#I also think Jack should have eaten Castiel’s heart a little. or Lucifer’s.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
supernatural should be more about people getting cannibalized. not enough of it in the show. metaphorically and literally. someone should eat those winchesters.
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destihellhound · 4 years
We Write Our Own Destiny
Canon-divergent ending to 15x19, ignoring 15x20. Also on AO3 | ff
Tagging @destielintheimpala because she’s my best friend and @ineffable-cas because I remember seeing them asking to be tagged in any fix-it fics.
"I won't be hands on," Jack told them. "Chuck put himself in the story - that was his mistake. But I learned from you and my mother and Castiel that when people have to be their best, they can be. And that's what to believe in. Well... I'm really as close as this," he said, placing a hand over his heart. Then he raised his hand in a stationary, dorky wave. "Goodbye."
"Wait!" Dean said, as Jack turned to walk away. "What about Cas? Chuck pulled Lucifer out of the Empty, you can save Cas!"
Jack raised his hands, palms outwards. "I'm hands-off, Dean."
"But it's Cas," Dean growled, taking a threatening step forwards. "We can't get to him there, and it's not like the Empty is just going to give him back if we ask nicely." When Jack didn't seem at all inclined to change his mind, he tried a different approach. "You owe me."
"Uh, Dean?" Sam said hesitantly. "Maybe not a good idea to piss off the new... Him."
"It's Jack, Sam," Dean said, glancing over his shoulder. "The kid who killed our mother." He turned on Jack. "You said you wanted to make it up to me? This is how you do that!"
"Dean, I—" Jack's eyes glazed over for a second as his attention seemed to be focused elsewhere. "She really does have a soft spot for you Dean," Jack told him before disappearing in a burst of divine light.
Dean stared at the space where Jack had stood, just a moment before. What the hell did that mean? Had Amara persuaded Jack to change his mind, or was he still against interfering?
"Hello, Dean."
Dean froze at the familiar voice, almost afraid to turn around. The last time he'd heard Castiel's voice, it had been Lucifer. He swallowed around the lump that had formed in his throat. What if it was just another trick?
"Hello, Sam."
"Hey, Cas," Sam said warmly, and his brother's voice was enough to have Dean turning.
Cas was smiling at Sam, though still visibly confused as to why he was back on Earth. When he turned to Dean, however, his smile faltered.
Dean wished he could say something, anything, to wipe that insecurity off Castiel's face because the angel was back where he belonged. He was always better with actions than words, however, so he strode up to Cas and wrapped his arms around him, hands clenching in that god-awful trench coat.
"Dean," Castiel began, unsurely.
"Later, Cas," Dean murmured in his ear. "Let's go home."
Dean felt like a great weight had been lifted from him as the angel hugged him back; a weight he hadn't even realised had been dragging him down.
"I'll make burgers. You love burgers."
"Everything tastes like molecules to me."
"Not the point," Dean said, leading them back to the car. "You are a part of this family, Cas - don't ever forget it."
"Hey, Dean?" Sam asked, a sudden thought striking him. "Do you think Adam... Michael was destroyed, but do you think Jack brought Adam back?"
"I hope so," Dean said. "That kid deserves to catch a break. We'll reach out, make sure everyone we know is back, and put out the word that we're looking for him."
As they got nearer the Impala, Dean saw Miracle sitting patiently beside the rear door.
"Oh, hell no..."
"Do you think he's got an owner around here?" Sam asked, looking around.
"We're not keeping the dog, Sam."
"You've changed your tune."
"That was different, okay?" He'd just lost Cas. "It was supposed to just be us, and then there was this little miracle and—"
Miracle barked, as if recognising his name.
Dean sighed. Looked at Sam. Ignored his brother's puppy-dog eyes. Looked at Cas. Took in the angel's hangdog expression.
"Oh, for..." He trailed off in defeat. "I am not feeding him. I am not walking him. And I am not vacuuming the hair out of Baby! That's your job," Dean told Sam. "And if you don't keep her clean, I will shoot you, and then I'll shoot Mir— the dog!" He turned to Miracle. "And you are not riding shotgun!" He got in the car and slammed the door.
