#I added Wels at the end just cuz
dailyxisumavoid · 2 years
have you ever tried to do a dragon-xisuma design? not counting the bone mage one
[159] Dragon Xisuma you say?
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I have done a dragon Xisuma before! But it was just a headshot at the time :D
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Reading chapter 113…
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I’m sure as hell the Grimm Brothers were born in the 18th century and not Ancient Greece…but wait—so now you are telling me that their books are actually all stolen works?? I am looking forward to read Egyptian Snow White and Chinese Sleeping Beauty then😶
Yuu being Mahiru 2.0. (or the other way around since Mahiru was born later). If Kagami wants to fuel the MikaYuu ship…this is just…not the way. What the hell is Shikama letting Yuu read??? Now I bet that Shikama told Asuramaru to encourage Mahiru to read these fairytales too…
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Yuu: What’s a sacrifice?
Me: Well, it has black hair, green eyes, it’s cute and and is currently sitting next to an angel. Poor kid
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“I’m going to go and increase humanity’s numbers a bit more”
��so then I can kill more😈
(Oh no don’t tell me that Shikama has been inseminating more women “Hiiragi style” back then…)
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This panel is CURSED. It’s as if he has excess fluid in his brain and that’s putting pressure on his skull and deforming it my eyes need holy water
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Sweetie, I am sure Guren said that he is keeping your sister’s corpse not that he killed her. It was Lacus who did it, but if there is actually something more calculated and Lacus killing her wasn’t by chance then things are actually getting interesting. I wonder how long I’ll have to wait for a Yoichi arc…
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I am starting to question the Mikado no Oni instructors who taught Shinoa cuz last time I checked it was 13 not 14 (ok so now Yuu and Mika have been separated for 8 years, Mahiru and Guren have been planning everything since they were babies and everyone over the age of 14 died…ok ok) Math Skills 100%
And Shinoa dear, this isn’t the first time you tried to summarise what’s happening. You’ve been repeating yourself over and over, and we all already know that😑
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More parallels. Seriously Twitter fans are right. Shinoa is indeed starting to act like Yuu. I mean, everyone cries and puts their hands on their chest, but the fact that she does it not long since Yuu did the same, and the fact that Yamamoto draws her in the same perspective as Yuu is sus as hell.
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Oh— so now it wasn’t Mahiru’s fault because she didn’t wish for you to come??? Doesn’t change the fact that she knew you had a complex with helping people and so for almost a whole year she used that to her own advantage (pity traps, etc.).
Then, if Guren blames himself because he had the choice of die giving up on his happiness (aka the squad) and die with the squad instead so to not cause all this mess, then we should also see Mahiru blaming himself for having the choice of giving up on Shinoa and die instead of mentally manipulating Guren into causing this mess. Sure, the final decision was Guren’s, but her decision carries as much as weight as his.
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Kagami ending the chapter for the 963251th time in the infamous “I’ll tell you The Plan™” cliffhanger fashion.
“What’s the price?”
Oh no— Pls tell me they are not going to kill the remaining 10%. It hasn’t been long ago since The Four Horsemen of John vanished from Earth and the kids from around the world can go outside freely. Let. The. Kids. Be . Happy.
Overall, I feel like this chapter was more of a chapter dedicated to Shinoa rather than anything else. I am happy that she is finally letting herself be free and act like a normal girl without worrying about the beautiful chicken possessing her, and even if what Guren and Mahiru did is none of her fault, her feeling guilt over Guren and Mahiru’s suffering adds a layer of depth to her character. Even if I am not a fan, this girl really needs a big hug and comforting words. Yuu’s speech about constant blame talking getting them nowhere is right (for the sake of the plot) but him adding the word “family” at the end cheapens his words. I just feel like Yuu doesn’t bother to understand the suffering of his so called “family” (in this case being Shinoa) and thinks that everything can be solved with reminding them that they are FaMiLy🤪 Well, this guy is messed up as well, so I don’t expect him to understand that everyone does not share the same mindset as him.
However, a chapter (of the many chapters) about Shinoa is not what we needed now. We need answers and this chapter barely answered any. They are still on the car (and why are their hair not moving with wind) with still no idea of what the plan is, like in the previous chapters Kagami is probably prolonging this until the end of the volume for impact purposes.
