slytherkingdae · 10 years
[ owl ] you left. again. im sorry i wasn't enough to keep you here. i don't know why you left.. since.. you did it without a word. i guess.. i wish you the best of luck. and the happiness i couldn't give.
Should I write this as a stream  of consciousness?
Why not.
Everything’s always edited when it comes to me. Always. Purposefully plotted. Laid out. Planned. Always. From the day I stepped into Hogwarts, right? And I like it that way. I like it. I feed off control, Seol. And in Hogwarts, I had complete control. King of the castle. Genuinely, without delusion, I can say that I was the most talked about. Real malice gave me control, next to all the posers. I’ve been told that I kill best with my tongue. Words like chocolate coated acid. All this is messy.
It’d be nice to unprogram the instinct to hold back, to hide parts, to not plan the way a three letter word is going to be executed… But there’s parts I’ll subconsciously leave out. Habits are hard to break, you know that.
You sound melodramatic.
Was that our relationship? Drama? I think many would be surprised to learn I dislike it. Drama. Fancy little details attached. Control, sure. Entertainment, yes. But I hate putting myself as the focal point of some sort of reality TV show. I refuse. Traditional, privacy, legacy, secrecy. The glistening eye of an emerald curled around my thumb. And I fear that my days on the Hogwarts stage reduced me to a 3-D character. When I wanted to blend in, be an extra, it was impossible, no one would grant me that. I’ve toyed with leaving so many times, and I’ve been pushed off so many times because of family problems.
This time it’s me, just me. I’m leaving.
Not necessarily you, but here. I’m done with Hogwarts. I’m done with the wizarding world. I’m done with my family. The puppeteer is cutting all his strings. 
You? Being with you made me feel good. Are you hurt? Remember a conversation, back when you were a 5th year, 6th year? I predicted you were going to get hurt. I have a feeling I was right. Contrary to what you might think, it’s not a good one. I don’t want to see it as taking something away from you that you’re never going to get back— It isn’t that bitter. It’s a good memory, right? First Sarang.
You tried to fix me. You believed you could fix years of psychological damage with a warm smile and moon shaped eyes. The baby, oh god, the baby. And I let you believe that everything would be okay.
I can say that it would have been different Seol. It would’ve been different if there wasn’t a mess surrounding it. I can’t ask you to follow me where I’m going now; it’s reckless.
Are you going to forget about me? You do your best, and I’ll do mine.
Don’t write back.
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
[owl] hey you! i was wondering how you're feeling now??
[ owl ] : yeah i'm getting there
[ owl ] : still need me to come with you?
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
.... [`/ his eyes opened a tad, and he sat up slightly, propping himself up properly on his elbows. he let silence settle for a second as he looked at the ceiling, trying to gauge whether he'd heard right before turning to Seolhyun. everything flickered past his eyes -- apprehension, fear, excitement -- but he kept the rest of his face in check. ] how late? have you... done a test? [`/ pregnancy spells were fairly simple, but Daeryong didn't trust himself enough to perform one. all of a sudden he was wide awake, holding back a sneeze in order to ask more questions-- wait, sneeze-- he toyed with shuffling back a little, instantly aware of his illness, but decided not to. his eyes stayed glued on Seolhyun's pancake stomach. ]  woah. [`/ patting his cheeks he couldn't hold back the smile. he didn't want to get his hopes up but-- ]
{` maybe that could have gone a little bit better than she had anticipated, but that wasn’t the point. he had his brother back now, so it was up to him what to do with that. she wouldn’t try and push for anything either way. she had done her part, patched up soryong, and made a vow to discover how to regrow limbs and go down in history as the best healer ever. but that wasn’t the most pressing thing on her mind.} well… {` she took a deep breath. she had played this over a few times in her head. maybe it was too early to tell him, but she was scared of not telling him and him finding out and then being mad she didn’t tell him. but then again, he might not like hearing what she was about to say either. it was the lesser of two evils} i’m.. late.
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
It's mostly people leaving. [`/ he fiddles with his nails, too lazy to reel off the long and extensive list. ] People coming and then going and coming again. Seriously, name a person and they've probably buggered off to goodness knows where. Quidditch is a mess. [`/ easily rolling his eyes his head moves left to right in a slow shake -- expressing his distaste at the teams deteriorating and not getting filled again. ] The one captain girl, Hyomin, she got pregnant. Scandalous. [`/ shrugging innocently he unwraps a chocolate mouse from his robe pocket and bites the tail. ] Gave birth to the kid on campus but yeah, obviously she had to go. That's pureblood gossip in general though. [`/ didn't personally interest him, other than it meaning... ] We can be the pair of beaters now. 
