#I am fine saying Beryl is still 17 and inside a pub
zahri-melitor · 5 months
How old do you think Tim Drake, Damian, and Beryl are in Batman Incorporated? (I'm just asking for fic research purposes)
I mean first of all, which version of Batman Incorporated?
Batman Incorporated 2011 period is pretty clear in that Beryl is 17-18, Tim is 17 and Damian is 10. I'd have to reread Knight and Squire to get the exact references, but the impression I got from it had Beryl as very much implied to be doing her A-Levels during it and that the village expected Cyril to pay for her to go to university.
Batman Incorporated 2012 is very much the direct sequel to the pre-Flashpoint story. The ages might have shifted a little, but I would still pitch Beryl as 18, Tim as 16-17, and Damian as 10-11. That's the thing - Cyril dying derails all of Beryl's future plans right as she becomes an adult.
Batman Incorporated 2022 I have not read yet, but Beryl's still only in her early 20s here if she's matching her timeline to everyone else's.
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