#I also forgot to put gray in his hair but what ever
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I thought it was time to draw a Here There Be Gerblins ass Febubarry

#I am too tired to finish shading..............#I also forgot to put gray in his hair but what ever#febubarry#taz#taz balance#fanart#barry bluejeans
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pairing: jj x fem!goodgirl!reader
word count: 3.2K
based on this and this post that i made. enjoy !!!
✔︎JJ's habits
always watching her. not in a creepy way, but in a curious and somewhat protective way. she's either reading, studying, watching a comfort show or doing something she likes. jj finds her just fascinating not matter what she does. he admires her so much and the fact that he finds her absolutely beautiful is a plus. her mind is always working as well. always thinking. the way she picks her bottom lip or twirls her hair with her finger whenever she's concentrating just drives him wild and sometimes he wish he could read her mind just to find out what's got her attention. however, she also has a tendency to read while she walks or gets distracted by something she's concentrating on and it has lead to his hyper-vigilance. he's caught her after she trips on her own foot almost thirty times since they began dating and pulled her from walking across a busy street more than five times already. he's also had a hand in shielding her from people who seemed suspicious or invasive at keggers. not that he's complaining, he enjoys being her knight in shining armor at times since he usually believes he's the villain.
always willing to lend a hand. no like literally. lend her his hand. she has a tendency to fidget when she's nervous or bored or just in general is always moving in some manner. she was also a chronic nail biter when she was younger and has been trying to kick the habit since. therefore, she's always chewing gum or has a jolly rancher on hand or twirls her rings and bracelets around (if she wears them). one day, she forgot all of the above when she went to hang out at the chateau with jj, john b and pope and was not feeling her best. jj noticed and put his hand in hers and she immediately began to play with his fingers, his rings and bracelet and it calmed her down. now whether she has gum or her accessories, jj always lends his hands whenever he notices her cracking her neck more than twice or shaking her leg. he could be mid-conversation with someone and he'd just hand his hand over and continue talking. she always leaves a thank you by kissing the palm or back of his hand.
always willing to dress up. as they continue dating, she ends up having a preference with how he dresses. she loves his sleeveless shirts, when his hair is messy, his rings, his long gray crewneck sweaters, his red hat and the bandana he wears. she loves all his outfits, really, but these items are just the cherry on top. he notices it (she tends to cling to him more when he wears his sleeveless shirts or stare at him a little longer when he has messy hair) and ends up trying to wear these whenever he has the chance. he likes the little twinkle in her eye whenever she sees him in one of these outfits (or has the accessory). eventually he began to tease her about it and she never admits it but he knows. he just knows.
always ready to hug. growing up, he's never really had physical affection and he's never been in a long-term relationship before so affection is kind of hard for him in the beginning. however once he realizes that she loves to hug him, not just in a romantic way but in a platonic way; it's like she's telling him that's she's there for him and she feels safe around him, he's ready to give her a hug. if she even indicates for a second she wants one, he's already got his arms around her. heck, sometimes she just reaches behind him to grab something and his arms wrap around her waist and pull her in. she appreciates it ever single time. and it also heals a part of jj as he begins to believe that he's not unlovable.
always willing to learn. okay so jj and the golden girls aren't totally similar. in fact, they're pretty much opposites. pope has more in common with her (at least in the beginning). she studies when she has to and as she becomes friends with the group, she does it at the chateau. eventually, one day she asked jj to help her and although he'd rather get day drunk and pay for it the next day, he sucks it up and helps her. he ends up learning a little bit about the history of the King Henry the Eight and his six wives and the way to write an AP Lit. essay and although he can hardly understand any of it, he does it ever single time she asks. eventually he is able to pick up on certain things she's saying and can comment on it. he learns that a way to her heart is through paying attention to her and what she says and he does it without even thinking anymore. he also learns that she's different from the girls he's fooled around with or even somewhat liked, so he learns more about her and her likes, dislikes, hobbies, beliefs, work ethic, love language and more. he wants to learn and for once, he agrees with the saying "learning is fun". in return, she makes an effort to learn more about him.
always willing to teach. golden girl is inexperienced to say the least. it doesn't make her inferior, it just wasn't time and she wasn't comfortable having her firsts with someone who she wasn't in a relationship with. jj notices, in the beginning, that she's hesitant to make the first move when it comes to kissing. she later confesses (through massive coaxing on jj's part) that he was her first kiss and she doesn't know if she was doing it correctly or if she was doing something wrong or if he didn't want her to kiss him as much as she wanted to so she got nervous. jj just chuckled and offered to teach her. it started off slow and then...intense. turns out she's a fast learner and jj's somewhat suspicious on how she caught on so fast, but then again, he is the one to pull her away from where they are in order to have some alone time, so yeah. (although they haven't taken that step yet it's only a matter of time). this ended in multiple makeout sessions in different locations - his room at the chateau, in the living room when no one was there, in the corner of the beach during a kegger, in her room when her parents weren't home, the twinkie (john b doesn't know about this one and they don't want him to know). turns out, he's a pretty good teacher when he wants to be.
✔︎ JJ's quirks
lays on top of her. jj has a tendency to collapse on whatever surface or bed there is when he's tired. he doesn't even look at the bed. just falls and he's out. she's napping in jj's room at the chateau when he comes in, exhausted, from hauling around groceries for heyward. he made money, but he's beat. he took a shower, didn't even bother to put on a shirt and fell onto the bed. right onto her. he doesn't really notice the body underneath him and just wraps his arms around her and knocks out. however, she notices, waking up from the weight off jj on her chest. she tries to push him away and eventually maneuvers her body so she's on top of him and he's beneath her. this doesn't end well as jj always sleeps on his stomach. and this isn't the last time it happens. she swears that he does it on purpose. (maybe sometimes he does).
calls her the most absurb nicknames. her name is reserved for certain and rare moments and everything else has certain timing. he calls her troublemaker as a contrast to her actual behavior, and also when she's coming along on his little adventures. he calls her goody-two-shoes because well...she is. he calls her baby or babe whenever he wants her attention. he calls her princess in those very rare and private moments, but also he also uses it when he's teasing her. he calls her little lady whenever he's trying to be a gentlemen. and then...there's the other ones. he calls her wormy because she's a bookworm and he thought it was funny. he calls her grumpelstiltskin whenever she's extra grumpy or annoyed. he also thought it was funny to call her flounder when he found out she was scared of sharks. it's not all one sided though because she has a book full of nicknames and some are just as ridiculous. they try to one up each other constantly.
loyal to the end. jj finds loyalty to be the thing he wants most in friendships and eventually, his relationship. that's because jj is loyal beyond belief. it could be counted as his fatal flaw. his friends are his family and family is meant to be protected and something to defend no matter what. she becomes a part of that. he can and will fight if he needs to or even if he wants to. she doesn't find some thing willing or worthy of fighting, but she doesn't see it how jj does. he sees it as disrespect on his family, on his girlfriend, if someone made a comment or even looked at her weird. heck even if john b would to get pissed off and start a fight and jj would be cheering for him even if john b was wrong. and with her? someone who chose him? someone who wants to be with him no matter what? his loyalty is undying. she could be wrong, she could be right, she could be wining or losing, whatever it was, he was by her side, supporting.
ఌ Golden Girl's habits
always looking five steps ahead. jj is not in need of babying. she knows this. he's sixteen and knows there are consequences to his actions even if he's not in favor of those consequences. however, she gets to know that he is reckless because he thinks he knows everything will turn out like he plans it out. but, sometimes it doesn't. and when he's cornered, she already had a way out. sometimes she laughs with smile because she loves his adventures and how he plans with a childlike imagination. but even then, she likes to plan in her head in case anything goes wrong. she doesn't want jj to end up in jail or in major trouble (or any of the pogues) but even she admits that running from the cops is kind of fun and although she may have had a minor anxiety attack the first time, she was glad she already planned and knew the local back roads instead of the main highway. she tends to always have a food or a first aid kit in her bag in case of anything and if she's not there when the boys get stupid, her phone is always turned on. she knows she can depend on him when she's in trouble and jj knows he can depend on her.
always reassuring. she grew up a pogue so she understood bad and horrible home lives. she didn't have it all that bad, but it wasn't always pretty. jj on the other hand. she's heard and eventually seen the results of him and his father fighting. this resulted in jj having a deep rooted belief that he was unlovable. he believed he had to earn love. she quickly picked on it and tried to show him that he wasn't. she did things for him, never asked questions if he didn't want to answer, gave him space, gave him words and affection with reassurance wrap in it. he once asked if she ever got tired of him and she merely answered with "i could never be tired and i never will be". she said it with such confidence that a part of him began to believe it. little by little they were both healing parts of themselves, but her habit of reassurance always helps him stay ground. and in return, she has his undying devotion and admiration that includes reassurance of his own.
always willing to try something new. she's not that fond of getting into trouble and jj's middle name is trouble (and he calls her troublemaker ironically) but when jj suggests they go and do something kind of illegal like spend the night in one of the "in-progress" kook houses, she sucks up her fear and goes along. she's worried, but is willing to be apart of jj's recklessness because it's a part of him. she can't fight it so she'd join him. little by little, she gets more comfortable as she begins to understand that jj would never endanger her and if he had to, he'd take the blame for everything if it meant she'd stay out of trouble. and little by little, she enjoys getting into trouble with him and him only. after their little adventures are done and they're resting for the night, she only smiles and wonders what the next one is.
always leans towards him. the golden girl is use to the dangerousness of the southside as she lives there, but sometimes, even she gets scared or worried. it's just the world we live in. whenever they go out, she began a habit of leaning towards jj or moving near him. she knows that he would always protect her and would die trying to do so. of course she has a mean can of pepper spray and a punch that could send a grown man to the floor, but having jj next to her has her more relaxed. even if she wasn't afraid or in danger, she tend to grab his hand or lean her head on his shoulder without even thinking. having the physical contact with him makes her so happy because he's allowing her into his space and she's touch starved so much that it just makes her so giddy. and jj always puts his arm around her, holds her hand, kisses her cheek or pushes her hair out of her face. he leans towards her as well.
always smiles at him. her smile is something jj sees constantly. and she doesn't fake it at all. she happy to see him, hear his voice, watch him try some stupid thing with pope and john b. and jj is also funny guy and although he says the most absurd things, she can't' help, but smile. it's just an impulse. the joke could be the worst thing or could be a repeated one from the week before, but she always smiles. she learned that jj tells jokes to those he deems worthy of hearing them and they could be in the worst situation and he'd try to lighten the mood. he hated things being tense and worrisome, so he told jokes. she always smiles to show she appreciates them and she never wanted him to stop. jj has begun to recognize all her smiles - the coy ones, the teasing ones, the genuine one, the sarcastic one.
ఌ Golden Girl's quirks
watches and speaks to jj as he sleeps. it began with a romance book she read while having a sleepover at the chateau. the characters reminded her of the two of them. the boy was wild but sweet and the girl was independent but ambitious. it was a wonderful love story and she felt so grateful that she ended up with someone like jj. she ended up sleeping with jj in his room and she just watched him breath. he slept on his stomach with his arm splayed across her waist. his lips were slightly parted. his hair sticking out everywhere because he moves. he looked so peaceful and calm. it's one of her favorite moments with jj when she can admire him without him noticing. just a small moment where she can speak beautiful things out into the night. how she was grateful for him. how she thought he looked like an angel sleeping. how she couldn't believe he chose her and tries everyday. she tells him how she notices everything about him. she'll whisper to him until she falls asleep, hoping that her words will melt into his dreams. and sometimes it does but he doesn't know it's because she's talking to him as he sleeps. he wakes up with a smile and turns over to look at her sleeping, deciding to just admire her for a little before he wakes her up.
connects him with songs and stories. any love story you can think of, she's thought of jj and her in it. any love song whether it be taylor swift or frank sinatra, she danced in room thinking of her and jj. it's so cute and she hopes that jj never finds out because he would totally tease her. it's without provocation at this point. the other day, she heard "paper rings" on the radio and nodded in agreement as she thought of it with her and jj. she went for ice cream after work and jj was working with john b and she thought of allie and noah for a moment, agreeing with the notion that she'd have a long summer romance with him if she was a touron, but they'd make it in the end, and continued on with her day. some called her lovesick or just a teenager, but she doesn't care. it's her first love and she's also his, so she allowed herself those thoughts and moments. a part of her knew that it would end well. she just knew.
gets him little gifts. she works, but she also likes the little home made gifts. she got really into origami when she was younger and likes to take the gum wrappers after she popped the gum in her mouth and make hearts with them. the first time she did it around jj, she handed it to him and went on studying. jj still has it in his wallet next to polaroid of the two of them sleeping together on the hammock during a sunset (taken by sarah). she's made him a bracelet. she saw a hat she thought he'd like and put it in his room to find. she noticed his shoelaces wearing out so she got new ones and replaced the old ones. she's made him a mixtape of all his favorite songs on a CD so he could listen to it in the Twinkie. she's written him a love letter before, but she refuses to give it to him. yet. she made a little plate during her pottery class in high school and put it in his room so he had a place to put all his rings and bracelets so he didn't loose it. she even made him a few origami cranes, swans and other animals because he kept asking. (he wants to ask her to teach him one of these days). he notices and feels touched, but he doesn't know how to express it because she clearly doesn't want a thank you. she just wants to do it. so he repays her in certain ways. once she grabbed a random rock from beach and ended up drawing on it with sharpie. she left it in his room for him to find with a little note saying she named it "rocky" and he would live with him. (jj ended up making "rockette" and she lives with golden girl in her room. they make jokes about sharing custody all the time).

thedarlinglore: this concept of jj with the golden girl (or good girl) just has my damn heart. like it makes me wanna giggle and write for hours. soooooo a FIC IS COMING SOON! i'm drafting rn and i am not busy this week so hopefully it only takes like 3 days bc i like to write longgggggg fics (my last was 18.8k). you might enjoy that one while i write this one. hope you enjoyed!
➣ my last "jj" work | "oh schroeder"

#darlingchronicles#jj maybank#jj maybank concept#jj maybank blurb#darlingconcepts#outerbanks#obx#outer banks#jj maybank fluff#jj mayback x reader#jj maybank headcanons#jj maybank headcanon#jj maybank x fem!reader#jj obx#jj maybank imagine#outer banks headcanons#goldengirl!reader
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Heather-Conan Gray
Lee Minho with "Heather" from Conan Gray for the fall series
genre: angst, hurt/no comfort
Warnings: crying, unrequited Love,
Wordcount: 866 w
Fall series masterlist
a/n: soo i love the song heather, and @coichii also reccomended for me to write it so yesss, tell me how yall like it. Reblogs and comments r appreciated! have a cozy fall!<333
You were staring at minho’s sweater in your closet, the smell of his cologne and his cats that always snuggled into his sweaters, long vanished. He asked for it a multiple times, but you always said you didn’t know where it was, until he forgot about it. Just like he did with you.
Everything went down after the third of december. You hoped one day you could forget and move on.
The 3rd december: It was cold outside and you were only wearing a thin shirt. Minho and you were meeting in the park at your usual spot, with hot coffees and the latest gossip. When you were shivering he noticed, and he slipped his sweater off, giving it to you. That time, it gave you a warm, fuzzy feeling. Putting it on, you inhaled minho’s unique, comforting scent. „It fits you better than me anyways, smartass.“ He said. You couldn’t stop smiling then, as you continued telling him a story that happened to you lately. But suddenly when you were looking up at him, you stopped mid sentence. He seemed to not be listening anymore, his eyes looking somewhere in the distance. When he didn’t even notice that you had stopped talking, you followed his eyes and then you saw her. A beautiful, tall girl, with long wavy hair and a doll face. You looked at minho again. He wasn’t just looking at her, he was… mesmerized.
Suddenly the girl turned to the both of you, and she gave you a small wave, combined with a smile, pretty like the stars. Well the smile was probably more meant for him. Minho blushed deeply and turned away, starting to walk. You just followed him along, looking to the floor. You both didn’t talk, him on cloud nine, and you more like on the floor. You knew that minho wasn’t feeling the same as you did, but probably you always still had a little hope. But to see him mesmerized by another girl, in a way he never was with you, stung deeply in your heart.
Then minho went home, leaving you alone with the sinking feeling of sadness. When you got home that day, you took his sweater off, throwing it into a corner of your room.
After that, minho seemed to grow more distant. He often didn’t reply to your texts, and you wouldn’t meet up at all anymore. At some point you gave up on trying to reach out. He probably wasn’t doing it on purpose, but it hurt. Your best friend growing so distant to you. And not only your best friend….your love.
You felt stupid for wondering why you grew distant, when one day you were walking to the convience store, and you saw him talking to the pretty girl wich’s name was heather how you found out. You stopped walking, just standing there and watching him. You had seen the girl around the town before, and from what you knew she was a literal angel. She was unbelievable kind, so pretty, you couldn’t even describe it, and something in her personality seemed to just fascinate minho. You were ashamed for wishing she wasn’t here, or anywhere in this world at all. You were thrown out of your thoughts when suddenly a shiver wrecked her body, and minho laughed. He took of his sweater, just like with you before, and gently slipped it over her head. They were both laughing, minho seemingly not even a bit cold in his short sleeved shirt. Hesitantly he laid an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. He blushed and looked away, while heather smiled and laid her head on minho’s shoulder.
