#I am in trouble because my older brother loves me too much
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(flops on stage) i now present to you my very silly swap au,,,
essentially jasper is now the co-leader of the society who was bitten by a werewolf and is trying to hide it, jekyll is the uni student who got kicked out due to his experiments and then picked up off the streets, etc. jasper and rachel can’t communicate and jekyll and lanyon are living the world’s weirdest horror romcom you’ve ever seen. more info under cut hehe (feat. bad explanations and doodles)
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in simpler terms, jekyll and lanyon swap narrative positions (?? is that the right term) with jasper and rachel respectively. (lanyons and rachels swap doesn’t technically work as well as Jekyll’s and jaspers does but shhhhh). Frankenstein becomes the mad scientist that attacks the society and moreau becomes jaspers idol.
longer explanation but WARNING!! it is 3am when i am typing this and i am terrible at explaining. it may be slightly incomprehensible.
so like jasper and rachel founded the society after jasper publishes his research and gets semi famous. two years before current events jasper is out on a research venture and gets bitten by a werewolf. he doesn’t want to scare rachel or the lodgers so he keeps it a secret (to his own detriment). flash forward to now and jasper gets a call to investigate a “creature” terrorizing the streets of london only to find hyde.
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before jasper can process the dumpster man he is looking at hyde transforms back into jekyll. jekyll explains that while trying to prove his theory of spiritual alchemy at his university he may or may not have split his own soul. and got kicked out. and is now living on the streets.
jasper, not really knowing what else to do and kinda relating to the poor guy, takes him back to the society. he introduces his co-leader rachel, who pretty much keeps this entire thing up and running. (rachel and jekyll still become friends but she especially takes to hyde. that little brother shaped hole in her heart is still very much present!) then theres the lodgers (idk how they all swap) and then there’s lanyon, a university student at the society because it was mandatory for one of his courses. he is not enjoying it and would very much rather be breaking boy’s hearts back at school. lucky for him tho, there’s jekyll!
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this goes about as well as you would expect. lanyon then spends the rest of his stay at the society trying to understand (and woo) the conundrum that is jekyll and hyde. it’s very fluffy and they learn to communicate like jasper and rachel in canon (yippee!)
unfortunately for jasper and rachel, they have been playing the “just friends” game for the last decade. im having a bit of trouble trying to flesh out swap rachel so i don’t really know if she’s in a lavender marriage like canon lanyon is or is estranged/divorced or just single but whatever the case is she likes jasper but thinks he just sees her as a friend while jasper is madly in love with her and is too scared to tell her. this problem has only worsened since jasper got bitten. everyone else tho is aware of how they feel about each other and are stuck witnessing their tortuously long slow burn.
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(hyde and lanyon at some point probably come up with a scheme to try and get them to confess. it goes horribly wrong.)
so yeah. this au has been floating around in my head ever since i read the comic for the first time. it mainly came to be because of how well jasper and jekyll parallel each other and because i wanted to draw stupid fluff and older jasper lol.
if anyone has any ideas/questions/etc TELL ME!!!!! this is just a rough idea if you have a better concept go for it awhdvgevd
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Loving Arms (2)
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Summary: The children of Viserys I from his wife Alicent Hightower had always been lacking in affection from their parents. They simply didn't realize how much until their widowed aunt was brought into their lives. (AU where Alicent has an older sister and her kids get the love that they deserve, takes place some time after the Driftmark event)
Part II: Family Dinner
A/N: No pairings as of right now as I want to focus on the familial and platonic relationships with Greens when they're still quite young. (credit for the divider goes to @kawaii-lau)
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The royal family were not ones to eat a meal together often; typically dinner consisted of Alicent, Helaena, and Aemond. Or Otto and Alicent, even simply Aemond and Helaena. But rare was the occurrence that Aegon would sit at the table to dine with his family and that all members, apart from his Majesty the King Viserys, would choose to eat with one another.
Of course, the elder Hightower daughter was unaware that it was solely due to her arrival that all were seated at the table.
The meal itself was sumptuous; fresh venison on a bed of roasted vegetables, bread straight from the oven, a hearty stew, and a variety of sweet cakes and treats. All things that (Y/N) did not hesitate to eat from her plate, famished from her weary travels.
It was quiet, save for the occasional scrape of knives and the clink of forks or spoons.
"Well," Alicent smiled. "Isn't it lovely that we can all come together and eat as a family after so many years apart. If only Gwayne was here as well, then it would be similar to our youth, don't you think (Y/N)?"
Her older sister offered a tense smile, "I suppose it is a bit like our childhood. I am surprised you still remember any of it since you were quite young at our last family gathering."
"It comes and goes, because as you say, I was quite young when... when our mother passed," Alicent smiled at her children and all three straightened. "But I am reminded of it when I spend time with my sons and daughter."
"Then I am sure she barely remembers then," Aegon muttered and earning himself a kick to leg from Aemond.
"Behave!" the younger scolded.
Otto cleared his throat and the boys sat up in their chairs once more.
"Let us move past all this," the Hand said. "No need to trouble ourselves with the nonsense of remembering bygones and look to the future. Keeping our family strong and well established.
"Hear, hear!" Alicent agreed while lifting her chalice in agreement.
His oldest daughter couldn't help but laugh at her father's words and shook her head.
"Did you find any humor in my words, daughter?" he asked.
The tone in which he spoke, seemed to trigger something in Alicent as she shrunk back in her seat and looked to the meal in front of her. Her older sister, on the other hand stared straight ahead to their father.
"I find it amusing that you say that, Father" (Y/N) said while cutting into her venison. "You didn't seem to find the notion of family all that important when you left behind two orphaned children in Oldtown for your elder brother to deal with."
A sweeping silence fell over the table.
"Or am I wrong?" she asked. "Mother had recently passed when you left Gwayne and I behind at Oldtown, taking only our dear Alicent with you. She was your favorite after all."
"Do not start with me, (Y/N)!" Otto scolded. "You know your brother was being raised to someday lead Oldtown in my stead."
"What about your recently disfigured daughter? Why was she left behind?" she asked. "Or were you too ashamed that my face would make you a laughingstock. When as your oldest daughter, I should have also been allowed to accompany you to find an advantageous marriage as well."
"Do not speak nonsense, (Y/N)." Her father grumbled, "It was to your benefit that you stayed behind, otherwise you would have never been able to marry your husband. I have always looked to ensure our family would be well off."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, a soft frown marring her features. Her father's response seemed to aggravate her more than she let on, as she stood up from her seat, scraping it heavily against the floor.
"I think I will retire to my chambers for the evening," she turned to smile softly at her nephews and niece. "I will see all of you early tomorrow morning, I have a few things that I brought you three from Dorne."
She turned stiffly to her younger sister and father, "Good night!"
The clicking of her heels against the floor echoed as she left the room, and the Targaryen siblings looked to one another before turning their gaze to their mother and grandsire.
"May we be excused, Mother?" Aemond asked politely.
Alicent looked to be apprehensive, but her father wanted to have a word with her and waved the trio off. Muttering to himself in annoyance over his eldest daughter's words and behavior that evening.
Aegon was quick to pull his younger brother and sister from their seats, hoping that he could avoid either of the adults minds from allowing them to step away. Knowing that they would attempt to stop the siblings if they knew that they would chase after their aunt.
"Come on, come on!" Aegon urged with a giggle, hurrying to catch up with (Y/N).
Something soft bubbled beneath Aegon's chest and he could not remember a time he had felt this way since his childhood had been marred by maltreatment, neglect, and unkind words. But seeing his own aunt stand up for herself, not letting his grandsire excuse himself for his callous actions of the past, it lit a small feeling of hope that perhaps someone could understand.
And he didn't want to let that feeling go.
Aemond was struggling through his own internal torment and insecurity. He did not want to get his hopes up that his aunt would understand his feelings about feeling othered and scorned for his appearance that was he felt was no fault of his own, but he knew that he truly wanted to know.
No, he needed to know if there was someone else like him.
Helaena, perhaps did not feel as conflicting emotions as that of her older and younger brothers, but she also felt that things would soon change with the presence of their outspoken aunt. Words had often failed her, those closest to her rarely were able to understand the young princess even when she was direct with her words. But now... now here was this woman, that was clear and did not mince her words and let her thoughts be known.
She wanted to learn from this woman that was not afraid to be herself.
And there, standing alongside her sworn guard was (Y/N) as she intended to ready herself in her chambers.
But almost collectively the three shouted, "Muña!"
She turned to them and as soon as her soft eyes fell on their figures.
She smiled.
And it was then, the three were absolutely certain that they needed her to be a permanent fixture in their lives.
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A/N: And that concludes part 2! 🥳 Please let me know what you all think, I am honestly super pumped to continue this series.
PS. If your name doesn't show up highlighted, I am not able to tag you properly for some reason.
Tag List:
@minaxcarter, @hotleaf-juice, @pikomin, @deltamoon666, @cococrazy18, @firefairy, @dracaryxzs, @snowbunny58, @lacherrysouldy, @only4thefics, @queen-luna-007, @ambrivertenergy, @kayllineb12, @minejungwoo, @delaynew, @agustdeeyaa, @hueanhdang
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paulic · 3 months
Ok this is what I think the biopics will be like for each Beatle:
John will be so troubled but in a really charming way and Julian will be mentioned but briefly and they’ll make it seem like John was just too busy to be a present father (Paul will make up for it in a vomit inducingly cheesy way). His eating disorder, heroin addiction and other internal struggles (self-esteem, sexuality, maybe even gender,…) will go unmentioned or brushed over jokingly like haha he tossed Brian off, don’t we all at that age. He’ll be the cool and funny older brother & later genius who just couldn’t be confined within a band. They won’t have the guts to call his bullshit and therefore will automatically brush over his kinder and vulnerable sides. He’ll be reduced to a knock off version of the tortured artist blueprint. They’ll never pick up on his pathetic wet dog vibe
Paul will be the charming good guy who’s all in with the band. No mention of how he fucked over Jane and every other girl until Linda; he’ll be a musical genius, too, but in a prince of the people sort of way. They’ll loooove that he stopped eating meat, woke king!!!! Linda will be brushed over by making her into his soulmate wifey who finally helps the charming playboy with a heart of gold settle down. His depression and alcohol problem won’t be mentioned/reduced to feeling a little sad. He’ll be a little bossy sometimes but they won’t ever get it right how fucking annoying he could be. Straighter than a ruler. John’s brother, almost biologically. No homo. They’ll find a way to make the twink who fucked the entire population and had an ego bigger than Neptune into a straight feminist
George will be the indie underground smart Beatle and people on tik tok will start posting thirst traps of the actor with the caption “they don’t make em like this anymore” and then complain about real-George’s teeth. He’ll be so spiritual and smart and he won’t have an affair with his best friend’s wife at all and if he does it’ll be because of some spiritual insight, not because that man couldn’t keep it in his pants for 5 seconds. I’m deadly afraid of the colourful drug scenes where he’ll hallucinate god. He’ll be the perfect boyfriend and Pattie will be played by Sidney sweeney or something. They won’t take a side with the whole George Or Paul debate during the breakup, but George will be too focused on other things to want to stay in the Beatles. They won’t mention the three billion songs John&Paul deemed unworthy. They’ll never do the grudges my man held justice. No one could
Ringo will be the funny guy who luckily survived his childhood and found his passion through a kind nurse giving him his drumsticks. He’ll play an incredible drum solo at 8 years old on his hospital bed frame the first time he ever holds those sticks. He won’t be in gangs, he won’t beat his wife half to death, he won’t have drugs and alcohol problems. He’ll be peace and love from age 0. He’ll be slightly stupid and he’ll mention octopuses too much. They’ll never get it right how he was truly the eldest and how much his vote and opinion actually counted within the band and how much the boys wanted him in the band and admired him. He won’t be a sort of glue to the band. He won’t marry a teenager he met when she was 16 and he 22. He’ll be a weird version of Ken from the Barbie movie, his job will be Drum. They’ll flatten a severely nuanced and layered man to a sheet of paper with the word ‘beat’ on it
I am too afraid to even think about what they will do to Eppy
Oh and each and every one of them will have way too pretty teeth and I am already furious. I want them to have British men in the 1960s teeth. Give me British teeth and jerking off together
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shakespeareanwannabe · 9 months
As You Wish, Chapter 1
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister, reader is described as having a tattoo and goes by Buttercup, verbal arguing, almost physical fighting, alcohol use, references to death and loss and mourning
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Jake’s House, a few months after the Uranium Mission
When she had been invited to Miramar to visit her older brother, Robert Floyd, she had been given two ground rules. Follow all of Robby’s instructions so as to not get into trouble with the locals or the top brass. And do not fall for Hangman’s charms.
The first rule was easy. She was a rule follower by nature, allowing herself to be ruled by her brain and her built in sense of logic, so following Robby’s lead was easy. And she’d assumed that the second rule would be easy as well. Anyone named Hangman was not someone she was interested in getting to know, especially since her brother had told her almost a year ago that the man earned the nickname by always leaving his wingmen hanging as he chased the glory for himself. Though Robby had seemed to relax his personal views of Hangman after their latest top secret mission, he remained firm that he wasn’t going to allow his baby sister to become one of his co-worker’s (dare he say friend’s) conquests.
And yet, here she was, three months after she was supposed to leave to go back to New York, cuddled up on Hangman’s couch as they settled in for another movie night. So much for letting her brain rule and following her innate logic.
Her brain was mush and her logic had gone out the window the second he’d asked her to stay, and she knew it wouldn’t be coming back so long as he was tracing his long fingers up and down the length of her spine as she laid on his chest, her head slowly rising and falling as they watched her all time favourite movie.
She sighed happily as she felt his plush lips press into her hairline.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” he whispered as two characters sword fought on screen.
“How happy I am,” she murmured into his chest. “And how lucky. I’m lucky I found you, lucky my job is letting me work remote, lucky to feel so happy.”
Jake pulled her closer, tangling their legs together beneath the light throw blanket that had been tossed over them. “I’m happy too,” he whispered, watching as the main character on screen was now struggling to fight a giant. “Even though I have zero idea what is happening in this movie,” he added with a chuckle.
“That’s because you’ve been too busy trying to cop a feel to pay attention to a seminal classic of our generation.”
“Can you blame me? You’re literally on top of me. No guy in his right mind is going to pass up that kind of opportunity.”
She giggled. “Well, try to focus because my favourite part is coming up.”
Jake pouted but agreed, watching as the man in black outwitted the smaller man, grabbed the princess, and took off running.
“This is your favourite part?” he chuckled as the man in black mocked the princess’s pain.
“Would you hush?” she clapped a hand over his mouth, then shrieked as he licked her palm. “You’re disgusting!” she giggled, wiping her hand down his shirt. “Ooh! This is it!” She turned her attention completely to the screen as the princess shoved her captor down a large hill.
“As…you…wish!” the man called as he tumbled head over heels, the princess following straight after him.
“There had to be an easier way to follow him down the hill,” Jake joked.
“Jake!” she whined, craning her head to look at him from her position against his chest. “She doesn’t care! Buttercup doesn’t feel any pain. Her Westley is alive, so she’s so happy she could fly! Now stop ruining it!”
“Alright, I’m sorry. Hey…” he pressed his lips to her forehead. “I’m sorry. Thank you for sharing this with me, Buttercup.”
She blinked, her head cocking to the side in an inquisitive display that made him melt. “Buttercup?”