"Do you want to ride up front?" Sam asked Cas, failing to hide his amusement at Dean's feigned dislike of their adopted four-legged friend.
The angel responded by getting in the backseat with the dog.
As they began the long drive back to the bunker, Sam texted Eileen. His relief at getting a response was nothing compared to the relief and joy that wiped years off his face when she answered his video call and he saw her face.
His relief echoed the feeling flooding through Dean for getting Cas back, and he glanced at the angel in his rearview mirror.
"I love you," Sam told Eileen, doubling down on his feelings by communicating them through ASL as well.
"I love you, too," she said.
"Get a room, you two," Dean teased them.
Sam called him a jerk as he dug his headphones out.
Dean didn't think Sam had said those three little words to anyone since Jess, and Dean himself had never said them; could never bring himself to say them. He glanced at Cas in the mirror again, chest constricting at the thought of losing Cas again. He'd lost him too many times, and was terrified that he'd lose him again.
Sam arranged for Eileen to meet them at the bunker, but in the end Dean volunteered to take a detour to her house so that Sam could ride home with her. Thankfully he took Miracle, too, and Cas moved into the front passenger seat.
"Is it later, yet?" he asked, once they were back on the road.
Dean swallowed. He had meant later, once they'd eaten and he'd had a chance to figure out what the hell he wanted to say. "I guess it is."
Cas sat there silently, minutes dragging by, until Dean realised the angel was waiting for him to speak. Cas had said everything he'd had to say before the Empty took him, and now it was Dean's turn.
"Look, uh, I've never... Guys aren't something that... If you know me, then you know that..."
"I am a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent," Cas reminded Dean patiently. "It is the vessel that I am possessing that presents as male." He squinted. "I could take a female vessel, if that is something you would—"
"No!" Dean exclaimed quickly.
Cas swallowed. "It's not my vessel," he realised sadly. "It's that my feelings for you are not returned."
"Dude, that's not what I'm—" Dean trailed a hand down his face. "Losing you, it hurts. It hurts as much as losing Sam, only it's different, and I don't know what that means."
"I think," Cas began carefully, "it means that you love me. But you need to decide what kind of love it is that you're feeling. Familial, platonic, romantic..."
"Do you love me as family, as a friend, or as a romantic partner? I loved you as a friend, then as family, and I grew to love you romantically - but I don't love you because I have a desire for sexual intimacy with you. As an angel that would be as disappointing as eating - merely experiencing the physical and hormonal sensations without feeling the accompanying pleasure. Though if that was something you desired I would be more than willing to oblige, but I don't see that as being something you would have an interest in. At least, not in this vessel. Yet you are unwilling for me to change vessels."
"It wouldn't be you, then."
"I would still be me, Dean."
"I know, I just mean..."
"You've gotten used to seeing me as Jimmy Novak."
Dean coughed. "Way to make it weird, Cas."
"All I want is to spend your life with you," Cas told him.
"You've always been welcome to do that, Cas. But you leave."
"Or you send me away."
Dean swallowed, knowing that Cas was thinking about his time as a human - when Gadreel, pretending to be Ezekiel, had insisted that Castiel could not be around him. "I'm sorry," Dean apologised. He'd apologised before, and would keep apologising. "You needed me, and I should have been there for you."
"You made the choice you did out of your love for Sam," Cas acknowledged. "And that love is one of the many reasons that I love you. I would settle for living your life with you as your friend, as family, if that was all you desired. But I hope for you to desire more."
Dean frowned. "I thought you said you didn't want sex?"
Cas stared at him for a long moment. "Commitment, Dean. A promise to spend your life with me, faithfully."
And Dean nearly drove the car off the road as he realised that 'commitment' meant no more one night stands, no more casual flings. He was such an idiot... But the more he mulled over the meaning of Castiel's words, the more he surprised himself to realise that he was okay with the idea. Sure, sex was pleasurable and fun, but without a meaningful, emotional connection to the other person involved it lacked something that always left him feeling physically satisfied but otherwise empty.