But you couldn’t bare this anymore. He was never like this with you. You had never seen him so tender and shy ever before to be honest.
The warmth that seemed to embrace them wasn’t reaching you though. With every move, they did, every laughter they shared, you only got colder. For a second you were glad that minho had only eyes for her, so he didn’t notice a tear slipping down your cheek. He didn’t notice you at all. You cried yourself to sleep that night. Lonely, pained sobs echoeing through your cold, epmty room.
Eventually minho asked you to hangout sometime after weeks of radiosilence. You got excited, and agreed. You wished you had just said no, after. The whole time he was rambling about how pretty and smart heather was, and about her cute habits, and how he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend. When you heard that your breath hitched. You knew sooner or later this would come, but to hear it from minho’s lips was making it real. You faked a smile and told him what a great idea that was.
You were frustrated with yourself, for not telling him of your feelings sooner. Would it have changed anything? Maybe not, but at least you would have assurance.
All of that didn’t matter now. Nothing did, as you were sitting on the floor in your room, staring at minho’s sweater. Cold, lonely and feeling forgotten. Oh, how bad you wished you were heather.
taglist: @lina-linny @onementally-unstabel-kid @darqlys @0omillo0
#stray kids#skz#stay#straykids#writing#stray kids fanfic#lee minho#skz lee minho#lee minho fluff#lee minho angst#lee minho fanfic#lee minho x reader#lee know angst#lee know#lee know fluff#lee know x reader#lee know stray kids#stray kids angst#stray kids fanfiction#stray kids x reader#stray kids imagines#hannathings#skz minho#skz scenarios#skz x reader#skz stay#skz fanfic#skz imagines#stray kids minho#stray kids minho fanfic
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𝓃ℴ ℊℴℴ𝒹 (𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓂ℯ)
(Jason Todd x fem! Reader)
<does get a bit steamy, with heavily implied oral sex (fem receiving)> <edited ish>
disclaimers: guys irl please communicate with ur partner 🖤, also jason is being a dick.
The apartment was particularly quiet tonight, and you came home from work, stressed, exhausted, and in need of some type of relief. You lazily kicked off your heels and laid on the couch with arm over your eyes, not wanting to be bothered by anyone or anything. The crisp winter air flowed freely from the open window, causing small goosebumps to appear on your arms. It felt like hours went by, but you weren't quite sleep. Your brain flooded with all the stacks of paperwork that sat at your desk, waiting for you the next day.
The door unlocked, and in came Jason, his heavy boots thumping on the wooden floor. You felt a spark of annoyance coarse through your body, remembering that you had countlessly told him to take his shoes off in the hall to prevent him from tracking mud or wet snow in the apartment. Of course this flew over his head, as he laid his crimson helmet on the table.
You remained on the couch, still, as if you didn't want him to know you were awake. He made an observation of your coat, and hung his beside it. He lounged on the couch, running his hands smoothly through his dark hair.
He must've thought you were sleeping by his lack of greeting. That, or he too was stressed from whatever he did on patrols. You shifted a but, then uncovered your eyes. He made quick notice, his eyes gentle. "Hey baby..thought you were sleepin..", his hands grazed over your thigh gently. You groaned, throwing your head back on the armrest.
"You okay?" You wanted to yell at him for laying on the couch with his patrol clothes on. Hell, you wanted to complain about every single thing going wrong in your life, but you knew that wouldn't be fair. You knew it when you noticed the faint circles under his eye. He patiently waited for your response, mindlessly playing with a loose string on your black dress pants.
" I'm fine..tough day at work...," you trailed off.
Then you remembered his dirty boots. You glanced at the spot of dark brown dirt on your gray carpet that lay under the couch and extended to the console table. "Jason..your shoes. Again." You forced yourself to look away to prevent any words you didn't mean from coming out of your mouth. "Remember, you're supposed to put them outside." Usually, he'd curse under his breath and just put them away. Not this time. Instead, he rubbed his forehead tiredly and leaned his head back, a sigh leaving his lips. "I'll get em later..m' tired." You rolled your eyes at him, and stood up, escaping into the kitchen to prevent any more annoying discoveries, like him leaving his helmet on the counter again which was sometimes covered in blood.
"Damn it...Jason we don't have any food, I thought you went shopping yesterday," you exclaimed trying to keep your tone neutral. "Oh..yeah...I forgot." "Jason?" "What?" Your nerves were almost boiling over. "You can't just 'forget'. What are we gonna eat?" The couch creaked as he crawled off and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, then sighed again. "We can just order something." You turned to face him, crossing your arms. "Or maybe you can just listen to me when I ask you to do something." He blinked hard at you, closing the fridge. "I'm sorry. It's not like I go out for hours every night and remember hundreds of names, dates, warehouses, whatever the fuck. Can you give me a break?" Your body went stiff and you steadied yourself against the counter.
"This is the 3rd week in a row Jason-" he cut you off, "You work in an office, baby girl. You sit down, and stare at your screen- is it (that) bad?" You clenched your teeth hard, feeling an emotional build-up. "No, Jason. I work with troubled kids in neglected neighborhoods-" You rushed over your words in a fit of anger. "Which you'd know if you ever paid any fucking attention to me!" In the instance of finishing the last word, you felt a wave of embarrassment hit you. His forest green eyes narrowed, and his clenched jaw softened...almost as if he was hurt. "Y/n...", he voiced faintly. You spun on your heel, walking away from him. Jason repeated your name as you went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
His footsteps approached the door, and he was met with the faint clicking sound of the lock. He scoffed at himself and leaned his back against the door. "Come out y/n..". His command was met with silence. "Baby..please." Your heart broke a little, hearing the pleading in his voice. "Can we talk about this...face to face?" He could imagine you'd just tell him to speak from outside the door. The door opened, causing him to almost fall and you stared up at him, crossing your arms. "Hey..", he whispered lowly, reaching his hands out to touch yours, leaning his body so close, you were almost touching.
His body heat radiated off of him, making you mindlessly lean closer. He held your hands. "Look at me. I don't pay attention to you?" "Well..I didn't mean..", you shifted slightly. "No..I think I heard you correctly," Jason breathily whispered in your ear. "I just meant..." You trailed off. "Yeah?"
His voice rumbled at his throat. You looked everywhere but his eyes. He pinned you to the wall with an intimidating gaze. You hated the way your body reacted to his. Hated how a few minutes ago you wanted to rip his head off and now he has your thighs rubbing together at his mere words.
"Baby you're on my mind 24/7. It's you who always pushes me away as if you can't let yourself enjoy my presence," he teases. You roll your eyes. "Can't take you seriously when you're over here tryna get some friction," he muttered and glanced down. You opened your mouth to deceptively defend yourself but he pressed a finger to your lips. "What, you didn't think I'd notice?"
He hooked his fingers onto the hem of her pants, slowly dipping his hands below to feel her dampness. "You're so wet and needy for me and I (barely) touched you, go on...ask for it." Your eyes flickered away from his. "B-but we have to talk about this Jay. We can't just-" he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. "I know..I know baby" he cooed. "Just lemme me take care of you first.." He searched your eyes for approval, to which you nodded shaky with anticipation. Then he kneeled.
#jason todd x reader#jason todd#jason todd x fem!reader#ceri drabbles#red hood x reader#jason todd smut
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THE WISEWOMAN (roman reigns ff) <chapter 6>

word count: 2.5k
Sophia's POV:
Heat was roaming over my whole body as I was sitting on Roman's lap, body to body or more precisely clothes to clothes.
Mouth to mouth.
We were having a heated makeout session with slow and sloppy kisses and some little moans coming out of us.
I could feel his not so short beard tickling my whole face. Unfamiliar sensation for me since I have never made out with a too bearded guy. I could also feel his huge hands on my butt and squeezing it.
We stopped for a bit to take a breath and stare at each other. The spark of lust in his deep brown eyes let me know what he wants.
However, it's not the time or place.
"I think we must stop." I spoke through my heavy breaths.
I abruptly opened my eyes and slightly lifted my head.
What dream did I just have?
I swear this didn't happen in real life.
Me and Roman just drank ONE glass of wine then we took a nap, we got in New York and he drove me home. That's it.
I checked the time on my phone and it's almost noon.
I got home really late or must I say early - around 5am.
After I did my morning routine I put on some gray sweatpants and dark blue blouse, ready to drink my coffee and do some pilates.
Maybe talk to mom if she is here. I know it's Saturday but being a surgeon is very, very demanding job and you have to be available 24/7.
It has been like this since I remember myself.
Couldn't spend too much time with my mom, so basically my dad raised me...until he died 9 years ago.
Although it has been almost a decade, you can never get over the pain of losing a parent especially when he was so close to you.
During my college years uncle was the one who supported me to pursue my dreams. He even helped me a lot with the studies and everything.
I learned a lot from him.
I remember ever since I was a kid my dad always told me that I resemble uncle in so many ways. He even said it's like I'm uncle's daugher and not his.
My dad was way different from uncle though. While uncle has this formal, practical persona and so on, my dad was more of like a free spirit.
He was changing jobs constantly. Couldn't really keep himself in one place. I remember him and mom always argued. He just didn't like the idea of mom bringing more money at home than him. That fact was crushing him every single day until he decided to overdose and end it all.
It's kind of stupid, if you think about it, ain't it?
He could have just asked for a divorce and still be here with us but I know dad loved mom with his whole heart although mom is a very, very difficult woman.
Perfectionist at its finest, unemotional, smart.
I mean she needs these qualities for her job, I know that but I admit she is not easy. I also admit that I inherited a lot from her and it's not just the looks.
As I went downstairs to make myself some coffee I heard some voices chattering.
Oh God, did she invite somebody?
When I got in the living room, I saw my mother drinking coffee and eating with my two best friends from college - Tina and Cleo.
My two beautiful, 10/10 best friends who've been by my side since first year of college.
Tina is a long haired brunette woman with light brown eyes, skinny body and the most beautiful smile in the world and I mean it. A literal angel came from heaven and she got married a few months ago to a very good man.
He is meant just for her.
Cleo is a curly girl with light brown skin and hazel eyes. Body is tea, fashion sense too and she got engaged last month. Therefore we shall expect a wedding soon.
"Somebody forgot she invited guests over the weekend." mom scolded me.
I put my hand on my temple.
"I'm so sorry, girls." I said as I went to the table and hugged them.
"It's okay, Soph. You are a busy Wise Woman." Cleo teased me and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Oh me and Noah watched Smackdown last night. He is a big fan of the show and suddenly I am too." Tina chuckled and I slightly wrinkled my lips.
"Me and Jeremiah too. He is crazy for WWE." I scratched my neck. "You were amazing, girl. Best thing of the night and I'm not biased."
"Thank you." I batted my eyelids and looked at mother.
"I took a few glimpses. Sometimes I think you came out of your uncle, not from me." she stated and shook her head. However, she didn't quite use a cold tone, it was rather proud in a way. Judging by her expression, she is lowkey proud.
"That guy Roman is something else though. I made a comment how hot he is and Jer...just agreed." my jaw fell on the floor. "He is his favorite."
"Oh my God." I put my hand on my mouth and headed to the coffee machine in the kitchen box.
"A normal man would feel jealous but he said 'yeah, I know' and continued watching." Cleo still seemed in disbelief but so am I.
"Noah likes Cody more but he made an interesting statement." Tina hinted something and I turned on the machine while being all in ears. "He said that Roman and Sophia look cute together."
"He said what?" I turned around immediately in shock.
"He said that he envisions a deeper storyline with you two." she added and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Storyline as in the show or storyline out of the show?" my mom asked in case she didn't understand.
"I think he meant in the show but who knows." Tina replied as I grabbed the ready coffee and went to them.
"So what's going on with yall?" I finally sat on the table.
Roman's POV:
Right now I am training with Jon and Josh in my home gym. Whenever we can, we train together. We have always been together.
Especially with the twins. We've been like triplets our whole lives. They are my closest family and friends that I have, to be honest.
We literally grew up together ever and have been through so much long before WWE.
"Uce, that Paul niece...goddamn." Josh started speaking while lifting his weights. "Seems like a big gem."
"Yeah, she completely nailed it last night." I agreed.
"And you want to nail her, don't you, Joe?" Jon just put me in the hot chair.
"What?" his younger twin furrowed his eyebrows. "Uce..."
"My plans are long-term." this is what I decided to reply.
Josh seemed really confused as hell.
"She is Paul's niece and probably around 20 years younger than you...and us." he stated and I rolled my eyes.
"Twelve years." I corrected him.
The twins exchanged looks. Josh was confused and Jon had confirming look.
"These two didn't shut up the whole ride. Me and Yoko had to move to the bedrooms." Jon pointed at me.
"Well, good luck with making a young woman like her fall for you." Josh managed to say and giving me that look of judgement.
"It's like yall don't know me." I was actually disappointed. "I can and I will get her." I declared. Damn. 'Believe that' almost came out of my mouth.
"Well, you better start working cause it seems like she has a lot of admirers and now that she got into the business, they will become even more." the elder twin advised me and I just flashed a smirk, looking down.
"Mission already started." I uttered.
Sophia's POV:
"We are in a process of wedding planning." Cleo said and my jaw dropped.
"Already?! I thought yall weren't gonna rush." I exclaimed.
"We thought that too but we tend to talk about it a lot so me and Jer actually started thinking of concepts." my friend had that amazing glow of a freshly engaged woman and the excitement rush of planning a wedding.
I am really happy that they found the right guys for them. Sometimes I can't help but wonder when I will find mine.
The door bell cut off Cleo's storytime.
Mom got up saying that she will check who it might be.
"As of now we are thinking about a small spring wedding, like a garden party with lots of flowers." me and Tina nodded in agreement, liking the idea.
I suddenly saw my mom going into the room carrying a bouquet with a white wrapping and red flowers.
They looked kinda like lilium but I'm not quite sure.
"These ones seem like a great idea." she got into the conversation and my friends also turned to her, shocked at the view.
"Does my mom have a secret admirer?" I cocked my eyebrow and smirked. I mean she is a pretty attractive woman and she has always been but her next man has to be a billionaire or something.
"They are for you actually." she replied and handed me the bouquet.
The flowers were red on the outside and white on the inside. Insanely pretty and smell amazing, too.
Oh my God.
I saw there was a not so little card in it and it was written 'for Sophia'.
"The WWE men started with the wooing." Tina commented.
"Can you read it aloud? Please." Cleo begged.
"My dear Wise Woman. Seeing you last night trying to read "Goddesses in every woman" (I didn't quite leave you but it still made me think) evoked a thought in my head which goddess hides in you. My first thought was Aphrodite but then I realized you are actually Athena - the goddess of wisdom. I also did a research about her that she is portrayed as a companion of heroes (me in the case). I also checked out that the Roman equation of Athena is Minerva and the flowers you see in this bouquet are Amaryllis 'Minerva' symbolising determination and strength. Also, they kinda look like you ;)
Sincerely from Your Tribal Chief"
I rested my back on the chair trying to process everything I just read right now.
My friends had the same reaction and I swear I could see surprise in mom's face too.
"Holy, these old school men don't play." Cleo grabbed her curly hair. "How many times have you two met?"
"Just two. Last night and when I was hired." I replied.
"Olivia, I think you have a son in law in the way." Tina warned mom.
"Let's see how long he is gonna keep this energy. He is an athlete after all." mom shrugged it off.
"A hella romantic one, though. Goddamn." Cleo swore once again. "Old school men really don't play. This is exactly how you do it."
I bit my lips trying to hide the big grin that would stick on my mouth.
This is romantic, indeed adding the fact that I have always associated myself with Athena and Roman has no idea. He was just thinking about this.
"What are you waiting for? Call Roman and thank him." Tina scolded me.
"Right." I mumbled and took my phone then left the table, so I could talk in private.
He gave me his number the day we met, so we have our contacts.
I dialed his number and I felt my heart pounding fast in my chest.
I am still feel the adrenaline in my blood. This is literally the sweetest thing a man has ever done for me.
"Hey." I heard his bass-deep voice that could drive any woman crazy and I am no different.
"Hi, Roman." I replied with my soft feminine voice.
"I received your present." I continued talking and bit my lip. "Thank you so much for the gesture and especially the astonishingly detailed card." I chuckled slightly. "You just left me speechless really." I spoke frankly.
I heard his deep chuckle.
"I am a man of detail, sweetheart. Remember that." he spoke in a matter-of-fact tone and I almost fell to the ground.
A detailed man? Oh my God. Literally my dream.
"I love the flowers too." I added. "Thank you so much once again. Can't spell romantic without Roman." I giggled at the realization I just had and I heard him laughing.
"You said it alone."
"You are welcome, Soph. I am capable of even more but you are gonna see in the future." I swear to God he would wink at me if we were face to face right now.
"Can't wait." I bit my lips.
"By the way, what are your plans for today?" he changed the topic.
