#I apologize I have dyscalcula
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officialbruciewayne · 8 months ago
ooc: for the final reason of LOL, does it have to do with like, a "we're being watched" sort of code??
like, spies in the area, I need a subtle way to tell you without making it obvious to them?
it's the only slightly plausible idea i've had recently-
ooc. Sort of on the right track here, but I'm not gonna give it to you.
Instead, let's drive you bonkers!
The reasons were grouped as follows:
Connection M---
It's funny
For the ditzy Brucie persona
He is laughing very fondly
Anachronistic code in case timey-wimey happens
Currently Unknown
It is emotionally easier than saying I love you
Connection P------
It's funny
He is laughing very fondly
For the ditzy Brucie persona
Anachronistic Code in case timey-wimey happens
Currently Unknown
It is emotionally easier than saying I love you
Connection T----
He is laughing very fondly
It is emotionally easier than saying I love you
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goodboijohnny · 2 years ago
Okay, this is the last time I'm making a statement on this. I am posting it publicly for all to see, I have nothing to hide.
I've done questionable shit when I was 18, I didn't understand how internet safety worked and I was groomed on it myself, I didn't understand being an adult would change anything. I behaved online as I did as a kid and I wasn't educated or prepared for the conseequences I or others would face for it. When I realized I was doing problematic things I posted multiple public apologies and offered comensation, begging anyone I'd hurt to tell me what I could do to fix it. No one wanted to. Eventually these public apologies were taken down against my will due to my tiktok getting banned shortly after posting a vid of me using my walker. Regardless, the apology was still up for at least a year, I never hid anything.
I have also explained multiple times that I suffer with (and am professionally diagnosed with) the following:
Autism, cptsd, did, bpd, dyslexia, dyscalcula, ocd, hypersexual disorder, clinical depression, anxiety, derealization, dissociation, amnesia, maladaptive daydreaming, and time distortion (these are not all my diagnosises, just the ones that play a part in my online/general behavior the most)
I am not blaming my mental illnesses for my actions in the past. I still take full responsibility for the misunderstandings I had acted upon and the harm I caused. But again, I literally suffer from psychosis, I can't just sweep that under the rug.
All I'm saying is I have grown a lot as a person, and I still am growing as one now. I am not the same man I was when I was 18 and its unfair and immature to hold me to the same standards. Again, if ANYONE has a bad experience with me or was traumatized by me in the past would like to suggest something I can do to make things right, I'd be absolutely honored to be given such an opportunity. But I'm done with the extra rumors and bullshit my ex has been spreading and I'm not going to sit here and allow myself to feel shitty for things I have never done. You cannot expect someone to grow or become better if you don't allow them to grow from their mistakes and move one. You can't keep throwing their past in their face. I know its there, I acknowledge it, and its over now. Leave me the hell alone.
Lucius/Dead/my ex, I am no longer afraid of you and if you continue this path of spreading rumors and misinformation, I will post the evidence of your emotional and psychological abuse. I've been quiet because I want this to end peacefully, but Devil and I have recorded and photographed proof against you that I kept. I will delete it if you leave me alone and cease your stalking behavior. Please.
For anyone else, I am immediately abandoning this account for my own safety, as I have been successfully doxxed before and have had my life threatened recently. I have a new family now, I will not risk their saftey over online drama. However, I will be watching this in case my past victims comment or come forward to give me the opportunity to apologize personally or compensate somehow for the trauma I induced. If they read this and cannot bring themselves to, I understand. I am so so sorry, I still feel terrible and I hope you heal well. I welcome your anger, sadness, and pain in the comments. Feel free to express it. If I could say the things I wanted to to my abusers this way, I'd take the chance in a heartbeat. Your trauma is valid, no matter how big or small. You didn't deserve it. You are allowed to mourn. Never feel pressured to forgive your abusers, even if they grow. You were still hurt. I'm sorry I misunderstood my own actions and allowed you to experience the consequence. Please, do what it takes to heal.
Thank you.
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vaspider · 4 years ago
Hi! The post where you said calculating tips is hard of you have dysgraphia - op said dyscalcula, not dysgraphia. And those are two different disorders. Dyscalcula is when you have trouble with math, and is the word you were looking for. Dysgraphia is a motor disability that makes handwriting very hard. It has nothing to do with math.
Thank you very much. I'm having a high-brain-error day, and I apologize to @tikkunolamorgtfo for misstating their clearly-written disorder. I literally was in the middle of a sentence when talking with my wife earlier and said 'I am kind of dehydrated because the music at the hotel was terrible,' and it was only when she gave me a funny look that I realized I hadn't said 'water.'
I have no idea why I said 'music' instead.
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noblest-roman-of-them-all · 4 years ago
Here's a thought. College AU with QPR Logince. Logan is a math major, Roman a theater major.
