#I actually think a Silly Minecraft Movie could have worked
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a-person-on-the-internet · 4 months ago
I love movies that are silly but I also absolutely hate silly movies. The former is a movie that has silly elements but also has other things in it to justify existing. The latter isn't even silly because the sillyness was designed by committee and committees can never be silly. Sillyness must originate from the weirdest person you know writing a silly bit but also that person has feelings and opinions on the world around them that impact what they find silly and how they execute their silly bit. Sillyness cannot come from a committee because committees homogenize the human experience into bland palatable mush that pleases no one.
This is about the minecraft movie's "the children yearn for the mines" 'joke', btw. and all the other 'jokes' the movie attempts to make. It's sillyness dictated by committee and therefore is not silly, zany, or whimsical at all. It somehow looks worse, because the first trailer made me think this would be bad in a train-wreck fun-because-i-can't-look-away kind of way, but it's clearly going to be bad in a mediocre-slop-created-by-a-marketing-team-and-without-creatives way, and that's way less interesting. Or, more importantly, silly.
#I actually think a Silly Minecraft Movie could have worked#and I dissagree with the people saying it should be a deep introspective experience with minimal dialogue#like have you ever watched a lets player build dumb shit or fail at crafting something incredibly obvious?#have you ever seen a smp do a singular running gag between two players that rapidly gains steam and spirals into an insane smp-wide bit?#have you ever opened minecraft with a friend and yelled at them because they're doing something stupid but you can't stop them in time?#have you ever died stupidly while doing some idiotic stunt? built something for hours only to watch in horror as a creeper approaches?#have you ever just done Dumb Shit For Fun In Minecraft?#Minecraft is silly as FUCK and the movie should be silly to represent that#if they want to make a comedy embrace what makes minecraft funny#which is unfortunate mishaps as you learn how the game works and beating up/doing bits with friends#I legit think the isikai idea could have even worked! some of the fun of minecraft is learning how it works and if they just didn't#irony poison all their jokes from the jump you could have had something fun! people love watching other people bumble towards success!#just capture the energy of one guy who knows how to play minecraft making an smp#and corralling his friends that range from Watches Youtubers But Has Never Played to Doesn't Know What Minecraft Is towards beating the gam#one person is trying to speedrun and has died 50+ times but the others don't care because they're collecting flowers#minecraft movie
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fabcreature · 7 months ago
a thing that bothers me about people complaining about the minecraft movie is the loads and loads of people saying "this doesn't look like minecraft" or "why didn't they just use the models/textures from the game" etc etc.
i mean don't get me wrong, i don't like the visuals of the movie. they range from boring to bad, and i do think it's true and kind of an issue that it doesn't feel like minecraft. but come on, the solution can't be to copy the game to make it look the exact same just with raytracing??
we already have something that looks like minecraft. it's minecraft. if you want something that looks exactly like the game, play the game. there's no point to making something new if you're not gonna actually make it new.
complaints about the plot have been similar "why not just make it a movie about a guy who tries to survive and builds stuff" we already have that, it's the game. once again i hate the route they're taking with the actual movie, but this idea is idea isn't much better. this one i do understand a little bit more, but i don't think it's worth making a feature length film about, i think that could maybe work more as like a miniseries of shorts or something.
my hot take? if i was given the task of directing a minecraft movie? it wouldn't be blocky. at all. it would be fully animated, but it wouldn't be blocky. i find it much more interesting to interpret how all these things, the caves, the nether portals, the endermen, etc, would look when Not confined to being made only out of blocks.
i think a minecraft movie would be most fruitful as just an original story set in the world of minecraft, without acknowledgement of its existence as a game, and without blockyness. we already know what it looks like as a blocky game. i want something new.
BUUUUUT in the end i'm not the slightest bit surprised by the movie we're getting. of course it was gonna be half liveaction and half animated, of course it was gonna be about real kids going inside the game, of course it was gonna have silly goofy animals and jack black screaming. of course it was gonna be a generic, loud, colourful kids' movie with no understanding of the point, essence, and spirit of minecraft. they wanted to make a minecraft movie because nostalgic video game movies are hot right now and minecraft is the best selling game of all time. it's hollywood. it's about money, not passion.
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lemmoniie · 2 months ago
Welcome to my Blog (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) b
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Right now I draw TMNT (mainly 2012 but I could draw other iterations), original characters, and just anything I like.
If you have any recommendations for me to draw, just put it in my ask blog (I might not get to it very quickly)
TMNT art:
beginning of the silly girl (transfem leo)
• More information about me + my art below :D
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About me:
My name is Albedo, but Bedo works
I am agender (I think, but recently I’ve been questioning it) and I use it/he pronouns
I have anxiety and autism
I am a minor
I speak English and am learning French
About my interest with TMNT:
I really like TMNT and I’ve watched 2012, Rottmnt, Mutant Mayhem (includes Tottmnt), and 2003 (not much though)
My favorite character is Leonardo (wow who could have guessed)
My favorite non-turtle is April O’Neil (specifically tottmnt because she reminds me of myself a bit)
My favorite iteration is Tottmnt
My favorite iteration to draw is 2012
The first series I watched was Rise (I used to not want to watch TMNT, but then my sibling got me into it and now I’m a bigger fan than her)
My favorite movie is Mutant Mayhem, but all the movies I’ve watched of TMNT were all good
Some other shows/games i enjoy:
Project Sekai (Favs: Kanade and Honami)
Bandori (Favs: Yukina and Tomori)
Cookie Run Kingdom (Fav: Sorbet Shark Cookie)
Pokémon (Fav Pokémon: Rowlet, Froakie, Greninja, Clodsire, Quagaire) (Fav Series: Sun and Moon + XYZ) (Fav Games: Pokémon Sun and Moon, Pokémon TCG, Pokémon Legends Arceus)
Splatoon (Fav Weapons: Any charger, but mainly the Splat Charger or the E-Liter, and the Nautilus)
I like playing rhythm games and gacha games (like a loser)
I enjoy music (both playing and listening)
If I’m really bored, I’ll start to do math or physics (I want to major in mathematics)
I’ve gotten into origami recently, but I’m not very good and I don’t have actual origami paper, just notebook paper
I don’t like horror very much (I get scared easily)
I am very bad at playing first-person games (like Minecraft and shooting games other than Splatoon), this doesn’t mean I dislike them, but they make my hands feel weird whenever I try and play them
I hate cracking eggs with no gloves on (and I do have a story to go with why). They make my hands feel weird (like the feeling with playing first-person games) and I get scared when others crack them
I am terrible at English (I say as I take an AP English class) and I am not very good at reading (I can write though)
I don’t like bananas in cereal because the texture just seems really weird (okay guys please understand that when crunchy and soft/mushy meet, it’s just a bad texture)
I am not a huge fan of fruits (besides apples, bananas, and raspberries), the taste of them isn’t for me
Also, here is some art that isn’t TMNT related:
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this is my oc artemis and they use they/them pronouns and are nonbinary and i love them so so so much (some art is old)
That should be about it for me! If it isn’t, I’ll add more to this post.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years ago
Hey! Sorry to bother you with a second ask but i thought this one would be cool. Fluffy headcanons of the demon brothers watching scary movies with MC??? Somewhere MC gets scared, and some where they don't? Thanks again!! :)
It’s no bother!! I love getting requests from you guys! The more, the merrier. I sort of hc that the brothers and MC do have movie night every week or so and with them being demons, they tend to levitate towards the horror genre. Thank you for sending this, this is really cute :)))
Without further ado—-
The Brothers watching Scary movies with MC:
-Haha mf already knows how this is going to end
-He warned you, he really did
-The horror movies DevilDom has to offer are nothing, and I mean nothing, like the ones from the human world
-I’m not going to go into detail but imagine Two Girls One Cup, in a less kinky and more gorey way (then times that by 10)
-But you were adamant into giving it a go and he literally could not deny you in that moment
-Because you were giving him the puppy eyes
-That’s like, the finishing blow you use every time to get your way with him and as far as you know it’s the only one that works so-
-He expected your reaction to the last second
-You were traumatised for lack of a better word and you were basically watching the whole film through the cracks between your fingers
-Seeing you in that state was like a punch in the gut but he couldn’t stop himself from throwing in a subtle ‘I told you so’
-“I told you watching something like this before bed is a bad idea, MC.”
-He might be a bit condescending and judgemental at first, but he’s probably going to baby you a bit for the rest of the night
-Because he feels bad he allowed you to watch it in the first place
-He will start muttering words of comfort to you later because he’s certain you’re going to have trouble sleeping
-Because of that one time, he’s very hesitant to let you watch another horror film anytime soon
-But he will relent eventually (especially if you want to watch a human horror film as those are technically less extreme)
-If it makes you happy, he will go through with it, even if he has to let you cling onto him for the rest of the day
-Besides, the way you cuddle into him while you’re watching a horror film is very cute and endearing to him
-Ah yes, the most effective method of waking up the entire House of Lamentation at 3:00 am
-Mammon screaming his own vocal cords out in his room as he tries to get through his human’s favourite horror movie without dying of a heart attack
-It was his idea because he’s definitely the type to go: “Yeah let’s do this, it will be fun. Don’t get too scared alright MC? The Great Mammon will be here to protect ya.”
-And then ten minutes in, he’s basically in your lap
-Half an hour in, he turned himself into a demon burrito with his blankets
-You were enjoying the movie, laughing at the stupid sound effects and poor quality while Mammon next to you has wrapped himself in like two dozen blankets and pillows
-“Mammon you’re going to overheat.”
-“Don’t be silly human, I’m a demon who lives in hell. I can take high temperatures the same way I can take this damn movie!”
-He doesn’t take either of them well
-Mammon and the horror genre don’t mix well together to begin with
-So even if you might enjoy horror, he doesn’t react well to it at all
-And he’ll be low-key relieved if you tell him you guys don’t have to watch any sort of horror film for your date night
-“Well I guess if you don’t want to, then we don’t have to. Can’t make my human do something they’re uncomfortable with eh?”
-But if you do watch a scary movie with him, be sure to show any sort of physical affection to him as often as possible
-You don’t have to say anything, just hold his hand or let him put his head in your lap or something
-It might stop him from screeching like a female sloth in heat
-The last time that happened, his brothers weren’t too pleased with him
-They about to recreate the horror film scenes onto him, bring the popcorn have fun
-For some reason, I feel like he doesn’t get scared easily while watching stuff
-I mean, after decades of obsessively watching animes with brutal character deaths (like Attack on Titan style) and grotesque horror games that are pretty nasty even to demons, let alone humans;
-A horror film, from the human world or even DevilDom, doesn’t do much for him
-It will have to have very good psychological horror in it if you want the hairs on his arms to stand up in anticipation
-Tension is a big deal for him and he will immediately shut off the TV if there are any cheap jump scares
-But, if you manage to find just the right thing for him?
-You’ll both be hiding under the bed in no time under the bathtub more like
-Hell, if the film you’re watching is that good, he might even be holding onto you for dear life without realising it and getting flustered about it
-For weeks afterwards, any sound that is remotely similar to one from that movie will probably send both of you into panic
-You came to his room one night because you’ve had a nightmare about the stupid film and legitimately thought there was a fucking demon serial killer in your room
-So you wanted to stay in his
-“But what if there is a serial killer in your room and now you just led it to me MC????”
-It’s all jokes, there’s no question he would lock both of you in his room and then stay there with you wide awake until dawn
-You’re his best friend after all, he would have to be completely heartless to leave you on your own! (Besides Levi is terrifying when he wants to be)
-One time you were sleeping over and the sound of fumbling woke you tf up
-And Levi immediately turned into his demon form, like he was ready to throw hands with this fictional murderer that supposedly sneaked into his room
-“Ah never mind, it’s just Mammon breaking into your room again to steal your Ruri-Cham figurines and sell them on Akuzon.”
-“Oh OK.”
