#I am UNFETTERED by canon for DOTC alone
bonefall · 2 years
are you going to rewrite DotC too? If so, are you keeping Slate and Gray Wing‘s litter?
I am going to rewrite DotC too! But it's gonna look different from my "guiding principles" towards other arcs.
It is the one arc I am not going to be "beholden" to the canonical events of. I'm keeping what I enjoy and throwing out anything that I do not like.
For main arcs, I hold myself back from making too many 'major' changes, like deaths of main characters, or eliminating too many bad storylines. When I do, I ration out the changes and try to 'earn' them.
But for DOTC I'm not doing that. I will gut this entire arc as I see fit.
Slash is gone
One Eye is a god
Star Flower is probably also supernatural
Bumble is not dying
Moth Flight's vow is completely different
Clear Sky is not getting a redemption arc
Clear Sky is not getting Star Flower as a mate
Thunder is being born with three legs.
Traditions of the Clans will organically evolve instead of just being conjured up in a single generation.
The Park Cats are going to become a major influential factor on the development of Clan Culture.
I've barely even gotten into the nitty-gritty specifics of this arc, and this is a short list of changes I'll be making. I haven't even STARTED firing the Woman Beam at these cats.
So, no. Slate and Gray Wing will not be getting a pointless litter just so Gray Wing can have "real kits." He HAS real kits; Thunder, Sparrow Fur, Pebble Heart, and Owl Eyes. Four children, all of them considering him their father.
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