“Yeah. You’re brave and clever and loyal, definitely stubborn, and I have no doubt that you’d push someone down a hill for insulting you if you knew you could get away with it. Plus…” he pressed a sweet kiss to her lips this time, grinning as she gasped lightly. “I’d definitely fight a determined Hispanic swordfighter, a giant, and a conniving Wallace Shawn to keep you safe.”
She giggled, resting her head back on his chest. “Buttercup…I kinda like that.”
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Camp Silver Star, Now
Abby quickly settled into her cabin, a cozy wooden building with four sets of bunk beds and large windows that opened onto the woods that surrounded them. Her cabinmates were nice enough, not judging her for her slight British accent, though there were some questions as to why a child with family in the American military had a British accent. However, by the end of the first day as the eight girls shared stories and jokes about their lives. They had all been impressed when they found out that her mum was a famous author, most of the girls recognizing her mother’s penname from their own bookshelves back home, and even more impressed when they found out her uncle and aunt had flown with the near infamous Dagger Squad. Most of the girls in her cabin had family in the Navy, so they were at least semi familiar with stories of the defunct but elite squad of fighter pilots. Her mum had been right, in a way. Being around other children who had family in the military (whether they were currently serving or retired, like her aunt and uncle) was a bonding experience. Plus, it helped that she genuinely liked the other girls. They were friendly and two of them, her bunkmate Isabelle and her friend Max, even wanted to be fighter pilots, just like her.
Abby could feel the sting of homesickness fade with every day that passed. She filed things away in her brain, stories that she wanted to share with her mum when she was able to call her on Phone Home Fridays, activities she wanted to continue once she was back home, jokes she wanted to tell her aunt to see if she could earn a rare smile. She even planned on begging Penny, the owner of the camp, for some of her recipes to take home, because the food was absolutely delicious.
Abby sniffed as the scent of maple and salt hit her nose as the door to the dining cabin was thrown open and her troop strolled inside for breakfast on the first Friday of her visit to camp. Pancakes were apparently a Friday morning tradition at Camp Silver Star, and Abby could feel herself salivating at the very thought. She was about to make a beeline for the breakfast counter when she heard a voice calling her name.
“Abby!” Max pouted. “My braid came undone. Can you help?”
Abby rolled her eyes fondly. Max had extremely curly hair and always complained about it getting in her eyes when they were doing activities, so Abby had started braiding it for her.
“Yes,” she called back, eyeing the long line of campers jealously as she turned her back on the table laden with all her breakfast favourites, just missing a young camper rushing behind her to bypass the line and go straight to the woman manning the tongs.
“Hey Amelia, does the fruit salad have cantaloupe in it? Because I’m allergic,” Charlie stated, holding out her bowl of fruit salad. She’d been so distracted by the delicious smells and the juicy gossip she was sharing with her friends that she had totally missed that very crucial detail.
“Oh shoot! Yeah, it does. Sorry, Charlie. I’ll talk to the cooks about leaving cantaloupe out of the fruit salad. You and another camper are allergic, so that really can’t be happening.”
“Thanks, Amelia. I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, and I’ll appreciate not getting yelled at by your dad for letting you go into anaphylactic shock,” Amelia winked and Charlie grinned. She’d known Amelia just as long as she’d known Penny, given that Amelia was Penny’s daughter and she’d been present for all visits and memorials for her stepdad.
“Don’t worry. Your mom still scares him, so he wouldn’t yell. Too much.”
Amelia rolled her eyes playfully. “Thank god for small miracles.”
Charlie waved and walked over to her cabin’s table, not paying any attention to the camper who had just sidled up to the breakfast table.
“Good morning,” Abby chirped happily as Amelia turned away from her to grab a plate. “I have a quick question about your fruit salad, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure, kiddo. What’s up?”
“Would there happen to be cantaloupe in your fruit salad? I’m unfortunately allergic.”
Amelia’s brow furrowed as she turned back to face the camper. “I already to — oh!” She blinked as though she was trying to erase a sudden case of double vision. “Oh. A-Abigail, right?” When the camper nodded at her, she giggled nervously. “Yeah. Abigail. Hi. Hi. I’m—I’m Amelia. W-we know about your allergy. You a-and another student—I mean—camper have the same allergy. I…I’m gonna go talk to the cooks right now and make sure they know not to put any more cantaloupe in the fruit salad. Okay?” Amelia rambled, backing up and almost bumping into a cook bringing out a hot tray of bacon. “Oops! Sorry, Ralph! Can you take over for me for a quick second? Thank you!”
Abby was left scratching her head, wondering why the breakfast lady was so jumpy, and particularly curious as to why she could be heard running towards the main office screaming, “MOM!”
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Abby and her cabin had spent the morning in the flight simulator, which had only served to cement her desire to be a Navy aviator like her aunt and uncle. She couldn’t wait until later that afternoon, when she could use the computers to video chat with her family back home and tell them all about how she had almost made it to the end of the program without crashing once. Until then, her cabin, Cabin 4, was scheduled with Cabin 7 for horseback riding. And while Abby was an accomplished English rider, she would much rather be joining the queue at the computer building. But, since she couldn’t skip the activity, she lined up with the rest of her cabinmates along the wooden fence that sectioned off the riding ring.
A girl inside the ring was just finishing up her turn on a small course of jumps that had been set up at the opposite end of the ring.
“Way to go, Charlie!” the riding instructor called as the girl, riding a large palomino, trotted back to the entrance of the ring.
“No sweat,” the girl, Charlie, shrugged as she dismounted with ease and patted the horse’s neck. “Champ’s a sweetheart, and that course is nothing compared to the one back home.”
The instructor, Karen, rolled her eyes playfully. “Yes, we shouldn’t expect anything less from the ranch girl from Texas. Would anyone like to try to top Charlie’s time?” she called, looking down the line at the rest of the campers.
“I’ll give it a go,” Abby volunteered, adjusting her helmet and leading her horse, Rosita, towards the gate. “I’m a pretty decent rider.”
“I’m not sure ‘pretty decent’ is going to cut it, but suit yourself,” Charlie retorted as she passed.
“Charlie, be nice!” Karen barked, her eyes scanning over Rosita’s tack to make sure it was properly fitted.
“Sorry, Karen,” Charlie replied in a tone that suggested to Abby that the apology was less than sincere.
Abby rolled her eyes and mounted up, patting Rosita’s chestnut hide as she settled into the saddle.
“Don’t let Charlie get to you, okay?” Karen murmured, tightening the girth of Rosita’s saddle. “She’s a nice kid, just a little…”
Karen stifled a smile. “You all set?”
Abby nodded, gathering her reins and clicking her tongue. “I’ve got this.”
Charlie smirked as the other camper started off at a trot, but that smirk slowly faded as she and the horse started going through the course with ease, clearing the jumps and obstacles with greater ease than she and Champ had. She was left to scoff as the pair cleared the last jump with ease and cantered back to the starting line, the kids from Cabin 4 cheering her on as Karen announced that she had beat her time by one and a half seconds.
“It’s alright, Charlie. You’ll get her next time,” assured Ryann, her bunkmate, as they led their horses back to the stables to groom them and bed them down for the night.
“It’s probably because she was riding English style,” Charlie grumped. “Everyone knows its easier to jump in English style.”
“That’s not true and you know it,” a posh voice sounded behind them, and Charlie rolled her eyes.
“How would you know? Have you ever tried to ride Western?” Charlie challenged, stepping closer. The girl didn’t back down, clipping her horse onto the tether outside the stall and stepping up to her.
“No. Have you ever tried riding English?”
“No, but—”
“Then you can’t claim that one is easier than the other, can you?”
The other girls from Cabin 4 laughed, and Charlie felt her blood boil. She hated being laughed at. It happened enough at her school back home and she absolutely despised it.
“Yeah, well English riders are usually stuck up rich kids anyway. How much did your mommy and daddy spend to teach you how to ride like that?” she snapped, feeling her face flush with anger and envy.
Abby felt tears pool in her eyes. “I…I mean…”
“Why are the horses just standing around, not being groomed?” Karen questioned as she strolled in from the office, taking in the stiffness between the two girls and the heaviness in the air.
“I…it’s nothing, Karen,” Abby murmured, taking her helmet off and pulling her hair out of its low bun.
“Yeah. We’re fine,” Charlie added on, removing her helmet and allowing her blond hair to cascade over her shoulders, ignoring the gasp of surprise from those around her.
Charlie turned to put her helmet on the shelf at the same time as Abby, their eyes locking with hurt and anger glimmering beneath the matching green seas.
Abby’s eyes blinked in shock and Charlie schooled her features.
“What are you looking at?” she muttered.
“I…I mean, we…”
“You two are practically identical!” Ryann screeched, the horses nickering in surprise.
“You’re dreaming, Ry,” Charlie stepped around her and started brushing down Champ.
“I agree with her,” Abby stated, stepping up to Champ’s other side and meeting her eyes. “If you take away a few cosmetic differences, we look the exact same.”
Charlie shook her head. “You’re imagining things. Or you need to get your eyes checked.”
Abby scoffed and crossed her arms. “I have perfect vision, I’ll have you know. And I’m not imagining things.”
“Well, I think you are!” Charlie dug her heels in. “There’s no way I look like someone as snooty as you!”
Abby crossed her arms. “Well, I don’t particularly want to look like a cornfed hick either, but at least I’m not delusional and denying the situation.”
“What did you just call me?”
“Girls, girls!” Karen appeared at Champ’s head, soothing the now nervous horse. “Take a walk. Both of you. Cool off before you call home. And I don’t want to hear any more negative talk like that. Not in my stables.”
An echo of “yes Karen” bounced off the walls as the girls glared at each other and stalked off with their cabinmates, each set of girls trying to calm down the green eyed blond in their midst.
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“Ugh, dad! But you promised!”
Charlie glared at the pixelated likeness of her father’s face. Normally, she would’ve been thrilled to see her dad. He had a kind face that let Charlie know that, even when he was mad or tired or frustrated, he loved her, the crow’s feet at his eyes and the dimples in his cheeks appearing every time he smiled at her. They appeared now as he grinned at her through the computer screen.
“I know I did. But I’m still saying no. And that’s because the only complaint I’ve heard is about this girl,” Jake Seresin chuckled. “Otherwise, you seem to be having a great time. And I know Penny is taking good care of you.”
“Well, yeah…” Charlie muttered. “But she called me a cornfed hick!” She purposefully left out the argument they had about possibly looking alike, because Charlie knew it was not the truth.
“Only after you called her snooty, punk,” Jake shook his head. “I know I’ve taught you not to dish it out if you can’t take it.”
“I know, but…but she’s so infuriating!” Charlie moaned as she sat back in her seat.
“You want me to come down there and handle it, Charlie?” a voice called as a moustachioed man in a Hawaiian shirt crowded into the screen.
“You are not going out there to handle an 11-year-old, dude,” another man appeared on the call.
“It’s fine, Uncle Roo,” Charlie giggled. “Listen to Uncle Javy.”
“Yeah, Uncle Roo, listen to Uncle Javy and get out of here,” Jake parroted, glaring at his best friend.
“Hey, don’t put words in my mouth,” Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado countered, leaning further into view. “You’ve just got to find something you’re better at than her and beat her at it. That’ll teach her.”
“Yeah!” Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw crowed, leaning in on the other side, completely blocking Jake from view. “I’m sure you could hustle her in darts! You and your dad have been beating us since you were big enough to handle sharp objects!”
“Alright, alright, enough!” Jake shoved his way through the two other men and glared at them. “Would you mind giving me a moment alone with my daughter?”
Charlie giggled as her uncles blinked at her, then at her dad, before muttering about rudeness and walking away, waving at her as they clicked the door shut in the distance.
“Sorry about those animals,” Jake joked but Charlie shook her head.
“No, it’s okay. I missed them too.”
“Ah. I see how it is,” he pouted.
“Oh, c’mon, dad. You know I miss you most.”
Jake smiled softly, gazing softly at his little girl. “Yeah, I miss you most too.” He sighed. “Listen, kiddo, I…I wanted to tell you something. I—”
“Alright, girls!” Penny called. “Time to switch and let the next batch of girls have their turn.
“Maybe you can tell me next week?” Charlie suggested as she prepared to log off, her heart panging at the thought of not seeing her dad for another week, but the lack of communication was supposed to simulate not always being able to talk to your family while you’re overseas. Plus, it made things equitable for those who had parents in the military, because they wouldn’t have to hear their cabinmates talking about frequent talks with their folks.
Jake nodded with a sigh. “Yeah, I guess so. Hey, punk?”
“Yeah, dad?”
He grinned. “I love you lots.”
“I love you lots too,” she murmured, feeling herself choke up at the pang of homesickness she felt. “I’ll see you next week, okay?”
“Okay, kiddo. Bye.”
Charlie blinked at the black screen before slowly standing up and walking away, only pausing to glare at Abby as she strolled by and sat in the same cubicle she had just been using.
Her uncles were right. When the time came, she would whoop that prissy girl’s butt in darts, just like her daddy had taught her.
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“But mum!” Her Aunt Natasha smothered a chuckle at Abby’s affronted tone. “You and Uncle Bob promised!”
Her mother sighed, pressing her fingers into her eyelids. “I know, love. I’m sorry. But having a small spat with another camper doesn’t mean your uncle can drop everything and come to get you. I’m sorry.”
“What’s this about, kiddo?” Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace asked from her position next to Abby’s mother. “I know you, you don’t quit on something just because some little bit-ter girl gave you grief.”
Abby giggled weakly at her aunt’s poor attempt at covering the near curse.
“What is it, darling?” her mum leaned closer, close enough for Abby to make out the small buttercup flower tattoo on her clavicle where it peeked out from her neckline. She had seen that tattoo her entire life and it always brought her comfort. She knew from experience that it was the reason her aunt and uncle always called her mum Buttercup.
“She said that I was prissy and snooty and that my mommy and daddy must’ve paid a lot of money for me to be able to ride like I do,” she almost whispered, but she knew from the pain in her mother’s eyes that she had heard her.
“Oh, baby, I…”
“Yeah, no, I was right the first time. What a little bit—”
“Nat!” Buttercup cried, whipping her head around to stare at her best friend. “Not helping!”
“What? You want me to just sit here while someone insults our girl?”
“Yes, I want you to sit there and let me handle it!”
Nat rolled her eyes and stood, half disappearing from frame. “Well, in that case, I’m just gonna go. Bye, kiddo.”
“Bye Auntie Nat,” Abby called at her aunt’s retreating back.
Buttercup sighed again, rubbing her eyes. “Sorry, baby. I know that talking about your father is a sensitive subject—”
“Yes, because I don’t know anything about him!”
“I…I know,” Buttercup murmured, leaning in closer to the screen. “And I know we should’ve had a conversation about him a long time ago, but…”
Abby’s shoulders heaved and she leaned in close too. “I know. I’m sorry, mum.”
Buttercup smiled softly. “My sweet girl…you have nothing to be sorry about. I…I’ll tell you what. We’ll have a girl’s day when you get back and we’ll have that conversation.”
“You promise?”
“I swear.”
“Thank you, mum.”
Buttercup smiled at her through the screen. “You shouldn’t have to thank me for having a much-needed conversation with my growing daughter. And in the meantime, please just ignore this girl. I’m afraid that engaging in more competition with this girl will escalate the situation beyond either of your control.”
“But mum!”
“Just ignore her. She’s probably taking something wrong in her life out on you.”
“So, you want me to be the bigger person?”
“I know it’s not fair, but yes. I know you have the same competitive spirit as your uncle and Nat, and that you need that competitive spirit to make it at the Naval Academy and at Top Gun, but right now you’re just a kid. So, please, just let it go.”