-I’m playing Minecraft
-Believe it or not, Satan doesn’t care much about horror movies
-Don’t get me wrong, he loves watching his brothers shit their pants out of fear in the middle of one while he silently smirks to himself because watching other people suffer brings him euphoria
-Especially if someone actually manages to find a film that is excellent enough to spook Lucifer, because then he will be cackLING
-But, overall, he watches a lot of shows revolved around drama and crime
-That’s his thing
-However, he won’t turn you down if you’re up to watching a scary movie with him
-Any time spent with you is valuable time seeing as it won’t be long before his brothers start hogging you again like the cockblockers they are
-He is honestly surprised to find out you seem to be rather amused by those sort of movies
-So, even if it’s not inherently something he does on the regular, he would definitely watch a scary film with you if you enjoy them that much
-But in exchange, he makes you promise to read with him until bedtime rolls around (imagine Lucifer having a fucking curfew for his brothers and you lmao)
-So for the rest of night you guys just read together, ya know, like sappy romantics
-Tbh, this man will do almost anything with you as long as both of you are having fun
-He knows it’s not likely, but he insists on sleeping in the same room that night just in case you have nightmares and he needs to comfort you
- :)
-Satan is a gentleman. Idk how many people that don’t play OM expected to hear this
-Why would you want to watch a movie when you could be watching him???
-I mean, you would rather watch all that gory stuff on the TV than his beautiful face?
-He may get salty over a fucking movie tbh
-Horror films aren’t something he generally looks for while trying to pick a movie to watch
-He can definitely handle them better than Mammon but it’s not something he takes great pleasure in watching
-But the first time he ever sits down with you to watch one, he’s very intrigued to see your reactions
-You started feeling the sensation of absolute dread creep in at the very beginning and you were trying your best to act like you weren’t getting affected by what you saw on the screen
-But you were
-You went from “I’m grown ass adult, I can watch a fucking horror movie, no problem.”
-To “Welp, not enough of a grown ass adult for this-“
-And Asmo thought the way you tried to hide your nervousness was very mesmerising in a way
-He was planning on flirting with you during the movie anyway, but now that you were pressing himself against him?
-Oh boy, Oh boy
-“Darling if you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just said so. Making the excuse of watching a movie is unnecessary.”
-Nightmares? What nightmares? You won’t have time to have nightmares ;)
-haHAHA funny inappropriate joke
-It’s Asmo, it’s mandatory to have at least one of those added in here
-Beel will show up if there’s food and that’s that
-He doesn’t care what type of movie is playing on the TV as long as he has a bucket of popcorn next to him at all times
-Horror films aren’t something he can’t handle, he’s a demon like the rest of his brothers and he is used to...violent deaths and such
-He doesn’t get scared but there are times where he gets attached to the characters
-Especially movies with actual good and not cringeworthy dialogue
-Therefore, when they die, he gets sad even if they’re just fictional and their death had no real impact
-He also thinks that the way you can watch these things without flinching is impressive
-I mean, he can watch it and so can his brothers because they are demons
-They’ve done worse things than the things you see in horror films
-But you’re a human! So it’s weird to see you watch a person get repeatedly slammed against a wall until their neck snaps without batting an eyelid
-Overall, he does not have an opinion on scary movies
-He gets a bit emotional when a character he really liked dies
-But other than that, he’s just focused on eating
-And occasionally patting your head affectionately
-He doesn’t really like horror films because there’s a lot of screaming and tense music and he’s just trying to nap in your lap (rhyme)
-He doesn’t really need sound effects like that in the background while he’s trying to sleep
-But one day he was like “Hey, what if I show my favourite human this particular scary film?”
-And he did
-And he’s internally dying and feeling guilty and yet so flustered because of you
-It’s like you suddenly turn into this very fidgety and anxious mess and he thinks you just look....cute
-At some point you were getting overwhelmed and sprung up on your feet to turn the lights on
-And he just grabbbed your wrists, pulled you down next to him and let you press your head against his chest
-As mentioned, he’s a little shit and will tease you for being such a scaredy cat
-“That was the most predictable jumpscare and you still flinched, wth is wrong with you lmao.”
-But at the same time....
-“Relax. It’s just a horror movie. You’ll be fine. Besides, I’m here. Like I would let something bad happen to you.”
-That’s sweet, even if the tone of voice may not imply it because he’s such a brat-
-He actually really likes holding you for once, because usually he’s the little spoon
-He’s still a bit of a sadist so I imagine him sitting there and watching this while giggling to himself
-Isn’t he the cutest, laughing at other people’s misery and their never ending suffering?🥺🥺🥺 UwU
-Ah well, at least he has the decency to spoil with affection afterwards and make sure you have no nightmares that night
-You know, as payback for the horrific shit he made you watch with no warning
OK, I think I made a decent job of this even though it took longer than it actually was meant to. Thank you for reading though. I’ve got so many requests to go through and I’ve been feeling motivated lately so yeah!
See you soon
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sisterofevil · 5 years ago
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(GIF not mine)
Relationship: Healer!Villain!Reader x Shigaraki
Prompt: Reader felt like Shigaraki didn’t like her so they hatch a plan with Dabi to make Shiggy Jealous
Warnings: This is my first reader fic so it’s cringy. Also it’s fluffy... I think?
Shigaraki was not the most affectionate person, you knew this yet something about his love of video games and his beautiful red eyes made you fall for him despite knowing him for a few weeks.
It was only after a few months of these feelings did Shigaraki actually get the courage to ask you out. But even after dating, you didn’t feel the affection that the couples on tv get. Sure you two held hands but the annoyance when you saw the tv shows where the girls get a boyfriend who serenades them made you kinda envious.
Surprisingly, everyone else in LOV knew the annoyance on your face easily which made you feel worse. Even Dabi could tell that there was trouble in paradise so why wasn’t Shigaraki.
Sure, you had fun on your gaming dates where you and your boyfriend played random games. Mostly Minecraft but sometimes it was more something like Overwatch or Portal Knights. But he didn’t even cuddle you. Put you in his lap and put his head on your own. Something you have seen Twitch streamers and Youtubers do with their own boyfriends and girlfriends.
Outsiders like your friends and family told you to just talk to him but everytime you backed out with thoughts like “what if he thinks it is silly” or “what if he breaks up with me”. So you did the next best thing.
Make him jealous. Well it was more of Dabi’s idea. He was sick of the pout on your face. It even made him feel bad when you complained about it after he got it out of you with some convincing (ice cream mostly).
Dabi also wanted to get back at Shigaraki ever since he left on a week mission without even telling you. Yes. Shigaraki did that. Your thoughts were not very nice.
“So what is the plan?” Dabi asked you with a raised eyebrow.
“Basically we watch a movie on the TV and cuddle up next to each other but what if he doesn’t care? What if he just doesn’t care if I find someone else-” Dabi put a finger to your lips and sighed.
“Stop it. Do I need to flick your head again?” Dabi shook his head. Dabi turned around and put on a movie. It’s was (favorite movie). You were surprised that he knew what you liked. He even gave you some (favorite candy).
Halfway through the movie, the door opened, claiming your boyfriends presence. The sick feeling of jealousy mixed in with the feeling of dread when you remembered that he was gone for 3 hours. You went through three movies. Dabi already had his arm around you after you two watched Caroline, which gave you a fright, and then another horror movie which made you more afraid of the dark.
Shigaraki was expecting you to be in your room but was surprised to find you in the living room. His red eyes flared holes in Dabi’s head when he saw the arm around your waist and the fact that you were cuddling up to Dabi.
Dabi whispered into your ear which made you laugh which made Shigaraki more pouty. He tried to remember if he missed something that made you like this or if he wasn’t good enough.
Seeing that Shigaraki was getting pouty was making you feel kinda bad but after the movie was finished, Shigaraki didn’t even confront you or Dabi. He watched you two for a few minutes before huffing and going to his room, where you also slept ever since you got together.
Now since you knew that he was probably not going to let you sleep in his room, you went to the room you slept in when you first got in the LOV. The medic room. You had some plants and moody light.
You were getting ready for bed in your hammock bed when you heard a knock on your door. You gave a quiet ‘come on’ from your closet. The door opened and immediately you felt arms around your waist and Shigaraki’s head on your shoulder.
“Hello there Tomura,” You said as you leaned back in his embrace. He huffed and nuzzled his head into your neck which made you both comfortable and ticklish.
He mumbled something into your neck. Asking him to repeat it would be too much work for how tired you were so you just gave a questioning hum.
He lifted his head and looking into your eyes that was already staring at him. “I said, ‘do you want affection?’ You seemed a bit close to Dabi an hours ago. Made me think about how little I have been showing my love for you.”
You blinked at how he read your mind. You gave a giggle in embarrassment before nodding. Shigaraki hummed before picking you up which made you shriek. He brought you to his room and threw you onto his head. Well not threw, more like lightly placed.
He got into the bed next to you and cuddled you. Making sure to be the big spoon. He sighed into your neck before mumbling, “You could have just told me. I would have understood. I am sorry for leaving for a week without telling you and being late tonight. I grabbed your favorite snack and your favorite movie which made me take a while because they didn’t have a big enough bag of candy.”
Author’s note: I am sorry for this. It’s so rushed and awkward. This is my first x reader. If you got any advice or requests, just send me some. I write for Bnha, soul eater, violet Evergarden, a lot of other anime’s and I write for tv shows, movies, actors and youtubers.
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fericita-s · 5 years ago
Counselor Talent Show
Thank you @broadwaybaggins​ for creating this Mercy Street Summer Camp AU, letting me come join the fun and giving this an encouraging preview, and as always to @the-spastic-fantastic​ for beta-ing!
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Henry peeked his head around the door, hands over his eyes.  “Everyone decent?”
“It’s just me! And yes!”
Henry entered the small dressing room to find Emma, two pens stuck into a messy bun on the top of her head, surrounded by racks of clothes labeled by act for the Counselor Talent Show. He tried not to let his eyes linger, but he liked when she wore her hair like that.  Her neck was beautiful. He cleared his throat.
“Just came to see if you needed any help. It’s raining again, so Byron has the boys parked in front of some VHS copy of The Parent Trap. I think the sheer novelty of the primitive technology has them captivated.” Henry bent down to pick up a stretchy piece of black fabric and then straightened, handing it to Emma. “Here.  Looks like your…” he puzzled over it, “Headband?”
Emma took it grimacing.  “Alice’s skirt actually.  For playing Sandy.  She and Frank lip sync the number from the end of Grease every year. Though this is the first year she sent me a YouTube tutorial on how to apply eyeliner, subject line ‘Practice on yourself so it’s perfect for me.’”
Henry laughed, relinquishing the smallest skirt he had ever seen with a flourish to Emma’s outstretched hand.  He tried not to be obviously thrilled when their fingers touched.  “I understand now why Byron was trying to convince Sam, Jed, and me that doing a Magic Mike routine wouldn’t have been inappropriate.”
Emma looked for the right hanger for the Sandy skirt and smiled at him over her shoulder. “You could have put those feather boas to use!”
He laughed again, picturing it.  “Sounds fun, but it might not be the best choice for a divinity student to dance half-naked in a room full of minors.”
“I think you were wise to choose the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Though I don’t know how well you’ll be able to play-fight in these turtle shells.  We should probably do a run-through before next week. And since you’re here, let me fit you for it now.” She ran her hand over the papier-mâché turtle shell, a project he’d seen her working on in the arts cabin with a roomful of second graders who had more fun painting themselves green than the shell-shaped lumps.   He looked at her fingers – were they green from the paint?
Her eyes went to her hands and he internally kicked himself for being so obvious in staring.  “They stained the undersides of my fingernails green so I painted the rest to match, just to hide the stubborn paint, but now I feel like people are giving me pitying glances for having a little too much camp spirit – Emma Green, Theater and Arts Director at Camp Green Wood, with the green nail polish. Maybe tomorrow I’ll dye my hair green too.”
“I’m sure no one thinks that.  Maybe the four turtles should paint our nails too.  Do you still have the polish?”
They exchanged a laugh and Henry examined the shells and the colorful masks pinned to each one. “I’m not sure Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are still cool.  The boys seem to mostly talk about Super Smash Brothers and Minecraft.”
