Explore tagged Tumblr posts
magical-xirl-4 · 1 year ago
this will sustain me for the next five years
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uncracked-case · 6 months ago
-A ichor stained note attached to a unopened first aid kit
"to whomever reads this, I question why you've come down here. And... If you or anyone with you has suffered any... Damage from the residents here. I sincerely hope that you found this med kit just in time."
stains of ichor hides a couple words.
"Seeing how a certain flower refuses to give -- and -- ----ies -------- for free. I wanna try and make ------ easier for you, whoever you are. As the last of -- ---- I have a... Stockpile of sorts. And started leaving ------ on the ground here and there, in the ---- of helping anyone lost down here. I don't know how long I'll stay myself, so it is foolish to keep all this ------- supp---- to myself. I can't go back up now, ----- and his shop isn- --------- anymore. I wish you, and ---one else coming down here. Goodluck. Stay safe.
Sincerely, ------"
(wanted to do something a little unorthodox so I decided to try throwing a gift at Rodger. No idea where this'll go but I know Imma enjoy the ride.)
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“A medkit?”
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“Hah! I told Shrimpo our luck was going to get better. We finally got a medkit…”
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(I should get this medkit to him quickly. Goob needs it! He doesn’t look like he’s doing so good… I should hurry. )
(Oh, a note? I’ll read it later! I just have to get this medkit to Goob first, haha…)
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some-deadpeep · 5 years ago
So I finally decided to make a official post on information about Tristretto.
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‘ Seriously? I got this coffee a hour ago and it’s already cold. ‘
Name; Tristretto, or Trist for short.
Age; 29
Date of death; June 23, XXXX ( mushroom kingdom’s equivalent to 2018?...)
Cause of death; Head trauma, she fell into a coma and died months later.
Sexuality; Bi.
Occupation; Security guard, works the dayshift.
Personailty; Tristretto is less cowardly one of the two security guards, being rather chill. She’s less fearful and more ‘ Ah shit, here we go again ‘. For example, if you were to flash her, she would go ‘ wtf man, that’s way to bright- ‘. Trist is somewhat closed off, and it usual takes her awhile to consider someone a friend. This is because she fears betrayal and manipulation, so she has come to the conclusion that being reluctant to trust anyone is the best way to avoid this. Trist also dislikes the feeling of needing to do something right away, which comes in the form of procrastination. Trist despite having her face staring at a screen most of the time is surprisingly a good listener, and will listen to your problems without complaint and occasionally try and offer help.
‘ Fuc... wait uh, fox. ‘
To put it simply, Tristretto wasn’t that special of a kid. Her family was pretty average, living on a slightly bellow average budget. She got her first tablet when she was 12, where she discovered the world of technology. By then, Trist came up to the conclusion that she wanted to be a programmer. This dream was a lot more difficult than she believed. Trist was never successful in school outside of tech and building things, so it was difficult for her to find a collage that would accept her. She was 29, no job, still living with her family. Trist was sitting on the couch one day, thinking of ideas to get herself out of this dead end, when a idea came.
Prefect, the prefect idea! She should go and think about it more, but where? Her room- yeah! So a excited trist quickly ran up the stairs...
She lost her footing, and toppled down to the bottom of the stairs.
Her family did find her eventually, and she was taken into the hospital. She was alive but in a state of unconsciousness, a coma. Things were painful for the family, having to see her like that. A 5 month struggle later, the heart monitor finally flatlined. Tristretto died on the hospital bed, alone in the middle of the night.
How did they react to dying/ how did they end up the hotel? ;
At first, Tristretto was confused, she was basically unconscious for five months with little memory of the fall. She wasn’t really aware of the fact she was dead for awhile, and kinda figured it was a out of body experience. Then came the sadness. Watching their family mourn for them became to painful, and tristretto ran away to never look back.
Eventually Tristretto discovered the last restart and figured she could stay there for awhile. One thing led to another and she ended up getting a job as a security guard and staying.
Hellen gravely- Hellen is Tristretto’s boss. She respects her, being a hotel manager is serious business. But Trist doesn’t particularly like her, ‘ she gives off a I’m better than you vibe ‘ according to trist.
