#I almost went into a big ramble about Anubis
ghosts-and-glory · 6 months
Out of curiosity, do you like when people headcanon Narinder to be a black panther? I think its pretty cool :>
FINE YOU WANT MY WIP HAVE MY WIP But you only get a peek cause I wanna finish it first.
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Little sketch of Runningwithscizzorz panther design cause I love. Nobody tell them cause I still gotta finish it.
Honestly love the wild cat interpretations of him or even any distinct domestic cat breed. I considered designing him off a lynx because of his big ass pointy ears but instead went with a sleek, domestic black cat look. My game theory is that he’s likely based on ancient Egyptian illustrations of cats which would most likely make him a Egyptian wild cat or jungle cat, possibly with melanism causing his all black look.
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
Anubis Pad of the 7 sins
Het Huis Anubis/ Das Haus Anubis
Just me rambling:
Nienke and Fabian do mention that they have been dating for 6 months but they don't make such a big deal of it like Nina and Daniel do. In DHA this is like the main event. And it really got annoying and cringe after a while.
Proving their true love: Nienke and Fabian were chosen to prove their true love while Nina and Daniel just wanted to prove it themselves.
In HHA everything is Jeroen's fault in DHA it's Nina and Daniels fault.
Luzy isn't jealous of Charlotte and Kaya like Patricia is with Mick and Joyce. She also isn't mad all the time that she is alone.
In HHA Jeroens main sin being greed is brought up by several people. In DHA it's not brought up once being Magnus' main sin
In HHA Knight Rohan was on his own while in DHA most was Marduks doing. Who was jealous of Knight Roman. Because he was in love with Rosalinde, so he turned her into a bird.
In DHA Magnus is jealous of Daninas love. ( which made zero sense like tf) Jeroen isn't.
Both Jeroen and Magnus wanted to leave after going to the gate. Jeroen because he wanted the chest to himself and Magnus because he wasn't getting enough cash for something ridiculous like that. ( Which is like completely understandable)
Mara isn't seen walking that Pad with Magnus while Noa is with Jeroen.
Noa and Jeroen have an argument while Mara and Magnus don't.
Fabian looks like he is stressed while with Daniel it looks like he went on a fun adventure. Daniel just shows no emotions.
In DHA they all shown to made up in the end, Magnus apologizes to Daniel for almost beating his ass and tells him that he feels the same about Mara now too. ( Which was like in Season 2 he told her he loved her?? tf but whatever) This isn't really shown that much in HHA.
Mara and Magnus have also shown to made up in the end. And I love that. Jeroen and Noa were too. Mara and Magnus didn't fight and Magnus didn't do anything wrong imo. ( He left in the middle of the night with Felix to prank Danina, but that's how they always have been, and he's allowed to spend time with his best friend, and he's not forcing him to do it, bc why would Felix say no to pranking someone. And Magnus basically then goes through the gate because Felix went through it) Magnus just didn't want to spend every minute with Mara. Which is completely normal. It doesn't make you less in love with the person. You need time on your own and I hate how the movie represents Danina as the ideal couple who want to be together 24/7 just gushing over eachother.
Overall Jeroen seems to be more of an outsider while Magnus is more accepted by the group. Probably because Magnus is becoming more of a teamplayer than Jeroen.
Magnus and Daniel hang out two by two. Daniel asks Magnus for advice about his lovelife. (instead of his supposed best friend Kaya haha. which again understandable bc kaya back then just showed that he wasn't a good bf ) Fabian and Jeroen don't really.
Nienke and Fabian actually have real conversations in the movie unlike Nina and Daniel. They only talk about their 6 month dating milestone and their true love.
Kaya and Charlotte are alot less lovey dovey than Mick and Joyce. Kaya doesn't sleep in a tent with the girls next to Charlotte.
In HHA Nienke get kidnapped at night by Knight Roman, after Jeroen took the chest and destroyed the statue without anyone seeing it. The others find some gate the next morning and go through it. In DHA Nina gets kidnapped by Knight Roman, after Danina felt like they had to make a bet to prove their true love ( isn't pride a sin too? whatever..) Daniel sees this and Magnus and Felix aswell who run after him through the gate. The rest follows later the same night.
In HHA the tasks were alot more difficult than in DHA.
