#I am behind you I always find you I am the tiger
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vii0so · 1 day ago
[BSD 121] Theory/Analysis
This chapter was full of things for me to over-analyse and theorise about. As always, expect spoilers, sidetracking and theories that sound farfetched.
The (Fake) Page
Fyodor's Fixation on Dazai
The Book and Atsushi's Hallucinations
The (Fake) Page
To start, no...that's not the page.
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As I mentioned in my last chapter post [BSD 120.5], this had been a plan from the start by Fyodor, for Atsushi to not question where the page is, by showing an ordinary page and letting him assume it's the page.
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Plus, Atsushi was having a mental breakdown due to the situation at the time and couldn't think clearly but do you really think an actual page from the book - a godly item - would tear that easily? No way. It's known as indestructible for a reason.
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Fyodor's plan was to break Atsushi mentally. That's what he wanted to see. Atsushi in despair.
Fyodor shows he has the page (tricking Atsushi), says it can bring his friends back (giving Atsushi hope), then tears it up right in front of him (Making Atsushi feel despair and hopelessness, breaking him).
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Just look at his thoughts! He lost hope, fell to despair. If he doesn't fight, he'll die, and yet he sees no reason to continue.
Maybe Fyodor needs Atsushi to want to die before he kills him. Maybe as the 'bookmark', that's some sort of activation key for something to do with the book.
Fyodor's Fixation on Dazai
Originally, I wasn't going to talk about this but here I am.
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Fyodor decides to talk about Dazai right after mentioning the back of the page. In this he also mentions the prison, furthering my theory (Section: "The page isn't with Fyodor") that the real page is with Sigma back at the prison.
That was a bit off topic but needed mentioning, since Fyodor chooses to talk about Dazai right after mentioning the page (Yes, I'm saying it twice. Important things must be repeated).
Fyodor has no reason to mention Dazai in this way to Atsushi. If my theory that Fyodor needed Atsushi to fall into despair (...gosh, the more I say that word the more I think of Danganronpa), break him, is correct, then he has no reason to talk like this.
I would understand if Fyodor only talked about or mentioned how he beat Dazai, as Atsushi who views Dazai as all knowing would despair thinking "If Dazai couldn't beat him how can I even try?" (actually...did he already think this in one of the chapters and I forgot?) but Fyodor goes beyond that and mentions enjoying his time with Dazai.
Now, It could be just as they show; Fyodor making Atsushi believe that because of Dazai he will give Atsushi the page as stated with:
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But he didn't need to do it like this.
Atsushi probably didn't even mentally register anything Fyodor said other than getting the page. So there really wasn't any reason to say all the Dazai stuff. Just mentioning giving Atsushi the page would have gotten the same reaction.
Dazai is a key figure in Atsushi's life and therefore suspecting emotional manipulation in this case (especially after finding out Atsushi - the tiger - is the book's emotional hearth - the bookmark.)
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其は 「根源辺縁体」の 寵愛深き この世の楔
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note: ...I spent quite a while stuck on translating this and it's not even part of Chapter 121 (it's 119) so I give up (for now).
I've left the Japanese behind in case I come back to this or in case someone else wants to tackle it (plus I spent way too long getting each kanji with my basic hiragana knowledge and BSD raws that didn't show the hiragana clearly for me to search for the kanji without guessing.)
= ✧ =
Anyway, the current translation ("emotional hearth"), would indicate that Atsushi's emotions play a big role in what happens. Therefore it's a given that Fyodor would emotionally manipulate him to activate some sort of trigger that'll help his plans.
But let's not suspect manipulation for a moment.
Why talk about Dazai?
Well, Dazai is important, "in what way?" I'm not sure, and Fyodor mentioning him right after the page shows that he is a key figure (connected to the book in some way).
Fyodor needs Dazai. Or at least...a version of him.
...I don't know what I'm saying either.
Dazai is 100% involved with the book in some way and Fyodor is aware of this fact.
Dazai is also one of the only people in Fyodor's life that understands him and can have an actual conversation with him. Fyodor has lived a long time. Once you live that long everything is predictable.
I'm sure some of the people reading this must have watched a movie or read a story at some point and thought "the ____ was obvious" wether it was the ending, villain, or something else. This happens because we have seen other media with the same things and therefore can predict what happens.
Now imagine you find a movie, book, game, etc. that isn't like anything you've seen before. It's got the same foundations and yet...you can't predict it. You can guess what will happen but you will never truly know (wow, a lot like me with BSD...I'm getting off topic).
That's how Fyodor feels. Seeing the same old cliche for 2k+ years, nothing new at all.
...Until he meets Dazai.
Dazai is the movie that's nothing like the others. A mysterious person he couldn't predict. Someone similar to himself.
So imagine you find a movie DVD that is the key to a door but also a movie that you've been looking for a long time (something new, unpredictable). You'd be interested, right? That's Fyodor's obsession with Dazai.
It's like being in a time loop and having someone remember with you. (is that even a good example? probably not...)
The Book and Atsushi's Hallucinations
Honestly, at first I was like "Huh???", then I told myself, "Atsushi figured it out so we as the readers must be able to as well", and so I read it a couple more times and thought "The only thing that makes sense is that it's the book", any other possibility I came up with sounded too farfetched and might as well get turned into an au fanfic instead of a canon theory, so...It's the book.
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Now, before I get into why, here's a random fact about myself:
I usually avoid reading other people's theories so that I can have fun theorising (having a mental breakdown/j) on my own without my theories being influenced by others.
That being said, I saw a post of someone being confused about the ending of the chapter and I was curious to see if anybody else thought it was the book like me in the post's comments.
To my surprise, a lot of people thought it was the tiger instead.
So let's start with: "Why is it not the tiger?"
This line is all the proof we need: "You're the tiger aren't you?"
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It wouldn't be my style if I didn't try over analysing the raws...so I did!
I tried translating the original Japanese myself and basically got the same result with minor differences, so the [Nine of Cups] translation (shown on the left) is as accurate as it gets.
Since I didn't find anything particularly interesting while translating, here's some random Japanese that appears in the panel:
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Anyway, yeah, there's no reason in my mind why it would be the tiger. There's just no way. There's no reason for it to be.
Why would the tiger say this? Why would the tiger not appear as itself? Why would Atsushi be so surprised if it was?
Also, Atsushi is the bookmark, the emotional hearth of the book, why wouldn't the book speak to him?
There's just no way it's the tiger.
Now, that we have that out of the way, let's continue:
The floor during Atsushi's "hallucinations" is usually just the ground/floor itself or a blank space (usually totally black or white).
But this time, the entire white area turns colour (from white to black), enabling us to see that there had been lines there all along.
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The lines are most likely a reference to the japanese writing paper:
Genkouyoushi [ 原稿用紙 ] - manuscript paper
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There have been references made before. Here are some examples:
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A & C : Official Art ✧ B : Volume 18 cover ✧ D : TDIPUD LN Cover
Even though this time the distinct space between square rows isn't present and makes this look more like average grid paper I personally still believe it's a reference to genkouyoushi.
Since Atsushi is the emotional hearth, his emotions matter...a lot.
So let me give you a situation before the next part:
The lights suddenly go out in a factory, signifying that there's no power (electricity).
This factory relies heavily on electricity to function and therefore for emergencies has a backup power generator.
Once the power went out, the backup power generator kicked in, meaning nothing stopped for too long and work continued.
Now imagine:
Atsushi is the electricity in this case.
The Dazai "hallucinations" are the backup power generator.
And the factory is the book / the story we read (BSD)
When Atsushi loses all hope, without any chance at all of recovering, that will be the end of the book as well (Or at least it'll trigger something to do with the book).
Since that can't happen if the world is to continue, there is a fail-safe measure (the backup power generator) that activates when Atsushi feels particularly low (really low) or is in need of guidance away from self-destruction.
So, the book speaks in the image of Dazai - who Atsushi holds in high regard (though I'm fairly sure there's more to the book choosing "Dazai" than this) - as a way to "return the electricity to the factory".
Why is Rampo not mentioned here?
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Seriously, what plan are Dazai and Rampo scheming against Fyodor?
He must be safe and working in the background...right?
██████████ Completed!
I know I said I'd post this "soon"
...and suddenly "soon" turned into almost a month.
85% was written within a week of the chapter's release. But my brain didn't let me think after I tried deciphering Japanese (Kanji and general translation) for this (the translation part I gave up on) and suddenly I couldn't type anymore. I tried coming back to it but I still couldn't type much so I left it for a while.
Suddenly I realised I still hadn't finished it and the new chapter was releasing in a few hours! So I said to myself "leave it incomplete like the last time, or speed write a whole bunch of stuff and just post it".
...I typed faster than I thought I could.
So here it is, actually completed (a round of applause for me! :D)
I hope what I wrote makes sense, some parts may be off-topic(?) as I was in a rush and can't re-read what I wrote right now.
See you all in a few hours when I read the new chapter (or tomorrow if I choose to sleep after reading the chapter instead of immediately starting to type my theory/analysis post like I usually do)
No, the "page" torn is not the real page. It was only used as an act to make Atsushi lose hope.
Yes, Fyodor is obsessed with Dazai in the way that we find an unpredictable movie without cliches refreshing.
Fyodor's manipulating Atsushi emotionally as a way to activate something to do with the book.
The Dazai "hallucinations" are the "book" and are a fail-safe measure (think more closely to: backup power generator) so that Atsushi - whose emotions affect the world - does not fall completely to despair (which is what Fyodor wants)
Rampo is not mentioned in the people who still need saving/are still alive but he's most likely planning in the background.
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save-the-villainous-cat · 10 months ago
may I request a really really really smart villain. but somehow the hero manages to outsmart them, and even though villain is completely dumbfounded, they find it incredibly hot???
gl, if you wish, but im fine with anything !!
“You’re scared,” the villain whispered. “I know what that feels like. I know what it can do to a person.”
Their fingertips traced the hero’s clavicle gently, as if they attempted to calm a startled deer by stoking it.
“It’s not a pleasant emotion. It certainly isn’t one anyone should be used to. So I’m curious, do you need my help?” the villain said. Their eyes scanned the hero curiously. Almost as if they could absorb everything about them just by looking at them.
Something about the hero seemed to pull them in, something seemed to fascinate them on a grand scale and the hero couldn’t tell if they loved the challenge or the attention.
“Would you mind?” the hero asked. They nodded towards the villain’s fingers on their body and clearly, the villain received their message. They pulled away and smiled. Curiosity seemed to be their big weakness.
“I apologise, of course. I’m fond of pretty things.”
“As every crow is.”
“That’s a compliment.” The hero didn’t answer. They knew the villain was toying with them; they were fully aware of their sweet words and their kind smile.
The villain wasn’t easy to understand and that was a big problem in this whole mess. Incompetent people proposed a threat to the city because of their lack of intelligence. They weren’t easy to understand, they were unpredictable.
Usually, the hero could argue with smart people, could get into their minds and understand their motives but the villain was a complete minefield. Their unpredictability came from several unrelated plans that intertwined and altogether made up a whole picture.
They were ten steps ahead. Always.
Suddenly, a missing professor, a burning bakery, a sick child and a stolen book were parts of a chain that would make sense to the hero much, much later. Ordinary things could play huge parts in these reaction chains, something they liked to call “controlled butterfly effect”. It made the hero think of all the details, all the little crimes in the city. It made them overanalyse every little conversation they had with the villain.
Was the villain giving them clues?
Was there a way to decipher these riddles?
How could anyone be at ten different places at the same time?
How was it possible to get information you’d have to torture out of people without actually talking to anyone at all?
“I’ll have to change my address for the third time this month,” the hero said. “You should apologise for that as well.”
“It’s not my fault you make it so easy for me.” The villain looked around the hero’s living room and in some weird and strange way, the hero felt superior to them, now that everything was done. It would’ve been foolish to say they were relieved. In fact, the villain was right. They were terrified. “New choice of plants, I see. You like orchids?”
“Why exactly are you here?” the hero asked. They assumed the villain knew about yesterday. They also assumed the villain was here to talk about that. “So you can make fun of me? Humiliate me in my own home?”
“Without an audience? Please, I thought you knew me.” The villain’s eyes found the hero’s again after what they deemed to be enough observation.
“You like it more intimate. You like it when it’s just us.” Now, the villain looked intrigued.
“Touché,” they said, almost as if the hero had defeated them with a single word. The hero wished it had been that easy.
“Again. Why are you here?” The hero crossed their arms in front of their chest. It was getting quite chilly in just a shirt and underwear.
In response, the villain took in a deep breath and sat down on the hero’s couch. They lounged.
“When Hannibal crossed the Alps, do you think he was scared? I mean, all that responsibility on his shoulders? It was dangerous, he could’ve lost his entire army.”
“Is this supposed to be some metaphor for me being Hannibal and you being…what? The Roman Republic?” the hero asked. Sometimes, it was laughable where the villain’s mind went. It was hard enough to keep up with them already but the amount of knowledge the hero acquired from talking to them alone was insane.
It was the type of learning experience that required failing repeatedly to get to the answer. The hero didn’t enjoy it.
But the villain only chuckled.
“I was trying to say that being determined and scared can coexist. You did something that demands great courage.” They tilted their head. “And yet, it is a very scary thing.”
With slow steps, the hero approached them until they were close enough. They sat down on the villain’s lap. Unsurprisingly, their nemesis didn’t protest.
They weren’t proud of what had happened, they weren’t proud of what they’d done.
“How can a person obtain information no one dares to whisper?” the hero asked. “How can that person receive it within seconds?”
“You tell me,” the villain said. An invitation. It would’ve been illogical to decline.
“You had two helpers. Someone who can teleport. Someone who can turn invisible. I don’t know how you convinced them but they were heroes once.”
The villain nodded.
“The Romans had to learn the hard way how important spies are. They learnt it from the Carthaginian. Like I learnt from you years ago,” the villain said. It was difficult to imagine that all this was the hero’s fault. “Now, tell me what you did when you found out.”
The hero was quiet until the villain’s palm brushed their thigh softly. The villain seemed unfittingly euphoric.
“I knew they wouldn’t be easy to keep in a cell.”
“So I killed them.” The villain nodded.
“You killed them,” the villain agreed. “Did you know crows wait for other predators to tear open their prey?”
The hero waited. The villain wasn’t angry. They were fascinated. It hadn’t even occurred to the hero that this was the solution up until yesterday.
And still, even though this was a major success when it came to stopping the villain, it wasn’t satisfactory. Killing two of their own people hadn’t been pretty.
“Did you know curiosity killed the cat?” the hero asked back. Behind their back, they clenched their fist to stop their hand from shaking.
Within seconds, several red laser dots pointed at the villain. With the hero on their lap, pressing them into the couch, there wasn’t anywhere to go. The sharpshooters wouldn’t let the villain move a muscle.
And behind the shocked expression, the hero saw something they weren’t sure if they loathed or liked: a certain admiration for only them.
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months ago
post-forced-extension of that assignment i was losing my mind about tuesday/wednesday i experienced a very familiar "ah.... it's as if the deadline no longer exists....." feeling that has now been replaced with "wait i still can't find the resources i need. and i don't know how to organize this. and i don't know what im presenting on (<- super broad topic and i can't fucking find the information i actually need bc our university doesn't?? give us jstor subscriptions or whatever anymore??? so it's all scholarly stuff i can't read or ppl's blogs which im not fucking using for this and half of them just copy entire paragraphs from encyclopedia britannica. who is saving my ass but whatever)" mixed with "I'll figure it out later 🙂‍↕️" IM PRESENTING IT IN 11 HOURS ��💀💀
#im having a really hard time focusing too. which always happens bc when AM i focusing anymore but like#still. would love to do anything but stare blankly at my screen humming will wood songs for like an hour. if anyone can make that happen#can someone just fucking tell me what the effects of ireland's political Situation in the 20th century meant for its literature#im begging you just tell me because im finding nothing. i have read so much General History but i can't find lit analysis thats not paywalld#and thats what the presentation's supposed to be on. not a bio of wb yeats which is all im getting somehow#why is this so hard why couldnt i have just presented on the byronic hero or something. fuckkkk#at least i have rascal lying behind me in the chair. we are ass to ass sorta in solidarity (he doesnt care)#he has been oddly cuddly the past couple of days which is nice. have i mentioned that? whatever#but like i havent even edited the ppt since wednesday morning. ive jist been doing more research i have to write a script and do visuals#and it has to be under 15 mins even though im talking about ireland starting before the famine AND the literature from that whole period#if i can fucking FIND ANYTHING ON IT GRRRRR and also can someone just tell me when the celtic tiger happened#idk why but im struggling to find super basic facts and i feel like im losing my MIND. why is this so shitty#it's not supposed to be this hard why is everything. soooooo hard for me all the time orz orz orz
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keep-wonwooing · 2 months ago
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— Two Boyfriends
synopsis ᝰ.ᐟ
⤷ ˗ˏˋ "I want two boyfriends so i can dress them up like twins!" ˎˊ˗
pairing ᝰ.ᐟ
⤷ idol!seongcheol x chubby fem reader x idol!mingyu
warnings ᝰ.ᐟ
⤷ poly, fluff, & physical touch (can't think of anything)
"Kim Mingyu, get back here!" My yell echoed through the house. My boyfriend of one years and 3 months, Kim Mingyu, who’s also an idol, had taken my PC holder that featured an official photo of Joshua—my bias.
"No! This is supposed to be me, not Joshua hyung!" he whined, hiding behind the couch.
He always whines like this, but normally, he’s fine with it. I don’t know what got into him today.
"Come on, baba, give it back, please?" I pouted, already feeling tired from chasing him around the apartment.
Shaking his head, he bolted upstairs, disappearing from my sight. I sighed and flopped onto the couch.
"I’m home!" I heard the door open, revealing my other boyfriend, Seventeen’s leader, Choi Seungcheol.
"Baby… Mingyu took it again!" I whined, rolling dramatically on the couch.
"Hi there, love," he greeted me warmly, leaning down to kiss my forehead.
Amazing, right? I have both of them as my boyfriends. It all started when I met them at an offline fan meeting.
⤷ I’m currently on my way to Seventeen’s offline fan meeting, and I’m super excited because this is my first time attending and seeing them up close.
While waiting for the guards to let us in, I’m double-checking all the bags containing the gifts I prepared for the boys.
Finally, the doors opened, and the Carats and I began lining up to keep everything organized. I noticed most of the fans were with their friends, while I stood alone. I’m not great at making friends with strangers, so I stayed quiet.
As I was checking my bags again, I suddenly heard squeals, and then Seventeen started appearing one by one.
I couldn’t help but smile as I saw them waving at us. As a fan finally seeing them up close, I enthusiastically waved back. I caught Hoshi looking at me, and he waved directly at me—I’m sure he noticed the tiger-themed t-shirt I was wearing.
"Say the name!" Seungcheol began, his voice loud and confident.
"Seventeen! Hello, we are Seventeen!" the members chorused, bowing after their greeting.