Krul and Mika are my mood. I love Kimizuki for pointing out that Guren has no right to take that attitude with them. Mitsuba is still a tree in the background, but at least she is getting more panels per chapter, and can we please stop with Dead Shinya flashbacks following Dead Hyakuya Kids flashbacks’ legacy and being repeated all the time? If you are going to show Shinya, then do it in another way😭
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It's that time once again when Diabolical plays in my head on loop.
Can I please get fic where Hels gets back on hermitcraft server? Causing some shenanigans and general trouble?
This was so much fun to write, thank you!! It also ended up being WAY more angsty than I expected but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it anyway, my friend :) Slight CW: minor descriptions of injuries
  Welsknight had been avoiding his nether portal as much as possible since he saw his doppelganger disappear through it. Something about the formerly harmless particles and whooshing noise when he walked past it now just about gave him an anxiety attack every time he walked past it. Once, when Jevin popped out of it to say hello just hours after Helsknight had left, Wels had reacted so violently that Jevin was STILL wary around him all these months later. 
  Nobody used his portal anymore. He made sure of that. 
  One sunny day, he finally worked up the courage to go to the shopping district, something he hadn’t dared to do in weeks in case something happened. He went straight past his own portal and flew all the way to Etho’s; there was no way he was going to use the portal his evil clone went through to go back to the hell dimension from which he had come. 
  The shopping district had changed a lot in the weeks Wels had been avoiding it. He couldn’t help staring around at the myriad of new shops that had sprung up. It almost seemed like an entirely new place. 
  As Wels entered the barge, he found another Hermit already inside, browsing the chest full of golden carrots. 
  “Hi, Joe,” said Wels politely, unable to hide a smile at the sight of his old friend. 
  Joe turned and gave him a wave. “Howdy, Wels. Haven’t seen you around here for a few weeks.”
  “Yeah, it’s been… a while. Just been busy, that’s all.” Wels awkward;y indicated the chest. “You, uh… buying stuff?”
  “Nah, I’m not dealing with diamonds this season. I thought Grian might be open to some kind of trading system using stuff other than diamonds but he hasn’t responded to my message yet, so in the meantime, I’m-.” He broke off with a frown. “Okay, I think I might have forgotten to actually send the message.”
  Wels chuckled. “You’re busy too, huh? You only start forgetting stuff when you’ve got a lot on your mind.”
  Joe matched his chuckle. “I’ve got quite a few projects going at the moment, yes. You wanna come over to my base sometime and I’ll show you what I’m working on?”
  “That sounds nice, Joe, thanks.”
  At that moment, the sound of a firework going off nearby caused both of them to look up. A second later, a figure glided through the door and landed neatly on the ground, his elytra closing as he took a few steps further into the room. “Hey, Wels,” Etho said, giving a friendly wave. “Man, you really got here fast.”
  Wels frowned at his friend. “What do you mean?”
  “Well, I just saw you over by Shade-E-E’s a minute ago. You said hello to me and everything.”
  “That…” Wels’s heart skipped a beat. “That wasn’t me.”
  Etho frowned back. “Well, then… Someone must’ve stolen a spare set of armour or something, cuz it looked exactly like you.”
  “Oh…” Blinking very fast, Wels let out a nervous breath. “Oh, boy… Please don’t tell me he’s back…”
  Etho and Joe exchanged a confused look. “Who?” asked Joe.
  Wels considered either making something up or dismissing his comment, but looking at the concerned faces of two of his best friends on the server, he decided to tell the truth. “The evil clone of myself that Beef and I accidentally created who ran off into the nether after I beat him in a rap battle when he tried to destroy the server.”
  Etho stared at him with wide eyes. 
  “I thought it might be something like that,” said Joe, nodding.
  “How can you possibly have been expecting that?” Wels said in disbelief.
  Joe shrugged. “I’ve heard weirder.”
  “Well… anyway. His name is Helsknight and he’s from a nether-like dimension called Hels, apparently. I thought I’d driven him back to where he came from but I should’ve known he wouldn’t stay away for long.”
  “To be frank, beating him in a rap battle isn’t quite as definitive as beating him in PVP,” said Joe. 
  Wels scowled. “The last time I tried PVP, you dropped an anvil on my head from a great height.”
  “Oh yeah.” Joe snickered. “I did.”
  “Leaving that aside,” said Etho, “it seems there’s an evil clone of you loose on the server, so we should probably deal with that. Helsknight, you said his name is?”
  Wels nodded. “He looks exactly like me except his eyes are red, his armour is slightly greyer than mine, and his hair is a darker shade of blond.”
