in awe every time. I couldn't thank you enough for sharing your work around here! Know that everytime you felt inspired by me, you inspired me back! Your cheering and sweet words of appreciation are the best fuel for my motivation!! Looking back at 2024, I'm so grateful for this year especially because we met.💞
Oh, and also!!! I couldn't leave you without your own rdr2 achievement! The simple fact that you spent so much time creating some for your friends but none for you proves my point: Your kindness and generosity are limitless!! So, here's your well-deserved achievement!! Ta-da!
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Love you! -PineyđŸŒ±
I literally cannot stop laughing! I’m overjoyed to have received this, Pine! This Arthur is SO STINKING CUTE (his little scars on his chin and bow tie especially đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č). You are once again proving your AMAZING TALENT and sweet, sweet heart. It’s an incredible honor to receive a drawing made with so much care from anybody, but it’s even more special from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 
Now it’s my turn to cry!  Une personne solaire 😭 French has always seemed like such a beautiful language to me, and this is a prime example. These words are so special to me because my grandfather used to call me peacemaker 😭. Thank you for a little reminder of that. My heart feels so so so so full. I’ll will carry this phrase with me and remind myself of it when I’m feeling down.
And Endless Sunshine?!?!? 😭😭 I love it!!! I try to live in a way that uplifts both myself and others, and it feels good to know that I’m doing that, if even just a little. All of this means the world to me, Piney, and I’m so very grateful for you. Thank you so much, again and always. 
Lots of love,
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super-hero-confessions · 2 months ago
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I love film as an art form. I really do. I love how much work actors and actresses, writers, directors, VFX artists, and everyone put into it and I would love to see more people appreciate the work that goes into creating film and television as an art form. (The same goes for comics and books too.)
It's not just one person that goes into it. It is a massive team of people that come together and work long hours chipping away at bits and pieces they create, making sure everything fits together until the final piece is completed. It is often well over 100 different voices being spoken in little ways all at once and I find that incredibly moving and beautiful.
Granted, I do wish the industry (and fans especially) were better. The writers strikes and VFX artists treatment should be evidence enough of this (I am still sorely disappointed that there were actually "fans" who complained about these things because it put a delay on their favorite show. These are people's lives we're talking about and that's not a joke.) Money could be better distributed. If a single actor were to accept just a 1,000,000 less from say, a 15 million dollars paycheck—with an average of 276 people who work on a film, that is an additional roughly 3,623 dollars that could be allocated and divided towards every single other person putting work into the film being produced. This is not to say that actors and actresses do not work hard and don't deserve the pay; but the reason they are paid so well at all is because they have much better unions.
For a business so lucrative as the film industry, it is asinine what some of those putting countless hours and effort into these projects get paid by comparison. I wish more people could understand this. Furthermore, I wish more people could understand the creative perspective and just how much work needs to go into this thing that gives so many of us something to enjoy.
Tumblr as I've seen kind of struggles with this idea. And to be fair, this isn't the only place I've seen that. In all honesty, proper criticism isn't a subject that is well taught unless you take a course that actually centers on objective critique.
Allow me to explain.
Contrary to popular belief, not all criticism is valid.
All opinions are valid but criticism is not an opinion, or rather, it should not be an opinion or opinion based. That's far too subjective and restrictive for what can or can't be successful in terms of art—because art and opinions of people vary so wildly it's just not going to be coherent enough to be sound judgement. Art is meant to be free and this method of judging through personal feelings would deny this.
Genuine and valid criticism is generally devoid of personal preference and opinions. It has little to nothing to do with whether or not the piece suits you or you like it or not as a consumer. (Which is often where I see the confusion come from. Many fandoms I've come across will judge a story based on whether or not they liked or disliked things portrayed or the direction it took when this has nothing to do with the critical success or failure of the story. Whether I "like" a piece of art or not cannot define whether it is "good" or "bad" and this misunderstanding of critique is incredibly widespread.)
Critical success of a story is based on a very simple criteria. That is:
1.) What is the creator's goal or intent?
2.) Was this accomplished?
