#I am actually really nice to my followers so suck my nut lol
sometimesrosy · 2 years
The 100 Rewatch 2023 Liveblog 1.08
Day Trip
Oh boy! The memories. This is the beginning of Bellarke for me.
We are going to post like men here. No editing. Forgive my typos. I touch type as i go and i may be fast but i'm not that accurate. I will remember to do a read more this time though. Because this is long.
We open with beefcake Lincoln strung up for torture. Honestly. That's rude. It's not sexy just because he's hot.
Miller told the dead kids parents the news that their kids were murdered by grounders. He wants "justice." and Bellamy says they're not killing him. Miller is an ass and puts mud on lLincoln and Lincoln headbutts him. LOL.
Talking to the Ark they want Clarke to find an emergency shelter for supplies. Diana Sydney is like nah. We're about to come down, the baby kids should stay put. Now Jaha is trying to get Clarke back with her mom but she blames him for betraying her dad, too.
Oh Dax is going to talk to "his parents" and it's Shumway to proposition him into murder. Just like he did Bellamy. But this time he wants B dead. Dax already beat a man to death. He's one of the murderers they talked about.
Now B and O are arguing about Lincoln. B is calling him an animal. Knock that off, kid.
Clarke wants to take Bellamy for the supply run at the depot. And he's suspicious. "I don't feel like being around anyone I actually like." Which he gets because hello Octavia.
Jasper and MOnty with grim humor. Don't worry about the grounder revenge. Byt the time they get here we'll be dead of hypothermia.
Ugh Clarke and Finn being all "I'll take care of you." ANd Raven is right there. "She's a big girl she can take care of herself." Then in comes Bellamy. ooh Finn is jealous. Bellamy is taking all the rations and Clarke is suspicious. "A lot can happen in a day." Foreshadowing. Sneaky Dax follows them out of the camp.
Miller goes to talk to Roma's parents and O sneaks up to Lincoln. She gives him water. Neat little canteen made out of what? Parachute? more beefcake as she cleans up his washboard abs and he is like smelling her or whatever. Y'all I don't like kidnapping/torture as a start to a romance. But this is better than most because he originally kidnapped her to keep her safe and she's trying to stop the torture.
He tells her his name because he wants her to remember him after he dies. "This only ends one way." Because he IS the enemy.
Clarke and Bellamy in the woods. I remember this. Bellarke in the wild. Bellamy is really feeling guilt and fear over the Jaha attempted murder.
Raven and Octabia in Camp. O is a mess. WOW they are catty to each other. O says "It must suck to come down here and find out your boyfriend is into someone else." OUCH. True but OUCH. Why is she so mean when she grew up with only two supportive people? Yes she should be messed up but should she be a meangirl?
Raven wants to do Finn and Finn wants to talk. "Something happened." She knows and she doesn't want to talk about it ever. She asks if he loves her "Always." I am puking. Stop kissing him. He's awful. Ew. She has the worst taste in men i swear. She NEVER got a good romantic partner. (Princess Mechanic)
Clarke finds a door Bellamy smacks it with his axe. Down they go into the bowels. Mummified bodies. The place is disgusting. No supplies. Boo. Ooh some orange blankets. Bellamy is mad there's no canteen or medkit or decent fricking tent.
A barrel full of oil. Bellamy temper boy kicks it over and VIOLA OMG GUNS. HUGE BELLAMY SMILE
Monty is tripping. Fermented nuts?Or hallucinogenic. Now Jasper is tripping but it's not as nice as Monty's trip. He sees grounders everywhere. Scary. He runs to O for help. She figures out that he's on something. HE tells her he loves her. She figures it's the nuts. She gives him an anti-grounder stick so the grounders won't be able to see him. "Makes sense."
We could have used more of that O in the bunker in season 5.
She gives Miller the hallucinogenic nuts. Lincoln knows.
:Ready to be a bad ass Clarke?" She doesn't want the guns but she knows they need them. SO he offers her shooting lessons.
Oooh. He reaches around her and touches her shoulder, his voice gets smoky and steps back from her. I forgot about the sexiness of that. Watch and learn. He tries to shoot and his bullets are duds.
"Still watching." smirky flirting. She shoots and BOOM. She likes it. B likes it htat she likes it. She's being responsible. "You left miller in charge of the grounders. You must trust him." He wants her to keep him close and she's like. OMG you're gonna run. He thinks the Ark are gonna kill him when they come down. O hates him, so he's leaving.
Tells her to keep practicing. He needs some air. THat was a SHORT scene. To base our Bellarke fantasies on for seven years.
Now he's tripping Jaha. Nightmare land coming up. "I did what I had to do." But Jaha calls him out for all his sins. Now he sees the 320 culling victims. Bellamy can't defend himself against that. All his guilt. He really feels it. Oooh. Sooky. All the dead people calling him murder and coming through the wilderness at him.
Now Clarke is tripping. She's back her jail cell in the Ark. See her dad.
Everyone in the deinguent camp is tripping and one kid is stripping so O takes his clothes.
Raven and Finn are naked in bed. M0nty pops in."I can't change the tide if the moon won't cooperate. It's basic physics."
Clarke realizes her dad vision is not real. The dad vision wants her to forgive her mom. Poor baby clarke is so young here. Everyone's counting on her and it's so hard. She's feeling guilt about torturing Lincoln. Dad says she did the best she could. This is the beginning of Clarke learning about forgiveness and why she could forgive Bellamy and Lxa and all those people.
NOW dad vision calls her a crazy bitch and turns into Dax.
O frees Lincoln. Gives him delinquent clothes.He thinks this will put her in danger. That's because he's a grounder and they are barbarians and would kill someone for doing what she's doing. Jobi nuts go bad and cause vision. So he can sneak out.
He kisses O.
Yo. You should really find a girl your own age man. She's what? 16? 17 at most.
Most beautiful broom in a broom closet of brooms. Raven taking care of the kids. Even Finn is taking care of the kids until he sees Lincoln escaping. He's like get on outta here. Which is, I have to give Finn his due, the best thing he does in a while. He forgives Lincolnd for stabbing him.
Bellamy bad tripping on his 'murder victims' He wants them to kill him. Jaha beats him up. "I can't fight any more." "don't you know? LIfe is a fight." "What am I supposed to do?""Live breathe suffer. if you want the peace of death you're going to have to earn it. You think you dserve to be free of your pain? You think you deserve that gift?"
But actually, the Jaha beating him up is Dax. "You shoulda stayed down there clarke I tried not to kill you. But Shumaway said no witnesses."
Walk away now and I won't kill you. You're choice. His gun misfires as he aims at clarke and Bellamy charges him. Fight. Dax has him on the ground. Clarke charges Dax and he slams her in the gut with the butt. B picks up a bullet and slams it into Dax's jugular. Not coincidentally the place where Clarke stabbed Atom to mercy kill him. A nice little callback.
Dax is gone, B and C are up against the tree. "Are you okay?" Clarke asks?
No I'm not. If my mother she knew what I'd done, who I am? She raised me to be better to be good and all I do is hurt people. I'm a monster."
"Hey you saved my life today. And you may be a total ass half the time, but... I need you."
The look on his face as he looks at her.
"We all need you. None of us would have survived if it weren't for you.
He looks away.
She tells him to come back with him. You have to face it. He says "Like you faced your mom."
You're right. I don't want to face my mom. I don't want to face any of it." She is obsessed with keeping everyone alie.
Why is the music so romantic right now?
Can we figure it out later?
Whenever you're ready.
Bullshit you didn't write this as romantic.
O is pretending that she got high too. She did not. Good cover. Miller says the grounder is gone. Jasper panics.
Bellamy is back. "LEt the grounders come" He's tired of being afraid. Looks at Clarke and they both drop the guns. Finn looks unhappy.
Team Bellarke. Leaders. Friends. Soulmates.
The story has just changed.
O is looking out into the woods. B comes up and gives her an oragne blanket. She takes it. "I don't expec tyou to forgive me but you'll have to find a way to live with me because I'm not going anywhere.
Clarke calls him in to speak to Jaha. B knows O helped the grounder escape. She says it wasnt her and thanks him for the blanket.
CLarke. When you sent us down here, you sent us to die, but miraculaously most of us are still alive and in large part that is because of bellamy." She wants him pardoned like the rest of them.
Bellamy doesn't depend on his better nature. He says "If you wnat to know who wants you dead." Jaha pardons him and asks for who gave him the gun.
Cut to Shumway being arrested. Kane is angry. Shumway thinks he's fighting for what he believes but won't say what that is.
Clarke checks Finn's wound and Finn tries to guilt her about the guns. And he tries to say that Bellamy is the real danger. Clarke TRUSTS him. Finn is horrified. That's because he knows B is his rival. "You and Bellamy are leading us down a dangerous road. I wish you'd talked to me about it first." WHEN was finn the leader? Fucking asswipe. She is like "I wish we talked about a lot of things."
Diana Sydney comes to Shumway and Diana has him killed.
I honestly do sympathize with Diana Sydney's position but she's such a horrible character (dare I say horrible actress I hate her D:) and her plans are so horrible that she, who should have been the good guy, becomes the bad guy. I'm usually for the proletariat, but Diana was vicious and stupid and mean and her plans were bad and unethical and selfish.
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deadinsidedressage · 7 years
honestly i love how you act like you’re the only one with basic rights here. when people ask you to provide evidence for your claims you laugh them off and add hashtags like “it’s 2018 i can say what i want.” while making it seem like them asking you to provide evidence is in the wrong and they can’t ask a few simple questions. the hypocrisy is real. i used to like your blog and what you posted until i saw how you acted towards your followers and anyone who visits your blog. honestly grow up.
my tags were   #I just think this was really funny#like no just my response but the ask in general#it’s 2018 I’m allowed to say I don’t like someone/something without hosting a virtual lecture on the subject 😂 so I think you need to work on both your reading comprehension and ability to make inferences from material, but sure. asking me to drag someone around on the internet publicly who a) obviously doesn’t appreciate that because she materialized on my blog very quickly after a fairly innocuous comment ((on the grand scheme of things)) and who b) I do not like for mostly “personal” reasons and am not trying to drag that around publicly those reasons for precisely this reason: y’all get uppity as fuck about it. If someone wants to come to me “in-person” and talk to me about where my disagreements in her riding, training, etc. that’s awesome but I’m not playing this game of “hey can you write me a 5 page paper with citations based on the thesis Shelby is awful”. 
And, asking me to publicly provide “evidence” (aka, make some kind of callout post) IS wrong. Doing so literally encourages public shit talking and honestly if you don’t like seeing that kind of content DON’T FUCKING COME ON MY BLOG AND ASK FOR ME TO DO IT. I’m not saying I don’t do it or wouldn’t do it— but yeah it actually is wrong to dissect people’s riding and character publicly. 
Wow, fucking rocket science! Also, I don’t give a shit if you like the content on my blog because I don’t create it for you.
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pancakeke · 3 years
How do you keep your projects and other ideas organized? I keep stopping and starting and spinning my wheels and not getting much of anywhere because I keep getting overwhelmed, and I have so much I want to do! It seems like you've got a lot going on in your head, but manage to keep finishing projects and planning new ones out. Honestly? I'm kinda jealous...
I want to preface this with 2 things that are really important: I used to be horrible at finishing anything and what led to the most change for me was getting professional help for mental illness. Also, I still start a lot of projects I never finish, but these days the reasons when I don't finish a project are reasonable and not signs that I am not keeping it together.
I think "organize yourself better" feels like a reasonable ask but depending on what's causing your disorganization it can be pretty useless. If you're concerned that your organization is an issue: turn your project into a tutorial before you make it. This is only really relevant if you're making something from scratch but it helps to have all the materials, tools, and measurements listed out before you start so you aren't surprised by missing anything. It also helps you find holes in your plan as you run down everything on paper so you aren't stopping to figure things out once you're actually working. I don't know about you but for me stopping is hell. It's so hard for me to get back into the groove later so I want everything ready to go once I start working.
If you're working with existing tutorials the above is irrelevant but what you can do is keep everything you need for a project together so nothing is missing and everything is within reach. All my stuff used to be all over the place in plastic sterilite tubs in oth my closet and the storage room in our garage and it was a huge pain in the ass to find anything. It made working suck and then I'd just get frustrated and give up. For all my resin stuff I got these little stacking storage bins from Harbor Freight and then for my sewing + everything else stuff I got larger versions from amazon (expensive because it's a 12 pack).
Having nice storage also helps you to get stuff out of your face when you're not working on it. It's important to keep your workspace clean as possible because not having room to work makes actually working a pain. This is totally unreasonable to expect anyone to do, but I have 3 desks that wrap around half of my room so I have tons of space to work. Eventually I leave stuff all over the place and it drives me nuts and I have to hardcore clean and reorganize before I am comfortable enough to focus on work again though lol.
I had more to deal with than like physical organization though. A huge reason I used to give up on projects all the time was anxiety. I still kind of have anxiety but I'm better with dealing with it now. There are 2 major things that make me drop a project: the fear of messing up, and then actually messing up.
Sometimes I'll buy all the materials I need but then I can't bring myself to actually work on something because I'm so afraid that I'll mess up my materials and waste them all. Now when I have that problem I work with something inexpensive, like muslin when I'm sewing, or paper mockups for other physical items, and sometimes I make scale digital mockups with inkscape. This helps me get a feel for what I'm doing and then I don't freeze and abandon the idea.
The worst thing I had to deal with was getting over the like failure wave that would wash over me when I did mess something up. I used to have like hard stop, never turn back, abandon ship kind of reaction any time I screwed something up so I'd never complete the project after that point. But now I'm in the mindset that failure teaches me what not to do next time, and often I will complete a project despite messing it up so I can work through all the steps and see if there's anything else tricky I need to watch out for next time. That way it's a learning experience and not making me feel like I'm a failure who wasted time and effort and didn't even get anything out of it.
Sometimes though a project just doesn't vibe with you once you start working on it and it's ok to ditch it. Like I wanted to make something recently that was a super bizarre shape and would require me to hand sew both sides of two entire 30 inch zippers to lining and outer material for something I was working on. For real fuck that. I will keep the idea on my list and rework it some other time.
Oh also, make lists of everything you want to do. Have a word or google doc or a notebook and take notes a lot. Also save inspo photos to a folder on your phone or PC so you can look at them later. I save lots of ideas and photos that I like but have no intent of working with now because I may want to return to them later. Also follow artists on tumblr, twitter, instagram, twitch, youtube, wherever! You can get SO much inspiration from other artists. Also watch all their tutorial videos to learn new things even if it's not something you actively need for any projects at hand. I love watching other people work and seeing what they make and it really gets me ready to make something for myself!
I hope this isn't rambly because it's super long but if there's anything specific you want me to speak to or you want more examples of anything, let me know!!
