#I already felt like the tales had them very ooc but I brushed it off thinking it's bc it's a short scene not enough to encapsulate-
dutybcrne · 6 months
Thunderings are happening, my brain has funneled off into hcs mode
#//Aka; guess who am I gonna ramble on abt rn lol#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#hc; kaeya#//That's right; babes!#//Anywho; Kae is NOT a fan of thunder#//If it's not tales of the Electro Archon from his father; then it's the circumstances in which they'd parted#//The moment the storm rolled in; he was terrified esp of the sound and ran himself ragged trying to find a place to escape it#//Damn near ran himself off a cliff had a strike of lightning not made him stumble back from it#//Managed to find his way to the winery where he hid for a bit before Tunner found him and Crepus managed to persuade him to stay#//After damn near running the man winded bc he thought he was trying to chase him off or worse#//The fear lingered and festered more the longer he stayed in the Land of the Anemo Archon; out of guilt for 'deceiving' the Ragnvindrs#//For letting him stay there; for not telling them why he was here. Grew up half expecting to get Smote or smth at any time#//Esp whenever Luc dragged him into mischief or he went to the Church with them for whatever reason#//Mostly the former; but bc it was Luc asking him to clown; he didn't mind the 'potential risk'#//Even as a knight; he tended to get extremely skittish and quicker-tempered when it came to patrol during storms. Still does#//Tho at that time; thinly veiling the fact that he very much felt like a cornered animal every time he had to go and couldn't get out of i#//Esp if Luc was the one who asked him to come with; bc like before; he really didn't ever want nor like to say no to him#//The aversion got worse bc thundered the night of his Confrontation with Diluc too; absolutely increased how much he hated it#//His aversion tends to manifest in a drop in temperatures or frost formation; as well as him pausing and quickly glancing about#//As if he's half expecting a threat of some sort; really he's quickly locating things to distract himself with#//If he's with a trusted person; he'll tend to wordlessly press against their side; then either brush it off like he just wanted to#//Or mutter a quick 'thunder' and Not Elaborate whatsoever. Either they get it or they don't#//He WILL get annoyed if he's teased about it. And it will take him AWHILE before he lets the person comfort him during bc of it#//Bc from that point; he will assume it's done mockingly or bc they feel they HAVE to; and he hates that#//If they let him be or even support him more instead; he will make a passing mention abt how much he hates thunder to start cuing them in#//They just gotta show they are a Safe person--bonus is this opens up a LOT of doors when it comes to trust later#//It doesn't help that he already hates dealing with loud sounds as is; even the blasts from Klee Jumpy Dumpties set him on edge#//But the bad memories he has to thunder make it the worse by far to him
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gingerschnaps · 2 years
look at how they massacred my magician...
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gaymershigh · 4 years
hello! can I request a hc of the dorm leaders where their s/o kiss them for the first time and run away because they're embarassed/shy? I hope I follow your rules, thank you!
Of course! This might be shorter since I'm going straight to the their reaction because that's all I can think of (T▽T) I've finally gained all my energy to do a 5+ character's request but after this I'm gonna go back to focusing 5 or below character request-
Triggers: Vil being RIDICULOUSLY ooc :')
Dorm leaders reacting to their very shy gn! s/o kissing them for the first time and running away
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It's obvious you two never kissed before as both parties are too embarrassed to initiate it first. As much as Riddle wanted to give you a smooch to show his affection, he just couldn't as you might not be comfortable about kissing and the only thing he has kissed before was his pillow. He was just too shy and inexperienced to kiss you first as he doesn't want to mess up the magic moment.
When you kissed him and ran away, he was absolutely still as he had no time to process what had just happened. Slowly, his face gets redder as more minutes of him staying still passes. People passed and tried to walk faster as they mistook him getting angrier by the second but in reality, he's just so happy and all blushed at the fact you stole his first kiss when you're the super shy one in the relationship.
He's unsure what to do next, should he chase after you and return the kiss like in that one book that he read in the library out of boredom or wait until you come back as you might also want time to process what you just did as well. He went for the first choice as leaving you hanging at the edge of your seat waiting for his next move is such an improper thing for the Heartslaybyul dorm leader.
He was nervous when you were sitting on a bench at the courtyard, all alone and looking quite antsy. He cleared his throat to approach you directly as walking from behind isn't such a good idea. It was rather for a few seconds as he suddenly forgot what his lines were the moment you two locked eyes. He quickly apologized for the sudden silence as he sat next to you, holding your hand.
"(Y/N), I apologize for not kissing after a long time of dating until you had to initiate it first. Oh, that's not the case? I see but I still feel terrible for not planting a single kiss on your lips before, should I do one now?"
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There's no way in hell you two never kissed because if there's no kiss until at least a week after being together, that's not Leona you're dating. He craves the feeling of being loved or having someone to love. Not only that, you being more shy and submissive gives him power and pride, you're his treasure and wants to treat you as one. He doesn't mind that you don't return the kiss back as he's very understanding of how shy you are but of course he teased you about it, hopefully you don't misunderstood him pressuring you to return the favor or something.
When you kissed him for the first time, he was shocked. You actually had the guts to do that!? He knows that one day you will (hopefully) break out of that shell of yours and return the favour but he didn't that scenario that plays on in his head sometimes really coming to life. He managed to recover from the sudden shock and smirked at the thought. You finally did it, you should get a reward by an instant, no? Who cares if you scurried away immediately after you did that, you got him off guard, you deserve a prize.
He was so lost in his own cloud of thought that he almost forgot that you ran away. Unlike the others, he will be like always, lazily going after you by picking up where your lovable scent is. Even had the audacity to yawn halfway walking there while you could be having a breakdown after what you just did. He got sudden thoughts of you freaking out and laughed at himself of how cute that mental mental is, this guy really is something.
When he found you at the botanical garden sitting on the floor, he had no single hesitancy to just call out your name and approach you calmly like your sudden move earlier was just a fever dream. He picked you up from the floor for you to stand up as he cupped your cheek, staring at your eyes with an entertained face.
