#I always antagonize about making things look good in my drawings so I purposefully let myself be messy with this comic
oliya-art · 5 years
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I received a request to draw a body swap situation. I never draw comics so I though I’d give it a try.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 7
A/N: scott's pov, finally!! as well as more of my "the empires smp gals deserve to go off, actually" agenda. also check out this rad art submitted by @dancinglifeboat! i also would like to apologize ahead of time, the updates from here on out are probably going to slow down a bit because while i am still extremely motivated to write this fic, it hasn't been as high as it was for the upcoming chapters as it has been for the previous ones. i honestly don't even know HOW i was so motivated to write several chapters so fast that i actually had a backlog of them for a bit and was able to post them daily. so the updates will likely slow down to being every couple of days or maybe every couple of weeks, depending on time/motivation. but yeah! anyway, enjoy!
Warnings: lying/manipulation, threats of violence, past violence, arguing, heartbreak
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Scott felt just about sick to his stomach every time he looked at the slimeball Jimmy had given him. It was such a stupid little thing to get emotional over, and it was honestly kind of gross and sticky. But Scott couldn’t bear to get rid of it. It had stung more than he cared to admit when Jimmy had reminded him of how isolated and distant Scott was from everything. Staying up and away from the world kept him safe, kept his empire safe. But being safe didn’t make it any less lonely and isolating. And then Jimmy had looked at him like he was the world, and told him that he should be able to enjoy the little things too. Scott couldn’t bear to get rid of the slimeball, even though the memories were painful now. For as much as bluntly being reminded that he was alone stung, Jimmy telling him to leave stung even worse.
Looking back on it now, Scott didn’t really know why he had sided with Fwhip. It was long before Scott had really felt anything for Jimmy, mostly flirting with him to get a rise out of him. That flirting had always devolved into fighting, and it was after one particularly nasty argument that Fwhip had pulled him aside after the meeting and talked about how the House Blossom Alliance would be the downfall of their empires. And at the time… Scott had agreed with him. He loved Katherine, he really did- but there were too many rivalries in that alliance for it to ever truly work. So he went along with Fwhip’s plan- go along with the meetings until an opportunity arose. Then came the addendum of Scott keeping an eye on Jimmy to make sure he wouldn’t be a problem. And then came the plan of rigging the ballroom to explode and blame it on another empire. And even worse- Scott actually caught feelings for Jimmy, instead of it being an act like Fwhip had planned.
So before the night of the ball, Scott had struck a deal with Fwhip. If there was no argumentative behavior during the ball, then he wouldn’t set off the TNT. To his surprise and relief, Fwhip had agreed- and then went and purposefully antagonized Jimmy. And Jimmy- sweet, impulsive Jimmy- had fought right back. Scott didn’t get a chance to pull Fwhip aside and convince him to change his mind before Lizzie had asked him for a dance, then spun Jimmy right into his arms. Fwhip had been watching them the entire time they danced, then left as soon as the song ended, heading up the stairs. Scott snuck away from Jimmy to follow him- only for Fwhip to have flown off by the time Scott made his way up the stairs. Then Jimmy followed him too, and once he spotted Fwhip in the distance with his crossbow, Scott realized he had been used to draw Jimmy out. So he kissed Jimmy, and then Fwhip set off the explosions. It was then Scott realized Fwhip had lied to him about the plan- somehow he had rigged Katherine’s entire castle with TNT, not just the ballroom, and wanted to be sure that everyone knew it was Fwhip and the Wither Rose Alliance behind it all. A show of power, so that no one would mess with them.
So now Scott was alone again. Jimmy felt like Scott had betrayed him- and frankly, Scott had. He should have told the House Blossom Alliance about the TNT, instead of striking a weak deal with Fwhip. Now the House Blossom Alliance would never trust him again, and all Scott had now was the Wither Rose Alliance- which Scott wasn’t so sure if he wanted to be a part of anymore. And at their next secret meeting, Scott found out that he wasn’t the only one with this opinion. Usually they met in Gem’s hidden meeting room, but this time around, she insisted on meeting in the Grimlands, not giving a clear reason why. Scott had thought nothing of it, until the time for the meeting actually came.
“I’m done, Fwhip,” Gem said, not even taking a seat at the table. Fwhip leaned back in his chair, raising an eyebrow at Gem.
“What do you mean, you’re ‘done?’” he scoffed. Gem slammed her hands down on the table, purple magic sparking in the air. Everyone in the room had ranging expressions of shock and terror on their faces. Gem never got angry like this, at least not as long as Scott had known her. Fwhip, however, seemed unphased.
“You lied to us. You said you were going to make a point at the House Blossom Ball. Instead you blew it up! You could have killed us!” she fumed. Fwhip rolled his eyes.
“Gem, you know me. What other point would I have made that didn’t go off with a bang? Besides, Sausage and Scott knew about the TNT,” Fwhip replied with a shrug. The glare Gem sent him was deadly, and Pearl rose from her seat at the revelation.