Kruller - Her co-worker, her first friend. Tristretto and Kruller are pretty close. Between shifts they chat a lot, and on the few week both ghosts are on duty, they goof off a lot together. Sometimes tristretto wishes Kruller would be a little braver though.
Edward specter - These two don’t know eachother well, tristretto considers him quite weird.
If I come up with more, they shall be added.
Other facts;
She would be a optional ghosts, and you’d encounter her if you return to the hotel shops at any point after your first encounter with polterkitty. The mall would be more ‘alive’ during this level ( the lights are on and it’s more easier to access shops, but there are a lot more goobs ).
The main difference is there are cameras everywhere, and each have a blue spot light representing their field of vision. If Luigi or googi where to get caught in this spotlight, an alarm would go off and something happens ( Luigi gets an arrow shot at him- maybe the game restarts at the beginning of the room you are in?)
Tristretto is actually a couple letters away form a type of coffee, Ristretto.
‘ I told Hellen that I worked as a security guard for a pizzeria, little does she know I actually meant I mastered all the fnaf games I know of so far. I pulled a sneaky one on her. ‘
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moveslikejaggeria · 2 years ago
i really should probably see a therapist. or maybe be institutionalized but i really dont want to (one is Significantly worse than the other, however)
there are definitely days where im glad that i did throw up all the benadryl and told my partner and parents. specifically the next morning. definitely when i got to see goob again. probably that day i told you about with the go karts and the ice cream.
but there are also days i wish i hadnt. that i had just closed my eyes and gone to sleep. that i hadnt looked at goober and wondered what her life would be like without me. how she would wonder where i went (selfish). and those days are getting more frequent
dont get me wrong, the highs of life are still there. but by god are there so many lows. and holy shit are they low. i mean they dont even compare to the small fleeting moments of happiness i get. its not fair. why can i not be happy? why am i cursed to be in this purgatory of constant suffering
“yeah everyone has to deal with a professor they dont like””yeah everyone has to work a shitty minimum wage job”
why is it so constant. why does it never stop. why does it never get better. why doesnt my mom love me? why does it hurt so fucking bad? why am i stuck here where it all feels so crushingly alone
i feel like im locked in a cage with this other person and they just make my life hell. and they do nothing but shout insults at me and beat me up and theyve got the key around their neck and we can both get out but theyve also got a match and its like. if i wait it out maybe theyll unlock the stupid cage and i can get out but they never do. and sometimes i think the only way of getting out of this stupid cage is letting it burn. and sometimes theyre my only friend. and sometimes we hold each other and just talk and i think “i love you” and its so stupid. and i think “dont drop the match. just open the door and we can both get out and we can be free and happy” but theyre never gonna do it and im never gonna be free
its been two weeks since my last depressive episode which means they are exponentially increasing but i feel i should get a pass bc this one was medically indused
my mom never calls me. at least not with anything good. or maybe not anymore. im the one who calls her and its usually out of weakness and desperation.
usually the found family fics make me feel a little bit better bc i can pretend thats me and im happy with my little family but today i think its too much. too much of that weakness and desperation again
i really do feel like a trapped animal rn. and a little kid again. mostly im just scared
i think im spilling a little bit too much to my friends rn and i can feel them all kinda going “thats rough buddy”. i need to stay around people rn or im liable to do something stupid. but god does my chest hurt and my brain is screaming to run away and hide. trapped animal and all that
i realized the other day i cant remember the last time i felt the touch of another human being. ig i do now bc my dad hugged me goodbye yesterday. he’s always been a hugger but my mom isnt. she really doesnt do touching. i also didnt like people touching me growing up, for lots of different reasons, but now i am definitely touch starved
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annaraejackson12 · 8 years ago
A Helping Hand
Request:  If you want to maybe one where the reader is the child of Goob from meet the Robinsons and they like to invent and build machines but a lot of the time it blows up in their face, literally, and each time Gil (their boyfriend) is always there to console them and help out in any way he can
Warnings: None
Words: 802
A/N: I’m so sorry that this took so long to get to! I just had absolutely no idea how to even start this until now and it just kind of hit me last night while I was laying in bed! I promise all requests will be done, otherwise, I will reply on my blog stating why I won’t be doing that imagine. Again, so sorry for your wait! 