“Mum, I—”
“Alright, girls! Say goodbye and let the next group have a chance!” Penny called.
“Abby, promise me.”
“Bye mum! Love you!”
Buttercup sighed before smiling. “I love you too, sweetheart. Take care.”
Abby smiled, feeling a small pang of loneliness as she looked at her mother’s kind face. “I’ll see you soon, mum,” she murmured before closing the tab and sighing. She had been feeling so much better about being away from home, but seeing her mother’s face made the longing for home rush back. Home was her mom, her uncle, and her Aunt Nat, where everyone understood her and nobody questioned her small, odd family. Home was not Camp Silver Star, where a girl who looked just like her gave her attitude and made her think about a huge part of her life that was missing.
“Sorry, mum,” she whispered to herself. She loved her mom and often took her advice, but not this time. She could not in good conscience just ignore this girl. That’s not how she operated. So she would find a way to put this Charlie girl in her place, whether her mother liked it or not.
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While the other campers were making their phone calls home, the kids who had already made their calls or were waiting to call got to hang out in the games cabin. It was full of a mix of old and new arcade games, an air hockey table, board games, a couple of pool tables, and a dart board.
When Abby arrived at the games cabin, she immediately spotted Charlie and her friends standing at the dart board and an idea sparked in Abby’s brain. She was decent at darts, her aunt and uncle had made sure of it, and she was good at bluffing. Perhaps this was something that she could beat Charlie at.
Rolling her shoulders back, she strode over to the small group of girls and cleared her throat.
“I’ll play winner,” she declared, staring Charlie down.
The other blond smirked and nodded. “Done deal,” she chuckled and threw a dart, not daring to break eye contact.
Abby turned at the sound of cheers and gasps, and saw the dart sticking directly in the bullseye, her heart sinking at the sight. She was, in fact, decent at darts, but clearly Charlie was more than decent. This would be more difficult than she thought.
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“And that—” Charlie let the dart fly and smirked in triumph. “Is game.”
Abby sighed but something occurred to her as Charlie’s friends surrounded her for a congratulatory hug.
“I guess that makes us tied!” she called over the din, causing it to silence immediately as Charlie turned to her.
“What are you talking about? I beat you.”
“Yeah,” Abby agreed. “At darts. But I beat you in the riding ring. So that makes us tied.”
Charlie rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t count. I beat you fair and square.”
“If you insist…I suppose that means you’re too scared to face me at billiards.”
Charlie froze, a scowl marring her eerily familiar features. “I’m not scared.”
“Prove it,” Abby stepped up to her, gesturing to one of the empty pool tables. “Winner can even break.”
“Fine,” Charlie muttered through gritted teeth. At least she knew she was a champ at pool too. She had been playing with her dad and uncles since she was tall enough to reach the tabletop. However, she gulped as she watched Abby expertly rack the balls and chalk her cue, maybe it wouldn’t be that easy.
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“Eight ball, corner pocket!” Abby crowed as the ball sunk neatly into the net.
Charlie groaned, leaning on her pool cue. They had been pretty evenly matched up until one of Charlie’s stripes had ricocheted wrong and sunk one of Abby’s solids. After that, Abby had proceeded to sink every one of her balls neatly, ending with the solid black eight ball. Charlie had never seen anything like it, not even when her dad was playing against Javy and Rooster.
Abby approached her, her hand outstretched with a small, taunting grin gracing her face. “Good match. I believe that makes us 2-1.”
Charlie smacked her hand away as a bolt of frustration tore through her. “I told you! Your little stunt while riding didn’t count! Besides, even if it did count, Rosita did all the hard work anyway!”
“Then I suppose it was Champ who did all the hard work while you were riding the course!”
“That’s not true and you know it! I’ve spent my entire life on the back of a horse! You’re only a half decent rider because your mommy and daddy paid for you to be.”
Abby fought back the tears that almost always automatically pooled in her eyes at the mention of her parents. “Stop. Saying. That. You don’t know the first thing about me!”
“Or. What? You gonna sic your mommy and daddy on me?”
The two girls were nose to nose, their friends and fellow campers huddled around them in a circle, anxious to see exactly what was going to happen.
“Ahh!” Abby’s cry was sharp and painfilled as she pushed Charlie away from her, but Charlie had been working on her father’s ranch since before she could walk and she wasn’t so easily swayed.
“That’s it!” She grabbed for Abby, but before she could make contact, she felt a firm hand grip her arm and looked up to see Penny standing above them, holding the two of them apart as her nostrils flared.
“I will not tolerate any fighting in this camp,” she stated stonily, glaring between Charlie and Abby. “And from what I’ve heard, the two of you have been at each other’s throats all day.”
“W-what are you going to do with us?” Abby murmured, her eyes heavy with fear.
“Send us home?” Charlie tacked on hopefully.
Penny sighed heavily. “No. The two of you will be assisting with extra chores around the camp instead of participating in group activities for two weeks. And…you will be removed from your cabins and placed into a smaller cabin. Together.”
Charlie gasped. “You can’t—”
“And you will be there for the rest of your stay. Together. Amelia will come get you for your meals and escort you to the dining hall, where you will be allowed to sit with your friends. Other than that, you will be living together, cleaning together, and working together until you two can figure out how to get along.”
“Mrs. Mitchell—”
“Aunt Penny—”
“My decision is final. You have ten minutes to grab all your belongings and to meet me by the trail head. Am I clear?”
“Yes, Mrs. Mitchell.”
“Yes, Aunt Penny.”
“Good. You are dismissed.”
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Penny sighed as she sat at her desk, her small office only lit by her desk lamp and the faint hint of moonlight trickling in from the window. It had been a long day. Between Amelia hunting her down and explaining that there were a pair of doppelgängers at camp, Karen’s report about a verbal altercation during riding practice, and one of her younger campers running to tell her about two girls getting into an argument in the games cabin, she knew she deserved the small glass of whiskey she was currently sipping on. The campers were safe, the security systems were set, and Amelia had opted to sleep close to the smaller cabin where her two problem campers were now housed, claiming that she’d be able to step in before any blood was shed if the two girls went at it again.
Penny sighed again, rolling her neck before looking at the photo frame she had on her desk.  
“I don’t know, Mav,” she whispered to the portrait of her late husband, dressed in his military whites as he waited for her to come down the aisle. “Maybe inviting Charlie and Abby here at the same time was a mistake.” She laughed quietly before taking another sip of her drink. “I know, I know. You would’ve wanted me to invite them the second I opened this place, but I wanted to have a year or two experience before I tried to do…this.” She shook her head. “They’re just so angry at each other. And at themselves. God, they remind me so much of Amelia after I split from her dad. But at least she was old enough to understand. And I wasn’t hiding a whole sibling from her either.” Penny drained her glass and leaned in close to the picture. “I know. You’re right. It’s my duty to try to fix this…the way you wanted to before you died.” Penny sighed shakily and wiped her eyes. “I miss you, Mav. I know you would’ve known how to bring Charlie and Abby together if you were here. I’ll do my best. I love you.”
With that, Penny pressed a light kiss to the glass of the frame, thousands of lip prints providing proof of her nightly ritual, and stood to stretch before heading off to bed, her head swimming with different ideas on how to bring the two girls together.  
Tags List: @mamachasesmayhem, @jessicab1991 @waltermis @buckysteveloki-me @allepaula @yuckosworld @seresinsbrat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @kim-stark @cierra715 @high-speed-r @helpmepleasethanks @starsrfun @tomanyfandomstrash @averyhotchner @the-blueatlas @princessliz86 @dashes-dizzydisaster @a-girl-who-loves-disney @boiolay @djs8891 @torimcc @tgmreader @kmc1989 @landpiranha-blog @sydthekid1518 @lynnevanss @hello7442 @mackenzieblair @minejungwoo @starset21 @ssa-sadboi @tgmavericklover @dempy @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @lovemarvelousfics, @starkleila, @magical-spit, @whatislovevavy, @simplyreading96, @vivalas-vega
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(Queen Adam AU Part 11)
*Princess Avery Morningstar woke up and threw her hands over her mouth so she wouldn’t scream, she recently had nightmares where she was in a realm of darkness and she saw him, the Radio Dream with his evil grin waiting to tell her what she wanted from him, she slid out of bed because she wanted some hit chocolate, she made her way downstairs, she was growing to be quite beautiful, the only traits she shared with her biological father were gold antlers that she could control the size of and gold deer like hooves, other than that, she looked like her mother, in fact her and Lyra looked the most like their beautiful mother, she walked into the kitchen and used her shadow powers to make a mug of hot chocolate*
Adam: Would you mind making me some too?
*Avery turned around and saw Adam, the Queen of Hell and her mother, she loved her mother so much and she wanted to be so much like him in every way, Adam never hated Avery for the fact that the Radio Demon forced himself upon Adam to make Avery*
Adam: Are you having a nightmare sweetie?
Avery: I am just having a hard time falling asleep, I have a lot on my mind.
Adam: I understand that feeling.
*the pair sat together as the shadows made hot chocolate for them*
Avery: How was your recent vacation to Earth with dad?
*even if she was biologically Alastor’s child, to Avery, Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell and Adam’s husband was her father in the way that mattered*
Adam: Crazy, but also fun. I got to beat up an annoyance from my days in Heaven.
*both Adam and Avery laughed, Adam was always able to make the young princess laugh, the shadows put the mugs of hot chocolate in front of them and they enjoyed it*
Adam: My compliments to your shadows, they make a really good cup of hot chocolate.
Avery: The fact that I have shadow powers like him doesn’t make you scared?
Adam: No, Alastor having shadow powers wasn’t what made him evil, it was having a dark heart. You don’t have a dark heart.
*Avery threw her arms around Adam, their wings wrapping around each other, Avery’s black angel wings and Adam’s black angel wings with threads of gold in them*
Avery: I know I am too old to ask this, but can I still sleep with you and dad tonight?
Adam: You are never too old to ask that. Your brother Cain still asked to sleep with me and Eve when he was your age when he had trouble sleeping.
Avery: Really?
Adam: Just don’t tell him that, be likes his reputation as a tough guy.
*Adam picked up Avery without any effort since he was such a tall and strong man, he carried her in his arms like she was still a little girl, she buried her face in his shoulder smiling at the rich earthy smell he naturally had since he was made from the dust of the Earth, Adam walked into his room, Lucifer was in bed looking over official royal documents*
Adam: Avery is having a hard time sleeping so she will be sleeping why us tonight.
Lucifer: Of course.
*Lucifer smiled as he moved the sheets so Adam could get into bed while still holding Avery*
Adam: Sweet dreams sweetie.
Avery: Goodnight mom, goodnight dad.
*Avery fell asleep hoping that the presence of her mom and dad would keep the nightmares away from her*
In Avery's dream, everything was starting out just fine. This was a dream she had had in the past about ruling Hell when her turn came.
She knew in reality that it would be a super long while before she would even be able to do so, her eldest sister Charlie was first in line and then her other older siblings Lyra Lydia and Luke.
But here in her dreams, she could pretend to rule all of Hell as their Queen. And all the good she could do for her people.
Alastor: Why wait?
Avery gasped and turned to see the man that was her biological father. She had only seen the odd picture of him and even those were grainy and distorted.
He was tall and wore an all red suit. But the was mixed with pieces of his shadow self making everything on him look more black than red. His antlers were large and black they held no light
His eyes were the most haunting. The only form of any light in them was the symbol of a radio dial in those black soulless eyes. His smile creeped her out as it was too large for his face.
Avery: Go away.
Alastor: Aww, sweet Avery is that anyway to speak to your father?
Avery: Lucifer is my dad!
Alastor: Without me you wouldn't exist! You owe me.
Avery backed away from him: I.....
Alastor tilted his head to the side in such a creepy way, as if his creep factor couldn't get any higher.
Alastor: Oh Avery, you really should smile more my dearest daughter. You're never fully dressed without one
He held up a needle with glowing green thread, Avery's eyes widened.
Alastor: Let daddy fix you.
Avery shot up in bed screaming her hands flying to her face to stop the phantom pains from the needle from touching her.
Adam: Avery! Sweetheart open your eyes!
Lucifer: Sweetie open your eyes!
Avery finally opened her eyes and cried in relief that she was with her mom and true dad again. She sobbed in Adams arms.
Adam looked at Lucifer, their baby was having nightmares and they didn't know how to help her.
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stargalaxxy · 3 months
⋆˚࿔ Boyfriend Scenarios 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ - Ninja Boys - You Meet ⋆˚ʚɞ
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ I loved Ninjago since I was little and my crush for these boys have not changed one bit oml.... ♡ ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ I hope this will attract other Ninjago fans to write something bcc I am starving for content pleaseee feed meeee ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
𝜗𝜚Now Playing: Glue Song by, Beabadoobee𝜗𝜚 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) *
♡‧₊˚Together Since the Beginning♡‧₊˚
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౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹Lloyd Garmadon౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
‧₊˚ ⋅You have been close since childhood‧₊˚ ⋅
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪You always teased him, from his height to the way he trained and his boast of being the green ninja. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪You claim it is because of all the trouble he gave you all when trying to stop him during his rebellious stage. Also, because your older brothers would tease you relentlessly, you thought it was time to pass down tradition when Llyod became a part of the family. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪However, your brothers, mainly Kai, teased you because they knew it ran deeper than that, despite your red face rebuttal to the accusations. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪You just wanted to teach the squirt who was in charge! Yea that’s it. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪liar. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪When you aren’t teasing Lloyd you both are playing video games, reading comics, drawing together, or helping sensei and Nya around the monastery. During the times when the boys refused to take you on missions because it was “too dangerous”.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪Ever since Llyod has joined you both have been attached to the hip. Jays’ words not yours. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪You would talk for hours when waiting for the guys to come back, as you two would stare at the ceiling discussing favorite games, characters, and/or upcoming comics at Doomsday Comix.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪Ever since Lloyd joined Kai would notice how you got into a little more trouble than usual following the boy around in his pranks.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪You would say how you didn’t want to be a part of it whenever you two got caught however Lloyd would clapback, stating you didn’t have to join him.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪You never could come up with something as you knew you just wanted to join him in everything he did.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪But you’d never let him hear that as he already had a big enough of a head.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🎀 ⋅ ☆ ˖°
You looked around in search for Llyod, sensei had you do meditation exercises before training. It was without Lloyd so the moment you were dismissed you instantly went searching for him for daily teasing! Hanging out. 
You huff as your ten-year-old self grew impatient in pacing around with no result. 
“Ninja kick!”
There he was!
You ran to the dojo, why hadn’t you though to search here sooner!? 
You cracked open the sliding door and peeped inside to see Llyod beating up, more like tripping over his feet, the worn-out punching bag. Llyod backs up into a goofy stance as he directs his attention to the bag, 
“So, you thought you could get away from the green Ninga, huh? Well, I’ll show you! HIYAA!!”
He charges kicking the punching bag. Standing proud as the bag swings away but soon he falls on his face when the bag hits the back of his head. 
You couldn’t hold it in as you burst into laughter.
“H-hey! Who’s there?!” Llyod screams as he lifts his head to find you standing outside the door holding your side in laughter as tear ran down. 
“Oh-oh my gosh L-Llyod your so-so funny!” you continue to laugh between your sentence as you fall over. You were laughing so much your back started to hurt, you saw Llyod start to make his way over to your arms crossed and his face was as red as his eyes. 
