tikki-wikki · 2 years
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hansolvrnonchwe · 7 years
My Diamond Edge Experience
, alright im just gonna list off everything that happened
so we got there at like 3 
and the concert didnt start until 7
so we were waiting for quite awhile
there were a lot of people selling merch but i didnt want to spend too much money because i wanted to buy official merch
which they didnt sell btw just a warning
i was pissed
but anyway, everyone was super sweet
and there were so many people wearing rose quartz and serenity 
i was wearing black lmao
but people were handing out free bracelets and stuff
and this girl saw that i was wearing my vernon shirt and she gave me vernons 17 Carat black ver. postcard and a Going Seventeen photocard and then she took a selfie w me and my friend
she was just so sweet 
whoever you are, i love you.
and i ended up getting some pretty vernon fanart, a seungcheol photocard, and a Hoshi fan pack (which I did pay $10 for)
i ended up meeting the producer from Form of Therapy which is a v good Youtube channel
my voice cracked so much tho lmao
and he filmed me for a youtube video and i was sO AWKWARD I WANT TO DIE OH MY GOD
i will actually be surprised if he uses the footage
anyway, after several hours we finally got into the venue
i actually saw god when that air conditioner hit me
we went to our seats after realizing there wasnt gonna be merch
and while we were waiting for it to start they were playing the mvs for Very Nice, Check In, Healing, Adore U, Love Letter, Mansae, BoomBoom, and Pretty U all on a loop
and the crowd was so hyped during the MVs alone man
and it finally hot 7:00 and suddenly they played Love Letter again
but it was out of order 
so we knew something was going on
and the after Love Letter they played Dont Wanna Cry and everyone freaked the fuck out because it was the first time they played it
and so we all stood up and after the music video the lights went out
and i swear to i god i was so shooketh
seventeen came out on stage after a dramatic opening and began Pretty U
and it was so loud
i couldnt even hear myself speak
and i tried to wave my lightstick but it had no batteries because im dumb
and they performed a few more songs before pausing to introduce themselves
hoshi was so cute oh my god
he kept yelling “HOSHI’S BACK”
throughout the entire concert 
it was sssoooooo cute
joshua and vernon obviously spoke in english the whole time but the rest of the members spoke in korean and had a translator which was rlly cool
they taught us a fanchant where they would yell “SEVENTEEN CARAT”
and we would clap twice and put our hands to the side and say “EDGE”
it was great
performance unit performed OMG, Highlight, and Swimming fool
and nobody knew the rlly fast highlight fan chant but me and this one girl
and we made eye contact 2 rows apart whilst screaming seventeens names at the top of our lungs
it was magical
hip hop unit performed If I, Check In, and Vol. 14 from the mixtape
ive said it many times but seungcheol had me so shook
he went fucking IN during Check In
damn b
vocal unit performed Habits, a spooky version of Dont Listen in Secret, and We Gonna Make it Shine
Dont Listen in Secret is one of my all time favorite songs 
and the spooky version made it so much better
its so underrated
they all performed great bops
like Crazy in Love and Chuck and stuff
and then they stopped to talk again and they were like “yo we’re gonna leave after this song but we love you”
because the main songs they hadn’t performed were Don’t Wanna Cry and Healing
and I knew they were gonna perform Don’t Wanna Cry 
but i was looking forward to healing so much because its my favorite
so anyway
they performed Don’t Wanna Cry
and then left stage
and a video of them all talking about what Carats mean to them started playing w smile flower playing the the bg
everyone was crying
mingyu was like “you guys are my oxygen”
and it was hella cheesy but i cried anyway
and then the video ended 
and they performed Shining Diamond 
i swear to god ive never screamed “I know I’m only seventeen I only got a few dollars” so loud
and then they performed Healing and i was emo bc its my favorite
and seungcheol got on dino’s back and i was living
and then they all did speeches and stuff
and it was so cute i was hella emo
hoshi did aegyo
we all wanted to die but oh my god i saw hoshi doing aegyo live
so the concert ended fr
and they left stage
and us hi touch people stayed in our seats while everyone left
it took like 30-45 minutes for hi touch to actually start 
but it was probably so seventeen could rest
when it finally started the line moved quick
security were a bunch of assholes
we were ushered through there, man
Joshua was the first in line and he asked me how i was and we all know how soft and pretty his voice is but oh my god let me just say his voice is so soft and pRETTY I WAS SPEAKING TO AN ANGEL
seungcheols hair was wet and when i touched his hand i squeeled and he gave me a look of concern
my friend was in front of me and she said “layla calm down” in front of vernon
and vernon looked so confused
but then he got to me and he was like “ah yes, that makes sense”
it was so embarrasing i hate myself
at the very end minghao was thanking everyone and i got to hold his hand and tell him i love him and asdfghjkl hes so perfect
i blanked out for most of the hi touch and i dont remember most of it because of how shitty security was
they were yelling and pushing us through so fast
uughhhh i wish i couldve filmed
overall i did enjoy it a lot
it just wasnt super memorable because of how fast we were going
like i literally dont remember interacting with most of the members 
im really mad 
but anyway as soon as we got out there was a girl on the floor sobbing
which i wouldve done too if i wasn’t so disappointed with my hi touch tbh
but afterwards this girl went up to my friend and was like “did you do the hi touch?”
and my friend was like “yeah”
and the girl was like “cAN I TOUCH YOUR HAND?”
and my friend was like “yeah”
and the girl screamed
and it sounds really weird but i promise it was adorable
and from there the night ended and ive never wanted to die more because of post concert depression
a summary: mmt sucks, carats are the sweetest fandom ever, HOSHI’S BACK, seventeen will literally fuck you up live, its def worth it, my love for hansol was reinforced, seungcheol needs to chill, and hi touch was enjoyable but it also sucked and now i wanna die
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