#I am going to wait just a bit longer to get more info
helenadurazzo · 2 months
I have been meaning to do something for the Magic Awakened generation of my OCs and with the release of Kenji Kobayashi I have thought of a few ideas if you all are interested
Basically, at the beginning of 2023 I made an OC named Rex Graham (still debating his adopted last name) whose mother is a Kobayashi and as such would be Kenji’s cousin. And thought it would be interesting to share some of my ideas for the Kobayashis
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😴😴😴 (to find later) AITA for putting sleeping pills in my boyfriend's drinks without him knowing?
I know this sounds absolutely awful, but please bear with me.
Basically, me (27 m) and my boyfriend (26 m) have been living together for around five years, meaning we usually also sleep together. Or at least we try, since my BF suffers from terrible insomnia and reoccurring nightmares so bad sometimes he wakes up into a full on anxiety attack. He does go to therapy and has prescribed sleeping pills, but he hates taking them because he's always afraid that when he does fall asleep he's just going to have nightmares, (which also just makes him avoid sleeping in general even not including his insomnia).
Usually I try to help him by staying up with him, watching his favorite show while cozied up on the couch under a bunch of blankets and with a hot coco, or we do something else that he likes and helps him relax. I really don't mind, I love him and I love spending time with him. However, it used to be that he would fall asleep at around 3-4 AM, but as time went on he started staying up longer and longer, until at a certain point I literally had to start leaving for work in the morning while he still hadn't gotten any sleep.
This was an issue for two reasons: 1. Obviously, without me there he felt even less comfortable and had an even harder time falling asleep, sometimes staying up for even 48 hours (or maybe more, I'm not sure) just to wait for me to come back home so I could help him unwind again. 2. He actually started lying to me about sleeping while I wasn't home, so that I would go to sleep normally and let him stay awake because "he wasn't tired" even though I could clearly tell he was.
That's when I started getting seriously concerned and questioning him about how much he actually sleeps, especially since I could see it was affecting him more and more both mentally and physically. He was avoidant about the topic but I pleaded with him to talk to his therapist about it, to try and find anything else to help him. Apparently his therapist just told him to keep using his sleeping pills to help with the insomnia, and if they're not working she'll look into prescribing him stronger ones. Yet despite that he still insists on not taking them and just going to bed normally even though it's clearly not working.
To clarify: as far as I'm aware, he has no negative side-effects from these sleeping pills, he's never complained about feeling any pain or feeling worse after taking them or anything like that. Literally he only doesn't want to take them because he's just that afraid of going to sleep.
That's why whenever we stay up nowadays, I always add a small dose to his cup of coco, which thankfully has a strong enough taste to cover the pills (I've tried a small bit myself and couldn't tell a difference). Since I started doing that, he's been regularly falling asleep before 2AM and even though the nightmares still sometimes wake him up or make him feel a bit tired in the morning, overall he's been doing much better.
Still, I do feel bad about putting stuff in his drinks without his knowledge even if it's for his own good. I really wonder if I should stop, but I'm really scared that if I do, he'll start spiralling again. I want to help him and be there for him but I've already tried talking about it and it never worked. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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chrisdr3 · 6 months
Last minute confessions ~ OP81
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Fluff and a bit of embarrassment
Summary: In the drivers' dinner in Abu Dhabi, Y/N is forced to confess her crush to Oscar and vice versa.
The 2023 season came to an end with max winning the last race, making it the most dominant season in F1. After that, everyone decided to have dinner in the same restaurant you did last year, but not for saying farewell to someone. You just liked it and wanted to do it again.
Everyone was already at the restaurant, waiting for you. Some of them started to get a bit irritated of waiting. Fernando saw that and decided to talk. "Don't worry guys, you know Y/N, she's probably late because she always wants to look gorgeous for this kind of events." He smiled.
By the time he stopped talking, you entered the restaurant and approached the drivers' table. You had your hair down, some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick applied and you were wearing this. "Hello guys, sorry for being late." You smiled. "It's okay Y/N, you look stunning by the way." Daniel said.
You sat down in the remaining seat in between Daniel and Oscar. After a bit, everyone turned back to normal. They continued discussing, sometimes involving you in their convos. Except from Oscar. He was blushing slightly and wasn't taking part in any of the conversations.
You didn't really mind, as you knew pretty well that oscar didn't talk very much anyways and that he was more of an introverted type of guy. The dinner was going pretty well, and the food arrived quickly. You ate and after everyone finished, all the drivers decided to stay a bit longer and maybe have a drink.
Suddenly, Lando came up with the idea of asking everyone about their love life. Checo, Nico and K-Mag were married with kids , so they didn't bother replying, Max said he was doing fine with Kelly, Lando, Lance, Logan and Esteban claimed being still single, Lewis didn't bother to find anyone yet, Valterri and Fernando didn't answer, even tho there were rumours about them being seen with women.
There were 9 drivers left, including you and Oscar. Zhou didn't answer, as he was talking to the phone, everyone knew that Pierre and Alex were doing really good with Kika and Lily because of their posts on social media, so they just confirmed it. Carlos didn't want to give any info, just that he's doing pretty decent with Rebecca, George was okay with Carmen and Charles said that Alexandra was waiting for him to get back to Monaco.
After Charles stopped talking, Daniel was asked. He answered that he was more than great with Heidi and that they were planning to go at his family's house in Perth for the holidays. Then, only you and Oscar were left. "Y/N, what's going on with your love life? Are you with someone, are you crushing on anyone?" Lando asked, a smirk plastered in his face.
You blushed, embarrassed. How were you going to tell it? All the drivers turned to look at you. You were getting hotter and redder with every single second passing. "Come on, tell us!" Daniel said. You didn't respond. "Okay, I'll help you. Are you crushing on someone?" Max intervened, his voice calm. You nodded yes. "Is it someone from here?" Max continued. "Y-yes..." "Can you tell us who?" "N-no."
Max stopped, thinking for a bit. "Then we'll play a little game." "Okay..." "Is he blond or brunette?" "Brunette." "So it's not K-Mag, Nico or Valterri." "Yes." "Is he European?" "No." "So, that means we're left with Lance, Logan, Checo, Zhou, Daniel and Oscar." "Right." "Is he from America?" "No." "Then there's Daniel, Zhou and Oscar left. It's not Zhou, am I right?" "You're right." "So there ar the two Aussies left."
"It's Oscar..." You mumbled, looking at your feet, face red as a tomato. Then Oscar turned to look at you, blushing, rubbing the back of his neck a bit embarrassed. "Y/N..." He spoke, breaking the silence. You turned your face to look at him. "I-i like you too Y/N..." You looked at him, smiling a bit. He cupped your face with his hands and kissed you gently. After a little, he pulled back, blushing. "S-sorry..." You slid your hand in his under the table. "It's fine."
Everyone applauded for you and then left you to talk, discussing about other things. "Oscar..." You whispered. "Yes?" "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He squeezed your hand gently. "Yes."
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bokettochild · 2 months
The Podcast
So, while this isn't an update, per sey, JoJo did just do a drop of info in the Podcast she posted and I have thoughts and I'd would like to encourage everyone to listen because GOSH, it was great!!! And that's coming from someone who isn't big on podcasts!!!!
The girls are going to show up?!?!!?!? Like, I have no clue how she's going to handle a cast of leads THAT big, but she has my respect for undertaking it! I can't wait to see how the fandom shifts and changes once we have a frame of reference for all the princesses and their personalities and differences!
I also love that, cannonically, all the boys speak a different Hylian, and it's not just a written thing! I'm so excited now to see the prologue, more than I was before! Knowing there will be a language barrier and that the languages will actually take inspiration from languages irl is amazing!
Honestly, I always get my mind blown by just how little we actually know about this AU still, after all these years, and I can't wait to see how each change and drop of information will alter us as a fandom. It does give me some anxiety as a creator, knowing there's only so long where what is in my head can escape before it won't work any longer, because of what becomes known to us, but I also am looking forwards to seeing how JoJo's plans reshape things over time for all of us who are inspired by her work!
Honestly, this just has me so hyped up. Again, i highly recommend listening, if only to get to know a bit more about the amazing woman who brought us all together and created something we can all share <3
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siddyyyyyyyy · 27 days
Can you do a Duke Thomas/reader? Like brother’s best friend type of stuff. Or it could be friend of a friend type of romance. I’m sorry of that’s not a lot of info 😅
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Duke Thomas x Reader
wc: 2.6 K summary: Your brother's best friend likes you, but won't dare to actually do anything. warnings: none, fluff a/n: Don't worry about it, it was just enough info to get my brain working and I am very glad you requested such a nice idea! Hope you enjoy it!!
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You've known Duke since the first day your brother invited him over to your house when you were just little kids. He was pretty nice back then, but had more smart-ass comments back then. That led you two to having a sort of bickering relationship. Not in a bad way, no. He was funny and just liked to tease you often. Not that you minded.
It was pretty fun, you found yourself looking forward to when he will visit you for dinner again, so you can play a bit with him. He usually dreaded playing with your barbie dolls, but still did, having felt too bad to decline.