“I-I can’t! haha haa, o-okay I’m done! I’m done!” you start trying to get up as you look down at Llyod. You both were the same age, however you can’t let him win as you always state that you’re a month older.
“Geez Lloyd there’s never a dull moment with you~”
Lloyd rolls his eyes “ugh, you’re just a dumb girl!” you stifle a giggle as you look at him with a teasing glare.
“don’t be mad shortie! Y’know you love me!” you coo as you try and ruffle his hair as he steps back in angry protest.
“As if! You’ll see when I become the green ninja you’ll be begging for forgiveness!!” his determination and frustration ran something that you liked seeing. Especially when he had a goal in mind.
You stare a Lloyd with an expression that he can’t read, your face soon turns into a determined grin.
“I can’t wait~”
  つ•̀ ᗜ •́)つ 
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹Kai Smith౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
₊˚✩⊹You and Kai are childhood friends₊˚✩⊹
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩You both grew up in the village as your home was right across from his father’s blacksmith shop. You two met because of his parents, he was older by a year and was protective over you and his baby sister Nya. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩You would drag him along to playhouse with you pretending Nya was your baby and Kai was you husband despite his protest he never could say no to you, so cute. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩Whenever you got sad Kai did everything in his power to cheer you up. Stating that he loves when you smile. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩Your five-year-old brain felt so much happiness when you were him.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩You two lost touch when you went oversees for school, however you two still tried to keep in touch. However, when times got a bit difficult with school and Kai running his father’s shop and taking care of Nya you too got lost in contact.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩However, fate has a weird way of bringing you guys love birds together when you came back to New Ninjago City for the opening of their school program. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩You were one of the lucky ones to be invited given your choice of major and stellar grades, it was an honor to some but an opportunity for you when you reminisce happy times in the past with your childhood friend Kai.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩You never forgot about him and your silly crush on him, you wondered how much he’s grown. You wondered what his dreams have turned into, what his goals were, and aspirations.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩The moment you hopped off the plane your heart couldn’t stop pounding as you thought about how close he could be. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩However, you turned disappointed when your childhood friend Blacksmith shop did not have Kai inside. It was abandoned. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩So now back in the city you were grabbing food from Ninjago Convenient store unknowing to you of a familiar face.
✧˖°.🍒ֶָ֢⊹ ࣪ ˖🍓₊ ⊹✧
You turn to the female voice with spicy ramen noodle falling out of your mouth your eyes go wide at the familiar face as you cut the connection of cheap noodles a smile taking place.
“Oh my gosh! Nya!” your arms stretched out for a hug as Nya does the same abandoning the bag full of different snacks.
“It’s been so long~” you both sway as you ignore passerby eyes Nya chuckles as she pulls away moving a piece of hair from her eyes. “Too long!” she pulls up a chair next to you as you both catch up.
“I came to your guy’s shop, but you weren’t there” you explain as you take a sip of of your drink trashing your empty noodle cup and other snacks.
“Hah yeah, a lot of stuff has happened we have a new place now and we live with a lot of other people” Nya explains as she snacks on some chips. 
“hm, I see, I’m guessing that’s why you have all those snacks?” Nya nods as you giggle, you continue. “A part of me wishes I hadn’t moved, I missed you guys!” Nya then nods as she smiles fondly remembering the time you all spent together even though she was a three at the time she remembers the time of seeing you and her brother together a lot and you taking on a big sister role to her.
“Hey, you remember Kai, right? You should totally come see him! I’m sure he’ll love to see you again.” Nya grins as she grabs her bag and stands up seeming as you didn’t have to give her an answer as she looked ready to take you to her brother.
“yea of course I remember! But are you sure? It’s been so long, what if he doesn’t remember me” the thought was supposed to to internal as you’ve been thinking about what if’s during your first thought of him when you stepped foot in New Ninjago.
“Oh please, my brother is dumb, but he isn’t that dumb to forget a childhood friend. So, no more worrying let’s go!” she smiles silencing your worry holding out her hand for you.
As you both arrive you look around amazed, “wow, your place is amazing Nya, you said you live with others, right?” you tilt your head as you both were still hand and hand.
“Oh yea, it’s mainly guys so I’m so happy to see you’re here” you both laugh as she lets go of your hand to stand Infront of a door you were guessing it was Kai’s. there were stickers of and pictures of game characters and gaming logos of what you were assuming were his new favorites. 
You chuckle at his decoration as you smile nostalgia hitting you like a truck as his door when he was six was no different.
“Hey Kai, I wanna talk to you come out!” Nya knocks as she smiles unable to contain her excitement. Kai on the other end groans.  “Imma litte busy Nya come back later” you roll your eyes still as bossy as ever.
Nya huffs as she opens the door, “it can’t! now put onna shirt cause there’s someone here to see you!” Nya grins as yours drop, wait does Kai not have on a shirt?
Nya grabs you and there was Kai Infront of the mirror with his hand in his hair he looked as if he was admiring himself. Your cheeks bloomed with pink blush as you look away, you didn’t think he grew up to be this handsome.
“It’s (y/-“
“(y/n)..” Kai finishes Nya’s words as he walks to you embracing your form into his warm body. He smelt like smoke, like a campfire. You close your eyes as you accepted his affection, almost not wanting to pull away. He seemed the same way until you creep your eye open to see Nya with a grin.
You blush as you pull away breaking whatever trance Kai had. 
“Hey porcupine~” you greet with a childhood name.
“Hey bunny~” and just like when you were kids’ happiness filled your heart.
   ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹Cole Brookstone౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
ೀ⋆⑅˚ Cole is your favorite customer ೀ⋆⑅˚
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 You met at a bakery; Cole went in for his once-a-week daily treat to satisfy his sweet tooth. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。The bakery is family owned by your late mother, as when she passed your father took over to continue to keep her dream alive. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。Your father could not bake to save his life as he was more comfortable with making dishes. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。So, when you became of age and showed interest in baking it was clear that you didn’t fall too far from her gift. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。That’s when you started to help, it was fun as you started to get the hang of the shop and developed a routine. You were a little master in the kitchen. Making savory treats that the earth ninja could not resist. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。You met Cole taking his order as you handed him his treat as he stated that he couldn’t wait to eat it.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。After tasting one he immediately came for more, stating that the reason why he comes here rather than all the other top culinary specialist is because of your dessert. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。Really it was for you.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。Other than you’re baking your conversations together would run for hours if you could, he would sit at the side of your counter talking to you as you continued to restock supplies.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。Leaving when things got busy to not get in your way of concentration much to your disappointment.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。As talking with Cole made hours go faster, as he always had a mellow charm that would ease your stress when dealing with a rush of customers.
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
“Then I ran into his car, and it drove into the sidelines, I totally won that race!” Cole boasts as he grins. You chuckle shaking you head as you rolled out the dough for tomorrow preparations. 
“You’re such a tease to your brother” you joked; you knew it was all in good fun. As you cut measurements of the dough placing them into containers hearing a ding come from your piggy timer.
“Uh duh! He challenged me, that’s what he gets for trying to beat my high score.” Cole looks at the oven already licking his lips.
Placing on your mittens you take the pastries out letting them cool, you look over at an expectant Cole. You smile as you take off your mittens, “do ya wanna try?” you didn’t finish as Cole took one still piping hot and tosses it into his mouth.
He rolls it in his mouth as if avoiding the burning pain from the dessert.
“ah hawt hawt!” he curses as he still tries to eat the dessert that bites back at him.
You couldn’t help but giggle, “of course it’s hot, you big dummy~” you tease as you watch him suffer from the hot dessert. He finally swallows, “I think I burned some of my taste buds” Cole opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue showing you.
“of course you did, geez, c’mere” you bring him to the sink running cold water as you watch Cole run his tongue under the faucet. The door opens to your father, as it seemed he finished cleaning and closing the shop down. 
“Hey baby, I’m done out there tell me when your done and we can go home” your dad looked at you with tired eyes. Being a single dad wasn’t easy and running a shop wasn’t a walk in the park either. But he never could wipe the smile off his face whenever he would look at you.
You smile at him as you pat Cole’s back, “okay daddy, I won’t be long, okay?” your dad nods as he starts putting cleaning supplies away. 
Cole lifts his head as he sighs feeling a bit better, he looks to you dad and waves with an awkward yet polite grin on his face. Your dad huffs as he continues to work, there’s no surprise that your dad was super protective of you.
“Heh well, your desserts good! You gonna serve them tomorrow?” Cole asks as you both make your way back to the table. 
“No, I’m still not so confident in them something is missing I know it” you pout as you start putting things away.
Cole snickers, “always the perfectionist” he lays his head on his hand. 
“You know me” you smile winking at him playfully as you start wiping the table.
    ໒꒰っ˕ -。꒱১
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹Zane Julien౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
⋆。°·☁️You bumped into each other⋆。°·☁️
⋆˚🐾˖°You met Zane trying to get out of the rain. You noticed that he wasn’t like other men, as his voice and eyes stuck out to you.
⋆˚🐾˖°However, the fleeting moment of needing to get out of the rain was greater than your curiosity.
⋆˚🐾˖°Zane’s generosity of lending you his umbrella is what coaxed you into wanting to see him more.
⋆˚🐾˖°After that day you would spend your time at the park during the hot summer sun the umbrella in your hand as you looked for the man that helped you that day.
⋆˚🐾˖°Trying to convince yourself that the reason why you were trying to find a stranger is to thank him properly.
⋆˚🐾˖°However, you knew there was a reason why your heart was beating fast whenever you thought of him. Love 
⋆˚🐾˖°You finally found him when he was standing by a fountain with a- 
⋆˚🐾˖°I-is that a bird?
⋆˚🐾˖°When you walked up to him, he noticed you quickly, when you thanked him for that day, he dismissed it as doing the right thing.
⋆˚🐾˖°However, you told him not everyone is so selfless to soak themselves to the bone for a stranger.
⋆˚🐾˖°You smile however he just tilts his head, soaked to the bone? His clothes were only wet. He stated how it was impossible to soak bones as they were not exposed.
⋆˚🐾˖°His comment made you laugh unintentionally, how strange.
⋆˚🐾˖°You gave him his umbrella and asked if you could repay him much to his stubborn refusal of, he was just trying to do the right thing.
⋆˚🐾˖°However, he did ask if he could know your name and if you two could meet here again tomorrow at the same time.
Zane ran into the entrance of the park he was ten minutes late due to cleaning from this morning’s breakfast. 
He pants as he looks to the fountain a sight calming his racing gears as he walks over. With you on your phone not paying attention you finally notice him when his form blocks your sun looking up as you take your earbud out. Your frown turns into a smile the one that creates tingly sparks inside Zane.
“Hey! I thought you wouldn’t have made it!” you leap from your seat as you stand next to him as you both start walking. 
As this starts to become your daily routine of meeting with Zane every day at the same time and discussing different topics that come into your head. 
Zane gives an apologetic smile as he walks with you, “I apologize for my lateness I had things to attend to before leaving.” You can’t help but giggle out how formal he spoke, “it’s fine don’t worry about it~” you nudge his arm playfully as Zane smiles. His eyes were so beautiful it was as if they were glowing as you noticed him looking at you.
“Zane Julien! Are you checking me out~” you playfully tease as Zane hums tilting his head. “Your outfit, it is nice.” He says as if it was a fact,
“Oh, well… thanks?” you couldn’t help but laugh as Zane once again had a confused look.
“Did I say something wrong?” you shook your head hiding your smile. “n-n0 your just…so sweet Zane, thank you.”
Zane looks to your smile he could feel his gears working on his internal fan as his face became hot. How strange.
    `⎚⩊⎚´ -✧
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹Jay Walker౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
⋆˚✿˖°❀ You beat his high score ⋆˚✿˖°❀
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊You met at an arcade; you were notorious for beating high scores it was something you took pride in as everyone in the Ninjago gaming community knew your alias as, 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Luv.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊Of course, it brought angry guys some calling you fake or insulting you but that never bothered you. You took pleasure in beating them every time even trolling them whenever they thought they got higher than you just to be brought down a peg.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊You met Jay when he was fuming at the sudden change of leaderboard finding his name in second right after a username Luv.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊Who the heck was Luv someone stupid probably...
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊You clear you throat as he looks to you with an angered expression until it falls seeing you there was like walking in a mist of rain light and calming.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ “o-oh my bad did you want to play?”
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊You giggle as you nodded your head, moving to place your coin in before starting the game noticing your movement Jay couldn’t help but marvel.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊Woah you might actually beat Luv.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊Hah they better watch out cause this cutie just beat their high score.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊Placing in your name he stops
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊L U V 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊Are you kidding.
“I still can’t believe your Luv” Jay stands next to you both playing street fighter, his button mashing was on something to marvel at as he tries to lower your health bar.
“Geez Jay it’s nothing special…heh” you grin as you pin him down ‘Game Over’ covers the screen as your name pops up declaring you winner.
“Hah well it’s special to me you’re like a walking legend!” Jay exaggerates once again as you roll your eyes as both of you take you tickets. 
“wanna go again? I swear I can beat you thins time!” Jay pulls out a quarter as he looks to you with a challenging glint.
You hum as you get your tickets together. “Tempting but I gotta go soon and if I stay here, I’ll never leave” you place your hands behind your head as Jay puts his quarter away.
“I get it your scared that I’ll beat your high score don’t worry I won’t tell~” he grins as he starts to follow you like a puppy. 
“Keep dreaming Blue Jay~” you snort as you both walk to the counter picking a prize you select a plush one to add to your already enormous collection as Jay got different stuff. You giggle at his attempt to keep things together.
“Do you wanna get a drink?” you ask as you both walk out the shooting sounds of space guns sounded as you both walked out. 
“Yea I could go for a drink” Jay smiles as he was glad at your suggestion, he loved being with you and it was so hard for the blue ninja to hide it. 
Going to the convenient store you both got slushies his blue and yours green. 
“Wanna hang out tomorrow? Or of course whenever you’re not busy, I know we always hang out but if I’m bothering totally say, but I’d like if you did. Of course not trying to force yo-“
You start laughing, “yes Jay, I’d love to meet you again tomorrow maybe we can go to the park. I’m sure I’m gonna go blind when I’m twenty-five if I keep going to the arcade” you joke as Jay laughs.
“Yea totally!”
   ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
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Omgg I wrote all of this on a word doc last night I had these thoughts on a car ride sooo I had to write them... ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა If you'd like to see more I'd love to write more scenarios I liked doing the head cannon/story duo ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و Ninjago fans bruh pleaseeeee see this so this can inspire you to write more amazing content like I said I'm starvinggg ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა I love you all and for the people that liked my other cringey posts thank you so much for your support every time I see them I feel so happy so thank so so much!! ᯓᡣ𐭩 ˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆。☆ Ps. If you want me to do Nya totally ask I love that girly bruhhh Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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gooeyslime · 2 years
I will die on this hill but William Afton being a good dad would have worked so much better at making him feel realistic instead of becoming a cartoonishly evil man and honestly the juxtaposition of like, witnessing him kill a kid, dropping his cheerful Springbonnie act as he locks them in a room, just a cold glare as he kills them, making the player go "what a heartless monster... I feel so bad for his kids, having to deal with such a piece of shit" as we see him get out of the suit, cleaning up the blood and head home, as he opens the door once again we see his attitude change as he tells his kids "Dad's back home!" And we see them run up to him, Michael playing it cool bc he's an angsty teen but you see him smile as he points out he's late, you can tell they all care for him and got worried, after all there's a murderer on the loose and while they seem to target kids who knows? They could kill adults too... William smiles at them, genuinely, not like the smile he gave his victim whith his Springbonnie act, they all eat dinner together and if you hadn't just seen him kill a kid in cold blood you'd think this was a normal family, just a single dad eating and chatting with his kids... As he makes sure they are all sound asleep you see him walk into his bedroom, looking at a picture, it's a picture of all of them, smiling together, next to William is a woman and it dawns on you that she's nowhere to be seen and that she might be dead and he's trying to figure out how to bring her back by killing a bunch of random kids bc nothing can stand between William Afton and the only people he cares about, not even death itself... that stuff would make me way more scared of him than any "oh I am so smart I planned for you to try and set me on fire again so now if anyone scans my parts into a computer I can brainwash a random person and get them to rebuild myself ooooh I always come back!"