Roman knows full well there's no way he could take some of Logan's courses (he has dyscalcula), but still makes playful jabs at Logan about the difficulties of his own courses. "I mean, yeah, physics is hard, but have you ever had to improve lines with someone because the next actor missed their cue to come on stage?"
Logan of course banters back about only needing to remember a script for a short time, these are formuals he's going to need committed to permanent memory.
And just silly back and forths, none of it is serious until it is. Somehow admist all the teasing they end up making a bet.
They'll each go to separate restaurants and pretend that the other stood them up. The goal? To get free pity dessert from the staff.
Both seem pretty confident. Roman because acting is literally his life and Logan because "It's not rocket science. How hard could it be?"
Roman takes the hopeful hold out approach. Just asking for refills of water, "Another five minutes. Sure he'll be here soon" every time some one asks about his order. Eventually he "breaks down" and orders an apitizer, but saves some for his date. Eventually he admits defeat and finishes the appetizer himself. When the waiter comes back around to take the empty plate Roman asks for a desert in a to go box "might as well get something good out of the evening, right?" The waiter brings his box of cake and the bill.
Logan takes a much different approach. Instead of dragging it out he smiles sadly the second time the waiter asks about his order. "Yeah, I don't think he's coming. He didn't seem that excited to me up after I told him about being ace. But hey! Being stood up is better than being told I can be 'fixed', right? I'm sorry. You- you don't wanna hear all that. You work with the public, you've had a hard enough day." And he let's out a dramatic sigh and looks to the door where another couple just walked in. "I was just hoping he would be different. Sorry!" He clears his throat and apologizes again before ordering. And he eats slowly. Glancing around the room, taking moments to watch the couples around him, making sure he has phone open to a conversation with "Big Brother(Virgil)" every time the waiter comes by, and makes sure a picture of Roman is seen at least once. The waiter comes by to take his plate and asks if there's anything else Logan would like. And Logan let's out another sigh and takes his eyes from the door. "Maybe just a coffee to go, please. Y'know what. A dessert to go would be really nice too." The waiter returns a with his box and the bill.
So Logan and Roman get back to the door and Roman is already arguing the rules set up, because he did get free food. It wasn't dessert, but he got his appetizer free and that should count!
Logan smirks and hands over his receipt which shows he was charged only for dinner, his coffee and dessert were both free. "Turn it over."
Roman does so and finds a note reading "my cousin is bi and way cuter than that other guy" followed by a number. Logan cackles at the beet red hue that comes over Roman's face. He assures Roman he thinks he's very cute and has no intention of courting anyone else.
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plecsantnights · 5 years ago
🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 ALL of em BRO ALLL of em even HABIT >:))))
Thomas Tommy boy isn’t… It’s not like he’s uncomfortable to be around. In fact, there are a good few people who would say the opposite. Tom is nice to be around, sometimes. He can be uncanny though. Thomas can say uncomfortable or hard-hitting things without really realizing what he’s saying or how it’s affecting the other person. This isn’t to say that he doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. In fact, for a Gunslinger he’s way too soft. He mostly just lacks the emotional intelligence to really know when he’s hurt someone or made someone feel uncomfortable so you kinda just gotta tell him. The best way to get along is to be straight forward. 
Alain Al was a weird kid. Like, used to poke at dead things and give adults blank stares kind of weird. Chris tried. Really, Christopher loved his son a lot and that never stopped but his son just came across as so alien and strange. It was a lot better to get him into his ka-tel. Being around other boys his age really helped Alain develop some social skills (although the awkwardness and blank stares would carry on into his adulthood). Alain was well loved by his family though, that’s not something to forget. All of them were willing to forgo the strangeness of the boy to simply love him. 
Atticus Atti usually doesn’t do too well in school! In any verse where he attends modern day public education, he’s Bad at it. Mostly because he’s in a poorer family with undiagnosed dyscalcula. So while he’s doing pretty solidly in everything else, it’s the numbers that he just cannot make sense of. His mother was encouraged several times to get him a tutor or let him stay after school but, the family was just holding onto whatever they had and trying to stay afloat that she really couldn’t make the extra time. She tried to help him with homework and all but even some of the stuff she didn’t understand. It goes undiagnosed until he’s closer to his thirties when he learns he had that and also ADHD (which also didn’t help with school). 
Tebrun Brun’s irresponsible. Not that he can’t handle personal responsibility! He grows up and learns how to become a diplomat! He’s willing to pay whatever price it is to apologize for nearly stealing Des’ guns. He goes on to become the Disciple and help fight to God’s Peak and kill a giant serpent. But also he like, tends to blow off things and people just because he feels like it. He won’t show up for a certain meeting or he’ll literally leave his job just because he found something more interesting to do. His attention span for things tends to be short. He’s well-aware of this and it takes some personal schooling to Not do that sort of thing. He actually learns how to be less self-indulgent thanks to Nolan. 