"I am hanging out with my friends now then I will work out and then I don't know. What about you?" I literally have no plans for later.
"Well how about we go out tonight?" he asked me.
"Hmm...where?" I replied with a question. I know I shouldn't agree immediately.
"Somewhere nice." I hate him. Why doesn't he tell me the specific place? Did he think about it or he is as of now.
"Okay." I said after a few seconds.
"Great. Be ready at 7. I'm gonna pick you up." Roman said with a note of command which I cannot help but find hot in a way unless he crosses the line.
"See ya." I said and hung up.
Okay, what should I wear?
"Definitely not that" Cleo said with judging tone after I showed them an option from my wardrobe.
"I think you should stop with your snobbish business outfits and pull something out of the slut wardrobe." Tina advised me and started roaming into the clothes in my big wardrobe.
"Something with big cleavage." Cleo gave her clues and she pulled out a very, very short red dress that I have which is more for the club.
"Girls, I am dealing with the face of sports entertainment. He is taking me to a dinner at a very expensive restaurant, most likely and not the local pub, okay?" I tried to explain them the deal since they don't seem to understand.
"Plus, he is an elder man, not one of our peers." I added.
"True." Tina agreed. "Then something classy" she started looking around again.
"And still revealing but noy so much." Cleo yelled after her. "Revealing cleavage but not so short."
"I think I found the one." Tina announced as she pulled out a hanger with black sleevless dress and a black little fur collar.
I put it on me to see where is the length and it's a bit below the knees which makes it perfect, in my opinion.
"Oh my. I completely forgot about this set." I gasped.
"It's even still with the tag on it." Tina almost facepalmed.
"Some black heels and pretty necklace and you are ready, sweetie." Cleo said.
"Plus your signature hair volume and natural curls." Tina made a chef's kiss. "Make him weak."
"He is a professional athlete. There is nothing weak about him." I slapped them with logic once again.
"Okay but he is still a man. Make him nervous." Cleo said in one of these villian-like daring tone.
I licked my lips.
"We'll see." I just said.
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hi hi there! sooooo, how about some Tsukasa cuddling headcanons? Feel free to ignore if you’ve got better ones! Have a super awesome day! >:D
YOU ALL ARE A BUNCH OF DIRTY DIRTY TSUKASA LOVERS!! WHAT IS WITH HIM THAT YOU LOVE SO MUCH! ToT love a good cuddle hc…. was honestly excited to see it… (can we address how he dresses sometime? what a cutie pie…. honestly, i didn’t really favor kasa before i started writing for him!! he’s so darling!!!>_<) AND SORRY FOR THE MINI HIATUS!! life’s been kinda hard recently!! ^_^||| sorry for it being kinda short!
EDIT: i forgot to add tags like a scatterbrain…. -.- i hope people can still see this…
Tsukasa Tenma cuddling hc’s (+ more!)
Too hot to handle… (LITERALLY)
So so warm, an actual walking furnace, YET HES FREEZING!
“Honey, it’s so so cold please…” (whiny (HOW SURPRISING))
“‘Kasa, baby, I’m sweating…”
LOVES and I mean LOVES to cuddle
Who would believe me if I told them he’d pounce on you at any given opportunity? (OMG wuttt??? that’s soooo unlike him!!)
“Sweeetheart, I just miss you!”
“Honey, please when do I ever ask you for anything??”
Trust if he’s sick he makes it your problem too, like pls unsick me!!
Smells like shortbread
You honestly don’t know why because the only time he wears cologne is if he’s going somewhere fancy, and it’s never sweet
Maybe it’s Sakis weird love for baking, maybe it’s a little fairy who likes to sprinkle him with it while he sleeps, he doesn’t really know.
Favorite positions are ones where you’re facing eachother
Doesn’t really like spooning, he doesn’t find it as satisfying
He likes your heartbeat!!! Is that a crime?
Will genuinely NEVER let you get back up after
He will fight you… Its infuriating
Didn’t know I signed up for cuddling sheetmetal, thanks for the warning!
Honestly, he’s so boyfriend tho it’s insane…. like yes yes of course you’re my boyfriend!
AGHHHA HES SO CUTIEEE!!! i enjoy leaving these drabbles after my hcs!! it makes me feel like i actually did something! keep requesting, sorry if i haven’t gotten to yours yet!! there’s been so many! thank you so much!^w^
Rehearsal sucks, anyone who’s ever done anything knows it, and so does Tsukasa. He’s exhausted, and he knows the one thing that’ll recharge him.
He sends you a text akin to “please let me come over before I die and it’ll be your fault”, and who could say no to that!? That’s how you ended up with a mildly sweaty Tsukasa laying on top of your previously perfectly made bed…
“You’re too warm! I can lay with you, but this is ridiculous!” You squirm, trying to pry the boy off of you. When did he get so heavy?! It’s like a bag of bricks is holding you down!
“Please sweetheart, when do I ever ask you for anything?!” He whines, wrapping his arms even tighter around you.
“Five minutes ago you asked me to scratch your back, you asked me for a drink from the vending machine because you didn’t wanna get your wallet-“
“Never mind!” He cuts you off, covering your mouth. “It’s the last time, I swear! I promise that I won’t ever again!-”
You look up at him, unimpressed.
“For the..” he looks away dejectedly, taking his hand off your mouth, “rest of the time I’m here…”
You snicker at his sudden sheepishness, “what happened to the passion, ‘Kasa?” Your fingers run through his blonde hair, twisting it around your fingers.
“You put the fire out… If you could see my eyes right now, you’d see they’re gray and dull….”
You smack his head playfully, “don’t bite the hands that scratch your back.”
He just sighs, burying his head deeper into your neck. He’s warm, REALLY warm, but you can’t find it in yourself to mind anymore. It really is times like these that make you appreciate him the most. He’s not performing, he’s not playing, he’s just kinda there, and you’re kinda there too. Everything can be so much, but life feels mundane and boring when you two are like this - in a good way! It feels domestic.
“I love you, Tsukasa. Y’know that?” You lift his head up, looking into his eyes. Damnit, he’s looks kinda sweet. It almost makes you feel bad for teasing him… Almost.
He leans into the touch, eyes closing again. His voice is uncharacteristically soft when he replies, “I do. I love you too, a lot.”
A beat passes,
“I’m aloud to fall asleep, right?”
#wxs tsukasa#tsukasa x reader#tsukasa tenma#tsukasa pjsk#tsukasa tenma x reader#wxs x reader#wxs#wonderland x showtime#project sekai x reader#pjsk headcanons#pjsk x reader#pjsk#pjsk tsukasa#x reader#reader insert#project sekai#colorful stage#headcanon#drabble#ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
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Chasing Us: Part 4
SUMMARY: Tyler and Hannah put their little act on display at the welcome dinner as they talk and socialize with the other wedding guests.
TAG LIST: @omgbrianab I @shanimallina87
Tyler finished rolling up the sleeves of his olive green linen shirt, glancing at himself in the mirror to make sure everything looked presentable. He wasn't one to get dressed up often - his usual attire leaned more towards practicality than style - but tonight was different. This wasn't just any evening; this was the first official family gathering where he and Hannah had to convince everyone that they were a couple.
He adjusted his gray chino shorts, making sure they sat right, and then leaned against the edge of the dresser, waiting for Hannah to finish getting ready in the bathroom. The low hum of voices from downstairs drifted up through the open door, reminding him that they didn't have much time.
The door to the bathroom creaked open, and Tyler looked up, expecting Hannah to step out. When she did, he found himself momentarily speechless.
Hannah stood in the doorway, her dress a soft, grey-blue satin that shimmered under the warm light of the room. The dress hugged her figure in all the right places, the slit at the side showing just a hint of leg as she shifted her weight nervously from one foot to the other. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, and her makeup was minimal but elegant, accentuating her natural beauty.
For a moment, Tyler forgot to breathe. He'd seen Hannah in countless situations - windswept and muddy from storm chasing, hunched over laughing over a shared joke, even frustrated and exhausted after a long day - but this was different. This was the first time he'd seen her dress up, and she looked...stunning.
Hannah noticed the way he was staring and shifted uncomfortably. "What?" she asked, her voice tinged with nervousness as she smoothed the fabric of her dress. "Is something wrong?"
Tyler quickly shook his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts. "No," he replied, his voice a little softer than usual. "Nothing's wrong. You look...amazing, Hannah."
Her cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, and she gave him a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks," she said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You clean up pretty well yourself."
Tyler chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I had to step up my game for tonight. Didn't think my dirty boots and jeans would cut it."
They shared a brief smile before the moment passed, the weight of the evening ahead of them settling back in. Tyler cleared his throat and offered his arm to her. "Shall we?"
Hannah looped her arm through his, grateful for the small gesture of support. "Let's do this," she said, trying to muster up as much confidence as she could.
As they made their way downstairs, the sound of laughter and conversation grew louder. They entered the kitchen and dining room area where the rest of the family was already gathered. The table was adorned with a charcuterie board spread - an array of cheeses, cured meats, fruits, and crackers - alongside an impressive selection of drinks.
Emily spotted them first and waved them over with a wide grin. "There they are! The happy couple!"
Hannah's heartbeat skipped a beat at the words, but she forced a smile and squeezed Tyler's arm lightly, hoping he wouldn't notice how nervous she was. Tyler, ever perceptive, felt her unease and moved his arm to place a gentle hand on her back as they walked towards the group - a move, that while meant to to comfort her, also had the added benefit of making their relationship appear genuine to anyone watching.
They were soon surrounded by family members, each eager to catch up with Hannah and get a chance to get to know Tyler a little more. Her parents were the first to approach her dad immediately enveloping her in a warm hug. "There's my Hannah Banana," he said fondly, using the old nickname he used to have for her.
"Hi, Dad," Hannah replied, her voice slightly muffled against his shoulder. When he finally released her, she turned to her mom, who was already beaming at her.
"Honey, it's so good to have you here," her mom said pulling her in for a hug. "And we're so glad you brought Tyler." She glanced at him with a warm smile. "You know, I was just telling her dad the other day about how Hannah used to pretend to be a storm chaser when she was little - always running around the backyard with a toy microphone, giving weather updates."
"Mom," Hannah groaned, her cheeks flushing. "You don't need to tell him that."
Tyler chuckled, clearly enjoying the story. "Sounds like she was practicing for the real thing. Must have always been a natural."
"Oh, she was," her dad chimed in, grinning. "She'd get all dressed up too. Raincoat, boots, the whole deal. We had to drag her inside when it started getting bad."
"Those were the good times," her mom added, laughing softly. "And now look at you, all grown up and become a storm chaser for real. And now she's bringing one home too. I guess we should've seen it coming."
Hannah smiled, embarrassed but touched by her parents' memories. Tyler caught her eye and gave her a small, reassuring smile, clearly unbothered by the story.
"Well," Tyler said, smoothly transitioning the conversation, "I'm just glad I get to be here with all of you. I can see where Hannah gets her charm, and her beauty." He said before looking at her mom.
Her mom smiled, clearly pleased. "We're glad you're here, Tyler. You two seem to make a great team."
Hannah shot Tyler a quick, grateful glance, relieved that the interaction had gone so smoothly. He responded with a subtle nod, his hand gently resting on the small of her back as they moved on to greet the next group of relatives.
Hannah and Tyler wandered over to where Emily and Matt were standing. Emily greeted them with a bright smile, her eyes twinkling.
"Hannah, I was just telling Matt about when we were younger."
Hannah rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress a smile. "Oh, great. Which stories were you tell him about exactly?"
Emily laughed and turned to Tyler. "Well, when we were kids, Hannah was absolutely obsessed with rodeo cowboys. Every summer, she'd drag me to the rodeos, trying to get pictures with the riders and maybe even a little autographed cowboy hat. She had the biggest crush on them, especially if they had that classic cowboy charm."
Tyler's eyebrows shot up in interest, and he grinned at Hannah. "Is that so? I didn't realize I had competition."
Hannah gave him a mock glare. "Oh, please. That was years ago."
"It's funny you should say that, Emily. Because I used to compete as a bull rider back in the day." Tyler replied, still smiling.
Emily's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's incredible! It must've been fate for you two to end up together, then."
Hannah looked at Tyler, a mix of surprise and amusement in her eyes. "You never told me that."
Tyler shrugged, still smiling. "Just didn't come up in conversation. I did it before I went to college. But I do have to say, I can see why you were so keen on rodeo cowboys."
Emily nudged Hannah playfully. "And here I was, thinking you were just destined for a lifetime of awkward attempts to impress cowboys at rodeos."
Hannah laughed, shaking her head. "I guess sometimes fate has a way of working things out."
The playful banter continued, and Tyler and Hannah found themselves easing into the evening, surrounded by laughter and stories from their pasts. It was clear that despite the pretense, there was a genuine connection forming between them.
As the evening wore on, the charcuterie board became a centerpiece of the gathering, with various cheeses, meats, and fruits laid out for everyone to enjoy. Tyler and Hannah were making their rounds, chatting and sampling the assortment. Tyler picked up a piece of cheese, turned to Hannah with a playful grin, and held it out to her.
"Care for a bite?" he asked, making a show of offering the cheese.
Hannah laughed and playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, sure. Why not?" She leaned in, and Tyler carefully fed her the piece of cheese, his fingers brushing her lips briefly. The touch was light but lingered, and Tyler's eyes met hers with a twinkle of mischief.
Her family gathered nearby and watched the interaction with amused smiles. Emily leaned into Matt, whispering, "Aren't they adorable?"
The evening continued with drinks flowing and the atmosphere growing more relaxed. As the night went on, Hannah had a few drinks, and her earlier nerves had started to dissipate. She was enjoying herself more, laughing and chatting with everyone. Tyler stayed close, making sure she was comfortable and having a good time.
At one point, while reaching for another piece of cheese from the board, Hannah took a small misstep. She started to lose her balance, and Tyler instinctively reached out to catch her. He steadied her with a firm grip around her waist, pulling her gently back into him.
Hannah looked up at him with a slightly embarrassed but grateful smile. "Thanks for saving me. I guess I'm a bit clumsy tonight."
Tyler's grin was warm and reassuring. "No problem. Just doing my job as your 'boyfriend.'"
The moment was tender and genuine, and her family took note of how Tyler's touch was both protective and caring. Hannah's mom watched with a smile, nudging her husband with her elbow. "They really do seem to fit well together."
The evening continued with more mingling and laughter. As the night grew later, Hannah found herself leaning into Tyler more, feeling comfortable and content. Tyler occasionally brushed his hand against her back or lightly touched her arm, and each time, it seemed to reaffirm the connection between them.
When the time came for everyone to gather for a toast, Tyler and Hannah stood together, their arms casually brushing against each other.
Hannah's dad, holding a glass of champagne, stood up and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the guests. His face was beaming with pride and happiness.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "if I could have your attention for just a moment."
The chatter quieted, and everyone turned toward him. Hannah glanced up at Tyler, who gave her a reassuring smile, sensing her nervousness.
"I want to start by thanking each and every one of you for making the journey here to celebrate this special day with us. Your presence means the world to Emily and Matt, and to all of us."
There was a murmur of agreement and appreciation from the crowd. Hannah's dad continued, raising his glass a little higher.
"Tonight is not just a celebration of Emily and Matt's love, but also of the love that surrounds us all, both old and new," he paused glancing over at Hannah and Tyler.
Tyler glanced at Hannah, who looked pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of their relationship in the toast. Her eyes met his, and he gave her a warm, encouraging smile.
"To love," Hannah's dad concluded, "both old and new. May it continue to grow and thrive in our hearts."
Everyone raised their glasses in unison and took a sip, the air filled with a collective sense of joy and celebration. Tyler gently squeezed Hannah's hand, their earlier flirtation now blending seamlessly with the warm and genuine atmosphere.
As the toast ended and the guests resumed mingling, the warmth of the evening seemed to envelop Tyler and Hannah. Her family continued to observe their interactions, clearly impressed by the way Tyler's care and affection for Hannah were evident in every touch and glance.
As the evening wound down, one by one, the guests began to say their goodnights and retire to their rooms. The warm glow of the lanterns and the soft chatter of the remaining few added to the cozy, intimate atmosphere.
Hannah and Tyler lingered a little longer, enjoying the final moments of the night. But soon, they too decided it was time to call it a night.
"I think we should head up," Hannah said, giving Tyler a tired but content smile.
Tyler nodded. "Yeah, let's get some rest."
They said their goodnights to those still gathered, exchanging a few last laughs and hugs, before making their way back up to their room. As they walked down the hallway, the sound of distant waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop.
Once inside the room, Hannah sighed, stretching her arms above her head. "I'm going to hop in the shower quickly," she said, glancing at Tyler, who had already begun to unbutton his shirt.
"Sounds good," he replied casually, continuing to undress as she headed into the bathroom.
The sound of the shower running echoed faintly in the room as Tyler finished undressing, standing shirtless in the dim light. He began to gather his things, getting ready to take his turn in the shower.
A few minutes later, Hannah emerged from the bathroom, her hair slightly damp, dressed in a pair of soft pajama shorts and a loose-fitting tank top. She froze for a second as her eyes met Tyler's bare chest. She hadn't seen him like this before, his muscles well-defined, his skin tanned from the countless hours spent under the sun during storm chases. She felt her cheeks flush as her gaze lingered longer than she intended.