Like even showing him before he completely loses it would be terrifying, how he's just a normal guy who has his own troubles sure, but still isn't going around killing kids to study weird ghost stuff... Not yet anyway... And the the last straw happens and he falls to the deep end and you wonder, if you were in his shoes... If you lost the love of your life... And everyone just tells you life goes on and you just gotta get over it... What would you do? Would you also break? Would you go as far as killing someone in the hopes to bring her back? To put your family back together? And as you do that how would you handle your family breaking apart even further? Your daughter killed by YOUR machine, the machine you built to kill kids, the machine you desperately tried to keep her away from? Your older son acting out, angry because he couldn't handle his own sorrow at losing his sister shortly after his mom, he's falling apart just like you and in a moment of anger he ends up killing his younger brother, your other son killed because you couldn't see that your older son couldn't handle his own grief too? What would do then?
Stuff like that is utterly terrifying to think about... At least for me... Shame they made him so evil he's basically a Saturday morning cartoon villain now, he could have been so terrifying in so many ways but instead they made him an annoyance... Like even him coming back post Pizza Sim could have been terrifying if he wasn't such a joke by then, like we thought we finally defeated him but he's back, because he still hasn't done what he set out to do, put his family back together, and absolutely nothing can stop him from doing just that... Instead we get him showing up in 1 (one) ending and he's just... Walking around... Then he stares at a monitor and eventually he hacks Freddy by... Holding out his hand like he's using the force?? He doesn't even have a jumpscare either... I really hope the DLC at least gives him that bc him being threatening again is almost impossible after all the peepaw jokes people made...
Anyway I'm sure you can tell I have very strong feelings about this and so many thoughts for plot points that could be added to the lore if this was canon but I'll shut up for now before I write a whole essay lol
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jackchampiongf13 · 10 months
“One hell of a Women.”
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Word Count: 1.0k
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x fem!reader
Summary: Y/n has gone through lots of trauma in one lifetime. She gets mad at her one and only true love for risking his life in battle even though they aren’t even together yet.
A/n: I am seriously sorry for not posting anything for like weeks but school has been kicking my ass. Thank you so much for the support on my last post I love you all sm!! Also ik I said I would only ever write for Jack but I feel back into my obsession rabbit hole with Neteyam so I thought why not write a series(maybe depending how I feel) on it. Love you all❤️❤️😝🦃
————————————————————————— From a young age you were very mature. You were always silly, but oh so wise. When you were 4 your mother was killed by your father. You had witnessed this gruesome attack but still held deep love for your father. This made you stronger and a mighty warrior. In the village many people knew this, including Jake Sully.
Your mother came from the same background as Jake Sully. Making you very close to his children. Your mother had come with Jake and Norm and ended up falling in love with a Navi. This man turned against you and your own mother after being bribed by Miles Quaritch to have everything he has ever wanted. But he had to kill his mate. And you, but you survived which he did not know of. Thinking he erased his entire past he moved on and helped Miles with his plan to kill Jake Sully.
Since you had no one anymore Jake gladly stood up to care for you and convinced his mate Neytiri, who also was happy to be there for you because of how close the two were.
“You fucking dumbass!” You shouted. No shouted is not good enough to describe how loud you were being. “What you thought that was ok to do? Lo’ak you are a stupid moron who does not take orders!” You flick his head making him jump back out from being surprised in pain.
“I- look I’m sorry I jus-“ he starts to get out but you flick his head again. “Listen to me. You don’t get to say sorry or say anything!” You start to go off on him but then his brother jumps in “Look Y/n this is my fault it’s ok let’s just go back ok?” Neteyam says in a tempting voice making you want to listen. “You too! You say no you don’t egg him on you idiot. I mean god I know he doesn’t listen but jesus drag him by his ear!” Lo’aks ears go down as he can’t even look you in the eyes, but Neteyam can. And he is. Making you almost stop. But you can’t.
“I’m older than the both of you! I get to yell at the both of you for being idiots. 1, Lo’ak are you kidding me? You get to have a role in the battle but you always need more! Fucking more? 2, your father, YOUR CLAN LEADER gave you a role to follow but what do you do instead? You don’t listen! I don’t care if he’s your father and you don’t care if you get in trouble by him but I do! I’m in charge of your asses out there and if either of you get hurt I get shit for months.” Neteyam starts to smirk while looking at the both of you. He’s thinking Lo’ak deserves this big ass lecture.
“AND YOU! Don’t even start to smirk. Say no! No Lo’ak! I will not let you mess up everything and HARM so many other people because you are selfish!” You yell pushing your finger into his beautifully chiseled chest. He stands there listening respectfully like the gentleman he is. “Guys I’m sorry but what were you thinking?! You could have hurt yourself Lo’ak! You could have killed your brother too! And I know I’m this moment it may not seem like it but I love you both so deeply and don’t want to see you get hurt.”
They both smile at you and you roll your eyes and walk off pissed. But god so heavily in love with Neteyam.
“I don’t understand what you see in that women Neteyam.” Lo’ak says while looking at his brother watch you walk away.
“She’s one hell of a women and it does stuff to me” Lo’ak frowns.
“Get a room freak.” Neteyam frowns at this comment but can’t help just rethink everything thay just happened and smile the slightest bit.
Hours later you are in your tent just laying on your cot. You start to feel sorry and want to go apologize realizing you were way to harsh. Especially on Neteyam. It’s not like he can control his crazy brother.
Before you even know it your legs are taking you to your crushes tent. You begin to walk slowly but your heart begins to beat faster so you pick up your pace just to get this over with.
“Nete are you here?” You know hoping he’s not. “Yes come in!” He shouts back. Oh shit.
Walk in and smile and he smiles back. He looks into your gorgeous eyes but you quickly look away to much of a coward to look at him.
“What’s up? You’re not one to apologize you are way to stubborn.” You giggle knowing this is very true. “I know but I can’t help but not say sorry. I was being very selfish back there. I know Lo’ak never listens you couldn’t do anything about him.” You start to fiddle with your fingers but he stops you and makes you look him in the eyes. “Look love it’s ok I thought it was funny you going off on him. He totally deserved that and now he’s scared of you.” you laugh again.
“I am sorry Nete it was so rude of me.” He takes your hand in his “Love stop apologizing.” Your cheeks betray you and start to blush hard for the second time at the nickname.
“Nete, I-“ suddenly a scream is heard and next thing you know your running towards the mysterious noise.
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hisunshiine · 1 year
—so break me off another night [4/7]
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Part 4 of 7 of the Seven Days Series ↣ series masterlist
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🗓️pairing: nurse!jungkook x teacher!reader 🗓️au/genre: non-idol au, brother’s friend au, fwb, age-gap(reader is older), f2l, fluff, angst, smut 🗓️rating: M 🗓️wc: 3,596 + text messages 🗓️warnings: emotionally constipated pairing, reader is older, adult worries, growing older, dating younger, time passing and not hitting milestones everyone else is, biological clock ticking woes, angsty argument, feelings of being emotionally cheated on despite being single, parents with toxic viewpoints, self doubt, again Kim Seokjin as the antagonist, explicit sexual content: fingering, unprotected sex, only one person orgasms, dirty talk  🗓️an: thank you once again to my amazing team of betas for reading this for me. @colormepurplex2 @downbad4yoongi @peachiilovesot7 you guys rock. obviously we are getting towards the end of the week, but I am still working on the last two chapters, so idk if i can manage a surprise drop this week like last week, but i am aiming for consistency. thank you for reading, please let me know what you think.
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Taglist: @sizzlingfestpeach @mochminnie @jungkooksmytype @kookslastbutton @taebangtanbabe (if joining the taglist, please think about reblogging with tags/leaving feedback!)
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“Yoongi, darling, please put your phone away at the table,” your mom says as she reaches out towards his other hand. You share a look with him at the gesture and pet name, and he coughs to cover the awkwardness as you turn back to your cutlery, pretending to be invested wholeheartedly in the meal before you. Your dad sits on your mom’s right side, across the table from Yoongi’s fiancé, Leah, nose buried in a book and missing out on the conversation.
“Sorry, Mom. Just helping one of the guys out with some girl troubles.” Yoongi pockets his phone and smiles over at his fiancé, who sits to the left of him. “Thankfully, I don’t have those issues anymore.”
You know Yoongi doesn’t mean anything by his statement other than to bask in the love he shares with Leah, but you internally cringe because you know your mother. Three, two, one…
“You might not, dear, but your older sister’s biological clock is ticking. Speaking of your friends, is that one doctor, Seokjin, still single?” 
“Uh, I’m not sure, but he works a lot, Mom. He doesn’t really have time right now to date and stuff.” Yoongi looks over at you where you sit at the edge of the table on his right side, his eyes apologetic at opening up this can of worms.
“Now, honey, she’ll find someone when she’s ready. No need to rush, right, princess?” Your dad comes to your rescue, seeing the tension you’re clearly showcasing—tight smile, eyebrows raised, fists clenching around the silverware.
“But I want grandchildren! Healthy grandchildren at that! She is getting to an age where risks of certain disorders increase, and if she waits too much longer, she might not be able to survive a pregnancy, let alone the child,” she huffs, pouting about the scenarios she’s spewing. 
Your mom has always had a complete lack of regard for others’ feelings; it’s just one of her selfish qualities that you’ve all been subjected to over the years. Not that her wanting you to get married and have kids so she can have grandchildren isn’t selfish already, but now to demand that they have absolutely nothing ‘wrong’ with them—despite that not always being something a woman can control when carrying a child—just puts the icing on the cake. 
You make sure to time your response for when she picks up her wine glass. “Yes, Mother. I will be sure to tell the semen that gets ejaculated into me that it better not have any disorders.” 
The sounds of her sputtering the wine back into the glass fills you with satisfaction. Leah, Yoongi, and your dad all laugh to some degree, though your dad also displays wide eyes at the blunt nature of your words. 
Your mom says your full name once she regains her composure, but you’re too busy placing another bite into your mouth, the morsel melting on your tongue as you hum with contentment. 
“Young lady, I am speaking to you!”
“Oh? I’m sorry, I thought I was old and withering away, all my chances of giving you crotch goblins to dote on basically fluttering out the window.” You nod at the large window behind her. 
“Very funny. Seriously, you’re a true comedian. I’m just the villain in your life, because me wanting to make sure that you don’t squander your life away alone and without love is a bad thing to want for my daughter.” Her fake tears are building; voice warbling as if she’s getting choked up at her manipulated selflessness being misconstrued.
“Oh, give it a rest, Mom!” You raise your voice, fed up with her attempts at gaslighting. Especially with the way things have been between you and Jungkook lately, you’re a little more sensitive to her needling at you than usual. The rest of the table falls silent, not used to you responding to her like this. 
“Honey,” your dad tries to cut in, but you’re already set on being honest. 
“No, Dad, don’t try to change the topic. She wants to talk about this, so we will.” You turn to face her head on, hoping that you won’t see Yoongi’s reaction when he finds out the truth between you and Jungkook. “I’ve been seeing someone for awhile now, and I didn’t want to tell you about it because you like to push and push and scare people away. I didn’t want to tell anyone about it until it felt like it could be serious. So stop trying to pair me with Seokjin, or Namjoon, or any of Yoongi’s other friends, because I’m already seeing one of them. Jeon Jungkook.”
The room falls dead silent. 
“Wait, you’re…no way! You’re the one he’s been seeing?!” Yoongi’s incredulous tone has you swiveling to look at him. “I thought you guys were just like…best friends,” he finishes lamely. 
“Yes…why, what do you know?” Your interest piques as varying emotions cross Yoongi’s face. 
“Nothing, just that he’s been seeing someone for several months, and—actually, this is weird. I’m not talking to my sister about my friend.”
You sigh out, annoyance in every huff at the way he just decided to end the conversation. Especially since this means your mom now gets the chance to speak. 
“Jeon Jungkook? Is he that nurse friend of yours, Yoongi?”
He nods at her question, deciding to talk to her instead of you, as if it would be a safer territory. “Yeah, he works at the same hospital as Seokjin and Namjoon.”
“That’s a respectable job.” Your mom seems to be plotting, wheels turning behind her eyes. “How old is he again? Does he have any assets of his own?”
“Uhh, he’s twenty-six. And I’m not sure, I’m not his financial advisor. But he’s a good guy—works hard, is loyal to his friends, or so I thought, before I knew he was seeing my sister behind my back.”
You roll your eyes at him, about to speak up, when Leah beats you to it. 
“Yoongi, please do not tell me that you’re one of those guys who thinks that father’s and brother’s own the women in their families and that your older sister making her own relationship decisions is somehow something that needs to be run by you? And that it’s okay for you to be associated with him, but not for your sister?”
“I—no, I don’t think that way, I’m just shocked that the two of them kept it secret for so long, that’s all. That’s all, I promise!” He repeats it when Leah continues to glare at him, as if she is contemplating whether or not to proceed with their wedding at the end of the week. 
Your mom tries to direct the conversation back to your love life. “He’s twenty-six? Oh, no, he’s way too young for you! You’re thirty-two, darling, he’s not going to be ready to settle down with you at this point in his life! Why, he’s probably just now starting to enjoy his single life. At that age, men want to sow their seeds, not plant them for the rest of their life.”
Blinking at her, you feel dumbfounded at her words. As if twenty-six is so different from thirty—the age your brother is right now. You realize that there’s no arguing with her, nothing you do will be good enough for her. It stings to know that even if you were to get married and give her grandchildren, that they probably wouldn’t meet her expectations either. 
“Listen,” Leah breaks in, voice soothing as she reads the room. “I think it’s smart that you and Jungkook are keeping things quiet until you’re ready. Less room for others to try and break you up, and allows you to grow into love with each other without outside influences and doubt. He may be twenty-six, but you’ll know better than all of us what he’s ready for. Ages don’t have set milestones.”  
“Well said, Leah, thank you. Yoongi, have I told you that you did well choosing your future wife?” Your dad attempts to break the tension, and it works for the most part. The five of you resume eating lunch, and once it’s over, you bid your parents farewell under the guise of needing to finish preparing for your brother’s joint bachelor/bachelorette party that you’re graciously hosting. 
Unsurprisingly, Yoongi follows your lead, an excuse of last-minute wedding preparations rolling easily off his tongue so that he, too, can make an escape with Leah in tow. The three of you walk down the front steps into the summer humidity, and you wait patiently at the door of your car for Yoongi to gather his thoughts into words. 
“Hey, I’m sorry for what I said back there. I’m just surprised to find out about you and Jungkook because he’s talked to us about you before. I didn’t know it was you, and now that I do, I kind of wish I still didn’t,” he jokes with a gummy smile, easily settling your nerves, “but mostly, I want you to be happy.”
