#I also think they can bond over their unrequited feelings towards Liet hahaha
kyuhu · 1 year
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ahhh okay listen, they are so much fun?? Not only because no one would expect these two of all people to end up together and I like the comedic potential of others going what?? Feliks and Ed?? NO WAY?! Liet would get a stroke just imagine. But also because they are kinda different personality wise at least on the outside and I feel like that would be exactly what fascinates them about the other. They'd be flustered/taken off guard by the other one all the time even if they won't admit it. Ed seeming all calm and cool going wow Feliks is so carefree and lively just spurting out whatever he feels at the moment which is something Ed might find admirable. Sometimes. (Other times it would annoy him to no end haHAH). While Feliks would be so impressed by Ed's ability to think rationally and get him back to the ground to breath.
They're actually just the same type of trainwreck just at a different end of the spectrum which makes them such a good fuel for each of their self-esteem and anxiety issues v.v they'll only need ages to discover that, if they even discover it at all.
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