If the answer is yes, then critically, the work is successful or "good". There is unfortunately often a struggle in understanding creative works (especially when people are not educated in light of critique) but to boil it down; if a creative's goal was simply to make and tell a story and it succeeds in doing that whether popular or not and whether people like it or not, then objectively—through a critical eye, the work was well made and fulfilled the goal it set before itself.
And there are other questions involved in critique as well, ones that take it deeper for a more intensive and thourough dissection of the art. Things like literary technique and execution for writings, principles and elements of design for more traditional art—but again, these are things that are identifiable through an objective lens and they do not involve public or personal opinions regarding the work in question.
If the work accomplishes what it sets out to do; then whether you agree with this goal or not, the work has in fact succeeded.
I see so many complaints across fandoms that are discouraging to say the least. The latest on my mind is "The Boys" as an overabundance of people (especially those interacting with any darker media and art forms) will give their personal opinions and label them as critique while simultaneously completely missing the point of both critique and the story. The story itself is quite clear in its intentions and the themes it wants to convey. Objectively, whether you agree with the execution and themes or not, it succeeds in its goals and is quite well made.
Garth Ennis as a writer is quite incredible. His work is certainly not for everyone, but whether you like it or not he will rip your emotions out of you and access every possible feeling you can have on the emotional spectrum through his work. This is part of why his work is so controversial but it's also something that many many writers struggle to and often could not hope to accomplish anywhere near such a magnitude.
And in truth, this is often the goal of art and artists. To make you "feel".
Honestly? I really just wish more people could understand art and artists, and appreciate them through this lens. It's just so disheartening to see people complain about what is tantamount to not understanding the art or the artist—or why art is made at all. In other words, these people do not support artistic freedom if it means art that is not personally tailored to their likes and dislikes gets created. Whether in the industry or outside of it (especially those that make peanuts comparatively. I once saw someone complain about how they wouldn't feel bad for the writers in the industry because of the type of money the industry makes which is just. I'm sorry, it's just so completely tone deaf and ludicrous that I still can't understand how anyone can come to this conclusion.) artists—of all types, deserve this very basic appreciation and respect, whether we like their work or not.
We're human too. And yes, I know, sometimes we're a little weird. But sometimes it's because we also tend to see life through a different lens than those around us. Sometimes we just want to share that view. Sometimes we want to warn people before it's too late. Sometimes we are too late. Sometimes we just feel like pouring out our feelings into something more tangible. All of these are things even artists within larger industries feel. We're still just people and we work just as hard as anyone on our own craft. I hope it's not too much to ask people keep this in mind.
I think, in a way, that may be the only thing we've ever consistently asked for.
Thanks for reading if you made it all the way through. 💜
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dandyshucks · 11 months ago
i have a whole rambling vent that I tossed into the garbage because I don't really feel like that'd be a good idea since I cannot tell if it's just attention/validation seeking on my part or if there's actually any productive point to me posting it
so I'll just say that I really do consistently wish I could interact with y'all more because I genuinely cherish the little circle of friends and mutuals I was lucky enough to stumble into here and I want to show that I appreciate you all so much, and I also struggle a lot with feeling like maybe I shouldn't post as much as I do since I do not often have the stars align to be able to interact with others the way that I want to so I don't feel "deserving" of interaction myself. there are several factors outside of my control that prevent me from interacting the way that I'd really like to, and that frustrates me very often.
if i miss reblogging your art or writing, I do genuinely apologize! I might have completely missed seeing it due to not being online at the right time and not scrolling your blog enough, or maybe I saw it and avoided reblogging because I have a very silly notion that I shouldn't reblog unless I have it in me to put together my words just the right way to properly cheer on your creative works (<- i am trying to kick that avoidance bc i think it's probably far better to rb with less eloquent cheering rather than not rb it at all. i've considered saving stuff to drafts or queue to rb when I have a clear head and energy but I don't want to make ppl nervous with ghost notes TwT).
I really REALLY appreciate that people self-rb because that means there's a better chance of me seeing it and rbing it !!! please do not be scared of self-rbing, I often wish ppl would do it more often (...hypocrite that i am LMAO I rarely self-rb bc i get too scared to jfdskl)
anyways !!! i am going to go find a dinner, i appreciate you all, and I'm desperately hoping that I haven't just stuck my foot in my mouth and fucked everything up somehow fdsjkl augh. As always, I am so very open to being corrected or told "hey man, that was kind of shitty" or anything along those lines !!!