“Which one are you? Michelangelo? Donatello? Actually, that won’t help me.  I just need to know if you’re orange, blue, red, or purple.”
“Orange.  Nunchucks.  I think that’s Michelangelo.”
Emma took the orange mask and the accompanying shell off of the hanger. 
“Yes ma’am.” Henry turned around and she gently lowered the shell over his head.  The fit was like wearing a sandwich board and Henry wondered if he’d feel as ridiculous play fighting as a turtle as he had while advertising for his youth group’s car wash with a car-shaped sandwich board enticing passing motorists to pull into the Boston Market parking lot and let a bunch of teenagers clean their luxury vehicles. Emma pulled at the straps on the side and lifted his arms up and down.
“The fit’s good.  Looks like you can move in it, definitely should be able to defeat…whoever it is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles defeat.  Here, let me try the mask next.”
She stood behind him and he could feel her breath on his neck,then the orange mask covered his eyes and he adjusted it until the eye holes lined up.
“Does that work?” She turned him toward herself and he wished he could have felt her hands on his chest rather than having several layers of cardboard between them.
“Yes, I can see out of it.”  He slid the mask down and undid the knot, passing it back to Emma to be hung up again.  She was meticulous about organizing.  You would have thought the costumes were of life-saving importance the way she logged and inventoried them.  It was impressive.  He loosened the side straps on the shell and lifted it over his head, handing it back to Emma. 
“The fourth-grade boys will love it anyway.  At least the part where we bring pizza into the audience. I hope.  What are you performing in the show?”
Emma rolled her eyes.  “Anne informed Mary and me that we’re doing the Single Ladies dance, and as soon as I had a written promise that we wouldn’t be wearing a version of her Union Jack bikini, I agreed.  Mary had the brilliant idea that we do it in pajamas like we’re being silly at a sleepover, so that’s the plan.”
“That sounds great.  I hear you were on the dance team – I’m sure you three will actually bring some talent to this talent show.”
“Maybe, but Sam and Charlotte are going to sing Unforgettable, and that will definitely be the best of the evening.  I’m not sure that song has ever been done on a guitar before but if anyone can turn it acoustic and absolutely render us all speechless with their musicality, it’s them.”
Byron barged in just then, eyes frantic.  “Henry! They’ve mutinied.  They’re calling it a girls’ movie.  We’ve got to find something else to do with them.”
Emma raised an eyebrow.  “I think we have the 1990 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on VHS too.  Want me to look?”
Byron groaned. “Hasn’t anything at this camp been purchased this century?” 
Henry put his arm around Byron and led him to the door. “We can do a rain hike.  There’s no thunder, we’ll be fine.” He turned to look at Emma as they left, waving to her, and wishing that Anne’s desire for a bikini had won out over Mary’s plan for pajamas.
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sidem-imagines · 5 years ago
Ah....I hope this silly request is okay haha. Could I please get an imagine of Kyoji meeting someone online on a game like Minecraft and the two becoming friends and even start like fake dating in-game, and after a while the two finally meet IRL and end up having their friendship online and IRL after that? Gender neutral pronouns would be preferable if possible. Thanks for all your work and for reading this!
I am so so sorry for how long this one took me. This is not at all a silly request I loved writing it. I really hope it’s up to par and that you enjoyed it because it’s what you deserve after having to wait so long.
It’s been a while since you looked at Minecraft. You played it a lot as a kid, but then you had responsibilities and schoolwork got tougher, and before you knew it you didn’t have enough time. However, life is beginning to slow down for you now, and you’ve earned a bit of rest and relaxation. You aren’t exactly sure what drew you back to the game of your childhood. Perhaps boredom, perhaps nostalgia, perhaps simply because it was available, but whatever it was, the familiar loading screens bring about a strange excitement to revisit the worlds you haven’t seen in so long.
It takes only a second or two for you to remind yourself of the controls, before you’re right back into the swing of it. Your old server where you used to spend hours has quietened down a lot, now, but there’s still fifty, sixty people on. No names you recognize, sadly. You weren’t expecting to rekindle any old friendships, but it would’ve been nice. Now you’re older it all feels a lot more lonely. When you were a child, you were a lot more talkative than you are now. You used to have so many friends on here and you can’t help but wonder what has become of them. Do they remember you anymore? It’d be nice if they did, but you know that it’s unlikely you’ll see them again.
You come across a player as you travel across the world. You can’t tell if he’s either incredibly new to the game or has been playing since the dawn of time. He’s still wearing the default skin, but he seems much more experienced than you do. He signals to you in game, and you follow over. It’s always a little awkward establishing friendships online, but the two of you introduce yourself and have a blast for the rest of the day! It was a strong welcoming back to a server that used to mean so much to you. As you log off for the day, you promise to be back tomorrow.
It becomes routine fast. You learn that his name is Kyoji and sure, he’s a little bit awkward and shy at first, but the two of you get along like two peas in a pod. The highlight of your day becomes seeing him. You’ve got a lovely little house now, which really feels like home now. As a silly idea one day, you suggested that the two of you turn it into a proper domestic situation, but he went along with it. The two of you even had an in-game wedding. It was just a sort of joke at first, but you love your Minecraft boyfriend with all your heart.
Your friendship escalates over time, to the point where he asks something you secretly wanted but never thought would actually happen.
xXFlying_HawkXx: i don’t want this to sound weird
xXFlying_HawkXx: and i don’t want you to think i’m a stalker or anything
xXFlying_HawkXx: but you’re one of my best friends
xXFlying_HawkXx: so...would you maybe want to meet up one of these days? 
You, of course, said yes. He means so much to you, and you trust he is who he says he is. A rush of butterflies races around you in excited nervousness. You’re going to meet him! In the days leading up to it, your only thoughts are of him. You wonder what he’ll be like in person. You’ve exchanged pictures of each other so you know in advance that you’re both real, but that doesn’t give you the full image. Will he be just as adorably awkward as he is in game? What will his voice sound like? How tall is he? Your mind races and your anticipation grows with every second.
The second you lay eyes on each other, the wait has been worth it. It feels like a moment from a movie. His arms wrap around you and you curl up against his chest. Neither of you say anything for a moment, and just curl up in the moment. The rest of the world fades away in that moment. How long have the two of you been friends now? How long were you waiting for this? It feels like all the puzzle pieces have clicked into place. It’s somewhat amusing how much he means to you now, but if the correct position you’re in is any sort of evidence, he cared just as much about you, if not more so. This is what real, true, loving friendship felt like.
The two of you spent all day together. It didn’t matter what you were doing, as long as you were with each other, it was more than just enjoyable. He was just as delightfully awkward and easily flustered in real life as he was in Minecraft, but you found that it was incredibly sweet. He wasn’t the best at articulating his feelings, but that didn’t matter. You understand him perfectly. Call it fate, or destiny, or sheer coincidence, but something feels like it’s pulling you two together. Your personalities meld so perfectly. It’s like you were made for each other.
Eventually it’s time for goodbyes. You indulge in another long hug, before breaking apart, promising that you’ll see each other in the cube world as soon as you’re both back home. You’ve made arrangements to meet face to face sometime again soon, as well, so this isn’t a proper farewell. As he walks away, you find that your eyes continue to follow him. You watch as he heads into the distance, not truly sure what you’re looking for. That is, until he turns to smile over his shoulder and wave a final goodbye to you. It’s the brightest smile you’ve seen all day. You got the impression that he wasn’t big on facial expressions, but that was the most genuine grin you’ve seen in a long time. You return his wave, before heading back to your own home.
You sit down and boot up the world once more. He’s already waiting for you when you get there. This is your home now, and Kyoji is a big part of that. I hope I did okay!
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hulksmashin-bannerpackin · 7 years ago
Oo. What do you think Bruce would think if his partner was like a HUGE geek, reading comics, watching all sorts of geeky space and sci-fi movies and more, playing lots of video games, reading, and lots more of the geeky type stuff? I’m really intrigued to hear what you think
Oh man I’ve had to sit on this for a bit my Beautiful Anon!!!! Cause canonly Bruce WASN’T that type of geek growing up, so he wasn’t into that kind of thing like most people like to head canon (which is totally fine in itself!)
Hmmmmmm I like to think obviously first and foremost he’d be accepting, as he would with anything his significant other would be into and he’d be interested because you like it.
I LIKE to think that he’d be like “nah that’s stupid that’s not how science works at all!” as he sat down and watched the thing with you, he’d make lil comments like “that’s impossible” and things like that debunking the movies/shows world. But he would totally get into it hardcore with you without meaning too! To the point where you guys would have movie nights and he’d theorise how you could ACTUALLY achieve whatever was happening in real life.
Bruce would whole heartedly get into whatever you were into, because it’s what you love and he’d want to share that with you. Doctor Who? Awesome. Star Wars/Trek? He’d love it. EVEN if it was something silly like say yes to the dress or a cooking show, he’d genuinely get into the series as much as you would be.
Video games wise, he’d maybe play with you occasionally if you wanted a second player but wouldn’t be as into it. If you loved it great and he’d make the effort to learn characters names and story lines but he’d never get into some fantastical RPG. I could see him playing Tetris or a ‘classic’ game like that but that’s about it.
With the only exception being Minecraft. (He totally plays it on peaceful mode) games like that where he can use his mind and the building free range it has, Bruce is into it. (That is totally canon too, he likes taming ocelots) 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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argumate · 7 years ago
femmenietzsche said: I just watched a clip and some of the art was so technically correct that you risk losing the advantage of animation: the playful emotional distance you get in a purposefully not-quite-real environment. The cartoony characters almost feel a bit mismatched.
yes I agree, the characters can begin to look like they are made of silly putty or some other artificial material because they seem so much smoother than the naturalistic world they’re walking around in, or if you bump up the realism of the characters you tend to run smack into the uncanny valley where you have simplified features with disturbingly realistic skin.
I think over the next decade we’ll see continued progress being made in movies and computer games to find aesthetics that bring out more abstract forms of realism, not as crude as Minecraft or low-poly environments but true cartoons that you might actually be able to draw if you had an army of a million animators who could work around the clock.
at that point Moana will probably look as awkward as Fiona in the original Shrek looks today.
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Favourite Artists
This is also part of my Summer homework.
Um... Do YouTube Animators count as Artists? Actually, the fact they’re on YouTube makes no difference to if their work was in a cinema.
As a lover of cartoons, the crazy and the weird, I found my favourite place on the Internet!
Oh... and, YouTube too, I guess...
Lots of animators don’t get enough credit from YouTube because of their algorithim which basically rewards any one channel that uploads content like a never ending money printer.
It’s a shame because there are amazing animators on the internet who only the fans seem to be supporting. Animators like:
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUawWaOXZtk
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_hBoDz_Qp8
This animator has... questionable taste but that’s what i love about him. His absurd ideas on screen is alot better to me than someone who holds back to make only safe videos. Sometimes his videos do come across as inventive like one of his earlier and my favourite animation of his, ‘Central Bwankers’.
This is a nutshell video about how bankers seem to be working for themselves rather than being fair. Watching it will fill you in.
A similar video is on the channel ‘FlashGitz’ which I will also be showing in this post further down below.
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Weebl’s Stuff
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMqIWmFkXvU
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBoLA_BQ4tU
In his first first animation on the channel he described his content as not being random but absurd.
Cartoons and songs galore with sketches on the side. This British animator doesn’t stop surprising me with the crazy and dumb stuff they come up with. I can’t give you a theme since it rarely becomes consistent other than the general weirdness that follows his videos wherever he goes.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NvnHykvjoQ
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDRn0vEJko0&t=37s
I agree. That’s a big jump between a childs attempt at stopanimation with action figures to a multi-layered 3D animation of Godzilla monsters fighting.
This is only part of a much larger scene he’s working on with more monsters in the works which I’m very much looking forward to.
I much prefer 2D animation but 3D animation has a place in my heart when people use it to an effective extent. I even enjoy his twist on the characters from the Godzilla franchise making them have more personality. In fact I can’t remember which Godzilla movie it was but the monsters had voices and spoke to eachother through speechbubbles. I don’t think it carried over into the dub but the communication between the monsters was still there and it passed the occassional nod to each other. Vrahno, however expands on this concept in an amazing way that turns these classic monsters into actual characters!