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calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty Two. Part 2
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Robyn is not happy meanwhile I can’t stop laughing, I think for me it’s very empowering I would say, I don’t know. I mean Rihanna is giving me head if you want to say it like that, I am winning so bad. I know niggas are upset right now; I know they are hating me because I would hate me. And I ain’t scared to say that I bust a nut quick either, I mean Robyn knows how to give head, so I am not complaining “I don’t like it Chris, I don’t like this one bit. This was taken on a phone because if it was professional then it would be clearer, that guy did it. People assume I am some whore; they did when I started off in the business. They assumed I slept my way up because I wasn’t that talented, I don’t like it” frowning at Robyn saying this, how can she say this “you are literally married to me, whatever the fuck we do we are doing is because we are married. I do not give a fuck what anyone says, you were giving your husband head, what the fuck is wrong with that. You’re not a whore, don’t let people assumed of you get to you, you’re not what they say you are ok?” Robyn is very upset about this, me on the other hand I see the funny side because I find it funny. I mean I am getting head from my wife, it’s nothing “my mother is going to see it, my family are. I am going to sue the man, I don’t care. Every news outlet has it, TMZ being the first people. They are awful too, they put here Rihanna and her husband doing the nasty at Bora Bora, then they put Rihanna seemed to have dropped off since she had the baby but we can tell she hasn’t, she is busy catching up with her husband, I have people in the comments saying she is too busy using her mouth for dick then an album” I snorted laughing, I couldn’t help it “I am sorry” I apologised, Robyn glared at me, she isn’t happy but I can’t stop laughing.
Robyn is huffing and puffing because of what happened but I do not see the bad side of it at all, we are married living our best life and niggas are just being haters, I don’t see the problem at all “I just messaged Tina that I want to know who leaked this, I would like to also sue the person as this is an invasion of privacy towards me and my husband, we was at the resort in good faith that we wouldn’t be pictured, this has really affected me Tina so please fix this” nodding my head, I don’t know why she is taking it bad “but on a real, why are you so upset? We are married, we are doing married people things, so what you sucked my dick, does it matter? We are literally married; this is no news” Robyn looked up at me “do you like people speaking about how your wife mouth works? The vile comments they are making, do you not get when I say I have had this all my life, that I am some sort of slut, or whatever. I am not that, I am not having it. I am a mother; I do not want my daughter growing up and seeing that, but I guess it’s too late now” nodding my head, I mean she feels that way and I have to respect that “I get it” I mumbled “do you not see the issue though?” Robyn questioned, taking in a deep breath “erm, on a real. Not exactly, just because we are married, we are having fun, we are being us. I don’t see why we should be upset or shy away from things that us humans do, just say we was playing hide and seek” Robyn sighed out “right, and you were just biting your bottom lip and stuff for nothing?” I shrugged; women be so uptight.
I want to post the picture of me, like my finger is hovering over the post button. It’s only the picture of me with my head back and mouth open, I came. I can tell I came then, but I think Robyn is going to kill me if I do “from one to ten, how angry would you be if I posted a picture” Robyn mean mugged me “what picture?” chewing my bottom lip and then turned my phone “oh you ass” I snorted laughing “Chris, I am being deadass with you. Post that and you will see fucking trouble, I don’t like that shit and you know it. I said how much I am upset about that, and you want to post a picture of you busting a nut!?” she is so moody “Robyn, you are taking this too seriously. On god, you are with your husband. You are sucking his dick, who fucking cares” Robyn waved her hand around at me “I said what I said, you post that we are going to argue so much, I am not even going to lie to you with that. I don’t like it! I will sue you too” tapping cancel “alright, calm down. You can’t sue the very man that took your virginity now” moody ass, she is so moody “please, the man that took my virginity hit the sides” she is being spiteful now “mhmm nice” I mumbled, let me just leave her to it because I don’t want to argue.
I really appreciate the fact I have fanpages, on god I enjoy seeing it and the fact I do have fans like it’s wild to me. I don’t really do anything to have them, but I do, I follow them back most of the times, but they be lusting over me bad, reading the caption of the reposted picture the page put up, she put on that she would let me spit in her mouth, that is a wild thing to even say about anyone, how wild is that. Commenting back on the post ‘That’s wild af! Lol’ pressing send, I don’t know why everyone is going wild for the picture I posted, it was just me with the silk shirt and shades on, maybe it’s the tan that is doing it, I don’t know but it’s getting a lot of attention, more then what I thought I would get. I am just a country nigga from VA, I don’t know about this shit at all “I am sorry” Robyn apologised, looking up from my phone “for what rabbit?” locking my phone “for snapping on you, it was wrong of me. I was just angry because I have been through so much shit with the public calling me so much shit and I just don’t like it, yes you are my husband and that is fine but what we do is private. I am so angry Chris you don’t understand, I am an island girl. I was a child, but they had me on the blogs and saying I slept with old man Jay? A whole minor, they had me sleeping with grown ass men, men I never did anything with. It was so unfair, I didn’t like it but they, meaning my record label liked it, I was so stuck in this foreign place trying to make a name for myself, ok the headlines ain’t bad but the comments, they are ugly” nodding my head understanding “I am sorry” I apologised also “you’re just being a boy, you’re seeing the funny side and that it’s a good thing but to me, I don’t like it. I get flashbacks” Robyn sniffled, now she is crying.
Putting my head down “don’t cry” I mumbled “I didn’t mean it at all like that, you haven’t actually really spoke on that. I didn’t know at all, I am sorry” Robyn is an emotional mess, I feel so bad “Robyn I really didn’t know any of it at all, I didn’t know that happened to you and people were saying you slept with Jay Z, I was locked up then, so I really didn’t pay attention. I was getting my ass beat and being jealous that I am not with you, so I am sorry. I understand now, so yeah. Forgive me?” Robyn waved me off “I am not angry at you Chris; I promise you this. It’s just the whole situation of what happened to me and that isn’t your fault, remember that. That happened to me, and it happened, what else can I say that. That is why I just didn’t like it, I am a wife now, also a mother. Life has changed, so that is why” sighing out “people were really mean to you huh?” Robyn nodded her head “didn’t like, created rumours which made Bey and I fall out, we ended up not liking each other because of it, because she assumed I was sleeping with her man, I was a minor. My boobs barely came out too, I hated it Chris” smiling lightly at her “I liked it though, you know I did” she giggled putting her head down “I know you did, I never understood why but yeah, don’t feel bad. It’s just what happened to me” I didn’t think like that.
Robyn fell asleep, she is tired after all that crying, and I don’t blame her. You know what a lot of people want me to go live, this fan thing is rather fun. I just put up a selfie and they are saying go live constantly, I might as well do that because we are still on this flight back and she is asleep, so I got nothing else to do. Going live on my main account “would you like anything?” the flight attendant asked “erm, no thank you. I am good thank you” I smiled as she walked off, looking back at my phone. I have the best tan; I swear I look so refreshed. I just staring at myself on the live “what’s good?” looking down at the comments “hello, hello, hello” I grinned “thank you ma, Bora Bora weather was amazing, as you can see. My tan is impeccable” I chuckled, they are complimenting my face this much, looking at the amount of people in the live, this is crazy how fast it is going up “Rylee, is good. She has been with my mom, she is in VA. In the cold, we needed adult time” I chuckled, licking my lips “baby number two?” I laughed “no ma’am, we don’t need another baby” sitting back in the seat just reading through the comments “you saw my daughter in VA? Oh” squinting my eyes, that is Austin, he seen my daughter how “hey Austin” I mumbled, the fuck does he want and talking shit on here, I mean I don’t care for him that much.
I have been on this live for a while now, just talking shit but Drake decided to come in and comment shit which made the viewing go even higher and then Tyga, they are here talking shit about nothing “anyways, what y’all think. Would I look good in grills?” licking my top lip, I am trying to ignore both of them trolls. Seeing Drake has requested to join “man, fuck you bro. I ain’t accepting shit” I laughed, he thinks I am dumb to just accept that shit so he can troll hard ‘ACCEPT IT’ Drake typed out, side eyeing him as I did, shaking my head knowing this will be a mess “it’s that pretty motherfucker” Drake spat, I knew he would say that shit “now you know damn well, I ain’t that feminine nigga” I dragged out and mumbled “you dumb, you know they record these things I am calling you pretty” he is co-signing Rocky for nothing “Chris, you are glowing. Chubbs give me my shades, my eyes right now. He is glowing” Chubbs is laughing his ass off “you pastie motherfucker, suck my dick. Nigga built like a bad bbl job” the comment section is a mess “aigh, I love my bro. Don’t worry me and Breezy is going to be bringing out an album, this is what the fans want?” rolling my eyes “you come on my live to just be annoying? I ain’t no rapper, just when I am drunk, you know what. I left Rihanna in Bora Bora, I am divorcing her man, she ain’t here” her fans be annoying me “the snoring did it” I gasped, Drake let that slip out “backtrack! Backtrack!” I spat, hiding my face “I am joking, I love riri” I said that to him in conversation “when we meeting up, I have a tour coming up. You riding” Robyn is awake, oh man “erm, I am married now” Drake pulled a face “what does that got to do with me? I just need you to be hype man” watching Robyn walking off, she is going to be moody with me “when you’re married you know why” he got me in trouble bad, I did mention the snoring to him in conversation because I couldn’t sleep “too busy for me now huh, being behind those rocks” I just busted out laughing loudly “living my best life nigga” I really am.
I thought I would get off live and remain silent the rest of the way back to VA because I am about to get my ass whooped, I know Robyn heard that and I did mention to Drake that, but it was when I couldn’t sleep, he just asked and I mean he said it out loud now I feel bad, I am in deep trouble right now, that is all I know. But Robyn closed the car door when I was about to get in, so I had to go around the car, I am about to say it to her. I am not about to play this game because its dumb “women” closing the car door “who?” Robyn said “I just said women, you know. In general, they do the most. You know? Just a statement” Robyn kissed her teeth “you told Drake I snore, and you both been kiki about that? Like it’s funny, it’s private to me Chris. You really pissed me off, you and that motherfucker both anger me. He does nothing but get you in trouble, and you fucking right you are staying home. You now going anywhere with him, I know what goes on. City to city, girls after girls and you want to go?” is that a trick question “uhm no” I mean that is the only answer “you damn right you not going with that dumbass, and on top of that I don’t want you going on these stupid live things because you don’t know how to be quiet” she be overreacting but I can’t be bothered to be saying anything, I will when I can be bothered.
I am glad to be home, to be back in VA that is “back home bitches!” my dad pushed me inside “get inside, it’s cold out here acting dumb” I sniggered at my dad “you back, you had a good time uncle” dapping Desean “I am released, relieved, light weight the whole nine. I am good” my dad hit the back of my head “you talk too much, now get inside” I laughed going into the living room “I am so glad you are both back” Robyn was quick to go straight to Rylee, that was the first point and that is all that mattered to her “same mom, how was my daughter and Austin” I dragged out confused, what is he doing here “he needed a home to stay in Chris, my sister is away for a while and he needed to stay behind for college but she didn’t want him to be home alone” I don’t like that little nigga, I mean he hasn’t done anything to me yet but I don’t like him “nice meeting you Rihanna, I am Chris’ cousin” he is already speaking to Robyn “I tried telling you on IG, you wasn’t paying attention like that” he dapped me, like what the fuck is this.
Sitting atop of the kitchen counter, I am still questioning what the motive is here “so when you come here? And with who? Who else was here” I might as well start building my blunt, Austin rested against the kitchen top “I just came, my mom rang, and she accepted. Just me, that is it. Auntie J said that they are not accepting visitors right now because Rylee is here. I haven’t taken no picture of her, promise” licking my lips “your brother wants to kill me and you’re here in my home, does it make sense? It doesn’t. None of you fucking like me bro” they are using my mother “I ain’t ever say that to you Chris, shit went sideways when that happened, and I get it but I mind my business. He is in jail for being a crazy nigga, I am not him. I am in college wanting to be something” I still don’t trust me “none of you were at my wedding, I don’t fuck with any of you” I shrugged “that is you though, Uncle Clinton hid you away because we were after you. If we were then we could have, we have never attacked you” Robyn walked into the kitchen “can I speak to Chris in private please, just for a second” that look, I have done something wrong because she is not impressed. Let me prepare myself for this “gotchu” Austin moved off, Robyn made her way to me “you stopped being mad yet?” she is all uptight “you haven’t held Rylee yet, running away from her but anyways. What did you say about my ex?” furrowing my eyebrows “which one?” I questioned “Rakim Chris, what did you say about him?” I shrugged “I have no idea, we was just having fun” I bet some shit has offended someone “you called Rakim feminine which has now caused drama, now I have my husband on shade room and my ex throwing shots at each other, see what I mean about your mouth and your little jokes on live. You called him a female and he has now said this pretty nigga had your wife, so are you happy now” I sighed out, I always get myself in some shit.
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You can be my Fiona, I’ll be your Shrek. - A Changbin/Shrek Fanfiction
Previous part: -here-
- No smut, no romance
Chapter Three
‘Are you being serious with me?’ ‘Yes. I don’t know how he got there, but he has been asking for my help to get him out of there.’ ‘Hmmm… How do I phrase this? Are you sure he’s not... dead?’ ‘No. I don’t think he’s dead’, Felix sounded sad. ‘Or at least I don’t want to think that.’ ‘Sorry, sorry. I didn’t want to make you sad. So, I’m assuming he’s missing?’ ‘Yeah. He has been missing for four days now. He doesn’t answer the phone and isn’t coming home. We’ve filed a missing person report, but we haven’t heard anything yet.’ ‘I don’t think you’re lying about him communicating with you via your dreams.’ The woman was still lying on the floor, so the psychic turned to her and said, ‘You can go home for now. I’m sorry, but this matter seems to be more important. We’ll continue another time.’ The woman sighed, got up and left. ‘Now; I’ll unfortunately have to do research into this matter. That means you’ll have to give me a few days.’ The psychic took a business card out of his pocket and explained, ‘Here’s my name and my phone number. Please call me if you learn anything new. It’d be nice if you called me after your friend communicated with me too. We’ll need all the information we can get.’ Felix took the business card. It was in a shade of lavender and looked quite fancy. ‘Jeonghan Yoon ₁₉’, Felix read the name on the business card quietly. He looked up into Jeonghan’s face. ‘He’s very beautiful. I didn’t notice that before.’ Felix blushed and stopped staring at Jeonghan, finally.
He arrived at home. ‘You’re back!’, Chan greeted him with a cup of coffee in his hand. ‘Where were you anyway?’ ‘I just went for a walk’, Felix didn’t tell him the truth since he didn’t know if he’d believe him. Chan raised his eyebrows. He decided to not ask more, ‘Alright. There’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry.’ Chan took a sip of his coffee and thought, ‘Ah… to be young and in love.’ He wasn’t even that old, but all the other members (especially I.N) would always make jokes about him being old, so Chan started to actually feel old. He got it all wrong anyways. Felix wasn’t meeting up with someone he loved. ₂₀
‘I’m tired’, Felix thought just as Lee Know burst into the room. ‘Hear me out guys. Changbin appeared in my dream. He pissed me off!’ ‘Wait. Wait. Wait. Something’s wrong here. Changbin appeared in Lee Know’s dream? Was it because I was away and Lee Know was sleeping?’ Chan looked at Felix and thought, ‘Didn’t he experience something like that too? What is going on here?’ ‘Hey Felix…’ Felix just stared wide eyed.
₁₉Author’s note: Jeonghan from Seventeen is making a cameo! 😊 I unironically like Jeonghan and Seventeen (I don’t really stan them, but I do enjoy their music) and since I needed a name for the psychic, I decided to just give that role to Jeonghan.