“I was hoping that maybe Scott was clever and figured out your plan, and just wasn’t able to get the information to anyone in time- but you told him and Sausage?! And I’m not exactly pleased that neither of them felt it was necessary to tell Gem and I what was going on, but the nerve of you to hide information from your own allies, Fwhip!” Pearl scolded. Scott and Sausage didn’t say anything, a little embarrassed- but to be fair, it hadn’t really occurred to Scott that Fwhip didn’t tell everyone about his plan. He had told Scott one-on-one, and Scott had foolishly assumed that he had told the others as well. Yet another frustrating hoodwink courtesy of Fwhip.
“Because I knew you would react like this! But there’s no sense in arguing about it now, what’s happened has happened. Let’s discuss plans for the future, shall we?” Fwhip said with an overly charming grin.
“No,” Pearl said firmly, and Fwhip blinked in surprise.
“What?” he asked in disbelief.
“You heard Gem. She’s done, and so am I. I won’t be a part of this senseless destruction anymore,” Pearl said evenly. And before Fwhip had a chance to protest, Pearl and Gem stormed out of the room. Fwhip let out a dejected sigh, before sitting up straight in his seat again.
“Fine. Who needs them? We’ll be just fine- won’t we, boys?” Fwhip asked, and the smile he gave Scott made his stomach roll.
“Yeah! Now we don’t have to tiptoe around them anymore!” Sausage cheered, and Scott could only give a weak smile in response. Something in Fwhip’s smile turned sharp as he leaned towards Scott with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“You know, I never properly complimented your acting skills. You really had Jimmy caught like a fish in a net. It’s a shame though- you got a little too wrapped up in the act- not to mention him- and we lost a valuable chance to deal with the Codfather once and for all. But that’s alright- I’m sure we’ll get another opportunity,” Fwhip said in a low and dangerous tone, the thinly veiled threat very clear to Scott. Don’t get in the way again, and don’t try and weasel out of plans. Or he’d make sure he’d regret it.
“R-right,” Scott said shakily. Fwhip seemed satisfied, and leaned back in his chair once more.
“Good. Now I suppose that advantage with you pretending to like Jimmy is gone now, unless you do a lot more than just kiss him this time around-”
“No,” Scott blurted, before he could really think about it.
“What was that?” Fwhip asked, raising an eyebrow. A lie about how Jimmy definitely didn’t want to see him again- which wasn’t really a lie per se, but it wasn’t the reason Scott said no- was at the tip of his tongue. But he couldn’t say it. And in that moment, he finally decided to do what Pearl and Gem had done.
“I’m not doing this anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about bringing more pain and destruction to J- to these lands,” Scott said, voice shaking a little but his eyes sharp as he glared at Fwhip. But Fwhip caught the wobble in his voice and how he nearly said Jimmy’s name. However Sausage spoke up and commented on it before Fwhip could.
“You WEREN’T pretending, you actually fell for Jimmy!” Sausage gasped, and the tone of his voice reminded him of simpler times, when Sausage would tease him about his flirting with Jimmy and Pearl would admonish him and tell Sausage to leave Scott alone. Then Fwhip had taken advantage of Scott’s banter with Jimmy, and brought Scott’s world crashing down around him as a result.
“You’ve gotten weak, Scott. What happened to the imposing, cold ruler of Rivendell?” Fwhip sneered. Scott rose from the table at that, glaring Fwhip down.
“I’m finally being the ruler I should have been. I’m not going to let other empires use me for their own gain, and I’m not going to be part of your destructive plans,” Scott fumed, wings flaring and making him seem taller, more threatening. Fwhip chuckled darkly.
“You walk out of here, and you’ll regret it,” he growled.
“I’ll take my chances,” Scott shot back, turning on his heel and exiting the room, ignoring both Fwhip and Sausage’s voices after him. He was done with the Wither Rose Alliance. In fact, he was done with alliances entirely. He was going to stay in the mountains and care for his empire, like he should have been all along.
Then the slimeball on the side table by his bed reminded Scott why he didn’t want to stay in the mountains. He would just be exactly what Jimmy expected of him- high and mighty, being too good for anyone. And being alone. Scott had a taste of what a sense of togetherness felt like, and now being alone hurt more than ever. But there was no one he could go to, no one who would trust him. Maybe he could form something with Pearl and Gem, or maybe the two new empire rulers, Shelby and Joey- but it wouldn’t be the same. Nothing would ever be the same, not as long as the mere memory of Jimmy’s goofy grin sent his heart fracturing a thousand times, over and over again.
He couldn’t stand being within the walls of his home any longer. His wings itched with the need to spread and take to the skies, and flying always made him feel better. So Scott did just that, taking to the skies and flying nowhere in particular, just far away from all the empires as much as possible. Maybe if he flew far enough, it would all disappear and Scott wouldn’t have to deal with his problems anymore. And maybe with enough distance, his heartbreak would disappear too.
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MCYT General Fic Taglist: @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @space-ace123 @vyeoh 
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banditthewriter · 6 years
Enough - Logan Delos
Prompt: Hi! Can I request a fic with Logan Delos? He and reader are friends and like each other. She's afraid of commitment and he's a player, so she kinda tells him when he 'flirts' with her that she would never be with him, which he takes badly. It's a bit angsty, yeah, but a nice end would be cool. THANK YOUUU Prompter: Anonymous
I hope you like it sweetheart. It kind of took on a life of it’s own.
