#I am not kidding I almost died of disgust
nkhluu · 2 months
foreign kids as bugs??
I don't really have a headcannon. I made some up haha.
Estella as a lady bug, Damien a varied carpet beetle, Pip as tiny chubby bee, Pocket as a Phasmids, Gregory as a dragonfly, and Christophe as a cockroach
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llegato · 6 months
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grrrfrogs · 1 month
she's not me.
homelander x supereader
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warnings - mentions of death, stalking, angst
(covid doesn't exist in this universe)
based off of the song "she's not me" by lana del ray.
your pov:
you and homelander were the most popular superhero couple. atleast, you guys were 2 years ago.
2 years ago, you and homelander went on a mission, involving a heavily armed group and 3 supes that Vought called super terrorists, when it came down to fighting the last one, he threw you against the wall. as he walked towards you, you attempted to get up and fight him back.
you felt so weak from his throw but you knew you had to fight back, you didn't know where homelander was. as you finally gain back consciousness, the supe terrorist throwing what looked like lightning at you, groaning as you collapsed.
all you saw was the guy walking over to you and touched your body sending lightning through your entire body. electrocuting you to death.
atleast, that's what everyone else thought.
you woke up in some lab, you felt sore and weak, almost like you've just gone through hell and back. you groaned as you woke up from your coma, pulling off the tubes that were connected to your body.
you shouted out, you couldn't recognize the place you were in nor could you sense it being anywhere you or someone you know could have been.
you see a nurse walk towards your room, gasping at the sight before she shouts for someones name you couldn't recognize to come look.
you felt as some circus animal that kids wouldn't help but stare at, it made you feel nervous and self conscious, you were in the seven! what the fuck are you doing here.
you heard the doors open to where you back up, seeing two armed guards behind what looks like, an old nurse, not old enough to where she's brittle, but maybe im her late 60s. tilting your head at the sight.
"where the fuck am i."
you shout roughly, you narrowed your eyes at them, it was some Vought workers.. they asked you to sit down and if you cooperated, you would be let out in a month. nodding as all you wanted was to go back to your fiance, homelander.
"you got electrocuted to death, atleast that's what we thought. we were going to pull your plug today."
you were shocked, maybe that was an understatement but it was true. you.. died? that's impossible. Y/N doesn't die.
"how long was i out?"
you ask nervously, looking at the nurse with almost sad eyes, your mouth gaped open slightly. you saw the nurse look at the guards then back down to her hands, giving a small sigh.
"a year and a half. it's 2020 now.."
she said nervously. you began shaking your head, confused on how you could be out for so long. you stared back up at the nurse before mouthing "no" towards her, you were in deep denial.
homelanders pov:
when he saw your limp body fall, your veins becoming purple as your skin looked translucent. he looked at the supe terrorist, immediately lasering his eyes out, before walking over and ripping his body in half.
he picked up your limp body before flying away as quick as possible, flying to a Vought medical facility that was an hour away since it was the best hospital for superhero's. he stayed by you for months, always visiting you until when he heard the doctors whisper to themselves saying that you won't make it, he thought to himself that he better get unattached to you.
and so he stopped showing up, he stopped waiting for you.
the loss of you and translucent was definitely hard for not only Vought but for the seven, that was until he met storm front. every time he was around her he got reminded of the person who killed you, but he couldn't help but gain feelings for her.
he felt disgusting for it, for liking someone while you were in a coma, especially with someone's powers that caused it. but he tried disassociating powers from person, and that's when they started dating.
your pov:
you of course, didn't know about this. you thought that homelander didn't know where you were and Vought was hiding you from him, but you felt awkward asking, worried that maybe, there is a reason you weren't coming and seeing.
a week went by and you've been training on your strength, regaining your superpowers and this time, somehow in someway, they felt stronger.
you got to have access to some of the media, not really the news but that was only because the nurses knew you would freak out if you saw homelander with someone.
so for a month straight, you regained muscle, strength, and your powers. all you wanted was to see homelander so he could see how strong you were for fighting to wake up from that stupid coma, how strong you were for getting back your strength.
you didn't know how you recovered so fast, you assumed that the doctors were putting in small amounts of compound v in your blood stream.
homelanders pov:
he didn't know you recovered, in actuality he thought you died after a month of him not visiting. he would wake up from nightmares seeing you die over and over again, he would see you standing and staring at him in everywhere he went.
you haunted him.
when he would kiss storm front or when they would have sex, he would be visioning it was you under him, sometimes he would be shocked because it was your lifeless body or sometimes it was just you being alive.
he finally started to get the terrors away from him, he started focusing more on work and storm front, all of this was going well until he saw you in downtown NY. he stared freaking out again, you looked real this time. he blinked and you disappeared.
he muttered under his breath.
your pov:
it came to your release day, you were so deeply excited. they told you about some albums that were dropped and how they were going to give you some new clothes, what you were in right now was the replica of your super hero suit.
"will i see homelander?"
you asked awkwardly, giving a small smile. the excitement building up as you waited for their response.
they say nervously, not wanting to say no to you since you wouldn't understand why. "he is your fiance! why wouldn't you be able to see him." you thought to yourself.
you nodded at their response, feeling upset at the awkward maybe they gave you. it felt like they were hiding something from you, but you didn't know why or what it was.
as you sat in the back seat of the black car, you felt your excitement build up as you started seeing the tall buildings. you felt at home.
they dropped you off at time square where you excitedly smiled, this was the first time you were back at home after your coma.
it was all going well until you saw the big screen of homelander and stormfront, at first you were excited! seeing your fiance on television, but all of that went away, turning into confusion and anger when you saw them kiss.
"what the.. fuck..?!"
you shouted, you watched as she held homelanders hand as he smiled at her, they talked about their love life and you felt sick. utterly sick.
you had no one to show you around but you could hear somehow, through the honking, the talking, and the cars driving. you heard homelanders voice. you ran as fast as you could over to the set.
you felt adrenaline pumping through your veins, you ran as fast as you could, even shoving people down when they came in your way.
the pit in your stomach only deepening when the voices became louder, you walked up to set even when the producers told you to get off because they were filming, not realizing you were THE y/n.
you were about 20 feet away from them but you saw clear view of homelander, he looked.. inlove. but with her. you felt sick as your mouth dropped.
homelanders pov:
he had an interview with storm front today, they got to talk about their love for eachother and he felt happy!
he felt at peace, storm front comforted him about how you were dead, and that she was here for him.
when they got on set, storm front would kiss his cheek noticing your nervousness about me, they even fucked in his trailer 20 minutes before getting interviewed.
everything was going well, he kissed her on live TV he couldn't think on how anything could go wrong, he forgot about you for a minute, the first time in a year and a half.
all of that went away when he smelled your familiar smell, he felt his heart pumping as it began to get closer and closer, he started drifting off, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
storm front said to him, looking at him confused as he finally gained consciousness, apologizing about him drifting off, making an excuse about saying he thought he heard someone in trouble.
your smell still lingered in his nose, getting closer and closer until.. you were right infront of him. he felt a pit in his stomach, he started blinking, trying to see if it was just a illusion or if it was you.
he gasped out.
alright even if people don't want it IM MAKING A PART TWO! i really hope u guys enjoyed this because i def did writing this.
also i've been NEEDING homelander angst especially something that makes my heart hurt a little ;3
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metalomagnetic · 21 days
Any chance you can share an excerpt of the Harry/Sirius fic you have planned? 🥺
“That’s teenage years for you, kid; you’re always angry.”
Harry frowns. “You think that’s all there is to it?”
“Sure. I was that way, too.”
“Was?” Harry asks, and he’s finally smiling. A tiny thing, frail, but it’s a smile. “Seems like you’re still going through your teenage years, then.”
“Cheeky bastard.” Sirius swats him over the head, playfully.
The frail smile turns into a grin. There’s a mischievous side to Harry, buried deep under the trauma, the burden of being the Boy Who Lived.
Harry reaches for the bottle again. “Gross,” he shudders, making a face after he swallows. “Does it get better? The taste?”
“Eventually,” Sirius says, opening a second bottle, now that he relinquished the first to Harry. “You get used to it.”
He got Regulus drunk in this very room some twenty years before.
His mother sighs in his head. She sounds resigned.
“How about those?” Harry nods at the pack of cigarettes Mundungus snuggled in for Sirius. “Will you teach me?”
“Not much to teach,” Sirius says, giving Harry a fag, taking one for himself.
He lights them with his wand and tells Harry to breathe the smoke in.
Predictably, he chokes.
“Being a bad boy isn’t easy, Harry,” Sirius mocks.
“It’s disgusting,” Harry wheezes, still choking, but when he calms he tries again, to the same result.
By the time he finishes, Harry grows even paler, says he’s a bit dizzy.
How innocent he is; how young. Sirius remembers the first time he smoked, that dizziness Harry speaks of.
He was thirteen, and life was good, even if it didn’t feel like it. Now he wishes he could go back to those times.
Would you abandon us again? If you could go back, would you still betray us? the voices demand.
“I’ll teach you to ride a bike,” Sirius promises. “Next summer. I’ll buy one. Miss riding, anyway.”
“Drinking, smoking, riding bikes, moping around in corners, being angry- what else is on the requirement list for being a bad boy?”
“I don’t mope around,” Sirius argues. “And never in corners. I brood in full view of everyone.”
Harry laughs. It might be the whiskey, but there’s some colour returning to his face. He almost looks alive.
He’ll die, eventually. Everyone around you dies, brother.
Regulus was always a spoilsport.
“Alright, alright. Brooding, then. What else?”
“Fucking,” Sirius says, just to embarrass him, and it works like a charm. Harry goes red, instantly. “Can’t be a bad boy if you don’t fuck around.”
