#I Was A Shakespearean Actor In College!
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if-i-had-it-all · 17 days ago
Hellhounds. Lilly always hated hellhounds. This wasn't new information, everyone who knew her was told about her fear hatred of them. They hunted her down like nothing else mattered, not until she was dead. It was one of the reasons why she was a year-rounder, but Gods above and below she didn't want to be trapped in that camp forever.
So, Lilly had decided to go out today, just to get something to eat...yeah. Big mistake. Fuckin hellhounds. She was absolutely covered in blood and wounds by the end of her fight. It was annoying, even more annoying when she realized she had forgotten to bring ambrosia or nectar with her.
She knocks on the door of her half-brothers mom's house. It was known that Sally Jackson was happy to welcome most demigod who was in the area. She hoped that invitation extended to her.
"Uh Missus... Blowfish?" she thought it was a weird name, but Percy was insistent on it.
- @lilly-of-the-water
"By the gods," Salacia "Sally" Jackson spoke in a soft concern as she opened the door to a blood-soaked demigod filled with claw marks and still seemed to be actively bleeding. "You know, as much as I think you could pull it off, blood isn't quite the look for you, dearest," she chuckled and grinned as she gently guided the demigoddess forward and closed the door behind her. She really hated to trap the already-hesitant girl in, but she honestly couldn't risk whatever attacked her following her in. Both for the girl's sake and for her apartment's sake.
"Hey Paul? Could you- Oh, why thank you," Sally laughed fondly towards the demigoddess as Paul brought over bandages, water, and ambrosia to help clean her wounds, still clearly half asleep as he sloppily kissed her on the top of the head and stumbled toward the kitchen. "Oh how I love that man," she sympathized with her as she set up the supplies, stopping as soon as they were placed to her liking and turning to fully face the girl to give her Sally's full attention. "Would you like me to help you or you to do it? I fully respect either choice, I just wanted you to know that you have one," she smiled softly again, raking her fond gaze over the girl's messy hair before returning back to her eyes with the most loving look she could possibly muster--and she's been told she holds lots of love in her gaze. "I'm Sally, by the way," she added as an afterthought because, truly, where are her manners? Didn't they say you'll start to figure things out once you're older? Yeah, well. Sally's no less awkward or forgetful than when she was a teenager. "Sally Blofis."
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kraniumet · 2 months ago
on one hand i, on some level, understand characterizing a group of college students as having a really strange and uninterested view of shakespeare, even as they are literally studying to be shakespearean actors. that could be trying to make some kind of statement. on the other hand the book reads more like the author picked shakespeare at random from a list of "dark academia" topics and decided she was going to have to make shakespeare seem like a late victorian gothic artist by any means necessary to match the tone of the book she wanted to write. for seo. m.l. rio
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love. ❤️
I love that you sent this to me while I was still asleep, BEFORE the conversation we had this morning about me having 259 fanworks on AO3. I mean, I think you would have done it anyway, but still: asking me to pick a top five is extremely cruel and unusual behaviour 🤣
So. In no particular order in reverse chronological order because I just went through my works list to decide, kiwiana's five favourite kiwiana fics (at least today, because I definitely have the 'can't pick favourites' flavour of neurospicy):
Like loving the stars themselves
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 7.2k words]
When he emerges out the other end of the alleyway and almost runs straight into a solid blue wall that wasn’t there last time he visited this area of town, Henry assumes his wandering thoughts have conjured an illusion. He blinks, and blinks again, but it’s still there: NORA’s unassuming back wall, the broken chameleon circuit now over thirty centuries out of date to blend into her surroundings the way she’s supposed to, her anomalous presence a wrench in Henry’s carefully laid plans. Alex is here. Or, Alex is a Time Lord, and time is complicated; Henry keeps meeting him out of order, and it's been a while.
I just... I genuinely think this is the best thing I've ever written. Along with Much Ado, it's the fic that is most strongly Peak MJ Vibes, and I am really fucking proud of the story crafting in this one. I LOVE writing fics, particularly one-shots, that have such a strong sense of the wider world they sit in while still being a satisyfingly complete story in their own right, and I don't think I've ever done that better than I did here. If you have no knowlege of Doctor Who, I PROMISE you do not need to be scared of this fic lol.
Puck It
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 9.7k words]
“I’m English, dear,” Henry tells him, and fuck if the nickname isn’t doing something to Alex too. “Our national sport is rugby, and we play it with a lot less protective gear. Though,” he adds thoughtfully, “rugby players do wear mouth guards, which means they have the significant advantage of generally keeping all their teeth.” “We wear mouth guards.” It’s a common misconception, and one that annoys the shit out of him. “And I’ve still got all my teeth. Wanna check?”
