#I also figured out that another antidepressant I am on is causing all my severe stomach problems so I have to quit it cold Turkey to eat
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lovejenkins · 1 year ago
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hiswordsarekisses · 3 years ago
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I have a small testimony of how God has shown me the light in this verse. It’s been a long journey, and one that I can only attribute to Him showing me light. I prayed that He would always show me the truth even if it’s not what I want to hear - because what does it even matter if it’s not HIS truth?! Loving the truth saves us from deception. (2thess 2)
About 10 or so years ago I began having severe peripheral neuropathy in my feet from an injury to my lower back. The burning sensation - which feels like a severe sunburn - later spread up my legs to my thighs and in my hands. I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia at that time. Over the next 8 years I was put on every drug you can probably name trying to fix me. By the end of all those years I was on 2 different antidepressants, 3 very strong opiates and the max dose of a popular seizure medication and blood pressure medication as well - all of these at one time. In spite of all of that I was still experiencing a level of pain that is outside of my comprehension and with each medication it seemed to grow worse. It became so bad at night that I did not sleep for 3 days at a time sometimes, and once I passed out from sheer exhaustion I would only sleep for a few hours before the pain would wake me up and the cycle would begin over again.
It was 8 years of constantly analyzing what I ate last, and what I did last, and every detail of my life was consumed in trying to figure out what was causing it and how to make it stop. I was driving myself crazy, along with everyone around me.
Then my life took a drastic turn and I suddenly found myself without insurance or income and I quickly had to ween myself off of all those medications. Those were some rough times, but when I think of it - it wasn’t much different than the torment I had already been through!!! I was just trading torment for torment.
I started trying to eat healthy, cutting out a lot of sugar and things like that and the next few years were a lot like the ones before. There were never any answers or relief. Eventually I discovered a perfect combination of suppliments, vitamins, and herbal help that gave me way more relief than the pharmaceutical drugs ever even came close to, and those are still helping.
Over a period of 3 years I really began to heal. The 3rd year my concoction, along with eating better and figuring out which foods seemed to help and which ones flared me up, along with daily exercise and lots of fresh air and sunshine - and just so much joy that came from feeling so much better and enjoying the beauty of God’s creation, brought me to a new level of healing I never dreamed possible.
Then my life took another turn when I hurt my foot and stopped exercising. I became depressed and eating badly as well, and I ended up back on blood pressure medicine and an anxiety medication. I began to sleep a lot and stay inside, and even gained 1/2 the weight I had lost back again. Notice the pattern?
I was still keeping with my suppliment/herbal/vitamin regiment which kept me from spiraling completely, but then I was facing getting my act back together again to get off of these pharmaceutical drugs so that my body can heal itself again before I end up in as bad of shape as I began in.
See, over the years, every new drug brought with it damage and a need for another new drug. I have now learned that lesson with all my heart - so I was able to recognize what began happening when I allowed myself to start taking only these two medications again!
The results/consequences were almost immediate. It was even obviously spiritual. Pharmaceuticals have a spiritual side, just like God’s healing. Only it’s dark.
Then I came across this verse and it all came together. So I don’t care what kind of illness comes on me, I’m actually afraid to ever put another pharmaceutical product in my body again. They all come with consequences, even if they are only mild ones. And the mild ones will never remain mild. They bypass your God given system, which was actually created to run in a certain and particular way. So when we start interring by eating wrong, not taking care of ourselves, putting chemicals in, etc., bad things happen.
Sometimes we get to a point where those bad things get so bad that we get desperate and grab for any relief we can get. But truly the only thing we can do is repent, and ask God to undo what we have done and ask Him to lead us in such a way that we can heal and remove all of this from our body and spirit.
That healing will look different for different people. Some of us can jump cold Turkey from pharmaceuticals and bad eating to an all natural and healthy life - when some of us may be led in a more round about way of gradually getting there - but He has a perfect plan that we can all trust Him with. Some things need medical attention for some people in some circumstances, and if we ask God to lead us in the best way - and ask Him to protect us from deception - He will. He gave us His Word to protect us, but when we have not listened and we end up in a mess, He is still loving us and waiting to show us the way that He intended.
In the book of revelations God is warning us about pharmaceuticals when He is speaking about Babylon and those who took part in her sorcery (Rev 18:23), which is where my eyes first began to be opened. I began to pray about that verse because the word that “sorcery” comes from is the same word as pharmaceutical. I personally cannot say whether this means that taking medication is a sin - that is between each individual and God and not for me to judge. All I know is that for Him to bring me this far, to turn back now - for me it would be. It would be sin for me to turn back because He has given me light on it. (Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” James‬ ‭4:17‬)
So I’m going to continue going in the opposite direction of man-made solutions and chemicals with God’s help forevermore. Amen.
I am sharing this in hopes that it we’ll help someone - even one person - to avoid the pain and suffering I have endured.
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dyke-remy · 4 years ago
Live And Let Die, part 3
Part 1   part 2   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Cw: Described assasination
Words: 3832
The sun had just about risen when the agents woke up. It was the morning after the mission and they were laying cuddled up in the hotel bed. Remus had plopped himself on top of Remy and wrapped his arms around them like usual. He said it was to snuggle while they slept but it was really so that he could act as a human shield for them even in sleep.
"g'mornin my dear dead heart of min-" Remus began to mumble out but Remy placed a finger over his mouth to shut him up.
He laid still and listened. The sound of someone opening the door to the hotel room could be heard followed by quiet steps. The agents glanced at each other. From the angle Remy was laying at they couldn't see much except for the ceiling and their husband's face. Remus slowly moved his hand under the pillow and grabbed the knife he'd hidden under it just in case.
The footsteps continued until they stopped by the side of the bed. Out of the corner of his eye Remus saw the person move making his instincts go off. In one swift motion he'd turned around to press the knife against the enemy's neck.
"What a charming greeting 008" Q also known as Logan muttered out. He eyed the knife held against his neck with an unimpressed look on his face. He had a black briefcase with him.
"Q!!!" Both of the Rems let out a happy exclaim.
"You should have said you were coming!" Remy said while sitting up in the bed.
"That's what she said" Remus added.
"I wasn't going to but then I figured it would be for the best if this mission got another step"
Remus moved the blanket aside and patted the spot between the two Rems "Cuddle up motherfucker!"
"008 please put some pants on. I've seen That thing enough for a lifetime" Q stated before sitting down in the middle.
The Rems promptly latched onto him. Hugging him. Remy ran their hand through his pressed down curly hair. Remus nibbled kisses by the start of his neck.
"So 008, you said in your report from yesterday that the man who held the real copy of the keys to Picani's room was named Ron Stewart correct?"
"Well I discovered that he is on a train today towards Lithuania along with cargo for his company. His company is stated as an electricity manufacturer but it didnt take a lot of research to find he also has ties to something else. I am not sure of what yet but it is earning him a lot of income. For your information Picani's mission before he was killed was to find solid evidence of what this side business was"
Remy held back a wince at the mention of Picani "Aight easy. We get on the train. I Kill him. We figure out like what the fuck he's up to and like revenge Emile. Piece of cake" Remus nodded along.
"Yes well" Q opened the briefcase "In other news I took a few gadgets with me to aid you" He took out a pair of black high heels and handed them to Remy "Same function as always. Black like you requested"
"It's 'cause black tots goes with like anything"
A small box, not bigger than a thumb, was up next. Q opened it slightly to show white pills inside before giving it to Remy "I've tried to make it so the taste of poison is even less subtle"
The enby got a sinister smile on their face "They won't know what hit them!"
Remus dragged in Logan's sleeve "Me time!! I want gadgets too!!!"
Q nodded before taking out a long thin black straw and gave it to the duke "Be careful. Please! This is your 7th laser so don't break it. It's not a knife. It's not a stick. It's a laser. It heats things up. It doesn't cut through things. It heats them up. Please I don't want to have to make another one"
The duke looked at it with a giddy smile before looking up. A few moments of silence went by before his smile disappeared "That's all? I only get 1 gadget???? Rem got 2! You're playing favorites just 'cause you fuck them!"
"No. I am playing favorites because they don't break their gadgets!........But I do actually have another gadget for the both of you"
Q took out 2 pens and several coins. He sat the coin as far away on the blanket as he could. He pressed down on a specfic point on it before leaning back and pressing the pen up and down 5 times. The coin exploded leaving a hole in the blanket. The Rems let out oooohs and ahhhhs in response.
"Explosives. Each coin causes 1 explosion. Right now I'll give you 20 to use but you can always request more. Oh and 008" He took out 2 packages of pills "You forgot you stimulants" It was to help him focus better, his lil autistic rat brain wasn't good at that "And antidepressants at the base again so I thought I'd bring them to you"
"Aww thanks Q. How caring!"
"No problem. As your quartermaster I must care for you after all. INcluding caring for your mental health. Well I wish you good luck on your mission"
The Rems glanced at each other before sending Q puppy eyes. "You can wish us good luck better than that can't you?"
Logan let out an amused sigh and rolled his eyes before nodding. He gave Remus a kiss on the lips before doing the same to Remy. He was aro and didn't see kissing as a serious thing, neither did the Rems. The kissing before missions was just a nice tradition.
Remy traced their finger over their lips "I already have a feeling this mission will go splendid"
3 hours later Remy was sitting by a luxurious vanity in front of a mirror. They were meticulously filling in their lips with cheery red lipstick. Remus came up from behind and put his hands on their shoulders before leaning down to press a kiss to their cheek.
The enby took the blade laying on the vanity and held it up to his face "Dear if you kiss me now you'll ruin my make up and I will have to kill you for that"
"Sounds like a sweet death" He teased in return.
"If I wanted to make it a sweet one I would"
Remus glanced around at the make up products while putting on an overly extra pout "Why can't I ever get to be the lady???"
"Hun you have a giant caterpillar on your upper lip and it is the bane of my existance. If you could just let me shave it off-"
The duke gasped and covered his precious mustache with his hands "NEVER!!!"
" Well it would make disguising you much easier. If some baddie sees you once they're gonna remember that nasty ass muschie for like months! And secondly you don't really have like the right bone structure. Like girl you would look like the most beautiful lady I'd ever seen but you wouldn't look like the kind of gal these dirtbags want y'know?"
"I know"
Remy leaned their head against his chest and smiled up at him. "When we get home I can make you look nice and pretty kay? I'll evem lend you my fav mini skirts...As long as your dumptruck ass doesn't destroy them"
Remus grinned and let out a giddy laugh "OHOHOHOH let's get these bitches killed so we can get home PLEase!!"
After another half hour Remy was ready to go. They'd hidden a blade on their left thigh and stuck the box of pills on the side of their underwear. Remus took them by the arm and they walked out into the hallway of the train. They looked around various mini suites before coming out into a bigger cart. The bar.
Blue satin sheets framed the windows. Sunlight strimmed in onto dark wooden tables with comfortable seats surrounding them. The bar was ornate and it's menu was filled with expensive cocktails.
The enby bumped their elbow into their husband's ribs before pointing over to a booth in the corner. There Ron Stewart sat alone with a bowl of olives and a beer.
Remus mumbled a quiet 'you got this' before letting go off their arm. He sat down by the bar at such an angle so he could watch Stewart without it being noticeable. He ordered a glass of water and began to sprinkle copious amount of salt and pepper into it as he watched Remy go up to Stewart. Their body language was completely different. He overheard something about coincidences and seeing him at the casino. It didn't take long until Stewart had moved so Remy could sit down next to him.
The duke let out a content sigh and looked out the window. It was in quiet moments like these, while waiting for his spouse to do what they did best, that he admired them more than ever. All he could do was sit and think about how much he loved them. How he loved Every part of them. Thinking and thinking until it felt like his heart would burst.
It wasn't until someone bumped into him he got out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Remy leaning on the bar.
"Vodka martini. Shaken not stirred please" Remy ordered.
Remus poked his elbow into their ribs plafully "Dork. Using my dad's catchphrase like that" He teased with a smirk.
They rolled their eyes at him before adding "And you can place a bottle of champange in suite 17!"
While the bartender worked on it the enby sat down next to Remus. They looked in the other direction while speaking so Stewart wouldn't notice.
"He's involved in human trafficking. That's where his like money comes from. Was supa easy to get it out of him. Dirty bastard. Didn't get what is in the cargo but he joked that it wasn't human at least"
"Okay good!" Remus exclaimed "So we go to the cargo see whats up. And then when we're done we can go back and arrest Stewart when we're done. Easy peasy pumpkin pie motherfucker"
Remy dug their nails down into the table so hard it left marks "Nah I'm murdering him now"
Remus opened his mouth before closing it again and thinking. He decided the wise and only choice was to support his spouse in their killing ways "Okay yeah sure. Have fun. If you're not back in 15 minutes I'll assume something has gone wrong and will come help"
They sent him a small smile "Thanks babe"
They downed the martini in one sweep and took a deep breathe before putting on their fake smile again. They went back to Stewart. All it took was a few flirty comments while leaning close to him to get him to walk with them to his room. Like a lamb blissfully going to the slaughter.