A staff member handed Seungcheol a microphone so he could speak.
"Good afternoon, Carats! We really appreciate all the effort you made to attend this offline fan meeting, and we hope you’ll enjoy your time with us. Thank you!" he said, looking around the crowd while waving.
Oh my gosh, he’s so handsome in real life! I fanned myself, trying to calm down my blushing face. Who wouldn’t be flustered with these guys standing on stage, looking absolutely fine?
The members finally took their seats, and the staff began assisting some Carats onto the stage. While the first fan interacted with Seungkwan, the other members started engaging with the rest of us in the audience.
"How are you guys feeling today? Isn’t it a little cold?" Dino asked, earning mixed answers of “yes” and “no,” which made him chuckle.
"Yah! I saw a lot of Carats wearing tiger shirts today. Where did you guys buy those?" Hoshi asked, looking amazed.
"Shein!" I answered. I felt embarrassed when I realized I was the only one who replied, while the others just laughed, finding Hoshi adorable.
"Oh?! Really?! How much is it? I’m willing to buy it!" he excitedly said, making the other members laugh.
My number was 21, but they were still on number 4, so it was going to take a while for my turn. We were given five minutes to talk to each member, which I felt was enough time to enjoy the moment.
Am I being delusional, or is Mingyu really looking at me? I waved at him with a smile, not expecting anything, but when he waved back, my cheeks burned, and I quickly broke eye contact.
After an hour, it was finally my turn. I had just finished talking to Seungkwan, Dino, The8, and Jun.
"Thank you so much for this!" Jun said, pointing at the cat plushie with his name on the collar.
"You’re welcome! Bye-bye!" I giggled, waving at him before finally moving on to Hoshi, who had been eyeing my shirt.
"Hey there!" he greeted me, starting to sign my album.
"So earlier, you asked us Carats where we bought our clothes, and I was the one who said Shein," I began, hoping to make the conversation more personal.
"Yes, yes! I really wanted to know where to buy more shirts, especially with that kind of design!" he said with a surprised expression.
"You don’t have to buy anything, though, because I bought you two tiger-themed shirts. I was nervous you might not like them, but I still wanted to give them to you," I said quickly, handing him a bag decorated with a cute tiger cartoon.
"I will definitely keep this bag!" he exclaimed, examining the bag before opening it. The Carats behind us gasped softly, admiring the gesture.
"It’s pretty, Hoshi-yah!" a Carat called out, and he proudly stood up to show it off.
We laughed, and he sat back down, thanking me nonstop. "I guess you’ll want more? I’ll tell you the shop then," I teased, giggling.
The next person was Joshua—my ultimate bias since the first day I started stanning Seventeen. He had always caught my attention.
"Hello, you’re really pretty," Joshua said softly, smiling as he began signing my album.
"You’re even prettier!" I replied, making us both giggle. I handed him a bag with a cinnamon roll plushie and a simple necklace featuring their group picture.
"Woah~ So I really do look like Cinnamon Roll, huh?" he joked, making me laugh and nod.
"Really! You’re both so cute," I replied.
"Oh my gosh, how much is this? I really love it!" he said, admiring the necklace.
While Joshua and I were talking, I felt someone staring at me. I glanced over and saw Seungcheol, who had just finished speaking to another Carat, looking in my direction.
"Thank you so much, really!" Joshua said, before the staff guided me to the next member.
"Hi there," Seungcheol greeted me with a warm, handsome smile.
I was stunned and stuttered when I greeted him back. "H-hello!" I nervously replied, making him laugh.
"How’s it going? Are you having fun?" he asked while signing my album.
"I’m really enjoying it so far! This is also my first time attending an event like this," I said, smiling.
"Woah, really? I’m happy you were able to attend this one," he said sincerely, looking at me with kind eyes.
He slowly held my hand, and I blushed so hard. I had held hands with the other members too, but Seungcheol had this special effect on me. Maybe it’s because he’s one of my bias wreckers.
"Here’s my gift for you!" I said, handing him a cherry hairclip along with one for his dog, Kkuma. "This one’s for you, and this is for Kkuma. I hope she’ll like it."
"She will, I’m sure!" he replied, examining the clips with a warm smile. "Can you put it on for me?" he asked, pointing at his hair.
I nodded quickly, my hands trembling as I clipped it onto his hair. "You look even more handsome with it," I said, smiling shyly.
"Really? I’m glad then," he said, smiling back and gently holding my hands again.
"I hope you guys aren’t too tired with your schedules and are getting enough rest," I sighed and pouted. "I was really worried when I kept seeing articles about you guys being sick."
He patted my head warmly. "Thank you, but don’t worry too much, okay? We’re doing fine right now."
After my conversation with Seungcheol and the other members, Mingyu was the last one I met before stepping off the stage.
"Hi, pretty~" he greeted me with a charming smile, glancing at me briefly before signing my album.
"I have a gift for you," I said, handing him a bag. "It’s a shirt you can use for working out or just as daily wear."
"So, your name is Y/N?" he asked, and I nodded immediately.
"You have a pretty name—just like you," he said, making me blush.
"I... uh... thank you," I stammered.
"I’ll definitely wear this! You’ll see it on my Instagram or in a random Going Seventeen video," he chuckled, holding up the shirt.
"Are you going to the Follow tour concert?" he asked me.
"Yes, I hope so. I’m nervous I won’t be able to get a ticket," I pouted.
"Don’t worry—you’ll get one. And I’ll make sure to find you!" he exclaimed.
"Really? I was planning to get a VIP ticket so I could jump properly to Aju Nice," I joked, making him laugh.
"Time’s up!" the staff announced. I smiled at the staff before bidding goodbye to Mingyu.
A few months later, tickets for the Follow tour in Seoul went on sale. I was sweating in my room, juggling three devices, anxiously waiting for my turn. On my laptop, my queue number was 961. I almost cried—I had a real chance to attend!
The day of the Follow tour concert arrived, and it was time for the soundcheck. I was so lucky to have a spot near the barricade.
They were performing Don Quixote, and I saw Seungcheol walking toward our side. He stopped for a moment, then ran over to Mingyu, dragging him back to our section and pointing at us.
The Carats behind me cheered loudly as Mingyu smiled widely and waved at me.
A few hours later, the concert started with Super. Everyone was screaming their lungs out and singing along. The concert went smoothly, with a few interactions between me and the members—especially Mingyu, who kept coming to our side of the stage.
At one point, he even took my phone, ran around the stage, and recorded videos. I was shocked—who wouldn’t be? My bias had just taken my phone to snap a bunch of selcas with the other members!
During Aju Nice, the members ran freely across the stage. Mingyu handed my phone back to a security guard, pointing at me to make sure I got it.
I thanked both the guard and Mingyu as he walked away, my heart full of gratitude and excitement.
The concert had ended, and I was waiting to leave the venue when a staff member tapped my shoulder. “Excuse me, please follow me.”
I looked around nervously, hoping no one noticed. Luckily, most Carats were too busy chatting to see the guard opening the barricade for me.
I followed her, confused. “Why do you need me? Who are you?” I asked.
“I’m Seungcheol’s manager. He asked me to find you,” she replied, leading me to a door marked Seventeen.
The door opened, and I saw Dino. “Oh! You’re the one who gave me the otter plushie! I brought it today—want to see?” he said excitedly before running off to fetch it.
He remembers me? I thought, stunned.
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right? The one who gave me the necklace with our group picture inside?” Joshua approached me, holding a water bottle.
“Yes, that’s me,” I said, smiling shyly.
He smiled back warmly and gestured for me to enter. Inside, a few staff members were tidying up while the members relaxed.
“Here it is!” Dino returned, proudly showing off the otter plushie.
“And it’s wearing the Dino shirt!” I exclaimed, giggling.
“Ah, you’re here!” Mingyu appeared beside me, flashing his signature grin.
“Well, yes. But why am I here? Shouldn’t you guys be resting?” I asked, puzzled.
He nodded. “We are, but…” Before finishing, he gently took my arm and guided me to the side where Seungcheol was seated, watching us.
“Are you our noona?” Mingyu asked suddenly.
“I’m a ’96 liner, and I share the same birthday as Jun,” I replied with a laugh.
“Really?!” Jun chimed in from across the room, making everyone laugh.
Seungcheol spoke up. “The members and I really appreciated all the gifts you gave us. Some of us are using them, and others are keeping them safe.”
“I’m just glad you liked them,” I replied, still feeling a bit nervous being this close to them.
“Here,” Mingyu handed me a blanket to cover my legs since I was wearing a short skirt.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
Seungcheol continued, “So, we were thinking of inviting you to dinner—if you’re okay with it. No pressure!” He raised his hands reassuringly.
“Oh? I’m fine with it. But is it really okay? I mean, it’s a group dinner, and—”
“Noona, please?” Dino interrupted, giving me puppy eyes.
“It’ll be fun!” Jeonghan added, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
I laughed. “Well, if it’s okay with you guys, then sure. I’ll go.”
The room erupted in cheers, and the members quickly changed so we could leave for dinner early.
We ended up at a restaurant enjoying pork belly. While the others drank lightly, I stuck to soda since I wasn’t great with alcohol.
I sat between Dino and Jeonghan, playing the famous hongsam game.
“Wow, I’ve only ever watched this in videos, but playing it with you guys is so much fun!” I said, laughing until my stomach hurt.
“Noona got it wrong!” Dino yelled triumphantly.
“Eh? I did?” I asked, confused.
He eagerly explained why, and everyone laughed, telling me to drink my soda as a penalty. I agreed, and we continued playing.
After dinner, Seungcheol paid the bill.
“Seungcheol must be rich!” I teased, making him roll his eyes.
“Aye, don’t be humble!” I added, and the others burst out laughing.
When they offered to drop me off, I initially refused but eventually gave in. I ended up on their bus, heading home.
“Thank you for today,” I said sincerely.
“You’re welcome. The boys really wanted to be friends with you, especially after the fan meeting—Dino in particular,” Jeonghan teased.
“Can we have your number, noona?” Mingyu asked, blushing as the others teased him.
I laughed. “Is it okay?” I asked Seungcheol, who nodded.
“Of course, don’t worry,” he said with a warm smile.
When we reached my stop, I thanked them again and waved goodbye. It wasn’t until I was inside that it hit me: I was now friends with Seventeen, and Mingyu had my number.
A Few Months Later
⤷I had grown closer to the boys and often stayed at Seungcheol’s house, where they all lived. Each member had their own room—it was basically a mansion!
“Noona! Seungkwan keeps saying I’m bad at badminton!” Dino whined, sitting beside me.
“Because you are! Right, noona? You saw how I beat him in TTT,” Seungkwan smirked.
“I did, but don’t tease Dino so much!” I laughed.
Suddenly, I remembered something. “Wait! Oh no, my ramen!” I ran to the kitchen and found Mingyu standing there.
“Is this yours, noona?” he asked, pointing at the pot.
I nodded sheepishly. “I forgot because I was watching a K-drama with the guys.”
“Your ramen’s ready. I’ll grab a bowl for you,” he said, opening the cabinet.
“Y/N?” Seungcheol’s voice interrupted us.
I turned to him. “Oppa, why?”
“Can you both come upstairs to the balcony?”
I glanced at Mingyu, who gave me a small smile. “Let’s go,” he said.
As we followed Seungcheol, I yelled back to the others, “Don’t eat my ramen!”
Their smirks told me they probably would.
When we reached the balcony, Seungcheol was already waiting. “What’s wrong? I’m nervous!” I joked, standing between him and Mingyu.
Seungcheol nudged Mingyu. “You should go first.”
Mingyu took a deep breath and looked at me. “Just tell her,” Seungcheol encouraged.
"Why me?" Mingyu whined. "Fine, I'll tell her," Seungcheol sighed.
"I know this might end up awkward, but... me and Mingyu want to confess something to you..." Seungcheol began. "The day we saw you at the fan meeting, we were immediately attracted to your beauty, and we couldn’t wait to have a conversation with you. We were so happy to have the chance to talk to such a beautiful fan. After that, me and the guys couldn’t stop talking about you, especially Mingyu. I told them that we should invite you to dinner if we got the chance, and we immediately took that opportunity after the concert. As time passed, Mingyu and I started to develop a small crush on you. We’ve been hanging out a lot, and now we just wanted to share our feelings with you, hoping it won’t make things awkward if you like one of us."
I couldn’t quite process what he said.
"H-hey, no pressure. If you’re not ready—"
"No," I interrupted, "I mean, uh... how do I explain this? I do like you both too, but I... I don’t know. I don’t want to pick between you two," I nervously said while playing with my fingers.
"I also like you both personally—not just because you two are my biases, but for who you really are. We’ve all become so close, and I was confused about who I liked, but I realized that maybe I just like you both equally..." I confessed.
"Really? Maybe we can make it work?" Mingyu said.
"I don’t understand," Seungcheol said, looking at Mingyu in confusion.
"Well, I’m gonna admit that I find Cheol-hyung attractive—"
I stopped myself from giggling, and Mingyu noticed. He shyly hid his face against my shoulder.
"Aye~ don’t be shy!" I teased.
"Stop it, noona!" He whined.
"Continue, Gyu," we heard Seungcheol say. Even though he was nervous, Mingyu continued.
"Well... yeah, I do find you, hyung, attractive, and might have small feelings for you and noona. So I’m suggesting that we should work it out and try to be in a relationship?" Mingyu continued.
"Ooh! It’s like a poly relationship?" I asked, and Mingyu nodded as an answer.
"I like reading that kind of genre, though, so I guess it’s a good idea. What’s your thought on that?" I said, looking at Seungcheol, who was quietly observing us.
"Well, me and Mingyu already talked about this kind of setup. We were just thinking that you wouldn’t agree and might find it weird," Seungcheol explained, leaning against the railing.
"I don’t find it weird," I replied with a smile. "But what about the boys? I’m scared that their perspective will change towards me when they find out about this," I said, sighing.
"About that, we’ve already talked to them, and they were fine with it. They were actually supportive," Seungcheol reassured me.
I took a deep breath, absorbing everything they just told me. The idea of being in a relationship with both Seungcheol and Mingyu felt like walking into uncharted territory—but it also felt exciting and genuine.
"So... you’re saying the boys are supportive?" I asked cautiously, my fingers fidgeting with the edge of Mingyu’s blanket.
Mingyu nodded, his expression soft and reassuring. "We talked about it because we wanted their blessing before confessing. They even teased us about how nervous we were."
Seungcheol chuckled, the sound easing some of my nerves. "Yeah, Jeonghan especially had a field day with it. He said he ‘saw this coming from a mile away.’"
I couldn’t help but laugh. "That does sound like Jeonghan."
For a moment, we all stood in comfortable silence, the city lights twinkling behind us. Then Mingyu reached out and gently took my hand in his. "Noona, we just want to make you happy. If this setup doesn’t feel right for you, we’ll understand."
Seungcheol nodded in agreement, his gaze steady and sincere. "We care about you too much to push you into something you’re not ready for."
Their honesty and thoughtfulness made my chest tighten with emotion. I realized that what I felt for them wasn’t just a fleeting crush or admiration. It was something deeper, built on trust and genuine connection.
"I..." I hesitated for a moment before meeting their eyes. "I want to try. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know I want to explore it with both of you."
Their faces lit up, Mingyu’s smile bright and Cheol’s soft and comforting. Mingyu pulled me into a playful hug, his excitement contagious. "Noona, you won’t regret this! We’ll make sure of it!"
Seungcheol’s arms wrapped around both of us, his warmth grounding. "Let’s take this one step at a time, together."
And in that moment, surrounded by their laughter and warmth, I knew I had made the right choice.
"So they finally had the guts to tell you?" Jeonghan teased as the three of us headed back downstairs.
"Shut up, hyung!" Mingyu said, making Jeonghan laugh.
- end of flashback -
back to present
⤷"What did he take?" Cheol asked, helping me stand up from the couch.
"My photocard!" I replied.
"Mingyu!" He called, and we saw him poke his head out from the door upstairs. I gave him a smirk after Cheol motioned for him to come down.
"Give it back," Cheol ordered.
"But love!" Mingyu whined before handing it back to me. I hugged him and leaned my head against his chest since he's taller.
"We both know you also have one, right? And it's always in my bag wherever I go," I said, making him nod sheepishly while smiling.
Cheol just laughed at us before dragging us to the kitchen, showing us the food he bought for us.
"Woah!" Mingyu and I exclaimed as we saw the spread.
"Thank you, baby!" I said, pecking his cheek.
"You're welcome, bab," he smiled, caressing my hair.
"Let's eat!" Mingyu cheered, taking the food out of the plastic.
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I may or may not do a part 2 of this 😁 please tell me your thoughts about this at the comment section!
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tsumtsumrry · 2 years ago
Sex Therapist
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WC: 3.3k 
warnings: riding the tiger (thigh riding), unprotected sex, language, a pinch of fluff, bit of soft dom!harry, a teensy bit of a breeding kink, and kinda pwp (porn without plot) 
and he’s not actually a sex therapist 
He’s striding towards the door with you trailing behind him, attempting to apologize for the fact that you weren’t even present the whole time he was literally inside you.
“Yeah, sorry. I just don’t―” 
“Think it’s gonna work out? Yeah I gathered that.” he scoffs, his voice laced with venom. 
Yet another one night stand gone to shit.
“I’m sorry―” you insist but he opens the door and walks right out of it before you can even finish your sentence.
It wasn’t entirely your fault, it wasn’t interesting, nothing made you want to be present. He just wasn’t doing it for you. 
Yeah his ego must’ve taken a blow but it’s better than “leading him on”, per se, and having him finish while you just sit there and regret it all. 
You blow a frustrated raspberry and walk over to your couch to plump yourself down on it, immediately regretting even talking to him at that bar tonight. He could’ve been a bit nicer about the whole thing. Even though you know you shouldn’t, you can’t help but feel a little guilty, and the way he seemed so disappointed only made you feel worse. God, you really need to grow a fucking backbone. 
The worst part is you feel painfully sexually frustrated but you aren’t even in the mood to touch yourself, you just need someone to fix it for you. You desperately need someone to fix it for you. 
You opt for just eating dinner, having a long bath and going to sleep, hopefully by tomorrow this dreadful overflow of sexual desire will leave you with some rest 
Wishful thinking.
“Delicious, don’t ya think?” 
You nod and hum and the taste of the pie, somehow it’s unlike any other you’ve tasted and you can’t thank Harry enough for introducing it to you.
“This is like heaven. How in the world did you find these?” you breathe out, your voice in something like a breathy daze like drawl. 
“A friend of a friend.” He says, chuckling at your current state. He can’t even blame you though, it really is that good. 
“I fucking love your friends.” You mumble and he chuckles with squinted eyes.
“‘Kay, now that I’ve loosened you up with food, mind telling me what’s been going on with you lately?” He says, his tone bordering a coax. It surprises you, the fact that he noticed and the fact that he’s bold enough to ask.