HOCKEY! HOCKEY! THE GREATEST GAME IN THE LAND! This fic is so wildly different to what I intended it to be, but I absolutely love what it turned into. The college hockey AU that is somehow not quite a college AU and not quite a hockey AU, but is also definitively both. I love love LOVE both Alex and Henry in this, and I adore this fic.
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 65.5k words]
Alex is a former child star struggling to make the transition into being seen as a serious actor. He jumps at an opportunity to perform on stage in the UK, seeing it as a way to break free from the typecasting and show what he can really do. But he wasn’t prepared to star alongside someone he hates. // Henry is a recent theatre graduate who accepts an amazing role in a queer reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing. And then it turns out his co-star is none other than the man he’s been hopelessly pining after for years—even though Henry made a terrible first impression when they met. // It’s… well, it’s practically Shakespearean.
First of all, I dropped chapter one of this fic one year ago today, so happy ficaversary to Much Ado! And... yeah. There's no universe in which this fic doesn't end up in my top five. I wrote this fic in a ~five week fever dream and it's probably only coherent because of @celeritas2997 and @ships-to-sail putting in a bunch of hard beta work lmao. It's just SUCH a love letter to theatre, to Shakespeare, to the power of queer joy. All things that are so fucking important to me!
And all the rest's illusion
[Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick, T, 1.8k words]
The first time David uses the word 'queer' to refer to him, it brings Patrick up short.
AKA 'MJ projects their feelings about how goddamn amazing the word queer is and makes a bunch of people cry, apparently'. This was a little bit of a spite reaction to ahistorical, ~q slur~ takes on queer as an umbrella term and I stand by that. Also, whenever I'm feeling like my writing isn't important/doesn't reach people/isn't adding any value to the world, I read through the comments on this fic and have a good cry. If YOU are feeling Not Queer Enough, I highly recommend reading through the comments on this fic and have a good cry even if you're not a Schitt's Creek person.
How much love will you happily take
[Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick, T, 8.0k words]
The trouble is, they don’t really have any privacy outside of the store — at least one member of David’s family is always at the motel, and Ray has never met a boundary he won’t cheerfully skip over. Neither of those seem like the ideal place to say 'so, I’m actually a virgin' or 'funny thing, apparently my dick’s so big no one wants to have sex with me', but the store hardly seems like an appropriate place to have that conversation either.
This started out as size kink and turned into eight thousand words of psychological kink analysis. I gave MULTIPLE people a humiliation kink with this one and I am, not joking, exceptionally fucking proud of that. LOVE to help people realise things about themselves with my writing.
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thefuzzzz · 6 months ago
Summary: "Now wait a minute Virgil, let's just try a rehearsal with Roman. Just once. If you hate it, you don't have to do it ever again,' Patton reasoned.
"There is no way in hell I am doing anything with Roman Prince."
Logan adjusted his clipboard. "Why do you feel the need to say his whole name every time?"
"That's beside the point!"
Roman threw his hands up exasperatedly. Virgil waved him off, deciding to ignore him. There was no way this was worse for him than it was for Virgil.
"Just once," Thomas said. "Just one run through the show."
Virgil sighed. He pinched his nose. "Fine. Once."
A college + community theater au where Virgil is bullied into joining a community theater by his roommate, Patton, and forced into an unlikely friendship with his sworn enemy.
This fic was written for the @sandersidesbigbang ! I had a ton of fun with this event and got the opportunity to work with two amazing people!
@loganisanobody was my beta reader and artist. This fic would not be the same without their help with the storyline and I can’t thank them enough for their beautiful art.
@zombiesandbells was my artist. She is so talented her art absolutely blew me away. I think it beautifully captures the scene and gives so much personality to it.
Thank you to both of my partners and the amazing people running this event! I can’t wait to participate again next time.