₂₀Jeonghan x Felix fanfic coming soon. I’m joking obviously. There’s literally no reason to ship them. They probably never even met or just barely know each other lol
In Shrek’s world:
Changbin woke up. ‘What…’ Something seemed off. He was high up somewhere. He looked down, ‘Why is it moving? Where am I anyway?’ ‘Are you awake?’ He heard Alice voice coming from somewhere above him. It was loud. He looked up and got surprised, ‘What the…’ ‘Hey, it’s just me. I decided that the easiest way to carry you, would be to shrink you.’ ‘Shrink me?’ It made sense now. Changbin was small and Alice was carrying him on her hands. ‘Wow… but can you turn me back to normal now? I got some rest and can walk on my own now.’ ‘If you say so’, Alice said and placed Changbin on the ground. She closed her eyes and whispered a spell. Changbin felt warm and lost consciousness for a brief moment. He looked down. ‘My own two legs again…’ ‘Here we go’, Alice said and started walking again. Changbin followed her. ‘I don’t mean to sound annoying or something, but shouldn’t we be close enough by now?’ Changbin asked after a bit of walking. ‘First of all: You are always annoying. Secondly, we’ll walk until we reach the next clearing in the forest. I’ll try to teleport us then.’ Changbin had to admit that he relied on Alice a lot. He didn’t know what he’d do without her. ‘What’s Alice for me? A friend… or maybe a guide. I’m happy that I’ve met her’, Changbin thought and smiled. ‘You see that clearing there? That’s where we’ll take a break and try teleporting’, Alice pointed to some trees; maybe 20 meters away from them. Changbin’s tummy rumbled. ‘I could really go for something to eat. I’m hungry.’ Changbin frowned. They arrived at the forest clearing. ‘Hey… I’m like, really hungry; Could you give me something to eat?’ ‘I’m hungry too. Let’s have a picnic.’ Alice smiled and let a nice picnic blanket appear together with a basket full of food. There were sandwiches, fruit, cucumbers and salad, and even some drinks like orange juice and wine. ‘Wine? I don’t drink…’ ‘I do’, Alice said and downed a glass of wine. She smiled at Changbin. ‘Please, please; help yourself. You don’t need to hold back! Eat and drink as much as you like. Remember: I can always get us more.’ ‘Thank you’, Changbin answered and took a bite out of a sandwich. It was really good!
Ten sandwiches and six glasses of orange juice later and Changbin laid flat on the floor. ‘I think I ate too much.’ Changbin burped loudly. ‘I think I drank too much’, Alice said and laughed. She was drunk out of her mind. They didn’t try to teleport like they originally intended. Both fell asleep.
In the real world:
Jeonghan was stressed. How could something like that happen? He had dedicated his whole life to spiritualism. He was the most skilled and knowledgeable psychic when it came to different dimensions. The most knowledgeable in all of Seoul! No; maybe in all of South Korea! This was his chance! His chance to make big business! He could make everyone believe in him. Everyone would follow him. That’s why he needed to solve this case so bad. He went through all his notes and all his books. The room was a mess: Papers and books laid on the floor and Jeonghan was right in the middle of this chaos. ‘Where was it, where was it?’ Jeonghan was frantically talking to himself while browsing in a book. ‘I found it!’
There were numerous reports of people being ‘sucked into’ different worlds. Unfortunately, we were not able to rescue most of them. The few that were rescued, showed clear signs of insanity.
The book was quite old. Jeonghan remembered, that he had picked it up at a garage sale. ‘That’s strange. So, it seems that this is no new phenomenon. But why haven’t I heard more about it? Something like that would normally cause an uproar, wouldn’t it?’ Turns out, it was widely assumed that the people went missing and died. The people that claimed to be communicating with the missing people were often send to an asylum. ‘But this book also states that a few people were rescued… I need to know how. But I’m worried “showed clear signs of insanity” … Could it be too late already?’ ‘I need to find more information. I can’t leave them like that’, Jeonghan said out loud. He began looking through all the books and browsing through all the lose papers again.
It was getting dark outside. Jeonghan had searched the whole day. He hadn’t even eaten anything. He was hungry and tired, but he didn’t want to give up. Not yet- so his body forced him to rest. He collapsed in the chaos of scattered papers and open books.
Felix felt weird. He felt like something happened, but he didn’t know what. ‘It’s probably nothing…’ He had avoided the situation after he came home yesterday. He had gone to his room before anyone could have asked him about it. He was scared that his own friends might think he’s nuts. ‘This feeling… Will I communicate with Changbin again? Maybe I should go to bed…’ He didn’t know what to do anyways, so he just went to bed.
Felix’s dream:
‘Felix?’ ‘Yes. It’s me.’ ‘Why am I here? I didn’t even plan to fall asleep.’ ‘So you have to sleep too?’ ‘Yeah. Have you found anything out?’ ‘I went to a psychic yesterday, but he said he needed time to do research.’ ‘Well, we didn’t want to sit around doing nothing. We were on our way to ask Shrek for help.’ ‘Wait. Slow down a second; We? Shrek? I don’t think you’ve told me everything.’ ‘It seems I’m trapped in the world of Shrek. It’s exactly like the movies here. I should have mentioned that earlier, right? And I’m not alone. I’m with someone named Alice. She apparently got stuck here too.’ ‘What? Why didn’t you tell me that before?’
Felix woke up. ‘Why is it always so short? I don’t even have time to talk with him that much…’ He just laid on his bed before he remembered, ‘Jeonghan! Shouldn’t I call him? It’s late… but I can’t risk forgetting it.’ Felix took his phone and the business card and dialled the number.
Jeonghan’s phone rang. It was laying next to him on the floor. It woke him up. He reached for the phone and answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘It’s me, Felix. I’m the person whose friend is stuck in another dimension. Remember?’ ‘Yeah. I remember.’ Jeonghan’s eyes widened in shock. ‘How much time has passed?’ ‘Uh… What? Since I’ve talked to you? That was yesterday.’ Jeonghan was relieved. ‘So, why did you call me Felix?’ ‘I communicated with Changbin, that’s my friends name by the way.’ ‘What did Changbin tell you?’ ‘He’s apparently trapped in the world of Shrek. You know, Shrek; the movie character.’ ‘I know who Shrek is. But for real? Is he really trapped in Shrek’s world? How would that even work?’ ‘I don’t know. That’s what he said. He also said that he isn’t alone. Someone called “Alice” is with him. She apparently got stuck in that world too…’ ‘Someone else is stuck in Shrek’s world too?’ ‘Yes. Have you figured anything out?’ ‘I’m sorry, but the only thing I have learned yet, is that this doesn’t seem to be a new thing. I read a report in an old book; apparently there were people who got stuck in another dimension. Most of them couldn’t be rescued, but those who were, seemed to be insane. Additionality, there were people who said that they could communicate with the trapped people.’ ‘You don’t have to worry about not being able to figure out more than this. This is a great starting point, I think. Makes me a little worried though…’ ‘Me too. I feel that we don’t have much time to rescue Changbin and his friend, Alice.’ ‘Yeah. But please don’t overwork yourself…’ ‘H-Huh?’ Jeonghan was embarrassed, but glad at the same time. It feels nice to know that someone cares about you.
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atopearth · 4 years
The Legend of Dragoon Part 2 - Platinum Shadow
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Since Doel told us to venture to Tiberoa for answers, it's time we got a change of environment! No more Serdio and war~ but crazy princesses! Hmm, was Princess Emille a fake? Hmm, so the Moon that Never Sets is called that because it's not affected by time such as day or night, and when it glows red after 108 years, a Moon Child appears, but I guess so does the Black Monster? Btw, Albert is such a dork that it's so cute lmao, I loved how when they were talking about how Haschel's daughter and Dart's mother are both called Claire, and whilst Rose was saying it was impossible for them to be related considering their appearances, Albert starting going on a rant on an analysis of the possibility and how their skulls were different lmao. And omgg it's kinda crazy, but I never thought about the possibility of a Dragoon Spirit getting stolen by thieves! Sad that I can't level up my Dragoon level now lol. It's kinda crazy to think that such a beautiful green and flowery town like Donau has been taken over by bandits... I guess it's understandable why Lynn (Mayor's son) would go to the Gehrich Gang's Hideout to persuade them to get lost, but seriously, that's so dangerous and highly unlikely to work! Ohh okay, the gang hasn't taken over the city yet, just very hostile and leaving their people there I guess? Meru is such a happy ball of positivity and beauty loll. I used to always think she was super pretty and cute though, she's also really strong! I wasn't too fond of her Additions but I guess her cuteness makes up for it, and she's a pretty hilarious person lol. I see... Princess Lisa knows through astrology that Princess Emille is somehow related to the Gehrich Gang and it even told her to never hand over the moon, probably meaning the Moon Dagger heirloom that will be passed on to Princess Emille soon. Btw, lmao at how well Meru and Haschel get along, they're both like kids getting excited over the royal dinner feast hahaha. It's kinda crazy though, if Lisa can see so many things through astrology, I guess there is a good reason as to why this whole town worships the stars so vehemently.
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I honestly didn't expect/completely forgot Gehrich was Haschel's former disciple that got kicked out for not using martial arts with a good heart. It's kinda saddening that he ended up a leader of bandits, but I guess at least in the end, Haschel found him and was able to make him understand that the Rouge School arts weren't to be used for things like this... I didn't realise that Kongol actually followed Emperor Doel for a good reason! Emperor Doel told him that he wanted to make a land where all species could be equal, and Kongol believed in his strength in being able to bring that, but now that he was defeated by Dart, he wants to understand Dart’s strength now. I didn't think that the humans actually killed all the Gigantos aside from Kongol in this place/home of the Gigantos. You would think that since they were oppressed by Winglies before, they would understand the pain of losing people, but no, they killed them... I feel sorry for Kongol, he just wants to fight against bad people like the ones who killed his family and friends... Speaking of Kongol though, him saving the gang by holding that super heavy stone axe/pillar that came from that humongous status was crazy! He even flung it away so easily! I'm not sure how we defeated him before considering he had strength like that lol!
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Aww so nice to see Lynn and Kate's wedding! Also really cool to know that whilst Dart and party were gone, the Mayor and all the adults rose up and went against the bandits in town and successfully kicked them out! Nice to know that Dart inspired them to do their best to protect their own town. Shana catching the bouquet was cute. Omggg, I can't remember but dang, you get Kongol's Golden Dragoon Spirit at the rip off market seller in Lohan! It's 1000G which is easy to get by now but wow, apparently you can get to near the end of the game without even realising this is where you get it! Which kinda sucks tbh lol. Apparently there were hints but it must have totally flown off my head because I had no idea lmao. I honestly can't believe King Zior is even allowing these bandit friends of Emille to be knights for the ceremony, like is he crazy or is he a fake? Or does he need to allow all this to save the real princess? Dodging the bandit guards to get to Princess Lisa and the real Princess Emille aren't too hard, but I do admit it's annoying haha. Wow, no wonder it was practically impossible to find the real Princess Emille, she was locked inside a magical dimension within the portrait of herself in her room! Wow, boy am I glad I stocked up on Healing Breeze because Lenus aka fake Princess Emille does crazy damage to all! She has so many turns as well! Maybe it would have been easier if my Albert actually had the SP to turn into a Dragoon though lmao, but still, she's pretty nuts haha. I knew I didn't remember wrong, Meru is a Wingly just like Lenus (since Lenus could tell), but I guess it's understandable of her to hide it from the party for now. Hmm, so after the defeat of the Winglies, the three countries Serdio, Tiberoa and Mille Seseau were formed, and the surviving Winglies sent a divine object of the moon as a proof of peace. Anyway, I guess King Zior was too blinded by his love for his daughter Emille that he didn't care what she was like to realise it was a fake lmao.
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Aww it's so cute to run around with Shana on the Queen Fury. Lmao at the chopping vegetables mini game, legit thought it would give me something good after winning but it gives me 1G LOL. All my hard work for a scrap lol. I love how enthusiastic and hardworking everyone on the ship is though! They're so passionate about their work whether it be cleaning or shoving fuel etc, they're really trying their best to catch up to Lenus (and get the Moon Dagger back). Sometimes I feel sorry for how blunt Shana is about her feelings towards Dart but he's just constantly thinking about the Black Monster etc. I guess it's understandable though, he probably thinks that if he starts thinking of stuff like romance, he wouldn't be able to fully focus on the war and everything. I really enjoy talking to all the different sailors with the different characters though! It's so cool how some of the dialogue changes haha! Lmaoo at Meru annoying Dart and Shana to play with her because she's bored, yet when you talk to her with Rose (and she tells Meru they can train together), Meru says she'll behave hahahaha. I wonder what made Rose change if she says that she used to be as innocent as Shana, only caring about her love and hoping that it'll bear fruit? Did Rose's partner die and that's why she tells Shana to never let Dart go? Omg..to think that 25 years ago, Haschel's harsh training caused Claire to accidentally end up killing her training partner since she tried her best to fulfil her father's expectations of her as the heir to the Rouge School... He shouted at her to get out of his sight and lost her forever... It's quite terrible... Lmao at Kongol just ignoring Meru if you talk to her with him hahahah. LOL at Meru throwing a pillow at Albert! Guess he's the easiest to bully even though he’s a king lol. Hahahah I love how everyone sympathises with Dart being the babysitter of Meru when she forces him to run around with him on the ship lol. The Phantom Ship looks really cool but scary at the same time! It's kinda cool how ghost knights protected Shana from skeletons. Okay, that mini game with the chest is so not worth the time lol! It's so hard to guess! Anyway, I checked the rewards and it really only gives you crappy stuff that I don't care about lol, don't need Ultimate Wargod because I can do my Additions just fine anyway lol. So, is the princess of Mille Seseau that this whole ship tried to protect from the Black Monster 18 years ago actually Shana? Rose is probably the Black Monster, but is Zieg the first Red Eyed Dragoon that she supposedly fell in love with but couldn't save for some reason? Was Rose a part of the Dragon Campaign 11,000 years ago? Her and her comrades seemed to be fighting Virages or something? They all died and Zieg turned into stone? I guess you can see why Rose is so attached to Dart if they're so similar. But I wonder, did the Black Monster appear because Rose wasn't able to control the insanity of the Dragoon due to her grief of losing her friends or something?