In my opinion they represent Fabienke as a much healthier and mature couple than Danina. Danina really is like a 4th grade couple. They are so childish and pretentious and cringe and embarrassing etc etc...
They didn't threw Magnus character development in the trash like they did with Jeroen. Yes he was completely OOC with that jealousy thing but his character didn't backtracked in the movie it developed.
I love Fabian and Nienke in this movie. But lord I really hated Nina and Daniel in this movie. It's not only because how they act. It's because how special they think their love is and there is nothing between them. It's just empty. It's like a nicely wrapped gift and inside of it there is nothing. That's what their relationship is like to me. (am i supposed to believe they had the craziest, most fun and most romantic six months?.... whatever.) And then the bet that they do. God they are so annoying and with the rings. And after the whole path they just decide they don't need the rings to prove their true love, after their friends just went trough the path so it was completely for nothing and it just seemed like an opportunity for Nina and Daniel to show off.
Noa and Charlotte wore the same Outfit. Appie and Felix wore the same Outfit. Mick and Kaya wore the same Outfit. Fabian's Outfit is the most similiar to Magnus ( which is funny bc they were my favourites in the movie of their version and on the movie cover both of them hold up a sword)
After Mara vanished after the first sin Luzy screams at Daniel for doing a bet with that knight, Patricia is not seen in that scene when Noa is turned into stone.
Noa loses at the Sin Lust or Jealousy idk and Mara at Jealousy
In HHA they turn into stone in DHA they disappear into dust. And maybe i'm the only one but i personally find it alot more terrifying to see someone disappear into dust than turn into stone. Yes both is horrific. But with the stone thing you know atleast where they are at that they still exist. With the dust thing they just completely disappear and you don't even know if they still exist and where they are.
In HHA Patricia loses at the Sin Lust because she kissed that Knight and Luzy loses because she touched Max through the mirror.
In HHA Jeroen makes it so fourth place after sacrificing himself and Magnus makes it to second place.
In HHA Fabian has that sword fight with Knight Rohan in DHA Daniel has it with Magnus.
Nienke witnesses the sword fight Nina doesn't.
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nymphigeon · 4 years
Roses Have Thorns
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♡ Pairing; Jungkook x Reader
♡ Genre; Angst, Fluff, Fantasy!AU, Supernatural!AU, S2L, Student!Jungkook, Wizard!Jungkook, Angel!Reader, Demon!Reader, Student!Reader
♡ Warnings (for this chapter); Panick attack
♡ Rating; NC-17
♡ Words; 2950
♡ Summary; A girl forced to live in fear because of her own power. Even though she isn’t supposed to exist, she wants to live. She’ll just make sure that she breaks herself over and over until there is nothing left of her. He, of course, won’t let her.
♡  A/N; Sorry it took me so long... T_T
Series masterlist
Chapter Two Chapter Three
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Chapter Three
Jungkook waits, and then waits some more. Nothing happens. There’s no huge fiery impact, no one is currently screaming their lungs out in agony and it is actually rather cold. The previously bustling street full of people seems to have become completely deserted in a mere few minutes. Apart from a gust of wind now and then, nothing happens.
“It’s okay, you’re safe.” A beautiful voice reaches his ears, a sugary scent accompanies the pleasant sound. For a moment Jungkook wonders if he died and ended up going to heaven. Surely only an angel could have such a soothing voice? Or maybe he went straight down to hell instead, getting stuck with a mysterious siren.
“You can open your eyes now, the danger has passed.” If Jungkook has to describe their voice, he would say it reminds him of flower fields. The colourful ones with sweet smells all around. It calms him.
Deciding to trust the voice, Jungkook lets out all tension in a low sigh. The rate his heart is beating at slows down, his breathing following soon after. If he doesn’t listen, will they speak again? Is it strange for him to want to hear that soft sound once more?
Still, he slowly opens his eyes. A few steps away from him stands the owner of the voice. She isn’t looking at him, only showing her back. Her hair carefully follows the direction of the wind, a light glow present on the strands despite the sun not showing itself.
As the mysterious girl promised, all danger seems to have vanished. Nothing is on fire, nothing has been destroyed. Except for the absence of all the humans normally walking through, nothing has changed.
