#I am extra in my feelings lately sorry for the mush
kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield at the Paris Theatre the day of the Tick, Tick...BOOM! premiere
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majeoeje · 4 months
Thousand suns
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Tanjiro X Reader
I'd give you my heart even if i knew you’ll break it
He changed you. In was subtle and painfully slow, but it was far too late for you once you realized the hold that Kamado Tanjiro had on you. He practically got you wrapped on his fingers without him realizing
"I accidently bought an extra haori, on my last mission, i thought it would look nice on you" he said, with that priceless smile of his
Now you never left the house without it.
"That's a really beautiful hairpin [name], it suits you well!"
Now you always wear it.
"I love how this tea is so fragrant, thank you so much for bringing it to me" he says, still smiling despite breaking countless of bones in his body
Now a cup of warm jasmine tea always mysteriously appear beside his table every day he lay to rest in the infirmary.
You truly could get lost in the echoes of his voice calling your name as your heart swells in contentment.
GOD. It was embarassing. Some part of you resented how easily swayed you were when it comes to him, acting like a lovesick fool, wearing your heart on your sleeve. But how could you not? When the boy right in front of you has the purest heart out of everyone you ever met in your life. If it was him, you wouldn't mind having your heart break again and again until it could only be recognize as a pile of mush.
But nonetheless, you wouldn't give him your heart. you wouldn't want him to see how tainted you truly are, a tarred and rotten soul.
The only thing beautiful that truly came from your heart was your newfound love for him. But of course you knew it wasn't right for him to be with someone like you, it wasn't right... you should do everything in your power to stop it. But your selfish desires wanted to keep this feeling. Even if it's only for yourself, and you hated that.
"[Name] you're spacing out again.... are you alright?"
He touched your hand, you could feel the calloused hard skin of his palm under your bandaged hand. The warmth in itself could set you ablaze
"Ah- sorry Tanjiro, my mind was.. somewhere else.."
"That is quite alright.... But are you feeling better now? That tree demon was quite the handful is it not? Haha!” he says, trying to lighten the mood, as he always do. You layed helplessly with 8 broken bones and a harsh scar that dragged from your right shoulder to your left waist, his existance could soothe all wounds in your body.
"You're right!.. Ahaha..ha.." you laughed uncharacteristically dry, trying to make your point accross for him to just go away.
But he only sat himself closer to you, before he starts chatting away about his wonderful day with the water hashira Giyuu, and his soba eating contest. It was heartfelt, heartwarming and so so precious. How you wanted to just listen to his voice all day...
He was cut off from his story, looking at you confused
"I think.. it's time for you to go. I am rather-...tired, i wish to rest"
The doubt and hurt expression in your face sent strings of guilt in Tanjiro’s heart, he was so immersed in your company that he didn’t realize your discomfort.
"I apologize for keeping you at bay, please rest well [Name]!” he said, before he sweetly tucked your blanket and fixed your pillow for you
“I’ll write to you! I hope the letters doesn’t get lost in the way this time too”
The familliar sounds of his steps gradually becoming more faint as he went away
"I'm the worst." You say (you are, there’s no doubt about it)
You sat yourself eyes glued to the drawer filled with Tanjiro's unanswered letters. You slowly took one, and held it close to your heart. You could still smell the dried wisteria flowers that he gifted you along side it.
"Well that was..” a voice suddenly said not visible to your line of vision
“INCREDIBLY STUPID.” Goto said, an unlucky Kakushi that by some unfortunate chance had to listen to your pathetic teenage love story.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE???!!" you said, surprised. Has your instincs as a demon slayer weakened over the course of your bedridden days? It has only been a week??
"Maybe if you weren't so enamoured by him, then you'd notice i've been standing here the whole damn time." The vein bulging out of anger in hid forehead was far from not visible.
He was right, despite your efforts in trying to avoid him, everyone could notice how your eyes still wouldn’t budge away from him
"Can you not?..Don't you see that i'm a heartbroken mess??"
"AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT" he said, as he poked your face aggresively.
You looked at him offended before turning the other way. You both knew the answer
He sighed. He was a 23 year old man, consulting 2 teenagers on their love life. Dream job right here..
But despite his irritated tone. You could tell there was sincerity in his words. You had grown used to his counseling daily over these week.
Well it's not like you could go anywhere else.
"Look kid, i know, you think that you're not good enough for him because of something you did in the past.. but, that kid looks at you-"
"He looks at everyone like that-" you cut off again, before earning an earnest pinch on your arm"
"OW OW-"
"LET ME FINISH." He sighed again "he looks at you as if you hunged the stars, it's wildly obvious. i think that despite what you believe, out of everyone... maybe Tanjiro could forgive you for what you did in the past."
Forgiveness.. could anyone ever forgive you for what you did? You were at fault for the destruction of your whole village. To say that someone in this world would think anything else but vicious of you would be something more self serving.
You were glad you were still face the other way. Because at least you could pretend that you weren't crying over this.
"... you're just saying that to make me feel better..." you said pathetically as you layed on that infirmary bed miserably. You haven't missed a day where you haven't wondered if the outcome would've been different.
"Maybe. But you wouldn't know until you've said something. Don’t throw this away, is all i’m saying" he shrugged, before leaving the infirmary. Leaving you to reflect
You look to the side to find Tanjiro's blade being left behind. He left his sword.. you thought
But it's okay.. you can just ask someone else to retreive it. It's no big deal just don't think about him!
Alone at last..
Alone again.
You were always okay with that. But having to meet Tanjiro, some parts of you could bear to stand it no longer. As if a gnawing feeling to seek his presence haunts your dreams and every waking moment. How could you wish to recover from this? How can you recover from him?
You couldn't..
What if he needed his sword..? You said internally, knowing well he was just going to The Water Hashira’s residence for a meet up. What if he encouter a demon on the way there? Better safe than sorry... you thought, knowing well it's 7 in the morning
The sounds of your steps echoing through the corridor of the butterfly estate, at first Aoi was too busy cooking to notice but the sounds of your painful screech and every huff through your painful steps on the hardwood floors
But your instincts maybe had really dulled because you didn’t hear Aoi coming out of the kitchen
"Going somewhere?"
Aoi says, with the knife that she forgot to set aside in his hand. The murderous aura coming out of her wasn't helping whatsoever...
"....Just taking a walk?.... AhaHA- please put that down, Aoi... "
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING!!" She yelled at you, scolding you for your behaviour knowing damn well you're supposed to be resting.
What you didn't know however was that Tanjiro was already on his way inside the Butterfly Mansion once again, remembering to retrieve his sword.
Though his hearing wasn't that very good after the fight with upper moon 4 making him walk straight to your heated scolding session.
"Sorry Aoi.." you said, in what you could only describe as your defeated cries.
"Aoi-san? What's wrong?.." he said, finally realizing the situation after seeing you sat on the floor while Aoi stood up waving her arms around like a parent after finding out their child did something bad.
Aoi let out a groaned before instructing Tanjiro to escort you back to your bed.
Seeing you carry around his sword though lets him know of your intentions. Seeing that precious smile plastered on his face made you somewhat embarassed... it's as if he could read you easily like an open book. It was as if even if you tried to do anything discreet, he'd found you out everytime. It was as if no matter how many times you run and hide your adoration from him.. that smile would appear and ruined it all.
"Thank you [name], you didn't have to do that...." he said as he sat you on the infirmary bed. "You're
"It's nothing really... but-" you tried to give a rebuttle, trying to downplay your situation.
"And here i was afraid you might be avoiding me for some reason...." he said, maybe he didn't realize it. But that smile could melt you sooner than the power of a thousand suns "I'm glad!.. i really am.."
Oh.. there it is that tingly feeling again.
you're fucked.
"I'm sorry Tanjiro... but, you're actually correct" you could even say he's on the nose... haha.
"I must admit that i have been avoiding you. And trust me it's nothing against you.." oh it's everything against him.
"I want you to know that.. so please do not worry"
You held his hand, the thought he would pull away from your touch hanted your mind, but he sat there intertwining his fingers with yours. You could get lost in him. His touch, his voice, his warmth.. and those eyes.
"Then... would you tell me what happened?.." he asked, the melody of his voice lulling you in a daydream
"I.. i think i fell in love w-" SHIT. That was your outside voice.. you blame him for distracting you in such manner.
"HUH-" Tanjiro were surprised with your words.. pushing a precariously obvious intrest in his tone of voice "W-with who?.. ahaha-" he laughed nervously
"I- it doesn't matter!!" You shook your head violantly feeling him coming closer. The proximity only pushing you to spill all your guts altogether...
"I- it's just that.. it doesn't matter because he doesn't love me back.. you know?... there's no way he would ever accept a heart like mine" you say incredibly negative, waving your hand around like some idiot. Breaking the handholding that was previously established. “Which is why i’m a little down in the dumps lately… but i know i’ll get over it so don’t worry!”
"Ah-" you felt Tanjiro catching your hands in the air and putting them together”
“Anyone who rejects your heart are clearly stupid!” Tanjiro says, rather angrily. “Please don’t be upset.. that person couldn’t began to imagine your value!!”
Well you technically weren’t rejected yet, he may has misunderstood.
“You really don’t have to comfort me Tanjiro.”
“I’m serious..” he pried, wanting you to see his truth “you’re kind. More than you think. You’re sensitive… loyal.. not to mention determined-“
“It’s lovely. Your heart that is..”
You were taken aback by his words. It’s as if you could hear a sweet melody playing along with the uncontrollable beat of your heart as your cheeks grew warm unwillingly
This moment was nothing but tender, you wanted nothing but to melt in his arms.
“You’re probably the only one who thinks of me that way, Tanjiro.”
Your words rang nonsense through his ears. How can that be true when you take his breath away in every second of the day? If he could then he’d happily spend hours of his day explaining every wonderful aspects of you. He’ll hammer that idea in your head if he could.
"Then.." he trailed of. Breaking eye contact. You missed the way flush spread all over his complexion all this time, only realizing the embarassement and hesitance that was plastered obvious so
"Can i have it?"
"Your heart.. May i have it?" He said, fixing his words as he looks into your eyes in anticipation. "That is.. if you're willing to have me of course."
At this point you don't think you could even give your heart to anyone else...nor even him because your heart has probably already exploded at that moment.
It took you more than a while to process with Tanjiro looking at you, concerned for you, he didn't even know if you were lucid by how many times he called out to you.
"SAY SOMETHING YOU IDIOT" Said Goto behind you, as he swiftly hit you right in the head. Yup, that does the job
"But- i- you.. i think maybe you-" your words got caught up in your throat as Tanjiro inspects the back of your head right where goto landed his unforgiving blow, that will surely leave a bruise.
You could hear Tanjiro’s worried comments about how mean it was for Goto to do such a thing as he caress your bruise trying to soothe the pain.
"Fix your breath,kid" he said, clicking his tounge in impatiebce before disappearing again, he knows when you need a moment alone. Reliable as always, though it gets creepy how he shows up out of no where.
Despite his harsh punch, you knew he was right. You took a deep breath and exhaled, calming your nerves, while Tanjiro sat beside you attentively
“Tanjiro..” you called his name, you never wish for it to be the last time you do. So you might as well tell your truth
"You.. you're the kindest person i ever known. But i have a background that is beyond tainted, it's not right for me to keep that from you. Please understand that i'm a person who will forever bear the consequences of my sins, i... there's no reality where i can think that i deserve you."
That would go along a fact that maybe there wasn’t a reality where you didn’t yearn for him.
"Don't say that.. please don't say that!" He yelled, now clenching your hands despretely
“If i have to, then i’ll bear half of your sins so that you didn’t need to feel that way.” He loved you, despretely. And it pains him that you thought of yourself that way when he worship the ground you walk upon
“I want you to know that there’s no reality where i don’t love you”
You intended to say ‘i love you too’ you loved him above all else. But the words got caught up in your throat,replaced by your choked sobs
Tanjiro sat there, comforting you, wiping away your tears patiently.
To help people was something that Tanjiro always aspires to do. He does it even without thinking.. but when it was with you, he can't help but overthink his actions would they like this? Would it be weird if i complimented them? Would it be too obvious? At some point he worries the nice things that he tries to do for you ultimately come from the a selfish desire to woo you. He worries it wasn't genuine and it was self serving. He worries that he wasn't doing this right.
But what he worried the most was that he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop basking in your smile, your light, your attention, your presence. He knew he was getting spoiled.
"Would you take me, even like this?" You said, you didn’t have to give your heart to him, it was already his
"I wouldn't have you any other way".
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jessefandomunited · 9 months
Library Vibes
I had a very short idea about being a librarian starting to close up for the night and realizing Spencer is still there. I was at work late and my brain is mush so bear with me lol
Spencer Reid x GN reader ( I made extra care to not put anything regarding gender, race, or name .trying to be as inclusive as possible enjoy)
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It was a cold rainy night , one that always caused my mind to wander. The sky darkened much quicker and I thought of nothing but the rhythmic thrumming of the rain pattering against the expansive windows and skylight. The thunder rumbled as I finished putting another book back into its place and casually checked my watch. " ITS NINE," I Gasped much louder then I mean to which made, probably the last person here, drop their book , startled.
" I'm so sorry," I apologized walking towards the man hunched over picking up his book," the rain made me lose track of time, we've been closed for thirty minutes." He stood up and I knew who he was. Instantly I was flustered. Spencer Reid of the BAU came here often when he wasn't busy to just read surrounded by books. I noticed he'd always grab about ten thick books and get through them all quicker than I thought anyone could read. We've had a few conversations about books and his job but nothing more. I wanted more , so much more . I wanted to pluck up the courage to ask him on a date, but I just didn't know how, but this may be my best chance.
" hey im sorry too i should have known to leave i just assumed you'd kick me out whenever it was time to close up," he said awkwardly piling the stack of books he had been reading ," im typically very good at keeping track of time." I laughed ," I'm sure you are the genius that you are." I swore I saw him blush when I said that . Instead of brining it up though I began gathering the books he had been reading to put them in the return basket for me to resell later. " I can do that , I shouldn't have kept you here so late," he blurted scooping up the remaining books, " I mean , I remember where got them all too." I smiled and instead of telling him what my original plan was I nodded and said ," I'd love that."
As we methodically put back each book I noticed that he had been reading a series I'd mention was my favorite. It was a bit childish compared to his other ones but I felt touched. " so how did you like it,"I pried handing him each book in the series. " not what I normally read but it was fun, I thought the story was very fanciful and reminded me of being a kid again, at least the good parts of that," he said stumbling over his words. "Oh," I said not wanting to pry into his childhood," well I'm really touched you read it." Red was creeping up his face again ," it's no problem, I enjoyed it." I felt this push in my gut saying " here is your chance." " you know .... I havnt had dinner yet have you," I pressed measuring out my words carefully. He shook his head," no ." " perfect, would you like to go out then," I blurted feeling a bit foolish. He looked stunned like he couldn't believe I had actually said that ," yes... like out out , like a date or like a friend thing?" My smile broadened," a date, I am asking you, Spencer Reid, on a date." " I'd be honored," he said almost giddy.
With that we walked to the front of the library, I locked up, and we were officially on a date. Now I just needed to find a place that was open
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wonlouvre · 3 years
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pairing: doctor!wonwoo x female lawyer!oc genre: FLUFF word count: 2.5k+ WARNINGS: none (pls do tell me if i missed anything!)
💌: happy anniversary!!! this is late and i am terribly sorry. consider this a valentines gift, i guess? once again, thank you very much for loving this couple and their story. i hope you enjoy this! 
all my love | aml masterlist | ifliys masterlist
Wonwoo wakes up to the sound of your arrival. 
He’s been staying at your place in the city when you decided to stay and work in the countryside for a week. He told you it helps him miss you a little less, basking in your scent on your pillow, blanket, and everything else that smells of you and your warmth. He can tell by the roll of your eyes that you’re not convinced, but the bone crushing hug you gave him before you left tells him otherwise. 
He sits up on your bed when he notices you quietly navigate your dimly lit bedroom, removing your socks to throw at the hamper by the bathroom entrance and placing your bags on the floor. He finds it adorable how hard you’re trying to move carefully and not wake him up. You always do that whenever you’re the one who gets home late and he’s already fast asleep. He appreciates your thoughtfulness and that’s one of the long list of reasons on why he’s in love with you. 
“Welcome home,” he voices out, sounding a little groggy but he promises he’s wide awake. 
Your shoulders jump in surprise at the sound of his deep tone, but smile nonetheless as you see his face, sleepy but always handsome. The face that you have been missing that a video call didn’t suffice to cure your longing. Although you really can’t see him clearly, you know he’s giving it all to open his eyes. You walk to the bed, to him. And when he’s within reach, you give his forehead a lingering kiss. 
“Hey,” you whisper in the quiet night. “Go back to sleep.”
Wonwoo only hums and reaches his arm up to hold your hand, a gentle pull to coax you to join him on the bed he has kept warm for the past week. You lightly chuckle at his mischief and gently squeeze his palm. 
“Missed you,” he mumbles, clutching onto you in fear that you’re just a figure of his imagination. “Really, really missed you.”
“I know, babe,” you reply back, your heart melting into a pile of mush. Then, you reassure him, “I missed you too.”
“Kiss,” your fiance requests, his lips puckering. You could only giggle and that makes him whine, “Kiss me.”
You don’t relent, however, because you don’t want to further spread the germs from outside inside the house he has taken care of for the past week. 
“How about you let me shower and you can have all the kisses you want, hmm? How’s that sound?” You offer and for a moment, Wonwoo is silent, as if he’s really contemplating between waiting an extra ten or more minutes to hold you or just locking his arms around you like a koala, not minding the rule you have set of washing up first before jumping on the bed. His conflicted expression makes you smile wider.
Once he has made a decision, he sighs and lets go of your hand. “Fine. But, make it quick.”
You raise your eyebrows at his demanding tone, but laugh with what he says next.
“Please,” he cutely begs, “I badly want to hold you.”
A year has passed into your relationship and a lot happened within that year. Sometimes, the thought of what could have happened if you and him decided to part ways crosses your mind and it’s unimaginable. A future without Wonwoo? It scares you to your bones, you always shake your head just to get rid of the idea. 
Wonwoo helps you through the unwanted thoughts and scenarios. He always does. Because no matter what happened and is still to happen, he will stay. Just like he promised. It’s always home with Wonwoo around. His hugs, his scent, his warmth, his voice and everything that is him. Not only that but, his stories, his thoughts and, even his dad jokes feel like home. 
Wonwoo is home and he makes you feel better and do better. Not only for him and for others, but for yourself. 
Knowing that you get to go home to him and sleep in his warm arms, you are rest assured that you can brave any hurdles along the way. 
You made sure to shower quickly, as Wonwoo pleaded. Scrubbing off all the dirt and sweat from the long drive, making sure you’re clean before laying on your shared bed and resting against the warm body beside you. You dried your hair afterwards and applied the necessary skin care products your face needs for the night. 
Tomorrow is the weekend and you’re so glad Wonwoo’s schedule is aligned with yours. You have been wanting to spend at least a weekend with him without any interruptions from work and finally, it’s going to happen. You have plans and you’re hoping the coming days will be on your side in order for you to execute them. 
You’re also hoping Wonwoo would be on the same page as you. 
Wonwoo doesn’t speak a word in the late evening and just kisses your forehead after you peck him on the lips. He cradles your head close to the crook of his neck, the perfect space for you so that he can nuzzle the tip of his nose on the crown of your head. He wraps his arms around your torso, tightly. Likewise, you tangle your limbs with his, not moving an inch to let go. 
At last, the agonizing wait is over and the two of you can rest peacefully in each other's arms. 
You’re going to propose to Wonwoo. 
That’s your plan for the weekend. You will wake up earlier than usual, cook him breakfast, have a little chat over coffee, and join him on the couch as he reads one of the books he has brought to your apartment. As you settle down on a quiet afternoon, you will bring the ring out from the secret compartment of the small table beside the couch, where you have been hiding it for about two months now. 
Yes, regardless of a proposal or not, you and Wonwoo are going to get married. But, it doesn’t hurt to have a romantic gesture, no matter how small it is. Right? 
If you’re being honest, you don’t have an elaborate plan to execute your proposal. The breakfast was a last minute decision because you couldn’t think of anything else. You feared this would only drag along unless you decide something. That’s why settling down on a lazy and casual Saturday didn’t sound so bad. 
You thought about going out for dinner and all, but you and Wonwoo are still high profile targets of the media (despite lying low) that it didn’t take you a second to cross out such an idea. Staying in doors is nothing new to you and Wonwoo anyway, so you’re really hoping it all works out. 
But the thing is, you woke up alone on the bed with no Wonwoo beside you. 
You thought he went out for an early run which is nothing new. It’s a relief for you because you have enough time to think of what to cook for him. Happily, you trudge to the kitchen. But, the sight that greets you makes you halt in an instant.
Instead of seeing an empty kitchen, you find Wonwoo cooking. You find him doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Your mind goes blank for a whole minute, falling to form a new plan without selling yourself off. 
“Why are you up so early?” You ask, your tone doing its best to pretend like he just didn’t cause you panic two minutes ago. 
“Why are you up so early?” He repeats your question, twisting his neck a little to peer at you. By the smell of fermented vegetables, you conclude he’s sauteing kimchi. He must be preparing kimchi fried rice. You hate how it actually smells really good, your stomach grumbles in hunger. Now, he’s doing a way better job than you. You silently groan, slapping yourself for waking up a few minutes later than him.
Wonwoo chuckles, not missing the sound emitted by your belly. You scoff and squint your eyes at him before walking to the stove, to where he has left you alone and asleep in the bedroom for.
“You cook now, huh?” You tease and nudge his hips with yours. “I guess a week alone can do some wonders.”
He scoffs and pokes his tongue out at you. “I have always cooked. I just don’t do it all the time. I’m afraid it would blow your mind with how good I do.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you dismiss him and proceed to grab a glass of water. But Wonwoo is not letting you off so quickly and gently tugs you back to him before you could take another step. He doesn’t say anything and only smiles, leaning close to your face and pecking your lips. 
You gasp, completely caught off guard. You lightly slap his arm, feigning offense. He giggles at your widened eyes, obviously proud of what he just did. Embarrassed, you pinch his sides before stomping away with a petulant pout.
Can you believe it’s been a year and Wonwoo still makes your heart beat ten times faster than it normally should? 
Your breakfast plans are not destroyed, yet, it’s just scratched as of now. You’ll think of something later. Right now, you’re just going to enjoy the meal your loving fiance worked hard to prepare for you. And of course, the kiss that woke you up more than a cup of coffee could.
Wonwoo is going to propose to you.
He had his mind and heart made up the week you were away. Although he has been set on marrying you even way before, he believes you deserve a little something romantic. It’s going to be simple. He won’t sing or dance or go down on his knees and say anything long. Instead, he would wrap his arms around you as you nestle on his chest while he reads and before you doze off, he’ll pop out the question all the while putting back the ring back to where it rightfully belongs. 
To you. 
Wonwoo remembers the time he and his father, His Majesty, had it custom made. He didn’t ask for his mother’s because he wanted the ring he would give you to be something that he had purposely designed and chosen. Of course, his mother’s engagement ring would have been special. But he figured it was only right to have one specially made for you. He hasn’t met you personally back then, but he didn’t have any qualms with the engravement he finalized upon. 
For Eternity.
He didn’t have the chance to have a grand gesture with regards to giving it to you as you had to present yourself wearing it already. But, it didn’t really matter because he’s grabbing the chance today.
Sadly, he also remembers how he had to remove it from you. He remembers how he saw your lifeless body, not responding to him no matter how much he begged and begged. And even when you have gained your consciousness back, he always kept it with him. In his pockets, bag, and anywhere else he could. Just like how he agreed to postpone the wedding, he didn’t return the ring to you immediately because he didn’t want you to be pressured and hurried. 
But yes, he is sure that today is the day and there’s nothing and no one stopping him. 
“I will cook dinner since you were kind enough to cook brunch for us,” you pledge in the quiet room, “any special requests?”
Wonwoo chuckles and you can feel his chest vibrate against your back. He kisses the side of your head as he flips to the next page of the book he chose from his designated mini library, together with the rest of your books. You give his wrist or neck a tap to tell him when you’re done reading and he always takes heed of your signals with a kiss. 
“How about we just order?” He suggests and you sit up, the scandalized look you give him making him laugh. “What? I just thought I’d let you rest and not worry about it.”
You narrow your eyes at him before going back into position, back to his chest. “Are you sure? Or is this your way of telling me that you don’t like my cooking?”
“No, of course not,” he promises, kissing you again. “I always love the food you cook.” 
Your facial expression grows smug, completely proud of the compliment. You go back to reading, but make sure your eyes stay alert because you can’t be falling asleep any moment now. Maybe a few more chapters more and then you will sit up and finally get the ring out. You can’t lie, you’re really nervous and it’s taking a lot of calming down to make sure your man doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. 
But you don’t know how much Wonwoo is also struggling. A few more chapters left and he will flip to the page where you will read from a small sticky note the question, “will you marry me?” he scribbled. He’s hoping you don’t fall asleep before reaching that part or else he will not forgive himself. 
A good ten minutes passed and there is one page left. One page left. One more tap from you and he will finally get to ask the question. He holds his breath in anticipation and does his best to control his hands from shaking. He’s not even reading the book anymore!
You don’t tap him though. 
You turn the page yourself. 
You gasp and jump, sitting up with the book snatched from his hands. Your wide eyes meet with Wonwoo’s shy ones and your face contorts, eyes watering and lips trembling. He follows suit, sitting up as well. He takes hold of your sweating hands and kisses the back of them each as you let the book drop to your lap. 