Vinnie Vinnie will take on this extremely polite and bland personality to avoid ridicule to his character. He can’t take criticism very well and avoids it at all costs. When he thinks someone might be getting annoyed or short with him, he’ll usually shut down and revert to that overly polite way. He likes to present himself as a bit of a push-over and more of a background character in people’s lives. If he could have it his way, he would be just some guy you met once who was super nice. This stems from the fact that Vinnie cannot stand to be called a monster and hates for people to see his negative traits for fear that it will make them not want to trust him. 
Nolan Nolan was raised by extremely religious parents and teachers. He was slated from a young age to be a human sacrifice. Because of this, his worldview is often rather bleak ad he can be extremely passive of many things. Or just straight up actively aggressive when pushed on certain topics. He also can be very un-curious about the world (if that’s a word). He’s not naieve, he just doesn’t care much. But those answers and all tend to come to him regardless so that’s just some bullshit he’s gotta deal with. 
UlyssesUly’s corpse is in fine condition despite being moving around and subject to all different sorts of climates. Part of this has to do with the fact that he has a witch corpse! Or like, he was a witch in life. By blood, mostly. So his body never degraded or anything like that and continues to be as stretchy and as alive-looking as always. Still got some of that marbling along the skin if you look hard enough and he gives major uncanny valley vibes. 
HABIT Despite being the more animalistic side of chaos, HABIT is ceaselessly curious about the world. Since he can’t exist in the world without a vessel, whenever he does get the chance to experience things first hand, it’s a real treat. He’ll sometimes take it a little too far though! He’ll eat too much or something or take too much of something. It’ll be worth it for the answer. And since he has very little moral direction, he’s willing to take things as far as they have to go. 
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allofthisnonsenseplease · 7 years ago
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 can we do a thing where jack is a dumb jock jock jack.... joack........ like he's on the college football team and he keeps trying to impress gabe w his letter jacket and shit and gabe is like ",,,, k"
gabe doesn't realize it's flirting he thinks jack is just trying to show off
gabe, as per usual, is a theater major (though he tends to work more on set design/costumes/directing than actually acting). he and jack meet in some required class, like a math class or something, because they happen to sit next to each other
jack is struggling. he is Not good at this subject. they get tests back and jack's grade is bad. he accidentally sees the score on gabe's paper and it's like 99%.
holy shit the hot guy sitting next to him is smart
he kinda flashes his own test score at gabe with a weak smile and is like "hey, ha, guess i should've spent less time playing football and more time studying."
gabe just kinda glances at him and goes back to his own thing with a dismissive "mm."
jack's expression wilts a little bit but he brightens up and asks, "so uh, any tips? how'd you get to be so good at this?"
"by not talking during class," gabe says shortly.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Jack is only deterred for a moment. He asks if he can hire Gabe as a tutor. Gabe reminds him that there's a tutoring center on campus Jack could use, and eyes him suspiciously. He could definitely use a bit of spare cash, but he doesn't know why this guy is offering in the first place. Jack upps the offer: cash, plus dinner every night Gabe can tutor him. Deal.
Elated by this success, Jack doesn't think at first about how quick he's going to blow through his spare cash doing this. He actually ends up getting apart time job in order to pay Gabe's tutoring fees, which isn't a problem...right up until Gabe starts to warm up to him and wants to hang out, but Jack has to work. =(
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 awww jaaaack you idiot jack keeps hitting on gabe when they meet up for tutoring sessions but jack does it so poorly gabe just thinks jack is show-offy. which is weird bc he is also very self deprecating. like bragging about being all buff from football practice but also constantly making jokes out of all the millions of mistakes he makes while playing and he is. very bad at math. VERY bad. gabriel doesn't know where to start with this kid.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 but, startlingly, Jack actually does try, which is why Gabe doesn't quit after the first session. Yeah it's frustrating, but it's not like Jack is ignoring him and goofing off. maybe he's got dyscalcula or something
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 awwww jackie and amazingly jack still fails his next test but only by a slim margin. improvement!! he flashes gabe the paper and gives him a lil grin and gabe is like SIGH still a long way to go but........ good job.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Jack feeling like garbage after that, though, and apologizing for having wasted Gabe's time. He's smiling as he says it, like, 'haha guess i'm just an idiot' but Gabe gets the vibe that he's really bothered over it.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 OJSNDKJND SADNESS
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Maybe that's when Gabe is like: 'hey, let me treat tonight' and Jack perks up all at once, then remembers that he has to work.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 qoq gabe says quickly "after work then. i have a car, i can... pick you up." jack is like really?? but it'll be so late.... but gabe doesn't let him refuse the offer
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 awww. they end up at denny's XD
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 LOL gabe is still bein all reserved but he does his best to reassure jack that he did a good job and it can only get better from here, it's a good sign and all that jack is all "awwww gaaabe it almost sounds like you care about me<3" to deflect from his own feelings of self-worth |D
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 lol poor guy what if they run into some of Jack's teammates there, and they kinda tease him about finally hooking up with Gabe, and Jack has a mini heart attack as he tries to protest no, this isn't...! it's not like that! and he ends up looking like a blond strawberry, and unable to meet Gabe's eyes. ((unless you were wanting to wait longer on the reveal?))