"You finally got some bravery, Herbivore. You took me by surprise just a little bit and I suppose I'm proud. Now, don't you think you should get a reward?"
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Just like Riddle, he's very inexperienced when it comes to love or just having a nice relationship with others besides the Leech twins in general. He would prefer if you kissed first as he's insecure about initiating it first because when it comes to first kisses, aren't they like, very important? Well in his view it is as for what he has read, a first kiss is like an amazing experience that you will only experience once in a lifetime and never again no matter what species you are, it's magical.
And he finally understood what it really meant when you pecked his lips. No matter if it's a full kiss or just a normal quick peck before your sudden flee, it still feels phenomenal. He's very shocked and is aware you're going further away from him but he just didn't do anything. He was just staring at you as you were getting farther and farther as he brushed his lips. Of course, he forces himself to regain his composure as he didn't want to be seen as a foolish lovestruck person in this prestigious campus.
The twins saw what just happened and they were teasing him mad. They can tell that neither of you kissed before until that little performance as his reaction is something a "person who never gets kissed" would do. Since they're in public, he held a lot more power on them and scolded the two for this childish rambling and told them to go back to their work. He knew he had to chase after you, even if he's happy you did the first move, he still felt wrong for making you do it because of his insecurities.
When he found you, he was contemplating whether to go back to his place and leave you alone or not because of how you looked at the moment. You were walking back and forth while looking down, probably having a crisis for doing something so brave out of the blue. He had to drag you somewhere more private as he was aware his face was getting redder again. Even if his words sounded relaxed, you can tell his heart was racing as well.
"Honey, I apologize for making you kiss me first, I really wanted to kiss you as well but I wasn't sure if you were uncomfortable or not. You..you just wanted to kiss me? Because you love me so much?..Really? Ah. I- I see. Very well then, since we're in a more private place, should I…do the same to return my feelings?"
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Kalim has kissed you in a lot of places but it was never at the mouth and he never explained why. Maybe he just didn't want to kiss you in the mouth because it's too early in the relationship but then again, it's Kalim, would that really matter to him? He has already kissed your cheek the third day of your relationship so you doubt he really cares about boundaries that much. Well, he wanted to kiss you on the lips badly but Jamil had told him before that the first kiss isn't something so minor like any other kisses he gave to you. It's a more memorable part of the relationship so he should be careful and surprisingly, he obliged to his words, not fully understanding.
But he finally understood them almost completely when you leaned in for the kiss. He was shocked and his heart was fluttering no matter how fast the kiss was. Jamil was right, it was very magical and a memorable moment, it's like one of those fairy tales, he happily thought to himself. Though, he pouted at the fact that it was just a small kiss and his neck kisses lasted longer than that. He actually didn't have a tangent and told you to wait a minute but you probably didn't hear it as you were already away from him.
He took longer than everyone else when it comes to catching up with you as he completely forgot where you head off to due to his lack of capability to remember a lot of things at the same time but it doesn't matter as he tried his hardest to follow you by the help of random students and such just sudden remembrance. He was calling out your name but he didn't hear any response, something told him that you didn't want to talk and avoiding him so calling won't help. Even if you want some alone time, he wants to see you as much as possible because he loves you that much.
When he found you, he practically ran and flung himself into your arms, giggling like a child that got a big toy as a birthday present and a child that got some sweets combined. He was throwing dozens of compliments of how brave you are for kissing him first and how happy he is if it wasn't so obvious. Now that you finally kissed him on the lips he can now do the same anytime he wants, right!?
"Ya qamar! You did it, you finally kissed me! On the lips too! Why did you run away from me earlier, you did a good job! Can I kiss you back now? Can I?"
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Vil has mostly kissed you a lot since he's very experienced with it but it's not as much as we thought it would be. He of course only kisses you in private areas as he doesn't want to spark any type of controversy even if he didn't keep your relationship hidden from the media, which he did as his fans and the mainstream media in general were probably not ready yet for the shock. He gets a little bit upset that you haven't returned any of the favor but won't talk to you about it as he thinks that you're insecure about getting caught or something similar to that.
That's why he was so bugged eyed when you kissed his luscious lips. He looked at you with so much sparkles, his affections were finally returned after so long and he doesn't even mind that you flee right after. He slowly and meekly mumbled out your name as he watched you scurry off into the distance. He had a bunch of relationships before and they only have returned his compliments, not his physical love. He felt like crying right there on the spot but didn't for the sake of his reputation even though nobody is there to see.
He called for Rook's to find your whereabouts as he knew what Rook is capable of. Rook obliged with full passion as he ran and found you as fast as an arrow. As he wanted to run, it's very improper for the Pomefiore dorm leader to do so the best he could've done is speed walk. Thankfully, nobody is foolish enough to not leave a walkway as they saw him in a hurry. He was eager to see you despite his straight expression.
When he found you, he called out your name in the usual but still loving tone as what he usually does as he always pours his feelings on you. He puts one of his hands on your shoulder and the other to lift your chin to see his face. His expression screams "I love you" and his tone was incredibly soft-spoken. If any passerby sees this, they're lucky enough to see this rare expression and not get caught as all his attention was on you.
"Darling, I know this is unsuitable for me to act like this while in public areas but I couldn't help but feel very happy when you finally kissed me on the lips. I'm sure you love me but you doing that makes me no longer need to doubt your feelings for me. Now, let's go somewhere more private. I want to pour my feelings on you as well."
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If you expect Idia to kiss or even know how to kiss, you're weird. The only things he had ever kissed in his life are his bodypillows, plushies, figures, posters and even embarrassingly his own computer screen when his favorite character said something very nice to him. He doesn't even blame you that you have never kissed him at all because 1)He's a loser 2)Who on Twisted Wonderland in their right mind would kiss this guy out of everyone else?! Both you and Eliza apparently but come on. Yeah, he's aware that you two are in a relationship but please, he can't even smile without scaring the children how would a kiss be better?