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iztopher · 2 years ago
I keep seeing posts going around with the sentiment of "people need to learn to distinguish media they like from good media/media they don't like from bad media," and while I appreciate the sentiment and I'm sure I've reblogged them before, the more I think about them the more I think that's not actually a useful way to judge media. If you approach things that way and it works for you, that's genuinely great. But I don't find it a productive road to encourage other people on.
I'm one of those people who think good art and bad art don't really exist in any objective sense. I think creativity is way too subjective for that. I remember, when I was first starting to use the "just because I like it doesn't mean it's good" metric, saying about a piece of art, "my personal opinion is this, but objectively-"
The best friend I was having this conversation with cut me off. "You can't be objective about art," they pointed out. "That's still a personal opinion." Yeah, okay, fair enough.
You cannot actually fully separate your personal opinion of art from your thoughts on it. Deciding what "objectively" makes good media is still a biased exercise. Where did you learn what makes good media? Why do you agree with it? These ideas are still personal! So is deciding whose opinion you agree with. You are, on some level, making a choice to agree with your mom, or your best friend, or the critic you respect, when you think a movie is bad but they say it's good and you decide that means it actually was good, personal opinions aside.
Everybody's different, but I lived by "distinguish if art is good or if you just like it" for years. It didn't help me understand media analysis any better, as any of my friends who had to patiently explain the basics to me time and time again could tell you. It didn't help me be less judgmental of other people's tastes. It just made me more insecure about my own.
It does not feel good to love a piece of art deeply, to admire it and use it as inspiration in your own work, and feel the need to tell yourself, but this is objectively bad. It does not feel good to suffer through art you've seen loved and praised but don't personally enjoy and feel the need to constantly remind yourself, but this is objectively good. In my experience, it mostly just makes you doubt your own right to experience and share your own opinions on art.
I am personally sick of saying that art I hold close to my chest is actually bad, but that's okay, because I love it anyways. Especially when I can articulate the things I like about it! I would much rather say, "I've seen people criticize this game's level scaling for requiring too much grinding, but I like it because it gives me more time with the characters and helps me better immerse myself in the game's world."
If you genuinely love a piece of art and also genuinely think it's bad art, whatever that means to you, all power to you. But both of those are your personal opinions, and I think owning that is a way more productive way to approach media than pretending one is and the other is just objective reality.
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ranubd · 1 year ago
I would like to know what your boundaries are when it comes to interacting with you.
are you ok with requests or questions that don’t have to do with your works
are you ok with receiving headcanons that are not relevant to or may contradict with what you already have 
how many asks are you comfortable with receiving at one time.
Are there other things that you want us to know about fan interaction that I didn’t think to ask about
Hi, thank you for asking about my boundaries, and to anyone reading this, I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to look at this! :)
I am super okay with any questions you have about anything. I might not come with the correct answer to these questions, BUT I'll try to answer them either way! However if some questions are uncomfortable for me to answer, I can't put my finger on what such questions would be expect for like, NSFW stuff, I'm really not comfortable with that on my blog so please keep NSFW material/questions/requests to yourself. :)
With requests, if we are now talking art requests etc, then I'll gladly draw most stuff!! I tend to only enjoy drawing stuff I'm fixated on, so if I'm going through a overwhelming time or something due to my undiagnosed and therefore unmedicated ADHD I will probably not be drawing your requests. :(( BUT I'LL GET BACK TO THEM AFTER THE OVERWHELMING PERIODS!! (At least I'll try to.)
I would like to add on this that when I'm in artblock, I sometimes will just draw anything... So I may make a post asking for people to send me their OCs and so on so that I can get the creative juices flowing!! :D
You are again free to send me any of your headcanons even if they contradict mine, because if anything, I can add on to my own HC by yours. đŸ€­đŸ€­ However, if you do send me headcanons, try to mostly just keep yourself to Hermitcraft/Life Series headcanons or anything related to that because if it isn't about that I really won't have anything to respond to your headcanons. Hard to care if I don't know anything about the topic, yk?