[Y/N] Yagoobian was just like their father. Well, not in the ‘I hold grudges for all time’ sort of way, but more like the ‘I enjoy tinkering and inventing new things but I wish it would actually work for once’ sort of thing. And most of the time, you were pretty okay with that. It didn’t matter to you if your inventions worked a lot of the time, you just enjoyed the tinkering to try and see what might possibly work better in the future when you have better tools. 
But after so many failed attempts, it did start to get to you whenever you never had any success at all. 
One day, after yet another failed invention, you sat on your bed and frowned as you looked at what remained of your latest invention, and you gave a sigh and threw the part on the floor across the room from you, not saying anything when you heard your name called from your living room. 
[Y/N]? You here?” Gil called, poking his head in your bedroom to check to see if you were there, and when he saw you he smiled, but that fell when he noticed you were frowning. “Another explosion?” He asked, going to sit on the bed next to you and rubbing your back. Gil was your boyfriend of about five months now, and he was probably the biggest help you’ve had since you were little. He was always there to lend a hand.
You simply nodded in response, putting your head in your hands and flopping back on your bed. “Maybe I should just give up, I’m never going to get anything invented. I’m not smart enough for that. Nothing ever works, it only ever blows up in my face.” You said, just trying to keep yourself from crying because that wasn’t productive at all, and you liked being productive. 
“Hey...hey, you’re smart. You’re a hell of a lot smarter than me, that’s for sure. I couldn’t even begin to come up with the ideas for something to invent. And then I wouldn’t be able to know how to go about it.” Gil said as he looked at you, wishing he knew how to invent so he could help you feel a little better when suddenly he got an idea. 
“Let's work together!” He said, and you raised an eyebrow and moved one of your hands to look at him. Seeing your confusion, he continued. “I mean, yeah I’m not smart, but I’m good at fixing things. Dad taught me that growing up. Maybe I can help you out some. And hey, why don’t we start small?” Gil offered, and after thinking for a moment you nodded. 
“Worth a shot I suppose.” You came to the conclusion, grabbing the bandana that you stole from Gil once you started dating and tying it over your hair to keep it out of your face before going to the workshop where you and your father worked on your inventions. 
It took the rest of the day, but you had a tiny little contraption made that would put wood in the fireplace when it was going. “Alright, let's give this a try...” You said, holding up the remote and pressing the button, watching in suspense as it shook and made some noises before it began to move to get the wood. 
“It...it works!” You said excitedly, looking in amazement as it worked, turning to Gil and hugging him. “We did it!” You said, jumping up and down excitedly. It wasn’t much and in fact, it was a pretty unnecessary invention, but it showed it could be done. 
“[Y/N], you did it. I just got the right parts.” Gil said, laughing and wrapping his arms around you before kissing your head. “I’m proud of you.” He said, smiling as he looked at you, the both of you covered in grease and oil, and you looked up at him. 
“You still helped, if you hadn’t helped cheer me up, then this would have never gotten done, and I would have probably given up inventing.” You said, smiling as you looked at him before turning back to the machine, turning it off. 
“Hey, there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team... and hey now, [Y/N] Yagoobian not inventing? Now, that really would be a problem that would need to be solved.” Gil said goofily, smiling and watching as you went over to the machine to fix a couple loose screws. “I love you.” He said, that being the first time he said it, to which you stopped for a moment before you continued to do what you were doing. 
“I love you too.” You said, glad you were facing away from him so he couldn’t see the dopey smile on your face. 
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withasideofpixiedust · 7 years ago
Star Wars the Last Jedi!
My thoughts and feelings on the movie! Let’s do this
Let’s start it off with the movie, I love it. There were parts I weren’t as keen on but that’s going to happen especially with so many different stories going on and character arcs happening. 
Let’s start with the two leads,
Rey Random and yes that is who she is. She is no one, as she said she was in TFA and I liked that they continued with that here. She so desperately wanted to be someone, find her place, find a connection and as Kylo pointed out she has tried to do so with both Han and Luke. I loved how her story progressed, her feelings changing and moving with the more knowledge she got. She went from trying to shoot Kylo to extending her hand to him, to then refusing his hand and in turn leaving. She had one hell of an emotional journey. She was re-united with her friends again but she also not only found them but found a connection with someone she was least expecting. 