  “Ohh, I noticed the darker armour,” said Etho. “I just thought it was the shade from my shop. I guess we’d better go find him, huh?”
  “Yeah, I need to find him before he causes any more chaos. You guys should probably warn the other Hermits so they-.”
  “No, we’re coming with you to find him,” Etho interrupted. 
  “It’ll be quicker if the three of us look together,” Joe added. “Plus, I’ve never met an evil clone before, so it would be rather thrilling to do so.”
  Wels frowned at his friends. “Are you sure? He’s really dangerous. I don’t know exactly what he’s capable of, but he’s from a hellfire dimension, so...”
  “As sure as the day is long,” replied Joe, patting his friend on the shoulder. “You need our help and we aren’t gonna abandon you.”
  As Etho nodded, Wels gave a small smile. “Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it.”
  “No worries. So where should we look first?” asked Etho.
  “Well…�� Wels thought for a moment. “He’s probably trying to cause some shenanigans on the server. If we check certain prominent places on the server, we’ll probably find him trying to lure me out somehow.”
  “I’ll check the rest of the shopping district, then,” said Joe. “He might still be here.”
  “I’ll have a look round the nether hub and the Upside Down,” Etho added. “You said he’s from a nether-like dimension so he might gravitate there. What about you, Wels?”
  “I’m going to Bdubs’s castle,” said Wels. “It’s the most medieval build on the server, so if he isn’t there now, he’ll end up there eventually.”
  “Okay, but be careful, Wels,” Etho said softly. “Don’t do anything reckless.”
  “I won’t.”
  With that, the group split up. 
  Wels flew straight over to Bdubs’s base. As he got closer, he couldn’t help marvelling at the sheer size and grandeur of the cliff and the castle sitting atop it. It was one of the grandest bases on the servers, so Wels felt sure he would find his clone here.
  He landed atop the cliff and started looking around. As he explored further, he spotted the person he was looking for standing at the entrance to Bdubs’s castle. 
  “If you’re looking for your little friend Bdoubleo, he’s in the nether,” crowed Helsknight. “I watched him go through his portal.”
  Wels glared up at his doppelganger. “You know I’m not looking for Bdubs.”
  “Are you here to rap battle with me again, then?” Helsknight grinned. “I warn you: I’ve been practising.”
  Shaking his head, Wels drew his sword. “No, Hels. I’m going to do what I should have done in the first place.” 
  Helsknight sighed and drew his own sword. “So boring. Come on, then.”
  His doppelganger’s relaxed, indifferent manner sent a bolt of anger straight into Wels. Letting out a yell, he charged to attack.
  Their battle lasted at least ten minutes, though to Wels, it felt like hours. He poured all his energy into his swings, attacking his evil clone with all the rage and fear that had threatened to consume him since Helsknight had disappeared into the nether all those months ago. He was done letting his negative emotions control his life. 
  Finally, Wels managed to knock Helsknight’s sword out of his hand and kick him to the ground, aiming his own sword at his evil clone’s neck. 
  Helsknight simply grinned evilly up at him. “You gonna kill me, Welsy? I wouldn’t do it if I were you; we Hels Hermits only get stronger when we die. If you kill me, I’ll come back with a vengeance. We have a special lava fountain in Hels that can-.”
  “Oh, shut up,” snapped Wels suddenly. “I’m not going to kill you, but not because of any stupid threats you make. I don’t care what you have in Hels. I’m not going to kill you, because I’m merciful. But if you ever come back here again, I won’t be so forgiving. Do you understand?”
  Helsknight simply stared back at him. “You’ve got some great friends here, Welsy. Better hold onto them in case something… happens.”
  Wels narrowed his eyes. “You stay away from them. I swear to god, if you-.”
  He hadn’t realised that he had lowered his hand slightly until Helsknight moved, fast as lightning, and kicked the sword out of his hand. Before he could react, Helsknight jumped up and grabbed him by the throat. He took two steps forward and threw Wels over the edge of the cliff. 
  The fall seemed to take only a split second, but the cliff was tall enough that Wels’s left leg broke immediately upon impacting the ground. He lay still in shock, too numb to cry, despite the searing pain in his leg, which was folded painfully underneath his body. 
  Helsknight appeared above him and effortlessly picked him up off the ground, again by the throat. He grinned, his face less than a foot from Wels’s.
  “You know what else we have in Hels?” Helsknight taunted. “Fire. Lots of fire.”