“Wonwoo,” you whisper and that’s not what he’s hoping you’d say but he lets you continue with an expectant raise of his eyebrows. “I was supposed to propose to you today.”
Wonwoo blinks, not fully grasping what you just said. “What?”
You laugh as your tears stream down your cheeks. You get out of his hold and move the end of the couch where the side table is at, pulling the drawer open to grab the small box. Once fished out, you crawl back close to him and offer a bashful smile. 
“Baby,” Wonwoo barely utters, completely moved. But once you opened the box, he couldn’t hold back anymore and hold your face, pressing his lips on yours and kissing you with all his love. 
You don’t even need to ask him.
You kiss him back with as much love, but pull away briefly to say, “wait. You have to allow me.”
“Allow you what?” He asks with knitted eyebrows, his palm pulling you back.
You smile and giggle like a child. “Wonwoo, will you marry me?”
Wonwoo throws his head back, laughing and holding his tears back at the same time. “Let’s say yes together?”
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Otherworldly Lovin’
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Pairing: Alien Taehyung and Human Reader
Word Count: 6,319
Genre/Rating: NSFW - Alien AU - Friends to Lovers AU - Smut - PWP - Fluff - Rated R
Overview: Not only did he crash land into your yard, but he also crashed right into your heart...among other places.
Warning: oh boy. Alien sex - masturbation - tentacles - light bondage(?) - throat fucking - breast and nipple play - oral sex (fem and tentacle receiving) - Taehyung has the ability to extend his tongue - size kink - Taehyung can change his dick to any size - there’s slime from said tentacles - multiple orgasms - multiple penetration - breeding kink - cream pie - tiddie fucking(it’s a tentacle mushed between boobs having the time of its life if that counts?) - unrealistic sex - hentai, it’s basically hentai - swearing - dirty talk - maybe some sub (fem) and dom (Tae) undertones if you squint - cum play - talk of pregnancy.
Main Master List:
Wish Upon a Star Collaboration Master List
Tagging: @thedarkwinterrose​​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ggukcangetit​ @ezralia-writes​ @hidinginmycupboard @ifntelyinspirit​
©thatmultifandomhoe 2021. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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The breeze felt like chilly kisses along your skin during the late-night walk home. It had been fun to see your friends, but as the house party grew in numbers and space became limited, that was your cue to head out before there had been a visit from the men in blue to break it up.  It wasn’t Cara’s first time throwing a party that climbed into the triple digits, and despite being on a first name basis with law enforcement in regards to her wild parties, it wouldn’t be her last party.
Kicking at the gravel, you gathered up the hair off the back of your neck with both hands, leaning back your head to look up at the night sky while still walking. The stars were bright, brighter than diamonds, and not for the first time you found yourself grateful that you had made the decision to move to the outskirts of Arizona. Was it hot? Of course. Were people behind the wheel absolutely insane? Fuck yes. Was it risky living on your own, in the desert, in an area where crime was going up again? Extremely. Maybe it was childish and stupid, but between the sunsets and mother nature’s natural landscape, it was all worth it in your eyes.
By the time you reached the front door, you barely glanced at the ten-foot ditch that was only a few feet from the side of your house as you went inside. The ditch hadn’t always been there, and as you turned the three set of locks behind you, a cooling sensation wrapped around your calf to begin its ascent up your bare leg.
“How was the party?” it asked.
You raised an eyebrow, unphased with having a conversation with the green blob.
“Alright,” you said, holding out a hand for it to jump on to like it usually did. This time, it simply shook its little nub of a head. “I mean, it was nice to hang out with her and have a few drinks, but her house filled up fast.”
“And it’s not good for humans to be surrounded by so many people?”
The corner of your mouth lifted as you walked to the kitchen, feeling him climb up to your knee this time. “I mean, it can be dangerous when there are over a hundred people partying in a small house while intoxicated, a lot of people don’t care though.”
“But you care.”
“I do.”
Opening the cabinet, you pulled out a glass and went to the water cooler to fill it up, dropping in a few ice cubes for that extra chill, trying not to think about how cooling and enticing it felt to have the little alien crawling up your bare leg, nearly reaching your thigh. He was a slow mover but he got around.
It was this little green blob, no taller than a hand, who had been the one to create that lovely ditch in your yard, and had succeeded in scaring the absolute shit out of you at four in the morning when it happened. The last thing you ever expected in the world was for aliens to be real – yes, you had been one of the many who was a non-believer – but Taehyung had been the one to convert you quite quickly.
“You don’t look like an alien,” you said, watching as the green, see-through blob slid around on the kitchen table.
“And what does an alien look like?” it asked.
“A crap ton taller,” you immediately answered, rubbing your eyes to try and see just how it was able to talk, let alone have a voice. You could see the wooden chair that was behind it, and there was nothing inside of it. It was just a blob about the size of a softball, from space.
Apparently, that offended the creature, as it suddenly formed two small nubs – what you assumed to be arms, which were promptly placed on its side - and a nub on top for its head. “Excuse me, I don’t know what it’s like here, but where I come from, it’s extremely rude to point out someone’s size. And I’ll have you know; On my home planet I am quite larger than this.”
You blinked.
Maybe it was because you were still wondering if you were insane to be talking to a green blob claiming to be an alien, but a sudden pang went through your chest at having hurt the little guy. Sighing, your footsteps papped against the tile floor as you pulled out one of the chairs at the table to sit down.
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, leaning your cheek in the palm of your left hand to look at it. “You’re right, it was rude of me. Let’s start over. What’s your name?”
It stared up at you. At least, you assumed it was as it turned its body to face you. For a moment, the green blob stood there until finally taking a few steps towards you.
These last few months had been an unforgettable experience, but it would be a lie to say that it hadn’t made life more interesting. The ship he had been flying in was a small metal contraption that could have easily been mistaken as a toy drone. At his request, you had brought it in the house that next morning, and after inspecting it, Taehyung announced it to be completely damaged, but not unfixable. Since then, there had been several times where you stumbled upon him trying to form the arms that he needed to try to patch it up himself, but the crash had forced him into his smaller form for protection, and made it impossible to expand himself the way he needed to.
Only a few days into his stay, you learned that his people – the Flubbers – were similar to that in regards to human height and features. Unlike measly humans, they were able to turn their bodies into this green blob at will, but mostly it was used as a defensive measure to protect themselves or when they were traveling in their small ships. As a result of the crash, Taehyung had trouble returning back to his regular form and with nowhere else to go, he became your new roommate.
But as he began to crawl underneath the fabric of your shorts, the coolness of his body was enticing in more ways than one. Your breath turned shaky as you hurried to reach down and remove him from your thigh.
“How was your night?” You suddenly asked, not wanting him to question why you removed him.
He tilted his body, but settled down in your palms. “I watched more of those shows on your Netflix account.”
“Which ones?”
“Black Butler.”
You gasped, narrowing your eyes at him as you carried him back to your room. “Come on, we were supposed to finish that together.”
“But you were gone, and I wanted to watch it,” Taehyung only remained still for a few more seconds before stretching out himself to begin crawling up your arm.
It was perhaps the weirdest sensation in the world, but it reminded you of the end result of making slime when you were back in college and your roommates dragged you out to the craft events put on by campus. Taehyung was sturdier, more solid, and less gooey. Okay, he wasn’t gooey at all. But as he crawled his way around your arm and shoulder, you were suddenly awfully aware of the fact that you were only wearing a skimpy black tank top with spaghetti straps, allowing him to feel every inch and curve of your body and soak in your body heat. He was naturally cool but he usually warmed up after crawling on your arm for a while.
The fact that he was crawling up to you wasn’t unusual. Tonight however, it was like he was attached to your body and trying to feel every single part of you.
“That’s not nice,” you murmured, shakily inhaling as he slid a tendril-like arm across your neck, his body slinking across your chest. You kicked off your shoes and glanced at your reflection in the full-length mirror. Cheeks flushed, throat bobbing as you swallowed, and you could see that he was forming another limb, stretching it out to wrap around your bicep.
“You said I could watch whatever I wanted. And I wanted to watch Black Butler.” Taehyung said.
In the mirror, you could see his small head glance down, his body suddenly pausing at the discovery that there was something underneath your shirt. He was an alien. Since his arrival, you made sure to get dressed in the bathroom so that he didn’t see certain things.
In addition to that, you hadn’t been entirely sure if he slept or not, so you had created a small bed for him on the floor of your bedroom out of a box you had and thrown in a bunch of soft towels to make it comfortable for him. He seemed to enjoy it since he slid to his bed every night, even tucking himself underneath some of the towels. So not only had you been sharing a room with an alien, but these last few months had been incredibly, touch starving, especially since you were single. It wasn’t like you could suddenly make yourself feel good when Taehyung was right there and would probably ask what you were doing and why.
And now…now you were feeling incredibly horny.
You watched him create another limb, only to close your eyes to feel it softly slide down your sternum, heart racing as it followed the curve of your breast, your pussy clenching around nothing. A second – or was it a third? Maybe a fourth? - limb slipped underneath the shirt to encircle your other breast, but this one was more curious, feeling the size and tightening around the boob when it suddenly ran over your nipple. You stumbled back against the foot-board of the bed until you sat on it, accidentally pressing yourself against the frame and hitting your clit, resulting in an audible gasp.
His limbs suddenly retracted at the sound and before you could stop yourself, you whined at the loss of them only to realize what you had done. He was an alien. You were a human.
“Did I hurt you?” Taehyung asked.
You shook your head, opening your eyes to remove him from where he had wrapped himself around your neck and set him on the bed. Not once did you glance at the mirror, already knowing how flustered you looked. “No, I’m fine.”
“Then what was that sound?”
Damn him for being so curious. “Don’t worry about it. Why don’t you go to bed? I’m going to get dressed.”
Before he could ask another question, you grabbed the spare bed and hurried to the bathroom, taking several deep breaths when certain that you were, in-fact, alone. Not once during these last few months had he touched you like that, and now that he had, you found yourself craving more. It reminded you too much of those hentai videos you occasional stumbled upon while on the hub, and as you hurriedly kicked off your shorts to slip your own hand underneath your panties, you softly moaned when you felt how wet your panties were.
He had created those limbs like it was nothing. Easily curling and wrapping himself around you like second nature, and as you ran your own finger over your clit to take care of yourself, you couldn’t help but imagine what he would have done had you let him crawl up your shorts like he had started to do. Taehyung typically kept himself in the shape of a blob, but you were certain that he would have no issue in filling you up completely.
You pressed yourself further against the wall, another soft moan escaping you. Eyes closed, you were so focused on getting off, that you missed how underneath the doorway, a flat green blob slid its way underneath the door. A limb shaped itself, watching your general direction like it was absorbing your reactions, only to disappear the same way it came when you were satisfied.
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A few nights later, you sighed as you shifted under the blankets once again. The fan had done its job and made the bedroom chilly, but you still couldn’t fall asleep. You tried warm milk, listening to instrumental music, counting sheep. Nothing seemed to work.
“You’re not sleeping?” Taehyung asked.
You glanced at the box on the floor, seeing his towels shift as he moved around. He hadn’t spoken about what happened the other night and neither had you, and for that, you were grateful. He was a friend. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin the only friendship he had while he stayed until his ship was fixed.
“Just having a hard time,” you softly answered.
He was quiet for a moment. “Would you like to talk about it?”
A soft chuckle slipped out of your lips and you rolled over, holding a hand out over the edge. In seconds he was wrapping himself around the limb and crawling on to the empty space next to you.
“Do you miss it?” You asked, slipping an arm underneath your head. “Your home? Your friends and family must miss you a lot.”
“Parts of it,” Taehyung admitted. For being a small green blob – or a small green Flubber – he had a deep baritone voice, and when he spoke softly, there was a calming effect that washed over you. It was the type of voice that not only promised protection, but had the power to be absolutely sinful. “There’s my family and friends that I do miss, but it was a strict place. We’re not a species that was intended to survive you see. A long time ago, the very first of my kind had been created here on your planet by someone…a doctor Jacob, Philip, or Robin, someone at least made a mistake, and from that the first Flubber was born. Over the decades we’ve evolved and managed to repopulate ourselves, but even I can’t remember how we managed to leave this planet and end up on our own. Some poor Flubber had probably been somewhere he shouldn’t have been.”
He shifted and for some reason, if he had facial features right at that moment, you could imagine him lifting an eyebrow with the smallest of smirks. “That’s why our society is strict. We were a mistake yes, but we quite like being alive and would rather keep it that way Flubbers are expected to do as they’re told and I wanted to explore. To see other worlds and galaxies. Granted, crash landing in your back yard was not at all part of the plan, or ruining my ship, but things have had an unexpected way of working out. After all, I did go off in search of the unexpected.”
Gently smiling at him, you nodded in agreement, wetting your lips. “Do you think you’ll go back? Once you fix your ship and explore for a while?”
“Good question. Maybe. I’m not entirely sure. The human race is, well…you people are certainly the most complex creatures I have ever met. I could spend a century here and still be trying to understand everything.”
You rolled on to your back with a laugh, feeling him slide his way up onto your stomach, the sensation sending shivers running through your body since the night shirt rose up at some point. Glancing down, Taehyung stretched a limb out, running it along your waist.
“Humans are very complex,” Taehyung repeated, his voice turning husky as if this was affecting him as well. “Complex, but perhaps, the most fascinating of all creatures to exist.”
No words came from you. Once again, your breath was stuck as he extended his other limb and you watched it crawl its way underneath the shirt, this time rubbing itself right over the nipple. Like he had memorized your reaction to it last time. You shakily gasped again, but you didn’t stop him. You could barely think, unable to look away as his body shifted, expanding itself to a larger version of himself.
“I’ve been practicing to regain my normal form,” he said. “It’s been hard, but I believe I can finally go back and stay in it permanently again.”
The two short nubs he had for legs elongated and thickened with his body. No longer was he a small blob, but he was taking on a new shape. One that was leaner, taller than you, and for the first time, he was gaining features that individualized him. The more he changed, the less green and see through he was. Instead, it turned into a very dark green tint on sun kissed skin, with dark brown eyes delicately painted with streaks of green. Looking down at you - like you imagined - a smirk had found its way home on his face while at the same time, a thumb harshly squeezed and rubbed against your nipple again. You moaned and leaned back into the pillow, wanting him, wanting more.
“Like I said before, us Flubbers are very similar to you humans, only we have…something extra.”
“And what’s that?” You forced out; eyes closed as another moan slipped out when his hands grabbed both breasts. He didn’t need to answer though, because as he played with your chest, something wrapped around your leg. It was similar to his limbs that he normally curled along your body, just as cool and thick to the touch. The thing making its way up your thigh was nearly forgotten about when Taehyung suddenly yanked off the shirt you were wearing, not wasting a second to kiss and suck at your breasts.
Chest heaving, it was impossible to think straight. Parts of your body had chills running across them while others felt hotter than the desert. He wasn’t letting up. Once satisfied, Taehyung gave his complete attention to the other, determined to leave behind a purple and wet path of where he had been. Every now and then there was sharp pain, but he was quick to quiet your whimpers by running his tongue over the marks and leaving a sweet kiss. The thing that had been crawling along your leg was at mid-thigh when it tightened, drawing your attention to its existence when suddenly, something else was sliding inside of your shorts.
Your eyes immediately opened and when you looked down, common sense went out the window as you swallowed the saliva building up in your mouth, pussy clenching. The limbs that you were used to seeing were back. One was coming out of the middle of Taehyung’s back, another appeared to be coming from his side, and as you watched, two more were forming and extending themselves. Unlike the rest of his form, they were completely green, nearly see through.
“We call them Extenders,” Taehyung murmured as he left thick kisses on your skin. “Extra limbs to help carry items and with everyday tasks.”
He lifted his head, eyes searching yours as his eyebrow quirked at you. “But I believe the term that you’re more with, is, tentacles.”
Oh. Oh, you were absolutely fucked.
A soft whimper slipped out when the tentacle that had been sneaking its way underneath your shorts purposely rubbed hard over your underwear. Taehyung must have heard it because his grin widened, and his Extenders were moving your legs to cage him against you.
“Usually I’m not like this,” he continued. “I think my body is still adjusting to this planet but thinks I’m back home. During this time of year, this is normally our season when we mate. That’s something you humans don’t have here, do you?”
Despite how much you wanted the tentacle to slip underneath the underwear, it stayed right where it was, content with teasing you. “We do that whenever we want,” you finally answered. Your gaze met Taehyung’s just in time to see his eyes light up in curiosity.
An ache was growing the longer you remained empty, and if the Extender underneath your shorts continued rubbing the way it was, you weren’t going to be lasting much longer. So, without caring about the consequences, you cupped Taehyung’s face and kissed him deeply. The sudden action allowed the tentacles around your legs to loosen just enough for you to wrap them around his hips, pulling him closer to you. Something thick pressed against your pussy, much larger than the other Extenders growing out of him, made both of you groan at the sudden pressure.
“Mate me,” you breathed out in-between kisses. His form was solid like a human, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through the locks. “Please Taehyung, please mate with me. I’m begging you.”
For a moment, Taehyung just stared down at you. Even the tentacles that had been sliding along your body paused at your words. It only lasted for that one moment. The corner of his lips curled upwards and the green streaks in his eyes darkened before he kissed you again, pressing himself completely against you.
Taehyung’s normal form may have appeared human, and besides the tentacles that moved on their own and were currently crawling their way up your sides and arms, it seemed that he was able to extend not just them, but every part of his body. The kiss was a frenzy from the start, and when the tentacle finally slipped underneath the underwear like you wanted and began to rub your clit earnestly, butterflies swarmed as your lower belly tightened, the orgasm that had been building was now forced from you.
He abruptly broke the kiss and pushed himself up, his hungry gaze running down the length of your body as you gasped in the fresh air. There was no break for you because he ripped away the remaining clothing and threw your legs over his shoulder to lick at your pussy. You lost track of how many tentacles were wrapping along your body, barely noticing that it wasn’t Taehyung holding you open as he ate like a starved man. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes from over-stimulation, but when he suckled at your clit and something long entered your pussy, you cried out in pleasure at finally being filled. It was different from the tentacles caressing your body, more tapered and thinner, and when your walls squeezed around it, Taehyung groaned and every vibration sent your nerves into overdrive.
Glancing down at him, you realized that what was inside you was not another tentacle. There were two green Extenders holding your legs in place, and one currently held your wrists together bound above your head as numbers four and five slid along your body. One of them curled around your chest, leaving behind a slippery green slime in its path that felt cool to the touch as the other made its way closer to your face. You dropped your head back down on the pillow and tried to lift your hips to grind against Taehyung’s face, but a harsh suck made you gasp and stop all movement.
The tentacle reached your face, lazily poking your cheek until you rewarded it with undivided attention. Its movements were gentle as it traced the shape of your lips, the slime it left behind smearing across your face elicited a moan from the alien that was on the receiving end of you being turned on. This was one wet dream that you had never thought would become a reality, and now that it was happening, you didn’t want it to stop. Relaxing against the bed, you wet your lips out of habit before opening your mouth. Like you hoped, the tentacle went in to inspect this new place.
It was slippery as you ran your tongue against the tentacle, discovering it had some weight to it, and the slime that it oozed was sweet like the honey you used in teas. Out of curiosity you swallowed around the limb. A strangled groan came from Taehyung, and it twitched within its confines but didn’t try to remove itself. The more you sucked, the more it appeared to lubricate itself, forcing you to alternate every so often.
“Fucking hell,” Taehyung moaned. Sitting on his knees, he gazed down at you with eyes dark enough to appear black, those green streaks bright enough to glow in the dark. He was finally able to see what his tentacles had gotten themselves up to while he had been busy having his own meal, his chin wet as his tongue shrunk back to normal size.
Taehyung stared at you as the tentacle went further in your mouth, his chest heaving when you relaxed yourself to take it even further. All of the tentacles tightened at your actions, but his gaze went to your chest where one Extender had succeeded in wrapping itself around your breasts to squeeze them together and was currently rubbing itself between the small space, creating a slippery mess that made your skin tingle until it was numb.
“Look at you,” Tae murmured, lowering himself back down to your lower half. “You’re a mess darling.” He kissed your hip sweetly, quite the contradiction to everything else as one of his tentacles was in the midst of thrusting itself down your throat. Butterflies fluttered when he kissed his way across your belly, following the path of slime that had been left behind until his lower half was firmly pressed against yours, his hips grinding against yours so his cock rubbed along your lips.
“An absolute, fucking mess.”
You were so used to the jokes and pleasantries from Taehyung that to hear him swear, to call you darling as he rubbed himself against you, to have him use you as he wanted, it made your head spin until there was nothing but pure desire and need on your mind. He had already gotten you to orgasm twice without cumming himself and you still felt empty. He had yet to give you what you really wanted.
He went higher, not stopping until he was leaving wet kisses on your throat. “Such a beautiful, fucking, mess, and we’re not even done. Think you can keep up with me and my friend’s darling?”
The tentacle pulled out of your mouth then, allowing you to sharply inhale as Taehyung wiped away the string of saliva connecting you to it. He was patient as you caught your breath, amusing himself by continuing his kisses up to the back of your ear. Strands of hair were plastered to your forehead and despite everything, you felt more alive than you ever had.
 “More,” you softly whispered, throat a bit sore.
Taehyung softly hummed. Palms trailed up your sides, smearing the slime all over and up on your breasts, not caring that there was a tentacle obsessed with loving them.
“I don’t think you know what you’re asking for,” Taehyung taunted. There was a shift in his hips and this time, the head of his cock was now pressing against your pussy.
You tilted your head, capturing his lips in an open mouth kiss. Out of habit you tried to wrap your arms around his shoulders, but the Extenders tightened around your wrists. He didn’t even try to coax his tongue in your mouth. He slipped in with ease and you groaned when you realized that you tasted yourself on him. His hands settled on your hips and this time, to your pleasure, he pushed his cock in. The stretch stung but after finally having him in like you wanted all along, it satisfied the ache of being empty that had been growing since this all started a few nights ago.
“Fuck,” Taehyung groaned, knuckles turning white from his grip on your hips. “So different. You’re so warm.”
His cock moved but his hips remained pressed and still against yours, drawing your curiosity to look down. Taehyung had pushed himself balls deep, but you felt his dick changing within you. It was growing thicker, longer, and when he pulled back to thrust back in, you gasped as the new ridges that were along his shaft. He was accommodating himself to fit you perfectly. A one true fit that was made just for you.
The green in his eyes flashed, the tentacles still wrapped around your body tightened to hold you in place as Taehyung’s pace picked up, the ridges rubbing against your inner walls with each stroke became more prominent. You closed your eyes as you pressed back against the pillow, and when there was an eager poke at your lips, your mouth simply opened for the tentacle to slip inside. You were just as eager; the honey flavored slime was addicting to the taste. It was only when there was new wiggling pressure on your clit that you looked down, past the tentacle that was fucking your tits with a newfound passion as it tightened around them to make the space smaller, to see that there was a new Extender rubbing itself on your clit. The pressure was enough to make you moan, legs shaking even in Tae’s grip, but as you watched, it appeared that it didn’t plan to stay there very long. With every thrust from Taehyung, your pussy grew slicker, allowing this appendage to nudge its way into your pussy alongside his dick, all while still rubbing against your clit with each thrust.
Your cry was muffled, the stretch almost becoming overwhelming when more tentacles appeared to cover your body in an attempt to soothe and draw your focus away from the pain. Two more latched themselves on your nipples and by some magic he was able to shape them into mouths that pinched and sucked the same way Taehyung had done earlier. Another two appeared in the palms of your hands with similar ridges to his cock, and not wanting you to be too empty, a thinner tentacle slipped inside your mouth as well. You were completely and utterly stuffed, and had lost count of how many of them there were now with all senses on haywire as your nerves felt like lava with his every touch and yet, somehow, something was still missing.
The headboard thumped against the wall as Taehyung went faster, almost erratic as he chased his own high that he had been holding back from. In the darkness of the bedroom, a green light radiated from Taehyung and the Extenders that were wrapped around you, and when his gaze locked on yours, even his eyes took on the faintest glow. It was otherworldly. For a brief moment, everything slowed around the two of you as the tentacles in your mouth suddenly removed themselves. He swooped down to replace his lips where they had been, his kiss sweet and gentle as he cupped the back of your neck.
A chill racked through your body as the tentacles hugged your body, but your mind was focused on the softness of Taehyung’s lips, and how they made your heart flutter. For a split second, he pulled back to press his forehead against yours while murmuring a foreign word. Despite not knowing what he said, you softly hummed and brushed your nose against his, making him smile. He tried to kiss you again but kept breaking out into a smile that you found yourself unable to resist.
It was when he recaptured your lips in a kiss that the glowing grew brighter, lighting up the room completely. A tingling sensation ran through your body, the temperature skyrocketing as beads of sweat dotted along your skin. Taehyung thrusted one last time, his hips hilting against yours as he reached his release filling you with a green tinted substance that also spurted out of the tentacles, coating your body in goo. You would have been grossed out, but the cum that oozed out of his tentacles along with the slime from earlier was cooling to your feverish skin.
You moaned into the kiss, the Extenders that had curled and twisted around your arms suddenly dropped down to the pillows spent and exhausted. Now free, you were able to tangle your fingers through his hair. Neither of you cared how the goo dripped down your wrists or matted itself in his locks when he leaned down to leave several kisses on your cheek among the sweet words of endearment that he whispered along your skin. This gentle and tenderness was reminiscent of the Taehyung you had known while he was still in his blob form.
All of his Extenders had released you from their grip, simply resting themselves on your bodies before Taehyung called them back. You had gone to kiss him once more when his hips pressed further against yours, his dick still inside you as some of his cum spilled out from around him and down your thigh.
