#I also just have had so many thoughts about them and their names and the implications and jess out here just nailing a vibe of the names
ellecdc · 17 hours
Heyyy! I’m usually a silent tumblr warrior but omg I keep coming up with so many different Au’s in my head. 🙈 Also I love your writing it’s godsent. 😏
Tonight I was thinking of Model!Reader x photographer!Remus 😖💔. Who are like totally obsessed with each other and are always supporting their careers. Remmy getting sooo many candid photos of reader and using them in his portfolio. Along with them both going to each others viewings/ runway shows. I just can’t omg so many possibilities ..🥲
this is so. stinking. cute. the second I received this I had to send it to @maladaptiveescapism (my muggle AU queen who gifted us all the beautiful, beautiful man that is chef!sirius) and she came up with the SWEETEST meet cute. thank you for sharing this prompt, lovie!! I hope I did it justice <3
Remus Lupin x fem!reader who ends up being Remus' big break [2.6k words]
CW: fluff, swearing, reader has a dog and he's adorable, meet cute, fame
Remus needn’t look in a mirror (or one of the windows of the shops on the street) to know that his nose was pink; he had always been very sensitive to the cold, and it was only exacerbated by his love for it.
It was his favourite time of year; waking up in the morning when the ground was still covered in shimmery frost before turning into a misty fog as the sun poked its way through trees and buildings. The trees and grass were still grasping desperately at the shades of greens that it usually wore, but the leaves - determined in their journey - insisted on turning various shades of oranges, yellows, reds, and browns.
Remus loved them. 
He also found that people were perhaps their most beautiful when cold - he hardly ever left for his morning walks without his camera, which also meant he left for his morning walks without a pair of mittens or gloves which might impede his ability to control the lens and shutter - and there was something about the cool air that brought out the most beautiful colours in not only the trees, but also of the people. 
And Remus yearned to capture it.
He’d found a beautiful elderly man enjoying a mocha outside a small coffee shop who he chatted with for a while before he asked him if he’d be okay to take some pictures. Every crinkle near the corners of his eyes was evidence of laughter and joy, every wrinkle between his brow a testament to years of consideration and thought, every divot around his mouth was a story he shared, a kiss he gave, a meal he enjoyed. 
Every deep line on the man’s face - Albus had been his name - told a story, and Remus was lucky enough to have captured even a fraction of it with his camera. 
Remus’ fingers were struggling to thaw out in his pockets as he took the long way home - traversing through the quiet park in the centre of the city which was slowly becoming more lively as the morning wore on and the sun rose higher, though it was still quiet enough for Remus to enjoy. 
Some days he had more luck than others, not because there was a lack of beautiful people - because there was surely no shortage of that - but rather nothing that inspired Remus to create. 
Some days it frustrated him, and some days he was able to remind himself he was really doing this for fun and not being paid for his portraits save what small income he made through creator perks on various social media platforms. 
How nice it would be to get paid for his portraits, though. 
Remus had paused in his walk to bend over and pick up a disposable coffee cup from the sidewalk to put it in a rubbish bin when he spotted the perfect picture. 
There was a wrought-iron and wooden slat park bench a few paces away from the footpath in the park sitting in a lone ray of sun that managed to force its way through the treetops as if some deity had placed a spotlight on it to ensure Remus would notice it.
The patch of grass that the sun was kissing was melting into its usual green whilst the grass surrounding it was still its unique combination of dark sage, green, and silver courtesy of the autumn twilight.
A senior looking dog - a border collie, if Remus guessed correctly - attached to a simple red lead seemed to have found himself a good stick for chewing as he basked in the sun, the lead looped gently around the wrist of his person who sat on the bench with a ratty looking paperback in their hand. 
You were ethereal. 
You had one hand shoved into a knitted mitten whilst the other held your book, though a second mitten sat ready should you no doubt decide your free hand was too cold and needed to switch. You had multiple layers on and a comfy pair of shoes. Clearly out for a walk yet knowing that your dog did less walking now-a-days and spent more time in sunny spots with a nice stick, you came prepared with a novel to enjoy the transitionary season much the same way Remus did. 
And you were stunning.
You looked like a sip of warm apple cider, like the trees had parted their branches just to give the sun somewhere to direct its warmth and light, like the sun came out only for the chance of seeing you.
Remus actually took a look around him to see if anyone else was seeing what he was - nothing short of a masterpiece - but the masses appeared wholly unaware that they were in the presence of something hallowed. 
He lost his nerve more times than he could count as he tried to convince his boots to take him in your direction, to start up the conversation the same way he always did with every other stranger he stopped on the street to take their picture. But this felt different, you were different, you-
…were looking over at him; your dog ceasing to chew on his stick in favour of staring intently at Remus alerting you to the fact that you had an admirer (at best, or a stalker at worst).
To avoid looking like the latter, Remus forced his feet to bring him to you, smiling at you as you marked your place in your book and closed it before offering him a wary smile of your own. 
“Pardon me, I’m terribly sorry to intrude, but, erm, well-” sodding son of a bitch, stick to the script, “my name is Remus and I’m a street photographer, I uhm, I take portraits of people I pass on the street and post them to my socials.” He offered awkwardly as he pulled out his phone - numb fingers nearly dropping it as he raced to try to prove to you he wasn’t some creep with a long-distance lens on his camera hanging around public parks - wincing as the end of his sentence lilted up in the form of a question. 
“I couldn’t help but notice you and your dog, here,” he pushed on, said dog still watching him carefully and tilting his head at the end of every one of his sentences, “and you look beautiful- or, rather, it makes a beautiful picture! I, well, I guess I was wondering if you’d mind if…I took your picture?”
And by some absolute twist of fate, you had the good graces to simply smile at him like he wasn’t some awkward bumbling fool which only served to make you even more beautiful as you handed him his phone back.
“That’s really cool, Remus,” you offered, sounding as though you were testing how his name felt forming from your lips as you made eye contact with him, “thank you. I’d be happy to be your model.”
“Brilliant.” Remus let out with a breath of relief. “Now are you and…” he paused as he gestured toward your companion. 
“...Ziggy a package deal or should I ask him his rates?” 
You let out a bubbly laugh which encouraged Ziggy to sit up - albeit slowly due to his age - and cock his head at you. 
“What do you say, Ziggs?” You asked the canine who cocked its head the other way. “Do you want to model too?” 
As if the dog knew you were waiting for a response, he let out a polite bark before laying back down. 
“Well there you have it, Remus; we’re all yours.” 
The picture returned to its previous perfection; between you returning to your novel sans one mitten and Ziggy’s focus back to his treasure, Remus was able to capture you exactly how he wanted. You were wearing a soft smile which only grew when Remus nearly bumped into a jogger in an attempt to get a different angle. 
You held your book to your mouth to hide your laughing as he called a hasty apology to the girl who barely slowed down on his account, and he shot a cute picture of you like that, too; your eyes full of mirth and crinkling at the corners in a quiet laugh at his expense. 
Remus was infatuated. 
It felt blasphemous in some way, but Remus had to admit he was very chuffed to have an excuse to join you on your alter bench, pretending as though you leaning into him - for warmth or for a better view of his camera screen, he wasn’t sure - didn’t make him feel like his heart was trying to exit out of his throat as you sung your praises for the pictures. 
“Remus.” You hissed as if you really couldn’t believe your eyes. “These are really good! Oh my god…”
Remus chuckled awkwardly as you brought the camera closer to you, ultimately forcing Remus to breathe your air as the camera strap pulled his body closer to yours. 
“You’re very talented.” You added earnestly  before looking up at him with something akin to awe. “Do you have a portfolio?”
“Erm, well,” he mumbled, suddenly very aware that he was nearly on top of a relative stranger in this public park at about 8:30 in the morning, “I…sort of? I mean, I have my socials.”
You nodded at him and looked back down at his camera before passing it back to him. “Are you going to post these?” 
“I’d very much like to, if you’re okay with that?” 
“Please do.” You agreed readily. “Do you tag people in your portraits?”
Remus nearly snickered as he thought of Albus this morning who seemed completely perplexed by the phone in Remus’ hand let alone by the concept of social media. “Sometimes; not everyone I photograph is online. Would you like to be tagged?”
“Yes please.” You beamed at him; Remus’ fingers itched to lift his camera back up to capture you like this, too. Fuck, you were beautiful. “My mum’s always saying she doesn’t have nearly enough pictures of me.”
“Well we can’t have that.” Remus chuckled as he pulled out his phone and opened the notes app so you could add your Instagram handle. 
“It was very nice meeting you, Remus.” You offered, and Remus felt something close to shock at how truly sincere you sounded. “You should be charging people for that.” You added, gesturing to the camera hanging from his neck. 
“I could always start now.” He offered in jest, and he was rewarded again by your bubbling laugh; Remus felt nearly torn at having to leave, every shift of your face and expression begging to be photographed, and every muscle in his body begging to do the photographing. 
But when he offered you a smile and a slightly awkward wave as he walked away  - the sound of your laugh still  echoing in his mind - he wondered if maybe, in some universe out there, there was a version of him that got to commit every expression that crossed your face - to memory or film, either would suffice. 
The following day, Remus couldn’t escape the office meeting quick enough; his phone buzzing incessantly the last twenty five minutes of the forty five minute planning session - that he was supposed to be taking dutiful notes throughout - burning a hole through his trouser pocket and into the muscle of his thigh. 
35 missed calls from Sirius.
12 missed calls from James
Sirius: answer the fucking phone, you sod!!
Sirius: when the fuck did you take these!?!? (4 attachments)
Sirius: Lupin I STG
James: Lily is freaking out!!! Did you get an autograph??
James: who am I kidding. You had no idea, did you?
“What the fuck…” Remus murmured under his breath as he scrolled through the notifications on his lock screen, blushing something fierce when a coworker brushed past him reminding him he was supposed to be being professional which generally meant not swearing. 
The second Remus stepped onto the pavement outside of his building, his phone started ringing again. 
“What the fuck is going on?” He answered instead of saying ‘hello, Sirius; alright?’. 
“What the fuck is going on!?” Sirius barked back. “How about you tell me when the fuck you met Y/N L/N!?” 
Remus felt his eyebrows cinch as he pulled his phone from his face when another text came in. 
Lily: I’m so fucking jealous right now!
Lily: also, I should probably say congrats; I’m sure this is going to be great for your career!
“Christ, Sirius, I’m here.” Remus muttered as he brought the phone back to his ear. “But I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Son of a bitch.” Sirius muttered on the other end of the line. “The pictures you posted yesterday!”
“Of the man? Or-”
“The bird! Remus! Y/N L/N!”
Remus suddenly realised why the name sounded familiar; it had been your instagram handle.
“Oh! Do you know her?”
“Do I know her? Mate, she’s fucking famous.”
“She’s a sodding model! She’s been in Sports Illustrated, walked in New York Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week, she was in a music video recently; fuck who was the artist…”
“Wha- what the fuck? How did I not know this?” Remus asked dumbly. 
“God, you’re thick. Did you not notice the fucking blue checkmark next to her name on instagram when you tagged her?” 
Remus was so glad Sirius couldn’t see him right now; he always felt properly chastised when it was Sirius handing his ass to him, but this felt bigger somehow. 
“Well… I don’t know, I’m verified too but that doesn’t mean anyone knows me!” He argued half-heartedly; he really hadn’t noticed…
Sirius snorted. “Yeah well, everyone’s gonna know you now, mate.”
“What do you mean?” Remus asked sternly.
“I mean” Sirius started theatrically “that she’s shared your original post to her story and posted your pictures to her page and tagged you as the photographer. She only posted it two hours ago and it already has almost 70,000 likes. Have you not looked at instagram?”
“Sirius, I work in a fucking corporate office, I can’t be on my phone all of the time.” He spat rather petulantly. 
“Bully for you.” Sirius muttered in response. “Check now then.”
Remus stole himself as he closed the call screen that simply consisted of a terrible picture of Sirius before opening up instagram. 
The notification tab simply read 100+, but when he moved to view his profile he realised he had gained nearly 10,000 followers just since leaving for work this morning. 
“Jesus…” Remus breathed out slowly. 
“You might want to put a portfolio together, mate.” Sirius offered, tone still slightly teasing, though the edges were softer and Sirius’ pride was nearly palpable even through the phone. “This might finally be your big break.”
All because Remus had noticed you - a beautiful girl - in the park with a book and a dog sitting in a lone ray of sun that managed to force its way through the treetops… as if some deity placed a spotlight on it to ensure Remus would notice. 
And of course he noticed you; how could he not?
I'd be happy to be your model. Do you have a portfolio? You should be charging people for that.
This might finally be your big break. 
Little did either of you know that you would end up being Remus’ big break.
330 notes · View notes
wonysugar · 14 hours
don’t modify | jang wonyoung
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. everyone adores you (at least i do) — matt maltese
synopsis : everyone knew jang wonyoung had standards, but you were afraid you didn’t meet them like she initially expected you to.
pairing : stuco!wonyoung x gf!femreader
genre : smut, it’s kinda sweet i think
tags : wlw, hurt/comfort(?), fem!reader starts doubting herself, self-esteem issues, yn overthinks everythingg, YN YOU’RE GIRLFRIEND ENOUGH, <//3, couplez are very present haiii, i care them so much, jiwon is stewpid (affectionate), and rei lives for it, LESBIANS, worried gf wony, she loves yn guys, GUYS, now onto the sex, semi-public sex, so risky sex, ooouh scandalous, fingerfucking, making out, LOTS of it, kinda body worship, clit play
warnings : this fic contains self-esteem issues and lack of confidence, be warned :]
word count : 4,8k
a/n : heyyy… DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THATTT I’VE BEEN BUSY💔💔i’m trying to work on as many fics as i possibly can when i have free time, this is one of them<//3 i hope you like it, i personally don’t know to feel about it butfkdmfm yeah
i also kinda didn’t proofread this; it’s almost 2 am as i’m typing this out and i’m EXHAUSTED,,, if you see mistakes of any kind just please ignore,, for my sake
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man, student council really was no joke.
sitting at the same table as your girlfriend, wonyoung, and her peers, you could feel the undeniable tension in the air. 
this was originally gonna be a double date, but it very quickly turned into a last-minute student council meeting, for some unknown reason. you weren’t part of said council, therefore had no clue what the hell they were on about this entire time. all this talk about budget, organized events, it all made you dizzy. the only thing that was keeping you somewhat calm was wonyoung’s warm presence and the slow jazz music that was quietly playing from the vintage jukebox, the one sitting in a corner of the place. 
you accompanied your girlfriend thinking this was going to be a cute opportunity to meet the two other girls! yknow, knowing that they seemed to be very close friends of your girlfriend’s, you figured it would’ve been nice to get to know them but it now just mostly feels like you infiltrated a top secret reunion that no one else could know about. 
and the funny thing? you were already somewhat nervous to meet other student council members in the first place, and this wasn’t helping. now, it’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but the first time that you met your significant other… yeah, you were mostly intimidated by her beauty and maturity, but also by her status in the school. it’s almost like you felt bad about crushing on somebody as influential on campus, let alone eventually dating her. so, i guess you could say meeting anybody equally as important as her fellow stuco members was something that made you rather anxious; what if they thought of you as clumsy? dumb? or even worse, not good enough for their president, their best friend?
quickly interrupting your train of incredibly messy thought, the blonde girl, whose name you don’t quite remember, spoke up. 