Harry looks away. He runs his fingers through his hair again, making it stick out more than usual. It still doesn’t remind him of James.
When James did it, there was intention behind it. He liked his hair like that, and he knew some girls liked it, too.
When Harry does it, there’s nothing intentional about it. It screams of insecurity, something that wasn’t in James’ vocabulary.
“Well,” Harry says, so red he’s turning purple. “You’ll have to teach me how to do that, too.”
A warning rings in Sirius’ head.
Don’t poke at it, his mother advises him. Leave it be, Sirius.
Sirius never listened to her, so he won’t start now.
“You know girls that won’t mind your godfather joining you for a bit of fun?” Sirius teases. “Why, Harry, you’re already running with a bad crowd in that case.” Harry snorts, gulps more whiskey. “I barely know any girls at all,” he mumbles. “But I’m sure no girl would say no to you; it’s more likely they’ll protest to me, really.”
“First lesson,” Sirius says. “No self-depreciating jokes. No poor-me attitude. No one finds that attractive.”
“Well, that’s who I am,” Harry snaps, that temper of his rearing its head for a second.
“Even so, you hide that shit if you want to pull birds. Pretend you’re confident, even when you aren’t.”
“That’s wrong, though. Misleading someone, lying-”
“Bad boys lie all the time.”
Harry huffs. He slumps back into the couch. “Forget it. I can’t be a bad boy.”
“It’s not for everyone,” Sirius agrees. “Plus, if you want to be really bad, you’d need to do some prison time. Not worth it, I assure you.”
“Being locked up in a cupboard doesn’t count?” Harry asks. “Did about ten years of that.”
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geekgirles · 2 months
The Interracial Wedding: Amalia's Convictions VS. Aurora's Hypocrisy
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am ToT never really intended for Aurora and her father to come across as having the moral high ground beyong Amalia's distrust of them causing her to jump the gun and suspect them of poisoning Yugo.
There are simply no instances where they are shown to be in the right aside from Amalia prematurely accusing them of trying to assassinate her husband and going after them.
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In this particular case, what I want to discuss is Aurora's reaction to the Sadida/Eliatrope wedding from chapter 6 and how it reflects how little she actually knows about Sadida traditions, using every opportunity to try and smear Amalia's name without knowing what's really going on.
First things first, we have already discussed the sheer hypocrisy upon finding out about the interracial marriage and her outraged, almost disgusted reaction to it.
Said hypocrisy hinging on the fact that she is an Osamodas who had an arranged marriage with a Sadida, meaning she is the last person with any right to complain about Amalia allowing two different races to marry. Although it is true her problem seems to be less about it being an interracial marriage and more about the fact that the bride is an Eliatrope.
As per usual, we were never given an actual reason as to why she would hate the Eliatropes. Only being implied that she hates them solely because Armand hated them too and she has no agency or ability to make her own judgements, unrelated to the opinions of the men in her life. Thus, she greatly resents Amalia for seemingly allowing outsiders in despite how Armand, supposedly, would have never done such a thing.
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(It's true he was adamant on not welcoming the Eliatropes after meeting their goddess, but given he, despite everything, still had a sense of honour and actually valued his sister's opinion, who knows? Hadn't he died, he might have actually rewarded the Eliatropes for their help, after all. Though this is just speculation on my part...)
Having said that, even if Aurora were trying to protect Armand's legacy, it still doesn't change the fact that this is coming from the same person who not only intended to rule the Sadida even without her husband despite being an Osamodas and, therefore, an outsider; but who actually brought her father, an even bigger outsider, with her to rule the Sadida by her side and raise the kid.
The very same person who values a random bat much more than the people she's supposed to serve and look after, as opposed to her husband, who actually gave his life in order to protect his kingdom.
But I digress.
The point is, hypocrisy.
However, what really seals the deal is her reaction to seeing the Sadida/Eliatrope wedding, more importantly, what she thinks of Amalia for it.
Regardless of whether Armand would have approved or not, Aurora's real issue seems to be that Amalia is allowing such a thing to happen despite her not approving of her ascension to power. More importantly, she resents the way she's managed to foster positive relationships between the Sadidas and the Eliatropes in such a short amount of time, and what it implies.
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But as the above frames show, what really gets under her skin is Amalia's perceived hypocrisy. What she says about Amalia boasting about Sadida traditions despite going against Armand's supposed wishes (that last part is me reading between the lines) seems to imply these two have clashed over whether Aurora adhered to Sadida customs or not.
After all, while Amalia did indeed tell Yugo that Aurora was an outsider unfit to rule the kingdom due to not knowing anything about their customs, that was never brought up when the two women were in the same room. Instead, Amalia focused on the actual elephant in the room: the fact that they left them at the mercy of the Nécromes yet still have the gall to demand she hand over the throne.
Meaning they probably argued about Aurora not being fit to rule offscreen during the time between the OVAs and season 3. Otherwise, this comment just simply wouldn't make sense, as Amalia had never really boasted about her people's traditions before and, both until and during season 4, actually tried to be cordial towards her sister-in-law.
But most importantly, the way Aurora says this line implies she views Amalia as the hypocrite. If my theory is right and they indeed came to blows over Aurora not following the Sadida way of life, then it seems as she is taking Amalia welcoming the Eliatropes personally.
Something along the lines of "So I have to respect your culture but you can put your husband's people first?"
However, as we already hinted at early on, that's not really what's going on, is it?
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If you look closely at this frame, then it becomes glaringly obvious that at no point in time is Amalia placing the Eliatropes before her own people and culture. Neither is Yugo, as a matter of fact.
First of all, Amalia is the one officiating the ceremony, not Yugo. He seems to be there simply to give his blessing as King of the Eliatropes and to support his wife like chapter 1 said he'd been doing since they got married and she ascended to the throne.
Then, there's the fact that Amalia is reading from what appears to be the Sadida equivalent of the Bible or, at least, an important ceremonial document. It's not as easy to see in this frame, but that book looks more like a flower with words written on its petals than an actual leather-bound tome.
And, last but not least, it's the actual ceremony:
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To complete the wedding, instead of exchanging rings like Eva and Pinpin did (or, well, brass knuckles, in their case...), Amalia conjures up a flower that the groom must put on his bride's hair before they can share their first kiss as husband and wife. And then they're married.
Let's recap, okay?
Amalia is the one officiating the wedding, not Yugo.
The ceremony seems to follow Sadida guidelines.
The groom must present his bride with a flower before they're officially declared husband and wife...
Guys, it literally cannot get any more Sadida than that!
Seriously, Amalia and Yugo's own wedding was much more unconventional, compared to this. In theirs, there were at least portals!
So, what does this tell us?
Simple. It tells us that regardless of what that old Sadida from chapter 2 and Aurora say, Amalia is not going against Sadida tradition or giving the Eliatropes special treatment just because she welcomed them into her kingdom. In fact, she is still putting her people first, as the wedding shows their culture remains the predominant one (which can be either because the Eliatropes don't remember much of their own or because the bride and groom actually agreed on having a Sadida wedding; as always, that's only speculation).
Moreover, it shows Yugo is perfectly content with this. His main concerns being his people's safety and well-being and supporting Amalia without any ulterior motive, unlike the Osamodas and Aurora's political marriage to Armand.
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Finally, I'd like to mention a point made by my good friend @alittlebookdust: the fact that Aurora fails to recognise Amalia isn't actually turning her back on her people's customs or Armand's legacy already implies she herself was never familiar with said customs to begin with. Either that, or she is just desperate to find fault in Amalia's way of doing things and feels compelled to criticise everything she does solely because she hates her.
Nevertheless, what this chapter proves is that despite the similar position she and Armand were in due to marrying outsiders, Amalia's actions are actually anything but hypocritical. As, unlike Aurora and her father, she has always remained true to her convictions and put her kingdom first without purposely harming her husband's.
(Thanks once again to @cocogum for the screenshots used in this analysis).
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
Bed hair for the soft prompts if it inspires :3
@zahlibeth also asked for this one! On ao3 here!
It's easy to rely on habit in times of crisis. It’s been a long while since Athena has been put on security detail but her body still sinks into it, easy. Think of a grocery list, or a mediocre book you read, or try to remember all the rules of Risk — something to keep you from inattentive boredom, but not something so engaging you’ll be distracted. Feet a little apart, legs stiff but not locked, settle into your own bones because you’ll be here awhile.
It’s wrong, though, because if she were actually working she’d be in uniform, and she’d be by the door facing out instead of across the hall looking in, and she’d never be assigned to this room. She isn’t a doctor, there aren’t any hard and fast rules about family members, but any captain worth a damn would bench her for being too close to the situation to keep a clear head.
In the room, Eddie Diaz sets a plastic grocery store bag down on Evan Buckley’s bed. Buck shifts his thigh just a little to make room for it, gazing up at his friend with a smile that Athena can’t quite manage to look at without hurting. Every smile on that boy’s face since he woke up has hurt, for reasons Athena can’t quite explain to herself. Bobby has been shaking with relief, giddy with it, grinning down at the kid in awe whenever he’s in the room. Maybe that’s it; while Buck was unconscious she was needed as a rock, she had to be the solid foundation everyone could build themselves around. It’s okay now. Buck is awake — alive — and still sore, still not well, but he’s going to be okay. They can all relax. But here she is, standing guard, because everyone is alright and she can take her turn giving into paranoia and catastrophe.