“Shit,” Taehyung murmured, glancing down at where the two of you were still connected.
You softly chuckled. “Is mating season usually this messy?”
He looked back up at you, a boxy smile appearing. “Sorry about that. It’s meant to ensure a successful mating, which entails with the female being pregnant by the end of the season. But it’s never been this pleasurable before.”
Even though you had never met a female Flubber in your life, a sense of pride flashed through you. You weren’t his first apparently, but you were the first to make it feel good at least. “Does that mean you have kids back home?”
“No,” he shifted his weight, lifting an arm to shove his fingers through his hair and off his forehead. “I had only come of age five winters ago, and it’s expected that Flubbers who participate for the first time are not likely to have a successful mating. This would have been my sixth attempt.”
“Sixth attempt?” You asked, leaning your head back against the pillow.
Taehyung carefully sat up. He was mindful this time of his dick keeping his cum inside you, the last thing he wanted to do was risk losing another drop. “When there is a successful mating, the two Flubbers then join in unity until their deaths. If they can produce children the first time, then they’ll be able to have another successful pregnancy next season.”
“So, if I get pregnant, you’ll stay?”
The room fell silent. The glow that had been emanating from Taehyung dimmed now that he was no longer caught up in the moment of his orgasm, but you could still see the way he pressed his lips together. One of the tentacles curled around your arm once more, slightly squeezing you in a gentle manner that reminded you of a hug.
You didn’t want Taehyung to go. Even before tonight, you had enjoyed his company greatly, and if he were to leave, who were you going to finish watching Black Butler with? There wouldn’t be anyone who would spend hours asking about what it was like to be human, who offered help around the house, or would tell you stories about what it was like where he was from. Even going to bed wouldn’t be the same without his check ins, wondering if you had enough blankets, a glass of water on the nightstand, and not so casually reminding you that if you scrolled through your phone until three in the morning again, you’d be cranky when having to go to work the next day.
It wouldn’t be home without Taehyung.
“Actually…” his fingers dug into the fleshy bits of your thighs, his thumb moving in circles as it rubbed some of his cum into the skin. “I was hoping that I could stay. Even if you never got pregnant. If…if that’s okay with you of course.”
Not able to really move, you stroked the length of one of the tentacles still on you, watching Taehyung’s body shiver at the touch. “Nothing would make me happier than that Tae.”
His thumb stopped moving, the green streaks in his eyes once again brightening as he leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. The Extenders came back to life then, each one slipping underneath your body in a tight hug as Taehyung lifted you off the bed when he stood. Your legs squeezed his waist but he merely laughed.
“What are you doing?” You asked when he carried you to the bathroom. With the help of one of his tentacles, the light flickered on.
He lightly nipped at your collarbone. “If you hadn’t noticed yet darling, I am still lodged inside you, and we are covered in various liquids. We are in desperate need of cleaning ourselves.”
Glancing in the mirror behind Taehyung, you were finally able to see the result of tonight’s love fest. The slime had left a clear green tint that had dried down to your skin, and the release of his cum had even gotten in your hair. Tae had not been lucky either and was fairly covered in the goo himself.
“Besides,” he murmured, recapturing your attention as the water from the shower head suddenly turned on. You however, were focused on the way his eyes darkened and his smile curled into a sneaky grin that sent your heart racing. “Like I said earlier, my body is still adjusting and thinks that it’s mating season here. This is not a one-night occurrence my darling.”
One of his tentacles roamed over your chest, paying particular attention to your breasts as Taehyung stepped into the shower, the hot water only seeming to help his Extenders in their movements. At least with a shower, the result of this round of love making would be easier to clean than your stained and ruined bed sheets.
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monodreamin · 4 years
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader, ex boyfriend Taehyung x Reader
Rated: M (18+)
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny bit of angst, one shot
Synopsis: Last Christmas was full of heartbreak when your Ex boyfriend Taehyung broke up with you on Christmas. You run into your ex boyfriend in a department store a year later and the stranger swoops in to save you.  
Warnings: protected sex, sex with a stranger, a bit of jealous /possessive Hoseok, vaginal sex and not too many warning so it’s all I can think of for now.
Words: 2,351
I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping at a department store when I bumped into him. Him the man who broke my heart last Christmas he ripped my heart from out my chest and proceeded to stomp it out as it laid on the ground until it was mush and a bloody mess. That's exactly how it felt if I had to describe it.
Damn it why was he still so ethereal looking? but I knew better than that he was the devil. I watched from a safe distance he was so into whatever was in his hands. The Christmas lights from a nearby display cast light on his face.
The man and I dated for a year before we broke up. The saddest part was when I scrolled down my instagram feed and saw some photos of him with another woman on new year's eve. I was dating him for a year and he never once posted me. To be fair we both agreed not to post each other. We wanted our relationship to be private. But shortly after we broke up he posted his new girlfriend which had me thinking how long had he been with her? Did he cheat on me? It was only natural for me to think about these things with the timing.
It made me think that's probably why he didn't want us to post about our relationship to begin with. I agreed at the moment because I thought it was a great idea. I was always a private person and I didn't want anyone giving us their opinions on our relationship. it was easy for me to agree to these terms and maybe it was stupid of me too.
“Y/n???” Taehyung spotted me and walked my way. Shit I froze. My eyes stayed glued to his face as he made his way towards me.
“oh...hello Taehyung.” I croaked my eyes now looking down at the floor.
“It’s been so long. What has it been like a year?” he embraced me and I stiffened in his arms. Why was he treating me like I was his long lost friend? After we broke up we stopped communicating and I didn't know what I would do if I crossed paths with him again. This experience was awkward to say the least.
“Yea it has been exactly a year.” my eyes glanced over at a nearby rack. I wanted to look at anything but his face again. “Well it's good seeing you. I’m glad we ran into each other here.”
I pretended to be interested in an item in the nearby rack. “it was good seeing you too.” I lied through gritted teeth. I was trying to play nice and I didnt know how much longer I could keep this facade up.
“I just wanted to ask, did you change your phone number?”The nerve of him to ask me that.
“Yes I did once we broke up.”
“I’m sorry… that's what I wanted to tell you if I ever ran into you again. You did not deserve that. The way it happened it was just… “
“Yes I didn’t deserve to be broken up with on christmas day and i didnt deserve to scroll through my feed and see you with a new woman shortly after. Just say it Taehyung if you were really sorry you would be able to talk honestly about it and apologize sincerely but you're not. So let me guess things didn't work out with you two? ” I had reached my boiling point. I began to walk away before I let things get worse. Taehyung followed me.
“You know if you would just please give me a few minutes to explain myself. ”
“Taehyung I gave you a year that was more than enough. you hurt me and now when I see you it's like I’m reliving everything all over again and I rather not.”
“That’s why I want to make it right. I don’t want you to feel that way anymore.”
“ You shouldn’t care, I will be fine. it's none of your concern anymore so have a nice life” I said loudly.
“I didn’t cheat on you and it was wrong of me to post those photos so shortly after we split up.” Taehyung was now speaking loudly too.
A man who worked at the department store stepped between us. “The shoes you ordered I got them in the size you asked for” he looked at me speaking and I looked back at him confused for a brief second . I then figured out fairly quickly what the man was doing. “I have to go get my shoes. I played along as the man walked off and I followed him.
“I’m so sorry for getting loud in the store. Thank you for stepping in before it got worse.” The man turned to face me, his smile the brightest smile I ever witnessed. His smile was very infectious. My eyes scanning his features his perfectly shaped nose and beautiful
heart shaped lips. The man was gorgeous. Anybody with two eyes could see that.
“it's ok I felt I had to get your attention in some way before it got worse” he wanted to get my attention? My heart pounded loudly through my chest.
“Sorry again and I’m glad you did that, thank you.”
“My name is Hoseok. What is your name?” the clock by his head caught my attention. I was late for work and now in a rush. “My name is Y/N and I don't mean to be rude but I have to go right now or i'll be late. It was nice meeting you though.” I ran off in a hurry hoping I would one day see this man again.
I finished my shift at the bakery. The day was a busy one. I was fulfilling many Christmas orders with cakes, pastries and cookies. I just got home locking the door and stepping into the shower to relax and get clean from all the icing and scent of cake off my hair. I was in the shower for a few minutes before I heard a knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be over especially at this time. I grabbed a robe and wrapped it tightly around my body. My hair was wet from washing it so I also had a towel over my head. “who is it?” I asked as I looked through the peephole.
“It's me Hoseok. The man from the department store you left your wallet.” he brought up the familiar wallet close to the peephole. It was indeed my wallet and I didn’t even notice I had lost it until now. I opened the door letting him in.
“I’m sorry I just got in from work and was in the shower. Have a seat. Do you want something to drink?” The man handed me the wallet and his face turned red, so red I noticed it even spreaded to his pointy ears.
“I’m fine I should go home now, it's late and... “ he was going to leave. I didn't want him to go. I wanted him inside of me since I first saw him at the department store. I coudn’t get him out of my head at work and now that the man was here I wasn't letting him go easily. His words were soon cut off as I dropped my robe to the floor exposing my naked body. I walked over to him seductively making sure my breasts had an extra bounce to them.
“I…” he was speechless again, his eyes filled with a hunger only my body could satiate. “Come follow me.'' I said as he held my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I led him to my bedroom and looked for the brand new box of condoms I had purchased some months ago. “someone is a little too overdressed for my liking.” I began to remove some of his clothing and he joined in helping me do so.
We were both naked and wasting no time he slipped the condom on. “lay on the bed.” he instructed me and I quickly followed his instructions . I couldn't wait for the feeling of his cock deep inside of me stretching me out, he locked eyes with me and pressed his body against mine, kissing my lips long and deeply, he used his tongue so skillfully his hands roaming my body. I moaned into his mouth at the anticipation that was to come.
Hosek then started to rub his body against mine slowly at a tortuous pace. “ Hoseok I want you inside of me already.” I closed my eyes letting out a deep breath. “are you sure, are you ready for me?” Hoseok’s hand rubbed between my legs. “yes I’m ready.I’m
So ready for you.” I whined and I was getting impatient. Hoseok moves his hand up and down my warm heat “let me see how ready you are for me.” he smiled as he watched the way my body reacted to his touch.
“Hoseok please...” I began to moan as he switched techniques with his hand moving his hand in circular motion. “Hoseok please what? Talk to me Y/N” he smirked. The man knew exactly what he was doing and wanted to hear the words coming out my mouth.
“I want you to fuck me with your cock.” I smiled back at him. “Wow I never thought such dirty words would come from such a pretty girl.” Once those words escaped his mouth his cock slowly filled me. “This is what you wanted?” My lips opened in a perfect O shape at the feeling of his cock entering me.
Hoseok smacked my thigh “tell me do you do this often. Do you let other men into your bedroom and let them have their way with you like I am doing now ?” I let out a moan near his ear. “No just you… only you this is my first time.” My nails dug deep into his back. “Good now let’s keep it that way.” his eyes filled with possessiveness as he stroked deeper in me.
“Only you” was all I could mutter before my eyes screwed shut and the pleasure he was giving my body took over all my senses. My legs began to shake and I lost all control. I just let my body give into him the feeling was indelible.
Hoseok was great in bed the way his hips moved. It was like nothing I have ever encountered before. The combination of his girthy cock and effortless hip movements brought me to a climax.
After the pleasure subsided I opened my eyes to see Hoseok pull out of me laying by my side. “That was… amazing but now it’s my turn to make you feel good.” I grabbed his still erected cock and sank down on him but in reverse cowgirl to give him a good look at my ass.
I looked back at him as I began to bounce on his cock making sure my ass slapped against his balls as I rode him. “Fuck Y/N you look so sexy like this” his hands cupped my ass as I picked up the pace.
“You like that?” You began touching your breasts. “Fuck I love it” Hoseok’s head tilted back and the noises leaving his lips were like the sweetest music to your ears. You held on to his ankles for more balance and to give him a better look at the curve of your ass. You were about to reach the second orgasm of the night.
Hoseok grabbed your waist and started matching up your pace fucking into you, he was bringing even more pleasure into your warm wet heat. The sound of skin slapping on skin was the only loud sound to be heard in the room and soon after you both came together.
After the mind blowing sex you knew you wanted to continue to see Hoseok. The connection might have first started off as just sex but it grew into more, he loved you and you loved him once you both fucked it out of your systems that’s when the feelings became more than just sexual.
Hoseok took you around his neighborhood to see the houses decorated for Christmas with lots of lights and outdoor Christmas decorations. It was a tradition started from years ago. “Here drink this, it's getting cold” Hoseok handed you a hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Hoseok hugged you from behind as you both drinked your hot chocolate and watched the lights. What a difference a year made.
“Y/N what are you doing here?” You turned to the sound of the voice and knew exactly who it belonged to Taehyung.
“I’m with my boyfriend.” you pointed to Hoseok.
“Boyfriend? When did this happen?”
“Excuse me but she is my girlfriend and it shouldn’t be any of your concern.” Hoseok put a protective arm over my shoulder bringing me closer to him.
“I’m her…” I cut Taehyung off before he could say anything that would make the situation worse.
“You are what? My ex boyfriend? Because that is what you are now Taehyung. I’m here with my boyfriend trying to have a good time so you should leave us alone.” I grabbed my boyfriend’s hand and walked away. I knew he had a temper on him and would hate to see him lose it on Taehyung.
I don’t know what happened with Taehyung but I didn’t care to find out. I just knew I was in a better place now so all of his attempts to try to get me back wouldn’t ever work. I thought I needed closure and answers from Taehyung but in the end I didn’t. I just didn’t care any longer.
Last Christmas was terrible but this Christmas was special as my favorite Christmas song goes.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special.
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©Monodreamin no copying, translating or stealing any of my works.
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dc41896 · 4 years
Winter Wonderland
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Pairing: Ransom DrysdalexBlack Reader
⚠️: Ransom being a tiny bit of a jerk, the usual fluff
Sat on the couch comfortably wrapped in your boyfriend’s burnt orange throw blanket, your eyes stay glued to the meteorologist pointing to the map on the wide screen in front of you as you mindlessly bite your thumbnail.
“This again?,” Ransom asks returning from his shower to sit next to you. Forest green tee shirt over his black sweatpants, the scent of sandalwood wafting off his skin brings you closer eventually resting your head on his shoulder while you silently take in a couple deep breaths to savor the smell. “What, are you trying to be a weatherwoman now or something?”
“No, I’m just trying to stay updated. You know, watching to see if it’ll maybe rain or snow...”
Moving his laptop from the glass coffee table to his lap, soon his fingers tap away at the keyboard below as he tries to answer emails he missed while being away with you and your family for Thanksgiving.
“Hopefully it doesn’t. I’ve got too much to do for the power to be turning off.”
“...It would be nice to see though you know?”
“Mm,” he simply replies, mind still comprehending the email from his assistant with his schedule for the upcoming month.
“Snow covering the ground perfect to make snow angels or a snowman with a cute little scarf and carrot nose. Ooh and maybe a snowball fight-!”
“You sound like a kid who’s never seen snow before,” he chuckles. Noticing your extended silence, he sits up meeting your innocent eyes as you play with one of the tassels from the blanket. “You’ve never seen snow, have you?”
“I mean yeah in movies and pictures, but never in person. Remember, it doesn’t really get that cold where I live.”
Only four months in, your relationship was still fairly new. And most of that time he was flying to see you, which was slightly concerning at first. Once he told you about his dysfunctional family though, and you briefly heard it firsthand, it made sense why he wanted to get as far away as possible.
It was just a small mistake when some of his business documents were sent to his parents’ house, but of course they assumed it was his sly way of asking for money. Not even giving him a chance to explain, a shouting match soon ensued and hence why Thanksgiving was spent with your parents.
He still wanted you to come visit to show you his home, where he grew up, and some of his favorite places especially since you showed him yours. He’d just have to be extra careful to avoid any of his family members or those who worked at his grandfather’s home if the two of you went to town.
So far though, you two didn’t have to worry since you’d either been happily snuggled on the couch or in bed since you arrived.
“Well, it’s more of a pain than anything. You need the right tires to drive on the road and even then you have to worry about them being too slick. Then sometimes the snow is like mush that basically starts melting as soon as it falls, and don’t even get me started on the shoveling,” he rants as the small smile on your face slightly falls.
“Yea I’ve uh heard that it’s not so great once you get used to it,” you respond turning the channel to some random movie before handing him the remote. “Looks like it’s not gonna snow anyway though so no worries.”
“Good, I’ll be able to make all of my meetings then.”
As you sat in silence, Ransom could feel that you were disappointed about the sunny and clear forecast. He still stood by all the negative things he said earlier, but he also remembered how excited he’d get as a kid once it started to get colder. That meant snow would eventually come, bringing snow days from school and playing all day in the backyard. That is until his mother would yell at him from the back door not to mess up his clothes or send the nanny out to get him if she felt he wasn’t listening.
Hearing your soft snores, he carefully removes his phone from his pocket, moving his typing from his laptop to the smaller device in his hand as he sends a quick text to someone who might be able to help.
The soft chime of your alarm from the bedside table causes you to mentally groan as you reach to silence it before it could disturb Ransom. However feeling his arm tighten around your waist bringing you closer to his bare chest, you could see you were too late.
“Sorry babe. Go back to sleep, you still have time before your meeting,” you whisper.
“No,” he mumbles, face falling to the crook of your neck making you giggle from the sensation of his breathing paired with his pouted lips against your skin.
“Can you let go then? I have to log in for work.” Shaking his head, you roll your eyes at how clingy he could be under that tough, careless facade. “Ransom come on it’s my last workday before Christmas so I can’t call out. As soon as I’m done though you can have me all to yourself okay?”
His only response is silence as you try to escape his grip thinking he drifted back to sleep. You’re slightly startled as your body is turned to face your boyfriend with his eyes still closed and a tired yet playful smirk gracing his lips.
“I already took care of work for you,” he replies opening one eye while the other stayed pressed against the plush pillow.
“What do you mean?”
“That you don’t need to worry about work until the new year.”
“How? You just told my boss I wouldn’t be in for a while and she said okay?”
“Well darling as you know I can be very persuasive,” he cockily states with a wink. Sitting up with arms crossed over your chest, he chuckles at your unamused expression sitting up himself to lean against the headboard. “I told her how I had a secret trip planned for us and asked if you could be out until you were due to be back in January. She said you had the time so it was okay and for us to have fun. If you don’t believe me call her yourself.”
“How long have you had this planned? And where is this secret trip too?,” you finally speak trusting his words.
“A while now, and it wouldn’t be a secret anymore if I told you dear.”
“Then how am I supposed to pack for said trip honey?,” you ask matching his sarcasm.
“Already took care of that too. All you have to do is get ready so we can leave in a couple hours,” he smiles gently grabbing your chin to kiss your lips. “Unless you want to go to work then-,”
“No, I’ll get dressed!” Giving him one last peck as you crawl over his relaxed form, he chuckles watching you excitedly hurry to the bathroom to start your morning routine.
After both of you were dressed and Ransom placed your packed bags in the trunk of his newly rented Range Rover, his hand stops you from entering the passenger side slightly confusing you.
“It’s a surprise remember?,” he smirks pulling a black blind fold out of his jacket pocket.
“You know, this is how a handful of those lifetime movies start before the main character goes missing and her family then sets out to find the boyfriend even though he swears he’s innocent,” you state making him deeply chuckle as he finishes tying the cloth over your eyes.
“Relax, you’re fine. Plus how do I know this isn’t like those movies where the gorgeous girlfriend acts all innocent and sweet until she gets her boyfriend away so she can kill him and take all his stuff before moving on to her next victim?”
“Touché. I guess we’re gonna have to trust each other then.”
“I guess so,” he laughs kissing your cheek before carefully helping you in your seat and closing the door behind you. The drive there didn’t seem too long as you and Ransom talked about everything from each of your favorite vacations over the years to his new book ideas and what was soon to be published under his company. Of course you tried to get him to slip and say where you were going and what he had planned, but his lips remained sealed.
Every time you asked, he’d just chuckle telling you to be patient before kissing the back of your hand.
Soon enough your questions would be answered as the car slowed while it turned maintaining the same speed until coming to a complete stop. “Are we there? Can I take off the blindfold now?,” you excitedly ask.
“Go ahead before you bounce a hole in the seat.”
Removing the cloth, you blink your eyes adjusting to the brightness of the remaining daylight outside before they can focus on what was exactly in front of you. Dark brown wooden outside with a blue green roof and stone chimney, the modern looking cabin with wrap around porch peering into the surrounding woods on one side and the calm lake on the other.
“I hope your silence isn’t because you’re currently regretting coming with me,” he speaks peering at you with soft crystal blue eyes. Leaning over the middle console, your hand finds the back of his neck bringing him closer to connect your lips with his.
“It’s beautiful! The perfect Christmas getaway,” you smile.
“Well not perfect yet. This is just part one of your surprise.”
“Ransom, you don’t-,”
“I know, I don’t have to. As you see though, we’re here so are we gonna sit in the car and stare at it or go inside?,” he smirks before getting out to open your door.
You weren’t surprised to find the inside just as charming as it’s outside view. The modern, minimalistic aesthetic along with high vaulted ceiling and open concept made it seem as if there was no end in sight for the cozy cabin. From it’s overall inviting warmth enveloping you as soon as the both of you crossed the threshold, you weren’t sure if your boyfriend, or anyone, would get you to leave when the time eventually came.
Once settled and full of dinner made from what was in the fully stocked fridge and freezer, courtesy of his assistant, you could feel the day’s toll finally weighing on you as multiple yawns escaped your mouth and eyelids began to droop.
“Don’t fall asleep on me yet, you still have your last surprise to see,” he chuckles gently nudging your arm.
“Ransom seriously everything has been more than enough. What else could you possibly have planned?,” you sleepily smile peering up at him through partially opened lids. Gently pulling you up with him, he guides you to the porch with muscular, sweater covered arms wrapped on your chest just under your neck. He places a kiss on the top of your head as you lean back into his broad chest admiring the bright crescent moon along with the shimmering stars scattered behind it in the black sky.
“Although I do love gazing at the moon with you, and think this is a really nice surprise, it’s getting cold,” you speak feeling the vibrations of his quiet laugh through his chest.
“You really need to work on your patience dear,” he whispers, lips resting next to your ear. Watching the breath from your nose turn to smoke, you soon see something fall from above making you slightly lean forward to see if your eyes were deceiving you. Sure enough, a similar white speck descended with a small swirl as you gently gripped Ransom’s arm gasping. As more and more fell, you reach out over the banister feeling bits of cold ice touch your palm before melting into miniature puddles.
“Is this real?!”
“No, there’s a man on the roof with a wind machine. Yes, it’s real honey,” he chuckles kissing your cold cheek.
“But the forecast said there was none coming.”
“Yea for where we were. That’s why I brought you a bit further north where it usually snows around this time of year. Luckily it still happened or else everything would’ve been ruined.”
Turning to face him, your arms wrap around his neck as you reach on your tip toes to deeply kiss his lips. You prop your chin on his chest, adoringly looking up at your boyfriend with a soft smile.
“Yea no snow would’ve been a bit of a bummer, but everything would still be wonderful because I’m here with you.”
“Stop you’re gonna make me blush,” he dismisses with a dramatic wave making you giggle.
For the next few moments, you both comfortably stand in each other’s arms with your head now lying on his chest gazing at the steady falling flurries, and Ransom doing the same finding himself truly happy to see snow for the first time in a long while.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
Furies (Mermay OT4)
Request from @angellioncosplay, fill is NSFW
The jagged edge of the harpoon slices into his tail. 
Barclay knows he’s doomed but he thrashes and tries to dive all the same. He doesn’t know what the boar above wants, doesn’t care, he just wants to go home, he has to make it back to them, please, all he wants is to see them again. 
A second barb pierces his side, blood clouds his vision. 
In the darkness below, he thinks he sees two red lights racing closer. Then the harpooners tug, and the world snaps to black.
“Is he stable?” Duck whispers as Aubrey swims out of Barclay’s bedroom, shutting the door behind her. 
“Yeah. I’m glad Indrid warned us when he did; if he’d lost much more blood, I’m not sure even my powers coulda helped.”
“And Joe and ‘Drid?”
“They’re gonna stay with him. I think they’re okay but, well” she sighs, shakes her head, “if that’d happened to Dani, I don’t think anything could make me leave her side.” She loops their arms together as they swim to the door, “do you wanna come stay with us? I know this is hard on them, but you had to, like, break a harpoon in half while one of your friends almost died.”
“Nah, oughta stay in case any of ‘em need somethin.”
“You want to keep Dr. Harris Bonkers for extra support?” She holds out her sea bunny.
Duck rubs it’s back, “I’ll be okay, but thanks for the offer Lady Flame. You get home safe now.”
“I will. Oh” She turns, swimming backwards as she adds, “if he needs any more healing between now and tomorrow, come get me right away!”
He promises he will, locks the house up for the night and floats into the kitchen to put it back in some kind of order. Indrid’s sketch pad and enchanted pen are still on the floor where he dropped them, Joseph’s book and Duck’s half-built model ship knocked sideways from the seer pushing away from the table in a flurry of silver and panic. And on the counter are the ingredients Barclay’d set out for dinner, the ones he was checking off when he realized he needed scallops and swam off with a promise to be right back. 
Duck sighs, jumps when something whaps at the green-glass window. 
“Jesus Winnie, thought you were in the bedroom.” He cracks the window enough to lift the octopus inside. See slowly slides off his arm, swimming across the floor to the pile of salvaged ship instruments Duck and Indrid found for her. 
“Maybe this will keep her from stealing the silverware.” Barclay plucks a knife from the cephalopods tentacle. 