“nevermind any of that! we came here, on a week-end, with the intention to relax, to have fun and to finally take a breather from everything stressful that’s been going on in our lives, and what did we end up doing? talking about the school’s budget, like we always do. seriously guys?” she watched how the two other girls averted their eyes, clearly guilty. 
she especially noticed how you seemed to be uncomfortably shifting in your seat whilst they were talking, so, giving you a subtle reassuring look, she added on.
“let’s leave it for when we’re at school and not in front of y/n, how’s that sound?”
the two other girls looked at each other, then you, and eventually nodded. just like that, the tension in the air disappeared, and you already felt calmer.
but not calm enough to be confident about meeting your girlfriend’s friends and actually enjoy this small get-together.
however, you couldn’t sit there and pretend that the silence that settled in between all of you wasn’t a comfortable one, especially with the way wonyoung’s hand rested on yours, it was a nice contrast to what was actively going on in your mind.
until it was brutally killed by the dramatic sigh that came from the familiar tall and bright haired girl’s mouth.
“well, i’m pretty damn hungry, aren’t you guys hungry? cause i sure am pretty fucking hungry!“
you internally laughed, acknowledging that she was naturally quite funny. you apparently weren’t the only one to think so, considering how that also earned a small giggle from the almost just as tall girl who you assumed was her girlfriend, since she was practically always looking at her with heart-shaped eyes, regardless of the situation; you could tell when a girl was whipped for another, and it was as clear as day. 
she was more than whipped for the blondie.
“you know jiwon, if you wanted to get up and go order, you could’ve just said that.” she said, smiling at the girl in question and looking stupidly in love. 
“well yeahh.. but it’s essential for everyone to know how famished i am at all times, darling; my hunger is everyone’s problem, i thought we knew this!” was what jiwon said back, her bright smile making the dimple on one of her red cheeks, her left one, even more prominent than usual, since it’s quite literally always visible. that earned a playful eye roll from the other girl as she continued giggling. 
the pet name helped confirm your theory that those two were a thing.
“you guys want anything?” she softly asked, quickly making sure.
“nope! we’ll get something later, thank you rei.” was what wonyoung responded before warmly looking at you, slightly tilting her head in a way that silently asked you if you felt like ordering. you politely declined by shaking your head, hand waving around as you’re doing so, for extra insistence.
after that, they stood up together and proceeded to walk towards the counter to order. their hands were grazing each other’s for a little moment as they talked, almost hesitant. that is, before jiwon gently grabbed the other girl’ hand and intertwined their fingers together, both now having acquired their place in line. smiling to yourself, you also particularly noticed how jiwon, her face now completely red, seemed to trip on literal air as she walked with the reason for that was giggling endlessly. 
man, what a match they were, you thought.
rei, if you remembered her name correctly, was soft spoken and careful with every little thing she said and did, her gentle tone offered some sort of contrast to jiwon’s, who on her part, was louder, more outgoing and spontaneous. being polar opposites, they complemented each other amazingly; from their behavior all the way down to their body language, it was impossible to miss how different yet similar they were.
it seemed as if wonyoung noticed you staring at them from a distance, so she assumed it would’ve been a good idea to give you a little bit of funny context. “can you believe they’re not dating yet?” she asked, looking at them with you.
“wait.. what? they aren’t?” you exclaimed, surprised at the almost unbelievable information your girlfriend just dropped on you. well there goes your theory, “are.. are you sure?”
amused, she shook her head, eyebrows raised, “mmhm.” she said, putting emphasis on the first m. “i swear at times it feels like i hear them gushing about the other way more than i see my own mom.”
you giggled, your eyes darted back and forth between her and the other girls, in disbelief. actually.. the more you looked at them, the more whatever wonyoung said seemed to be true; despite being this close and intimate with each other, there were signs of uncertainty, as if this was new for the both of them. like when jiwon seemed to avoid rei’s gaze whenever she spoke, or maybe even when rei seemed to blush at quite literally anything silly that came out of jiwon’s mouth, which was very often, by the way.
“crazy, i know.” she laughed, staring at the two with you. “i mean, they practically are by now, they’re just not aware of it themselves yet.”
okay yeah, you thought, nodding at your girlfriend, it made sense. 
they did look like a newlywed couple if they didn't know they were married, and that just made it all the more endearing to see, honestly. you were glad wonyoung was friends with such kind-hearted and genuine girls. 
that somehow contributed in bringing back that nerve-racking doubt you had ever since you stepped foot in here, however, and your amusement was once again quickly overshadowed by worry. see, those two seemed so happy with each other, despite not even dating, that it got you thinking about your and wonyoung’s relationship. 
rei and jiwon sort of reminded you of what you and your girlfriend were, way back before you started dating, back when she knew absolutely nothing about you and was instead curious regarding your person, intrigued.
you thought that maybe you didn’t end up exceeding her expectations like she initially believed you would, that you maybe weren’t as interesting of a girlfriend than she would’ve hoped, that she could do so much better than you. 
hell, maybe even the two friends you were staring at prior thought so.
you noticed how wonyoung stared at you with a focused expression, the one she always had on whilst she tried to comprehend something complex, whatever it was. many things elicited that reaction, sometimes it’d be an important yet contradictory school document, other times it’d be an attempt to read something that was written in one of the languages she’s not so familiar with, as rare as that was. 
right now though, she was probably trying to read you, a language she thought she was perfectly fluent in, yet was always met with a hard time understanding completely.
then, upon realizing that you were staring back at her, her eyes widened ever-so slightly and she gave you a warm smile. doing your best in not letting your insecurities spill through the cracks of your face, you smiled in return, as to not potentially worry her.
“we’re backk!” announced jiwon in a sing-song tone, quickly catching both you and wonyoung off-guard as she obnoxiously placed her tray down on the table, almost dropping it. rei’s, on the other hand, was set gently on the wooden surface whilst she carefully sat down on the seat, smiling to herself upon staring at the delicious looking food, completely disregarding the conversation happening right beside her. 
you nodded to yourself, that was truly respectable.
“already?..” asked the tall and brown haired girl in response, wearing a mischievous smirk girl at the blondie before continuing, “and here i thought that we were finally gonna have a break from you.” jokingly groaning and rolling her eyes.
“never gonna happen, unfortunately for you.” jiwon giggled at the banter, grabbing a handful of fries from the tray in front of her before forcefully shoving it into the other girl’s mouth, cutting the latter successfully.
that earned a giggle from everyone at the table, but rei’s tiny and polite laugh was especially noticeable among the bunch. 
turns out she always listens when it’s about jiwon, huh.
“what about you, y/n?” asked jiwon, distracting you from the conversation you were about to engage in with the delicious burger that nestled in between your eager hands. you looked at her, allowing her to carry on, “are you volunteering anywhere?”
all of a sudden, all three different pairs of eyes were on you, and you only. 
you cleared your throat, setting the hamburger down, now having caught a glimpse of what the conversation was actually about. volunteering, huh? is that a thing that student council casually members do when they’re bored..?
you didn’t want to seem like an asshole, but it’s not like you could afford to lie, either, especially not when wonyoung was staring at you so intently, like she was excited to merely hear you talk.
you felt guilty for even placing a word.
“oh uh,” you focused your eyes on the table, unsure of your response and the reaction you would get. “i would, but i barely have the time, unfortunately.. you know, with my job and all..”
“you know,” rei chimed in, shaking her medium-sized soda drink around before taking a sip, “you can say that you don’t care enough, we won’t judge.” she said in a joking manner, earning laughter from everyone at the table.
that was a joke, it’s obvious that everybody would be laughing. 
“ahah, yeah..” 
except you, of course, the best you could do at that moment was crack a slight smile since you were basically stuck inside of your own head by now, contemplating whether they were actually making fun of you in your face or if you were just overthinking everything again, just like you always do.
man, with each thought you had, you felt uneasy. the more they talked, the more overwhelmed you felt, especially if the conversation revolved around you;  self-consciousness wouldn’t even begin to describe it, despite your desperate attempts to sit and actually enjoy the moment, as well as the food in front of you, for that matter.
but alas, that annoying voice in your head had won again. the same voice that always goes on and on about how every person around you thinks you aren’t enough, and that you’re uninteresting and unlikeable, sometimes just plain annoying. 
that got the best of you today.
you reluctantly stood up, which caught the two girls’ attention, but especially wonyoung’s, all of their eyes perking up at you. “where you going?” asked jiwon.
“just the bathroom.” you replied almost immediately, “sorry, you guys can keep talking, i won’t be long.”
you make a beeline for the restroom after rambling out those words, not looking back for even a second. you push the door open once you get there, quickly closing it behind you before turning the sink on and looking at yourself in the mirror. 
get it together, y/n, you told yourself, don’t embarrass her any more than you already have.
you proceeded to splash some cold water onto your face, taking advantage of the fact that you conveniently decided not to wear any makeup today. to call it refreshing would be an understatement, as it helped you gain back composure.
that’s when you heard, and noticed from your peripheral vision, the restroom door cracking open. you turned off the running sink in hurry and turned to the door, wiping the water off of your face with your palm and forearm.
“..you okay?” 
“huh? yeah..” 
she looked at you some more. it was clear that she did not believe you for one second, she therefore locked the door behind you, as to not have anybody interrupt. she was going to ask again, however, she refrained from doing so and let you speak of your own accord.
you quickly understood that she was going to ask again, however, refrained from doing so and let you speak of your own accord. you took a deep breath, then you allowed your vulnerability to manifest itself through your words, just this once.
“..i just feel like.. i don’t know—“ you tried finding the right words to say, but nothing could potentially make the situation any worse than you’ve made it, “are you happy with me, wonyoung?” 
long pause. a very long pause.
she furrowed her eyebrows upwards, “…what?” her voice was now just above a whisper as she processed your words, slightly shaking. despite how subtle it was, you heard the fear in it. “o-of course i am, why wouldn’t i be?”
“i just feel… i feel like you deserve better than me.” you turned away from her, your eyes settling on the mirror before you, once again. “i’m sorry, i don’t wanna be annoying—“
“do i make you feel that way?” she asked almost immediately, cutting you off. her expression giving away her heavy dejection despite her best attempt to mask it. “do i make you feel like you’re not enough?”
hurting you is the last thing she would ever want to do, she’s certain she’d rather die a horrible death on the spot than cause you pain.
“no, of course not!” you responded just as fast, your gaze meeting hers as you turn to face her once again, “you’re great towards me, amazing, even. it’s… it’s just that, i’m scared that you’re doing it out of pure guilt.. is all—”
she, in response, was no longer taken aback. finally having understood what was on your mind throughout this whole outing, her worry evaporated from her face, leaving room for a sympathetic expression, “guilt?” she walked your way and stood beside you, her big hands now cupping your cheeks and holding them in a warm, loving embrace. “if i really was dating you out of guilt, would i really ask you to go out with me to meet my friends?”
“i don’t want you doubting my love for you ever again, okay?” she added, her eyebrows furrowed, now looking practically offended. “i mean, come on, let’s not forget that i have standards.”
interpreting your silence and the way you looked up at her as uncertainty, she continued, smiling at you, “and you exceed every single one; you’re amazing, y/n. you’re gorgeous, so incredibly smart, talented, understanding, so kind and genuine, too. the list could go on, honestly, but most important of all, i love you, i love you so much, and there is truly nothing in this world that’ll be able to change that.. i never, ever, wanna hear you say any of that again. also, never scare me like that? ever?”
“nuh uh!” she hovered her index finger over your mouth, silencing you before you could protest, “no buts! you’re perfect and i’m very incredibly lucky to be with you, that’s final.” she insisted, before mumbling to herself, “also, i should probably tell rei to cut it down on the sarcastic jokes, shouldn’t i.. she gets comfortable way too easily—“
“no wony, i know she meant no harm. plus, i would’ve found it funny if i wasn’t so in my own head..” 
she sighed, then nodded. and as corny as it was, that whole conversation was enough to fully reassure you again. you cracked a shy and content smile, to which she happily reciprocated whilst gently stroking your hair with her hand, leaving a loving kiss on your forehead. “i love you, wonyoung, i’m sorry.” you muttered, barely audible. 
she groaned, having heard you, and rolled her eyes jokingly, “will you stop apologizing so much?” before smiling with nothing but love and admiration in her eyes, “i love you too dumbass, so much, and i’m afraid i’ll never stop.” she added, before leaving a small peck on your lips.
you returned the kiss, having wonyoung leaning into you and gently pushing you onto the sink. your hands went on both sides of her face and cupped her cheeks, your girlfriend melting into your touch with a smile immediately before pulling away and looking into your eyes.
now being in the right headspace and paying proper attention to her appearance, you just now noticed how good wonyoung really looked that day; her long brown hair perfectly straightened at the top and being more on the wavy side on the ends, the whole hairstyle being all, quite literally, tied together by a lavender-coloured ribbon. you’ve also noticed that she decided to wear her favorite  navy blue and white striped knit sweater and tucked it under the waistband of her blue denim jeans, incredibly effective in drawing attention to her waist whilst also keeping a cozy look.
she looked beautiful, there was absolutely no doubt about that, but your mind kept wandering further. you thought about how much more beautiful she’d look wearing nothing, before being hit with the sad truth that the two of you are in a public bathroom, and that the latter was very unlikely to happen.
still though, you smiled to yourself as your eyes trained down on her body, getting lost in dirty thought before looking up at her again. once your gaze met wonyoung’s, you watched her lips form into a stupid smile before she spoke again, making you realize how dearly you missed listening to her honey-like voice despite having heard it roughly 30 seconds prior.