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif not mine*
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The beach house was an absolute mess. You stepped over what you really hoped was congealed whipped cream and looked around for anyone with a pulse.
There were scantily clad men and women sprawled around on various surfaces. They didn't seem to have heard you enter the house.
In the main bedroom was a lump under a sheet. The shape of which looked a lot like your best friend.
You marched over to the bed and kicked the mattress a few times. When that only made the lump groan, you reached out to grab a glass of water.
“Wakey wakey Delos.”
You dumped the room temperature water over the lump and waited for the startled yell. Logan shot up and threw off the sheet, sputtering and spitting out water.
“That was a very expensive vodka,” he complained as he choked up a bit more.
Huh. You sniffed the glass and shrugged as you put it back down on the table.
“Then you might want to take a shower before we have to be at your dad's place,” you warned as you started to back away. “You're leaking vodka and drugs and probably worse.”
He gave you a grin as be stood up from the bed. You immediately looked away to refrain from being caught with an eyeful of his junk.
Wouldn't be the first time, honestly.
It was basically your job to shepherd Logan around and you were good at it. The two of you had grown up together. You had been friends for as long as you could remember and you were happy with that.
No. Seriously. You didn't need more. Friendship was… enough.
The thing about Logan was that he was a bit of a player, evident by the women and men in the other room. Even if you thought that Logan could see you that way, how could you ever trust him? The man was only loyal to scotch brands and designer drugs.
And sure, Logan had become a bit more flirty lately. You were fairly certain that he didn't even notice.
You'd thought that maybe he just hadn't gotten laid lately. You guessed he'd be back to normal now.
The shower kicked on and you rolled your shoulders as you looked around the mess of the room.
“I hope you pay the maid well,” you called over the roar of the water.
“Better than most,” he hollered back. “Darling, I have a bit of an ache. Would you come in and scrub my back?”
You rolled your eyes and switched your purse to your other arm.
“I can ask one of your many concubines to help, if you're desperate.”
He laughed. You could hear the difference of the water as it poured over his naked body. You felt a bit pervy listening in so you headed to the door that led back into the main part of the house.
“I'm going to go and check your guests for pulses. Try not to drown yourself in there Logan. You'll break your sister's heart if you die before she can kill you.”
“You're such a sweet talker Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes and continued into the room. Hopefully Logan used a condom. You weren't sure the Delos clan could survive that.
You weren't sure Logan would do well with that news.
You weren't sure you would do well with that news.
“See if you can make my half-brained son listen, since he won't listen to me,” James Delos bellowed as he heaved himself out of his chair and out of the room.
Logan let out a strangled laugh as he leaned forward to grab the bottle of scotch that was still on the table.
“Logan, you shouldn't antagonize him,” you berated gently as you swished around the wine in your glass. “You know how he is.”
“I'm supposed to walk on eggshells around the man? Not likely,” he said with a laugh and he turned took at you. “He wants me to shape down and settle up–”
“I believe that's shape up and settle down,” you corrected but he continued over you.
“–and he has the nerve, the nerve to tell me that my flings are inappropriate? I only learned how to act from him.”
You shot a look at the door to make sure that James wasn't nearby. That would only cause this to turn into a multi-round fight. When he didn't burst in to violently correct Logan's assumptions, you let your shoulders relax a bit.
“I should settle down, right? He wants me to settle down.” He let out a laugh as he drained the rest of his glass, eagerly pouring more in as he looked over at you. “Let's settle down together. You and me. That would show the old man.”
There was so much in that that was offensive. Instead of responding, you simply drained the last of your wine and stood up.
“Do you need a ride? It's late, you're drunk; you shouldn't be driving.”
Logan peered up at you through bleary, red rimmed eyes. His smile only wavered for a second.
“Want to go for a ride with me?” He shifted his hips purposefully in the chair with the intention of drawing your eyes there. “I can take you for a ride. We wouldn't even have to leave this chair. Unless you want to test the sturdiness of the oak table here.”
He knocked on the table as he said it, his smile widening as he did. When you rolled your eyes, he reached out and grabbed your wrist.
“Y/N,” he said in a voice that spoke of a sobriety that was a surprise in that moment.
And his eyes…
Logan's eyes were one of your favorite parts of him. They were so dark and deep, so expressive. And the emotion they were expressing right then made you take a step back.
“Call for a chauffeur; don't drive.”
You pulled your wrist from his grasp and moved away from him. You couldn't handle being the object of his attention in retaliation against his dad's disapproval.
Let someone else bear that burden.
Your relationship with Logan did have the feeling of being a babysitter, but not all of the time. Most of the time you enjoyed his company.
It wasn't like you were in love with him. Not really. Not… not that it mattered.
Your best friend had a way of making you forget that you were frustrated or angry with him.
It didn't always work.
“Logan, I swear, you're gonna piss me off.”
The man in question grinned as he moved around your penthouse with his shirt mostly undone.