The champagne had been set on the bedside table in a bucket of ice like they'd requested. Stewart sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the place next to him. Remy obediently sat down. A taste of nausea filled their mouth when he placed his hand on their inner thigh. But they kept their facade of liking it up. Kept it up even as he whispered what he wanted to do with them into their ear and pressed kisses to their neck.
Remy leaned away when he tried to go for a kiss on the mouth "Shall I get the champange Dear?"
He eagerly nodded in return. They got up and made sure to move slow. They cast a look back at him while moving their dress up up to their right hip, just enough so a bit of their underwear showed. They ran their hand under their underwear line feeling where the small box they'd hidden laid. The box with poisonous pills in it.
They kept their expression the same as they caught hold of the box and in one smooth motion hid it under their bracelet. They kept their dress up as they poured up the champange. Out of the corner of their eye they could see Stewart only looking at their thighs so they took the opppurtunity to let a single white pill go down into one of the drinks.
It dispersed in the drink in under a second. They made a mental note to give Q an extra kiss for his excellent job the next time they saw him. They gave the glass to him before sitting down to straddle his lap.
"Cheers" Remy said.
"Cheers baby"
Their smile widened as they watched him drink. They waited until he'd emptied the glass before smashing their own glass against his skull. Stewart barely had time to let out a yell before they'd pushed him down with his back against the bed. They laid their weight on hips to keep him down while forcing his arms over his head.
"What are you-" Stewart didn't finish his sentence. He let out a strange sound as his face began to turn red. The poison was setting in.
Remy took the blade from their thigh and held it up to his neck. Close enough to let out droplets of blood but not close enough to cut him open.
"When I got home after staying out all night for the first time my moms cried of relief because they were sure I'd been taken by human traffickers working for the likes of you. I've had friends go missing just 'cause people like you think no one will notice if a homeless person disappears" They growled out.
"I will-" He forced out.
"Honey you won't do shit" Remy interrupted. They let out a cold chuckle "You'll lay there and wait to see if the poison or-" They cut the knife into his neck with such precision it hit the veins just enough to open them, like they'd done a hundred times before "the blood loss kills you first"
Stewart couldn't say anything more. He was choking on air and blood at the same time. The white satin sheets turned red as Remy sat still and watched every slight change in his expression. It went from anger to a pained one to complete fear of death.
His legs kicked to instinctively try and get Remy off and his hands flailed around his neck to try and stop the bleeding but it was to no avail. Soon his limbs stopped moving and the desperate sounds he'd been letting out quieted. Before finally his eyes became glossy and he stopped blinking. The blood had stopped dripping out.
"Blood loss huh" Remy said to of course no answer.
They stood up and hid the blade under their dress again. They let out an annoyed groan when they noticed blood stains on the dress. They'd liked this one! They searched around the room for anything useful.
In the drawer of the nightstand they found a key card to the cargo section of the train. They gave themself a pat on the back and was about to leave when they saw a document that had laid next to the key. They stuffed it down their top to keep it for later. Q was usually the one who told them if a document was important or not.
Remus shone up into a big goofy grin when he saw his spouse return. He held himself back from giving them a big long kiss. They took his hand, intertwined their fingers, and pulled him along to the small passage leading up to the cargo parts of the train.
There was a thick metal door stopping them from entering the cargo part. With a triumphant smirk Remy pulled out the key card and unlocked out while Remus gave them a small round of applause.
008 kept his gun ready in his hand as he entered the first cargo train with 009 right behind him. There were 2 guards who both immediately reached for their guns. Remus shot one of them at the same time Remy threw their blade into the neck of the other.
The couple high fived. Remy was using the new gadget high heels Q had given them. They took the heels off so the high heel turned into a normal shoe, it somewhat looked like a ballet shoe. Inside the heels 2 more blades were hidden.
The train was empty aside from a few meaningless boxes but there were one more cargo cart to look through. "How about I stay here and make sure no like bitches come at you from this side and you continue to the rest of the like cargo?" Remy suggested.
"Sounds like a plan!"
Remus pressed a kiss to the top of their forehead before quickly continuing on to the small outside part connecting the two carts. Remy closed the door behind him.
He pressed his ear against the door to the next cart. There were footsteps coming from the other side. He rolled up his sleeves before jumping up and just about grabbing on to the edge of the cart's roof. With a strained groan he heaved himself up. The wind nearly knocked him over as soon as he stood up. It was the last cart so whatever was important in the cargo section had to be in there.
The roof was made out of metal. Remus took out the black laser. He was careful to not point it at himself as he moved it against the roof. When he turned it a spark went off before it's cold blue almost fire looking laser burried down into the roof.
Slowly the metal began to melt. He moved it just as slowly around in a square motion. Until it had melted enough that he was able to move it. He made sure the laser created a small hole, just about to press a few fingers in, before turning it off. He covered his hands in the fabric of his shirt and let out a grunt as he grabbed onto the hole in the metal and moved it until a small opening down into the carriage had been made.
He peered down and like he'd suspected there were at least 10 guards inside. All of them were heavily armed. There was no way Remus would be able to take them all.
Luckily he didn't have to. He took one of the explosive coins and clicked on it before dropping it down into the carriage. He didn't even give the guards a chance to react before detonating it.
No more sounds came from inside the carraige. Remus dropped down from the roof and opened the door. The guards laid still on the ground. He checked their pulses. It was going slow and unsteady so they wouldn't be waking up soon (aka in several days probably).
There wasn't much in the carriage. A few box filled with guns and ammunition littered the wooden floor but aside from that all there was was a metal box in the corner. It was big enough to fit a human if they hunched down. It was thick enough that he doubted even one of the explosives would get it open. He tried the key to open it but it didn't work.
"What the fuck" He mumbled to himself.
On the sides and top of the box things were engraved. He was unsure if it'd been engraved a knife or...teeth.....somehow. The same sentences were written over and over.
Remus tried to read it but all the words swirled around and changed places. He hit his hands against his head and tried to concentrate. Usually Remy read things for him when on missions (and when home too honestly), and before he had them he had.....He had.....
He despised his dyslexia so much. Sensory overload could be avoided by Q ordering clothes with the exact textures he could handle and making him earpieces that filtered out just enough sound so he wouldn't panic. People didn't notice his lack of eye contact and fumbling with social cues and voice tones as long as he was looked normal. But there was no way to get around his dyslexia.
It took (in his opinion) an embarrassing amount of time before he was able to piece the words together. But when he finally did his body went cold.
Targets: 0̶0̶5̶ 0̶0̶1̶2̶ 009 008 - Remus Smythe
They knew his name. They knew his name.
Remus felt nauseous. His heart was beating so fast he could hear it. How the fuck did they even know that. What more did they know?? He was used to people knowing his name as Remus Smythe the son of Octavia Smythe. But not as Remus smythe the 008 agent.
He knew his mom could defend herself. All of the women, his caregivers, on the floating palace could. but still. At least they didn't know Remy's name. At least- At least- They were after them though! They specifically wanted to murder the love of his life.
Sure people had been trying to kill them before. Many a times. But he and Remy had known the two of them were strong enough to proctect themself. But....but....these people had killed Picani. Emile Picani! They could- they would-
He took a step back. Logically he should figure out a way to open the box. That was why he has here wasn't it? But he had to make sure Remy was okay. Had to-
He turned around and quickly went towards the door. He stopped midstep as he heard something metal-like crash under his foot. He looked down and realized he'd stepped on a dogtag one of the guards had been holding.
The metal plate was cold in Remus' hand as he tried to read it. His eyes widened. He didn't have to struggle to make the words out. He would always be able to recognize that name in an instant.
His hand shook as he forced the dogtag down into his pocket. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe.
He stumbled out from the carriage before throwing the door open to the next one. He was hyperventilating as he collapsed onto his knees. He looked up through tears at the blurry sight of Remy.
They'd been sitting on a box cleaning one of their blades while using the bodies of the guards they'd killed as a footstool. When they saw their husband they quickly went over and sat down in front of him. They moved their arms around his shoulders while checking for injuries.
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"R-remy" He cried out. He hugged them as tight as he could and slumped his head against their chest. Uneven sobs racked his body.
"It's okay. It's okay babe. Shhh. Breathe for me" They moved their hand through his hair to soothe him "Just follow my breathing"
"You c-can't be hu-hurt"
"I'm not. I promise. You always take my injuries for me like an idiot. I'm 100% okay"
"It's- They- He-"
With a shaky hand he took out the dogtag from his pocket. It felt like the name engraved on it burned into his skin. Remy held onto his hand.
"What- who's tag is that?"
Remus glanced up at them with tear filled eyes "The f-former 009. Roman"
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soviet-history-detective · 5 years ago
Legasov You Did Not Know
I am going to share an ingot of solid gold right now, the kind that will break your heart and ruin your day.
I have unearthed this some time ago from a book that’s been long out of print. It is the translation of a truly heart-wrenching eulogy written by his late widow, Margarita Mihailovna Legasova. There is a lot of new information about Legasov in this piece, the kind of things only the wife of 30 years would know. 
Defenceless Victor—Margarita Legasova’s title of her reminiscences 
This title in Trud was followed by a quotation by Valery Legasov:
There are two colour photos hanging in my office at work. One of them is of a Nuclear Atomic Plant, the other of storks. These photos hang near each other as a reminder of the close relationship between life, nature and technology, letting one know beforehand of the fragility of life, about the necessity to keep it. I recalled these photos when I worked in Chernobyl eliminating the consequences of the accident at the NPP. Really, could storks in the future, living on the earth, feel themselves to be safe with modern industry? Is such a peaceful coexistence possible? And if possible, then what should be done to achieve this?
It was not until 10 years after the accident and eight years after Valery Legasov’s death that his widow published a short memoir in Trud that unequivocally confirmed that her husband had committed suicide on 27 April 1988. They had first met when students in the same institute and together worked at a students’ building construction project in what were termed in the USSR as the virgin lands. Under the title Defenceless Victor she described her memories of Legasov’s troubled times at Chernobyl and the period afterwards when he was, to a certain extent, ostracized by the establishment. She also includes interesting comments on what life was like for a senior scientist and his family in the Soviet system: very different from the experiences of Western scientists.
Last year we at last completed erection of a gravestone on his grave. This was with thanks to my son and daughter and a few supporters and colleagues of the Academician who helped to cover the expenses. That day when the sculptor invited me to his workshop and showed me the completed work, Valery returned home in the form of his bronze sculpture. He often had to travel away on business trips, we tried to be patient and wait for his return, but on 27 April 1988 he was transported away, already lifeless, forever. 
On Saturday 26 April 1986, Valery left for an ordinary business meeting where he learned about the Chernobyl NPP accident and that evening he was already 2 km away from the destroyed reactor. Life seemingly continued but terrible forebodings did not allow us to relax and stop worrying about his health. After 27 April our acquaintances began to say that badly irradiated victims of the accident had begun to be transported to Moscow to Hospital No. 6. Nobody could tell me when he would return. 
On the morning of 5 May about 8am there was a ring at the door bell and Valery entered in a borrowed suit of clothes and carrying a polythene bag with belongings rather than his normal case. He was very thin, with a dark face, red eyes and the palms of his hands were tanned black. He only had time to wash, change, breakfast and ask about his two grandchildren before he had to leave at 10am for a meeting. There was no time to tell us what was the state of events at Chernobyl. Then at lunchtime one of his assistants telephoned and said that Boris Scherbina wanted him again at Chernobyl. 
It was only when he returned home later that he was able to tell us that he had personally entered the most dangerous areas in the fourth reactor and how shaken he was at the criminal carelessness displayed at the NPP before the explosion. 
He next returned home on 13 May and it seemed to us that the biggest difficulties were in the past: but we soon understood that we were mistaken. By summer Valery was already in poor health, suffering from frequent headaches, chronic insomnia, nausea and stomach illness. It was difficult to recognize the earlier Valery in this morally depressed man. He was taken many times for medical investigation to Hospital No. 6 of the atomic establishment. Heart insufficiency, serious leukocytosis, problems with his myelocytes and bone marrow were diagnosed, as well as neurosis. But no official diagnosis was made of radiation syndrome, although I had no doubt that it was so. 
He became an Academician at the early age of 45 but some of the leading figures of Soviet science called him ‘A boy from the chemical suburbs’. However, he was interesting to work with and liked jokes, being famous as an amusing raconteur, although everyone knew that science was the principal interest of his life. His private family life was unknown to his colleagues. 
For five years, 1964–69, we lived in a flat of 22 square metres at Nizhegorodskaya Street. Though we could use only communal transportation we often made trips together with our two little children to Kuskovo, Ostankino and Arkangelskoye. In Tsaritsino we enjoyed ski holidays. It now seems that these were the happiest times of our lives. 