“and what are you looking at exactly?” she tilted her head slightly, flirtatiously sliding her hand up and down your sides as she awaited your answer.
it’s crazy how your girlfriend of several months could still manage to turn your stomach to literal mush, every single thing about her made you short-circuit; her mannerisms, the way she talked to you, the way she always put her hands on the right spot, her smile… she was clearly out to get you.
and it didn’t look like that was going to change anytime soon.
“..nothing,” you replied, taking a short pause as you took in all of her features, before adding on, “you look good, babe.”
that pet name made sense again, you felt like yourself again.
“yeah?” she spoke back, now placing her two hands atop each side of the sink that you were already leaning on. her face now mere inches away from yours, your nostrils suddenly invaded by the hypnotizing smell of the sugary, expensive perfume she had on, the one that drove you nuts, “thanks for noticing.”
it took one last dorky smile from her before you officially lost your shit and pulled her back in for a kiss, this one hungrier than the previous, and it didn’t take much for wonyoung to acknowledge the desire you felt for her, either. she’d also be lying if she said she didn’t want you just as much. 
you could taste the cherry lip gloss she had put on previously as your lips danced in sync with hers, 
“wait,” you said in between kisses, “what about the others?”
“oh don’t worry,” she chuckled, wearing a knowing expression and slightly shaking her head in amusement at the thought, “they’re definitely keeping each other distracted. i would even go as far as to say that they completely forgot about us even coming along in the first place.”
as insane as it may sound, you could totally picture jiwon completely discarding her food and endlessly rambling about quite literally the dumbest thing ever whilst rei admired her silently, listening to every word the other girl spoke, entranced as she took tiny sips of her drink, perhaps as an attempt to make the moment last forever.
the two of you giggled to yourselves, seemingly having thought of the exact same thing before the urge to have wonyoung ruin you in this very bathroom hit you once more, only harder this time. 
it didn’t take long for your girlfriend to lean back into you, now making her painfully slow way down to your jaw, then to your neck, planting messy and lazy pecks across the skin. you felt her smiling against you with relish, taking in each and every soft noise that escaped from your mouth. her hands were growing more and more curious by the second, which caused them to explore and slide further down from the spot they initially settled on; your lower stomach and waist. they eventually worked their way up your black pleated skirt, teasing your entrance through the soft fabric of your already damp underwear.
that went on for a long while, so long so that you felt the pool in between your legs growing with each rub of the finger she gave you.
“god, look at you,” she then whispered against your neck, marking it up right to her liking, “perfect, always so perfect for me.” and watching you not-so-subtly grinding your hips against her hand at the words, longing for any sort of friction you could get. 
“wonyoung–” you whined out quietly, using all of your willpower to not make too much noise so as to not let the other people in the restaurant hear you through the closed door. she heard you though, she heard you loud and clear and that was all that mattered to her. she pretended that she didn’t, however, and pulled away from your neck to properly look at you to raise a knowing eyebrow at you. the back and forth motion she was doing on your clothed pussy now much, much slower. “what was that baby?”
“please.” you breathed out shakily, “i need you.. bad.”
“do you now?” she responded, cocky.
you nodded almost immediately.
she let out a tsk sound in response, “couldn’t even wait ‘till we get home, huh?” that confirmation was all it took for her to finally push your panties to the side just enough to be able to spread your cunt and squeeze her fingers into it, which was very wet enough to welcome her digits, she slowly inserted them further in. 
“so impatient, just for me, right?” she whispered, watching you as you nodded once again, this time more keen. she then paused, quietly taking in all of your reactions to her different  words and teasing, more than satisfied, she scoffed, “fuck, i love you—“
she pressed her lips against yours again, eager; she truly couldn’t get enough of you, everything about you was all she could ever want. you couldn’t help but let a guttural groan escape from your lips in response to her two fingers fully sliding inside of you in one swift motion, filling your insides up perfectly. you were undeniably loud, but the kiss definitely contributed to quieting you down, muffling the noise of your pleasure, the squelching sounds of your pussy being the only audible thing occupying the air.
it didn’t take long before she started pumping her fingers in and out of you, finding a slow and steady pace before fully ravaging your core. she quickly pulled away to catch a glimpse of the scene happening on the lower side of things; her hand reaching into your skirt and working its magic. the sight of that worked the both of you up even more, and she would’ve completely gotten rid of every piece of the clothing that’s in her way to you right then and there,
but then again, this was a public bathroom.
and you two were very quickly reminded of that once you heard knocking at the locked door, as well as tussling of the doorknob. wonyoung and you froze, albeit a very polite pair of knocking and turning, it scared the shit out of you.
“y/n? wonyoung? are you guys okay in there?” you heard rei’s easily discernible voice on the other side of the door. your eyes darted between it and wonyoung, mere inches away from you (who also seemed visibly panicked, as well as amused.)
well wonyoung was incredibly wrong in assuming they forgot about them.
in a silent, mutual agreement sealed by a nod, you came up with a pitiful excuse, fighting back every potential shake of your voice that could manifest itself, “y-yeah, uh, i’m just fixing up my makeup and—“
suddenly, you felt your girlfriend’s thumb pressing on your sensitive and swollen bundle of nerves without warning, and began to rub it in a slow and painful circular motion, wearing a slight smirk while doing so. your stomach immediately dropped at the feeling, and your first instinct was to bite your lip as you tried your hardest not to moan out wonyoung’s name out loud,
obviously, you wanted to, but couldn’t; especially not when rei’s on the other side, worried about you two.
the tall brunette threw you a teasing glance, her expression practically reading ‘go on, keep going.’ so, as a matter of principle, you did. you pulled on her knit sweater in overwhelm, oh so desperate to just cum already and not risk getting caught and definitely kicked out, just imagining that walk of shame gave you goosebumps, “w-wonyoung’s with m-me.”
“okay! oh and also, jiwon wanted me to ask if you were gonna finish your food.” 
as bad as it was, your thoughts at that moment resembled ‘oh my god why isn’t she leaving yet’, especially when your love thought it was an amazing idea to casually fingerfuck you again, her fingers finding their familiar pace and curling against your g-spot perfectly. you kept tugging on her top, mouth slightly agape in surprise and overwhelming pleasure as you tried to come up with an answer.
“yes!” you cleared your throat after having that first word coming out a bit too excited for your liking, then continued, “yes, t-tell her she can have all of the remaining fries s-she wants.” you looked at wonyoung with hooded eyes right after slurring out those words, shaking your head in desperation. not at all in the right state of mind to even listen to her friend’s response who then thankfully left, you mouthed the words ‘i wanna cum so bad.’ to her.
she was gonna keep teasing you, but she decided that you’ve endured more than enough for that day. with her other hand, she settled her palm onto your mouth; she knew how loud you got when hitting climax. a few more pumps of her fingers into your puffy cunt was all it took for you to grip onto her sweater as you came all over her hand, eyes rolled back whilst you moaned and pleaded into her hand, bucking your hips into her and riding your high on her palm, her thumb still pressing your clit.
pulling her slander fingers out of you, she quickly made you taste how good you were and made sure you thoroughly and carefully licked every inch of it clean as you hazily muttered ‘i love you’s in between lick and sucks.
one thing was for sure, sitting back down at the table wearing underwear full of your slick was definitely an element of great embarrassment,
but at least you were now fully reassured that dating you was not at all one for wonyoung.
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qiu-yan · 1 day
all of the above are plot elements i've seen be called "plot holes" in various MDZS forums and discussions.
please explain your reasoning in the notes!!!!
explanations / possible fillings for plot holes:
qin su and abortions: one major reason why jin guangyao did not call off his marriage to qin su even after finding out that they were actually half-siblings is that qin su was already pregnant by that point, as the two had had premarital sex. it seems like this problem could be fixed, though, if jin guangyao caused qin su to miscarry somehow (eg. by sneaking abortifacients into her tea).
potential explanations:
abortifacients don't work on cultivators
jin guangyao wanted to respect qin su's bodily autonomy and did not want to cause her pain by causing her to miscarry, but he also could not think of an argument that would convince qin su to willingly get an abortion.
even if the pregnancy disappeared, it was still too late for jin guangyao to call off the marriage.
wen ning agreeing to help with the golden core transfer: at the time of the golden core transfer, wen ning already cares a great deal for wei wuxian - i mean, he betrayed his entire sect by smuggling jiang cheng out of the occupied lotus pier just because wei wuxian, who was nice to him once about his archery, asked him to. meanwhile, wen ning must have known what was actually going on once wei wuxian decided to transfer his golden core to jiang cheng, given that wen ning helped wen qing with the procedure. now, to me, it seems that if you care about someone, you should not allow them to literally give essential parts of themselves away and should instead try to prevent them from acting so self-destructively. to me, it seems that if wen ning really did care about wei wuxian, then he should have stopped wei wuxian from setting himself on fire to keep someone else warm.
possible explanations:
to wen ning, [helping someone do something they're determined to do, even if said thing is self-destructive] is a bigger demonstration of love and care than [imposing your own will over theirs by stopping them from self-destructing].
wei wuxian threatened to kill himself if wen ning and wen qing didn't help him with the golden core transfer.
wen ning legitimately thought that wei wuxian would be fine without his golden core and/or underestimated the negative consequences for wei wuxian, and thus did not perceive this as a self-harming act.
wen ning cared more about getting wei wuxian's approval and keeping wei wuxian happy than he cared about wei wuxian's physical and mental wellbeing.
once wen qing and wei wuxian committed to the golden core transfer, wen ning did not have the courage to speak up against them and/or saw that disagreeing would be useless.
wen ning also wanted to know if his sister's theory would work.
wei wuxian and lying about wen zhuliu getting him: one of the major factors straining jiang cheng and wei wuxian's relationship post-sunshot is that wei wuxian is no longer able to perform many of the second-in-command duties he had promised jiang cheng he would do, but he cannot tell jiang cheng why (ie. because he no longer has a golden core) because he does not want jiang cheng to find out that wei wuxian gave jiang cheng his own golden core. however, it seems like wei wuxian could get around this by telling jiang cheng that wen zhuliu also got wei wuxian later, which is both highly plausible and would explain why wei wuxian doesn't have a golden core anymore without suggesting any sort of transfer.
potential explanations:
wei wuxian didn't want jiang cheng to know at all that he didn't have a golden core anymore.
wei wuxian worried that any hint of "wei wuxian doesn't have a golden core anymore" would eventually lead to jiang cheng figuring out the truth about the golden core transfer.
wei wuxian doesn't want jiang cheng to feel guilty about "stealing" wei wuxian's "chance to meet baoshan sanren and get his core restored."
wei wuxian doesn't want to think about the fact that he no longer has a golden core at all.
wei wuxian didn't think of this. (plausible given wei wuxian's personality)
wen remnants not changing their names and going into hiding: after wei wuxian busts the wen remnants out of the qiongqi pass labor camp, he sets up shop in the yiling burial mounds with himself as their protector; this way, neither the jin nor anyone else can try to harm the wen remnants, because they'd have to go through wei wuxian first. however, what this decision also entails is that all of the wen remnants are now highly associated with wei wuxian; thus, once wei wuxian's reputation goes south enough, all the wen remnants under his protection get dragged down and killed with him. it seems that some of the less high-profile wen remnants (ie. the ones who are not wen ning or wen qing) could have avoided this had they changed their names and gone into hiding, preferably somewhere far away from this part of the jianghu, instead of all sticking together in the highly-visible burial mounds. even if lanling jin and the other sects have a high amount of influence in the local area, there's still an entire world out there; they could have tried fleeing to a different country. even if this option is not possible, at the very least, it should have been discussed and shot down (with an explanation) in the story.
possible explanations:
the burial mounds were under constant surveillance, so there was no chance for the wen remnants to escape without getting caught and killed.
lanling jin's influence is so far-reaching and powerful that there was no way the wen remnants could have fled far enough to go into hiding without getting caught first.
the wen remnants wanted to keep their family name and stick together with their family members.
the option was discussed and dismissed as implausible entirely offscreen.
jiang cheng not hunting down xue yang: the story's narration states that jiang cheng is widely believed to have consistently hunted down, tortured, and killed countless demonic cultivators, specifically because he believes they could be wei wuxian resurrected. meanwhile, xue yang is fairly well known due to his incredibly public massacre of the chang sect and then baixue temple and subsequent employment by lanling jin. furthermore, after xue yang was removed from jinlintai, xue yang set up shop in yi city, where he very openly killed a bunch of people and turned them into fierce corpses; in fact, one could consider the ghost-town status of yi city at the story's start to be due in no small part to xue yang's actions. however, despite xue yang being a very well-known demonic cultivator who has continued to openly demonically-cultivate, nothing in the text suggests that jiang cheng ever tried to hunt down xue yang. this seems to present a contradiction with the rumors about jiang cheng hunting down demonic cultivators.
possible explanations:
jiang cheng already knows that xue yang was not wei wuxian, so he doesn't care about xue yang.
jiang cheng fully believes that jin guangyao successfully killed xue yang upon becoming sect leader jin, and yi city is remote enough that no mention of xue yang's activities has ever reached jiang cheng.
jiang cheng got his ass kicked by xue yang entirely offscreen and it just never came up in the story.
the rumors about jiang cheng hunting down and killing demonic cultivators are not entirely correct.
lan wangji freely ditching lan xichen at the end of the story: the story ends with lan xichen basically getting put into the blender. first he finds out that his bestie jin guangyao actually orchestrated the death of nie mingjue and super lied about it, and then he's tricked by nie huaisang into stabbing jin guangyao. he's not doing too great. yet, at the end of the guanyin temple scene, instead of checking on his brother or even offering a single "are you okay?", lan wangji immediately fucks off into the sunset with wei wuxian. given that lan xichen was relatively supportive of lan wangji during lan wangji's 13 years of mourning, to many on this website, this reads as a failure of familial duties that lan wangji goes entirely uncriticized for by the narrative.
possible explanations:
it was an intentional writing decision and not a plot hole. MXTX thinks that, because lan xichen failed to see through jin guangyao's lies, lan xichen therefore deserves to suffer, so lan wangji is morally justified in ding dong ditching him.
lan wangji did screw up here, but it's an internally-consistent writing decision, not a plot hole. lan wangji is meant to read as a younger brother character who is more used to being taken care of than taking care of others.
no lube: at the end of the story, wei wuxian and lan wangji fuck nasty in some bushes. without any lube. the lack of some sort of lubricant, at least, doesn't seem to cause any problems with the anal sex itself.
possible explanations:
cultivator's asses are self-lubricating, or at the very least repair damage at an incredibly high speed.
the sex actually is quite painful, but wei wuxian was a virgin up until now so he just thinks this is normal.
the sex actually is quite painful, but wei wuxian is into it.
there was lube op just forgot (plausible because i only skimmed that section)
almost every sect leader unmarried: in this sort of setting, where blood and not ability determines inheritance, it seems like producing heirs and thus securing the future of the sect/clan should be of the highest importance. however, nie mingjue, lan xichen, jiang cheng, and later nie huaisang are all unmarried, and don't seem to have any heirs either. this goes doubly for the nie sect, who know themselves that they live shorter lives due to their cultivation style.
potential explanations:
cultivators live a really long time so it's not as pressing an issue.
there are wives and heirs, they are just offscreen.
gonna be real boss i got nothing else
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whatudottu · 15 hours
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Welcome one and all to my version of the party's loopified designs, featuring my many broken bones and blood stains I especially put into Odile who I tackled second unlike the alphabetical order that I have presented here! I'll have in-depth discussions on each designs and matching practice portraits under the cut but before that-
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Siffrin 'barely taller than a preteen' no middle name no last name Loop is still barely taller than a preteen but now that preteen can claim fire to their height!