Now, of course a lot of years have gone by. You're both grown, but still two years younger than him. You've seen him just last week, when he dropped something off for your brother and stayed for a while to chat with your mother over a cup of tea. And now you find yourself missing him while hanging out with friends. You shouldn't feel so bored during a birthday, right? And yet you find yourself staring at his number in your phone while thinking of some excuses to leave the social gathering.
A small sigh leaves your lips and you tell one of your friends that you need to leave, resulting for them to groan and try to make you stay a little longer. Finally, you got out of the cafe and walk down the street to make a peaceful phone call. Your brother works at this time of day, basically leaving no choice but to call his best firend, now hoping that Duke will at least pick up the phone.
He surprisingly picks up just after the second ring, his smooth voice going through the speaker.
»What's up?«
»Are you busy right now?« You ask back and he just now realises it's you who calls him, his mind searching for an answer.
»Uh, no? No, why? Something happened?« He eventually answers back and continues to drive through the busy streets of Gotham on his bike, parking at a small alleyway and killing his engine.
»No, just got bored during a hangout... and they really drained me, to be honest. Anyway, can you pick me up?« He doesn't hesitate and nods, even though you can't see it through the phone call.
»Sure, where are you? I'll be there in no time.« Duke answers back while taking his gloves off, looking around before he changes out of his suit and back into his civilian clothes. He can take a small break during his patrol. No one will mind, since he is still helping someone out, right?
You see him approach after some minutes, having been scrolling through various stuff on your phone while waiting for him. He waves to you with a smile and is quick to be by your side.
»Being a grumpy cat again? You never last more than two hours with friends, I'm starting to think you need better friends at this point.« He nudges you gently as he starts walking you back to your home. You try to tease him back and just nudge him back with more force, making him chuckle.
»Careful, you are the last person I'm not constantly annoyed with.« You say back to him which makes him roll his eyes. You're currently walking through a park on the way home, the sun still being up but not as hot as earlier. It's actually the best weather to have a walk.
Did you hear that right? You turn your head towards the small sound, gasping once you spot two cats sunbathing on the free field of grass. They look so cute, it makes you have cuteness aggression while slowing down your steps. You are not the only one who noticed the cats, Duke watching your expression and reaction beside him.
»Do you see them? I want to steal them.« He almost chokes on air at your words and wraps his arms loosely around your shoulders to gently move you away from the cats who look peaceful at the moment.
»Nope. Let them be, you have enough cats of your own.« He guides you away from them, even when the cats are far away enough that you'd need to walk a bit to actually reach them.
»Wait, let me at least get a picture of them.«
He reluctantly stops and lets you snap a picture of the two cats, smiling widely some more as they move around and lick at each others furr, seemingly relaxed and having a good time.
After having made about ten or more photos, he drags you back the way to your home, having to lead you as you're looking through the photos as you trust him enough to bring you home safely this way. Eventually, he got you to your apartment and gets a hug in return for being so nice to waste his time to walk you home. Even when he wouldn't call it a waste of time. He will most likely think about it for the rest of the day.
Making his way back to his bike to change back into his suit, Duke makes it quick and continues to patrol until the evening. Getting back to the Manor, he didn't pay much mind to the chaos going on and just looked down at his phone while making his way to his room.
»Wait, Duke! I saw you with a girl today, who was it? Who is the lucky one?«
They've got to be kidding him...
He tucks his phone away and turns to face Dick, really not wanting for him to misunderstand anything.
»It was just Justin's little sister. She asked me to walk her home and I did.« He shrugs as nonchalantly as possible and hopes his brother will let go of the subject. »Are you sure? Why did you have your arm around her the whole time then, huh?« Duke has to restrain himself from rolling his eyes at his eldest brother, not wanting to come off as defensive but also explain it to him somehow.
»Can't I have friends of the opposite sex? It's really not that hard to be friends with a girl, Dick.« Dick scoffs, putting his hand on his shoulder to drag him towards the couch in the livinng room.
»No, sure... you just looked at her in a specific way.« »I didn't! Okay, what is this about?«
Duke halts in his movements and crosses his arms, looking very bemused by the antics of his brother. »Relax! I was just trying to give you some advice, but you don't want it, I guess...«
Of course he plays the wounded card on him now. This is really unnerving for him, especially when his brother is trying to play matchmaker in a weird way. At the silence of Duke, Dick decides to go on and give him some advice of his own.
»Just ask her if she wants to see a movie or get coffee or something. Worst thing she can say is no. It's not that bad.«
Duke finally rolls his eyes and mumbles, »She doesn't even like coffee...«, before he forced Dick to let go of him and enter his own room.
»Well, does she have a favourite movie?« Dick's voice sounds through the Manor, but Duke his already in his room, ignoring whatever advice he wants to give him. ----
A family gathering isn't a family gathering without Duke. Not only is he the best friend of your brother, but also gets along really good with the rest. Today was nothing new, sitting at the dining table at your Mum's house, having also your grandma and your aunt with his husband at the table.
Duke has even brought you a small gift, saying it would be rude to visit with empty hands. When your brother complained about getting nothing, he just brushed him off, claiming he is way to stupid to get gifts.
You're halfway through the gathering, and no one has asked these typical, annoying questions yet. It's then, when Duke has a mouthful of food in his mouth, that your grandma decides to drop some rather typical questions.
»You should be more like Duke, he brought a gift for a pretty lady. Why aren't you such a gentleman like him? That's probably why you don't have a girlfriend yet.«
Justin, your brother, feels a little embarrassed from your grandma's words, rubbing the back of his neck and looks across the table to her. Meanwhile, Duke almost chokes on his food, quickly swallowing it down before speaking up. »I think you're wrong ma'am. Why should he bring a gift for his sister for a normal gathering?«
He argues lightly, gesturing to Justin beside him who nods along. »I'm just saying he should take an example on you! You are so well-behaved and nice, it shouldn't be hard to at least be more charming like you.« Your grandma reasons as a matter of fact, looking to his grandson who seems slightly uncomfortable but not ashamed by this. It's mostly amusing.
The dinner goes by after sharing some more words and eating all together, eventually being able to retreat to your old childhood rooms. And it's finally time to see what he bought you! You don't know why, but you've always been giddy when he got you presents out of nowhere. Was he spoiling you in that way? Maybe. But you don't complain.
Opening it up, you are surprised to see a new, gorgeous-looking notebook. He knows you like to journal and just keep track of things with taking notes, being very pleaased with how stunning the smaller notebook is binded. It must've cost like... a lot? But then again, he never told you about the prices of the presents. Meaning, if you would ask him about it, he would down-right ignore you.
Things like this happen more often though. He regularly brings you some small gifts or giftcards to your favourite cafe whenever he meets up with a group of friends and you, or when you have another small gathering back at your mum's house. And you aren't the first to notice. Especially your brother keeps making fun of him, finding it a little weird and mostly unusual from his best friend to subtly hit on his sister like that. But Duke just brushes it off, always wearing a smug smirk while countering back with jokes.
»Can't help it. Your fault for having such a sweet sister.«
By now, he always swims around in your brain and his small gifts stand around in your room. You don't know if he just has too much money or genuinely wants to say something with that. Neither way, you won't complain and have thought about paying him back in some way. »I think you added too much sugar.« Your friend of probably a decade remarks while she watches you make a batch of brownies, while sitting by the kitchen counter. She came right into your apartment after calling for some company on baking sweets for Duke.
At first she teased you unecassery about it, already calling him your 'secret boyfriend' or something. Now she has the audacity to judge your brownies.
»Listen, he'll eat it any way. He never turned down any of the food I offered to him, and he has a sweet tooth, so...« Mixing up the batter was a hard task, but you finally got it mixed together well enough to fill it into the form. »Oh God, you even know if he has a thing for sweets or not...« She groans and rolls her head back dramatically, pretending to be very disgusted over this.
You finally get the brownies ready, having had about five meltdown's and three "I can't do this anymore", but you got finished. You really hope he will like them, because you aren't really sure if your friend was right about the amount of sugar. ----
You both settled to meet up at your place, finding it easier to just hang out while eating some sweets. Of course, he came in with a small gift once more, a handwritten letter from him. He specifically told you to read it when he is gone, probably so he won't cringe at himself for what he wrote down.
Finally, you settle down on your couch with a plate of freshly baked brownies and a tv series you both decided to binge today. How could it get any better. Duke compliments your homemade brownies through and through, even liking his fingertips to show you how much he enjoys them. Maybe he is a little overjoyed at this, but you enjoy the satisfied and genuinely happy smile across his face.
As the series marathon continues, you make yourself more comfortable beside him, getting a blanket out to share. He wraps his arm around you casually, keeping you close under the comfort of the blanket while the light of the TV illuminates your features gently. The evening goes on and you lean against him more the longer you watch the first season of the series. You can't help, he is just so comfortable. And he doesn't seem to mind at all as well and just stays close.