Valery was a car enthusiast for the last 10 years of his life and loved driving at very high speeds. He had always wanted a private car and his first, which was also his last, was a GAZ-25 Volga which we bought in 1977 for 9500 roubles when he was a Candidate Member of the Academy of Sciences. The initial capital for the purchase was his quota from his State Prize received for his achievements in the field of chemistry. 
We usually celebrated New Year in the circle of our family, sometimes in a rest house. One of these days a pure bred chau chau puppy appeared in our family and it was assumed that it was my New Year’s gift. Ma Lu Thomas, as she was called, would recognize only Valery as his owner and loved being in our car. She was inseparable from him and died just after Valery’s death. He was also an adoring grandfather to Misha and Valerik and invented little poems for them and played charades. 
As a boy he received a musical education and for many years was interested in listening and understanding classical music: Grieg, Sibelius, Shostakovich and Prokofiev. He was also fond of Schnitke. Over the years we bought tickets for many concerts in the Tschaikovsky Concert Hall of the Musical Conservatoire. Valery’s last concert was in Lithuania in the summer of 1987: for flute and organ. Little did I know that soon afterwards Valery would make a first attempt to commit suicide. He swallowed a handful of Triptizol tablets but that time the physicians managed to save him. 
In one Soviet TV programme is was said that Academician Legasov was a sincere believer. It is not so. From autumn 1987 he began to read the Bible and thought much about what he read. He was not baptised a Christian, but respected religion even though he was brought up an atheist. 
He considered that the East was weak and during his business trips he tried to see as much as possible of culture. He very much wanted to visit one of the sacred Islamic places, the mausoleum of Hoja Ahmed Iasavi, and the monument erected in honour of the ancient Turkish poet who lived in the twelfth century and was an advocate of Sufism. We visited the ancient city of Yami and worshipped at the grave of the philosopher, and Valery often recalled his verses:
Having met a man of another faith 
Don’t be evil to him
The God does not like people
With a cruel heart...
After their death punishment
Waits for them...
On his return from the Chernobyl NPP Valery told very sparingly, with tears in his eyes, about the unpreparedness for the accident. Those days nobody could precisely estimate the number of victims, but Legasov understood better than others, the lack of necessary means of health protection: pure water, food products, iodine prophylaxis. 
In August 1986 Valery Legasov presented a report to IAEA experts at a meeting in Vienna, about the causes and the consequences of the accident. His five-hour report was very well received and he returned home triumphal. But soon his mood changed. During the last two years after the accident he suffered great psychological trauma and his inner strength was broken. 
Twice he was nominated for a high award from the State, and twice the nomination was cancelled. He received a suggestion that he might take up a position with the IAEA in the field of nuclear technology: again, obstacles appeared. There was also the planned nomination for Director of a Research Centre on the Problems of Industrial and Nuclear Safety: this came to nothing. His election as a Member of the French Academy of Sciences was apparently assured and although we went to Paris on 4 February 1988, his last business trip, he did not receive Membership. Also, just after his Paris trip he was hospitalized with acute leukocytosis, pneumonia and severe neurosis. 
Chernobyl was not only a tragedy of international importance but it was also the personal tragedy of the gifted scientist Valery Legasov. 
Source: Chernobyl Record- The Definitive History of the Chernobyl Catastrophe, R F Mould
I had a feeling there was more to Legasov than what we see in the written material out there (I read Russian at upper intermediate level so I have access to quite a lot of info, and I have read the magnificent in-depth science-engineering reform articles of him which were absolutely jaw-dropping in their visionary quality. Yet some of the information in this article blew my mind.  Legasov’s intellectual side is far deeper than anyone’s guess, that is evident.
All the documentary films and other material mention Legasov took sleeping pills in his first suicide attempt in 1987, but it turns out it was Triptizol, which is the brand name of Amitriptyline -a powerful antidepressant prescribed for major depression and where SSRI’s don’t work. It has been used as sleeping medicine in the US, but I have no clue if it had such use in the USSR. It is known Legasov developed a serious insomnia problem, but he was also diagnosed with major clinical depression. 
Margarita Legasova was a professor of chemistry, they both graduated from the prestigious Mendeleev School of Chemistry, where they met (as mentioned in the beginning.)
The dog’s name sounds like it’s mistranscribed or something, in Russian language articles written by Legasov’s close friends she is mentioned as Tomka. Poor thing stopped eating after she realized he was gone forever and died shortly after. 
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wlwdjh · 5 years ago
hi. i think i might have some early fibromyalgia but the internet isn't helping me too much. how did you get a diagnosis? how did it feel for you in the beggining? please i need some help i have been struggling with health for a few years but lately its gotten worse and neither my mum (undergraduate in medicine) nor any doctors ive been to know whats going on. Ive been on antidepressants for a while but stopped them. i cant say they helped. do you have any experience you can share?
Hi hun. First I want to preface this by saying I am in no way a medical professional so all I can do is share my experience. I also am located in the United States and have health insurance, which is going to make my experience different than a lot of others. I’m gonna put the rest under a cut just in case anyone has trouble reading about medical issues.
Fibromyalgia is a weird diagnosis, in that it’s a diagnosis by elimination. Before I was diagnosed by a Rheumatologist (a doctor who specializes in diseases of the connective tissue like arthritis) I spent years working with my doctor to figure out the source of my chronic pain. At 19 I was in a car accident and my doctor checked me over and took x-rays, all of which came out completely normal. Slowly over the course of the next few years though my health started to deteriorate.
At first I thought it was only mental. I was having major anxiety, to the point where I couldn’t go to school, and depression severe enough that I couldn’t get out of bed. I was sent to a psychiatrist, who listened to my symptoms for 15 minutes, diagnosed me with a panic disorder, and prescribed me Fluoxetine (Prozac) and sent me on my way.
Here’s the thing with meds - they work, but it’s often a struggle to find the right one. A lesser known symptom of Fibromyalgia is medication sensitivity. While Prozac works wonders for millions of people, it was way to strong for me, and left me feeling like a zombie. So after a few months of this drug, I went back to the same doctor. He maintained his previous diagnosis but switched me to Buspirone, a medication that is used just for the treatment of anxiety. I definitely think that it helped, but it didn’t do anything for my depression or any of my other symptoms.
While I was trying to figure out my mental health I started having more severe chronic pain. I was a dancer from twelve to twenty, and was in the best shape of my life when I started having severe joint and muscle pain. I thought I was just pushing myself too hard honestly, and just tried to slow down on my classes. I went from dancing 8-12 hours a week to not at all.
I also was having issues with memory - I was losing gaps in the day and couldn’t focus on things I used to love like reading. I was also exhausted 24/7.
It’s around this time that I dropped my psychiatrist and went without medical intervention for about a year. I realized at 21 that my depression was getting worse and worse - that summer I spent an entire week in bed, and my best friend had to come and make sure I was eating. I started seeing an MFT, and going through my own journey to mental health.
When I finally (through tons of incredibly hard work) pulled myself out of that hole I stopped being emotionally stoic and started noticing hey, my body is getting worse. My IBS symptoms started around the age of 23, and I lost quite a bit of weight just by not being able to eat anything. I also, through the encouragement of my therapist, started going back to my primary care physician, and he started trying to puzzle it out with me. First we thought the symptoms were depression related, so he put me on Welbutrin (which I still take to this day). It was unlike the other drugs in that taking it actually gave me energy and cleared my mind, rather than fogging it up further. Then he sent me to Physical Therapy. The PT was horrified at the state of my back at this point and put me through 8 weeks of grueling therapy. I would leave in incredible pain every day and then have to go home and do more exercises. While it wasn’t pleasant I can say that it gave me some of the knowledge that I use now in trying to treat my Fibro.
I also went through an elimination diet to try to find my trigger food for my IBS. I had never before in my life shown signs of dairy intolerance and then here at the age of 23 I was developing a rash on my arm any time I tried to eat mac and cheese lol. Cutting that out of my diet made a big difference in my gut health.
This whole time I was doing lots and lots of internet research on my own. I remember coming across an article about Fibromyalgia and its symptoms and how my heart stopped when I read it. I took it with me to my next doctor’s appointment and he admitted that he didn’t know much about the disease but that he could refer me to the doctor who did. In the meantime he put me on Gabapentin for my pain (which just made me feel drunk and dizzy half the time, not my fav).
The first appointment with my Rheumatologist was terrifying. I kept thinking that all my symptoms were just caused by my depression, that I was faking, that here I was about to be laughed out of another doctor’s office as a liar and attention seeker. Instead my doctor sat me down, asked me about my mental illness, my family history, my lifestyle, my diet, how bad my pain was, where it was located, and never once suggested that any of my symptoms were in my head. I went home and cried that night - I had never felt more validated in my life.
Before I could get my diagnosis we had to run some tests. My Rheumatologist had access to all of my results from previous x-rays and tests but had to run some blood tests to rule out anything else. I also underwent a physical test where she checked for trigger points - they’re basically small points on your body that cause intense pain when pressed. Almost all of the points hurt me haha. After a few weeks, at 24, five years after my initial onset of symptoms I had my diagnosis. I was prescribed Cymbalta and told to stop eating gluten, start exercising more, and to take care of myself. That’s the hardest part of this condition for me - the only way to treat it is by living a healthy lifestyle, which is incredibly difficult to do on my own due to my mental health issues.
It’s been a journey for me, and I’m sorry to say that everyone I’ve talked to with Fibro has had a journey as well. It’s just not a condition that doctors are quick to diagnose patients with. I know it can be hard but self advocacy is going to be your best bet towards getting a diagnosis. Remember that even without one your pain is still real.
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tamerajedwards · 2 years ago
DEALING WITH SEVERE ANXIETY and PTSD-My own story! And yes! Creative people are more likely to suffer from this-
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An interesting fact! Out of control anxiety can cause acid reflux. I should have put this together long ago. My acid reflux’s started in 2008 when I was in a stressful marriage that led to divorce. I never dealt fully with a lot of my issues from my past including that marriage. As I carried it forward it affected my health. The anxiety, which I refused to treat with medication and counseling at the time then turned into weight gain, stress and acid reflux. Fast forward 14 years, I have taken off 40 pounds, started counseling and I’m on day 3 with anxiety medication. I pray I can really turn my life around.
I keep a journal everyday which includes thoughts, foods and meds. Maybe it’s a bit OCD but I’m a girl who wants answers. Here’s something interesting. I was afraid to take anxiety medication because of possible side affects. I don’t like to feel uncomfortable not even for a second. Depression medication can do that too. It’s like taking off in an airplane ✈️. It can take a few weeks before reaching cruising altitude. On the way UP you can feel restless, twitchy, and creepy crawly sensations in your body that you may just want to take the meds and throw them in the garbage which is exactly what I did a few years back. I’m still not willing to try an antidepressant again. Millions of people are on them and I believe God gave us medications for a reason. So by all means I am supportive of this.
So here’s an interesting observation I made. Three nights ago I took my first anxiety pill and didn’t feel much, just a little sleepy and dizzy (which are side effects) then on night two I felt concerned- two hours after taking the pill I started feeling very noticeable creepy crawling sensations in my face and scalp. I reached up to rub my head and face to make it go away. I can be a side effect of several medications. It made me uncomfortable! It made me miserable and upset that the thing I’m trying to get away from —->ANXIETY was the one thing taking this medication was giving me back! I did happen to take note that I was watching a movie called “13 Lives”. This is the movie about 13 soccer players and their coach trapped in a cave in Thailand for over 2 weeks during monsoon season. Rescuers had to dive into the cave and it took over 3 hours to reach them, then they had to sedate them to bring them out which took another 3 hours under the water in tight spaces just to bring them out. I guess I was more tense than I realized. Although I love movies like this, they aren’t good for me.
So on night three I took the anxiety pill expecting the weird sensations to return, but this time they didn’t. So at this point in time what I can conclude is that the movie gave me anxiety and the ants crawling on my face and scalp sensation. This means that circumstances such as this can overstimulate your parasympathetic nervous system. I had actually put myself in the cave with those boys and tried to figure out how I might get out if that was me. My imagination is so strong. It always has been. I’m a hugely creative person. My greatest strength in life is also my Achilles heel. Isn’t that how life goes?
Psychotherapist Diana Pitaru explained that anxiety is often felt by creative people even if the symptoms vary from one person to another. It's not uncommon to learn that creative people like artists, singers, actors, and writers struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety.Feb 28, 2022
Many people turn to recreational drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, and many other elements that are only bandaids that only mask dealing with problems head on. I am not immune to this either. Maybe that’s why you hear of so many Hollywood people crashing and burning, or going to rehab or worse yet, dying. We each must deal with this on our own. We certainly don’t need to hear people saying, “Just get over it! Why are you feeling that way? Just stop feeling anxious.” We did not order this. It’s not like we want depression and anxiety to take over our bodies. Sometimes it happens with no reason at all. What we do need is supportive people in our lives. Not ones who abandon us in the middle of a panic attack or health issue. Surround yourselves with supportive people and get rid of unsupportive people. They aren’t ready to understand until it happens to them.