He does some Bionicle stuff too which isn’t too bad but by nerdiness for Godzilla makes me biased.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx2pCu5WWL4
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsk7uZI4_NI
Yes. He Is a Minecraft animation channel. But i think his animations stand out.
It’s well above the level of the cheap minecraft animation I see in Minecraft Music videos and at the beginning of multiple channels. Believe it or not but Slamacow’s Minecraft animations have Effort!
As an example of why I like Slamacows animation so much I want to do a comparison test. I’m not going to put an image of one of his animations next to a minecraft music video clip or a minecraft intro clip. I’m putting it next to an image from the official Minecraft Story Mode game! tell me which one looks better. Be honest.
Slamacow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGiSgPP-8mc
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Minecraft Story Mode:
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The point I’m trying to get at is are the mouths. My god, the mouths!
I get that much like in the lego movie, they wanted all the characters to look like exactly how it would work in real life. McSM’s logic is everything must be squares though. It’s not the skins moving but the entire heads of the characters grow extra squares when they exclaim and every mouth movement makes Mr.Game and Watch have smoother frames per second.
Slamacow may have bendier and curved animation but unlike other LEGO digital animation where it did the same thing, Minecraft is a computer game so since it’s clearly seperate from reality, bending seams more natural. LEGO doesn’t bend at all because its rel and more tangeable version is plastic and everybody knows this so bendy LEGO animations look unnatural.
The LEGO movie made sense making sure that everything animated realistically in a way that even the fans will think it makes sense. Minecraft Story Mode animated all of its characters similar to the actual game but took some liberties which is fine. The face is where I draw the line. The LEGO made the 2D printed faces animated which makes sense. The Minecraft Story Mode could have done the same thing but with pixels which is also fine but instead they made cubic caves they call mouths which looks disgusting to me.
I... think I should probably stop ranting and move on.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bqNAcRlQ6o
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBg4Km4r5Xk
To be fair, alot of this guys stuff doesn’t have a massive amount of substance except for a special few which lead me to this channel in the first place.
i.e. Minecraft Misadventures:
This is a short series currently consisting of 4 episodes. Again, not much substance but of course it’s a strange take on the blocky series none the less.
I’m... starting to see a pattern with the stuff i watch. Hopefully that changes soon.
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Robert Benfer
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyyS14eyrn4
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GANql36pBSQ
Only one long running series on Roberts channel is the reason I always visit his channel. And it’s ended.
Klay World is a grim, stupid yet somehow loveable show about clay people. And that’s all you need to know.
Have a look. It’s comedy is just slapstick and silly noises with smoothly animated and simple designed clay characters. I’ve seen plenty of videos explaining how a silent or simple designed main character in a videogame makes it easy to identify with. the clay people in Klay World are almost identicle other than the occassional prop or a different coloured clay. This is also similar to how Nostalgia Critic (also YouTube) described Goofy in his video ‘Is Goofy secretly a Badass?’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__b8p02SYPo
The last episode he looks at is a classic episode of a whole stadium of classic Goofy characters yelling, beating each other up and being rowdy adults like how classic Goofy was portrayed as. He described the Goofy clones appearing in the episode as ‘not Goofy’ since each character was designed differently but was of the same species and age as Goofy. This meant they could be as violent as they wanted and couldn’t tarnish the official Goofy character since every person throwing a punch, biting and kicking another was similar but not the same. The same goes with the Klay World characters. Some characters have names but everyone else is violent cannonfodder. There to explode, get sliced or shot by another.
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Sr Pelo
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD-VbCWzWto
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igfJIZayiy8
Disclaimer: If you watch any of Sr Pelo’s videos, be prepared since alot of his videos include Ear Rape Screeches, Screams and Manic Laughter! You have been warned.
Sr Pelo... is an odd one. He’s the one friend you might have who might not say much or have much to contribute to a conversation without making stupid/silly noises. This is not a jab at him. I think he’s funny.
He’s over the top to every degree. He does some impressions too (discluding his screaming).
I think his designs are a tad like mine. Cartoony but just underdesigned and simple enough to classify and practically an animated doodle.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR35EkkB_p4
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp5Q9hqH9lI
Her videos are short and I really mean short. As in they range from 0.03-7:23 to my knowledge. Believe me, they’re usually just over a minute or under a minute long.
Each short is expressive but to be honest, I like her work but the length of each upload restricts it. Some of her videos are longer and really show that her longer videos can leave a larger impact than... this...
SUDDENLY...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwc8W2NTHwI
For example, these are some of my favourites that are much longer.
Drawn Together~: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX0APeh8e1Q
Robo Western HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ln9XobU6oc
Yes, it’s not a long list but then again there aren’t alot of long animations she’s done or alot of animations on this channel at all.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cszgvxuJkM
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W7mx9mvXfg
British and hilarious. he rarely animates over Game Grumps or other audio like his latest animation. The rest of his videos are shorts or full-length cartoons and occasionally live sketches of either random or comedic sketches like Monty Python.
There is a particular series of videos he’s done that I can’t help but rewatch. A documentary on different subjects called L.I.A.R.
Not to mention the Action Bunnies Series which is a bunny version of the ASDF Movies in Tomska’s channel. I have purposefully discluded Tomska from this list because apparently he doesn’t animate his own stuff as mentioned in one of his Blogs when he didn’t pay the original animators of the first ASDF Movie. He still makes great sketches though.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgoSRjWWVho
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSpZgKBjwmg
RubberNinja, better known nowadays as “Goddammit Ross” on the super-popular gaming channel family known as Game Grumps used to animate before playing video games, being a sadist to his friends and drawing on the Game Grumps show, Doodle Doods.
Ironically one of my cartoon characters I drew for fun years ago was also called Doodle Dude. not likely I’ll be bringing that back anytime soon.
There’s not alot of animations on his channel. Neither do many of them have a story to tell. It’s mainly just random humour which I like but I prefer the other stuff he’s helped with on Game Grumps and in the music done by the band one of the Game Grumps members is part of ‘Ninja Sex Party’ and the short series of video game songs, ‘StarBomb’.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_04xi7ddh8
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX3CY4XQZ5g
Piemations is funny and can clearly write funny sketches with clear punchlines and setups as well as being good at random humor as well.
Alot of his stuff is based off video games and in some cases, movies, so alot of his humor will also be in-jokes about the game and characters which might catch others offguard.
Apart from that he’s a great comedian whose got a clear animating style and a very clear progression in how his animation with virtualy no changes in his designs have gotten better.
As an example he re-animated his first animation that was a half minute joke about the Spy from the popular Valve Steam game, ‘Team Fortress 2′, AKA ‘TF2′.
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX3CY4XQZ5g
Re-animated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaeFLz0Eu6E
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PikaPetey Animations
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-WFmq9hE9c
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y8DQa9H3Cw
Pika has a short library of animations which are either Pikachu themed or My Little Pony. Some of the videos are for conventions, some are for fun.
Unfortunatley only five videos on this channel are finished and has a any substance or jokes rather:
I really like Pika’s sense of humour but it’s sad to see it spread to thinly like this.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfzbCg3sdco
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rrK0xPzpvo
TwistedGrim is Grim. Well, not really all the time. It’s more or less themed grim. Like how years ago there weren’t horror games like we know them that are almost just like the movies. There were Halloween themed games. Normal games with scary aesthetics but not scary gameplay like Alien Isolation does.
It’s funny, still, and reminds me of Zeurels work from earlier. It has a similar artstyle and comedy but devels only a pinky toe into the Grim theme the channels named after.
Actually, not many of the videos on the channel are Grim or even Grim themed at all! The latest videos are Overwatch animations while probably 35-40% of the videos are remotley Grim related.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7pGdKTw0mU
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8PI6FWc-1Q
Yet another 3D animator with an original style.
I like to make the correlation between Funko Pop figures and PixlPit’s models that he uses for his animations since they all have almost exactly the same style if it wasn’t for the defining features they are given.
I described the horrendous mouths of the characters in Minecraft Story Mode as “every mouth movement makes Mr.Game and Watch have smoother frames per second.”. Some of the movements in PixlPit’s animation is similar except alot of the movements are smooth at times too. An interesting blend.
I mentioned earlier that PixlPit’s characters are almost all clones of each other other than their defining features and I compared them to Funko Pop figures but I noticed while browsing YouTube that there is an animator who has character designs that look practically identical to Funko Pops figures.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7LZGy5QlvI
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajMzpiyZ4GA
If I recall, the method used in Seanzoz’s animations is basically like stick figures with detailed limbs. Not drawn characters but files containing limb and hand sprites to be moved but connected to other sprites. Like a puppet. This method is albeit, a bit lazy since a prime example I remember it being used in main stream media is Johnny Test on Cartoon Network (and was awful), but the difference here is Seanzoz makes highly detailed sprites for each characters as well as design backgrounds and foregrounds that are also highly detailed.
It’s as if someone got the Mona Lisa (or some other painting that has time and effort put into it) and did the same thing by moving her arms, hands and head on pivots.
The comedy is very much there as well but all the videos he makes is a parody off a TV show or video game.
What’s nice is he makes long videos with well-written comedy in them and a consistent rate of quality. What’s annoying is he isn’t the only one who does this making him not as unique as I’d hoped he would.
The channel ‘How it should have ended’ Makes animations in the exact same fashion as well as the exact same style of comedy as well. as in everything is they do is what Seanzoz does too.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGW7aE14m7o
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLqtHTXyPZs
To be frank, I love her drawing style. It looks amazing. No doubt. Annoyingly she doesn’t animate often anymore. She mostly just does speed art now. For others who draw only it might be nice but I prefer seeing someone whose talented enough to take art and make it move naturally without a loss in quality. That takes skill. Vivziepop has animated alot before. As proof she made a music video of Kesha’s ‘Die Young’ and it’s fantastic.
But that’s nothing less to her credit. Her art style is sharp and unique as well as eye catching. The same goes for her animating skills. As unfortunate as it is that she doesn’t animate often, she still knows her stuff.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1stb_ILUa0
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItOPzuIRLVI
9 videos in total. All animations... What a track record...
Screwits art style is very similar to the artstyle you’ll find on NewGrounds.com. The outlines are thick, black lines, they rarely have shading and the comedy varies from random/stupid humour to more teenage humour with swearing and sex jokes.
You know, after describing his animation and NewGrounds animation like this I now realise how much of a lie Screwits’ YouTube logo is. It’s shaded, it has a variation of other colours that pop out and look alike to Vivziepop’s colour pallete. Nothing about it reflects his animation style at all.
I mean. I do like his comedy and animation but it somehow seems... under-developed. Another YouTuber and Animator on NewGrounds is EgoRaptor (who will also appear later on this list) who has developed his skills amazingly to the point that you can see that even his art style changes between cartoons. but I’ll be talking more about that later.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXDzmhl-7bM
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOzJWZNI97U
Tithinian has an odd method of animating that... there is no animating sometimes. Well... what I mean is that sometimes there are fluent moments where things move and of course mouths move smoothly as well but sometimes for those slower moments he has an image of what the character would look like and not change from that until the character emotes again. The transition between those frames would be instant but the character would always bounce a little by being stretched before looking normal again. I’ve seen alot on animators on YouTube do this. Especially for the Game Grumps animated videos which Tithinian also falls into the catergory of for the most part.
Don’t see what I mean? Here’s an example.
Pay very close attention to all the characters and keep in mind how I described them. You’ll see what I mean. It’s only Semi-Animated.
But despite that, I think it’s always interesting to watch all of his videos just for the designs he gives all the characters. Especially when the characters yell, scream or get angry. It’s like just letting me or him do what they will with a notepad and pen which usually leads to these expressive, exaggerated and mostly crude drawings of the characters. It’s a whole gallery!
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4P88lLxYxQ
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMEn1OfEGo4
Pegbarians is... an odd channel to describe. They make animations but they seem... boringish... Let me explain.