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Lmao when Rose said she'd annihilate all the monsters to protect Pete and his mother (people who saved Dart and Rose after they fell off the Queen Fury when the Phantom Ship sunk). Hahahaha Pete was so funny to say that Rose should confess to Dart because he saw her take care of Dart lovingly in the cave. Hahahah I love how you can go to the hot springs in Fueno and the person soaking in it screams lmaoo. Aww it's so cool and cute how the merchant for the item shop and the weapon shop are the same person! He just goes upstairs to talk to you if want weapons lmao. I love how happy and hyper Meru is to see Dart and Rose alive haha. Aww, it was really sweet of Dart to hug her since she was crying and he felt bad for worrying her. Lmaooo at Meru, Haschel and Albert peeking in on them though lol!!! I think it was really cute how when Dart caught them, they all ran away, but Meru came back to close the door for them lmao. Honestly though, despite how much of a damsel in distress Shana is, I think she really warms up to you as a character. Sure, she's weak and everything, but she's just really sweet and normal, it's hard to not like her. She has that warmth to her that the others lack. Ohh, so Lenus had the Sea Dragoon Spirit! Anyway, she was so much stronger before! Her Dragoon form is so much easier to manage lol, she should have just stayed in her Wingly form. Poor girl though, she gave her life for Lloyd but I honestly doubt he really appreciates it. I think Dart was really touched when Shana ran to protect him when Lenus tried to kill Dart with the last bit of her strength though, it was kinda cute. Lmao at Meru being so happy for truly being a part of the gang as a Dragoon now though haha. Aww it's so cute how Albert was so enamoured with Princess Emille. I can understand though, she's really graceful, beautiful and kind, who wouldn't like her?! But I think the whole family is great! I love how King Zior didn't care about Dart and them not being able to retrieve the Moon Dagger because he believes that it's just a symbol and isn't as important as them being the heroes that saved all the town's from the terror of the Sea Dragon and the fake Emille. Awww, it's so cute how Dart has finally realised his feelings for Shana but he keeps getting interrupted when he wants to tell her lmao. Shana is so brave though, she totally and straightforwardly told him again that she loves him and that it doesn't matter if he views her as a baby sister. I hope they get together soon! Lmao at both Haschel and Meru being kids stealing food from the kitchen hahaha. Albert bonding with Emille in her room was so adorable lmao. Rose chuckling to herself thinking about things was so cuteee, I love how soft she is becoming now. Kongol training in the training centre being happy that he's got friends of different species now was so adorable too. Aww, Princess Emille is willing to wait for Albert to come back from his journey! They're so sweet! Aww he finally got to tell Shana that her wish is the same as his whilst she was wearing a beautiful dress~~ Such a cute and happy banquet!
Overall, this chapter was really nice. I loved the whole Wingly introduction to the story, getting to know more about Rose, but also interacting with Meru and Kongol! I really love how cute everyone is and how different they all are, but how nice they all work together. Btw, I farmed Shana's Dragoon level to 5 to see her skills and dang, White Silver Dragon does damage and heals you to full life! Pretty strong! It was so easy to farm it on the Phantom Ship btw, since you have access to a save point, resting and constant monsters lol. I just wanted to see it before Miranda came along because I remember not liking her lmao. I think the best thing about this chapter is seeing everyone’s growth as a character, mainly Shana and Rose because Shana solidifies her resolve to be beside Dart no matter what, whereas Rose is warming up to everyone (especially Dart) whether she likes it or not. Another cute thing I loved to see was Albert finding his love Princess Emille, they’re both so wonderfully graceful and I find it adorable how Princess Emille loves listening to Albert when everyone else thinks he talks too much in a long-winded way hahaha. I also really liked the Queen Fury part because it really helped to understand everyone’s worries as well as what they’re searching for on this journey, it just made me understand them a bit more individually and I really enjoyed that. Now I feel super bad for hating Kongol as a kid when I was young just because he was ugly LOL, I was such a vain kid! Kongol is like such an innocent, pure and kind guy, I love him lol. Technically though, I love all the characters already haha.
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zombiequincy · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Hela     AGE: 21       CONTACT: IM
CHARACTER(S): Giselle Gewelle, Yumichika Ayasegawa (inactive)
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have gory Bloodborne au but that one just exists in my head on my lonesome.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English and one very specific Middle Eastern dialect.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
PREFERRED THREAD TYPE: CRACK / casual nothing too deep / SERIOUS / DEEP AS HECK. (i love it all sorry I am quite the mixed bag lmao)
IS REALISM / RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN CERTAIN THEMES?:   YES / NO. i gotta know what certain human body parts taste like u know
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. it’s SO BAD FOR ME RN ASGLDKJDJKA i’m very inconsistent i’m so sorry.
HOW LONG DO YOU USUALLY TAKE TO REPLY?: 24H / 1 WEEK / 2 WEEKS / 3+ / months / years. / a lot of it has more to do w my general writing mood and if the thread im writing catches my interest, and rn im writing a TON of really wonderful and fascinating threads so they’re all super captivating for me and i try to reply asap
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. (i have a lot of stupid shit sorry) 
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING: just send me a tumblr instant message, i know it sucks shit but im not comfy releasing my discord w everyone just yet cause i use it for personal use as well. i check tumblr on the daily so if you send me a message chances are i’ll see it and respond!
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  i guess just be able to put up with my rambling and stopping and starting, a lot of characterisation choices i do go through various stages and its pretty messy so when i communicate that with others it usually ends up equally messy. just be patient with me please.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  i don’t mind! sometimes ppl have more ideas that they want to share first and i’m always super happy to listen to those ideas !! sometimes its nice to have someone with a clear guide or structure and be able to work around that rather than trying to fumble through a plot together.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  i try to map out some basic info abt their characters that i otherwise don’t know from their bio or verses and try to pick out points of confrontation or similarities to expand on with giselle that can be used as points for like a starter to happen. its either that or sometimes i have really stupid ideas i just toss out there like ‘LMAO THEYRE BREAKING SHIT AT DISNEYLAND’ and go buck wild from there if the other person is down. i also always try to warn people or get a gauge for what subjects to avoid and steer clear of considering that giselle is a bit of a Freak(tm) and will say and do bad things.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if there’s something giselle did or said that upset you, i would love to know not to repeat it again (since i do still feel pretty new to the rp game, theres still plenty of time for me to make stupid mistakes). if its just a general lack of interest or uncertainty of where the plot should go, then you dont have to tell me i wont take it personally i promise ! 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: sometimes i can be made uncomfortable by certain things mentioned... it happens but its rare 
- WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. i don’t want to upset anyone personally and sometimes explaining the ins and outs of my discomfort make things ten times worse so i just. would rather not.
- AND WHY?: i am the most nervous person you can meet and my brain is always giving me misinfo abt paranoia and random shit so i having clear concrete communication between two parties abt if something is going wrong or is being received poorly means the world to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGA1TIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: i need it !! i still feel relatively new to all this and i need to know whats going wrong to improve !! 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: to help with my confidence in writing! i have v bad anxiety when it comes to sharing my works and i write a lot of other pieces alongside this blog on ao3 and i want to develop my writing skills just in general. when it comes to like the nuts and bolts of why i rp giselle specifically, its mainly to just have fun and have a laugh w my friends who are really awesome quincy writers
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  OH SO MANY! ive managed to fulfil a lot of my wishlist threads with like, giselle talking to characters she’s already zombified and i love all that angst but i want to do more stupid shit. i want to make it my personal goal to bully every quincy man and woman on sight. although a REAL dream would be if i got to write a thread zombifying a character who managed to escape giselle’s clutches. and more fighting! i want to get better at describing action and fights and i love to write giselle getting beat up and beating people up! more more more!! 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   hohoho theres a LOT... uh r*pe/dubcon threads for one, even if yeah i know writing it doesnt condone it, it makes me intensely uncomfortable to put my muse in that scenario, i feel like i have an obligation to like, protect her from that shit you know? racism is one i don’t want to transgress, even though i’m a poc, its not really cathartic or groundbreaking to write abt racism in threads its just... really fucking upsetting. also i know the quincy’s have this very close parallel to the whole n*zi imagery and ideology thing going on and i am not about to start even daring to thread that into my writing or bring those allusions and references of real life tragedies into giselle’s threads. i’ve already talked at length abt exploring giselles trans identity in rp and why im not comfortable doing so, so.... yeah! all those i guess.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: i like starters where giselle can just immediately get right into being a piece of shit. mise en scene and all that! cut out the build up and just get to the intense horror !! i don’t like starters where its not immediately clear where the characters are standing and what they’re doing and what’s happening around them. those really disorientate me and leave me kinda floundering because i always need some allusion or mention of a setting to ground giselle in a time and place other wise i cant tell what her response should be
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN. also just characters i can wholeheartedly clown on, or also characters who have hidden depths to them and have a single panel of screentime. honestly it’s just all over the place!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  angry old men GSADJDKSJA i could never rp yhwach for example or yamamoto because idk. theyre just so crummy and boring to me. i also couldnt rp characters who always have an upper hand in battle like aizen. i like my dumbasses and i like them stupid and adaptive not just, ‘yes i know this because i Know this.’
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: i think im nice...? FKSJDKDJSA idk i hate trying to toot my own horn. sometimes i also think i make funny jokes and im pretty chill and laid back
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: my writing style is inconsistent and adapts to whatever i’m reading so sometimes it’ll be really good and i love it and other times it reads like really bad fanfic and i get carried away far too easily and write novella lengths for threads which should be much shorter. i also get shy a lot and dont think i communicate very effectively but HEYO we’re working on it!
DO YOU RP SMUT?:  YES / NO/ DEPENDS. haven’t had anybody brave enough to try yet lol
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: more for fun i’d imagine because that’s just giselles own attitude to sex and relationships where she doesnt want anything deep. it might show character development in one way of just showing how she regards others in a romantic sense to be used rather than actually appreciated as their own person and show how selfish she is but yeah, more out of fun
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  theres a few kinks and such but i dont think they’d ever really come up. again, just mainly no r*pe/dubcon.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO lets hope this doesn’t make me sound like an asshole, but its more like a fun little side thing than anything important to giselle’s actual development and characterisation. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. again, hardly anyone is brave enough to try to romance this evil cannibal.
ARE YOU:  MULTI-SHIP / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  MULTIVERSE / Singleverse.
- WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: more how giselle likes to give over her power or dominate in different circumstances depending on who she’s with and what’s being done. BUT AGAIN, not a whole lot to explore yet.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - i mean im down for p much anything if it vibes w giselle.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: if you want an evil woman to taunt and mock and hurt your muse, she’s your gal. you want her to zombify and ruin your muse, shes also your gal. you want her to insult and maim and injure, she’s also YOUR GAL. basically, if you want to do anything fucked up or sad or scary, she can help with that.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  uh muses who get really angry quickly or don’t rise or respond to her jabs and are just kinda like a flatline. theres only so much pestering and annoying she can do until realises its not working and just wanders off
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  to find a goal worth living for.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  appearance she always takes an interest in girls almost right away. age as well because she judges old people. 
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  a good set of guts to ruin and strong muscles.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  women, gore, murder, herself, music, stupid memes, gossip.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  politics, history, quincy ideology, soul reaper ideology, hollow physiology.
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  her family tried to force the burden of upholding the quincy lineage onto her shoulders, she was thrown into the wrong prison and held in isolation, then pressured to become an undying monster in service of a god and then was nearly killed by that same man and left wandering without guidance or purpose. so, yeah?
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  transphobia. even a whiff of it in her direction and she’ll gut you like a fish.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  the twink soul reaper who outted her.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  if you’re smart, you’ll bring a big bone for her to chew on and distract her while you ask whatever you want.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @bazzardburner​ cheers chicken boy !!
Tagging: @hyouketsu​ @blooming5th​ @viciousvizard​ @glacies-tempestatem​ and whoever else wishes to do this!!
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rockabelle · 5 years
When I finished Digimon Adventure Tri, I wrote down my reaction and I just realized that I never actually posted it. I thought someone might find it entertaining, so here it is (contains spoilers):
Okay, I finally finished Digimon Adventure Tri.
I am so bewildered by what kind of message I’m supposed to take from it. Like, maybe...
-Sometimes it’s okay to abandon your friend to die if you need to go save the world.
-If your friend goes nuts and tries to destroy the world, sometimes the best thing to do is kill them.
-Sometimes you need to accept that your friend has been sacrificed for the good of the world. If you try to save them, you’ll just wind up losing your mind and going to hell.
-It really is okay to fight battles with giant monsters in the real world, as long as you do it over open water where there aren’t as many buildings to crush. Fuck bridges.
-You don’t want to be a child soldier? Suck it up. Your fate’s been decided. If you wimp out, the world will end.
I’m not saying I hate it. The quality of the writing and animation was...uh. It could have been worse? They did do a few interesting things. They just didn’t really...follow up on them well.
I’m just really, really confused by what exactly the point of it was. The plot felt  very incoherent.
Also, the very subdued or lacking facial expressions were distracting as hell in a show which relied a lot on meaningful staring.
It was also pretty damn disappointing to bait us with the Digimon Emperor and references to the 02 kids and then not give us anything more than their shadows. That is some bullshit.
Plus, the other digidestined not knowing or caring where they were, or asking them for help, or being a little more concerned that Ichijouji-san seems to have gone insane again was...frankly, too unbelievable. You’d expect that one of the first things they would think is, “Hey, we need more firepower. Let’s go get Daisuke and Ken so we can have Imperialdramon!”
My review is: W for Weird. It could have been worse, but it also could have been way, way better. 01 and 02 were far superior, as was the Digimon movie (or the first two, if you prefer watching the Japanese versions)
It was better than nothing, for sure. It was nice to see these characters again and at least nothing they did felt too out of character. There were a few nice things:
*Takeru holding a suffering Patamon comes to mind
*Yamato weeping into Gabumon’s arms over Taichi’s “death” and choosing to take up the leadership (omg Gabumon’s little speech was so precious)
*Hikari reflecting on her unique bond with her brother and losing her shit with him gone (and Takeru telling her to get it together, haha)
*Mimi and Jyou bonding
*Koushirou generally being a badass and people cleaning up after Koushirou and trying to keep him from neglecting basic needs
*Sora calling everyone up to check on them
*Taichi and Yamato trying to be good friends to their moody friend Sora
*The digimon making some pretty heavy decisions on their own (wow shit got dark. I teared up, no lie)
*Taichi feeling unprepared to deal with the consequences of fighting huge battles in the real world where they could kill people (for a little while. That dragged on for so long that it began to feel implausible, too)
*Takeru being unable to remember the name of Yamato’s band LOL
*Yamato being offended that Gabumon didn’t win the creepy cute contest AHAHA FAVE
*The reversal from the first season of the digidestined greeting and interacting with their partners when those partners knew nothing about them and didn’t expect them. I see what you did there (especially with Sora and Biyomon, that was kinda brilliant)
*memory-less Gabumon acting like a shy girl with a crush around Yamato (and Taichi being like HEY WHERE’S MY HONORIFIC?)
*Jyou feeling like shit about himself bc of his grades but then feeling better when his digimon achieves a higher evolution
*The swimming scene. Taichi can’t make it, so Yamato tries to carry him, but ultimately Taichi drags him down. So they start to drown together. But then their Digimon come, and their will is renewed! SYMBOLIC.
Conclusion: Digimon Adventure Tri is worth a watch if 1. You don’t get your hopes up too high, and 2. You watch it in conjunction with the Digimon Adventure Tri stage play, which helps to flesh out the emotional underpinnings. Wondering what we’re supposed to be taking away from all the anime’s blank staring? The stage play lays it out for you. After I watched the stage play, I was able to enjoy the anime a lot more. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend checking out Onkei’s subtitled download link here. If you like it, please consider buying the official dvd to show the creators support. Who knows, maybe they’ll make another one?
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imadethisatage11 · 3 years
Live-blogging my reaction to Spiral: from the book of saw
Spoilers under the cut
TL;DR: my overall review is that it was good but I’m going to go watch DPS to cleanse me
- ok so that woman got robbed and for what
- I had to pause to find out who this detective’s actor was Bc it was driving me nuts and it’s MCMURRAY FROM LETTERKENNY???