You and him don’t talk all that much, you have mutual friends, and when he’s in town he always says that you’re the first person he calls, but you don’t really believe him. It’s probably something he says just to be kind, that is his brand after all. 
“Hmm?” you pretend to be clueless, taking another bite of pie. You could always lie, it’s not like he’d know the difference, right? 
“You’ve been so, like, tense? I don’t know how to explain it but I can literally feel how on edge you are.”
Harry notices you’re looking anywhere but at him and he ducks his head to try and catch your line of vision, “hmm? What’s going on? You okay?” 
Your heart flutters a bit at his genuine concern, but you know you still can’t vocalize the fact that you desperately need to get laid to someone you loosely consider a friend. 
“M’fine, Harry,” you notice his look of pure disbelief, “really, I am.” 
“You sure? Like I said I can feel how tense you are, and I’m never wrong about these kinds of things…” he trails off, his eyes flicking to the movement of you licking some of the pie remnant off of your bottom lip. “You can tell me, you know. I don’t bite and I’ve been told I’m a great listener. 
You bite your lip in thought and once again his eyes follow, only this time you catch it. 
It’s when he says your name with genuine worry in his voice that you finally look him in the eye and open your mouth to speak. 
“Okay you have to promise not to laugh, or, like, judge.” you rush out, honestly not believing you’re actually doing this. It kind of helps that you and him aren’t all that close, it’s easier to tell him that it would be to tell someone else. He also just radiates charm and comfort, something that you’re sure he’s using to his advantage. 
“I promise. Already told you I’m a great listener, love. Now what’s been bothering you?” 
“I just, I’ve been so wound up and I can’t seem to fix it.” you finally say, hoping he gets what you mean by “wound up”.
“Well I usually meditate, trust me it works wonders. And if you really need it I’m sure I could book like one of those cool masseuse thingies for you.” 
You groan quietly and he frowns.
“No, H, I―I’ve been wound up.” You stress the words more and you can see exactly when the realization flashes in his eyes. 
“Well, do you have any problems with, like, finding people?” he offers quietly, trying to allude to one night stands.
“Yes actually. They can never―”
“Get you off?” he quips and your breath stutters with laughter. You mumble a small “yeah” and you can practically see the wheels turning in his head. 
“You ever tell them what you want?” he asks and you frown. You’ve just realized that no, no you don’t. 
“No…” you mumble. 
“Well there it is.” he says with a tone of finality and you pout. 
“I mean I know I should, but sometimes I don’t wanna be giving cues while I’m having sex with someone, you know?” you speak softly, almost like you're embarrassed and you guess Harry can tell, because next time he speaks he makes sure his voice is soft and reassuring. 
“No I get it, but you know most blokes are pretty lost when it comes to pleasing a woman in the bedroom. I know it must suck but you gotta help ‘em out a bit.”
“Yeah…” you pout again and Harry smiles softly at it, “I just want someone to like, know me, you know? Or just know a woman’s body in general.” 
“I get it, love. Can I give you a tip?” he says , his eyes swimming with something you can’t quite pin down.
“Tell them exactly what you want, every single thing. Being vocal is very important. Everything you’re feeling or not feeling, you should tell them.”
“Everything.” He says, looking you right in the eyes as he’s fiddling with his pretty rings. He leans down to get another bite of pie and you look around in thought.
You feel stupid for what you’re about to ask but you feel like you owe it to yourself to really get all you can from this rare type of conversation you’re sure you won’t have with anyone else besides a sex therapist. “Do you have any idea of what I should like...say?” 
Harry pauses his chewing and his eyebrows raise in the slightest, you catch a tick in his jaw and you immediately regret asking the question. But just like he has been this whole night, he seems to read your mind and instantly answers your question like it’s the most casual thing he’s ever heard. 
“For example,” he clears his throat, “if something feels good you can say good, if it’s not doing anything for you, tell them, and tell them how to...make it feel good.” 
“And if they still don’t do it right?” 
“Find someone new.”
“I feel like I’ve looked everywhere.” 
“Maybe you need someone familiar.” 
You can tell he almost regretted it when he said it, but there was also something of what seemed like determination in his eyes. You can only imagine the mental battle he’s having right now. 
“Someone...familiar?” You say, your tone is nothing less than breathless.
“Mhm...someone you know, someone you trust, someone that can take care of you.” You know Harry’s noticed your change in breathing, the way you tried to subtly press your thighs together, you know he’s noticed and that’s why his voice has lowered to a calculated sultry tone that you know he only reserves for times like this. He’s downright seducing you and you don’t seem to have a problem with it, “any ideas?”
Now he’s just teasing. 
You shake your head no, your breaths coming out as shallow puffs. 
It’s only now you noticed that he’s been leaning in, he positions his mouth near your ear and his breath makes your entire body erupt in goosebumps, “do you want me to show you what it’s like? Hmm? Show you what it’s like to be cared for?”
You’ll be embarrassed later for how fast you agree, but that’s not important right now. 
“Can I touch, pretty girl?” he whispers, pressing kisses below your ear, smirking when you gasp. “Hmm? Can I?”
“Yes. Please.” 
All you get is a hum in response. He’s been keeping his hands to himself the entire time, but as soon as you gave the okay, his large hands moved to your thigh, trailing higher and higher but never quite getting where you want. 
“Gonna let me kiss you?” he whispers again and you nod quickly. As soon as his lips envelop yours you let out a satisfied sigh, one that he returns with a hum and a small smile. 
He moves his hands to your waist, swiftly ridding you of your leggings and your underwear after he asks for consent, his lips quirking from how quickly you said yes. 
You notice him pause, he’s watching you with dark, hungry eyes, almost like he’s trying to figure out what to do with you. You feel sort of self conscious sitting here all exposed. You go to put your legs together but you’re immediately stopped by what sounds like a disappointed tut. Harry shakes his head, ‘don’t. Please.” 
“Do somethin’ for me?” he asks and you nod softly. He pats his right thigh and you immediately know what he’s insinuating, you can feel the wetness reach your thighs. 
You straddle his thigh, taking a sharp intake of breath when his muscles flex under you, directly on your core. 
“This okay?” he asks.
“Yes, yes. Please.”  
He smirks and places his hands on your hips, your eyes are squeezed shut, the butterflies that you feel all over overwhelming you. 
“Open your eyes, poppet. Look at me.” Harry rasps, his forest green eyes moving rapidly across your face like he’s trying to commit this moment to memory. “So pretty. Always thought you were so pretty.” 
You open your eyes, immediately meeting his, you can see them soften at the nervousness you’re sure is swimming in yours. 
“You okay? You’re comfortable with all this? You know we can stop. As soon as you aren’t comfortable.” Harry says, his voice staying hushed and low, creating what feels like a safe bubble around the two of you.
“Yeah, m’okay. Promise.” you whisper out, and he shoots you a reassuring smile. 
He rests his hands on your hips, tightening his grip when you hum and the warmth of his hands, and drags your hips in one slow, long roll on his thigh, “so wet. Feels so nice and wet on my thigh” He marvels, committing to a rhythm of slow, sensual rolls, having you panting and moaning on top of him. 
“Look so pretty getting y’self off on my thigh like this. So fuckin’ pretty.” His thigh hitches up, causing you to gasp and crash down onto his chest. You nuzzle your head into his neck and he coos, bringing one of his hands up to your hair to pet you some. “Okay, baby?”
Baby. Your heart almost aches at the pet name. He’s really showing you what it feels like to be cared for. The whole nine yards. 
“Yeah, s’just...a lot. Feels really good.” you mumble into his neck, you can almost feel him shudder when your breath hits his skin. 
“Want more?” he whispers in your ear. You almost want to moan at how close he is.
“Yeah. Please.” 
He keeps one hair in your hair, caressing and petting you, while the other resumes the movements of your hips on his thigh, speeding up. You gasp out in a bit of surprise and he hums. The skin skin contact is driving you completely insane, the muscles on his thigh are so toned and firm and perfect, so so perfect. It feels perfect. 
You hadn’t realized you’ve been whispering it out loud until he coos at you yet again, squeezing your waist in encouragement. “Mhm. You’re so perfect.” he whispers. 
You feel the familiar simmering in your belly, the tightening feeling that makes you wonder if you’re actually going to explode, only this time it’s more intense. Probably because you’re proper turned on and have a guy under you that knows exactly what he’s doing and that thought, that thought just makes your release speed towards you faster.
“Harry.” you whine. “Gonna come. Please―”
“Go ‘head. Come all over my thigh, pretty girl. Make a mess of me. Please, I need to see it.” he encourages you, watching as you tremble on him and your eyes roll into the back of your head, letting the pleasure completely overtake you. 
You’re chanting out mindless praises and Harry’s comforting voice is helping you come down, ground you and make you feel safe. 
“Good girl. Did so good. Came so pretty.” he praises, pressing kisses to your shoulder. 
When your hand falls from his neck to his stomach, you immediately become aware of how hard he is. You look down, he’s hard, leaking even and you have no idea what’s come over you but you want it so bad. 
“Hmm, baby?” he whispers back, still peppering kisses all over your upper body. 
“Fuck me.”
He hums again, this one a little higher than the last and his lips finally break away from your body, “fuck you? Are you sure, love? I don’t wanna preas―” 
“You’re not. Please, please. I need you to fuck me.” 
“S’okay baby. I will. M’gonna fuck you.” 
“Thank you, thank you.” you chant, reaching down to give his cock, slow firm tugs. His mouth parts and he moans lowly, watching as your pretty hand works him, “condom?” he whispers, resuming his kisses on your skin. 
“M’clean, and on the pill. Don’t want one.” Now this, this is something you never do. You never go without a condom. But you just need him. You need him to the point where you don’t want any barriers in the way, you just want to feel him. And the thought of him filling you up, the thought of being filled up by Harry, is nearly sending you into overdrive. 
“I’m clean too, would never hurt you. You’re sure, though?” he double-checks. It’s downright mortifying how fast you nod. 
“Right. You ready for me?” he mutters and you look up to meet his eyes, dark green clouded with lust and you just want to get so fucking lost in them. You cannot believe how cliché and sappy and all you’ve done is hump his thigh like a teenager, but you can’t find it in you to care.  
“Please.” Is all you say. He lifts you up some and positions the tip at your entrance, swiping his cock between your folds, up to your clit and back down again, groaning at how wet you are. 
“Fuckin’ gorgeous cunt.” he whispers, almost like he was saying it to himself. He finally slides himself in and you both gasp. He’s so...big.
Again you didn’t realize you'd said it out loud until he lets out a breathy chuckle, “thanks, baby. Y’pretty pussy is squeezing me so tight, fuck.” 
“Okay to move?” he whispers, nipping and sucking at your neck, humming every time you let out a breathy moan. 
“Yeah, please move.” you all but moan out. 
He lifts your hips up slowly, so so slowly, and brings them back down the same in a sensual roll. 
“Fuck.” he whines. And god is that the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard. You love vocal men, hate it when they act like a rock and expect you to make all the noise. You’re so glad that Harry is one of the good ones. 
“You feel like a fucking dream, baby. So good on my cock.” he moans, directly into your ear and you shudder on top of him. 
You’re riding him, but he’s doing all the work, thrusting up into you and making you practically scream and tremble on top of him, “Oh my fuckin―Harry!” 
“That’s right, baby. You getting what you need? Tell me. Remember? You gotta tell me, sweet girl.” he rasps, moaning when you tighten around him at his words. 
“Yeah, yeah. S’good, so good.” you mumble, barely coherently as he scrambles your brain. 
He lays you down, hiking your leg over his shoulder and starts to get right back to fucking you into oblivion. A tingle runs down your spine at the new angle and you whimper out a weak call of his name. 
You’re both sweating, you start to meet his thrusts, watching as his mouth drops at the feeling. “Yeah, baby. Fuck me back. Just like that, sweet girl.” 
He can see it in your eyes, how much you want this release, scratch that, need this release, and he’s more than fucking willing to give it to you.
“You need to come? Hmm? Need me to rub your clit so you can come on my cock?” When you moan out a broken “yes” he tuts, “Tell me then. Tell me exactly what you need.” 
“Please rub my clit, Harry. Make me come, I need to come.” you mumble out. 
“Good girl. Such a good girl.” he says with so much pride and warmth in his voice you feel like melting into the couch. 
“Your good girl. Yours. Please.”
“Yeah, baby? All mine.” he leans down and for the first time tonight, he kisses your lips. And if you melted into the couch before you’re a puddle now. 
His thumb finally lands on your clit and he starts to rub tight, quick, circles, driving you so close to the brink so fast. 
“So close, so close. M’gonna come. Harry, please.” 
“Come for me, baby. Know you can. Soak my cock. I need to feel you.” he spews out encouragement, moaning along with you as yours become more frequent and loud. 
“Fuck yes, Harry.” is all you say before you go completely silent. Your mouth opening in a silent scream as you find your release, spasming uncontrollably on Harry, but his rhythm never falters.
“Good fucking girl. Christ.” he mumbles, not stopping his circles on your clit. 
“Please come for me, Harry.” you whine out, bringing your hands up to interlock behind his neck. 
“Yeah? Where do you want it?” he says, his voice sounding a beautiful type of strained.
“Inside. Inside me.” 
The only time Harry’s rhythm falters is when he hears those words. You’re gonna fucking ruin him.
“Bet you’re just fucking dying for me to fill you up, fill you with my cum. You love it don’t you?” he taunts you. 
“Yes. I want all of it.” 
“Gonna fuckin’ c-come” He whines loudly before he thrusts into you  five times in an uneven pattern and you can feel when it’s inside you. It’s so warm and primal and intimate and you don’t think anything compares to the feeling. 
“Baby.” he breathes out before he collapses on top of you, suddenly craving the skin to skin contact and warmth of your body. “You are...remarkable. For lack of a better word.” and you’re both giggling. 
“Mmm, y’so warm.” he whispers with a kiss to your slightly parted lips.
“Thank you. Thank you so much, H.”
“Anything for your angel face.” he smirks. 
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threepandas · 4 months ago
After The War: Foxx Hunting (Prev <-)
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On anyone else, the tone would suggest simple statement. But there was a lilt. A slight inflection, I had long learned to spot, at the end of the word. That made it a greeting. A call. Monotone filled with subtle, near untraceable mocking.
"Tired of running yet, Commander? Or do you want to struggle more? You can, if you want. I can let you. We have time. After all, it really won't change much. There's no where you can go."
Head tilted ever so slightly, at an almost an invisible angle. Posture, military perfect, impossibly so. That perfection bought with pain, torture, born out of brutal necessity. His lips quirked, in an amused curl. At just that same, impossibly slight amount. Too small and indistinct for his tormentors to notice. To take from him.
Just enough to stay human, I had thought. Too stay sane, I had hoped.
I was wrong.
My biggest mistake hunted me. Had all the power in the GALAXY now, to hunt me. All the time he could ever dream, in which to do so. And it was all my fault. Me. It had to be. I... I was the only thing that changed. Tried to make things... things BETTER!
How arrogant. Hubristic. Who the fuck was I? To think I had the RIGHT, to shape and change the fate of an entire GALAXY to my whims? I didn't even know the story. Had been GUESSING, based off STAR WARS. So... so fucking confident. A-and what did that get me? Oh god. O-Oh god!
The blaster burns on my arms and legs screamed, as I forced myself up, one more time. Always, please god, always! J-just one more time! Don't give out on me yet. Not.. not until we are safe. Then. Then! We can cry. Howl and weep, break down and scream.
(My fault. My Fault. MY FAUL-)
None of the characters were an exact match. People were and weren't where they should be. Plots happened out of sequence or not at all. So why? WHY? Did I believe so hard in the Clones? IS it because I loved, still LOVE, the Vode? Did that trust transfer? That emotional connection? Was I tricked? Or was I just a fool? Does it MATTER in the end? If the result is the same?
I brought a monster, straight to Power.
Now they're dead. All my brothers, my sisters, my mentors and friends. Dead, dead, DEAD! Glowing weapons on the ground and a temple filled with DEATH. D-Did the nurseries get out? Please, oh god, let the children have survived my mistake.
Blood stains my robes. Only a tiny fraction of it, is mine.
Sticky and slick, oily and so many colors. The blood does not mix. Too many species, too much ash from the air. If I do not clean or remove it soon? I am likely to get chemical burns, from the reactions developing on the cloth. But again and again. My mistake finds me. A pursuit predator. Intent on wearing me down.
"How long will you try, Commander? You know just as well as I do, that I can afford to wait you out. You'll drop eventually." His tone was so mild, even as his words were horrifying. Overhead, a transport kept steady pace, as I desperately ran from commandos on the streets. "How many days has it been without proper rest? Rations? To stop and think? We've survived far worse then this, Commander. For far longer. We can endure, can you?"
I pull my magic around me, through my screaming legs, to fling myself across a jump they shouldn't be able to make.
Despair surges, as behind me... I hear jetpacks. Ah. They've gotten better gear, at long last. E-Everything I've ever wished for them. Gear and food and safety, at long last! A-At long last. I have to laugh, hysterical and afraid. I just... I just never thought my wish? Would be fulfilled for the purpose of hunting me down.
(I'm so tired. Please, god. No more. Let it stop. Let this nightmare END!)
Jumping, I land in a roll on a level several floors down. The impact is ugly. Agony on my burns and bruises. I may have not taken any direct hits? But those glancing strikes? Still leave marks. Trails of seared, blistering, blaster burns. Like tiger strips. As though you hade been struck, by whip made of fire. Not to mention the concussion grenades.
Yeah, half way through the attack, the Clones had stumbled. Either broken free of the Not Sith's control or come to their senses, deciding to switch to non-lethal weapons. Probably trying to go for the capture instead of the kill. But given the sheer variety of the Knights? One Being's sedative was another's lethal toxin. And the gas attacks...
I... I'm still not even sure if... if Master Rim'Llahiy survived long enough, to get to the healers. The seizures were BAD. He... he didn't deserve that. All he'd ever done, was keep the gardens. Live a quite life. T...Try to defend his home.
Around me, as I run, screens light up. Somehow, I'm the focal point. I... I don't know how he's doing this. It has to be Sketch or Gear, one of the Slicers. Who else could hack into so many systems so easily? The... the knowledge that they're helping him? That everyone of the Guard is HELPING him hunt me? I feel sick.
Was any of it real? Was I friends with ANY of them? Or... Or was I just them happy little slave master, patting myself on the back, because I didn't beat them, unlike the others? Aren't I gracious. Don't you just love me? Say thank you for my grace. Let me feel good about my self! My pretty little charity of the day! Before I skip back off to fairy land! Leaving you all in hell.
Do I deserve this? I... I have to deserve this... right?
Even though I tried. Even though I fought and fought and FOUGHT. Even when that Not A Sith BASTARD tried to kill me at every turn, just to shut me the fuck up, and I WOULDN'T. Because they deserved to be free. Because it was WRONG. Because we took VOWS, remember? Days and days, convincing and campaigning.