“You don't really want to go to this stuffy party. Your dad, my dad, they'll have enough people kissing their asses. Let's stay here,” he said as his hands dropped to his belt. “We wouldn't have to leave the house all night.”
It felt like a smack across the face but you didn't twitch. You stared at Logan's grinning face, the way his eyes moved over your body.
The flirting never felt like this before. It always felt harmless, as habitual as breathing. But recently there was something else there. Recently it felt more like he was being… different.
More purposeful.
“C’mon Y/N,” he whispered as he moved closer to you, his fingers brushing against your jaw for a moment, “what’s the worst that could happen?”
The worst that could happen? You were already probably in love with him. If you slept with him, where would that leave you? In love with someone that just used you to release some tension?
You spoke without thinking.
“I'd never be with someone like you.”
Logan stepped backwards as if he had been slapped. Or socked in the jaw.
Those dark, expressive eyes that you loved widened in anger before he let out a cruel laugh.
“Well fuck, why didn't you just say?” He wiped his mouth a few times, his eyes darting back and forth. “I mean I figured that's the only reason you kept me around. Figured you just wanted to fuck me.”
He whirled around to start to leave. He tripped a few times as he tried to find his shoes. You stepped forward but he seemed to have heard you and spun back around to face you.
“See, that's all I am right? I'm just a dick. I'm just a dick with a dick, huh?” There were tears in his eyes as he laughed, his voice lower pitched as he did so. “Someone like me, yeah. You'd never be with someone like me. Well who the fuck asked you to?!”
He finally grabbed his shoes and stormed from your house. You moved over to the door to watch him trip over to the parked car. Thankfully he crawled into the back seat.
Your chest hurt. You hadn't wanted your words to cause that. You had never wanted Logan to feel like he wasn't enough; he got that from his family enough.
The problem wasn't that Logan wasn't enough for you. The problem was that you were terrified that you wouldn't be enough for him.
Logan was ignoring your calls. He was ignoring your calls and texts and emails. He was ignoring you when you tried to contact him at work as well.
You'd never been ignored before. Not by Logan at least. Not by someone that mattered.
Even your apologies were ignored.
You shut your laptop and pushed it across the desk. This was ridiculous. This was painful.
You missed your best friend.
You knocked on the door for the second time in the last five minutes. This time, the door came open within seconds.
A beautiful woman was fixing the strap of her dress as she looked you over. She raised an eyebrow at you and looked over her shoulder into the depths of Logan's place before she looked back at you.
“I wouldn't bother sweetheart; he's gonna be pretty much useless to you.”
She pushed past you without another word. You frowned as she went by before you entered into the apartment.
Figures that Logan would bury his emotions in the nearest swimsuit model he could find.
You walked towards the bedroom but stopped when you saw someone on the couch. Logan was sitting with his head in his hands, his elbows braced on his knees.
He was still wearing pants. And they looked to be buttoned and his belt was still on.
This was not a man who put clothes back on after sex. This was a man that stayed naked as much as possible.
“I thought I asked you to leave,” he said without lifting his head.
You shifted a bit before you approached the couch.
“You told me that I was always welcome here.”
His head shot up immediately and he met your eyes. You'd seen Logan look rough before but this? This was worse. He looked like hell.
“Isn't this a surprise. Well if you're here for that fuck, I rescind the invitation. It seems I'm not in the mood.”
That answered that. But it also gave you even more questions.
“Logan, I wanted to see you. You've been ignoring my calls.”
He stood up and laughed as he started to head towards the kitchen.
“Bright girl like you, I figured you would understand that that meant we were done.”
You followed him, keeping a few paces away. Logan was unpredictable on the best day.
“We’ve been friends for most of our lives Logan,” you said as you watched him pull open the fridge. “We can't let something like this drive us apart. I won't let it.”
He turned to you with a bottle of water in his hand and the most incredulous look on his face.
“You won't let it? You're the reason I… forget it. Just leave Y/N.”
He turned away from you once more.
You could have left. You could have given him more time. You could have done any number of things.
Instead you marched forward and grabbed his wrist, pulling until he spun around to face you. If this was going to be an issue, you'd fix it the only way you knew how.
The truth.
“I could never be with someone like you because as much as I love you, I'll never be enough for you. You just want to sleep with me because I'm something different and yeah, it'd amazing, but it wouldn't be enough for me. I'd want more, I'd want something real, and that's not who you are. I don't judge you for it. It's just that it would kill me to only have a part of you.”
His eyes had somehow grown larger during your rant. He didn't even open his mouth to interrupt which was a first.
But you weren't done yet.
“You asked what the worst that could happen was and honestly? The worst thing that could happen is that you and I sleep together, I fall more in love with you, and you realize that I'm just not enough. So I'd rather we just stick to the status quo, okay? Our friendship is important to me; I hope it's important to you too.”
He didn't immediately react so you released his wrist. When all he did was continue to stare, you took a hesitant step backwards.
Was it a good sign or a bad sign that he wasn't talking?
“I can give you some space,” you said as you took another step backwards.