- love that they’re gonna fuck up this train conductors day lmao
- LOVE genuinely that we’re back to looking gritty and having an old tv play the video and having some rapid cut camera work early 2000’s vibes I embrace you
- why does the voice sound like that,, I wasn’t expecting John but why is it so non threatening now it’s literally just Some Guy™️
- I am glad I paid $15 to listen to Chris Rock talk about Forrest Gump. Worth my money and I mean it genuinely I love Chris Rock he’s great. Stream Everybody Hates Chris on Hulu
- “Z?” Zeke who just had his cover blown: this MF
- “do I look like a fucking Jamaican nanny?!” I- 😀🤚🏽
- ayo Max Minghella
- Chris Rock falling just short of being convincingly aggressively cynical Bc he is Chris Rock with the voice of Chris Rock
- it sounds like he’s setting up jokes that don’t have punchlines and instead they’re just like,, mediocre cynic cop dialogue
- while looking at some pretty fucking intact teeth: this bum is gonna be pretty hard to ID
- I mean I guess the homeless don’t have dental records but were you not even gonna try?
- I’m very pleased Chris Rock put on gloves before handling the strange package I love actually smart character choices that would make sense for them to make
- I.e. the cop knows how to properly handle unexpected unmarked packages delivered to the precinct
- “I thought the jigsaw killer was dead” “well if it’s another copy cat…” another wait is that referring to Logan (which Logan pinned on the other coincidentally crooked cop whose name I’ve forgotten) does that imply Logan only did like? The one trap? And hasn’t been active? Just waited ten years after John died recreates the one trap he was in and then stops?? I mean don’t get me wrong if movie wants to ignore Jigsaw (2017)’s existence I’m game but like what
- also why do the packages look like they’re wrapped in Tiffany boxes lmao
- oh yay they did run dental
- Chris Rock is an asshole but they should go with protocol if that’s what they’re doing
- ordering a man mid piss out of the men’s room to yell at Zeke
- does conflict of interest matter when the whole precinct knows the victim?
- uncomfortable stand-offs with your ex while at the home of a grieving friend
- Samuel L Jackson!
- “I could’ve killed you!” “What are you talking about, I have the gun!” *SLJ pulls a gun out* “I could’ve killed you”
- daddy issues
- “you think this is linked to John Kramer?” Bruh you think it’s NOT??
- ik this is SO far fetched but I rlly hope this movie tells us wtf happened to Dr Gordon. I’m sure it won’t but a girl can dream
- “should we tell Zeke?” “Fuck him” I get you guys don’t like to work w him Bc he’s an ass but like. You’re just not doing your jobs now you’re just proving he’s right that you’re untrustworthy
- splitting up and not telling ppl where you’re going is the number one way to get kidnapped or murdered but way to go cop instincts
- what is this Chinese finger trap ass shit
- love the blue tones tho very Saw
- all it needs is to become uncomfortably green
- fun fact I actually watched the first saw w my friend who is red green color blind and he said it looked AWFUL and I was like oh yeah everything is blue tinted like twilight blue tint and later it’s green just FYI (he thought that made significantly more sense than whatever shit ass color palette he was perceiving)
- being mad at your son for turning in a dirty cop Bc now you’ll have to mess with internal affairs
- and then assaulting someone??? SLJ is an even worse asshole lmao
- another Tiffany box bound in twine maybe it’ll be one of those cheesy diamond heart necklaces
- HELLO what is that ugly ass pig puppet
- also the voice is so stilted did the killer use fuckin text to speech so they couldn’t unscramble the voice like they did to Hoffman?
- cops finding dead pigs, a little on the nose
- oh so this dude has a history of “fuck it” ok well screw that guy then
- SLJ deserves to be pissed at that cop for letting Zeke get shot but like what an unhinged man he threatened to kill him and then actually assaulted him HOW did he EVER get in charge to begin with
- ok wait is Zeke actually the only decent cop (inc his dad but maybe excluding the newbie)
- that is a truly gruesome way to lose fingers tho I must say but he deserves that shit
- wait did the trap not go fast enough or was there a way for him to do that faster and I missed it
- like should he not have hesitated Bc there was a time limit or was it just rigged
- cuz the machine had to pull them off he couldn’t just cut them quickly
- so are they just gonna leave broken leg Dude there or
- also just now I tried to talk abt this movie (so far) vs Jigsaw (2017) to my mom and I got too excited and referenced some character names she didn’t know and she shut me down and said she didn’t care 😀
- live-blogging to my, like, five followers that compromise one one (1) person that knows me IRL, one (1) Sawtual, and a handful of ppl only here for my main DPS content to fill the void of emotional parental neglect. What a great website
- oh no did the rookie die :( he was actually sweet
- I feel like he was too important to kill offscreen tho
- like they’re TELLING us he .. was skinned.. but was he REALLY
- Chris Rock having a revelation: AH FUCK
- everyone else at the crime scene: ….
- favorite thing abt movies that were already gonna be rated R is when they’re like “well if we’re already at R we might as well say fuck”
- she has to SEVER HER SPINAL CORD? Why was she deemed the biggest asshole
- also how on earth was this trap portable it IS in their basement right
- transporting the hot wax is just what gets me
- Chris Rock rn: are you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?
- was this abt his dad the whole time???
- does it count as live blogging when I do one big post instead of several small ones lol I just want it to be avoidable for ppl who are just here for Dead Poets Society
- man’s fully abt to cut his arm off like barely even hesitated long enough to notice the bobby pin he could pick the lock with
- there’s a body here suspended
- not hanging mind you
- but covered and suspended
- and I bet it’s the newbie
- ah damn it’s Pete that’s disappointing
- it’s possible the trailers just made him seem more important than he was
- why are they punishing Zeke for reporting a dirty cop and having his career accordingly ruined like he did the right thing and already suffered for it? This killer doesn’t like crooked cops?? Why does Zeke have to be tortured by hearing this dude die like that’s what they want isn’t it?
- I think it’s too late pal
- the glass trap was pretty fucking cool though
- I didn’t think he was a MURDERER but I KNEW he was alive
- I’m terrible at guessing endings but it makes viewing more fun
- honestly,, do it Chris Rock ACAB
- “you want me to kill cops?” “No, fuck no, just the bad ones”
- what a fun villain though
- I have no idea what the Ultimate Game Plan™️ is here though is he gonna make him kill his dad? I mean his dad does suck but making a dude KILL his DAD? That is a tall order Max Minghella
- ok but literally why wouldn’t you listen to him here shoot the target??
- ANGIE! It WaS aNgIe
- killing this man is not correct justice anyway Zeke
- shot the target! Good man
- groovy of them to play the Hello Zepp soundtrack rn
- oh shit what’s going on SLJ knows what it is
- oh.. w o w. Brutal way to go. Very heavy handed imagery
- and that’s all I guess who the fuck knows what’s up w Doctor Gordon
- and I guess Max Minghella is just gonna get away now but tbh Chris Rock only seemed truly mad at him for involving his dad
- nice rap remix to the OG Hello Zepp score very cool credits music
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...On NXT, Shinsuke Nakamura, and the Greatest Royal Rumble
Hey everyone! Happy Thursday to y’all. I’ve got work today, but when the boss is out of town, I get to dick around on the computer and go on this tumblr and make posts and interact with everyone! I hope everyone’s day so far has been great because I’ve got a couple things I wanted to talk about and I’ve been slacking lately, mostly because of school work, but I’m here today so that’s something.
I finally had some time to catch up on Smackdown, Backlash (which I don’t even want to talk about, yikes!), the event from Saudi Arabia, and NXT. Like, I finally watched NXT for the first time since Mania, and I just...I don’t know lol. Anyway, I thought I’d be a cool kid and actually blog about stuff again.
Please feel free to comment and share this post, I’d love to hear from you! Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to have me talk about, or if you just wanna send me a message to say hey or talk about anything, I’m here! Thanks for following along and sharing already, I appreciate you all!
On Shinsuke Nakamura...
What the fuck is going on with this? I’m so done with the booking for Shin right now; he should be champion right now, straight up. I hated how he won the Rumble only to lose to AJ at Mania, but I loved that heel turn. Oh goddddddd, that was an amazing twist! I don’t think anyone expected that, which was so nice.
I’m a big fan of podcasts, and while I was at the gym recently on the treadmill, I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, My Brother My Brother and Me (check it out if you haven’t, it’s so goddamn good!), and one of the guys on the show is a casual fan of wrestling, and he was super angry that Shin, who has had an amazing career and made a name for himself in the wrestling business, is now just punching guys in the nuts. That is all he’s doing! This guy, with an amazing skill set, is being reduced to knocking AJ in the nuts! Shin is a great heel, but it’s not just about nut shots guys. I love Shin’s promos as of late, but I need more. It’s unfortunate booking for him right now, I want better for him.
On NXT...
So I finally got around to watching NXT for the first time in weeks, maybe even months (?), and I was just a little disappointed, to be perfectly honest.
It’s hard to be excited about NXT right now, which isn’t totally fair to say because I haven’t watched it in a hot minute. There’s not a lot of stars there for me to be excited about, which is part of the reason it’s unfair to say because I can’t expect the stars I enjoy to be there; I have to be open to the new ideas and the new stories that are being told. I am excited to see Dakota Kai and Bianca Belair and EC3 and Ricochet, however! I’d love to see them excel down in NXT and be the new top dogs, and I still love Adam Cole and the rest of Undisputed Era. And Aleister of course!
The writing and the matches are really hard to be excited for. Like last night, with Tomasso and Kassius, that was straight up boring, and Tomasso’s nasty eye injury made it kind of hard to look at. Mauro’s over the top commentating also just made it really annoying. Maybe I just caught a bad night to watch the show, but I hope it picks up soon because I’d love to watch it regularly again.
On the Greatest Royal Rumble...
I also finally found time to watch this long-ass PPV. Holy shit, this was too long. I only watched up to the IC title match, because let’s be real here guys, it’s the only match I cared about because of Finn and Seth...
We basically got two Mania’s this year, and while it was great to see WWE be in Saudi Arabia and give them a show, we essentially got two shitty Mania’s. The G.R.R should’ve made up for some of the mistakes that Mania had, but no, it didn’t.
...honestly I just want to talk about the IC match and how fucking awesome it was. Finn lost, and he was constantly bleeding throughout the match, which was not awesome, but all four guys in that match were stunning. Joe was great, Miz was great, Seth and Finn were the stars, everything about it was just great.
Those four guys are so underrated right now it’s insane. Seth has been putting in the work and the time and he’s one of the best in the company right now. Joe just came back from an injury, so he’s gotta work his way back up, but he needs to be in the title picture ASAP. Miz is another top dog in the company right now, and it’s a shame that people still don’t realize he’s an amazing wrestler. Don’t get me started on the treatment of Finn, who stiLL HASN’T GOTTEN A REMATCH YET??? But he is extraordinary each and every week, and with his win on Monday that earned him a spot in the MITB ladder match coming up, hopefully he’ll be making his way back to the top fairly soon.
That’s all I’ve got for today. As much as WWE kinda sucks right now, I’m still a fan, and will be tuning in pretty much every week lol. They always figure out a way to suck me back in. (insert gif from brokeback mountain where jake gyllenhall screams at heath ledger that he can’t quit him, tumblr is being dumb)
Thanks for reading, please share if you’ve got a sec!
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petersvibes · 7 years
exploring new york - p.p. headcanon
anonymous asked: Hey I have a request for a headcanon! Can you make one where the reader recently moved from Canada and Peter is helping her around NY and through the culture shock of not only being in a new and huge city but a new country! That would be amazing thank you!
warnings: none
author’s note: this was so oddly specific. i’m not canadian but i am a pseudo new yorker so if i used clichés i’m SORRY. this is long too lol 
peter’s first period english class has never been one of his favorites, but on monday morning when you walk in, he’s just about ready to write a goddamn book
you walk in holding your schedule, wearing this red sweater you make into sweater paws, and you look so confused and shocked by everything it’s adorable 
unfortunately, your teacher does that stupid thing where she makes you stand up in front of the class
“hi, i’m (y/n), i’m canadian and i’m going to miss the free healthcare.” 
peter’s the only one who actually laughs
which you take note of
and after class, when you’re late to your next class because you're utterly hopeless and lost, you’re very happy to see that it’s him
because in your mind, he’s now that cute guy in your first period english class
“hey, you’re (y/n) right? you’re new?” 
“new and very, very lost... do you know where room 840 is?” 
“yeah i’ll show you the way there.” 
the walk is brief, but the whole time you’re fighting blushes and grins as you make small talk
“that sweater looks really nice on you.”
“thanks! it’s red because ya know. canadian flag and all.” 
“no, peter that was a joke.” 
when you get to your environmental science class, you’re slightly upset, even
“thanks for your help peter. i’ll catch you later?” 
“yeah. see you around.” 
he never would’ve guessed that one of his late night food runs would’ve resulted in such wonderful outcome
he goes down to the store, wearing a pair of cat pajamas ned got him for his birthday and slippers
his hair is messy and he’s exhausted from a long day of superhero-ing
at this point, he’s throwing random items into the basket, loosely following may’s list
but he recognizes the same red colored sweater he complimented earlier in school, paired not with jeans but with flannel pajamas
“(y/n)? is that you?” 
you turn around, with kind of a sad smile on your face
“hi peter.” 
your voice is so sad sounding that it damn near breaks his heart
“is something wrong?” 
“no it’s just that.. the milk.” 
peter’s confused as he glances between your glistening eyes and the seemingly innocent carrots and gallons before y’all 
“the milk?” 
“you guys don’t have bags.” 
despite the hilarity, he doesn’t laugh because you’re sad and he already knows he hates to see you sad
“we may not have bags but we have cartons” 
“it’s not the same” 
somehow, you end up walking around the market together, both of you in your pajamas but you’re somehow so comfortable together that you don’t even notice 
ok maybe you snickered a little at his cat pajamas while he was getting apples
but he doesn't notice so it’s FINE. 
and honestly both of your errands should’ve taken under half an hour but you’re honestly soaking each other in and it’s great
“your candy selection is... odd to say the least” 
“this is coming from someone who comes from a country where you actively put ketchup on macaroni and cheese” 
only when you’ve circled the market (which you learn is officially called a bodega) three times, do you finally part ways
and you’re both sad in that shy, i’m totally i’m not sad kind of way 
“you know if you’re not busy tomorrow, i was definitely just about to do a new york rekindling tour and i could use a buddy?” 
you definitely have yet to unpack most of your things and have a lot of work to do, but you find yourself agreeing
“i would love to come on your nonfictional ‘new york rekindling tour’”
peter’s beaming so bright by the time he gets home, may isn’t even that mad that he forgot to get the eggs
he’d probably never admit it, but he’s skipping to his bed, his hand splayed over his heart because he’s so damn lightheaded
(admittedly, you’re doing the exact same thing)
he shows up to pick you up the next morning, offering you a hot chocolate which you gratefully accept
“cool tuque” 
“the thing? on your head? i like how the tassles don’t really match at all” 
“thanks! my aunt made it for me” 
the bus ride into manhattan is filled with conversation about plots about your favorite tv shows and the music you like
and you pleading with peter that he just has to watch degrassi (greatest show of all time btw) 
and when you get into manhattan you’re in awe at how big and bright everything is 
“look at this! this is the seventh mcdonalds in four blocks!” 
“that shopping center is huge! how many floors do you need?” 
and then when you’re in times square, you say something that makes him choke on one of his nuts 4 nuts
“that dude does not look like spider-man.” 