Sensing that Jungkook has opened his eyes, the girl turns around. A fancy mask covers her face, hiding everything except for the radiant colour of her eyes. The black mask in what looks to be the shape of Anubis’ head seems to be crafted out of a fine sleek material, adorned with little sparkling crystals along the outlines.
“I’m not sure why they’re targeting you…” As she speaks she takes calculated steps towards the still slightly frozen boy. “But I know they aren’t a group you should mess with.” Bending down, she picks up the plastic bag with groceries Jungkook dropped earlier, holding it out in front of her for him to grab. He makes sure not to touch her hands as he accepts the bag, scared that the silk laden fingers might burn him. Who is she?
“I-I..” So many questions and so little answers. Jungkook has no idea where to start, but he knows he has to find his voice. Everything is happening too fast.
“I didn’t do anything..” It would be surprising if she didn’t hear the way he swallowed, or the way his heart slowly picked up the pace in her presence. Jungkook has always prided himself in being rather fearless, and although that was before he almost met death himself, he can’t help but be a little embarrassed.
“It’s okay, I believe you.” She smiles, even though he can barely see it. “Stay out of trouble okay?” Raising her hand, she slowly waves at him, turning around while she walks back to the ground she previously stood on. “Wait!”
Jungkook is surprised at his actions, but there is no turning back now. He reaches out to her as if to grab her, his hand however only meets air. She doesn’t wait. When Jungkook opens his eyes after a blink, she is gone. Regret creeps up his back. He never got the chance to thank her.
The ringing of his phone brings him out of the self-deprecating spiral he got stuck in. Without looking at the name of the caller, he picks up. “Jungkook! Are you okay?! Where are you? You’re not hurt right? Do I need to come get you?” Namjoon rambles on as soon as Jungkook answers the phone, not really giving him time to actually answer any of the questions.
“I heard there was an attack near the grocery store. Should I call an ambulance? Police? Are you dyi-” “Joon, I’m fine.” Jungkook interrupts him. “I’m not hurt at all, I’m on my way home.” Jungkook can hear Namjoon sigh in relief. “Stay inside, I’ll be there soon.” Jungkook hangs up after, knowing the other will start rapidly throwing sentences his way again as soon as he gets the chance to speak.
Determined to not make the same mistake twice in a row, he quickly texts Namjoon a ‘Thank you for worrying’ before returning the phone to its original place. The bag filled with food feels heavy in his right hand. Jungkook definitely isn’t going back to get that eggplant now.
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“Where have you been?” Haeun questions as soon as you come through the door. Her arms are crossed, her facial expression neutral. It’s almost like she was waiting for your return. “Does it matter?” You don’t look at her as you take off your shoes, long having gotten used to her behaviour.
“Would I be asking if it didn’t?” She taps her foot on the ground in annoyance. “Makes me wonder what you’re trying to hide.” Tired of leaning against the wall, Haeun closes the distance between you two ever so slightly. Not to intimidate, but to figure out. Maybe both.
“What are you trying to protect dear sister?”
Even while looking the opposite way, it’s not hard to miss the smirk on her face, amusement clearly evident in her voice. Teasingly she searches for your eyes, circling around like you’re the prey she just can’t let go of. A predator’s gaze rests upon you, burning through the barrier you set up in between.
“Where I’ve been, what I’ve been doing, it’s none of your concern. Please just leave me alone.”
With that you escape past her, not sure how much longer it will take before her treating gaze gets to you. Getting to your room is the goal, preferably without her presence following you around.
“You won’t gain anything by being secretive.” There is nothing to be hidden, nothing to be uncovered. Though your older sibling has always been leaning more towards the creepy dark side, she can be of no harm to you. At least, as long as you didn’t want her to be.
“Maybe not. That too, doesn’t concern you.” No more words float through the air after that. You turn the first corner after getting up the long flight of stairs, hoping to lose her attention for you. It seems to work as the sound of her walking gets further and further away.
Each and every time it was like this. Never straying away from that awkward strangers phase. If only she would treat you like her younger sister. If only she wouldn’t turn those cold eyes on you each time, perhaps the two of you could’ve been friends. If only.
Upon entering your room you immediately fall unto your bed, the action causing a loud dull sound to echo throughout the room. It’s always been too big for simply one person, the bed, the room. From the moment you were born, the next bedroom always had to be bigger than the last. Though, not because you wished for it to be that way. The real reason was always left from your ears.