"Would you ever have told me how you felt?" he blurted out. "If you hadn't been trying to save me from Billie?"
"I don't think so," Cas admitted.
"Why not?"
Castiel stared out of the window, looking away from Dean. "Because to hear you tell me that my feelings were not returned, or worse, for you to ask me to leave, is something that would hurt too much."
"The Empty's definitely not coming back for you, right?"
"No, Dean. Our deal was fulfilled."
"Then say it again, Cas."
Castiel turned to him, slowly, with hope in his eyes. "I love you," he said quietly.
Dean shot Cas a meaningful look. "I know."
Hurt momentarily crossed Castiel's face, before realisation dawned and he beamed. "I understand that reference."
Dean laughed, and pressed his foot down on the accelerator.
"So, what now?" Sam asked, once they'd all pushed their plates aside, stuffed full on Dean's homemade burgers.
"Everything we've ever done has been because Chuck wanted it that way," Dean said. "From before we were even born, Heaven was manipulating Mom and Dad into a relationship. Hunting has been my life, but I don't want the job title to define me."
"Job title?" Sam echoed, amused.
"Yeah. 'Hunter' - I want to be more than that."
"Such as?"
"A teacher," Dean said. "I was thinking about it on the drive home - the next generation of hunters are growing up fast, and they need help just like Bobby helped us. And you were doing good, running that network of hunters from here. That could be our future - making our own way. Not hunters, or Men of Letters, but combining that into something that is ours. From now on, we write our own destiny."
Sam nodded thoughtfully.
"And I want to retire. At least partially. I want to live a life. I want to live my life. I want to be a brother," he said, looking at Sam. "Maybe even a brother-in-law?" he asked, giving Eileen a look that caused her to blush and Sam to kick him under the table. "And a... partner," he finished, looking at Cas. He wasn't sure what the right word was to describe what he wanted with Cas, but he had time to figure it out.
Sam cleared his throat. "You cooked, Eileen and I will clean up," he said, gesturing at their dirty plates. "Why don't you and Cas go, uh, watch some Netflix. And maybe chill." He chuckled to himself.
"Sure, that sounds like a great idea," Dean said, standing up and dragging Cas out of his chair. He failed to understand what Sam found so funny. "Maybe we can finish Game of Thrones - I hear that show had a terrible ending..."
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Always There For You- Part 3
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins
Word Count: 1,757
Warnings: Some angst, some fluff, it’s all a little mixed
Summary: You’ve been officially diagnosed with POTS. You don’t know how to handle this and Misha keeps telling you that you should tell Jensen and Jared but you’re not so sure you can.
Author’s Note: This is the third part of a commissioned fic for a very lovely anon! This is a short series lasting 6 parts and I hope you all like it as much as I loved writing it! This is about POTS or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome so if this is a trigger, then don’t read this. This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are mine.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Those four words have been playing in your head for the past month. You have been diagnosed with this disease which is the reason you’ve been passing out. Only Misha knows about this and you only want him to know. You knew it wasn’t right to keep this from Jensen and Jared but you didn’t want them to deal with this.
They’ve been hovering over you since you got back from the doctors which gave you enough anxiety. If they found out about this, you would never be left alone. You loved Jensen and Jared but sometimes they could be so suffocating.
Misha had been there for you, making sure you were okay. You appreciated his efforts but all you wanted was to be left alone. Lately, you’ve been feeling very tired and shaky, you didn’t want to do anything. All you’ve been doing was showing up for work and doing your job before going home and sleeping. You knew you were starting to worry Jensen and Jared but you tried to pretend everything was okay.
“You should tell them,” Misha said to you when you were taking your medication. You got prescribed a beta blocker by the doctor and so far, you’ve been hiding it from Jensen.
“You know why I can’t do that.” You sighed, tired of going over this with him.
“It’s only going to get worse and you know it. What if you pass out in front of them? They’ll think it’s something serious.” Misha knew why you didn’t want to tell them but he was trying to change your mind.
“Misha, I know this. Please, I’ll tell them when I’m ready.” You set your pill bottle down on your counter and looked at your best friend.
“Okay, I get it.” Misha put his hands up in defense but let it go… for now.