She doesn’t think that’s quite it, though. It’s… she’s having trouble with the timeline. The facts of the case don’t feel like they’re adding up right, though she knows they’re true. Sunday afternoon: Evan Buckley was at the home of Robert Nash and Athena Grant. He was there for lunch. He sat at the kitchen table and he laughed, and he smiled. Monday night: Evan Buckley, in the regular course of his job, climbed a ladder to aid in putting out a fire in an apartment building. He was struck by lightning, and he died. Bobby, the one time she convinced him to come home and sleep in a bed, wept that he had again held the body of his son. Thursday morning: After four days in a coma fighting organ failure and other yet unknown effects of being hit by 300 million volts of electricity, Evan Buckley woke up. He woke up. He laughed with his father, with the rest of his family. He smiled, bright as he always has.
He smiled, he died, he’s smiling again. That’s what happened, indisputable, but each part of it feels wrong, feels tainted by the central event. How could he have smiled so happily on Sunday, when that was going to happen the next day? How can he smile so happily now that it has? He was in her house. She shouldn’t have let him leave.
“Alright,” Eddie says, pulling wet wipes, a spray bottle, various other things out of the bag. “I’m not gonna lie to you; after a few days of this your hair is going to feel as disgusting as it does now just in new and exciting ways, but hopefully by then you’ll be home. Or- at least they’ll let you take a real shower.”
Buck laughs, running a finger over the spines of a hair brush. “Dude, anything will be better than this. I feel like I’m made of grease.” He reaches a hand up — to run it through his limp hair, maybe — but winces and lowers it carefully again. Athena holds her breath yards away as Eddie freezes, minutely, just a tiny second of stillness before he’s smiling and opening the wipes.
“Well,” Eddie says, voice just as cheerful as before, “Luckily for you I am a master of the unsatisfying hospital hair cleaning routine.”
Buck almost giggles, shoulders wiggling like the way a child laughs. “Oh, please, show me your ways.”
Eddie holds up the wipe first. “Sorry this smells so flowery, but it’s the wettest brand of wipes I‘ve found.” He starts to hand the damp square to Buck, but hesitates. “Uh- I was going to let you- but it’ll be uncomfortable for- do you want me to just…”
“Sure,” Buck smiles. “I trust you.”
Eddie only made it in the room once while Buck was out, as far as Athena is aware. He’d haunted the hall like a ghost or a watchdog, though she supposes she’s not really one to talk while she’s posted out here. She watches as he directs Buck to scoot closer and stands as far to the back of the bed as he can get so he’s sort of behind Buck. She wonders if he’ll hesitate to touch him. She did. Since he woke up nearly 24 hours ago she has put a hand on his shoulder, once. It had been warm. He’d been moving, a little, half dead and even then unable to keep still. Eddie squeezes the wipe above Buck’s head, dripping faintly floral dampness, and then starts moving the cloth around his curls, and he doesn’t hesitate at all. Athena breathes in and out. Not half dead, she reminds herself. Mostly living.
Buck isn’t moving much now. He looks utterly relaxed as Eddie cleans away days of hospital grime. The man is so gentle about it, movements incredibly soft and slow, a hand supporting Buck’s head any time he needs to reposition to get at a new spot. She’d assumed this is a trick he’d learned after getting shot, but wonders now if this is an older skill, perfected on his child’s curls after any of Christopher’s hospital stays.
“Alright,” Eddie says, several discarded wipes later. He sets the last one on the mattress with a little flourish. “Step one complete.”
Buck opens eyes that drifted shut at some point, laughing quietly. “God, I feel better already.”
“Well, now it’s time for detangling, so don’t be too happy with me yet.”
Buck snorts, gingerly passing back the hair brush. “I’ll be brave, do your worst.”
Buck can’t see Eddie’s face with the way he’s standing, but Athena has a clear view. Sort of sad, kind of frightened. Athena is suddenly sure that he’s only ever going to do his absolute best for the man in the bed before him. “Okay,” he says, a warning before he starts, and she’s surprised that his voice doesn’t shake.
He begins with his fingers, pulling them so very carefully through the knotted strands, and it’s so intimate that Athena looks away on instinct. She counts all the chairs she can see in the waiting room, she reads all the signs on the walls. She doesn’t look in the room again until Buck speaks.
“Thank you.” He’s looking up at Eddie, neck craned as he tilts his head back, and she knows all the jokes about our Buckaroo, resident golden retriever, but it makes her think of a cat she had when she was younger. The tiny thing would plaster herself to your side and lean her head back up against you, so much love in her gaze you couldn’t help but smile back. Eddie smiles back, now.
“It’s no problem, Buck.”
“I can still thank you,” Buck says as Eddie leans over him to grab the spray bottle. Dry shampoo. He mists Buck’s head with it, ruffling his hair to get it evenly coated. “It’s polite.”
Eddie laughs, and Athena hadn’t realized his laughter before had been a little muted. “You don’t have to be polite to me.”
Buck grins. “Fine. Gel me up, peon.”
Eddie laughs again, loud and cackly, as he grabs the last tub from the bag. “Yes, sir. I got a pomade, it’s a little lighter than your normal stuff so hopefully the build up won’t feel so bad.”
Eddie moves so he can see Buck’s face again, working the product into his hair and doing some light styling. The pomade doesn’t have much hold, his curls remain more prominent than they usually are, but he looks cleaner, a little neater, and definitely happier once Eddie is finished.
“There you are.” Eddie says, sitting back down in the chair pulled up to Buck’s bedside. He raises a pointed eyebrow, lips curved into a smirk. “Remember to leave a five star yelp review.”
Buck throws his head back in laughter, and Eddie sways forward into the orbit of it. The look on his face is- he’s lovestruck. She’d wondered about that — with more and more frequency lately, every story from Buck starting and ending with the other man — but she doesn’t know Eddie as well as some of the others on Bobby’s team and hadn’t wanted to assume. There is no doubt, though, looking at him now. Strangely, it makes Athena feel a little better. She definitely hadn’t known Eddie when his wife had passed but she knows it happened. She remembers Emmet, thinks of Marcy. Michael, and then Bobby. Buck and Eddie. The timeline — smiles, death, smiling again — is one she knows, after all, just in a different context, on a longer timeline.
When Buck leans forward again after his guffaw Eddie hasn’t moved back, so they end up very close to each other, matching grins reflecting between them. Eddie spots a bit of product near Buck’s temple and reaches up with a thumb to wipe it away, and it’s such a casual gesture until, suddenly, Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. When he falls apart he does it with a swift efficiency that something in Athena admires. His face shatters, his whole body slumps forward like a puppet with cut strings, a sob rattles up out of him with no preamble.
Buck’s eyes are wide, but he doesn’t necessarily look surprised. “Oh, Eddie…” he breathes, leaning even closer on his pillow.
“S-sorry,” Eddie gasps, scrubbing at his face like the touch of his palm will put him back together, sucking in air to try and stop the weeping. “Sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?” Buck’s tone is so gentle, so patient. Athena realizes she still thinks of him as a kid — a fool kid much of the time — but he doesn’t seem so young as he rests a calm hand on Eddie’s arm.
“For- I- I shouldn’t fall apart like this.”
“Why not?” Buck asks, laughing just a little. “You know I was a mess when you- it’s fine, Eds.”
“You want me to forgive you?” Buck asks, eyebrows raised, a look on his face like he’d wanted the same, once. “I will. You’re forgiven.”
“I couldn’t- I couldn’t-“ Eddie takes a few more shuddering breaths and Buck just waits him out. “I couldn’t come in here. You were in here and I couldn’t- I left you alone.”
“I forgive you,” Buck says, easy as anything. Eddie’s face pinches up again, and he shakes his head sort of desperately even as Buck’s hand soothes up and down between wrist and elbow.
“I broke your ribs,” he says, voice cracking like the bones must have under his frantic compressions.
Buck’s free hand travels to his chest, and his fingers tap a little heartbeat rhythm there. “I forgive you, Eddie.”
“I love you,” Eddie says, in a voice Athena has heard in interrogation rooms and the priest’s box after Sunday mass. Buck’s inhale can’t be very loud, but she hears it all the way from the hall.
“I’m not forgiving you for that,” he says, a little winded but very firm. He sits up in his bed, ignoring Eddie’s worried hands hovering around him as he puts his own on either side of Eddie’s face. “I’m not- please, don’t apologize for that.”
“Sorry- I- I mean-“ Eddie smiles like he can’t help it as Buck’s gentle amused huff hits his face, even as tears still stream across his skin. “I won’t. I just wish I’d told you sooner.”
“You can tell me now,” Buck says, sliding a thumb over Eddie’s wet cheek. “Again. You can tell me again, and- and tomorrow, and the next day- I’m right here. It’s not too late, Eddie. I’m right here.”
Eddie nods, breathing unevenly again, and then they sort of fall into each other, holding and being held, so carefully but tight enough that Athena isn’t sure of the force it would take to pull them apart again. She inhales long and exhales slow. She can sort of see Buck’s face, smiling into Eddie’s shoulder, and it still hurts but she can maybe see how it might not, eventually. Right here, and tomorrow and the next day. He’ll still be in the hospital for a little while but- maybe, when he’s settled back at home, he’d like to come over for lunch.
Athena stands up straight, takes one last long look, and leaves Buck in safe hands.
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howi99 · 5 months
Jaune is a Genuis Au: How about what happened to Penny,Lewis,Alyx and the Cat?
Follow up to this post. Also, disclaimer: the cat has a different way of subjugating people in this AU and is a bit more powerful.
Ruby: *looking at Penny, who only seem asleep in her lifepod* What... Happened? To both of you?
Roman: *sitting in a chair* What red said, me and Neo been waiting forever to know the whole story- *Neo kick his leg* gaoutch! Why!?
Neo: "Don't be an ass"
The Puppeteer: ... *Sigh while sitting down* I am the sole reason for the state she's in.
Weiss: Impossible! You'd never hurt her, even if your life depends on it!