I'm fine with any amount of asks. If you as a singular person have many questions that you feel won't all fit into one asks, then send them as individual asks, I don't mind!! :D
I try to answer asks as fast as I can, but sometimes it may take some time as I do go to school. And sometimes, LIKE YESTERDAY, I may have burnout or I may be over stimulated. If that is the case, I will not be active at all on social media, so don't take it personal if it takes a while for your ask(s) to be answered.
I would like people who view this blog to know that I most likely have ADHD, I'm mentioning this because it's something so recent and it is affecting me quite a lot.
I draw stuff when I feel like it, I genuinely cannot draw unless I get that certain flow going, it's a little hard to explain... But I haven't been working on the comic because I know it's better for me not to force myself to work on it because if I did that, I would risk losing interest in it completely, and that's something no one here wants. :(( So please do try to be patient with me, I may be academically smart, but I'm still a little slow. <33
I HOPE THIS ANSWERS ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!! If there is still something for you, the person reading this, that was left unclear or you didn't get a good or direct answer to, then send an ask to me or send me a message and I'll try to clarify myself. :)))
Also with ibispaints new animating tool... i might be going a little... Nuts... Hehe. AAAAAA 😝😝😝 Not saying anything but, like, well I'll just leave a few very very very fast doodles here.
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Steady steady... Pum pum pudum dum dum..
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tyulezhik · 1 year ago
Hi! I just wanted to wish you an early birthday and tell you how much I appreciate you. Even though this isn't a question, Ahah, oops.
I also just wanted to say you're an amazing artist, and I really look up to you and your future artwork! Every time you post, it genuinely makes me happy, and it makes me a fangirl every time. It's truly breathtakingly amazing; every stroke I see is just a work of art itself. Your creativity is unworldly. Please continue doing what you do! Many, like me and others, enjoy your art! It's something that cannot be put into simple terms simply because it's so amazing to simplify.
Sorry for the random message; it's just that I've admired your art for so long that I thought to say it. Especially since right now you seem to be in a sad mood, I really hope you feel better when your birthday comes. Someone as talented and precious as you should really be happy, because you are an amazing artist who deserves all the good things in the world. Thank you for sharing your talents and simply existing.đŸ–€
Sorry for answering so late,,,
I really appreciate your words, it warms my heart. I feel a little better, although I'm still a little tired. I may not draw that often, especially since I have college exam week coming up soon, but I'm glad you think my art is good, even if it's not that much haha
I'd really like my art to get better, so that it pleases more people and more people know about it, but I'm glad if even a few like it❀ I actually really appreciate all the messages of support that people write to me. I really miss this in real life (and praise is really important to me huh), so I'm grateful for every comment, even if I receive them so rarely🙏
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mightiestbanana · 2 years ago
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#MIGHTIESTBANANA — a private writing blog for MASTER KOHGA from the Legend of Zelda ( BOTW, TOTK, AOC ) — peeled by al.
🍌 — Main Peels : urbosa · link · zelda · astor 🍌 — Blogs : inspo · art · spicy ( 18+ ) 🍌 — Links : rules · about · hcs (+ masterpost ) · art
🍌 : mobile friendly about page · tag list
🍌 ABOUT:  This is a selective RP blog for everyone's favourite silly guy, MASTER KOHGA from The Legend of Zelda franchise, appearing in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom.
While I’m more than happy to write serious stuff, because Kohga is Kohga, things will get silly here and fast for the most part. Personals ( non-rp blogs ) can follow, but DO NOT REBLOG any of my posts or you’ll get booted if you can’t respect the bare minimum boundaries I have. This a roleplay blog: meaning, my metas and writing are not for the wider tumblr community.
Imitation is not flattery. Do not lift from my writing / headcanons / metas / etc unless you've been permitted. All art, along with my design for Kohga, is my *own* and is not to be reposted or used in any way.
I’m not fond of “ghost followers”, meaning if no interest has occurred after some time, I will simply remove you. I see zero point in keeping people around if they aren’t interested in anything I post. Because genuinely, why are you even here? đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
I do not condone the usage of generative AI for creative pursuits, be it art or writing.