Suddenly, he’s too heavy to swim. They almost lost him. 
It’s simple, really. Duck is in love with Joe and Indrid. Joe and Indrid are in love with Barclay. But that doesn’t mean Duck doesn’t love the other mer; Barclay is one of his best friends, a sympathetic ear when things go south and the only one of the four of them capable of beating Joe at Ten Shells. Barclay also understands something about Duck that escapes many of their kind; that he can love Joe, curious and meticulous from his black hair to his dapper monochrome tail, and Indrid, strange and aloof until you gave him the right kind of stroke on his silver scales, with the same intensity. It just manifests in different ways. 
Duck cracks the bedroom door open, finds the wounded mer on his back in their large, seaweed colored bed. Indrid and Joe are nestled on either side of him. Normally, they’d be an undignified, loving pile, but the bandages on his stomach and tail prevent it. 
Indrid stirs, trilling in distress. His nightmares come and go, are most often the echos of horrible futures he was forced to watch over and over. Duck has a pretty good guess as the which one is playing in his mind tonight. 
He wiggles down onto the bed, draping his arm over Indrid’s side and guiding his bony back and red fin against his chest. When Indrid registers his weight, the nervous twitches of his tail stop. Duck glances up, watches Barclay’s hand glide down the bed to hold Indrid’s own. 
Someone almost took this from them. Almost ripped away pieces of the hearts of the mers he loves most in the world. 
And he wants to know who. 
“Dearest, how are you feeling?”
“Fine, totally fine.” Barclay tries to sit up as a demonstration, only for his whole body to convulse. He falls back against the bed, whimpering pathetically. 
“Hmmm, I was afraid that would be the case. There were some timelines where you healed quickly, but it seems the monsters who attacked you did a great deal of damage.”
“No, no, it was just a twinge, if you give me a sec I can-”
“-You will stay in bed.” Indrid’s red gaze sharpens, “no mate of mine is going to re-open his wounds trying to make me breakfast.”
“Besides” Joseph looks up from setting all the med supplies they need in tidy stacks and lines, “it’s not like Duck or I can’t cook. You need to rest, big guy.” He swims over, strokes Barclays hair. Barclay leans into the feelings, trying to ignore the fear gnawing a new hole in his side. 
In the three days since the attack, he hasn’t been alone. His boyfriends and friend take turns sitting with him, talking when he wants to and letting him sleep when he needs, bringing him food and changing his bandages without complaint. 
It’s all wrong. That’s not their job. It shouldn’t be, that’s what they have him for. Some part of him wishes they’d been too late. Because he doesn’t want to face what’s coming. 
“Any luck?” 
“Some. Juno says she saw an unfamiliar hull pass by about an hour before Barclay got attacked, but she wasn’t close enough to see any details.”
“Damn it.” Joseph slams the book one human weapons in frustration, then cringes at his outburst. 
Duck swims to him, pulling him up from the chair into an embrace, “We’ll figure it out, slick. Nothin else, happen to know we got a real smart mer workin the case.” He winks, kisses Joseph on the cheek. 
He snorts, then looks at the floor, “Some part of me is worried about what will happen if we do figure out who hurt him. I...I don’t believe in violence outside of dire circumstances, but they, they nearly killed him. I’d like to say my motive in seeking them out is to make sure they can’t hurt anyone else but, well, that’s secondary at best. What I want is to make them pay.”
“That makes two of us” Indrid slithers in the door, “he’s sound asleep, not to worry. I have narrowed down our potential culprits with my visions, but I too am afraid of what I may do if I locate the humans who dared harm him.”
“I get the feelin, but right now we’re mostly borrowin trouble. Let’s wait until we know a little more before decidin whether to track ‘em down.”
Joseph nods, opens his mouth to suggest one of them retrieve dinner from the fishmonger down the block, when there’s a crash from the kitchen. 
“Damn, Winnie must’ve gotten into the cabinets again.”
Indrid blinks, then frowns, “No, that is not her doing.”
Rushing into the kitchen reveals Barclay trying to arrange food on the counter. His upper body can barely move, and his tail is unable to maintain direction due to the bandages. 
“Don’t worry about, ow, me” Barclay smiles at them, but Joseph spots panic in his eyes, “th-thought I’d do some meal prep since you’re all gonna be busy this week.”
He’s about to point out that a)they’re all capable of feeding themselves even when busy and b)Barclay’s only been recovering for a week and a half and Aubrey explicitly told him it would be at least a month before he could move around without help.
Before he can make any points at all, Indrid draws himself up to his full height, frills of his ears fanned out and gestures to the bedroom, “You will do no such thing. You need your rest, dearest.”
“That was an order, not a request.” It’s a tone that never fails to make Joseph’s spine turn to mush, and by the flash of pink in Barclay’s tail, he feels the same way. Then his whole tail drains of color and he nods. 
“Right. Sorry. I, I didn’t mean to upset you guys.”
Indrid’s frills flatten and he swims swiftly towards the other mer, “Barclay, I’m not-”
“It’s okay. I caused enough trouble already.” He catches Indrid by the chin to kiss him, blows a second kiss Joseph’s way, then disappears into the bedroom. 
As Indrid flicks his tail nervously, Duck clears his throat, “Know I joke about him not havin a selfish bone in his body, but this is startin to get ridiculous.”
The silver-scaled mer sighs, coiling his tail around Joseph’s own and opening his arms so Duck will come give him a hug. When the three of them are close together he murmurs, “ I saw this timeline, but I had so hoped it would not be the one we ended up in. I have mentioned before that the culture Barclay and I grew up in as deep water mers is very different than what you have on the reef. One component of that was the belief that a mer who could not carry his weight in his home would not be in said home for much longer. His mate or mates not only could, but were encouraged to, throw him out to make room for a more useful partner.”
The entirety of Joseph’s stomach crawls up his throat, “He really thinks we’d do that to him?”
“I suspect so.” Indrid rests his head on Duck’s shoulder, “Barclay is already prone to such fears, in that he prides himself on taking care of others. And it is a deeply ingrained message and practice, so much so that there are times I still fear you three may turn me away should my powers disappear.”
The mer purrs reassuringly, “But then I remind myself that I am not down there. I am up here, with you who love me regardless of my strength. Seeing the future helps a great deal as well; I can peek and see there are no timelines where you turn me away. Hmm” his tail taps Sterns lower back, “I wonder, is there a way we can mimic that experience for Barclay? Help him see his future here?”
Joseph gets an idea and, for the first time all day, the sense that he’s getting somewhere, “I have a plan.”
Barclay isn’t sure if this is some cruel joke, or if his boyfriends genuinely believe they won’t grow tired of him needing to be cared for all the time. Regardless, he doesn’t know what to do when Joseph lays beside him, kissing his cheek and shoulder as he talks about how they should go see the Kelpie migration this fall, and how he’s heard about a human beach where they serve a swim-up meal to mers and humans alike, and wouldn’t it be nice for all four of them to visit and try the food?
He doesn’t know what to do when Indrid gently sits him upright and combs his hair, jumping from topic to topic between kisses to the back of his neck but always returning to what they should do for Joseph’s birthday, or Dani and Aubrey’s anniversary, or their own anniversary.
He doesn’t know what to do right now, Indrid sitting and drawing while Joseph finishes changing the bandages on his tail. The one on his side came off a few days ago, scar tissue forming a jagged tooth of pink and white in his skin. 
Duck swims in, greeting them all at once, his usually friendly expression somber. 
“Joe, ‘Drid, could I talk to you in the kitchen? It’ll only be a minute.”
His boyfriends nod, assuring him they’ll be back even as they swim away. He wishes he could believe it, but he can think of only one reason Duck would need to talk to them alone. With a sad little groan, he rolls onto his uninjured side and pities himself to sleep. 
“You’re sure that’s the one?”
“Positive. Minerva had a near miss with it this mornin, described the exact same thing Barclay did. Speakin of which, we know they’re down a few harpoons because the ones they sent after her she threw right back at them.”
“A fair response if ever there was one. Do we all agree on the plan?”
“Good” A smile that could make a sea monster afraid, “then let us begin.”
Winthrop lounges on the deck of the Nemo as his guests and the hired guides mill around the edges of the boat. After that run-in with the mermaid earlier today, they’re on pins and needles, hoping to see and (finally) catch another. 
Is poaching in a protected cove illegal? Only if you don’t have the money to pay the fine. Is it wrong to hunt the rare creatures that call this stretch of ocean home? Wrong is a deeply subjective concept. 
Warmth leaves the deck as clouds swirl above the sun. 
“I say, wasn’t it sunny a moment ago?”
“Yep. Could be again, provided y’all head to shore and never come back here.” A voice calls from the bow. 
Everyone races forward, shouting in excitement when they discover the merman addressing them with an oddly calm expression.
“Don’t even think about tryin to spear me. You ain’t the only ones with weapons.”
A second mer surfaces, armed with a spear gun he clearly knows how to use. 
“Joe’s a damn good shot.”
The other mer fixes them with a steely gaze, “This is your last warning. Leave this cove and never try to hunt here again.”
“Or what?”
The whole boar rocks as something massive bumps the underside. Screams draw his attention to the silver, serpentine shape gliding through the water. A red fin breaks the surface and then it’s gone. 
Then the boat nearly capsizes as it rams the port side. In the darkening waves, the monster turns it’s head to look up at them. It’s red eye is the size of a steering wheel, but he forgets all about that when the creature rears up, jaws snapping, and narrowly misses dragging his wife off the boat between butcher-knife teeth. 
“Our friend here is mighty angry with you” the first merman rubs the monster's fin as it swims by him, “in fact, he’s downright furious.”
“And it looks like he’s decided to build up some speed before hitting you this time. I don’t think your boat will survive that amount of force.”
“Alright, alright we’ll leave, we’ll go and never come back.”
A hissing screech from the monster. 
“We swear!” He says, really meaning it this time. 
The first merman points towards shore, “then get goin’.”
The boat speeds away, and Winthrop decides to never, ever look back. 
“That was fuckin incredible darlin’”
“Thank you” Indrid returns to his usual form, groggy but pleased, “you were both wonderful as well.”
“Never been happier that you’re so into workin out how human machines operate” Duck kisses Joseph hard, one of Indrid’s favorite sights in the whole of the sea.
 “If you like how I handle a spear gun, you should see how I handle, um, other things.”
“I am” Indrid yawns, “in favor of that idea. But first, I believe I am due for a nap, and Barclay is due for an update.”
“You did all that for me?” Barclay twists his fingers in the blanket beneath him, trying to sound pleasantly surprised instead of confused. From the look Joseph and Duck trade, he’s doing a shit job. 
“Well, technically we also did it to keep the reef safe from hunters, and hopefully start a legend that will keep any like-minded poachers from coming within fifty miles of our home. Or our family. And yes, dearest, that includes you.” In the darkened bedroom, deep purple shimmers up Indrid’s tail. A signal to obey.
“I, I never said it didn’t.”
“Yes, but it has been on your mind for weeks.”
“Barclay” Joseph settles beside him, taking his hand, “Indrid told us about what you two were taught about needing care or being helpless. I, we, none of us want you thinking that’s what will happen here. I promise.”
He doesn’t realize he’s crying, not until Indrid whispers “hush now, dear one” and carefully rests their tails together so that the wound is left untouched.
“I, I thought saying it would make it worse. Make you think I needed reassurance, which would just make it clear how useless I am. I, I know that sounds ridiculous.”
“It’s not ridiculous to feel vulnerable or scared after something traumatic.” Joseph traces his fingers up and down his arm and his scales ripple in reply. 
“Nor to feel off-balance when you are unable to do what you usually do.”
“But you gotta tell us next time.” Duck rests next to Joseph, “we care about you, all three of us, but we can’t help if we don’t know what’s wrong.”
He flashes apologetic yellow, “You’re right. I’ll, I’m gonna try to be better about that. It’s just hard for me to let other mers take care of me sometimes.”
The purple returns to Indrid’s tail, and when he turns to look at Barclay his smile is no longer gentle and ethereal. It’s almost tangible enough to slice his chest and send everything he wants pouring onto the bed. 
“It seems to me, my dear one, that you could use some practice in that area.”
“Yes” he murmurs, then yips when Indrid bites his throat, “I mean yes, sir.”
“Much better. After all, your convalescence has made such things difficult until now. And yes, Joseph, I will keep an eye on the futures to be certain no one is hurt. Speaking of which: Duck, please adjust so Barclay’s head is in your lap. You’ll need to hold his shoulders down should he try and disobey me.”
A shift of the bed and then his head rests on mottled green scales. 
“Hey” He smiles up and Duck sends a crooked grin his way, setting more pink off in his tail. He may not want to fuck him, but Barclay’s not about to deny how handsome Duck can be.
This rumination distracts him from Indrid and Joseph’s conversation, so he’s pleasantly surprised when the black-tailed mer catches his lips in a kiss. It’s precise, down with calculated care that always makes him feel like the most interesting, important thing in the world. 
“That’s it big guy, relax for us.”
“I’, I’m tryINGfuck, it’s, it’s kinda hard when Indrid is doing that.”
Indrid chuckles, continues teasing the scales in his upper tail, “Shall I stop?”
“No, please no-”
“Please what?” His slit opens at the steel in Indrid’s voice. 
“Please sir.”
“Good boy. Ah, and here’s that lovely cock of yours. What shall I do with it, hmmm?”
“Anything you want sir.” He tries not to giggle as Joseph nibbles his ear.
“I was not asking you.” Indrid cocks his head at Duck.
“Huh” Duck toys with Barclays hair, “think I wanna see you suck it. Been too damn long since you had a dick in your mouth that wasn’t mine.”
Indrid licks his lips and then Barclay’s moans fill the bedroom as his boyfriend lovingly sucks the head of his cock. 
“Is now the time to mention he sucked me off yesterday while you were at work?” Joseph smiles up at Duck, though his hand is busy teasing Barclay’s nipples. 
Duck growls, “and you didn’t even give an encore where I could watch. Mighty rude of you. Both of you.”
“Don’t blame me” Indrid jerks Barclay off with one hand and fingers his slit with the other, “you know how needy our pet gets.”
“True. Guess I’ll have to put him in his place.” Duck looks down at Barclay, gaze soft in spite of his tone, “not tonight though. Tonight his job is to take care of you.”
“Speaking of which” Joseph turns his face into another kiss just as Indrid’s mouth envelopes his cock once again. He moans and whimpers between those perfect lips, a month of not even being able to touch himself meaning his body is already being dragged towards orgasm. His hand finds Joseph’s tail, petting it enticingly. 
“If you AHnnnfuck, lay perpendicular babe, I can suck you off without hurting myself.”
Joseph glances at Indrid, who pulls off of Barclay’s cock and shakes his head, “Not tonight, dearest.”
He whimpers, tries to lift his head, use his tongue to tease Joseph’s retreating tail, only or Duck to hold him firmly in place. 
“I know, sweet one, you do so love being inside our pet, whether with that talented tongue, those skillful hands, or this sinful thing.” He gives a final jerk, then uses his tail to guide Joseph into his former position, “And I would never deny you that pleasure. He’s such a good little pet after all.” He kisses Joseph posessively, then glides behind him and sets his hands on his waist, “which is why I am going to fuck him on you. I will control his movements, so as to avoid aggravating your injury.”
“And because you get off on it.” Duck adds.
“That too.”
“AHfuck!” Barclay’s whole tail lights up purple for an instant as Indrid shoves Joseph down onto his cock. He might submit to Indrid, but Joseph is the mer in the sea he most wants to claim, to fuck until he’s begging for more.
“Nghnshit, shit that’s so good big guy, fuck I missed this.”
“Thank you Indridoh, ohohohohfuck.” Joseph’s hands scrabble on Barclay’s tail as Indrid bounces him up and down. He looks so handsome like this, cock hard and slit swallowing Barclay to the hilt, dark hair loose and framing his head like a crown. 
Barclay reaches for him, desperate for a touch, but Duck holds him down.
“Thank you, love, if he had moved just then he would have hurt himself.”
“Don’t care” Barclay growlwhines, “Joseph, babe, wanna touch you so bad.”
“You’ll get to, big guy, there’ll be plenty of chances after this.”
He growls, teeth clenched as the riptide of his orgasm pulls at him. 
“It’s okay big fella, you can let go. We’ve got you.” Duck’s voice, as soothing as the hand he scritches down his scalp. 
“Fuck” is all he gets out before Indrid pushes Joseph down and Barclay spurts up into him with moan. 
“Better, big guy?” Joseph’s smile is as dazzling as ever. 
“Uh huh.” His bones are mud, his eyes heavy, and he feels better than he has all month. 
“Good. Come, let me look you over and hold you. Duck and Joseph will join us shortly.”
“But I thoughtAHfuck” is all he hears before the sound of Duck frantically fucking Joseph fills one half of the room, his boyfriends moan switching from charming to mouthwatering as Duck keeps fucking him after he’s cum. 
Indrid builds them a nest on the other side of the bed, guides him into it to comb his hair and rub his aching shoulders, humming as he does. Eventually, Duck swims over to join them, Joseph more floating than swimming in his embrace. 
“How do you feel, big guy?”
“Good. Really, really good.” He closes his eyes, safe in the knowledge that his home and family will still be his when he wakes up.
Then he opens them again.
“Wait, so what the fuck did you actually do to the guy who harpooned me?”
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joonclouds · 4 years
Heat Packs | YoongixReader
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You make a scrunchy face at the sandy-haired boy. “Not so bad? All I was, was concerned and he saw fit to make me feel as worthy as the dirt under your shoe.”
“I don’t wear shoes.”
When you raise an eyebrow pointedly at him, Taehyung holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Alright, shoe police, calm down.”
Yoongi x Reader (and shoeless friend Taehyung)
Plot: Producer!Yoongi, fluff at the end, kind of enemies to lovers?? arguments to lovers? idk man Yoongi is bad at expressing feelings
Warnings:  It gets a bit hot and heavy at the end but nothing else unless you want to consider cringey fluff as a warning lol
Wordcount: 7.3k
Note: Quarantine is still very inspiring. I am still very bad at naming my fics. producer!Yoongi is *chefs kiss* Hope ya’ll are well x *kisses*
It is a Tuesday evening in mid November that you decide you hate Min Yoongi. Hate was a strong word for you. Most of the time you hovered between a state of neutrality to mild displeasure, and sure, you’d been harbouring a (maybe not so subtle) crush on your reclusive boss, but you decide today that it was time to Burn That Ship cause you hate Min Yoongi.
You stand there, heart pounding. From embarrassment or from anger, you can’t really tell at this point - but heck, it wasn’t even your fault. Indignant, that’s what you felt. You had heard a loud bang and crash from his recording studio, and in a moment of panic and concern you’d rushed in to check if everything was okay.
Turns out he was moving his large bass speakers and didn’t need (or deserve, you think huffily) any of your help. Maybe you should have knocked first, but -
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Never heard of knocking?”
See, you were a Badass Bitch™. Which is why now your face is flushing an angry red, mouth open, ready with a snappy comeback. But Badass Bitch™ is also paranoid and doesn’t like confrontations, so she takes a baton and whacks the retort right out of your mouth. So you close your mouth again, stand there silently and look down. And if it could get worse, it does - a prickling at the back of your eyes starts to grow.
“And you’re just going to stand there?” The black-haired boy cocks a brow at you.
“I.. I heard a crash so I just came in to make sure everything was okay and-“
“What is this, your house? Is your name on the outside of the door?”
You wring your hands behind your back and pinch the fleshy part of your palm to ease the growing lump in your throat. No, you refuse to cry in front of him. After three months of working here you’d thought you’d finally wormed your way into the category of “acceptable humans to Min Yoongi”, but clearly you had not. In fact, as of now, you probably didn’t even exist on the Venn diagram.
“I.. No, but… I…”
“Does it. Say your damn name. On. My. Studio. Door.”
You stand there, speechless, mouth opening and closing, looking for something to say. A fat tear starts to pool in your left eye and threatens to spill, but by some miracle you manage to hold it in. Barely.
Yoongi lets out a sharp breath and makes his way across the room, yanking the door wide open.
“The rule here is no one comes into my studio. Get the fuck out.”
You are still crying as you sharpen the twentieth coloured pencil on the living room floor you share with a pixie of a girl called Chungha, who sits opposite you with her chin propped on folded knees.
“You should do this for a living, you know. Given how many times you’ve done this already.” She comments
“What, the crying?” You stutter out confusedly between a hiccup and a sniff.
“I meant the pencil sharpening.”
You blow your nose wetly into a tissue. “I can’t help it, okay? I cry. When people. Shout at me.” You choke out the last few sentences in between sobs.
All your admission does is bring forth another wave of tears.
“So who made you cry this time?”
“Min Yoongi. Min. Fucking. Yoongi.” With each syllable you turn the pencil with a newfound gusto, taking some sort of vicarious pleasure in watching the wood getting shaved off in neat strips.
Chungha’s eyes widen. “As in, owner of the studio, Min Yoongi. Your ridiculously elusive, black-clothes-only, don’t-come-into-my-office, hot in a weird way, Min Yoongi?”
You nod aggresively. “I hate him. So much.”
“You don’t mean that.”
You consider locking Chungha in the storeroom.
“Maybe he just had a bad day?” She offers.
“What did I do to deserve this? All I did was check on him in his studio!” In your angst you stop sharpening. You imagine the little plastic sharpener is Yoongi’s stupid head and you hurl it across the carpet.
“I’m sorry he shouted at you.” She pulls a Kleenex out of the box and dabs gently at your face. “Even if he told you not to go in, but you didn’t deserve that. He’s an idiot. Men are idiots.”
“I was just trying to be nice!” You protest, voice rising a good four octaves. “I heard a loud thud so I got worried and I rushed in without thinking, but turns out he was just moving his speakers and he just got so mad and saying all those mean things - “ you trail off slowly as hiccups and sobs leave you incoherent.
“You know how he is, grumpy old man. I’m sure he’ll apologise.” Chungha offers you another tissue. “And honestly my love, there’s no point crying now you’ve already forgiven him so…”
“I. Havent.”
“Tell me that when you next speak to him and aren’t a puddle of mush.”
You fling your snot-stained tissue at her.
The next week when your shift comes around, you still show up for work. Even though you are half an hour late from pacing up and down the street outside, considering if you should just not show up to spite him. It took three existential crises, five tears, and many muttered curses about the offending human being, but eventually you find yourself in the lift up to the recording office. You didn’t like to admit it, but you were the type who was quick to anger, but quick to cool.
Though cooling didn’t mean forgiveness. You were good at compartmentalisation and that was exactly what you were going to do.
The idea of not landing yourself in crippling school fee debt was wholly enticing, and to do that you needed this job as an admin at the recording offices. It paid well, and was easy enough. Keep the place clean, stock the pantry, manage the room bookings, make sure no one breaks equipment. Make ramen for customers. Don’t go into Min Yoongi’s studio. Even if he suffered a heart attack and might be dead. Easy.
You steel yourself with a breath and push open the swinging door with gusto, making a beeline for the reception with your head down and eyes trained on your shoes. Just get behind that tall white counter and you’d be safe -
“Oof.”  - if you didn’t first collide with a broad, hoodie-clad chest.
Warm hands grip your shoulders to steady you. “Whoa, watch where you’re going, little pea.”
You smile as you step back to see a familiar face face that takes your breath away. “I didn’t know you were coming in today!”
Taehyung, or Tae, as you had come to know him, was one of the regulars at the studio. A music student with a voice deep and syrupy as honey, and a face just as sweet to match - he made hearts go ba-dump in chests. Even after six months of seeing him three times a week, and the knowledge that he was already (secretly) attached to his art school’s equally pretty-boy dance major, you as a normal human being were still not safe from Tae’s charms.
“Yeah, I had some free time - Jimin’s off putting in extra hours in the dance studio so I figured I’d come here.”
You’re glad for his presence as you go behind the reception and get ready for work.
Tae walks up on the other side of the counter and rests an elbow on it, chin propped in his palm. From behind his long bangs you can see he’s sporting a bit of a twinkle in his eyes. He looks at you expectantly and you’re confused for a moment but it all clicks into place.
You fall into the chair behind the reception and let your head loll back on the backrest, giving him the side-eye. “What is it, Tae?”
He grins mischeviously. “So Yoongi unleashed the kraken on you, huh.”
“If by kraken you mean Mr. Shouty Pants, then yes, the kraken.”
Tae lets out a barking laugh. “Let him off the hook, fisherman. He’s not so bad once you get to know him - he wasn’t always like this, you know.”
You guess is that if that stupid recluse had anything such as a friend, then Taehyung would probably be the closest thing to it. But then again your guess was as good as useless because it was near impossible to not like Tae - he was definintely overly-friendly, but not in a smothering way and boy, did it grow on you. Out of all the people who came and went in the studio, Taehyung and about four other people were the only ones you had ever seen Yoongi say more than three words to in a single sentence. Well, now you were included in that category too, but for very different reasons.
You make a scrunchy face at the sandy-haired boy. “Not so bad? All I was, was concerned and he saw fit to make me feel as worthy as the dirt under your shoe.”
“I don’t wear shoes.”
When you raise an eyebrow pointedly at him, Taehyung holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Alright, shoe police, calm down.”
After a moment, he adds, “are you still angry?”
You sigh in resignation. “Honestly? Not really. I decided I need this job more than my dignity.”
Tae chuckles good-naturedly.
“Oh, by the way could I have the restroom key, Jungkook’s track got rejected again and the idiot’s gone and locked himself in there. Again.”
Bending to look under your table for the right set of keys, you cant help but feel the little worm of resentment wriggle in your heart. “If he were even half decent he’d apologise.” You grumble quietly.
“Looks like he already has.”