“you... know about spider-man?” 
“of course! your superhero thing huge back at home.” 
“oh! that’s- that’s cool.” 
but you don’t seem to want to give the topic up, especially when you arrive at the old avengers
“have you ever seen captain america?” 
“uh... only on tv?” 
“what about iron man?” 
“once when i was a kid. and a few more times during my uh.. stark internship.” 
“what was that whole new york alien thing about?”
“that was a pretty wild day” 
“god it must’ve sucked for the people who had to clean that shit up.” 
“yeah i-i i guess.” 
you let it go (much to his relief) when you recognize another one of the monuments you read about, dragging him by the hand and ignoring the butterflies in your tummy
in the span of an afternoon, you have your first official submarine sandwich (which peter insists is called a hero), you learn when to whistle at a taxi and when it’s appropriate to cross the street 
because apparently it’s okay even when there’s stop sign, it’s fine 
the whole time you’re asking him rapid fire questions, but you seem so excited when he answers that he’s happy to
“what’s the village?” 
“what the hell’s an acre” 
“what do you do with all your pennies?” 
“how did you elect him?” 
(peter can’t really answer that one.)
when it’s nearing four o’clock and he knows it’s going to get dark, he reluctantly takes you home 
but it’s okay 
because in the span of seven hours, you’ve become such great friends that you know this is the first time of many
and when you’re at the door of your brownstone, you make it known
"thank you again for today peter.” 
“thank you for coming with me.” 
“so i’ll see you monday?” 
“first period english?” 
“first period english.”
you smile
he smiles
when your back in your home, you do that movie thing where you slide down the door, landing on your bum 
and you decide that yes, you can definitely get used to this place. 
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: 6x09 Recap
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Souless!Sam sure looks soulful when he’s telling Dean he doesn’t care about him.
Before this recapping nerd was a Supernatural fan, I was (and still am) an X-phile. I’m pretty sure I stuck out the early seasons of Supernatural just because I knew Kim Manners worked on the show. This episode doesn’t usually ping my top 5, but it’s special.
It’s as special as the night the cold open couple was having before the boyfriend, Patrick, disappeared in a cornfield.
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Literally cue knock-off X-Files theme.
Sam and Dean head to Elwood, Indiana and interview townsfolk, including Wayne Whitaker, Jr. (played by Robert Picardo. Ignore the famous character actor in the corner. Move along.) about the strange abductions. Wayne is decidedly Team UFO, the local cop doesn’t believe anything supernatural is amiss, and one nice lady believes it’s fairies! Dean is diplomatic and thanks the woman, and Sam calls her out on the ridiculousness of her stance. This episode was Peak Souless!Sam. GOLD EVERYWHERE.
Dean tries giving Sam a lesson in Souls 101, but Sam really needs to sign up for the PhD course. Sam asks if he’s just supposed to fake it? Dean, the master in this, affirms, “Yes, fake ‘til you make it.” (Here’s to Dean not needing to fake it in season 13.) And to help him out, Dean will be his Jiminy Cricket.
The boys head off to interview Patrick’s father. He’s less than accommodating to their questions, insists his son was “taken”, and tries to kick the brothers out of his clock making workshop.
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His son has been missing for weeks; he’s not coming back. Dean leaves his number for the man to call them with any information. Once he’s alone, the clockmaker looks to the side --at nothing-- and asks, “Is that alright?”
The brothers split up. Sam stays to watch the watchmaker, and Dean heads to check out the crop circles. Once at the crop circle, Dean gets a call from Sam. It seems Mr. Clockmaker is just drinking his night away at the local diner. Sam wants to talk to him, and before Dean can really talk him out of doing anything, the Impala shuts off and Dean sees a glowing light from the sky. “UFO! UFO!” Sam calmly tells Dean to stop yelling. Lol. “CLOSE ENCOUNTER! CLOSE ENCOUNTER!” While Dean is screaming about empathy, Sam orders another beer. The light finally catches up to Dean, and even with all weapons drawn, Dean disappears into the bright light.
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With his call cut short, Sam enjoys his beer and male gazing at the waitress. He does eventually make it to the cornfield to find his brother’s dropped cell phone.
He then finds a small enclave of UFO believers, and starts to ask questions. He finds Wayne Whitaker and asks how to “get them.”
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Sparrow, another UFO enthusiast approaches their conversation, and hears Sam admit that his brother was abducted.
Sparrow: Your brother was abducted?
Sam: Yeah.
Sparrow: Oh my God.
Sam: It’s fine. I mean, I’ve had time to adjust.
Sparrow: Did it happen when you were kids?
Sam: No, like, half an hour ago.
Oh, Souless!Sam, never change. He tells Wayne that he sucks, and walks off. Sparrow follows, offering her help, and a flirty smile.
Back at the cornfield, Dean reappears screaming, with knife and gun still fully engaged. Cut to him making it back to the motel room to find Shirtless!Souless!Sammy in bed with Sparrow.
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Sparrow makes her exit, but not before asking Dean about his abduction. “They were grabby, incandescent douchebags. Goodnight.” Sam senses Dean’s anger. Dean was barely gone an hour, and Sam ends up in bed with “Patchouli”? Sam corrects Dean: He’s actually been gone most of the night. And that fits with a lot of UFO lore. Sam insists that Dean tells him what happened. Dean is disgusted with his own story but admits that there was a bright, white light, and there were beings pulling him towards a table. “A probing table!” “God, don’t say that out loud!” Dean had a close encounter, and won. He’s gonna take a shower now.
The next day, Sam and Dean break down the existence of aliens.
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Well, Dean does while Sam checks out the bar’s waitress. (And check out that shot: The El Sol sign is there. I get it, the title of this episode reveals it’s not aliens, but I do love the story the set design tells every week.) And this whole scene where Sam questions the correct actions of someone who just lost their brother to an abduction ---and Dean’s insistent, “Yes, you sit in the dark and feel the loss!” Sam’s final exam essay: “So you’re saying having a soul equals suffering.” (And Dean’s notes on that essay: “I’m saying it’s the only game in town.”) Bwaahh. This whole scene sums up Dean Winchester so well.
As the boys leave the cafe to research UFO lore, Dean sees a strange man staring at him through the window. Sam doesn’t see him.
Sam does research in the library, Dean does research in the motel.
For Nostalgic Science:
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I know these are just mock-ups for the show, but just doing a random search on the X-Files revealed that Angelfire is still out there! Angelfire! Ah, those were the days. My X-files webpage was on Geocities, and with much relief alas, the Wayback Machine didn’t crawl it back in 1998.
Sam tells Dean that there’s a lot of lore in the library but he’ll be heading back to the motel soon. Dean continues his research, while fittingly listening to “Space Oddity”. The lights flicker off and Dean mutters, “Not again.” The door flies open to reveal a glowing orb of gold. Dean tries going for his gun, but the creature stops him, and close up Dean gets a good (“Nipples?”) look, before it takes a nice swing at Dean. In the ensuing fight, the music crescendos, and Dean nukes the little monster.
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Once Sam gets back Dean triumphantly shows him his kill...only Sam can't see anything in the truly disgusting microwave. “You don't see the...EEUCH? It's right there?” Sam doesn’t see all the “Blech.” The next person who stays there is going to be eating some disgusting burritos, man.
Dean tells Sam that he nuked a little, glowing, hot naked lady with nipples and everything. Sam asks if the little lady had wings and when Dean admits he's bang on the money, Sam tells Dean that a fringe theory could fit their case. The abductions aren't from aliens – they're from fairies instead.
The Winchesters head to Marion, the crazy fairy lady's home where she sets out tea in fine china and explains the many different types of fairies. The fairy dimension is another reality and only those who have been to Fairy can see fairies on earth.
The woman says the fairies only take first born sons. Her theory? They're taken to Avalon to service King Oberon. Dean looks sobered by this revelation and asks Marion how they can “forcefully interact” with fairies. Fairies love fresh cream, hate iron and silver, and spilled sugar or salt compels them to count each grain.
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Dean and Sam spot the watchmaker loading up his car with cream and follow him back to his shop where he unloads the cream, then takes off again. They split up, Sam tailing the watchmaker while Dean scopes out his shop. Dean breaks into the back and finds a shop filled with noise from...tiny toiling hands. The workroom is full of tiny workers wielding torches, using drills, and otherwise kicking some ass on the clockmaking front.
Dean leaves the store and frantically calls Sam. The shop's “freakin' full of Keeblers” and now Dean suspects that Brennan the watchmaker made a deal with a bunch of fairies. Sam approaches Brennan in the bar and compliments his watchmaking.
“Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd say you have a bunch of elves working for you.” Brennan looks up guiltily and Sam goes in for the kill, asking how he could stomach the loss of his first born son for a bunch of watches.
Back on the street, Dean spots the man in the red hat who follows him down the street, ominously...
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Back at the bar, Brennan confesses to Sam that he'd desperately summoned fairies a few months ago. He ended up with a leprechaun who promised him wild success as long as they had a place to rest and enjoy “the fruit and fat of the land.” It turns out that their price was the first born. Brennan wanted to undo it, but his spell book is locked in a safe in his shop - and it’s guarded by fairies.
Cut back to Dean who's still being stalked by the man in the red hat.
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Dean hides around a corner and jumps out on a man who is NOT the red hat guy. While the man’s (who has dwarfism) horrified young daughter looks on, Dean wrestles him to the ground, shouting all the while about fairies... When Sam runs up Dean is getting arrested. “You fight those fairies,” Dean yells, about 90% on the way to a total breakdown.
In the jail, the police chief interrogates Dean. Just what kind of hate crime is this? “If this gentleman were a full-sized homosexual, would that be okay with you?” Dean protests that he doesn't hate any size person – or anyone who's homosexual. Well, as it happens the man he attacked is the District Attorney for the county. Whoops…
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Dean paces his cell while Sam and Brennan sneak back into his workshop. They creep to the safe, the workers all drunk on cream, and Brennan pulls out his spellbook. He begins an incantation to send the fairies back to their realm until he's suddenly stabbed through the heart. It's the great Robert Picardo! ...uh, I mean, it's the leprechaun and UFO enthusiast, Wayne.
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Sam summarizes Wayne’s M.O. Fairies make a deal and settle in to stay, abducting first borns merrily. All the while, Wayne's in town stirring up UFO nuts as a cover for fairy activity. Wayne chuckles at Sam's accusations. True, true, all of them. And he's here to stay. Furthermore, Dean's marked as belonging to the fairy realm, and Sam can't actually see him if he doesn’t allow it. Wayne disappears. Neener neener neener. (Listen, do I want a follow-up episode with fairies dealing with Dean being marked for the fairy realm? Yes, yes I do.)
When Wayne reappears he tells Sam that he's “missing a certain piece right in the center.” The human soul is something that the energy-obsessed fairies can sense. They can't sense that with Sam. Wayne tells him that he could fish his soul out of hell for a price.
“There no frickin' way a leprechaun can do what angels can’t,” Sam scoffs. Au contraire, Wayne protests. Angel mojo is no match for “real magic” born from fairy. Sam doesn't bite at the deal and shoots Wayne. His iron buckshot has little effect and Wayne poofs out.
In jail Dean looks up, sensing a disturbance in the Force. He looks around to see the man in the red hat smiling at him from his prison cot. The red cap (for that's what he is) starts beating the shit out of Dean while Sam tangles in a fight with Wayne. Sam's not doing so great but has a brainstorm. He pulls out a salt bullet and pours salt all over the floor.
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Wayne snarls and settles down to count the salt, giving Sam the chance to finish the spell. All the fairies, including Wayne and the red cap, disappear.
Later, on a back country road Sam and Dean share a beer. The “tiniest D.A.” has dropped the charges, letting Dean go free. Dean wonders if what the leprechaun said was true – if he could save Sam's soul.
Dean asks why Sam turned down Wayne's offer to get his soul back and Sam insists that deals are always bad. Dean asks if Sam still wants his soul back. “Sure, yeah, whatever,” is essentially Sam's response. The camera lingers on his brooding expression...
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(By the way, I feel like I see this photo used as an iconic Sam/Dean/Impala image? But it's actually Dean and Soulless!Sam and that's...kinda sad actually.)
Close Encounters of the Quotes Kind:
There's something out in the corn.
Okay, if you want to add glitter to that glue you’re sniffing, that’s fine, but don’t dump your whackadoo all over us.
Third kind already? You better run, man. I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.
You just gave her the silent 'how you doin'?'
You're the one who pizza rolled Tinker Bell.
It's like Sedona, Arizona crap in here.
Fight the fairies!
Got a way of getting in back doors.
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pedroscurls · 7 years
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Title: I Truly Am Sorry
anonymous requested: can I request something angsty? The reader is Abraham's daughter and she was in the circle when he was beaten to death. She's always been broken but after seeing her last family member die before her she breaks completely. She's with the group in Alexandria and when Negan comes to visit he sees what he's done to her... and he actually feels some kind of remorse??
Character(s): Negan and Reader (Abraham’s daughter) Summary: Witnessing your father’s death broke you and the one man that has been haunting your nightmares finally show up for the first pick-up. Word Count: 1,719 Warning: Angst!!! Author’s Note: Okay, this idea is absolutely amazing. To the anon who sent this in, thank you so much! I love angst more than I love fluff and smut, to be honest lol. Anyway, get a ready for a whirlwind of tears because it pained me to write a story about Abraham simply because his death hit me just as much as Glenn’s did. I hope you enjoy! :-)
Forever Taglist: @disfigured-it-out || @chunex || @jasoncrouse || @oceanicseries || @dixonsbait || @negan--is--god || @see-you-then-winchester || @sable-the-trans-ham || @k4veggies || @labyrinthofheartagrams || @purplemuse89 || @ladyynegan || @scentofpineandhazelnutlattes || @may85 || @a-girl-interupted || @spn-cw123 || @multireality || @ashzombie13 || @constellationsolo || @isayweallgetdrunk || @fyeahashley88 || @sweetsweetpeach || @heartfulloffandoms || @myheart4ever47 || @asshatry || @laymetorest77 || @jenniegs || @hawtdiggitynegan
(GIF Source: @jeffrey-daddy-morgan)
“Suck… My… Nuts…”
It was the last words your father had said. You could hear the baseball bat connecting with his skull, crushing it completely until it turned into a puddle of mush, the sounds of cries coming from the people that you had come to call family, and most of all, the sound of laughter from the man who haunted your nightmares: Negan.
You couldn’t get rid of the look of enjoyment on his face as he bashed your father’s head in with his baseball bat that he called Lucille. It hurt you so much to know that your father was gone. The last family member had passed away and you were now alone.
The rest of the Alexandrians had been there for you, but it wasn’t the same. They didn’t know you like your father did. You had always been quiet around them and now that your father had died, you were acting more aloof than they were used to.
You didn’t eat. You didn’t sleep. You never left your home in Alexandria. You were supposed to help Olivia with inventory, but Rick was kind enough to let you take a few days, even weeks to yourself.
You knew Rick blamed himself and a part of you did as well, but if your father were still alive, he would have said that pointing the finger at others wasn’t going to help your grief.