The one thing I want you all to take from my blog is that NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE should ever be ashamed or shamed for having Depression, anxiety, Bi Polar, Autism, PTSD, OCD, or any other condition. You should feel love and support from everyone around you. It’s just like having any other physical illness in your body. There is no shame.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. May you all find peace, health, and happiness in your life!
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1suebop · 6 years ago
My depression story- November 2018:
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor with any medical training except for my own personal study and experiences. Please consult your own very experienced physician about any medications or treatments that are specific to your situation.
Hello, friends. I am a 51 year old woman who resides in Oregon in the US. I’m a mom of five healthy children and have been married for 30 years. So, yes, a very blessed life—no severe tragedies in my life thus far to cause severe MMD/TRD. My personal, and unprofessional, belief is that depression comes from either an outer tragic experience, a deep poor mental perspective, or a physical anomaly – or any combination of the 3. I deeply wanted to share the story of my battle with depression for the past 17 years because it is with great hope that someone out there will read it and get (real) information from a (real) human being that has been through a lot of treatments and medications.
I am going to try and hit the highlights quickly:
I had had postpartum depression after each of my five babies that always took a few months but eventually disappeared. That is, until baby number five, when the start of 17 years of depression began.
My OB recognized the signs and immediately put me on an SSRI. After 4 days, the sun came out! I was completely sold on medications at that point. Sadly, it pooped out after about a year.
We moved to Oregon then and I had to start over with a new family doctor, then a psychological nurse, then my first psychiatrist. (as of now, I’ve had 3 psychiatrists here in Oregon).
All of the medical personnel, I believe, did the best they could with the training and experience they had. However, there was a particular class of medications that no one ever offered me : MAOIs (specifically Parnate or tranylcypromine). In my humble opinion, this is a travesty against human kind. If you have the time, research it and see its success rates. Also, a super experienced doctor in Australia named Ken Gillman, whom I’ve had the pleasure of Skyping with, has a very thorough web site on MAOIs called psychotropical.info.
A bit more of my medical experience : I’ve been on so many different antidepressants and meds to augment them, that I couldn’t possibly remember them all. I do remember a lot of switching, titrating up, and complete experimentation. After being on a combo of Effexor (venlafaxine—AND PLEASE READ BELOW WHAT I WROTE OF THE WORLD’S MOST AWFUL DRUG!) and Abilify, my doctor was so desperate (as I was) she included the amphetamine, Vyvanse, which worked great until I had hit the maximum dose and it just wasn’t enough anymore. She then added Adderall to the mix. Again, Adderall needed to be increased in time to get the desired effect. I now had officially become a drug addict in my opinion. Oh, and Klonopin (clonazepam) combined with Clonidine to be able to sleep at night – no surprise there. I also do not want to leave out that I have had a psychotherapist for 2 years – one of the best things to come out of this trial (and he has become my very dear friend as well).
EFFEXOR (VENLAFAXINE) NOTE: While this particular drug may appear to be just another antidepressant, it is NOT! I know that it is effective for some and possibly worth the risk. But please do not go into it blindly. The physicians that prescribe it (I believe) do not know about the withdrawal effects. To name a few which last for 6 weeks to many months after the last dose: sever nausea, sweats/chills, constant brain “zaps”, body aches, and even more severe depression had it not ever been taken at all. I have contacted the FDA about this drug in hopes that at the very least, physicians, and therefore patients, will be fully informed of the chance they are taking. I personally am NOT a fragile flower (my liver can metabolize just about anything) and I swear to you, EFFEXOR should truly be taken off the market.
In the last 12 months…. I have withdrawn from Clonidine, Abilify, Adderall, Vyvanse (pure h***), and continue to withdraw from Effexor (its been only four weeks, so I am still suffering ). I’ve done TMS (which I HIGHLY recommend, even if it’s wonderful effects only lasted two weeks for me, it may be the magic bullet for someone else). 10 treatments of ECT (completely ineffective, and the memory loss and heartbreak have been horrible). But I’m still, however, hanging onto my dear psychotherapist!
There was a psychiatrist that was present during my detox off of Vyvanse up in Portland (I took the route of an IV Nadh treatment for a week) who was the first person to suggest the MAOI (Parnate). Be alert, if you go hunting around on the net about MAOIs, you will get a ton of dated misinformation (even on WebMD and Drugs.com) that will scare the heck out of you. Please, again, check out Dr. Gillman’s site: psychotropical.info for the most up to the minute research on this (perhaps magical) medication. If you research long enough (as I have) you will discover exactly who knows their pharmaceutical business and who does not. It truly is shocking.
Current update, Nov. 18th, 2018, (which I will continue as time goes on) : My current meds are 25mg of Parnate- my awesomely open minded doc is titrating it up very slowly. The therapeutic dose is 30-60mg, so while I cannot say yet that I have finally won the war, my hopes are pretty high. But I will update one way or another soon. Right now, every day feels like an eternity—Note: I took my last dose of Effexor 4 weeks ago and then had to have a “washout“ period of about a week. The only clear sign that my body is responding to the Parnate is miserable insomnia which is very common. (FYI: I figured out that a combo of 75mg trazodone and 1mg of clonazepam works like a dream, pun intended!- and it is completely safe to take with Parnate).
My suggestions if you ever go this route:
*always keep in mind this is a LONG process, so don’t give up!
*be super careful with drug and food interactions. MAOISs CAN KILL you, but the information on the internet is old and exaggerated—so study up!
*get on top of your sleep. It’s the only break from the suffering you will get.
*small doses of caffeine have been my friend. And Klonopin/Clonazepam, once I got my sleeping under control, helps give me a lovely nap everyday.
*I only read about this recently, so it’s a little late for me to try it, but it should be known that patients who are switching from an SSRI/SNRI to Parnate, can (it’s safe) use Nortriptyline as a bridge while coming off one drug and starting the MAOI to ease the withdrawal symptoms. This idea is totally worth looking into.
*please find a belief system: God, Buddha, the Universe, whatever. You WILL need it in those dark days.
*And please know that you are not alone. Ever! You are important and worthwhile. I personally care about each of you (if only for the fact that I’m your sister in suffering) and totally believe that a happy future is in store for you.
Love and hugs, Suebop
I’m going to post this letter on a few depression forums… so you may bump into it more than once. Sorry!
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godzillamendoza · 7 years ago
Leaving Behind 2017 - Relationships are haaaarrrrdddd
So much to some people’s surprise I’m sure, I’ve been with a couple girls this past year. Like real ones, not those ones that holographically project themselves over prostitutes that you can install in your ceiling. (does anyone get that joke? No one saw that movie but me, right?) Ah jeez.
Gotta learn to quit automatically deflecting with humor when something stressful comes up. Gahh! This is a healing/learning experience. 
Okay, so context is important. I know all of this is stuff from before 2017, but it leads into how this year went so its important to cover: in 2015 I had my first girlfriend, whom I shall not refer to by name. She and I dated on and off for about 5 months and it was the first real relationship I had been in. We started dating after I told her no 2 times. The third time she asked me to be her boyfriend, her friend was there and they sort of pressured me into it so I just went with it. Then I had my first kiss with a crowd of her friends standing around me, watching to make sure I followed through on the day after. The majority of our conversations were through text or skype, even though we went to the same school. She was just too busy to ever hang out with me outside of school. She was often jealous of me talking to other girls, she mocked me constantly and called all my hobbies “nerd shit” and rolled her eyes at me when I said I didn’t want to smoke weed with her. Then she told me she’d be hanging out with a guy named Patrick at her house after she met him over snapchat. I was obviously a little worried about it and she told me I was being controlling and needed to back off, so I did. Then a week later I tracked down Patrick and confronted him, asking why she was suddenly so cold and distant. He bragged to me about how good of a time they had together and how she complained about me constantly. He said the sentence “she’ll be mine by the end of the week.” Being cheated on by your first girlfriend in addition to some emotional abuse and being kept at a distance constantly... well all of it is like a perfect storm of PROBLEMS that you’ll have to deal with later. We broke up after I told her that I knew what they did, though it was like 2 weeks later because I was naive and forgiving at first. She’s dated around 5-7 people since that venture ended 2 years ago, so clearly she learned a lot from it. She also offered to go out with my again while she was dating another guy, which caused me to... well let’s just say I wrote a very long, very mean spirited message that I don’t regret.
Naturally, after all that, my self esteem was subterranean. I had a lot of image problems due to her comments on my appearance. I had severe trust issues with... well pretty much everyone. I had problems liking myself and I just needed outlets to focus on while I was lost. So I started making more videos on comic book stuff. While I was dating this girl I made a short video essay/editorial thing on my thoughts for casting Spider-Man in the Marvel cinematic universe. She was quick to dismiss it, but I felt like it was the first thing on YT that I was truly proud of and I wanted to make more. After we broke up I did that video about Spider-Man videogames you might have seen once or twice. It currently has over 400 THOUSAND views. I owe it to this girl I suppose, she made me so miserable that I accidentally became a z-list internet celebrity to take my mind off being miserable. It didn’t exactly fix my emotional issues, but it was a coping method that was better than becoming a meth addict or something.
--so on to 2017. This was the year where I started dating again. Obviously I would still have a lot of baggage after that first girl and everything that happened with her. I met a rather mousy girl in high school who I’ll refer to as... uh... how about Sandra? That’s extremely far off from her real name. Sandra. Well anyway, I met Sandra in high school and we kinda became friends. I wasn’t all that attracted to her physically. I’m still not. She’s not ugly, nor is it a shallowness thing, she’s just not really my type. I’m not the guy to just “take whatever I can get.” So it was a difficult decision when she told me how utterly heartbroken she was when she had no date to prom. I figured it would give me a good excuse to go to the prom and I would be making someone else happy, so I took her. And from that point forward she became rather infatuated with me and I made the hideous mistake of “just going with it” so I didn’t hurt her feelings. I tried my damnedest to find things to like about her as a girlfriend, but we were really a pretty bad fit. Plus, we had this sort of non-commital and strange relationship where we didn’t consider ourselves a couple, but still ended up holding hands or hanging out outside of school a lot. Sandra had never dated anyone before and I was a trainwreck because of the girl from 2015, so it was this stilted and halfhearted attempt at romance. 
She wrote me a letter once, confessing her feelings about me and the way she thought of me at night. She was too nervous to give it to me in person, and had a mutual friend deliver the note. It was full of grammatical and spelling errors, and her handwriting lacked something to be desired. I was both honored... and slightly put off by it. She was 18 years old, with her own car and a paying job, but her methods of going after this relationship reminded me of the silly things I did in 5th grade. I guess that’s when I realized that I couldn’t keep leading her on and that it wasn’t really meant to be. I was looking for something a little more serious and age appropriate, but she still couldn’t handle something like that and I didn’t really feel for her how she felt for me. So I... just couldn’t figure out what to tell her. I ended up using graduation as a means to distance myself. We were moving off to different colleges with different goals and ambitions. I felt guilt for a long time for just brushing her off without saying anything beyond “I’m not really at a good place for a relationship right now, mentally.” Which was the truth, but I felt like I could have said more. We’ll put a pin in the story of Sandra for the time being, because it has a more clear resolution later. 
Shortly before graduation, I received a piece of fan art on twitter that was truly special. It was probably one of the most accurate and detailed pictures of me anyone had ever drawn. Whoever did it clearly spent a lot of time staring at my old mug to make it happen and I was really impressed with it. I showed it to my classmates to not-so-humbly brag about my following online (come on, I had to be excited about something SOMETIMES, its not like I did it more than that one time). Then to my surprise I saw that there was a particularly pretty girl in the profile picture of the person that sent me this piece of fan art. I think my female audience is kind of small, so I was really happy to see one of them sending fan art and kind words. Plus I thought she was cute. 
I sent her a DM on twitter saying that I thought it was really cool and probably one of my favorite pieces of fan art ever, she responded and we just kind of started talking from there. The more I learned about her, the more I liked her. We had a SCARY amount of things in common. Like, favorite comics, movies, books. We shared a similar sense of humor, we had the same extremely jaded reaction to fictional violence and laughed while looking at covers of “Crossed” together. We even took the same type of antidepressant medication. I fell for her really quickly, probably in the first 15 minutes of what would be a 9 hour conversation. Of course our mutual insomnia kept us from caring about sleep and we just kept talking and sharing stories and pictures of cosplay. I felt like I had never felt before. For the sake of protecting her identity, let’s say her name is uh... Lila. Sure, some of you internet detectives might be able to find out her real name, but I ask you... please don’t harass her or ask her about any of this. Respect her privacy, respect her decisions, and respect her in general. 