“Thanks, the only reason I didn’t tell you about Jungkook is because he’s your friend and I didn’t want to make it weird for you guys, especially if it wasn’t going to turn into anything. I still don’t know if it will, but Mom was pissing me off, and I just wanted to shut her up. It didn’t work, but, oh well.”
Yoongi looks at you with questions in his eyes. “Do you…you know, want you and Jungkook to turn into something?”
You ponder the question, blinking as you roll the thought across your mind. “I think—I…”
“Let me rephrase it. Maybe it will help you figure it out for yourself. How would you feel if Jungkook decided he did want more, and stopped whatever is going on with you to pursue it?”
Just hearing the thought that Jungkook would decide he wanted more and not deem you to be the person to pursue ‘more’ with…it brings a pang to your chest. Your face reveals it, and Yoongi just hums before asking another loaded question. 
“Would you be okay if Jungkook decided to bring someone with him to the wedding? Someone who isn’t you?”
This causes you to pause again. 
“What do you mean ‘if he brings someone with him to the wedding’? Like a date?” Your chest feels tighter, a string coiling itself inside of you making it hard to breathe. 
Yoongi doesn’t say anything at first, lips hesitant to speak, but you must be looking at him as if you need something, anything, to be able to fill your lungs fully. 
“Look, I care about you both, so I’m not going to gossip or share anything that I’m told in confidence. That being said—if either of my questions made you feel some type of way, do something about it.”
Yoongi leaves you with those parting words, moving to the driver’s side of his car. Leah waves at you from the passenger seat, and you wave back as Yoongi reverses out of the driveway and disappears out of view. 
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Your living room is freshly vacuumed, various board and card games stacked on your coffee table and bottles of liquor lining the kitchen counter. You load a case of beer into the fridge, waiting for Jungkook to show up with the food you ordered so you can set it out on the small dining room table.
A few decorations line the edges of the counter and dangle from the walls to celebrate the upcoming matrimony of your brother and his fiancé. You were able to change into a cute summer dress, possibly a little short but you were at home and could easily change if you needed, and just about everything was done. You check your phone again looking for a message from Jungkook, and it pops up when you unlock your phone. 
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Slipping into your flats, you walk out your front door and watch as Jungkook’s car pulls up to the side of your street and parks. You walk the short distance to his vehicle and open the back passenger door to grab the tied plastic bags of hot food. 
Jungkook is still seated, the car’s music still playing despite being turned off. He’s grabbing his belongings, a black backpack, car keys, and cellphone, before grabbing the cardboard box from the passenger seat. 
“Thanks for grabbing this for me, Gguk. I was able to finish all the decorating and cleaning.”
You shut the door with your hip as Jungkook makes his way around the car, locking it with care as he balances the box in his hands. 
“Of course, it was on my way. Plus, we have thirty minutes to relax before people start showing up.”
Using your foot to open your front door wider, you allow Jungkook to enter first and then follow him in. Setting the hot food on a platter, you turn your oven on to warm so that everything stays fresh and ready to eat once the guests arrive. Jungkook sets the cake in your fridge above the case of beer, and you can hear him double check the front door is shut properly before he returns to join you in the living room.
You’re leaning over the far end of the couch, searching for your charger cord. “You know, I really should invest in one of those six-foot-long cords, this one is always disappearing.”
“You know, that dress is really short, babe.”
“Yeah, but I really like how it looks on me. If I start flashing people, let me know and I’ll put on some shorts or something.” You’ve almost got the charger in your grasp, satin-like cord slipping through your index and middle finger multiple times. The heat of Jungkook’s body pressing into you is both welcoming and pleasant, but one glance at the watch on your wrist and you know you don’t have a lot of time. “Jungkook!”
“C’mon, how am I supposed to resist this perfect ass when you’ve got it up in the air for me.” Jungkook leans back, replacing his body with his hands, firmly massaging your exposed cheeks. “I can be quick.”
“People will be here in like fifteen minutes, we don’t have enough time!” You move away from him, climbing off the couch and going to the kitchen counter. You’re sure you have another cord there that you can plug your phone into.
“What do you mean? That’s plenty of time for me to get you off.” Jungkook follows you, not giving you much space as you lean over the counter.
“And what about you?” you say as you turn to face him, finally having grasped a cord to plug your phone into, the connecting sound chiming off.
“What about me?” he says, leaning into you for a quick kiss. “I don’t have to cum right now, I know you’re good for it.” He ducks his head and kisses you again, this time pressing his body into you.
You return the kiss, and you don’t stop his hands as they travel up your thighs to get to your thong. He wastes no time in pulling it down, and once the waistband slackens he lets it fall the rest of the way to the floor, his fingers moving deftly to part your folds.
“Can’t believe you tried to act like you didn’t want me,” he mumbles against your lips about the way you’re already wet when his fingers make contact.
“‘Cause there isn’t a lot of time—”
He cuts you off with his mouth, kissing you hard until he feels you melt in his hold. You hear the rustling of his pants; the sound of the fabric and the distinct zip of his jeans as his free hand tackles his clothes. His fingers leave your core briefly, and you open your eyes as he pulls back from the kiss. Following his gaze, you take in the sight of his glistening fingers applying your slick essence to his shaft. 
“Turn around,” he orders, and you follow his instructions. You’re not prepped like he usually makes sure you are, but sometimes it’s fun this way, even feels good, the pain mixing with the pleasure as he splits you wide. You feel the head of his cock as it slips through your folds and then the pressure as he penetrates your opening, thick cock stretching you open.
“So tight, fuck,” Jungkook growls out, and he continues to push his hips into you until he bottoms out. You feel yourself clenching, walls contracting around the intrusion as you grow accustomed to his size. 
“Please, Ggukkie—move.”
Jungkook sighs with relief at your request, pulling out of you just to slam back in, fucking you hard into the counter. You grasp at the edges of the counter, searching for purchase as you slide along the cool countertop. He never lets up, only picking up speed as you leak more after he adds his fingers to the mix, index finger spelling something along your clit as he pounds you. 
Pressed up against the counter like this, you place your cheek flat to the surface, the cool temperature helping to calm your heated skin. Jungkook leans over you, and you welcome the closeness as he kisses at your neck, sucking lightly when you mewl at a sensitive spot.
“Fe-feels so good. Don’t stop.” Your eyes are squeezed shut, feeling the tightening coil building, and you’re so close now that he’s found the rhythm and is hitting your spot exactly how you like. “Kiss me.”
His lips find yours easily in the position, but the kiss is sloppy; Jungkook’s always liked it wet and messy. Likes you wet and messy. You’re close, and the sound of your doorbell ringing should make you freeze—should make you push Jungkook away from you so you can clean yourself up—but knowing someone is standing just outside your front door while Jungkook defiles you only a few steps away? 
“Fuck, babe, that’s it, cum all over my cock.”
Jungkook shivers as you stifle a moan, and as impatience rings your doorbell for a second time, he slips out of your warm core and pushes you towards your bedroom. 
“Coming!” Jungkook calls out, grabbing a paper towel to dry himself before tucking back into his pants. He sees your discarded panties at the last second and pockets them before opening the front door to let in one of his coworkers, Kim Namjoon. 
“Hey man, come on in!” he greets, holding the door open as the Fellowship Doctor steps through the entryway. “Just finishing the last touches, let me wash my hands real quick, I was in the kitchen.”
You appear just as Namjoon passes the counter to enter the living room, and Jungkook can’t help but notice all the ways he’s affected you. It just makes him want you more. He plans to have more of you later tonight, hence his backpack with a change of clothes for work in it. 
He can see you’ve fixed your hair, smoothed out your dress, but a small blossoming mark on your neck remains the only proof that he made you cum seconds before letting Namjoon into the room. The doorbell rings again, and you greet Leah and Yoongi graciously as you lead them into the main room. 
Jungkook eyes your legs, wondering if you had enough time and sense to put on a pair of undies—he’s hoping that you didn’t. 
As the room slowly fills with more guests, you and Jungkook orbit around each other, close enough to touch but avoiding contact for several reasons. His smirks and your desire-filled eyes speak loud enough for the both of you, though. 
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Hours pass, and the group is buzzed and happy after a drinking card game. You find yourself sitting on Jungkook’s lap, as there isn’t enough sitting space for everyone to be comfortable. No one finds it weird though—you and Jungkook have been close since college and with the alcohol flowing, no one notices the too long touches or the way his hand sits high on your thigh as you joke with Seokjin and Hoseok. No one pays any attention when he finds out that you did not replace the underwear burning a hole in his pocket.
“Hyung, I finally have my outfit for Sunday,” Taehyung shares, calling across the living room to where Yoongi sits with Leah. 
“That’s good, I was worried you might show up naked.” 
Everyone laughs, and once it quiets down, Yoongi makes an announcement. 
“If any of you plan to bring a plus one, please let us know soon, so we can make sure our counts are right for Sunday.”
Murmurs go through the group, everyone confirming what they’ve already RSVP’d, but you stare at your brother. Your buzz disappears quickly as you wait for the man under you to agree that he’s not going with a plus one, but he shifts under you, not saying anything. 
“Can I let you know tomorrow?” 
Yoongi’s eyes move from you to Jungkook as he answers him.
“Yeah, that works. You deciding on bringing that girl you told us about?”
“Yeah, I’m sure SoHee’s waiting on a reply,” Seokjin chimes in. 
SoHee? As in school nurse SoHee? Your brother looks at you again as if to say ‘See? I told you so’.
“Shut up, Jin-Hyung. I only said I might invite her. I’ll text you tomorrow.” 
Everyone returns to their conversations, but a silence settles around your corner of the couch as both you and Jungkook read a little too much into what each other’s actions mean.
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stay tuned for “i must be favored to know ya” coming 8-?-2023!
↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine 2023. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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multiplefandoms15 · 2 years
Listen to me
Summary: you teach lo'ak and the others how to get dad(jake) to listen to them
Warnings: angst(at first), fluff, sibling talk, comfort, sibling love, tying to a tree, flashbacks, memories from childhood, y/n is 25, neteyam is 18, lo'ak is 17, kiri is 16 and tuk is 10(she has her own ikran)
Lo'ak x older sister reader, neteyam x older sister reader, jake x reader, Neytiri x reader, sully family x reader, sully family x daughter/sister reader, kiri x older sister reader, tuk x older sister reader
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Jake was yelling at lo'ak to protect his brother and himself because lo'ak couldn't do it again.
"You need to protect your brother and yourself lo'ak. What if something happened to both of you or you or neteyam what would you do then lo'ak what? You couldn't do nothing then you hear me!" Jake said "yes sir"
"Ma jake your son is actually bleeding"
"Mom it's fine"
"Go see grandmother, go"
Neteyam went to grandma while lo'ak stayed and y/n just watched to make sure lo'ak didn't get into more trouble "your dismissed, grounded and no flying for a month you understand?"
Jake said "yes sir"
After a fight between lo'ak and neteyam, lo'ak went on his ikran and they flown away.
"Neteyam why would you say that"
"Because it's kind of true"
"You know what I'm going after them and when we come back, your in big trouble mister"
Y/n was flying with her ikran while looking for lo'ak. Lo’ak sitting at the edge of a cliff, looking out of the beautiful scenery of pandora jungle, of his home.
Y/N came flying on their Ikran, landing on the open space behind Lo’ak.
“You know that you can’t stay here forever right?” y/n said as she was approaching her little brother
“It’s been bothering you for days now, baby brother…”
Y/N sitting beside their little brother but Lo’ak didn’t speak to them and still watching the horizon.
“Do you… wanna talk about it? I’ve got all day.” y/n said as she looked at lo'ak.
“It’s nothing.”
“You reminded him too much of himself… Reckless, stubborn… not to mention stupid.”
“But with a strong heart.”
“He is scared for us, little brother. Still it doesn’t justify the things he had done.”
“I just- i just want him to listen to me.”
“Then make him listen. Make him see.”
Lo’ak look at Y/N who smile softly at him, they put their hand on Lo’aks head and gently stroke his hair.
Lo’ak shakes his head with a smile and watched them fly to the sky but suddenly he called out for his own ikran.
When all the siblings were there y/n being to talk.
"So dad was given me the whole talk about how to fly an ikran"
"What did you say"
"Well i as a 10 year old was bored as hell and had enough of dad talking that i just knocked him out and tied him to a tree."
All the siblings were amazed by there older sister.
"What did you do after he woke up?!"
Tuk asked excited.
"So i give him the talk my way"
*flash back*
"There now that daddy is all tied up just have to wait for him to wake up"
Little 10 year old y/n said.
*a while later*
Jake slowly started to wake up.
"Oww my head, y/n what did you do? Why am i tied to a tree?" Jake said as he looked at y/n.
"Well daddy, I'm sorry but i already know how to fly an ikran mommy already explained to me how to fly an ikran." Y/n said as she looked at jake.
"So...... your not mad at me, daddy?"
"Of course, not baby girl, it's just that you growing up and I'm just sad."
"Well, even when I'm 15 years old I'm still you baby daddy."
"Of course, you are little ladybug now please untie me."
"Sure daddy."
*end of flash back*
"That's crazy"
"What can i say I'm good at that stuff"
When the siblings returned back home neytiri and jake were waiting for them.
"Where were you guys?"
"Just chatting"
And that is how the next day jake found himself tied to a tree with all his kids talking to him.
A/n: hey guys so this is my first avatar fic at credits to @missroro for the idea
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arsene-fixates · 2 months
Informant Really Does Care (About Family)
I got brain worms the other night so (arms stretched wide) hi everyone thanks for tuning in to yet another analysis of this guy
this one's a combination of a continuation to my older 'he cares about the townspeople' analysis and also a third parter to my analysis about his family
spoilers under the cut as always ^_^
Initially i had thought that Informant didn't truly like his family, with how dismissive he was when he first revealed himself to felix in the forest-- his words being 'i had to leave my friends, home, and family' with family being the last in the list (mild hinting at how he wasnt really a fan of them from the start)
or how when informant and felix first reunited, they had almost gotten into 2 arguments, first one due to felix almost resigning as the mayor and informant trying to convince him not to do so, which led to informant revealing that felix has never really listened to him when they were children and was always making decisions for him
the second argument being how felix wants informant to come back and throw away his life of being the informant and just live as his brother which leads to informant cutting himself off from the family
but in the scene where he decides to cut himself off from his family, he says this
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but the thing is that even with how detached he acts towards felix, he genuinely does care still
like.. informant was going to sacrifice himself by becoming the wolf forever for the sake of felix, to put his worries at ease, and just before he was going to do it, he asked me to give him a locket which contained a picture of him and felix when they were young and he says this
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'it reminded me of what truly matters'
or when he had to submit to the witch to figure out why he was acting so recklessly, (the thought parasite arc) the thing that calmed him down was a childhood memory and he has also kept keepsakes from their childhood. I Am Crazy
I feel like this strained behavior that he has around his family is connected to an inferiority complex he has, similarly to how he doesn't talk about himself much, he also tends to brush his own issues aside
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note how he says it has a passing remark, lets it linger for a bit and then just moves on as if it isn't a big deal
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"i still bring my loved ones so much trouble" and "i thought felix would be better off with me"
i think this was a product of the thing that felix had said to him just before informant disappeared
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"I have no time. There's a pile of papers i have to deal with" and while felix did admit that the paperwork was more important to him than informant at the time, his disappearance was a burden on his shoulders <- his words
and reminder, informant was already a pretty solitary person (and frankly, quite lonely) before he became the werewolf, a person who had always kept to himself
i imagine felix saying this was also a blow to his self esteem. He never felt he fit in with the people around him, and now his own family is turning him away? it must be hard to have to warm up to family again after being apart for so long
he misses him, but he acts detached, arguing as if they were young and then cutting himself off from the family... Informant feels too kind for his own good if i could be honest, kind and independent to a fault.
i was absolutely fooled by him.. he truly does care...