  He lifted his free hand, which was now engulfed in burning hot flames. Wels weakly struggled in his grip, trying to lean as far away from his counterpart as possible, as Helsknight slowly moved the fire closer to his face, taunting him with the fact that he couldn’t escape it. 
  The flames started to burn his face. He held his breath, trying not to let his pain show, trying not to give Helsknight the satisfaction. 
  But finally, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He let out a cry at the burning agony across the side of his face.
  Helsknight barked a laugh and retracted his hand, as if all he’d been after was a reaction from Wels. “Maybe you should stick with the rap battles next time.”
  With that, he dropped Wels on the ground and walked away.
  Wels lay where he fell, unable to move through the burning pain in his face and leg. His chest moved quickly up and down as he struggled for oxygen, still winded from the battle. 
  “Wels!” yelled a familiar voice from somewhere behind him. 
  Seconds later, Joe appeared on his right and Etho on his left, their worried faces peering down at him. 
  “Is he okay?” Joe gasped.
  “H-His face…!” Etho gently touched Wels’s burnt cheek. Wels could feel his friend’s cool fingers trembling. “Wels, can you hear me?”
  Wels couldn’t speak, couldn’t reassure his friends that he would be okay. His leg would heal. His face, he wasn’t sure yet. The only thing he knew wouldn’t heal was the crushing feeling of failure, of knowing that because of said failure, an evil clone of himself was still running around the server, potentially hurting people he cared about. The pain in his leg and face served as an agonising reminder that he wasn’t strong enough to stop his doppelganger. 
  How was he supposed to protect other people when he couldn’t even protect himself?
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blxckfairy3 · 3 years
This is an oneshot or series, of bakugo being in an band and ur one of his biggest fans
This was one of his biggest shows ever u made sure to have the front row seat u posted about it saying "im so excited can't wait to see the band tonight" but you got an comment under ur post from bakugo :0
Yeah u better be excited, by any chance which row would you be sitting in.
Y/n l/n
Im sitting in the front row so i can see yall better
Okay well ig i hope to see u there
Oh my god bakugo the one who i have an crush on in the band just noticed u.
Hours later
You got ready u put on and white crop top that says bandmates
With blue jeans. You got in ur car and left. You got there and got to ur seat surprisingly ur were the second one there the show doesn't start untill the next 2 hours. As u walk in u see bakugo, you walk to ur seat fast and sit down. Little did u know he was waiting for u cuz he likes ur energy u have for his band. He grabs the mic and asked sense there is only 2 of u which one of yall are y/n l/n u standed up and said that is me, he looked at u as he thought "wow she is so beautiful" he said "okay nice to meet u hope u like the shiw thats happing in an little bit" you said "ofc i would like the show" u say back down and waited.
2 hours later
The show just started and denki started playing the guitar while Kirishima plays the guitar too deku is the lead singer. Im the middle of the show it was bakugos time to do his part by himself, he did he but he was looking at u. He looked away and his time was over everyone started playing together now, but u couldn't keep ur eyes off of him he was just so handsome. It was tge end of the show and they had to pick an person from the crowd to sing one of the high notes (cuz why not ve added to it 😏😏 anyways) they picked u and u did it u bit the high note and did all the other things too. (Also why am i making u sing in there idky i just like it) you sat back down in ur chair and u sung the ending part and everyone was clapping for u and them. U looked embarrassed u were blushing.
U get to meet and greet after too
U were last in line 😒 cuz everyone was running. U got up there and gave deku and hug denki an hug and Kirishima, ofc u toke pictures and then here it comes u gave bakugo an hug and hu hugged you back, he also asked for ur number 😏😏
You made it home and he texted you
Did you make it home safely
Y/n:Yes i did bakugo
Call me katsuki
But did u like the show
Y/n: yes i did
U did an amazing job ig at singing the high note, why do u hide ur talent
Y/n: i dont i sing a lot but i dont like being seen bt big people and then get taken advantage of
Oh well thats okay
Y/n: why are u acting all nice ur always mean?
So an guy can't be nice to onw of his fans
Y/n: no no its fine dont worry i like it but i was just wondering
Oh okay well um could i by any chance come by ur house tomorrow
Y/n: uh sure heres my address xxx xxxxxxx
Ok ok wel gn y/n see you tomorrow
Y/n: gn bakugo see u tomorrow
This is the end im gonna make an part 2 if you like it please like or if u want more stories then follow me. Okay bye
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