Tyler caught her staring and smirked, "What?"
Hannah quickly looked away, a bit flustered. "Nothing. I just...didn't realize you were ready for your turn."
Tyler chuckled softly, not pressing the issue. "Well, I won't be long," he said as he headed into the bathroom, the door closing behind him.
Hannah let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and sat down on the edge of the bed, her thoughts racing. Why had she stared? This was Tyler-her friend and coworker. He was just doing her a favor by coming along as her plus-one. But the image of his bare chest kept creeping back into her mind, and now the thought of him in the shower, just a room away, sent her heart racing. She shook her head, trying to push the thoughts aside.
After what felt like an eternity, the bathroom door opened, and Tyler stepped out, now dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He looked comfortable and at ease, a stark contrast to the turmoil in Hannah's mind.
Tyler grabbed a pillow from the bed and pulled a throw blanket from the foot of it, making his way over to the couch. He arranged the pillow and blanket, then laid down, stretching out to get comfortable.
"Goodnight, Hannah," he said, turning his head to look at her with a gentle smile.
"Goodnight, Tyler," she replied, slipping under the covers of the bed.
The room grew quiet, with only the sound of the ceiling fan gently whirring above them. As they both settled in for the night, Hannah's mind kept wandering back to the evening's events, the unexpected attraction she felt toward Tyler, and the strange, uncharted territory they were navigating. But for now, she closed her eyes, hoping sleep would come quickly and calm the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in her head.
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He wiped the blood from his face as he rose up from his knees. His eyes sunken into his scarred and radiated skull. But they burned with a fire that only the combined trauma of 200 plus years could amass. As he rose, his bones audibly cracked and snapped into place. His mutation did have several draw backs, but he was a hard bastard to kill. So, there was that at the very least.
With a flick of his wrist, his specialty rounds shot out from his modified revolver/shotgun hybrid. The bullet tore through the ar and the machine that had previously put him down was sent crashing down as a bunch of scrap metal.
A collection of blood had pooled in his mouth, which he promptly spat out. The sound of his spurs clinked on the metal floor of the Vault as he repositioned himself. His gun held up at eye level.
“What is this? Who the hell are you?!” A voice asked the Ghoul. A voice that he knew all too well.It was a voice that he had longed to hear. A voice that would whisper sweet nothings as they made love the first time, a voice so tired and yet so sweet when it cooed to their newborn daughter, and a voice that cut like a dagger when he heard it say America would nuke itself.
The sound of her voice rang in his ears, almost made him stumble more than the Mr. Handy ever could. She was older now, a few more deep lines, and hair gray. But compared to himself, she was quite well put together. And out here, in post-apocalyptia one was so much changed than they once were.
“Answer me goddamnit!” Demanded the woman in the Vault Suit demanded. The woman who at one point, had been his wife. Lifetimes ago. An entirely different world, not this strange alien dssert that they had come to know. There were trees, there was drinking water, there was laughter. Now, it was a shriveled caricature of what it once was. Much like the Ghoul who held the woman he knew but did not know him at gunpoint. There were so many things that he wanted to say. He wanted to shout, to scream, to cuss, he also wanted to embrace her, kiss her, and kick her and kill her. He gritted his teeth, focusing. He had been dreaming for a very long time. And he would not squander the opportunity now. He was a professional after all. He had rehearsed the line time and time again. Finally, the bounty hunter spoke. It was a voice etched with indignation that ran deeper than the lines on the woman’s face.
“I am the righteous hand of God.” He said, pulling back the hammer of his gun. “And I am the Devil that you forgot.” His eyes narrowed. “I told you one day that I’d be back, and Hell’d be comin’ with me.”
And with that, his finger pulled the trigger and a bullet ripped through the air.
#fallout#fallout series#fallout tv series#fallout show#fallout prime#the ghoul#cooper howard#walton goggins#fanfiction#the ghoul fallout#cooper howard fanfiction#fallout fic#hell's coming with me
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Just reading you about spider and agreeing he deserve better. Srsly my heartaches for him and everyone in the fandom painting him being a bad guy is too much like his gray character guys.
but what I notice from him he will never be truly accepted by the two species both humans and na'vi for the human's his to na'vi or (savage) and to the na'vi his the constantly reminder of what the human's did to their people and land and I cry for him for that. His just a kid who wants to be belonged and accepted but always getting rejected.
And what pisses me off is to those people who blamed spider for bringing the rda to the metkayina when in fact it was signal from norm and max got detected by the rda signal. And Jake also pissed me off saying that spider might betray them for telling where they are like sir that kid is literally a ride or die like did he ever think that the how dangerous humans are especially a military one those people will torture for info when like sir your was once a soldier you know how brutal they are? Did he not even think what will they do to spider a kid? Imagine if quaritch didn't step up that boy brain will melted off. So yes spider deserved better
spiders such a good kid, that like, yeah, by human nature he just wants to be accepted, but like, he so clearly tries to suppress it. like sure, he wears his hair like jake, paints blue stripes on himself, holds himself like they do, but we never see him actually try and force himself into their lives. he follows kiri and lo'ak around because they're his friends and they love him, but other then that, he tries to slink into the background and be useful. he doesn't want to be a burden, a reminder, one with the humans. he literally would do anything, sacrifice anything for the na'vi. he did one thing for himself (saving his father, who was one of the first, if not only adults to ever care about him in his entire life) after years of putting his wants and needs aside, and he gets absolutely shit on. like he's just a baby, who will never fit in anywhere, who "doesn't want" to fit in anywhere (cause 99% of humans suck and he doesn't want to hurt the na'vi anymore than he already does for existing.) and he's just hurting.
I think spider's gonna burn out by the end of these movies. not in the going villain or rouge sort of way, but I think we're definitely gonna see a breaking point where he's just done. cause it has to be so hard to keep going like that for years.
he's gotten kidnapped, tortured, dragged around by the rda, forced to watch brutal tulkun hunts and village raids, watched a sibling die to save him, gotten held at knife point by someone who should be like his mother, knowing she might kill him. he has given his all, and still just kept rolling with the punches like they didn't hurt. and still, everyone seems to expect the worst of him.
and that comment from jake, I took it two separate ways, but I guess they could both coexist;
he didn't trust spider to protect his family, despite the kids undying love and devotion for them, even after he was shown nothing but hate.
he knew they were going to break the poor kid and get what they wanted from him, no matter what it took.
I don't know which one makes me feel more sick. the thought that jake thought so lowly of spider, or the fact that he knowingly abandoned him to that fate. even if jake wasn't the kids guardian, he could have at least given enough of a shit to feign worrying about him, or mourning spider capture. I understand having to make harsh decisions like valuing the life of many over one (doesn't make it anymore palatable, but y'know, military politics) but like, he didn't give a single shit. that's what bothered me the most. they just forgot about the kid.
with what james cameron has said, I think things are going to start sorta looking up for our boy, but I don't have the most hope he's gonna get a truly 'happy' ending. I think so much damage has been done already, that spiders always gonna be that character that breaks my heart.
#sorry for such a late response#my brains starting to work again#miles socorro#spider socorro#avatar the way of water#avatar 2#miles spider socorro
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Taylor Swift Wolfstar songs day 36
Todays swing is going to be Timeless, Speak Now from the vault. POV Remus as he imagines all the different ways his and Sirius’s love story would have played out in worlds where they were never torn apart. Set post OOTP as Remus let’s himself realize that Sirius was the love of his life.
And, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other In another life, you still would've turned my head even if we'd met Remus know that he and Sirius would have found their way back to each other, even if only in another life. He knows that the way he loved Sirius was so magnetic they would have been drawn together through space and time if that’s what it took.
On a crowded street in 1944 And you were headed off to fight in the war You still would've been mine We would have been timeless I would've read your love letters every single night Even if they’d met in the middle of a war not before one, even if they’d been torn apart like they were they still would have fallen for each other. And you would've been fine We would have been timeless 'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine We would've been timeless
But in another lifetime they would have been ok. Because their love transcended time, even if their story was written on another page they would have been in love.
I thought about it as I started lookin' 'round At these precious things that time forgot That's when I came upon a book covered in cobwebs Story of a romance torn apart by fate Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love, like we did And I'd die for you in the same way if I first saw your face
And thinking about all the love stories he’s read Remus can’t help seeing him and Sirius in them. In stories of love and tragedy, of people who fell in love when fate forced them apart Remus saw them. And he knew he’d die the same way as the characters of his books if he could save Sirius.
Time breaks down your mind and body Don't you let it touch your soul It was like an age-old classic The first time that you saw me The story started when you said, "Hello"
Time has worn Remus down but his love hasn’t changed, he and Sirius were destined to be the greatest love story ever told from the moment they met.
In a crowded room a few short years ago And sometimes there's no proof, you just know You're always gonna be mine We're gonna be I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made And you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless"
The first time they met seems like only a few years ago in Remus’s mind, and somehow he just knows that he’ll always be in love with Sirius. Somehow he knows that he’s going to love him when he’s old, and in another life they both would have been old together, knowing that their love was timeless. Because in this world they were torn apart, but in a thousand other ones they were bound to be together.
yea, so that was sad. But this whole song is sad, the way she says “we are gonna be” and then doesn’t finish just tells me that she knew they weren’t going to be timeless in this life. Also, in my head cannon Remus never gets with Tonks bc that whole relationship literally never would have happened.
edit: I’m so sorry, I forgot to put the freaking day 😭
#wolfstar#sirius black#remus lupin#fanfic#marauders#harry potter#james potter#hp fandom#taylor swift#peter pettigrew#timeless
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joel and ginny's first date

Oneshot Summary: joel and the sweetest baker have their first date.
Chapter Warnings: this is all fluff, language, slight age gap (F!MC and Joel are 6 years apart), symptoms of anxiety and depression, lmk if i forgot something.
Series Tags: chef! Joel, single! father Joel, no outbreak! Joel Miller, slow burn, dual-pov, fluff, flirting, friendship, eventually established relationship, eventual smut, original character, black!fem!OC, no y/n.
⋆ word count: 2.1k⋆
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ series masterlist, joel masterlist ⋆ spotify playlist ˖ ݁ 𖥔.

A path is getting worn into my rug with the amount of pacing I’m doing. Gnawing on my lip, my mind spins with thoughts of what’s about to happen. I’ve never wanted to be with someone so bad in my life. But I’ve also never been so nervous to go on a date with someone. I want it to be tremendous, but I’m scared of being totally and completely addicted to him.
My phone buzzing in my hand brings me out of my spiral, and when I look at it, I see Joel’s text letting me know that he’s outside on the screen. I quickly slip on my black wedges and take one last look at myself in the mirror to adjust anything out of place. The two-piece tight set that I’m wearing has an open space that shows my belly button piercing, and I absolutely love the outfit. I'm hoping Joel will too.
I scan myself one more time before I grab my purse, putting my lip gloss and keys in it before zipping it shut. My hands shake from nerves and excitement as I quickly scurry out the door and descend the stairwell. Joel comes into view when I reach the front of the bakery, and I immediately drink him in. Damn. He looks good enough to eat.
The gray button-up he’s wearing with a few open buttons near the top has my mouth practically watering even more than usual. Since he hasn't noticed me yet, I take the time to admire his freshly cut hair and lightly tanned skin. As my eyes scan him further, I notice that he's holding a beautiful bouquet, making me smile.
He's still looking down at his phone when I push the door open, but his eyes immediately snap in my direction at the sound. As soon as his eyes lock on to my form, his head is thrown back and a groan escapes him. “Damn it, Sugar.” He straightens up and looks back at me. “How are we supposed to go on a date when you look like that?” he bellows, meeting me halfway to bend down and kiss me sweetly.
I step back from him, suddenly panicking at the thought of Joel not liking my outfit. “Do I look bad? I look bad, don’t I? Should I change?” I ramble, rubbing my sweaty palms on my skirt.
He wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head into my neck to pepper me with kisses. “No. Hell no. You look amazin’, Sugar. Wear whatever you want. As long as you like it, I love it. Don’t you dare change,” he states, squeezing my ass.
Relief washes over me, and a smile directed at Joel forms on my face. He hands me the bouquet, and I thank him, bringing them to my nose to smell. “These smell good,” I observe.
His hand moves to the small of my back, ushering me towards his pickup truck. He smiles at me, running his hand up and down my back. “Glad you like ‘em, Sugar.”
My smile widens at that, and I enjoy the happiness. Nobody has ever made me feel as good as Joel–it's one of the many things on my list of what I adore about him. Probably right next to his smirk-smile. I make a mental note to tell him that at some point, not feeling confident enough to tell him just yet.
Joel opens the car door, allowing me to slide in and get comfortable before he gently shuts it. He quickly jogs to the driver’s side, slides behind the wheel, and starts the car.
“So, where are we going?” I inquire, both out of curiosity and excitement.
Shifting the car into drive, his hand slides over to my leg. “Hope you don’t mind, I asked for a bit of help. We’re going to the cat cafe.” Ah, Maddie. She knows I’d kill for 10 minutes in a room full of kittens. Especially when it’s nearing December, meaning we’ll be busy as fuck with a new holiday every day of the month.
I clap my hands together, bouncing a bit, even more excited now. Seeing Joel interact with cats was not on my bingo card for the year but I’ll gladly accept it. I try to stuff the giggle down my throat and lace my hand with his. But it slips out a little anyway when I bring up his hand to my lips to kiss it. I smile over at him, amused.
We park fairly close to the door and when the sign for the restaurant comes into view, and my breathing quickens in anticipation. Now I’m going to be dreaming about Joel, Ellie, and a kitten when I sleep at night. The more I think about the cute pink paws, the more I start to bounce, causing me to veer off into the middle of the street.
All of a sudden, Joel stops walking, gently yanking my hand and making me fall into his chest. “Sugar, I’m sayin’ this because I care about you. You never, ever, walk on the outside of the sidewalk. I want any possible car to hit me first before they get close to you. Okay?” he pleads with desperation, still making sure the people passing us can’t hear our conversation.
I blink up at him for a second, processing his words. Then, my hand comes up to cup his face, running my thumb across his stubble. “Yeah. I got ya,” I affirm, standing on my tiptoes to pucker my lips for a kiss.
He nods, giving me a quick peck. To ensure my safety, Joel pulls me until I’m firmly on the inside of the sidewalk, away from the street. I smile and shake my head. It’s nice to be looked out for.
When we enter the cafe, we’re greeted by a group of employees, waiting for us to check-in. Joel speaks for us and I wander the lobby, admiring the art on the walls. There’s a mural that looks like how I envisioned Ellie’s would look in my shop. I slightly flinch when Joel pulls me out of my days with a hand pressed firmly on my back. “They’re ready for us,” he informs me and I look up at him with a smile on my face.
“Reminds me of El,” I murmur, pointing to the mural. He grunts in response, letting me know that he heard my comparison. But last night he told me every piece of artwork reminds me of Ellie, which is true.
When we get into the kitten room, I survey the space. There’s no one around but us and the staff in the typically busy cafe. We walk up towards the counter to order the coffee when I notice all the furniture has been moved to the edges of the cafe. There are toys and treats scattered along the bright rug.
My head whips over to Joel, my jaw already on the floor when I realize he’s booked a private half hour. “You did not,” I exclaim, pushing his shoulder.
He smiles, bending down to kiss my shoulder. “I did, Ms. Scott,” he murmurs, staring at the large coffee menu on the wall.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Mr. Miller. I will leave here with a cat,” I warn him playfully.
I bounce again, excitedly telling the cafe waitress my order. Joel orders the same thing before grabbing my hand to walk me over to the middle of the room. “Go ahead and sit. I’ll be back with the coffee. They should be letting them out any second,” he instructs sweetly.
He disconnects our hands, allowing me to sit and get comfortable before he turns to go back to the counter. Just as he predicted, the door opens, and a bunch of fluffy balls come darting out.
It doesn’t take long for a group of kittens to notice I’m sitting with a bag of treats. The moment my hand dips into the bag, the kittens become insatiable. My lap is full while I equally distribute them their fishy flavored snack.
When Joel returns, I’ve completely forgotten about the coffee. The kittens so dramatically requesting belly rubs in front of me are addicting. Nonetheless, when he takes his seat across from me I crawl into his lap, missing his touch.
Joel secures his arms around my waist, allowing two particular kittens to play with his shoelaces. “They’re so cute,” I mumble.
“They are,” Joel replies with his lips ghosting right above my ear.
The more I watch them play, the more I want them. I take a sip of the latte, thinking about how nice it would be to have a cat to spend time with. Off days curled up with my cat sounds like a dream.
I reach forward, softly lifting the orange one and cradling it in my chest like a baby. “I should take it home,” I look down at it, stroking it’s head with my finger.
“You should?” I hear Joel ask.
My head turns to look at Joel. “I told you bringing me here was dangerous,” I remind him.
The grey kitten, seemingly jealous of its sibling receiving attention crawls up Joel's arm. He winces feeling the claws of the tiny cat lightly pierce his skin. When the kitten has finally reached its summit, it turns around, sitting proudly on Joel’s shoulder.
