#I adore redrawing official art its so fun
ryuniiis · 1 year
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Happy 32nd anniversary to my favorite blue rat.
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swirlwalker · 1 year
How do ya draw Silver? He's my favorite hedgehog ever since I first saw him and it really makes me sad that I can't draw him. The closest I can get is this:
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But it's not really that good. 💔
Heya Grimnlucky!! Hope you have a marvelous day!
Really really sorry for the slow reply there for I take too much time just to come up with response/words OTL
Yours a very adorable and precious silver art Ive ever seen, and I wanna cherish the small bean, cos look at he!!! My heart QAQ!!
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You're honestly on a very good start there! Art is a journey of self-expression and it takes time and dedication to create on something you love or have passion on! Don't be ashamed/afraid on what you have right now cos when you look back in the future (hehe), you can see how far you have come!
I'm still learning on how to draw Silver and the Mobians in general since I'm still quite new to the franchise. Hence understood the struggles/pain when it comes to drawing certain features and proportions of each character (for me its the five front quills in different angles, so much fixing/tweaking here and here...)
Having official photos of him as references somewhat helps me, until the colors and rendering comes by and oh boi that's a whole other story right there, the armour for Sir Galahad...lighting...absolute nightmare...
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So I'm not sure if these helps, but I would recommend checking on Silver's references! Whether it's the 3d models from games such as 006/Sonic Rivals 1 & 2 etc, and/or 2d versions of him (e.g promo arts from Sonic Channels or the comics like Archie/IDW) which would get good ideas as to how he was drawn!
Plus, personal favourite of mine, if really stuck with what to draw for your fav, redrawing screenshots from games, shows or comics can also helps ya with understanding how anatomy, poses and all of the stuffs work!!
I'll leave both of the gallery from the wiki and the head angles that has Silver and couple other characters if you wanna practice on some head turns with Silver!!
I would also recommend if you have enough storage on your device/s to have an album on your gallery with references for Silver! Or preferably for me, if uses Discord, create a server just for yourself and add a channel just for images, that way you don't have to worry about the actual storage space in your device's gallery!
At the end of the day, we all be sailing the same boat when it comes to art so its nice to have fun and slowly but surely learn and improve when drawing your favorite character!
Live and Learn!!!!
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mutant-xweetok · 8 months
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^^pic of me talking to myself for the last few days about the uc stuff
SO atm theres only 2-4 UCs that i think im actually going to try for. probably just the first 2 at first just to figure out how the new UC item works and stocks and stuff. BIGGEST worry is that i dont think the mutant xwee actually counts as UC which is one i dreamed of having
so im going to have to see how much UCs are going to cover.
EXAMPLE: if i have a blue or ghost ixi will i be able to get the old art if i use the UC item on it? or will that not count because thats OLD ART not a UC design like the grey ixi?
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i think thats whats going to determine how much i put into getting the UC items because i know FOR SURE if the UC item allows for ANY PET/COLOR to become the old art then i might get alot, i also know FOR SURE i dont want to start buying NC just for UCs cause im never going to be as active as the old days, the pet slots i buy just comes from the free NC that gets handed out onsite here and there so thats all im gonna use it for, maybe once i hit the max pet slots i'll use whatever NC left for UCs in the future or just faerie cookies, dont know yet
i know back in the early days i loved some pets MORE because of the old art (xwees, ixis, peophins, and unis especially) i dont dislike the new converted versions of those pets but i cant find myself making many characters/designs in my head for the converted versions, like old ixis were just FULL of character in all of their poses even in basic colors and now even just finding good customs is hard for me let alone making characters for them (i think is cuase of their big heads rip) also uni outfits are so TRAGIC i just cant do it
i personally have no gripe about the redraws (YET?) like i /can/ see the idea of a "downgrade" when looking at parts of the redraw (faerie wings KINDA) but thats it for me, i would have to see more to actually /feel/ anything about them. i do love the oldstyle thin lines but i the big gag here is i never cared about UCs when playing as a kid. i was definitely there BEFORE the 1st conversion but i think i stopped for a while when the conversion ACTUALLY happened, but me and squiddy loved customization so we kinda lost our minds with it at first anyway
i adore the oldstyle art for sure and there were so many pets i wanted BECAUSE i wanted the OLDSTYLE version of them (big example is the faerie ixi, i dreamed of having one cause she was so pretty but the conversion just made me not care) (also peophins in general, i had an old oc i pounded just because i just couldnt enjoy any customs or crosspaints i was going for, rip nini i miss you)
SO OVERALL: im really only interested in the old art, the value i guess is where i dont feel anything because my pets are ocs so theyre designs onsite can be whatever and i'll be fine
if these NCUC items allow for ANY PET COMBO to get oldstyle art then i could see myself getting a handful just to feel like i have one, dont really care about whatever identifier theyre going to attach to say "this is a NEW UC not an OLD UC" that doesnt mean anything to me i just want my pngs <3
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if these NCUC items DONT work universally with the oldstyle art and it only works with the pets that are catalogued/officially coded as UC (grey pets, the darigan pets, some faeries, etc) then i may only get 1-2 and leave it at that. not really disappointed/upset or anything i just dont care about UCs that much to get multiple, i'll leave it to those users who care about them and hope its fun for them!
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also i still have my neoclone accounts (that i need to get back to rofl) where i can get ahold of oldart pets which will work just as well! more ocs babey!!!!!!
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i actually am still so sad i didnt get a SAP back in december that was gonna fund the rest of my outfits im so sad (the rest of the AC was great even though i dont collect much of that stuff so no complaints there) but SOME OF THESE CLOTHES cost everything in my bank im so sad but i'll be fine but im so SAD
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peachy-doodles · 3 years
went through a bunch of my old art from like A YEAR ago and had a few random hl thoughts...
1) gotta start draw Gordons beard fuller again (like the below pic ) that was RLY fun and just drawing scruff like i do now doesnt sell the “full beard” thing despite me knowing its supposed to be a full beard
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2) a bunch of tha told art i wanna redraw digitally cuz its still PRETTY good and i rly enjoy someone of it
3) and also this pic was a concept for hl3/borealis adventures and i NEED to start making more art for that again cuz making hl3 concepts was like... my favourite past time last year apparently LMAO 
but also i just adore the very little amount of official art we got from the valve team on it (epistle 3) and i slurp up any project borealis content i can get because the concepts are just. SO fun and i wanna do more of my own again rly bad <3
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