The Puppeteer: *looking down* I wish you'd be right Weiss... *Shakily breath* But i had no other choice.
Yang: *eyes turning red* You are saying you almost killed Penny!? What did she do to deserve this!!!
Marie: *Putting herself between Jaune and team RWBY*
The Puppeteer: *sad chuckle* She was at the worst place at the worst time. They say curiosity killed the cat? What a joke, the cat killed curiosity, kindness and any hope to get out of here.
???: Oh but Jaune~ She chose to voluntarily be my host. Remember? A live for a live?
RWBY+RN: *looking around, wandering where the voice is coming from*
The Cat: *taking form from Jaune's shadow, chained by Jaune aura* I'm here! *Chuckle* I present myself: i am the Curious Cat, pleased to meet the second team i saw most in my jailers dream~
Marie: *looking furiously at the cat, trying to kick without any luck since the cat is intangible*
The Cat: Ah~ i see you are still angry about your mom and sister? What a shame, you can't hurt me as long as i am jailed~
Ruby: *shacking angrily* I assume this is the real culprit of hee condition?
The Puppeteer: He is. But i still was the one to hurt her...
P: *looking at Jaune, seeing that he's having difficulty bringing how Penny almost died* I can explain to them the story if you-
The Puppeteer: No, i... I should be the one to explain. *Looking at team RWBY+ RN* It happened 10 years ago...
Jaune: Alyx, Where are you? *Shacking his head* Gods be damned, where the hell is she?
Alyx: *from afar* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Jaune: *turning to the direction of the scream* ALYX!? *Sprinting in her direction*
// I thought i got rid of all danger from the forest, but i was wrong...//
Alyx: *trying to run away from the danger, seeing Jaune* JAUNE! HELP! T-THE CAT! HE- *she fall to the ground, her ankle twisted* Aw!
Jaune: *Running even faster to her* Alyx!
// I couldn't stop it, i was to far...//
Penny: *coming slowly from the forest, blue filaments making her move like a puppet* P-please... No... I don't want to hurt...
The cat: *whose magic is controlling her* If i can't break her to my will, she has no purpose.
Kill her.
The Cat: *chuckling* It was a blast! Poor Alyx getting killed by the one she wanted to call her mother. *Hysterical laugh*
The Puppeteer: Silence! Remember the only reason i keep you alive is to give me more time! Don't make me reconsider even more.
Team RWBY: *looking horrified at the cat*
Roman: *disgusted* I have done many crimes in my life, some i regret from the bottom of my wretched soul. But that's.. that's...
Neo: "You killed her for your own pleasure?"
The cat: *chuckling* Pleasure? I did take some but it wasn't the objective. I needed to break her, to make her empty. And what better way than making her kill an innocent child?
Marie: *furiously trying to kill the cat, still unable to*
The Puppeteer: ... I couldn't save either of them... But i'll make it right, i'll bring them back even if it takes centuries.
Weiss: Is that why you keep the cat!? Jaune, she wouldn't want that! She-
The Puppeteer: *angry* You think i don't know that!? I don't care what she would want, she's basically dead! The kid i was supposed to protect has been buried by my own hands! I'm dot doing this for them, i'm doing this for me Weiss! Because if i can't even save a kid and my own wife...
What good am i?
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esmedelacroix · 9 months
21 days til' Christmas
building a snowman with singleparent!miguel o'hara and gabriela⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Gabriela was on winter vacation but Miguel still worked eight hours a day. He may have been his own boss but he still held himself accountable and worked just as much as his own employees. It was only fair.
You had been babysitting Gabi for ages. It had been almost two years since you started babysitting her. She had grown up so much in these past couple of years. Miguel also grew a lot as a parent and as a person.
You and Miguel only became official about six months ago despite Gabi's effort to get the two of you together from the get-go.
You were helping Gabrelia get the last of her snow protection on when you heard the door swing open, You heard fast and heavy footsteps running up the stairs at an alarmingly fast speed. Miguel made his way to the doorframe with his coat still on and his glasses on the top of his head. "Papa's on vacation!" Miguel exclaimed as he held his arms out for Gabriela.
She bolted towards him and jumped into his arms. He lifted her up and peppered her face with kisses until she made disgusted noises.
"Papa! That tickles!" she squealed giggling like crazy.
Miguel gave you a look before giving you a quick kiss.
"We were just about to go play in the snow, wanna join us Miguel?" you asked.
"Of course, I love spending time with my girls," he answered as the three of you stepped outside and began a crazy snowball fight.
Gabriella made a 'snowball' that was almost as tall as she was and tried her hardest to pick it up to throw at her dad.
"I don't think you can throw something this big mama, but we can make a snowman," Miguel suggested.
"Yay! Snowman!" Gabi cheered as she jumped up and down beginning to make the second layer. She was surprisingly good at making snowmen for a six-year-old.
You and Miguel made the head together and all three layers were formed perfectly.
"Gabi, let's go inside and get some clothes and such for the snowman so we can bring him alive," you said, taking her hand.
Miguel watched the two of you giggle and run around the house lovingly. He finally felt complete. He felt like it was his fault that Gabirelia's mother had died that day, he felt like he was the reason his daughter had no mother figure to look up to, and he felt like it was his fault that his beautiful Gabi grew up in an incomplete family for all those years.
That was until you came around and taught him how to forgive himself. How to stop blaming himself for inevitable things. You taught him that he is just a mere human, that every bad thing that happens in his life can't be his fault because he's not the one making them happen.
The two of you came back out with a carrot, scarf, sticks, pebbles, and a hat.
You both sang Frosty the Snowman obnoxiously until Miguel joined in while you gave your snowman buttons, a mouth, eyes a nose, a scarf, and finally its hat, which brought it to life.
"What should we name them?" Miguel asked Gabi.
"Jaxx!" she exclaimed.
Who's that? Miguel asked with his eyes
Kid she likes at school. You answered almost telepathically.
You didn't know how the two of you communicated with just your eyes but it came in handy at times.
Miguel laughed to himself, happy to see Gabriela having crushes and talking to you about them.
"Alright both of you let's get inside and have some hot baths and soup," Miguel said, ushering the two of you back into the house. The two of you groaned not wanting to leave.
"Come on, you ladies are going to catch a cold if you don't," he warned.
To that, Gabi responded by running into the house and going to her bathroom.
"Thanks for looking after her Cariño[honey], I can't express enough how thankful I am to you," Miguel said.
"I love Gabi, and I love you just as much, it's always a pleasure Miguel," you reassured as you draped your arms over his shoulder causing him to pull you in by the waist.
"You wanna know what else is always a pleasure?" Miguel asked.
You looked at him with a puzzled look.
"This," he said as he started tickling you, causing you to erupt into violent laughter.
"Stop- Bahahaha, Miguel please," you barely chuckled out.
He laughed at your reaction before ushering you up the stairs for a bath.
taglist: @aripet22@to-the-endoftheline
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Why do people give Harry more Black family storylines than Draco?!
It's hard being a Draco fan...well a canon Draco fan. If you want great fics that explore his character, you have to deal with a bunch of Drarry and sometimes Dramione. That's not even factoring in how OOC Draco is in so many of these fics. That's why I partly gave up on Drarry fics. It's almost impossible to find a good Draco fic that does not involve him shagging someone in the golden trio.
But this post was inspired by posts by Snaters and/or Dumbles antis who claim Harry should have named his son after Regulus. Here are my grievances:
There needs to be more exploration of DRACO as the Black heir
I don't know how Siri was able to keep his fortune when he was supposedly disowned but it's very frustrating seeing fics where Harry is the Black heir and becomes Lord Black. Just stop and think for a moment. Draco is literally the only pureblood Black offspring left! The Black line is basically extinct! And if you factor in Drastoria, Draco was willing to let his maternal AND paternal lines fade away! The only time Draco's Black heritage seems to be brought up is in fics where abusive Lucius disowns him. It's just sad. Harry is NOT a Black! As much as I love Godfather!Sirius, part of me is disgusted that Harry inherited Grimmauld's place. That house should belong to Narcissa and Draco and I don't care if I am the only one on this hill.
More Regulus & Draco, please!
People seem to prefer to write a relationship with Reggie and Harry. Which makes a bit of sense...but wouldn't it be more interesting to explore Draco & Reggie?? Draco and Regulus are family and they share quite a few similarities. I have seen some fics where Narcissa is so protective of DE!Draco because she sees him as a second chance after she failed Reggie. Or I have seen some fics where Regulus lives but so many of those center on Harry and Draco is lucky to be an afterthought. Why is Draco so divorced from his Black family? There's hardly any exploration with Draco & Sirius either. I don't even recall Draco expressing any feelings about Sirius as a family member in book 3 when the dude is his cousin! Draco, Harry's rival, is related to his beloved godfather and NOTHING is done with this! Like WTH!!!
The positive side!
At least there are incredible fics out there that explore Draco's relationship with Andy and the Tonks family. I love Dora being Draco's surrogate big sister 🤩. So cute!!! I also like the Tonks family being involved in Draco's redemption and Ted being so fatherly towards Draco. Chef's kiss. Please, let Draco interact with his family 😞! Why is JKR so against Draco having a family?! Even his damn wife dies in CC!!! He only has one kid! Please, give this man an extended family!
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allwormdiet · 12 days
Shell 4.3
In which we finally discuss the locker
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Little surprised that Alec is taking the lead on this one, but pleasantly so
And yeah, here we finally get an explanation for powers and triggers and all that, or at least the foundations of it
...Also there's no way that Glory Girl triggered just because of a basketball game, that has to be a crock of shit. What's up with New Wave claiming to be the most open hero team and then coming off the shadiest? How am I trusting these people less than I trust the government capes?