[h]armless jokes [daeryong soryong]
( `he just smiles as he closes his eyes and gives an noncommittal hum ) Something like that. ( `his hand flies to the bandage across his eyes and touches it, his fingers applying slight pressure at the hollowed out socket. it still feels weird to him, not to have anything under his lids. It’s like picking at a scab, it’s painful but he can’t stop doing it. ) I met Seol. ( `he recalls her tears and a pang of guilt creeps up to him ) I should really apologize to her, I must have scared her. But what, you mean things actually happen when I’m not around? ( `opening his eyes, he gives Daeryong a playful grin before swatting him with his hand. His only hand. He stares at it for a moment before shaking his head. ) Well, fill me in. 
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
Well-- Of course I'm happy he's back, uh-duh. [`/ he rolled his eyes before closing them, leaning back against the bed. he had many feelings surging to his brain, and many people had been telling him how to feel of late. Daeryong was happy with the truth, Soryong was alive, and he wouldn't be rushing to do anything overly stupid anytime soon because he was recovering. plain and simple. ] Hm. Something else? [`/ his eyes nearly opened because he sensed a slight shift, but pegged it on something else, not feeling overly suspicious. ] 
{` seolhyun frowned at his comment. to show that she wanted him, daeryong, and only him, she rested her head against his chest and hugged him around the waist.} no way, i like you. {` she told him, her tongue stumbling over the L like she was about to say a word that might have been far too large to use just yet. she didn’t want to freak him out, but then again, there was other news she had that might do the exact same thing.} i just know how much you.. missed him and i thought you’d be happy. {` she pecked his lips } i think i have something else to tell you though {` she whispered against his mouth before hiding her face in his side and breathing him in}
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slytherkingdae · 10 years
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look i drew soryong
do you want a medal or something?
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
mhmm, saw him a couple of days ago. [`/ in alignment with the current mood, he keeps his voice low too. he lifts her hand to kiss her soft fingertips in a moment of intimacy. truthfully he's scared of what comes next, intensely scared, but he's not gonna voice that aloud. ] why do we have to talk about him though-- [`/ he winks subtly. ] do you like him better than me? huh? [`/ he playfully sticks his tongue out before shrugging and looking reflective again, up at the ceiling. ] in all seriousness... he's better than I thought. 
{` seolhyun grins and steps into the room, shutting the door behind her and then scurries over to his bed, crawling into it and making herself at home, as if it was just as much her bed as it was his} hi. {` she whispered, smiling at him from where she was perched against his pillows. her fingers skated across the bedspread to find his, playing with them absently.} are you feeling a bit better? it was the soup, wasn’t it? {` she asked him with a cute grin, just happy to see him looking healthier again.} did.. you see your brother yet?
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
Bad dreams? [`/ he sits at the foot of the bed, playing with the hem of his robes, and indulging himself by relaxing his head against the soft mattress. he doesn't want to encourage Soryong to voice whatever he's thinking aloud, and become even paler, so shrugs it off. just in case his brother doesn't feel the shift, he clears his voice and carries on. ] Want me to fill you in? Or have you gotten round already. [`/ his lips tug into a small smile. ]
[h]armless jokes [daeryong soryong]
Can’t be helped. ( `he shrugs before letting his body fall on the bed, the soft pillows feels like heaven compared to the cold stone he has grown accustomed to these past few weeks ) I –– ( `he starts but his tongue feels dry and he swallows his words ) I can’t sleep. I don’t want to. ( `his words are frail, like the state he is in right now and he can’t help but scoff at the irony )
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
[`/ he shakes his head playfully, opening the door and gesturing for her to come in. ] Thinking about it, maybe we should say no to the bubble head. [`/ it is, at worst, the flu. not gonna kill anyone, and Seol has a pretty strong immune system anyways. ] Come, come-- [`/ itching to kiss her, but staying true to abstaining in public, he jiggles his foot impatiently. ] 
{’ seolhyun smiled behind the door and then opened it a crack so that she could peer in} do you think the bubble head will look good on me? {’ she almost thought about not doing it but given the situation she might be in, it was probably better to be safer rather than sorry}
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
[`/ tilts his head, his facial expressions a little uncertain and wary. where is their line? the one that can't be crossed? at the moment it's moving. ] You're like an egg right now... So fragile. [`/ rubs his temple. ] I was thinking a headache potion-- And I was gonna eat with you because it's not good on an empty stomach... [`/ nods twice, feeling his older brother gene kicking in. ] Go lie down. You need rest.