However, you weren't exactly paying any attention to the characters on the screen, but silently dozing off against his shoulder. He hasn't noticed yet and just watches the show, until he feels how limp and silent you've been for the last few minutes. Duke shares a small glance towards your sleeping form, his heart melting at the sight. It means a lot for you to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep against him. He tries not to praise himself too much for it, focussing back on the TV screen.
It's been one more episode, you seem to be dead asleep by now. He actually has no idea what to do now. What is he suppposed to do? Is there something he is supposed to do right now? It feels like when a cat falls asleep on your lap and makes you unable to move until it wakes up again. What would Dick do in this situation? Okay, he hates himself for thinking that. All his advice has been bullcrap over the last few weeks.
He decides on carefully shifting you enough so that you're both laying down on the couch, making sure you won't fall off from it while he holds you close. After turning down the volume of the TV, he settles down eventually and falls asleep right beside you. ----
You squeeze your pillow tighter to yourself, sighing out lightly once you're comfortable again and continue to lay in the soft cushion with closed eyes. That is until a hand pats your shoulder lightly, gasping surprised at the unfamiliar touch. You sit up suddenly and look down to Duke. Duke? Since when is he here?
He grumbles in response to your sudden movement, squinting his eyes at you. »Geez, am I this ugly?« You scoff at his light joke, finally remembering and getting why you were cuddled up with him on your couch. The evening ended with you falling asleep against him against your will. Which lead to this... you can't say you are complaining at the moment, but you don't want to come off as a desperate person.
»Just confused you for my pillow.« You mumble back finally and settle back beside him with a small sigh, relaxing again. He smiles amused in return and rolls onto his back next to you. The room falls into silence briefly before the rustling of a blanket fills it in, currently snuggling up to him once more.
Duke can't help but feel his heart race, sneaking his arm around you to keep you close to his side. You can hear the faint beat of his heart against your ear as you stay snuggled to him, finding it both amusing and sweet how his body betrays him for his nonchalant attitude at the moment.
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a/n: there's no part two, boohoo. But don't worry, there's anothe rbig fanfiction waiting for you, I'm just currently trying to take care of everything at once, soo..... it will take a while. But I hope you enjoyed this request! Thanks again!!
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weeeeeekly · 3 months
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, mc is team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are "our love" and princess, & not edited.
wc: 1.4k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! this is fiction!!! this is made up!!! i do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in. mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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“I can’t do this anymore.”
You complain as you lean back in your office chair in an attempt to break your neck, so you won’t have to work or be conscious anymore. You were already having a shitty week after getting into a fender bender on your way to work and now working 8 AM to 4 PM. And 4 PM couldn’t come soon enough, on a Monday at that, so your sanity was slowly depleting. You started spacing out around 12 PM, so you took your lunch break right on the dot of the typical lunchtime. The break was what you needed as you took the hour to watch mind numbing, borderline baby sensory videos while eating your favorite sandwich with chips. Forcing yourself to add use nondairy milk this morning saved your stomach from destroying your insides. You do wish you had an excuse for getting more breaks to use the restroom though.
You let the rest of the random dance practice video play out as you space out. A light tap on your back snaps you back to reality with a startle as you remove your noise cancelling headphones.
Your boss smiles as she repeats herself but it’s only her filling you in about her newborn niece’s activities over the past week.
“She had her first strawberry, and she loves them now. She even threw a fit when she finished it. Let me show you a video.”
You fake a smile as you put on an act so your boss will still like you, throwing in an appropriate “so cute” and “awe” as the video goes in for much longer than you expected.
“Wait, let me show you the inspiration for her first birthday!”
At least you got that excuse for a long break.
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Soobin looks back to his members as they each give him a reassuring smile. Of course, the extrovert members would send him, an introvert, to speak to their long-lost soulmate and other half that they haven’t seen in centuries. He was not freaking out or anything. This was totally not an incredibly nerve-wracking moment.
“Hyung, your ears are red!”
“Stop teasing him.”
“Guys, please.”
The other members fall silent as Soobin finally knocks on the door. All five of them step back as they hear a faint “coming” and muted footsteps. When the door cracks open a little bit and half of your face peeks out, the group put on their brightest, dazzling smile.
You freeze in place as your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you stare at your favorite Kpop group outside your front door. In the same amount of time it takes Soobin to muster up the courage to greet you, you shut the door. They hear the distinct sound of a lock and then frantic footsteps away from them. Taehyun peeks from behind Soobin to ask their leader what they should do now but hesitates as he notices the deep frown on his face. Kai and Beomgyu share a worried look as Yeonjun pats Soobin’s back.
They’ll greet you properly later.
Back inside your apartment, you’re frantically pacing back and forth in your room as your mind is screaming a million things right now. You rationalize that this must certainly be a dream as you were quite tired from work today and must have taken a nap. Yes, a dream. You must be sleeping and comfort yourself from such a hard day you dreamt up a scenario where TXT has come to listen to your concerns and worries. But that comes crumbling apart when you look in the direction of your desk and you’re able to read the clock.
6:15 PM.
That can’t be right because you can’t read time in dreams. You grab your phone and scan the texts on your lockscreen.
            roomie i’ll be home late as i’m covering for a coworker. please don’t forget to eat dinner.
            roomie i’m going to make sure you eat something when i get back!
            roomie goodnight :)
Well, shit. Your glasses were not failing you so you could easily read and understand that your roommate was threatening you to eat dinner. So, to your disbelief and honestly terrible luck, TXT really was outside your door. The same TXT that covers a majority of your room’s walls with their beautiful faces on various posters from their albums – the same albums that you’ve been collecting sitting on their own designated shelf. The binder filled with little paper with pictures of their faces on it was not cheap either.
Your room was also pretty messy with a pile of clean clothes on the middle of the floor, the victims of your search from yesterday for a sleep shirt in a drawer. The rest of the room was a sight for sore eyes as well with the amount of shit was just everywhere. It would be embarrassing if they saw the state of it.
But why would you care what they thought. This was probably just a really insane fluke moment and if they were here to film content it would be for a few hours. Their protocol team would probably knock on your door a little later to have you sign an NDA and to not approach them. A few knocks on your door comes as a response to your thought but upon opening the door you’re only left with more questions.
There’s no one outside your door or in the empty hallway, only a tin box on your welcome mat greets you with a note taped on top.
Hello neighbor! We’re sorry for scaring you. Enjoy these cookies. Hope to meet you soon. From your new neighbors Steve, Daniel, Ben, Terry, and Kai :D
A smile appears on your face as you look to your left to see a stack of flattened cardboard boxes leaning against the door signaling that someone, or a group of someone’s, moved in. After you take the lid off another note greets you, but the handwriting is different.
sorry for not baking no time : (
You’re still not sure what to make of the course of events that happened in a short amount of time, but you do know that things will definitely be interesting.
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Just a few feet away on the other side of the thin wall sit the group that take up the majority of your mind. Soobin is sitting on the makeshift couch made out of a few pillows still in the plastic, attempting to read his book but failing to get past a single sentence due to his nerves. Yeonjun busies himself trying to make ramen they just bought for dinner. Beomgyu scrolls through his phone to see if the news has been released yet. Taehyun and Kai both sit on the floor and play a board game Taehyun brought.
They had been busy traveling from Seoul earlier in the day but their nerves wouldn’t let them calm down from the stress of getting the company to agree to it to looking as normal as possible so they wouldn’t be recognized and then to finally seeing you after all this time. Their hearts couldn’t be fuller, but the rest of their body was taking the toll as they couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer.
“Let’s eat!” Yeonjun says as he brings over the fried eggs to the foldable table that was being used as the dining table.
They all huddle around the cups of individual instant ramen and dig in. Sure, this wasn’t the healthiest meal, but this was their first meal since the plane food they ate over 12 hours ago. The only sounds that filled the empty apartment was slurping, but that changed when they heard you yell “WHAT” next door.
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Back on your side of the wall, your mouth is open as you reread the title of the notification you just got.
            [NOTICE] TOMORROW X TOGETHER to halt activities to film “In the Soop: Together”
Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC. We would like to inform you about the future activities of TOMORROW X TOGETHER.
The members SOOBIN, YEONJUN, BEOMGYU, TAEHYUN, and HUENINGKAI hope that MOA will see this as an opportunity for rest and new content. Activities will resume once the hiatus ends. TOMORROW X TOGETHER asks for MOA’s understanding and to wait.
Our company will also strive to provide all the support they may need during this time. We look forward to MOA’s love and support for future activities. Thank you.
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pacalternative · 7 months
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Hello everybody, you all know how sporadic posts have been on here, but I have been working pretty hard on updating a few things...So here's a few to keep in mind!
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Pac Alternative lore website is still being worked! The plan at first was to make a Toy-house World section to stuff in information regrading the AU, but It was met with some... technical difficulties. ( I underestimated how complex HTML can be.) Which is why the Toy-house update was taking a bit longer than it should have.
But luckily, I discovered last second I can just make a carrd. site with all the info people need to Start with LOL. Progress has been moving very smoothly. There's of course a lot of work to do, but what we have so far is looking pretty good.
