#I am dead serious when I say mspec-lesbophobia is aphobia
bilesproblems · 3 months
I would love to know how many people who currently are saying that aspec people own the split attraction model and no one else can use it are people who participated in ace discouse and not on the side of the aspec community.
Idk, just the fact that they'll so readily participate in denying the lived experiences of people and coming up with absolutely bullshit that doesn't actually disprove the experience or prove that lesbian and bi aren't inherently compatible via split attraction, and the fact that their argument is literally aphobic because it says romantic and sexual attraction are inseperable and inherently tied to each other. It all feels like the kind of people who destroyed my community while it was young, traumatized aspec people severely, convinced baby Lun that they couldn't identify as asexual despite it being the only label they were right about the first time, and when they came back to the community, so much of the culture was forever lost before they even got a chance to be part of it.
I feel like these kind of people decided to forget the destruction they caused and moved on to their next target. Now they're pretending they're allies to us all while their arguments against this community are again just revealing that they're still the same aphobic pieces of shit who have only accepted aces and aros in a surface level way because it's no longer okay to treat us badly.
Like I am not kidding. Mspec-lesbophobia is just recycled aphobia. And I don't mean in the stupid "oh switch the words replace bi lesbian with asexual" logic way I mean actually reusing the same ideology and ideas. Like the idea that there are invader sexualities that are stealing resources from the actually oppressed people. Like the idea that you cannot have romance without sex and cannot have sex without romance. Like the idea that identities that are too "ridiculous" or "out there" or "don't make sense" need to be extinguished. Respectability politics ("ace culture is stupid and childish, the queer community will never be accepted if we let them be here" "bi lesbians make no sense, the queer community will never be accepted if we can't get our definitions in order"). Not accepting that a label might not have a perfect, one size fits all, short definition (orchids and cupios are both aspec despite being opposites). Denying experiences you don't understand off the bat and making assumptions about them ("Demisexuality isn't real you're just normal everybody feels that way" "bi lesbians aren't real you're just bisexual"). It's actually all the same
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