Out of your pocket the soft melody of a notification sounds. It hasn’t changed since your 16th birthday. Nothing has changed since your 16th birthday.
‘I’m sure you heard the news already. I’m glad Haeun reported your safe return home, I got worried about your wellbeing. No details are out yet, so please be careful. They might return sooner than you think. I love you.’
The message makes you smile. Despite being the youngest at home, your dad never worried about your ability to take care of yourself. Since haven proven yourself to him a long time ago, he was never overly worried. Your mother wasn’t exactly the same.
Your parents have never been home a lot, always out and about for reasons you weren’t all that interested in. Business has never been your major of preference. As one of the few powerful individuals of society, both your mother and father had lots of work to do. Your mom having just a little bit more work than the man she married.
‘I’m fine, don’t worry. I hope you’re being careful too.’
After texting back you let your phone fall next to you. You need a hot shower to clear your mind.
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It had taken Jungkook a lot longer to get home than normally. Despite him calming down considerably, his legs wouldn’t stop shaking. Even getting the key to fit in the lock took more effort, his hands refusing to stay still.
The key rapidly ticking against the metal door handle must’ve alerted the person still inside. Before Jungkook can insert the piece of metal, the door flings open, almost hitting him in the head. If it wasn’t for the leftover adrenalin giving his reflexes a much needed boost, it would’ve actually struck.
He doesn’t even get the chance to step inside before a familiar body flings itself at him. “Thank god you’re okay.” Namjoon sounds like he is about to cry, his worried state awfully clear. For a few seconds Jungkook just stand there, not being used to Namjoon showing that much physical affection. He however is quick to return the hug when his brain as made sense of the situation.
“Let’s get inside okay?” Jungkook pats his back and pulls away from the older boy, speed walking inside to drop the overfilled bag on the dinner table. Those can be put away later, when the remaining traces of adrenalin running through his veins have lost their effect. That might take a while.
Namjoon, who had quickly closed the front door behind him, pulls out a chair to sit on, motioning for Jungkook to do the same next to him. As soon as both of them are comfortably seated, Namjoon decides to talk. “So, what happened exactly?”
It takes a while for Jungkook to form a coherent response. Despite the fact that only 20 minutes have passed since the incident, his memory is foggy. “Just… People started screaming all of a sudden. Everyone was running in the same direction, away from whatever threat was rapidly approaching. I looked up and right there was a massive ball of flames heading in my direction.”  The sight he witnessed at that moment still managers to send shivers down his spine. Never before had he been that close to dying.
Jungkook takes in a few breaths to calm himself down. It’s okay now, he’s safe. At least, he hopes. “I didn’t know what to do, while my mind was screaming at me to run, my whole body just wouldn’t cooperate. Before I knew it, it was too late to run. All I could do was wait for it to hit, which it, as you can see, never did. When I opened my eyes everyone was gone.”
“So they just retreated like that?” Namjoon’s face shows his confusion. It doesn’t make sense, though Jungkook still nods. He doesn’t have any other explanation. “I don’t know what happened. One moment they were there and the next they had completely disappeared.”
He feels dizzy, something isn’t right. “Jungkook, you said it was a fire attack right? The sender can’t just stop those once fired. The only way is to create a barrier in front of the fire, which requires a lot of skill. Too late and your attack has already hit it’s target, too early and it might backfire right into yourself. Besides that there’s also the strength and the type of the barrier…” Namjoon sighs, realizing there is too much to this to properly explain right now. “In short, even the most well-practiced get it wrong all the time. You would’ve definitely noticed had they tried something like this.”
Jungkook trusted Namjoon, he really did. Namjoon has always been the one with all the facts, no matter the subject. So then why was it so hard to believe him right now? Jungkook didn’t see anything, didn’t hear anything and surely didn’t feel anything.
“If it wasn’t for the news reporting the attack I would’ve thought you had been hallucinating.” It’s not weird for people to forget details after traumatic events, Jungkook is well aware. Though the story in his head seems logical, it obviously isn’t. What is missing however, Jungkook doesn’t know.
“Did nobody see what happened?” It’s the only hope he has. The only way he’s going to get any answers.