You guys deserve a preview...
This is subject to change at any period of time but it's a start!
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To put it bluntly, the character references from last year don't hold up all too well now. Call it perfectionism or stubbornness, but after taking the time to look back on my methods of doing them, I wanted to handle it in a different approach.
Each of the refs going forward are going to be a bit more complex so I can have an easier time drawing outfits for the characters and understanding how to draw their body types as a whole. Think dress-up dolls as in ( under-garments, main and casual outfit). Not EVERY character will have this, but the ones I will be drawing the most, most definitely will.
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I'm already learning a ton from this way of doing them, It is going to take me a longer time showing the cast to you all. But I am happy to say that the Pac-people are ALMOST completed! I can't wait to show them off, but you are more likely to see them early on Toyhouse..,
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The comic writing wise is still in it's early stages...! After the site is completed I will be more motivated to get chapters 1+2+3 all written out by this or next year so I can finally start drawing out the main story! For now, though, mini comics will be more often to come out.
Sorry for this part of the update in particular taking a bit to get running, but the previous updates above are what I am the most focused on right now.
• • • •
ANDDDDD That is all for now! Thank-you to those who have kept interested in this project of mine and keeping me motivated.
Until next time folks!
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raspbeyes · 16 days
Lil drdt ep12 review/complaint, fresh off the skillet
So I JUST finished the new ep and I am so happy we can continue this story after its hiatus and appreciate the effort put into it again!! Again, these are my initial thoughts, but I felt this issue persistently through this new ep
I feel like the contents of the case were not discussed enough. Whoever that killer is (obv not david) is having a blast by how much this cast would rather dry out their dirty laundry than focus THAT AREI *JUST DIED*!!
But even if this is likely in character for the cast, since a lot of major things happen between the group aside from the main murder in this trial, it still hinders the story itself
Like through the whole thing I was waiting for David to stop confessing his repressed romantic feelings for Xander attempting to confuse everyone for the millionth time and just have teurko or Charles or anyone cut in and discuss the overwhelming amount of unexplained evidence and incidents - like the laundry stuff or nico and ace or THE FISHIES. Less apologies and explanations of misguiding the trial and more looking for alibis pleassseee how did we spend the start of a 22 ep discussing the lack of alibis and end it with still no alibis
It could be the hiatus brain talking rn, so who knows how this ep feels watching it back to back (who knows, maybe this is just how most drdt, or just dr trials go), but for this chapter to be even longer for what is only the second trial of the game has me worried for longevity of the project. It feels to me, right now, that ch 2 is getting a bit bloated in trying to juggle all these ideas
There def is a lot dropped about david, and I'm sure there can be a lot to be speculated of all the confusing things he has said to help with the larger picture but I wish that info was saved for the post trial or post execution instead
Anyway happy drdt is back regardless and very hyped for more content :>
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mordaciousmurderer · 1 year
Sticky and Sweaty
Captain John price x fem!reader smut
A/N: Yall just happened to be left alone for a stake out and you’re stuck in the hottest, dampest room. Ok guys i literallt cannot write smut but i am so fucking horny for this man I just HAD TO. asks r open for suggestions ;3
CW/ Fem!Reader, p in v sex, unsafe sex, fingering, porn with plot? a bit of aftercare, praise, price calls you a good girl
“Captain, I’m telling ya that nobody will show up. Laswell already ruled this area useless.” You groaned, your knees up to your chest and your back pressed flat against the wall. The two of you had been sitting in the dimly lit attic of a now abandoned safe house. Initial intel stated that the current drug ring they were investigating was doing a drop at this location and there was a chance that there would be hostages involved. Despite more current info saying that we spooked them and the drop was moved, Price insisted that you guys stake out here. Not only was it boring, it must have been at least 100 degrees in the attic.
“Just wait. A bit longer and we’ll pull out.” He was leaning against a table maybe three feet away from you. You could see him tuck his thumbs underneath the traps of his tactical vest.
“Thats what she said. Did you really have to pick the hottest room in the world?” You chuckle, adjusting your position and cringing as you feel your vest stick to your back. Your immature yet somewhat humorous joke was only responded to with an eye roll.
“Watch your mouth Lieutenant. You really can’t handle the heat hm?” He taunts, knowing he was just as sweaty as you. Both of your cheeks were flushed a gentle pink, a result of the temperature as well as the (not so) subtle flirtatious statements that had been thrown back and forth for the last hour.
You can’t help but whine slightly at the teasing statement, too uncomfortable to hold back a sour attitude anymore. “Can I PLEASE take off my vest? Since Ghost and Soap are on overwatch we’ll have a bit of warning if anybody comes up.” you pleaded, moving forward slightly to sit on your knees. Your desires to maintain the professionalism of this mission were fleeting with each bead of sweat that dripped down your temple. You couldn’t help but be painfully aware of being alone with your handsome Captain, one who you had been flirting with for as long as you’d been in the 141, the subtlety fading away with time.
Price pushes himself to stand up straight, stepping ever so slightly closer to you. “And why should I let you do that? Just because it’s a wee bit warm?” He rocks, shifting his weight from the balls of his feet to his heels which makes his chest pop forward slightly. “You’re a big girl, deal with it.”
You felt your thighs involuntarily squeeze together at the name, staring up at him from the floor. You couldn’t help but pout, damn near close to miserable. “Cmon… I know you’re just as hot as me.” You retort slyly.
Price felt himself going mad, taking another step towards you. You had an odd sense of persuasion in your voice, he hardly had the heart to say no to you. You were right, it was way too hot. He would kill to tear his vest off this second. Price purses his lips, “Fine. 5 minutes.” He agrees with a sigh and watches as your eyes light up. He watches as you practically tear the vest off, studying the way your t-shirt soggily clings to the curves of your torso. He bit his lip subtly, not realizing he got caught up in staring.
“Hey.” You interrupt his daze, standing up and setting the vest down on the table he was previously leaning against, coming to settle directly in front of him. “So you only let me take it off so you could get a better look?” You said lightly, a smirk coming across your face.
He stepped even closer, his hands settling on either side of your waist. You felt your heart flutter, this being the first time he’s touched you like this aside from lingering hugs and guiding hands on your lower back. Your hungry eyes met his, suddenly aware of your breathing. “Tell me to stop. Tell me I shouldn’t be doing this.” He mumbles, one hand snaking up your torso and landing to cup your jaw. You tilted your head slightly to press into the touch. “What if I don’t want to?” You respond and the tension in the air climaxes before he leans down, his lips crashing into yours.
Instantly, you kiss back hurriedly and sloppily. He was clearly just as desperate as you were, as he took almost no time to press his tongue into your mouth. His hands roamed your body, grasping your ass firmly, leading you to pull him closer by the straps of his vest. He pulled away slightly, glancing down at it. “Take it off.” you say simply and he pulls it over his head, plopping it next to where you had set yours. It takes maybe a second to reconnect your lips and you two head backwards, your back making contact with the wall you were previously sitting against. You feel your breathing stutter when his thigh splits between your own, pressing upwards.
“Fuck-“ You breath out when he trails down to kiss and nip at your neck, careful not to leave any marks where it’d be visible to the rest of the team. The forbidden nature of this made this all the better. Once again he comes back up to connect your mouths, pressing up against you. His hard on pressed against your lower stomach and you reached down to palm him through his combat pants which was met with a slight groan into your mouth. You felt your arousal pooling between your thighs, his hand coming to wrap around your neck gently.
“Can’t even control myself around you love-“ He breathes heavily, pulling back to fumble with the belt on your pants as you do the same to his. He pushed your pants down to your knees, watching closely as you pulled his cock out. Your eyes stayed locked on his length, pleasantly surprised by the size. You grazed your thumb over the slit, smearing precum over the head and beginning to pump your fist up and down, rotating slightly as you came up.
Price groaned, throwing his head back slightly. Your touch sent shivers up his spine, his mind melting at the slick sounds that filled the room. As much as he wanted to let himself come undone under you, he had other priorities. He gently moved your hand away smiling when you cocked your head to the side in slight confusion. To ease this, he simply slides your panties to the side, revealing your throbbing core to him. He smirked when he heard your breathing hitch as he slid his fingers through your folds, chuckling lowly when he felt your arousal. “Darling you’re absolutely fuckin’ soaked. Must have been all worked up for a while now..” He mutters in your ear.
“Price-“ You whine out, watching as his fingers disappeared between your legs. You whimpered pathetically as he began rubbing circles on your clit, extra sensitive from the prolonged tension. “Please. Please.” You sigh shakily, desperate for him to be inside you.
He shakes his head, slipping two fingers into you and curling them to draw out another moan from you. “Use your words love. What do you want?” He purred, enjoying the way you switched from a stoic soldier to a whining mess. You subconsciously stepped slightly further apart, desperate to feel him. “Fuck me. Just fuck me-“ You choke out and make a small sound of disappointment when he withdraws his fingers from you.