“Great. I’m wanted on set right now.” Misha got up and walked with you out of your trailer. You took a deep breath and tried to calm your racing heart. You knew that something might happen if you weren’t careful.
“You should tell the director, at least.”
“Okay, I’m gone.” Misha chuckled as he walked back to his own trailer. You put a hand over your heart and felt it beat faster than normal so you took in a few deep breaths to get it to slow down. When you were satisfied, you walked to set and joined Jensen and Jared there.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” Jensen asked when he saw you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired, is all.”
“You’ve been tired lately. Maybe you should go to the doctors.”
“Jensen, I said I’m fine.”
“Okay, okay, I’m just worried about you.” You sighed and turned to your boyfriend, cupping his cheeks in your hands.
“Jensen, I love you. If there were something wrong, I would tell you. You know this.” You hated the idea of lying to him but you just wanted him off your back for a while. You’d tell him when you got more control over this and when you figure out what you would do to fix this.
“I love you too.” You leaned up and pressed your lips to his gingerly, showing him that you were going to be okay. He smiled in the kiss and pulled away when he heard Jared’s voice.
“Hey, we have to film, you know.” You smiled at your brother and gave him a hug before fixing your character’s outfit.
“So, I talked with the director. Since Alex can’t make it on set today and he’s needed for most of the scenes, we get to get off earlier than usual. Did you want to do something?”
“Wait we get off early? Hell yeah!” Jensen pumped his fists in the air excitedly.
“Yeah, sounds fun.” You nodded.
“Okay! Jensen, Jared and Y/N, we need you on set now.” The director called and you three got to your places, getting into character. All you could think about was those four words that have been on repeat for the past month.
“Okay, pick it up with Jared’s line and… action!”
“Anything over angel radio? I mean this is Lucifer we’re talking about. The angels have to be talking.” Jared said in Sam’s voice, looking at you seriously.
“Let me try again.” You said, closing your eyes as if you were listening to the voices in your head. You were thankful for this part because you were starting to get dizzy for a couple of seconds and closing your eyes really helped you. When you opened them back up, both your co-workers were a bit blurry but you had to go on as if nothing was wrong.
“It’s silent. I’m sure Lucifer would hear what we had to say about him. Maybe the angels are scared.” You fiddled with your hands, something your character did a lot.
“Can’t you go to Heaven? Make them listen to us?” Dean suggested.
“Oh, no. Lucifer would kill me the second I entered. I’m not on his good side.”
“Since when are we ever? What are we going to do, then? We sure as hell can’t use angels, Cas is out of the question. Who knows where he is? You’re not giving us much help and we don’t know where Jack is.” Dean grumbled, taking a seat at the library table.
“Dean, we’ll figure out something, we always do,” Sam said worriedly, trying to be convincing.
“Yeah, Sammy, we always do. I’m just not sure we do this time.” Dean looked at his brother and held the stare for a few seconds before the director called it quits.
“And cut! You guys did a fantastic job! We’re setting up the second scene and someone get Misha in!” You let out a breath of relief and moved your hand to your face to brush away a stray hair.
“Have you eaten anything? Drank anything?” Jared asked, looking at you.
“Maybe, why?” You bit your lower lip in worry.
“You’re shaking, like bad.” You looked down at your hand to see it was shaking. You sighed and put it behind your back as if that would make them forget they ever saw it.
“I-I’m fine.” You sighed.
“No, you’re not. Stop saying that. It’s okay if you’re not. You know that, right?” Jensen asked, getting up from his seat.
“Okay, maybe I haven’t had anything to eat. I’ll go do that now.” You said, walking away from everyone’s eyes. You walked to the snack table and sighed, getting some crackers to eat.
“No, eat this.” You heard Jared’s voice and saw his hand reach for the meaty sandwich that Misha so generously made for everyone.
“Jared…” You sighed.
“No, don’t give me that tone. You need this. Come on, drink this too. I don’t know why I have to babysit you at your age.” Jared also handed you a bottle of Gatorade.
“You don’t have to babysit me. I’m not a child.” You sighed, snatching the bottle out of his hand along with the sandwich.