When you kiss him, his eyes were so shocked and he did that pose where he puts his clenched fists to his chest in fear and shock. My guy took around 10 minutes to process this and it's not even himself who got him back to reality, it was Cater and Kalim. When his cloud of thought disappeared and looked at the two of them very slowly, he sprinted out of there just like you did but to his room. He shut his door tight and hopped on his bed, covering and screaming in the pillows.
Ortho, who is very concerned as to why his brother is having a spasm on his bed, kept scanning Idia and asking what's wrong. Idia trusts his little brother and spoke to him the entire situation and doesn't know whether to chase you as seeing you again after that is just embarrassing and he doesn't know what to do nor say! The robot kept convincing him to chase you but knowing Idia, once Idia made his mind, it will be almost impossible to change it no matter who you are.
Ortho took this into his own hands and tried to follow you without his brother's knowledge but he knew he wouldn't mind. When he found you, he apologized for his brother not attending and he had to be the replacement.
"(Y/N)! I'm sorry that big brother couldn't make it but I'm just telling you so that you wouldn't get the wrong idea. He likes it but is just too shy to confront you! Follow me, you should come see him in his room!"
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Malleus has placed his kisses on you multiple times before but just like Vil, nobody knows about this except the Diasomnia dorm. Nobody is foolish or unloyal to the great Malleus and he knows that so he shouldn't be doubting about telling them about this valuable information. He keeps this lowkey because he knows how much fairies look down on humans, especially non magical ones. Even if you have magic or not, human or a beast, it's still risky if you're telling your relationship if you're from a noble family so he understands why you don't kiss back, just ignore his pouts.
When you do kiss him, his eyes went wide but not for that long, he's not that experienced in feeling loved romantically but he's not gonna die from that kiss. He smirked and chuckled in amusement, you're so brave. Even if you're his lover and just ran away, he still finds it interesting as his past lovers were too scared to hug him first. He shook his head at the sight of you trying to run away.
There's no point in running as you bumped into him while you're running to God knows where. He teleported to your whereabouts, how does he know your exact location you ask? Who knows, probably some fae stuff but that's not the point. He took you into a very secluded area. The forest, to be exact and at the very deep parts too. He stopped and looked at you with an amused expression.
"You kissed and your next move was to run away? Hahah! You're very funny, dear. You must be wondering as to why I'm taking you to these dark parts of the woods but fear not, as I'm not going to punish you or anything of the sort. Instead, I'm going to give you a kiss as well and we have no need to worry about getting caught into the act."
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
Get ready for an explosion
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Pairing: Peko x Reader
Pronouns: Gender neutral; they/them
Warnings: mentions and use of cigars, swords, and explosives. Some curse words here and there and the use of the word 'murdered'
Description: peko and fuyuhiko seem to need some help with a certain entrance and they decide maybe some dynamite and an expert can help
Note: ¡important to note the readers ultimate is that they work with explosives!
I couldnt find an actually name for it sorry, also this was requested!! thank you so much for requesting guys it means so much
Sorry if Peko is a bit ooc😔
Monokumas taunting giggles rang through out the room
I look around, inspecting the people around me, still wondering how we even got into this situation
"Hehe how about you kids explore the island!!" Once again he erupts into a fit of giggles, his words going through one of my ears and swiftly going through the other
I really didn't listen to him
Everyone was wary of eachother, some more tense then others
After a little while of talking most of us slipped into tiny groups
While each group went to the beach or any other place to hang out i actually took monokumas words and explored the island noticing how most entrances were locked
I try not to stray from the actual path of the island but something catches my eye
I see Fuyuhiko and Peko talking, they werent arguing or anything but it felt off to see Fuyuhiko not spewing different insults at somebody for once
I slowly but surely try to walk past them, trying to act like i didn't see anything
But suddenly i hear a voice behind me, calling out.
"(Y/N) over here"
I look back and Peko is waving at me moving her hand in a "come here" motion
I walk up to her and Fuyuhiko mumbles something I didnt quite catch but guessing him it was probobly another insult
"So we found something and since you work with explosives i thought maybe you could help us out somehow"
We trudge through the sand in silence, it wasnt the longest walk but my feet were a bit tired from walking around the whole island already
Peko points at something and i look up
Near the shore i see a big entrance to a cave, but it was blocked just like all the gates
I tilt my head to the side, looking at both Fuyuhiko and Peko
"What do you want me to do?"
"You idiot, we want you to open it up so we can see whats inside" Fuyuhiko says angrily at me
"First of all, shut up. Second of all, i work with explosives and i dont see any nearby how in the hell am i supposed to pry this open"
Peko sighs and looks at me, "theres dynamite nearby"
When she says that my eyes lit up, its as if i were a kid about to open my presents underneath the christmad tree all over again
"Where are they? Where did you find them? Are there a lot? How good are they??" I look all around me jumping and sprinting through the shore trying to find the percious dynamite
Fuyuhiko would have called me a stupid puppy because of my mannerisms but Peko stopped him before he could do anything
"Jackpot!" You yell
The two hadn't even noticed you had left their side and were shocked that your yell could be heard from where they were standing
The dynamite was quite far away from the cave
Before they could even think about helping you they see a figure running back towards them, almost sprinting if it werent for the big dynamite on their back
Your muscles straining you pant and try to blow the hair away from your face when you get back to them
"Dont ask" Peko stops Fuyuhikos sentence, deciding its not even worth it asking how you got back so fadt, ESPECIALLY while carrying dynamite with you
You show a big grin even though you were out of breath, sweating, and panting.
"So how are we gunna blow this baby up?"
Peko stands beside you looking down at the explosives while explaining her plan.
"What we're going to do is you place the dynamite and i will use this cigar and sword to light the fuse" she says suddenly
You jump back, "woah woah woah where did you get that??"