You were lying on your couch, staring at your father’s gloves that were resting on the coffee table before you jumped at the sound of a knock at your door. With a quiet sigh, you stood up and opened the door to reveal Rick holding a plate of food.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hi…” you replied, turning on your heel and leaving the door open for Rick to walk into your home.
He set the food on the island in your kitchen, watching as you slowly maneuvered around the house. Glenn and Abraham’s death were on him and he was going to do everything he could to avenge their death.
“How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine,” you shrugged.
“You know, you don’t have to be alone, [Y/N]… Abraham wouldn’t want you –”
“How would you know what my father would have wanted or not, Rick? He’s gone and there’s no way for him to come back. I have to live with that. I’m never going to hear his voice again, hear his laughter, watch him walk through the front door with his goddamn usual smirk on his face…” you mumbled, tears clouding your eyes. It had been just two weeks since your father’s death and it still hadn’t sunken in.
You doubt that it ever would.
“I’m not saying that you should be over it. I’m just saying that you don’t have to deal with this alone. I’m here. Michonne is here. Carl…” he added.
“Yeah, I appreciate that, Rick. I really do, but I can’t. At least not right now, okay? I just – I need to deal with this on my own and at my own pace…”
Rick sighed, walking over to you. He slowly wrapped his arms around your small frame and pulled you into a tight hug. Suddenly, you began to cry, tears staining his denim button up.
“It’s going to be okay… I promise. I’ll fix this. I’ll kill Negan,” he whispered reassuringly.
You nodded, clutching onto him as if he was your own father. Abraham would always reassure you with a tight hug and an inappropriate phrase. It made you giggle and he always said that he loved to see his little girl smile.
Slowly, you pulled away and wiped your tears embarrassingly. “Thanks, Rick.”
“Don’t worry about it. But please make sure you eat.”
“I’ll try… I haven’t had much of an appetite lately.”
Rick sighed, staring down at you. “Well, take a few bites here and there if you can’t stomach it, but just try.”
“I’ve got some work to do, but I’ll see you later, okay? I’ll have Carl drop by with Judith. No one can turn down that cute little girl,” he smiled.
“That’d be nice… I’d like that.”
“Great. I’ll let Carl know.”
You were sitting on the carpeted floor, watching Judith play with her toys as Carl glanced out the window. Ever since Negan stepped into your lives, Carl had been extra cautious of his surroundings.
“Carl, please, just sit down…”
“No, [Y/N]. Just play with Judith. I’m fine,” he replied monotonously.
Sighing, you stood up and picked Judith up in your arms, walking over to Carl. You were both the same age, so you two had a lot in common.
“Judith, tell your brother to sit down and play with us,” you told Judith, hearing her giggle which made you smile in return.
Carl looked down at the both of you, arching a brow. “You smiled.”
“Huh. I guess I did. See? Your sister’s the cure. Now, please… You’re making anxious.”
With a defeated sigh, Carl walked away from the window and back to the living room. You both watched Judith play with her toys, hearing her gurgle quietly to herself.
“I’m sorry… For your dad. He was awesome,” Carl mumbled.
You looked up at him and tightened your jaw. You didn’t expect your father to be the topic of your conversation with everyone today.
“I’m going to kill him, [Y/N]. He’s going to be sorry that he ever fucked with us,” Carl angrily said.
“Hush. Your sister is right here and you’re using foul language.”
The following day, you decided to be alone, opting to reschedule your ‘play date’ with Carl and Judith. They were helping you cope with your father’s death for the time being, but when you were alone, the thoughts and memories swarmed your mind.
You were lying on the couch once more, staring at the coffee table before you heard his voice pass your house. You thought you were hallucinating before you heard two knocks at your front door following Rick’s pleading voice.
“Negan, please…”
“You know, if you’d have begged like this the other night, I probably wouldn’t have killed that ginger,” he laughed.
You tightened your jaw and shook your head, covering your ears from the repeated sound of knocking.
“Little pig, little pig, let me in,” he grinned.
“She’s probably sleeping…” Rick replied, trying to get him away from your house.
“Well, let’s wake her the fuck up then.” Suddenly, Negan kicked your door down and grinned at his surroundings. Though, the grin on his face disappeared at the sight of you lying on the couch.
“[Y/N]?” Rick mumbled.
“Leave… Leave!” you yelled.
Negan chuckled, “Oh doll… I don’t think it’s wise for you to yell.”
Negan was shocked. He didn’t realize how young you were. He felt bad; he always did whenever he had to kill someone to teach a lesson. Many thought he enjoyed it, but it was simply a façade he had.
“Rick, please tell him to leave…”
Negan shook his head. “Rick, give me some alone time with her.”
“No. I’m not doing that.” Rick said.
Negan turned to look at him. His eyes staring intently into Rick’s in a threatening gaze. “I don’t think I fucking asked. Get the fuck out or else.”
Rick sighed, slowly walking towards the front door. When you heard the door shut, you immediately sat up and brought your knees to your chest.
Negan stared at you. He noticed how you were avoiding eye contact, but when you saw his baseball bat, your eyes simply widened.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Well then, can I get a fucking name at least?”
Negan sighed, “Listen…”
“I don’t want to listen to what you have to say. So please, just leave my house.”
Negan kept his distance. He didn’t want to startle you, but he did want to apologize. The look of devastation on your face, your puffy red eyes, your sunken cheeks… You looked completely different than you did the night everyone met Negan.
“Have you been eating?” he asked quietly.
“Why do you care?”
“Because believe it or not, you now belong to me. If you aren’t eating, that’s my responsibility. Plus, you look like shit.”
You looked up at him and noticed the look of remorse on his face. Huh. You weren’t expecting that.
“I’m fine.”
“Like hell you are. When was the last time you ate?”
“Does it matter? I’m not hungry.”
Negan sighed, rubbing his eyes absently. “I just want to fucking apologize…”
“For what? For murdering my father? For taking away the last family member I had left in this world? For bashing his brains in front of me? Do those suffice?!” You yelled, standing from the couch and pressing your hands to his chest roughly.
“Doll, I suggest you back the fuck off right this second…” he threatened.
“Or what?! Are you going to take your precious Lucille and bash my brains in too?! You took my dad away from me!” you sobbed, finally tiring yourself out from punching him repeatedly. You pulled away and kept your eyes downcast, your body shaking as you quietly tried to cease your cries.
“I didn’t want to do what I did, doll. You and the rest of the people here need to understand that. You all forced me to send a message by killing thirty of my men… Did you really think that you all were going to get out of it unscathed?” he replied, sighing quietly.
“Fuck you, and get the fuck out of my house.” you argued, not comfortable with the choice of words.
“All right. You may be upset, but you do not get to fucking talk to me that way.”
“What did you expect me to do?! Welcome you with arms wide open? Fuck you! You… You murderer!”
Negan grasped Lucille tightly. He had come here to check on you, to make sure you were doing okay, but he should have expected you to react this way. In fact, in everyone’s eyes, Negan was the enemy.
“I’m sorry, doll… I really fucking am…”
“Just get out of my house…”
Negan took one deep breath and nodded. He turned on his heel and left your house, slamming the door on the way out.
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spinsterennui · 7 years
I was tagged by the amazing, kind, lovely @sherrinford221b Thank you so so so much for thinking of me darling. I love doing these things. Sorry this took a couple days. I’m not going to tag anyone though bc you guys almost never do my tags. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Super long so I’m going to put under the cut :)
the last 1/ drink/ tea
2/ phonecall/ I think to my doctor?
3/ text message/ with my best friend/ex/roomie
4/ song you listened to/ rise to me by the decemberists
5/ last time you cried/ earlier today
6/ dated someone twice/ no
7/ kissed someone and regretted it/ the last time I did this? oh shit no clue. but I’ve done it several times.
8/ been cheated on/ yes. last time was probably when my fiance (who actually ended up od’ing) cheated on me
9/ lost someone special/ this past spring
10/ been depressed/ I deal with this every single day of my life
11/ gotten drunk and thrown up/ the last time was quite a while ago... probably in college
3 favourite colours 12/ purple 13/ black 14/ grey
in the last year have you 15/ made new friends/ sort of
16/ fallen out of love/ sadly no, only into it
17/ laughed until you cried/ yes
18/ found out someone was talking about you/ no, didn’t find out lol
19/ met someone who changed you/ YES changed my life in so many ways, made me a better person, a better writer and thinker, allowed me to fulfill my dreams and just basically saved me from a life of misery even if he doesn’t realize it. I will always love him for this. With absolutely no qualifications.
20/ found out who your friends are/ yes it’s funny how when you need people the most, that’s when people abandon you and you realize they never were your friend to begin with
21/ kissed someone on your facebook list/ i only just made an actual facebook with my actual name and I haven’t even followed anyone or anything on it lmao
general 22/ how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life/ ......
23/ do you have any pets/ skipping this one right now bc still too hard
24/ do you want to change your name/ not anymore
25/ what did you do for your last birthday/ finished an essay lmao like literally my bday was the deadline. then again that shit makes me happy so.....
26/ what time did you wake up/ today? I actually slept until 5 bc the sun was not very bright this morning :)
27/ what were you doing at midnight last night/ sleeping
28/ name something you can’t wait for/ to finish my dissertation and have my MA awarded to me and then to start work on my PhD; also can’t wait to go home bc it’ll be nice to not be alone all the time
29/ when was the last time you saw your mum/ I haven’t seen my mom in almost 20 years idek also haven’t talked to her in that long as well
31/ what are you listening to right now/ right now I’ve got Lucifer is on so I’m just listening to that with the traffic outside and the occasional rumble of the train that goes past my window
32/ have you ever talked to a person named tom/ I’m sure I have but tbh I can’t think of a single specific one
33/ something that is getting on your nerves/ oh god I hate to say it but I need a break from England/London lmao there are just things that I love but also things that just drive me fucking batshit nuts
34/ most visited website/ tumblr
35/ hair colour/ I have natural red hair but it’s a little lighter the older I get and I don’t color it
36/ long or short hair/ long but not super long anymore
37/ do you have a crush on someone/ lol yes obviously but I think it’s past the crush phase and is just soul-crushing agony stage by now
38/ what do you like about yourself/ my mind
39/ piercings/ ears only, three on left one on right
40/ blood type/ I actually don’t know for sure... that’s weird right? w/e
41/ nickname/ none
42/ relationship status/ single celibate and prob going to stay that way for the rest of my sad pathetic lonely life lmao
43/ zodiac/ aquarius
44/ pronouns/ she/her
45/ favourite tv show/ of the moment is Lucifer
46/ tattoos/ I have two shitty tattoos that I aim to get fixed one on my back and one on my ankle
47/ right or left handed/ right; but when I eat two-handed I sometimes use my fork in the right, sometimes in the left
48/ surgery/ wait what? like have I had any??????? my tonsils and adenoids out????
49/ sport/ I used to swim competitively; as far as watching none really anymore I like watching swimming at the olympics and I used to love hockey but stupid bettman stole my team so fuck the nhl
50/ vacation/ ??????????
51/ pair of trainers/ black on black vans
more general 53/ eating/ I am so confused by some of these... like what do I like? american food lmao no but really I have serious food issues and can’t eat a lot of food in general it sucks but it’s not just “being picky” it’s literally physically recoiling in horror and absolute discomfort with a lot of foods
54/ drinking/ I try to drink a lot of water but I also love tea and espresso drinks
55/ i’m about to/ fuck around on tumblr lmao but in the near future I’m about to go home for a while!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!! never thought I’d miss georgia that godforsaken place lmfao
56/ waiting for/ “someone” to be single? lol jk waiting for idk a lot of movies to get released, shows to start, nothing big right now. waiting for my plane ride home!!!!!!!
57/ want/ to finish my masters and get my phd, to make “someone” proud and have them be in awe of my accomplishments and to have them see me as an intellectual equal and not as a student....... (and also as other things lol but that’s not realistic)
58/ get married/ lol see above
59/ career/ academic and fiction writer
which is better 60/ hugs or kisses/ depends on who it is
61/ lips or eyes/ eyes but lips kiss so there’s that
62/ shorter or taller/ okay so for so long I’ve had a short dude fetish, and for girls I really love tiny itty bitty short girls (both girls I’ve been in love with were like 5 feet tall lmao), but after the TH thing, and now you know who, i’ve gotten a bit into the tall guys thing... so both are good lol
63/ older or younger/ okay so here is the thing when you’re younger everyone loves older men but when you get to be my age it stops being as attractive lmao so I’d rather have a slightly younger dude or my age... girls I don’t care either way :)
64/ nice arms or nice stomach/ i like arms and tummies both but I admit a slight thing for tummies bc you know who does this thing where he always wears shirts that ride up and he pushes his hair back and shows his nice slightly brown tummy and it’s super super good [I want to show a pic but I am terrified that will out me more than I’m willing to have in this forum even though I do use his name occasionally lmao]
65/ hookup or relationship/ I have to say they both have their positive aspects
66/ troublemaker or hesitant/ hmm... sometimes the most hesitant person is a troublemaker underneath
have you ever 67/ kissed a stranger/ yes
68/ drank hard liquor/ yes
69/ lost glasses/contact lenses/ I don’t wear them (though I need them desperately)
70/ turned someone down/ yes but I admit I don’t do this very well I have trouble saying no it’s the sub in me
71/ sex on the first date/ yes
73/ had your heart broken/ all the time lmao
74/ been arrested/ fun fact, yes! I’ve been arrested for fucking expired tag/no insurance in godforsaken athens clarke county it was a bunch of shit
75/ cried when someone died/ yes
76/ fallen for a friend/ yes
do you believe in 77/ yourself/ I wish I could say yes, but not really. However, I don’t give up, so in a way I’m constantly trying to prove myself wrong about myself.
78/ miracles/ not as much anymore
79/ love at first sight/ not love, I don’t think love is a visual thing
80/ santa claus/ ........
81/ kiss on the first date/ yes if it feels right
82/ angels/ yes absolutely just not necessarily the whole surrounding christian stuff
other 84/ eye colour/ blue
85/ favourite movie/ Brazil :)
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ts-seychelles · 6 years
EP 6. - “Eh, Maybe Some Decaf Tea” - DAN
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Creating my first alliance with asya and vilma? legend status planning to get augusto to make one between myself dan vilma and him? also legend status. Get me IN with that social positioning mama. If I'm not going to tribal I gotta do SOMETHING
I feel I should write a semi serious long confessional about losing Zach, but I'm absolutely shook. I was FaceTiming Joanna during the tribal council, and I was actually baffled. I know he played a little hard, made lots of alliances with people and was really going after it, but I'd figure that something else would go down with that tribal council........ idk. Something about what happened last night makes me feel unsafe in the game, and I don't know how to respond to it. Ricky, the night before tribal, was the one who spilled all the tea about Zach, which I just didn't know completely about until Ricky told me, but more importantly, all of this about Zach showed me that I'm really not as "in" with the OG Lazare as I thought I was. Not knowing any of this information about Zach, me not knowing that other people knew about the 6 person alliance that Zach tried to form.... it just makes me feel out of it The good thing is that I'm very much working on my relationships with the people from the original Lazare that are currently on my tribe, and honestly, if that other tribe gets rid of people like Roxy or Ruben next, then maybe my game can restart with brand new relationships at the merge. I figure if people knew this much about Zach, they probably knew about my relation to him, and how involved I was in his game. I hope it doesn't come back to bite me, but for now, just gotta keep working my relationships in my tribe and hope that I can make it to the merge and MAYBE find another idol lol
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So Johnny and I have been on the same tribe for forever now. To think he called me boring last org oof. I swear I'm not boring, I just didn't want to take you to the end that game >.> I'll try this time as long as you don't fuck me over sngkfdbnhgjh. Also I fucking hate winterbell and everything about it. Orsinwhateverthefuck sucks
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i completely forget to submit for the reward challenge like a dumbass, BUT ITS OK BECUASE WE STILL WON. this next challenge makes me worried though because it is literally based off luck lmao kill my ass
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I don’t have anything to say bitch. i got the idol clue rip. that’s IT. thanks for sponsoring me, dr. pepper!