Alphabetical order GO!
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Bonnie, who I've been calling Bonfire (which if that ends up being their name I can imagine Bonnie calling them 'Fire' while they call Bonnie 'Face' to match), was the last of my designs because frankly I knew from the start what their design was going to take influence from and also knew I was going to draw fire :P They were based on bonfires (of course) and also specifically the Burning Man effigies just for a humanoid figure, plus being a chef cooker and a campfire and also a very heated expressive person.
Their flames are hot but not actual wood burning so the Favour Tree (and Mirabelle in the height chart) are not at risk of combusting, they're just incredibly bright-
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Isabeau my first design, with influences from @basilpaste 's Lock (with a dressform body) and @nullapophenia 's original version of Husk (the faceless identityless sketch), I have combined them both to make a mannequin it/its loopified design that finally gets to be capital T Tall all for the low low price of being Changed against its will and suffering another bout of body dysphoria that it can't fix anymore :) :) :) When I was referencing mannequins I actually noticed how long their legs actually were let alone how they were perma-stuck in that Barbie-like highheel pose and thought why don't I just curse Isa with something he previously wanted :P
Something something Isabeau actively Changed not only his body but his personality to become someone he wouldn't be ashamed of, yada yada Loopsabeau is back to hating itself and has started to become a person it despises to match (also like a mannequin it's head and arms are technically painlessly removeable :P)
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Third in order and third in design is Mirabelle, who technically is the only loopified design with technically hair and clothes, but the hair are the tangled roots of the Favour Tree and the clothes are like the carved hardstone statues of religious figures :P Initially my Idea for Mirabelle was to make her kinda like her statue, with the wonky expression of someone who made it without much mastery over details, not to pit anything against Mira, no, no. Thought about maybe abstract statue design but I couldn't find a version I liked but I did always imagine her statue being weathered in some way, there was a reason why I saved her for third I couldn't pick what I wanted. But then I remembered the broken Change God statues, thought about the 'blessing' that ended up being a curse, and then thought about overgrown weathering and gave her the roots.
I actually looked up Black hairstyles and mostly wondered what specific hair texture Mirabelle had (she wears it in a fro of course, but she has flyaways that aren't coils, but she described her own hair as kinky and :P) so that if I were to mimic hair with tree roots I can get an appropriate matching hairstyle (settled on megatwists). Hah, if Mira has 4C hair, considering how long her hair actually looks, if she to wear her hair in twists she might actually have elbow length hair :P
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I spent 8 non-consecutive hours on Odile can you tell? Can you see my hands bleeding my wrist breaking my eyes drooping? Yeah so Odile was again, my second design and it took me a week to recover, and she's a combination of gem and mirror suit with all the little fragments floating around her the 'diamonds' that represent all her family members party plus the ones she originally had in sets of 2. I also put geodes where parts of her body have broken off (inspired by how when the King strikes she can't move, plus also being a glass canon) where when I was actually drawing those geodes that they kinda use the Change symbol?
Circle within a circle within a circle, regardless of how wiggly it is, and at the centre is a cluster of crystals. That was an accidental reference to Odile's mixed heritage but hoo boy what a connection! Her missing pieces are a combination of 'being too old for this' fragility and also 'i didn't want to render more mirrors sue me'
Anyway I am going to put my wrist in a cast and imagine loopified party members with their pre-wish counterparts :P
#bonnie#bonnie isat#isabeau#isabeau isat#mirabelle#mirabelle chevalier#mirabelle isat#odile#odile isat#loop#loop isat#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#fanart#i saw someone mention in the tags of my previous isat post talking about the mirabelle chevalier tag#as soon as my grubby little broken mitts grab hold of either a physical or digital copy of the isat artbook#which as has been said by insertdisc5 include the last names of the characters (at least the ones that remember them)#i will not only continue using chevalier but also everyone else's last names in tags#replacing... one of the other character tags#a lot of my thoughts on the designs have been already said#but me and the same isat friends have some thoughts on how the loopified versions interact with their old selves#mirabelle is the nicest but may snap every so often in a 'arent you tired of being kind dont you want to go apeshit' kinda way#isabeau is a bitter jealous asshole who's regressed to being unkind thanks to not having the body it worked so hard to make once#odile is a little cold when talking to herself since pleasantries take too much time plus her 'i will do awful things [for da fam]' ways#and bonnie is bonnie so they're angry and pissed and sad they won't see their nille again but also they and bonnie are friends in the loop#speaking as someone who at bonnie's age didn't really have friends um whether or not i'm projecting i think fire and face can be besties#please enjoy these designs my kitten scratched me so hard i needed a bandaid for the price of angst and i think that's fitting#do i have an attached au to these designs? no. do i want one? maybe maybe i guess there's only so many ways to have an [x] loops au
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fandomxo00 · 1 day
Ok sooo i want yalls opinion!!
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this is my new fic, Ivy, which is inspired by an ask but is also about x-24!
here's a sneak peek 👀 special thanks to @chronicallybubbly for helping me out with this story
"Who are you?" You whispered, stepping forward as he retracted his claws and placed his hands down to his side. His eyes scanned over you, the dress that you wore, he didn't quite know how to describe you, but it felt like he couldn't take his eyes off of you, you were so delicate. Then his mind went to the expanse of your hips, the extra flesh that rested on your hips and around your midsection. As his eyes flitted up to yours, he found a deep wanting filling his chest. Though he didn't know how to communicate the way you did; it was never important for him to speak so it was something he never really learned to do with others. Sure, he would talk to himself on occasion because he picked up some language from the doctors and captors, but he knew he didn't at the very least have a name.
You stepped closer to him as you glanced at the chain around his neck, leaning down your soft knees hit the ground as you reached out a hand towards him. "Can I see your necklace?" X just blinked at the woman dipping his chin down to see the chain around his neck before pulling it up from under his shirt and jacket. Your small hand reached out towards him slowly, he noticed a small scar right above one of your knuckles before your index finger as you reached out for the thin piece of metal. The feeling of your soft touch on his skin, soothed him, as you looked at the name on the chain, "Logan?" You flipped it around and saw the word, "Wolverine" on the back of them. You looked up into his eyes with a confused expression, you should've thought that he might be because of the claws. Though, The Wolverine had died about 6 months ago, you'd only known because of the local news. "I thought you died."
"He…. di-..di..ed." X corrected quitely, his voice was rough, raspy, and almost unnaturally deep, like he hadn't spoken in a long time, looking away from you.
"Oh? I-I'm confused." You mumbled, before brushing your thumb against the indented letters, before letting it fall to his chest, as you looked into his dark green eyes."W-Will you let me help you? I can give you food, a place to stay, a shower." You offered; it seemed like he somewhat understood your words as you reached out a hand before standing up.
"I ki-..killed him." X replied, not daring to look at you but at his hands, it was his way of telling you that he wasn't safe. That bringing him home wasn't safe for you. Though you didn't falter as you had heard all about Transigen and you thought about all the children that had escaped. You knew about the experiments on the children, how they had impregnated poor women before letting them give birth and murdering them. If you had to guess, this man was a product of their experiments and was just a copy or relative of The Wolverine.
tagging my people bc i want yalls opinion ❤️
@ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @onlybunss @delicateholland @bubblegumholland @mega-kittyglitter-1
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ghyulia · 18 hours
cw: Shouto Todoroki x Reader, wc ~3.2k
disclaimers ;3 - angst, misunderstandings, & fluff!
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It was no secret amongst UA students that you and Todoroki were attached at the hip. A better way to describe it would be that you frequently tugged on the boy, yelling his ear off, rambling, training together, and the like.
It wasn't always that way, of course. At the beginning of your first year at UA, you and the half-hot half-cold boy did not get off to a good start. You showed him your well-practiced friend-making kindness, he responded in a not-so-nice manner, saying that he didn't care for friends in such a condescending voice, and you decided that you didn't like him. That decision lasted less than a month though, when he later apologized for his coldness and you forgave him. You were never one to forgive easily, so it came as a shock to you to see yourself immediately accepting his apology. How come?
Your relationship with Todoroki only went up from there. It started with being paired as training partners which turned into exchanging books and studying together, walking to class together, hanging out together, eating lunch together, and doing just practically about everything together. You attached yourself to the dual-color haired boy, even giving him his own cute nickname of sorts. Todoroki had never said outright that he hated it. In fact, if you had to guess, you would've thought he was okay with it--liked it even. (But now, that assumption only feels like your biggest mistake.)
It's a morning like any other. You trudge down the hall of your school, mentally dreading entering the classroom. You told Todoroki not to wait for you as you wanted to get to class a bit earlier. (You two had a habit of making it to class just by the bell, wasting copious amounts of time talking through breakfast.) You wanted to stop by the support course to pick up a part of your hero costume, and you knew it wouldn't be possible to if you had waited for the boy. You giggle lightly to yourself thinking about the face 'Roki will make when he sees the new addition to your costume. You're about to turn the corner when you hear a string of familiar voices. It makes you stop dead in your tracks. Curiosity always got the better of you. You quickly recognize the voices to be Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki. You smile lightly to yourself, thinking what an odd combo it seems to make. Your smile drops almost immediately, though.
"Everyone seems over the edge these days with exams coming up, huh Prez? Whaddya say about us holding a class study session?" You hear Kaminari suggest. "I don't think that would be efficient nor effective! We also have to consider if some of our classmates study better in small groups or large groups!" Iida replies, and you can see him waving his hand in an engine like way. "I'm with Prez on this one, sorry bro." Kirishima adds, scratching the back of his head. "I feel the same way!" Midoriya chimes in, before whisper-rambling about who in the class seems like they work better alone. "I agree too. I wouldn't participate. It would most likely distract me from getting any work done at all." You hear Todoroki say. "Yea, well of course you wouldn't join! You and (Name) would probably chum it up with the books before we would even get anywhere! It's no fair! How come you always get to hang around (Name)?" "It's not like that. (Name) is a distraction to me too. In many more ways than anybody I've ever known is." "Woah, dude! I didn't know that's how you felt about them. I so thought..." You feel your heart sink to your feet. Suddenly, everything about you feels weird. You didn't know that was how Todoroki felt about you. Suddenly, your feet are moving by themselves, in the opposite direction. Anything to get away from here. From this situation. And so you make a mad dash to the restroom. You couldn't bear to hear the rest of the conversation, when it had been made so clear to you that the guy you thought was your best friend had felt the exact opposite about you. You felt so pathetic and in shock that you couldn't even cry. If you were so annoying and distracting to Todoroki, why didn't he just say so? Why did he let you pester him and waste both his and your time? You don't understand. You just stood there in the bathroom, leaning against the door of a stall. Slowly, you come to, slap yourself in the face, and walk towards your classroom once again. That day, you make another decision, with more resolve than the previous ones. Distance.
And so when you make it to class just by the bell and half-hot half-cold boy inquires why since you specifically left early, you just shrug and tell him you had some things to take care of. And when lunch comes around, you decide that you want to sit with Mina and her friends. And when it's time to train, you ask Midoriya instead. And at the end of class, when Iida proposes that you, Midoriya, Todoroki, him, and Uraraka should have a study session, you pass. You pack up your things, bid your friends a cya later, and make your way out of the building. You're changing your shoes when Todoroki makes his way towards you. He has a slight grimace on his face, but to most people, he looked like he normally did. (Why did you still want to know why he was making that face? Why did you get so attached in the first place? You hated yourself for it. )
"..Hey. Is there something wrong? You were unusually to yourself today. You didn't even pair up with me for training or sit with us." Todoroki asks, outstretching his hand to take your bag as you fumble with your shoes. You don't give it to him, and instead opt to bring it even closer to you. You muster up the best smile you can, and reply with all the gusto you can bring. "I'm fine! I have to go now though, so see you!" You say hurriedly as you quickly finish putting on your shoes and readjusting your bag. You all but dash out of the building and make your way to your dorm before Todoroki can even offer to walk with you. You hope he doesn't notice how stiff your smile was. But how would he anyway? He had only seen you as a distraction. You leave behind a distraught and confused Todoroki, who watches you disappear into the distance. (The boy immediately noticed how fake that smile was. Your smile was never like that. Ever. You didn't tell him about your day. You didn't eat lunch with him. You didn't even say a full 3 sentences to him today. And for the first time, Todoroki felt a sharp pang! in his chest. It hurt.)