Also her kicking ass in Snoke’s throne room was fucking sick as but also it was clear she is the weaker fighter out of her and kylo. No more ‘Mary sue’ bs from people because she was struggling while he carried numerous more enemies. 
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, boy oh boy. WHAT A CHARACTER ARC! We got so little of him in TFA but now we really got to delve into his past and his emotions. He’s not just an angry young man, he’s torn, conflicted and hurting. He can’t be Ben anymore, he cannot go back there. Adam Driver absolutely kills this movie. How we find out about the jedi massacre, the differing stories and then finally getting the full picture, it shines a new light on Kylo Ren. How this young man whom was conflicted was finally pushed into the dark by his own Uncle, that he had been fighting, not fully committed until Luke raised his saber. Him wanting to kill Luke, yeah it’s understandable. What I found most interesting is that Kylo’s anger has manifested and festered into such a rage, seeing him on Crait, the animosity he felt towards Luke, it was just amazing. 
NOT TO MENTION HIM BECOMING RENPEROR! Snoke treated him like shit but at least was up front about it and in turn Kylo got what he wanted, he got the power to finally shape his own future and destroy the past. It was a massive Fuck Snoke and Fuck Luke, I’m my own being now, I am my own monster and there is no turning back.  Also wanted to point out that Kylo has not gone full sith yet. 
Luke and Leia ahh my beautiful twins. I wish we had more time of them together and what little we did get was amazing. Seeing Luke finally come to terms with what he did, that he delved into the Dark side for but a second and pushed his nephew away, it was heart breaking but also poor Leia. I have to wonder, does she know the full story? 
Man when Leia was sucked out of that window my guts dropped, I was just so shocked I couldn’t move. Carrie was amazing and will forever be my princess!!! The one thing I’m a little ??? on is that Leia has given up on Kylo but to me it’s clear she doesn’t have the full picture. I hope we see her and Rey really talk next movie. 
And in terms of Luke’s passing. Yeah I dug it. He had to finish what he started, had to face Kylo again and in doing so I think he found some sort of peace. 
Finn/Poe/Rose Their stories were a little less compelling compared to the force users in this movie but hey, they had to cover a lot in a certain amount of time. 
I love Poe to bits, he’s a killer pilot, charming and funny but god he was a bit of a goob in this. He really just wanted to be the hero, not seeing the bigger picture and yeah this resulted in a lot of deaths that came directly from his decisions. I feel bad for him, he’s going to have to live with that but it was a learning curve for him, one he really needed. It’s going to make him a better leader but it did show that the resistance were also willing to throw lives away for their cause just as the First Order does. 
Finn and Rose, they had some great scenes together and their mission was a total bust but they also sparked future rebels. Finn was able to connect with more people, to find people he could be close with and trust. Rose fought for her sister, I loved that so much and then sacrificed herself for Finn, for someone she had pegged as a deserter after failing to live up to the war hero status. The kiss between them was sweet but seeing finn at the end being so tender with her was just so sweet. Even though this kind of threw me for a loop with how I pictured finnrey possibly going in conjunction with Reylo. I really wasn’t mad.  I will say though, stormpilot is still my shit. 
So now I’ve gotta talk about the big pink elephant in the room which is Reylo. It is by far the most talked about aspect of these films and that’s for good reason. They are conflicting characters that share a bond, they share a similar loneliness and both are seen to try and create a future where both are on the same side.  I love them, I love where it could go and I also know that it can turn into a firey pit of despair. What they are is not straight forward and what happens between them is not black and white. I love the complexity of what is happening and where it could go. 
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funkzpiel · 8 years ago
Got a tag back from @questionartbox - thanks, m’dear! Such interesting questions you’ve come up with! Here we go~!
1. What do you use for inspiration? (Music, mood boards, other?)
Music. Mood boards or fan art. Movies, sometimes. Or games. Those “send me a number/line” sentence starters have been AMAZING in inspiring me to write, too - I love them. Also - all the prompts people send via ask, you guys have such amazing ideas, I love it. You’re like fiction fodder.