“What did you say?” You emerge from under the desk, a little red in the face, and hold the keys out to Tae.
“Thanks!” Tae grins widely at you as he takes the keys and makes in the direction of the hallway, calling out behind him, “Ramen at 9?”
“Choosing to have ramen with me over Jimin? I’m honoured.”  You tease.
Turning back to your desk you notice a little convenience store heat pack with a yellow sticky note that says ‘it’s getting colder’ messily scribbled on it. Tae must have put it there while you were searching for the keys - a right shame he batted for the other team, the boy was so sweet.
“Thank you for the heat pack!”
“Not my doing!” Is his muffled reply from inside the corridors, but you just leave it at that.
Taehyung trains his eyes on the mop of black hair sitting in front of him at the audio console. He slowly swings in the spinny chair he’s kneeling backwards in, arms and chin on the high backrest.
After a couple minutes of silence Yoongi turns around.
“Tae I swear. I tolerate you, but if you continue staring at me while spinning in that chair for one more second I will enforce a shoes-on policy on this studio.”
The spinning continues, a playful gleam in the younger boy’s eyes. I call bluff. “When I’m gone, who else will you spill all your admin staff related problems to?”
Yoongi lets out a resigned sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Why he chose to let this shoeless, pajama-clad hooligan into his life he would never know.
“This is about ____, isn’t it?”
Taehyung nods. “What you gonna do about it?”
He stops spinning in the chair. “Hyung. You didn’t misplace her printing, spill coffee on her notes, make her give out flyers in the rain, put in her pay three days late, or even ask her to make ramen for Jungkook.” (The boy eats four packets in one go.) He lists them all out on his fingers, much to Yoongi’s further annoyance.
“Heck, maybe even collectively doing all of those things might have been better.” He wags an accusing finger in his face, but Yoongi chooses not to acknowledge it. Just like he’s trying not to acknowledge the huge clusterfuck that was this situation with you.
“You made _____ cry. The _____ who waters the stupid plant outside your door and replenishes the bottled water in your personal fridge after you run out because you’re too damn lazy to do it yourself. You’d both die of dehydration if not for her.”
“You both?”
“You and the plant outside, you fucking dumbass, since both of you have so much in common.”
Yoongi slumps deeper into his chair, twiddling with the rings on his fingers uncomfortably. He’s looking at his three computer screens filled with music arrangements but all he can see is your face, hurt and angry. There was a particular point where he saw a tear threaten to escape and he can’t remember feeling like more of an asshole. He’s frustrated that you make him frustrated with your stupid pretty face all crumpled up like that and the fact that he’d been the one to -
“So?” Taehyung asks expectantly.
Yoongi has a defeated look on his face. “I already apologised!”
Taehyung gives him a stare that was equal parts appalled and in disbelief. “With a two dollar heat pack you bought from the convenience store? Which you left on her desk, along with some random post-it and no name. She thinks it’s from me, by the way.”
“She should have been able to tell? ... From the handwriting?”
Taehyung just looks at him.
“I didn’t mean what I said, Tae.” He adds huffily after a short silence. You know why I get so prickly when people come into my studio without permission.”
“Hyung, but ____ doesn’t know that.” He reasons with a softer tone. “I know you like her. If you didn't you’d have fired her on the spot. She’s the best one yet, and pretty, too. I bet if you explained yourself she’d forgive you.”
He hates it, but Taehyung was right when it came to things like this. Your feelings had been hurt and insulted (unjustly so by him) and he didn’t know how to fix it, so he’d just avoided coming out of his room or being at the studio when you were working your shifts. Which had turned out to be an unexpected inconvenience because you were there, manning the reception and running the room bookings more often than he had thought.
“Knew she was trouble from the moment I hired her.” Yoongi grumbles.
“Stop it, old man. You’re just saying that because you like her.”
And indeed you were, all doe-eyed and warm smiles in a floral print dress catching him off guard the day you tentatively pushed the doors of the studio open, asking about the position opening for a receptionist.
Yoongi soon discovered, over the three months you’d been here so far, that you were also a college student struggling to pay her bills, and your shy disposition hid a sharp tongue and intelligent dry wit that had left him chuckling below his breath before he could stop himself. You were definitely trouble, and just his kind.
“After you apologise you should just ask her out already,” tae adds, “she’s totally got a thing going for you."
Yoongi scoffs. “Yes, _____ totally has a thing for me and my winning personality.” He puts his hand on his chin in mock contemplation. “Now I know why she ran off crying. She’s in love with me.”
“I said, after you apologise. Properly. She’ll forgive you.”
“Maybe I can just fire her. Then I don’t have to see her again.” He groans.
“Then I’d never forgive you.”
The words were sharp, but that was just Taehyung. There was somehow always a kindness to everything he did or said, even if it was an unpleasant thing; it had made Yoongi see the error of his ways more than once. The kid was more mature than anyone gave him credit for.  
Tae pushes off the chair and claps an encouraging hand on the older boy’s shoulder before turning to leave the room.
“Just say sorry, Yoongi. It’s not that hard.”
The way Dongwon looks at you as he leans on the reception counter makes you uncomfortable. In the kind of way that you can feel his eyes on your face, your throat, your shoulders. It makes you want to take a shower. Not that you were wearing anything revealing. In fact, you are the antithesis of sexy right now in what Chungha liked to call The Nun Outfit - a  white turtleneck knit and a plain black midi skirt that fell to your shins.
Nevertheless, you force a smile out, respecting that this was one of Yoongi's previous work partners. “I’m sorry, but Yoongi specifically told me not to allow any unscheduled reservations today.”
“Come on babe. I left shortly after you arrived, but you know who I am. I just gotta pick something up, and use studio B for a while.”
His usage of the affectionate term on you makes your skin prickle but you shake it off. “Maybe you could leave a message?”
Fumbling at your desk, you reach for a pen and a notepad, pointedly ignoring the way Dongwon is leaning in closer, not sparing you an inch of his scrutiny. “Here, you can use this -"
“Are you fucking him?”
You freeze. “What?"
Dongwon gives you a once over and runs his tongue on the inside of his cheek. You think you’re going to throw up.
“Are you two fucking? Is that why you’re listening to him like a good little - ”
Yoongi is nothing if not a possessive man. So when he catches the tail end of your conversation with Dongwon on his way out to get this third Americano of the day, and sees Dongwon looming over you like you're his next meal, he feels a sharp, intense anger pressing against his chest.
“The heck do you want?” Yoongi is seething as he enters the reception area, but he tames the flames quickly. His tone is deceptively level.
Dongwon looks away from you and a weird expression crosses his face, but it’s schooled quickly. “Yoongi, my man.” He greets emptily.
“I’m just visiting. Seeing how you’re doing.”
“Great.” is Yoongi's clipped reply as he sets his empty cup on the counter and tosses a couple of bills in front of you.
“Im sorry, sajangnim, I told him you said no unscheduled -”
“Iced americano, triple shot.” Yoongi cuts you off. 
He looks at you pointedly, the first time he’s acknowledged you since he had shouted at you a week ago. Under normal circumstances you’d have snapped back about how ‘so we’re only speaking if you need me to be the coffee lady’ but today you just take the money and leave the office, glad to be out of there. You drag your feet, walking as slow as possible to the cafe downstairs and pray the barista takes longer, but there’s only so much time you can kill before you have to go back up. Coming to the end of the corridor you just hope they’re both gone by the time you get back so it saves you the confrontation but -
You stop just before they can see you through the glass door.
"You don't talk to my people that way."
"Your people?" You don't need to see Dongwon's face to know he's sporting a twisted mocking expression.
"What’s the matter, she’s free game if you guys aren’t sleeping together." His leering tone makes you blanch. "With a face like that? She's way out of your league, man, and even if you were fucking, it doesn't mean you can't share - “
Dongwon is cut off when you hear the loud, telling smack of a fist connecting with a face. It is all you can do to not drop the coffee in your hand, the other coming to cover your mouth to muffle a gasp.
“God, what the fuck is wrong with you, Yoongi? Who shoved a cactus up your ass?”
There is a brief scuffling noise, and the sound of some pushing and shoving, but quickly, it is quiet again.
“You know I could end your career in one phonecall, right?” You can barely hear Yoongi from where you are, but one thing’s for sure. You’ve never heard him like this before. Angry and menacing.
“I know what you’re here for. I’m not going to fall for it again. I kept quiet to protect the people in Namjoon’s company, but don’t you for one damn moment think I don’t know you’re the stealing bastard who took my demos and used them as your own.”
"And when Namjoon realises what your work is like - ha!" Yoongi snorts. "I was gonna watch you die a slow and public death but I guess that can be sped up."
Suddenly, things click into place with a shrill clarity. You don’t hear Dongwon say anything.
“You. Owe. Me. So you be a good little bitch and apologise to _____ when she comes back, and if you even so much as breathe on the corner of my block again, I’m going to fucking end you.”
“Yoongi you -“
If there was a good time for Badass Bitch™ to make an appearance it would probably be now. So you squeeze your eyes shut and with a deep breath, push open the office door.
“Coffee’s here!” You say a little too brightly, like you didn’t just walk in on an altercation.
Dongwon is trapped against the counter, collar gripped in Yoongi’s fist. He’s sporting a shiner on his cheekbone. Your lip trembles, but you manage to hold it in place. After a tense moment, Yoongi releases his grip with a disgusted exhale. Dongwon brushes himself off, turning away to straighten his shirt.
You place the coffee cup on the counter, turning to Yoongi and holding out a small fist. When he just looks at you, you grab his wrist and deposit some coins in his hand. You notice his knuckles are definitely pink.
“Your change.”
Yoongi ignores you, looking over your head at Dongwon. He opens his mouth like he’s about about to throw a nasty remark, but then closes it again with fire burning in his eyes and turns to leave.
“Oi. You forgot something. ” Yoongi’s tone is dangerous, warning.
Dongwon looks back, eyes still blazing, gaze shifting to you when Yoongi tilts his head in your direction.
He scoffs before pushing the door open, but then as he leaves he spits out begrudgingly, “Sorry, or whatever.”
You stand there in shocked silence for a good full minute before your senses come back to you. You turn to Yoongi again, grabbing his wrist to examine his hand.
“Yoongi, your hand -“ you start, but he’s already yanking it back from your grasp and muttering an angry “I’m fine”, before grabbing his coffee off the counter and heading back into his studio with a slam of his door.
If Yoongi’s day could have gotten any worse, it just did. There is a knocking on his door, for the third time in a row now and -
Knock knock knock.
He groans, yanking the door open. If he could get any more pissed off, he does, when he comes face to face with Taehyung.
“The fuck do you want, Tae, I swear if it’s nonsense again -"
"Stop taking your problems out on other people, hyung. Getting real tired of your shit here."
Yoongi groans internally. Tae was right. Again.
"Sorry. Its been a day. Dongwon was here earlier." He explains wearily, and the younger boy softens a little with understanding.
"S'okay. He's gone now?"
"Yeah, left him with a present too." Taehyung eyes Yoongi's hand that rested on the doorframe. He nods a few times, and then shoves a plastic bag into Yoongi’s hands.
“I have a present for you. It’s from ____.”
Your name stuns him for a moment. “Wait. Who?”
“____. She asked me to give it to you. I think she’s too afraid to give it to you herself.”
“What? Why?”
Taehyung doesn’t say anything, just rolls his eyes before walking away. Yoongi shuts the door and slumps back in his chair, hand coming to massage his temples but he winces when he tries to make a fist. His knuckles are an angry, painful red. He definitely hit Dongwon harder than he’d intended.
Sighing, he empties the contents of the little bag onto the table and finds a tube of anti-inflammatory ointment, a roll of bandages, and a little pink post it note. It’s from you. You’ve doodled a smiling caricature of yourself with a tiny speech bubble that says ‘thank you!’.
He picks it up, running a finger over the smiley face and plasters in the top right hand corner.
Huddling deeper into your coat as you trudge miserably back down the street in the direction of the studio, you silently thank Tae for the heat packs he’s been leaving you - though he always denies it and you wonder why. Of course it’s just your luck that you left your house keys at the office on the coldest night of the month.
It’s not that Yoongi was avoiding you, you reason to yourself, as you walk, he was always like that. Aside from the first interview, you didn’t get a second glimpse of him till the third week into your new job. And even then you didnt really know what he actually looked like, because his face was always covered with a mask or a black cap pulled low. You heard more about your boss than how much you actually saw him.  
Maybe he just felt embarrassed by the whole two situations? You reason to yourself. Frankly you were over the whole shouting fest. Maybe he just had an off day, so what? (Chungha was right, you were just a little miffed that he didn’t apologise to you, but you guessed he’d redeemed himself). As you round the corner you kick a stray pebble that bounces down the street -
You remember the first time you had a Good Look at Yoongi. Not just glimpses of eyes under a cap pulled low, or a flash of his profile as he tugs his hood up over his head. Like, a real proper stare. It was about a month and a half in, when you were heading to water the plants outside his studio before you ended your shift, and caught him working late with the door open.
You had imagined him to have coarse, unrefined features, what with his reclusive, gruff personality. And so you were caught by surprise, when you're greeted with a delicate side profile, strong brows slightly furrowed in concentration as he experiments with different chords on the keyboard with long, elegant fingers. A plush lower lip is worried between a row of clean, straight teeth. It was an unconventional kind of handsomeness, a kind that made you want to look, and look again.
But it's like he knows you're there and looks up. Before you can apologise out of habit, he closes the door in your face, your gaze meeting his for a split second. His eyes are angled with an almost feline quality under long lashes, sharp and guarded. You didn’t know what they guarded, but you felt a curiosity take bud in your chest and it was in that moment you knew you were very much in trouble.
But it is not clear how much trouble you are in. And you thought you were clear of that trouble, given the happenings of the past weeks. But now you realise any chance of being clear of it is now shot to shit when you round the corner of the street and see him crouching at the curb outside the building near a small ball of fur.
He’s playing with a cat.
Softly, the three-coloured cat he’s watching purrs, abandoning the can of tuna in favour of rubbing itself against Yoongi’s shin. He pulls a hand out of his hoodie pocket and reaches down to scratch between its ears. A gentle, endearing smile finds its way onto his face. You feel your heart squeeze.
But like the last time, before you can make your presence known, he looks up. He knows. There’s an expression on his face like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t have been.
Yoongi quickly stands up and shoves his hand back into his hoodie pocket as you approach. It is at this point a small logical part of his mind registers that it would be a good time to apologise to you, but for the most part it is a mental re-enactment of a keyboard smash when you give him an unsure smile and a tiny wave. All swaddled in your coat and scarf, you were so cute, and holy shit you were walking over and he had no clue what he was going to say.
“So you’re the one spoiling him.” You murmur as the cat leaves Yoongi to pad over to you.
“Him?” He replies dumbly.
You nod to the meowing ball of fur curling around your ankles. “Him. I named him Jimin.”
“Jimin.” He repeats slowly. “A very human name?”
Yoongi watches you, as you watch the cat, a small smile gracing your face. “He reminds me of a friend of a friend. Small and cute. But has claws. And very clingy once he gets close to you.”
You look up to catch him staring, and he quickly redirects his attention to a streetlamp in the distance. “Yeah, I’ve been feeding him for a couple of weeks now. You’re definitely right about him being clingy.” Yoongi admits sheepishly as he shifts his weight from foot to foot.
Crouching to give Jimin a head scratch, you can sense Yoongi wants to say something. But you reckon he doesn’t know how. You think about giving him a hard time, but you don’t. You figure getting caught feeding a little cat is enough punishment for him.
“Don’t worry, sajangnim. I won’t tell anyone." You say with a little smile. "I’ll keep your image intact.”
Your smile makes his brain short circuit. "What?"
You let out a laugh because this was the most flustered you’d ever seen Yoongi, over a cat, no less! (you were wrong about this) And boy, was it amusing.
It's a light, happy noise and it's so pretty, Yoongi thinks. A pretty laugh for a pretty girl.
"Y'know, your whole brooding, all black, don't talk to me, mysterious guy image." You make a mask gesture over your face and then to him in mock disbelief.
"Playing with cats isn't very on brand of you, but I'll keep that information to myself."
Yoongi laughs then, and he dips his head to try and hide it, but from where you're crouching with Jimin you're treated to a glimpse of the cutest gummy smile that makes your heart turn into mush. You mentally note to prepare yourself for the next time he does that.
Putting your hands on your knees you push yourself back up and you both stand in companionable silence for a little while, watching the little cat go back to his bowl of tuna.
“I’m gonna -“
“Yeah so - “
The expression of mild surprise quickly turns into amusement on Yoongi’s face, and it makes you laugh softly into your palm like a shy fifteen year old. You quirk your head at him. Yoongi feels like it is really unfair for someone to be this cute.
“You first.”
Yoongi rubs the back of his neck with his hand and looks up at you from behind the hair falling in his eyes.
“I’m. Uh.” He stutters. “Realised I never apologised for that day.”
“It’s okay,” you smile reassuringly. “I’m over it.”
“You are?”
“Yeah.” You shrug. “I mean, granted you were a Top Notch Asshole, but I guess it was just a bad day for you.”
“I deserve that. Taehyung told me I should stop taking my anger out on others. Its true.”
“I accept your apology. Everyone has their own… thing.” You say stupidly after not being able to find better words.
“I just have issues sometimes. With... intellectual property.” He gestures vaguely in the air, trying to explain the best he can and you understand that he doesn’t really want to say more.
“I know.”
Yoongi’s brow knits in confusion for a moment before realisation dawns upon him.
“You heard us.”
You nod with a tight smile. “I didn’t mean to.”
Yoongi nods. “You’re not curious?”
“I am.” You consider this for a while, before adding: “but I don’t want to hear it if you don’t want to tell me.”
Yoongi doesn’t say anything, just continues staring at you. He likes that you are perceptive, and that you don’t feel like you’re automatically owed a lengthy explanation (even though he feels like you were). He likes your humour and the way you say things, and how every emotion is displayed so clearly on your face. He used to hate it because he thought it was a lack of tact, but honesty like yours is something he’s recently come to treasure a lot.
His staring makes your skin prickle all over and your cheeks flush, so you look for something to say.
“So all the receptionists who've worked for you become your punching bag, or was it just me?”
“Only the pretty ones.” He's sporting that cheeky gummy smile again.
He thought you were pretty?
It was so cliche, but it made you giggle. "Okay, casanova."
Your laugh dies down and you do this little shrug smile thing at him. In the muted yellow of the lamplight, and the snow starting to fall around you, Yoongi feels his heart stutter.
“Thanks, for the... stuff.” He pulls his other hand out of his hoodie to show you that it’s bandaged.
“Ah, you got them. I’m glad Tae got them to you. I didn’t know if you um.” You pause. “... wanted my company or not.” Yoongi blanches apologetically. “I’m working on it.”
After a moment of silence, you point up at the building. “I gotta get going. I left my house keys in the office. I came back to get them.”
“I think I’ll stay here a little longer.” He looks down at his furry friend working steadily at finishing whatever's in the bowl. “With Jimin.”
A sudden gust of cold, sharp wind cuts by, and you shove your hands deeper into your pockets kept warm by the heat pack Taehyung had given you. You see Yoongi shiver in his hoodie, and in the spur of the moment you fish out the heat pack in your pocket and hold it out to him.
“Take this, if you're gonna be out here. It’s getting colder these days.”
There is an odd expression on Yoongi’s face and he stares weirdly at you for a moment before you go into panic mode.
“Oh no, do you mind that I’ve been holding it before? Oh no I’m sorry. It’s okay, my hands are clean, I wash them often, twice actually with soap and water. I don’t like germs. If you want I also have hand sanitiser - “ you begin digging around hastily in your little sling bag, but freeze when Yoongi’s hands settles over your own.
They are big and warm, and the rough callouse on his palm brushes gently over your knuckles. You can’t help but imagine what they’d feel like on other places of your body. He accepts the heat pack from you, fingers lingering just a little too long - you’re sure of it, you hadn’t imagined that.
“Thank you, ____.” He offers you a half-smile and you can feel your heart flip flop like a fish in your chest.
All of a sudden, self-consciousness hits you in waves, and you school your features, clearing your throat. “I… I’d better get going, sajangnim.”
“Call me Yoongi.”
Yoongi finds himself biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling too wide as he watches you, all flustered as you stutter a mumbled agreement and goodbye, trudging off abruptly in the direction you came. Only to turn back around because you’d gone in the wrong direction instead of going to get your keys. Cute, he thinks to himself. Very cute.
The first time you say his name is two weeks later and you’re not used to calling him that, so he really has to drag it out of you. (Not that he didn’t enjoy it, but you best believe he won’t ever let you live it down that you couldn’t bring yourself to drop the honorifics.)
It’s after hours, and he’s leaning against the audio console in his studio, with you standing between his legs. A random demo track of his plays in the background - a simple piano melody, but you don't recognise it. Must be one of the new things he's been working on - there were a lot of them lately. One of them being working up the sexual tension between you two, which had reached a head today, given the position you were in. You were about to burst. Into tears, or flames you didn't know which but you sure as hell were about to find out.
You are eye to eye with Yoongi. An arm around your waist presses you against his chest with nowhere to run, the other hand gently cupping the side of your face. He is terribly close, so warm and smells of soap and the leather jacket he’s wearing.
“Say it properly.”
A little bubble of annoyance rises in your throat at the smug expression on his face. You’re rather cute when you’re frustrated.
“This is blackmail. It’s illegal, you know?” You say huffily. “It’s just a name, why do you have to make life so hard for me? I’m sure you’d know - “
You ramble on, and Yoongi watches you fondly - you weren't much of a talker, but put you in a spot and suddenly you couldn’t stop talking. He’s rather excited to discover more of this side of you. Even your coping mechanisms were cute, and he thinks to himself that he’s pretty much done for.
Yoongi places his index finger under your chin, tipping your head up to meet his gaze and runs the pad of his thumb slowly over your bottom lip. You shut up, and watch him as he watches his finger press into the soft flesh. The guy knew exactly what he was doing, and you were going to let him.
“Kiss me.”
Yoongi tilts his face even nearer, lips hovering dangerously close.
“Not good enough.” He whispers. His breath fans gently across your cheek; it smells like the mint gum he likes to chew on when he’s working on a particularly difficult track.
Yoongi feels your small hands tighten around the lapels of his jacket, and he’s met with a glare that is pleading and dare he say… petulant? He’s wanted to kiss you for a long time, and he’s thought about it a lot. More than is healthy for him, he thinks, but oh, does he want to tease you just a little bit longer.
“Not. Good. Enough.”
“Yoongi, kiss me.”
When Yoongi first kisses you, he does so chastely. He nips delicately at your lips. His own are soft, unhurried and teasing - a tender shadow of a kiss. You can tell he's relaxing, savoring the moment, and like a fog settling in, your world grows hazy with the smell, taste and touch of him.
"There's my girl." Yoongi whispers as he pulls away, his breath mixing with yours. Unintentionally you shift, moving forward for another kiss because he's kissing you but not really kissing you. And unsurprisingly, he stays where he is, just out of reach.
"Kiss me. Properly ", you repeat.
He moves his lips slowly to your jaw and lower; you can feel his laugh through his chest. You crane your neck and let out a breathy "oh god" when Yoongi takes his own sweet time to suck a deep pink bruise into the creamy expanse of skin there. He appraises, with satisfaction, the way his mark looks on you before soothing it with his warm lips and tongue.
"Come on princess," he murmurs against your skin in between licks. "Try again."
The term of endearment he uses on you is your undoing, and he makes a mental note with emphatic exclamation points to revisit this tidbit of information at a later date.
"Yoongi. Kiss me. Please."
And just like that he continues where you two left off, this time with no ounce of teasing or flirting. It's hot and shameless and wanton. Yoongi is no longer gentle. The hand around your waist drops to the curve of your ass, gripping hard and pulling you onto your tiptoes. He slips a thigh between your legs, your hips now flush against his - a delicious pressure you can't get enough of. The other hand palms your breast, rubbing a pebbling nipple through your clothes and the sudden friction makes you gasp. He takes the chance parting of your lips to lick into your mouth, swallowing your soft moans eagerly. You run one of your hands up to the nape of his neck. Carding your fingers through the hair there earns you a low groan, and a heavy, languid swipe of his tongue against yours.
You don’t know how long you spend memorising the taste of him, his hands claiming every possible inch of your skin, but eventually the kiss slows. Yoongi takes your bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently as he pulls away. For a moment all you can hear is the the blood roaring in your ears.
As the both of you catch your breath, Yoongi is just watching you now. The hand that rests on your waist moves up your belly, up your chest. It comes to rest at the base of your throat, thumb one one side and four fingers on the other. Silently, you revel in its weight. The feeling of his rings on your skin makes you shiver a little. Unable to help himself, he squeezes ever so slightly. Like this, he can feel your hummingbird pulse under the pad of his thumb.
Your eyes flutter shut momentarily, but not before you see his eyes light with desire.
You look up at him, and he decides he likes you like this. He really, really likes you like this - soft, pliant, all pressed up against him with your moans and kiss-swollen lips, and for the love of god, begging.  
It’s a bit pathetic how you’ve got him all wrapped around your little finger but he's had enough of teasing and he gets to kiss you now, so he doesn’t care. He smiles widely, closing the distance between his lips and yours again.
Six months down the road is the first time he lets you listen to that piano track when it’s finished. You don’t remember it at first, but he’s quick to jolt your memory with a very in depth and very realistic re-enactment.
When you finally get down to listening to it, he plays it off as cool and nonchalant, but you’re attuned to his little mannerisms by now, and the way he’s picking at the skin on his thumb told you this was important. He’s nervous to let you listen to it.