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 AWW maybe he protests a little too convincingly instead of crumbling he like puffs up and laughs and is like "LOL as if"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 JACK NO
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 gabe is like "haha yeah. as if."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 * claws at face *  i d i o t s
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 d(owo) jack keeps trying to pester gabe into coming to see one of his football games by promising to go to gabe's next show
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 is Gabe invested enough to be a bit insulted over Jack's lol as if? does he get grumpy and keep refusing to go and tells Jack that he isn't even in the play, so there's no reason for him to bother? and Jack shows up anyway and looks for him afterward?
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 yeppppp oh goddd what if it's like shakespeare or something else classic and jack pesters gabe to the point of annoyance where he snaps at him about why would jack even WANNA see it, it's not like he'd understand it or something like that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 OUCH
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 regrets it immediately of course but it's too late, jack's all closed off with his awkward laugh and a carefully blank expression gabe tries to apologize but jack just kinda shakes his head with that smile of his and says "don't worry about it, it's true."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 bonus points if it's decidedly Not True lol jack playing hamlet in high school
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 he tests horribly and has a hard time with writing so his grades are shit and people think he's either dumb or doesn't try and neither of those things are true omg that's hilarious the problem is jack agrees w those assessments and so he just leans into it instead of fighting it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 starts to think that since even Gabe sees him that way, then he's definitely not good enough for Gabe, so he just kinda gives up. quits the job, cancels the tutoring sessions, stops answering his phone, starts skipping class, even. Gabe checks for him at work after the second time he skips, and finds out he quit. He and Jack only ever studied at the library, so he doesn't know where Jack lives, and Jack isn't answering his phone. Confronts him after class next time when Jack's there, and asks him what's going on. When he mentions that he tried to find Jack at work, Jack just waves it off and admits he only got the job to pay Gabe, and since he's a lost cause he figured why bother? He neglects to mention that he's been trying to study on his own with his schedule freed up again.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 QoQ gabriel's heart hurts he starts with, "look, if this is because of what i said, i didn't-" jack cuts him off. "no. it's okay. it wasn't. you just reminded me." gabriel wishes jack would quit smiling like that and get angry at him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 O U C H orz fuck you for that one
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 :3c gabriel blurts out "please come to the play on friday. i think you'd- i think you'd like it." he doesn't know what else to do
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Jack's having a harder time keeping his smile in place, but he manages, and mumbles that it isn't really his thing, then tries for an escape oh shit. what if, trying for anything to make him reconsider or even just wait a moment, Gabe offers to explain it to him beforehand so that Jack isn't lost, and Jack just whips around to look at him and there's this expression on his face that Gabe's never seen before, and Jack just flings a few of Hamlet's lines at him--he'd been thinking back to that ever since Gabe said he wouldn't understand--but he can't remember the whole of it--it's been years since the play after all--and not being able to finish the part he started only makes him feel like he proved Gabe's point instead of demonstrating that he's actually at least a little smarter than everyone says.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 sggcjhbjhbgdsCGJBJHD GABE STOP FUCKING UP
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Gabe is like 'wait. WAIT. we need to talk about that. what was that?' but Jack is flustered and freshly humiliated and shrugs him off and practically runs away.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 dfgxfghcvbhc jack just wants to be good at something qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 that's part of the reason he's so proud of football--it's the one thing he's good at, so of course he's gonna try to draw attention to that rather than his failings
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 What if Gabe shows up to the next game and finds Jack afterward, and Jack actually brightens up to see him for the first time in a couple weeks, and Gabe's just: 'I sold you short before. Give me another chance?'
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 QoQ gabriel totally knows what he's feeling by now he might not know how MUCH he likes jack... but he knows it jack laughs but it isn't that false thing he's always falling back on, it's bubbly and a little awkward. "i really need to pass this next math exam so yeah" gabe is a little distracted by how jack's all sweaty and bright from adrenaline maybe a little more than distracted
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 realizes suddenly and a bit embarrassed over it 'i, um, can't afford to pay you for tutoring at the moment, though, so...'