Before you know it, you're at the dorms and finally, everything comes crashing down. You feel like you're about to have a meltdown. And so you quickly whip out your phone and shoot Mina a quick text.
Hey Mina, not feeling too hot rn. I'll be in my room
"Not feeling too hot" was your and Mina's unspoken way of saying hey, I'm about to lose it, hellp! When Mina had first texted you something along those lines, you decided to check up on her, only to find her hysterically sobbing into her pillow. Safe to say it's a term only used during emergencies. Like now. By the time you make it to your room, you feel the waterworks coming. You quickly wriggle out of your uniform and fight back the tears that threaten to release from your eyes. You're doing well you think, until Mina comes in. All it takes is a "Hey babes, what's wrong?" For you to absolutely crumble into your best friend's chest. It takes a while for you to finally get everything out, along with the reason you're this way, but by the time you do, you feel a lot better.
"What the hell is wrong with this dude...It pisses me off but, (Name)! Listen. The best part now is that you know, right? No more clinging or worrying about that twat!" You sniffle. "I know, Mins. I really know, but it still hurts, you know? I'm embarrassed, hurt, and sad. But above all, I'm angry. I've been making a fool of myself. I hate it. And I hate how much I liked him." You croak out, throat dry from all the crying. "I know, I know." Mina coos, and you hug her tighter. Eventually, she leaves, and you sprawl across your bed. You already know what you're going to do. It's easier this way for the both of you guys, you think.
And so you continue to give Todoroki the cold shoulder. You shoot him a text saying that you can't walk with him anymore, and even decide to make breakfast to-go just to avoid seeing him. You stop greeting him in the morning. You ask Midoriya to be partners for the foreseeable future, and he agrees. You walk home with Mina. You eat lunch with Mina and her friends. You begin to study with them, too. And go out on the weekends. You barely even spare the dual color haired boy a glance. Whenever you speak to him, you keep it curt. (But how come it still hurts?) And this lasts for around a month, before the last straw.
Breaking up your friendship with Todoroki gave you more time to hang out with other people. It was fun to talk to new people, and it also served as a way to take your mind off him. This Friday is like any other. Todoroki watches you walk in, and a part of him hopes that maybe you would say good morning! in your chirpy voice. You always made it a point to smile at him and say good morning, but now, you don't even look at him. He watches as you take your seat and talk to Kaminari about something stupid. pang! Eventually the lesson starts, and the day flies by as "normal". The normal being rarely any contact between him and you. This isn't how it should be, Todoroki thinks to himself. He's packing up his things to go when he sees you and the metal quirked kid from Class 2b near the door. He can't hear what you two are saying, but he does see Metal Quirk lean in and all but tackle you into a hug. He's definitely heavy with the way you can barely hold yourself up. But you're laughing. He hadn't seen that in so long. pang. pang. pang. And before he knows it, Todoroki is making his way towards the two of you. He pulls Tetsutetsu off of you albeit a bit rough. "(Name). Mr. Aizawa is calling for us. He's in his office." And before you can respond, Todoroki clasps your hand and starts walking you two towards the office. Although shocked, you manage to use your free hand to wave to Tetsutesu before confronting the boy keeping such a tight grip on your hand. "Thank you, but I can walk myself. Do you know what he needs us for?" You ask, but there's no answer. To your surprise once again, you both pass by the office. "Hey, Todoroki. I thought you said Mr. Aizawa was in the office? Where are we-" You feel his grip tighten a little. "Todoroki, let go." You say with a hint of seriousness in your tone that makes the boy hesitate in his walking. But he doesn't stop. You finally manage to yank his hand away at the lockers. "Todoroki! Seriously, what the hell?" You half-yell, both confused and annoyed. "I should be asking you that, (Name). What's happening? You don't talk to me at all. It's like I don't exist to you anymore. And now you're all buddy-buddy with everybody. Did I do something? I just want answers." Todoroki says, and you feel something in you explode. Maybe it's the pent-up frustration from his seemingly obliviousness, or just the sheer fact of the nerve he had to say what he just said. Either way, you don't spare the boy. "What's wrong?! You should be happy I'm doing this, since all I am is a distraction in so many ways. If I was such a pain, you should've said something. I overheard your conversation with the others about me. I couldn't even listen past the distraction part because it hurt so so bad. I know what you said. I thought I was doing us both a favor by ignoring you, so that way you can focus. And I can't even begin to look at you, because when I do, all I think about is how embarrassed and mad I am that you would let me stick around you all this time and not express how you truly feel! You never cared about me at all, did you?" You don't even realize you're crying until you feel one trickle down your cheek. You don't even bother to look at the male before you mutter a quick apology and make a beeline for the exit. Once again, you leave Todoroki standing there. (When he saw your tears fall, and chest heave, all he could wonder was how could someone look so beautiful even when crying? He wanted to slap himself. Why was he like this?)
You feel so idiotic as you sob into your pillow. And you sob, and sob, and sob until you physically can't cry anymore. By the time you look up from your snot covered pillow, it's darker. Dinner has already passed, and you weakly grab your phone to see a swarm of texts from Mina. Before you can type out a reply though, you hear frantic banging on your door. You sluggishly make your way to the door before creaking it slightly open. You're greeted with the face you least want to see right now, and you grimace. "What do you want, Todoroki? If you're sorry, it's okay. If you're not, it's okay too. I just want to be left alone." You shut the door faster than the half-hot half-cold boy can hold it, and you just stand there for a bit. You think he's left until you hear his voice. "(Name). I'm just letting you know in advance. I'm burning this door down." You quickly yank the door open. "No! What the hell." This time, Todoroki makes use of the open door and comes in. You both are just standing there until he speaks up: "(Name). I want to clear this up with you. I won't deny that I said what I said. And even if you had listened to the whole conversation, it wouldn't have made things any better." "How is this supposed to make me feel better?" "Sorry. What I mean is that It's the way I meant it that matters. I don't have a way with words. I've never been able to articulate my feelings quite well. (Name), you are a distraction. At first, I thought that it was maybe your quirk. Whenever I'm around you, it's hard to focus. My palms get sweaty, my heartbeat becomes irregular, and I just feel...odd. I talked about it with my sister, and she and I are both sure that I harbor romantic feelings for you. When I said you were a distraction, I meant...more so romantically. Kaminari and the others are just plain distracting in the annoying way. But you? You distract my heart. I can't pay attention to much other than your smile, your words, just you. This past month, week and 5 days have been horrible. That's what I meant, (Name). You're special to me, and I'm sorry I made you feel otherwise. I'm not lying. We can check for proof." He takes your hand softly places it on his chest. You can feel his heart beating rapidly, and when you look up, you see a faint red hue adorn both his cheeks. You can't help but shed a few happy tears. "You idiot. I'm just so glad right now...You don't understand how bad I hated not talking to you. We have so much to catch up on! You better be ready because I'm really gonna talk your ear off tonight." "I wouldn't have it any other way." Todoroki smiles and pulls you into a tight embrace.
"You do realize that you just confessed your love for me, right 'Roki?" "Yes." "And you counted the days, you loser. hehe." "...But Wait, so what does this mean for us? Since the feelings are mutual." "If it's alright with you, dating with the intention of marriage in the future?" "...Who told you that would be a good idea to say?" "...Tokoyami."
A while later, Todoroki ends up talking with Kaminari, Kirishima, Iida, and Midoriya. "I have a question. When I said that name was a distraction to me, what way did you perceive it as?" The male inquires. "Like ya hate her! I was so shocked. I still can't expect that from you of all people Todobro!" Kaminari says to which Kirishima agrees. "I thought the same way! But calling a classmate a distraction is far from appropriate! I take it you apologized?" Iida asks, to which Todoroki scratches his ear. "O-Oh WHAT?! Is that what you meant, Todoroki? I for sure thought you meant that you held romantic feelings for her which in turn led to um...distractions." Midoriya says, and The dual color haired boy half smiles at him. "Yea. That's what I meant." "How did you know Midoriya?! What the hell!" Kirishima asks, shellshocked. "Oh, um well I thought it was kind of obvious. Well actually, I have some notes about it in my notebook. Not in a creepy way I swear! It started off as an analysis of both of their quirks in battle since they always paired up together. They had a lot of synergy so I wanted to take some notes. But the more I observed the two of them together, the more I noticed. Like for example..." The green haired boy flips through his notebook until he reaches a page that says, 'TODOROKI & (NAME) ALLIANCE'. "Here it is! Like when they fight together, Todoroki takes a different stance than when he fights with like say, Bakugou. At first, I thought it was because he wanted to dominate against the enemy, but that didn't make sense since their strengths are close to equal. Then I realized his stance was more protective because he personally didn't want (Name) to get hurt. And also, when he's with (Name), his facial expressions are more animated. His smile is wider, and his eyes are always looking at them. He's always got his eyes on (Name). Even when we go out to stores, he always looks for something to bring back for them. The biggest solidifier for me though, was this past month when (Name) and him kind of drifted. His mood was significantly worse. He ate his lunch slower and would always look towards their direction. He would study slower, and he was looking at name even more. It was almost like they were his drive! It made me realize instantly that something was up.....and....and....." (Todoroki didn't even realize the extent to which you had captured his heart. But now he was sure. He had you, and he was never letting go.)
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a/n: oh my goodness I'm so sorry for being inactive :(( I'm back now and this was kinddaaa rushed but I think I like it tho!! aaaa I've been missing shouto a lot lately so here this is!! I hope ygs enjoy and if anyone has any ideas at all pls send them my way! I would love to do them!
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plor-bindery · 2 days
Bound: Kinkuary ‘23 by wolfpants
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Next up in my tour of binds I made for wolf: Kinkuary ‘23 by @wolfpants
When I first reached out to wolf to ask permission to bind their fic, I asked if there was anything in their fic that they wished they had bound. They mentioned their Kinkuary fics but immediately said "oh but that's impractical because it's a whole collection" or something to that effect, which of course I took as a challenge. (Authors, be warned. I will almost certainly bind the thing you say I should not try to bind.)
Anyone who is wisely subscribed to wolf's works on AO3 probably had the same delightful experience as I did throughout February 2023: namely, waking daily to a little notification that there was a small kinky gem awaiting consumption at one's leisure. Wolf writes sex incredibly well: the viscerality and immediacy of it, but also the thoughts and turn-ons and how it lights up each character's brain differently. They have a gift for making me love tropes and kinks I might not ever think to read or write otherwise.
All that being said, I felt slightly weird about being like HERE IS A BOOK OF YOUR KINK THAT SAYS KINK ON THE SPINE so (as wolf has noted) I went all Victorian and made a dust jacket to cover up the bind if wolf ever wants to make it look a lot more innocent than it is.
So many firsts in this one for me: first dust jacket, first index, first collection of fics, first table of contents... It was a blast from start to finish and I learned SO MUCH.
Materials and process chat under the cut.
Ye olde wooqu bookcloth off Amazon, HTV vinyl, 24 lb cream letter (wrong grain, forgive me) folios, machine-made endbands, black cardstock end papers.
The dust jacket is probably the only newish thing for me: I did a print using Staples' online service (which probably contributed to my choices because I also use this service for actual work things...) It was a poster print on matte paper.
This was a pretty straightforward bind but the typeset was full of learning curves. I use InDesign for typesetting and figured out how to set up a TOC and index. Wolf is a GREAT tagger so once I realized I'd either have a seven-page run of front matter listing the tags for each fic, or an index condensing them down, it was a no-brainer. And because wolf is so brilliant with tags, this led to my favorite index entries ever under Draco's listing (see photo.) I also figured out how to use styles to make every story have a header of its title, etc.
The great artwork of Eros is from rawpixel.
The other new thing for me was, of course, the dust jacket. I was disappointed to realize I'd messed up the measurements somehow once I printed, but it was close enough, so I went with it. I tried to rub some beeswax into the cover to help preserve it a bit but not sure it did much. If I were doing it again now, I'd use some Mod Podge matte aerosol fixative.
The dust jacket artwork is from the Smithsonian online collection of vintage seed catalogues. (S/O to my librarian spouse for the tip!) I created the spine matching the style as closely as I could, and then I went to town with silliness for the flaps. (This is probably a downside to having a fic writer also be a binder. I have trouble not writing something when the opportunity presents itself in the course of binding...)
The cover design is, of course, just a whole bunch of cursive X's. I'd hoped to have the title and author be a knockout from that pattern but it proved too hard to weed/read, so I ironed black HTV over the red pattern instead.
This is the only one of the set of four binds that I haven't (yet) bound for myself as a personal copy, but I think I will probably do so at some point! I was running out of black bookcloth at the time, so I prioritized wolf's copy for obvious reasons.