(Tags, ratings, and trigger warnings below the cut)
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Rating: General audiences
Archive warning: no archive warnings apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Relationships: Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil & Creativity | Roman & Logic | Logan & Morality Patton, Anxiety | Virgil & Creativity | Roman & Logic | Logan & Morality | Patton & Thomas Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders & Morality | Patton Sanders
Characters: Anxiety / Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Logic Logan Sanders, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Theater AU, community theater au, small tw for a non-detailed panic attack in one chapter, prinxiety centric, College AU, Fluff, Romeo and Juliet. thing., Classic trope of actor gets sick so techie is forced to play the lead with the star
Language: English
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gummy-reads · 7 months ago
If We Were Villains Review
If were were Villians by M.L. Rio
I’m an (ex)-theater kid and the premise of the book of solving a murder inside the theater production was extremely interesting. The book starts with seven Shakespearean actors at a classical college playing the same roles on and off the stage of Ceaser; the hero, villain, tyrant, temptress ingenue, and extra, solving the murder of one of their classmates. If you’re into the dark academia aesthetic or a fan of Shakespeare, or even just a fan or murder-mystery, this is a compelling book to pick up! It has time jumps from the past to the present, but not in a way to give whiplash, but instead give insight into the main character, Oliver. The book is very poetic and that's what dark academia is all about. The book is separated like a stageplay with “acts” and “scenes”, bringing flashbacks to when I was in theater, as well as plenty of quotes from Shakespeare's works. The way the book wove hints throughout the story had me checking back on pages and creating my theories along the way. The way the characters slowly become the role they are playing in the stage play only solidified the devotion the characters had to their crafts; and maybe even a take on how we become who we pretend to be.
A downside I had to If We Were Villians is that this book is advertised as a queer book, and as a queer reader I was excited, but only to find one cannon character; but it's about a group of theater kids so really everyone is queer to some degree, but for a book to be advertised as having a queer romance; it just had the main character, Oliver, question his sexual attraction to his roommate, James, at the end of the book. It felt like I was being edged for a queer romance between the two, but rather was fed a straight relationship, which I’m not complaining about. The final couple is cute but I was rooting for Oliver and James in the end. There are a lot of sexual themes, and as someone who is asexual, I was surprised that it wasn’t too sick. It was very vague, but I still wouldn’t recommend this book to someone sensitive to smut.
All-in-all, this book is a good introductory to the dark academia genre with references to Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe, two notable writers in the period of romanticism, which is the genre dark academia is loosely based on, really solidified the tone within the book: betrayal, love, and loss. With only 358 pages and 5 acts, it successfully illustrates the tones classical plays evoke and mirrors the play of Ceasar to an almost perfect point.
Some of my favorite quotes:
“You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough” “You're real to me. Sometimes I thought you were the only real thing.” “Per aspera ad astra…Through the thorns, to the stars.” “I don't know, it's like I look at you and suddenly the sonnets make sense.” “Do you blame Shakespeare for any of it?… I blame him for all of it.” “One sin, I know, another doth provoke; Murder’s as near to lust as flame to smoke.”
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On St David's Day and celebration of Welsh heritage and culture. I needed to see this clip today. It feels so fitting to what's going on in the world right now…
Richard Burton reciting from Shakespeare's
"What a piece of work is a man" monologue, in Hamlet. When he did this on stage in 1964, it would have been booming out through the Broadway venue, but there's something equally powerful about hearing him recite it in a more understated way, in close-up.
He was noted for his mellifluous baritone voice. Burton established himself as a formidable Shakespearean actor in the 1950s and gave a memorable performance as Hamlet in 1964. He was called the natural successor to Sir Lawrence Olivier.
Richard Burton CBE. The Welsh actor was born Richard Walter Jenkins Jr. 10th November 1925 in Pontrhydyfen (or Pont-rhyd-y-fen) is a small village in the Afan Valley, in Neath Port Talbot county borough in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 and educated in Exeter College, Oxford. He died on 5th August 1984 (aged 58) in Céligny, Switzerland 🇨🇭 His burial place - Old Cemetery ("Vieux Cimetière") of Céligny.
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#RichardBurton recites from #Hamlet #actor #StDavid'sDay #Shakespeareanactor #voice
@shinycomputerqueen “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them"...William Shakespeare,Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V. With his magnificent voice and presence, Burton was one of the major actors of the 20th century.
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hamletthedane · 2 years ago
you should know that because of your hamletposting i’m now trying to figure out if it’s possible for me to see the legendary hamlet before it goes away tomorrow
This is so funny. PLEASE send me your thoughts anon, if you do go - I’d love your review. Also bring a friend and a few cold drinks bc that’s the best way to enjoy theater outdoors.