"Got it from the shop, its pretty dull but a rock can go a long way, i sharpened it"
You were a little skeptical of what she was going to do with that sword but either way you place the dynamite carefully
You take a few steps back and let Peko do all the other work.
She first cuts a bit off the fuse from the dynamite to make it shorter and wont take as long to blow up, then she takes the cigar and lites the fuse
She takes a few steps back to right beside you and Fuyuhiko
You guys tale cover and then you hear a loud 'boom' and see rocks hitting the floor all around you. The explosion probobly alerting the others but you payed no mind to it.
You also didnt pay mind to the loud ringing in your ears now, you were used to it by now. Plus you were so excited to work with explosives you didnt even care at this point.
When you were about to enter Fuyuhiko's voice stops you all in your tracks
"Im going to stay out here, you guys go in"
At this point you thought maybe you were about to be murdered, monokuma hadnt even given the first motive yet damnit.
But seeing as Peko left her sword outside with Fuyuhiko made you think you were safe now even if she might have something hidden in her pockets
But you decided to trust them and grab a lantern that Fuyuhiko had in his hands
You go in, cobwebs and dust making your allergies come to the surface and smeezing millions of times
You brush it off and Peko helps you light up the lantern
You walk around, there wasnt much besides insects here and there and different passages running from left to right
Since the silence was killing you a bit you decided to start conversation
You clear your thraot, "Why were you and Fuyuhiko together?"
"Why are you asking?"
"I just didnt think Fuyuhiko would be one to try and be friends with someone, especially because of the circumstances we're in right now"
You suddenly pause and stop moving, the only sound that can be heard is the fire crackling and weird echoes from inside the cave.
"Wait, are you guys...dating??"
She suddenly stops in her tracks and looks back at you, a sudden laugh erupting from her
"Me and Fuyuhiko?? Are you kidding me?"
The sudden realisation of what you just said hit you and now you were just a tiny bit embarrased for saying something so absurd
A blush erupts on your face, painting your cheeks and ears red. You nervously chuckle and put your free hand on the back of your neck, rubbing it trying to soothe your now, very knowable, embarrassment.
'Well atleast i made her laugh' you say in your head
Peko notices your embarrasment and tries to explain, "no me and Fuyuhiko arent together. We were just talking about the entrance and how we could get in and then we saw you"
"O-oh" you stutter, still a little embarrased and lookind down
"Well, thanks for letting me help you it was nice hanging out with you, i wont lie about that"
She seems a little shocked at that confession but she just smiles and blushes a little 
You wont lie, you were a little scared of hanging out with people like them, Fuyuhiko and Peko, they seemed pretty closed off
But seeing Peko give you a warm smile and seeing her head tilt, you thought maybe, maybe this is the start of something good
[1353 words; august/2/2020]
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captainsonofabitch · 5 years
Tony meeting Peter
@kawasakikat requested Peter meeting Tony and, honestly, I wanted to write more but had to restrain myself... Maybe i’ll do a followup, who knows? Apologies for any OOC-ness :)
Tony hated press conferences with a vengeance; the lights were too bright, the reporters were rude and demanding with little respect for those they were aiming questions at, and the other members of the Avengers were absolutely useless at answering the multitudes of queries fired at them from their audience. That was why Tony was very much not looking forwards to the imminent press conference following their latest world-saving endeavour.
They were backstage, everyone decked out in their uniforms bar Tony who had simply donned his usual sneaker-suit combo - there was no way he was lugging his armour around just for the sake of some dumbass journalists. Looking over the top of his aviators, Tony sighed. Press conferences with everyone on the team present? Hellish. God, he could already see Cap stressing over the mini-debrief he had to give to begin with, a pre-prepared thing jotted down on neat flashcards courtesy of one Agent Coulson. Wanda, Vision, Nat, and Clint were standing in amiable silence beside the door to the small stage they’d be sat upon, Sam, Bucky, and Thor hovering awkwardly behind Steve as the man rehearsed. Rolling his eyes, Tony turned his attention back to Agent as their time out of the public eye drew to a close. He heard the weak sigh Cap gave as they were announced and, one by one, the Avengers filed out onto the platform they were supposed to spend the next hour and a half on.
Almost immediately, flashes started popping, voices clamouring over one another to be heard. Tony felt the familiar tightness behind his eyes and pushed his glasses up his nose to block the worst of the flashes. Cap made his way to the little microphone stand and Tony tuned him out as he began to speak. It was the usual drivel; what had caused the incident (aliens…), who had instructed the Avengers to intervene (the WSC…), what damage control was in place (as much as they could afford…), and what clean-up efforts were being made (whatever Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D could afford… so a lot). Tony had heard it a million times before; every time the Avengers saved the world a press conference followed suit.
The speech itself didn’t take long and all too soon Tony found himself taking Steve’s place at the microphone, sending a plastic smile at the plethora of journalists seated before him. Immediately, hands began to rise. Spotting a timid-looking man sitting near the back with his hand semi-raised, Tony pointed confidently. The man in question cleared his throat.
“You mentioned the threat was of an intergalactic nature? Do the Avengers, and by association Stark Industries, have measures in the work to prevent the number of Alien attacks in the future? This is, after all, the fourth in the last sixteen months.”
And so it began. Tony pasted on a positive demeanour and got to work answering the abundance of, either completely ignorant or simply plain rude, questions that the reporters sent their way. Occasionally, the other Avengers would pipe up, but for the most part Tony took the reigns and led the conference the way he had been doing since adolescence. By the time they were just over half-finished, he had them eating out of the palm of his hand, the more insulting reporters kicked out without hesitation whilst those respectful and with genuine enquiries remained. It was only when one reporter piped up that things got remotely interesting.
Tony had selected a woman seemingly at random, skimming the crowd to find anyone looking especially impatient. The moment he pointed to her, her polite smile turned vindictive.
“Mr. Stark, what do you have to say about the recent break-up between you and Miss Potts? Was there an incident that provoked it or did you simply grow tired of the commitment? Your track record gives the impression that your commitment issues may be to blame.”