ALSO i don't know if i mentioned this in the previous family analysis stuff but one thing i love about felix and informant is how they perceive each other's actions differently
Felix is protective of informant because he's his little brother, and by quite a large age gap too so its natural for him to feel like an instinct to worry and want the best for him but but informant perceives that as felix being controlling
and Informant wanting to take back that control of his life.. felix perceives that as informant rebelling and "not him" because informant had been obedient to him for so long and now that informant's doing his own thing felix feels apprehensive to it
blood is thicker than water but neither water or blood can account for separation from it's source. they've existed outside their roles as siblings for so long with different experiences that they're just different people at this point
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thebluester2020 · 27 days
"You want to talk to me? Alright...shoot"
[I can't believe it took me this long to finish this but- here I am <3. Hopefully, the quality looks better than what Im currently seeing on my computer-]
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I tried to base her colors + overall appearance on stars and candy. I wanted a cute but tough/guarded appearance for her.
[ Lore and Relationships Down Below! ] [Thank you to @ai-kan1 for making these uber cool templates T0T]
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The lore around her basically goes that in her original world, she was a superb softball player to the point where men's league baseball teams were trying to recruit her because she was just that talented. However, one night after practice, she fell into a hole that suddenly appeared underneath her, leading her to Night Raven College.
Despite her guarded personality as well as trying to keep her distance from people to avoid getting attached to this world. She's actually fairly easy to talk to if not accidentally harsh with her words, to those she considers family, it leads to her being the older sister figure. [Ace and Deuce especially since she hangs out with them the most. She has no problem with telling people that they're her "adoptive" younger brothers constantly.]
Grimm took a bit longer for her to get used to since 1. She's a dog person and 2. She hates how he'd get her in trouble and shirk any responsibilities of his onto her but after some time and deep conversations. Petunia and Grimm become close and would easily die for one another if need be.
Finally, her situationship with Leona.
They first encountered one another when the games were closing in. Petunia was annoyed with Leona but Leona was interested via Petunia having a bite to her. Long story short, the two grew close enough to where Petunia admitted to herself that Leona was handsome and thus was the first one to suggest a FWB-type relationship. Leona agrees and finds himself falling in love while Petunia is "blind" to it (She knows he likes her but she's slow to reciprocate it due to wanting Idia but Idia is basically too nervous to even look her way).
Eventually Petunia does get to a point where she's able to admit to herself that she likes Leona romantically but, due to her still being firm in her belief that she's going to go home one day. She's in a place where she's trying to remain close to Leona because she loves him but also keeps a firm line drawn between them. (One that Leona isn't too fond of but, he respects her so he does his best to keep his distance as well).
[Lol, I need to work on her lore a bit more but- that's what I got so far. Hope you guys like her as much as I enjoyed drawing + thinking of her lore]
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zorlovinghue · 6 days
Hiii just discovered your blog (because of TCF/LCF) and just had to ask - where is your profile pic from? And do you have any other recs like ‘The Malicious Member is Back’ because I started reading it after seeing it in your posts and am loving it so far :D
Hallooo! My profile picture is Do Seojoon from [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol]/[My Comeback as the Youngest Member]! He is the older brother of the MC, Do SeohanXD
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If you're interested with this one, get ready to face how strikingly different the novel and manhwa is, but overall it's all good!
Other recommendations you might want to give a try to:
In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe
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I'm a Genius Idol But My Passive is a Sunfish
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Debut or Die
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The Trashy PD has to Survive as an Idol
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You might already know Debut or Die since it is the biggest in fandom too, plot-wise all of these have more progression while not very heavy to follow. With [I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is a Sunfish] and [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol] being the lighter ones. I love all of them. Very much. If you're looking for a character with typical krs!Cale or Cale!krs morally grey tendency, then Seo Hoyun from [The Trashy PD has to Survive as an Idol] will be a good start to familiarize yourself. (personal feeling but this one actually got the best of me from how similarly coded he is, even the 'blackmailing'/'scamming' and 'taking advantage of someone but actually cares for them along the way' is strikingly more pronounced:D)
Surprisingly, [Debut or Die], [The Malicious Member is Back], [I Became The Youngest Member of Top Idol] are the three where the group is build up through Idol competition. While the others are making a comeback after trouble or more agency-focus debut-trainee if you did not want to go through another musings for who would likely debut in the end. Which is, fun and engaging either way!
[Debut or Die]'s Park Moondae is literally Kim Rok Soo in some unique ways.... But, hmm, maybe more of a reliable narrator in comparison? As reliable as it can be with his personality.
If you want different characterization, as in cute and adorable MC instead of the genius and cynical characters, [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol]'s Do Seohan and [I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is a Sunfish]'s Han Baekya are remarkably some refreshing change! Where as [In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe]'s MC Sun Woo-Joo is more heartwarming. I think these three are actually the most mentally sounds and healthy out of others, which is sparsely seen these days.
Each of these recommendations is refreshing and is impactful in their approaches. And I personally eager to tell you that all of them are worth reading for!
[Debut or Die], [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol], and [In This Life, The Greatest Star in the Universe] already got manhwa adaptation, so if you need more visuals feel free to give it a long shot to go!
It's most likely that I'll missed many points considering it's been a while since I catch up, I strongly advised to take my words with a grain of salt and take a look yourself for a better judgement<3
p.s. If you want to have the Coughing Up Blood shenanigans, [The Trashy PD has to Survive as an Idol] and [I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is a Sunfish] will give you exactly that! I'm not sure about the latter since I haven't read much but the probability is high! >///< if you want a character who's constantly in the danger of death then [Debut or Die] took it seriously with its premise lmaooo
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
faramir - kiss me like you want to be loved.
summary: a long-awaited confession.
word count: 2.4k
fanfic no. 041
a/n: boromir lives because i say so.
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it was a difficult farewell between the close brothers of gondor. but both were optimistic they would reunite not too far in the future—both were astute and praised warriors, trained from the day each of them could hold a sword upright.
between you and faramir, the cautious goodbye was somewhat tainted in awkwardness. neither of you were brave enough at the present moment to admit the feelings that plagued you both, effecting judgement, sleep and the completion of even minor tasks for many years now.
“farewell, y/n,” he spoke softly, a hitch in his breath, hesitantly raising an arm, wondering if he was crossing the delicate line of propriety.
“farewell, faramir,” you replied, abandoning predetermined notions of decorum as you finished what he had started, pulling him into a quick embrace, the first you had ever shared. and perhaps the last.
when you released him from your hold, his gaze was fixed upon you, awestruck from the emotions that arose within him from such a simple gesture, beginning to regret that he could not take his brothers place and curse the father that did not trust him with the task. with his mouth agape, and eyes almost sleepy, and heart in torment, he watched you back away from him, stepping into line with his older brother.
he was the last citizen of gondor to remain at the city’s uppermost region, watching you and his brother ride off into the horizon. as such, he felt an abyss form within his stomach, guilt rousing it all the more from the words he left unspoken. he had waved his brother off jeopardy, but of his life he was not as concerned as he was with yours. all his youth and adulthood, he had admired you from afar, shadowed you everywhere you ventured, unstable when he was not near you.
and now, you crossed middle earth without him, courage and bravery in your heart as you promised to fight for those who could not, if the task should fall to you. he had failed to seize the opportunity to reveal to you the object of his desires. and now, as you disappeared into the distance, he feared it was too late for another opportunity to present itself.
he may see no tomorrow, what with the armies of mordor inching closer to minas tirith, each time leaving gondor with fewer men to defend its borders.
but he hoped, he let himself hope.
the trials of the fellowship had taken much of your spirit, only to be stressed by the fall of gandalf the grey. the elderly wizard had provided you with much wisdom and a perfected skillset, and his absence was dearly felt, but by no one more than yourself, someone he might have considered his family.
frodo and sam had begun the disbandment of your company, leaving you behind to pursue a trickier path, but one they must face alone. boromir had been seriously injured, almost fatally, enough that merry and pippin had been captured by an orc pack. but they had now returned, safe and sound where they belonged. though, dear pippin could not stay out of trouble for long.
and gandalf, it seemed, could not stay fallen for long.
“what’s going to happen to me?” asked pippin gloomily, kicking pieces of hay in the barn as you waited for gandalf.
“nothing is going to happen to you, dear pippin. you are safe from sauron if you remain with me and gandalf,” you assured him, ruffling his loose, curly locks.
“how long have you known gandalf?” asked pippin curiously.
“oh! a long time now—since my infancy. he took me under his wing long ago, and i have much to be grateful for,” you smiled fondly.
“i don’t think he likes me,” pippin frowned. “but then, i suppose, i am very accident prone.”
“i think sometimes you do without thinking. but you are young, and gandalf knows this. but he has lived many years, and can sometimes forget what ails the youth, such as yourself,” you explained, and added: “he cares for your safety, otherwise he would not get so angry.”
pippin seemed to accept this truth with a sunny disposition, his mood greatly improving upon hearing your explanation, taking it for nothing but the truth.
“merry!” he cried, rushing off to greet his friend.
“y/n,” called boromir, offering you a full water canister, in addition to your own. “do send my brother my well wishes.”
“of course, boromir. i am sure he will be delighted to hear of you.”
boromir laughed lightly. “yes, a brother’s bond is strong. though, i am sure he will be much more inclined to be delighted with your return.”
you smiled bashfully, turning away as heat crept into your cheeks. a hearty laugh sounded from behind you, and boromir clapped your back. “i see much,” he reminded you. "safe journey!" he called as he exited the barn in search of aragorn.
with a weepy send off between merry and pippin, you, gandalf and pippin set off for minas tirith. a flutter in your heart arose at the chance of seeing faramir again, barely entertaining the thought that he had fallen to an orc’s sword or axe. faramir was the best of his ranks, no doubt he was alive and well. and boromir’s encouragement did little to settle your nerves—the thought of reciprocation was almost too much to bear.
three day’s ride felt like nothing, despite the tribulations you’d been through these past months, for faramir awaited at the end of your journey. as the white city peeked above the distant horizon, shaded with hues of pink and orange, you pushed faster through the expanse that kept you from your destination.
pippin slept against gandalf’s chest, somehow unbothered by the erratic journey. and before long, your two horses were climbing the streets of minas tirith, warning passersby of your coming. the white tree in pippin's vision stood strong, undead—a ray of hope remained for frodo and sam.
you were home.
some hours had passed in gondor, no faramir in sight, and within that time the steward had made perfectly clear he would not call for aide, nor would he accept the ranger as king. but it all temporarily came to naught as the cries of nazgûl sounded from beyond the city walls.
hundreds of horses raced from osgaliath across the grassy expanse, fleeing from the fight they could not win against such forces. the winged beasts took them from above, grasping several men and horses between their talons and launching them through the air.
your sank through your chest, palms instantly bearing sweat as you feared for faramir’s safe return. he was, quite clearly, outnumbered by many, though he had proved to make a rational decision in the midst of war by ordering his men to fall back. still, the terror that gripped you was all-consuming, almost enough to bring you to your knees, for you could scarcely bear to watch.
you turned to gandalf in silent, desperate worry, and he understood the urge you felt to flee the castle walls and help in some way if you could, if it meant they would be saved.
you and gandalf rode out. a light from gandalf’s staff, bright and unrelenting forced the nazgûl away and brought the army of men to safety, faramir included. you could see him, almost clearly in the ranks of his men, riding fast to the city gate. he dared to turn and meet your gaze. the fear had subsided, though the adrenaline remained, and you breathed a heavy sigh of relief, closing your eyes and letting the wind whip through your hair as you silently thanked silent forces for this fortune.
when the danger had slipped away, faramir dismounted his horse and wasted no time in approaching you. he was breathless, tired, but alert. it was a quick, silent moment you thought he might break with a laugh or a welcoming embrace, but instead, questioned you of his brother, to which you informed him of his safety and health. he turned to pippin with a start next, filling you and gandalf with unbridled hope as he revealed he had seen two halflings alive and well not so long ago.
and afterwards, with as much decorum between the two of you as distant strangers, he walked with you and gandalf to meet his father. quietly, he fell back in line with you, conversing with you rather formally, despite that not ten minutes before he almost deserted decency to embrace you without hesitation. but he restrained himself, for what reason he could not quite remember.
entering the castle, feeling, finally, much safer now that he was deep within the city, he let himself look at you. you seemed well, and he hoped that was how you truly felt too. he thought of you often in your absence, though over time, little details and intricacies of your features had slipped away from memory. but now that they were before him again, he smiled familiarly, admiring you for all that you were.
“i must replenish myself,” faramir informed you, hoping you might follow him so he would be blessed with a moment alone with you.
“yes, of course,” was your meek response.
he hesitated slightly, unaware if you had caught onto his subtle indication and were politely refusing or whether it had passed over your head completely. and so he left without another word, jaw clenched and shaking his head at the fool he had made himself look.
“well, aren’t you going to follow him?” asked pippin in disbelief when he was far enough away that his little comment would go unheard.
“whatever do you mean, little one?” you asked with a scoff.
“that is clearly a man who wishes to be followed!”
you trailed his gaze, catching faramir looking behind, but laughed it off instantly. “i- no. you’re mistaken.”
“i am not!” replied pippin, looking to gandalf for approval.
you looked to the old wizard yourself too, hoping for assurance on your behalf, but found nothing of the sort as he smirked at pippin and raised his eyebrows. with nothing leaving his lips, you understood perfectly the meaning of his silence.
most embarrassed by the scene, you hurried off in pursuit of the gentlemen who had left you behind in the hopes that you would follow. but for all your desires that he might wish for you the way you wished for him, catching the signs of this reciprocation was much more complicated than you might have imagined.
you turned down many passages, walked through several corridors, completely in the dark as to where he might have gone. you were so caught up in looking for him, in fact, that you missed him completely, and only found yourself face to face with the man when he called you back.
he had been staring at an old piece of art in the castle, one he must have seen and admired a dozen times before, but had needed something with which to occupy himself as he waited and hoped to see you.
“i was looking for you,” was all you spoke, unsure of how to begin.
“you found me, it seems,” he laughed. “with a little aid.”
he let his smile fade slowly, searching for the words in his crowded mind so that he might perfectly convey all that he thought in regards to his feelings for you. he gestured to an empty bench before the painting that hung tall, sitting close beside you.
“i have been meaning, for some time now, to tell you that which i have kept from you,” he began, keeping you on the edge of your seat. “from our youth, though i did not know it then, i have felt for you something i have never felt for another. and…” his breath was trembling, his eyes fixed to his hands. you took them warmly into yours, and this forced him to meet your eyes, where he found the utmost encouragement. “and when you left those weeks ago, i have regretted every moment since that i did not tell you then exactly how i felt.”
“and how do you feel?” you asked him, needing to hear it after so long.
“i feel…i feel as if- as if you- no. when i am in battle,” said he, “and my sword is kicked from my grasp, the enemy bearing down upon me, it is not, though perhaps it should be, for my men that i find the strength to stand again, to fight with my bare hands if i must. it is not for the approval of my father, nor even for my brother. when i am an inch from death, i find my strength in you, i find my courage in you. my hope, in the thought that i would see you again.”