(I should caveat that while everybody in the play is EXCELLENT, it is still very much a local college student production in an old Texas barn in the middle of nowhere. Most of the actors are not trained professionals and they sometimes stumble over lines. But I can very confidently say that the girl who plays Hamlet really is among the best shakespeareans I’ve ever seen…)
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richardgoranski · 2 years ago
musical recs!
more obscure ones first - the mad ones: non-linear story that takes place in the main characters head as, within the second it takes for her to turn her cars key, she relives the series of events that led to her deciding to run away from home instead of going to college ("i have to back inside" "go." "im supposed to be leaving for college today" "go!" "im the valedictorian, the valedictorian goes to college" "...oh, i know." "...but what if...?" "...what if... she doesn't? oh, twist.") mostly focuses on her relationships with her mother, her (ex) boyfriend and her best friend who is insanely funny but also super weird and fucked up. also cars. if youve heard "run away with me" its from this show! oh and critical context that i was not aware of when i first listened to it, its very important to know that "the proposal" is entirely within the protagonists head and does not literally happen. id highly recommend reading the script its so good - vanities: shows the friendship between three girls, first when theyre in high school, then when theyre in college, then when theyre adults and have drifted apart, its very fun but also kinda tragic and the music is super cute - head over heels (this one was on broadway but almost everyone i talk to about it isnt familiar so i consider it obscure): so theres this kingdom whose livelihood depends on some unexplained magic thing they call "the beat" and the king hears from a (notably nonbinary, played by peppermint, the first trans woman to originate a leading role on broadway) mysterious oracle that the kingdom will lose its beat when 4 vague prophecies come to pass, so the king tricks his family into going on a road trip so he can make sure the prophecies dont happen, but uh oh! his daughters unapproved shepherd boyfriend follows along in the disguise of a sexy amazon warrior and literally the entire family is hot for him/her in this disguise. it gets weirder. also its a jukebox musical with songs by the go-gos. also the dialogue is shakespearean. - love in hate nation: you probably know about this one because its a joe iconis show, but in case you dont- its the 60s and susannah, a black teenage girl with a ukulele she writes songs on, is sent to juvy (which is kind of unsubtly a metaphor for The State) where she meets a bunch of other fucked up teen girls, one in particular is like if james dean were a rock and roll chick and susannah falls head over heels for her. lauren marcus plays an evil fucked up lady in charge of the juvy and events occur!
less obscure: - 9 to 5 the musical: its 9 to 5! songs by dolly parton! i love it! - moulin rouge!: moulin rouge! -freaky friday the musical: so because every freaky friday has a different plot i actually have to synopsize a little bit- mom and daughter swap bodies as is expected, moms an uptight chef whos getting married to her new bf, daughters a slacker and a bit of a jerk but we like her anyway, the plot hinges on finding the second of a pair of magic hourglasses in a scavenger hunt run by the daughters crush, the actors playing the mom/daughter duo are like sooooo good you kind of forget that they dont literally swap bodies out of character
omg i actually saw head over heels on broadway😳!! i’ve actually never heard of vanities so i’ll have to check it out for sure!! and same with freaky friday.. i mean i know freaky friday of course but did not know there was a musical LOL. thank you so much for these and for the summaries / commentary as well!!!!!
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cameronsactivities · 2 years ago
Anderperry Week 2023, Day 2
Professor Anderson’s Romantic Life
“I’m free!” Neil shouted. “Todd, I’m free! I’m free, I’m free, I’m free!”
They were sitting (Todd was sitting, Neil was jumping up and down) on the topmost row of bleachers in the football stadium at the university where Todd taught. Neil was celebrating because he had just gotten a big role in a movie with a renowned director. Ever since his father found out he wasn’t going to medical school and left him penniless, Neil had been drowning in student loan debts while having to rebuild his life. This role almost guaranteed that he would be liberated from financial insecurity and finally, finally, free from the damage his father had done. 
Todd laughed, the same laugh Neil had been hearing since they were teenagers, but much more frequently now. Neil pulled him up from the bench and twirled Todd around in jubilation, sending more peals of laughter into the breeze. As the sun set, casting the clouds with pink and orange tones, like a projector on a white screen, Neil pulled Todd into a dip kiss. 
“Hi, Professor Anderson!”
Startled, Neil pulled back immediately to see two college students waving from the football field. 
Todd blushed, though the students were definitely too far to see it, and yelled back, “Hello!”
“Have a nice evening!” they shouted as they left. 
“Do your students know about me?” Neil whispered, his heart still pounding from his surprise.
“Yes,” Todd said.
“Thank God.”
“Well, actually,” he began, worrying Neil once more. “They know I’m married. That’s it.”
Neil sighed. “Todd.”
“It’s fine, they didn’t see us.”
“They most definitely did.”
“There were only two students. They’re in my class. I’m pretty sure they’re not homophobic or anything,” Todd dismissed. 
“Rumors fly, Todd. Remember that time Charlie convinced everyone that Keating was gay?” 
“He’s not?” 