I very rarely follow first. 🍌 ACTIVITY:  permanent state of sporadic activity. low commitment, low energy. I’m slow and easily distracted. We go for a casual vibe here, lateness doesn’t exist. I roleplay at my own pace, so if this is a bother, then this isn’t the blog for you.
I don't do starters or inbox calls. The best way to start something is by sending an unprompted ask or a prompt from my meme tag and hope for the best. 🍌 DYNAMICS:  I'm picky with shipping and generally not open to it unless it's with someone I click with. Kohga is a gay man and not compatible with characters under 30; he's only into other mature men. I don't ship Kohga/Sooga. Sooga canonically met Kohga as a child. I don't do Kohga/Yiga ships either. 🍌 CONTENT WARNINGS:  there will be occasional discussions of fantasy racism and genocide concerning the Yiga/Sheikah's history of oppression. I'm critical of TOTK (and Hyrule as a whole) and freely dissect and criticize the imperialist narrative present within the series. Adult content and occasional dark themes will be present. I will write sexually suggestive themes ( but try to keep it relegated to @yigahole ) alongside canon-typical violence. 🍌 INTERACTION: I only interact IC-ly with mutuals, but anyone can follow me! I don't mind if non-mutuals send in questions or reply to my posts/headcanons/etc. I'm unfamiliar with many series outside of Zelda, so I might not follow back if your muse is non-Zelda related.
PLEASE don't reblog memes/aesthetic/musings from me, go to the source. Start a new post to reply to an ask, don't reblog it. Softblock to break mutuals. I don’t fill out interest trackers, I don’t understand the point—if I follow you, I’m interested, period.
I’m OC friendly, but I won’t write with self-inserts and have no wish to engage with ex-Yiga characters. 🍌 NOS:  18+ followers only. No bigots and jerks. Just be a nice human and we won’t have issues. 👍 Yes, I know he's a goofball villain, but please don't be too mean-spirited towards Kohga. He’s not stupid and I don’t appreciate him ( or the Yiga ) being treated that way. Don't be fatphobic towards Kohga, even in-character. 
Please do not use purple prose or excessive formatting with me, I literally cannot read your posts, especially if you use multiple spaces and colored font. Focus on the writing, less on the ‘aesthetic’, it’s unnecessary and inaccessible.
🍌 WRITER:  I’m Al, 25+, and use they/them pronouns. I'm a ball of anxiety with chronic health issues that affect my concentration and energy levels, so please understand I'm not the best at chatting and getting back promptly! 🍌 IMPORTANT:  Be normal about the Yiga. I don’t view them as gratuitous villains or inherently evil and I will not write them this way. I portray the Yiga as a chaotic neutral, morally grey group, and all 'villainous' actions they take follow their own motivations, not Because They Canℱ. I don’t indulge plots/verses with characters that involve kidnapping, brainwashing, or whatever else that turns the Yiga into generic scapegoat villains that fail to treat them as people. Because it's a popular interpretation, this needs to be said: THE YIGA AREN'T A CULT, I don’t see it and it makes me uncomfortable. They’re a group of oppressed peoples formed out of anti-monarchist ideals who have lived as outcasts on society's fringes for several millennia. They’ve got a reason for their anger, and aren't some doomsday cult mistreating and indoctrinating their members. There's no canon evidence of this. tldr; be normal about the Yiga or you're getting the Big Glowy Blast
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always-andromeda · 2 years ago
teehee hiii hello! :D im very new to the danonation community, despite being an admirer of mr paul for almost a year now,,, there's so many amazing people and content they make but, it's really overwhelming and a bit scary to explore on my own! you're one of the few people i instantly felt safe to approach so, would you be so kind as to direct me a little bit? which danonation blogs are active right now, or maybe even personal friends of yours, just to start my journey in this community? i really really wanna participate, but since i don't have a single creative bone in me and can't contribute in art or writing, the least i can do is give love to all of you lovely people!! đŸ„° thank you for your time 💛
p.s. if you don't mind, i might have more questions later!
p.s.s. your blog themes are always so adorable and so so aesthetically pleasing it's amazing 😭💞
Hey hi hello, my friend!! Thank you so much!! I’m gonna leave all of my account recommendations under the cut because wHOO I went a little bonkers! Other than that, you’re always welcome to shoot me an ask whether you have a question or you just wanna say hello! Super glad to have you here and I hope that you have fun getting to know everyone and everything!!