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quibbs126 · 2 days
have you done elder faerie and dark cacao…
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So I ended up getting on this because I saw an announcement for an eldercacao week, but it also means I got through this design, so here we are with Silver Clay Cookie
So Silver Clay here is supposed to be a weaponsmith, though she specializes in silver weapons. She's got a noticeable amount of silver in her dough, and it makes her have a particular attunement to metal, as well as being able to shape it out of clay. It makes her pretty important around the Faerie Kingdom
She's also a bit of a germophobe, and hates stains. They don't really get on her, but she's got a bit of a compulsive need to get rid of germs and such when she sees them. She also instinctively does not like the yeast creatures around the Faeriewood, for the same reasons (it's because silver is antibacterial)
She generally lives in the Faerie Kingdom, and is expected to take up the mantle of Guardian if something ever happens to Elder Faerie. She does visit the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but not often with the Licorice Sea being a barrier. The metal powers make her more important to the Faeries than the Dark Cacao Kingdom
She has a tendency to be rather high strung, and has inherited some of her father's (Dark Cacao's) traits of not really letting loose and relaxing. If you see her at a party outside of the start of it, it's because someone's keeping her there or because she's multitasking. It makes her odd among the Faeries, but she doesn't pay it much mind in favor of more work
She also doesn't really have wings, due to only being half Faerie. She says it doesn't bother her, but it always kind of has, at least in the back of her mind. She wonders if things would be better if she grew up and lived in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but she usually shakes it off as it doesn't really matter, she's living in the Faerie Kingdom
Where she stands post Beast Yeast Episode 2, I don't really know. I haven't put much thought into where she fits in the timeline, since I don't know when Elder Faerie and Dark Cacao would have hypothetically met. That's also why there's no mention of Dark Choco here either
I don't think I have much else to say on her, so let's move on to design things
So I actually didn't spend much time on picking a name. Her name's Silver Clay because silver is associated with the Faerie Cookies, and I know someone used it in a chocolate knife once. Silver Choco was also a consideration, but I went against it because I feel like I give too many Cacao kids the name "Choco". That's about it
I probably could have come up with a better name if I had spent more time on it, but I didn't, so
Silver clay (idk I couldn't find a good picture of the clay itself):
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To be honest, I don't really know what to put here
Her design's me trying to mix Elder Faerie and Dark Cacao design elements. Though I do also feel like she ended up being too plain at the end
I mean she is supposed to be a weaponsmith, with that being her primary role outside of her princess status, so I guess it works? But also I still feel like she's plain looking. Maybe she needs an alternate outfit
I'm gonna be honest, my main takeaway from Silver Clay is that she's underbaked. I did not spend much time at all fleshing out her concept, or in general the concept of an eldercacao kid. I didn't really even have a name and I went with the first idea that popped into my head. She has not been marinating
I feel like I feel this way with a lot of recent fankids. I guess I really don't have as much time to think about them as I did before, but in general I feel like I haven't been putting as much thought into them. And their designs just come out okay to me. But maybe I'm just being too hard on myself?
It doesn't really help that if I do wait, I get even more backup than I already do. Like, the 100+ unfinished requests will never be done. And even at this rate, it'll be forever until I finish one. This person's lucky I happened to have something force me to do this request
But yeah, I don't know. I guess Silver Clay isn't terrible, but she's undercooked in my opinion. I feel like I could have done better
But I hope you at least enjoy her
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mikuni14 · 2 days
Jack and Joker - Ep 4
Jack and Joker continue to steal my heart lol
How amazing it is that in this series every humorous, light scene or plot has such heavy overtones. For example, we see a little girl who is resolute, clever, brave, street-smart, and also cute and funny and as viewers we love her and admire her, but at the same time we see that she had to become like that to survive, that she shouldn't be so "adult" in her behavior, that she should be an innocent, carefree, childish little girl. The fact that she is practically the head of her small family, that she has to take care of her father and watch over him, that she "spies" for Jack and "protects" his household, that she has contact with violence and crime, is actually sad and disturbing. We also admire Jack for his kindness and courage, his unwavering decency and morality, but at the same time we see the weight on his shoulders when those noble traits of his are being exploited by others.
I love this aspect of the show.
What else I liked about this episode:
Jack and Joke's relationship is so enjoyable, I love when they clash, I love the tension between them, I also love that every fight and argument they have somehow always takes place when there is about this 🤏 distance between them 😆 Joke constantly invading Jack's personal space and Jack accidentally invading Joker's personal space will never cease to delight me. The only thing I'm still waiting for is Jack doing it consciously in a romantic situation and if he does it all aggressive and dominant, I think I'll die
Joke is such a great character, every episode just proves it. This time he surprised me positively again by 1) admitting to Jack's grandma what he did, knowing that he could lose her friendship (I love it when secrets are revealed right away, and not hanging over the characters' heads all season to be revealed accidently or with malicious intent by other people, creating stupid drama) and… 2) he cleaned Jack's house. Which was simply AWESOME. So many times we see characters who "atone" for their sins with great deeds, great sacrifices, and here we are, Joke just cleaned up, painted the furniture, helped with mundane household chores. As for me, I give him 10/10 for that alone. And I really liked the contrast between Jack's former coach's apology, which is just empty words and making himself feel better and Joke's actions, who doesn't stop apologizing to Jack, doesn't stop helping him and doesn't stop repaying him with big and flashy acts like stealing a ring, as well as small, ordinary, boring things like cleaning up or making a meal. I also like that the coach's apology was about him, and Joke's apology and actions are about Jack and him only
it never ceases to amuse me that every person takes one look at Jack and Joker together and immediately says: yep, they are married 😆
(a special award for me, a person with a non-existent memory for faces and names, because when watching Kidnap and Jack & Joker, series with a very similar plot and seeing a tall woman with dark hair entering this temple, the first thing I thought was, oh! it's that mafia boss lady from Kidnap 😭 )
entire essays and poems have already been written about how pretty War is as Joke, but I'll repeat my other post: Yin as Jack in this episode was exceptionally handsome. Maybe it's the dark clothes, maybe the hairstyle, or maybe the fact that he was exceptionally lively, expressive and emotional in this episode. For example, in the scene with his coach, his face went through all the stages of emotion, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I also liked the intensity on his face in his scenes with Joke
the child actors in Thai BL series this year are really something. First Chibi San, now Toi Ting 💖
I still like how despite their differences, they are both so similar, most in how completely selfless they are, both sacrificing themselves and doing everything for others. What a nice, compelling pair 🤩
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Their dynamic in this scene keeps me up at night ..
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shirefantasies · 1 day
Once you feel up to it, could you please write a oneshot of Fílí meeting a hobbit girl on his way to the Bag End and falling helplessly in love with her?
I have always imagined that Fílí and Kílí had arrived to Hobbiton a whole day early and spent it walking around - that, given how lost their uncle always was, Dís had sent them on the road earlier than necessary to ensure that they arrived in time.
So when they arrive to Hobbiton, the brothers are left to explore the market - and that’s when the coup de foudre happens - Fílí sees a hobbit (with strawberry blonde hair, please, if you don’t want to do reader-insert) selling all kinds of flour and has very short conversation with her. To his utter disappointment and annoyance, Kílí is responsible enough to talk him out of buying the huge bag of flour.
And, to be honest, that’s the reason behind Kílí’s grin and Fílí’s smirk we see when Bilbo opens the door.
Thank you soo much!
Please, take your time and care!
‘Cuz’ of Death- Fili x F!Hobbit!Reader
This is so long in the making 😅 but yay, brain finally brained! Enjoy some Fili fluff 🥰
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Warnings: one suggestive comment
Hobbiton’s rolling hills are green as ever as you struggle to pull the wheelbarrow along the path to the market. Your wares are your charge, of course, but that does not stop you in the slightest from wishing you had someone to share in your burdens. And your victories. Not that some great many victories are won in the illustrious world of flour salesmanship, but the thought still stood.
Thoughts. Such are yours for the remaining duration of the trip, flitting about your mind in fancy until you enter the bustle of tents being raised and tables being lain with all manner of honeys, meats, fishers' catches, freshly baked bread, and so many more colorful and tantalizing offerings of your great land. A smile fills your face at the sight. For some, they are overwhelming. For you? Your livelihood. Livelihood and the secret charm of possibility that you might meet someone you do not know, someone from some far reaches of the Shire. Or beyond.
Snorting at that particular notion, you heft bags of flour onto the table your neighbor was kind enough to set up for you, sorting them once all of them are up there for a moment of muscle rest. You hang your sign, a wooden piece carved for you by your father, and take up your helm of sale.
Sunlight has fallen such that it casts into your eyes; cursing your short form, you shade yourself with an arm as two shapes enter your line of vision. Tall shapes. Men? Dwarves? Dwarves, judging by their garb, which appears to be that of mountain folk. Heavy tunics, fur linings, heavy boots and beaded braids. They also are not so towering as the men you’d met on a trip to Bree once.
The blonde one's eyes slide between your wares and you, alternating until you break into a smile.
"Could I interest you in any of these fine flours, sirs?"
"Sirs," the black-haired one snickers, though completely without malice, only humor.
"What's this one?" Pushing his neighbor aside, Blonde points at a medium-sized sack.
“Buckwheat flour,” you answer with a smile, “Good way to make your cookies tender if you don’t use too much. That is, if you make cookies much. I’m not sure what you like.”
“I have been wanting to get into baking.”
“What are you doing?” Black Hair hisses, a whisper just loud enough for you to hear. “We’ve got the party!”
“Yes,” Blonde agrees jovially, glancing back to you, “It is prudent to bring a gift, isn’t it? What about a nice bag of-”
“We’ve got a while yet! I’m not carrying that around for an hour! Are you?”
“Come on, Brother.”
“Brother?” You burst out before you could stop yourself. The pair doesn't look so much alike- perhaps they each look like one parent.
“Oh, my apologies, madam,” Blonde whips around and gives a bow, spinning his hand as he folds, “Fili, at your service, alongside my little brother here.”
Giving your name, you accept Fili’s proffered hand and giggle as he presses a kiss to the back of yours.
"Kili," the little brother pushes in, offering his hand, too, "And we were just leaving."
"What about the buckwheat?" Fili turns from Kili back to you, leaning on your table. "I'm quite interested in the...tender cookies? What on earth does that mean? Does that make them firmer or less firm? Or more...chewy?"
"You don't bake." Kili again, this time with less urgency and a great deal more amusement.
Fili must have made some disastrous attempts, you think, unable to stop the amusement that begins creeping across your lips. You picture him hunched with a look of dramatized defeat over a pan of crumbled, blackened cookies with smoke spiraling off them.
"I could learn," the elder retorts in a surprisingly determined tone.
Something about it moves your heart, loosens it further, speeds it even. These dwarves are nothing like you expected- not in appearance, manner, or of course location there at your table traveling some humble Shire market.
"I could teach you," you tell him, running a hand through your hair.
"I'd like that," he replies, "We aren't here much longer, but this place is very beautiful. I think we'll be back."
Kili looks between you two, jiggling his eyebrows up and down as Fili suddenly kneels to the ground, rising again with a little pink flower pinched gingerly between his thumb and index finger.
"At least I will be for those baking lessons. Speaking of which..." He chuckles to himself. "A flower for a flour?"
After you accept the flower, Fili reaches for your sack of buckwheat flower yet again, only for Kili to knock his hand away, initiating a comical skirmish of slaps that finally cements in your eyes that these two are undoubtedly brothers. Your gaze bounces between each volley as you twirl your baby bloom, heart leaping at the feeling of it, at the imprint of Fili's mischievous smile and gleaming blue eyes upon the back of your brain.
"Ignore him," Kili finally says, breaking you from your flower-induced, pollen-dusted golden reverie, "He's looking for an entirely different set of goodies."
The confusion you feel at that last comment as you watch the younger dwarf physically drag his brother away from your flour assortment lasts all the way through the rest of the market, all your actual purchases, and even up to your trip to your cousin's house to deliver a loaf of bread your mother had made him.
The hearth is warm and the kitchen scented of the herbs he's preparing for supper and calming tea. He welcomes your steaming parcel of sourdough with open arms and puts a second fish and helping of vegetables on to roast while you chat about your day. Your unusual day.
A tale of your dwarf-filled day...interrupted by a dwarf. This one exactly what you've always pictured, even taller than the brothers and more imposing, complete with a long beard, tattoos, and an intimidating stare. He is quite blunt about the fact that he isn't familiar with you or Bilbo, but gracious as your cousin is he shoots you a look of sympathy and quickly slides you his other helping. His look quickly melts into frustration the more the dwarf goes on and takes from him and rearranges, sharing with you an exasperated glare that has you giggling.
"Dwarves," he shakes his head before opening the door to another, older one, "What is it with today and dwarves?"
"I don't know," you reply quietly, reaching up to gently caress Fili's flower, which you have tucked behind your ear.
The second dwarf, Balin, is surprised to see you there, but then, so are you to see him. He chuckles at that and asks you for direction, which you shyly give; when he asks about chairs, you lead him around the corner into Bag End's larger dining room, where the long table rests under a chandelier's cozy yellow light. Bilbo follows soon behind, peering skeptically at your little congregation with furrowed brows and muttered questions. The sound of the bell ringing yet again, however, distracts you from the hearty laughter of this new set of dwarf brothers. Tapping across Bag End's hardwood floor, you cross your cousin's home once more, slowly opening the great round door. Voices sound behind it, voices that increase in volume as Bag End opens wider to welcome them.
"I can't stop thinking about her. I tell you, Kee, she's going to be the death of me-"
Perking up with a wide smile that quickly melts into more of a smirk and gets directed at his brother, there stands Kili before you.
“Well now, brother, look who it is!” Kili exclaims your name, still looking right at his elder sibling as he sticks a hand out your way. “Can you believe our good fortune?”
“No,” Fili answers with a smile, blue eyes never falling upon his brother from their gaze into yours, “I cannot.”
His eyes trace over from yours, catch sight of his flower still tucked up by your tresses, and he stumbles into your cousin’s home with parted, wordless lips. He stands so close to you you’d collide with a single step from either of you, finally darting his eyes away and surveying the warm light of Bag End.
“So this is the fabled hobbits’ home?”
“It is,” you agree.
“I love it,” he breathes, a glow of awe coloring his expression, “It suits you just like that flower. It’s cozy. Sweet. I can definitely foresee myself upon many a return visit here.”
“So are you Mister Boggins’s wife?” Kili interrupts, tone bordering on urgent.
“No,” you shake your head, “He’s my cousin. I’ve come to deliver him a loaf of bread, but what of travelers like yourselves? Why have you come to a party Bilbo was not even aware of hosting?”
Inching a wee bit closer, just a tad, Fili extends his hand just like before. Just like before you take it. Instead of pressing a kiss to it, though, this time he holds it fast, his grip strong and warm and sure. The hearth’s warmth feels much closer despite you standing at a door open to the night on the end farthest from it you could be.
“Could I interest you,” Fili asks, leaning so close as to almost whisper in your ear, “In an adventure?”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @kpopgirlbtssvt @rivendell-poet | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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joocomics · 2 days
i don’t like you either
day 3 — hate sex w/ gaon ⌞⌗ kinktober ⌝
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𓂃⠀𓈒 coworker!jiseok x fem!reader
genre: smut — mdni! wc: 1.6k
contains: office au, enemies to ??? trope, sub!reader, bratty!reader, rough/angry sex, unprotected sex, pet names, name calling (slut/whore), face slapping (f!rec), facial, dirty talk, degradation (f!rec), dacryphilia, quickies
a/n: inspired by my own ramblings in this post
[ kinktober masterlist | general masterlist ]
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Jiseok hates you, but he also hates himself.