I have to... to somehow, deserve this. Because? B-because if I DON'T?
Then What Have I DONE?
City levels and blocks blur together. I couldn't tell you where on this god forsaken ecumenopolis I am anymore. But the others! The others have gotten off planet by now. Surely... surely! They have escaped! Right? They HAVE too. I-It HAS to have been worth it. Becoming bait. M-making myself a target. This... this one last time?
It.. it was WORTH it. Right? Right?!
Please! Please god! Let it have been WORTH IT!!
I skid around a corner. Too tight, not judging it right in my panic, my shoulder clipping the wall hard. Scraping flesh through my robes. Just more bruises and hurt to add to the pile. I don't slow. Can't slow. Feel it but push the pain away. The crash later will be ugly, when I release the magics flowing through me. When the adrenaline fades. But... but either I will live to endure it? Or it will not matter at all.
Too late, though, I see the trap.
I have been corralled. Like a a sheep from my first life, harried by dogs into a pen. Tricked into a corner. No where left to go. The platform I thought was a street? Was an alley between two buildings, leading to a third. A perfect little killbox with only one way out. I stumble, horrified, as I register the truth too late. Spin, already knowing it's too late to double back. But hoping... HOPING....!
Jetpacks. The commando squadron of the guards, touching down at the entrance, a solid line of armor and skill. Better weapons, jet packs, upgraded armor. They... they even seem rested. For the first time in years.
A stark reversal. Now it is I, who is barely holding on. Now I am the one, who has been ground to dust, by the exhaustion of fighting without end. Of running and running. No real food and no real rest. No medicine. No help coming. I want to laugh, scream, weep. So it's to be poetic justice, is it?
But I can not give in.
Forgive me. But I can not, WILL NOT give in. Body exhausted, I draw my blade. The plasma humming as the magics charge. The alleyway fills with light. I took Vows. Owe my soul to the Galaxy and it's people. Regardless of Regime, I have service I must complete. And to do that? I have to be alive.
(I don't care, that they took over. Let them have it. But how could you? How COULD YOU?! The Temple was my home. I am a hypocrite. Here, at the end, I must face that. And now I know it to be true.)
The ship over head dips lower, kicking up a hurricane of wind. My robes whip around me, but I do not move from my opening stance. Ready, not ready, but resigned to it none the less. The Commandos are a silent wall as, from above, a rip cord descends. Clipped to it? Marshall Commander... no, Supreme Commander Foxx.
The Clones newly elected Emperor.
A man I THOUGHT was my friend.
He looked nothing like Commander Fox of the Vode. Hair too long and curling. Face deceptively young looking and boyish. Non regulation piercing hidden under the helmet all Guards wore, day in and day out. They hadn't been able to customize their armor like the others. So they customized themselves.
He wasn't in armor, now. It was somehow worse. The dress uniform an affront, a reminder, like a curse of broken glass. I... I hadn't even known he owned such a thing. It made sense, given his old position. Yet, somehow... somehow? I doubted this was the uniform he had been given. It looked... looked Regal.
"Are we done, now? Got it out of your system? Or should one of us put you on the ground first? Grind your face right against the filthy floor?"
His voice was mild as ever, as he calmly unclipped himself, let the cord retract. He tucked his hands behind his back. Strolled forward with measured steps, assessing eyes, like a general examining untested troops. Picking me apart for weakness, looking for openings in my stance. Injuries on my body. I had seen him do this before. Just... just never thought... it'd be used... a-against me. (How arrogant, I had been.)
"This can stop at any time, Commander. All you have to do? Is stop running. You don't have to worry anymore. I'm not going to hurt you. We're not going to hurt you. You've struggled long enough, don't you think? It's time to be done. To come home. Be taken care off. That's all we want to do, Darling. Commander."
"Surely you can see, that it's BETTER this way? No more war. No more Knights on sabotaged missions. Diplomats to war zones. Children where they shouldn't BE. The Order can be SAFE now. YOU can be safe now. Loved and precious as you always should have been. It's okay now, Commander. Come here. It's okay..."
Foxx's eyes blazed with conviction. They had been brown, like his brothers. They... oh god, they SHOULD have been brown. But as I stared into his face, at those unfamiliar eyes on what should be so familiar a form? Red stared back. The red, Red, RED, of the Fallen.
Foxx had been... had been Energy Sensitive. The Cloners had fucking LIED, when they said it wasn't possible. I had always suspected. Didn't dare bring attention to it. Didn't want my friend to be... to be KILLED. Experimented on. I should have trained him. Done more.
Desperate people will reach for anything, to stop themselves from drowning. And the Dark offers such tempting things. Vengeance and Power. Freedom, no matter the cost. It pays sweetly then corrupts slow. There is always a cost.
I can not risk it.
Shifting my weight to my front leg, in preparation to surge forward, I never get the chance. A two fold thwip! And sharp pinch in my upper arm. I got the first. But the second... a? Dart? No. NO! Panicked, I flood my body with the magics meant to purge drugs and... instantly the world spins. I have somehow just made it worse. W-what?
"Confiscated from slavers, 'bout five months back. It's a high end drug." The Commando with the dart gun said, as though commentingon the weather. "Fairly new, too. Made to react specifically to the Cosmic Energies. Our esteemed Chancellor, may he rot as he deserves, had them developed through several shell companies."
"Really wish you hadn't done that, Commander. Cause, see, the side effects? Are pretty nasty." Foxx commented. Various helmets nodded, the guards body language sympathetic but lacking any remorse. What ever it took to bring me in. To make me Safe.
"Now you're going to be sick for a while. But on the other hand? You are a stubborn one. So maybe this'll give you time to think, hmm? Time to enjoy the pampering a bit. You'll get used to it, learn to be good for me. I know you. You're a smart girl."
My legs couldn't hold me anymore. Despite struggling, I couldn't keep my blade at the ready. Helplessly, I watched as he watched forward. Used a single finger, on the hilt, to push my blade to the side. The lightest of tugs, stealing it from me entirely. At long last, the tears came. I... I was scared. Really, really scared. P-please... Foxx, please...
"Hunts over, Commander. It's time to stop running. You've lost."
"But, that? That's okay. You can lose now. Be weak. Wretched and pathetic and flawed. You don't have to be perfect any more, Commander. I've got you. You're Mine. Ours. Perfect, just the way you are. And today?"
"Today is the start of the rest of your new life, Commander."
"Welcome to the Empire."
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opultea · 8 months ago
Eons Ago
You and your husband listen to a tale of the mythology from your homeland, and from your lives.
A.N. - Zhongli and Cloud god reader origin story! This pair originated from my Where's My Kiss? drabbles and then had a cameo in my Babe, Look At Me! headcanons. Maybe I'll make a masterlist for Zhongli and Cloud god reader?
Zhongli x Cloud God GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Romantic - SFW - Fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
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When the sky and earth were first created by Celestia's light, they were intended never to meet. If the sky and ground ever touched, the world would be crushed between them, all life lost to the weight of the heavens. But it seemed that even despite this fundamental law of Teyvat, when influenced by the force of love, not even the gods could help but disobey.
The world was young when the God of Contracts and the God of Cloud were born. The great dragon and shimmering white tiger roamed the lands alone, observing and discovering the world. The land was not as plenteous and grand as it is now, for the gods were young and had not created the wonders we marvel at today. The two gods wandered, familiarising themselves with their land and growing their power. And then they met.
Rex Lapis was the first to notice that he was no longer alone, and he was the first to fall. The dragon stared above as the white tiger lay in the clouds, the gentle shimmer of its fur the only way to tell its form apart from its bed. The god of contracts observed the calm and loving gaze held within the creature's glowing eyes, admiring the world below. Feeling himself pulled toward the god in the sky, Rex Lapis spoke;
"Oh great creature above, pray tell your name so that I might worship it as I do your beauty,"
The illuminated beast peered to the earth below, where the dragon perched on a mountain peak. Leaping down from the highermost clouds where it lay, the god observed Rex Lapis curiously, before speaking its name.
"I am the one they call Oculi Caeli, the one who dances in cloud.” The formality behind the introduction was dropped at the soft smile the cloud god formed, head tilting. “Although, neither this name nor this form needs such dutiful reverence. After all, it seems we are of equal power and beauty,”
Rex Lapis, intrigued by the god’s disposition, proposed a contract.
“Then, let us forever consider ourselves equal so that we may always treat each other as we deserve."
The contract was sealed, and a love was born between the sky and the earth.
Your hand flew to stop any tea from bursting from your mouth. Your hidden giggling caught the amused gaze of your husband, who took the teacup from your shaky hold.
"Are you finding the story amusing, my love?" Zhongli teased, though he lovingly stroked your back to calm your spluttering.
"I just wasn't expecting such an abrupt statement," You cleared your throat. "I'd like to think there was a bit more to it than simply 'and then they fell in love', wouldn't you agree?"
A deep chuckle resonated in Zhongli's throat.
"Yes, perhaps you are right. Though let us honour our dear storyteller and allow him to finish his rendition of this tale,"
When the first humans were born, their fragility was coddled by the god of clouds, who shrouded them from the burning sun of old. Their intelligence and fairness were nurtured by the god of contracts. Together, the two gods raised the people of old to lead them to the greatness of our nation today. The people adored their gods, touched by their kind-heartedness and inspired by their great love. Temples were erected to celebrate them, and not one was ever complete without a statue of the holy tiger and dragon mid-flight, locking eyes, tails intertwined.
"I've always thought it'd be quite difficult to fly with our tails intertwined," you whispered to Zhongli, brought out of the tale by imagining the silly action.
Zhongli chuckled, patting your thigh before nodding toward the storyteller, refocusing you.
However, two familiar voices make your head swivel. "Aether, Paimon, come join us," You call, waving your hand over toward the duo.
Paimon waves excitedly as the pair approaches your table at Third Round Knockout. Aether smiles apologetically.
"Are you sure we aren't interrupting your date?" He asks, concern mixed with some level of teasing in his tone.
Zhongli chuckles, his eyes glowing with a pleased sense of pride. "Nonsense. You are most welcome to join us. We indulge in your company, after all."
The pair take a seat, Paimon quickly helping herself to the red bean bun you offer her. She looks curiously toward Iron Tongue Tian, swallowing her food swiftly before she asks; "What's the story about today? You two seemed pretty interested in it,"
You and Zhongli share a look, knowing smiles exchanged. Zhongli takes your hand in his, affectionately placing the joined hands on his thigh.
"It is a story very close to our hearts," He says mysteriously. "I'm sure you will gather exactly what makes it so as you listen,"
Aether and Paimon tilt their heads, interest piqued as they listen carefully to the storyteller, who continues the tale.
But such prosperity could never last, for Celestia felt great unrest brewing, and the Archon War broke the world.
The world turned red, the land splattered with blood and the sky angry with the hatred that seeped from below. The cloud god walked through the war-torn plains of Teyvat with heavy sadness. Tempest and blackness had been forced from the sky, causing great tiredness and discontent in the god who had always adored the pure white clouds.
"My love," Rex Lapis' voice rang deep through the open plain. "It is not safe here; Osial plans an attack. We must make haste."
"This place used to be a bamboo forest, teeming with life." The soft tone took the god of contracts from his battle-framed mind. He kept his silence and waited for his love to continue. "Now it is torn apart. Not even the weeds grow here anymore."
"Caeli, there is nothing we can do for this place, but we can save our haven from the wrath of Osial if we go now."
"Osial and his wife are not much different from us Morax; they are two gods that will do anything to protect their love for each other,"
"That may be so," The god approached, bringing his hand to his love's waist. "But they are lovers on the other side of a war. Bloodshed may not be ideal, but it is the only path we have left."
The cloud god was despondent. The deity pushed Morax's hand away.
"I will not come to watch you tear them apart."
Rex Lapis did not understand. So he left and did exactly as they both knew he would. As he knew he had to.
When he next returned, Oculi Caeli was still on the ground, staring down at the earth.
"Why are you not amongst your clouds, my love?"
"It is too painful. To be up so high, and to have such an encompassing view of all the destruction and pain in the world below." The god gripped the dirt. "I wish you would bury me. So I did not have to see anything at all,"
Rex Lapis rushed to Caeli's side, on his knees to hold his love close.
"Do not speak this way," He pleaded, bringing his lover's head to his chest. "I will cover and covet you. I will shield you from all that troubles you. But I will never be the reason you are lost to me. This, I vow forever,"
In the years following, no one saw the cloud god. Some believed the deity to have died in the Archon War. Others theorised that Rex Lapis had sheltered his love away in the mountains, so he could protect and love Oculi as he had promised. Even today, no one truly knows what occurred, why the god left this earth, and whether the great Archon Rex Lapis has since had to mourn his love.
Today, our temples still carry statues of the two gods, tails intertwined and eyes locked with an eternal love that echoes through the sky and earth even after their death.
The audience applauds as Iron Tongue Tian takes a bow, some dabbing their eyes at the sentiment in the ancient tale. Paimon rubs her eyes of tears, shooting up from her seat and flying toward you and Zhongli, fists curled.
"What actually happened? You guys can't make us listen to that story without telling us the real ending!" She demands.
You giggle behind a crooked finger, settling a hand over her shoulder to calm her. A pensive look of remembrance passes over your eye.
"The theories are not so far off. I- Oculi Caeli could not take the pressure and tragedy of war. So Rex Lapis hid the god away in Jayeun Karst, where he placed Caeli into a deep sleep. The adepti watched over the mountain heart where the god slumbered, and for centuries, Caeli lived in a dream."
"They say Rex Lapis grieved as if his love had fallen, in the years they were apart," Zhongli continues for you, his smooth voice edged with an old pain. "But he also took heart, knowing that Caeli would not have to see him committing the atrocities he knew made the god's heart break,"
You squeeze your hands around your husband's, moving your knee so it sits against his.
"When Caeli was awoken, after the war, there was a bond to repair between the sky and the earth, as our storyteller put it," You smiled softly, your eyes meeting Zhongli's, a gentle understanding present in the silent exchange. "The time they had spent apart had changed them both. Living in the dream world for so long had placed a haze over Caeli's mind, and the war and bloodshed had hardened Rex. But they fell in love once, and they were more than sure they could fall in love again,"
The two of you share a small smile, and you lean to place your head on Zhongli's shoulder, a gesture he meets by placing a hand on your opposite shoulder to squeeze you discreetly closer.
"Aww, you guys," Paimon places her hands on her heart, evidently touched. Aether smiles at the scene, his heart warming at the prevailing love you shared.
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Notes: Oculi Caeli - Latin for 'the eye of heaven' (When Morax calls you 'Caeli' it means he's calling you 'heaven' 😚)
Literally never thought this would get out of my wips, but somehow it's here. Hope you enjoyed!
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whorrorbellee · 8 months ago
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warnings:smut, drug use. 18+ only please The bear but it's actually just linecook!Aemond x hostess!reader.  porn w a plot.
no beta we die or whatever
2014-7:40 Pm. 
You stand at the hostess stand, looking over the Ipad for reservations, you're absolutely swamped, it's a Saturday night in Knightsbridge, London. Barely seconds pass before the phone rings again, it's the same conversation you've had every weekend for the past year. “Sorry we’re fully booked!” 
“Do you know who I am?” 
“Yes! And here at RedKeep we thank you for being a loyal customer~” 
“I want to speak to the manager!”
 “Sorry the managers not here right now”
“Then who's next in charge?” Queue you, grabbing Daemon from the office, where he completely undermines what you're saying to the customer, allowing them to take a reservation from some poor couple who had saved up their money to taste the food from RedKeep, because it is good for business. 
Keep the loyal customers, he says, fucking asshole. You watch their smug faces grin as they walk in, pressed white shirts and silk dresses they didn’t fish out the bin from the local Guild care. Sometimes you smile and make your accent slightly deeper as you lead them to their seats. Other times you let them know it's you and lead them to the table directly by the bar, letting them hear the utter nonsense that Criston and Aegon spill behind the bar all night. 
But you always retreat to the back for your five minute smoke break, snatching the Marlboro reds from the office, Daemon winking at you as you shove your coat on in the winter. You let yourself breath in the only thing that keeps you going through your shift, music blasting from the shitty headphones that came with your phone and then crush half of it between the sole of your black doc martens, straightening out your black silky blouse, and wandering through the kitchen back to your stand, where you greet another customer with a smile faker than the diamond rings that protrude off the women's fingers.
You rub the tiger balm into the crook of your neck in the changing room, its 10:00 pm, kitchen closed about half an hour ago, and the chef’s are scrubbing the floor down on their knees, you thank god the only thing you have to do is inform Daemon of the reservations for the next week, fully booked until next august, they usually go down about then, people retreat to France and Italy for summer. Your shifts go down and you tutor rich brats who are failing their GCSEs. Spending summers writing essays about Macbeth for fourteen year olds who find nothing better to do than take their daddy's golf cart for a ride around their ridiculously huge back gardens in sussex.  
You hum to yourself, slipping of your blouse, the door opens and then is slammed shut. You turn, half naked in the changing room, your locker swinging open, Aemond stands with his nose pressed into his locker, you change into a band shirt and pleated skirt, pulling on high denier tights. “Are you coming tonight?” he whispers, it's soft, you watch him pull out his bag as you re-lace your boots. 
“Yeah, did Aegon get the weed?” you ask quietly, boots thumping against the floor as you stand, you grab your backpack from the floor, shutting your locker. 
“No Cregan did” Aemonds back ripples as he pulls on a black shirt, you watch his tattoos shift under it, he grabs his motorcycle helmet out of the locker, eye shifting to yours. You go to stand next to him. He pulls out a pack of Marlboro reds, original packaging, you wonder if they're fake, but the Polish words stare back at you, “want one?” he slips one into the corner of his mouth, pulling on his jacket.
You swallow, “Yes please” you take the cigarette and push it behind your ear, walking to the door. He follows. You push open the door, stepping out into the hallway, Daemon stands in the kitchen watching Rhaenrya sharpen the knives. You still refuse to believe they were ever married, her dad and him were such close friends it was borderline Insestuous. “I'm glad Cregan got it, Aegon always choses really weird strains, like unicorn poop? What is that?” 
Aemond shrugs and follows you out the back, you wave to Daemon and Nyra, door slamming behind you. Cregan and Aegon wait by your car, its scratched to fuck. From where Aegon had slammed the door into the tree. You don't even know why you own a car anymore, parking is so expensive in London, you only use it to get to work and home. You watch Aemond shove his helmet on and then leave the car park. Unlocking your car and letting the boys pile in. 
Cregan hits his head on the ceiling and Aegon falls into a mess of giggles in the back. You breathe in the scent of cherry, air freshener hanging from the mirror, Some arctic monkey's song comes on from the aux. You look to your left, Cregans on tinder replying to some bird. It would be rude to call him a slut but he gets around, he got some bird up north pregnant and now he has to send up money every month for a two year old he barely sees. You pull out, switching gears before starting your journey to Aegon's place it’s about half an hour drive into camden, you pass the punks on the bridge and pull in to the slip where Aegon's flat share is, he lives Aemond and a bunch of hippies that sell vintage clothes at the market. 