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I like that they make a point of reassuring her after her blunder. She couldn't have known, and they know that, and they don't hold it against her. I love these kids.
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Brian seems more comfortable smacking Alec around than he does Rachel. I don't think that's a thing of not wanting to hit women, last arc he decked Vista like she owed him money. Maybe it's that Rachel intentionally provokes that reaction and Alec is just kind of a little shit? Idk
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Again, I remain utterly fixated on how this is Taylor's one line, the thing she refuses to compromise on ever. I'll buy that she doesn't want outside interference from the Undersiders or other capes when it comes to the bully situation, but it's harder to do that when she never makes a move herself.
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This is so. Evil. Like, the false friendship, the rotting tampons, the imprisonment. The fact that nobody who sees this play out even bothers to help her. The fact that she's trapped for hours. If that didn't give someone a trigger event, I'm not sure anything would.
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Alec is actually so real for this. Like for all that he was disgusted with the story (which, fair) his disgust isn't with Taylor, it's with the fuckers who did that to her. And Brian agrees with him! Lisa is making a point of not disagreeing, even.
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Oh hey, Taylor actually acknowledges her thing with anger and violent retribution. Glad she's cognizant of that, it'd be a whole situation if she wasn't tbh
Actually thank god for Alec keeping up this line of thinking, this might be the most passionate we've seen him get about anything. The runner up is like, him being annoyed he can't keep Kid Win's skateboard, and that's peanuts compared to this. Maybe he's wrong about the revenge thing but I don't know that he is, and he's definitely not wrong about the indignity that Taylor is allowing herself to suffer
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I don't think this is half the lie that Taylor thinks it is. For all that she has noble intentions, and I don't doubt she'll do her best with those... I don't think Taylor's drive to be a superhero was entirely selfless. This isn't all truth and justice going on here, this is feeling strong and being appreciated by others and not being looked at like a bottom-feeder.
Wonder when she'll figure that out for herself
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Get cared about idiot! Get absolutely blanketed with affection and approval from the people who would absolutely rip your bullies apart if you asked them to!
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You know. I think Brian's trigger event is one of the ones I know the least about? I know the broad strokes of almost every other Undersider, but I don't think I know anything about his.
Current Thoughts
Even knowing what's coming, reading through Taylor's ordeal with the locker is so fucking heartbreaking. She could've died in there and the consolation prize she got was not worth the cost of admission, that's for damn sure. Emma Barnes is a fucking maniac for this one.
The stuff about powers and trigger events is a pretty neat concept, and I like how it kind of contextualizes most capes as being fucked up. Like, I'm thirteen years late to the party on this one, but what a fascinating fucking idea to build your superhero setting on.
Alec really shone through for me in this chapter. Maybe I relate as someone who finds it easier to get angry on others' behalf than to be angry for myself, or maybe it's just nice to see him get fired up about something. I like this kid.
...Got work and a family thing today, but I'll see if I can't slip some more updates in. I'll probably read some at least and double back with my thoughts if nothing else
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swmmi-kti · 1 year
One of a kind
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Pairing: Kokushibo x Reincarnated Fem!Y/n
When he was still human he had found life boring and stale, and that was no secret at all. Time passed far slower and painfully dull. But when he married it was as if the gods had finally enlightened him. His wife was one out of many and in those many years he has never forgotten you. How the moons passed and every time he got slight glimpses of it he remembered how no greater glow lived in this world since you had passed. 
But Gods always were cruel. Had he come back to you any time when you still graced the earth with your soul then he would have asked if you would have joined him too. However the one time he had found your old home. You had been slaughtered. At the fellow hands of his brethren. 
Your kids are nowhere in sight. It eased his mind but a bit. However for many nights he had stayed next to your decomposing corpse. His hunger subsided as he held you. Cradling you as he had done nights where your pregnant belly was too much to bare. 
He would much rather live in a world where you rested peacefully than forever tied down to a world that forced you to kill. 
After almost nothing remained he had buried you. Finally at ease and with it you took his heart. His heart no longer had that burning passion it had before. It emptied and the glass was half full. When he had killed his brother it felt as if all of it was finally gone. 
He was just  upper moon one. And that is all he would be. Vague memories lived on in the depths of his mind, stashed away was the flute he made for his dearest brother and next to it a hairpin that he had bestowed on you before your wedding. His two most prized objects. 
And they were laying out far from his reach. How did he get here? How on earth did it end this way? 
Tonight he knew he would have encountered a slayer. He knew that but he needn’t frighten himself. No greater power known to man could make him fear. 
But those same eyes that had watched him with nothing but adoration and then hatred when he had abandoned them. Now haunted his very core. The gods are cruel and they tortured him since he could remember. 
He didn’t care for slayers. Didn’t care enough, just ended their lives and that was all that they got from him. 
However those eyes that had once stared at him were here once again. A different kind of hatred now stared back at him. One of disgust. Perhaps even fear too. Somehow, Someway your figure stood before him. 
Your hands how calloused over as it held onto the handle of your blade, Those eyes piercing right through his very core.The once elegance you had the poise it all vanished as he stood as your enemy. 
It was then he realized he would rather prefer you be his enemy than have to kill you and have to live in a world where you didn’t exist at all. 
He knew he was crazy, mad perhaps and he wondered did you remember too. 
“..what is your… Name?” He asked speaking after so long of not sparing his breath. 
Your eyes widened a little. The hold on your blade never loosening but the pattern of your heart elevated. 
“I’m Y/n.” You speak with the voice he has never forgotten
Oh how awful of a crude joke this was. Standing as enemies when years ago you stood together as each other’s 
Yes. There was obvious differences in you of the past and you of the now. But beneath all that you were still the same. He wanted to say his sorrys for abandoning you, abandoning his family. Wanted to say some apology and in hopes that somehow you remembered it all. 
If he were any less than sane he’d probably turn you into a demon be at his side as you always should have been. But those eyes never held any recollection.
Did you cry when he left? How hard did you cry? Did you really hate him or want him back? Did you suffer when you died? Did you know where his children were? Did you go down protecting them? Or did you have a quick death?
“Do you…remember who i am?” He asked hand now resting on his own handle.
“I’ve never met anyone like you before” 
He knew that was going to happen. He did. And it didn't make it hurt any less than it does.
“You are the upper moon one. And I may not be able to kill you. But i'd rather go down trying than never knowing i had a chance” 
Fights always bored him. They always ended far sooner than he would have hoped. But this was taking too long. He knew why. His own hesitance withheld him and he didn't know why.
Why did he not want to kill you? Why on earth were you the only thing that kept him the least bit happy when nothing ever seemed too. What was so special about you in the first place? 
For the first time ever he felt a shiver run up his spine and for the first time ever he let a slayer live.
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season 1 episode 13 thoughts
A SCULLY EPISODE!!!! i was overjoyed and then i felt deep and immeasurable grief as the minutes went by.
she wants to leave her christmas tree up all year <3 she's a good cook <3 her dad calls her starbuck <3
but her dad is being avoidant! he didn't even say i love you when he left!
! dana scully lore reveal ! her dad lowkey sucks!!!
and then he IMMEDIATELY DIED right after! that is sick and twisted. why do they make my girl endure such pain.
the next note i made for the episode was "omg windows you have to crank!" which was a brief moment of levity among the Sorrow. except even the guy doing the said window cranking was kidnapped right after. still, the novelty of it all!
when scully came into work even though her dad had just died... we see mulder call her "dana" for the first time... she was visibly taken aback by this... and mumbled her name back to herself... my heart was melting out of my body
and when i thought i was going to already collapse from the "dana" moment, he tells her she should take some time for herself and then. softly cups her cheek. and strokes it with his thumb. holy fuck i nearly sobbed. it was the softest thing i have ever seen. what the hell man.
he has this instinctive need to touch her. to use his touch to keep her safe or bring her comfort. it will be psychoanalyzed at a later date from me but for now, know i am noticing the motifs.
(also, when he finally left his office, we see that he kept the hat from the alien obsessed guy in episode 10... good to know this is a man who takes souvenirs. take him to the zoo and see what he comes back with)
so then we cutscene to her dad's funeral and we learn that her father was in the navy- perhaps this is why he is unduly harsh. and then we got ANOTHER scene that beat my heart into a pulp: scully turning to her mom and asking "was he proud of me?" her mom waits for a beat and says "he was your father". HEY! THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!