2. Are you afraid of storms?
No. Like, I like to sit on the porch and watch them. I love storms. I love to feel the rumble of them in bones. Listen to them wailing on the window panes and drown out all the noise of everyday life. I love to see them blanket the world in a sheet of grey, to cover everything for a moment - respite from the every day. And best yet, I love when they darken the morning. I get headaches from the sun - and so mornings when storms chase away the light are my favorite, because I can sleep in and be soothed by the patter of the rain. Now I really wish it would storm... XD
3. Favourite late night snack?
Chocolate. Or something salty. Or just straight up creamy peanut butter. XD
4. What was your favourite book as a child?
I honestly didn’t read much until early high school. I used to hate to read, until the Harry Potter books came out. So in high school, my favorite book had been this two-part series called “The Sundering”. I’ve fallen out of love with it, since, but I fondly remember how in love with it I had been. Particularly one scene.
5. Which FB/ HP-verse creature would you most like to keep as a pet?
OH MY GOODNESS. You know, I’m surprised at myself but I really fucking love the Mooncalves and their giant, stupid eyes of wonderment. I’d totally take one of them. Those goobs, I love them - I don’t know when that happened, but I do.
6. How do you arrange your files for writing/art/other not for it to become jumbled mess of files?
I’m anal about my files on my computer. I have them based off medium (writing, photography, video, etc.), then fandom or client or project, then further from there (chapters, notes, inspiration, media, graphics, etc.). FOLDERS ON FOLDERS ON FOLDERS. I’d go insane, otherwise. My life may not be neat, BUT MY COMPUTER IS.
7. Tea or coffee?
Both! Preferably cold. 
8. Which season makes you most comfortable?
Fall and winter. I got hot easily and my eyes are really light sensitive (I get migraines crazy easy) - so the cool, dark months are my favorite. The hush of snow or the crackle of leaves. The crisp, brisk smell of sharp, cold air. Like, I LIVE FOR IT. Summer is coming and I am not ready. TT.TT
9. What kind of student were/are you?
A lazy af student. Like, so lazy until college, when I was finally studying the things I WANTED to study. Then got way more dedicated to it. I miss it, sometimes - but not the homework or the tests. Don’t fucking miss that at all. More the atmosphere of being with other creative, driven (sleep deprived) people. It was heady and exciting, and I miss that.
10. What are you most likely to do on a day off?
Unfortunately I’ve got a lot of things pulling me in 10 directions. Catch up with family/friends, run errands, freelance side work, maybe a photoshoot with some fellow creatives, edit, write, read, watch a movie or play a game. DRINK SOME WINE.
11. Introduce me to your favourite character without telling me who it is!
He’s a good man; but his soul is old now. He used to be young and eager to help - to protect people. But he was betrayed by his leader. Betrayed by his mentor. The life he might have led lost beneath viruses and epidemics and hungry mouths and dedicating his life to keep the world safe - only, there’s never any thank you. Just “why didn’t you do better” and “why couldn’t’ you save him/her” and “you’ll never win.” He lifts weights until his body barely resembles the young, gangly man he once had been. He tries to imbue his human body with a power that can never match the horrors he faces. He’s what happens to kind men that go to war; quieter, shallower, tired - something left behind. Friends and comrades come and go, but the mission remains the same - fight until you die, and hope it was enough.
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lordzuuko · 8 years ago
Okay, but how did Shiro and Keith start dating? And how did the camp find out? (Or did everyone just know because "Come on, it's obvious" and Lance's jaw is on the floor)
Voltron PJO AU: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Betting Pool Gods Version)
How Shiro and Keith Started Dating.
Ever since Shiro and Keith met, Keith had always been drawn towards the son of Zeus. He couldn’t really pinpoint what exactly it was, but he just knew he was comfortable when he was by Shiro’s side, he felt safe—despite the fact they battled way too many monsters than any other demigods should’ve before they get to camp, simply because they were apparently BOTH children of The Big Three. 
Being a child of Zeus and child of Hades made them more delicious (Keith cringed at the term but there was no other way to put it) also because they were very rare. The gods made a law that The Big Three: Zeus, Hades and Poseidon, not to have anymore children with mortals because they tend to be really powerful and destructive, they have the ability to destroy the world and the gods would like to prevent that. All the World Wars were caused by children of The Big Three fighting. Keith would’ve found it amazing but he couldn’t imagine starting World War IV if he and Shiro would have an argument. 