Joel stays still allowing the cat to rub its body onto his neck. He slightly flinches at the sensation and the giggle I’ve been holding in slips through my lips. My head falls back in laughter and I have to remind myself I’m still holding a tiny kitten in my arms.
Joel extends his arm, scratching the cat a couple of times on the noggin before returning his attention to me. “But do you have energy for a cat?” he pries.
“Of course I do. And besides, I can't leave it here,” I try to reason with him.
His head tilts towards me and the kitten’s does the same. Don’t laugh, Ginny. Secure the cat first. “You can,” he argues.
I look down at the now-sleeping tabby in my arms. My heart feels like it’s beating through my chest when I hear a familiar purring sound come from its body. “I can’t,” I repeat.
Joel sighs, grabbing the kitten off his shoulder and setting it softly on the floor. “Alright, Sugar. At least let me pay for the adoption fee,” he concedes, standing.
A squeal leaves my lips and I down at my new baby. Joel extends his hand for me to grab and walk up to the employee at the counter. “Can I adopt this cat?” Joel asks, pointing to the little lion in my arms.
The employee stands on her tiptoes, looking at the animal in my arms. “Yeah, Toph is available. But you have to take her sister Katara, too,” she stipulates.
Joel takes a deep breath before a noise below us grabs my attention. Katara has a loose shoestring in her mouth and she’s wrestling with it, trying to pull it out of Joel’s shoe. “Joellllll,” I beg with the best puppy dog eyes I have in my arsenal.
Joel’s eyes flicker back and forth between mine and I can tell he’s trying to hold firm. “Ginny,” he groans.
I bend my knees, scooping Katara up to keep her from destroying her future dad’s shoes. “I need these cats,” I repeat, holding them up near my face. “Look, look at the fluffy bellies,” I pout.
Joel scratches his scruff with frustration. “It’s not about the fluffy bellies, Ginny. I’m worried I’m gifting you work,” he explains.
I reposition the kittens so I can continue this conversation with the stubborn man. “Joel, I’m not a fucking child. Come on. If you let me get Toph and Katara, I’ll let you have joint custody,” I try to make a deal with him.
A wave of disgust washes over his face. “I don’t want joint custody of two fuckin’ cats,” Joel deadpans, gesturing to the fur balls and I snort.
I step closer to him, batting my lashes at him. “But, Ellie would kill you if she found out you said no to us 3,” I pur. I know I can’t resist him, so I’m assuming this will work since he can’t resist me either.
Joel’s brows knit and I’m assuming he’s thinking about the possibility of my words coming true. “Okay. But only because they make you happy, Sugar,” he concedes with a sigh.
I tickle Katara’s belly. “Yes. The best benders are coming home with us,” I cheer lowly to my new kittens.
I can’t wait to introduce them to Ellie. Best fucking first date ever.

#joel fanfic#joel miller#joel fluff#joel miller x oc#joel miller fic#joel miller fluff#joel miller oneshot#joel miller one shot#joel miller x you#joel miller x y/n#joel miller fanfiction#x black oc#joel x oc#black!reader#black fanfic#black reader#black fem oc#x black fem reader#black fem reader#x fem oc#x female reader#joel x black! fmc#joel x ellie#joel miller fanfic#joel miller x original character#f!mc#fem oc
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Can you pleasee do a fic like 18 years after when their daughter brings home her bf for dinner who has the whole bad boy vibe and their whole interaction?
Meet The Parents | The Umbrella Academy AU
Pairing: Klaus x Vicky (OC - The Eighth Child’ Verse)
Word Count: 1,3 k
Warning: Strong language, mention of drugs
a/n: Thank you so much for your request, I had a lot of fun with it. I hope you like it, I really love writing Dad Klaus lol also I'm still working on requests so just keep an eye out everyone.
"Hello, Liebchen..." Klaus walked out of the bedroom following the smell of fresh bread and seasonings for the marinara sauce.
Even though he was 52, he still dressed pretty much like he always had. He wore a shimmery see-through crop top and the tiniest underwear, glitter from the party they attended the night before still covering his eyes, cheeks, and (somewhat gray) curls. Ah, the advantages of being empty-nesters...
Ever since Fortune left to go to college about 45 minutes away, Klaus and Vicky had been living like they did in their early 20s. Parties, weed, drinks, junk food, lots and lots of sex. No one understood how they got the energy, but they did.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty! This has to be a new record, you slept for half a day," Victoria teased. "Hungry?"
"Oh yeah, I'm definitely hungry," Klaus embraced her from behind and slid his hands up to feel up her chest. "You look even sexier now that I'm sober."
"Thanks, but I don't think we'll have time for that now, Klausie," she laughed.
"What? Why?" He pouted.
"You forgot? Fortune is coming for dinner, honey, she's bringing her new boyfriend."
Klaus' demeanor immediately went sour, it was the first time their daughter was bringing a boy for them to meet and he was sure he would hate anyone she introduced. Not because he'd necessarily be an asshole, but obviously because no one in the world can ever be good enough for his Fortune.
In an effort to be as different as possible from his own father, he became the most doting dad he possibly could. It was a miracle his daughter turned out so sweet and grounded after how spoiled she was.
"I know I promised to be cool about this dating thing, but..."
"I know," Vicky stirred the sauce carefully while giving her husband a sympathetic look. "You never thought you'd be square and get jealous of your little girl, but there you are. Don't worry, Tunnie has a good head on her shoulders and good taste. She knows what a good man looks like, we raised her well."
He nodded, trying to blindly trust his wife, as more often than not, she was right. What's the worst that could happen? She was only 18, it's not like she could get pregnant... or marry way too young... or join a cult with this guy like several people did when Destiny's Children was around. Well, shit.
About an hour later the doorbell rang, Klaus had already showered and put on some less slutty clothes, so he ran to open the door while Victoria set the table.
"My Tunnie!" He pulled his daughter into his arms and squeezed her as if it was the first time they saw each other in years (it had been a week). "I missed you so much, is your throat better? Did the medicine help?"
"Yeah, Dad, I'm fine. I missed you too," Fortune chuckled, already used to the overprotection.
"Oh, check it out! I love it," he took her arm to get a better look at her new tattoo of the moon. "Uncle Luther is gonna love it!" He joked, completely ignoring the boy waiting by the door as well.
"Thanks," she smiled, pulling her boyfriend closer as her mom joined. "Dad, this is Jax. Jax this is my father, Klaus, and my mother, Victoria."
"Hey," was all he said.
"So nice to meet you," Vicky went in for a hug despite being a little hesitant. He didn't seem like the type of guy her daughter would be interested in.
The boy was tall and muscular, his arms were covered in tattoos, his long hair was shaped a little bit like a mullet and messy, he had a dangling earring, wore a spike necklace, and a leather jacket. From what they could count, he had two more piercings (on his eyebrow and his tongue).
"Jax? Like a dog?" Klaus laughed. "Come on in, dinner is ready."
An awkward silence engulfed the entire family while everyone got themselves some pasta and garlic bread. As a former horrible influence, Klaus could recognize one when he saw it, and he didn't like it one bit.
"So, what are you studying, Jax?" Victoria finally asked. She had to admit despite not being the sort of man she would've gone for back in her day, he was very handsome.
"I'm in nursing school," he answered. "My mom was a nurse in Japan before we moved to America."
Klaus nearly choked, a nurse? Really? That guy looked like he would punch someone in the face for asking him the time.
"Oh, you're Japanese? Where are you from? My husband and I did a ton of missions- works there," Victoria smiled.
"Wow! That's amazing, we loved hanging around Dotonbori. Right, Klausie?"
"Um? Yeah, yeah, really cool place," Klaus nodded, trying not to let his thoughts wander too much.
"Jax is also in a band, he plays the drums," Fortune added. "He helps at the animal shelter on the weekends and volunteers at the nursing home every Monday."
"Good one," her father snorted before he could stop himself.
"What do you mean, Dad?"
"Oh come on, are we just gonna pretend like Asian James Dean looks like someone who likes to volunteer!"
"Klaus!" Victoria scolded. "What did I tell you? You were never like this, you were never one to judge appearances, what's going on?"
"Yeah, Dad, you always told me you can never judge a book by its cover when my classmates would tease me saying you're gay!" Fortune exclaimed.
Meanwhile, poor Jax sunk in his seat wanting nothing more than to disappear. He was scared something like that was gonna happen and he really liked Fortune.
"I know, but- but you're my daughter! And he's bad news!" Klaus cried irrationally. "I know how that sounds, Vicky. I know I'm bad news too, but in a different way!"
"Klausie, you were the most promiscuous teenager I've ever met, you broke every law I can think of, you used every substance under the sun, and you were a cult leader involved in a tax fraud scandal!" Victoria scoffed.
"Alright, yeah, that's true... but in my defense, it was the '60s, cults were all the rage!"
"Dad, you have nothing to worry about. Yeah, he's kinda intimidating at first, but he's a huge softie, he's just shy," Fortune said, taking her boyfriend's arm.
"I- I wanted to leave a good first impression," Jax admitted. "But when I'm nervous, I shut down a bit."
Klaus suddenly felt like shit seeing the kid looking so scared. He never had that experience to meet Victoria's parents, he couldn't imagine how scared he would be, how horrible he would feel if they treated him like he treated Jax.
"You know what? Let's give it another shot, you seem decent enough. I'm Klaus, nice to meet you," he offered his tattooed hand.
"Jax Hayashi, nice to meet you too," the boy smiled, grateful for the second chance.
"Tell me in thirty seconds why you deserve to date my Fortune," he teased.
"I work hard, I always try to better myself, I cook, I'm good with kids and animals, I like to make her laugh, and... and I love her, she's the most amazing and most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life."
Victoria grabbed her husband's arm, her heart tight with emotion. Just like him, Jax was good and sweet, just underneath a little bit of a weird surface. Fortune smiled, knowing her dad would come around after all.
"She really is, isn't she? Not to brag, but I helped making her," Klaus chuckled. "Fun fact, did you know Fortune here was actually conceived in 1963 right before the assassination of JFK?"
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @seanfalco @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
#umbrella academy fanfic#umbrella academy imagine#umbrella academy klaus#fanfic#tua imagine#tua klaus#tua#tua fanfic#the umbrella academy#klaus hargreeves#the eighth child#klaus hargreeves x oc#robert sheehan character fic#robert sheehan fanfic#one shot
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nellie is so gorgeous!! but also all your ocs are <3 do you have any nellie facts you’re willing to share ?
HSDKFGH THANK YOUUUU!!!! 💕💕 i put a lot of thought into each my ocs looks and aesthetic so that makes me really happy 🥺💕
and OUGH im so glad you asked because im dying to talk about nellie, lets goooo heres a list of her current iteration!!
her mother was an elf and her father was a half orc so she has lil TUSKS/FANGS
her father was a bard and taught her violin
she lived in a remote little village when she was young, which was attacked by a band of mindless undead (nellie doesnt know where they came from, she theorizes maybe someone summoned them nearby and lost control of them). the villagers tried to protect themselves but failed and perished. nellies parents barricaded her into their home, but died themselves trying to protect her
after the remaining undead moved on from the village, nellie broke out of her home to discover the carnage left behind. she didnt know what to do, where to go, or who could help her, so she meticulously dug graves and buried all of the dead, including her parents, all on her own. people showed up to investigate the village a few days later, and found her alone, playing her violin for the deceased among the graves. they took her to baldurs gate, and she wound up at the temple of kelemvor there, which became her home
shes a bard and cleric of kelemvor multiclass (i have modded items to make the build work better than it should LOL) and spent her adult life hunting undead and performing funeral rites all over the place, returning to the temple in baldurs gate in between her travels
mostly hunted mindless undead, but she once came across an isolated and recently turned vampire spawn that was being forced to hunt for her master. at her request, nellie mercy killed her, because there was no other way to escape her masters commands, but nellie never forgot about that spawn. its part of why nellie chooses to trust astarion and give him so many chances despite her experiences with undead (and advantage on insight checks), because she wants to help where she couldnt before. also she eventually falls for him, so. lol. lmfao
shes like, the least religious cleric youd ever meet. considers her devotion to kelemvor as a business arrangement, pretty much. she 100% would throw down with a god if given the opportunity (mystra and vlaakith shes looking at you)
uses her single charge of divine intervention in the fight with cazador, because shes so afraid of either failing astarion or losing him. besides, who better to call for killing an undead vampire than kelemvor?
her romance with astarion actually progresses differently in my headcanon than it does in game: nellie never sleeps with him. he pursues her to manipulate her, but she dances around his advances while still being nice and understanding to him (its infuriating for astarion LOL). in act 2, nellie almost dies to protect astarion in a battle, and that prompts the act 2 confession scene with astarion instead. im very normal about this (lying)
the streak in her hair is her going gray mainly in that spot
AND THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN, thank you for attending nellie posting hours and please know that i adore her
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1. Full name, age, gender, height, etc. Just bio info really.
2. What kind of world do they live in?
3. Are they good or evil? Protag? Side character? Villain? Hero?
4. Magic powers of any kind? Skills they have?
5. Favorite fact about them
6. Character arc?
7. Any other info you desperately want to tell someone
Putting this under a cut cause this is Loooooong
Also tagging @meme-boys-blog cause he’s heard me brainrot about her :p
1. Okay so that’s a bit complicated cause she uses three of em, depending on form. If she’s a human person, that’s Kuze, if shes humanoid, that’s Kuma, and if shes Shadow Creature, that’s Kurokami. It’s all the same person, just presenting as different aspects, you know?
Also she frequently uses bynames so watch out :p
Beat answer for age is Yes. She’s older than literally everyone and anything due to being a creature that is made out of the stuff that exists between realities.
Her gender is whatever you want it to be, but she generally prefers she/they. But she can manifest as any gendered human person as Kuze. The only exception is pronouns of it/it’s, mostly because of some Hollow Knight Stuff.
Also!!! Kuze fun facts: there’s some Rules that Kuze has to follow when manifested, it’s not a lot, but it’s just enough to tip off observant persons that they’re not exactly the Most Human. For example: all forms have to follow the basic template of white hair, pale skin, black eyes, black clothes. Of course, the black can be any dark shade of gray, so there’s some variation in the outfits. Eyes do not reflect light, skin doesn’t get cut like flesh and instead cracks like porcelain, bleeds Void, body temp is always room temp, etc.
Here’s a drawing I did of each one, from right to left, it’s Kuze, Kuma, and Kurokami

2. Yes? Yes. She’s kinda my proxy into fandoms. An op SI oc. But she has her own personality sorta??? It’s A Lot.
3. Lawful neutral. She has her own personal values and sticks to them like glue, but overall she enjoys the concepts of freedom. She has the potential to be the scariest thing ever with eldritch horror shenanigans, or the wine aunt with weird eyes. She tends to make the worst kind of friends (See: Michael Distortion from TMA) because of her loose morals.
She’s not really on the side of destroying worlds, instead going for the cosmic horror angle of “not yet”. And even then, the Void doesn’t really need her direction.
She also travels to diff universes cause she likes the connection, and also she fears becoming a true monster. I mean, wouldn’t everyone?
4. She’s basically the God of Shadow in all its forms, but she doesn’t control it directly. All forms can stop time with ease due to a visit to jojo and stealing DIO’s stand for herself, Names have Power and she can stop it for an infinite duration. Also she can invoke someone’s true name to tell them what to do, this can manifest in different forms, but she tries to make it subtle :p. All forms are also skilled in every instrument type because music is kinda a huge deal for her, and also can create constructs that fall under the same restrictions as Kuze’s form. They can be pretty much anything. But she usually abuses it to make musical instruments on the fly. Almost forgot about the child in the room, during certain plot parts of Transformers Prime season 3, she made a trade with Rafael to repaint Bumblebee in exchange for his knowledge of computers. And given that this kid can hack The Pentagon… yeah.
Kurokami has the power to change her size to be as large as she wants, but the low end is 7 feet, plus horns. Power to dwell/hide in things/peoples shadows, only consequence being that the shadow itself is darker than normal.
ALSO!!! Soul shit, it’s a lot, but it’s a called direct interfacing. She dislikes the process cause it’s Very Invasive (think of it like forcibly issuing commands to someone)
Also also dream shit, she has a major influence over it cause when Radiance died, they left a power vacuum.
Kuze and Kuma have the previously stated abilities, as well as being overall weaker than Kurokami. The time it takes to get from either of these back to Kurokami is quite literally nothing, as the form can either melt or straight up explode, but going from Kurokami to Kuze/Kuma takes longer, even longer if it’s Kuze.
5. When as Kurokami, there’s some Special Voice Quirks!!! She can speak as any person that she has met or knows the Name of, and usually speaks with more than one voice. Her default is usually some kind of femme fatale, but they could also be a confident businesswoman type beat. Also, she speaks in plurals, using we/us/our instead of I/me/my. I just think it’s neat!!!
Also whenever she arrives in a new place that she’s gonna Chill in, she makes a card that automatically charges a random bank account that’s on an internal list. She mostly picks billionaires. She also can eat but she doesn’t need to but food is good.