I couldn’t get through a post about talking about creators in Danonation and/or my friends without mentioning Soph. Not only is she immensely talented, but her ability to shift between writing the sweetest moments and angst is basically unmatched. Shoutout to her for warming me up to the concept of having kids tbh bc wOW I did not see that one coming! She’s also one of my closest friends on here and I would heavily recommend giving her a follow and sending an ask; she’s absolutely precious to me and deserves all the love this community can possibly give her (but that’s just my opinion 🙄).
Now, if we're talking about my friends, I have to drag my wonderful Storm into the conversation as well since we met through Danonation. Storm has a wiiiide range of interests and gifs a lot of different things bUT his gif sets are fucking phenomenal. He hasn't been super active on here lately but I would still recommend dropping him a follow because lmao I am hugely biased (because I love and adore him) and because he's one of the most creative people I know and his work deserves to be seen by as many eyeballs as possible and fully appreciated.
Okay, I should preface that Bowie is on a bit of a hiatus and they’re kind of running on a queue schedule. However. I still adore Bowie with all of my heart. I genuinely cannot explain it; all I know is that I was born to be Bowie's biggest fan. Aside from that, they are such a pillar in this community. The work they put into giffing every Paul movie?? And furthering the Chubby!Eddie agenda?? And the bimbo agenda?? Listen, on this account, we’re all Bowie stans (lmao, new mandate, friends; we’re all Bowie stans now).
It’s only been for the last few months that I’ve been following Ethan bUT LEMME JUST SAY. I cannot fathom how my dash survived beforehand. You can be sure that Ethan will always have something either slightly unhinged, horny, or downright hilarious to post. They also write a bit as well and it’s some damn good writing if I do say so myself!! Also literally every time they post this plays in my head (but that piece of information is more for Ethan's benefit than anyone else's lol).
I feel like almost everyone in my little circle has read or at least heard of Max’s Edward fic, Disarm. And I can confirm, Disarm is fantastic. But I also adore basically everything else of hers that I’ve read. Max’s interpretation of characters (specifically Eddie and Calvin) just makes my writing brain so happy. She is also incredibly funny, a massively talented artist, and a very lovely person to talk to and I couldn’t imagine this little community without her.
I should preface this recommendation by saying that Finnie doesn't post purely Dano content and is more in the realm of the DC fandom in general. I would also give her content warnings a once over beforehand since they might not be everyone's cup of tea! But I still wanted to include her here because, her work and her personality has always inspired me so heavily and...goodness, I love being able to call her one of my mutuals. Her sense of humor is top notch; like truly, whenever she posts her little pictures where she draws herself as a stick figure wrapped around one of the Rogues, I lose my absolute mind. Anyways, stan Finnie too, Finnie is the coolest.
If you are in the market for a cutesy, coquettish aesthetic and Paul content wrapped up in one super sweet and kind person? Look no further than Ushuaia! I swear, every time I interact with her it feels like I’ve been hit was this pastel ray of light complete with lace frills and ribbons. She’s the absolute sweetest and the bits of her creations that she’s put out reflect that entirely and I can’t wait to see what else she can think up!
Goodness, it feels like Odd and I have been mutuals for literally forever because they’ve been there pretty much since the beginning of this account?? I always love getting a chance to interact with them and it’s been so cool seeing them start to develop their own ideas (and I swear, Odd, I will get to your dark academia college!Eddie fic as soon as I get a chance to actually sit down and read it). Also
their 70s Pornstar!Jimmy Tree headcanons
god if they ever post about them, I will actually lose my mind.
Fun fact: Star was among the first fic writers I read from when I first got into Danonation! They are a multi-fandom blog but again, I just had to include them because their writing is fucking intoxicating and I'm sorry but I'll never get over it.
So this serves as apology to Wren for being awful at keeping up with fics lately because ages ago I know I promised to read one of her Calvin fics and then I never did sO I AM SO SORRY. But this also serves as me taking the chance to gush over her work. Like y'all know I will fawn over anything Joby Taylor related and her Joby fic, i'm so sick...GIRL I'M SO SICK ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEE. Like truly...I lost my mind for part of a day when she followed me because hahahah I'm a nervy little guy and I am always so hesitant to make new mutuals (especially when they're this talented goodness gracious).