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So we're going to tribal tonight, which means for the first time in 22 days..... I am actually going to tribal vnfjkdlsnvjdfklnvjlkdfnjklvndfjklvndf I have a lot of thoughts going into tonight, specifically the fact that I wanted to make a move on Ricky, but also Dan kinda fucked it all up kjvnldfnsjklvndfjklvf Dan, Ricky and I have a chat from the people who competed in jeopardy, and as cliche as it is, we decided that the three of us should work together. Also while this was all happening, Dan and Augusto BOTH previously, before we lost, spoke to me about "splitting up" Asya and Ricky because they were apparently in an alliance with Roxy or Nicole or something like that, and Nicole told Vilma, and Vilma told Augusto, and now Augusto told me........ and here we are. They wanna split it up, and honestly I'm all for it. I don't want to keep around a lot of Lazare people because I felt pretty uncomfortable on that tribe with my social positioning, and even though I was in an alliance with Zach, Ruben and Roxy, it still feels idk. The BIG thing that I was coming around to was the fact that Dan TOLD Ricky in our jeopardy chat that Augusto wanted to separate Ricky and Asya, and that just made me so...... hmph annoyed? at Dan. I feel that wasn't a smart move, and when you've got information, you've just gotta hold it close to your chest and talk to the people who ALSO know about that information, and Dan just kinda threw Augusto under the bus, who REALLY wanted to work with him, and now Ricky is losing any potential trust in Augusto and idrk what to do about it. It's messy, but no one REALLY knows that all of this messiness is happening except for Dan, Ricky and myself because of the jeopardy chat, whomever they told (Ricky probably told Asya), and then I told Vilma bc I trusted her and wanted her to be on the same page as me. My gut is telling me that Augusto is going to be fine, and that Vi is likely going to be the one going home, but it's definitely going to get crazy if this tribe goes to tribal again, and we may have to see the tribe implode between Augusto vs Ricky/Asya vs Dan for exploiting all the information. It could get nuts. Honestly though? Keeping the problematic people around to make me blend in more and have to worry about getting voted out less and less? I'll take it. I'm actually trying to be so non threatening this time it hurts, and I'm hoping I'm accomplishing that for now? i'm sure once we get to merge things will change teehee
OH ALSO Vilma found the idol and I'm kinda pissed bc I was SO CLOSE to finding it before her, but she beat me to it. it was her idol clue, so she deserves it, but she told Me AND Asya........... and idk if you should tell Asya that information, especially because she is kinda rogue sometimes, and the less people knowing the better, BUT nothing bonds an alliance together like that kinda information, so it turns out the Power Bottoms (newly formed alliance between Vilma, Asya and myself) is going to go SWIMMINGLY
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Hello 👋🏻 My name is Pastor Nicole and I am here to share with you this most important confessional Okay anyway I’m in a better mood today than most of my past confessionals so, enjoy that much. Things have been going well. I’m pretty sure Ruben got some cracked ass shit at Ghost Island and is just itching to use it. But, we won so he can’t ha HA ha. Anyway being on a tribe with my boyfriend started out kind of rocky since I’m kind of the stubborn one in our relationship but in this game Jared knows more about things so like....it’s been a bit tough for me to follow directions of a man! That’s not my style. But it is...what will probably get us both to the end of this game, if anything. Because I really don’t know that much about survivor and my strategy of kind of flopping until I need to backstab, just isn’t gonna work when we together are this big of a threat. So, I gotta like loosen the reigns and let him guide the horse ya know. But trust and believe in the words of Little Mix, “I’ll let you come take the wheel long as you don’t forget I got the power.” Which I’m sure is about sex but, I’m ....strictly talking about the game I swear. Anyway besides that I’ve got some fun alliances going and my little legacy thing, it’s cute. I’ll talk more about that later (which is always what I say in these because giving too much information is also, not my style.)
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Tonight it seems like we are voting Vi. Agustuo wanted me to vote Ricky or Asya because they are a big duo but I told him that they don't really seem to be bothering anyone right now. As far as I know Ricky hates everyone lmaooo. It also might be a good idea to get as many people from the other side to the OG Malabar tribe, because we seem to be sticking together pretty well.
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So fun fact Ruben is trying to get me and jg to turn against Nicole and Jared. And idk who to believe about all this. Like who actually has my back outside of JG. And like Roxy and Ruben say they have ours but do they
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So do I have tea? Eh, maybe some decaf tea. Me, Johnny, and Ricky are basically an alliance, with Asya on the side (idk if she knows that or not but whatevs). Augusto thinks him and I are close. He disclosed he wanted to go for Ricky or Asya, I went to Ricky and told him. Augusto tried to rally Ashen, who wasnt into it tbh, and now Augusto looks dumb lol The plan as of right now is for Vi to get the chop. Will it happen? Sis I hope so. She’s just bland and doesn’t talk to anyone, so people can’t justify making a move against Ricky because Vi is basically dead. I had a Thats So Raven moment in the car today when i was thinking about this game. I was thinking about how sickening a merge at 11 would be with me, Johnny, Jared, Nicole, Asya, and Ricky being the majority alliance. Then I thought about a me, Nicole, and Asya black widow final three where we vote out all of our men at f6 so that the three of us can get to the end. How sickening. We all have a guaranteed jury vote and we all look pretty.
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Alright so I somehow managed to survive my first tribal back at Lazare and I highkey feel bad about it, but I'm still here so I am trying to take everything out of this second chance. I definitely feel like my odds of winning are close to zero especially after everything that went down, but close to zero is still better than zero, right?? Oh, and I found an idol too, WHAT???? This is the first time I've had an idol in an org and I don't know what to think about that. I got lucky with the reward and received a clue that was really helpful. I might have made a big mistake telling Johnny an Asya about the clue in our alliance chat because in the end I would have found the idol without their help and since I told about the clue I was pretty much forced to reveal that I had found the idol as well. I feel like I'm going to become a big target soon and everyone is going to know about the idol. Our new tribe managed to win the first challenge, but the second one came down to luck and we were unlucky so yay, tribal awaits! Although everyone seems to be in agreement to vote out Vi tonight since she's been a bit busy and inactive and hasn't talked to people a lot. I'm definitely okay with that, I always enjoy a nice unanimous vote haha. Johnny told me that Augusto had tossed out the idea to vote out Ricky to split up Asya/Ricky who seem to be friends, and Dan later confirmed this was true. But right now it seems that people have settled on Vi and I'm honestly happy about that because 1) I would feel bad voting out an active player over an inactive and 2) Asya knows about my idol so I don't want to blindside her anytime soon. Other than that I'm not entirely sure where my loyalties lie at the moment but I'm sure it's going to become clear if we end up having to go to tribal again. Of course there's always a chance that everyone's bullshitting me and I'm getting blindsided later tonight, but I find it pretty unlikely that NO ONE of our tribe of 8 would let me know about that... So I am probably going to try and get some sleep now, and unfortunately miss tonight's tribal. I need to sleep after all these sleepless nights okay.
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
100 Questions
1. What was on your mind mostly today? back pain
2. If someone looked on your bed, what would they find? pile of clothes that need to be put away, a big ass teddy and a load of cushions
3. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? nothing. I can't move atm cause of my back injury
4. Are you nice to everyone? I try to be
5. Is it possible to be single and happy? yes
6. Is it easy for people to make you cry? too easy
7. Did you sleep alone last night? yup
8. Do you play with dead bugs? ew no wtf
9. Honestly, are you dating two people? im not even dating one person
10. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? I hope so 
11. Have you ever slept in the same bed with someone other than family?   yes
12. Do you want to see somebody right now? no I want to go to sleep
13. What if you had a baby with the person you like? no thanks
14. Are you happy? not right now nope
15. Have you ever tripped in public? yes
16. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you? idk probably, you can't be liked by everyone
17. Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? nope
18. Are you stubborn? can be yes
19. Do you tend to hold a grudge? a little bit
20. What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?   he's my dad.. first fact I thought of was that he was on a tv show with Terry Wogan about 8 years ago
21. Has anyone called you perfect before? yes, they lied
22. Where is the biggest scar on your body? my stomach
23. Have you ever been told you were amazing? yes, again they lied
24. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? probably not no
25. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? yes
26. Do you trust all your friends? not 100% 27. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? can't think of anything 
28. What pissed you off today? I found a moth in my cereal
29. What was the last thing you cried about? pain
30. Who was the last girl you talked to? mom
31. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? not really no
32. Who sits next to you in English? im not in school anymore thank god, so n/a
33. Ever talked to someone who was drunk? yes. I dont drink and when I'm at a party I tend to attract the drunk people. last party I went to I had a very drunk middle aged woman crying on my shoulder and another drunk guy singing in my face and trying to pull me into a photo booth. I still have no idea who these people are. 
34. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? nope. I haven't really listened to any music today
35. How late did you stay up last night and why? went to bed about half 10, which is early for me. was in so much pain I just wanted to go to sleep asap
36. Do you know how to properly use grammar in a sentence?   mostly yeah 37. Are your parents very protective of you? yes, and Im 22 next month. I dont think they’ll ever stop being protective 
38. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? probably not no
39. How many drugs are in your system?   Prescription drugs, two; paroxetine and levothyroxine
40. The person who hurt you the most calls and needs you, do you go? I can't think of anyone who has really hurt me that much 
41. Is it easy to pretend everything’s okay for you? yes I do it every day 
42. Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to on the phone? it was just some random lady from Wilko store so not really no 
43. Do you think you are a good person? I try 
44. What do you want right this second? to not be in pain
45. Do you think it makes him weak if a guy cries? not at all
46. Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? yes. its an involuntary reaction when I get angry, which is super annoying 
47. Could you last in a relationship for over a year?   I hope so 
48. Who were you with on your birthday? mom, dad, sis and sis’ boyf 49. Have you ever crawled through a window? yes
50. First person to talk to you in 2014? how the fuck am I supposed to remember that, it was 3 years ago
51. Do you miss your past? I miss how healthy I was and the way I looked, but I do not miss where I was 
52. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it? probably a drunk rhys
53. Do you have anything interesting planned for the next week? yes! I'm going to The Vamps concert at the end of this week and my sis got us passes to the beauty show for the beginning of next week
54. Who was the last person to text you? Do you know when that person’s birthday is? my dad, 18th January
55. What were you doing 4 hours ago? sitting on the same sofa I'm on now
56. Is there a certain song that you can’t stop listening to atm? Slow Hands
57. Tell me 3 things that your friends don’t know about you. I can't say
58. What is something that people often give to you as a gift? anything Disney related
59. Do you tend to hold on to a lot of stuff you don’t need, just because it has sentimental value? yes, I hoard things 
60. What is something that reminds you of your ex? n/a
61. Has the last person you kissed ever cried in your arms? no
62. Which would you prefer to receive as a gift - flowers or chocolate? chocolate
63. When did you last take a shower/bath? Do you wash your hair every time? not gonna lie, I only shower like once a week (sometimes longer if I'm extra lazy) but I always make sure that I dont smell bad. 
64. Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? bed
65. Do any of your followers on Tumblr have your phone number? yes, but they're friends who I know in person 
66. Will you be going out tonight, or staying in? staying in
67. How many times have you been in love? never 
68. If you were heartbroken, who would help you pick up the pieces? mom or sis
69. Apparently, it’s very common to crave chocolate around the ‘time of the month’; do you ever get that craving? hell yeah! I get chocolate cravings every freakin day, not just when its ‘time of th month’
70. How would you feel about dating someone who had a reputation for being a player in the past? Do you think that players will ALWAYS be players, or is it possible that they can change? id give them a chance, but they would have to prove to me that they changed 
71. Did you sleep well last night? no
72. Is your bedroom big enough for you? yes. I would like a bigger room for decor purposes but I dont need more space been as theres only me in there 
72. Are you looking forward to seeing someone soon? yah, my cousin on Friday who I havent seen in months 
73. Ever had a one-night stand? no
74. Is anyone flirting with you? I wouldn't know haha I'm oblivious 
75. Have you ever felt pressure to do anything you didn’t want to, like smoking, drinking, or losing your virginity, before you were ready for it? If so, how did you deal with that? my friends do try to pressure me into drinking, but I'm strong willed with my choice not to. I'm stubborn with things like that 
76. Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person? Why/why not? in some ways yeah, I can't really explain it. I'm not super clever, but I know a lot of practical skills and I do know random facts that shock my sis quite a lot 
77. Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with? Eddie Redmayne
78. Is there anyone you’d HATE to be stuck in a lift with? SO many people
79. When did you last talk to the person you love/like? What did you talk about? there isn't anyone I really like atm 
80. Have you ever seen your father cry? only a handful of times. first time was when we lost my unborn baby brother. Other times have been when our dogs have died. Also he cries every time he watches the scene in ‘The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe’ where Alsan is killed. 
81. How would your parents react if you got pregnant? mom would be thrilled. I dont know how dad would react.
82. Do you/did you keep to your school’s uniform/dress code? I did, I was terrified of getting in trouble 
83. If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? no. I know how easy he finds cheating so I wouldn't trust him
84. What was the highlight of your summer? tbh I can't remember last summer right now, Im too tired
85. The last time you threw up, was it because you were hungover? nope
86. Have you ever seen the film ‘Wake Wood’? What did you think of it? never heard of it 
87. Are you confused about anything atm? Is there anything bothering you? Or, is everything good? a lot of things bothering me atm
88. If you say ‘I’ve had enough’ or ‘I’m done’, do you always mean it? I do
89. Who was the last person that invited you to their house? my sis
90. Have your parents ever told you about any alternative names they considered for you, or the name they would have chosen, if you’d turned out to be a boy? yeah, my dad wanted to call me Sarah, but mom said no cause thats what his ex girlfriend was called. they also called about the name ‘fearne’
91. Are you friends with any of your exes? n/a
92. Have you ever had to make an emergency phone call? no
93. If you’re in a relationship, how is it going? If you’re single, are you looking for someone? single. I dont believe in actively looking for someone, I believe in fate and that God will bring the right person along at the right time.. (I just wish he’d hurry it up a bit haha)
94. What language do you like the sound of? italian
95. Think about the last guy, outside of family, that you had a conversation with. Do you find him sexy? ew no
96. What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct? that Im obsessed with newt Scamander... and they wouldn't be wrong ;)
97. What’s the most attractive physical feature of the person you love/like? no one I like atm, but I find certain eyes and mouths attractive 
98. Do you consider yourself to be a strong person? Why/why not? nope. I'm just not. 
99. Tell me about a special moment you’ve had with the person you love/like. again, n/a right now 
100. What are you doing tomorrow? not much, I can't move much atm with my injury 
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