“Yeah, because you’re totally not acting like one,” Jared said sarcastically.
“Shut up, Jared. I don’t need you hovering over me. You’re not Dad and you’re not Mom so just leave me alone.” You glared at him before walking away. You saw Misha walk onto set wearing his Castiel costume and with one look at you, knew something was up. Instead of walking to the set, he walked towards you.
“You okay?”
“No, I’m not okay. Jared is hovering over me, telling me what I should or should not eat.” You sighed, taking a bite of the sandwich regardless. Misha was a fantastic cook.
“Well, he should. That sandwich must be amazing.” Misha smiled.
“Misha, this isn’t funny.” You sighed, feeling your heart rate going up.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. Hey, you okay?”
“No, my heart is beating super fast.” You sighed, setting down your food and drink.
“Hey, lay down. That’s what the doctor said, yeah? Come on, you can put your head on my lap.” You nodded and listened to Misha, laying down on a bench and putting your head on his lap. You sighed and closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing.
“Is she okay?” Jensen asked, walking over to the two of you.
“Yeah, just was feeling a little dizzy. She ate half the sandwich too fast after not having anything to eat.” Misha answered for you.
“You’re really scaring us. You’re scaring Jared.” Jensen said to you, getting on his knees as you opened your eyes and turned to look at him.
“I’m sorry, Jensen, I really am. I’ll go to the doctor, okay?” You whispered.
“Thank you. I’ll go with you.”
“Okay.” You got up and ate the rest of your food. You and Misha were set to film together so that is what you did. The rest of the day went by without another problem besides the usual level of tiredness. When everyone got done, you decided to be with Misha for a bit before going back to your trailer.
You had to figure out how you were going to tell Jensen and Jared about this because you knew they would figure it out eventually.
“Maybe I should tell them.” You said after you got to Misha’s trailer.
“That’s what I’ve been saying. Maybe do it tomorrow night. It’s our weekly dinner time and everyone will be there. Perfect time.”
“Okay, I’ll do it.” You nodded.
Jensen, after work, decided to see if you were going to be okay and talk about when you two would go to the doctor. He walked to your trailer and saw it partially open so he figured you were in there. Your place didn’t have air conditioning so you liked to keep the door open to get some of the cold air in. He opened the door and looked around, not seeing you initially.
“Y/N?” He called out, not hearing a response. He took out his phone and messaged you, wondering where you were.
In Misha’s trailer. I’ll come to yours in a bit.
He turned to leave yours but frowned when he saw an unfamiliar pill bottle on the counter. Picking it up, he examined the bottle and used his phone to look up what this medication was for. When he found out, his eyes widened. He immediately called Jared because this was something serious.
“What’s up?” Jared answered.
“Dude, you have to come to Y/N’s trailer. I found something interesting here.”
The Queens:
@mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @crispychrissy @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @notnaturalanahi @tahbehonest @posiemax @vonthesupernaturalwriter @li-ssu @just-another-winchester@obsessivecompulsivespn @emoryhemsworth @newtospnfandom @jessikared97 @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @charliebradbury1104 @shaym-rassu @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @kristaparadowski @bloodyvoodoo @jadalecki-jackles @likiyoshi-lijie @skybabydead @jae-sch @notmoose45 @the1younevernotice @heyitscam99 @lifelovelaughangell123 @jennferjareau @crazyspn67 @speakinvain @nunnallynara @gh0stgurl @spnbaby-67 @internationalmusicteacher @teamfreewillsstuff  @internationalmusicteacher @crankthatcastiel @rhiannonj79  @calaofnoldor @untitled39887 @broken-soul-bruised-heart @your-basic-potato @lostnliterature @superkrazy04 @alexwinchester23 @lonelycaffeinateddreamer
The Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @carribear31 @dont-you-dare-say-misha @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @iam-a-cutiepie @kristendanwayne @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @codyshany316 @helllonearth @juniorhuntersam @pouterpufftrain @ruprecht0420 @carriemichelle2012 @sandlee44 @gucci-daddario @kukindukin @starry-chaos @05spn18 @my-wayward-heroes @baconlover001 @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @onlydeanandjensen  @expectosel @redsalv20 @dragonrider10 @designcted @xxtheoutsidersxx  @dean-winchesters-bacon
@oliolioxiclean @crazyspn67 @mariahoedt @jbbarnesgirl @allison-rosewood-maximoff @chocolateturtlepeanutopera @mlovesstories @cdwmtjb8
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SPN: The next generation episode 17
Pairing: Dean x daughter!Katie, Sam x daughter!Reader, Katie x cousin!Reader, Sam x niece!Katie, Dean x niece!Reader jack x Plantronics!Reader Castiel x  Plantronic!Reader Amber x Plantronic! reader
read more: masterlist
A/N 1 : Finally ! there is gonna be changed but ill do that tomorrow.