It’s beautiful - a soft piano backing track compliments his husky rap in an unexpected but flawless manner, and the way it builds into a crescendo fills you with raw emotion. Your eyes are wet by the time the last few notes play.
“Yoongi, it’s beautiful.”
He smiles at you, but continues picking at his thumb.
“You don’t think it’s too… different?” He frowns a little. “From my other stuff? Will people like it?”
You walk over to take his face between two of your small hands.  You’re looking at him like he’s your entire world and his heart is going to burst. “ Don’t worry. It’s going to be amazing. It is amazing. You’re amazing.”
In that moment, Yoongi feels invincible. He presses a long, sweet kiss to your lips.
“Some day, I’m going to write a song about you.” he breathes when he pulls away. You beam quietly.
“Music is my first love but you - “ there is a pause as he takes a moment to run a finger across your cheek, so gentle, as if he might break you if he wasn’t careful enough.“ - you are my forever love.”
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Hi!! This is cute little drabble for @figurative-siren-song ‘s RarePair Thing!! I hope you all enjoy it!! 🤗💝
Rare Pairing: Remy x Roman
Characters (order of appearance): Roman, Logan, Patton, Virgil, Remy
Warnings: Uh, food, and time anxiety.
Roman twirled through the doorway, amping up the extra to his usual greeting back from classes.
“Hello, gorgeous family!” He cheered, rushing over to give his Papa a hug around the back.
“Roman, you seem very lively this evening,” Logan said, pausing his cooking to glance back at his son. “What’s the occasion?” Roman slipped to his Dad next, waiting to peck him on the cheek before answering.
“A grand one!” He slid next to his little brother, and ruffle his hair, causing the emo teen to sway his hand away.
“Ro, what the hell?” He sat up straight as Roman puffed his chest out.
“I,” he began. “Have a date tonight!!”
“What?” Patton shouted, dropping his hot chocolate mug onto the living room table. “Roman, that’s fantastic!! Oh my gosh, tell us everything!” He yanked his son onto the couch and sat next him, staring intently. “Logan!! Come on!”
“You all do realize that I’m in the midst of cooking, right??” Virgil chuckled and went to assist his father, allowing Roman to belt out his achievements with more reason.
“Ok, so we were leaving class together, and right when we were about to say goodbye, he grabs me, by the hand, and asks to go for dinner!” Patton lunges forward, encasing his eldest in a hug.
“Oh, I’m so happy for you, kiddo!” Meanwhile, Virgil and Logan were having their own conversation back in the kitchen. As Virgil arranged a couple dishes on the counter for the finished products, Logan continued his cooking.
“Honestly,” Virgil said. “Roman has been crushing on this guy for months. He had that whole, ‘love at first sight’ complex.”
“Why am I not surprised. He’s only brought this boy up a hundred dozen times a week.”
“Try per day,” Virgil scoffed.
“And yet, I’ve never seen this kid in my life.” Virgil shook his head.
“I know. But Remy is the kind of guy to just vanish. He’d be at the dinner table one moment and on a plane to Uganda the next.” Logan narrowed his eyebrows, unsure of how to process that. “But,” Virge continued. “I think this Remy guy is gonna be good for him.”
“You’ve met him?”
“Yeah, a few times. Sometimes he’s with Roman when he picks me up on Wednesday’s.” Logan nodded.
“And guess what!” Romans boisterous voice chimes in. “The two in the kitchen turned their attentions over to see Roman positively beaming, bouncing on his feet. “He got me a gift!” He reached into the collar of his shirt and pulled out a golden chain, the signature Hamilton star on the bottom.
“Oh, Roman, that’s beautiful!” Patton praised. He looked up at his son from the necklace. “So, when is the date?”
“At 7:00!”
“So what you’re saying is,” Logan pitches on from the kitchen. “You’re going to skip the meal that I’m working hard to make to go to a fancy diner with some near stranger — someone of which your dad and I have yet to even meet. Am I correct?”
“Ugh, Pops, come on, you know that I—“ Roman began, hoping to defend himself and make his father feel better.
“I know, Roman, I know, I’m just teasing.” Roman visibly relaxed just as Logan turned to smiled at his younger child. “That just means that your brother will have to have twice as much.”
“Ooh, you see, I would love to,” Virge started, awkwardly playing with his hands. “But...” He splayed his hands out as if to answer in silence. Logan merely chuckled, loving to be able to tease his children. He then turned to his eldest, wearing a straight face.
“Hang on a moment — Roman?” He said, slapping a spatula around. Roman hummed and looked up from admiring his necklace. “What on Earth are you doing? Your date is at seven, it’s six o’clock, come on, get your shit together, you’re going to be late!” Roman instantly jumped into action, bounding up the stairs, calling a “thank you” to his father.
By the time their meal had been set out and the three began to dig in, Roman finally emerged from the stairs. He came out wearing a red, floral print suit jacket and dark jeans, a white shirt beneath and a scarf around his neck.
“Oh, you look great, Roman!” Patton cheered, smiling even as his son rushed around to gather his things. Logan paused his eating to assist.
“Wallet?” Roman looked up before he confirmed that he was carrying his wallet. “Phone?” Another confirmation. “A gift if you have one? Earbuds? Stressball?” Roman has nodded along to all of them, freezing momentarily at the last one.
“Uh, well, I wasn’t going to bring that.” The two fathers peaked interest, while the younger son merely adapted to absorb the next information.
“How come?”
“Well, I mean, I don’t want him to think I’m nervous, let alone stressed to the point of needing fidget toys..”
“Well,” Patton spoke up. “I think it’s a good idea to bring it, just in case. But, I suppose the final decision comes down to you.” Roman gave a light smile and his dad returned it.
“Alright, then come sit with us until your boyfriend arrives.” Roman was quick to grow a light blush.
“Papa, he’s not my boyfriend—“
“Yet.” Virgil pitched in with a smirk. Roman couldn’t glare knowing that it was probably true. However, he took a seat next to his brother anyway and waited, staring at the door and bouncing his leg.
“Here,” Logan pushed a dish of potatoes toward Roman slightly. “Have a bite before you go.”
“And spoil my appetite, are you mad?” He shrieked, pausing all nervous movements to gawk at his father.
“Or what, eat like a pig?” Virgil chipped in, talking with his mouth full. Roman startled again.
“I do not eat like a pig!” The four continued to chat until 7 o’clock rang, and by that point Roman was pacing and constantly checking his appearance in his phone camera. It was by 7:08 that he began to settle, but also begin to sulk.
“He isn’t blowing you off is he?” Virgil accused, pointing his fork despite being finished his meal. “Because if he does, I will rip him a new one, I swear.” Roman fell back into his chair and sighed.
“He’s never been that kind of person.” He muttered. “He’s always so generous and selfless.”
“He is?—“
“It just doesn’t make sense that he would ditch me..”
“Oh, baby,” Patton comforter, rubbing his sons back. “Perhaps he got caught up in traffic, or went the wrong way. I’m sure he’ll be here, darling.” They sat a bit longer, Roman taking a leftover piece of broccoli and tossing it in his mouth with ease.
“Ew. Dude.” Virgil grumbled, scrunching his eyebrows. Roman merely muttered back. A few seconds after he finished chewing, there was series of honks just outside. Roman flew from his chair and dove for the peephole. There was a red car and the one and only Remy Diablo standing in the window roof, using his foot (presumably) to honk the horn.
“It’s him! He’s here!” Roman immediately patted himself down and fluffed up his hair before tearing out of the house to go meet his date.
“So sorry I’m late, babes, just had to make a pitstop.” Remy said, then ducked back into the vehicle. Roman climbed into the passenger seat and looked at Rem.
“A pitstop? Where?” Remy raised his eyebrows up.
“Um. To buy you this? Obviously?” Remy reached one hand over, staring at the road as he drove. In his hand was a small bouquet of flowers, roses and lavenders and others mushed into a single present.
“Oh, they’re gorgeous!” Roman carefully snagged the flowers out of Remys hand and inspected them, giving them all satisfying sniffs. “These are perfect, Remy, honestly!”
“Also,” Remy began, not taking the time to indulge Romans praise. “I figured we go to the Ritz, you know? Romantic place, good service, drinks?” Roman laughed, fondly.
“Sounds great. Thank you, dearest.”
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nightingiall · 4 years
head in the clouds: part iv
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Rory doesn’t want to get up. 
Her body is slowly waking from sleep, limbs heavy and sated, and to be quite honest, she’s too comfortable to move. Soft hairs are brushing softly against her arm. A warm weight against her head is shifting a bit. A heart beat is thumping quietly and rhythmically beneath her ear—
Rory opens her eyes only to find that she’s not even in her own bed. This, admittedly, happens sometimes, but not often, and she’s about to catapult out in pure horror when she realizes that the bed she’s in actually belongs to none other than Niall Horan. 
She freezes, taking in her surroundings, mortification melting into confusion. She’s currently laying horizontally on the bed, head on Niall’s chest as he slumbers peacefully on his pillow, perpendicular to her. His arm is curled around her head, as though she’d been resting on it and slipped down to his torso instead. It’s only now that she realizes her hand is curled around his wrist, holding his arm close. Next to her is Spike, somehow curled into both of them. 
Rory has...no idea how they ended up like this.
“G’mornin’,” Niall is murmuring, voice raspy and deep from sleep, and Rory has to ignore the voice in her head that declares how absolutely adorable it is. 
“Sorry,” is what she blurts out instead, getting ready to shift out of his space but getting blocked by Spike, who’s watching her with that signature frown. “Am I crushing you?”
Niall chuckles under his breath and it’s all sleepy and impossibly cute and Rory thinks, Oh my god I am in so much trouble, because now she’s gone and gotten too close and there’s no going back now. “No,” he replies, bringing his other arm around her so he’s holding her to his chest. “You’re very warm. It’s nice.” 
She wonders if he actually realizes what he’s doing or if this is just that half-asleep delirium that happens when you’re drifting between that space of dreams and consciousness. But then his fingers start to curl around her hair, his eyes opening slowly as he tries to fight the temptation sleep must be calling him back into, and all she can think about then is how the morning light suits him so well, rays filtering through his window and washing him in hues of soft gold. She’s so distracted that when he smiles at her, she smiles back. 
The memory is coming back to her now, how they ended up here, and she finds herself relaxing against him as she tries to make sense of it. They’d been up late last night, cooking dinner, no alcohol involved. Rory remembers them trying to get Spike to taste something, chasing him all the way to Niall’s bed before they were able to coax it into the picky cat. 
Then they just...talked. About everything. About nothing. Rory learned about Niall’s family—just a dad and a brother—and his plans after the summer was over—take a gap year traveling the world, most likely, but he really wants to pick up more knowledge on baking all sorts of goods from across the globe. She told him about wanting to take a break for a year as well, about wanting to be an artist but her mom wanting her to do something practical, about feeling suffocated and unsure about everything now that college is over. Butterflies flutter in her tummy now at the memory of him holding her hand and looking into her eyes with a look of conviction, reassuring her that they didn’t need to have everything figured out right now, that everything would work itself out and be okay. 
The entire time, Rory didn’t think about last summer, didn’t think about her broken heart. In fact, her heart didn’t even feel broken anymore. The pieces were somehow mended back together, sealed tight with new memories of parties and laughter with Harry and Leslie, of coffee-drenched mornings with Gigi, of scorching lifeguard shifts with Niall. Of friends. Of happiness. Of that beautiful expanse of time in which her heart had quietly and decisively moved on without her noticing. And she learned how to laugh again. She learned how to be Rory again. 
And somehow, in the midst of all of that, she and Niall fell asleep, all wrapped up into one another. And it felt good. 
Now, he’s smiling that sweet smile at her, all sleepy eyes and messy hair, and she feels new and whole and completely content with where she is. 
“Wanna stay for breakfast?” he asks, one hand tracing circles into the nape of her neck and the other smoothing down Spike’s fur. “I make some mean pancakes.” 
And Rory thinks, what’s the harm? Breakfast sounds nice. Spending more time with Niall sounds nice. So she doesn’t have to think about it when she asks, “Got an extra toothbrush for me?” Niall’s smile grows a little wider at her words, and something smooth and warm slinks around in her core at the sight of it.
Oh my god I am in so much trouble, she thinks again.
Because Niall Horan smiles at her and all of a sudden she can’t think straight.
Rory thinks blue eyes are probably a bit hazardous. 
Specifically Niall’s blue eyes. Because she gets so lost in them that she’s nearly stepping onto Spike’s tail, and when she realizes at the last second, she ends up tripping over her own feet when she attempts to avoid hurting him.
And if she ends up spraining her ankle and Niall ends up having to give her a piggyback ride home, then his laugh is worth it. Gigi takes one look at her when they get there and Rory knows she will never hear the end of the I told you so’s. 
But there are 35 days left of summer, and...well, Rory doesn’t really know what to do with herself.
They’re in the dog days of summer. 
That’s what Rory and Gigi usually say when it gets to that point in the season where it’s so unbearably hot and sultry that even the guests don’t feel like doing much. August has finally descended on them and today, the pool is full of adults just lounging about, cold bottles of beer selling like crazy and everyone soaking up the last bits of sun before the summer ends, even though that is about a month away. Even the children are lazily drifting through the pool, ice creams melting near their parents on the loungers. 
Rory, for her part, cannot get a certain blue-eyed boy out of her head. It doesn’t help that he’s sitting on the lifeguard chair right across from her. He does this thing to stay focused, sings songs in his head, and when he does he always taps his fingers against his knees or against the arms of his chair or against his reusable water bottle to the beat of whatever it is. Recently, she’s been wondering what song is playing in his head, what that beat is that’s helping him stay focused on the people splashing about in the pool. 
But most of all, she can’t stop thinking of those fingers and how they felt when they were tangled up in her hair the other day. She replays the action at every waking moment, can’t sleep sometimes because the memory of warm, nimble fingers tracing shapes against the nape of her neck haunts her, like the ghost of what could be. 
She doesn’t realize that she’s sketching them until that familiar brogue is shouting, “Hiya, Rory,” and her concentration breaks. She quickly brings the sketchbook against her chest in her panic, hoping that Niall didn’t see whatever was on the page, which is irrational because he’s only now sidling up to her chair. “Jumpy today, eh?” he teases, signature grin on full display. “Whatcha drawing?
He reaches out to flip the book over but Rory hugs it tighter to her chest. “Nothing!” she nearly yelps out, voice all high-pitched and veering on the edge of panicked. She clears her throat when he gives her an amused look, amending her tone. “Um. Nothing. It’s uh...it’s not good.” 
He laughs and Rory feels her cheeks beginning to sting with that familiar burn. “C’mon, Rors, I’m sure it’s great.” Those stupid blue eyes glimmer in the sunlight and Rory really hates him right now. Really hates that he can have her feeling like mush just by doing the absolute bare minimum. She must send him some look though because he drops the subject with a huffed out “Fine.” Then he asks, “How’s your ankle?” 
Rory lifts her leg to look at it and, sure enough, it’s gone a bit swollen on her as she was too busy getting all distracted. She should probably get another ice pack on it. “Well,” she shrugs, trying not to flinch when Niall reaches out to gently press against it. “It doesn’t really hurt anymore.” 
Niall looks at her like he doesn’t believe her, grin sliding off his face only to be replaced with a stern line. “You should really get some ice on it, Rory.” It’s only now that she realizes how close he’s gotten. “It’s not going to get better if you don’t take care of it.” 
She huffs, rolling her eyes. “Okay, mom,” she says curtly, moving to slide off her chair and head over to her next post. As is customary between them at this point, she ignores his hand of help. Just her luck though, her ankle is still tender, and because she’s so focused on keeping her notebook hidden from him, she steps down wrong and her knees end up buckling under her weight as she hits the ground, Niall instantly reaching out to grab her arms and steady her. 
“You’re so stubborn,” he grits out as he helps her up, and this time he’s the one rolling his eyes at her. “Stay here. I’m going to get you some ice.” Rory watches as he motions to Zafar, who is behind him in the rotation, and Callie, another lifeguard who’s in front of Rory in the rotation, that he’ll be right back and scurries off towards the canteen where there’s a first-aid station. 
She huffs to herself as she tries to walk as normally as she can to her next post, but she probably ends up limping because even Callie is calling out to her asking if she’s okay. She waves her off, managing a smile as she gingerly hauls herself up onto the lifeguard chair, glad to be under the shade of the umbrella now. Her sketchbook, now laying closed on her lap, taunts her. Her fingers itch to open it and resume her sketch, but this is dangerous, dangerous territory. 
“I thought I told you to stay put.” Niall’s looking at her all exasperatedly as he hands her an ice pack. She takes it with a frown, a retort ready on her tongue, but it quickly melts away when she presses the pack to her ankle. The cooling sensation that runs through her is so soothing; she didn’t even realize it had been hurting so bad. “You better go straight home after this and get some proper ice on it.” Niall is crossing his arms at her now, watching her so seriously that it nearly startles her. “You can’t keep running around on it or it’ll never get better.” 
A rather enamored warmth runs through her at the way he so obviously cares, but she masks it with yet another eye roll. “But I was meant to stop by the kitchens to get more food for Spike—”
“Don’t worry about, Spike,” he interjects tersely, and Rory wants to reach out to smooth away the little wrinkle that has settled between his brows. “I’ll figure something out. But if you even think about stopping by with that ankle of yours then I won’t open the door for you and it’ll have been a waste of your time!”
Rory can’t help it. She breaks at that, a tiny giggle escaping her lips, and she can’t even be mad at herself for it because it makes Niall smile. “Fine,” she mumbles, defeated, because she can’t ignore the disappointment that settles over her now. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t look forward to spending time with Spike—and, okay, fine, Niall too—after her shifts. It gave her something to do now that she didn’t hang out with anyone else on the grounds, apart from Harry and Leslie when they’re free and Gigi when she actually shows up at their place. 
Niall notices her mood shift because of course he does, and he reaches out to playfully nudge at her, grinning as he starts to move towards his next post because he’ll get written up if someone important walks by and notices them having a conversation when they should be working. “Turn that frown upside down, beautiful,” he calls out when he’s halfway, winking for good measure, and the blush that burns through her this time is so unbearable that she nearly yells out at him to stop the compliments because she doesn’t know how many she’ll be able to handle. 
Luckily, or unluckily, for her, he swings himself up onto his lifeguard chair, attention returning to the people splashing around in the pool, fingers tapping against his knees as his song resumes in his head. 
As Rory opens her sketchbook to look at the drawing, she groans to herself. 
She hasn’t managed to draw in any distinctive features yet, but anyone with a brain would be able to tell it’s of Niall, lounging in his lifeguard chair, fingers of one hand wrapped around his bottle and the other against his knee, posture and build unmistakable. 
There are 31 days left of summer and Rory has got it bad. 
“What do you mean you told them!”
Rory is glaring and Niall is watching her sheepishly, pinpricks of red coloring his cheeks. Behind him, she can see Harry and Leslie chasing Spike around, the cat making a sort of indignant sound, Leslie knocking over a picture frame in the process. Rory huffs angrily at the sight. 
“Hey, don’t be upset.” Niall is giving her that wide-eyed puppy dog look and it reminds her of that night when she caught him sneaking around the grounds with Spike in a duffel bag. They’ve come a long way since then.
Rory opens her mouth to retort but is cut off by the sound of Harry bursting into a fit of laughter inside and she rolls her eyes. Niall almost smiles but a group of people loudly file out of the apartment across the street and his face changes into an unreadable expression. 
He cautiously looks around before grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside, shutting the door behind them. “The blokes next door made a passing remark one day that they could hear animal noises sometimes and I freaked out. So I asked Harry and Leslie if they’d stop by between their shifts to check on Spike sometimes to make sure he wasn’t too lonely. I didn’t want to bother you about it. You had to let your ankle heal after all.” He tries to smile at her but it looks a bit like a grimace as he anticipates the way she might look at him, but she only watches him warily. “And plus, Harry works in the kitchens so it won’t look suspicious if you kept going over to get food. This way there’s less of a risk of you getting in trouble too.” 
And, ugh, Rory hated how annoyingly endearing he was. It wasn’t fair! She was trying so hard not to fall for him and was hopelessly failing. And Rory did not like failing.
“Rors,” Niall murmured softly, voice syrupy sweet, like the slow pour of honey over Sunday morning pancakes, like the leisurely melt of ice cream sitting out on a hot summer day. He steps into her space the slightest bit, fingers grazing against hers cautiously, deliberately, before retreating a bit, as though remembering that invisible boundary between them. “Please don’t be angry. You know Spikey likes you best. Nothing can change that.” He seems to change his mind on the fingers front, boundary forgotten, because he laces his into hers for a quick moment, squeezing gently. “And that’s saying something because Leslie brought him toys.” 
Sure enough, Rory looks over to see Spike lazily prodding at a stuffed toy. As soon as he catches sight of her though, he plods over. It seems like the exercise has done him well because he no longer drags his paws as much and is all sidled up to Rory’s feet in a matter of seconds. “Hi, Spikey boy,” she murmurs at him, releasing her fingers from Niall’s in favor of kneeling down to smooth them across her favorite cat’s fur. And also because if Niall said one more word to her with his eyes sparkling the way they were then she would have had no choice but to kiss him and it was better if that didn’t happen. Especially not in the presence of their friends.
Above her, Niall laughs, and she can’t bring herself to look at him but knows he’s glowing. “See. He loves you most.” 
She’s somehow swept inside, Leslie cheering at the sight of her while Harry chastises her for not telling them about Spike sooner. Harry adores cats, always talks about how much he’s wanted one. Which is why when Spike continually ignores his approaches, Rory finds it endlessly amusing. 
“Niall, you’re so lucky you don’t have roommates,” Leslie says while petting Spike’s fur. “I can’t imagine how you’d’ve been able to pull this off with one. The other Shack boys aren’t like you.”
Niall laughs his big, buoyant laugh at that, and the sound of it seems to lure Spike close to him. Rory can understand, it makes her lean in to catch every expression of his too. “Well, I had one at the beginning of the summer but he had to leave and then never got replaced, so…” He trails off, shrugging, and they all lament at how lucky he is to not have to deal with another person in his space. 
By the end of the night, Spike seems to have gotten sufficiently acquainted with these new additions to his life, especially once he sees the way Rory and Niall interact with them. And when Rory gets used to sharing this part of her life that she’d been so protective over, she finds herself relaxing and laughing along too. 
Until there’s a knock on Niall’s door. 
They all freeze at the sound of it. Even Spike’s tail pauses in midair as he picks up on the sudden mood shift between them. Niall glances around questioningly, as though one of them would know who it is, before he gets up to answer. Rory feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room, feels as though they’re all collectively holding their breaths as they watch Niall look through the peephole. 
Then he laughs and the tension breaks. 
“I brought snacks!” comes a familiar voice when he opens the door, and when Niall moves aside, Rory is shocked to find that it is none other than her roommate. Sure enough, Gigi grins at all of them, holding up a box of sandwiches that must have been left over from a corporate event and a gift bag that clinks with the unmistakable sound of wine bottles. 
All of them except for Rory cheer when Gigi makes her way inside, heading straight for Spike to nuzzle her fingers against his fur. Harry immediately grabs the wine and Leslie makes quick work of the sandwich box as they head to Niall’s kitchen to get everything opened. Rory, for her part, simply looks at Niall, whose cheeks are already coloring with that familiar rosy tinge, with a look that says, Her too?! Because for something that they’re supposed to be keeping a secret, it seems as though more people have found out in the past three days than in the past few weeks. 
But either way, she’s not really upset. She just likes the way Niall’s blue eyes get all wide as he squeezes her fingers when he tries to console her.
“You have a crush on him,” says Leslie when they’re walking home. 
Rory just sighs, because her friends are smiling at her all knowingly, and she knows this is serious because they usually mind their own business. Well, except for Gigi, whose ears perk up at this conversation. So she asks, “How obvious is it?” 
Harry bumps his shoulder into hers, and when she looks at him, he’s grinning wildly at her, dimples pressing deep into his cheeks. “So obvious.” 
Rory looks at Gigi then, expecting the I told you so, expecting the forthcoming round of gloating because she called it. Instead, she receives a soft smile and a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I’m so happy you’re happy again, Rory.” 
And she can’t help herself when she stops just to pull them all into a hug. Because there are 27 days of summer left, and some moments are meant to be savored.
tell me what you think! :)
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
Once in a Blue Moon
(A Newsies 1950s Band AU)
Chapter summary: This chapter follows Scenes 6 and 7 of New Music directly! I’ll link them below. What happens with Finch, Mush, and Elaine after they leave Medda’s club.
Word count: 2,102
Disclaimer: New Music Preface
Tag list: @the-cowbi @chaotic-sunflower-galaxy @i-am-a-wizard @xbanner-carriedx (let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from the tag list!)
A/N: ajnanvlkjwnfoaneowafa I am SO excited to finally be sharing this!!! Am I going to post most/all of it tonight? Probably. But it’ll be linked in my masterlist and I’ll schedule it to reblog over the next few days, so don’t worry about missing anything!!! I’m using the New Music disclaimer because this is set in the same universe (and in the middle of New Music anyways) anddd I’m too lazy to rewrite it.
A friendly reminder: This is a fic centering around a polyamorous relationship. If that’s not your thing, don’t read it! It’s that simple! I haven’t done the best job of representing it except for a particularly painful bit at the very end, but all three characters are also on the Ace spectrum. This is my personal HC, and, again, if you don’t like, don’t read.
Yes, the opening quote is from the Smurfs movie. That’s also where the title came from. Don’t @ me, it’s a cute movie 😂
Previous chapter: New Music Act 2, Scene 6 & Scene 7
Next chapter: Chapter 2
“‘Once in a blue moon.’
