#I am but a little kobold who likes shiny trinkets
psittacined · 9 months
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It’s very weird to have fully accepted your pet’s demise over months before them managing to last an entire year past what you thought they would.
Zukki is still wobbling at times but is fully functional and will fly short distances. I had already grieved and resigned myself to life without her and she has /improved/ over the last six months. Not hugely, but she’s not suffering from her neurological issues.
I guess I have two disabled birds now, which as somebody who works in disability caregiving and justice feels about right 💜
I really should post more. I love everyone on here. I feel very lucky.
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Haiiiii my name is Soder! This is my first post!
I have always looked for things that "who I am" can fit in, and am pretty unimpressed with most labels for myself. but recently, I discovered kobolds, and realized how much I really am like, but also *feel* like a kobold, so! “LowLevelKoboldAdventures” has hatched!!! =D I plan to post posts about like, me! Especially about the lil kobold that lives inside me. Maybe you think kobolds are cute and just like watchin them do their little tasks, or are looking to befriend one and share stories and trinkets! Or maybe you yourself have/are a kobold and are looking for more of your kin! Whatever it is that you are here for, I welcome you and hope you like all the shinies and clinks I bring back to my stash
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