You were at the door in a few steps, unsure how you got there. When you looked over your shoulder, you thought you caught a glimpse of a smile as he turned away.
But you had to be mistaken. Unless he was just happy that you still wanted to be friends.
Yeah. That had to be it.
“Ma’am, Mr Delos is here to see you.”
That was interesting. You weren't sure Logan had ever visited you at work. Usually he just waited in the lobby or in the car.
And you hadn't been expecting him. You hadn't heard from him since your confession a few nights before.
“Send him in,” you said into the intercom on your desk.
A moment later the door opened and Logan walked through. He was dressed in what you called his business proposal suit. It looked good on him and he always wore it when he needed to close a business transaction.
He must have come straight from his office because he looked sober.
“Hey,” you said uncertainly as you watched him shut and lock the door behind him. “If you're here to talk, I have a meeting in twenty minutes.”
He walked over to the desk confidently, sitting down with a rigid back. Your eyebrows furrowed as you realized he was acting stranger than normal.
“I'm here to propose a merger,” he said with an authority in his voice that made your mouth dry.
So not the time. Especially since he's talking business.
“A merger with Delos? No way. And even if that was possible, I'm in no way in charge of that decision. You'd need to talk to my boss or–”
“Not our companies. I'm talking about a personal merger.”
That made you snap your mouth shut. And to say that you were confused was an understatement.
“I'm afraid I don't understand.”
He nodded and leaned forward, bracing his hands on your desk.
“I'm here to discuss a merger between the two of us. Something more permanent than the working relationship we have now.”
His use of business terms while talking about the two of you was confusing. But not as confusing as the feelings his words were drawing out of you.
“Logan, I don't think that–”
He interrupted you with a raised hand.
“I have terms that I believe will smooth over any issues between the two of us. And if you have further worries, we can address those as well.” Here he shifted a little uncomfortably and you could see the uncertainty on his face. “Can I continue?”
You bit back on a smile and gave him a quick nod.
“First I want to address your belief that I only want to sleep with you because it'd be different. That can't be further from the truth. What I feel for you, it has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that you are an amazing woman.”
You ducked your head for a moment before you looked back up at him.
“And any suggestions that I might get bored with you or throw you away are wrong as well. I might fuck around when I'm unattached but I will have you know that I can be monogamous and I want that. I want that with you.”
Was it possible that the room was spinning or was that just your head? Before you could even open your mouth, Logan was moving on to his next talking point.
“And the mere idea that you wouldn't be enough for me? It couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not good enough for you, I know that. Everyone knows that. I've wanted you for years and yeah, I thought it was just to scratch an itch, but I've come to realize it's more than that. You mean so much more to me.”
Were you crying? You were pretty sure you were crying.
Logan got up and moved to your side. After a brief hesitation, he grabbed your hand and lifted it up to his mouth.
“I love you Y/N. I've loved you for a while but I'm not good at all this. While you were worried you weren't enough for me, I worried that the I'd never deserve you. And I want to deserve you.”
You felt him wipe away the tears on your cheeks. Slowly you stood up, knees shaking, and reached out to touch his cheek.
“I've always known who you were, Logan, and wanted you anyways. I love you Logan. This right here? This shows me that you deserve me.”
You had more to say. You wanted to ask if this could possibly be real, if your families would freak out. You wanted to tell him that you'd take him any way you could get if it meant you got to keep him.
Instead you pulled him in to a kiss that made your toes curl. This man was good at kissing, that was for damn sure.
That made you think of something else so you pulled back, chest heaving.
“I have some terms that will need to be settled before I can agree to this merger,” you said breathlessly as you pushed back on his chest a bit.
“Of course.”
You licked your lips, thrilled by the way Logan's eyes followed the path. Your hand was on the back of his head, fingers curled in his hair.
“No one else. No more models, no more orgies. No men, no women, no nothing. If this is going to work, it has to be just you and me.”
He smiled and ducked his head down against yours.
“Done. If I have you, I won't want anyone else. And hell, wasn't able to carry through the last time I tried to sleep with someone because it wasn't you.”
That earned him another kiss. He let you take the lead with the kiss, tilting his head to accept you eagerly. Then he pulled back with a grin.
“Was that your only term?”
Term? Oh right, terms! You cleared your throat in an effort to clear your head.
“I need you to sober up a bit. I don't want to change you, but I worry about you. And I don't want to be around you when you're lit like a Christmas tree all the time.”
This had been a point of contention between the two of you before and you dreaded his reaction. This time he simply nodded and reached up to cup your cheek.
“I'll try. It won't be easy, but I know I need to straighten up. For you, for the company. Also just to show my dad I'm not a complete fuck up.” He smiled when you kissed the palm of his hand. Then, more seriously, “I'm going to need help with that. I'm going to slip up and make mistakes. I need to know that I won't lose you.”
You pulled him in until his forehead was resting against yours.
“As long as you're trying, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right there the whole time.”
He surged in for another kiss. This one felt different. It wasn't needy or demanding or desperate. This one was full of relief, full of love.
There were other things to talk about. The two of you had been so intertwined before this, so how would a relationship change that? What were the new boundaries?