That means that there are only a few moments in your life when something truly memorable, truly magical, happens to you. And, if you hesitate, if you're afraid, you might just miss it. That's what that image means. Don't let those blue moon moments pass you by.”
Finch climbed into his truck and shut the door with a sigh. On the other side of the cab, Mush was sitting with his head resting against the cool glass of the passenger window, eyes closed. Elaine was in the middle of the bench seat, left foot on the seat and arms wrapped around her leg, chin resting on the edge of her knee. Her right foot hung just above the floor—she was the tiniest bit too short to actually reach the floor from the truck’s seat—her shoe unlaced to allow for the swelling in her ankle. The drive was nearly silent, which was practically unheard of between the three of them. When they pulled up in front of Elaine’s house, Mush finally lifted his head from the window. Finch turned off the engine and hopped out of the truck; by the time he got around to the other side of the truck, Mush was already out and offering Elaine a hand down. When she climbed down and tried to put weight on her sprained ankle, she lost her balance and fell into the door before either of the boys could catch her.
“C’mere,” said Finch, offering her his arm. She let him lift her up bridal-style and carry her to the door of the house. Mush grabbed her school bag, shut the door to the truck, and followed them up the stairs to the stoop of the house.
“Key’s in the outside pocket of my bag,” Elaine said, pointing vaguely. Mush fished out the key and opened the door for the other two.
“Is it okay if we come in?” Finch asked, already halfway through the door.
“Yeah, Madison and my dad are gone for the week, with the babies,” Elaine said. “Alan and Alden are the only people around.”
Mush closed the door once they were all inside and followed Finch and Elaine through the house into the kitchen, where Finch set Elaine down on the counter and pushed Mush down into a chair at the kitchen table.
“Towels?” he asked Elaine.
“Um… that drawer,” she pointed.
Finch pulled out a handful of towels, grabbed the ice trays from the freezer, and filled a pair of towels with ice, then bundled up the ice with an extra towel and handed one of the little packs to Elaine and one to Mush. He dragged another chair over to Elaine so she could prop her foot up on the back of it to rest the ice pack on her swollen ankle. “Is that okay?”
She nodded. “The ice feels good.”
“Do you have any aspirin around here?” Finch asked, filling the ice trays with water and putting them back in the freezer
“Uh, yeah, upstairs, in the bathroom next to Alan and Alden’s room.”
“I’ll be back.” Finch headed for the back stairs.
“Hey, if the boys are up, let them know we’re down here,” said Elaine.
Finch nodded. Upstairs, he kept as quiet as he could in the hall heading for the bathroom. There was a light on under the door of the boys’ room, but he slipped into the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of aspirin from the medicine cabinet before returning to the door. He knocked softly on it, and entered when he heard someone call “come in” from inside.
Alan turned around at his desk and seemed surprised to see Finch standing in the doorway. “Hey. What’re you doing here?”
“I brought Elaine home. She and Mush are down in the kitchen.”
Alan glanced at his watch. “It’s early for rehearsal to be over.”
“Yeah, uh… rehearsal didn’t really happen today.”
Alan arched an eyebrow. “Did something happen?”
Finch sighed. “There was a little bit of a dustup with the Delancey twins. They jumped Crutchie, Cora, and Elaine on their way to rehearsal.”
“Is Elaine okay?” Alan was on his feet and moving towards the door in the blink of an eye.
“Sprained ankle and a scrape up her arm, but she’s fine,” said Finch. “Actually, do you have stuff to clean out her arm? I came up for aspirin, but I want to do that too.”
“Sure; I’ll grab it,” said Alan.
Finch nodded and headed back towards the stairs, taking a slight detour into Elaine’s room to grab her a clean shirt. Back down in the kitchen, he passed the shirt to Elaine. By the time Alan came down the stairs a few moments later, carrying cotton balls, gauze, tape, and peroxide, she had eased off her ripped sweater and pulled on the new shirt—a soft cotton t-shirt with short sleeves that left the still-bleeding scrape uncovered. The sweater went straight into the trash, and she stared mournfully down at her ripped and bloodstained skirt as Finch gently took her arm and began pulling debris out of the wound. Alan handed him a pair of tweezers, which he used to help with the process. Mush had his head down on the table, arms supporting his head so that his nose could rest on the ice pack.
“Guess I’ll make some dinner,” said Alan. “Alden will be home soon. You two staying to eat?”
“Sure,” Finch shrugged. “I’ll call my mom when I’m done.”
Elaine winced away from Finch’s hands and the tweezers. “Ow.”
“Sorry,” said Finch.
Alan pulled out a loaf of bread, a packet of cheese, and a few cans of tomato soup and got to work making grilled cheese sandwiches for each of them. At some point, they heard the front door open and Alden yelled, “I’m home!”
“Kitchen!” Alan called back.
Alden burst into the kitchen, a happy little ball of energy, but his face fell when he saw Elaine and Mush. “Whoa, what happened to you guys?”
“Just some bullies from school,” Elaine sighed. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You hungry, buddy, or did you eat at Les’s?” Alan asked.
“We had a snack when we got there, but now I’m hungry,” said Alden.
“Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup?”
“Yummy!” Alden grinned.
“Sit down at the table; you can have the next one.”
After dinner, Alan took Alden upstairs to get a bath, leaving Elaine, Finch, and Mush alone downstairs. Finch washed the dishes for dinner, shooing the others into the family room to ice their injuries again. Mush sank down on the couch, and Elaine curled up against him, ankle propped on a pillow on the coffee table with the ice pack on top of it. Mush held his ice pack on his face for a little while, but soon gave up and leaned forward to position both of the packs around Elaine’s ankle. She giggled slightly as he fussed with them.
“Cold,” she mumbled.
Mush laughed. “Well, it is ice.”
“No, me,” Elaine grumbled.
Mush smiled and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “Better?”
“Yeah,” she sighed.
By the time Finch joined them, Mush was asleep, head back against the back of the couch. Elaine was nodding off, her eyes drifting shut and then snapping open as she struggled to stay awake. “Hey,” Finch whispered, settling onto the couch next to Elaine and slipping his arm around her waist. He leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. “How’s the ankle?”
“Icy,” Elaine yawned.
“Oh, yeah, it’s probably about time to take those off,” Finch chuckled. He grabbed the ice packs and took them into the kitchen to deposit the melting ice into the sink and drape the damp towels over the backs of the chairs before returning to the couch. Once he was settled, Elaine shifted to lean her head against his chest and sighed. Finch rested his cheek against the top of her head and smiled to himself.
“You can stay here tonight, if you want,” Elaine murmured. “There’s another couch in the living room.”
“I promised my mom I’d be home tonight,” Finch sighed. “But I’ll see you at school tomorrow, right?”
“I don’t know,” Elaine sighed. “It depends how my ankle feels. Madison isn’t here to question me skipping, either, so we’ll see.”
Finch nodded and hugged her a little closer. “I’ll come by after school to see how you’re doing.” He looked at Mush over Elaine’s head, the other boy still sound asleep. “Keep an eye on him, will you?”
“Yeah,” Elaine smiled. “Should we call his dad?”
“He won’t be home until late, and probably won’t notice if Mush isn’t there anyways. He stays over at my house often enough anyways. Levi will probably just assume that’s where he is. Mush can call him in the mornin’; that’s the most likely time to get him anyways.”
Elaine nodded. “Okay. How much longer can you stay?”
Finch glanced at the clock over the mantle. “Thirty minutes? My mom doesn’t like me drivin’ too late.”
“Okay,” Elaine nodded sleepily, slipping her arms around Finch’s waist.
Mush woke up shortly after Finch left, when Elaine came back into the family room with an armful of pillows and blankets. “Hey,” Elaine said softly, wincing as she stepped on her sprained ankle a little too heavily. She sat on the edge of the coffee table and smiled at him. “Finch went home. You’re staying here tonight.”
Mush nodded sleepily. “Okay.”
Elaine smiled and reached out to brush a hand over his cheek. “I brought you a pillow and some blankets. You can sleep down here. Or if you can’t sleep, you can come upstairs; I’m pretty sure my ankle hurts too much for me to sleep anyways.”
Mush nodded again, offering her a small smile. “Thanks.”
“The aspirin is still in the kitchen, too, if you need it again. I can bring you a glass of water before I go up, if you want.”
“No, I can get it; you shouldn’t walk too much on your ankle.”
Elaine shrugged. “A few extra steps won’t kill me. But thanks. I’ll be upstairs if you need anything.”
She had just climbed into the bed, resigned to stare at the ceiling as her ankle throbbed, when there was a soft knock on her door. She sat up and called out softly: “Come in.”
Mush pushed the door open, looking sheepish. “Sorry. My face really hurts and I couldn't settle downstairs.”
Elaine smiled and scooted over to the far side of the bed, then patted the spot next to her. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Mush seemed a little hesitant, but slipped under the blankets and laid down facing her. Elaine yawned. “Are you warm enough? There’s another blanket at the end of the bed if you’re cold.”
“I’m fine. You?”
Elaine shrugged. “I’m fine.”
They were quiet for a moment. “Thank you,” Elaine said finally.
“For what?”
“For earlier. For… in the alley. With the Delanceys. Thank you.”
“It was nothin’.”
Elaine snorted. “It wasn’t nothing. They’re scary guys. And if you guys hadn’t shown up when you did…”
“Don’t think about it,” said Mush. “It doesn’t matter. We got there, we finished it, end of story.”
Elaine nodded. “How did you guys even know we needed help?”
“Finch and Buttons were havin’ issues with some of the equipment, so while they were sorting it out we went with Race because he wanted to pick up a pack of cigarettes, and we heard you screamin’. We didn’t realize who it was, but when Race saw Cora’s bag on the sidewalk, he took off and the rest of us followed.”
Elaine smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see anyone in my life than when I saw you running towards Morris Delancey.”
Mush let out a short laugh. “I’m pretty sure if I’d thought about it, I would have done it differently, but the second I saw you two at the other end of that alley… I don’t know. It was like I stopped thinkin’ and just ran.”
Elaine reached out and took his hand. “I’m glad you did. Well—maybe not entirely, since you did end up with a broken nose out of it, so I’m sorry for that. But thanks for coming to my rescue.”
“Any time,” Mush smiled.
“Well, hopefully I won’t need you to come running in like that ever again,” Elaine laughed. “But, just in case I do, it’s kind of nice to know that you have my back.”
Mush gave her hand a squeeze and nodded.
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tidal-wave56 · 4 years
It started when he was younger. It came from his dad mostly. The times when they did talk he told him about when him and his mother met. How before he met her he was completely numb and immune to human feelings until he saw her and it felt like everything was so colorful. And what he did to make her his.
He was a kid and couldn't comprehend the things he did so his mother would fall in love with him. He grew up like that. He realized he was completely immune to others feelings.
But his father left out the part how his mother brought out the more damaged and psychotic part of him.
Her. Her. Her. Her. Her.
That's all that went through his head when he saw her. The most emotion he showed. He only ever really hung around with three others. But they never gave him a proper appeal. He gained nothing from them. He didn't seem to like them at all. He didn't. He just stood by them so nobody would pity or try and befriend him. 
He was eye candy to everyone yes but he never paid any attention to that. It never gave him emotions. For his mother he tried. He did. But when she selfishly ended her pitiful self he just fell deeper into that hole.
When he was younger he wanted to be like the others. He tried. But trying isn't enough you had to feel.
He never hung with someone unless they benefited him. Nobody was an exception. Well. For her yes. She was the only exception. Only her.
He doesn't want the redhead that is obviously dropping hints and charming. Those rich girls? He only used them for the money and for inside info. Never wanted the girl or her body. He found it disgusting when they were a mess and begging for him when he hasn't even done a thing. At least don't try to jerk him off in class. He doesn't want you or any sexual intentions you have or want to give him. He snapped a girl's wrist. Of course he visited the hospital.
But no no. Not to apologize. Just to shake her up a bit.
Next day it turned out she died due to internal bleeding.
Dying from a snapped wrist is unlikely. So something must have happened when he visited.
He played the part of the nice boy toy at her funeral. Her father taking pity on him gave him exactly what he wanted. He thought it was so stupid how naive that old man was.
But all his morals changed in sophomore year. He was close to dropping out. Oh but he finally had a few classes with a girl. The girl that made his world colorful like his father said. 
But like I said. He left out some parts.
It felt like it was only a timer for him.
He found himself always staring at her not caring about others saying he looked like a creep.
He didn't care at all. Only for her. She made him feel things he only heard of.
When she even looked his way he always felt like his guts would drop out of his stomach. She’s that breathtaking.
Fast forward a few weeks later of eavesdropping and stalking. He gathered so much and has everything about her memorized.
Just give him a reason to blame it on you. Talk to him. 
For once he wasn't staring at her only at the guy who was staring at her. And he felt a nudge on her shoulder looking up and his body was filled with fire.
She’s talking to him.
“You’re Xavier right? The teacher said we are partners. Im-” She was interrupted when Xavier stood up and smiled genuinely at her.
“Rachel, right?” He asks and she slowly nods before he leads her to the back of the room as others got with their partners. 
She sat down and instantly started to explain the assignment to the anonymous stalker.
She’s more ravishing up close…
“Are you listening to me?” She sighs and was suddenly straight at him.
“Yes, why are you asking?” His voice was soothing to hear and it had a hint of mischief in it.
“You were just daydreaming, and not responding to any questions.” She sighs wondering why she was partnered up with him.
“Oh, the first question is A. Juliet stabbed herself with Romeo's dagger. Not with the poison.” He responded rather quickly sensing her doubt in him and that made him panic.
She studied him before humming in response and they went over the questions together but unknown to her he was edging closer to her little by little.
Once the bell rang she got up and he growled under his breath having an urge to abuse a bell.
“Hey we only missed one question, why are you growling? We did fine.” She reminds and he looks at her after making eye contact with the boy that was staring at Rachel.
“I was just enjoying your company.” He gave a genuine and complementary explanation and she chuckled awkwardly not knowing how to respond to that.
“I li- enjoyed it too. We have to get to our next classes. Bye.” She gave a curt wave and he smiled waving back but she was already gone then he narrowed his eyes. He got up and grabbed his bag walking to the door but slammed into the guy.
“Sorry man, didn't mean to do that!” Xavier apologized and helped him pick up his things and the male smiled apologetically.
“Thanks, and don't worry about it! I wasn't watching where I was going anyways.” He breathed out with a flat chuckle and got up leaving the room after taking his books from Xavier.
Xavier dropped the sorry look and looked at the card as he walked the opposite direction of his next class.
“Oh, Williams? Shame. I know his older brothers.” Xavier murmured to himself.
A few hours later school was let out and everyone went home like they normally would. 
Williams walked down the dark hallway with a sigh, his hair messy and wore a knitted sweater. He was too busy goggling at Rachel to take notes. He was going to fail… He was the last person there and he always stayed late and was often trusted to lock up the school so he had an extra pair of keys.
He walked towards the front door only to slam into it when it didn't open. He shook the door knob and it was locked. He sighed and pushed his hands into his pockets to fish out his keys but they weren't there. 
Thinking he forgot them in the classroom he walked back and walked over to the door only to find writing on the glass.
Ten second head start. Run.
His eyes widened then narrowed thinking this was a prank and he tried wiping off the ink only to smell and feel its substance.
His bag fell to the ground and he dropped everything looking disgusted and disturbed. He looked around for the culprit but saw a trail of blood. He gulped harshly and pulled out a small pocket knife. Smaller than his pinky. Sad really. But hilarious and amusing.
He started following and staggering towards the trail only to see it lead to the bathrooms. The athletes bathrooms.
He stammered out words of ‘Come out’ or something along those lines. He was stuttering like crazy, you couldn't understand him.
He then held his free hand over his mouth as a shield for his own vomit seeing the smashed in head of the janitor. Her fat pig bodied corpse lying in the middle of the athletes showers. Her skull looked like mush and her blood and brains were rinsing down the drain.
Suddenly the showers turned on and steam rose into the air fogging up the glass and windows.
He squeaked and bolted but the door was locked. He realized he dropped the keys, so. Fair game, right?
He started screaming from the top of his lungs and it sent chills down his spine as it echoed around him.
He saw a shadow but before he could turn he felt a thud in his head.
Xavier made his way up to the school seeing people gathered outside of the gates and it looked like a riot or something.
He slipped passed others and made it to Rachel.
“What's wrong?” He asked, raising a brow.
“People keep saying a student and staff member was murdered. But The police are saying its a murdered suicide.” She responds.
“The student slit his wrists with a knife and he was beaten by the staff member.” She adds and keeps trying to look over the crowd before sighing and starts walking away.
“Classes are cancelled today.” A few kids say as others started walking back home or whatever.
Xavier watched Rachel before he just- wOOP- all the way up to her and smiled.
“Hey, want to hang out? I don't want to go home and I don't want to be alone right now.” He asked his bag hanging from his shoulder.
She seemed skeptical of his request but she figured why not and agreed.
He suddenly had her bag and held it.
“I invited you so I might as well hold your things.” He spoke up quickly when she gave him a weird look. She debated whether she should retort or even excuse herself. But of course since they are already walking, might as well.
“So...why don't you want to go home?” She asked, not wanting to walk in an uncomfortable silence.
“Well my dad has his models back at home. So work.” He cut it down.
No that man was torturing those women saying it was for an aesthetic. And to bring up awareness. Make it look real.
That was bullshit of course.
“Oh, do you not like them?”
“What do you want to eat?” He interrupted her and apologized as she chuckled.
“Oh I don't mind- I don't have money-” She murmured.
“Did I ask if you had money or not?”
If you texted that it would sound aggressive and agitated. But he said it in a joking and a soft manner. You could tell he said it like he was paying no matter what.
“Well...thank you.” She smiled slightly.
“Hey Rachel! Hey Xavier!”
Xavier glared and looked up seeing Daniel and he skipped over waving to Rachel. And Xavier seemed annoyed by his presence. He was getting in the way of his hang out.
“Bye! I had fun!” Rachel smiled and left as Daniel and Xavier waved.
“Why are you still here…” Xavier growled and Daniel was taken aback from how cruel he grew towards him in under five seconds.
“I just wanted to hang out with you-”
“Well when I am with her I don't want you or anyone else around.” He growls his face inches from Daniels.
“You killed Williams didn't you?” Daniel frowned and suddenly Xavier walked away and Daniel followed wanting answers.
Xavier stood by a boulder and Daniel climbed till he stood beside him.
“What happened-?”
“She happened.” Suddenly he had a psychotic smile and looked at Daniel with crazed eyes.
“I haven't felt like this since….well since never! Haha! She happened! I'm so in love with her I will kill anyone just so I can only have her!” He shouts, flinging his arms out and Daniel stared his eyes wide and he was terrified by his sudden obsession.  
“Xavier that-”
“You know how many I've killed already? I never felt more alive then when I killed for her! And I’m telling you because you are my friend.” He smiled but it wasn't a warm or psychotic one. It was just there. It didn't seem fake either. He felt a hand on his chest and stared at Xavier whose face suddenly went dim.
“But I don't trust you. I told you. But I don't trust you at all.” 
“Xavier the things you feel right now? They aren't real, that isn't love- that's obsession-”
“What's the difference? She is mine. She will be all mine.”
“Xavier! This isn't love! You will just hurt her and yourself!” Daniel tried getting that through his head but Xavier was just grinning and having one hand on the side of his own head as if holding it.
“Who cares? As long as I have her I will feel everything! She is the person that makes me feel. She's mine….all mine….”
Daniel frowned.
“She won’t love you.”
Xavier stared at him before his hand on Daniel's chest pushed him and Daniel plummeted to the ground.
The cracks would make anybody cringe and his twisted body laid at the ground.
“I’ll make her learn to love me.”
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 17
above the clouds by @gluupor​ [requested by @fuzzballsheltiepants]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post! 
this is an absolutely amazing fic that features airships, android!neil, and fantastic world-building. it’s a really fun and adventurous read, but still contains enough angst to break your heart. if you haven’t read this yet, drop everything and read it now. if you have read it, read it again.
okay i enjoyed this fic so much that i cannot put it in words. i remember when i first read it, i always get so excited when i see that you’ve posted and i read it in an hour, the time passing by so quickly. i couldn’t pull myself away and was reluctant to go back to real life after i finished reading. all your characters are so entertaining and as always, are integrated so nicely into this au.
things that stood out to me:
”over the khazak grass plains, year 1424 new era (ne), january” i just think that this adds a lot to the story so efficiently. we have a location and time and i just feel like this sort of title/header establishes a tone (makes me feel a steampunk/sci-fi kind of vibe). i’d be interested in how you came up with which locations and years to use?
”andrew shut off the engines and revelled in the silence. he could still hear the mechanical noises that resulted from keeping the gasbag at the appropriate pressure to maintain their altitude, but it was as quiet as it got aboard an airship.” i love this, mostly because i can relate to it? i’m really used to driving with music on, but lately i’ve been turning off the radio and driving in silence which is a really interesting experience, especially since i drive an electric car for work which is really quiet most of the time. also it introduces us to the airship!
”neil would eventually man the flight deck for night watch as he didn’t require any sleep” i am immediately invested in this version of neil and want to know EVERYTHING that he is capable of doing
andrew is wearing a scarf that nicky knitted for him!!! that is adorable! both nicky doing this for andrew, but also andrew wearing it!
your description of the monster is amazing. i would love to explore it. on the ground though (i am afraid of heights and not as brave as andrew lol) i saw that you were inspired by the mortal engine series and i can definitely see aspects of this both here and in later portions of the fic although i only watched the movie which was… interesting haha. were there any other sources of inspiration? i found that this reminds me a little of the films ‘alita, battle angel’, and a little bit of ‘castle in the sky’ as well
having little glowing things in their lamps instead of fire? woah that’s so cool
”neil was futzing around inside it with a tiny screwdriver” LOVE the word futzing. i’ve not heard it before, but it feels right. also it’s kind of cute that they are all helping each other out on the ship
algae bricks and beetle bricks? do they just,,, bite into it? because that feels so chaotic to me. lol mix into water and make it into mush? i am currently very grateful for the food i have
”jealous, aaron? don’t worry; i’ll come service you once i’ve got andrew settled tonight.” NEIL, YOU’RE GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME
”’better do it in the reclaimer,’ said kevin, taking him literally. ‘we need to preserve water if we’re headed to palmetto before our next resupply.’” one of the many things that i love about your writing is your amazing characterization of mr kevin day. what a legend 
”he wasn’t entirely sure why he wasn’t telling the others about wymack’s summons; there was something about it that put him on edge and he wanted to keep it to himself for now.” oh nO this is bad news!! you did a great job of introducing this undercurrent of worry into a scene that had just been so light and funny
“‘yes, i did,’ said andrew, keeping his voice steady. ‘last week before we headed into the plains.’” my stomach dropped at this point, memory problems are always so scary because it’s so hard to tell what the source of the problem is. andrew’s calmness is directly contrasting this, but it feels like it takes effort which is even scarier!
”andrew had spent his childhood shutting down any emotions. they’d been a liability in the type of life he’d led” and ”he had been destined for a short life with a brutal end. sometimes that seemed preferable to how much caring about other people could hurt. he often cursed those responsible for how his life had changed” ahhh this is so sad, but also really soft? because he’s come so far? and he’s opened himself up and let himself be vulnerable by caring
hearing the backstory of the twins is so interesting to me, you do a great job at both establishing this world that these characters are living in and how they fit in with it
”andrew was left with little choice but to do something nice to shut him up” i think this is one of the most andrew-like sentences to be ever written haha
”by all rights he should have died in the slums, but instead-and andrew was never sure exactly how he’d done it-he’d attached himself to andrew and aaron, like a barnacle that they couldn’t remove and grudgingly came to care about” cute!!! the tone is really andrew-like too
woah all these languages are pretty cool! i like the idea of having a common trading language, and the idea of having mandonese and spanglish is interesting.
”that seedy is mine” I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND THIS AT FIRST BUT THIS IS SO FUNNY. lowkey reminds me of the lego movie haha. also seems fitting of kevin to collect ancient artifacts, even if he doesn’t really know what they do
ANDREW AND AARON AS GANG LEADERS YES PLEASE. i absolutely love it when people have such a great reputation. very exciting to hear that drake is not going to be an issue in this fic!!! wait a second… andrew and aaron were 16? so small!
hmmm i am interested how kevin got stuck in shanghai?
bad news that wymack is asking neil to stay on the ship. all this mystery and hiding is making me feel like things are not looking so good
”he’d forgotten again that it was bee whom andrew wanted him to see” NOOOOO
ohmygoodness the usbee. do they pronounce it uzz-bee? because that’s definitely how i picture them saying it and it is so funny to me. 
”i informed you that people are after you because i actually care about what happens to you, you miserable little gremlin” i really can never say it enough, but i love the way you use affectionate insults like this so so much.
”’oh, you know,’ said andrew idly, ‘those that slay together slay together.’” NO BIG DEAL. 
”’this time, it was eavesdropping,’ said neil brightly” he’s so enthusiastic!! cute!!
”how do you travel now?” i am also interested in this!! for all i know, he just slides through shadows and pops up wherever andrew is haha
”neil flicked his fingers dismissively. andrew’s eyes narrowed at the performance. he wasn’t this dramatic, was he?” i am very sorry to break it to you, but andrew minyard you are one of the most dramatic people ever
ooooh dang neil is good. does his android body not process poison? also where did he get the knowledge that andrew was going to be set up anyway?