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 gabe, thinking: i know what you CAN pay me with
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 omg gabe
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 instead he waves his hand and says, "it's payment enough just to be with you." jack stares at him, cheeks already flushed from the game so it's hard to tell if he's blushing or not, and gabriel realizes he just accidentally flirted with jack
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 AWKS that's not even subtle flirting, either XD jeezus, Gabe
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 XDD IT's MORE SUBTLE THAN WHAT HE WAS THINKING props on the censorship gabe
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 but Jack, after he gets over that initial surprise, lights up over it. Gabe is blindsided by how happy he looks.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 >w< gabe gets kinda flustered and is like UM. UH I'LL.. I'LL TEXT YOU and escapes
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 leaving Jack to wonder exactly what the hell just happened. lol what if he gets stuck in his head again and thinks Gabe only suggested tutoring him out of guilt and that he hadn't meant what he said the way it sounded?
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 NOOO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Jack ends up thinking that there's no way Gabe's actually going to text him later after that.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 JAAACK gabe, meanwhile, hands shaking as he holds his phone and tries desperately to come up w a casual message
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 god gabe if we haven't all been there in one way shape or form
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 yepp he eventually decides on something like "hey i'm free x day if you want to study" om g gabe starting to have lil fantasies about """"studying""""" with jack
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 lol Jack being SOOO relieved about getting the text that night. he asks what time, and Gabe's just anytime come over in the morning i'm free all day we can make a day of it and Gabe's got his heart in his throat over that
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 GABE YOUR THIRST IS SHOWING
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 and Jack's a bit nervous now, too, but holy hell he isn't gonna pass up that chance.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 THEY LIKE EACH OTHER SO MUCH THESE DORKS
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 oh! that'll mean Jack gets to go to Gabe's apartment! ^^
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 >w< as soon as jack walks in the door, gabe is like yes this person belongs in my house forever
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 <3<3<3 they get right down to studying with some drinks and snacks, but an hour or two in, Gabe calls for a break to move around a bit and let the info settle in Jack's brain. and, of course, he has to ask about the Hamlet thing.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 ahhhh
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Jack shyly admitting that he was the lead in the play in high school. he starts to say that he didn't really get it, only memorized the lines, but the words stick in his throat. when he glances at Gabe for his reaction, expecting skepticism, he's a bit surprised to see gabe smiling crookedly. 'My bad for assuming,' Gabe says. Jack brushes it off with a laugh and the 100% true claim that he's better at being a jock anyways.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 acassdvddvxf
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Gabe, eyes lowered as he's plucking at the carpet where he's sitting next to Jack, murmuring: 'You're more than just that, Jack.'
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 GABE THAT'S GAY
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 lol he's just admitting that his new friend/crush is a multidimensional human being!
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 jack kinda prickles and smiles and says "nah. what you see is what you get with me." gabe IS a gay mess for jack though
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 ABSOLUTELY please and thank you
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 gabriel is silent for a moment, pondering the patterns on the carpet "that's not true," he says finally typing w one finger is hard lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 XD you can do it! i believe in you!
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 :heart: he gestures at jack's paper smile and says "like that." jack's expression is strained. "i don't... what are you saying?" "come on jack, you're smart, you know what i'm saying," gabe sighs. jack doesn't refute that statement, but his smile is painful at this point "we- should get back to work," he says abruptly
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 defenses ar in imminent danger of being breached!! red alert!! you are typing better with one finger than i am with two hands
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 XDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 brb--need more tea
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 d(owo) "i mean it, jack," gabe tries again. "you're more than the person you lead people to believe you are. you can't fool me anymore, i know you're sm-" jack cuts him off with a hasty kiss
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 !!!!!!!!!!!! Jack, recoiling while blushing furiously: See? If I was smart, I wouldn't have-- Gabe, leaning in to kiss him again.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 sacsdvdrbtntfrfs
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 altho, to be fair, all Gabe knows is that Jack tries hard, tests poorly, and was Hamlet in a high school play lol
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 and that he's sexy as hell after a football game
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Gabe is all: 'I know you're smarter than most people think, we just have to figure out how to show it. How did you learn your lines for Hamlet? Maybe that's the key to how we should study. Jack: i'd really rather kiss you again thanks
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 gabe: come on jack you're good at- jack: hey shut up and fuck me maybe
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 WOW Jack. second date at least, i think
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 hey JACK stop avoiding your issues with sex k XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 XD so, like, who wins? do they keep studying? at least until Jack has just gotten too fidgetly over the fact that Gabe kissed him back and they have to take a break to deal with that somehow?
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 they try to study until gabe slams the book down with an exasperated sigh and kisses jack again
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 and he can sense immediately the difference in Jack's focus lol where a moment ago he'd been distracted as all hell, but the moment Gabe touches him, Jack is all about the kiss
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 also that jack is really really nice to kiss gabriel breaks it off briefly to drag them both onto the couch and then kisses jack into the cushions
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 jack gasping out in-between kisses 'god i'm so glad you weren't serious that night at denny's'
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 gabe gets offended at that like UM YOU WERE THE ONE WHO REJECTED THE IDEA OF US HOOKING UP FIRST
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 Jack's just HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED? I WAS PAYING YOU TO SPEND TIME WITH ME And they both stop. And stare. Inches from each other. Jack: I didn't mean to admit to that.