Tony’s jaw dropped. Yes, he and Pepper had split a few months prior but until now no-one had been blasé enough to broach the topic. Blasé and straight-up rude. Before Tony could formulate an answer, another voice piped up, a snarky drawl that immediately had the man’s gaze shifting across the room till it landed on the speaker.
“How is this at all relevant to this event? As far as I was aware, this conference was held to discuss the recent attacks and the contribution the Avengers made to saving the world… again.”
The man who spoke appeared to be around about Tony’s age, dark hair pushed back from his face and striking blue eyes twinkling with mirth. His thin lips were tugged up into a smirk that made something unfamiliar curl warm and tight in Tony’s stomach. Hearing the obnoxious spluttering of the invasive reporter, Tony couldn’t contain a chuckle. The other man shifted to look up towards the stage, meeting Tony’s gaze.
“Something funny, Mister Stark? I was simply trying to keep your conference on track,” he announced, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“Ah, I appreciate it, honestly. God knows somebody has to. I do so try my best but… well, you know how unpredictable people can be Mister…?”
“Hale. Peter Hale. From ‘The Beacon.’ A pleasure to formally make your acquaintance, even if it did involve me defending your honour at your own event.”
Tony barked out a laugh and grinned wolfishly at Peter. Reaching up to his face, he tugged his glasses off and tucked them into the front pocket of his suit.
“The pleasure is all mine, Peter. I’ve read a few of your articles actually; I’m particularly fond of that series you do… what’s it called again? Oh, yes. I do believe you call it your ‘Weekly Review of Tony Stark’s Ass.’ The commentary on my leather pants really spoke to me.” Tony chuckled, watching the way the corners of Peter’s eyes crinkled in amusement whilst the faintest of flushes became apparent under the fluorescent glow of the lights.
“It’s well received, I assure you. The readers love it. My personal favourite, though, is my ‘Iron Man; the Real Leader of the Avengers’ segment. It’s why I’m here today actually. Gathering new material, you know how it is.”
Peter held up the clipboard in his hands and gave it a half-wave, Tony following the movement with his eyes. The man on stage nodded his head in amusement, feeling the tell-tale brush of heat creep up the back of his neck. He was familiar with the segment in question; it was his go-to reading material when the self-doubt and worthlessness came creeping in. Peter was always glowing in his reports of the advancements S.I was making, of the things Tony had been up to that the general press never really wanted to report (the hospital visits, the Make-A-Wish trips, the donations and free-of-charge appointments with Veterans and the likes), and in his adventures as Iron Man, with or without the Avengers. Many times had he made clear his opinion that Tony was the best-suited to lead their ragtag group of Superheroes, backing up every point he made with such a broad plethora of evidence that people couldn’t really argue. Peter’s segments practically had their own fan clubs, and Tony was thrilled to put a face, a personality, to the name.
“Ah, I see. Using my pain and suffering for your own selfish gain,” Tony teased. “I should have known you were too good to be true.”
“Mister Stark I assure you, your pain and suffering are the furthest thing from what I want.”
And suddenly the mood was a lot more serious. Peter’s entire being screamed sincerity and Tony found himself speechless. The duality of the reporter was astounding and it took a moment for the man to regain his voice and reply.
“It’s alright, I was just messing with you, but you knew that, right? Thanks, though. Seriously. It’s not often people in your position actually care about the person they’re reporting about.”
At that moment, Tony would swear Peter’s eyes blazed a bright blue, flashing intensely before returning to their usual state. Thinking it must simply have been a trick of the light, he smiled wanly.
“Well I am most unlike most people in my position.”
Sucking in a breath through his teeth, Tony opened his mouth to respond when a pointed cough from behind him interrupted. Before he could say another word, he heard Coulson announce that ‘That’s all we’ve got time for. Thank you for your questions.’ And then he was being ushered, roughly, off of the stage. Cap was hissing in his ear but Tony didn’t pay him any attention whatsoever, trying instead to find Peter in the surging crowd of reporters. There was still so much he wanted to say, to talk with the man about. Vowing that he would find the reporter as soon as he could lose the rest of the team, Tony let himself be dragged away backstage.
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years
Could I ask for a writing request? Canon Eugeo in Hollow Realization casually saved Kirito from a monster and Kirito got the idea of acting like a maiden who just got saved (because Eugeo looks like a "knight in shining armor) and Eugeo just plays along. Bonus if the others see it and wonder if they are sharing a single braincell.
OKAY! This took. WAY LONGER THAN I WANTED IT TO. Perhaps in the future I will spend on downloading HR and FB to my Switch. I had to scrounge for research for a few points and got some pointers from Discord buddies who played the games, so I hope this isn’t to OOC for HR. If not I apologize from the bottom of my heart! One-shot (finally!) under the cut.
           If I didn’t pull back and use apotion now, I’d end up respawning after I took the next blow. This monster waspretty high level, but I hadn’t anticipated the battle being this difficult. Itdidn’t give me time to back out of the fight and take a rest, though. It wasalready charging towards me, ready to strike, well before I could properly getinto the correct position to activate a Sword Skill. Instinctively, I snappedmy eyes shut and waited for the notification that I’d died.
           But no notification appeared.
           I felt myself come to a stop. Iopened my eyes and saw Eugeo with his back in front of me, sword extended inthe final position of the Sword Skill he’d just executed. Glittering shardsrained down from where the monster had been. He straightened up and turned tome, giving me a smile. I felt it appropriate to express my thanks, but I had astrong urge to tease him at the same time.
           Whaton Earth could embarrass this guy? I thought.
           An idea popped into my head almostas soon as I’d thought that. I smirked to myself. I turned to face him fullyand grabbed the sides of my coat like a skirt. Eugeo raised one eyebrow,curious. I bent down into a curtsey, resulting in an amused snort from Lisbeth.
           “Thank you, my liege,” I said.