When I think of main stream animations, I think of Pixar, Disney and DreamWorks and their sensible and believable worlds. I use ‘sensible’ in the most broadest of terms. Despite how they’ve made worlds of talking cars, singing cats and adventures of ogres and donkeys, they have a consistent and realistic atmosphere. Nothing is just random and nothing happens to take away from a current moment of drama.
When I think about the Internets animation from animators outside of the main stream, I list all the different animators that also appear on this list. They’re crazy, insane, creative and literally anything could happen!
However, there is a third place to look. Advertising.
I’m talking about 3D models of low rendering,
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High quality 3D animation
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and 2D animation commonly found on the internet as well.
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This kind of animation is too similar to what Pegbarians do which makes them feel more... manufactured than creative.
I enjoy their content but the plan style with a lack of outlines or expressive imagery just makes it look like what’s actually meant to be an animation that advertisers would want their brand represented by rather than another animator or another comedy sketch writer who can freely speak their mind even if it includes swears. Like they designed themselves to be semi-enjoyable for the public and just safe enough for ad revenue to be at its best.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdupAtbg6Es
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqU7qktIruc
It’s odd why there was such a change in art style and medium in a span of only 10 videos but they’re all good videos.
There’s the 3D model videos that either look like digital muppets or have mouths like sock puppets, and there’s simple 2D animation.
I have no complaints. Although the majority of her videos are just game grumps animations, they still prove to be funny, intresting in design and even gets across her unique style that I look at and immediatley know as, Moleman’s.
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MattyBurrito MB
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8amyRgcL80
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q3QtKShCQI
This is a yes and no kind of channel. His comedy is great, his animation and art style are great as well but somehow I can’t shake the feeling that he could be doing better... wait... I know what it is now!
Most of the time there’s a lack in movement other than the odd moment. Oh My God. He’s Tithinian! Just less expressive and absurd with his drawings.
Yup. That pretty much sums him up. He needs to add more animation than he already is or make his art style more interesting. I... feel like I’m making unessecary demands.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIPDlJRZwEY
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UPwSrYVlY
Now this is what I’m talking about! Cartoony visuals with expressive designs, bright colours and proper comedy to boot even though it’s mostly slapstick and silent other than the odd speech bubble!
it’s what I love about cartoons to begin with. The ability to take anything in existance and give it a remarkable twist to shift anything about it like its character and design as well as invent something entirely new! Animation and drawing as well as all mediums of art is meant as an escapism from reality. That fact alone is why I hate soap operas on TV or in animation. Real life can be sad and depressing which is the entire reason we turn to the screen or pages of a book. Having that new world reflect that sadness and depression back at us is redundent unless it offers us something more to think about or look at.
NotePaddle hits the nail right on the head for me.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDijRDj_8BY
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2APuxubWSmE
Ukino Joe (or Joe as he calls himself now) is exactly what I described as what I think animation on the internet is like by nature. Random, weird and creative as well as expressive.
Joe has a show right now in collaboration with Danielle Kogan called ’Great the show’.
There’s no pattern or rhyme or reason to his content. It’s meant to be random and strange but strangley tame at the same time. It usually shifts from art style to art style every so often while still adhering to the customary ‘Joe’ style.
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Im not even a Panda
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH3VJ25waJM
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8ezJzVl4V4
Another Game Grumps animation channel. As much as I enjoy the Game Grumps and their comedy, I think YouTube may be a little oversaturated with the GGAnimators. I’m fine with alot of them because they sometimes take the audio and change the entire situation of it from its original recording. Like this one. The audio came from their gameplay of Resident Evil but they changed the context in the animation to take place in ‘The Legend of Zelda: WindWaker’:
Surprisingly this is the same animation I described as having the near law suit design to Funko Pop’s figures.
There are other GGAnimators who just put a fun spin on their animation that makes it even more fun to look at than just animating 2 people in a living room in front of a TV with a games controller in their hands.
InEaP’s animations are a little underwhelming but still get a somewhat good animation across. So they’re neither creative or expressive unfortunatley. It’s sort of an iconic design since the majority of their animations use a thin brush tool on the outline but then again that’s not very defining in the grand scheme of things.
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Martina McKenzie
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=561zkbseprY
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rjjlFzrCME
The early stuff she’s done isn’t very interesting but the later stuff (more specifically the Undertale animations) are greatly animated, written and pop out like a cartoon you’d expect would be designed. With bright colours and thick black lines. I’ve already gone over this diatribe so I’ll be moving on.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbOYPQ1So_c&t=64s
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JbauUAjuSA
This was the first animation channel I watched and enjoyed about... 12 years ago probably. He has been doing LEGO animation for a long time now and I say he’s practically innovative. While other channel have simple LEGO animation with barely any natural movements, FF101 was green screening bricks to make minifigures jump and fly instead of hanging them from string or using translucent LEGO stick pieces. That and he draws mouths moving on each frame using... probably MS paint. Primetive but effective. In fact I think there was an entire video dedicated to it on his second channel, ForrestFire1001.
Okay. Apparently it doesn’t exist anymore or I just can’t find it. I specifically remember he showed off his bendy tripod thing in it. However I did find this short SFX breakdown video he made which is just as useful in this context.
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Hot Diggedy Demon
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w2cFhiobko
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSagkXsX8YA
Max’s videos have a clear theme. Crude humour with hints of self-actualisation and realisation of the depressing and inevitable end of our lives as well as not turning its head from the existance of the blemishes on the face of humanity. And it’s hilarious.
He knows how to be satirical. He knows how to create a scenario that would seem cruel or sad but he knows most of all how to make fun of it. He’s wacky and cartoony with the edge that will take you off guard. Sometimes even impulsive but definitely reminds you that the world and our lives can or will be shit awful but it enlightens everyone to enjoy it anyway despite that grueling fact.
He’s surprisingly good at translating his designs from 2D to 3D as well.
As I’m also a drawing coneseiur who prefers drawing by hand, I’ve tried myself to translate my drawing style to 3D. It’s, NOT, easy. But somehow Max pulled it off in his recent series, Brain Dump. A surprisingly intelligent but equally as immature as you’d expect from his humour as he analysis movies, TV and other... stuff.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxtRL1tclds
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdNRqOMaH68
Starting on NewGrounds and even made a short for the BBC Comedy channel:
This is all I think of when I think about British cartoons now because of how much it reflects Britain throgh its classic slapstick, writing and cultural references.
God rest his soul when the original animator, Edd Gould, died of Cancer. He was even half way animating part 1 of a 2 parter animation before he died. So I suppose he died how he lived. Doing what he loved. Animating.
In his name, his friends continued his legacy by finishing his work and ending the series before handing the rights back over to Edds family. It couldn’t have been done without the help from the fans who supported them.
This is pretty much the most interesting animator on the internet to me because of its story. In Edds life and in Edds wacky world he put so much effort into.
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aMAX Animations
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIasEKIH2XI
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11jy0LfIpiI
I could swear that all of his animations are made in MS Paint.
Alot of his stuff is either Game Grumps or Vinesauce animated content. What’s different is that even though his drawings are realistic and relate to the story at hand, it still has a charm to it. He adds the necessary details and adds unecessary details that really brings together the scene brilliantly! Some great examples was the reflection of Joels childhood friend gone sociopath in his eyes:
The snow storm foreground at a bus stop in Sweden:
And the flashing of red and white from the computer screen lighting up the diml classroom:
It’s fantastic and somehow he did it in probably MS Paint. By far the best animator in terms of setting the scene.
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Don’t hug me .I’m scared
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbL-NSkXnl8
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hIKKYv_3Ic
Okay. This channel isn’t exclusivley animation. Instead it’s... actually, I’m not sure.
It has some animation in both stopmotion and 3D but it’s mostly puppets and disturbing imagery. Not really something to go into though without preparation.
It’s a twist on the Muppets and Sesame Street and gives a brilliant commentary on TV productions capatilising off childrens programs and what-not. Definitley something to look into but personally I prefer the Film Theory channels take on it.
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Harry Partridge
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krRFlzwnw3U
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0cZY7ef_mk
Who here remembers the old Disney movies.
Beauty and the Beast
The Fox and the Hound
Lady and the Tramp
The cartoony yet realistic hand drawn movies. The main stream classic stuff.
Harry Partridge is the Internet version. How amazing is that?! His animation is the most amazing quality I’ve ever seen on YouTube since it looks just like something Disney could do but in Flash. It’s ridiculous!
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAioZzuhOQg
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77_4n7CeiHA
Egoraptor is one of those defining animators on YouTube who started on NewGrounds. Over the years he’s evolved over time and along with it his comedy and art style. But especially his art style. A good way to illustrate this is this short fan animation that presents some of his art styles in one shot by morphing Dan on screen between them:
It’s not long but it makes some sense.
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Alan Becker
Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhikdD6Hf2M
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxM1cnphLpw
To me this is one of the most impressive channel in terms of technicality. His most famous series ‘Animator Vs.’ features a stick figure gone rogue and the computers user has to combat this combatant collection of lines from destroying his computer using the computer itself and even other stick figures. There are other episodes that don’t feature the user and instead the stick figures finding other programs and websites to play with that still leads to even more trouble. Overall it’s animated amazingly and creativley since it uses everything about the PC that you can think of to the animations advantage.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFnFKu9QqoA
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zSxQnZ3TM8
FlashGitz is expressive in more than one way. Through their animation they have expressive visuals (of course). But they’re more expressive through their writing. The first video they uploaded was of their view on what GameWorkshop (The company responsible for the Warhammer franchise) are thinking at the board meetings. This video is to ‘express’ how the community felt from their perspective about the excessivly high price of their plastic models which were often given game breaking statistics in the game.
Another video they made expressed what they thought feminists and social rights activists were to them stereotypically thanks to the bad apples ruining the bunch:
The same for being Politically Correct:
Aaand the unreliability of online information and the boredom of using conventional means of information:
Not to mention the console wars:
And many more... Not to mention some random stuff and sketches.
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Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1RpLoLyi6c
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qutm9kaCV8
Much like his first video, this is indeed a random channel. The epitome of silly. He makes structured videos in many cases but somehow still manages to let it slide down the slippery slope of silly without end. It’s odd. It’s perculier. But most of all it’s him.
I agree that him in real life would probably be like watching one of his cartoons. Stupid but funny to the better people of the internet... probably.
I... like him. Don’t judge my standards please.
I feel like in the beginning I wasn’t clear about what my standards are to begin with but I’ve slowly revealed it bit by bit within this post. Let me give you a clear picture then.
What I love about animation, drawing and art in general is the ability to... well, I think Seto Kaiba from the recent Yu*Gi*Oh! movie does it justice.
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It’s true. It upsets me when people use it not to create but to make something boring. Usually to point at a real world problem that you just know will depress you. This medium should be used to express yourself, represent something amazing. Indulge in the escapism it allows you and make sure to spend that time wisely to make an imprint that’s unforgettable. However you can do both at the same time. Be creative and depressing.
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
This is a perfect example of an art medium changing the world amazingly through a creative and imaginative story but still sends out a message and a point on how the working class suffer the most as well as the children that connected to the lords and ladies and changed society as they knew it.
However a skeleton in a pile of rubbish and a cardboard box marked ‘Home’ will not... It’s just depressing...
I should also point out what’s most important to me in art. An art style. I didn’t take GCSE Art for a reason. They’d force me to do realistic images and glue stuff to paper and the like. Not my idea of fun in my opinion. I enjoy all these animators because of their unique styles. They bring so much to their viewers through the eyes and minds of their fantastic worlds and how they perseve reality through them in their own wacky ways. And that’s what I love.
P.S. NewGrounds isn’t really my favourite place. It was just a joke. It’s still good but YouTube is easier to use since having flash isn’t a must.
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woohooligancomics · 7 years ago
Webcomic Whimsy: Nextuus!
Welcome to the Woohooligan Weekly Webcomic Whimsy! If you're a webcomic author and would like a review, you can see my announcement and review rules here.