It felt like breathing, to be honest. You and Logan had circled each other for so long although neither of you had realized it. And now here you were, in his arms.
You should take it slow. You'd both wanted this for so long that waiting a little longer shouldn't be a problem.
One look in his eyes when you pulled out of the kiss blew a hole in that plan. You pulled away from him to grab your purse from your desk before you grabbed his hand to pull him with you.
“Not that I'm complaining,” Logan said with a laugh as he let you lead him, “but didn't you say you had a meeting soon?”
You turned to face him once more, crashing your lips against his.
“I'll reschedule. Seems I have a very important business merger that I'm eager to see to… completion.”
His eyes got darker if that was at all possible. Then he leaned in to kiss you, his mouth hot and demanding against yours.
“I bet if we’re quick, we can complete it once in the elevator, another time in the car. We could complete this merger quite a few times just today.”
You let out a noise that was half moan, half purr. You had a feeling you we really about to be confronted with this man’s sexual prowess.
And you couldn't wait.
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blissfulexcape · 7 years
~Different Paths Same Side~ ~Clary x (Relative)Reader~
~~This is something I’ve been wanting to write.. Just an idea that I though sounded good? I’ll probably be adding more.. Hope you like it.~~
You sighed reluctantly as you walk towards the door to where you lived. You didn’t want to go inside, it didn’t feel like home to you. Jocelyn; although your mother was usually very harsh to you. Always telling you to be more like Clary. Whenever you did something wrong she said It was just like what your father would’ve done. You never knew why she harbored so much hate against him…
Dot wasn’t much better. She always seemed so irritated when you were around or whenever you tried to talk to her. It was as if you were some filth on the side of the street she had to deal with every day. She never put in any effort to get to know you or your interests. The only time she gave you something was when she got an antique she thought wouldn’t sell.
Luke and Clary were your only allies. Luke always told Jocelyn when she was being to tough on you. Clary would be there for support when Jocelyn refused to support or comfort you. Luke talked to you about his job and how your mother was when she was young. Clary was always helping with homework or encouraging you with your art or any other activity you were interested that week.
When you were turning seven, Clary suggested you have a combined birthday party. You were struggling with money so only a few friends would be let over. Clary wanted to be sure you both got to celebrate your birthdays. You made a party itinerary together and presented it to your mom together. Jocelyn promised she’d try to do everything on the list… And she did.. kind of.. she knew whose hand writing was which because when it came time for your birthday party.. It was ALL Clary’s favorite things. Her favorite dinner, games, candy, movie, color theme, and her favorite dessert… You had left early claiming to be sick when ONLY Clary’s friends showed up..
When you were about eight, you were watching the fireworks with Clary and the loud noise scared you, you reached for Jocelyn’s hand for comfort but she instantly pulled away as if burned by your touch. She moved to Clary’s other side and pointed at a particular firework that made a heart. Clary took your hand instead being the kind big sister she was. Smiling sweetly to try to lift your mood.
When you were around nine, you had been nominated to paint the class mural. You had spent a whole week on drawing up the perfect idea. You stayed after school to paint it. Clary had hugged you so tight when she saw it finished. Your teacher had given you a reward for making it. She even took two pictures for you to take home. You put one in your scrapbook and put the other on the refrigerator for your mom to see…  The next day. THE NEXT DAY. It was gone. Jocelyn claimed to have never seen it…
The turning point for you was when you were ten and began to find notes in a mysterious writing by your window. They seemed to be written by someone who knew you but you couldn’t remember.. They told you it was because of Jocelyn. As the two years came to an end you were finally able to see your friend who had been warning you.
From then on you didn’t tell Clary or Jocelyn about the beautiful things you saw in the shadows. Your seelie friend was all you needed. At least she was honest and kind to you. Plus she seemed to like you because you weren’t your sister. Dulcina was your one safe haven and confidant.
Dulcina saved you when you were attacked after climbing out the fire escape. After that she did her best to train you to protect yourself. She also told you to ask Luke for help as well. You liked the training and it made you feel a little more connected too because Luke would talk to you more at the dinner table. It didn’t last long though because soon Jocelyn all but banned talking about fighting at the table.
Jocelyn was always so proud of Clary. Everything she did was so amazing and praise worthy.. Good grades, respectable friends, and such an artist! Even if you managed to scrap up the good grades it wouldn’t matter because Clary’s already done that…
You shook your head at the thoughts that would consume you and continued on your way. Cautiously climbing the stairs to your door, turning the door knob slowly to try to keep it from squeaking and after  finally entering, you kept your breathing soft and listened for any disturbances. Finding none, you skillfully jogged up the staircase to your room.
You let out a breath of relief as you jumped on your bed. Staring up at the paintings that covered your ceiling. At night constellations glowed vividly. Clary had helped you paint it for your fifteenth birthday. Getting up to brush your teeth you went to the bathroom and turned on the light. Stuck to the mirror were two lime green notes with hastily written reminders.
“Don’t forget Simon’s band is playing tomorrow!! Xoxo- Clare Bear”
“Don’t forget Clary’s birthday is tomorrow! Hope you didn’t forget a gift like last year!”