Keith made his way to forest since Shiro told him to meet him there. He saw his best friend’s back sitting on a tree branch. Sensing his presence, Shiro turned around and waved at Keith. Keith smiled back. It must be Shiro’s friendly aura, his caring personality or the way he simply smiles softly at Keith. 
Shiro summoned the winds to lift Keith up to the tree so he could sit beside him. “Thanks,” Keith muttered as he sat properly, holding onto the branch. “So what’s up?”
“I got you a cake,” Shiro pulled out a slice of cake from his picnic basket and handed it to Keith. “Well, Hunk baked it cause you know how awful I am at things like this.”
It startled him, to be honest but he smiled and accepted it. “What’s the occasion? Not that eating cake on a normal day is bad.”
Shiro frowned. “You don’t remember.” A fact, not a question. Keith shook his head as he took a bite, seeing Shiro getting a slice of his own. “It’s your birthday, you silly goob.” 
Keith gaped. His birthday? “What? My birthday?”
“Yeah, Happy 18th Birthday, Keith!” Shiro chuckled and then softly stared at Keith who seemed to have a hard time processing it. He took the son of Hades’ hand and started caressing it softly, an obvious attempt to bring Keith back to the present. 
Keith’s heart was beating so fast and before he could stop himself, Keith grabbed Shiro’s shirt and pulled him close so he could give him a peck on the lips. It was really brief but Keith felt like he could’ve died, so when he realized what he did, he quickly detached himself and noticed that Shiro had his eyes wide open in surprise.
“What was that all about?” Shiro whispered, still not taking his eyes off Keith.
Oh gods. Keith felt terrible and absolutely awful. He let his feelings get the better of him and now… “I… I’ve always been meaning to tell you before my 18th birthday without realizing I was running out of time and oh gods. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same way, Shiro.” Keith forced a laugh. “Think of it as like, uh, my um… birthday gift? Selfish birthday wish gift.” Keith was blabbering, he knew that as he stared at his hands that were clenched on top of his thighs. His hands started to shake and then suddenly his plate started to slip and he couldn’t process what happened next but…
1. His plate fell. He went to grab it out of reflex.2. He fell off the branch with no such grace.3. Shiro panicked and summoned the winds.
And that was how Keith found himself holding his now empty plate, floating in front of Shiro who just gave him a very amused smile.
“It’s not funny,” Keith grumbled, fist still clenched. “Put me down.”
Shiro shook his head and cupped Keith’s face to return the favor: a soft peck on Keith’s lips. “Now we’re even.”
If his eyeballs could only pop out of his eye sockets, they probably would’ve done it now because what the hell just happened?
“Keith?” Shiro asked worriedly.
“D-do that again,” Keith squeaked.
Shiro laughed and Keith could’ve sworn he saw the clouds parting, giving ways to the rays of the sun to shine down on Shiro, providing him the golden halo that Keith knew was always there. He reached out for Shiro who gladly pulled him and Keith hugged him really tight. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he buried his face into Shiro’s neck. 
“What did you say?” Shiro asked.
“I said this is the best birthday ever,” Keith leaned away for a second to look at Shiro. “Also, you are allowed to hold my hand in public whenever we walk side by side.”
“Oh, thank the gods. Cause that’s what I’ve always been dreaming of if I ever got myself a boyfriend.” Shiro sarcastically said then he softened and kissed Keith on the cheek. “I’d love to hold your hand in public, Keith.”
That was how the camp found out because they went back to the dining pavilion, holding hands.
“Oh thank the gods it worked,” Hunk sighed in relief as he saw the new couple passing by. “I hope they enjoyed my cake.”
“WHAT?” Lance screamed. “Are you seeing this?!” he pointed at Shiro and Keith dramatically. “What the heck? WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?? I?? WHAT?”
“C’mon it’s so obvious, Lance,” Pidge rolled his eyes.
“OBVIOUS? OBVIOUS???!” Lance raised an eyebrow. “I THINK NOT! Since when did Shiro go for guys? AND KEITH OF ALL PEOPLE???”
“Lance, close your mouth. Your jaw could reach the floor,” Shiro commented as they went past his table. 
There were a lot of groans and devastated cries because not only was the son of Zeus no longer available, even the son of Hades! Even worse! They just started dating each other.
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