Why? Because he spends a ridiculous amount of his time during the day watching you, thinking about you, talking to you (most of the time about things that he doesn’t need to discuss necessarily with you, but he does anyway). And sometimes dreaming about you; on days like that instead of going to work feeling well rested, he feels completely drained from his energy, because he finds your face infuriating even in the wet dreams he has where you actually like him.
Hating you is exhausting, but addictive like a drug he needs to keep taking to stay stable. This bad habit of his only becomes harder to break because of the same high sex drive you both have in common.
“Go through these by the end of the day and send them to me when you’re done.”
You slide the pile of papers back in his direction.
“I’ll do them tomorrow.”
“Did you hear me?” Jiseok frowns upon your calm voice and leans over your desk. “I said by the end of the day.”
You look away from your desktop screen to meet his resentful eyes.
“Or what?”
The mean smile so familiar to Jiseok - and only to Jiseok from this whole company - spreads on your lips; they sparkle distractingly from the gloss you like to wear every day. He's gotten a taste of its fruity flavour so many damn times.
He lets out a sigh. A sigh that sounds like he’s trying to figure out which route to take - should he grab the papers, give up and go to his desk to do the job himself, or, should he keep talking to you despite already knowing this won’t do anything except lead to both of you hiding in an empty room… fucking.
“If you want to make a name for yourself around here you should stop being so pathetically bitter, Jiseok,” you told him the other week after he made a fuss about the coffee stain you left on his white buttoned up shirt, because you weren’t watching where you were going. He thought you won’t dare talk to him like that ever again after the sex you had against the wall of the restroom. It was quick, but intense; his hand was over your mouth the entire time, and he felt a few tears gliding on his fingers from your urge to moan freely.
But he was wrong. No matter how hard he makes you cum each time, you keep running your mouth, just like you do now.
Your egos just keep clashing, making you fight over the most basic, ridiculous things. It was like that during your internships, and it stayed that way after you both remained working in the company.
You really tried to become friendly with Jiseok, you did. But you can’t be friends with someone who constantly wants to remind you that he’s better than you at everything, and who’s always so attractive while doing so, effortlessly making everyone fall for his charm.
“My eyes are up here.” You say before laughing at the way Jiseok’s expression evidently turns from sully to something worse as he slowly traces his dark gaze up your cleavage.
You already know where you’re going to end up in five minutes before any of you gets the chance to say it. The adrenaline rush is too strong to fight.
It thrills him immensely - the fact he brings you a kind of pleasure you never knew before just by hating you, and it thrills you just the same, although you would never admit it.
“You don’t need to try so hard,” you murmur softly while slowly losing the control over your voice, “I’m seeing Jungsu later.”
Jiseok laughs. A sharp, artificial sound that disappears quickly.
“Yeah, mmph—“ you try to suppress an intense sound, causing the mischievous expression on your face to fade. Jiseok’s thrusts are now deeper, stretching you out faster than you’re used to.
“Did you say something?” He raises a brow amused. His smirk is turning more twisted with every passing moment.
“He’s amazing in bed.” You grasp onto his shoulders as if it will help you focus on your train of thought not only on your posture. Each rigid move of his hips causes you to dig your sharp nails deeper into his skin. “So good—“
Do you mean Jungsu or Jiseok right now? You’re not entirely sure. Both, maybe.
“Whore—“ Jiseok spews out.
He continues calling you a whore in his head, again and again, trying not to let his mind suffocate him with images of your colleague’s perfectly carved body on top of you.
The frustration in Jiseok’s tone encourages you to get even closer in his ear. Your hands caress his skin beneath his unbuttoned shirt, and you can almost feel how his body grows hotter the more you speak.
“He’s soo big…” you mewl and his furious grip instantly tightens on your skirt. “Bigger than you. He fills me up—“
You don’t get to finish your sentence from the same quick hand now gripping your face.
Jiseok peers into your eyes, they’re sparkling up at him daringly with lust. He’s done this before and you both grew to love it. Isn’t this why you’re here locked in this small dark cabinet? Hating you in public is one thing, but in private - another.
The slap lands on your cheek, harder than last time.
“Cut the bullshit,” he grunts, trying not to raise his voice. “I know you’ll gladly let every guy here have his way with you.” He sneers, then looks down where your bodies are connected; where you swallow him so nicely, dripping with arousal and squeezing more strongly with each word he says. His fist grabs onto your scrunched skirt for support again and his body starts moving slowly so he can bottom out almost completely before pushing his tip all the way in. “You’re happy to have any cock fill this little cunt, ain’t that right? But I have a question for you,” his lips curl smugly once you look him in the eye, “why do you keep coming back if they're so good?”
“I don't kiss and tell.”
You're not about to say what's really on your mind.
Jiseok laughs in your face again and stops wasting time. He speeds up, causing your figure to move back and forth onto the small table.
Your hands hold onto the surface as your head falls back from the building pleasure.
“Fuck!” A delightful whine crawls out of your throat with a note of shame. What bad thing did you do in your past life to have Kwak Jiseok of all people be the one to fuck you just right?
His hand slaps you again and the sweet pain forces your eyes on him.
“Look at me,” he rubs the stinging spot with his thumb. “You should be fuckin’ grateful that I keep giving you my cock, baby. You’re not the only slut around here.” And just like that the same hand that was caressing your face slaps it again. “Just the prettiest one.”
His eyes shift in the direction of your bouncing breasts spilling out of your bra.
When will he get bored, he wonders… From hearing your moans and seeing your face change in the middle of your orgasm. From feeling you clench around him.
“Say it.”
“Thank you,” you pout before shutting your eyes closed. “Oh, fuck! I hate you.”
Jiseok leans in, your mouths that have gotten so familiar with each other’s taste are inches apart.
“This… is the last time.” You speak out, giving a a final promise to yourself meanwhile your hand sneaks behind his neck to pull him closer. “We’re never doing this— We’re not…”
“Yeah?” He whispers intensely like he wishes to hear that one phrase again. Maybe he does.
Isn’t this why you’re really here locked in this cabinet?
“Say it again.”
“I hate you, I hate y-you so much.” Your fingers grab a handful of his hair and pull as strongly as they can while your words slip in the air more quietly each time.
You’re not mistaken. Hearing this pushes Jiseok to the edge, and his deep husky voice cusses at the crook of your neck as he pulls out in a rush.
He barely manages to tell you to get on your knees. Instead of sounding like a command, the words come out more like a weak mumbling.
“But my makeup—“
“Fuck, do as I say!” This time he speaks louder and firmer.
You kneel, barely able to contain your excitement. Your heart still races for some reason as you flutter up at him with your lashes.
Two of his fingers push through your lips and you let them glide on your tongue, pressing it down as his other hand moves speedily along his cock till he cums.
The moment the rush hits its peak Jiseok glances down to watch his thick essense landing on your pretty face. His arousal covers your features just the way he wanted - there’s ropes of cum on your mouth, nose, eyelashes and somewhere in your hair too.
You breathe in deeply after he pulls out his fingers only to use them to gather some of his fluids before forcing them back in.
Tasting him for the first time almost makes you hum as you stare at his flushed face; it’s contorted in bliss, weakness, in an unexplainable way he looks focused and out of his mind at the same time. Nonetheless, attractive.
Very, very attractive. Beauty that makes it easy to hate.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind english is not my first language. i apologise for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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joykai · 22 hours
He has a way with em
Wade Wilson, the man NOBODY thought would make it to the X mansion as a recrute let alone WORK there. Now don't get him wrong he still works alone he made that ABUNDENTLY clear, he told scott to his perfectly chiselled face ("he was crafted by a greek god I'm telling you!!" shut up wade) that he was only there because logan asked him to be, the same went for logan, he was content in his one bedroom apartment with wade and mary puppins (I mean c'mon once they started dating living with Al just got weird really fast) but the X man himself popped over and started talking his ear off before he could even close the door on him. Scott explained how they would love for logan to take over old logan's history class, he was going to tell him to fuck off and never step foot in his and his boyfriends apartment again but had an idea.
He agreed but said he'd be teaching physical education and building stamina instead of fucking history AND wade was allowed to join. It took a bit of back and forth but eventually they agreed. Wade had some of his own demands (that were begrudgingly met).
He doesn't worth FOR the X men, he was his own unit and helped out (he finds working solo and with his man is the best life for him).
NO ONE got to dictate what he taught those kids, have a problem? teach em yourself, wade is gone and that means so is logan.
the kids can actually call him wade (Mr Wilson just reminds him of his father and a hundred or so kids screaming that at him is a perfect recipe for a panic attack).
Other than this he was pretty happy to start imminently the next day, It took around about a week before they started their classes, wade now taught self defence claiming that mutant powers only got you so far and that sometimes the best weapon was a broken broomstick and a dream.
Everyone assumed he would take time to actually learn the ropes of being a teacher and would need some HEAVY guidance but they were pleasantly surprised (all but logan) at how much of a natural wade was at this.
He was firm yet fair on the kids, he taught them how to strategize and how to be unpredictable in their own movements so that their attackers couldn't strategize around them.
He even went above and beyond helping kids outside of lesson, being a safe haven for many children at the mansion, he became a fan favourite around all the kids, one girl even thought to design her own hero costume off of wade so that she could always look like her hero (if wade teared up- 1 no he didn't and 2 he gave her some pointers on how his own suit worked and how to adapt her suit to how SHE fights).
Another kid came out saying he wanted wade to started calling him by his chosen name and wade with a bright smile ripped up the register and made a whole new one with said kid and let the kid add his own name in and made sure to change his name in EVERY class, not just his own.
Wade also helps kids with nightmares and sneaks pads and snacks to the girls who skip his class as well as provide stuff for the kids on the sidelines, the kids favourite part about his class is when he brings in logan and they spar because wade has so much fun with it and logan never brings out the claws and wade allows logan to get so many hits in that he could block and they are so inlove it makes some of the kids sick.
He is also very open with the kids, when him and logan got engaged the kids found out first (besides al and all his friends), he also found great joy when some of the older kids teased him and called him Mr Howlett instead of wade, it was a great way to trip him up if you were doing a 1 on 1 spar with him.
so it was no surprise when kids were heading for X men training they immediately flocked to wade for guidance and support, normally the halls were bustling with students trying to find anyone apart of the X men to ask questions but now the busiest place was wade's office.
"Wow they must really like wade" storm made a passing comment an eyebrow raised as she watched Wade talk to a group of kids who nodded along and had pens out to make notes of what he said. Logan just smiled fondly "he has a way with em..."
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dayseedrawz2 · 3 hours
My thoughts on episode 3 + theories!!
I'll talk more about this on my YT, but for now here's a tumblr version
Okay so starting off, my unfiltered thoughts throughout the episode
-They actually spend time together when outside the adventures aww! (Not like they really have a choice, but still neat-)
-Jax being a bitch
-"Zooble turns Straight" Welp, the whooooooole fandom was right!
-Bubbles reversed dialouge. Damn they really don't want those content farms no more.
-CAINE AN POMNI INTERACTION YEAAAA (It was one piece of dialogue I'm so delusional)
-He made this adventure JUST for Zooble cuz they never go and he really wants them to GUYS HES NOT A VILLAN SEE?
-Jax being a bitch
-Wow the visual here are super pretty :o
-...and horrifying
-Jax being a bitch
-I haven't mentioned yet but the lil quirky powers or whatever are cool
-Wow the lore Caine writes for these stories is just like your average artist who torments their OCs (he so me fr)
-2D ANIMATION!!! Also Kinger and Pomni being like the funniest duo ever
-the monster is awesome looking tho
-Also Caine has a Trans flag hanging somewhere in the circus neat
-He forgot he could use his powers to just teleport Zooble to him lol
-Back to the spooky stuff
-Wow Kinger can actually use a gun! (Never thought I'd be saying that sentence-)
- "You know how men are, always having the silliest priorities..." "Heh, dont i know it!" I think the bunny doll shippers really like that scene
-Zooble has some sorta body dismorphia and has opened up about it to Caine multiple times seems like
-Uhh Caine... you okay buddy? CAINE YOU GOOD BRO? CAI
-Pomni gets fucking posessed ok
-now we know why it looked like kinger was hitting Pomni with the shotgun
-Father daughter bonding aww...
-I love how the whole fandom took one good look at Ragatha and went:
-also Pomni and Ragatha are on good terms now aww...
-Caine and Zooble Should Pass that pipe from ep 2 and legitemently vent to each other
-Jax is pissed because the Jester actually had a good fucking day for once lmao stay mad
Overall, this was definitely my favorite episode so far! The team is getting better each and every episode! SOOO much happened here!! I'm super excited to see what happens next!!
-Okay so to start lightly, so far, all the episodes we've seen contain:
Gangles mask breaking
Jax breaks the 4th wall
A cute/sad heart to heart conversation or interaction
A reference to angels or god or Christianity in some way
Interesting right?? Wonder if this keeps up...
-On the topic of Christianity, I saw a theory saying that if it's true that the gang developed the game (which may be true because of that computer science line), When Pomni says "I knew it would end up like this... He just wants me to suffer..." she may not be referring to Caine, but her Boss at CnA.
If that boss exists and is NOT named able, Imma be mildly upset-
-Okay, Alot of people have been talking about Jax being an NPC, and I wanna bring up my opinion on this:
As I mentioned earlier, he always breaks the 4th wall, witch could be seen as a character in a game being like "What do YOU think?" *Insert Game Options here*
I saw another theory saying that if this is true, Jax might be self aware or sentient to some degree, and This is why he tortures everyone. He knows that this world Revolves around the players and nit him so he wants to make them more miserable.
As one of many Caine angst connisuars on this platform, I really enjoyed this scene...
Caine knows that he only exists to make adventures and if he can't do it well enough than he serves ZERO purpouse and his existence is useless... (he's just like me fr)
Since in each episode we've (mostly) seen a character being comforted (mostly Either Pomni being comforted OR someone being comforted BY Pomni)
What if the last episode had Caine and Pomni having a heart to heart?