Okay, I will admit that I'm also a little newer to their work! But goodness gracious, just from the bits I've seen of both their Joby fic and their Eli stuff, I love what I've read so far and I really wanted to include them on this list as well!!
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blvnk-art · 3 years ago
on the topic of how you answer asks, i really appreciate the kindness and patience with which you handle everything that comes your way. i always thought there was something very stoic about it, and it's really cool to hear that you have studied stoicism. thank you for being so patient with all of us, it really does brighten my day to see how kind you are in your ask answers, even when you don't have to be. not many people are so steady in the energy they put back into the world, and i so enjoy watching you talk to people on the internet (is that weird? it's just so out of the ordinary to see so much consideration on here). thank you so much and happy new year!
that is the first message I receive in 2022! Guess this means good things for the rest of year, I hope hahah
I have come to a conclusion that no matter what you do or say, there will always have people liking and disliking you, being super kind or just trying to put you down. What's in my control is how I react to them, and how I am as a person to myself and others that trully care about me.
I don't remember how I came across the book (I guess it was a recommendation of a youtuber), but Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations" literally changed me.
It was not like reading about stoicism and being like "I want to be like this". It was a process of finally understanding things that I was already trying to improve about myself and mindset, as someone who needs to share creative things with people and clientes (in my job).
Philosophy is such a deep thing and I'm really interest in psychology as well, though all I do is to read and watch videos about it (I am graduated in Visual Arts, so I have come across those subjects with professors as well, just not as deeply as we should). and I genuinely like the subject!
The book also led me to a book which has an interesting title: "The courage to be disliked". I read it when I was on my "30 days without social media", when my confidence about myself and art was deeply low.
Reading about these kind of subjects (without going into that 'self-help' problem that we also encounter in books that just wants to take your money) help me personally, so I'm sharing this in case anyone is feeling like they are the worst person when they are not trying to be and still there are situations that make us feel we cannot improve, we are bound to be what we are now forever, when we feel like there are no room for redemption when we make mistakes.
2022 is here and I hope you all have a wonderful year (within your control!)
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thecandlesticksfromlesmis · 2 years ago
I found one of your YouTube videos then watched them ALL!, & I cannot thank you enough for the art you’re putting into the world. Things have been tough for me lately but your work has actually helped so much! Of course you’re super talented but there’s also just this kind of warmth in your projects that shows you love what you do and that makes everything even all that much better. Just wanted to say thanks so much and no matter what kind of a day you’re having or what you’re up to lately just know you’ve made a positive impact on the world that will last for a long long time, and think of that if you ever have a moment of doubt about what you do! <3 But yeah I really love the way you interpret E’s character as not being just robotic too, like he has flaws that are ideologically consistent with the rest of him (like his flaws are the distorted exaggerations of his ideals) and it’s just so compelling to experience as a viewer. And as an ace I really appreciate the good rep too (ace=/=Pure Perfect Innocent Cinnamon Roll; ace is when charming and capable of terrible things ofc haha). Especially in some of the more serious longer pieces, where we see the struggle E has as he navigates decisions involving both his ideals and his friends and the junctures where he has to make tough calls (
.sometimes literally, like in the coffins sketch😭💀👍). Not to be too annoying or gush too much but seriously thank you SO MUCH for everything you’ve done, I genuinely feel like I have a more solid appreciation for the source text and characterization because of your work, plus videos like about how to do an accurate E cosplay made me laugh because the way you talk to the viewer just feels like? Comforting?? Anyway,, THANK YOUUU and have a great day!!
đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș😭😭😭😭😭😭Thank you, thank you, thank you, friend, this is so sweet. I have doubts about my work all the fucking time, so I won’t be forgetting this message. I know I haven’t been all that active lately, but this fandom means so much to me, and it’s mostly because of people like you. Connecting with others through creative works is so special and exciting, and I’m so damn lucky every time someone sends me a message like this. So again, thank you 💙💙💙
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