[h]armless jokes [daeryong soryong]
Ouch! ( `jerks violently before letting out s chuckle ) Careful there, fresh wound, brother. Don’t I look dashing though with war wounds like this? ( `winks with his right eye, his left neatly bandaged by seolhyun ) Mmm..potion…for what? ( `he lets out a slightly tired sigh, like he has lost hope ) Nah, I don’t really feel like eating. My guts won’t even accept water right now. ( `chuckles and ruffles daeryong’s hair ) you should eat though.
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
ravenseol replied to your post:[owl] yay!! Im glad you like it!!! [owl ] tolja I was getting better. [owl] now? I like now :) I'll come now
{` seolhyun hurried to see daeryong, excited, nervous, and just happy that she was going to be able to see him. She knocked on the door and leaned her head against the wood} dae… its me! They were sold out of gas masks. Can I still come in? {` she teased}
[`/ he shuffles to the door, still in bedtime boxers and nothing else, peering through the peephole to check. ] You might get infected-- [`/ he murmurs, half concerned and half playful. ] Dunno whether I should let you in... Do you know that bubble head spell?
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
[owl] yay!! Im glad you like it!!! [owl ] tolja I was getting better. [owl] now? I like now :) I'll come now
[ owl ] : now is good.
[ owl ] : i'm still kind of infected so bring a gas mask just in case
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
[owl] hey you! you're still sick, i know. i miss you. i made some soup! did the owl spill it everywhere or is it okay?
[ owl ] : I haven't tasted it yet but it looks intact--
[ owl ] : woah spicy woah
[ owl ] : very warm
[ owl ] : well done 9/10 ✓
[ owl ] : you should like come over
[ owl ] : because....
[ owl ] : yeah no bullshit reason tbh, I just wanna see you
[ owl ] : mmm I really wanna see you and stuff
[ owl ] : now please
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
22 Feb 2014.
The light has gone out of my life. 
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slytherkingdae · 11 years
He wobbled towards the nearest wall, a cruel bitter smile gracing his lips as the smell of damp air and moss invaded his nose. Supporting himself to stand on his own two legs with the help of the brick wall behind him he reached into his coat's pocket and retrieved a small parchment and a pen.
I'm Jung Soryong, an emissary from the house of Jungs, representing London on the mission to revive the Dark Lord. The nature of this quest is to remain a secret from everyone who has not been contacted directly from the order.
His blood dripped onto the parchment and he cursed silently, the word coming out as a painful hiss more than anything else. Gripping the pen tighter within his grasp, he started to write again.
The method of this whole process is still questionable and even unproven. However we are were committed in seeing this through. We have made a pledge. And we went through it.
He started to tremble and finally fell down, his legs quivering under him as they could no longer hold the weight of his own body. A shiver ran through his weakening body and a resentful snicker escaped through his lips as his blurred vision caught the sight of his blood pooling around him.
I'm trying to escape from the situation as it has gone haywire, having say that, my situation and location is very dire and I am not very optimistic that I can make it. However, I wish that I could at least be useful to the progress of the research.
Attempting to revive the Dark Lord using the forbidden spell and the blood of the Death Eater's chosen ones have proved to be catastrophic. We've awoken nothing but a brainless monster, a killing machine with no mind at all.
He let out a shaky breath as he tilted his head upwards, his vision worsening and his writing, undoubtedly had gotten worse, he prayed it could still be read.
That being said, I am sending this letter to you, my dear brother because I know after my failure, the elders of the order might send you to another trial and error for we have one of the purest blood amongst all of His followers.
Don't go. No matter what they say. It's a suicide mission.
See you when I see you,
He forced a smile on his face as he put his pen down and tapped his wand against the parchment, murmuring a spell to deliver the letter to his brother.
"Fuck I'm so scared." He whispered, his eyes are wet with unshed tears.
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