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 LOL oops accidentally told my crush just how desperate i was to hang out with him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 lucky for Jack, Gabe thinks it's more cute than sad? like, he'd already almost realized, since Jack took the job to pay him, but it wasn't 100% that it was all about spending time with him and not at least 50/50 about studying Jack, covering his face with his hands: just...don't look at me Gabe laughs and kisses all over the backs of his hands and fingers
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 AWWWW CUTE jack is grinning behind his hand and gabriel can't Deal
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 In an effort to get Jack to uncover his face, Gabe, in a mock-scandalized voice, goes 'I can't believe you rented me like a common whore' and Jack immediately pulls his hands away from his face, caught between panic and laughing denial
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 LOL GABE gabe is just holy SHIT i like him so much
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 NOW are you glad you gave the arrogant jock a chance, Gabe?? XD
firesonic152 - 11/08/2017 XDDD ALSO HOT JOCK this means all kindsa handsiness in the locker room during quick football practice breaks lmaO gabe like just shows up at practice to watch jack
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/08/2017 lol Jack keeps having to run back inside for bathroom breaks. he is. Not Subtle. okay, but, jumping back to the study session--with most of the morning gone and Jack's focus shattered, they just kinda give up and end up falling asleep on the sofa. when they wake up, the afternoon sun is pouring in, and Jack is kinda sore and crushed from Gabe falling asleep on top of him, and there's a wet patch on his shirt where Gabe is drooling a bit in his sleep, but he's, like, so happy that he's afraid to move and wake Gabe and possibly ruin this bc is he really this lucky???
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 :heart::heart::heart:
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 also also i have serious a question how does jack balance his thirst for gettin wrekt w playjng football :thinking:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 ahhhh....that's a good one. he doesn't. XD
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 lots of toys and frustrated nights alone in his empty bed
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 AWWW omg buT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 maybe he goes to a bunch of parties and hooks up there, and his rep for that is part of the reason Gabe didn't take him seriously at first.
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 after a big game when he has a little break before he has to be able to do shit again he is On gabriel sdckjseckjs starts associating games w getting rekt afterward though, that's a little awkward
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 lol Jack's teammates getting concerned 'cause it seems like he's been pulling a lot of muscles in games lately from the way he's so stiff the day after XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 maybe they just don't want to think too hard about the details. XD
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 XDDD although one time jack does get injured during a game so gabe can't go all out on him afterward HE"S SO UPSET
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 but that means that Gabe just has an excuse to go as slow and sweet as he wants and Jack just gets to lay back and deal with it as the anticipation builds up until he's jelly-limbed and wrung-out just from the pent-up need
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 >w< gabe steals jack's letter jacket for once instead of jack stealing a hoodie and jack fucking Dies he like can't find it anywhere and then later he sees gabe wearing it just casually IT HAS HIS NAME ON THE BACK HE'S SO FLUSTERED
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 lol if it's a bit too tight on Gabe's arms ^^
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 ddfbvrdd
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 XD dude, while i was making dinner i was thinking about the jock!Jack fic & the part where Gabe takes his letterman and just...Jack joking around about Gabe taking his name. ^^ <3 Gabe shooting back only if Jack takes his.
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 AHHH CUTE so like... gabe's got his career path planned, what is jack gonna do be anxious about his life or, does he fuckin join the military,, without gabe in this one,,,,
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 he tries to go pro and breaks a knee or something and then ends up homeless in his 20s
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 SOOZY
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 XD sorry sorry ignore the knee jerk reaction ummm... maybe he's just fucking around for the time being, going to college on a football scholarship while trying to figure out what he wants to be
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 gabe becomes a big time broadway set/costume designer and jack is his trophy husband
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 XD jack can decide he wants to be a nurse. maybe he ends up patching Gabe up a lot after little accidents with building sets and what not
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 ahhhhhhhh he's like super nervous about med school bc he famously sucks at school but it turns out he's good at medicine??
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 OH SHIT I FORGOT HE WAS A SCHOLASTIC FUCKUP XD
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 LMAO XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 maybe he'd always kinda wanted to do that, though, but he never thought he'd be able to manage the education required, so he gave up. alternatively, massage therapist Jack. they have a SHIT TON of stuff they gotta learn but they can do it relatively quickly. also...jack giving Gabe massages. let's not even pretend that wasn't entirely why i suggested that.
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 >:3c maybe he got good at it bc of sports and people always pulling muscles and shit and gabe gets like a cramp from sewing and jack helps him out
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 or gets a cramp from being hunched over his work for so long lol Jack gets up to rub his neck and shoulders, and Gabe just melts and is like shit, dude, why don't you do this for a living?? Jack: haha like i'd be able to memorize all the muscles and connective tissues and various strokes and pressures-- Gabe: Jack, we talked about this.