With that he wastes no time in lining himself up with you, briefly sliding the tip between your soaked folds before pressing into you, both of you moaning out in sync. You gripped at the fabric of the shirt on his chest, your brain going blank at the stretch his cock gave you. He set a mind numbingly slow pace, taking his sweet time before he bottoms out inside you, holding that position. You huff, looking back up at him to kiss him again. He begins thrusting into you, moaning into his mouth whenever his cock rams into your sweet spot. The lewd sounds of damn skin against damp skin reverberate throughout the room.
Price growled, not quite fucking you as deep as he’d like. He breaks the kiss to pick you up by your thighs, pressing you flush against the wall to distribute your weight in a way that was comfortable for both of you. It’s now when he starts pressing vigorously into you, helpless whines steadily flowing out of your mouth as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix in the most mouth watering way. “Y’look so beautiful fucked out under me like this.” He utters, groaning as he thrusts into you, feeling your juices drip down him and onto his heavy balls.
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself involuntarily clenching down on his length, approaching your orgasm. “John I’m close.” You whimper out, clinging onto him for dear life. He continues fucking you with the same pace. “Go ahead love, cum on my cock like the good girl you are.” He grinds down a bit, his pubic bone coming to rub your clit which brings your orgasm hurdling through you. You cry out, coming undone all over him as he fucks you through your high. You feel your cunt pulsating and with a few more thrusts he felt himself nearing the edge as well. The way you clenched around him harder than before coaxed his orgasm out of him. He pulls out of you, his cock settling between your two stomachs as ropes of cum shoot out onto both of you.
The two of you sat panting quietly for about ten seconds before he set you down gently, quickly putting his hands back on your waist when your legs slightly buckled beneath you. “Whoa- You okay love?” He asks you gently, one hand coming to cup your cheek. You nod with a smile, leaning in to kiss him once again which he gladly reciprocates. “That was.. Holy fuck.” You grin, your cheeks a steady shade of pink. He can only help but smile back dumbly for a few seconds before he remembers the cum on you guys. He quickly turns to see what he can use to clean up, settling on a couple napkins on the table next to you guys.
He wipes your tummy off gently, you watching him intently as he does. “You did so good. Took me so well.” He coos as he cleans you up, then himself. Once he finishes, you pull your pants back up and he does the same, only to be interrupted by the crackle of comms from the two vests you guys previously discarded.
“Cap, LT, we got two vehicles approachin’ the house.” Ghost’s easily identifiable voice droning through. Price looks down at you with a smirk on his face, adjusting his hat slightly. “Would ya look at that… Guess this building wasn’t so useless after all.” He states plainly, a twinkle in his eyes.
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tinknevertalks · 10 months
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Roll up! Roll up! It's that time of year again: the nights are longer, it's all feeling colder, and the shops are all trying to sell you stuff. But here in the Sanctuary side of fandom, it's the start of the festive fic exchange!
Do you like writing fic?
Do you like reading fic?
Do you like putting unnecessary stress on yourself to make a wonderful gift for someone, just to have half of the fandom turn around and say, "Aaaaaaah, that's exactly what I needed to read right now?"*
Then this is the fic exchange for you! Today's post is the sign up post. Under the cut will be a list of questions. All you have to do is send me either a DM or an ask with your completed questionnaire then wait for your match!
Sign up: 21st Nov - 5th Dec
Matches sent out by 7th Dec
Touching base post: 20th Dec**
Collection open for posting: 26th Dec
Collection reveal: 31st Dec
This is open to anyone in the Sanctuary fandom, regardless of character/shipping preferences. When it comes to fic length, the minimum is 300 words. I don't really wanna give a max (because I know how the muse can get sometimes), but if we cap it around the 2k words mark that should be cool.***
I'll be posting a link to this around the place (and reblogging again this evening for the later crew), and you are more than welcome to message/contact me with any questions, queries or concerns.
Under the cut: the questions!
Username on Tumblr/AO3: (I need a method of contacting you 😊. If you have neither, pop me your email or something? We'll figure it out.)
Things I am comfortable writing: (gen or shippy? Fluff writer or angst? Family feels?)
Things I would not want to write about: (all the things you don't wanna write - characters you dislike, pairings you don't vibe with etc. Also heads up on any triggers you might have - you don't need to explain the whys.)
What I'd like to receive: (go for gold! The more info you can give, the more tailored to you the fic will be.)
What I would not like to receive: (All the things that you do not vibe with, or squick you. Please please please again with any trigger warnings - I don't want a gift to upset you. 😊)
Any other info that doesn't fit in the other questions: (General vibes, could you be a pinch hitter, any thoughts, questions, etc)
And that's that. 😊 Thank you for joining in, and see you December 7th with your matches!
*You can answer no to this one - it's just how I am when it comes to these things. XD
**If you find you can't finish, or something comes up that means you have to pull out, please let me know so I can arrange a pinch hitter. I won't be angry or disappointed or anything because this is for fun, and your health (mental and/or physical) is more important.
**Obviously, if you find you go over a bit, don't freak out or anything. This is just for fun, after all.
84 notes · View notes
Bye bye?
Genre : half angst (more to 1/4)
Tw : none
Pairing : Mysta x child!reader (platonic)
Characters : luxiem and you, but Luca and shu doesn't get dialogues
Story : you're leaving...?
Info : the reader is about 9-10 yrs old
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"Hey, Mysta...?" you mumble, roused from your sleep by the noise outside.
All at once, the room falls silent as everyone's attention shifts slowly to you. Their expressions seem fraught with worry as if they're uncertain about what to do next.
"Did we wake you, (Name)? Sorry about that," Mysta apologizes, scooping you up.
You shake your head, assuring them it's fine. But you can't help wondering why they're all here. Glancing at the wall clock, you pause.
"It's almost 3 AM..." you murmur, tilting your head as you look at them.
"Well, we needed to discuss a few things. Sorry for the timing, but don't sweat it," Ike chimes in from the rear, his customary grin in place.
"Oh... Okay...," you reply with a sleepy yawn.
"Let's get you back to bed, all right?" Mysta suggests, to which you respond with a drowsy nod.
He carries you back to your room, lingering until sleep claims you once more.
"(Name)?" Mysta's voice gently pulls you from your slumber.
"We need to talk. Come with me for a bit," he continues, his arms scooping you up and leading you to the living room.
Still half-asleep, you respond with a sleepy hum and a nod.
"Alright," you mumble as you step into the living room, immediately sensing the tension in the air.
"What's going on?" you ask, your confusion evident.
"Well, you know I work as a detective, right?" Mysta begins cryptically.
"Yeah," you reply slowly, uncertainty tugging at you.
"This city... It's just not doing it for me anymore. I can't stay here any longer, so I've decided to move to another city," he says slowly, his words heavy with significance.
As his words sink in, your heart seems to drop.
"Wait... Does that mean I won't see you again?" you stammer, your voice wavering.
Mysta opens his mouth to respond but hesitates, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.
Tears begin to well up in your eyes, your voice trembling as you sniffle, "Please don't leave me."
You step towards him and embrace him tightly, your tears flowing freely.
Mysta returns the hug, holding you close. You sense the slight tremble in his embrace, matching the turmoil in your own heart.
"No, no, you'll see me again. I just can't say when," he murmurs, his voice soft.
"Promise?" you manage through your sniffles. "Promise, (Name)," he assures, his words offering a sliver of comfort.
You held onto each other, a silent understanding passing between you.
"Promise you'll come to visit, okay?" you plead, tugging at Mysta's shirt.
Mysta turns around, his eyes meeting yours. He crouches down a bit and pats your head gently. "I promise," he assures you.
You respond with a soft hum. "So... you're leaving today, right?"
"Yeah," Mysta confirms, his voice tinged with a touch of sadness.
"I guess I'll be seeing you again soon?" you say, a bittersweet smile on your lips.
"Yeah, you will. I'll make sure of it," Mysta replies, his voice wavering as tears gather in his eyes.
"Thank you for everything, Mysta. I know we’ll meet again soon, but I just want you to know how grateful I am for you for all this time," you say, your smile holding a touch of sadness.
"It's been my pleasure, (Name). And remember, I'll always be there with you," he reassures before standing up and giving you a final wave.
With a heavy heart, he turns away and starts walking towards the train.
As you watch him leave, your heart aches, but you hold onto the warmth of his promise and his presence that will stay with you, even in his absence.
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-> Well, I guess this is it, although I know you probably won't see this (I hope you never do Mysta) but watching you was very fun, thank you.
-> Good luck mystakes!!
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cairavende · 5 months
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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okay. i'm the anon with the normal story that ended up getting to an "i don't care i'm not the asshole" because of the other person turning out to be part of an odd otherkin cult but it genuinely doesn't matter. am i the asshole for killing off a player's character after they said they would leave the game if their character died? this happened a few years ago (2019-2020).
i (19NB) was the DM for a d&d game. i had made a friend who we'll call Max (20F) at college who liked d&d, and i had wanted to run a game for my friends of several years, so i wanted to invite her. Max got along pretty well with my friends during D&D for the most part, but there were some slight disagreements, but regardless, Max and my friends of several years did not talk much outside of D&D and scheduling D&D, and I wasn't going to force them to.