A/N 2 :
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Y/N is too focused on the case that she hasn’t eaten for 3 days straight beside one or two potato chips here and there, I’m really starting to worry, she’s paler than usual and crankier. She doesn’t sleep much too. Also, she’s starting to smell a little bit. I need to do something. Making my way to the kitchen were Dad and Sam am I take a seat and explain to them what is going on.
“Dad, Y/N needs help” I said but my words confused him. “What do you mean? She is not injured, is she?” he asked gaining Sam’s attention. “No, she’s not injured but she’s not fine either, she barely slept or ate in three days, she’s getting skinnier and if I try to talk to her she gets angry. She is too focused on finding Asmodeus that she forgets about her own health! We need to do something!” I explained to them.
“If she is in this state then why didn’t you came to us earlier?” Sam asked worriedly for his little girl. “Because you wouldn’t listen! Who do you think she got that from? She is just like you! When you have something in mind you forget your surrounding and the main things you need to do to function properly like showering, eating or sleeping!” I said to Uncle Sam who looked down knowing I said the truth. “Okay, so what do we do now?” Dad asked, “Maybe we should lock her in her room without any books, phone or computer, just with water and food until she goes to sleep by herself?” Sam proposed “Yeah, and we will take a turn checking up on her” I added. After this conversation, we planned to surprise her and take everything away. Making our way to her room we knocked but she didn’t answer so we opened her door only to see she wasn’t there, we made our way to the library only to find her on the floor, unconscious. Sam rushed to you and picked her up, checking your vitals. He sighed once he realized you fainted out of exhaustion or hunger, who knew. We took this opportunity to take her back to her room and carry on with the plan.
Sam laid her down on her bed and covered her with a thin blanket, kissed her forehead and resumed the plan by collecting all the books she was studying while Dad took every electronic equipment out of the room, and I went to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her to eat when she would wake up.
Once I placed the tray near her we got out of her room and locked the door. Sam wanted to be the first to check on her in case she wakes up. Then it would Dad’s turn then mine. We would check up on her every two hours.
I woke up in the dark, once my eyes adjusted to the darkness I realized I was in my bed but I didn’t remember how I got here. I got up to get out only to realized my door was locked, turning on the light I saw that all my researches were gone, my books, my computer even my phone. I turned back to the door and started calling my dad “Dad? Are you here? What’s going on?” I yelled.
I was in my room, which was across Y/N’s so I could hear if she wakes up. Near an hour and a half, I heard her yelling for me. I got up from my desk and went to her door. I opened it carefully and entered her room before locking it again. “What is it?” I asked her.
“Why am I locked in my own room?” she asked getting angry.
“We locked you so you could rest and eat,” I said.
“I can’t, I need to find that demon, I need to find Asmodeus, so let me out!” she screamed getting crankier.
“Sweetheart, you haven’t slept or ate properly in 3 days, so we are not letting you out until you get back to being your normal self again” I explained in a calm voice. Luckily she got a room with her own bathroom and toilet, so we didn’t have to let her out for this, so she wouldn’t have any time to escape.
She then started screaming at me to let her out and she threw things at me, it broke my heart to see my baby girl like that so I decided to get out, lock the door and to ask Dean to take his turn watching her.