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 jack has nice big hands >w<
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 Gabe is like, 10000% on board for being Jack's practice dummy when he starts his coursework but I do like the idea of Jack going into a nurturing career like that for some reason. what if he went to work at an assisted living facility? places like that can be pretty stressful and depressing when they aren't properly funded or staffed. Jack bringing work home with him, going gray early on from trying his best to do three people's jobs and it's still not enough, really, but his protests to the management fall on deaf ears.
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 QoQ WTH THAT'S SAD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 trying to pick something that aligns with how he seemed in some of the canon stuff without dragging this into war
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 yeah qoq he gets like super stressed and it makes gabe stressed also gabe has his own stress bc broadway is hella stressful
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 which one blows up his workplace? XD jk jk
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 HAHA i mean gabe probably creates some explosion effects at some point
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 Jack having to sweet talk their landlord bc some of the stuff gabe brough hom accidentally got ignited XD
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 so jack is hella stressed at his caretaking job and gabe hates seeing what it's doing to him but he knows he can't suggest that jack quit without having like a solution for another job he can have bc otherwise jack'll be like "oh yeah i'm a failure" you dummies.... communication........
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 lol he ends up talking Jack into a management position somehow. Jack stages a takeover of the facility and ends up as the manager/director/whatever. He's got less time with the people living there, but at least he can make their lives better now.
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 :DDD yay!! immediately jack feels better about everything bc!! look he's accomplishing things!!! and he also has a super hot boyfriend for whom he can finally afford a ring so that's nice
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 ^^ aww! lol what if him and Gabe manage to get permission to bring the residents out to watch a dress rehearsal?
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 awwwwww
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 and Jack's so pleased at how much everyone enjoys it, 'cause he loves seeing them happy & he knows gabe works so hard
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 qwq HOW DOES THE PROPOSAL GO does jack do some nerdy gabe's-play-related thing like steals all the extra explosives for pizazz XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 XD omg. lights their apartment on fire or something lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 what if he's been working with the residents on a new flower garden--something to give them a hobby & brighten the plac eup all at once, and he calls Gabe down one day supposedly to show him the end result, but really it's to propose to him AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE RAINY ONE
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 djfknadkfjnacjsn
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 i like yours better! XD
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 XDD YOURS IS CUTE TOO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 mine doesn't feature Jack-the-massive-fuckup
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 XDDD that is a feature him just looking so distressed and upset and gabe is kinda annoyed about this whole thing but then he feels the box in his pocket and immediately is like HOLY SHIT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 voice shaking as he says: 'Jack? Is there something you wanted to ask me?' and Jack just looks at him blankly for a moment before realization dawns and Gabe sees shock and dismay and embarrassment cross his face before he just laughs and covers his face with his hands. 'ohhhh, i really fucked this one up, didn't I?' Gabe gently tugs his hands down. 'We can just call it a rehearsal, if you want. Try again another day?' He smiles encouragingly until he gets a tiny answering smile from Jack. 'Wasn't sure how the scene will end,' Jack admits quietly, hopefully. 'It's obviously a comedy, Jack. Those end with weddings.'
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 AHHHHHH THAT'S G A Y gabe: spoilers, i'm gonna say yes jack: KSJNFASKFN
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 i love that that is so often your reaction. XD
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 XD IT'S TRUE jack is like "look i wanna propose to you properly again but-" and gabe is like "dw i'm putting on the ring rn i can't wait"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/09/2017 omg. dorks. i love them. why have you cursed me with this?
firesonic152 - 11/09/2017 d(=w=) and gabe gets like super antsy and the second they get back inside he darts into the bedroom and comes back all red-faced w his own ring
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 <3<3<3 lol Gabe didn't get to propose first bc he wanted it to be PERFECT and Jack just wanted memorable
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 awwwww they just wanna be married already luckily gabe's latest show is like super popular so they've got a shitton of money to spend on it gabe wants Everyone to know he has a husband
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 Gabe gets super involved in wedding planning and Jack is slowly getting more and more nervous because greaaaaaaaaat. MORE people to make a fool of himself in front of. people who know Gabe. People who might judge Gabe for his taste in partners.
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 NO JACK YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HE WANTS TO SHOW YOU OFF TO EVERYONE HE KNOWS every person he meets he's like "hi i'm gabe btw have i told you about my amazing husband yet" and everyone is like "well no i just met you two seconds ago" and gabe is like pulling out photos "SO HIS NAME IS JACK"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 XD oh god he's one of THOSE people he's FLYNN
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 HAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 ((omg--amost forgot to mention: the thought crossed my mind the other day--Mix Tape crossover fic with classical music student Gabe trading suggestions with Flynn about how to live with a metalhead lol))
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 LOLL jack is all self-conscious but all gabe wants to do is get him in a nice suit, drag him along to every single fancy party to show him off to everybody, then come home and tear that suit off and lavish him in praise
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gabe getting to put him IN the suit, tho like, helping him get dressed, doing up teh buttons, smoothing down creases, feeling the heat of Jack's body through the nice fabrics, the scent of him buried beneath the smell of soap and deodorant and fabric softener, but knowing that at the end of the day, Gabe is going to get to undress him layer by layer and reacquaint himself with the feel of Jack's body beneath his hands, with the scent of his skin, with the taste of him...