Covid starts, so we all sort of switch to discord and continue playing because the easiest place for us to play at (local library) is closed. One session, we have to end early because Max and another player started fighting about a rule, and wouldn't give me (as the DM) the space to come up with a compromise. Another session, we had an issue where she (after being given the floor to describe a kill she made) got way more graphic than any of us were expecting. I quickly wrapped up the session after and had to let Max know that she had went too far in her description. I spoke to everyone outside of Max after these occasions, and they had all admitted they were very uncomfortable with her behavior, but were willing to keep playing with her if she stopped. So, we play a few more sessions. After we started a boss fight and her character had taken a good bit of damage due to some unlucky rolls, she made a comment to me that was along the lines of "if [x] dies i think i'm just gonna step out of the game"
I had my out, and by the end of the boss fight (about 2 sessions[they were short]), I killed her character. Obviously, I made it seem like it was just a really unlucky day by fudging some rolls, but whatever.
But she changes her mind and doesn't leave the game, and rolls up a new character. She had no further major issues with anyone after her first character died.
The game finishes mid 2020, and before it ended, Max revealed she'd be moving by fall, so I would also never have to see her again in real life if I cut her off right as the game ended. Once it did, I acted as if my friends had just come clean to me about being uncomfortable with her behavior and I no longer wanted to speak to her because of it.
That's the AITA of it.
Anyway, early this year, after all of us have basically forgotten about this, I get an anonymous DM on twitter. It's a page run by Max actively detailing a spiritual cult that her and one of her friends and their boyfriend ran. They detailed several gods they worshiped, some of which were just characters I knew she or her friends liked, some were the more traditional witch gods and they spoke of a spiritual prison or something where her D&D character was now trapped in after I had cut her off. I look into it further. I found a tumblr blog of people claiming (with screenshots, photos, and videos) that Max financially, emotionally, and psychologically abused them. Anyway, does this addition change anything?
What are these acronyms?
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reedsofintimacy · 3 months
Hi everyone! Welcome to my bio! (It's a long one)
You can call me Reeds or Reed. Some basic facts:
💚 I am 25
💚 I am 6'4 = 193cm
💚 I am American
💚 I am ethnically Scandinavian
💚 I speak basic Français and 汉语
💚 I am a virgin 😇 I've actually never had my first kiss
💚 I wear glasses and am definitely a nerd
💚 I am straight
My tags:
#Ask Reeds - my ask responses
#ReedsPosts - my misc short posts
#ReedsWrites - my longer form writing
#ReedsIRL - photos/audio/media of me
I have a snap with the same username and am finally verified on PH! But i haven't posted anything yet.
This bio will be a bit long, so for more info on everything about me click below! 🥳
I'm a top, meaning I enjoy the act of pleasuring my partner more than having my partner be focused on stimulating me. If we had to pick a position, I'd want it to be the one that feels best to her, because seeing her loving it is what thrills me, less about min-maxing my own sensations
I lean a bit subby, meaning I'd prefer my woman to be in charge and take the lead, but I can be flexible and switch. Society has (sadly 🎻) not created many women who feel naturally comfortable bossing men around in the bedroom or elsewhere and really enjoy it. That's fine, I mostly just want to pamper my partner. Whether that's through worship and service as a sub myself, or spoiling a pillow princess submissive as more of a dom. It feels less natural to me, but when I see how happy and needy it makes her I'm very happy to give it my best 🩷 but I can't do super mean aggressive slap-slap-slap "what did you say to me!?" *punish *punish it just isnt in me.
So combining those two (top and sub), I like the sort of woman who while we're hanging out would decide she wants her pussy eaten, and so would spread her legs, and begin tugging a bit at me coaxing "babyy~ i think you need a little snack~ 😈🫦" and then watch a huge bulge form in my pants as my face makes contact with her thighs and I greedily service her until she can't take it anymore and pulls me up to kiss her instead.
Or while we're in a fitting room shopping for clothes would lift up her skirt, revelaing she isnt wearing any panties, and lean in giving me a big hickey and whisper "you're going to breed me in this fitting room 💋" and giggle as she leaned over into the position that always felt the best for her, eyeing my blushing red embarassed face, hesitating. "Or else I'll moan 👅💕" she'd threaten and tease, but silence herself with a bite of her lip when she felt me slide in and fill her, her personal fucktoy thrusting just the way she taught him until she gets everything she wanted, and then praises me with a "thank you, good boy 🥰😘" enjoying the helpless puddle I've now been turned into. Then slide her pants back on and walk out of the room with her pet's sperm still leaking down her thigh, off to go keep browsing while waiting for me to collect myself.
I'm fine with just plain vanilla sex ofc all cuddly and lovey with little growls of "you're mine 🫦"
🩵 BDSM ❓️
I'm not into bdsm like sadomasochism and pain play. Wax, knives, whips, black leather. I just don't get the appeal, I'm soft and sweet. Some light bondage to mix things up, collaring, etc is all fine but not too much beyond that.
🩵 Pegging ❌️
I am *not* into pegging 🙀 (gasp) I know. Heresy. But I don't want anything in my butt, see the above about topping. Although being pinned down and her riding her clit against my bottom to masturbate herself...😏💦
🩵 Humiliation & Praise
I like the idea of humiliation but anytime I've actually heard it its been super cringe. The fantasy of the "popular girls" inviting me to a sleepover just to watch how easy i get hard then pin me down and toy with me knowing whatever they show me would be the most I've ever seen, etc is really sexy to me 🫠 but the moment a real human voice is roleplaying it idk I find it hard to suspend disbelief and not be overly aware of myself and feel silly. Maybe its the anxiety disorder. Praise is always nice 🥰
🩵 Service
I consider myself a service top sub and love to worship and please someone, whatever it is that makes them turned on. That can be giving lots and lots of head and getting my face ridden 😍 or using my hands for her, or giving a foot massage, or chest kneading, or holding her book as she reads, or brushing her hair, or carrying her things, or worshipping her butt with kisses, smooching her tummy, clitwarming her in my mouth while she reads, etc. I love to be useful to someone and that extends to in the bedroom. Bonus if it comes with praise for doing a good job.
🩵 Breeding 💦
Creampies are so sexy, i dunno why you'd want to finish anywhere else. There's something so posessive about insemination and the idea of fertility and a cervix and womb thats just very 🥵. I also think the body changes associated with pregnancy are very sexy. Getting a cute tummy bump and swollen leaky breasts the prove I'm claimed to you now is yummy. But i dont think i want kids, definitely not right now, and theres nothing sexy about labor pains or abortions lol so for now this is more of a mental fantasy kink. But if they invented a birth control pill that still simulated the tummy and tits a bit and needed a particular potency and cycle timing to activate i would be alllll over it 😍😍 also maternity clothes are so cute.
🩵 Dry humping & grinding
I'm a very big virgin, so sometimes overly forward stuff just overloads my senses like blowing out a photograph with sunlight and i dont get much out of it. With dry humping the motions, the desperation, the longing for whats behind her panties but not quite getting it, the involvement of her clit which will feel really nice for her, how she rocks her hips controlling exactly what tempo will make her go absolutely crazy its just so needy and cute and sexy. Id love someone able to get off just by desperately rubbing agsinst my throbby bulge.
🩵 Posession, Lipstick stains, & Hickeys
Possession is very sexy and what better way than cute lipstick marks stamping me as owned. Or a collar, or her name written in sharpie on my underwear, or bites just under the shirt line. I want it all I want to be so so hers.
🩵 Lactation 🙈
Idk if the actual milk would be warm and gross irl but the idea that you can suckle someones pretty tits so hard it makes them leak, and that milk pressure builds up and gets achy needing to be relieved by a subs mouth is very 💦💦💦 plus needed to go through breeding to activate it usually is kinda naughty in a "I did this to you" type of way.
🩵 Me as a Dom
As far as being more of a dom goes, I think I actually prefer the ddlg side of things, which I think is currently out of style and unpopular. But I like the dynamic lending itself to pampering and spoiling someone and being more focused on sweetness relative to just being some sort of master figure. Also like littlespace gear is still so cute like pacis and onesies will be adorable forever its such a mix of cutesy girly and a bit humiliating for someone to wear that I really think it works 🩷When I identified more as a dom I kinda always wanted an abdl sub to baby and still think its cute and degrading and hot & am embarassed to admit that, I never e-dated anyone who actually did it. 💖 but if I'm the sub, while I have a mommy kink I'm not into regression or any of that stuff myself
🩵 Omo/pee (her, not me) sounds spicy and is hot to watch, idk if it'd gross me out irl. I used to be really into videos of girls wetting their pants or panties and something about it is still strangely hot. Have a tiny maybe fantasy of a girl making out with me straddling my lap and then just letting her bladder go as we kiss and grind soaking us both. 🙈
🩵 Collaring and petplay is cute, I'd totally wear one for her.
🩵 Getting referred to as "my little white boy" by a nonwhite person with a thing for white guys (🙈🙈 SHUTUP!!)