(who wouldn't be proud of scully? i'm taking names. write them down)
when interrogating the death row psychic mulder once again said "i want to believe" and i once again wrote in my episode notes "HE SAID THE LINE!"
interesting that this is an episode where scully believes and mulder doesn't, almost immediately from the beginning of the episode. but the psychic says stuff her dad would say and therefore she gets emotionally invested even though mulder says it's nonsense, and that this guy is setting them a trap because mulder got him put on death row. and when she listens to the psychic's clue and find evidence at an abandoned warehouse, mulder yells at her for putting herself in danger. to which she said:
"i thought you'd be pleased i opened myself to extreme possibilities"
scully i am REACHING through the screen and telling you i'm proud of you in case no one ever did that before
(and MAYBE mulder yelling at her for putting herself in danger because he thinks he needs to protect her WAS deeply satisfying but still. read the room my king)
(also revealed in this scene: mulder is a jimi hendrix fan. i am tucking this knowledge in my pocket and storing it safely)
then the psychic decided to reveal some of her personal memories and we learn she stole a cigarette when she was 14 and she thought it was disgusting but she wanting to do something they would disapprove of. and she was so scared but so excited. are you kidding me? are you absolutely kidding me. the need to rebel from an assigned role in which she feels she MUST be perfect has haunted her from a young age, and when she finally did something her parents really disprove of- joined the FBI instead of working as a doctor- she's met with rejection. so now we know she's had this terrible need to do what pleases those she loves and to break that is a rush from its inherent moral Wrongness. the isolation of being the Good Child who does what She's Told vs. the isolation of being the Less Good Child who loses their parent's approval. that terrible ache of knowing you once pleased them and now you don't. the conditional nature of affection. ohhhhh good lord.
later mulder gets shot and scully thinks the psychic lured him into a trap which leads to her screaming at him (like SERIOUSLY screaming) that if mulder dies, she'll kill the psychic herself. now this was especially crazy because we have only at this point seen her yell once before which was in episode 8, but this was 10x that intensity. also wild for revealing that she will kill anyone who hurts mulder. once again i say holy FUCK.
mulder is wheeled in to the hospital and still telling her not to believe him, says that he's luring her into another trap. at this point i was yelling "TELL MULDER HE KNEW ABOUT YOUR DAD!" but she was too deep in the grief to bring it up
(throughout the entire episode she is hallucinating her dad in places he isn't, which is arguably far more impactful than just seeing her cry)
when the psychic reveals the location of the murderer and they go to check it out, scully straight up shoots the suspect. she is NOT playing around, y'all. i think this is the first time we see her shoot someone, which is already a lot to unpack. but then she doesn't follow the killer because the psychic had warned her against it and in this way he saves her life.
then she says thank you to the psychic, who says "come to my execution and i'll give your father's message to you" and she DOESN'T GO. mulder asks her why, because now he seems to think that psychic dude really WAS telling the truth, and she no longer does:
"why can't you believe?" "because i'm scared"
she's scared!! she's scared to believe. she's scared to know what is out there and she seemed scared to know what her father had to say. isn't there enough uncertainty in this world ruled by facts and science? what could the possibilities be like beyond that? why believe in what you cannot control? she says she knew what he would say because "he's my father". is that enough for her? or was she too frightened to hear that he wasn't proud of her?
overall i've said "holy fuck" like a LOT during this recap and i truly feel that those are the only words i have for the situation. getting to see more scully lore was EXACTLY what i was hoping for and i'm so pleased but also so so so sad. like she keeps her christmas tree up and she's a good cook and she has this terrible need for her father's approval that he won't give and then he goes and dies. i need about 10 beach episodes to make up for the sadness here. chris carter i'm in ur walls.
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dangermousie · 6 months
I broke my rule and watched ep 7 of Blossoms in Adversity.
Hate watching is great for getting your blood pumping.
I hate the ML more than I've hated most villains in cdramas.
Sure, show up threatening and questioning a righteous old man who got exiled for nothing (and you know that) and whose house you confiscated/family dragged off to try to get him to help you find some servant kid who you need for a personal matter investigation not your job one.
Luckily he politely tells you to get fucked.
I bet the family will be JOYFUL to have FL marry him at the end because "he did it all for the country and the emperor and we got exiled and almost starved and our men almost died for the glory of the throne HOOOOOORAY!"
Fuck you, fucking makers of this disgusting mess.
ETA: and some other dude ordered FL whipped and ML was all "oh well whatever, I am not gonna say a word against, who cares."
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Titans win au or smt
Warning: a 13 year old dies
Alabaster shifted from one foot to other, trying to relieve the ache, not that it did worked. His vision was getting blurry, his spine was on fire. He hadn't consumed anything for almost a day. Perhaps more? The council meeting had started somewhere around mid-noon yesterday and he hadn't left the side of Kronos's throne since, hadn't been allowed to. He had no idea what the time was. They were still arguing.
His mother sent him a brief sympathetic smile from upon her throne and went back to ripping apart Hyperion with her words. If he didn't know it would anger his lord, Alabaster would hold onto the throne's armrest to stop his legs from wobbling.
His head snapped up as the throne room's doors bursted open. A scrawny child with torn clothes and a thin jacket stood at the entrance, cursed loudly when they realised where they got in. Alabaster's throat constricted; the child couldn't be older than thirteen, might even be one that he had took captive, the faces had all started to blur together months ago, he wouldn't know. They probably found an opening to escape and took it, and gotten lost due to not knowing Othrys's layout.
'Run' he mouthed. Above him, as the top of his head barely reached the edge of the armrest, Kronos shifted. Alabaster stilled as he felt a hand placed on his head, standing at attention.
"What’s the saying, what the cat dragged in?" Kronos hummed, "An intruding rat."
The kid made a peeping sound, clearly terrified, eyes darting across the council members frantically. They held their dull blade between Kronos and them, chest raising and deflating rapidly as they breathed out loud.
"My lord," Prometheus raised his hand, "if I may?" He didn't wait for an answer.
"If we can not call mortals rat.. Of course some of them may be quite like them but I'd want to inform that I've worked hard on them and—"
Prometheus shut his mouth as Kronos raised his hand. Alabaster sighed quietly at the relief of the pressure on top of his head being gone. How nice of Prometheus to draw all the anger at him in his attempt to boast about his creations. Hopefully Kronos would remember that and take his frustrations out on Prometheus this week? Call him selfish but Alabaster didn't have a desire to inquire his lord's wrath.
"I am not a rat!" The kid cried out. "I will- I will get out of here and we will end your reign!" They pointed their blade straight towards the main throne.
An intense dread filled Alabaster up as Kronos tilted his head. "How cute... How naive. Demigods," he sighed, " always the same. Always acting like I didn't warn them: Pledge loyalty or die."
A few of the Titans chuckled. Alabaster's gut twisted as the kid inched on themselves, trying to back away, only for the doors to close with a crackling slam.
"You're a demigod!" The kid begged to him. "Why are you doing this? Why are you helping him?"
The kid was young, as young as his littlest sister.
They wouldn't be the youngest person he had killed.
"Torrington!" Kronos bid, waving a hand as if bored.
Alabaster pulled his sword out of his scabbard, watching the kid's eyes grow wide with increasing terror. He took a step forward—
Alabaster stared at the dark marble floor mortified as he collapsed to all fours when his knees gave out. The low chattering cut off. He could feel the scrutinising eyes on him. Kronos broke through the silence.
"Up." He commanded, like you would to a pet.
Alabaster helped himself up with the intricate carvings alongside the throne, but shamefully swaying on his feet even after that. Kronos clicked his tongue, and pushed him down to his knees with his two fingers. Near the back, Atlas howled with laughter. Alabaster stayed put, bowing his head, averting his gaze to not see the pure unadulterated disgust in the kid's eyes.
A gust of power breezed through the room. After a loud thud, and the following silence, the argument over the sacrifices re-began. Alabaster lifted his head slightly to see the kid's crumpled body near the wall, laying in a pool of their own blood.
At the sound of finger snapping, Alabaster rose to attention once again.
They had won the war, both of the camps were gone. His mother finally had the throne she deserved. He was as miserable than he ever had been.
I'll elaborate if someone asks or maybe later but for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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alwaysteveswife · 1 year
hey lovely! i just recently discovered your blog and O M G i CANT get enough!!! your writing is absolutely amazing!
i had a steve x reader request of you were taking them?
what if Y/N was the one being cursed by Vecna?
If this were our last night | Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader.
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A/N: Thank you so much, your words mean a lot to me 🥺 I'm glad you like what I do as much as I like to do it 💕. I hope you like it 🥰.
It's 1986 at Hawkins, the first year they thought everything to do with upside down was over. At least it was until the Chrissy Cunningham incident. The investigation at the hands of the teens soon began, bringing to light Hawkins' darkest secrets and, in the process, Y/N's troubled past.
Words: 638.
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How long had it been since they had first gotten into all this upside down and shit? You were aware it was somewhere between three or four years, but you could have sworn it had been decades.
In '83 Will had happened, in '84 the demodogs came to Hawkins and Will had gone into some kind of weird trance that you didn't want to see in person, in '85 a giant spider formed out of human flesh and Billy died, but that was supposed to be the end, wasn't it?
Well, apparently it wasn't.
Now it was 1986, and fucking Dustin Henderson walked into your boyfriend's work screaming that it was very likely that shit had come back. Now it was 1986, and all indications were that you were directly related to all that shit.
How fucked up life could be when it put its mind to it.
"Honey?" Steve grabbed your shoulder gently, his brow furrowing slightly "is everything okay?"
You nodded, your gaze fixed on the school counselor's folders, more specifically on the patients' symptoms, on Chrissy's symptoms.
"Yes" you nodded again, fear beginning to cause your chest to tighten until you couldn't breathe "I am, I'm just a little...surprised."
Steve grimaced. He wasn't convinced, you knew that, but you didn't want to tell him the truth either, you didn't want to worry him any more than you had to, not when it could be a simple coincidence.
Just then a bell rang in your head. A shiver ran down your spine, the fear growing more and more. You closed your eyes for a second, just for a second, but the moment you opened them the whole atmosphere had changed.
Something vine-like was hanging everywhere, stuck on the walls and on the floor. Tiny particles of what you expected to be dust were floating all over the place and it was so dark you could barely see where you were stepping.
The second bell rang again as you left the room. You walked slowly down the hallway, stopping only when you had that clock in front of you.
It was attached to the wall, covered by those strange, disgusting vines. The glass was slightly shattered, but the hands and pendulum still worked.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
The third chime sounded, but this time, when you opened your eyes, it was no longer in front of you. The wall was empty, and large hands rested on your shoulders, shaking you slightly.
"Hey, pretty, what's wrong, why weren't you answering?" Steve's concern echoed in every word.
"I..." a sneaky little tear slipped down your cheek, remembering everything that had happened the last few days.
The headaches, the nosebleeds, the nightmares about the crash, the watch, your father.
"'You' what?" Dustin insisted, staring at you.