I slammed our hideout main room door shut and got to my throne. One of my demon minions got in and stood in front of me. “Why haven’t you got this Winchester's daughters soul yet?!” I yelled at him. “I..I don't know, your highness.” He stuttered. I slammed my fist down and yelled. “I want her soul! And also the ones from the rest of the family !” I yelled and send him away.
I sat there irritated on my chair and looked around. “I haven't seen that annoying shapeshifter kid in a while now....” I thought out loud. I called one of my demons and asked where that shifter kid was. “I don't know, your highness. The last time i saw him he was shifted Crowley and went away. It's been a few days already that he has been gone, your highness.” He said.
I started to smirk and stood up from the throne. “Your Highness, why do you smirk all the sudden ?” He started to ask afraid. I called some demons and looked back at him. “Because thanks to that kid, we know where those Winchesters are and so we can get there souls.” I explained to him. The rest of the demons entered the main room. “Find the shapeshifter kid with the Winchesters,” I ordered and the demons got away. I stood there alone in the room looking at the main door. “Now I can get control all over hell and become stronger than Lucifer.” I laughed.
Katie POV
It was my turn to look over to Y/N. It was quiet on the other side so I assumed she fell asleep. I took a seat next to her door and started to the wall, thinking about what we can do. It didn’t take long until Carl came by. “Where is Y/N ?” He asked me, but I gave him a confused look. “Didn’t you know we locked her up ?” He shook his head in response and I gave him a nod. “We locked her up for her own good,” I said to him.
He looked me in the eyes not saying a word, he gave me a nod and left. “That was weird, “ I thought out loud and followed his gaze until he disappeared around the corner.
I got off the chair and tried to get a little peek into the room seeing her still asleep. I opened the door more and entered it, quietly I walked over to her bed and covered her up with a blanket. “Your way exhausted… I wish I found this out before this all happen.” I whispered to myself and left the room again.
Sam and Dean were sitting in the bunker library looking through some books about demons. “Is there any way to kill that bastard ?” Dean asked while closing the book. “I don’t know …” At that moment Carl walked by. “Hey, Carl…” Sam said but he didn’t get any answer back, Carl was way to focus in front of him. “Uhh … dude your okay ?” Dean said but still no answer.
Carl shook his head and looked around. “You okay ?” Sam started to ask while he stood up. Carl notices Sam and nodded. “Yeah.. I’m fine just thinking” he answers. Sam nodded not believing it. “I think it’s my turn to watch over Y/N” Sam said and left.
Sam walked over towards your room and saw Katie almost asleep on the chair. “How is she ?” He asked getting Katie attention towards him. “She’s doing okay … maybe we can slowly let her out.” Katie confirmed. “I’ll do that then. You should get some rest.” He said. “I could do that, but do it carefully.” She said before she left towards her room.
Sam carefully opened the door and peeked into the room.” Hey Kiddo, your awake ?” He asked. There came movement from your bed and you peeked up to see your father standing there. “Hmm,” you said and covered your head again. “Finally, my little pumpkin is her old self again.” He laughed and carefully pulled the covers away.
“Don’t call me that, I not 12 anymore !” You snarled towards him. Sam smiled and pulled the cover further away from you. “Come pumpkin, we're going to eat together.” You first give your father a bitch face but then realize you finally get out of your room. You got out of the bed and walked with your father towards the kitchen. “Looks whos back on earth. “ Your uncle joked. You rolled your eyes and took a seat next to Katie. “Sorry, about what happened.” You apologized. “Is okay, just take enough rest and time. well, will fix this.” Katie said and gave you a side hug.
Everyone was about to eat until Carl stormed into the room. “We have a problem !”
tag @winchesters-favorite-girl @evyiione @percussiongirl2017 @cai-neki @attackonjackson @spn-et-obliterate @stressedoutkitten @captainemwinchester @sisterwinchesterwriter @lauren-novak @unicorn-sparkles123 @inchuroswetrust @superwholock-marvel-images @supergirl10102 @waywardasfudge @because-you-never-know-when
SPN: @fangirlingfanatic2442 @soullessbabee @bands-and-shietz @nxrd-bxtch @meadow-melody
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