Coffee addiction. Lots of coffee.
6. Okay so it’s a bit hard to pinpoint her timeline, but I’m gonna try my best.
- In the Before times, before Kurokami was Kurokami, she was something else, think of it like a Guardian Angel on crack and also omni-dimensional.
- She basically was that before she started looking after the cast for Persona 5, 4, and 3 in that order. When she was done with Persona 3’s main plot, something… spoilery happened that made her have an epiphany and was basically the catalyst for her to begin her search
- the search being, of course, to become her own functioning person. She eventually found her way to HK universe post Dream No More, and traveled down to The Abyss to dunk herself in Void.
- the most recent adventures were, in this order:
- TMA, where she made friends with Michael distortion and also became a menace to Elias. She rearranged his books and moved his shit semi-weekly
- Octopath 2, where she had huuuuge beef with the final boss for kinda encroaching on her domain cause she’s petty. Also she asked the gods pretty please for her to say hi to their chosen and give ‘em a boost
- A revisit to personas 3, 4, and 5 Royal, where she revisited the place and could do what she actually wanted with Joker and Co. also fucked with Kasumi a little because she wanted to know Her Deal early.
- SMT IV, kinda visited it while passing through, but ended up making friends with Hikaru, so there’s that. So now she’s here to play music and kick ass. Also probably provide moral support for Neutral route via fun music times
-Pokemon X/Y: Yeah this was meant as a bit of a one time thing but here we are. She’s here to hang out with Sycamore (who highkey thinks she’s a Zorarark but doesn’t leave her because science!!!! Breakthroughs in Zorarark behavior!!!) and also spend an entire day working on her new holo caster because SOMEBODY decided to listen in on them. Also she’s there for the main events of the plot and I’m trying to justify Sycamore having fully evolved Kanto starters.
-SMT IV: Apocalypse. She’s gonna go hang out with Hikaru and also hang out with a different traumatized kid. But this one has a knife and is a gremlin. Nanashi gives her wicked flashbacks to TMA and ends up alerting Dagda when she tries to figure out the kids deal. Either way, Nanashi has a new stalker and Dagda has a new nuisance.
7. I have some documents saved on my laptop that are literally just Shit I Wrote for discord friends but I can post em here if you want. They’re kinda mismatched and scattered, but they give the sense of “shit happening in the background.”
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@rimeoverreason sent "You want to kiss me, don't you?"
Attending those parties was always boring. Sejanus knew why Coriolanus luxuriated in those so showily, he was all sharp, shining smiles, perfect poise, mingling with everyone, making connections, he knew what he was getting out of it. He’d been the relegated plus one for a while now, and he knew what his role was, to keep an eye on Coriolanus, mostly from afar, mix and mingle with other guests if possible, but not lose sight of the other man. He wasn’t the assigned security, not really, but he didn’t mind filling that role. Coriolanus looked handsome in his black suit, a red rose pinned gorgeously to the breast pocket of it, his hair slicked back. His sheer presence was demanding attention, he felt monumental, and people flocked to him with ease. Sejanus nursed his first drink of the night, something absolutely vile that he decided will also be the last drink of the night; he was wearing a similar suit to Coriolanus’, more gray than black, and the collar of his dress shirt felt oppressive around his neck.
Someone had approached him earlier with the intention to flirt, but he rejected her politely, those dark, wide eyes of hers filled with disappointment immediately. It was still strange to be openly desired. Ever since he’d more or less settled into the Capitol, outwardly, anyway, and ever since he associated more with now the most promising presidential candidate, he found himself put out with the attention. Even patients were flirting with him occasionally, and he found it most bizarre and disconcerting. He didn’t need these people’s attention. He didn’t want it, he never did.
The only person whose attention he vied for was sitting across from him, some distance away, charming his way into people’s hearts, a virus seeping into your blood and festering, taking over, making itself unforgettable into the very fabric of your being. Sewing itself to it, wriggling under your skin, reaching tendrils into your brain, suffusing everywhere. Hm. Maybe that was only his personal experience, but either way, he could see that the couple Coriolanus was making conversation with were absolutely starstruck. Throughout the evening, there were hands on his forearms, pats on his back, on his shoulders, even a pat to his cheek that Coriolanus took in stride with a brilliant, perfect smile. Something prickled at Sejanus’ skin. Something familiar, something ugly and grotesque.
When he reached Coriolanus, still with the same glass of whatever it was in his hand, maybe he forgot to disguise what took over him at the moment, because, in a breath, Coriolanus said, you want to kiss me, don't you? If he was hearing this back when he was eighteen, he would have been thrown into a tizzy. He would have been panicking at being found out. But, he was not eighteen. “What gave it away?” his tone was even, and he smiled, hopefully alluring. “Take five?” Or twenty, or thirty, he was desperate to get out of here. Usually, Coriolanus wouldn’t agree, because he wanted to take full advantage of these parties, any gathering where he could expand his social circle, seize up enemies and allies alike.
But Sejanus was hungry. The sharp claws of hunger in his chest scratched at him, went into his throat. There would be no relief if Coriolanus refused. He didn’t let him refuse. Before long, they were locked into one of the rooms, Sejanus grabbing his waist and then pinning him down to the lavish bed. He had no idea whose room this was, nor did he care. His weight fell heavy on top of Coriolanus, and he forced his thighs apart, tugged his thigh over his hip, aching where they met, such a crude, recognizable ache. He burned, his breath bitter and warm over Coriolanus’ lips. “Do I still look like I want to kiss you?” he kissed down the side of his neck instead, and the column of his throat, licking at the quickening pulse there. He knew he couldn’t mess Coriolanus’ appearance too much, and holding himself back was one of his worst skills. Finally, he gripped Coriolanus’ jaw in hand, pointedly, and he kissed him, slick and wanting. He kept going even as his chest burned, even as he felt that he was suffocating and they were trying futilely to wrench breath from each other. If they were dying as their lips mingled, Sejanus couldn’t think of a more gorgeous way to go.
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Wrae side story
The loud phone was ringing off the hook as a few feathers escaped from under the covers.
"Byron...." The rainbow static hair poked out from the covers groaning.
The phone continues to blare.
"Marius please..."
The phone keeps shrieking as the ringing seems to get louder.
"VON RAUM FOR FUCKS SAKE!" The clocks glitches with rainbow static for a moment before a man with a pale blue skin untangled himself from the blanket and picked up the phone. His wings were puffed out from his annoyance. "What!" He hissed out.
The voice on the other end was familiar and not amused at the tone. "Lyfrassir Edda, I understand that today is your day off, but that is no way to speak to your commander. Regardless, I am clearing you for whatever amount of overtime you desire since it seems you have been the only one these so-called immortal prisoners listen to. The black box will be secondary to keeping these so-called mechanisms in line. Which will begin today. You have half an hour to get in."
Lyf takes a moment. They weren't planning any roleplay sessions, especially since they both were well preoccupied. He looks around his room, and it's a perfect copy of the apartment he had back on New Midguard. What made him freeze with the reality of the situation was the photo of him and his mother on the bedside, and he forgot how he once looked. His girls do take after him. He also realized he's fucked.
Byron made sure to get rid of anything that could have reminded him of what he was like before Yog Sogoth. It was honestly quite sweet, but now it was hitting him in the face, and it hurt, but he can blame that on his hormones. How the in the Hel was he going to get over there without raising suspicion? His hair wasn't even braided because he always had Byron or his girls braid it in the morning. His fucking uniform won't even fit due to the massive wings on his back.
Lyf knew this day well. It was the first time he truly lied to Byron and the others. He always insisted it wasn't his job to babysit them, but it was, and the black box was secondary. He pulled himself out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror by his bed. He used to be so strict about his uniform and being proper. His button-up he fell asleep in was ridden up from his wings, and his stomach already had hard armor scales on it even though it was only slightly curved. His eyes weren't gray, but that rainbow shine. His hair was long and a mess, and he really felt horrible he was alone to do it.
He walked over to his closet and picked out the biggest uniform he had. It was a mistake that was given to him, and he was way too polite to ever speak up. He was going to mend it, but he's glad he was a workaholic and never did. Here comes the worst part to figure out how he his going to hold his wings against his body to hide them. Oh, he hopes Byron isn't throwing a fit. It's still early, but hormones were a wicked thing.
He really needed to stop stalling and get ready. He could call his mom, too. Oh, and his sisters, they wouldn't understand, but it would be nice to memorize their voices, maybe even take some baby clothes. If he's just being assigned now with the approved overtime, he has about three years till everything goes to shit. Maybe Byron came back too?
"You're late." A woman with pale skin approached Lyf handing over a steaming coffee. "What is with your hair?"
Lyf adjusted his sunglasses. "I wasn't expecting a call to come in. Why is everyone on high alert? Did they escape?"
The woman frowns. "You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, Lyfrassir. No, they didn't escape, but they have disabled the entire camera system for this building. The red-headed one demands your presences and she will reactivate it. She claims that the one with the metal arm won't stop whining, and it is annoying."
Lyf sighs and takes a sip and nearly chokes. It was foul. Did he really like his coffee like this? He puts his drink down and rubs his temples. "Sounds about, right." He forgot how short Ivy used to be with Byron. There's no defending it with what he knows now, but he has to remember that they aren't the mechs he knows.
Two men approach Lyf.
Lyf frowns, that's right he had guards because they were so dangerous. Did he ever get rid of them? He couldn't care enough to remember. He followed them down to the cells where he knew only three prisoners were kept due to the murder and violence.
"Von Raum." Lyf sighs motioning the guards to go to the doors which they do. He steps forward close enough to touch the bars but far enough Marius couldn't reach out and touch him. "Look I'm in no mood for any of..." He stops covering his mouth. He knew that coffee would bite him in the ass.
"It seems you are quite hungover, Edda." Raphaella snickers were short-lived as the sound of a rush of steps and her face pressed against the bars. "Why is it glowing? What did you consume? Why is it like static?"
Lyf spit the remainder of his stomach contents into the trash can, which he knew would probably dissolve soon. He pinched his brow and sighed. He looked over to the guards who were trying their best to not look concerned. He brushed himself off and returned to the bars. "Honestly, you're the last three I wanted to see today."
"That doesn't answer any of my questions...... uhhh...." Raphaella stopped staring at Lyf when he removed his glasses.
Ivy whipped her head up, clearly not expecting Raphaella to be flabbergasted.
"They're beautiful." Marius gasps. "Inspector, you've dolled yourself up just for me?"
"Marius, there is a 99% possibility that Lyf had previous plans that had been canceled. Hence, he looks like this." Ivy's short response with a curt emotionless tone made Lyf frown.
Lyf sighs. "Quit being such a fucking cunt."
Ivy choked on her spit and whipped her head to face Lyf clearly stunned.
Marius chuckles. "My hero, Inspector. Oooo did you wear cologne as well? Must have been some date."
Lyf gives a small smile. "No plans for a date, Von Raum, but you should know the scent quite well."
"He should?" Raphaella raised a brow looking at Marius, who seemed puzzled.
"Highly unlikely, Marius's sense of smell isn't even that good, let alone can recognize whatever nonsense you are wearing which I can't smell." Ivy rolls her eyes.
"You can't smell it for a reason." Lyf takes a breath. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with Ivy like this today. Raphaella sure give her some of his blood and keeps her entertained for hours, maybe even days. Ivy, however, was really testing his nerves. He knew they made up in the future, and he knew they became proper friends it's just now he can't handle it.
"Only I can...." Marius stepped back from the bars scratching his beard. Which Lyf knew was an act. All his hair was alive and full of very sensitive nerves. His eyes snapped up and glowed purple as he rushed the bars, nearly breaking the one in his metal hand. "How!?" He was speaking xeon.
Raphealla and Ivy both stared at Marius.
Lyf takes a breath. His xeon was decent. His daughters helped him a lot since Byron couldn't teach him, and he tried. "It's been a hell of a morning." He sighs, no longer speaking old Norse.
Marius snaps the bar in his metal hand.
The two guards raise their weapons.
Lyf sighs and holds up his hand, switching back to old Norse. "Don't it won't do anything either way."
Marius switched back to common staring at the bar in his hand. "Mine? That's... I can't... Xeon can't... you're midguardian."
"I'm considered more Juton than midguardian." Lyf sighs. "It is possible I'm not dead." He pulls off his gloves to show his discolored skin. "A bit scarred and discolored, but I'm not dead."
Marius pales a bit.
Lyf bit his lip, nearly forgotten what this adventure was for Byron. "It happened a long ways off, and even longer when we had our twins, you know. I'm never going back to Xeonia." He huffs. "I mean, I'll visit but it took me so fucking long to regrow my hair back. I do miss the food, though, but I can't I say I'm not having cravings." He puts his gloves back on.
"You are talking as if you're expecting which is impossible because neither of you have the correct parts unless you are trans which is highly unlikely." Ivy got up and crossed her arms.
"I'm fucking ignoring you." Lyf rolled his eyes. "Girls, we have girls. These guys, well, guy you, my you has the other one. The twins are convinced they will be getting brothers, and I don't care, boys or girls it's not like I can do their hair."
Marius has a small smile on his lips as he looks to be relaxing.
"Which fuck you by the way. Do you have any idea how important hair care is to my people? I mean, I get yours is alive, but it's still rude." Lyf smiles hearing a small giggle from Marius.
Raphealla covers Ivy's mouth clearly invested in this to learn more.
"It's bad enough that I now have the stupid armor on my stomach. At least this time around it's not that fucking itchy. Also, now that I have you like this, you have no excuse to take the kid and hide in your nest. I mean for fucks sake I would like to help in the first year you fucking... don't fucking smile at me I'm mad at you." Lyf watches Marius grin like an idiot. "Oh yes it's so amusing I had to learn the hard way how fucking weird you get after our twins were around you snatched her away and I couldnt even get close till you were fucking sound if mind and the girls were talking in full sentences. I don't want to be here that long but fuck it if I am."
"What are their names?" Marius had a stupid smile on his lips. His body was relaxed, and hormones were probably flooding his system, creating a temporary bond because of Lyf expecting, and the kid is his. His eyes haven't stopped glowing.
"Glad to know your sister was right and your species biology is still weird as fuck." Lyf laughs softly. "Selene and Freya, we named them after our parents, well, your parental figure. Also you never warned me how fucking stunted you were. The twins are bigger than both of us, and it doesn't help that their little bone spur heel is always out, making them even taller. Your sister Misery, she has a boy, he's Brian's. Kid's name is Henry. The twins adore him, never travel without him, you know. All three of them have the same stupid pockets you do."
Marius's tail was wagging like crazy. This was incredibly dangerous to whoever was in the path. He seems to snap out of it and pale. "But they.... did Carmillia...."
Raphealla and Ivy are both pale.
"Carmillia is alive?" Ivy had some sort of emotion in her voice.
Lyf waves his hands. "No, they are not mechanized. They are not. Byron relax please they aren't mechanized."
Marius takes a deep breath. "But you talk as if they are alive, and so are you. You're not... they aren't... they couldn't be."
"They are, and I am." Lyf gives a sad smile walking closer, grabbing Marius's flesh hand. "The gods are real obviously and think it's fucking hilarious to keep them alive cursing them with the mark of Terminus. I'm alive because I'm fucking Yog Sogoth fucking acolyte and I really rather not be. Carmillia doesn't touch them. Carmillia will never touch them."
Marius nods and takes a deep breath. "She isn't dead, but Jonny, he shoved her out of the air lock."
"I don't like her either." Lyf smiles softly. "Also, if it makes you feel any better, your arm also hates her."
"Well, my arm hates everyone that isn't me." Marius let's out a soft chirps as Lyf cups his cheek. "Aren't you worried about your guards?"
Lyf chuckles. "Von Raum, you aren't mine, but you'll have to do while I'm stuck in the past."
Ivy blinks. "You didn't... oh, they appear to be foaming at the mouth."
"Side effects of staring at the rainbow static too long if you aren't used to it." Lyf pauses, taking his hand back, causing Marius to whine. "Keeping them here would most likely drive them to madness, and I know I have at least three years before everything goes to shit. I'll just blame it on you three since the cameras are still down."
"Rude." Raphaella pauses. "However, that's fair. What did you do to Marius?"
"Temporary heat bond." Lyf strikes a match to set the trash on fire it goes up in rainbow flames. "I really shouldn't be leaving his side at this point, but unfortunately for him, I have to keep appearances." He slips his sunglasses back on and grabs the two guards. "I would say keep the murder to the minimum, but I highly doubt Von Raum understands anything at the moment."
"Excuse me?" Ivy stares at Lyf, leaving carrying the two guards. "Don't just leave without explaining!"
"You can't die it's fine." Lyf shouts out of view.
It was warm, and it smelled oddly sweet. Lyf was covered in something soft, warm, and fuzzy. Did he drink too much last night? He was just promoted and was given the black box case. He must have drank too much because he has no idea where here was, and he could not place this odd smell. He forced his eyes open, and a dim light flooded them.