(Shutup this is not about showtime I swear let me have this-)
Someone abstracts, (Ragatha or Kinger probably,) and it's Caine's last straw. He finally breaks and the circus goes into ruins. Pomni does her best to comfort him. This could go one of two ways:
Either she sucseeds and happy ending for everyone :D
OR, they fail and The Circus is destroyed, Taking Caine down with it.
Maybe then that would be how they escape cuz if Caine is emotionaly attached to the circus, it would be completely destroyed or erased if Caine finally broke...
The angst potential is crazy...
This is terrifyingly close to what I wanted to do with R-M AU UHHH I MEAN-
Anywayyyy I believe that's all! If yall have anymore theories lemme know!!
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pandocachan · 1 day
The Most Beautiful Flower
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A few days later, Maomao was once again summoned to Jinshi’s office. For some reason, this time Basen left the room when she entered.
“Master Jinshi.” She bowed.
The Moon Prince was pale, clearly washed-out. There were three piles of documents on his table and one of them was almost as the same height as his head.
“You’re going with Sir Luomen to visit the middle consorts today, am I right?” He asked.
“Yes, sir.” She answered.
“I have a request for you. It has been a while since the Emperor asked me to have a look on the middle consorts and check if any of them could ascend to the position of higher consort or be dismissed. I was already able to dismiss some ladies by offering them in marriage to a few officials. Others will stay where they are for now.” He said.
Maomao frowned.
“Nothing, sir.”
Maomao stared at him for a moment and then said: “I can’t decide if being a consort is a job from which you will never retire or if it’s just a fancy name to refer to a human as an object.”
Jinshi let out a deep sigh and placed the thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose.
“Anyway...” He continued. “I would like to ask you to have a good look at two consorts. Their names are Shumei and Luming.”
“Are you looking for anything specific, sir?” She asked.
“Can you come to this side of the table, please? I can’t have you knocking down these documents.” Jinshi said.
Maomao moved to his right side, where Basen usually stands and where the space is clearer for Jinshi to freely move his arm to hand over things to his attendant and to receive it as well.
“These are some personal observations I made during my visits.” He showed her a list containing notes about the consorts’ personalities as well as their ladies-in-waiting behaviors. Apparently, the two women were quite the opposites.
Shumei was 20 years old. She is the daughter of a blacksmith and the sister of a notable mid-rank military official. She was a well-educated girl, but had some childish-like manners that somewhat resembles Lishu. However, Jinshi didn’t read her exactly as immature. She was able to maintain a normal conversation despite her incessant blushing. I’m pretty sure that this is a celestial nymph side-effect. Maomao thought. Shumei was interested in painting and liked riding horses. Her ladies-in-waiting were very polite and helpful despite- Once again -their incessant blushing. You can’t blame them, can you? Maomao instinctively gave Jinshi a side look.
Louming was 21 years old, just as Jinshi. She is the niece of a high-rank civil official. She has a really self-confident attitude, but wasn’t pretentious. She was an avid reader, there is a bookshelf with about 30 books in her living room. Hum, that’s interesting. Hope I can ask to take a look. Maomao thought. Jinshi thought that this was what allowed him to have richer conversations with her than with Shumei. Luming was also interested in astronomy? Oh wow! Her ladies-in-waiting were helpful, but wouldn’t stop whispering and looking funny at him. One of them is Lishu’s former lady-in-waiting.
“So you want me to check if this was not influenced by your presence?” She asked.
“Exactly. Especially because if my negotiations with the honored strategist fail, I will have to go with one of these two.” Jinshi didn’t hide the displeasure in his tone.
Maomao refrained herself from smiling. It would be too rude, even for her standards.
“He’s giving you a hard time, I presume.” She said.
“Urgh, the only thing he ever babbles about is that Go book of his. And guess what? Now he wants to hold a contest!” Jinshi said in exasperation.
“A Go contest?” Maomao said confused.
“Yes! And he wants me to find a proper venue for him, because it will be open to public!” The Prince’s eyes were wide open with anger.
"Is this why you’re getting dark bags under your eyes? I already told you that you should take better care of your sleep." She said.
“This is only one of my many problems. And sleep?” He pointed his hands to the pile of documents. “How will I?”
Jinshi held his head between his hands and Maomao put a supporting hand on his shoulder.
"Can I have a hug?" He said placing his hand over hers. She rolled her eyes, but nodded in agreement. Jinshi pulled her to sit on his lap.
"This is not a hug." She protested.
"Of course it is." He said tightening his grip around her body, almost making her shoulders to meet in front of her chest.
"Ouch! Are you trying to break my bones?" She complained. He loosened it, but his arms remained around her waist. Maomao raised her arms and placed them around his neck, which gave her some support to adjust herself on his lap. “Are you wearing a new incense? You smell kind of...sweet?”
“You don’t like it?” He asked.
“It’s not bad.” She answered.
“I forgot that you like it spicy.” He grinned and kissed her cheek, breathing her in.
"You're pushing the hug boundaries, you know?" She said.
"What? You sniffed me that day and then-" Jinshi stopped and Maomao tensed up. "By the way, I still didn't give you your punishment."
"Being your prospective wife gives me no advantages? Like, having your forgiveness?" She asked.
"Not in this case. The crime was committed before that." He smiled.
"Ok, go ahead then. What’s my sentence?" She said, defeated.
"No, it ain't the right time yet." He smiled wickedly, making Maomao shiver.
The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted their talking, and then the door was thrown open.
“It’s the tactician!” Basen yelled-whisper at them.
Maomao jumped off of Jinshi’s lap and positioned herself again in front of the table. Her heart was racing so fast that she thought her chest would explode any second now. Jinshi looked even more pale than he already was.
When Lakan arrived, he stared for a few (very tense) seconds to the two of them. Then, he said smiling: "Oh wow, what a lovely surprise to find my daughter in here!”
Maomao scowled at him and then turned to Jinshi, half-bowing: “Please, excuse me, sir.” But when she took a step to turn around, a hand grabbed her arm.
“Wait.” Said Lakan.
Maomao turned into a statue. He let go of her arm and took out a silk handkerchief from the folds of his robe. He went to the water jar placed on the side table next to Jinshi’s table and wet the handkerchief. Maomao, Jinshi and Basen looked more than confused. Then, the strategist approached Maomao again, held her chin and started to gently clean the freckles on her face. Jinshi and Basen’s watched with their mouths agape. Maomao was still frozen in place, but her eyes were filled with rage.
“I can’t let my little girl go out like this. What kind of father will the Moon Prince think I am?” Lakan said, ignoring her piercing gaze and smiling brightly at her. Once he was finished, he turned her face to Jinshi’s direction. “Here, much better. Tell me, my Prince, isn’t my girl beautiful?”
Jinshi was resting his chin on his hand, clearly enjoying that scene. If Maomao's gaze was a sword, the Prince would be long dead.
“Yes, she is, Master Lakan. She’s the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.” Jinshi smiled at her. It wasn’t the celestial nymph smile, though. It was his honest smile.
Maomao blushed and snapped Lakan’s hand out of her face.
“Excuse me, I really must go.” She said and quickly left the room.
Chapter 10
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galvanizedfriend · 2 days
hi! so i’ve read pretty much all of your works and loved them so much. your writing is amazing and some of the best fan fiction i’ve read.
the only ones i haven read from you are the wolf series but i keep hearing so many good things about it.
i know it’s a TO rewrite with caroline instead of hayley (and i could look past the baby plot if it means klaroline) but i’ve tried watching the show a few times and hated hayley’s personality and some other nuances to the show and o was wondering if The Wolf is Caroline in place of Hayley but her personality and the way she acts in situations is how Hayley does in the show, or if it’s very much so Caroline if she were put in the position Hayley is in? if that makes sense
First of all, thank you very much, nonnie! ❤️ Glad you enjoy my little fics 🥰 Your question makes perfect sense, yes.
The short answer is: no, Caroline is not just Hayley in a wig 😂 If you're asking me, I'm obviously going to say it's completely different! I'm biased, but I also know how much work I put into it, so I know all the ways TW deviates from the show. I think Caroline is very IC in this, if I may say so myself, so obviously not Hayley, and every time I've gone back to re-read parts of this fic I have had a great time 😂 So personally, I think this is a very entertaining story, but again, it's my story lol Other people might be able to give you less biased opinions.
If you hate hate The Originals, there is still a chance you won't like this anyway, but I do think it's very different, and I have a longer answer if you're interested.
Under the cut because I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Be careful what you guys ask me, you might get a freaking bible as a reply.
I have become deffensive of this fic over the years because I have received some very nasty comments in the past (not saying your question is offensive in any way, nonnie, this is a very valid question!). I can respect people not liking it, I can respect this isn't everybody's cup of tea, and that's totally fine. What I can't stand is when people tell me I haven't done anything to the show, or that Klaus and Caroline are exactly the same as Klaus and Hayley. I did not spend the amount of time I have spent overthinking and overwriting this shit into something that makes much more sense and is way more fleshed out than the show ever was to hear from people that I've done nothing. I can't even list all the ways TW deviates from the show, or Caroline from Hayley, because I'd be here for the rest of the day.
As the person writing the story, I know exactly how much thought I have put into it, how many original scenes and dialogues and shit I write each chapter, and how much of what I've taken from the show I have cracked my brain to twist and change in a way that fits. I have spent more time of my life overthinking the crappy writing on this show in order to add context and find correlations and make connections and rationalize characters' behaviors and add depth to their actions and their thoughts, and let me tell you, nonnie, it was not easy. It's unbelievable how weak the writing for TO is, the actors do a lot of the work all by themselves. My friends who were with me during this time know how fucking annoying I was lol
This was me sending messages to @definedareasofuncertainty in the middle of the night to explain an idea:
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I realize I can't expect readers to feel the same way, everyone is entitled to their opinions and I can only be responsible for what I write, not for how people are going to understand it, but I can't help the way I feel because, to me, it's insane when someone reads this and thinks it's the same. The entire premise of The Wolf is different. It's never about the baby, the baby is almost background noise. The Originals starts and ends around Hope, but The Wolf is not about baby Eve (that's the baby's name), it's about Caroline. Everything is about Caroline, and about Klaus' feelings for her.
A lot of what I think is wrong with TO is that it just doesn't make sense. The things they do, the choices they make, the way they relate to each other just doesn't work, and what I tried to do was rewrite it in a way that it did make sense, not only moving the story forward, but also, and especially, the characters, their motivations and their relationships. I feel like TO was always going to be a better show if they'd focused more on characters than on plot, because that's what I was there for from the start, the family and their bonds, not undercover werewolf packs or baby-stealing aunts. But the writers sacrificed the characters so much for the sake of some arguably very silly plots (don't even get me started here…). While I do keep the plot points, what I tried to do (and hopefully succeeded, at least to a certain degree) was to bring the characters to the front and push the action and enemies and wars and such to the background. So instead of having the characters reacting to the plot, I have the plot serving the characters, if that makes sense. I kept the parts that interested me and that I felt I could use to serve my purposes and threw out everything I could dispense with.
And what I was aiming for first and foremost was to get Caroline the center stage I always felt she deserved, and the love story she could've had with Klaus. So the whole thing is really about that. S1 is the two of them sorting through their differences and understanding their feelings for each other, S2 is the two of them negotiating an actual relationship, S3 is them being married. That's it. I had the best time writing about the two of them through the eyes of the other characters, to have Elijah and Rebekah and Kol and Marcel witnessing and monologuing about Klaroline, all these different points of view on them. And my actual favorite part of the entire story is the part that isn't The Originals at the end of TW2.
So anyway, my point with my TO rewriting was never to fix everything that is wrong with the show. I wasn't writing the version of TO I wish it had been, my ideal spin off. I could've done that, but I didn't, because it's not what the project was ever about when I started. I wanted to keep the show as close to what it is as possible, whilst trying to prove a point (to myself, but also, hopefully, to some other people) that there was a way that this show could've still kept me invested. I'm an easy girl, just give me faves on their journey towards endgame and I'm satisfied, you know.
If you made it to the end of this, congratulations, nonnie 😂 You wanted a yes or no answer and you got a STATEMENT. I'm very sorry for my dumbass response, I've just become *protective* of this fic. If you do read it, I hope you'll find it enjoyable. If not, that's ok too! There are many amazing fics out there for you to be wasting your time on something that won't spark joy for you ❤️ And thanks again for reading my other fics, that's very lovely of you!
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justallihere · 2 days
Someone give Bodhi a hug. He would've been the BEST big brother. also thank you for making him queer (and IF i got this right, Ace bc let me tell you, we are so underrepresented and highkey gaslit into thinking we just need to "wait and find the right one" -- enough of me trauma dumping 💀) Bodhi's character is so tragic but v on brand for Riorson men lol
i am in awe of how you developed a backstory for Bodhi's parents, i wish i could shower you in kudos
if Bodhi dies in CANON, which he likely will, I will be INCONSOLABLE
Xaden and Vi are just so soft and tender and I love it, after all the shit theyve gone through, they deserve it
this entire chapter just felt so heavy/full of angst and it was perfect <3
the attention to detail you and so many other fanfic writers have is literally so inspiring and amazing (and i wish i was half as good as you guys. I want to be you and @skyfallscotland when i grow up lol)
The book on tyrrish notes??? like it didn't NEED it, but did it ADDD so much more depth to the story and show us again how down bad Xaden is for Vi, 1000%
X and V are each other's rock and I just love them so fucking much
Yes, Bodhi is aroace here! Living his best life!
I’m not sure how well it came across but he was expecting that sort of reaction from Violet there as well, you can kind of see him bracing himself for the “Are you sure you just haven’t found the right one yet? Just look at me and Xaden! ” response and then his shock when she was just like “well okay!”
I lowkey have headcanons/backstories in my head for several of the marked ones and their families—including names. But that might be for a different fic lol
I had a lot more fun with this chapter than I thought I would! Definitely heavy in parts but I live for hurt/comfort. The little moments of Xaden and Violet still learning stuff about each other and bickering like always through the hard stuff are a lot of fun to put together.
The book of knots was a last minute add in, but I’m so glad you noticed it. It’s an overall representation of them: seeing that one of the first things he gave her grew into her own library the same way their love has grown so much. They are my children for real 🫶🏻
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