"I think he's coming for me" you whispered, your voice trembling, covering yourself with your arms, trying to lighten the burden you were beginning to feel.
"What?" you looked at Steve. He looked almost as scared as you did. His eyes were narrowed slightly, his eyebrows were drawn together between his brows and his jaw was clenched so tight you could hear his teeth grinding.
Suddenly, without your expecting it, Steve took your hand and started walking briskly to the exit of Hawkins High School, the kids following as fast as they could.
"Steve? What are you doing?" you muttered, shaking your head slightly.
"We can't just stand here and wait for whatever this thing is to come after you" he growled under his breath "I don't plan on letting it take you, not you" his face softened a little, letting you see the fear in his eyes, "I'll do whatever is in my power not to lose you, even if it means having to come face to face with the whole damn upside down."
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0ladyred0 · 2 years
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AVATARTWOW -Fan fiction-
⫷The new way⫸
Na'vi Quaritch x Chubby Na'vif!reader
Arthur: Hello! And welcome to the first chubby Na'vi reader series!! I'm hoping that you guys like this because I will try really hard to make it work. This series takes place after what happened with the second movie but in this one Neteyam is alive:] This has been inspired by many of the stories I've read.I really hope everyone enjoys this series because I'm putting my life to it! Get comfortable and I hope you enjoy! Note: Na'vi language will be written in italic.
Chapter 1: The abduction
Your weren't like the others. You want no children of your own, you wanted to be free and explore your beautiful planet. You weren't even the typical appearance. You had a much more bigger body and was mostly taller than the other women. You we're quite young, but you knew what you wanted for life. Your mother loved you once, but when she heard you wanted to 'waste' you life without children she was never the same. She tried to keep you fit but nothing worked and failed. Your father? He died in the war when you were just a child back then. Your mother was a very good friend to Mo'at and when you heard that Spider was taken by the 'aliens' you heart dropped. You loved Spider, he was very good to you. How did you knew spider?
3 year's ago when you were just 16 year's old your mother was coming out of her home with vegetarian food for you to eat.
"You need to be strong!... And quite beautiful if you ever want to have children" she said giggling as she put the food in your hand. You smiles at her but you wanted to tell her how you really felt.
"Mother listen..." you said with a serious tone and put your plate down. Your mother turned around concerned. You put her hand in yours and look her in the eyes, terrified of how she might react.
"I wish to not have children, I wish to explore the nature's of Eywa and wish to not change myself for no man" you felt a releaf hit you and were quite happy you told her. Your mother on the other hand, she was shocked at what you said. She showed your hands away from her and stood up still looking at you almost disgust. After you looked at her you knew there was no turning back.
"How could you do this to me?!"
"Mother it's nothing like that-"
You tried to reach for her shoulders but you were shocked when she pushed you down on the grass. You looked at her scared, she never acted like this.
"What are you gonna do? Waste your life and see all your close ones have kids?? People around the village will judge me because of your choices!! "
"But mother-you don't understand... I don't not want to raise any children no matter the reason-"
"That's enough!"
She acted fast and slapped you across the face. You didn't move as you felt her hand imprint on your left check. You reached for it to feel it and look at her with tears in your eyes. She still had a terrifying face. You backed up leading yourself in the forest, her only moving her head while her body stood still and said with a forced voice.
"You brought shame to your ancestors-you do not deserve happiness!!"
Those were the last words she has said to you as you decided to start running in the forest not knowing where you were going. Later that day you were sitting down with your head on your knees close to a giant tree root. You we're crying. 'How could she think of me like that... Am I truly selfish?... 'You wondered as tears left your eyes. You sniffed from your nose. Your ears flickered as they heard a branch snap. You quickly put your head up, your position was still. You heard small footsteps approach form the left side, you turn your head quickly with wide eyes. It was a boy but not any regular boy... It was the alien boy who always seemed close with the leaders children.
"Oh.. *sniff*hello..."you looked away. You didn't know what to do in that situation. The boy on the other hand seemed to be worried about what's going on with the Na'vi who was older than him.
"What's wrong... Did something happenen?" he said to you as he got closer to you, crouching to look up at your face which was currently hiding from him. You only responded with a shaken voice trying not to cry once more. You felt a little hand on you your elbow, you looked up at him realizing what he was trying to do. He was trying to comfort you by giving you a small hug.
"Everything's going to be all right... That's what they always say to me"he looked at you with a smile. You couldn't help but slowly starting to smile and maybe giggle a little bit as you saw him how he tries his best to ease your pain. You sat on your legs facing him, you slowly stated to pat his head.
" what do you go by?"
"Oh well... I'm spider! It's nice to meet you [y/n]"you blinked twice. How did he knew your name?
"How do you know my name?"
"Oh well... I've heard about you from Mo'at,she says that you are quite different"you frowned a little. You knew that your mother was talking about your weight any chance she gets. But you shake your head and smiled.
"Why yes I am crazy!..." you started to act like a crazy demon, he giggled an started to run while you were chasing him around. You did this to distract yourself from your own pain that you've caused.
Days have passed.The more you hung out with him, the more you actually felt happy. After weeks have passed when you told your mother about what you wanted in life, she started to act horrible towards you. She has already told most of them village what you wanted and everyone either ignored you or bullied you. Your mother aslo stopped feeding you at all, having to hunt for yourself... And also Spider. He has introduced you to the leaders kids. They accepted you and always wanted to play with you since you we're the oldest of them. After that, He has introduced you to who he looked up to Jake Sully. Jake Sully has heard about you from his people and felt bad and treated you like almost family. Neytiri was confused because you didn't want any children but otherwise she thought you were a very good hunter. Since Spider introduced and helped you threw your bad time, you wanted to care for him. You hunted, healed, and played with him for the next 3 year's. But also in those three year's when you were alone, you have connected very well with the forest and always seemed to fell asleep leading to very strange dreams. But when the leader and his children came back from a rainy night, you saw that Spider was no where near them.
"Where is Spider?" you goed up to the leaders kids, they looked at each other and knew how you would react.
"The sky people... They took spider"Lo'ak said hugging Kiri who was letting out cries. You felt your legs shake, you felt your eyes started to have tears running down, you felt your heart achene.
"I'm sorry [y/n] we know how close you are with him" Neteyam said as he hugged you. You accepted the hug, you needed to be comforted as well.
Couple of days have passed and you have heard that the great Toruk Makto leave and replace his place with another. You we're finally broke. Not only the person who has helped you along your life was captured, your only loved ones had to leave to save the tribe. When they left the tribe, everyone now has now despised you because of your path. The new leader who was supposed to be your husband had a little decency let you live your life how you wanted without kicking you out of the tribe. In those months when they were gone you have completely disconnected with the tribe and only visited once in a while then you have returned back to the forest. You were yet again alone...
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You woke up one day hearing Ikrans coming closer to you. You Imidietly thought it was some of the boys coming to harass you but... You heard familiar voices.
"WOOHOO we're finally home!!" it was Lo'ak! You looked up to see all of them pass you. You Imidietly ran to your tribe, hoping to have some good news about Spider. When you finally arrived you could see all the people cheering and greeting the last Toruk Makto. You let the people greet them first, you couldn't see Spider anywhere because of the people. But you patiently waited and hoped that he was there. After all of them greeted the Toruk Makto they all ran to make a celebration. You pushed threw the crown and finally saw the Sully family and they saw you and we're very happy... Then you saw Spider...
He ran towards you and you opened your arms and both of you hugged tightly. Only a few tears have left your face.
"I thought I'd never see you again..."
"Me too. I missed you!!"
You both broke the hug and slightly hit him on the head, how only response was a 'ow!'
"You Skxawng! You have given me a heart ache! I prayed to Eywa for your brainless head!"
You said putting your hands on your hips as he scratched the back of his neck. The leaders kids laughed as they approached you.
"Aww look at Spiders mom so worried!"
Lo'ak laughed as same as Kiri. Neteyam approached you with respect.
"Good to know some things haven't changed [y/n]"
"Good to see you too Neteyam that is a horrible wound I have noticed"
You point at his right side of his chest. He laughed knowing that you were still the same. Jake Sully has approached you and you Imidietly did the hand gesture.
"Hey kid good to see you, how has everyone been treating you?"
Jake said as he patted your shoulder, you didn't want him to know how everyone treated you. Your ears tilted and your tail has lowered itself, he saw that and Imidietly knew the answer.Right before you could answer Mo'at came to finally greet her daughter and the rest of her bloodline while you and Spider stood and watched.
"I am glad you are safe... And please tell me all the stuff that has happened!"
You turned to spider kneeling down. He knew that you can be trusted and laughed quietly.
"I will... Now if you'll excuse me now I have to greet the other 'alien's"
You laughed as you knew what he meant. You hugged him one last time and let him go.
"I know all of you are exhausted and hungry. Follow the people they will show you the way"
The great mother of Neytiri said and all of the raced with the others. You knew that everyone hated you so you slowly started to walk away not wanting to join them until.
You froze. Mo'at has called your name and you must now listen to her. You turned around with slight fear. Your looked at her to only see a calm expression on her face.
"Come my child. Join us"
She reached out a hand. You hesitated and looked at her and looked back at her hand. You take it as you trusted her. Why? Every once in a while she would visit you in the forest and see you have fallen asleep and she would put her hand over you body sensing something that is going to happen.
You thanked Eywa as everyone wasn't paying much attention to you at the celebration. In fact, some younger children smiled at you and you smiled back. Your own mother noticed that as well...
"So how is everyone been treating you?"
Spider finally came which you we're glad. You have saved him as seat. Jake Sully also curious of how people have treated you he listened closely. Because of that question you felt really sadden not wanting him to worry. But you wanted to tell him and so you did but quietly.