You run to the corner shop first, buying a bottle of cheap vodka and a diet coke. Then you walk back down the dark street, lighting the ciggie that Aemond gave you, a tote bag heavy on your shoulder, passing the bike and slipping down the side of the building opening the gates. The smell of weed hits you almost immediately. Cregan sits legs spread on the rattan furniture that Aegon stole from someone's front porch last summer. You don't know why he does it, his mum literally owns the restaurant. He earns more than enough. 
You slide up next to Helaena , she leans her head into your shoulder for a moment and then leans back, thumbs padding against her cracked iphone 5, Cregan hands you the joint its some cali strain this time, you rarely smoke. But Saturdays at the RedKeep are actually killing you. Aegon pulls out his speaker and decides to blast drum and bass. You steal the aux and play cigarettes after sex. Falling into the rattan sofa, pulling your Northface jacket around your legs, its fucking cold. Aegon's wearing his dressing gown and hoodie as he stands out the back door. You don't even know why you're in the garden, an hour passes and you find yourself sweating on the sofa, legs intertwined with Aegons as he spews on about some weird conspiracy theories; dragons being real, the lizard people shit. You talk about the ghost house when you lived in the isle of white for a year. And then you've had enough of talking so you head up to Aemonds bedroom to listen to music. 
Your socks run up the carpeted stairs, pausing outside Aemonds bedroom, you knock and hear him grunt a yes. You practically throw yourself into his bed, your phone bouncing from impact, he smiles at you, and you look at his mac playing on the bed, he’s watching reruns of misfits before it gets bad. 
“You know, Aegon always reminds me of Nathan? I can't watch it without thinking about him.” You sigh,“it's a shame because Robert Sheehan is really fit” Ameond hides a laugh, he's different now. He used to light up a room with his quick wit. But now he’s buried into himself, he just keeps retreating and retreating. You used to have this weird thing between you. It was all longing looks and brushed knuckles. He’d follow you outside on early morning shifts to have a ciggie, making you laugh, legs pressed against each other on the staircase. Sometimes you’d bring him coffee and he'd make you one of those fruit salads with all the fruit scraps, slices of mango and strawberry tops. Nights spent outside nursing a joint while Aegon sings incredibly loud in the lounge. No one was surprised when they saw you two getting closer, it's like fate really. Line cook and hostess. If it wasn't Jace it was going to be Aemond.
And then the accident happened. It wasn't Luke's fault, it really wasn't. Something had split on the floor, Luke wasn't wearing the proper shoes yet. He was just about to start his shift, so he slips, grabs for Aemond, His knife in hand just about to chop something, they both fall to the ground. You remember coming to grab Aemond for a cigarette and there was just blood everywhere. All over the white tiles. You remember thinking that he had spilt some kinda wine sauce, nearly laughing until he had sat up and his face looked like it was falling apart. He was shaking, too afraid to cry, and Luke was sent home. 
It was one of those slow days. So you had shoved him into the car with a napkin pressed over his eye. Taking him to A&E for stitches, he looked so different when he came out. He smoked a cigarette in your car with bloodstained hands. You hand squeezed his thigh as you took him home. Then days later you had picked him up from the hospital. White eyepatch over the gaping hole. They removed his eye incase of an infection. It wasn't salvageable, he had sliced right through the cornea. 
He wasn't at work for weeks, you remember standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for him to come down and join the others, aegon had pulled you away after an hour. Too shy to head up there yourself and then months later you had taken a joint and pringles up to his room. He was just staring out the window, watching the sunset as Helaena  spun around with Cregan. 
“How was work?” he asks, you hand him a vodka coke, swinging your legs under yourself. 
“Fucking terrible, Daemon did it again” your hands runs through your hair. You look at Aemond, you can barely even notice the difference with his fake eye and real one, they got it spot on. “It pisses me off so much, like no wonder we aren't getting any new customers. When he keeps cancelling the bookings” Aemond shuts his laptop, he gets up and grabs a record from the pile in the corner, the needle hits the vinyl with a hum, it crackles around the room.  He's so different from his brother, you wonder where he gets it from. He's just softer. 
You miss his touch. He lies back down on the bed, hands over his heart, you're on your stomach, watching him breathe slightly, you wanna reach out and touch him, he watches you hesitate. “Sorry” he mutters. He runs his hand through his hair. Your eyebrows furrow, he looks away. 
“Why are you sorry?” you ask, you lean into your hands and watch him. Waiting for an answer. 
He pauses, chewing on his lips, and then his face settles, his lips back to the perpetual pout. “I know we had this thing between us, but you don't have to keep it going because you feel sorry for me” 
“Huh” your eyebrows raise, you almost wonder if he's joking, you wait for him to crack a smile, “ I~I don't know what to say Aemond, I don't feel sorry for you” you groan, your hands smush your face together and then you plant yourself into the side of his body. You feel him stiffen and then his hand comes back to smooth over the small of your back. Your face heats. “I ~ oh god” you look up at him watching his eyes twitch, “I always felt like you were just playing along with this whole thing, we had” you shift, pushing yourself onto your knees. “I've have this really stupid big crush on you, since I had the panic attack out back and you sat with me for twenty minutes even though Nyra was shouting at you.”
He sits up, your jaw shifts side to side, you wonder if you should just escape downstairs and sleep with Cregan instead. His hand reaches out to touch your thigh pulling back. He lets out a huff. “You’re fucking with me” he shakes his head. You shake your head back smiling.
“Wait a sec” you grab your phone and swipe back to a conversation you had with Healana months ago, you hand it to him. Watching his eye sweep across the messages. He smirks, and then scrolls down, your eyes widen, he laughs. 
“You can stop scrolling now” but he continues anyway smirk falling into a smile, “Aemond!” your own smile falls, “ Aemond, please stop scrolling” you grit your teeth. Your hand reaches to snatch your phone, But he pulls it away from you, you climb over his body hand on his shoulder, reaching out to grab at your phone. You feel yourself lose balance, you begin your descent onto his floor, but his arm grabs around your waist and pushes you back onto the bed quickly. He’s hovering over you, one arm on the bed the other lingering around your waist. 
“He’s gonna be the death of me” he smirks down at you. 
“Shut up” you huff, you bite your lips to stop you smirking, feeling heat rush to your face. You look up at him, watching his eyes glance down to your lips, you look at his. You’re so fucking high, and its not from the drugs. His hand brushes against your hip. Fingers pressing into the flesh, your skirt is flipped up, you don't even realise. It doesn't even matter because he’s already crashing his lips on your own. It's quick, chased and hard. You move together like you're running out of time, one hand brushing against your jaw the other pressed into your hip, you whine, hands running up his neck to his jaw, you're pulling him closer than what’s physically possible. 
He goes to untuck your shirt from your skirt, you part and pull it off over your head quickly, he takes in the curves of your body, tracing muscle and moles. “Nearly killed me today, walking in on you like this” you smirk under him, his hand brushed against your chest clad in a black lacy bra. You press his hands into your chest, he gropes and needs, his lips running down the column of your neck, you sigh under his touch, teeth grazing, lips nipping. 
Pupils blown, Aemonds hands fingers graze down from your chest to under your skirt, you pull him in for another kiss, teeth clashing together. Phone forgotten by the side of you. You feel his hands run down your legs, a finger hooks under the waistband of your tights, you lift your hips, propping yourself up on your elbows as he slides them down your legs, you part, standing and shifting them off. Aemond sits back and watches. The record crackles repeatedly through the speaker, and you lean down to pick one out. Carefully putting the vinyl into its sleeve. Needle back down, the music starts. “Your such a cliche” 
‘She planned ahead for a year… He said let's play it by ear’
“Shut up”,You slide yourself back into aemond’s arms, his hands run down your bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps, your own run down his chest and then tug at the shirt he wears. He pulls it over his head before you know it. Your hands trace the pale freckles skin, pressing wet kisses down his throat, he slides a hand around your thigh, pulling you to straddle him. He pulls your chin towards him, meeting him in another heated kiss.You moan as he grabs at the flesh of your ass, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your back arches, your chest pressing against his. He trails his lips across your chin as he rolls both of you over, his hand grazes your inner thigh and you wrestle your skirt off quickly. 
He sticks his head in the crock of your neck, kissing tenderly. Hand brushing under your panties, he cups your cunt, swiping a finger through your folds, “Shit your wet” he pants, you feel him smirk against your throat. “This fo’me?” you nod your head, eyes half shut as you stare at him. Lips bruised and pouting. He eats up your whines with his lips as his finger traces your clit, your hands brush against his neck and then grip his hair. He slides a finger into you with ease. You moan into his mouth. He makes a come hither motion and slides another finger inside of you. Your back arches and he groans, pinning you into the bed. Your knee slides up and brushes against his hardness. 
‘Youre a doll, you are flawless ’
He stiffens, movements stilling. You smirk. His hands leave your body and you meet his lips again, hands brushing against his groin. You pull at the belt buckle. Pulling away from him to see what you're doing, he pulls your panties down your legs, head buried in the crock of your neck pressing hot kisses onto your skin. You fumble and then pull his trousers down, you can see the outline of his cock through his boxers. He grins down at you. You palm at his cock, watching him through your lashes. He sheds his boxers, you run your hand down his length loosely, thumb brushing over his tip. You watch him whine. “Condom?” 
“I'm on the pill.” You hum.
He pulls your body towards him, your crotch meeting his thighs, he leans closer. The head of his cock brushing past your folds, it feels like hours spent teasing you and then suddenly he pushes into you, feeling you stretch around him. “Shit your tight”,your hands grip his shoulders, mouth gaping open at how full you feel. 
“Fuck Aem” He begins to move slowly, you feel every inch of him, every vein brushing against you. He looks down watching you suck him in. His hands trace against the side of your body, stopping at your hips. 
Finger’s digging into the flesh. You feel so dizzy with pleasure. “Shit, so good fo’me” you clench around him, he lips curl upwards. “You like that huh?” you moan, feeling his cock brush perfectly against your walls. “So fucking pretty underneath me” your back arches. 
He pulls out and pushes you onto your stomach, you lift your hips, he hilts himself inside of you all at once. You feel him in your throat.you hands trace against his creased covers as he pounds faster into you. He pulls your back towards his chest. Hand grabbing at your chin. You look him in the eye. Biting your lip, you feel sweat run down your bodies, his hand slides down your front and runs tight circles around your clit. He leans in to kiss you. Pulling away with a string of spit. “Close Aem”
“Yeah? Already” 
You nod against him, his fingers brush up your neck, pinning your body into his, neck tilting. Lips brushing together. You feel him pulse inside of you. You feel the pleasure spread from your back until you can't hold on anymore. You clench around him. You can taste it in your mouth. You turned around and pressed into the covers by his body, he pistons into you chasing his high,You feel him falter, bringing his face to your own, he presses his sweaty forehead to your own. Chasing your lips as he cums. Your own legs shake from under him. He collapses on your chest. Teeth grazing against your tits. He smiles up at you,  you push his hair back from his face. 
“I really like you” he whispers, his hand meets your cheek, the pad of his thumb smoothing over your skin. 
“I'm glad” you smile, “because i really you” he pulls away from you, shrugging on some clothes and running out the room. He comes back with a wet flannel. Wiping the sweat of your forehead and then between your thighs. He kisses your shoulder and you watch him grab clothes out his drawer. You pull your socks on, and his adidas jumper, along with some joggers. The cuffs of his jumper slides down your wrist to your palm. You slide your phone in his pocket and wait. Aemond stands by the door. “You coming?” your eyes widen and you jump off the bed, grabbing his hand to pull him down stairs. 
The music is louder than usual and Aegon stares at you as you walk through the door of the lounge,“You finally fucked then” 
“Aegon!” Helaena  gasps, shoving a pillow at his face. You watch Aemonds face blush but push him into the direction of the back yard, picking up your coat and bag. You both sit on the rattan furniture, Aemonds arm wrapped around your shoulder as you roll a joint, he presses his lips to the side of your mouth as you lick the paper. It's not the neatest, but it's not Aegons, which usually look limp and bent. You push the tray of your lap and tuck your legs under you, leaning into his body. 
“Do you wanna go on a date?” 
You light the joint watching the cherry light, Turning to his side, he watches for your reaction. You smile, breathing in the weed and handing it to him. “Yes please” his lips curl. You pull your phone out his hoodie pocket, eyes widening as the texts to Helaena, light up. 
You: I literally need this man so bad I'm gonna have an aneurysm x Helaena: Istg, stop whining and talk to him all he does is ride his bike and go to work x
You switch your phone off and smile. 
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princeash28 · 21 days ago
Hi hope you’re doing ok !! ^^
Please I am on my knees !! Can I hear your hcs or theories on dragon slayer magic please !!! 🙏 (I always adore that you add dragon instincts in your fics ; it always makes me kick my feet up in the air XD )
Hello! I'm doing good! I hope you are doing well, too! 😊💫
Let's talk dragonslayers! 🔥
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I love the thought that the dragon slayers are more or less baby / little dragons themselves. Sometimes they have to curb their instincts when they don't exactly fit into human culture.
For instance:
Gajeel hides it behind his gruff demeanor but he is fond of shiny things (like the studs on his face, or the way coins shine in the sunlight). Levy, his greatest treasure, is often seen wearing new bracelets or necklaces--sometimes forged by the iron dragonslayer himself.
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Natsu is known to "accidentally" swipe keepsakes from missions with Lucy. It always starts innocent enough; something shiny will catch his eye, or an odd trinket will put his head on a swivel before Lucy is calling for him to catch up. Next thing he knows, he's emptying his pant pockets and finding lots of shiny or odd things. Lucy makes him return them sometimes if the price tag is still attatched.
Wendy is far from materialistic but loves necklaces and earrings. She is especially fond of Erza's jewelry and often daydreams of having a collection like hers. She wants her magical girl transformation moment, too! (And she gets it! As she deserves!)
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Other dragonslayer HCs would be...
Natsu loves sunbathing. A nice rock and a hot summer day is his ideal way of relaxing--as rare as those moods strike him. Lucy is especially jealous that he cannot sunburn, which she discovers after she joins him and they both doze off. She had gone through... a LOT of Aloe Vera that night.
Natsu loves spicy snacks. Wendy and Lucy tried some once on a dare and learned that a fire dragon's threshold for spice is much, much higher than theirs.
Speaking of food, Natsu burns a lot of calories... LITERALLY. 🔥 Hence his insatiable appetite.
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The dragonslayers love to dogpile. Wendy and Natsu do it the most often. Gajeel joins when they happen to be in close quarters on missions together, which is rare. Lucy, Happy, and Pantherlily often join in but Carla is adamant that she will not be participating with anything that has "dog" in its name.
The dragonslayers communicate with odd vocalizations that others don't always hear. Sometimes they sound like birds whistling through the guildhall; othertimes like rumbling tigers or snorting horses as they chuff and laugh. They whimper and whine. They growl and snarl. They roar together like monstrous wolves in the height of communal emotion.
They teethe. A lot. Natsu is often seen gnawing on rib bones that Mira saves for him. Gajeel has his iron, and, in the privacy of her dorm, Wendy chews on roots Porlyusica has provided her that tastes strangely minty.
Those are some off the top of my head! This was really fun. Thanks so much for the question! 💫😊🔥 I hope you enjoyed!
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theragethatisdesire · 2 years ago
"l’amore è cieco" - eren x reader - 18+!!!
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back to the ti penso universe!!! finally!! did you guys miss it? i know i did; i am utterly obsessed with these two. i've had this sitting in my unfinished wip pile for way too long not to share.
our lovebirds have gotten the wedding all wrapped up with, so we're a solid four years past them reuniting in italy....and surprise! they're expecting!!!!! i could literally scream just writing that; the grip dad!eren has on me will never let up, i fear......anyways, this one's a little rough because i've picked it apart a thousand times and i'm just tired of editing, so you guys enjoy!!! sorry if it's not quite up to par :/
pairing: eren x reader
wc: 4k
DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
CWs: smut, reader is pregnant, use of names (baby, mama, pretty, beautiful, etc), swearing, vaginal sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, lactation kink, creampie, crying, tooth-rotting fluff
title means "love is blind" in italian, per tradition w this verse <3
Right on schedule with your new daily, depressing routine, you stand in front of the mirror running your hands over your body, examining the recent changes. On second thought, scrutinizing might be a better word.
You’re grateful your job has allowed you to work from home for your entire pregnancy, editing articles from the journalists who can actually travel while snuggled up on your couch, but the downside of it is that you’ve had far too much time to mull on all of the ways your body has stretched and warped to accommodate the growing little girl in your stomach. You thought pregnancy was supposed to be beautiful, and sometimes it is, but more often than not, you just feel like a swollen, hormonal mess.
You “popped”, as all the mommy podcasts say, about two weeks ago, and thin stretch marks have begun to appear on your stomach. Eren calls them your “tiger stripes”, having been in full-blown cringe dad mode since the day you took the test. Bizarre cravings control you at all hours of the day, evidenced by the little black crumbs you’re picking out of your sports bra, left behind by your fourteen-Oreo breakfast today. You gaze longingly at the jewelry box on your bathroom counter; you haven’t been able to wear your wedding band in weeks, the tan line already beginning to fade from your finger. Before you can get a hold of yourself, the hormones have you in their grip, and hot, frustrated tears are spilling down your cheeks.
“Babe, have you seen that tie with the red–” Eren materializes in the doorway with absolutely no warning, as he’s prone to do, but cuts himself off at the sight of you, “baby, no, again?”
“Don’t say it like that,” you say, reluctantly allowing him to take you in his arms.
“Like what?” Eren’s voice is sweet, but hesitant. He’s been living under the constant threat of getting his head bitten off for mundane reasons because of you. It makes you feel worse, makes you shove him away and glare at him accusingly.
“Like I’m always fucking crying.” You are always crying, but you wish he would at least muster up some semblance of surprise at finding you in tears yet again. You turn away from him, wiping your face in the mirror. “Shouldn’t you be packing? Your flight leaves in like, three hours.”
“I’ll cancel,” Eren coos, stepping behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, picking your belly up in his hands.
It’s some hack he got off Tik Tok, supposed to take the weight off of your back for a precious moment, and as much as you don’t necessarily want to be touched right now, it actually helps. You’ve been alternating between thinking Eren’s overenthusiastic parenting research is adorable and mind-numbingly annoying, but for the moment, your back has stopped aching for the first time all morning, and you sigh, leaning into him.
“You can’t cancel,” you murmur, momentarily soothed, “‘s a big client. Where is it again? France?”
“I just got back from France, Miss Pregnancy Brain,” Eren chuckles, quieting immediately upon catching your lethal gaze in the mirror. “It’s just over in LA, and honestly, I could have Hitch go if you need me.”