           I glanced up to see if Eugeo wasreacting to my simple action. When he didn’t appear to do anything, I plucked anearby flower and offered it to him, pretending to be bashfully offering it tohim.
           “If not for you, dear knight, Imight very well have died,” I said, turning my head downwards as if ashamed.
           Surely, this would fluster him. Iheld the position, waiting for a response from him. The one he gave was ratherunexpected. He took the flower, reached across with his free hand, caressed mycheek, and gave me a sincere and stereotypically knightly smile.
           “Why, dear princess, it was notrouble at all!” he said. “I’m always at your service.”
           My little attempt at teasing him hadbackfired. I felt my face flush from embarrassment. Leave it to VRMMOs to incorporatean obvious way to show how you’re feeling. There was a glint in Eugeo’s eyessuggesting that he wasn’t letting me win this battle. I’d have to keep playingalong in hope that he’d eventually cave and show more embarrassment than I was.The others couldn’t see me blushing. I’d have to up my game.
           “Oh, but to put you in danger for mysake—I cannot bear the thought!” I exclaimed, dramatically putting my armagainst my forehead.
           Eugeo just smiled. He looked quitelike a fairy tale prince, dressed in knightly attire, who’d come to save hisdamsel in distress. I don’t think he knew so much about that sort of story, buthe certainly knew the role well enough to play the part. He casually scooped meup in his arms like a groom picking up his bride-to-be.
           “No danger is too great for me,” hesaid, rather boastfully, might I add. “I’ll be there no matter the trial. Be ita monster, or nature, or the gods themselves—I’ll come to your aid in yourdarkest of hours.”
           Man, he was really getting into thisrole. I almost ended up laughing at the statement. It seemed so wellthought-out that he couldn’t have just thrown it out on the spot like that. Thelaugh came out more as a giggle, though, which thankfully fit the image I wasgoing for.
           “Are they, perhaps, idiots?” I heardSinon mutter.
           As if to make matters even moredramatic, Eugeo gently put me down. I daintily stepped down onto the groundonce more. I covered my mouth with one hand and batted my eyes at him. Hedropped down on one knee, spreading his arms out wide, and then bowed as hepressed his hand over his heart.
           “Dear princess, I save you because Ilove you!” he said.
           At this point, Leafa and Lisbethboth started snickering with amusement. I could hear Sinon groaning. I stole aglance at the rest of the group. Several faces displayed mixed emotions ofirritation and hilarity. I turned back to Eugeo and pressed my hands over myheart, giving him my best emotional expression. I even pulled out the faketears. Thank goodness the system responded to that.
           “I-I love you, too!” I said.
           Eugeo once again spread out hisarms. I threw myself into them. He picked me up in the embrace and spun usaround. Of course, we both knew what followed. If this was a contest to try andembarrass the other, I had to be bold about this. I’d finally get him if I justpushed myself to do this one last thing—the completion of the picture-perfectimage of a knight in shining armor and his recently-rescued princess. It was sosimple. And it would definitely make him turn red.
           I prepared myself for the moment. Ashis feet came to a stop, I tucked some of his hair behind his ear. I leanedforward, preparing myself to finish the act. My lips parted ever-so-slightly,and my face moved in closer to his. I slipped my eyes closed. I definitely didn’twant to look at him when I did this. It was already embarrassing enough. I feltmy lips brush against his.
           Finally, he caved. He yelped insurprise and ended up dropping me. I couldn’t help but start laughing. His facewas so red with embarrassment that I thought his head might explode. As into theroleplay as he’d been, not once had he likely considered that I’d try to playalong and kiss him. He covered his face and shook his head.
           “K-Kirito! Warn me next time!” heexclaimed.
           I hopped back up to my feet and curtseyedone more time for effect.
           “Of course, my knight,” I said. “Nexttime I’ll make sure you’re fully prepared to seal our true love with a kiss!”
           I felt a flick to the back of myhead. I turned around and saw Sinon glaring at me.
           “Will you two morons finish up yourlittle princess act and move onto the next area with us?” she said. “We’re inthe middle of a quest!”
           “S-sorry,” I stammered. “I was havingtoo much fun.”
           She huffed and marched off towardsthe group. The others shook their heads. They headed in the direction of thenext goal for the quest while Eugeo and I hung back, both hanging our heads inshame that we’d been told to stop messing around.
           “They didn’t like that, did they?” Imuttered.
           Eugeo sighed.
           “No, but I thought it was fun,” hesaid.
           He smiled at me. I wasn’t sure if hemeant that or if he was just trying to be a good friend and lift my spiritsafter being told off. He patted my back and then walked off after the others. Iblinked at him as he walked.
           “W-wait a minute!”
           I could practically feel his smugexpression from behind him. Serves me right for trying to tease him.
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impandagrl · 6 years
When I See Your Face
Things might not be as rosy as they first appeared, as Y/N and Sam continue to explore their new relationship.
Part 2 of the 'Home Is Wherever I'm With You' series
Part 1 Here
Much thanks to the brilliant @justawaywardwinchestergirl and Edge_of_Clairvoyance for being amazing for encouragement, bouncing ideas off of, and providing excellent beta services.
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics (my way), emotional hurt/comfort, off-screen violence, Sam (seemingly) acting OOC
I have been working on this for a bit, I have several chapters already written and will be posting them as I can. If you want a list of known warnings, let me know and I will send it to you privately as it includes spoilers. If you want to be tagged let me know. 
During the next several weeks, keeping an eye out for Sam on Thursdays became second nature. It wouldn't happen every week, and they hadn't been able to have any noteworthy interactions, just that smile and gentle “Hey, Y/N,” - he somehow always made sure he got her without making it obvious he was doing it - and she would reply in kind and take his order.
This Thursday she was particularly hoping to see him because he hadn't been in the last two weeks in a row. It was a bit early yet for possible Sam sightings - she was just tidying up so she could take her lunch - when she saw him.
