#I am havi ng. the time of my life
pawthko · 1 year
They calling me a
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pepprs · 2 years
all is not well in waffletown
#i need to have more compassion for my mom bc she is extremely depressed rn and may have a serious physical illness as well which is so much#fun to deal with. but i am so angry and irritated with her rn. why do i have to ask you for permission to leave this place when i am almost#24 and work a full time job. why do i have to spend every single day rotting away instead of living my life bc you’ll guilt trip me for#wanting to be an independent adult as is my right. not everything is abou you being mentally ill over having ***** ive already lost enough#experiences and time in my life to it why do i have to give even more to it. i am almost TWENTY FOUR.#purrs#delete later#also i don’t even get to pick out the paint color in my new room which is so awesome. yessss take away all of my agency and sap out all of t#the joy from moments and milestones that are important to me 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍#im a brat for venting abt her online ik i need to have more compassion for her bc she is inches away from havi ng a mental breakdown and im#very scared abt what will happen if she does. but this is actually insane. im so mad#literally the most poetic example of this is how she broke her arm riding a bike in 4th grade so she refused to let me and my siblings learn#how to ride it. and how she grew up with 487429749274 pets and was traumatized by losing her dog so she didn’t let me or my siblings have#pets at all. and other examples i will not go into. like omg we are not YOU!!!!!! let us fucking LIVE good GOD!!!!!!!!!#also like how are you gonna attack me a few weeks ago over redacted and then when i do what you want you tell me no 😭😭😭😭😭 how does that even#make sense. and again to reiterate the point. WHY DO I HAVE TO ASK YOU FOR PERMISSION. I AM ALMOST 24.
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partiallystar · 5 years
being a lesbian will literally make u go crazy i am so fucking sick of hearing about / talking about men
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shadymultiverse · 5 years
Recently I moved in with my sister and she immediately started freaking out on me about all kinds of crazy shit pretty much right away.
I met a lady that took me in for a while. She ended up being my only friend and she thoyght she could use that to her advantage. She thought that she knew everhtjing and Ill own that a lot of her advice was good advice but a lot of it wasnt.
I keeo remembering how she would try to tell me things i alreayd knew. How it would piss me off because she never stopped to think maybe i knew something for myself.
She would tell me about her daughter in law, how shed survived a very abusive house hold for a very long time and gone on to be very sucessful.
That was always aomething i believed about myself. Deapite how absolutely dark and hopeless my life got, despite the fact that my sister tried to rip ot away for years, ive never worried that i wouldnt get out and go and lead a productive life. No matter how many times i was told i was going to fail I never believed it....
Until she started assuming that i did. Maybe i was supposed to? Maybe after all thes eyears id been experiencjng the abuse the wrong way? Is that possible? And i started to slip. I was slipping already but i realized i was slipping and i needed to get out. It scared me. I let myself feel hust a fraction of the pain i was in. Its like a crack in a glass swimming pool it just takes the right ones at the right time and all that pressure that you didnt even know was there explodes. The water rushed out and floods your world. Sweeping everything you though you knew away.
I lost my job and ny car and my home and my hope. I even lost myself.
I keep trying ti put it back into the swimming pool but the pool is broken. It cant go back, i have to build something new. Something better. Something healthier. Thats why my moms advice to just "stop goingvthere" isnt going to worl but this spewing it all up in counseling and on tumblr, its helping. Im finally owning that it was abuse
I was abused. I was neglected and grossly misunderstood. I was beaten and raped and treated like trash. My family the people that were supposed to take care if me, tortured me. So much so that I lost my grasp on what real love is.
I didnt do anything ro deserve it and thats why its so hard to cope with. Sometimes i would just be sitting there, litterally not soing anything except sucking my thumb and twiddling my nice soft hair and my sister or brother or father would just start hitting me as hard as they could.
Because they needed to relead whatever issue they were havi ng and i was the nearest, smallest thing and they knew i would just lay there and take it because they loved me and were just trying to show it.
Fuck you. All of you. You dont deserve my fucking forgiveness or my tears. You deserve to be shot on the head and left for dead. How dare you do that to me? I kept trying to make you happy and you dont deaerve to be hapoy. You deserve to have the people you are suppose to trust fucking beat the shit ou tof you for no fucking reaskn. You deaerve someone to stomp on your fucking head and tell you thag your a fat piece of shit that deaerves to die.