“No, I can take care of myself, it’s just like…” a fresh wave of tears spills down your cheeks, “fuck, I don’t even know what’s wrong with me.”
Eren nods into your shoulder, letting you sniffle. It’s not a new trait, your outright refusal to ask for help, but it’s been exacerbated by your pregnancy, especially considering exactly how much help you actually need now.
You’ve taken custody of all of his sweatpants, not yet able to bring yourself to buy maternity clothes. You’d walked in sobbing and humiliated the other day because you’d peed yourself on the long elevator ride up to your apartment in front of the neighbors. You can’t sleep on your stomach anymore; Eren has to prop himself up just right beside you and sandwich you between himself and a wall of pillows to stop you from turning. You know it hurts him seeing you miserable, and you try to suck it up and enjoy the positives of pregnancy as much as you can, but you can’t muster up that strength every day.
“Hush,” Eren pulls your wet face to his chest, letting you stain the Number 1 Dad! t-shirt he had bought himself. “I’m not going.”
“I’m not,” he says firmly, rubbing small circles into the bottom of your spine, “you need me here, whether you want to admit it or not.”
You grumble complacently, nuzzling into him. You do need him, as much as you want to think you can tough it out on your own. Eren’s bought book after book, not just for the baby, but for you. Most nights you find him reading titles like You’ve Made the Baby…Now What? or How to Survive Pregnancy: A Guide for Men with his feet propped up on the coffee table, a habit that, despite your efforts, you cannot nag him out of. It’s cute, honestly, how over-the-top he’s gotten with baby prep, especially when you’re often too exhausted to wrap your mind around reading a parenting guide.
“I feel ugly,” you admit quietly, sticky and snotty against his shirt. “I feel disgusting.”
“What?” Eren’s reaction is one of genuine confusion. He pushes you away from him so he can search your face, waiting patiently for you to elaborate.
“I’m gaining an obscene amount of weight, my ankles are the size of my knees, I can’t wear a single one of my rings, what am I supposed to feel like?”
Eren frowns. “Those things are supposed to happen. I read last night–”
“I don’t care!” Your voice cracks under the weight of your frustration, and you press your fingers into your eyes hard enough to see stars, trying to regain control of your temper. “I don’t care that it’s supposed to happen. It still sucks.”
“I think you’re beautiful,” Eren sounds earnest, but you scoff at him anyway.
“We’re married. You’re supposed to say that.”
“I don’t have to.”
You cock an eyebrow at him. “If you want your head to stay on your shoulders you do.”
Eren laughs at that, tugging you over to stand between his legs as he sits on the bed. “So, you’re serious? You genuinely don’t think you look good pregnant?”
“No,” you rub at your nose, “I don’t.”
Eren looks up at you, cupping your face gently. “I disagree.”
“Do you really?”
“I think you look better than ever.”
“That’s an insult to non-pregnant me,” you roll your eyes, moving to step away, but Eren holds you tight between his legs.
“It’s not,” he insists, “there’s just some things your pregnant body has that you didn’t necessarily have before. Some things that I like.”
You cock an eyebrow at him. “Cankles?”
Eren chuckles breathily, shaking his head. “I adore your cankles, but they weren't exactly the first thing that came to mind. Take these, for one thing.”
Eren presses his nose into your sports bra, hands moving up underneath to palm at your swollen tits. You let out a breathy laugh as he explores, already feeling a low heat beginning to simmer in your core. That’s one perk of entering your second trimester; your hormones might turn on a dime, but your sex drive has skyrocketed.
Eren shoves your bra up to free your tits, groaning appreciatively as he takes a nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking. You watch as he feels his way around with his mouth, humming contentedly under your breath, when suddenly, his eyes fly open and he shoots away from you.
Eren shushes you, bringing a hand to the breast that had been in his mouth and squeezing lightly. White liquid beads on your nipple, and you cover your face in shame.
“When did that start?”
“A few days ago,” you admit, trying to push his hands off of you, cheeks burning. Eren swats you away, leaning back into your nipple, sucking harder. You can feel a small stream of milk leaving you, relieving some of the pressure in your tits; a moan rumbles deep in Eren’s chest, and you can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. Eren releases your nipple with a loud pop and looks up at you panting, eyes blown wide.
“Is it weird that that’s kinda hot?”
“Does it hurt?”
“No,” you hum, threading your hands through his hair and urging him back to your chest, “feels good.”
That’s all Eren needs to hear, diving back into your chest with renewed vigor. As he continues, you realize it doesn’t just feel good, it actually feels incredible. You’ve always had sensitive breasts, but with the pregnancy, sensation has increased tenfold; you can feel your panties getting wetter as the weight of your full breast decreases. When Eren’s gotten all he can from your left nipple, he moves to your right, replacing his mouth on the now-abandoned nipple with his hand to twist gently at the wet skin.
The combined sensation makes your knees buckle; Eren saves you smoothly by wrapping an arm around your lower back, yanking you to him to straddle his leg. It’s the perfect angle for you to roll your hips against his thigh slowly, feeling the much-needed friction of his sweatpants against your cunt.
“Eren…” you breathe out, voice nothing more than a wisp of air.
“I know baby,” Eren speaks directly into your flesh, not willing to back away for even a moment, “feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Feels so good,” you whimper, clutching him to you with fistfuls of his hair.
“Told you this new body’s not so bad, hm?” Eren closes his teeth down on your nipple lightly; you almost keel over from the shockwave it sends through you.
You nod, rubbing yourself against his thigh faster. It’s awkward and cumbersome with your belly in the way, but it’s enough for now, enough to light your nerves on fire in that way that only Eren’s ever been able to.
“Fuckin’ ridiculous,” Eren mutters, grabbing onto your hips to help you get your rhythm right, “you’re so perfect, and you don’t even see it.”
Your fingers dig into his arms as you moan. “But my stomach–”
“But nothing,” Eren kisses you, mumbling into your mouth, “love your stomach, love your tits, love all of it. You think it doesn’t make me so fucking hard, watching you walk around with that big belly and knowing what it came from? I did that. We did that, didn’t we baby?”
“Mhm,” you bite into his shoulder, the friction on your clit through your sweatpants is getting to your head, making you dizzy. “Eren, Eren–”
“Sh sh sh,” Eren shushes you, moving so that he can look you in the eyes, “what do you need? Tell me.”
“I don’t– I don’t know, I just…” you can’t find the words, so in need of him that you can’t even decide what sounds best. His mouth? His fingers? All of it?
“Okay, okay,” Eren says quietly, standing you both up only to lay you against the pillows, “I’ve gotcha.”
He nudges his sweatpants down your legs, bringing your panties with them, spreads your legs so he can see the most intimate part of you. Eren brings his hand to your clit, rubbing tentatively, but you’re so desperate for him that it’s enough to make your back arch, a long, throaty moan ripping out of you. He lays beside you, gently playing with your clit and watching in awe at the reaction you give him, already a blubbering mess after only a few minutes.
“So sensitive, aren’t you mama?”
“Yes,” you hiss out through clenched teeth, a fresh wave of arousal flooding you at the name, “s-so sensitive. Need to cum, I need, n-need–”
“I’ll make you cum,” Eren promises, sinking a finger into you, “I’ll make you cum, baby.”
“Fuck, Eren, it’s– I can’t–”
“Feel good?”
“So fucking good,” you’re basically sobbing at this point, fingers clenched into the muscles of his bicep, clinging to him and humping his hand. You’re not sure if it’s the lack of sex over the first trimester (“What if I hit the baby’s head?” Eren had asked nervously whenever you approached him) or the rawness of the sensation against your over-sensitive body, but you’ve never been so close to your orgasm so quickly.
You don’t hold out long; Eren’s skilled with even just one finger, and before long, you’re crying out his name, gushing all over his hand. Eren presses his lips to your forehead in a sweet kiss despite having utterly destroyed you less than thirty seconds ago.
“Ready for me?”
“Sit,” you pant, pointing to the massive stack of pillows against your headboard. Eren raises his eyebrows in surprise, but does as he’s told, only pausing to pull his clothes off. The loss of the stupid dad t-shirt is a relief as much as feeling his bare chest under your hands. Due to your hormones, you’ve thrown Eren out of the house several times, and you’ve demanded to be alone enough to where his only solution is to go to the gym downstairs and work out until you’ve calmed down. It shows: his chest has grown broader and stronger, and the veins on his arms are nearly popping through the skin. “You look good.”
“Yeah?” Eren offers a shit-eating grin, flexing his bicep ever so subtly. “You should see yourself.”
“You seriously think I look good like this?” You’re straddling his hips now, rubbing your clit on his bare cock. It’s a lewd sight, his cock drooling on his abs, glistening with your cum; your cunt clenches around nothing, more than ready to be filled.
“Mhm, you look so fucking good like that,” Eren grunts, hands finding your hips again and lifting you up to sink you down on his cock, both of you letting out loud, satisfied groans, “but you look much better like this.”
You grind your hips against his, not possessing the energy to bounce your now-heavier body, but it makes you see stars. Eren rarely lets you ride him, much preferring to bend you over or pin you to the bed himself, but with your bump, you now have an excuse to hop on top of him whenever you like. It’s been close to a decade of fucking him, but the full stretch of him never fails to shock you, the way he pushes into you until you’re positive he’s in your stomach. With Eren sitting up, his cock stays firmly nestled against your g-spot, pushing little bits of squirt out of you with each movement of your hips.
“Eren–” you whimper, holding your breasts as you rock into him.
“Shit- you’re so tight like this,” Eren says through his clenched jaw, throwing his head back against the headboard, “why don’t you ride me more often?”
“You don’t let me,” you say with a watery giggle.
“Stupid,” Eren gasps, “‘m so fucking stupid.”
You’re too fucked out to voice your agreement, opting for sliding a hand down your body to flick at your clit. You can’t quite reach it around your bump, though, a discontented noise leaving your lips. Eren opens his eyes, takes notice of the way you’re hunching your back, and swats your hand away.
“I got it, I got it,” he pants, tucking his hand underneath your swollen belly to rub your clit just the way he knows you like it.
“Oh, f-fuck,” you choke out, throwing your head back.
“Yeah,” you hiss, “‘s perfect.”
“Take what you need, mama,” Eren’s watching you intently, a glimmer of admiration in his eye, “take what you need.”
You’re moaning pitifully, loud and wanton as Eren’s cock moves inside of you. Your cunt tightens around him desperately as the bubble building in your stomach threatens to explode.
“Think you get wetter like this, all swollen with my baby,” Eren muses, leaning forward to latch his mouth around one of your nipples where more milk has already started to pool. His words have a visceral reaction on you; you cry, tears welling in your eyes as you spiral towards your release. 
“I think–I think I’m gonna– oh fuck, don’t stop,” you croon, rocking your hips as fast as you can manage. Eren mumbles around your nipple, something about how beautiful you look, and you come undone around him, grinding your hips hard against his and cradling him to your chest. He might have a point- there’s damn near a puddle of your arousal at the base of where you’re connected, slicking up the skin on his hips and the inside of your thighs.
“Better?” Eren pulls you in for a kiss; you can feel him grinning through it.
“Maybe a little,” you admit, laughing light and watery against his mouth.
“Mmm,” Eren hums, grabbing you by the hips and lifting you only to drop you down again and turn your laughter to a quiet whimper, “not good enough. Need you to be much better.”
“Fuck me, then,” you nip at his bottom lip, earn yourself a deep groan.
“Can you— can you hold yourself up like this?” Eren scooches both of you down, albeit, a little awkwardly, so that he can lay flat on the bed. He moves you up until you’ve only got him halfway inside of you, cocking a questioning eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, I–I think so.”
“And you’re sure I’m not going to hurt–”
“Jesus Christ– no Eren, it’s fine, just– fuck,” he cuts you off with a sharp snap of his hips up into yours, grinning menacingly when your eyes roll back.
“Like that?”
“Just like that,” you moan, annoyance wiped from you with one clean stroke. Eren takes that for the green light that it is and starts pistoning his hips up into you, swearing under his breath. Even though he’d instructed you to hold yourself up, he makes good use of his new muscles, suspending you at the perfect height to feel every inch of him as he fucks up into you like his life depends on it.
“You look so fucking gorgeous like this,” Eren growls, “all swollen with my fuckin’ baby. Gonna keep you like this, give you as many as you want.”
“Eren–” you choke out, suffocating on the way he’s fucking you, his words, him. For the first time in months, you feel amazing, holding your chest and groaning long and loud as Eren thrusts up into you.
“Baby, I’m- fuck, not gonna–” Eren cuts himself off with something that sounds suspiciously close to a whimper, throwing his head back.
“Cum in me,” you pant, nodding urgently at him, “want it so bad.”
“Oh fuck,” Eren groans, hips moving impossibly faster. His fingers are digging into your hips near to the point of pain, and that little frown he makes when he’s about to cum is crumpling his face. You do want it, badly.
“Please Eren, I need it,” you gasp, legs trembling on either side of his hips.
“Fucking love you, love you so much,” Eren slurs, hips stuttering. With a long, throaty moan, he slams you down one final time, cumming deep inside of you. You grind against him as he does, moaning along with him at the familiar warmth in your belly. Exhausted, you momentarily forget about your bump and try to collapse facefirst on him- that’s enough to snap Eren out of his post-orgasm haze.
“Whoa, whoa,” Eren shoves you back upright, lifting you under your shoulders and laying you on your back, “careful.”
You wince. “Shit, sorry. Sometimes I forget. It’s still sort of new.”
“I know,” Eren agrees, eyes locked lovingly on your baby bump, “love it, though.”
Eren cocks a disbelieving eyebrow at you. “If that didn’t convince you, I don’t know what will.”
You giggle at that; he’s always been good at this, cheering you up and diffusing your worries like it’s second nature. After ten years, it probably is at this point.
“I don’t mean to be so down on myself, really,” you sigh, tracing a finger over where his hand’s splayed on your stomach, “it’s just…so much harder than I thought it would be.”
Eren nods thoughtfully. “That’s reasonable. But you’re so good at it.”
“I haven’t even– what?” The insecurities that you’ve been successfully masking under good natured teasing and occasional annoyance come slipping from between your lips. You’ve thought it for weeks; how Eren’s so into all the baby stuff, so enthusiastic about learning everything he can, while all you’ve managed is trying not to gag when he cooks eggs in the morning and picking out some onesies. “What about all of your books and your podcasts and crap? You’re the one doing everything.”
“That’s all I can do,” Eren scoffs, “you’re doing all the hard stuff, like carrying the baby around and puking every morning and crying all the time–”
“I’m serious,” Eren shushes you, “you’re putting in all the legwork. I mean, you’re literally growing our baby. You’re a fucking rockstar mom already. If anyone’s not doing enough here, it’s me.”
That’s one thing about Eren that will never get easier; his deep, unwavering admiration for you, no matter what you’re doing. Sure, it’s endearing when Eren spins you around in his arms for something as simple as finally getting that croissant recipe to come out well, but when he’s praising you for something that’s actually difficult? It’s sweet enough to give you a cavity, warm your heart, and turn your cheeks pink all at once, even after all this time.
“Well, if you’d like to take a shift carrying her around, be my guest. She’s a chunky little thing already,” you roll your eyes, tucking your face into Eren’s ribs to mask the flush rising to your face.
“I’d do it for you if I could,” Eren sighs in faux-thoughtfulness, “but I wouldn’t look half as hot.”
You giggle furiously when he lands a slap to your ass, swatting at his chest. “God, it still doesn’t feel real, does it? A little girl that’s half you, half me.”
“It does and it doesn’t,” Eren shrugs, bringing a hand back to your stomach, “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking about it since Italy.”
You gape at him. “That long?”
“You know I’m always ahead of you on this stuff,” Eren teases, squeezing your cheeks together, “knew I wanted you first, knew I wanted you back first, knew we should get married…”
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes at his bragging, “it’s just, like…are we ready? To do this?”
“This?” Eren cocks his head.
“The whole…‘parents’ thing.”
“Putting aside the fact that you're way too late to be having those kinds of thoughts,” Eren says, rubbing your lower back, “of course we’re ready. There’s no perfect parents, but I believe in us– believe in you. Gonna be the best mama any baby’s ever had, I know you will.”
“I don’t even…oh, Eren.” You’re tearing up again–damn hormones. Eren wipes at your tears, planting a big kiss on your forehead.
“I mean it. You’re going to be great, already are,” he says, smiling down at you. He holds you just like that for a few moments, letting you nuzzle into his chest, until his little grin grows wicked. “Although…the only thing I can say I am worried about is which one of us is going to accidentally teach her her first swear word. Should we bet on it?"
Even through your tears, you cock an eyebrow at him. “You and I both know that’s going to be Jean. Especially after what you taught Clara the last time we babysat.”
Eren barks out a laugh. “Hey, hearing her call Jean ‘Daddy Jackass’ was funny, and you know it!”
“Thanks for reminding me,” you smirk, “now I know what I’m teaching our little girl first.”
“No way!”
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Death smiles at us all
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Beautiful Tokyo of the noughties, the city breathed a mixture of humidity and exhaust fumes, saturated with the smell of street food, tobacco and fresh paint. High-rises stretch into the sky like steel trees, and neon signs in bright, even acrid colors shimmered with lights at every turn, promising entertainment, food and danger. The streets were full of noise: the squeaking of brakes, horns, the hum of people and their quick steps on the asphalt. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere. Everything was mixed in one seemingly endless symphony, in which millions of people lived and breathed.
Teenagers, in turn, grouped at subway stations and slot machines, wore loose jackets with tiger or dragon patches, chains dangling from their pockets, and low-waisted jeans for girls. Street pack fashion was a symbol of belonging, strength, and independence. Everywhere you could find boys and girls with tousled hair dyed bright colors and eyes full of determination, carelessness, or hidden anger.
At this time, among the noise of the street, there was a place where I always found refuge. The motorcycle shop "S.S MOTOR" was small but cozy, littered with motorcycle parts and old photographs. The smell of machine oil and iron created a feeling of peace. It was here that I sat next to Shinichiro, watching him work on another bike of some acquaintance. A strange combination of circumstances brought us together a couple of years ago and since then I have followed him like a faithful tail. Shin-san has always seemed to me to be the center of the universe, became a family, finding me in the chaos of Tokyo
"Hey, give me the key for ten," Shinichiro squatted by one of the bikes and glanced in my direction. His voice sounded familiar softness, mixed with fatigue.
Silently handing over the tool, I felt how the hot air of the store and the hum of its work created a sense of security, time flowed differently here.
"You know, you remind me of me," he grinned, wiping his oily hands on a rag. "I was like that too - clinging to someone, thinking that this is how I could find my way."
Averting my embarrassed gaze and hiding my face, I asked. "So what, did you find it?"
Shinichiro laughed, and his laughter was as warm as ever. "Not really. But you know, sometimes it's enough just to be around the people who are important to you."