He smiled at her, but something was a little off about it and she felt her heart stutter in concern. “Hey, Sam, is -" she glanced around the mostly empty shop, and lowered her voice, “- is everything okay?” The question was a little unprofessional, but she couldn't help herself.
“Yes, of course, I get to have lunch at my favorite coffee place.” he was trying for light and joking, and almost pulled it off, but her instincts were still telling her there was something not quite right.
She made the split decision to drop a hint in the hopes he would pick it up, but left it up to him in case he would rather be alone. “Perfect! I get to serve my favorite customer right before I take *my* lunch.”
He seemed genuinely hopeful at this news, and it was his turn to subtly glance around and lower his voice, “Would you mind having lunch with me again?”
“Not at all, what can I get you?”
He looked over the lunch menu undecidedly and she interjected, “The strawberry almond salad is really good - that's what I was going to have, actually.”
He brightened at that and his small smile was the closest to normal he'd managed so far. “I'll take two of those, then.”
She gave him a mock reproving look, but wasn't going to turn down a free meal. She gave him the price and nodded toward the corner as she rang him up, “Meet you in the same booth as before?”
“Perfect, see you in a minute.” She scrutinized him as he walked away. She may have just been imagining it, but he seemed to carry himself a little more hunched, and move just a bit slower, than usual.
She brought their salads on a tray so she could carry extra vinaigrette dressing and two cups. She carefully set it in the center of the table before scooching in.
He eyed the purplish drinks curiously. “What's this?”
“Fresh berry lemonade. You bought the salads and I thought they would go nicely. I could get you something else if you don't like it . . .”
Sam shook his head, “I'm sure I'll enjoy it, thank you.”
They started in on their salads in silence for a minute before she decided to broach the subject as delicately as she could. “Would it help to talk about it?”
His eyes searched hers, “Uh, I'm not . . . I don't really . . .” He trailed off.
“Sam,” she leaned forward in her chair and her hand moved unbidden to touch his, but she set it down on the table a few inches short. “You don't have to tell me anything. If you want to, I'm here. If you'd rather we talk about something else, we can do that, and if you don't feel like talking at all and just wanted someone to sit with, I would like to. Whatever you need.”
She was rewarded by seeing some of the tension leaving his shoulders and face. “Thank you, Y/N, for being so understanding. Here's what I can tell you: most of it's to do with my job; I can't really talk about that part. . .”
Her eyes widened, but she tried not to let her curiosity show and after a beat he continued, “Let's just say, ‘rough week at the office’.” He landed a passable smile which she returned.
“Well, you know I'm familiar with those.” She was getting the feeling they weren't in the same ballpark, but if he wanted to downplay it, she could humor him for now.
“The rest, is . . .” His eyes dropped to his salad; he picked at it as he continued.
“Every once in awhile I get a new peek at something that happened to my brother when we were kids. He's older and my dad . . . had his issues. He made my brother feel like he was responsible for me, and put a lot on his shoulders - more than a kid his age should have had to deal with. I know my dad was doing the best he could. Raising two boys on his own after Mom died, wasn't easy on him. But Dean, he's still dealing with some of the repercussions of all that. And to top it off he hides stuff from me, tries to shelter me from the worst of it. And, I guess I just wish he could talk to me about what’s going on - if I had known at the time maybe I could have been there for him; been a better brother, I don't know.”
He was quiet for a few seconds and she tentatively summarized “So, the fact that Dean had to go through that is already upsetting enough, and then on top of that he hides it from you.”
“I mean, yeah. It's pretty much a pattern with him. Part of it is pride I think, he doesn't want to admit he could use his little brother's help, but part of it is that he almost believes it was okay - everything that happened, whatever dad did, or said, or any other crappy thing that happens to him - like he thinks he deserves it. And I don't know where to begin to help with any of it.”
He sighed and she found herself mirroring him in sympathy. “Wow, that's a lot.”
“I'm sorry, it wasn't right to dump all that on you.”
“Oh no, Sam, please! I asked you to, you have to be able to talk to someone. You were there for me when I was having a rotten day anyway, I can at least listen about yours. You know it's not on you to fix everything, but I'm thinking there are some things you can do to help - ways you can be there for him and support him and make sure he knows it's safe to talk to you. It's hard when it sounds like he's still stuck in his role as your big brother, and he still feels like he has to shelter you. I'm assuming you've tried to tell him you're a big boy and you're able and willing to help shoulder the weight?”
Sam rolled his eyes, his exasperation clearly directed at his brother, “Yeah, a time or two.”
“You know it's not your fault, right? You were just a kid. It doesn't sound like your brother blames you for what happened . . .”
“No, I think he wishes I just never found out.”
“It's tricky to balance wanting to help, but not to wanting to do anything that might discourage him from opening up to you next time.”
“Yeah, and he'll use any excuse to say, ‘See, that's why I never told you!’”
“It doesn't sound like a situation that can be wrapped up neatly in a bow. Besides being there for him to talk to when he's ready, I think you can let your brother know you love him and accept him on a regular basis, and that can chip away at that kind of deep rooted mess, but you can't fully fix it, and I don't think he expects you to. I'm sorry, I'm trying to give advice that you didn't ask for . . .”
“No, that's okay. You're right.” He ran a hand through his hair as if brushing away the somber mood and gave her a real smile, “So, have you read any good books lately?”
She respected his desire for a subject change and returned his smile, “Yes! I just started the third book in this series by Cornelia Funke - have you ever read the Inkheart trilogy?”
“Mmm, I don't think so . . .”
“Well, first off, you need to fix that, it's incredible! One of my all time favorites, and she's one of my favorite authors. Anyway, this series is called the Reckless series or the Mirrorworld series and it's great. She really sucks you into the story and her characters are very lifelike. She likes to write fantasy books, but based on the old Grimm fairy tales, so almost horror-esque in parts.”
He smirked as if reminded of a private joke, but looked intrigued, “I'll have to look for it. We have a lot of the same tastes in books; chances are good I'll enjoy it.”