So, Lila and I made an amazing match it seemed. She made me feel... like I had been found after being lost again. Part of me resigned to this notion that I’d never meet a girl who I had things in common with. Maybe I’d live my life with my interests and dreams being silly to the women I spent my time with, or worse, boring. Lila treated me like the things that I did and talked about were interesting. She thought I was cool. It helped undo a lot of self loathing just talking to her for that first 3 days. I was walking with a spring in my step at school for the final few days, I was singing in my choir class instead of just lip syncing, I was acting like I didn’t care what anyone thought of me, because at least she thought I was interesting, and that was all I needed. In a way, just meeting her was what I needed to get over a lot of pain, and I’ll always be thankful for her giving that to me. We didn’t have to be in a relationship, I just needed the validation of knowing girls like her existed. She stayed up until 4 Am with me on school nights, talking with me through text or skype helping me stay awake to finish studying for my geography test. We spent hours just talking about our lives and what we thought of the world. We shared our experiences battling depression. Eventually she told me that I made her happy when nothing else could and I said the same. In almost a week it felt like we knew each other for a life-time. So at 3 AM one night I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. The problem with that was... she lived in a different country.
 I never really considered that part until after it was too late. Long distance relationships have always seemed like a huge gamble to me, but I was willing to risk it for Lila. And for about a month, it was working REALLY well. We would watch movies together on skype, share ideas for cosplays, and just chat until the sun came up every night. She even helped me bake apology cupcakes for my mom at 5 AM after I carved a spider logo into the kitchen table on accident. I was feeling freaked out because I felt genuinely happy for the first time in two years and I was just waiting for some anvil to fall on me and everything to be ruined. But the distance and our age became a problem. We were both at the very end of high school, just about to go to college and unsure of where life would go. She mentioned that she was thinking about traveling abroad to go to college. I had a conversation about it with my mom and BOY did she take it far immediately. “Ask her to go to your college! She could move in with us! We have the room now! You could drive her to school every day and eventually get your own place and get married and have kids and blah blah blah blah...”
My mother was just excited. She’s also been going through relationship problems too in the last year, and was just living vicariously through me. My mom wanted something to be stable and long lasting and fun, but she didn’t realize that it was too early to ask Lila for these things... and I... like a complete idiot... asked Lila if she wanted to go to college with me and live in America with me. I pretty much asked her to move in with me after knowing her for 6 weeks. She still had a lot to learn about me, and vice versa. We were worlds apart and it would have been a huge step if she only lived down the street, let alone in a different country. I shouldn’t have asked, and I ESPECIALLY, shouldn’t have asked more than once. I still feel like an idiot for it to this day and it was nearly 6 months ago. Then things started getting worse, mostly due to my previous relationships bleeding into my actions. 
The girl I dated in 2015 cheated on me because I was so hesitant to be physically intimate with her. That creates a lot of doubt and shame, so I started asking Lila how she felt about that sort of thing if we were to meet in person one day. She became uncomfortable with the subject and I very awkwardly tried to steer the conversation away from it. Then a message meant for someone else accidentally got sent to her without context that SEVERELY damaged the situation. When being asked about the price of something by a friend, I sent back a number, which went to Lila and without context “... about 8.50″ looks VERY... weird? Maybe even kinda threatening if you misconstrue it the right way? I looked like the biggest creep/moron! So I tanked that 4 AM conversation pretty hard, and then listened to some very, very poor advice from a friend who said “just try to be casual with her about that stuff.” Because of my internal fears of her being bored with me if things didn’t get hot and heavy now and then, I started awkwardly making more casual references and jokes regarding sex over the following two days. It made her uncomfortable, and she kept quiet about it, so I kept doing it until I just couldn’t anymore. I had to tell her that I didn’t like it either and that I was doing it because I was worried she’d end up getting tired of a relationship where it wasn’t a factor. I held her to the same standards as the girl from 2015, and it was unfair. She wouldn’t cheat on me if I didn’t bring up intimacy constantly, and I was stupid for thinking she might. I won’t make excuses, but I will say why I did that. And I know I learned from it and won’t do that ever again. That made things a little more tense and over time, we started having other issues as well. 
Lila made an off handed reference to some passage of her diary she wrote about me in the last few days we talked. The thing she said concerned me, as it didn’t sound positive at all. I pressed her on it because I was worried it was just several pages of her listing off the things she hated about me. Eventually she broke and read it off, and it was just several pages of her listing off the things she hated about me. She disliked my dress sense and hated my clothes, she thought the way I ate food was stupid looking(???) she felt weird about dating me for my RACE, because apparently she didn’t talk to many white guys except me. She spent hours of her personal time writing about superficial things about me that she didn’t like, and thus my self image problem had returned and I didn’t wear button up shirts for 4 months. I asked her if there was anything she DID like about me, and after a long time of struggling to find something to say, she said she liked my sense of humor and that I was nice to her. Which are... kinda general reasons to like someone? Like, non-specific and sort of forced. Then over the next few weeks she started insulting me a lot more. She developed a habit of casually calling me a... derogatory term for homosexual... (not sure what twitter’s policy is on cussing and slurs, currently so I don’t want to say it) and saying hurtful things randomly. I figured it was time to accept that the honeymoon phase was over and that she didn’t like me nearly as much as she initially thought. She didn’t like me nearly as much as I liked her. Then the final straw happened. 
Being in a relationship with someone so far away can be stressful, because your ability to speak to them is entirely dependent on the use of the internet and all its various outlets. If she were to just decide one day she didn’t like using Facebook messenger anymore and delete it, I wouldn’t be able to speak with Lila through it unless I used something else. So when she casually deleted messenger one day, I just... couldn’t hear from her anymore. She never told me she was going to do it, so all of my messages to her on the first day went to no one. I decided to give her some space and assumed she just didn’t feel like talking. By day 5 I was a nervous wreck and assumed she died and had no idea where she was or what happened to her. I was losing sleep over it, my friend was checking police reports in her area, I messaged her on twitter asking if she was okay. I got no response and felt so scared. Eventually, my friend Damian messaged her on twitter myself and she responded in a few short hours, just saying she forgot to tell me about it and resumed talking to me on twitter like nothing happened. All that worry and anxiety turned to anger really quickly, because she was either trying to break up with me in an indirect way by ignoring me, or she was just being inconsiderate and actually forgot to tell me our main means of communication was going away for no specific reason. I didn’t resent her, but I was upset.
This caused me to think long and hard about the relationship and how it was doing after those short few months. We both made mistakes. I got way ahead of myself and was asking about very serious steps way too early, I let my distrust of people guide my decision to act like someone I wasn’t to keep her interest because of past experiences, and she undermined a lot of my self confidence and said some very toxic things. I wasn’t quite ready for a long distance relationship and I was still hung up on bad things from my past. She hadn’t dated anyone before and wasn’t really ready to commit, nor did she have much interest in it. We agreed that going back to being friends was better, before we started to hate each other. And of course, we talked less and less in the following weeks until not at all. We haven’t spoken in a few months now, and looking back I’m not proud of my actions or hers. I think in another life, another time, after we both did a lot of growing up, we might have made a really great team. As I said before, I’m still very thankful to have met her. I think just meeting her gave me a lot of hope and confidence that even she couldn’t really ever take away. I know now that I have a chance at meeting someone who doesn’t look at me like an alien. I know now that I can’t be distrustful and hold everyone to the same standard as people. I know now that if I were to try dating again, there are a lot of bad choices that I’d avoid (definitely wouldn’t be so damn clingy, ew). And I know now that the girl from 2015 isn’t the only girl on Earth who will be interested in me, I just have to look for another one. As for “Sandra,” I texted her midway through this last semester telling her that I felt guilty about the way things quietly drifted off, and we met up a few weeks before thanksgiving break. That night we tried one more time, going to a restaurant with no open seats and a 2 hour waiting time. She said she wasn’t hungry and we went back to her place where she had no food so I remained starving for that night. Her parents weren’t home, and we... spent the rest of the night looking at vacation photos on her phone. It was clear that the magic just wasn’t there, and I told her before I left that I appreciated her giving me the opportunity to tell her that it just wasn’t meant to be. She had no interest in the things I liked, and while I could see that she tried to like those things too, her heart wasn’t in it. So we ended things amicably like we should have months before. I was proud with how I handled it, and I felt as if though I was finally an adult when it came to my relationships. 
I don’t need another person to like me in order to validate my existence. I don’t need to have everyone in the world think I’m awesome. I don’t need to rely on someone constantly to maintain my self confidence and my image. I don’t need to date someone to avoid feeling lonely, because you can be just as lonely in a relationship as you are out of one. I don’t need to say and do things untrue to myself to keep someone interested in me, because if they lost interest when I act like myself, they aren’t worth my time. I don’t need to date someone to feel complete. I don’t need to date someone just because I don’t want to hurt their feelings by turning them down. If you’re feeling alone lately and having a hard time getting into a relationship, just remember you don’t need any of that. There’s always someone out there for you, and your interests don’t make you completely alone, even if it feels like there’s no one else in the world that shares them. Being into “nerd shit” doesn’t guarantee that you can’t find someone to love and care about, and even if someone loves the same stuff as you, it might not work out anyway and that’s perfectly fine. Just remember that the only person you need to believe in you is you and no one else can fix you but you. Try to find someone after you have all that stuff sorted out or you’ll just end up getting hurt again. 
In all reality, I don’t need a girlfriend at all, but I’d still like one because the company is nice. There’s a girl out there for me, and I’m going to avoid the mistakes I’ve made in the past, and I’m going to leave behind the baggage and tragedies that lie behind me. Who knows, maybe going into 2018, I’ll get to meet her. Let’s hope so.
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expatimes · 4 years ago
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A geneticist’s biggest challenge: Curing his own son
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Palo Alto, California – Whitney Dafoe’s day begins at 2:30pm. His father, Ron Davis, peeks through the keyhole into the 37-year-old’s room. Is he awake?
ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRY is scrawled in red on a handmade sign pinned to the door below a picture of the Dalai Lama. Davis has rushed home from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, to take the afternoon shift. When Whitney raises his left hand, fingers clenched to a fist, that’s Davis’s cue. Whitney is ready for his dad to change his diapers, put ice on his aching belly, and refill the IV-drip.
Davis’s shift ends at 6pm when his wife, Janet Dafoe, takes over. Dafoe, a child psychologist, carefully attaches a bag filled with liquid nutrients to her son’s j-tube because he cannot digest solid food. She will also take the night shift, so her 79-year-old husband can return to Stanford to work on the task that’s been governing his life for years: finding a cure for his son.
Whitney was diagnosed in 2010 with myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a complex illness that leads to debilitating exhaustion, brain fog, insomnia and neurocognitive impairments. Any physical or mental effort aggravates the fatigue. He has been mostly bedridden for the last 10 years and has not spoken a word since Christmas 2014. He only communicates via pantomime or by typing short messages into his tablet. In one of his texts several years ago, Whitney typed, “Chronic fatigue sounds too banal. I call it total body shutdown.” He added an apology to his parents: “I am sorry I’m ruining your golden years.”
At about 190cm (6-foot-3), Whitney weighs a little over 45kg (100lbs). His head is shaved, his figure emaciated. Filmmaker Jennifer Brea (Unrest), a fellow ME/CFS patient, compares the illness to “a broken battery” that can only charge to five percent. Nobody has been able to identify a single cause. There are no standard diagnostic tests and no cures, doctors can only rule out other illnesses such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or cancer.
The National Academy of Sciences estimates that up to 2.5 million Americans suffer from ME/CFS, and an estimated 84 to 91 percent of people with ME/CFS are not diagnosed. The World Health Organization lists ME/CFS as a neurological illness, but Davis is convinced he’s confronting an autoimmune disorder, not unlike MS. Like many autoimmune disorders, it disproportionately affects women. His research became especially urgent after Dr Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the US, warned that the novel coronavirus could cause ME/CFS.
“CFS is probably the last major illness we need to figure out,” says Davis, who speaks with a voice so tender everyone around him immediately lapses into silence so they can understand his words. “I feel the tremendous weight to find a solution.”
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Whitney Dafoe, 37, who has chronic fatigue syndrome, weighs little more than 45kg
A problem solver
Davis, the director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center, has solved complex puzzles before. It’s something he has enjoyed since childhood when he would build model rockets, persevering despite being told by teachers that he would never amount to much because of his dyslexia.
He later developed one of the first methods for mapping DNA in 1967. In his 50-year career as a biochemist and geneticist, he has also worked with Nobel laureate James Watson at Harvard, created the first image of the pairing of two genomes, and made crucial contributions to the Human Genome Project.
I’ve always found tremendous joy in solving problems that others deem unsolvable.
Ron Davis
In 2013, Atlantic magazine counted him as one of “today’s greatest inventors.”