I did so, stayed by his side, sometimes began to make fun of him with Waka-chi and Taka-chi. At such moments, I realized that it didn't matter if he was a hooligan, the founder of the Black Dragon, or just the owner of a motor store – for me, he was everything, the place and people changed, but I stayed close.
"If it weren't for those damn boys"
August 2003. Evening was descending on Tokyo, and the street lights mingled with the darkness. The small shop was a bright spot among the shadows and seemed almost cozy, despite the shabby sign and the eternal smell of oil. No matter how hard they tried to send me home, I still stayed with Shinichiro.
"Come on, it's late, go. I'll close it soon and catch up with you," he said, adjusting the collar of his work jacket. His gaze was soft but insistent.
"Shini-san, come on, where am I going to go alone? You know I'm going to stay," I replied with a grin as I sat down on the toolbox.
He only smiled, shaking his head. "Well, well, that's enough. Come on, I'll close the store now"
Reluctantly, I got up and pretended to leave.
"Let's go to the grocery store on the way"
But as soon as we moved a couple of steps away, we heard a crash behind us. We looked at each other, realizing that the sound came from his store
"Something must have fallen," Shinichiro stiffened. - "Go ahead, I'll quickly check and catch up with you, okay?"
"If someone robs you, what will you do? Even I'm stronger than you," I said, trying to defuse the situation.
"What if we go together and get into trouble? You'd better wait here."
I sniffed in displeasure, but nodded anyway. "Just don't linger, okay?"
He turned around and ran back to the store, leaving me alone. "And how long should I wait..." - I muttered under my breath, but I did not receive an answer.
After standing for a couple of minutes, something inside me began to sound the alarm, not coming up with anything better, I headed for the store, but what I saw stopped time.
Shinichiro was lying on the floor, passed out, and two teenagers were standing above him, not recognizing them in the dark immediately, I was only worried about Shin. I ran to them and pushed away one guy who was already sitting in front of the lying body.
"Why are you standing like idols, call an ambulance!" - a scream escaped from my throat, which seemed to bring them back to reality. And I realized who they were - Baji and Hanemiya.
Baji was trying to find the phone, and Hanemia was saying something under his breath, I wasn't listening, I found the phone in my uniform pocket and handed it to Baji, his fingers trembling so much that he could barely dial the number.
"This... it shouldn't have been like this," Baji muttered.
"Seriously? Is that all you can say now?" my voice trembled.
"It's all because of Mikey. So if you don't kill Mikey, then..."
I grabbed Shinichiro's head and pressed against his chest. "Shini, please wait for the ambulance, everything will be fine..." - my words sounded more like a plea. His skin was cold, and his breathing was becoming more and more shallow.
He smiled, with the same gentleness I had always known. "Forgive me... I will not be able to keep my promise..."
"Shut up, don't you dare say goodbye anymore!" - I felt my eyes fill with tears, but I forced myself to hold on. "Everything will be fine!"
Sirens sounded in the distance, getting closer with every second, but the world inside me collapsed. Shinichiro's head became heavier, and his chest stopped rising. All the subsequent events flashed before his eyes, as if in a fog, he was taken away on a stretcher, Baji and Hanemiya were handcuffed, it turned out that the police arrived along with the ambulance. Their faces were filled with shock and guilt.
When I was asked about what had happened, I answered mechanically, giving the necessary explanations, but even when I was sent home, there was an empty, icy feeling inside me, I did not know what to do next.
All the days merged into one single lump, which repeated day after day. The day of the funeral was gray, covered with clouds, not a single ray of sunlight was released. Various people from the family, from the gang, those who somehow knew him, gathered. Someone's tears and whispers sounded everywhere like white noise, but I did not understand, or maybe did not want to understand them, the words seemed meaningless, distant and foreign.
Standing in the midst of the crowd, I felt as if I were alone on this earth. Everything that had seemed important before disappeared in an instant. My beam of light that had guided me through the darkness suddenly went out, leaving me alone again. Everyone had families, friends, people they could rely on, and I had only him. Shinichiro. And now he is gone.
Only one soap tormented me, that everything could have been different if only I had not let him go, insisted on going with him.
My body seemed to be moving on autopilot, and I walked over to the tombstone, looking at the engraved name. The smell of damp earth, of a freshly dug grave hung in the air. The flowers placed at the foot seemed so bright against the gray day, but even they could not dispel the darkness inside me. I didn't want to believe that this was the end.
"You'll stay in my heart forever, Shin," I whispered softly, clutching a small bouquet in my hands. My words trembled in the air like leaves in the wind. "I'll never forget you..."
The life in me stopped, and each new dawn seemed like just another reminder that nothing would return, and the world around me remained the same - the same streets, the same store with the smell of oil, the same empty conversations with people whom I almost did not notice.
When someone who was the meaning of your existence leaves, you are left with a void that nothing will fill, but I was not the only one who experienced it. Manjiro, Shinichiro's younger brother, suffered just as much, if not more. If Shinichiro was dear to my heart, then his younger brother had a special place for him, in return and for him, he was also everything. He replaced his parents, became his support and protection, and now he has been taken away from him. I knew him for a long time, from Shini's stories and from rare meetings. The little blond boy, with a wide smile and sparkles in his eyes, now looked like a shadow of himself. In his eyes, so similar to those of his brother, melancholy and fatigue also settled. We were both drowning in our pain, but each in his own way.
On the rare occasions when I was at Sano's house, I only appeared to chat with Shinichiro, but now I avoided this place. I thought that by avoiding I could run away from my pain, but one day everything changed
Late at night, walking around native places, suddenly heard the roar of a motorcycle. For a moment, my heart, but turning around, I saw Manjiro. He raced down the street like a ghost. His face was pale and tired, and his gaze was blank, like that of a man who has lost his bearings. He drove past me, but almost immediately slowed down, looked at me as if he was trying to remember who I was.
"Hello," I said awkwardly, my voice sounding strange and hollow.
"Is that you...?!" his voice was hoarse, filled with doubt and fatigue.
We froze in silence, not knowing what to say to each other, probably both were too absorbed in our thoughts and pain. Now I thought about the fact that I looked terrible - eyes swollen with tears, carelessly disheveled hair, and I also don't remember the last time I washed my face.
"Will you ride with me?" his question sounded strangely confident, and I nodded. Tokyo at night has always been a place of delight for me, when the whole city shimmered with various lights, sparkling in the dark, reflected in the river, and all this created the illusion that heaven and earth merged into one magical space. It is a city of contrasts: ancient temples and nightclubs coexisted with each other, creating a unique and inimitable appearance. It was a city that never slept, a city where everyone could find something for themselves.
The motorcycle carried us through the glowing streets, and for a while, the cold loneliness receded, dissolving in the noise of the city and the soft whistle of the wind. A couple of hours later, he dropped me off at my house. During all this time we did not exchange a word, but this trip was like a breath of fresh air. And I fell asleep a little calmer than usual.
It became a habit, the next night we also spent driving through the streets, again without saying a word, just enjoying the silence and scenery. This was repeated over and over again, until one day, sitting by the river, Manjiro spoke. We started with little things - about school, about how we spend our days. I found out that he was either sleeping or walking with the gang, sometimes riding alone.
"At school, I usually sleep, eat, and then sleep again. If it gets boring, I just leave," he said with indifference, but in his voice you could hear that he didn't care about all this.
Once we arrived at the night beach. The sound of the waves was soothing, soft and melodious, in the darkness the waves lapped against the shore, leaving a wet trail in the sand, and the moon illuminated their path. Sitting next to each other, we listened to the sound of the sea. It was one of those moments when the pain receded. Such trips have become islands of happiness, making you feel that life can be calm.
Quietly singing the tune of familiar songs, I plunged into my thoughts, at some point I noticed that the person lying next to me began to feel sleepy, and his eyes slowly closed.
Such habitual trips brought us so close that he no longer let me go. If I wasn't around, Manjiro would find me himself, as if he couldn't stand being alone. Our nights began to be filled with conversation, sometimes silence, and sometimes I sang him lullabies that seemed to soothe him and bring him peace, he seemed to forget his pain, and his face, even for a brief moment, became calm.
But no matter how hard I tried to lull him to sleep with my song, he still followed the path of his older brother. With his gang, he gradually conquered territories, creating his name in a world dominated by fighting and force. He burned with a desire to become someone significant, perhaps a worthy heir to Shinichiro.
If I had the opportunity, I stayed by his side, watching him lead his people. He introduced me to the other founders, but there was one with whom we don't talk about the events of that night, both realized that it was a taboo topic that neither of us brought up, Baji, sometimes I helped him with his homework. In my head I understood that he was not to blame, but the flame of anger and resentment burned in my heart. Another nice guy, Mitsui, often hosted me at his home, especially when I escaped from my own house, staying there and helping to look after the sisters when he needed to leave for another meeting.
The illusory normality of life, which briefly showed part of something normal and that despite all the difficulties, remained relatively peaceful until one day Hanagaki appeared. His presence was a breaking point, the beginning of something dark, as if fate had decided to test us again. With his arrival, everything began to change, and a series of events followed, which brought only pain and suffering. Everything spun again, as if in a vicious circle, where dark days repeated one after another.
Each fight, each new conflict, has only taken us further away from the moments of peace that we were building. And each new death of loved ones distanced Manjiro further and further away, and each new day he had to put on a heavier mask, and his eyes, once alive, now resembled emptiness. It was like some kind of déjà vu, as if everything we had experienced before was coming back, and we were going through the same painful cycle over and over again.
The only thing that remained was the expectation of an end that seemed to never come.
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clairewritesjjkxreader · 2 years ago
Yakuza x Cinderella AU Part 1 (Sukuna x Reader)
A/N: I listened to Sukuna’s Russian voice dub while writing this. Gave me some cool gangster vibes.
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Everyone would have understood if you shed the “Itadori” name after old man Wasuke passed away, and no one would have blamed you if you walked away from being Yuuji Itadori’s legal guardian. After all, you just started college, you didn’t need to be “burdened,” especially by a kid you weren’t even related to.
But there was no way you could leave eleven-year-old Yuuji alone. You grew up changing his diapers, taught him how to ride a bike, cleaned up his boo-boos, and threatened his bullies. 
He was your family.
Prioritizing your baby brother and his future above your own, you decided to bartender at a fancy but sleazy bar. Although the majority of patrons were assholes and the place was too far from your house and the university, the pay was better than most other part-time jobs so you sucked it up.
Between your job, mandatory onsite classes, group assignments with lazy jerks, and taking care of Yuuji and the house, you could never afford to sleep for more than three hours a day. 
But Yuuji was, of course, an angel. 
He didn’t like to show it, but you knew he missed gramps, and you often caught him biting his lip to suppress his whimpers and wiping his eyes with his back turned to you. He did his best to appear strong, but you wished he’d rely on you more. But the little tiger never stopped doing his chores and liked offering to do yours.
“I can’t get a part-time job yet so all I can do is take care of the house and everything else!” When he said that, you swore an arrow pierced your heart and you almost died from fluffiness. 
Seeing Yuji’s bright smile was the only thing that kept you going, especially after a long day at the bar.
That’s where you met Ryomen Sukuna. He was the single most irritating bastard you’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. It wasn’t like he was a sleazebag per se–he was actually more of a silent, brooding type compared to the handsy, foul-mouthed drunkards you usually dealt with. At least, that was your first expression of him.
It was nine pm and your five minute break was almost over so you sent Yuji a good night text and a reminder to lock the doors and windows. You brushed your hair and went to your post behind the bar. 
This place was in the inner city, far from most schools, so it was rare to find college students here, but it was a Friday and the end of finals week so the place was jam-packed with depressed people. You didn’t mind. Actually, you preferred having a bar full of university kids over a bar full of working adults. You liked college students. They were… nicer, more polite and patient compared to their older counterparts, who were usually middle-aged career men and women whose dreams have been shattered by the real world. Your regulars were broken and pathetic, and they often liked making their problem yours. You’d “listen” to their ramblings, nod and pretend to care, when in reality their words just went in one ear and left straight out the other.
You didn’t like talking or socializing. You left that part up to the waitstaff and prepared the drinks as quietly as possible in order to avoid trouble.  
It was nearing one am, almost time for you to go home. You finished wiping the last piece of glassware when the store bell rang. You didn’t bother to even pretend to be polite this time and continued cleaning up, waiting for one of the waiters to tell the guest that the bar was already closed. But that didn’t happen. 
“The VIP room is a little unclean right now, so if you’re willing to wait–”
“What do you mean unclean? You should always keep it ready,” a cold, androgynous voice reprimanded.
You were annoyed. And a bit confused. You’ve been here for several weeks now and you just found out about this so-called VIP room. And up until now, the personnel here always shooed away all customers during closing. 
“It’s fine, Uraume,” a deep, husky voice interrupted. “I’m fine waiting here. Just get me my drink.”
You raised your eyes and saw a tall man in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, bringing attention to his… big veiny hands and sinewy arms, lined with black tattoos. 
“O-of course!” Your boss clasped her hands together. “Please excuse me, I’ll get the sake ready in a bit.”
As if sensing your gaze, your tall, red-haired stranger turned his head, revealing a face also full of tattoos. You blushed but composed yourself and bowed in greeting. You refused to make eye contact again though, too embarrassed that you were caught ogling. He was more gorgeous than most idols and sports players that showed up on TV.
“On second thought, I think I’ll sit at the bar.”
Ah, crap. 
“Oh, um…!” Your boss fumbled towards you, putting a hand over your shoulder. “Th-this is Y/N. She’s new. Really new, I don’t think you’ve met yet.” It felt odd watching your usually calm and charming boss act like this. She was the one who dealt with perverts and other difficult clients, all without getting too emotional or stuttering, but she seemed almost afraid of this man. “Y/N, this is Mr. Ryomen Sukuna, he owns this bar.”
That name certainly felt familiar, but you sucked at names, and as for his face… you glanced up at his smirking face. Yeah, there was no way you’d forget a guy like him. Even if you just saw him walking down the street for a split second you would remember him for sure. 
Your boss squeezed you and you quickly bowed your head again. “Um, hello, thank you for the opportunity.”
“You seemed irritated when my companion and I walked in.” 
“No, you must be mistaken.”
“Really? You couldn’t even be bothered to greet us. Bartenders are supposed to be friendly.”
You just tilted your head, contemplating on what to say next when your phone started ringing from the counter. Mr. Sukuna swiped it before you could blink. 
“Hey!” Your sudden burst of energy shocked you and your boss. You slapped a hand over your mouth. “Er. I mean… I apologize.” 
“Shouldn’t phones be on vibrate during work hours?”
“It was on vibrate. We’re supposed to be closed now.” Welp. You were already as good as fired so you didn’t try to cover up your weariness. Yuji sometimes woke up randomly in the middle of the night. He was probably wondering where you were. You held out your hand. “Can I please have it back now? Sir?”
Like you just told the world’s funniest joke, he threw his head back, laughing heartily. 
Despite your boss almost fainting on the spot thanks to your little stunt, you didn’t get fired. Sukuna seemed absolutely smitten with you–that is, as much as an owner can be smitten by a pet hamster. 
It was the beginning of an irritating, one-sided relationship. 
Ever since that day, Sukuna began frequenting the bar more often. Sometimes three times a week, other times almost daily. Rather than stay at the VIP room, he’d hang out by the bar and find many ways to piss you off, like hitting on you, annoying you until you talked about either Yuji or your classes, and asking you to make some complicated cocktail he heard from a business partner, only to then insult it (he’d always finish the thing though). At the very least, he didn’t try touching you inappropriately. And plus, his childish fascination with you meant he demanded you hang out with him immediately after you finished preparing someone else’s drink, so you didn’t have to listen to other people whine about their lives and you didn’t have to make up excuses with the more gropey customers.
To be continued…
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hufflepuffwriter1995 · 8 months ago
The Witches Vow: Chapter Two
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 Summary: A witch's vow is dangerous, and not to be taken lightly. Not even death can break a witch's vow, if the witch cannot make good on their vow their soul will never find peace. I knew this, but when Taehyung, my dearest friend, is sold to a man with evil in his soul, I make a frantic witch's vow to find him. Little did I know that when I finally got reunited with Taehyung, it would only be the start of it all. 
  Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x Fem!WitchReader 
  Themes: Found Family, Poly Relationship, Hurt and Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Hybrid AU, Fantasy, Supernatural, Magic 
  Warnings: Hurt, Angst, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Sexual Assault, Injury and Hurt, Witchcraft and magic, hybrids being pets, eventual smut,
  Rating: 18+ 
Jin: Amur Leopard 
Yoongi: Black Tiger 
Hoseok: Lynx 
Namjoon: Arctic Wolf 
Jimin: Arctic Fox 
Taehyung: Snow Leopard 
Jungkook: Red Fox 
Ryoko: Reader/Witch
Chapter One
 “You need to sit down, Nakiya knows what she is doing,” Aera said softly, patting the spot on the couch beside her. I looked back towards the spare bedroom door, my lip caught between my bottom lip before I caved and moved to sit beside her. My leg bounced as my anxiety coursed through my body. I so badly wanted to be in the room but Nakiya had not so kindly kicked me out after demanding she be more gentle with him after he winced in his sleep. That had been hours ago and I hadn’t given us an update since, though Aera kept kindly reminding me that no news was good. 
   “So what are we going to do about the others?” Aera asked, drawing my attention away from the door. Taking a few deep breaths, I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees. This has been something I have been thinking about since Taehyung showed up. We had always planned on saving them all, now it's just a matter of learning to track them down again. 
   “I am not sure yet. I was hoping Tae could shine some light on a few things.” I explained, rubbing my brows softly. “If we can just learn more about David, if he works alone, what all he has for protection, we can form a better plan.” 
  “He has help, a stepdaughter named Jessa. She seems to be like us, a hybrid but forced into it.” A deep voice said from the doorway. Instantly, I was on my feet, my eyes flickering over. Nakiya had gotten him into sweatpants that hung low on his waist, his chest and all its scars on display. “She was kind. She didn’t hurt us and would sneak us extra food but she isn’t the only one. He has a few men that work with him, to keep us in line.” His eyes never left mine as he spoke. 
  “I saw you. In the barn. I thought…” He shakes his head, grunting as I throw my arms around his neck. “It was you.”
   “I’ve been searching for you,” I said quickly, my words blending a bit as I tried to fill him in. “I’ve never stopped and more than once I got close but he had moved you hours before we arrived. We only just figured out about the alarm he had in place.” 
   “We?” He says slowly, his gaze flickering behind me to Aera for the first time. 
  “Yes! My friends have been helping. This is my cousin Aera, you remember my uncle and his husband? Yeah, they adopted Aera about two years after you left. Aera and I are very close. Then there is Nakiya, a doctor for all species and you have met her already. Then there are the twins, Lilith and Raven, Nephelam, angel and demon hybrids. And lastly, there is Analia, she’s our lawyer friend and has already dealt with your ownership, you are under my care now. She’s also has the paperwork for the others all done up for when I find them.” 
    “You managed to convince all of them to help you look for me?” He said in disbelief, his eyes widening as Aera chuckled and nodded. 