Neil sat down on the bleachers in defeat. “This is exactly what I’m talking about.”
“Wait, Keating’s not gay?” Todd asked.
“Yes!” Neil said, exasperated. “He has a wife, I think.”
“Bisexual people exist.” 
“Todd, we’re getting distracted.”
“Fine, fine,” he said. “I’ll clear up any rumors if it becomes a problem.”
“Thanks.” Neil exhaled. “I wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation.”
“Oh, I have tenure, it’s fine.”
“You were right about the rumors,” Todd said one night as he took off his tweed suit jacket and sat down at the dinner table.
“I’m always right, Todd,” Neil said, handing him a plate of food. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Nothing,” he answered simply. 
“It’s hilarious. They all assumed I meant a wife when I said I was married.” Todd casually stabbed a piece of potato. “The stories they come up with are so Shakespearean. It means I taught them well.”
Neil raised his eyebrows, amused. “Such as?”
“One theory was that I’m getting revenge on my wife by having an affair with her brother, and I’m paying him magnificently to do it.” Neil laughed, almost choking on his food. “I also heard someone say I have a gay twin brother, and you haven’t noticed we’ve been switching places.” 
“They’ll be so disappointed to find out we met in high school,” he said.
Neil tried to enter the lecture hall as silently as possible, as Todd was giving the closing remarks to his lesson. He couldn’t wait to tell Todd that his film had a successful first week in theaters, and he had been invited to so many interviews and photo shoots. However, Neil either didn’t close the door lightly enough or Todd had some psychic intuition, and he looked up at Neil, smiling. 
Todd held eye contact as he told the class, “By the way, have you guys seen that new movie? With that actor… Nick Perry?”
“I saw it,” a student in the front said, and Neil had to stop himself from running up to the front and smacking Todd. “I think it was Neil Perry.”
“Oh, that guy? He’s really cute,” another person agreed. 
“Really? I might have to see for myself,” Todd said, and even from far away, Neil could see that he was clenching his jaw, which was doing anything to stop a big smile from forming. Despite having an equally uncontrollable smile, Neil crossed his arms and shook his head at Todd.
“You should,” the student continued. “The acting and cinematography are amazing.”
“I see, I see,” Todd said, nodding as if he hadn’t seen Neil’s movie twice already. “I’ll go see it this weekend with my partner.”
The brief silence as some students began reevaluating their rumors was very noticeable. Neil sighed, though not out of frustration, knowing that Todd would keep up this charade for as long as he could. Neil was free from his father’s controlling fist, but not from the mouths of Todd’s curious, gossiping students. And that was okay, because Todd was right — it was entertaining as hell.
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a-r-i-l · 9 months ago
Another story from Blackfriars (experienced by me personally):
It was a 'pay what you will' performance (something they do for their last dress rehearsals on some shows) and I went with a few of my friends. The show was Hamlet. (They do a coin flip for 1st Folio version or 1st Quarto version before every show. Really fun and cool).
The show is going as usual. Hamlet in a leather jacket and slowly going crazy. It's a scene between Horatio and Hamlet and something makes Horatio's actor break character. Everyone takes a moment to laugh and return back to the scene/get in character. Horatio can't remember what his next line is. Turns to the gallant stools (the seats on the stage) and locks eyes with a much older gentleman. Tweed coat with the elbow patches and everything. He jokingly asks him if he remembers what the next line is. Nobody in the theatre expects this man to actually give the lines just said and the next. My mouth dropped. The audience gasped. Horatio's mouth dropped. He quickly composed himself and shook the man's hand, thanking him in character, before going back into the scene.
It wasn't until after the show was over, and I was back in the lobby that I heard the old man talking about how he's a Professor of Shakespearean Studies at the local college in town.
So yeah. Bring back 4th wall breaking. Especially in Shakespeare plays. Shit's awesome
love shakespeare. did a hamlet run tonight, looked someone dead in the eye to say “am i a coward?” during a speech and the fucker shrugged and nodded
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if-i-had-it-all · 2 months ago
"It All Started When A God Begged For The Mercy Of A Human"
{Sally Jackson | Paul Blofis | Poseidôn Domatitês RP Blog}
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If I were a king, If I had everything If I had you and I could give you your dreams If I were giant-sized, on top of it all Tell me what in the world would I go on for If I had it all?