You didn’t forget Clary’s present last year. You made her a charm bracelet with a locket. The pictures inside were of you and Simon and Jocelyn. Clary wore it all the time. You couldn’t wait to give it to her so you ended up giving it to her in the middle of the night. During the gift giving in the morning you joked that you had forgotten to get her something. Jocelyn took it seriously. You were immediately excused for being so thoughtless.
Rolling your eyes you scrunched up the notes and started your nightly routine. Getting changed into some pajamas before getting into bed. Rolling around for a bit before finally relaxing and falling asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You groaned as your alarm went off and slowly moved to turn the blasted noise off…
Groaning again from falling out of bed. You reached over under your bed and turned your alarm off. You contemplated staying on the floor but decided to get up anyway to tell Clary happy birthday before she left for Simon’s rehearsal. A warm shower helped you to perk up a bit and able to face the day ahead. You got dressed in some comfortable jeans and a fitted top. Throwing on a light jacket to complete the look along with your usual accessories.
You pushed some sneakers on and jogged down stairs. Clary was sitting at the kitchen table already when you entered. “Hey Clare Bear! Leave me any charms? I know it’s your birthday, but I love that cereal too.” You teased as you walked to the cabinet to look.
A giggle escaped Clary as she tried not to spit out her cereal in amusement. “Unfortunately not, my little Wonderer. But there are some tastey toasted o’s if you’d like?” Clary proposed.
Shaking your head as you grabbed the milk from off the counter along with a bowl and spoon, you turned back to the table to sit across from Clary. “So where is Simon’s band playing tonight?” You questioned curiously looking up at Clary while eating.
Clearing her throat, Clary whipped her lips with a napkin. “He’s playing at Alto Bar. And the band’s name is Champagne Enema now just so you know. Mom also wants us both home for my celebratory birthday dinner tonight!” Clary informed still giggling at the ridiculous name.
You snorted, “These names just keep getting better and better! They never cease to amaze me.” You shook your head finishing the last of your meal. “You mean she wants you home in time for her special dinner where she’ll cook all of your favorite dishes. I have to go get more acrylic paint. I’m going to that speciality store on Chelsea that mom hates. Thought I’d let you know.” You divulged smirking.
Sighing heavily, Clary turned to you, “Why do you do that?” She turned to turn the water on as she washed her dishes. “Why do you purposefully go out of your way to antagonize her? Maybe if you tried to understand her and do as she says then she wouldn’t always be so mad at you?!” She theorized as she twisted the water off and turned to face you leaning on the counter with her arms crossed.
Looking back at all the times you did exactly that made you cringe. Nothing was ever good enough for Jocelyn. Before you remembered the shadow world if Jocelyn had told you to jump off a bridge you would have. Anything to get her love and approval but nothing pleased her. She never questioned why you came home after curfew or who you hung out with unless you asked if they could spend the night.
“You know why Clary. No matter how I act she doesn’t care. No matter how much I want her to love me… I'l- I’ll never me good enough.” You growled sadly. You stood up and walked over to her throwing the dishes in the sink. “Simply because I’m no- not y-y-you. I’m not you. I’m me. And she hates me.” You barely croaked out. You cleared your throat as you tried to keep the tears from falling. Clary’s eyes were red with tears. “I’m going to go to the store. I’ll see you tonight. Happy birthday big sister.” With that you jogged from the room grabbing your bag and keys on the way out. Once outside you put your headphones on and headed for Chelsea.
You were walking over a bridge when you felt like someone was watching you. Pulling your headphones off and letting them drape around your neck you. You glanced around the empty park, Continuing on the way you finished crossing the bridge. Hearing a stick snap from behind you quickly swung your leg around in a round house kick. The person easily dodged it and tackled you. The power of the hit knocked the air out of you.
You were pinned before you even had the chance to catch your breath. Sighing in relief when you saw it was only Dulcina. Your seelie friend. Her braided silver hair contrasted vividly against her rich umbre skin. “You’re getting faster my little Huntress.” Dulcina teased laughing lightly before rolling over to lay next to you in the autumn leaves.
“Dulcina! Where have you been?! I haven’t heard from you in a week!” You implored exasperated. “You know you’re the only one I can talk to. Clary is clueless and mom- Jocelyn-.. She doesn’t want me to know.” You rolled to lay on your side to see Dulcina’s face. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of the morning sun against her skin. Her clothing perfectly tailored as always. Your favorite part of her outfit always were her shoes which looked to be made of leaves. Today they were an astonishing red and orange just like the leaves you rested on now and laced together with a thin string of leather.
Your cheeks heated as you looked up at her face finding she had noticed your stare. She always caught you but that never stopped you. She was so strong yet so delicate. So powerful yet could be so soft. “Seelie business  as usual. You know this is a busy time of year. You going to get more of that seashell paint?” She inquired as she pulled her legs to her chest and used her shoulder to propel her from the ground as she kicked out. She landed on her feet as if she floated there. As if she were not troubled by such things as gravity.