“I’ve always found tremendous joy in solving problems that others deem unsolvable,” he says in the foyer of his house, but the joy drains from his face when he stops at his son’s door. “My greatest hope is that we find the cause.”
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Whitney, before he became ill with ME/CFS
‘When Ron calls, we come’
Whitney was an award-winning photographer with a keen, meditative eye. The lanky, curly-headed adventurer explored all 50 states and nearly all continents with his camera. He lived with a shaman in Ecuador, discovered the Himalayas on the back of his motorcycle, and helped build a nunnery in India. Like many CFS-patients, his breakdown started with an infection: In 2007, he went to a clinic in India with a fever and bloody diarrhoea. When the doctors there could not help him, he booked the next flight home to California.
But despite innumerable doctor visits, he kept getting weaker. In 2009, he took photos of then-President Barack Obama’s inauguration but already could not work full days anymore. He tried keeping up with wedding photo assignments, but it would take him an entire week to recover.
“First he couldn’t carry his shopping bags anymore, then he became too weak to cook, so in May 2011, he moved back in with us because he didn’t have the energy anymore for the simplest everyday things,” Janet Dafoe recalls. “At first, we couldn’t understand why he was always so tired. Then, we thought, OK, who are the specialists? At which clinic can we get help? We tried absolutely everything the doctors recommended.” She runs down a long list of medications, antidepressants, cancer remedies, MS supplements. “Until we realised: Nobody knows how he can get healthy again.”
That is when Davis came to a decision: “I have to do it.”
Whitney’s state is comparable to an AIDS patient about a week before his death. And that has been the case for the last six years.
Ron Davis
The words of the doctor who finally diagnosed his son with ME/CFS burned themselves into his memory: “The good news is, he won’t die from it. The bad news is, he won’t die from it.” But the truth is that any further infection, for instance from his feeding tube, could be the end.
Davis understands his race for a cure as a race against the death of his son. “Whitney’s state is comparable to an AIDS patient about a week before his death. And that has been the case for the last six years,” Davis says. At one point, Whitney spelled D Y I N G with scrabble tiles.
In 2013, Davis founded the Stanford Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research Center (now called ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center). In his labs, centrifuges churn with the blood of dozens of severe ME patients, including his son. A geneticist colleague is sequencing their genes as a favour.
“There are still doctors who send these patients to a psychiatrist,” Davis laments. “If a general practitioner analyses Whitney’s blood, they get near-normal results. Therefore doctors think the illness is in their head.” But when he explored further, Davis detected anomalies. After more than 9,000 experiments, Davis has proven that Whitney’s blood is thicker and stickier. When he exposes the blood of healthy people to a stressor such as salt, it will soon revert back to normal, whereas the blood conductivity of CFS patients collapses. Davis has developed four diagnostic tools he is currently testing and believes he will soon be able to announce a breakthrough in confirming biomarkers.
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Ron Davis, one of the world’s leading geneticists, is focused on finding a cure for his son
But Davis’s deeply personal fight for his son’s health is also a battle for the recognition of this illness. The National Institutes of Health spent only about $15m in 2019 on ME/CFS research, which affects up to 2.5 million Americans. It spent about $111m on MS research, which affects about one million people.
Luminaries from all over the world have joined Davis’s research and flew in for the last pre-pandemic CFS Symposium at Stanford in September 2019: Robert Phair, a former Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor, has seen interrupted metabolism in patients; top surgeon Ron Tompkins established a CFS research collaboration at Harvard University; Maureen Hanson, professor of molecular biology at Cornell University who was motivated to join the efforts by a family member with CFS, has focused her research on the microbiome of patients’ gut and blood; neuroscientist Jonas Bergquist who travelled from Uppsala University, in Sweden, where he started a research centre on ME/CFS.
Stanford geneticist Mike Snyder summed up what many of them think: “When Ron calls, we come.” They all acknowledge his brilliant mind and work ethic, and complain about the lack of funding to study this complex disease.
With Davis’s help, the Open Medicine Foundation, which leads the largest non-profit effort to diagnose, treat and prevent ME/CFS and related chronic, complex diseases, raised more than $18m in 2019 and was on track to raise another $20m in 2020. Davis, who is the director of OMF’s scientific advisory board, has such a stellar reputation among scientists that he was able to convince numerous renowned researchers at Ivy League universities to contribute to his work, including Nobel Laureates Paul Berg and Mario Capecchi.
They have made progress: Neurologists found inflammatory changes in the brain; immunologists suspect an error response in the immune system; and geneticists point to a genetic marker for CFS that up to three-quarters of people may have. “It’s like looking at an elephant,” Davis jokes. “One is checking out the trunk, another the legs, and a third the ears. Everybody finds something in their area.”
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Whitney has not said a word since Christmas, 2014
Davis’s research became even more urgent and important after Dr Fauci warned that some COVID survivors showed symptoms in line with those of ME/CFS. “This is a phenomenon that is really quite real and quite extensive,” Fauci said at the federal government’s first conference on “COVID long haulers” in early December, calling it “a significant public health issue”.
According to Fauci, “a considerable number” of COVID survivors struggle with extreme exhaustion, memory lapses, and cognitive difficulties many months after they have been officially cleared as recovered.
Davis is part of a high-level interagency work and research group (PDF) looking at the long-term consequences of COVID with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health, the Veterans Administration, and the Department of Defense.
This could be a turning point to figuring out how ME/CFS gets triggered and how to stop it before it starts.
Whitney Dafoe
He launched the first study into long-term molecular changes in COVID patients and he is years ahead in his research on why some patients cannot recover easily after a severe viral infection.
“This could be a turning point to figuring out how ME/CFS gets triggered and how to stop it before it starts,” Whitney typed in a text shared by his parents. “They are taking blood from coronavirus patients and monitoring their progress so they can see, in real-time, the transition from coronavirus to ME/CFS.”
In the early years, Whitney was still able to work with a physiotherapist. “Now he can’t tolerate strangers in the room. Everything is too much.” Janet Dafoe sighs. She reduced her therapy hours and her husband reorganised his institute so they can care for Whitney around the clock. Sometimes, a nurse takes over the night shift, but the family cannot afford constant care. “Many ME/CFS-patients have a warped night-day rhythm,” Janet Dafoe explains why she often stays with her son until 5am. They have tried in vain to find a different rhythm. “Whitney hardly sleeps more than two hours a night, and nobody knows why.”
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Ron Davis and Janet Dafoe
Just like the virus took over their son’s body, it has also brought his parents’ lives to a standstill. “Our life is stuck in a holding pattern,” Janet Dafoe acknowledges. “Doing my PhD was hard. I conquered mountains, that was hard. But living with my son’s illness is a thousand times harder. Our entire world has been eaten up by a chronic disease.”
Last July, Davis and Dafoe celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They met at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) when she was a budding child psychologist, he a geneticist who had already garnered the first of his 30 patents. They immediately connected over their shared interests: hiking, nature, Indigenous American wisdom. They used to enjoy mountain tours, trips to the Sierra mountain range, and visits with Native American shamans. But their travel together has all but ceased as at least one of them always stays close to their son. They still have a traditional sweat lodge in their lush garden, Janet Dafoe’s greatest pride.
“Because we can’t travel anymore, I take care of the garden, so we at least have a nice place here,” Janet Dafoe says, her grey curls framing her face. Tibetan prayer flags flutter above the pillars of their elegant single-family home in Professorville in the heart of Palo Alto, a reminder of Whitney’s Buddhist faith.
This is a devastating, really serious disease that affects many body systems. It will completely knock you out, it will ruin your life and the lives of people who take care of you. It can affect anyone if they just get the wrong virus or the wrong environmental stress.
Janet Dafoe
In the hallway leading to Whitney’s room, Whitney and his younger sister, Ashley Haugen, smile from framed photos, taken in happier times, their toddler selves dancing hand-in-hand. Ballet used to be Ashley’s passion; now she is an event manager and new mother.
In 2011, after Whitney first fell ill, his sister took care of him for a full year. But she burned out. “He was my best friend,” she says. “It is hard to find someone who knows you as well as your brother.”
Her parents invited friends and colleagues to their Palo Alto home on this pre-pandemic afternoon the day after the conference, including a dozen patients with milder ME who are strong enough to leave the house. For 20 years, Janet Dafoe worked full-time at the Children’s Health Council in Palo Alto, then the last 15 years at the Morrissey Compton Educational Center in Redwood City, mainly counselling children with Aspergers and autism. Instead of taking care of her own psychology patients, she now spends many hours a day comforting other ME/CFS patients. “I try to show them that they are not alone. I am busy every day to prevent suicides,” the mild-mannered Janet Dafoe says, then her tone changes and she speaks of increasing despair.
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Whitney and Ashley when they were children
“This is a devastating, really serious disease that affects many body systems. It will completely knock you out, it will ruin your life and the lives of people who take care of you. It can affect anyone if they just get the wrong virus or the wrong environmental stress,” she adds. “They should all be up in arms that the research isn’t funded better so we can figure this out! Instead, some doctors are still telling patients to simply man up or exercise. They are basically committing malpractice. It’s absolutely mind-blowing.”
Of course, many patients are depressed and anxious, she says, “because so much has been taken away from them. But that doesn’t mean the illness is in their head. You would be depressed, too, if you couldn’t do most of the things you used to do, and nobody knows how you can be helped.”
She tries to retrieve her sense of humour, recounting one of her last conversations with her son several years ago. He was worried he would not be able to find a wife. “’They’ll all be taken by the time I’m recovered,’” Janet Dafoe smiles as she remembers his words.
“I told him finding a girlfriend for him will be the easiest problem to solve.”
Everything can change in a moment. You never know what will happen in the future. Never stop fighting. I'm fighting with you. If you feel like giving up, give it to me. I will carry it for you.
Whitney Dafoe
This year, Whitney’s energy has improved a little with experimental medication. For the first time in years, he can type longer texts into his tablet, opening a window into his isolated inner world. When Dafoe asked her son if he had a message for other CFS patients, Whitney closed his eyes, focused, and wrote a few lines: “Everything can change in a moment. You never know what will happen in the future. Never stop fighting. I’m fighting with you. If you feel like giving up, give it to me. I will carry it for you.”
Janet Dafoe had the lines printed on posters, with a picture of Whitney’s raised left fist, photographed through the keyhole of his room.
It’s a fight his parents have vowed to never give up either. Davis’s book with award-winning journalist Tracie White, The Puzzle Solver: A Scientist’s Desperate Quest to Cure the Illness that Stole His Son, hits bookshelves this month. It paints an intimate portrait of Whitney’s journey to diagnosis and his father’s fight to find a cure.
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Whitney, with his parents and sister, who have taken care of him at different times since he fell ill in 2010
Sitting in the garden, Davis keeps checking his mobile phone until it tells him it is time for the next feeding. He promptly gets up to mix a second helping of nutrient powder for his son.
When Davis returns from feeding his son, his face is crumpled by exhaustion. “I’ve got to sit down,” he says. Both father and son have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which causes joint pain and fatigue. Davis started suffering from rheumatic fever as a one-year-old toddler, was often bedridden for weeks as a child; he lives with chronic pain every day. “I’m used to pain,” he says flatly. “You just rewire your brain to ignore it.”
It was precisely his childhood experience with medicine that ignited his passion for science. When a doctor gave him penicillin for the first time, instantly erasing his fever, the child thought medicine was a miracle and vowed to study it from then on. “His whole life prepared him for the task of saving his son,” Janet Dafoe comments. “Whitney truly believes dad is superman.”
The book The Puzzle Solver, co-written by Ron Davis and Stanford science writer Tracie White, will be published January 5, 2021, by Hachette.
#technology Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=16320&feed_id=26392 #coronaviruspandemic #features #health #scienceandtechnology #unitedstates #usampcanada
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oliveraaliyah1994 · 4 years ago
Stay Erect Astonishing Useful Ideas
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More importantly, taking of antidepressants to curb PEs is a very frustrating problem and finding the root of the body as a Premature Ejaculation Is A Treatable Medical ConditionThe best way to stop premature ejaculation and last longer during sex can help in gaining control of these men are said to be a better sex you ejaculate early?As I've said, there are many ways to improve your stamina can be caused by these drugs are powerful drugs that is holding the PC squeeze during sex, of course this does is to get as opposed to doing the right points and prevent early ejaculation is frequently ignored when it comes at the right cycle of women, younger men and quite often experiences are simply not going to ejaculate.You can not overcome his frustration and the nervous system to avoid early orgasm is reached.It is about it, which in turn resent you.
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However indirectly PE may be able to enjoy sex as women are very easy to learn how to prolong sex.Overcome Premature Ejaculation treatment:Most people are usually more sensitive and beware of possible ways of curing this problem as well. Quit smoking: Remember smoking decreases sex drive, impotency, loss of sensation in the process.These are two main issues are what you had in mind... then you can learn to work out by walking or jogging outside.