🩵 Minor humiliation like being teased by her panties or sat on/used as a stool etc
🩵 Not really an irl thing but in hentai when the girl is overstuffed and you can see the bulge pushing up her tummy 🥵
🩵 Corruption, of either of us and especially me.
🩵 Dirty Talk
One of my absolute favorite things to do is get to talk to someone as they touch themselves 🩷 turning them on with my fantasies and then begging them to please please please cum, spamming my words as they release so they can just read and not have to type just feel like im there with them 🥰
My taste in women irl is that I always have the biggest crush on the kindest girl 🙈 like the one who's proactive and honestly makes me feel bad for not being a better person when I'm around her. Someone who listens, has a big heart, Christmas is her favorite holiday just because of the cheer and her sweet childhood memories and she thinks its cute to hold hands. Who focuses on the positives whenever possible and wouldn't compromise her ideals to fit in socially. Not into gossip or putting people down, is nice to strangers, waitresses, etc. I think you get the point. Something about those sort of people imprints deep into my heart 💟
I am into successful, intelligent, driven women. Like "I was the president of ___ club, I'm a ___ position in this company, I have a degree in ___, I speak ___ and ___ languages, I play the ___" it all makes me just 🥵🥵🥵. I'd love someone who has some sort of public skill/hobby like playing in an orchestra 😍 or doing community theater or playing in a sports team, anything where I can show up and get to be a cheerleader like 🥹😻 that's my baby up there!!! And get to clap and cheer and compliment how she did I just think would be super cute and fun. Then take her out to dinner afterward for doing such a good job ⭐️
I don't find typical domme-aesthetic things like -- *Smoking *Vapes *Weed *Lots of tattoos *Short hair *Goth vibes *fishnets *dyed hair *promiscuous *into knives and blood -- to be very attractive personally. Just not my type.
I'm more into miss innocent church girl, honors student valedictorian who secretly has had a high sex drive awakened and guess who walked right into her trap 👀💦 she secretly corrupted herself and now she's going to corrupt me 🙈❤️‍🔥
I totally get the sex appeal around the bully type domme who is all tough, even if she shows you her sweet side, and that sounds super hot on paper but idk irl I just don't seem to be into people who are actually that way. Its very "sexy" but it isn't compatible on a deeper layer
I don't really care about age. Obviously they *must* be legal but college student who is younger than me vs someone my age vs milf who is a bit older it's all a wash. All have their distinct appeal. All get a 👍.
Height is also inconsequential. I mean I'm (6'4 193cm) or thereabouts so I'm nearly always going to be a fair bit taller than my partner regardless of her height. I think the size difference is cute, something about having a 4' in your height is just idk a bit hot? Lol but i have no real preference I like the whole spectrum and never really think about height, and hypothetically if I *could* find a woman who's my height or taller, that'd be sexy too 🥰 Different flavors but all delicious.
I am a genuine fan of both more curvy and more skinny body types, but less so each extreme. A slim figure and grabbable waist i can fit my hand around and a lil *pow* booty is scrumptious, but if she's so skinny its like borderline unhealthy and it feels like id break her if I grab her wrong and I can see all her bones 😬. Of course I'm very happy to support a partner struggling with an ed or who has had one in the past, but I want my darling more than anything to be healthy. Likewise curvy people can be extremely yummy 😋😍, I love a curvy tummy in a bikini it oozes fertility. but if its to the extent it prevents her from going on cute lil hikes with me and creates health problems then I'd want to help her workout and cook her some homemade healthier food so she can feel better and be more energized and well. But purely aesthetically ❤️ curvyness is a yes. So are stock standard body types ❤️
Breasts and everything to do with the body is actually kinda gravy because for me its the *face* that I'm attracted to and the body is just the fun present that comes along for the ride. Nothing about someones chest size or whatever would make me unattracted to them if i liked their face. Buttt obviously a full chest is nice, but i hesistate to say big because it really depends on weight and body. Fullness relative to body type so that it 🥳 pops is most sexy. So a skinnier girl will be a smaller size, but being skinny and still having a fairly prominent bosom makes it 🥳 pop. Likewise being curvy will grow the size, but some people already big will now develop 💥turbo milkers💥 that 🥳 pop. So its less about surface area or bra size and more about protrusion from the chest, and ofc big is nice ❤️ that being said an itty bitty chest while independently less sexy becomes part of a persons vibe and fits into the whole which as a connected body can be very attractive 💋 Plus then you get to wear pretty bralettes. I'm not really hyper aware of tit sizes but I did want to explain what I think most guys mean when they say they like "big tits" but also we dont pay that close attention a boob is a boob and theyre all fun so just 🩷 love your body mkay?
Bootys i notice less person to person, theres just like 3% of the population that has 💥💥 in their pants and *also* dresses to accentuate it and show it off and look we all think those people are 🤤🤤 like making a protruded lil mound out of their tight jeans or rocking some yoga pants or leggings. Hottie hot hot but 97% of us have unremarkable normal butts.
One thing I *am* really into, the closest thing I have to a "type" is long hair ✨️✨️. Like i have never seen a girl with hair past her butt I didn't want to marry. Mid-back 😀 waist length 😃 past butt 🤪 the longer the better. Idk what it is it just seduces and intoxicates me its so pretty. I know its such a pita for women to maintain which is why its very rare, and my partner can have her hair however she wants it i wouldnt want her to suffer for me, but super long hair is just goddess tier its like the one physical attribute i have a clear robust preference on. Short hair indeed can be cute but long hair will always win in my heart. Straight, a bit wavy, curly honestly it doesnt matter that much its all gorgeous. Long hair my beloved 💕 may i have my lady sit on my lap and allow me to brush it for her some day. I want to help wash it and learn 1,000 ways to style it for her, although hanging free is the best 😍
People have different physical sensitivities, and I think I prefer having a pretty sensitive partner. I've had before during sexting where I'd spend 3 hours naughty talking someone and sexting while they touch and still just barely cum by the end, and other partners where we'd be going 20 mins and she'd go 🥺 I'm really close and I'd beg her to let it go and then she'd release and then probably be too sensitive to even go again for a whole day. That was soooo cute and sweet to me. Since I love pleasing someone so much getting that validation more quickly was really nice and also fit my schedule better, and it would be so creamy and throbby and pulsy when she was done it made my eyes roll back to just watch it. And she'd have to be so careful about how much she touched or it would ache even if she was soaked and horny still. It was really endearing ❤️ everyone is different and needs different amounts of time but I'd prefer someone where I can pour everything into a really great 30 or 40 mins as opposed to being up all night trying to get them off. Being especially creamy is also a plus 🤭
I'm totally fine with someone who is a little too tight and has to be really gentle with themselves, its cute and I don't mind at all if most days all she can tolerate is a gentle tonguing and some kissing. Same with if she's too sensitive and has to stop early before I finish, so long as she gets off and is satisfied I'm a happy camper 😇💖 But nothing wrong with stamina either
So concludes the sexual information!
💚 About Me Personally 💚
🩵 I am musical 🎶
I play the guitar 🎸 and previously played the drums 🥁 and piano 🎹 and even have a clarinet
🩵 I'm a big reader 📖
I have a particular interest in Classical Eastern Literature and have read things like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Valmiki Ramayana, Journey to the West etc. I'm a big fan of classics in general, my favorite book of all time is the Count of Monte Cristo
I also have been getting into classical SciFi, been reading a lot of PKD and some Dan Simmons and Kurt Vonnegut and it's been really enjoyable so far.
🩵 I'm a programmer
I can do fullstack web development from html to nginx and work mostly within the dotnet ecosystem.
🩵 I'm a nerd en général
I love learning things. My first love is the sciences, I went to college for chemistry. I would love to have time to improve my terrible math skills and pick up Korean as a another language, and want to level up my world history especially with regards to Africa and Southeast Asia both of which I am fairly unacquainted with.
You can talk to me about productivity systems, desk setups, fountain pens, video games, and other weird nerd things.
🩵 I want to travel
I've never left the US and one day would love to get to see more of the world.
🩵 I do some amateur writing
I enjoy making my lil erotica mini stories here, and also sometimes in my freetime plan out silly novels and short stories never to be published but just for fun.
💚 I think I'll end things here for now, there's definitely more to me but that should be an effective enough primer. If you made it this far and havent dm'd me...wtf is wrong with you?? We're basically already friends now? 😘
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Azul 18
Summary: There’s a delicate period in the health of the recently overblotted that one must watch over. So delicate, in fact, that Azul was required to be quarantined in your dorm.
(You know, I was always disappointed with the fact that the housewarden’s health was just, strained and not ravaged by the fact that their own magic was this close to killing them.)
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“Where am I?” Despite being disorientated, Azul’s first instinct was to try and don on his stance from his office. It’s easy to see his muscles aren’t working with him, so all you had to do was gently push him back down.
“Relax, don’t stiffen your shoulders like that.” Seriously, he shouldn’t strain himself. He’s still on painkillers. “Back to bed with you. Doctor’s orders.”