He was in a pile of blankets and pillows, it seemed. The warm fuzzy thing was big, and it covered him. It had to be alive, and whatever beast was connected, he did not wish to wake it. The room was cluttered but organized in a way that seemed to be alligned with his own wants. No, that wasn't important he had to figure out where he was and get out. Thank the gods. This was his day off. He tried to shimmy out of whatever this was, and a familair metal hand reached out and pulled him close. No. Absolutely not.
Lyf took a deep breath and at the top of his lungs. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME!" He kicked the creature away and stumbled back.
The creature groans and yawns. His legs were covered in a thick black fur up to his hips. He was wearing a pair of white boxers covered in red hearts. A large fur covered pair of wings stretched out behind him. There seemed to be a thin white scar across his stomach, and looking up he still had that stupid fucking smile.
Lyf stopped paying attention to any differences once he knew this man was. "You fucking drugged me!"
The man blinks, staring at Lyf. He opens his mouth, then pauses and rubs his eyes. "What?"
"You. Drugged. Me." Lyf growls as he scrambles to his feet. He looked himself over, confused. "You dressed me?!" He grabs the nearest object he could, which happened to be a framed photo. He choked on his next words as he stared at the photo. It was him, but his hair and eyes were wrong, and that man was next to him, and there were two identical girls hugging both of them, pushing them closer together. The girls looked like him. He didn't have any identical twins neices, and they wouldn't look the same age as he did.
"Lyfrassir." The man holds his hands up as he walks closer. "Hey, come on, what's wrong?"
"What did you do to me?" Lyf presses against the wall. "You're supposed to be in a cell. You're a criminal. You shouldn't.... I.... what did you do?" He could feel his breath quicken and his heart beat a mile a minute.
The man looked heartbroken. He stopped and took a deep breath. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"Why does that matter you...you.." Lyf grits his teeth and huffs. "I was promoted to second class inspector. I was put in charge of the black box, and today is my day off."
The man seems even more heartbroken. "Ok, we... I can handle this. Your eyes are different. I should have...." He takes another breath, holding his hand out. "Give me the picture, and I'll explain."
"You kidnapped me! Why should I trust you!" Lyf growls, holding the picture up above his head. "Did you plan this? Did you fucking clone me? What the fuck did you do you...you... fucking what are you?"
The man puffs out the fur on his wings and takes a step back, holding his hands up. "I am Doctor Byron Marius Von Raum. I am an Xeon. You used to call me Von Raum all the time. Well, I guess you still do."
The door opened to the room, and Lyf threw the photo in his hand on instinct.
Lyf stared at the identical woman from the photo. "What..."
"Selene, Freya, give the inspector some space." Marius frowns, waving his hand.
"But..." the two say at once.
Lyf proceeds to pass out.
"So where is our Papa if he's here?"
"I would be worried about our sibling, but Papa is hard to kill."
Lyf's eyes fluttered open as he stared up at the identical women from the photo leaning over him. He could see that criminal now fully dressed at the edge of the bed he was in. "This can't be real."
"It is." The two women say at once.
"Selene and Freya, I told you both to give the inspector some space." Marius crossed his arms.
"Yes dad." The two say stepping away from the bed.
Lyf furrows his brows. "You have kids?"
"And two more on the way." Marius grins. "I didn't do anything to you, by the way. It seems yourself in this time, and the you here swapped places."
"What?" Lyf sits up, staring at Marius. "How are you so certain? You could of just kidnapped me and this is some fucked way to kill me."
"One that's stupid."
"Two why would he kill you?"
Marius pinched his brow. "Girls, I know you want to help, but he won't believe me or either of you."
"Why do they look like me?" Lyf tried to look around for a weapon, but nothing was near him. He scowls when the two start to giggle.
"We can give you two guesses." The two say at once.
"I can tell you, but again, I highly doubt you'll believe me." Marius rubs the back of his neck as Lyf glares at him. "So this is the future. Freya and Selene are our twins. Your entire star system was eaten by Yog Sogoth once the train arrived and you watched the black box. Oh, I finally properly learned common."
"Seriously? Do you seriously expect me to believe that? The photo was most likely edited, and these women you've hired. You obviously drugged me here for some sick little fantasy of yours." Lyf growls.
"I need to make your father an apology dinner." Marius rubs the back of his neck as the twins giggle. "First, I didn't hire our twins. They aren't clones because if they were, they would look identical to you because that's how cloning works. Second, any fantasy I have of you involves music, and I get to spoil you. Oh, and probably whip cream."
"Dad." The twins groan.
"You both insisted on staying." Marius crossed his arms with a small smile on his lips. "I believe they get their stubbornness from you. Anyway, I didn't plan this, and I really want my Lyf back and not you."
"This has to be a nightmare." Lyf covers his face. "I almost believe you."
Marius's face falls. He rubs his stomach and sighs. "I'll.... I'll ask Raphaella for some help. Girls make sure the inspector doesn't get hurt."
The twins frown clearly, not happy with this development.
"Dad, it's ok."
"You don't have to leave."
Marius had already slipped out of the infirmary.
Lyf blinks, looking between the twins. "Who is who?"
The twins glares at him.
"It doesn't matter. You can't tell us apart."
"I hope you get sent back soon. Papa warned us he used to be a dick but I didn't think it would be this bad."
"It's true! He didn't even notice dad is expecting!"
"Freya! Dad doesn't show. Papa does."
"I... still, he's a dick."
"He's a man...." Lyf clicks his mouth shut from the dual glares.
"Xeon genetics are stronger than male biology. Our papa future you has armor around his stomach and a little curve. We don't know why Papa shows and Dad doesn't."
"Selene, he doesn't need to know that!"
"I'm going to be nice. He will eventually be our papa. He's confused, scared, and in a place he doesn't know. It's not fair to judge him like this."
"I just want Papa back and not the man he was before." She sighs. "Mmh, sorry, Lyfrassir."
Lyf frowns. He couldn't argue he had a dreadful feeling that everything that was told to him was the truth, and him being here took away their other father. He had questions that he probably didn't want answers to, but even though he can see that they are adults, they still seem so scared. He swallows and takes a breath. "So what kind of siblings do you want?"
The two look at each other.
"We want brothers."
"We have Henry, but he's older than us, and we want to help take care of our siblings."
"You get upset because you can't help with our hair. Dad thinks it's cute."
"We try to let you do our hair, but we haven't figured out how to dull our nerves enough."
"We do a long braid just like you."
Lyf raised a brow. "What do you mean? You both are my children, why can't I do your hair?"
The twins look at each other and nod. Their hair unravels and stretches as it now drapes over their shoulders.
"Ah..." Lyf blinks. "It's alive?"
"Yeah, full of live nerves and stuff."
"Dad's hair is alive as well but not the fur on his legs and feet. Dad keeps telling us not to braid our hair because it will hurt, but we want to match Papa."
"And it doesn't hurt anymore."
"We know you're only asking to be polite. You don't have to like us or anything."
"You aren't our papa. Not yet, at least, and it's not fair of us to expect that from you."
Lyf frowns. "I don't know how long I'll be stuck here, but can you tell me how. How did I end up with Von Raum?"
The twins grin at each other and summon a violin each.
Lyf pinched his brow. "Of fucking course."
Lyf didn't look impressed as the prison was on high alert and the alarms blaring with flashing lights. It's been a week since he was flung back here. He got to visit his mom and sisters, and he even explained things. They were weirded out, but his mom was excited, albeit a bit confused. It was a blessing that his mom gave him good teas and such. He was sipping on one as he strolled into the station.
"Lyfrassir Edda! You were called an hour ago." The commissioner was red-faced huffing and angry.
Lyf barely glanced at him. "I had to get ready. My request for larger uniforms has been ignored. What is so urgent that the alarms are going off? Nobody has escaped nor died."
The commissioner growled, grabbed Lyf's tea, and threw it to the side. "Edda, the prisoners have completely destroyed the cell, and the one with the metal arm can not be restrained. We have 12 guards in intensive care. The two other prisoners are even concerned with the behavior." The man fumes. "Edda! What in the nine circles is more important than this? Do your damn job and keep them under control!"
Lyf sighs clearly bored. He adjusts his sunglasses. "Fine, fine." He motions for his boss to follow as he heads down.
The cell was completely destroyed. The metal bars broken and twisted into a start of a nest with every fabric object Marius could get his hands on and padded it down his eyes still glowed a bright purple. Raphaella and Ivy were against the wall both taking notes on his behavior.
Lyf snapped his fingers and whistled. Marius froze in his spot and stared up at him, his tail wagging behind him. He made his way down the rest of the stairs as the commissioner stared slack jaw. "If you're going to make a nest, find something better than uniforms Von Raum. We both know you know several ways to escape this place." He steps over a dried pool of blood and a few bits of flesh. "You made such a mess as well. I take one day to visit my mother and you do this?"
Marius had a stupid grin on his lips as he scrambles to his feet. "You're back!" His voice was rough, clearly hasn't spoken since he had seen Lyf last.
"You need a shower." Lyf pinched his brow. "Have you eaten?"
Marius just continues to smile.
"Right." Lyf groans. "Raphaella, could you do me a favor and find some raw meat? It doesn't have to be fresh, but I would rather not have Von Raum starve to death before his mind returns to him. Ivy, this is nothing like an actual heat, so you can't compare it." He steps closer, placing his hand on Marius's shoulder. The shorter man leans into the touch and purrs. "Yes, yes, come on, you need to sleep properly."
Marius, as if on command, collapses and curls up to sleep in the nest.
Lyf turns back to the commissioner. "Bring blankets and pillows. I will not be sleeping on bloody uniforms. Clearly, you're in over your head to figure out how I've changed and why this is so odd. I don't care to explain it to you, sir. Unless you wish to be poisoned or driven mad, you should listen to me." Hs takes off his sunglasses to reveal his rainbow static eyes. "This entire star system will be wiped out in three years once the train returns. Yog Sogoth will consume this entire system. Some survive, yes, and even populate a different planet or two. Honestly, that doesn't matter to me. The funny thing about immortality is that the things you hold onto are more important than trying to save a home that's doomed. So blankets and pillows. Don't worry about food. Raphaella will be much better at it and will probably posion it, which will help with my cravings."
The commisoner steps back in fear.
Lyf motions with his hand for him to leave. "I don't want to keep up appearances when my body will not help in that." There's a sound of ripping fabric, and his wings are out. "Go."
The commissioner runs out ears, drooping and tail between his legs.
Ivy blinks. "How did you do that to Marius?"
"Oh yes, that seems like something incredible." Raphaella nods.
"Von Raum's mind is like mush at this stage. His only focus is nesting and my comfort till I'm more along." Lyf motions to his stomach. "A temporary heat bond tends to fry the mind with hormones and instincts. So, getting him to eat and sleep will be a lot more annoying." He steps into the nest to sit. "Xeon biology is fucking weird and I'm still learning new things about it and we've already had two fucking kids together. I'll answer questions the best I can, but for a price."
Raphealla watches with excitement as Marius's hair curls around Lyf's hand, who reached out. "I will get meat, but I demand to witness this birth."
Lyf rolls his eyes. "If I'm here that long and Von Raum doesn't kill you, sure. You've unfortunately seen more of my body than I would like, so it's not really a deal breaker."
Ivy gets closer and frowns. "Will this hurt him?"
Lyf raised a brow, clearly not expecting Ivy to show concern. "If I swap back, it will be like nothing happened here. If I stay, this is only temporary. Once his hormones settle, he will be back to his Von Raum self. Although I really don't know if his body will change. I know what happened before this and why he picked this adventure. The changes shouldn't be permanent since I'm not his Lyf, and he isn't my Byron. Time travel is tricky when it comes to Xeon, and I have no idea why or how their biology is actually equipped for it. I won't let him get hurt again." He frowns. "I know neither of you trusts me, but I can assure you it's been nearly two million years for me with our relationship. When I say eternity, I mean eternity."
Ivy studies Lyf's face and nods. "I believe you. Why now? Why have more children?"
"Would you believe me if I said it's because Jonny finally decided to have a kid with Tim?" Lyf gives a small smile as Raphaella snorts.
"Jonny being a dad? Now that's fucking bullshit." Raphaella laughs. "You almost fucking got me."
Lyf grins wide. "Can you get some meat now?"
Raphealla laughing nods and heads out.
"You aren't lying about Jonny." Ivy hums softly. "But you haven't given the full picture."
"No, I haven't." Lyf sighs. "Things are bad after DTTM. I don't get involved until it gets worse because Yog Sogoth shunted me off in the fucking future. I can tell you everything, but it won't change what happens."
Ivy moves to lean against the nest. "I would still like to know."
Lyf frowns and nods. "I'll tell you the best I can, but I'm no storyteller."
"It will have to do." Ivy says quietly.
"So it's true then." A short man approached Lyf. His ears were fanned out like a bovine, with piercings, and he had long horns and a tail lashing behind him. His clothing was loose, and looking closer, his stomach seemed oddly swollen. "This explains why Marius was so upset."
"Who are you?" Lyf raised his brow. He's been here a week, and he's only seen the twins or Von Raum. He figured this ship was massive, but he also had a feeling the others were avoiding him.
"The name's Jonny D'ville, I'm the first mate of Aurora." Jonny sighs as there is a beep. "Don't you fucking correct me Aurora!"
"Lyfrassir Edda, but you already know that." Lyf tilts his head studying the shorter man.
"Yeah, the scientists here are trying to figure out how to get you back and our space cop back. Before well...." Jonny motions to his own swollen stomach. "Thankfully, you aren't that far along yet. Well, you and Marius."
Lyf frowns. "You are aware I am male. I know Freya and Selene tried to explain that to me, but that's not how biology works. I don't care if Von Raum is a different species it just doesn't work like that."
"Yeah again Xeon are fucking weird." Jonny snickers. "Trust me, though, you are expecting. This is very unfortunate because past Marius has to deal with it, and that will be hell on his mind and body. Xeon biology, actually account for fucking time travel."
"I don't think you know how biology works." Lyf blinks as Jonny laughs.
"Aurora, play Raphaella log." Jonny hits the wall, and a chirps is heard as a screen pops out, and a video is playing.
Lyf furrows his brows and sees himself.
Lyf yawns his hair was tied in a perfect braid. He was wearing a loose shirt and sweatpants. "Do we have to do this now? I wanted breakfast."
Raphealla appears in the video. "Yes! You're getting armor. I need samples and to document this."
"I got the armor last time, too. Why don't you bother Byron?" Lyf glares as Raphaella pulls up his shirt. There's clear, dark grey armor that seems to pop from his blue skin. His stomach is slightly curved as well. "At least this time, it doesn't itch like crazy. Also, no, I can't feel it when you touch the armor."
"Amazing. Is there any movement yet?" Raphaella was crouched with a tape measurer.
"It's barely a month and a half, and unlike Jonny, it's about a year gestation. It's just a bunch of cells." Lyf had a small smile. "I haven't even developed the new hole yet for their arrival. That was worse than the kid actually coming out."
"Fascinating." Raphaella stood back up. "Is there anything else we should prepare for? I mean, this time it will be safer, and you won't be stuck with uh... look, you'll have doctors to help now."
Lyf frowns and pulls his shirt down. "Just need to reinforce our room. Byron won't be himself once the babies come, and I'll be allowed in only because we're both expecting. Just keep my girls away when it's time. I don't want Byron to accidently hurt them. He won't be able to tell that they're family."
"Brian and Misery warned me. I'm talking about now. Let me help when I can." Raphaella seemed hurt.
Lyf sighs. "I will let you know." The video ends, and the screen returns into the wall.
Lyf blinks. "That can't be real."
"It is real!" A female voice chirps out.
"Yeah, Aurora is very excited for little ones to run around and cause havoc." Jonny sighs. "Come on. It ain't like you're leaving anytime soon."
Lyf sputters as he is dragged down the hall. "But that's impossible!"
"No, it's not." Jonny shakes his head.
"No." Lyf whines clinging to Marius.
Marius seems to be on auto pilot as he gets up collecting the blankets and pillows laid out by the entrance to their prison floor.
Lyf huffs as he is left in the half finished nest. He gets up and out of the nest, rubbing his eyes, his wings stretched behind him as he cracks his back.
"You were not kidding about the whole mind is mush situation." Raphaella motions to Marius going back to building up the nest. "I'm honestly surprised you got him to eat."
Lyf frowns. "I unfortunately have experience feeding Marius when his mind isn't with him."
"Ivy told me a bit of what you told her. I don't believe it, well, most of it, but you are making it hard to do that with how you treat Marius." Raphaella held out a mug full of tea. "You also take food and drink from me without regard for your safety."
Lyf takes the tea and smiles with a sigh. "The wings aren't the only thing I've gotten from my bond to Byron. Xeon is an incredibly hardy species. My own biology had to be changed to even cope with how toxic their species is. Oh, it was a horrible process, but I'm glad it happened." He hums taking a sip. "Also most poisons and toxins I've become immune to and crave. Like how you basically boiled liquid cyanide and put a string in it to mimic tea. If you're going to try to kill me, try something else, but I really rather you didn't since I am expecting, and we learned that a death would terminate any pregnancy."
Raphealla frowns. "I won't try to kill you anymore. It wouldn't be right."