"If I'm honest Spider... They have been very cold towards me... I have been living in the forest hunting by my own. I don't even have an ikran..."
Spider sat silent. He was expecting it because he knew the people were heavily in love with having children. You looked at Spider and saw how sad he has gotten. You pushed him a little making him turn to you.
"But now that you are here I feel joy and thanked Eywa for watching over you"
He smiled at your words and the both of you kept talking and laughing. Jake has heard every word and he was not happy. Since the day he has met you he almost treated you like his own. And he knew how you felt because of his experience on earth, but he was glad you felt joy spending time with his kids.
After the celebration you have felt full of all the eating. As you and Spider we're walking you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. You turned around to surprisingly see you mother not looking at you angry but quite happy?...
"Oh Eywa I thank you for anwcering my prayers!"
She hugged you tightly as she thanked Eywa for something she has prayed. Spider looked at you confused but you signal him to walk away as you sensed something will happen.
"I was worried that you'll never change your heart... But Eywa has seen me!!"
You looked around and saw Jake's family and a few other people of the tribe looking at you which made you really uncomfortable.
"What... Do you mean mother..."
"I have seen you looking at children and I saw in you that you finally wanted ones of your own!! I am so happy!!"
She held on to your shoulders. They were more people surrounding you now. You once again had to explain your way to your mother, but this time you will take it more proper.
"Mother listen to me... I still do not want children, and I will never have any because it is not my path... I wish to explore my beautiful planet and be happy"
After those words you backed up and waited for her degrading words. She had yet again has a shooked face and starting to look at you as the last time you have spoken to her.
"You will ruin your life! I can not believe what daughter I have brought to this world... And quite the fat one!"
The people have started to yell at [y/n] for wasting her life while Jake and his family tried to calm them down.
"Dad why are they like this?!" Neteyam said to his father as he tried to think of anything to make the crowd pay attention to him. But they were too focused on you.
"I have never been so disappointed in my life... Your have truly failed as a woman and a daughter..."
Those were the last words she has said as you walked away from her. Knowing that you will never be accepted by them, you wanted to run away to a new side of you planet. You yet again started to walk in the forest devastated by your own tribe not even wanting you.
The sully's family was so busy trying to calm the people. Spider was looking around as he was being pushed around. He finally saw you walking away and started to follow you yet again deep in the forest.
While everything has been happening towards your perspective. A general Miles Quaritch and his team have been yet again transport on a plain towards your local area. He has yet again to capture a Na'vi and to need to learn more about their ways. It has been week's that he spend with his son of learning but still needed to learning their ways.
"Miles do you think we have the exact location of the Na'vi?" Lutenant Lyle yells so that Miles could hear him.
"Don't worry about that, I'm sure we'll get some locals" all of them laughed. Quaritch was recently rethinking of things, but none the less he had a mission to complete
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Walking in the forest once again. You knew that this time you have to leave. Your signed. You had a place in mind which was another tribe but... Would they accept you? As you we're wondering and walking. A group of avatars are watching you from afar. It was Quaritch and his team following you at a closer range.
"Miles she looks different from the others are you sure this one will do?" Lyle whisper towards Quaritch. He turned looked at Lyle and back at you. He saw how your looker different. He noticed your bigger body and a sad expression which lead him to think that you were an easy target.
"We will charge on my command got it?" They nooded. Miles was getting ready until he heard a familiar voice speak.
"[Y/n]! Wait!..."
He stooped the team from going any further. It was his son spider. He watched as the both of you interacted. You turned around looking at him and softly smiling.
"Where are you going? Why are you leaving??..."
You walked up to him and squat to be his height. You finally got to see the one person to accept you. But you now had to leave him.
"Oh my sweet Spider... You saw everybody-they all hate me" you pat him slowly as Quaritch wathed. He was wondering who you we're and how you knew Spider. Why we're you so close to him? Or why are you so caring towards him?...Everyone on his team was wondering his weird hold but stayed quiet.
"But don't worry! Jake will talk to them theyll-"
"Spider you saw how they acted they do not want me back..." you stood up.
"I do not want children of my own and they cannot see that" Spider frowed at your word's.He knew that he can't stop you. As you started to walk again he got an idea.
"[Y/n] wait! Please Jake will talk to them you don't have to move!" Spider grabbed your hand pulling you down. You knealed once again almost crying. You didn't wanna leave him. You knew Neytiri does not like him. Right before you could answer, you heard something snap. Your ears perked up as you raise your head high. You sniffed the air, strange... Something smelled knew... Or someone. You stood up holding Spider at his shoulders as your eyes scanned the background.
"[Y/n]...what is it?..." you hushed him as you tried to concentrate. You lived far more in the forest and you did not recognize that smell.
"Someone is here... Bad people- quick Run!" you said with worry in your voice. Spider knew to trust you and he started to run towards the tribe while you ran behind him. Not only a minute has passed and you heard close footsteps behind you.
"No matter what you run!!" you gave a push to Spider as he ran as fast as he can while you stopped and turned around. Two sky people were at your trace. A woman with tattoos and a bald man smiling at you as they put away they're guns and got out cuffs.
"Come on now- don't make this hard for yourself" the woman said pulling out a knife. You only glared at the both of them as they circled around you. Not knowing what you're capable of doing.
Spider on the other hand was running as fast as he can. He now regrets leaving you by yourself. As he wanted to stop he was tackled by another avatar. He knew they were stronger but fought back until they putted handcuffs on him. They make him stood up as he watched someone merge in front of him.
"Come on now... Don't you miss your father?" Quaritch said as the three other avatars laughed. Spider hissed at him. Quaritch got closer to Spider and kneeled down towards his level.
"Who was that other woman?..."
"Why? You got a little crush or something?..." Spider said as he felt his hands being bruised by the cuffs. Quaritch smirked at his response and got up and slowly walked to the trees.
"Ah it doesn't matter, she looks pretty weak to me"
"Heh don't underestimate her, she'll kill all of you in a second-..." Spider said distracting them as he knew you were here. You on the other hand was high on a tree, without a scratch or a bruise on your body. You watched closely as you examine Quaritch. You saw that he was taller and bigger from the rest of the males you have seen. He had a strange tattoo on his arm too. You know he was Spider's father and your hatred towards him was strong. You got closer as he talked to Spider without making any noise.
"How about I just order my mates to kill her?" He reached to his communicator, Spider getting now scared and shouting no until. You jumped and yelled as you hit Quaritch on the face. He fell down and you sprinted towards the other three. Two were reaching for they're guns but you nocked one down and hit the other to his stomach. The last one let go of Spider to take you on but was too late and got himself on the ground with a head ache. You ran towards spider and turned around to face all four of them rising up.
[Y/n] pulled out a rather big knife and hissed with spite in it. Quaritch growled and looked up and finally saw you. He saw how you protected Spider who was behind you without any weapons and to be honest... He was surprised of how you treated him. The avatars came up and started to circle around the two.
"Well well well aren't your quite interesting to look at porky" Quaritch chuckled when he slowly started to back away and get his gun that was on the floor. Your attention was now on Quaritch, you cannot believe he took Spider away from you for months making your almost grieve for him. As he got you distracted the two men tackled you on the ground making you growl and hiss at them.
"[Y/n]!!-" Spider reached out but he also was caught by one of the sky people. Quaritch came closer to you as the both avatars cuffed you and made you sit on your knees. Quaritch stopped and looked at you struggling and a little smile creept on his lips.
"You must be [y/n] then..." you didn't dare to look at him, but he didn't like that. His left hand reached out to your face, grabbed it by the jaw and pulled it up so he could see your pretty eyes glaring at him.
"Spider never mentioned you while he was captured... How strange... He must really love ya..." You stayed silent. You couldn't believe he got his hands on you.
"Now where are the rest of my crew-"
"Right here M-miles" Quaritch turned around and was shocked at what he saw. Lyles face was full of blood and cuts while the other could barely walk on her two feet.
"Lyle? The hell happened to you?"
"It... Was her Colonel..." Quaritch turned to you as you turned your focus on him again. He rotated your head to the left and then to the right seeing zero injures.
"You got your ass whooped by her?..." he looked at Lyle. Lyle didn't say anything but noded. Quaritch looked at you and started to laugh and let your jaw go. You we're glad because his hold was really rough and it did made your face sore.
"All right enough let's go" Quaritch said and his team started to forcefully made you walk.
"N-no!you can't take me back to the lab... You can't!!"
"Calm Spider... Calm...Everything will be all right... Okay?... " you said as that calmed him down a little bit. Quaritch heard and saw that and was now really wondering who was this woman to Spider??... Then Quaritch heard it... Those same loud and quick yells from afar. He saw yours ears twitch and look around. He knew it... He knew that, that was Jake's wife. He ordered his men to run to the plain. It was starting to get dark and rain. Spider started to panic, he couldn't believe this was happening again and thought he was gonna be in that lab again making him breath hardly.
Meanwhile Jake and Neytiri we're close to you. They saw the tracks and saw other ones that were two big for a humans shoes. They looked at each other and Imidietly started to run with the tracks before they could disappear from the rain.
"Oh god-they got Spider and [y/n]..."Jake mutter to himself as he realized the tracks were now gone but the both of them heard the plain and sprinted towards it. They both saw you on another avatars back hissing at them. [Y/n] looked down and saw both Jake and Neytiri and felt disappointed at herself. You couldn't believe that you were captured and let Spider being captured again... This is all your fault and they're was no walking away from this...
Arthur: thats the end of chapter 1! This shit took me longer than I expected I'm so sorry😭 I hope you like it and I'll try to be more active just getting a little depressed all of a sudden.please comment on what you think and I'll see you next time!!
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