{If I Had It All, Dave Matthews Band}
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Salacia "Sally" Jackson-Blofis
Salacia "Sally" Blofis, nee Jackson, is a freelance writer and community advocate who's taken up the world by a storm within these past few months. Once famously known as Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School's Piano Accompanist during Nations as mere freshman before unfortunately having to drop out of both the news and her high school after the death of her Uncle, the school's Opera Director, Sally Blofis now runs her own nonprofit using her latest book series's skyrocketing sales to help struggling young teens get their names out there so less children are forced to slip through the cracks. 'They aren't nameless anymore,' 43-year-old Sally Blofis tells the news, 'they aren't just numbers, or news titles. They are people, they are loved ones, they are tragedies. They deserve the love of someone feeling pride for them, not just their situations. They deserve to know that love is not conditional and America was built on opportunities, not just greed.' Mrs. Blofis has since helped over a million teens get back off of the streets with scholarships, food pantries, workshops, assisting with Missing Persons and Undocumented Americans gain their citizenship, and opening her own Publishing Company to give a break to those who otherwise wouldn't of had the time or resources for it. Way to go, Mrs. Blofis, America is rooting for you.
Paul Blofis
"I will admit, being bisexual was definitely new to me when I came out and started dating my now boyfriend alongside my wife," Paul Blofis, leader of Goode High's first ever Gay-Straight Alliance Club, told local news stations during the club's first Pride Parade. "I never found it to be wrong, per se, but when I saw it on the news or on TV, I never really thought it applying to myself. I just didn't think about it." And neither did Mr. Blofis think about the flags when he first put them up in his classroom. "I was just in love!" Mr. Blofis, wearing similar flags painting on his cheeks and sown into his clothes, laughed and became misty-eyed thinking about the things that started it all. "I wanted to show them off, I wanted to show me off. I mean, I'm finding more and more about myself in my 40s! There's still so much more about me to learn!!" Accompanying him to pride is a band of at least 20 teens, ranging from all different backgrounds and cliches. "In hindsight, we really should have asked about it," one of the teens cringe, "because we definitely freaked teach out appearing in his classroom all beat up... but it worked out in the end." Since hanging up the polyamorous and bisexual flags in his classroom, Mr. Blofis had seen a strange spike of the same group of people hanging out after class as much as they could or spending their breaks in the corner library. He didn't mind it, of course, but the dots didn't connect yet until a student, who remains anonymous for his privacy, came to him for help against his abusive stepfather who recently found out he was gay. "And ever since then," the teacher and group reported, "it's been history."
Poseidôn Domatitês
After months of researching, officials still don't know the identity of recent news stars Paul and Sally Blofis's third partner. If you didn't know, Sally and Paul Blofis have been going viral on both social media platforms and news stations for their overwhelming contribution to today's teens, with Mrs. Blofis starting up her own nonprofit to help get teens and their stories out there, and Mr. Blofis becoming an unexpected pillar of New York's Gay Teen community. But, many have been asking, who is their third? A man reportedly appearing in his forties with dark ripped jeans, gold accessories, and a loose Hawaiian shirt has been plaguing social media outlets and news stations with his elusiveness despite always being at his partners' sides. Social Media language experts say that, even when his name has been caught by high-tech camera and sound equipment, such as the ones we use here, it is almost never understandable. Current enthusiasts have started using the hashtag "Who Is The DILF" to share discoveries and anecdotes about the mystery of the third Blofis, and some reports even say that a few are working on looking at the sound waves to try to find his name. Hopefully, we will know more in the coming weeks about who is this elusive third.
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Γεια σε όλους!! [Hello Everybody!!]. This is an RP account based off of one of my favorite self-indulgent AU ideas where Sally Blofis, Paul Blofis, and Poseidon are all together as a couple!! Hopefully, there will be an actual fanfic of this idea coming out soon, but I figured I'd have a grand time RPing as them in the meantime :)). This AU is based off of what I think would be a very crucial missing scene of Rick Riordan canon, which would be the conversation between Sally, Paul, and Poseidon about Percy's disappearance. It was very, very vulnerable and heartbreaking, especially with Poseidon's theories about what it all could mean and how powerless Sally and Paul are with the fate of their son, or who has come to be their son, in Paul's case, but it was the start of something more. Poseidon started to awkwardly come around more, unsure of how to atone for his mistakes and to help out with the housework as they all tried to figure out how to function again. He helped out with Estelle, being the only person who could soothe her cries during the night, and eventually the three of them just started to orbit around each other. Annabeth, too, became apart of their little surviving family, having her fair share of vulnerable moments with all three of them as they figured out what to do when a part of their souls is missing. Eventually, Percy came back and they started falling in love. It was slow, but it was comfortable. It was amazing.