”within a few hours neil had forgotten the whole conversation, but he retained the knowledge that andrew had forced him to see bee and wasn’t happy about it” noooo why is this happening, it’s so heartbreaking to see neil forgetting things (also feels extra-bad because alzheimer’s runs in my family and this could definitely be me in the future which is Scary) and i Hate when andrew and neil are fighting because andrew is just trying to take care of neil!!! ;-;
”mickey, the mouse-shaped god of old america” OHMYGOODNESS
as startling it must have been to andrew, hearing about the moriyamas previously owning neil, i’m curious what was going through neil’s mind during this conversation. it must be so disorienting, not remembering your past. all of a sudden, you just started existing
”’shoot them. escape on the monster,’ said andrew. that was their usual plan for hostility they didn’t want to deal with.” i mean, i guess that’s a pretty solid plan. LOL
ohmygoodness katelyn also having red hair and blue eyes? “andrew always pretended not to notice that he and aaron had suspiciously similar taste in people, gender notwithstanding” LOLOL
”neil’s tension was ratcheting higher the longer they stayed in the region, something which he wouldn’t explain to andrew’s satisfaction.” ahhhh we! need! better! communication! what is neil hiding?
thank you andrew for knowing better and for always thinking ahead. i feel like i can really trust you to take care of neil (and you, gluupor to take care of these characters even if sometimes you break my heart while doing so)
andrew: mawp mawp mawp mawp mawp mawp (LOVE THIS)
”wymack had always said it was because andrew had a death wish but it was really just because he liked going fast” this is really cute! both in this fic and in the series, andrew is like this and he had so little enjoyment as a child, was forced to grow up so quickly, and i’m grateful that he gets to have these little things
”’’M not,’ muttered andrew, too hot to put any effort into lying” so cute!!!
”stop and take a look? sure, why not? i don’t think we’ve got anything else pressing taking up our time right now” I CANNOT GET OVER HOW FUNNY THIS FIC IS
”’old news,’ said aaron. ‘we’ve moved on. now we’ve decided to crash into the sea’” it turns out that sometimes i actually really like aaron! now is one of those times.
oh my goodness, neil speaking only spanglish and BITING. “neil spat several curses at him before literally spitting as well” the scary thing is, this is still in character for neil haha
that’s so sweet of wymack to give andrew his ship!! ahh he’s such a soft character and i’m glad that all the foxes have someone who is taking care of them
what a beautiful way to wrap up this fic! also i feel strangely glad that nathan wasn’t actually the one to invent the tech needed to create neil. he’s too gross and evil to create such an intricate and wonderful person like neil.
oh dang yellowstone supervolcano. i’ve learned a tiny tiny bit about that and it’s actually pretty scary thinking about the consequences of it erupting and also knowing there is basically nothing we can do to stop that from happening and also very little we can do to predict it
andrew and neil are so so cute ahhh
also quick shoutout to the amazing art featured in this fic! so beautiful.
i love the flashbacks that you include. they provide valuable information and understanding of how the characters have developed, but it also gives a bit of a break from the intensity of the main plot. we get a little time to breathe and recover.
as the story travelled to different areas of the world, it was really interesting to see how you included history into it. i think my favourite story was the volcano and the ash-winter that followed. kind of scary to think of the possibility of that actually happening, because even though we have pretty cool tech, i don’t think things would go well. you do such a great job with your world-building, i never found myself confused about what was happening, the geography of it, the new tech, and the politics. i loved how you were able to smoothly include canon events/characters/things and have it work so well within this au.your descriptions are so so good and make this fic really immersive, i feel like i’m experiencing them with the characters.
definitely one of my favourite things about your writing is how you consistently do such an amazing job of incorporating humour and little character quirks into the fic. it really shows how much skill and talent you have because it’s always effortless and reads so easily. it fits well with the characterization and tone of your fics. i will forever be a fan of your dialogue and all the interactions between everyone seemed so realistic.
i’m continually impressed by your consistently marvelous storytelling. you manage to captivate me no matter what subject you choose. thank you so much for writing this!!
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jungshookz · 6 years
Tumblr media
→ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
→ genre: kindergartenteacher!taeHYUNG aka THE FLUFFIEST FLUFF like i don’t think i’ve ever felt so SOFT in my entire life great googly moogly please prepare yourselves 
→ wordcount: 3.3k
(gif isn’t mine!)
“shit shit shit shIt shit” you curse to yourself as you vEEr right into the first parking spot you see
you immediately crank the brake and unbuckle your seatbelt
“i was going to park there, asshole!” you hop out of the car to see an angry looking mother glaring at you from her minivan and you give her a sheepish smile
“i’m sorry!!!! my kid just got off from class and i can’t be late because i need to drive her to ballet and-“ you’re definitely oversharing with this stranger and she obviously doesn’t care because she rolls her eyes and flips you off before zoOming off to find another parking spot
soccer moms are so aggressive
you double check that you have everything with you and you fish your parent lanyard out of your backpack and sling it around your neck quickly as you approach the front doors
you thought that once you became a mother you would instantly become more responsible more organised more matuRe
obviously you were mistAken because you’re still late to almost everything you go to
some things never change!!!!
you hurry your way down the hallway and pick up the pace when you see the swarm of parents standing outside the classroom
as you approach the crowd you get up on your tip-toes to see if emma’s been excused yet
you accidentally bump into a couple and a bit of your coffee splashes onto their shoulders and they turn around and give you a dirty look
“oh, sorry!!!! ….fridays, am i right?” you joke and they both scowl before shuffling to stand somewhere else
tough crowd
none of the parents here like u that much
which is a real shame because you think you make greAt company
you’re just,.,, there’s a big age gap between u and most of the parents here
you’re one of the younger parents in the class
actually you might be the youngest
min yoongi and his wife (you forgot her name whoOps) are pretty young but they’re still a couple years older than you
and side note their daughter is adoraBle
emma is actually friends with hwayoung so you talk to yoongi sometimes
it’s nice to talk to someone who’s around your age
he’s just veRy businessman-y so it’s difficult to joke around with him
but he’s still a nice guy!!
speaking of yoongi and hwayoung
a bright smile makes its way onto your face when you see yoongi nudging hwayoung through the crowd of people before grabbing onto her small hand
“yoongi!” yoongi looks up and he smiles politely
he’s still dressed all spic and span in his suit from work
“ah! good afternoon, y/n. hwayoung, say good afternoon to auntie.” he hums before bending down to zip up her backpack that’s just wiDe open
“good afternoon, auntie!!” she looks up at you with bright eyes
she’s sO CuTE
“hi, hwayoung-ie!” you bend down and pinch her cheek before reaching into the pocket of your coat and fishing out a little caramel “don’t tell your dad,” you joke and yoongi snorts in response
“thank u!!!!!” she snaTches it immediately and you coo before pinching her cheek again
you get back up onto your feet “you guys on your way home now?”
“mhm. is emma still available for a playdate this sunday?” yoongi swoops hwayoung off her feet and props her up onto his hip and she immediately rests her head against his shoulder
“affirmative, sir.” you salute and yoongi rolls his eyes playfully “i-“
“emma y/l/n?” you perk up when you hear emma’s name being called
“yeah, we’ll see you sunday! have a nice night!” you turn to squeeze your way into the crowd and once you make your way to the front your heart immediately starts going boom-boom because
it’s taehyung
emma’s teacher
kim taehyung is uh
putting it simply he is a very attractive man and he’s only a couple months older than you so like you’re preTTY sure this is god’s way of telling you it’s meant to be
the only time you’ve really talk to him is during the parent-teacher conference and even theN you can barely get a word in because emma’s a little chatterbox (one time she almost let it slip that ‘mommy dressed extra pretty for you!’ and you were literally about to pounce on your child in the middle of a classroom)
he’s really sweet n nice and when he smiles that boxY grin you can’t help but smile aNd he’s endearingly dorky and super charming aND funny and he’s so good with the kids and OH my god his voice is like..,., silky smooth dark chocolate.,,.,. rich caramel.,, that u want to driZZLE all over your BODY
okay no R-rated thoughts when there are children present don’t be weird
since he’s your kid’s teacher so you’re not sure if that’s even allowed
the whole parents dating teachers thing
he looks so soft today
he’s wearing a crisp button up with a pair of jeans
he obviously let the kids mess with his hair because he has a little sproUT in his hair
and you’re pretty sure you have a glasses kink because you’ve never felt this way when seeing someone with their glasses sitting on the top of their head
“hi, yeah, that’s me- i mean, that’s not me, but that’s my child- you know what i mean” you blow a strand of hair away from your face before adjusting your backpack with a sheepish grin
woW what the hell was that lol  
taehyung presses his lips together to keep himself from bursting into chuckles
you’re so awkward sometimes but he supposes that’s just part of your charm
he wants to tell you you look real cute in your periwinkle sweater
and it’s endearing how the laces on your converse shoes are undone
no doubt from your frantic running down the hallway (he notices everything)
but of course he has to keep it professional because you are the parent of one of his students it doesn’t matTer that you’re the same age as him and that he’s very very very veRY attracted to you
“hi miss y/l/n.” taehyung smiles kindly before ticking next to your name on the clipboard “emma’ll be ready in a minute! we did finger-painting today so the kids are taking a little longer to wash up. how was your day?” he suddenly remembers the little ponYTAIL in his hair and he yanks the hair tie off quickly
“oh, y’know, the usual. i don’t know why i thought it’d be a good idea to keep studying after four whole years of studying.” you snort before pulling your own hair tie from your ponytail and letting your hair down
“i admire that! education is important.” taehyung hums
your hair looks so soft
it probably smells good too
o god he’s being creepy stop being creepy
“i suppose you’re right. what else happened…uh… had a really good caramel macchiato and a mediocre turkey sandwich for lunch-“  
“mommy!” you snap out of your little trance when emma suddenly ziPs out of the classroom
her little backpack bounces against her back
“hi baby!” you grin and swoOp down to scoop her up into your arms
you smoosh kisses against her chubby cheek while she giggles away before you plop her back down onto the ground
it takes everything within taehyung not to mELT into the ground because even tho he sees you do that basically every day it never fails to turn him into a pile of mush IT’S SO CUTE
“we finger-painted today!” she cheers and holds her paper up for you to look at
“yeah, mr kim was just telling me-“
“that’s me, n that’s you, n that’s mr. kim!” she grins and points to the third figure in the painting and almost immediately bOTH yours and tae’s faces go bright red
you think you might actually be on fire right now (even tho this isn’t the first time this has hAPPENeD) ((ur referring to the time the class made play-doh people and emma made one of you and one of tae and the play-doh versions of you two are holding hands))
“oh! that’s, heh, uh, that’s nice! that’s so good, you did a good job, baby” you clear your throat and your eyes flicker over to taehyung
he tilts his head and offers you a meek smile
“will you put it up on the fridge when we go home?” she asks as you tuck it into her backpack for her before ziPping her bag up
“mhm…” you get back up onto your feet and dust your knees off “say g’bye to mr. kim”
“bye mr. kim!” emma turns around and hugs his legs
her face is like on the same level as his knees so he’s basically kneeing her and are u an awful mother if you kinda laughed at that
“goodbye, sweetheart!” he replies with the same level of enthusiasm as he gets down onto his knees so that he can give her a proper hug and she gives him a sweet lil kiss on the cheek “have a nice weekend, hm?” his eyes flicker up to you and you feel your heart skip a beat 
emma pulls away from him and skips over to you 
“oh, and don’t forget to tie your laces, emma.” taehyung hums as he gets back up onto his feet 
you look down because you remember putting emma in slip-on converse this morning not- 
“he means you, mama.” emma not-so-subtly whispers and you look down at your undone laces before looking back up at taehyung who’s looking very amused at the moment 
there it is again 
that fuzzy feeling in your stuPid heart 
u know what you have to get over it because it’s never going to happen 
you’re an adult 
you can get over it fine 
you’ll be finE 
this is just a silly little crush
“how do you feel about spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner?” you clutch emma’s little hand in yours as you guys make your way down the empty hallway
“yummy! with extra cheese?”
“it wouldn’t be as yummy without the extra cheese… but we obviously have to go to our usual place to get a hot chocolate first…” you’re rambling on and on about hot chocolate but emma isn’t really paying attention
because she has concocted a sneaky plan in that tiny brain of hers
she knows you like mr. kim
and she’s positive mr. kim likes you back
you always get so red around him
and he always gets so red around you
and red is the colour of love
which means that you must love mr. kim and mr. kim must love you
and she’s been trying her hardest to try and get you guys to hold hands or touch butts or whatever it is grown-ups do to prove they love each other
but each time she does something she’s never successful!!!
she tried to tell mr. kim about you dressing extra pretty for him but you smacked a hand over her mouth before she could get it out
she made a play-doh mommy and a play-doh mr. kim and presented them proudly to you and mr. kim and the both of you just laUGHED in hER FACE
do you people think she’s just a SIMPLE F O O L
and she has to admit the painting of you and her and mr. kim is probably one of her weaker moves but it’s better than nothing
and u know what
she just wants you to be happy
because she loves you a lot
and you’re a good mommy
and good mommies deserve to be happy
this next part is all part of her evil plan and she’s positive that this time something will happen
all of her peers (including herself) have their own cubbies in the classroom
emma purposely left her snack box in there so that you’d have a reason to go back
AND she left a little note in there for you and (hopefully) mr. kim to read
emma is your child after all
meaning she’s a very verY clever girl
she just has to wait for the right time.,.,.
and the right time is noW
“mommy, my snack box is still in the classroom!!” emma stops in her tracks and you nod before pointing to the direction of the classroom
“go ahead, go get it”
“but i need to pee.” she squeezes her legs together and makes a face of discomfort “you need to get the snack box, mommy”
“i-“ you look back at the closed door of the classroom “mommy can wait for you to finish peeing and then you can go-“
“no, no, you need to go get it i need to pEE” the next thing you know she’s spRInting towards the washroom and you’re left standing in the middle of the hallway with question marks floating around your head
what in the hickory ham is going on
“gO GET MY SNACK BOX MOMMY” you hear her voice echo from the washroom
“alRIght alright” you snort before turning and heading back to the classroom
you don’t know why you’re suddenly so nervous
you’re retrieving your daughter’s snack box from her super attractive teacher that you definitely have a crush on there’s nothing to be nervous about
hi tae! emma left the ol’ snack box up in here!
whaddup mr. kim! mind if i just pOP right in??
yo Yo yOOoo have u seen a purple box anywhere?? because it belongs to emma and i need it
o god
all of these options are terrible
you need more time to rehearse your lines-
you’re about to reach up to knock on the door when suddenly it swiNgs right open and you stumble back in surprise
“oh shit!” taehyung reaches out and grabs onto your waist before you can fall flat on your aSS and you let out a squeak
in the midst of your almost-fall you’d grabbed onto his bicep and now.,.., he has an arm…, wrapped around your waist.,., while you have one hand on his bicep and one hand curled around the nape of his neck.,,,..,.,
the two of you snap out of your respective trances when you hear a door open down the hallway and you immediately leT GO of each other
also tae was right ur hair does smell really nice
“hi. sorry about that! i was on my way to the washroom and i didn’t know you were outside…” he clears his throat and prays to god he’s not as red as a tomato right now
“no, no! it was my bad, i’m sorry.” you reach up and scratch the back of your neck “i, uh, emma said she left her snack box in here.” you breathe out
“oh, uh, come in! i’ll help you search for it. it’s probably in her cubby. she’s always leaving things in there.” taehyung falls back into his ‘mr. kim’ persona as he leads you towards the cubbies in the back “let’s see… emma… here~” he bends down and you follow suit
oh my go d he even smells good is this aLLOWed
you perk up when you spot emma’s box
“hey, you’re right! here it is-“ you reach in and grab the box but you’re surprise when you notice the piece of paper stuck to the back of it
it’s an A4 piece of paper with a little card stuck to it and a note written in crayon on it
you recognise the card
it’s the business card of that little cafe you take emma to every friday after school
the one that you’re supposed to take her to right noW
‘mommy’s faveriate drink is karomal makkiatoe and mr. kim’s faverieote drink is hot chalklate’
“huh.” both you and tae are kinda just staring at the note
the gears are click-click-clicking away in both your guys’ heads
and then it hits the both of you at the same time
taehyung isn’t typically a ballsy guy but like
he’s feeling vEry brave all of a sudden
“can i take you out sometime?” he blurts out and your eyes widen in surprise
you certainly weren’t expecting that
the both of you get back up onto your feet and you tuck emma’s box into your backpack
your cheeks flare up and you let out a little chuckle before scratching the back of your neck “i… uh…”
“i mean, don’t feel pressured to say yes just because i’m emma’s teacher!” taehyung stammers “i just, y’know, i don’t want to overstep here but i think you’re a very beautiful woman and-“
“i would love to.” you clear your throat and take your bottom lip in between your teeth “yeah, i would love to. actually, uh- emma and i, we usually go to this cafe every friday - if you’re free right now, maybe you can come and join us?” you rub your slighTLy damp hands on the back of your jeans and taehyung immediately lightS up and nods quickly
“i would love that. yeah, just… just gimme a second to clean up real quick! i’ll meet you and emma outside?”
“great! yeah, totally. she’s just.. she’s peeing right now so i should probably go check and see that she hasn’t flushed herself down the toilet or anything” you joke as you make your way towards the door and tae splits off to head to his desk “i’ll see you outside!”
you shut the door behind you and you have to quickly press yourself against the wall and you nearly bite your bottom lip off to keep yourself from screaming
your heart is going a million miles an hour and there are butterflies just having a raVE in your stomach
as soon as you leave the room taehyung pumps a fiST into the air in victory because Y E S  HE DID IT
“did you find my box?” emma’s sitting outside the washroom as you approach her and you raise a brow before nodding
“mhm.” she gets up and grabs onto your hand before looking back at the classroom door
did her plan not work
she knows she’s not supposed to say bad words but what the h*ck
she really thought her plan would work!!!!
“mr. kim’s joining us for hot chocolate today, by the way. hope you don’t mind.”  you add casually and a cheshire-cat grin takes over emma’s face
the whole time you and emma and tae are at the cafe emma can’t help but feel proud of herself
you and mr. kim are sitting very vEry close to each other in your booth chatting away while she sits opposite of you two quietly nibbling at a scone and taking small sips of her hot chocolate
S U C C E S S has never tasted so good
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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chicgeekgirl89 · 5 years
The Shituation: Chapter 5
Fandom: SEAL Team
Characters: Lisa Davis, Sonny Quinn, Jason Hayes, Clay Spenser, Eric Blackburn, Trent Sawyer, Brock Reynolds, Ray Perry, Cerberus
Read Chapters 1-4 Here
Shituation: A situation that is already very bad and then goes to shit.
She felt like shit. Like really, really bad shit. Like she’d never felt this bad in her life, shit. Her mouth was dry, her body was on fire, her head ached, and it felt like her limbs weighed a hundred pounds each. She was also freezing. And tired. God damn it she felt like shit.
She could sense movement around her and felt like she should probably figure out what was going on since her brain had apparently turned to mush. She had no idea what year it was let alone what day it was or where the hell she’d ended up.
Forcing her eyes open she found herself squinting up at a tile ceiling that was probably full of asbestos. Her hair was tickling her face and although that seemed to be the least of her problems she really wanted it to stop. Trying to lift a hand got her nowhere so instead she turned her head to the side and immediately locked eyes with none other than Sonny Quinn. 
Her memory came flooding back immediately and with it complete and utter panic. Her heart began to pound and she struggled to sit up. “Clay,” she croaked desperately.
“Hey, hey, relax,” Sonny said, reaching out a hand to grip her arm in reassurance. “You’re safe. We’re all safe. Clay’s fine, okay?”
She swallowed a couple times, trying to get her bearings. Tears sprang to her eyes, which was incredibly embarrassing, but everything hurt so much and she was tired and scared and she never, ever wanted to do something like that again.
Sonny’s hand moved to hold hers and he stroked his thumb back and forth comfortingly, letting her cry. “Is it—“ She couldn’t find the right words to ask what she needed to know. “Am I—?”
“You’re all right,” he said quickly. “Lost a lot of blood, gave us all a scare, but the docs say you’re going to be just fine.”
“Okay.” She nodded. “Okay.”
The world was growing dark, her eyes heavy, but panic flared through her and she gripped Sonny’s hand tightly. “Don’t leave,” she said. She didn’t want to be alone. 
“Got nowhere else to be.” He pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Go to sleep. I’ll be right here.”
The next couple days were a blur of pain and exhaustion, but every time she woke up, Sonny was there. His steady presence at her bedside kept her grounded when she woke up terrified, her body apparently locked in a permanent state of fight for the time being.
It was three days later that she woke up and actually felt a little more like herself. As usual, Sonny was sitting right beside her, his boots propped up on the edge of her bed while he read a worn paperback. “Devil’s Desire?” she said with a smile. “I kind of figured you for more of a thriller or western guy.”
“Not a lot of choice in the hospital waiting room. So I’m learning about something new,” he said. “For example, there are many more ways to refer to a man’s private parts than I ever knew. Which is saying something. Also I need to work on my wooing. Women like wooing. And swooning.”
“Well that’s true, we do all love a good swoon every now and then.” She wanted to sit up more and struggled against all the tubes and wires that still connected her body to the machines by her bed. 
“Here.” Sonny pressed a button and the bed slowly moved into a more upright position. “Better?”
“Yeah, thanks.” She shifted until she was comfortable. “You have been like…showering and going to the bathroom right?”
“Are you saying you don’t want my company in here?”
“No! I just feel a little bad that you’ve been sleeping in that chair for the last couple nights.”
“Believe me, this is not even close to the worst place I’ve slept. Sometime I’ll tell you about Bahrain. Now that was a bad night. Although,” he cleared his throat, “honestly, the first couple nights when you were so out of it weren’t that great either.”
Lisa opened her mouth to respond, but there was a knock on the door and Jason poked his head in. “Hey, you’re awake! Feel like having some visitors?”
“Only if you brought beer,” she said with a grin.
Ray came in holding a paper bag. “How does ice cream sound instead?”
She nodded. “I will accept that for now.”
Trent and Brock were there too and her eyes landed on the quietest Bravo man. “I hear I owe you an extra thank you,” she said, her throat going a little tight. Sonny had filled her in on what had happened. She knew Jason had made an impossible choice and Brock had stepped up to make sure they all got out alive. 
“Couldn’t go home without the best member of the team,” he said softly.
“Aw, thanks Brock. That’s so nice.” Clay rolled himself through the doorway to much clamor from the team.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” Lisa asked.
“Nah,” he said with a grin. “Threw a bandaid on it and I’m good. How are you?”
“Great,” she said. “I might never wear a bikini again, but other than that I’m good.”
That was a partial lie and both she and Sonny knew it, but she ignored his pointed look. Every single one of her boys was looking at her for reassurance that she was going to be okay and she would give it to them. They had saved her life, she owed them that much. Who cared if she still couldn’t stand up without help or that breathing hurt like hell?
They stayed for a bit chatting and ribbing on each other and her until a nurse came and scolded Clay for leaving his room, then broke up the party. “Sonny,” Jason said as the team moved out, “give us a minute?”
Sonny’s eyes slid to hers and she nodded. “I’ll just go get a coffee or…whatever the hospital says is coffee,” he said.
Lisa knew that look on Jason’s face. “If you’re about to apologize you don’t need to,” she said before he could even get a word out. “It was my choice to go.”
“But it’s my responsibility to get my team back in one piece. And I’m sorry I didn’t do that,” Jason said. 
“Jason, I’m going to be fine,” she said. 
“I know,” he said with a nod. “I know you are. I just want you to understand how important you are to us, Davis. You’re family. Not just our family, you’re my family. We couldn’t do what we do without you. And I was proud of every, single thing you did out there.”
Warmth flooded her chest and she smiled. “Thanks,” she said.
He looked a little hesitant and she waited for what was coming next. “I’m sure Sonny told you about Clay and the reason Brock had to donate to you.”
She was already shaking her head. “It was a terrible choice Jason. You made the right call. I’m not going to hold it against you.”
“Yeah well, it might have been the right call but that didn’t mean I liked making it.”
“We all got out of there Jason. Whatever happened, it was the way it was meant to be.”
He still looked a little unsettled. It would be a long time before any of them got past this one. “You call if you need anything,” he told her. “I mean it, anything at all.”
“I will. Give the kids a hug for me okay?”
“You got it.”
He left and moments later Sonny came back, two cups of coffee hand. “Is it safe in here?”
She rolled her eyes. “Not if you’re here it’s not.”
“Well I’ll just take this delicious hospital coffee back to the cafeteria then.”
“Nope. Hand it over. I almost died, I deserve coffee.”
“Hell yeah you do.” He settled back into his chair. “You make Jason promise you a raise?”
She snorted. “It’s not his fault Sonny. It’s not anybody’s fault.”
“Oh it’s somebody’s fault but they’re mostly dead now so I can live with it,” he grunted.
He sobered a bit. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“You did you know. Almost die out there. And it kinda…” he swallowed, “I almost lost my two best friends. Both of you just gone. Guess that doesn’t sit too well with me.”
“Yeah me neither.”
He cocked his head to the side. “You doing all right? Like, mentally I mean?”
“You’re the one who’s sat through three nights of panic attacks so you tell me.”
He looked stricken so she reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly. “I’ll be all right Sonny. You’ve already made this shituation a lot less shitty. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here the last couple days. It’s going to take a while. But I’ll be okay. I promise.”
“Well I’ll be here,” he said gruffly. “For all of it.”
She looked down at their still entwined hands and felt a little nudge of something in her heart. She replayed the last few days, every touch he’d given her, every time she’d woken up to find him there beside her, the quiet words he’d whispered in the night when she was shaking from nightmare after nightmare. She and Sonny were pretty close, but there were certain lines they’d never crossed. Lines that had seemed to disappear a little bit lately. And she was kind of okay with it.
“Good,” she told him with a smile. “I’d like that a lot.”
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