Lyf shakes his head. "That isn't what I'm saying. Whatever poisons, toxins, and even radiation won't kill me, actually, it would probably benefit the kid. I'm taking more so gunfire, actual fire, or any physical attempts to kill me." He sighs, taking another sip. "We were on Xeonia when we had our first twins. That place would kill anyone that isn't Xeon or bonded to one through heat in a few minutes of exposure alone. You have to understand that Marius doesn't ask for his own personal items for shits and giggles." He places his mug down and removes his gloves. "This isn't from Yog Sogoth. This is from me carrying Byron, who was bleeding. This is from his blood. This is so common for xeon interacting with other species they have specific words for it in their language, ranging from pain from care to love through pain, among other phrases." He puts his gloves back on.
Raphealla restrains herself from going forward. "And now?"
Lyf takes another sip. "I'm immune to Marius specificly, I'm resistant to other xeon, and I would rather not go on Xeonia for any extended trips. It won't kill me, but I rather like having long hair."
"Why do you refer to Marius as Byron?" Raphaella raised a brow. "Also what is safe for poisons and not safe?"
"Not safe cannot be physically made. I actually mean that literally. You've tried." Lyf sighs. "Byron is his first name, but due to a mistranslation from you guys, you heard Baron. He won't actually tell me if he perfers one or the other, so I use them interchangeably. I know that doesn't really help, but I don't think he cares."
"That I can agree with you on." Raphaella sighs. "Also, are you challenging me?"
"No." Lyf responds dryly. "You already tried and failed highly doubt a past version of yourself would think of something new. You have fewer resources and less information on his actual species. For Hel's sake, you and Ivy refused to even listen to him when talking about his home planet and culture."
Raphealla flinched.
"Look..." Lyf waves his hands. "I'm not trying to start a fight or make you feel bad. I'm just saying, Can you please wait till this kid is out of me?" He rubs his arm. "You're the closest thing I have to a doctor at this point, and I know my body is going to change, and it's going to be really uncomfortable, and I know you aren't my Raph, but this time I'm not alone.... I wasn't alone previously, but Byron wasn't really able to help."
"Of course, for science, I'll help." Raphaella pauses. "Just answer this. Why didn't Marius help?"
Lyf flinched. He knew he couldn't lie his way out of this. Just because he knew how they treated Marius before doesn't mean they weren't close and protective of him. "Byron was sick. It was an engineered virus made to only effect Xeon and Xeonia. He wasn't fully healed when we were flung off to Xeonia. After our twins were born, he came back to himself until he..." He stops rubbing his face. "I had to care for the both of us. Our girls have an immunity to that virus already being infected and adapted to it in development. The only reason Marius even survived the virus is because of his arm. If you could call that survival."
Raphealla frowns. "I didn't mean to..."
"Stop." Lyf shakes his head. "Just drop it. I dont want to think about it. While I'm stuck in this time, I'm going to take advantage and keep in touch with my mother and sisters, so I'll be calling them. You can do an exam on me later. I'll probably make some of the leftovers for breakfast as well." He steps away smiling at Marius, who was focused on adding to the nest, and heads to the small kitchen with a cellphone.
"I was told I would be welcome." A woman with long braided silver hair stands at the station. "I'm Freya Edda, my son requested I visit with some baked goods." She helps a confused smile at the bows as she is guided inside.
"Just down the hall ma'am." A guard points. "Be careful of the stairs."
"Right...." Freya shakes her head as she travels deeper, holding a basket full of foods. The stairs weren't an issue, and it smelled oddly sweet. "Lyfrassir?"
Lyf was curled up with a clearly swollen middle being three months since he arrived. He was reading a romance novel as Marius was braiding his hair. He looks up and smiles. "Mother! I thought you were busy."
Freya chuckles. "I wanted to surprise you. How are you feeling? Are you sure you're just having one."
"Mom, I told you Xeon babies are much larger than midguardian babies." Lyf pulls himself up to stand waving Marius off. "I've still got about six months left."
"Lyf is correct. From my observations and scans, there is only one child in there. Although I really have no idea how to tell the sex and Marius won't help." Raphaella bows. "Ah, I'm Raphaella, and Ivy is there with the red hair."
"Lyf has told me about you three." Freya crossed her arms. "Acolyte or whatever you are, you should not be on your feet! I will not have you risk my grandchild." She sighs. "Marius, get him to sit. I brought lunch."
Marius tries, and Lyf glares at him, and he holds his hands up. "I rather not make him upset."
Lyf frowns and his shoulders sag. "It's... It's fine."
"I know i'm not..."
Lyf waves his hand. "Von Raum, that's enough I rather have some version of you with me than be alone. I'll sit, I'll sit."
Freya rushed over, helping her son down. "I told you carefully. I told your sisters that they shouldn't worry, are you going to make me a liar?" She huffs, taking a seat next to her son, grabbing Marius's metal arm, forcing him to sit with them. "You aren't getting out of this either."
Marius blinks. "But I'm not..."
"Hush. You will be, and that's enough. I won't be around long enough to meet the you you become." Freya smiles. "All I need to know is that my son is happy, and you did a good job making this place comfortable for him."
Marius's face blushes a deep purple.
"Mom, you're going to break him." Lyf smiles softly. "You know we named one of our daughters after you. The other is named after his adopted parent."
"You did say you had twins. Are they identical?" Freya smiles, opening her basket.
Lyf nods. "Completely down to their mismatched eyes. They even dress the same because they like to. It's impossible to tell them apart." He chuckles. "I love them so much, and I honestly think they are more excited for the little one than I am. Of course, they are adults." He sighs. "They have met you. I know you dont remember. That's just how the universe works, unfortunately. I know they tried to take you with them on several occasions, and it never worked. They get that from him."
Freya chuckles. "I wouldn't be so sure. I certainly remember you trying to dig up your grandparents because you clearly knew how to wake them up."
Lyf blushes, and it glows a rainbow static. "Mom."
"Oh come now, Marius here doesn't have his parents to embarrass him. When will I ever get this chance to do this again. Gods know that once my younger Lyf comes back, he won't have anyone to bring home." Freya smiles as Raphaella and Ivy snickers.
Lyf smiles shyly. "I was a workaholic, and I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Even if I don't remember you will and I get to know my boy is happy with children of his own. He also has a partner who loves him. That's all I ever wanted for my children. You're safe, happy, and healthy." Freya cups her son's cheek. "I will be selfish, and if you remain here, I would like to hold my grandchild. Oh, that's right, I have to ask." She looks to Marius.
Marius raised a brow. "Yes?"
"Are you able to wear hats? Lyf warned me that your hair is alive. It gets cold in the winter, and I've knitted a few hats." Freya hums, pulling out a black knitted hat. "You aren't part jouton, so the cold actually affects you."
"I can wear hats." Marius takes the soft hat and lifts it up to put it on. His hair lashed out, startling Freya, who gasps, and Ivy and Raphaella are virgiously writing notes. His hair pulls the hat on. "Oh! It really likes it. I dont think I'll be able to take this off for a while. Thank you."
"That is um oddly cute." Freya hums softly. "Now I don't know what your cravings are, Lyf, but I brought some of the things I was craving when I was carrying you. I also brought your favorites. I brought some more tea as well."
Lyf perks up. "Really? I've missed your cooking. I.... It's just been a long time, yaknow."
"Lyfrassir, I will not have that as long as you are stuck here. I will feed you. You are my baby boy, and I will spoil you. Besides, you're eating for two. I have new recipies I want to try that you will eat." Freya smiles as Lyf shyly smiles back. "Good." She opens up a blanket to lay out all the dishes she made. "I want to see clean plates."
Lyf's stomach growls. "Yes."
"If you keep staring, it's not going to make this situation change." Jonny rolled his eyes. He was stitching some baby clothes. "Raphaella and my son are doing their best to switch you back to the correct time."
"Are you sure you're ok?" Lyf motions vaguely to his own stomach area.
"Yes." Jonny scowls. "If you're going to hover like Tim, I'm going to stab you." He pauses. "Human infants are bigger than New Texan infants. Even though I know these brats will be more New Texan than human, they still are making it my problem."
"I thought you said you're having only one." Lyf blinks, taking a seat next to Jonny, who was leaned back in the corner of the couch.
Jonny snickers. "I've already had one pair of twins. I can tell that there's more than one." He sighs with a smile. "My kids know well enough to leave me be unless I ask for them. Tim is acting as if I'm dying. I've done this four times alone, and he thinks the worst will happen as if I dont know how to handle myself. I'm keeping you around because you're a stranger basically and have no real opinions, and Marius asked to keep an eye on you."
"Why doesn't he watch me himself?" Lyf frowns. "Isn't this what he wanted?"
"No, it isn't because you aren't his Lyf. His Lyf is in the same boat also expecting with him, and they have a long history together. You barely even know him yet." Jonny bites off the string. "He knows it's not your fault, but he's allowed to be upset."
Lyf began to look guilty. "I didn't ask to be here. I didn't want to know that I ended up as some sort of...."
"You better not finish that thought." A woman steps inside of the common room. She was in patchwork overalls and has curled horns. "Time changes people, and just because you're in denial doesn't mean you have to say something you can't take back."
"Mae, why are you here? I told you guys I'm fine." Jonny raised a brow.
"Thomas dragged Tim away. Also, Marius is about, and his hearing is very good at this stage." Mae sighs. "The twins asked me to keep an eye on things."
Jonny nods and points to the recliner. "Sit." He takes a breath. "Why are you really over here?"
Mae motions to her own swollen chest. "When did it start?"
Jonny smirks. "That's my smart little hammerhead. Two hours ago, so I'm nowhere near ready. I don't even want to be in my nest yet."
Lyf furrows his brows. "Are you in labor? Why are you out here? Are you sure you're ok?" He looked concerned.
"You fucking sound like Tim." Jonny groans. "New Texan labor takes a week to two weeks. It's not painful, and I'm nowhere near the stage where I need to be in my sand. Why is every other species we meet have such horror stories when it comes to reproducing it's fucking stupid." He huffs. "Don't look so fucking scared I'm fine."
Mae snickers. "Lyfrassir, my father is fine. The only annoying bit is that Tim keeps trying to spoil things with his eyes."
"Oh for fucks sake I told him to wait like I have to." Jonny puts his sewing project down. "Does he know?"
"Nope, we've all been taking pot shots at him if he tries. At most, he keeps staring through you into space because he gets too excited." Mae hums softly. "Thomas is keeping him at bay, and the way your room is set up, he can't even wait inside."
Jonny smirks. "Good." He yawns. "Finish this for me it's for Marius. These fucking brats won't be able to wear clothes for a while."
Mae nods, grabbing the clothes. "Yeah, yeah." She looks over to Lyf. "It's unfortunate that you're here this far along."
"I..." Lyf frowns. "I know I don't believe any of this, but I wouldn't wish this on myself if it's true. I can't imagine doing this alone." He pauses and rubs his arm. "Is the other me ok with this?"
Jonny sighs. "I can't answer that, but i can tell you the first time you've done this. It was horrible circumstances. Now it's still shitty but theirs no threat of death or war or whatever horrors you faced on Xeonia." He frowns and gets up. "You have an opportunity to see videos of yourself now. Just ask Aurora. However, for myself, I'm going to get myself a snack."
Lyf frowns as Aurora drops a screen in front of him and begins to play video after video earliest to the current.
A woman with two long braids down her back hums softly. "For weird different species, this is a pretty comfy nest. It is odd, but I wouldn't mind this when I was nursing my babes."
Marius's hair seems to puff out with the praise. "Well, the nest is a permanent fixture for my people when they have gone through heat. It is what replace a bed with."
"I wouldn't know if I would use this for a bed, but it would be great for a den." A different woman kicks her feet up she had a singular long braid. "Is Lyf ok? He's been gone a while."
Freya tisks. "Alma, should I remind you how you wrre before your boy was born. Leave your brother be. He's ready to pop."
"I think I would know if Lyf is in labor." Marius pauses, looking back at Ivy. "Where did Raph go?"
"If you were paying attention, Lyf asked her to help him." Astrid hums. "Not to insult you, my husband was a mess, and you're technically not his husband yet. This time, travel stuff is a bit confusing."
Alma nods. "However, I do welcome a new nice or nephew to spoil."
Freya raised a brow as Raphaella came back into view. "Miss Raphaella is my boy, alright?"
"Yes." Raphaella pauses. Her clothes were stained and singed. She looked like a mess. "He has actually gotten good at lying. Also Marius what the fuck is wrong with your species?"
Marius blinks. "What do you mean?"
"I didn't think it was possible to get traumatized after everything I've seen and done." Raphaella crossed her arms.
"You're the one who insisted on watching." Lyf comes into view his hair was draped over his shoulder and a mess. He was disheveled, and there was a bundle in his arms from his ruined shirt. "Von Raum for my sanity tell me what sex the child is because your biology is fucking weird." His stomach was flat as if he was never pregnant to begin with even the hard scale like armor was gone. "Also, I never lied. I don't get a warning when I go into labor like I'm supposed to."
Marius scrambles out of the nest. He pauses as Lyf uncovers the infant. "Oh, he's a boy."
"Thank you." Lyf sighs, wrapping his baby boy back up.
"Why is his hair bright red?" Alma stares at her brother.
"Alma." Freya sighs. "He looks perfect."
Astrid snickers. "Whats in his mouth?"
Marius smiles. "His hair hasn't decided what color it will stay at, it wont decide till he's an adult."
Ivy thins her lips. "What the fuck?"
"He's teething on his tail. I already fed him." Lyf smiles as his tiny boy.
"It was horrifying." Raphaella covers her face.
"I never said it was a beautiful process." Lyf rolls his eyes. "What did you think happened to the armor once the baby is here? It's the baby's first meal."
"Again what the fuck." Ivy stares blankly at Lyf.
Lyf ignores her and approaches his mother. "Come on, you should be the first to hold him."
Freya was overcome with emotion. "You want me to be the first to hold him?"
"I won't ever get a chance like this again. This really sucks I can't do this with my Byron and the other mechs, but you're my mother, and you got to be here for this." Lyf pauses. "Probably should wear gloves first... not for his safety for yours."
Freya gently takes the small boy from her son. Mismatched eyes stare up at her as he stretches. "He's perfect. You did such a good job."
Astrid gets up. "Forget that. What's his name?"
"You can't name two kids after mother." Alma grins, also getting up. "He looks like you."
"Hush you two, your brother can wait to name him. Such a precious little guy, aren't you." Freya smiles softly as the boy sneezes and then smiles, sticking his hand in his mouth. "He's much more alert than you were."
"He'll be crawling in two months." Lyf sighs. "Xeon's tend to mature fast, then plateau. He'll be walking and talking like a little 4 year old at a year old, then it will slow. So I do have to give him a name. We picked out our girls' names, well we picked out one boy and one girl name each."
Marius perks up. "What did you pick for a boy?"
"Well, you picked the name Micheal after your sister Misery. I was thinking of Loki." Lyf takes back his son. "She did try to stop Odin, but her efforts were for not. I've also talked to her in the bifrost. One of the few that still persists in the bifrost, and I'm thankful. She helped me come to grips with what it means to have this power to not be able to die."
Alma nods. "Good, I thought you picked something stupid."
Astrid elbows her sister. "It's a perfect name. Now let me hold my nephew."
Lyf chuckles. "Fine, fine, just careful and don't riled him up."
"You can't go in there."
"We can't go in there."
Lyf jumps and turns to see the twins looking upset. "I wanted to apologize. Aurora has been showing videos of myself in the future, and I can't lie to myself and say I won't be him. I wanted to apologize to Von Raum."
"You can't."
"Dad isn't going to be himself for the next year."
"Our siblings have been born, which means Papa had the other too."
"It wouldn't be wise to try to enter."
"Dad will kill and eat your body."
Lyf pales. "You're serious."
"Yes." The twins say together.
"What do I do now? I don't know how to get back." Lyf frowns. "I stole this from my future self."
"You didn't steal anything." An identical voice speaks out. "Yog Sogoth gave me a chance to see my mother again and my sisters."
Lyf spins around to see himself, but his appearance is different, and he is holding a small bundle in his arms.
"I hope my past self didn't cause too much trouble, girls, and I hope you didn't cause any grief." The future Lyf smiles.
"We've been good!"
"We didn't hurt him."
Future Lyf approaches Lyf. "You'll return soon with no memory of this, but before that, would you like to hold him?"
Lyf stares at the small infant. "Are you sure?"
Future Lyf smiles. "Yes, he is ours."
"I..." Lyf takes the infant and gasps. "He's so small."
"His name is Loki." Future Lyf hums taking him back.
"Wait, why did you name him after a terrorist?" Lyf asks before vanishing.
Luf chuckles. "You'll figure it out." He turns to his twins. "Now both of you step back."
"Why -" The twins are cut off as Marius's door opens with force, and Lyf and their infant brother are dragged in, and the door shuts behind them.
"I thought papa was lying."
"Damnit, I wanted to hold him."
"We can see Jonny's babies."
"We can't they bite."
"Oh yeah..."
"Fuck." The two say at once.
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