#I actually read it cause my partner and I swapped our favourite books to read while they went away for about a week
So I just finished reading “Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury for the first time and I fucking loved it!! does anyone have recs for what to read next?
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ayyyez · 4 years
Omg, darling you opened matchups and im such a hoe for matchups cause I love doing them as well
But! I'd like to see if our boy Neji would actually like me (despite me thinking he actually won't cause we clash a lot lol), but my pronouns are she/her! Hm, physically wise, I'm pretty curvy and semi-tall when it comes to height (idk if 170cm is tall lol), but my personality is rather complicated because I can wake up one day being perfectly fine and content, happy and talkative with everyone, while some other days are a complete opposite and I hate everyone around me and myself lol. I'm a really helpful person and generous! I'm a good teacher and love tutoring in subjects like biology and math. One thing I figured out after I moved abroad for uni is that I laugh a lot and rather easily, so anything can make me laugh at any time.
I'm very sarcastic though and I get pissed easily, however, I'm more of the type to accumulate all of my anger and then spontaneously blow up than let it all out immediately...😅 And, I'm a pretty good listener (ppl talk to me a lot about their problems), but I dislike talking about myself and my problems.
In my free time, I like doing origami and sudoku, and writing! You can always catch me with a book, whether I'm studying or reading it for my own enjoyment! And, to not bore you further, I'll finish here! I hope it's enough and thank you so much if you end up doing this, mwah ❣️
omg yes our mans Neji, ahhh dw I feel like he is the most flexible when it comes to romantic partners? I’M SURE HE WOULD LIKE YOU OKAY! Lemme prove it ehe also side note you’re only a little shorter than me! I’m 172.something! yay tallpeople 
Alright so I feel like a lot of your traits complement well with Neji’s. The fact you are the type of person who helps other people talk about their problems but find it hard to talk about your own is the same as Neji. 
It’s complimentary because you will encourage him to talk about all the issues and trauma he has deep inside him (that he NEEDS to let out) and help him figure out his emotions and feelings.
On the flip side, you doing this for him encourages him doing it for you. He gets it because he hates it too but he knows its healthy to communicate (took him awhile to learn but hey). He also won’t push too far though, just the right amount. Late night talks become your thing. Don’t have anything on the next day? maybe stay up all night talking.
Those days you don’t want to deal with people? He has those all the time and will gladly give you space to chill or give you comfort when you need it. Even if you just sort of want to exist together away from the world he’s good to do that too. 
Neji is also a big reader in his spare time. I can see the two of you accumulating quite the collection. Swapping favourites and discussing them over tea. Who needs dates when you can have debates with your boyfriend over books. 
Neji observes a lot and finds out a lot about you that way. You don’t even really need to talk about yourself for him to know things about you. He just pays enough attention for a lot of things. Even notices things you wouldn’t have even known, like little mindless habits and gestures. 
He would probably be drawn to you because of your generosity and the way you help others in general. Teaching people calmly and helpfully will make his heart do the skip a beat moment. Is generally drawn to people like that so I definitely see it being the same for you. 
Likes your laugh but he’s not really the jokester. It would be more you laughing at him being the sweet and flustered disaster he is. Especially when it comes to relationships. Tease him, honestly, it’s good for a laugh but also is the cutest thing ever.  Especially because it’s Neji, mr snark. 
I think you being talkative to an extent helps you too connect in the early stages because he is the opposite most of the time. Like he can talk to people but he can’t hold conversations outside of shinobi life to save his life until he gets to know you. 
If you do happen to blow up (it happens, you’re human okay) He will go into calm, comforting mode. Might be awkward the first time, he’s generally awkward with affection and emotions but like at the end of the day he totally gets it. 
Will do whatever you need. Hug? You got it. Space? You got it? A good yell? Yell away (maybe not at him though) Ultimately though he will talk you through it when you’re ready. He’ll love you lots okay?
Also if you find it easy to get along with people and go out, hold his hand okay? Hates being in unnecessary social situations and looks to you to save him lmao. 
All in all a very cute and healthy matchup! 
Hope you enjoyed these bby! <3
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