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 JDBFSAFJB also gabe like went with him to the tailor when they bought it in the first place and oversaw everything ((he designed it of course)) (((he was such a pain in the tailor's ass))) ((((they can't go back there))))))
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 X'''D
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 but the end product is a ridiculously attractive suit complete with a waist coat
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 aaaaaaaaaaaaa
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 gabe tying jack's tiiiiie =w=
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 Jack nervously smoothing it down after Gabe helps him put it on, just kind of laughing in his usual unsure of himself way and musing that it probably doesn't suit him, then looking up to see Gabe drinking in every line of him, following the movements of his hands over his body with a hunger that makes Jack flush and wish they had more time before they need to leave
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 jnfajskjdnfkcanj gabe starts musing out loud about how the hell he's gonna take this suit off jack without ruining it at the fancy dinner party gabe is practically glowing with pride every single person who comes along he's just like LOOK AT MY HUSBAND HE'S PERFECT "that's the best part, the outside is new but now it reflects what's already in you :musical_note: " "i couldn't change that if i wanted to~ and i do not" //this whole thing is really making me think of that legally blonde song lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 XD it's giving me Fluri feels, tbh. Flynn wishing Yuri saw everything that Flynn sees in him. ;;
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 S TAAAHP that hurts qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 YOU STARTED IT XD
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 YOU MADE IT HURT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 9.9 merely pointed out a similarity
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 =^= huff gabe like really really wants to fuck jack IN the suit but he also doesn't wanna ruin it he settles for removing the pants, fingering jack to the edge of orgasm, then removing the rest /// also @ my internet wtf discord is working perfectly well but none of my other webpages will load?
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 internet, stop being weird and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Gabe ends up having more suits made specifically because of this dilemma XD
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 LMAO he has like a suit made specifically to fuck jack in that's hilarious
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 jack makes a fuss every time gabe buys him a suit but the look gabe gives him when he wears them is nothing less than thrilling every time
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 ouo
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 something about the fact that gabe doesn't even want to take off his clothes before fucking him like reallyyyy does it for jack the idea that he's THAT irresistible drives him a little crazy
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 omg. Gabe doing wonders for Jack's self-esteem just by loving him so much
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 QoQ yess
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 also, while we're discussing clothed sex--snuggly lovemaking with Jack in nothing but an oversized cableknit sweater
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 YESS gabe has no clue how he managed to find an oversized sweater given just how Huge jack's upper body is but somehow he did
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 and it's heckin cute
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 maybe he knitted it
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 awwwWWWW WIAT THAT'S CUTE
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 like, it took him two years but XD
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 jack is all pouty one day bc the oversized sweater look is so snug but he's never been able to find something that's oversized on him SO GABE GETS TO WORK
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 <3<3
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 and gives it to jack for christmas jack doesn't cry (he does a little)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 Jack is OVERJOYED
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 tbh it's a little bit of a present for gabe too. bc now jack will hang around the house in JUST the sweater. and gabe can't do it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 omg XD smooth, Gabe. ouob
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 IT'S JUST WAY TOO TEMPTING TO SLIDE A HAND UP THAT TANTALIZING THIGH and the way it hangs it just barely covers jack's ass gabe caaaaan't
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 he played himself XD can't get any work done on projects @ home bc jack's always hanging around in the sweater
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 dfjnakfdjn
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 grinning like the cheshire cat over his mug of tea
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 snuggly jack is dangerous gabriel comes home and is like "JACK PUT ON SOME FUCKING CLOTHES I NEED TO WORK" and jack is like okay and gets into one of the goddamn suits and gabe is like "YOU BITCH I WANT A DIVORCE" and jack is like "babe you're literally unbuckling my belt right now"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 X'D
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 what if jack starts to get self-conscious about the fact that gabe makes way more money than him though
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 JACK NO Jack not enjoying the hard-to-shake feeling that he's a kept man?
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 yeah qoq like the work he does is hard and important, but it's not glamorous and it certainly doesn't make him money
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 plus, he's not getting to spend time with the residents anymore, and he had wanted to be able to help people one on one
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 HOW WOULD WE SOLVE THAT ONE THOUGH
SuspiciousPopsicle - 11/10/2017 Jack's just gotta get over his self-esteem issues. maybe he recognizes it as an unfair thought and just tries to deal with it.
firesonic152 - 11/10/2017 yay!
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