Title: Nextuus: the Search for the Ocean Shard
Author: "Undoubting" Thomas Hotka • Facebook • Twitter • DeviantArt • YouTube
Site: Nextuus.com
Genres: Action, Adventure, SciFi, Space Opera, Cyberpunk, Espionage, Illuminati, Treasure Hunting, Psychic, Square-eyed minecraft people
Rating: PG13, T for Teen(?) - some language and violence
Updates: Tues, Thurs, Sat
My Starting Point (requested by artist): Chapter 8.
Synopsis: Space opera treasure hunters in a world with aliens and psychics. (I couldn't find an official synopsis on the site.)
Nextuus is the name of an Earth-like planet in some other part of our galaxy that's been settled by humans (the Confederation), and subsequently conquered by another alien race called Donts. (Rhymes with font.) According to geologist Alec Dougan, the crew of the hoverplane (not starship) the Truemark are treasure hunters. Their green-haired boss and pilot, Randall Lockheed, prefers "entrepreneur". Once famous for his exploits, Randall will find anything for the right price, although he's fallen on hard times and disbanded his crew for many months. The story opens on a new job and Randall getting the band crew back together. Add in an illuminati-like cabal of psychics and it makes for an interesting setting.
I see a lot of influences in this work: Star Wars, cyberpunk, a little Star Trek, etc. but what it reminds me of most (despite the inclusion of Aliens), is Joss Whedon's sci-fi TV series, Firefly. To be fair, Tom Hotka and I have been friends for several years, though I never got around to reading his comic work until now. He actually waited in queue like everyone else for this review and has been real patient with me while I've been struggling with some health issues in recent months. In any event, when I say it reminds me of Firefly more than of Star Wars or anything else, I mean that what I've read of the story focuses a lot on the personal relationships of the crew, who resemble the Firefly crew quite a bit. The crew's hoverplane is described as an "ancient" junker (Serenity), their mechanic is a wide-eyed girl named Elle (Kaylee), who came aboard to escape the utter boredom of her one-horse town and who doesn't seem to notice that Aareck (Simon) has a massive crush on her. Randall (Mal+Wash) claims to be all-business, but it's implied that it's all really about getting back together with his ex, Liz (Inara).
Admittedly, I'm playing a bit loose here, since Aareck isn't a doctor, he's not looking after a psychic sibling with a tragic history, the psychics are an illuminati-like cabal called the Waywachrie, and I assume Liz' profession is not companion. The major players in the political climate do however include the Confederation (probably more like Firefly's Alliance than Star Trek's Federation), and while weapons look to me like conventional firearms (Firefly) and there are no Star-Wars style lightsabers (that I can tell), swords appear to still be common (okay, Mr Universe made the point that the sword was weird in the movie, so maybe this isn't a Firefly thing).
As an aside, I have to give Tom props for some decent disguise humor. ;)
Also, my first impression while looking for some kind of synopsis was that it seemed a little Seussical when I started reading about Ways and Donts on the About page. You see, there was a Dont War, but not with Ways, because Ways don't war, Dont's war. Let's all be grateful where aren't any Whos... yet. It's a bit less comical once you realize Dont rhymes with font, but you'd have to read their description for the pronunciation guide. It occurs to me also that there's no page to describe the Confederation, which is described as the human government in the descriptions for the Nix (think CIA) and the Nextuus Planetary Defense Force (NPDF), and I'd like to see the crew of the Truemark separated from non-crew characters on the About page. And in general, I think a synopsis of the story would be helpful on that About page as well.
Tom asked me to start reading at the beginning of Chapter 8.
I dunno... is it normal to go through all that procedure when your engine is belching thick black smoke and you're crashing or damn near? "This is your captain speaking, at this time we're going to initiate crash-landing procedures, but first we're going to let the flight attendants finish taking your drink orders."
Two comments on the art here. First, although it's a bit hard to look at, that double-vision effect does a really nice job of simulating the shaking camera effect. Nice job, Tom. Second, and I'll expand on this a little more later, but I think this page could have had two of these panels, and possibly a panel or two from the following page could have been included here. The dialogue from the tower could have been presented in the same panel with Randall's dialogue, and in general, I don't see the visuals in the middle two panels adding any information to the scene.
No, we're not screwed! We're option-challenged!
To be honest, I think "you're coming in a little too steep" would have been a great punchline at the end of that first page.
Wait... is she fixing her hair during a plane crash?! <looks back> Oh, her hair was on fire, she's putting it out. I thought you were supposed to stop drop and barrel roll...
Also... you're allowed to just hang-up on air-traffic?!
I think I would have made the latter 3 panels here a single panel and daisy-chained the dialogue balloons together, using just the art from panel 3, or possibly a profile shot like panel 2 from the first page.
I think this is the moment where I really started thinking about Firefly. That line from Elle about parts falling off the plane just feels so close to the opening of the Serenity movie.
This is also the point at which I start feeling like there's a pacing issue. I realize I'm sounding like a broken record, and maybe people will just write it off when I say this from now on, I'm certainly not any kind of authority, but most of the comics I've reviewed so far seem to me to be slow getting important info to the reader. It's not always the same kind of info, for example, when I read Modest Medusa I interpreted it as primarily being a slice-of-life comedy (surreal though it was), and there the missing info seemed to be details about the main character's life (family, job, etc). In Next Town Over, which is a steampunk action/adventure, there's obviously a backstory that Erin was trying to keep in the dark and let readers piece together, although I felt like the brief glimpses of backstory were infrequent and often too short to be meaningful for me as a reader.
Nextuus gives me a wholly different kind of "sluggishness" for lack of a better term. I feel like the story is moving and things are being revealed, but that Tom is giving me too many visuals, which bumps the page count up. It's not too noticeable at first, I'm just reading along, but then over time, those creeping page counts seem to add up and I end up feeling like a whole chapter went by without revealing much information. At present, Nextuus is 34 chapters and a total of 1053 pages, and while I'm sure there are fans out there who enjoyed every page, for my part, I'm thinking about the printed volumes. What's that? At least 10 trade paperbacks? I know Tom's had four successful Kickstarters for volumes of Nextuus so far, and in his video for the last one he said the first three volumes were fifteen chapters, so if a chapter averages around 20-25 pages, you're looking at five chapters per volume being 100-125 pages? That can't be right... not with over 1k pages so far...
Okay, I'm getting into the weeds here, I apologize. What I'm getting at is that any extra panels or extra pages are going to drive up the price of the books. You could still get Volume 4 for $25 on his last Kickstarter, which is a reasonable price for a trade paperback, but I wonder if the size didn't eat into Tom's margin and make it harder for him to make ends meet in the long run. So... long story short, Tom, I think if you could cut a few of those panels in future chapters, it might help you bring costs down and may even help bring sales up if the readers feel like it's more "action packed" that way.
And that's where we get the two page landing sequence that I feel like really could have been one page.
That picture of Elle at the top grabbing the co-pilot seat, I feel like really would have worked better as the last panel on the previous page, also because then you get to see her standing behind the chair and then grabbing it without the page-break as an interruption.
So if you put the first panel from the previous page onto this page with these three panels, I think that would have worked out nicely.
The big dude on the right is One-15, who joined the crew in response to an ad. He's said to be from the planet Carthe and while the details of his anatomy are left ambiguous (I think intentionally), he certainly feels to me like a robot with an air of Star Wars (you can't say "droid", or the big silly mouse will sue your ass into the last century).
While I'm on the subject of pacing, it feels to me like Tom is kind of married to individual pages being 3 or 4 panels. This page in particular, although it is four panels, certainly feels like it has plenty of empty space that could have been used for another panel or two. Shift the first panel over to the left, slide panel 2 up on its right side, repeat with panels 3+4 and you've got a whole third row that could be the top two panels from the following page.
Aww, Elle, don't you want a puppy?!
I think that second panel is meant to be a joke? I dunno... it feels either like it needed a little more work as a joke or it's sort of unnecessary in the page.
Fine, I'll get him, just stop looking at me like that! Seriously, what is that look in the first panel?
No place that's described as "south central" has ever been a good thing. It could be south-central Candy Land and you'd still take a gun just in case of a peppermint stickup... shoot them in the candy heart, wrap them in a trash-bag and drop their body in the ice-cream floats.
Also, dude! You totally had room for the first panel of the next page up there. Look at all that empty space!
Randall, look out! There's a zombie behind you!
Aww, One-15, don't you want a puppy?!
Mustn't... look... at... empty space!
Auuugh! The empty space! It was right there at the end of the previous page! Begging for this first silent panel.
I don't think I've read enough to know for sure, but I do feel like Tom is emphasizing Aareck's interest in Elle here while writing Elle as oblivious. That's not exactly the relationship between Kaylee and Simon in Firefly, as Kaylee always showed interest in Simon, she just wasn't sure if he felt the same way until they made the movie.
Following this, I don't feel like a whole page of Aareck's commute was really needed. Maybe just the last panel where he checks the address in front of the building.
Aareck and Alec... what are they Hobbits? Biffer, Boffer, Bofer, Ron, Don, John, Kurt, Burt, Bart, Evan, Devin, Kevin...
The "ding!" sound effect at the top I think could use a little more contrast, maybe a wider white border around the text and maybe lay it on top of the company logo, becuase when I first saw it, I saw "6 Ding!"
Man, I've heard of hostile work environments, but this is ridiculous! Dude quits and the boss thinks the best way to get him to come back is to berate him as he's walking out the door? That's like domestic abuse. Chill out. Try some meditation, or Xanax, or maybe Hair Club would help take the edge off.
Randall needs to lighten up? Your last boss is apoplectic, looks like his head's gonna explode and shower the room in bald-juice.
I really need more contrast on those dialogue balloons. Several of the tails for balloons in these office pages are virtually invisible, like the middle two panels on this page. I know you're not putting borders on your dialogue balloons in general, but I think you probably should have broke with tradition for these pages.
Cynthia doesn't know what she's lost, man... a guy like you, who can appreciate the finer things in life. Like the rush of addrenaline when you see a high PH balance in a soil sample!
In retrospect, I would be fine with this entire scene starting on this page (above). You could cut Aareck's commute, walking into the building, asking for Alec and all that stuff with him quitting his job. I get that there's a bit of comic relief with the boss, I'm just not convinced it's worth three whole pages for that one joke about the bald guy who desperately needs to switch to decaf.
And then in other places I feel like the dialogue could be an easy way to shave some pages. At the end of the page where Alex says "I've always been a little jealous of you", there's plenty of room to add "because you got to stay with Randall when he disbanded the crew." It would have saved you a panel and it wouldn't have changed the meaning of the dialogue in any significant way. I'm also iffy on the need for this whole page to point out that Tim is the kind of guy who holds grudges -- that's better explained via the character interaction in the subsequent pages where Randall talks to Tim (a good case of show, don't tell). Speaking of which, this whole page where Randall presses a doorbell also seems unnecessary. I could maybe use the opening shot of the side of the building, although I honestly think the next page (below) is fine on its own.
Yes, hatred has a hard use-by date. After two years it immediately molds and that's when you start doing crazy shit like scrap-booking newspaper clippings and writing cryptic letters in haiku under assumed names.
Anyway, Tim lets Randall in and they dispense with the small talk. (I really think those could have been one page.)
Ack! A minute ago when I called those newspaper clippings and haiku letters crazy... you know I was kidding, right? Tim? Buddy?
Man, I'd have thought they'd have much better reconstructive surgery this far in the future!
On the other hand, it's nice to see Baron Underbheit is keeping busy.
I said no small talk!
Anyway, Randall says he's all business, but Tim's convinced it's still about Liz.
One Way or the other, I can never really tell them apart... Are you sure it wasn't One Direction?
Now this is getting interesting though, because I'm like 24 pages into the chapter and so far I've mostly heard talk of broken hearts, broken airplanes, and soil samples. Now we're talking about psychics and anti-psychic devices, that's cool!
Oh, uh, hi Liz. Oh me? Emotionally scarring children with my horryfing visage, but let's not talk about me. How have you been?
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly repurpose the cheapest random objects we can find as props. It's the best we could do with the budget the network gave us.