“There’s no footage. Before the news crew could arrive everything had already ended. As it seems right now nobody has recorded the event either and since the attack took place in the sky security camera’s probably haven’t captured anything except for a bunch of people running. You were the only one who wasn’t running. I assume it won’t be long before the police contact you.”
Despite the increasing dizziness he’s experiencing, Jungkook manages to put on a sheepish smile. He knows Namjoon doesn’t mean any harm, but the statement does hurt his pride a bit. The smile doesn’t stay long, the unease takes over.
Nothing makes sense. Nothing about this whole story makes sense. Jungkook realizes he must have missed something. A vital piece of information. If it was so important, then how did he forget? What exactly happened?
He couldn’t have been alone, or rather, he definitely wasn’t alone. “Wait no, there was somebody else…” There was someone there. “Who was there?” Namjoon looks at Jungkook’s expression with worry. “Somebody else…” He can’t finish his sentence. There was someone there. “I-” He isn’t going crazy, or maybe he is. A slowly disappearing silhouette. Something happened, something must’ve definitely happened.
“Jungkook, are you okay?” Namjoon puts his hands on Jungkook’s shoulders, trying to shake him out of whatever spiralling thoughts he was stuck in. It doesn’t exactly work, as Jungkook keeps blankly staring into space.
“I-I need some rest.” Jungkook stands abruptly, nearly knocking over the chair he was seated on. The feelings that had calmed down slowly rise up again. Perhaps they did do something to him. Perhaps he might still die, falling over out of nowhere, succumbing to the curse put upon him.
Who was there? Jungkook almost sprints to his room and slams the door closed behind him. In the comfort of his own space, he lets himself go. The panic he never got to properly process returns. Heavy breaths escape, heat creeps up his back. He can’t remember anyone.
Screams, running, hot, blue, flaming, silence. The order doesn’t change, the information doesn’t change.
Sitting on the corner of his bed, Jungkook lets his head fall into his hands. He can’t focus anymore. Words repeat, scenarios bounce around, the room is spinning, his hands are sweating. The unwelcoming tells of needing to throw up introduce themselves. Jungkook tightly closes his eyes. He needs this to stop.
“Jungkook breathe! In and out, come on..” Namjoon’s voice sounds so far away. When he had arrived here Jungkook doesn’t know. The company isn’t unwelcomed, nor is it helpful.
Pulling his knees up to his chest, Jungkook tries to make himself as small as humanly possible. Had he truly been hallucinating? Each time he seems to recall something it slips through his fingers. There was someone else. Fragments of sentences exchanged distort, unclear.
The room is void of any oxygen, he can’t breathe. This is it, it’s the end, suffocated by his own thoughts. He wasn’t alone, and yet he was. He was alone, and yet he wasn’t. Is this his own fault? Was he cursed?
What if the attack was supposed to go this way? They never intended on killing him straight up, they wanted him to suffer. Slowly accepting the darkness surrounding him.
Jungkook’s eyes had long been closed when a loud crash was heard. “Jungkook! Please listen to-” It didn’t matter anymore, he would die anyway. Namjoon’s voice slowly drifts away, the beating of his own heart slowly dims. It’s all too loud, but way too quiet.
And then it’s dead silent.
A low humming can be heard in the distance. Accompanied by feather light footsteps, the sound comes closer, stopping right beside him. He loves the sound, wants to keep listening to it. And so he does.
“It’s okay, you’re safe.”
All of a sudden Jungkook realizes how exhausted he feels. Slowly he lets himself go, calming down in the safe environment filled with their voice. Before he can completely fall into the deep slumber luring him in, he decides to take one more deep breath.
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Namjoon looks down at the sleeping boy on his shoulder. For the second time that day he lets out a relieved sigh. At last, the younger one felt at peace.
Carefully he moves Jungkook to lay on the bed instead and stands up to take cleaning supplies from another room. “Strong negative emotions must result in a significant loss of magic control..” Namjoon mumbles to himself, watching the different sized shards on the ground.
As he opens the door to exit the room, he looks back at the smiling sleeping boy on the bed. Reflecting his friend, Namjoon takes on a smile of his own. Today had brought a rollercoaster of emotions to them both. Ending like this was probably the best possible outcome.
“Are you having good dreams?” It’s whispered into the awaiting air. The only reply given is Jungkook slowly curling into himself, clearly happy with the flower field he ended up in.
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