I deserve to find happiness. I deserve a beautidul, lovibg husband and a cute littlwbaby that ill actually take care of. I will love them with real love and real kindness and real care. I will be sucessful. You will see my name in lights and my face on magazines. Youll see me everywhere as I chanhe the world for the better as I take ths hit you tried to feed me and fluah jt down the toilet. I am stronget than you. I am smarter and i always fucking have been. I hope it gives you HELL to know that you scarificed your own chances becaus eyou were too mich of a cunt to find happiness and love.
I can have it all and you never will because your evil and Im a mother fucking tree.
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From The Vault: Dr Deepak.S.Wali - P.G Scholar , Dr Shivakumar. - Guide : Asst. professor, Dr Mallika K. J. - Guide : Professor P.G. Dept of Swasthavritta, SDMCA&H, Hassan. Abstract Every individual wish to be disease free, very few think to be Healthy. Prevention is better than cure is an old saying. But a question comes how to prevent ? The concept of prevention is mentioned in Ayurveda long back. A person desirable of health must Prevent Diseases before its manifestation. Understanding Aptopdesha properly and following it without fail is a measure tool of prevention. It's the era of modernization and machineries. The term Disease is very much common today. Everyone is cautious to know whether he is suffering from any Disease! But how many do ask a question to self that "Am I healthy?" What should be done to be healthy? How one can prevent the diseases? How my family will be healthy? One should take care of his body by neglecting all other things because nothing exists, if you are not healthy. Prevention is better than cure is an old saying. Ayurveda the science of life has given prime importance to the protection of the health of Healthy individual. This can be achieved by means of preventing the diseases, Maintaining & Promoting health . Swasthachatuska of Charaka is totally dedicated for this purpose. A person desirable of health must always Prevent the Diseases which are not there and also prevent the one which are not yet complete!y manifested by adopting proper measures. The preventi ve measure (Anagata Chikitsa ) is a vague term which includes all the possible measures which fulfill the aim of to be healthy . The measure tool of prevention told in classics is to Understanding Aptopdesha properly and following it without fail.  Which emphasizes on 3 things Samayoga of Jnana, Indriya-Artha and Kala. Among which havi ng proper knowledge plays important role as it leads to Sukha (Health) else i t results in Dukha (Disease). Proper knowledge also lead to proper contact of Indriya & Artha. Kala is considered as God which will ultimately decide Health. Any sort of uneasiness to body and mind can be considered as a Disease. It may be as a result of Intrinsic (Nija ) factors or extrinsic (Agantuja ) factors. Disease also classified· as Adhyatmika, Adhidaivika, Adibhoutika. Three main causes are explained for the disease formation i.e Indriyartha Saanika rsha, Prajn yapa radha and Kala Parinama, which may be too less, in excess or Improper. Soto prevent Diseases and maintain health there is no other tool better than following Aptopadesh. Which says that Swasthavrittapalana is the best way of prevention which is the key for health. It is the primary prevention mentioned in classics. Swasthavritta in short can be defined as a way of Iiving or right conducts for Healthy. Swa : my own , stha : existence , vrutta : routine , Swasthavrutta means the routine to be followed for one's own existence. Which is explained under different headings. It can be considered as a general measure for the prevention and to healthy. As following it improperly results in diseases. Dincharya and Ratricharya : Which Explains about Daily regi men. Right from getting up early in morning till going to bed. Special emphasis given for Personal hygiene which ultimately helps to prevent all diseases & helps in maintaining personal as well as social health. Rutucharya :- Explains in detail about seasonal regimen which helps in preventing the seasonal diseases. By following Rutucharya one can face seasonal changes easily and sustain health. Padamshika Karma :- Is nothing but leaving unwholesome & adapting wholesome diet and regimen stepwise. Especially helpful during the time between two seasons. By which person gets adjusted to the forthcoming season easily and will not face any sort of uneasiness & also helps in Prevention of seasonal diseases. Rutunusara Shodhana :- Also importance is given for Sanchit Dasha