   “She was very convincing, plus it helps that none of us agreed with what was happening. She told us about her visions, the ones that showed her you. We were so quick to agree to help, not only for your sake but for the sake of the others. No living creature deserves what you have been through.” 
   “You’re fae?” Tae asked, his eyes slowly moving to the delicately pointed ears. 
   “Fire fae, and I acted as the protection. Needed it a few times since he didn’t live in the best places.” 
   “You should sit,” I said softly, leading Tae to the couch and sitting beside him, smiling as his tail wrapped around my waist. “I missed you so much kitty.” 
  “I am so sorry Ry. I thought you had forgotten all about me and the vow.” Tae whispered, smiling as I wrapped my arms around him from the side. 
   “It’s okay kitty, I would have thought the same thing.” 
  “He kept telling me that you were searching for me, but I felt like he was trying to build up my hope only to break it. I kept thinking, there was no way you could care about a hybrid you hadn’t seen in years.” He blushed as I kissed his cheek, my hand carefully playing with his hair. 
  “Don’t apologize Tae, please. I understand why you thought I wasn’t coming and why you kept thinking I wasn’t going to find you. He kept you in an abused headspace, abuse can really and truly mess with your head.”
   “You never gave up.” 
   “No, I never gave up,” I promised, kissing his cheek. 
   “Tae what else can you tell us?” 
  “Well Jessa is a baby black bear hybrid, he tested on her as a child and her hybrid form never developed past that baby phase. She’s the only hybrid or supernatural creature on his team. There was a witch he paid to put on the charms but he claims she was getting too expensive. That’s why he got rid of me. He was hoping I would be enough to stop you from going after him. You won’t though, right? Like you will save the pack?”
   “Of course I will,” I assured him. “We all will. We have rooms already ready for them. You each have a room.”
  “You have rooms for them already?”
   “Tae, we were never going to leave them behind. We always planned on saving all of you.” Aera assured him, smiling softly at him.  
   “Thank you,” Tae said softly, leaning into my side. I smiled, patting his hand softly. 
   “Are you hungry? Thirsty?” I asked, starting to move until his tail tugged me down and a small white escaped his lips. 
   “Yes but don’t leave me.” He begged in a whisper. 
   “I will get you some stuff you can eat and water. Don’t drink or eat too quickly, it can make you sick.” Nakiya said sternly from the doorway, coming back after a few minutes with a bowl of soup and a glass of water. Tae mumbled a quiet thank you, peeking over at me. 
  “It’s alright Tae, see.” I took a bite myself, somehow aware that he was worried about the food. Sending me a grateful smile, he dug in, eating slowly as Nakiya advised. 
   “Now I was thinking, Tae said he could see you and I think that’s because David fired the witch. Which makes things easier for us. If he doesn’t have a witch anymore, we can easily track him down. Save the others and bolt.” Aera said slowly, thinking things through as she spoke aloud. 
  “He has four men that he has hired to shoot anything that moves if they arrive outside the agreed-upon client time,” Tae said softly, taking a sip of water. “He sold us for a few hours to make money, we had to do whatever the client wanted. Sometimes sex or they took hunting, other time it was to watch us fight.”
  “When was this time frame?”
   “Seven am to ten pm, weekdays, six am to one am on weekends.” 
  “Did you need to have an appointment?” I asked, leaning against him. 
  “No, you don’t. A lot of them just showed up.” Aera and I shared a wicked-looking grin, the plan falling into place around us. 
   “All we need is one more day. You can perform the spell and I can get the others up to speed. We can have this done by tomorrow.” 
   “Niki will need to stay with Tae, he shouldn’t be home alone. And I will need to place some protection spells around the house.” 
  “I will be coming with you,” Taehyung said sternly, his eyes narrowing as I started to protest. “They are my pack. They won’t trust you if you just go running in, if you want them to come then they will need to see me.” I studied him for a long moment before nodding. 
   “Alright then. But let us do all the fighting.” He reached out, brushing his knuckle against my cheek, the action pulling back memories years had caused me to forget. 
  “Nice try witchy, you don’t have claws.” I couldn’t hold back the snort that escaped me and I carefully nudged his shoulder with mine. 
  “No, but I am cooler. I have magic.” 
  “Yeah yeah.” He playfully grumbled, some of the light returning to his eyes. 
   “I am not losing you again,” I promised, wondering if I could manage a protection spell on him without him finding out about it. 
   “Don’t even think about it. Last time you used a spell on me my hair was neon pink!” 
  “I was five!” 
  “Neon pink.” Was all he said before taking another sip of his soup. 
  “Oh, this is going to be fun.” Aera laughed, grinning at us both. 
The Next Day 
   The drive to the farm was its own kind of torture. None of us had actually slept, minus Taehyung who crashed after his dinner. The girls had arrived not long after that, leaving the six of us to sit in the kitchen, going over everything that could go wrong and making a plan to fix it. In the end, we decided to try allowing Ryder, Analia’s older brother, to help. As a cop, the second he got wind of it he was offering us a small gang of police to go in first, arresting those that they could while handing over the documents that state I am now the proud owner of eight hybrids. Upon hearing about Jessamine, Analia quickly made up documents for her, adding her to my list of hybrids. 
   Upon hearing the plan though, Taehyung had told us he had his doubts, explaining that David wouldn’t hand any of the hybrids over without a fight. He doubted he even knew that Taehyung had survived, having told the driver to kill him once they reached the house. Taehyung had played dead until the driver had touched him, attacking him before running and following my scent to the house. I smelled like coconut and vanilla apparently. Still, we had decided to go with plan A, Plan B allowing the Nephilim twins and Aera to run free on the farm and everyone inside it. The trio were very much hoping for plan B. 
  “Alright, stay here,” Ryder said as we came to a halt, leaning against the window of the van I drove. “We will give the signal if you need to let the death trio run free.”
  “I still don’t understand why we can’t do it our way from the start,” Aera grumbled from beside me. 
  “Pesky thing called the law.” Ryder snorted, patting my hand before he moved to round the corner, leaving all of us sitting and waiting. To have the element of surprise, we had parked out of sight, the police moving in on foot, leaving their squad cars with us. 
  “So what, now we wait?” Taehyung asked as he rested his chin on the back of my seat, his face close to mine as I shrugged. 
  “At least until we get the all-clear,” I said as I stared at the walki-talki left with us. A low grumble left Tae, causing me to lean up and carefully run my fingers through his hair. “Easy kitty, we will save them either way.”
   “Just not the fun way.” Aera sighed, leaning her head against the window. “I so badly wanted to burn him.” I started to respond when a large wolf jumped on the hood of the van. I barely had time to make a sound of surprise before the driver's door was ripped open and I was pulled from the car. I hit the ground hard, the air being knocked from me as I stared up at the face of a very angry Tiger hybrid. 
   “Where is Taehyung.” The tiger demanded at the same time a small, white fox wrapped its teeth around my throat.
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year ago
:) you already know 😅 could you do prompt 50 with Kaneki or Urie with fem reader? Thank you, love! Your writing is always magnificent and can’t wait to read this one!
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; hot romance; also fluff (kaneki deserve it!); kid!fic, family!au; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, on the sofa, kaneki wants another baby (breeding), unprotected sex, lactation, sloppy kisses, body worship, bites, pet names
includes: female reader ft. ken kaneki {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hii! i wrote about urie for you, so i chose kaneki this time :) i hope you find the plot and tags interesting and you enjoy it. i am also sorry you waited so long :(
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50. “S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when in the tiny bedroom with two cute beds you could only hear faint snoring and calm breathing. Your (almost) two-year-old daughter had her eyes closed in a white cradle with a pacifier in her mouth, and your five-year-old son was sleeping peacefully in a small bed, cuddled up to his beloved mascot in the shape of a yellow tiger. At the same moment, the very pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee reached your nostrils, so you just kissed your children on their smol foreheads and then left the room, closing the wooden door behind you. After a while, you returned to the kitchen where your husband was waiting for you.
In his hands there was a black mug with the image of a white cat, and next to his person, on the counter, there was a white mug with the image of the same animal. With a smile, you thanked him for the life-giving caffeine, and a moment later you felt a light kiss on your left cheek. Leaning against the counter, you started a conversation with Ken about light-hearted topics, and somewhere between the first sip of the hot drink and drinking it to the last drop, you moved to the living room, wanting to turn on a movie from the plan to watch list on Netflix app. It was a simple horror movie with a predictable plot and comedy elements. However, the horror faded into the background the moment you started talking again; about your husband’s friend’s birthday party, about household chores, about wanting to go to the mountains, about Ken’s job... There were quite a lot of topics, and the quiet evening and the presence of a few lights hanging on the curtain rod added a pleasant atmosphere between the two of you.
You haven’t had an evening to yourself for a long time; you were busy raising your children and taking care of the house and your husband working hard and earning money for the four of you. Plus, there were many other, unforeseen situations that were often full of emotions, stress, happiness, or great physical and mental effort.
That’s why you needed each other more than usual on this particular night.
The light kiss you received from your partner was full of tenderness and longing. His cool hands touched your waist at one point, and you smiled because of caress, almost melting between the blond man’s fingers.
“... Aren’t you tired, butterfly?” He asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, wanting to respect your possible tiredness and desire to watch the movie to the very end. But you shook your head, giving him a quick smootch on the cheek. Ken took that as an answer and then moved slightly closer to you, while settling your body on the spread out sofa, full of soft pillows and beige blankets. His kisses changed their position in a short moment and now, instead of your lips, his teeth were lightly biting the skin of your neck. A few long seconds later, with his right hand, he pushed aside the nightgown you were wearing and also kissed your breasts, which were still very swollen from feeding the younger child with your own milk. “You’re very beautiful, you know, love?”
Your both cheeks immediately turned red and your eyes sparkled a bit as you felt your panties being slowly pulled down. The long blue fabric stayed in it’s place, as did your husband’s pajama top. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a rather large bulge in Ken’s boxers, but you didn’t comment on it in any way. Too busy touching his body under the material of his clothes, you almost forgot about the condom you kept in several strategic places around the house. So you wanted to reach into the small, mahogany hiding place in the armrest, but your beloved grabbed your hand between his long fingers.
“Maybe you want to have sex without it?” He asked a little uncertainly and a little with hope in his voice; he also couldn’t hide the smile that involuntarily appeared on his lips.
“... Why?”
“Hmm. Wouldn’t you like another child?” He asked, pressing his cock harder against your damp pussy, and you bit your lip, feeling your body heat up even more. “You look very pretty when you’re pregnant, baby.” He added in a light whisper, nibbling on your left ear.
“Oh. Really?” You laughed, and then after a moment of thought, you nodded, retracting your hand and intertwining your fingers with your husband’s.
In a short moment of a few more kisses and sincere compliments about your future pregnancy, you could finally start enjoying your husband’s cock, perfectly fitted to your body, which was entering your wet as fuck pussy with the greatest gentleness. Young man touched specific parts of your body and face every now and then. He adored your breasts, your hips, your neck decorated with several red marks, as well as your deep eyes and lips swollen from pecks.
“Maybe this time we can have twins, huh?” He asked quietly, rolling up your shirt and pinching one of your nipples, and when some of the white fluid came out, he almost ejaculated right inside your hole, thinking about how good you would look with a big tummy and then with another two newborns. “What do you think, Y/N?”
“Mhm… Maybe.” You hummed, your eyes squeezed tightly shut. His fingers wandered through your partner’s soft hair and back, and he held your hips tightly as he bounced against your body. The tip of his cock touching the back of your uterus. You imagined your family growing even bigger and you almost groaned out loud.
However, instead of making any sound between your lips, you heard a slight creaking of the panels in the living room and you opened your eyes at once, looking towards the noise almost inaudible to the human ear.
“S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.” You whispered, your voice hoarse, and then you raised yourself slightly on your elbows, smiling at the five-year-old who was rubbing his eyes with his fists. “W-What happened, Kenji?” You asked your little boy, almost throwing off your husband, who quickly hid under the fabric of the blanket, and you invited the child closer to you.
“...I had a nightmare, mommy.”
“Oh, a bad nightmare? Well then, why don’t you stay here with us and we can talk about something pleasant?” You asked quietly as your son sat down next to you. The boy nodded tiredly and then snuggled closer to you.
You were embarrassed, but with full professionalism, you told a child’s story about dinosaurs and treasure hunting, every now and then sending a glance to your husband who didn’t even know how to react to the situation.
You two will definitely finish what you started, but first you had to take care of your duckling, who – in a short while – will fall asleep.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 10 months ago
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Hiii, I'm back to do regular pick-a-pile readings! In todays reading I am working with Apollo to send the collective this message. Take what resonates and leave behind anything that doesn't. Thank you all 🩵 -ghost
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Crystal: Yellow Aventurine
Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini
Hello, pile one! I see you have been looking for your intuition. You have been searching high and low. Purchasing all manner of metaphysical assistance. You seem to think you aren’t powerful. You believe you are simple and small. My friend you are very mistaken. Your third eye is open and active. There are two thing about intuition that I had to learn that I will now teach you. The first thing is that you must trust yourself. Activating your intuition is only one step in the journey. The second thing is that you must be grounded to be able to use your intuition. This lesson I’m still learning. You must establish yourself to yourself to make any progress. I see you crave progress over everything else. Focus on who you are and focus on trusting the person you are. You have done good work so far. The journey is just a little different than what you expected. You can’t escape yourself in spirituality. Forgetting who you are is much more counter intuitive than you might believe.
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Astrology: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Libra
Hi there, pile two! You have been looking for a battle to wage. You have had to fight a lot in your life. You have probably been fighting since you were a child. You fought so hard back then. You are blinded by the war you fought, my friend. You have aleady won your war. The enemy is defeated and yet you still look for the next flying fist to dodge. You cannot fight anymore. There is no one to battle. There is a new goal you must strive for. You have been such a strong soldier for a long time. Now that it is done you must rest. You must heal. You must clean your wounds and take the medicine required to get better. You have suffered enough. After war, when soldiers come home, it is understandable that they might not know how to come down from shellshock. They might have gotten physical or mental wounds that are in need of proper care and attention. It is time to learn to cope and learn how to fill you cup. I must reiterate, you fight is over. Your war is finished. You are safe. You have been grasping for safety while clinging to your violence. They cannot exist in tandum. Please sleep, my dear soldier. Please. Once you decide the war is over in your mind you will be able to finally relax. You will find things you enjoy. You will share peaceful moments with yourself again.
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Crystal: Black Tourmaline
Astrology: Aries, Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius
Hi, pile three! Welcome to your reading. You have been carrying the weight of the world in your arms and I know you hate to admit it but you are tired. You are only one person. I understand you have needed to be independent. I understand you have been searching for help but my dear you have been refusing it at every opportunity. Your friends are here for you and you won’t open up. They are knocking at your door. They are asking to see you and love you. You seem to believe accepting their help makes you weak. Darling, that is not the case. You are human. You are not a machine and honestly even if you were machines need maintenance. Machines can’t always self-maintenance. You need help and you want it. Please accept it the next time it comes around. I see you might have some religious trauma or some kind of self-sacrificing wound. You are not a tool. You are not livestock. You are not alone. Humans are evolutionarily not solitary creatures. They need companionship. Humans are pack animals which means they need other humans. Every instance when a human is left completely alone usually the human goes insane. Talk about your hardships with your friends. Release some of what you are carrying on your shoulders. Let go of the mindset that you must sacrifice your mind or your body to be considered a good or successful human. You are already a good human without over-exerting yourself.
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maebird-melody · 14 days ago
WIP Word Train
Rules: tagger gives a word, then for each letter of that word you share an excerpt from your WIPs that start with that letter.
Tagged by @imakemywings. I agree this is a very cute idea! I have approximately 8 WIPs, most of them Danny Phantom, 1 of them original work. But not many of them have new, unpublished content.
The word was STAR
S - Uncounted Time (Danny Phantom)
Sometime during the night, the rain had stopped. A beautiful golden sunrise greeted him when he awoke, groggy and somehow aching even worse than when he’d fallen asleep. His head felt like it was stuffed full of wool, and his gut felt hollow. He rubbed the sand from his eyes, then his heart lurched in his chest as he remembered the carpet bag. His hand flew out and met thick, musty fabric. He let out a breath, relieved. “Now, then,” he said aloud, as much to see if he could still speak in his addled state as to take stock, “where am I?” He sensed that there was another, more nagging question he should be asking himself. But the fog in his mind was too thick, he couldn’t quite penetrate it.
T - Nemuri no Kogoro (Detective Conan)
Today, there had been a murder in a high rise apartment. Some college student working part time at an art studio who had been found poisoned. The suspects were all rounded up—her boss, a middle-manager at the studio; her neighbor, a young adult man who worked at a convenience store; and one of her friends, another girl from the college. Mouri-san had already declared the friend incapable of having committed the crime, but Conan, as was often the case, pushed back. His acute observations never ceased to amaze Wataru. He knew never to take anything Mouri-san said at face-value before he fell into his deductive reasoning pose. That was how this worked. He would never show his hand until the time was right and all the pieces were in place. Or so he’d always thought.
A - Don't Look Back (Danny Phantom)
As Danny finishes his routine, the moon comes out from behind the trees, casting the forest into silvery light. He rummages in the underbrush until he finds his backpack, and slings it over one shoulder. He has another long trek ahead of him. That summer camp his parents took him to is paying back dividends. For one of the exercise at space camp, they had sent all the kids into the woods in pairs, armed with flashlights, walkie talkies, and an emergency beacon, in case they got lost. Their goal had been to navigate back to camp by the stars, without help from a compass. Danny and his companion had been the very first to reach camp. He had never forgotten how to follow the stars.
R - Inkbound (Original Work)
“Relinquish!” Pain, greater even than the mar, jolted through Lirian. His vision blurred and his knees buckled. Suddenly dizzy, Lirian staggered backwards, but the Tuë’s spears at his back forced him upright. Strands of blackness chased up his arms like dark rivulets. Warmth pooled in his chest. He watched in horror as tendrils of ink threaded through his tunic and wrapped around the Keepers’ hands. As their hands darkened and the ink was leeched from his blood, a cold, hollow ache formed in his chest. The ink disappeared under their sleeves, chased down their opposite arms, then spread over the pages of the Book and vanished. The mar twisted in protest. It clawed at the retreating ink, and his body convulsed. Nausea climbed up the back of his throat as the world began to spin. A bright bar of light exploded from the book. The force of the blast knocked Lirian back from the dais and he tumbled into the wall of Tuë guards. A spear grazed his side, but the pain barely registered as he crumpled to the floor and his vision went black.
I really had to hunt for one that started with an "R"! And I somehow managed to find two whole works that weren't Danny Phantom for this. Inkbound is the name of my book I'm working on, and I straight up forgot I had a Detective Conan WIP.
Tagging: @tundra-tiger @darethshirl @bibliophilea and @strawberrycamel
The word is BOAT
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