Y/N had to stifle a groan as Terri rounded the corner, eyes widening as they settled on Sam and her.
“If you think you've had a long enough break, I could use your help,” Terri’s polite tone was forced, wouldn't want to be rude in front of a customer after all, but the edge of annoyance was apparent.
Sam stood smoothly, his cup and plate suddenly in his hands, “I do apologize for keeping your employee,” he faked a look at her name tag for Terri’s benefit, “Y/N provided me with an excellent recommendation - the strawberry almond salad was excellent - and I was just stopping to thank her when I pulled her into a conversation. She was just humoring a bothersome customer, I'm afraid.”
Terri was sputtering, “Uh, well, nonsense, of course Y/N was happy to be of assistance to a valued customer, I'm sure.”
“I won't take up any more of your time. Thank you, and I hope to be able to have lunch here again sometime.”
“Yes, Have a good day, stop by again!”
Through it all, Y/N was blown away with how effortlessly Sam had thought on his feet like that, but also she felt a prickling at her scalp and arms. On the surface Sam's voice was the epitome of formal and polite, but there was this undercurrent of warning. It spoke of hidden danger, but it somehow didn't make her afraid in the slightest. It almost made her feel more safe . . . protected, maybe because it wasn't directed at her, but at her unreasonable manager. She filed it all away for future perusal.
As Sam reached the door he turned to drop his dishes in the bin and, out of Terri’s line of sight, flashed her one of his sun eclipsing smiles and was gone. Terri turned toward her with a broad hint that the drawers needed to be counted for midday and scurried back behind the counter leaving her to finish clearing their table in peace.
The next few weeks passed normally. Sam appeared most Thursdays and they shared a smile. Sometimes they got to exchange a little small talk if the shop wasn't busy and Terri was nowhere in sight.
It had been a long Monday and Y/N was ready to go home. Her lazy coworker had ditched her to take a smoke break, but honestly, she was probably getting the closing list done faster without her. She saw that the full trash bags had been left by the door. “Really?! Couldn't have taken them with you when you went out back to smoke and play on your phone? That's fine, I got it,” she snarked.
She stepped out into the mostly dark alley and started at the sight in the shadows by the dumpster. Her brain was having trouble interpreting what she was looking at. A large shapeless - something - on the ground was moving in bizarre jerky motions and muffled squeaks seemed to be emanating from it. Something rose up at her gasp and the danger finally clicked. She screamed and threw the heavy trash bags at the figure before stepping back into the shop and slamming the door. The whatever-it-was fled, but she didn't stop or slow her movements as she hastily locked the door and dialed 911.
Dawn's light was peeking through the buildings and bathed the police vehicles in a rosy glow. The officers had taken an initial statement last night, but they had not been able to find any sign indicating the current whereabouts of the attacker. So they were back, having cordoned off the alleyway behind the coffee shop, and wanted to question her further. She did the best she could answering all their inquiries and remembering the incident last night with as much detail as she could.
She honestly was hoping she'd wake up and find out it was a crazy dream. Her coworker was alive, recuperating at a nearby hospital with some blood loss and lacerations to the neck. Everyone kept indicating she'd done something brave or heroic, but she didn't feel that way; she'd ran and locked herself inside, leaving her coworker bleeding on the asphalt.
She and the officer questioning her turned as a figure approached behind them. Her jaw fell open at the sight of Sam in a suit. He was mouthwatering; if you looked up “sight for sore eyes” in the dictionary, she was certain there would be a picture of him there.
“Officer. Sam Daltrey, FBI. This is my partner, Townshend. Your guy from last night sounds like a perp my office has been tracking for some time. We'll need access to the crime scene, any evidence you've uncovered so far, and witnesses.”
He nodded toward her and the policeman deferred to him, backing away mumbling for Sam to let him know if he needed anything.
“FBI?” She gave voice to the thing currently at the top of her running ‘wtf list,’ feeling like she was going to fall apart at any moment, but Sam's hand was suddenly on her arm, grounding her.
His face was grim, but his tone was gentle, “It's okay. You're okay. Come sit down.” He led her to a nearby booth and sat opposite her and for a wild second she wanted to forget the circumstances and ask if he'd read any good books lately.
His partner took a position a few yards away from them like a bodyguard, and appeared as if he was studiously ignoring their conversation. She knew he probably wasn't, but she appreciated the effort to make her feel more comfortable.
“Y/N, can you tell me everything that you remember about last night?”
She went over everything again. She hesitated before delving into the flashes she thought she'd caught of glowing eyes and far too many teeth. She knew they were most likely the results of her terror causing her to imagine things, and she felt mildly embarrassed, but she left nothing out. Sam got a vacant stony look on his face that she'd never seen before and it made her more nervous than probably anything else that had happened to her since she saw the thing in the alley - person, Y/N, it was just a sick, or drugged, or messed up human being, nothing more.
“Thank you for your time, ma'am, our office will be in touch.”
Wait, what? Ma'am? She felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. “S- Sam?”
He had started to turn away, but he paused, meeting her gaze with a somber look in his eyes, features carefully blank. His voice was low, but as emotionless as his face, “I'm very sorry you had to witness something so distressing. We'll take care of it, I promise, you don't have anything to worry about.”
Everything was off, she had never felt anything but safe around Sam and now she felt - nothing - and it was freaking her out. She tried to keep her voice quiet, but she was sure it was easy to hear the blossoming panic. “Sam!”
“I'm very sorry. I assure you we won't be bothering you again, ma'am.”
The foreign-sounding flat voice uttering those terrible words stopped her cold and all she could do was stare at Sam's retreating back. His partner hadn't moved and was looking between them now with an inscrutable look on his face. When Sam reached the door he paused and she thought maybe he was going to say something to make sense of - everything, but he only murmured, “Let's go, Dean. We got work to do.”
His partner snorted at that, but followed after him. The door closed and Y/N’s mind was a blur. What the hell had just happened?!
This way to part 3
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