It looks like Randall's gonna keep psychics out of his head with a giant slinky. :P
Anyway, that being the end of Chapter 8, I think this fairly makes my point about the pacing of the story. Yes, there was some information in this chapter about the character relationships, but the only movements in the plot were that Alec returned to the team and Randall replaced his slinky-helmet.
Chapter 9.
The bags under your eyes alone should be a dead giveaway!
Also, it's the elusive comb! The rarest relic in all the galaxy! All these characters seem to have that Dragonball-hair syndrome.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the continents on Nextuus are named Primaris, Secundus and Tertiann. I suppose it could be worse, they could be A-ko, B-ko and C-ko.
Is it common for war orphans to enlist? Oh wait... there was that one guy...
Trust me kid, the Clone Wars were overrated.
Oh, for Pete's sake!
Your uncle sounds like A. Square.
Not sure his reaction to the haircut needed a whole page, but they did need to make him unrecognizable.
Wait... didn't she have a comb a minute ago? Maybe she was distracted by all his impure thoughts. But what's a little non-consensual probing between friends? Incidentally, Katja felt the probe was necessary because Jon was given adrenaline-activated powers by a corporate experiment...
On our world, robot technology has only reached three feet. We could only dream of having robots like you, tall enough to dunk! We have to settle for robots that are tall enough to reach the kitchen counter... with help.
The text balloon in panel 2 is a good example of why I'm not a big fan of the square dialogue balloons. Here it's created a parallel and/or bump-up tangent, and possibly a "fake panel". If you're not familiar with tangents, Chris Schweizer has a good article about them that's tailored for cartoonists like us. On the whole though, the square dialogue balloons in Nextuus seem to create these kinds of issues quite often.
A good handshake involves bone fractures, check.
That was really two panels worth of content, max.
Aww, Elle, don't you want a puppy?!
Elle twerks the engines and Randall returns without Tim. (Maybe this page isn't unnecessary, but it feels like a lot of room to say "it's good to see you again, Tim's not coming.")
Challenge Accepted!
The last panel there wasn't really necessary -- One-15 is carrying a bag at the top of the following page, where Aareck stays to help Elle. Oh wait! That page had five panels. :P I'm not sure it needed a second page though to show Aareck getting ... rejected? Dude, if you ask to stay and help the mechanic, she's going to put you to work... whether you're hitting on her or not.
I'm dying to know!
Oooh, psychics 101! You'll never have to ask anyone to pass the salt again. Does it work on pepper? What about buffets?
Okay, but if you're going to teach me, maybe you should wash that oil off your face first. I smoke a lot, I don't want to catch your face on fire.
Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has forseen this. It is your destiny.
Oh, for Pete's sake!
Why do villains always put spotlights over their valuables? Why?!
Oh, that's not makeup, it's a scar. Anyway, that's the end of Katja's backstory for the moment and they rinse Jon's hair.
Given the context and the fact that Katja laughs, I'm thinking gray hair is supposed to be a joke? But without knowing why Jon is unhappy about it, I'm not sure I get the full effect. Have people joked about him being "old", like Aareck's objection to "pup"? Does it make him look like something or someone he wants to avoid? Even if it's just not liking looking old (eye-bags and all), I think it would make a snappier joke with a little additional response from Jon. Maybe, "Great, now if I can just remember where I left my cane/walker/Geritol/dentures."
Overall, I think all the elements of a really cool scifi story are here, I just think the script and page layouts could be a little tighter. In particular, I love the visual design of One-15, his ambiguous physiology (robot or armored organism?), and the use of him for comic effect. I also love the Waywachrie's Illuminati-like structure and I think their masks are pretty cool. They're described as "skull masks", but they look to me more like grinning ghosts because of their round shape. That's totally fine by me, if anything I think they would be a lot less cool if they looked like more realistic skulls. So a+ on design there, at least from me.
So there's my pitch. If you enjoy scifi stories with intrigue, psychic cabals, and a lot of personal relationships, check out Nextuus!
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Thanks to Tom, and to all of you reading, for sharing yourselves with us! Sam
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my-hearts-lies-blog · 7 years ago
Growing up
When I was growing up I never thought I would actually love someone. I don’t understand that concept. Of loving a person. I don’t really love things or people. I use to call myself a robot because of that. I don’t understand emotions very well. At least my own. I feel like I don’t ever really experience them. To be fair, I guess I should say i don’t really experience the good emotions, happiness, excitement, fun, that kind of stuff. The negative ones on the other hand I knew well. I was an angry child. I use to get mad and upset all the time. And I had to work on controlling it. When I did get it under control. I felt like I turned off a part of me though. But I had surrounded myself with positive people that glowed with such good energy I lived through them. I seen relationships grow and I seen them fall apart. I lived through my own friendships growing and failing but I never really let them effect me. So I threw the word love around because other people needed to hear it. When I talked to old friends about how they loved their SO. I thought it was silly. I read books and watched movies and I never understood what the hell was going on. I’ve been in little relationships before and they never meant anything to me at the end. Never felt a need to get all cutely gross about it. I knew I wanted to get married and I also knew that when I found someone I wanted to be long term with I would marry that person because I knew I would never would want to experience building another foundation with another person again. I’m a one and done kind of person. I only really need to experience things once and if I never experience again I’ll be ok. I also knew that kind of relationship would be so important to me that I would do everything on my power to make it work. Because I believe in the long haul. I understand bumps in the road. I understand getting mad at one another. At needing breaks from seeing each other. I mean have you met me? I get tired of myself all the time. But I knew the picture i want to build and once I found someone that fits in and we care about one another. I’ll either get down on one knee or say yes to the biggest question in a person’s life once things were heading towards a good healthy direction. That was high school me who thought this. High school me was willing to wait until I was much older to try and have that kind of relationship. I figured after college kind of thing. I had hoped to figure that whole love thing by then.
But imagine my surprise when I met someone at just 17 who was going to change my life and how I saw things and not know at that time they were going to hold a huge part of my life in their hands. Imagine my surprise when at 18 they asked me out on a date and I asked them to be mine? And that they said yes. How I was always nervous to be around them. How I didn’t want to say or do the wrong thing and ruin my chances. How I was always happy to see or hear from them. I wanted nothing else in the world but for them to happy. How my heart would always race when I knew I was going to see them. As I walked up the driveway or towards the front door as I saw her waiting for me with the dogs and later on a cat. I couldn’t help but think of how amazing she was and how fucking lucky I was to have her. And that she continues to choose me.
The first time I really thought that she was going to be my future was at 6 months. At 6 months I got her a Minecraft diamond block. Because at that point she was watching a lot of let’s plays of Minecraft and we were getting into it playing together as a couple. I remember I held on to that gift so should wouldn’t see it until I presented it to her. I remember I got down on one knee and gave it to her. I remember how just before I said to open her eyes. I remember I freaked out because I didn’t want her to think I was proposing to her. I didn’t want to scare her like that so soon. But she loved the gift. I remember after the gift exchange we went downstairs and and watched a movie. She was sick so we just stayed in. I remember getting stuck in my head thinking that it wouldn’t be crazy to marry her. I looked at her and I was certain that she made me feel the best I ever felt in my whole life. She calmed my nervousness about my worries. She had an energy that made me want to glow along side with her but I also knew she was such a bright light she never needed me to guide her own way. I would follow her light anywhere. She introduced me to a lot of new things I never would have known. She let me be me. Weird quirks and all. I normally try to change people and I never wanted to change anything about her. She was perfect to me just the way she was. That’s when my first proposal idea came up. I would slowly over time when I was ready to pop the question to buy more of those diamond blocks until I reach nine. On the ninth one I would figure out a way to put the ring inside of it and have that around and her not know that the ring was always there. Waiting. Up until that point I thought I could really love her and want a life with her. I had the secret for 3 years afterwards.
Our first Christmas together she got me a ring. And a promise. That we do have a future. It was the first time in 7 years at that point I really cried. Because this person wanted me and loved me. I knew with beyond a doubt I wanted to marry her. Because she made my heart so full it could break. And over the years when we were together I would take off my ring from my middle finger and put it on her ring finger. I remember how giddy I would get and I could never stop the smile that it would give me. I couldn’t wait For it to one day be a real engagement ring and I was checking to see about what size ring I should get her. She would ask me what I was doing and even though I thought it was obvious I always said it was nothing. I wanted her to be surprisied.
It was around halfway through college that i realize I wanted to build a future and a career to give my queen whatever she wanted in her life. Give her a the perfect house. Get her the Mini Cooper she wanted. Go on great vacations and I realize I needed to focus on my college career and I did. I buried myself in it. I hoped she would understand I was doing it not just for me but for her and ultimately us and our future. That when I was down I was doing so much now so we didn’t have to worry later on. I wanted to lay the stones of the future correctly. I broke myself trying to live in the future and in the present at the same time. I just wanted her to be proud of me and know I was doing all of this because of my love for her.
Anyone who knows me knows I hate school. I don’t want to be there. I don’t like having people talk at me. But if a college career meant a better paying job. Sign me up and I’m going to work hard for it. I just needed her to be patient.
So now that it’s months after our breakup and she loves someone else. Do I know what Love is?
Love to me is thinking about Them everyday. Hoping they’re doing alright when I don’t get to see them. Hoping they ate a good meal or two because i know there’s not a lot of food in their house I haven’t been able to take them out to eat so I know they’re eating well. Going shopping and seeing something and thinking that she’ll like it and sometimes buying that item for them. Remembering how they like their food. Remembering to tuck them into bed and give them a kiss on the forehead when they sleep. How they’re not stressing out and not worrying over silly things again but I’ll be there if they want to talk about it if it does happen. Remembering to do little things for them so they know I’m thinking of them. Let them go on whatever dream they want in their life and support them. Know that every wish I made since we got together was about her. Have them know I love them and only them. There never was and never will be anyone else.
I knew I was going to be a one and done kind of person.
She just doesn’t love me anymore. And I don’t blame her. I just wish it wasn’t true. I just want 1 Chance to prove I’m worthy of her love again.
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brokxnbenz · 7 years ago
I think it's time😕
Thank you for everything you do for me, you've always been there for me when I needed you and I tried to do the same for you, I'll never forget our memories and I had amazing times with you, you made my life enjoyable and worth getting up for, I'm not doing so good and I'm sorry I have to tell you this way, i love you so much and I always will, please take care of yourself and mom and dad.
Thank you for always playing games with me and teaching me how to play games and for teaching me how to adult, thank you for being there for me even when we argue and fight, I won't forget all the good times we had on games and going places and joking about silly stuff, be safe I love you big brother, take care of yourself and continue to work hard.
This is probably going to be my hardest one to write but thank you for being the best mother anyone Can ask for and I really mean it, thank you for always helping me with my problems and keeping me fed and healthy, thank you for lending me money when I needed it, and thank you for letting me have my cats and thank you for always making sure our family is okay before you are, I've never met anyone stronger than you and I look up to you, you've gone through so much and still manage with a smile on your face at all times, I'm sorry I'm getting worse and I just didn't know how to tell you and I was scared to because I know you'd try to fly back and take care of me, but you need to Focus on you and the amazing family we have. I love you so much mother, you're so strong and you're more than I can ask for, don't ever forget how beautiful you are, and take care of Sadie and dj for me.
This one is going to suck the most and I'm sorry, but thank you for always watching football games with me, always making me laugh when we go out to dinner and thanks for teaching me how to be like you, thanks for letting me learn on how you say things and how you do things, I love who I am because of you, thank you for teaching me to bowl which is my favorite thing to do other than play football, thank you for being my idol and getting games with me and teaching me how to play or showing me how to play sports and always trying to help me when I'm upset, I've always looked up to you and I always will, you've always been what I wanted to be when I was older.
Hey grandma, thank you for always helping out our family and taking amazing care of us, thank you for always buying us food and making sure we have food in the house, thank you for letting me move in with you and taking prim, I love how much you care for prim and feed her wet food before bed, she loves you and cries when you leave, so thank you for taking care of her and thank you for always checking up on me and making sure I'm okay, I'm sorry I'm scaring you with not being able to eat and I'm sorry for not going to the hospital but I just can't go there, please take care of yourself and try not to hurt yourself anymore, be careful, I love you so much.