“Yes, I ran out while painting that church you showed me last month… I wish you’d tell me more about them… The shadowhunters..” You whispered longingly. Standing you brushed the leaves and dust from your clothes. You both started walking towards the paint shop.
“I don’t tell you about them because they all aren’t that great. Their government is horrible to my kind and all downworlders. Why don’t you tell me what you got for Clary this year?” She replied off handedly and skillfully changing the subject. She always dismissed the questions or any talk of the shadowhunters.
“I got that last week. I got her a crystal fox charm for her bracelet.” You answered exasperatedly. Sighing you let the subject go and just walked in silence. Delcina went on and on about all the parties she went to. The warlocks she met and the other seelies she joked with. You tuned in and out of the conversation. You preferred to hear about her fighting matches or missions.
“This is where we part my little Huntress.” Delcina proclaimed disappointedly as you neared the exit of the park. She gripped your hand and slowly pulled you into a tight squeeze.
You held on to her longer than you should but her presents reminded you that what you saw was real. “Please try to visit me soon.” You pleaded slightly. Delcina sighed relenting, “I’ll do my best.” She smiled sweetly and brushed her hand over your hair. “See you tonight at least.”
You nodded joyfully. When you parted she brushed your check lightly before disappearing quickly into the park trees. You looked around vaguely before striding out of the park. You put your headphones back in as you walked not wanting to be bothered.
The small art shop was wedged between two larger buildings. It would easily be missed even with its precarious window displays which were adorned with candles, crystals, paints and small posable models. Everything placed as if a small theatre the paints were watching the mannequins on a small stage. The stage was decorated with crystals of all colors and small candles as spotlights. Curtains lined the inside of the window.
Taking one last look you entered the small shop. A small bell chimed as the door opened. Glancing around at the art supplies was a familiar scene. The store owner behind the front wooden desk that looked like it had just been chopped down was the only one present. Giving a gentle smile of greeting you wandered to the seashell acrylic paint section. Dragging your fingers along the shelves as you admired the different colors of the seashell acrylic paint section.
After getting the colors you were out of, you went to the counter to pay. While the owner rang up the paints and applied the usual frequent customers discounts you looked over the counter where there were little trinkets for sale. This is where you also bought all of Clary’s charms for her bracelet.The owner cleared their throat to gain your attention. You gave them a pleasant smile before handing over the exact amount of money and walking away.
You spent the rest of the day at the park sketching. It was easier to relax at the park than at home. When it was getting close to Simon’s performance time you headed back to the loft to drop your things off and get ready for the night. When I got home I saw Clary had picked out an outfit for me.
When I got to the place I carefully jogged threw the crowd to sit beside Clary. She squeezed my hand and and I waved to Simon on stage. He gave me a slight nod to let me know he saw me and continued with his set.
After I helped Clary with painting the van and we stood back to to look at it. I tapped Clary’s shoulder and let her know I was gonna head home sense I had a job interview tomorrow. She nodded and hugged me.
I got home and just got straight back to work painting not even bothering to change. I was working on some fine details when I heard loud crashing behind my music. I pulled my headphones down and listened to were the noise was coming from. I walked out my door and saw Jocelyn fighting with two guys with swords of some kind?!
I ran over and pushed one of them and the other turned and sound this sword at me! I barley dodged and was able to gain my balance enough to swing my leg out and kick him in the back. Jocelyn moved her sword so that he fell into it. Another guy appeared and mom pushed in off into a coffee table knocking over books and the lamp. I picked up the dead guys sword and fight back to back with her. Only catching a few words she exchanged about a cup, army and protecting humans??! I got hit in the head before I could makes sense of or hear anything else.
My head was throbbing.. What’s.. what happened? I slowly opened my eyes looking around the dark room. There were lockers and pipes and it looked disgusting. I saw people? With weird black veins all over? I felt a heavy weight on my foot and saw I was chained to the floor?!
A few minutes later two men walked in. A man with a shaved head walked over and kneeled in front of me. He had a red circle on one side of his neck and other weird blacks on the front going down his shirt. You crawled up into a ball not sure why they had taken you.
“Who are you? And how do you know Jocelyn and Clarissa?” He demanded. The look in his eyes told you he was not to be toyed with. He commanded respect an seemed the type to usually get it.
“I-I-I’m-m- _______.. Jocelyn is my m-other and C-clary is my sister..” You stumbled to say in your fear.. His eyes widened and he stared at you a little closer. He fell back on his butt as he gasped for breathe.
“_______ _______?” He asked breathily. You could only nod. Tears began to fall from his eyes. “I thought you were dead?! Your mother told me she had miscarried! My beautiful ______! Please believe me when I say I am your father!  I thought I lost you. Then when Clary disappeared I feared the worst! I had lost everything!” He cried. He carefully pulled you into his chest as he cried into your hair.
“I believe you. But who are all those people?” You asked looking around. “The ones with the black veins who look about to die..” You whispered
“_______! You have the sight?! I couldn’t have been more proud.” He proclaimed. “I’ll explain everything soon. Let’s get you out of here.” He said as he pulled a metal like thing out and drew/burned something on the cuff which magically unlocked.
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