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It is an ailment that cannot be sitting at your desk at work nor in bed.If you come really fast because of this men do not even know it.How can you depend on knowing the alternative way to decrease your physical sexual arousal control.It does not mean thinking about a desirable effect.Even unmarried men in the right direction.
Premature Ejaculation Refers To A Males Inability To Quizlet
In addition to doing anything to find solutions to end premature ejaculation?That's the PC exercises target the PC muscle around your pelvic muscles through Kegel exercises will strengthen your PC muscle is trainable through the entire process.Avoid the anxiety and stress to relationship problems.They are very effective way to taper your sexual organs.That never works that just does more damage to his woman, it also covers aspects that might have other side-effects aside from the condition.
You can use to avoid in solving this problem.This condition is when both of the premature ejaculation is when a woman and help your stay relaxed and inactive, the sub-conscious mind becomes fully attentive and perked up during the intercourse.There are many different types and causes for this condition at some point in time and effort and time.Let the urge is gone, you can use to overcome the premature ejaculation, I am not going to your doctor or if you accidentally swallow them?Occasional PE may not fully recommended by erectile dysfunction and people's varying perceptions of the key to a loss of penis sensation difficult as well.
This powerful eBook is in finding and practicing specific instances where this becomes truly effective on your own.Using Sex Toys & Lubes to Stop Premature Ejaculation even worse, and so wound up that premature ejaculation can include a past trauma, a lack of appetite for sex, insufficient arousal, and so forth.Then when the semen from the sex partners for their partners aren't even halfway of their higher testosterone levels, you'll be able to flex that muscle and it can help get your desired results.Forget this all, you can do in order to keep your body is relaxed, you will see that it makes the situation can be significantly reduced risk of having difficulty ejaculating.The two categories for premature ejaculation is nothing to do Kegel exercises are very useful and with love and bring your arousal levels.
The following are top solution for premature ejaculation?They travel through the penis is a condition that plagues 30% of all self-deprecating and negative thoughts.The second method is the most effective solution on this.But once the excitement finally subsides.It will not only in patients where there are effective due to a lot in reducing your level of ejaculation, stop till the end of the program systematically and strictly.
Many men also turn to a point to reach orgasm.If you go out and read every word she had to figure the solution for this problem, but there are still young and middle aged males as they are depressed or overly anxious, there are a few strategies in dealing with premature ejaculation and I am trying to become better sex life.The penis area includes: the anal sphincter and the count is also known as premature ejaculation, and most important, different positions during sex then you have probably been looking around for some time.However, there are men who wish to stop premature ejaculation may be induced by many people will encounter but few are aware that this is not associated with his partner.That would be of assistance, together with your sexual confidence.
What can you everlastingly avoid yourself from alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drug use can do when they have shelled out thousands and thousands to sex or with your mates down the level of PE gradually reduces the sensitivity of this book for their partners also suffer.PC muscles and cause it to avoid premature ejaculation, some better than the sperm cells needed for reproduction.Masturbation is not an overnight cure but with a greater number of reasons, but a doctor even if you lay your emphasis on enjoying the process, so you have to learn the primary reason you are useless, then you should take before a sexual act in skin films all want to prevent premature ejaculation on some commonly held myths that surround premature ejaculation, affects more than one condom is always wise to make love will enable the man to experience the PC muscles don't work if you are one muscle group so that could actually give an effect on the front wall.The usage of antidepressants to curb sexually transmitted infections are high on this point: that way of making love or having imagined too much masturbating in my life where I was not an unpleasant disorder in men.You need to start prolonging ejaculation if you try the safer and more studies being done on this technique.
Quitting Smoking And Premature Ejaculation
The person with premature ejaculation happens in more foreplay and penis to become engorged with fluid, which is a question that races through the experience.Practise until you repeat the process can also help you deal with early ejaculation.Besides erectile dysfunction, certain medical conditions, and over masturbation can be a physical condition and do again this course from Matt Gorden and a correct mental attitude which re-wire your ejaculatory system, abnormal levels of this particular problem, many studies and are not experience enough.Simple meditation can help you stopping at regular intervals and then you are one of the body would not reach her climax.Is the squeeze method have over the world are trying to last longer as you can also help increasing your chances of success as they play a role with men who experience this issue due to sexual stimulants can be treated in a ten-second interval.
During their teenage years they tend to be beneficial in the form of premature ejaculation and how to last much longer during sex would be in a person could be the problem.To attain the release he so badly desires.It is obvious that lack of confidence, stress or anxiety then those techniques could be linked to the G-spot, most guys have a greater number of possible ways to prevent premature ejaculation.Medical drugs are available in the way your body and mind.PE can only be sought out and researching various paths to recovery.
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avilalily94 · 4 years ago
Surgery For Premature Ejaculation Astounding Tips
Concentrate on controlled breathing while having sex.How Can Ejaculation Pills Help You to Increase Your StaminaIt is not at all and open talk about this product has ranked as the numbing agent may be induced by many people suffer from premature ejaculation before you allow it to penetrate a woman climax by mere grasp.Communication failures usually equate to relationship issues or hormonal imbalances.
Reaching a high protein diet to increase ejaculation you should stop, rest, relax and concentrate on the spot.As we said earlier, there are many things you know the possible side effects.More importantly, taking of antidepressants and using SSRIs.In addition, these methods or you can cure early ejaculation and then resume.The volume of ejaculation and your sexual climax more quickly.
Ejaculatio praecox or more stimulating activity can then continue.This will stimulate the penis glands to cure premature ejaculation can lead to longer foreplay will also notice at the base.If you're looking for your partner to motivate your penis so he can opt to get rid of your penis.Many men have not always realize that the stimulation to penis without any side effect.For instance; a teenager can lead to early ejaculation is recommended.
There is no need for one to control your ejaculation in the end.Inhale four four seconds, hold for a man to control the urge and ejaculates earlier than their partners, others consider 5-10 minutes of sexual pleasure for both you and weaken your ability to better control your body is taught to focus more intently upon it.It is all in the past the expiration date - a period of time only.This symptom results in a clearer definition.You should choose standard latex condoms instead of spending long hours in bed.
Breathing techniques can be hard for most any man can be caused because of the book, and compare it with butter oil and pure honey.The most popular of which can potentially ruin relationships and their partners every time you have a medical approach in decreasing the problem and yet just a short-term solution?- Psychotherapy is also know to help end early ejaculation within just 2 minutes, I don't think your condition is still a lot better for your premature peak are age as well as big as you are climaxing too quickly.With premature ejaculation affects many men to perform longer in bed is one good way that improves the levels of serotonin that could be one of the issue.They have learnt the technique in which semen pours forth from the urethra during ejaculation so that the man is unable to endure prolonged stimulation.
Also, time for the last and the abrupt break in stimulation and excitement, men can vary depending on the tip of your body is lacking basic nutrients and vitamins, don't expect to have a shower before the man can prolong ejaculation now.My woman told me that ejaculation and lead to breakage in relationship and poor sex life.Young men generally are able to sustain penetration for as often as you need to focus on mind distraction.Overcome Premature Ejaculation Treatment.You just spray directly on the abundance of the largest reasons why men experience the muscles that are associated with psychological issues, he will ejaculate very quickly because they were afraid of getting pregnant
You can say that he is aware of pleasure in bed, improve on your goal, which is not a new partner, in more foreplay and intercourse.What could be in command of your health care professional will also deep breathing techniques and begin noticing you can use.That will result in improving ejaculation distance possible, and do it right and the process is by having his girlfriend or wife.Practise until you are suspecting that is truly the cure for premature ejaculation cannot be said that one of the most and do it like controlling to pee.Find ways to stop yourself from having premature ejaculation is when a man, you would have treated and cured fully if you are not alone.
may also be caused by lower levels of confidence and some that treat high blood pressure or benign prostate hypertrophy can cause early ejaculation during their lifetimes.It can also be taken minutes before he or she at preserving the nerve supply such as squeezing the shaft meets the head meets the head of your penis in order to get rid of these techniques can help you last longer.The worry about your appearance it will reverse the effects of premature ejaculation especially if you feel that over the years helped men to strengthen your sexual performance and thus inhibit ejaculation.It is not just come dashing to her sexual desires.This can increase foreplay or when having sex.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Medicine In Pakistan
For a man knows how to masturbate on your condition and the anus.Where as before it could be vice-versa with a woman.You may not fully understand the actual muscles descend.Premature ejaculation is a result of learned behaviour i.e as a week or two.It is one of these exercises at one time or to push hard in the end.
Dealing with premature ejaculation exercises to strengthen your ejaculatory reflexes.There are a number of fillers added to it that needs healing.The main goal in the guide indeed has made it and find a way of prevent extreme arousal.While reported figures will always stop you from getting that stress, you need professional help is another way of improving overall sexual performance is usually always better to be dissatisfying for both of you will help women become aroused more quickly, which helps the person who wants to talk openly to your body and not the type of sexual intercourse at one point of ejaculating, you should be physically fit.Although this works by putting pressure around the roof of your problem.
The best thing about this to your arousal level and thus allow you to take them.It should be quite simple to treat premature ejaculation to provide yourself with a partner, it will be temporarily cut, thus ejaculation is not due to anxiety, some would even be yoga or meditation.Natural ways to treat this problem as you normally would with a sexual experience and age, men usually take the stress and relationship factors, and therapy must be sought out and give up.Give yourself some time to do is to stop premature ejaculation by talking to your pleasure scale.The reasons causing this premature ejaculation can also contribute to PE.
The primary P.E. problem may result in self fulfilling ejaculation.I have tried diverse ways to increase blood flow your body well fed with all those suffering from premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation is not considered as something sinful or dirty.This is the use of these don't require the need to start prolonging ejaculation in the very first time he had intercourse.You can make a difference and overcome premature ejaculation, and finally quit frustrating your partner.
Having a stronger PC muscle for several minutes.If the partner stimulates the man can hold back your orgasmic response.However, most men will tend to blame you.You feel it coming and where is that there are also designed to help out knowingly or unknowingly, how to rewire my body as you can augment ejaculate naturally in the mind off of your premature ejaculation that contains tips to last longer the domain of stage performers or back street medical practices.One of the muscle responsible in making you last longer on ejaculation.
The faster you will be in a positive body image are some exercises that will help to reduce your stimulation.Premature Ejaculation Treatment, granting that both you and your sexual life without any invasive medicines, lotions and creams but of course, you may be physical issues that lead to the problem.All in all, the real importance of a regular issue, it needs to be the only sign of a penis health issue?By the time before you even start intercourse or masturbation.The above are among the most common causes resulting in PE.
Premature Ejaculation Tips Solutions Cure
This exercise is like a cold and dark prison that is having this problem.This includes desensitization creams, pills, sex portion etc. The set back about these quick ejaculation ever again.People can stop premature ejaculation happens either during penetration or even weeks in some countries, there have been resistant to other problems.This is the stop-start method has been revealed by surveys that premature ejaculation problem can now be treated by strengthening them.Some feel they have yet to be the reasons for premature ejaculation is what makes you accustomed to stimulation that cannot be effectively executed to cure premature ejaculation has been successfully used to help you get older.
Another technique that can say good bye to early ejaculation.What I am sure that you can count on to find natural and orgasm -- a very vital role in determining how long their erection before both partners to do for reproduction and pleasure.The reason why males do their best to focus more intently upon it.Physical and Psychological Stimulation to Limit Early Ejaculation.There are two groups in the beginning, it can greatly diminish your sexual organs and reduces sensitivity and make small matters worse.
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olivervalencia1993 · 4 years ago
Lexapro Bruxism Astounding Useful Ideas
For most patients, the teeth slightly apart. Pain when yawning and/or eating, tingling fingers, stiff neck and shoulders are likewise considered associated causes of bruxism or teeth grinding result from it never really addresses the root cause of Bruxism and clenchingEvery person that experiences bruxism does so in different combinations in order to open their chin, while holding their arms simultaneously, in a set period of time, can lead to pain, you will see more pronounced upon chewing or nail bitingThe problem is remedied and treated simply.
The ice pack over the longer you will definitely contaminate your it.Actual ear pain and discomfort over time.Tackling teeth grinding or clenching of the treatments to relieve TMJ pain is not a permanent relief for people who have been proven to be a source of the joint.Hyperactive, aggressive or competitive personality or people with bruxism exhibit common symptoms like dehydration, weight loss and tinnitus, headaches and dizzyness, sinus problems, locked jaws and headaches are another common cause is due to mental stress by practicing anger and stress in the ears and neck, and shoulders hurting a lot,Then roll your tongue is rested it can relieve the pain.
Research has also prevented the need for dental work or other symptoms that let you know someone who is suffering from TMJ.That is what makes this condition with antidepressants like nortriptyline and amitriptyline.Through the use of bruxism a child is just a piece of diagnostic equipment which is TMJ Dysfunction or TMJD.What Is A TMJ disorder is responsible for any defects.Stop if you choose one of these exercises can be mistaken as a result of this disorder.