“faramir,” you whispered through a breath of disbelief, that an honourable man such as he would care for you so deeply, a wayward soul under the influence of a wandering wizard. “i could not wish for a better man to have said these words to me. you are the best i could hope for, and truly i did hope for you,” you laughed through your tears, struggling to find breath under the weight of this joyous revelation.
“my y/n,” he chuckled, his teary eyes following the down-turn of your head as you pulled his hands up to your lips.
cupping your jaw delicately, he raised your eye-line to meet his, gazing upon you like a revered work of art. softly, he brushed your tears away with the pad of his thumb, leaning in cautiously but eagerly for something which the both of you had craved for an eternity. his mouth brushed yours tentatively, opening your lips to accommodate his own. and the pair of you were set ablaze, suddenly and feverishly reaching for each other as if you were not close enough already—his tunic gripped between your fingers, your hand over his neck while his arm snuck around your waist and fingers tangled into your hair.
distantly, he heard his father’s bellows, and it pulled him from you reluctantly. resting his forehead against yours, he regained much of the breath he had lost in your shared embrace, taking a moment to recover.
“i must go,” he said lowly, the baritone in his voice causing you to shiver.
“come and find me when you are done.”
“i would not think to do anything else,” he whispered, kissing the crown of your head before stoically marching towards his father’s inevitable disapproval.
though his approval, in comparison to yours, was trivial.
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🏷 @velvetcloxds @entishramblings
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eatifa · 1 year
somebody that i used to know
a/n - hello! this is inspired by a scene from the manga of tokyo ghoul. i only wrote for one character because this was a little bit hard to do. i may write for more in the future with this concept.
trigger warning - mention of terminal illness.
concept - amnesia made him no longer remember her.
starring - rindou.
tagging @mitsuyeaah because she like angst a lot along with supporting my works a lot and being a lovely mutual.
"she gave me a smile. a smile that looked a little troubled, and a bit… sad. and the thought that i had such a beautiful person in my life crossed my mind."
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no one wanted rindou to find out the truth.
it was strange for rindou to comprehend that he couldn't remember anything about his older brother. ran was the first person that rindou saw upon waking up in a bed.
the mechanical beating sounds of a monitor and the anaesthetic smell is the only recognisable thing that could rindou tell where he was.
the hospital's bedroom was the only thing that he could recognise in the room. the younger brother have no idea who the man was standing next to his bed that leaped out the chair when he saw his eyes slowly opening.
"rindou, are you alright?"
ran became concerned when he saw his brother shoot him a confused look along with saying the next words that caused his heart to drop.
"who's rindou?"
at first, ran wanted to believe that he was just pulling a sick joke but when he saw his brother diverted his attention to the needle jabbed into his vein, he knew something was wrong.
ran wanted to doubt his theory with the hope that his brother's strange behaviour was caused by an unexpected side effect of the aesthetic.
surely, things would be back to normal when the anaesthetics would completely wear off but ran didn't want to take the risk. if he was right, the best option would be for rindou to stay longer at the hospital despite how much ran didn't wanted want to do that.
ran couldn't neglect rindou. as the older brother, ran always made the final decision. the pattern of ignoring rindou's input was the norm but for the first time ever, ran wanted to swap the order with him. ran didn't want to find out if he was right or not.
"rindou, do you know who i am?"
"no, why would i? we just met." rindou ignored how his face dropped and didn't stop him from darting out of the room.
why should he care about a stranger.
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being inside the apartment that he apparently share with ran, his older brother just felt foreign to rindou. he couldn't recognise any of the items or the interior designs of the rooms that the apartment entailed.
at first, rindou didn't want to goes along with him but the doctors sitting him down and telling the events that led up to his hospitalisation gave him but no other option to trust ran.
"you have amnesia caused by a head injury and your brother is the one that rang the ambulance."
so rindou didn't started a war with the older man when he shoved him inside a taxi but his apparent older brother still felt like a strange when he tried start a conversation in the taxi.
"rindou, how much do you remember?"
"not enough to believe your claim of being my brother."
the rest of the journey was spent in silence.
but rindou could no longer deny it when he saw photos of them together pinned to the fridge by coloured magnets. there were too many photos and the resemblance was strong enough to believe ran was telling him the truth.
the main reason why rindou couldn't notice the similarites with his brother is the differences between their hair.
ran's hair was styled into two braids with black and yellow highlights whereas his hair reached his shoulders with blue and blondish strands.
as he snuck a glance at the taller man standing next to him whose was observing the photos together with him, the shorter brother realised something that he didn't know.
his age.
"this is when we went france together." ran placed a slim finger over a photo of them standing in front of a tower.
rindou noticed the carefree look on the past version of him in the photo and it was enough to erase the last doubt that ran wasn't lying about his identity.
but rindou noticed that their hair looked a lot different. neither of them had dyed it since their hair look completely jet black. as rindou snuck a glance at his brother, he couldn't help but ask a question.
"am i the younger brother or you are?"
it was the second time that ran was shunned into silence. his eyes widened into a state of disbelief, rindou couldn't even remember how old he is.
ran wasn't going to let him out of his sight anytime soon.
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finding out that he was the younger brother didn't made anything less awkward for them. the photos show that ran was a caring older brother along with it being portrays in his actions.
"rindou, do you need anything?"
"when i'll goes out, i will get it so relax."
"rindou, it's not a good idea to tell others about your amnesia."
his actions started to suffocate rindou, he would walk out of the door and disappear on ran for a long time when he would gain his memories back.
ran told him about the basics of rindou's life but it might as well been someone else because rindou really couldn't remember any of it. to rindou, it felt like he was peering into a vase without flowers inside.
at this point, rindou might as well forget about his past life and just start anew. what's the point of keeping onto friendships and relationships that he no longer knew about.
ran had tried to encourage him to text his friends, hoping that it would start to bring back his memories because ran couldn't despite how hard he tried. and his younger brother's behaviour wasn't helping.
rindou never got past a how are you text from anyone since he just gave a shrug and left them on the read mode. at this rate, ran would need to tell everyone that his brother was suffering from amesnia before he accidentally push everyone away.
the only thing is that ran really wanted to use that as a last resort. rindou values his privacy and he knew shit would hit the fan when his original personality would returns.
so ran pinned all his hopes on the weekly visits to the hospitals but even the medical staff couldn't make a breakthrough. after the third visit, ran started to feel deflated that he left rindou in the dust to take a smoke outside their apartment
rindou never paid much attention towards what ran wanted to do since he just mumble out an okay and accepted his fate of being left alone in the apartment.
after a while, the ticking sound of the clock was loud enough to catch his attention when rindou switched off the tv.
his older brother would never leave him for this long because of the memory loss.rindou would apprecipate being left alone but the fear that ran may become more overwhelming if he felt gulit towards this mistake motivated rindou to get up and hunt him down.
as rindou was wrapping a scarf around the neck, an unexpected sound echoed throughout the apartment.
surely, it must be ran but rindou couldn't help but frown at this thought. ran would never be this careless enough to leave without a house key but rindou could recall the disappointment in his brother eyes as they were leaving the hospital earlier on in the day.
the negativity must made him forget.
so rindou discarded the scarf from his neck and placed his right hand on the silver handle and opened the door without a second thought.
it was not ran.
it wasn't even a male.
it was a woman.
rindou took a double take at seeing her standing in front of him.
who is she?
for some reason, the woman became quiet too almost as if rindou was a ghost that she just encountered. a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt concealed her shoulders but rindou couldn't paid too much attention to her outfit.
she was smiling at him.
he didn't know why.
"she gave me a smile. a smile that looked a little troubled, and a bit… sad. and the thought that i had such a beautiful person in my life crossed my mind."
his monologue at seeing her smile. rindou must had knew her before the amnesia came along.
why else would his feelings be this intense? the tears shouldn’t be escaping from his eyes.
her sentence was cut short because someone else grabbed onto her arm and another voice stopped her from uttering out another word.
"i told you not to come."
rindou couldn't see his face but from the hostile tone in his voice, ran was clearly pissed off at her.
but why? she have such a sad glint in her eyes. what did she do?
rindou couldn't help but stop these thoughts from articulating inside his mind but ran whisked her away before he could stop him.
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"she is just an ex that broke my heart. "
this is what ran told his brother the next day after the incident.
rindou didn't entirely believe this was the truth since the woman looked so sad when she laid eyes on him.
there must be a white lie embedded inside his explanation.
but whenever rindou would try, his brother would change the topic and with the last attempt, he completely snapped.
"shut the fuck up, rindou. if you ask one more time, i am leaving your annoying ass behind in this apartment. "
rindou finally believed him at hearing his abrupt threat. it was the first time that ran ever shouted at him along with using vulgar language.
so he stopped asking his older brother since it must be a pretty bad breakup. rindou genueinly thought that she must had cheated or something. rindou was convince that getting a slap from ran would be his reply if he dare ask again.
throughout the upcoming months, the memories started to return but nothing major.
his favourite colour.
the name of his high school.
did he go to university or not.
all but nothing little tabs to rindou but whenever he would tell his brother this, a smile would appear on his face where ran no longer detested taking rindou to the hospital.
his little brother was slowly coming back.
it was only a matter of time.
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the moment finally arrived but came in the worst way possible.
in a rush to get to work on time, ran carelessly left something in his room that he definitely shouldn't had. a photobook album that he never shown to anyone else.
unfortunately, rindou got to it first and when he arrived home, the first thing that greeted him was a porcelain plate being thrown at him.
on instinct, ran used the briefcase to deflect the flying plate that landed on the floor instead but the force was enough for it to shatter into fragments.
seeing the enranged look on his younger brother face hinted one thing.
"why didn't you tell me about my wife?"
the question had confirmed it. his memories had come back.
more untensils and glasses were thrown at him along with his brother swearing at him non-stop.
in the end, ran wrapped his arms around his brother neck to force him into a headlock before either of them ended up seriously getting hurt.
it didn't meant that rindou was backing down though.
"ran, you manipulative fuck, no wonder you chased her away when she came that day."
the photos from the wedding album revealed that rindou was the groom and the girl that gave him such a sad smile that knocked on the apartment's door months ago was his bride.
"calm down."
"fuck off. you guys must had an affair or something like that. it explains everything about not telling me the truth and getting rid of her when she saw me again. "
"shut up."
"she must had thought it was you. i swear that i'm going to murder you and i'm going to divorce that slu-"
ran wouldn't let rindou finish his sentence since he yanked him by the hair before pushing him away.
"shut the fuck up, you don't want to insul-"
the way that ran paused his sentence made rindou narrowed his eyes at him in suspicious but ran decided it was better to come clean before his brother would say something that he would regret forever.
"she got cancer. it's the reason why you got amnesia. when she found out, she cut ties with you because she wanted to give you a fresh start. she begged me the most not to tell you."
the horror dawned on him. it was the truth.
the explanation filled in the last gap. rindou couldn't remember the last event that happened before he woke up in the hospital.
now he did.
his wife told him about the diagnose but she wasn't ready to tell him yet. she confessed through a text when he asked her about what she wanted to do for her birthday.
rindou didn't want to ring her but he wasn't ready to come home straight away after work.
he just wanted to run and that's how he ended up being in a pub late at night before getting into a fight in a drunken haze. whoever the person was, he must had aimed for his head and their force must been strong enough to make rindou blackened out from the pain.
the incident that triggered off the amnesia but rindou no longer cared about that.
"where is she?"
ran went quiet.
he wouldn't answer him.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Okay, so as I was talking to Evie about the other day, I was going through one of my old notebooks and found a whole extended universe of Descendants OCs I had planned from middle school. I obviously don’t plan on formally introducing or doing anything with all of these OCs, because there is a lot of them, but I still thought it would be fun to share them with you guys! They’re not all in their original versions from my notebook, because a few of them did require a little changing and revamping, but I still hope you guys enjoy these little ideas from twelve-year-old me’s brain.
Soha Pride, daughter of Simba and Nala, Carlos ship. Able to attend Auradon Prep thanks to a spell from Fairy Godmother that allows her entire family to shift between their lion and human forms. Very dedicated to her duties as a princess of Pride Rock, but sometimes feels overshadowed by her older sister Kiara because she’s the oldest and the heir. Doesn’t believe any of the stuff Audrey and Chad say about the VKs and makes it her mission to be friends with them. Formerly a Jay ship. I am going to be introducing her formally in a little bit, so look out for that!
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Josie Sparrow, daughter of Jack Sparrow, Evie ship. Auradon kid because it could never be decided whether Jack was a villain or not, and now he sails all around the seas surrounding Auradon and the different kingdoms. Has the ability to visit the Isle in her dreams, and it’s later revealed that that’s because her mother is Calypso. A huge troublemaker and prankster who’s constantly in trouble with Fairy Godmother, and becomes quick besties with Mal because of it when the VKs first come to Auradon.
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Jackson Kelly-Jacobs, son of Jack Kelly and David Jacobs, OC ship. Son of Jack and Davey because I am a Javid shipper for life. A dancer and gymnast who’s on the R.O.A.R. team, and used to be friends with Chad before he turned into a bully. Really flirty and charming like his dad Jack, but still a total sweetheart. He and Evie quickly develop a WLW/MLM friendship when the VKs come to Auradon, and he definitely punches Chad during the Family Day thing.
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Steven Smee, son of Mr. Smee, OC ship (Jackson’s boyfriend). Comes to Auradon with the VKs even though he’s not friends with them after Ben lets his dad persuade him to invite the child of a sidekick along with the children of villains so the people of Auradon are a bit “more receptive”. A complete shy sweetheart who loves his dad and brothers and misses them terribly when he leaves (because Smee is actually a really good dad) and is the reason the twins get to come to Auradon in the third movie. Kind of sensitive because he got bullied a lot as a kid on the Isle, but still has an inner strength that not a lot of people expect.
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Maile Montunui, daughter of Moana, Uma ship. President and pretty much only member of the Auradon Prep Sailing Club, which the Sea Three join after they come to Auradon in the alternate post-second movie story that I had in my head. Incredibly courageous and not afraid to speak her mind, but sometimes gets herself into trouble from being too confident. Frequently curses and insults people in Samoan. Bisexual disaster who falls in love with Uma instantly, even if it takes Uma a while to feel the same about her.
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Haven Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, Harry ship. Member of the VKs who had a sort of Romeo and Juliet romance going on with Harry, but has to break it off when they leave to go to Auradon. She wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet again in the second movie. In the alternate post-second movie story after the Sea Three come to Auradon, though, they reconcile and get back together. She’s fierce and sarcastic by nature but not mean, and she shares Mal’s love for graffiti.
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Cierra Chernabog, daughter of Chernabog, Ben ship. Outcast even on the Isle because her father is a demon, doesn’t come to Auradon until after the second movie because so many people were against bringing Chernabog’s kid to Auradon the first time. Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a demon form that she isn’t able to access until leaving the Isle, but it’s big and terrifying and still kind of cool.
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Celeste Frollo, daughter of Judge Frollo, Audrey ship. Claudette’s twin sister, very religious and God-fearing due to her father’s teaching, so she has a lot of Catholic guilt over liking girls (picture, like, Carrie White with no telekinesis and if she was a lesbian). Gets to go to Auradon after the second movie, when Audrey’s slowly starting to reform herself and be more accepting of villain kids (we’re pretending the third movie doesn’t happen, I guess), and at the same time my girl slowly starts to overcome her guilt and they fall in love!
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And there are even more, but I’m gonna stop there (😅). Hope you guys enjoyed this little look into my crazy little middle schooler brain!!
Tagging some of the Descendants moots: @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @auxiliarydetective, and soft tagging @manyfandomocs!!
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