Nirharana in respective Rutus helps in maintenance of health & Prevention of seasonal diseases. Sadvritta :- Right conduct of life which briefs about Code of general ethics, Code of diet, natural urges, Relation with women, Self control, Social behavior along with instruction for Studying & worshiping. Following Sadvritta leads to Social health, hygiene alongwith Physical, Mental, Social & Spiritual wellbeing. It also helps in Prevention of communicable diseases and epidemics. Ahara, Nidra & Brahmcharya are considered as 3 pillars of body. Following them properly will help in maintenance of health and prevent the diseases. Adhamiya vega :- With holding the urges leads to Diseases. One, who wishes that he should not suffer from disease, must not suppress Adharniya Vega (Urges not to suppress) Like Mala, Mutra etc. Dharaniya vega :- The urges which are told to suppress like anger etc which may Kayika, Vachika & Mansika Vegas (urge) must be suppressed. Rasayana :- Nitya Rasayana Prayoga is done to boost the immunity, to maintain , protect Health and prevent various diseases. General rule for right conducts for Halthy :- One Should always practice all the tastes (Rasa) and one should always indulge i n things which are opposite to his body constitution (Prakruti) taking in consideration Desha, Kala and Atma. This we can also .consider under primordial prevention where one should take in account the risk factoFB. Apart from general measures for prevention Specifie Measures are also been explained in various contexts. Considering the different factors, adopting suitable measures not only helps in preventing the diseases but also helps in preventing any sort of complications and also helps to improve the quality of life. Social health : Related to women & health of new boarn Sadvruttapalana Graha Ninnana vidhi Contraceptive measuresand Gramyaclharrna isexplained in detail w hich help in Population control and also help inprevention of STD. Various procedures for Bhoomi, Jala , Vayu shuddhi are told Social behavior helps in prevention of communicable disesses Rajaswala Paricharya Garbhini Paricharya Sutika Paricharya Sutikagraha Nabhinalichedana Sanskaras ShishuParicharya Rakshakanna Visankramana All measures told in social health helps in prevention of va- rious communicable &  non-communicable diseases, also maintains social health  . Various measures are also been explained for women, pregnant lady and the new born which serves the purpose all prevention and health. During Disease Manifestation During And After Treatment Kriyakala : chance for prevention / treatment Graha Ninnana vidhi Pathyapathya. Nidana Parivarjana Padanshika karma Langhana Upashaya Pathyapathya Rasayana Shamana : Selection of drug & Treatment is done careflly Shodhana: Precautions are followed. Shastra .:Shastra Payana etc Rugna Paricharya Rugnagara(Vranita) Shatkriyakala are explained, each of them is considered as an opportunity for treatment , rather the first 4 Kriyakala can be considered as an opportunity for preventing the disease manifestation. Itcan be considered as secondary prevention and if 5111 & 6th if considered as tertiary prevention will not be wron.g. Patyapathya, Padanvshika krama, Upavasa , Upashaya , Nidan Parivarjana can also be con sidered under Secondary & Tertiary prevention. Sushruta has beautifully classified all the diseases under 7 types. All the measures mentioned for each will help in preventing different diseases in different condition. This will fulfill the purpose of being healthy and helps us in prevention of Nija - Agantuja Vyadhi. Matruja, Pitruja Rasakruta, Douhrudakruta Vikruta , Avikruta Ritu Proper age of marriage. Atulya Gotra Vivaha. Garbhadhana Yogya Stri - Purusha Laxana. Grbhadhana Yogya Kala & Vidhi. Sharirika & Manasika Sanghata Swasthavritta Palana Sadvritta Palan Garbhiniparicharya :- Samanya & Masanumasika Special care during Douhrudavastha: Douhrudapurthi which is Priya & Hita. Following Pathya-Apathya. Vidyuta, PishachaSamsargaja Aakasmika: Dinachrya & Sadvrutta Rasayana Rakshakarma Jala shuddhi Vay ushuddhi Care taken in Graha, Sutikagara & Ragnagara Rutucharya Sanchita dosha nirhara Aoushadhi sangraha Rakshkarma Kala , Akala Rutunusarashodhana Bhoomi,jala shuddhi Rasayana Sadvritta Palan Conclusion : Concept of prevention is well explained in Ayurveda. Importance is not only given to physical health but also mental, spiritual and social health too. One who desires to be health & happy must prevent the disease before its manifestation and to achieve this goal the "Swastlzavritta-A. way of living" is the best way. Read the full article
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