Dakotas mom and Andy
This is probably a bad time but I can't help it, I just wanted to thank you for having An amazing daughter who is so beautiful and caring, she has been the best thing to happen to me and she's a blessing, just make sure she's happy for me, she really does deserve it. I also wanted to thank you for always taking care of me and letting me stay over or just come over, thank you for looking for cars and buying me things I liked, thank you for taking me to the campground and to any special events you guys went to and held, you guys taught me what caring for someone really is and I couldn't thank you guys enough for how much you've done for me. And thanks for letting me try to help caera and playing games with her, or letting me take her to stores when we go and buying her things she adores so she's happy, I love caera and I love doing everything I can to make her happy and smiling, I hope you all take care of yourselves and continue to be the amazing family I look up to.
Hey caera, I know you're young and you shouldn't have to know what this is like so I won't tell you but I just wanted to thank you for always giving me something to do and always going places with me, or staying by my side and holding onto me, helping me with your sister and I love playing the board games with you or just doing silly things, I've had great memories with you and I loved buying you things you adore, please don't change who you are, you're going to grow up to be an amazing girl and anyone who doesn't see that is going to be missing out
I'm sorry I couldn't do it like you thought I could, I've tried so hard for you because I know you believed in me, but thank you for all you do for me and thank you for always hyping me up and even Dakota, thanks for being at barrio when we went and thank you for inviting us to skating, that night was an unforgettable night and I won't forget the memories that were made, I hope you're doing alright and taking care of your friends but also taking care of yourself, I can't thank you enough. You've been such an amazing friend to me and I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner. Please be safe and do what you do best, smile.
You probably think I hate you but I don't, so thank you for bringing me to games when I was going through a bad time, and thanks for getting food with me, thank you for always being someone I can talk to who won't judge me, and thank you for taking care of dakota and calling her when I couldn't, thanks for everything you do and have done, keep it up and live your life.
Well this is going to hurt to write and I don't even know where to start because you taught me everything I know but first of I want to thank you for talking to me and making me feel wanted when all I wanted was to die, you kept me sane and kept my heart warm, showed you cared even in the beginning when we were just friends and weren't supposed to fall for each other, but the truth is, I fell for you when I first started talking to you, just didn't know how to show my true feelings for you and I was scared you wouldn't feel the same. Thank you for taking such good care of me and always inviting me over, and making me never feel alone, thank you for sticking by my side through everything I've ever gone through, letting me vent to you and tell you things I'd never tell anyone else. You've always been there for me and I should've realized it sooner and I'm really sorry I didn't but I adore you so much and how much effort you give in anything you do, thank you for all the silly pictures and of course the lovely pictures of your face or you in your favorite outfits, and the pictures and videos of bobale, angel, and powder, I love all kinds of the pictures you sent me randomly, thank you for playing minecraft with me even though I suck and teaching me how to be as good as you are, thank you for getting me hooked on tv shows and waiting to watch them with me, thank you for showing me all these good movies I missed out on and rewatching them so I could see them, thanks for playing the wii with me and the wii sports games, and the board games we've played with your sister who I've always tried to make happy, thank you for spending the summer with me and letting me stay over and cuddle you, thank you for running over to my house in the cold because our 1 month was almost up and we missed it, but you refused to let yourself miss it and that meant so much to me, thank you for buying me socks even if I lost them, thank you for showing me the campground and letting me be there, I love being there with you so much. Thank you for teaching and making food with me and surprising me with my favorite dinner so much and thanks for waiting to have tacos because you know I like them, thank you for always inviting me over on Sunday's or fridays where we watched movies with your family and ate pizza or tacos, you've always made me feel at home and never stopped. Thank you for flying out to Florida to see me and driving back with us and letting me nap and being there for me when I was crying because I thought I lost bandit, and I'll never forget surprising you for your birthday of flying back because you had no idea what I was planning, and it meant so much to me to be able to spend your birthday with you, I hated that you thought you would be all alone and it hurt me, but thank you for taking me to outback for the very first time, and going skating with me even though I sucked at that too, brandon was worse so it makes me feel a bit better, thanks for inviting me to barrio with your friends, they're all so caring and they love you. Thank you for always taking your sister places with us, I love being with her and it makes me happy that she likes going places with us, I'm glad I could make her happy and actually like me, she's like a mini you and it's so cute watching her grow up. Thank you for always rubbing my back and taking care of me after my long days at work or if I'm just hurting, and giving me medicine when my head hurts, you've always done right for me and i appreciate it so much, I'm glad I could be there for you as much as possible and always being there when you needed someone most or when you weren't feeling too good I stuck by your side and I did everything to help you, every time you'd push me away I'd come back because I just wanted to help you and cuddle you and tell you everything's going to be okay, I'm sorry I ever upset you and I always tried to make up for anything I did to hurt you, I've never wanted to see you upset because you deserve to be the happiest, you deserve the best and anyone to call you theirs is the most
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brokxnbenz · 7 years ago
Don't bother reading this, just for personal use
Thank you for everything you do for me, you've always been there for me when I needed you and I tried to do the same for you, I'll never forget our memories and I had amazing times with you, you made my life enjoyable and worth getting up for, I'm not doing so good and I'm sorry I have to tell you this way, i love you so much and I always will, please take care of yourself and mom and dad.
Thank you for always playing games with me and teaching me how to play games and for teaching me how to adult, thank you for being there for me even when we argue and fight, I won't forget all the good times we had on games and going places and joking about silly stuff, be safe I love you big brother, take care of yourself and continue to work hard.
This is probably going to be my hardest one to write but thank you for being the best mother anyone Can ask for and I really mean it, thank you for always helping me with my problems and keeping me fed and healthy, thank you for lending me money when I needed it, and thank you for letting me have my cats and thank you for always making sure our family is okay before you are, I've never met anyone stronger than you and I look up to you, you've gone through so much and still manage with a smile on your face at all times, I'm sorry I'm getting worse and I just didn't know how to tell you and I was scared to because I know you'd try to fly back and take care of me, but you need to Focus on you and the amazing family we have. I love you so much mother, you're so strong and you're more than I can ask for, don't ever forget how beautiful you are, and take care of Sadie and dj for me.
This one is going to suck the most and I'm sorry, but thank you for always watching football games with me, always making me laugh when we go out to dinner and thanks for teaching me how to be like you, thanks for letting me learn on how you say things and how you do things, I love who I am because of you, thank you for teaching me to bowl which is my favorite thing to do other than play football, thank you for being my idol and getting games with me and teaching me how to play or showing me how to play sports and always trying to help me when I'm upset, I've always looked up to you and I always will, you've always been what I wanted to be when I was older.
Hey grandma, thank you for always helping out our family and taking amazing care of us, thank you for always buying us food and making sure we have food in the house, thank you for letting me move in with you and taking prim, I love how much you care for prim and feed her wet food before bed, she loves you and cries when you leave, so thank you for taking care of her and thank you for always checking up on me and making sure I'm okay, I'm sorry I'm scaring you with not being able to eat and I'm sorry for not going to the hospital but I just can't go there, please take care of yourself and try not to hurt yourself anymore, be careful, I love you so much.
Dakotas mom and Andy
This is probably a bad time but I can't help it, I just wanted to thank you for having An amazing daughter who is so beautiful and caring, she has been the best thing to happen to me and she's a blessing, just make sure she's happy for me, she really does deserve it. I also wanted to thank you for always taking care of me and letting me stay over or just come over, thank you for looking for cars and buying me things I liked, thank you for taking me to the campground and to any special events you guys went to and held, you guys taught me what caring for someone really is and I couldn't thank you guys enough for how much you've done for me. And thanks for letting me try to help caera and playing games with her, or letting me take her to stores when we go and buying her things she adores so she's happy, I love caera and I love doing everything I can to make her happy and smiling, I hope you all take care of yourselves and continue to be the amazing family I look up to.
Hey caera, I know you're young and you shouldn't have to know what this is like so I won't tell you but I just wanted to thank you for always giving me something to do and always going places with me, or staying by my side and holding onto me, helping me with your sister and I love playing the board games with you or just doing silly things, I've had great memories with you and I loved buying you things you adore, please don't change who you are, you're going to grow up to be an amazing girl and anyone who doesn't see that is going to be missing out
I'm sorry I couldn't do it like you thought I could, I've tried so hard for you because I know you believed in me, but thank you for all you do for me and thank you for always hyping me up and even Dakota, thanks for being at barrio when we went and thank you for inviting us to skating, that night was an unforgettable night and I won't forget the memories that were made, I hope you're doing alright and taking care of your friends but also taking care of yourself, I can't thank you enough. You've been such an amazing friend to me and I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner. Please be safe and do what you do best, smile.
You probably think I hate you but I don't, so thank you for bringing me to games when I was going through a bad time, and thanks for getting food with me, thank you for always being someone I can talk to who won't judge me, and thank you for taking care of dakota and calling her when I couldn't, thanks for everything you do and have done, keep it up and live your life.
Well this is going to hurt to write and I don't even know where to start because you taught me everything I know but first of I want to thank you for talking to me and making me feel wanted when all I wanted was to die, you kept me sane and kept my heart warm, showed you cared even in the beginning when we were just friends and weren't supposed to fall for each other, but the truth is, I fell for you when I first started talking to you, just didn't know how to show my true feelings for you and I was scared you wouldn't feel the same. Thank you for taking such good care of me and always inviting me over, and making me never feel alone, thank you for sticking by my side through everything I've ever gone through, letting me vent to you and tell you things I'd never tell anyone else. You've always been there for me and I should've realized it sooner and I'm really sorry I didn't but I adore you so much and how much effort you give in anything you do, thank you for all the silly pictures and of course the lovely pictures of your face or you in your favorite outfits, and the pictures and videos of bobale, angel, and powder, I love all kinds of the pictures you sent me randomly, thank you for playing minecraft with me even though I suck and teaching me how to be as good as you are, thank you for getting me hooked on tv shows and waiting to watch them with me, thank you for showing me all these good movies I missed out on and rewatching them so I could see them, thanks for playing the wii with me and the wii sports games, and the board games we've played with your sister who I've always tried to make happy, thank you for spending the summer with me and letting me stay over and cuddle you, thank you for running over to my house in the cold because our 1 month was almost up and we missed it, but you refused to let yourself miss it and that meant so much to me, thank you for buying me socks even if I lost them, thank you for showing me the campground and letting me be there, I love being there with you so much. Thank you for teaching and making food with me and surprising me with my favorite dinner so much and thanks for waiting to have tacos because you know I like them, thank you for always inviting me over on Sunday's or fridays where we watched movies with your family and ate pizza or tacos, you've always made me feel at home and never stopped. Thank you for flying out to Florida to see me and driving back with us and letting me nap and being there for me when I was crying because I thought I lost bandit, and I'll never forget surprising you for your birthday of flying back because you had no idea what I was planning, and it meant so much to me to be able to spend your birthday with you, I hated that you thought you would be all alone and it hurt me, but thank you for taking me to outback for the very first time, and going skating with me even though I sucked at that too, brandon was worse so it makes me feel a bit better, thanks for inviting me to barrio with your friends, they're all so caring and they love you. Thank you for always taking your sister places with us, I love being with her and it makes me happy that she likes going places with us, I'm glad I could make her happy and actually like me, she's like a mini you and it's so cute watching her grow up. Thank you for always rubbing my back and taking care of me after my long days at work or if I'm just hurting, and giving me medicine when my head hurts, you've always done right for me and i appreciate it so much, I'm glad I could be there for you as much as possible and always being there when you needed someone most or when you weren't feeling too good I stuck by your side and I did everything to help you, every time you'd push me away I'd come back because I just wanted to help you and cuddle you and tell you everything's going to be okay, I'm sorry I ever upset you and I always tried to make up for anything I did to hurt you, I've never wanted to see you upset because you deserve to be the happiest, you deserve the best and anyone to call you theirs is the most lucky
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