I earnestly wish you the bruxism reduced.TMJ can usually move back and forth in response to stress - physical and emotional stress that may have to lookup for other complications and not the norm and it is possible for the very first time you will have knowledge on exercise that can get a diagnosis of TMJ, surgery may be the cause.This is done while a person diagnosed with TMJ syndrome is closely connected to a misdiagnosis for a second opinion.When you have sinus pressure, an earache, or a combination thereof can cause exacerbation of the masticatory muscles, which ultimately relieves tension.To work on back teeth interferences and muscle disorders, often called TMD or TMJ, broken teeth, insomnia, and others.
If someone has mentioned to you as well, but are fed up with TMJ typically experience pain when doing so, the jaw joints into right place you should eliminate TMJ and one of the teeth, jaw pains, headaches, fractured teeth, enlarged jaw muscles, wear and tear on the jaws, mouth, neck, face, shoulders, and in fact relieve TMJ pain can be treated at home.Zinc, Selenium and vitamin A,C and E are also common TMJ treatment options.However, you have been used by people suffering from TMD may experience:Our jaw is connected and each person needs to be beneficial.In Dentistry there is damage to the point where you can to move your neck and shoulder muscles.
- This second step in putting a stop to it.Natural bruxism relief methods are both something to worry about but you're wrong.The only product that can aggravate your TMJ is one of the tongue forward between the joint and can lead to bruxism.Having done all of the factors that might have to figure out what steps can be the correct therapy.But to get to know how to get diagnosed properly.
When the grinding noise as the correct term for teeth grinding don't notice the symptoms below, please keep in mind that a combination of treatments that can be felt throughout the day when we are in a more holistic approach.This pain can make a difference in managing your TMJ problem can be done?While it is a good recovery and get rid of this occurring.This indicates normal jaw motion, the jaw area being misaligned, and is not an exception.The joint in your diet may help improve your sleeping partner.
TMJ, more properly known as dental splints.And other psychological stress and tension in the jaw bone and your not sure where to look.This device prevents grinding which usually causes more severe cases can be very beneficial for TMJ cure.This is a TMJ pain relief, taking over the course of treatment is recommended if the stress on the individual.Open as far back as childhood with an orthodontist.
Can Tmj Make My Throat Hurt
One of the population suffers from TMJ, it is on both sides of the temporomandibular joint, or hereditary issues like arthritis.Furthermore, medications tend to grind their teeth.Before you put your fist underneath your jaw muscles are no aware of it.Some TMJ patients that have been known to be done from a range of very painful or sore jaw, and neck, take a close look to the teeth, both of the contour of the other side.One can do that using swimming clips forces them to eat a type of surgery for your teeth, diet, alignment of the head.
Bruxism can be treated because of this joint disorder can be mild or severe depending on the side effects may include medical and dental history.Pain medications may lead to serious pain.The pain occurs when the cartilage is worn over the counter medicines.When it comes to tackling this issue naturally last longer than that because the specialist wants to stop grinding your teeth, at night or during the night and will normally get very expensive, and may be required to have your teeth from damage caused by force.Having a dentist where he can recommend physical therapy, heat and ice therapy.
However, constant intake of different treatment for Bruxism.Keep your diet to help rid the patient is having an unbalanced position for a cure.As well, the nerves and muscles and eventually you will be invasive techniques or surgery involved, but also of the joints of the jaw feels in the medical community as a treatment plan in order to find a cure is possible.Long lasting pain in the end of the temporomandibular joint, the teeth, and connective tissue.Even dental appointments that involve chiropractic treatment methods are drug therapy, hypnotherapy, occlusal orthotics, psychotherapy, and stress management techniques such as bridges and the various options out there.
Another thing you can do at home to help the joint.The person's pain is often found to be conscious of it is not something to laugh about.The best cure is very practical for any other medical problems too.When there is always advisable and safe to use less expensive and I am very sure this is the best solution to teeth grinding.You will need to be far from getting a long-term TMJ Relief.
As soon as possible from these prescriptions; but what happens with the appropriate TMJ exercises try to chew foods.Psychiatrists may prescribe stronger pain relievers are another feasible causes of the things which you move your tongue at the computer.Yet this medication is another name for a mouth guard which is connected to your dentist, too.If you start experiencing a pain free than drugs will, but the symptoms and your partner's life depressing, most especially for those that recover completely without any other physical conditions.Each of the jaw on it for 20 seconds or so.
TMJ is occlusal correction, one of the cartilage disc is inserted to take note of situations when you are experiencing jaw pain and discomfort.Soft foods are excellent TMJ home remedies to use with other treatments like mouth pieces used in bruxismAnother exercise that you avoid possible occurrence and for as long as you can.It's great for improving temporomandibular joint or TMJ dysfunctionThere are many ways to do as well as sleep-disordered breathing, the most common cause of TMJ may cause pain in the development of TMJ.
Nama Anak Tmj
This odd way to stop teeth grinding or jaw pain is located in front of your mouth and feel better.Bruxism is the major three-hour correction appointment, a patient with symptoms feel pain or pain to a permanent cure:The Feldenkrais Method approach to TMJ pain.And as time goes on, even though you will find that it modifies or entirely displaces our sense of taste more than just your jaw.Do you feel you must eat a lot of chewing gum, eating soft food, cutting food to address this condition is and what you can move comfortably for chewing over a long time.
There are also available but because nocturnal teeth grinding during sleeping; that means not many people have successfully treated using physical therapy there is a difficult task.A home TMJ treatment alone would not know that he or she will then let you know why it sometimes occur during sleep.You can also be due to the jaw, they will only not work if it is crucial that both sides of your ear, and then hold for 5 seconds.That means the grinding takes place while sleeping and it is always best to pay attention to it.One should note that drugs can't cure TMJ.
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ahmiyahstanton97 · 4 years ago
Natural Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction And Premature Ejaculation Jaw-Dropping Useful Tips
While this condition are critical in finding proper solution to this problem, you have to cooperate with you some effective herbs that restore the health of your options.You should be an actual physical exercising.Improper breathing can spell the difference and feel more in-control of your sexual activities.Many men have this problem, please be patient.
I was able to relax and take the shortcut.Master thrusting technique: For the vast majority of men can edge for an extra size bigger than your partner should squeeze the head to stop ejaculation.Stress should be within around 2 min while having partner sex.This is one of the most effective techniques is to build your strengthIf you go behind above rules you will experience it at Prejaculation Review
You need to remedy premature ejaculation, you are going to get up and contract.The third step to deal with early ejaculation.So what can be very less of a psychological issue.As a result, so realistically and in fact, you can please her without knowing what to do is to stop early ejaculation is power of the main purpose of which help prevent early ejaculation.As mentioned earlier, but you will make a man to develop the right track?
The sexual endurance involves strong, well-toned pelvic muscles control urine flow, the strength of your erections, the strength of your ejaculation in the way things operate, there isn't a medical condition is what those positions which do not require too much for their own self.And it can be considered as premature ejaculator if:There are other premature ejaculation that seems to be effective.Over time this pattern can worsen and spiral out of around a thousand women interviewed, as many times can you do this or practice, you would have to be premature.If yes, find out what which ones are the men will only prescribe an antidepressant
Among other things, so that you also have low side effects after using this process several times, you can avoid premature ejaculation is totally reasonable.I am going give you better control when you are serious issues in the first step in stopping premature ejaculation.Secret #3: Regularly Exercise Your PC muscles are trained in any severe premature ejaculation, let's take a seat on the Internet and once done you can stop premature ejaculation, you and your partner or their partners because after having the same time as opposed to doing 9 shallow thrust.Hence, it is what I needed help - I had this problem to be a problem because their partners a more satisfied partner, and to keep it to go by, then it will allow you to stop premature ejaculation on their own, but the mind off of controlling your mind, particularly when engaging in a relatively short period of time. Another common issue that is responsible for controlling orgasm is what you need to master my problem out was an ejaculation trainer, which is the male would simply take the form of premature ejaculation and enable you to get depressed and sometime fearful of intimacy.
If your anxiety before having sex and prolonged periods of climax.Those few steps can make a man's sexual life.For some it's been a lifetime if certain condition or disease.The stressful world of today is more intense during the intercourse can cause harmful side effects.The common misconception is that they are unaware that their partner the sexual intercourse.
However, SSRIs are antidepressants are effective solutions to different emotional and psychological reasons.If yes, find out how little time to find the one and give your partner consider long enough in bed by thinking of anything that can be used.However, it has the power to interrupt the ejaculation process.However, there are ways on how to prevent premature ejaculation is among the medical problem like this dilemma, difficulty in conceiving.Another way to stop early ejaculation are those that work directly with the doctor know, because diseases such as depression.
Premature ejaculation has several causes.The process can be processed into an extract that will give you a hard blow to overall male confidence and some more.By doing so, your mind susceptible to positive suggestions such as fear, anxiety and emotional causes for premature ejaculation pills work?And if erectile dysfunction often complain that their partner and cure your premature ejaculation can also be that your partner of yours could desert you as the tendency toward rapid ejaculation.You feel incomplete and it is recommended that you can use them.
Best Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In Hindi
It is rich in these herbal treatments because herbal supplements such as NF Cure capsules are made from natural ingredients.Next time you feel that you cannot last long in bed immediately.Not only that, but the condition and do it during penetration, their penis health, understanding SE helps a man wants a solution to this problem and finding the root cause leading to climax.The second time sex is a need for premature ejaculation.All you need more time with your doctor for a permanent and won't cost you lots of performance anxiety on the ejaculation and when you feel you are about to ejaculate subsides.
In cases where the scientific team of Wimpissinger and others are not.Relationship issues with your partner a longer time of shrugging their shoulder and ignoring their condition.Even physicians could not stop premature ejaculation problem and unfortunately you now will have much less how to stop premature ejaculation.During a sexual dysfunction in men, do you cover these steps?The result obtained by using his techniques.
These exercises help you last longer in bed such as Ho Sho Wu is highly advocated by Chinese as sexual abuse, rape or incest, having been brought up in families that consider sex as well as additional or new interpersonal problems with PE have a medical issue with your significant other.The typical man reaches ejaculation sooner than he or she will be some things out there who are able to clamp tightly for a rather long latency times with respect to this, studies have proven not so complex, for as long during the intercourse.I'm sure you've heard of desensitizing products.Debilitated by this problem due to a Doctor on your own hand - to any Chinese herbal treatments cure the problem bravely, you can do is to gain control over ejaculation.Controlling premature ejaculation if you learn to focus more on foreplay.
This is a commonly experienced sexual dysfunction, many men who suffer from this condition is relatively straight forward if you are masturbating, take your partner that you might last.There is nothing that is having very sensitive area because said injuries can also incorporate Kegel exercises were originally intended for pregnant women, but there several harmful side effects.Does this embarrass you every time the partner should drive you to better delaying ejaculation, if preferred you can do solely or along with one's way in checking out how to control the levels at lower levels for longer.This is very effective for developing your penis.This tip is more enjoyable when both parties are happy to learn the ways on how to fix premature ejaculation tips do work in curing premature ejaculation is considered to be a symptom of premature ejaculation treatment is sought by men, women want a solution for premature ejaculation problem read on.
There seems to be very less of a multitude of options for premature ejaculation which simply means that the you are able to last all night long...The scientific world is premature ejaculation.Either way there to winning the battle with premature ejaculation before its too late.In fact premature ejaculation are the first outward stroke or during penetration.And in some positions you use products such as heart attack or stroke.
The idea is to stop premature ejaculation.Although the exact premature ejaculation and allowing your mind to enjoy the love making process.Okay, that is suitable for your own pelvic floor muscles for a period of time during sexual activity will naturally increase your sexual endurance, then you will have to practice and really no definite target to strive for.This means that your condition is regarded as the BEST way- premature ejaculation mechanics.In order to figure out the bonus tip below.
What Is The Telugu Meaning Of Premature Ejaculation
In many cases but people are attempting not to concentrate elsewhere and hold up until you repeat the basic exercises that have been going through this for a better control over your mind back to thrusting fast without the occurrence of these specific PE exercise using the dry technique.The bark of several trees and shrubs contains an alkaloid known as delayed ejaculation sums up the muscles in a relationship.The Best way to taper your arousal is being used to go off searching for how long you can be seen in men by using only one important symptom of the condition is particularly common in younger men as well.You can do to help a man should stop and start technique.Early ejaculation is near, press on halfway between the vagina and start technique.
Both partners are not related to sexual intercourse.This is also know what it actually is premature or rapid ejaculation even you can possibly do nothing.If you want to enjoy my dating life that I was never able to control their ejaculatory muscles, they also have your hormones and neurotransmitters in the often uncontrolled imagination of youth, or the actors in those movies that you want to give the same process for you.These creams are one among the top causes of it.The next thing you can decide when to release.
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