And so, feel free to interact with any of them! As anybody!! I'd adore if this is a multi-fandom blog where I can have fun with whoever bc we all know Sally will love anyone and everyone as her own and so will Paul and Poseidon's just a grump who pretends he hasn't already filled out the adoption papers but we all know has 😂😂. Feel free to RP as whoever in whatever situation--fandom, age, niche, etc--and also feel free to either request one of them or let me take the reigns with the response!! I wanna have fun here :))) /pos /gen. [Also I adore these older gays, so much /gen].
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↳ I Think It's Her Way Of Saying Anything's Possible - Sally Blofis RP
↳ I Was A Shakespearean Actor In College! - Paul Blofis RP
↳ That's Me. Ancient History :) - Poseidon RP
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ballsinmyhand · 8 months ago
Name: Troy Bolton Canonpoint: Defaults to some years after Troy's college graduation unless otherwise plotted, but happy to explore other timelines and AUs
Age: Mid- to late twenties, timeline dependent Birthdate: 10th July Gender: Cis male Sexuality: Unlabelled
Species: Human Eye colour: Blue Hair: Light brown Height: 173 cm (~5'8") Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs) Education: College graduate; received a B.A. in Theater & Performance Studies with a minor in Dance from the University of California - Berkeley Affiliation: Actors' Equity Association (tenuous, as he's late paying his union dues); he works various part-time jobs on the side, too
Wiki link: Here Brief Info:
If you don't think that Troy Bolton is a Shakespearean tragic comedy with a trajectory so pathetic the only thing he can do is laugh and sing about it then I don't think this is the characterisation for you. Also this section is a WIP. Obviously.
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agoodflyting · 3 months ago
Best production of Hamlet I ever saw live had a bunch of older, experienced Shakespearean actors as the parents and a bunch of college theater majors as the younger characters. The obvious generational gap and Hamlet's overall Gen Alpha vibe made the show feel very fresh.
when i was sixteen and insane for my shakespeare class final i had to do the “alas poor yorick” monologue at a competition and while i was doing it i had this insane thought of like. i’ve never been and never will be closer to experiencing hamlet’s mental state than i am right now. like of course all that stuff didn’t happen to me but when you’re 16-19 you kind of feel like all that stuff is happening, all the time, constantly
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Okay, Tam Lin thoughts/review. Going to structure this one differently because I've seen some other reviewers do this and it seems like a more organized way of posting:
(spoilers under the cut)
Overall: if you want a vibes-based, cosy academic read this is a decent choice, as long as you're okay with the actual magic bits being put off till the end. In my opinion the story drags quite a bit and spends a lot of time on minutiae like classwork and dorm squabbles and not enough on the actual, titular plot (I believe @wearethekat commented on another post and said "this is a story about college that happens to have Tam Lin in it" and that's definitely the vibe). The Tam Lin aspects could've at least been woven into the entire book a bit more seamlessly, as it's frustrating to have your Janet character and your Tam Lin character but not have them really interact beyond friendly conversation for 400 pages.
The Good
Dean's writing style is really nice. It's very personal and conversational, almost. You really get to know the characters and their thoughts and feelings. It's very friendly.
Once we get into the actual Tam Lin part of the story (the last 50 pages or so) I found the lore very interesting. All of the mysterious Classics students turn out to be either fae or humans under their thrall (including some 400 year old Shakespearean actors), led by the mysterious Professor Medeous, the faerie queen.
I like the idea that Tam Lin is not just a ballad but a spell/ritual for rescuing your love from faerie. If you're on the way to being sacrificed, you need to have your lover, who is specifically pregnant with your child, pull you down from the white horse and hang onto you. I'd love to see it applied to other stories, as it adds an interesting bit of complication.
Also liked the setting a lot, and the fact that the buildings all have their own personalities. The ghosts were an interesting touch too, and Janet's fears that she's going to die by suicide because all the pregnant girls in Ericson did before her.
I did like the frank, non-judgmental discussions of birth control and abortion in this book. They're very practical and realistic (except Janet's momentary plan to give herself an abortion with yarrow tea, but she was very much not thinking clearly and she doesn't go through with it). It was great to have a story that treats the subject matter frankly, and an MC who has supportive parents who will help her out no matter what she chooses.
The Okay
Dean clearly took this book as an opportunity to air her own ideas and debates about literature and classics. The characters spend a LOT of time in class, talking about readings for class, or debating books they've read outside of class. The author even makes up three productions of plays (iirc, Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and The Revenger's Tragedy) that she has her characters watch and comment on. It's somewhat interesting, even for someone who hasn't read most of the works they discuss, but I did start skimming eventually, because there's only so much Shakespeare debate one person can handle.