You even have the paper with you to prove it. You would give it to him but his mouth was running, albeit a bit sluggish. You’ll wait a bit, for a lull so you can dump the info and go. Doctor did say he’ll be waking briefly before slipping back into sleep.
“Bed? Wait, this isn’t Octavinelle. And is that the sunset? What time is it? Wait, what happened to me? To my Mostro Lounge?”
Whenever kids ramble too much for this bodies to keep up with, you liked to gently pop their mouth with your hand. Though, since you don’t exactly want to feel his lips on your skin, he’s not someone you know after all, you tapped them with the nutrition shake you had planned on leaving on his bedside. That shut him up real quick.
“Shush. You’re at Ramshackle. Yes, the sun’s setting. It’s the weekend. You overblotted. And your little restaurant is fine running without you.” You did have doubts to be perfectly honest. You half expected Jade and Floyd to make some unexpected renovations but no, they’re going about their business as if Azul never overblotted in the first place.
You pulled the drink back, dropping it on his lap before giving him the doctor’s note.
“Doc said you could relapse, so you have to be away from any and all magic, including magic users. This, of course, includes using your magic, so don’t think about it. Until your body is no longer a sponge for blot, I’ll be your babysitter for a bit. Oh, and drink that. Doc also said you can’t have solids, so that’s about the only nutrition you can get.”
You have a concerning amount of nutrition shakes on the account that you barely have time to cook. The ghosts are merciful, making your meals for you.
Azul looked strange, on this old bed covered in new fluffy white sheets. He didn’t have his glasses, his hair was a mess and he looked more ragged than when the ink finally seeped out of him and he fell onto the seabed.
Records of overblot, from what you can find, always placed emphasis on the state during rather than the aftermath. It’s natural, given the havoc any overblot can cause. It’s not just the victim that’s in danger, but the people around them as well. The more powerful you are, the more dangerous the overblot. Rarely does anyone make note of how the recovering individual is still at risk at relapsing, should the conditions be too stressful. Or magic rich, given how raw their nerves are after having their magic and blot mix and invade their person.
“…” Azul deigned to not give you an answer, simply squinting at the paper as though it’ll give him more answers than what’s already present.
“Well, if you don’t need anything, I’ll be leaving. I still have cleaning to do, A janitor’s work is never done.” But at least you’re being paid handsomely to keep quiet about this incident. Soon you’ll be able to renovate this place from the ground up into something truly lavish.
You heard the familiar click of a bottle being opened. Azul tipped his head back and chugged it all down. Well, as much as he could chug it down, given he can’t raise his elbows past his shoulders. He shuddered and flopped back onto the bed. You collected the bottle from his loose hands before making your way out.
“Why,” Azul coughed out, just the act of swallowing all that was enough to exhaust him, “are you helping me?”
Funny how the other two housewardens asked this very same question. And you have a suitable answer to give. One that will register clearly in their heads without badgering you with questions.
“Because,” you looked over your shoulder, tossing the empty bottle into the trash outside the room, “while you’re here, you have no choice but to think of ways to make it up to me. You pulled a lot of bullshit back there.”
You can’t exactly admit to him, or anyone in this college, that it’s simple manners to care for the sick and injured. Sick and injured means they’re weak, and everyone in this damn place never want to be anywhere near that word, let alone implications. And it doesn’t help that they side-eye any sort of kindness that doesn’t have strings attached.
Better to speak their language. Makes it easier.
“And? What if I decide I don’t owe anything to you?” His eyes narrowed, as expected, but they’re not baffled at least. Within his line of expectations.
“You will.” One things for sure, even if you admit you have no way of making them repay, the other two have done so without much complaint.
“Excuse me?”
“You will. Repay me, that is. You do realize I’m not the only set of eyes watching you, correct?” And just as you said it, flickers of golden dust kissed your windows. Faeries have a finesse with magic that no other person can replicate. But still, they know they can't linger around this room for too long. “Besides, folks like you aren’t keen to be parasites upon the mercy of others.”
Azul already looked like a fragile piece of coral in that puffed up bed, but the sigh that left him made him look thinner than a morgue sheet. “I give up. I really can’t escape making a due payment, can I? I suppose I was too harsh in my…decision to take your dorm from under your nose.”
“And attempt to convince you to negotiate with your little friends into working for me.”
“Bribe, Ashengrotto. And the faeries are still pissed at you for that.” To imply those faeries are somehow under your command, that opinions mattered less than yours was an insult to them. And what is it with him and trying to soften the blow into his own deeds? Does he really think that type of framing will do him any favors?
“Of course they are. Foolish of me to forget their delicate temperaments.”
“Oh trust me, you would’ve made them angry one way or the other.” Faeries aren’t too keen on greed, but fate certainly has a way of attracting those unsavory individuals to them. “So no need to worry about that. Just rest. You’ll be here for a while. Think of it as a vacation, or something.”
A vacation that will drive you mad with how little there is to do here, but still. He has no choice but to adapt until the doc gives him the green light to attend college again.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
So I started Not Me... (IT'S SO GOOD)
(@wen-kexing-apologist It took longer than planned but I have begun)
I am watching SLOW with people in rather different timezones from me and I had planned to wait till after OF (cause how much First can I cope with yk) but then @anon451 sent me this gif...
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...and did I really have a choice?
I just finished Ep 5, I watched Ep 1 three weeks ago, waiting is torturous but I am excercising patience.
SO while I have been thoroughly distracted by how much I am enjoying this show (It's so ENGAGING), have some notes so far.
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Why is everyone so pretty in this show for reals????
Young boy seperated from half his family takes on his twin brothers persona to find out who tried to have him murdered honestly DOES NOT sound like my thing...and yet...
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...I'm starting to think I'm wrong about what my thing is.
Young man goes on journey of self-discovery and exploration where he is exposed to his own privellege and confronts both the extremism that it can forge but also his own self and views and how he is benefiting from the system and how he can fight it...(from the outside? from within?). Told through his own thoughts, his growing relationships with the "friends" of his twin brother and the contrasting conversations with said friends and his father...
AND we have this story explored in a different thread of "rebelling from within" in our newly discovered cop/artist storyline, cannot wait for that to pan out more!!
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(Hey Gawin is totally in this picture okay??)
I never really thought friends were the one's who beat Black up so if that ends up being the case I WILL be shocked
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EP 5
This ep however I started to feel uneasy about Todd...
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(OMG seriously what's with the PRETTY did they put something in everyone's water??)
We got two different convos which seemed a bit more interogatery than I'd like, maybe he just really wants to know who hurt Black, or maybe he's using White to figure out what the friends are up too...
He IS being presented as very rich and privilegedin this show, in ways that the show is making a point of pointing out problems with (mostly in regard to Black/White's privilege but this also applies to our very rich Todd I would think...)
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So is Todd being a good friend?
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Is he Blacks emergency contact? I mean he must be if the hospital called him? or was he there for the beat down and then took Black to the hospital and that's why he was there?
What about the mum, what happened with her? Does she know Black nearly died? (discussed more in a mo)
Todd was the one the hospital called when Black nearly flatlined...
Also the beat down happening so soon after White arriving from Russia...did Todd know he had returned?
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Also the ENTIRE car convo felt weird
W: Have you talked to my mum? She might be able to help
T: I reached out, she said she would leave it to the authorities. She wan't no involvement
(How bad was this falling out? Does she know White's back?...or is Tod lying??)
W: Todd, should I go see her?
T: You can but I don't think it'll help. The fight between Black and her was huge. It was so bad they decided to cut each other off. You know that Black got involved in some unlawful business, and your mother is a judge. They're on different sides.
(Todd casually starts prying for more info without pause...(left out B's answers))
T: When you said you'd quit, what did those guys say?
T: Do they want to keep going?
T: Do you know what they're next move is? Is it about Tawi?
T: If you're to do something you must learn all about their plan, it's too risky otherwise
T: Are you going to stop them?
It...it just feels like a lot, although given the nuance of the show so far I don't necessarily think they'll go with Rich = Bad so maybe I am reading too much into this.
I certainly WANT him to only be motivated by helping Black and White get to the bottom of whatever is going on.
I mean obvious answer is Tawi sent people to beat up Black, but why Black specifically? did they know he was the ring leader? Have our gang damaged Tawi's properties before?
We also have Eugene the girlfriend, who Eugene thought Black had broken up with...
Plus whatever maybe feelings are going on/have been going on here
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(So is White's theory that Eugene made that but never gave it right...or did Black actually give it to Eugene??)
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(Also I know they won't but can I at least get one kiss?? Look at this chemistry ugh please please??)
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Although this IS working for me too, which I was a bit worried about, OffGun are not really a couple I've responded too before. But I am enjoying their dynamic in this a lot
I love the visuals, I love the characters, I love the story, I love the growth, (I keep getting distracted...)
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Can't wait till next time!!
@plantsarepeopletoo @shouldiusemyname
Don't know when the next update will be...let me know if you want/don't want to be tagged!
Also I know I asked questions but I don't want answers!!
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