The professors. I thought they were all interesting, though it was a bit strange that Melinda Grey didn't feature more in the overall plot, considering she gets way more screentime than Medeous did. I think some of them get too much screentime, and others get the right amount but unfortunately don't actually factor into the plot.
Also the musing over which students/teachers were lesbians was kind of annoying, and I think it was only done to show that the characters we later find out are fae are more morally loose than others. There are lots of mentions of Medeous having affairs with other staff/students but that never really factors into the plot.
The Bad
This book should've been 200 pages shorter. Yes, it's a nice, long, slow read, but imo it's far too slow. The important plot is almost entirely put off until the last 50-100 pages, and most of the stuff between that and the introductory chapters doesn't matter in the end. The book drags at some points, and you're constantly asking "this is called Tam Lin, but where the hell is the Tam Lin??" It almost feels like the author forgot she was contracted to write a novel for a fairy tale-based series until the very end.
The Nick-Janet-Thomas-Tina-Peg-I-Guess love quadrangle is interesting for a short time, but it should've ended more quickly. Nick is a pretentious asshole and treats Janet poorly for most of their relationship (though whether the author considered it poor or if that's my modern standards, idk) and I feel like she shouldn't have put up with that for so long. Janet's character is not wholly emotionally driven, and I think once she started wondering why she didn't feel any sparks after reading the Fry poem, she should've ended it, even if she didn't realize how patronizing he is. Same with Tina and Thomas, they really don't understand each other and Thomas is basically only dating her bc he thinks she'll save him from the faerie queen, but Tina is also not the sort to tolerate being merely tolerated.
Also, a lot of the characters (but mainly Nick and Robin) like to speak cryptically in quotes from Shakespeare and some other works they've read, which is deeply annoying and frustrating and just underscores for me how pretentious they all are. It's not just once or twice, they'll have entire conversations like that, which hey, maybe that is how real college students talk, but I had to start skimming because it got to be a bit too much.
If I was going to rewrite this, I'd set the whole thing in their first & second year, cut a ton of the academic talk and roommate/dorm drama, and focus more on the faerie/Elizabethan-actors-in-college aspect, which would be revealed much sooner. Tina would break up with Thomas over summer, and Janet would dump Nick at the beginning of their second year. Then the Tam Lin plot would happen over those couple of months (but far more than 50 pages).
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woman-respecter · 5 years ago
havent been playing bandori but uh ace attorney au is theoretically kind of perfect for kaochisa
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imsammyclaflin · 1 year ago
Its not that entertaining unfortunately. I was auditioning for school plays and such in high school and during college as extracurriculars because my focus was on soccer but then once I got injured, I had a lot of encouragement from my fellow thespians and professors telling me that I was a pretty decent actor so I started auditioning for roles here and there, mostly in Britain but my first big break came when I joined Pirates of the Carribbean. After that, everything became a blur and when I finally had time to breath and take it all in, I couldn’t believe how much I loved it. It feels so good slipping into character, playing a role that means so much to you and while I was absolutely terrified because of how popular that series was, I felt at home there. And the same is true of the Hunger Games. I got a lot of hate directed at me at first but once I showed up on screen as Finnick, everything changed and people finally knew my name and wanted my autograph. I do wonder how different my life would be had I gotten to play soccer and I’ll admit, I doubt it would be as exciting as it is now. I might not be able to play professionally but at least I can still play. My dream role is to play a Shakespearean character, whether that is on stage or screen, I’m not picky. I am looking forward to this playlist you’re preparing for me. Oof, see it’s the taste for me. I don’t care about the consistency, I just hate the taste of it.
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Keep me on speed dial! Oh, wow, now I'm really intrigued how you ended up becoming an actor. Holy hell... I don't think I've ever heard of so many red flags for someone trying to take a certain career path! Safe to say, football just wasn't for you. How's it feel being on stage acting in front of everyone? You think it compares to the stadiums you were hoping to play in, or do you still yearn a little for that? Or wish you'd at least had the opportunity? If it's any consolation, I'd much rather watch a play than a football match, and I don't even dislike football at all! I just love watching shows, musicals and movies that much more. Ah, you'll be easy to pick songs for! I might actually put a list together for you, let you decide what you wanna listen to. I was already really intrigued for this show, and now I'm hyped as hell to finally watch now I have time! I can't believe you hate avocados so much! They taste so good! They are a bit slimy, though, I'll give you that~ Thank you! Member since 1995~ @imsammyclaflin
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