#I WILL EAT YOUR DELICIOUS ANGST AND ASK FOR MORE and then for dessert will accept everyone being happy and safe*
bethanyactually · 1 year
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Nancy Drew + text posts (25/?)
4.03 || The Danger of the Hopeful Sigil (1/3)
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bitterchocoo · 5 months
My first time requesting but I need a part 2 of Kilmer where aventurine adopts the reader (somehow) or gets the reader away from that awful man 🤕 angst with comfort and a bit of fluff in the end if its possible, Thank you!! :) (P.S. I love your works!!)
Aventurine | Child M. Reader (Platonic)
Part One | Part Two (You're here)
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"It's an all-or-nothing surrender!"
No matter how many days, weeks, months have passed. The sight of that serial number on the neck of a young child has sear itself into Aventurine's mind. Images of his own past flashes before his eyes. Those times, those things he went through.. the thought of someone else going through the same thing at such a young age. Sends a chill down his spine.
Every time he ever met the man for business, his gaze would linger on the child much longer than the man he was having business with. That blank expression, those expensive and luxurious clothing on him. Like a little trophy. Just for show. A way for his caretaker--no.. owner to say "Hey! Look at this shiny new toy I got! Isn't he pretty?" Put in a glass box, a collection, a doll being stored on a shelf.
Every time he has to meet up with the man, Aventurine makes sure that he brings gifts. He doesn't mind buying gifts for clients. It's nothing really. Anything to make [Name]'s life more bearable... but his main concern, his main target is the trophy, the doll, the child, [Name]. And evert time he gave [Name] a gift, it's always met by complete silence and subtle glances directed to his owner. As if asking permission to take it.
"See this? This is a limited type of confectionery that everyone in the galaxy simply adores. There are only sixteen slices sold every day. Here, why don't you have a taste?" Aventurine says, his hand gestures towards a plate of slice cake. A very popular, very delicious dessert. One that he hopes the child would take it. [Name] glances over to his master, as if he's silently asking if he could, which earned him a firm nod. "Go ahead, it's rude to not accept gifts."
After contemplating over it, [Name] took a seat next to Aventurine, his hand reaching out towards the dessert plate, with his other hand the child use the utensil to eat his dessert. It was simply divine. It's no wonder this cake is a favorite of the people in the galaxy. [Name] had never tried anything this wonderful before.
The subtle light in the child's dull eyes make Aventurine smile widens.
Anything to make [Name]'s life more bearable.
But even so, these gifts could only do so much.. he needs a plan. A permanent one. But it seems... he doesn't need to think of that anymore...
The "lifeless doll" had taken care of it.
Aventurine merely stare with widen eyes as the boy stood there in front of all of them with handcuffs on his wrist, the usually clean and tidy suit he wore is now messy with wrinkles and splashes of fresh blood, his neat hair now in shambles as he look at them through his hair strands with dull eyes.
As if what he had done didn't face him one bit.
It was a banquet, a normal banquet, nothing special, another day, another business. The waiters and waitresses handing drinks and foods to every patron. A normal business event.
And yet..
It had end in a massacre.
The trial went on and on. the trial took way too long for comfort, for every evidence and every alibi... the child is proven innocent. It took what felt like an eternity to finally gathered enough proof for him to be proven guilty. And yet..
The IPC showed him mercy. Finding it to be such a shame to lose such an asset. The length this boy went through, not breaking character as he slowly make his plan come into fruition.
This "lifeless doll" isn't as lifeless as he make himself to be.
For someone as young as him.. to be able to make elaborate plans and following it through till the end.. and creating evidence and alibies to prove himself innocent, whether if it's fabricated or not...
He's a mastermind.
And the IPC can't simply let such a valuable asset to simply.. cease to exist.
But that smile soon disappears once he heard the sound of someone entering the room, a man that he's well familiar with. There's no mistaken those eyes. He then approached [Name] before kneeling down in front of him.
At a vacant room, [Name] sat on the edge of the bed looking blankly at the wall in front of him, his gaze sometimes shifted between the wall and his still blood stained hands, along with the handcuffs on his wrists. The sight of it could make anyone feel uneasy and squeamish. But to him.. it brought a sense of satisfaction as a ghost of a smile made it's way onto his face. For his plan had come to fruition.
Giving him a sense of comfort he never thought he could ever feel.
"The IPC has pardon your crimes, but of course that still didn't erase the fact you had slaughtered a whole banquet of people... I'm afraid you have to work hard in order to clear your name.."
A soft and warm smile adorn on his expression as he stretch out a hand towards the younger. "In the meantime, you'll be under my care.."
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Heavenly creature - Unbreakable Bonds (6)
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Summary: A stranger saves you from an unfriendly encounter. Is he a knight in shiny armor?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Princess Shuri
Warnings: heavy angst, language, hurt & comfort, clingy/possessive reader, fluff, dad!Steve
A/N: I usually do not describe my reader’s appearance/race. In this case I had to make an exception as it’s important for the storyline.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
<< Part 5
Heavenly Creature masterlist
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“Soldier, are we done for today?” You hopefully look at Bucky when he walks inside the examination room. Your face falls seeing Steve by his side. “Please?”
“We are almost done for today,” Steve softly says. “Our friend will run a few more tests, okay.”
You reluctantly nod. 
“They mean no harm,” Bucky adds. You visibly relax at his words. “How about we have lunch together? All of us.” He holds out his hand and forces a smile on his face.
“Yes,” you grab his hand and smile widely. “Can we have dessert too? I miss ice cream. I haven’t had some in ages.”
“Why?” Steve asks. “Ice cream is great.”
“They said it’s bad and…” You suck in a breath. The words just slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them. “Sugar is bad…feelings too…”
“Doll,” Bucky wraps his arms around you when you start to cry. “Hey, you can eat as much ice cream as you want to.”
“What if I can’t heal you because I ate sugar? What if you die?” You fist Bucky’s shirt. “I can’t risk losing you. It will be all my fault if you can’t be healed.”
Steve chokes out a sob. He witnessed Hydra’s cruelty more than once. But your broken voice telling them all the things Hydra planted in your young mind when you were a child, is unbearable to him.
“They won’t know, Y/N,” Steve tries once again to get your attention. “Bucky is healthy and strong. If he gets hurt, we can help him at the medic bay. We have doctors, and I can donate blood for him too. I’m a super-soldier, remember?”
“You can?” You lift your head and sniffle. “Is your blood as good as mine? Maybe it’s not as good…”
“Y/N, I’m your father. We share the same blood,” Steve holds back another sob when you reluctantly let go of Bucky to step toward him. “I’m a universal donor too.”
“Oh!” Your smile widens and you grasp Steve’s hand. “You can save my soldier too! Wonderful!”
Steve holds back a sigh. Your whole world seems to revolve around his friend. Since they broke the barrier you built in your mind to protect yourself from remembering your past, you lost interest in anything but Bucky. 
“We should eat now,” Steve murmurs, afraid to scare you off if he speaks any louder. “What do you like?”
“Pasta and ice cream,” you dreamily say. “Maybe we can have chocolate too, and pudding. I love pudding.”
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“Hmm…tastes great,” you shovel the pasta in your mouth, ignoring people staring at you and the super-soldiers at your table. “What?” You cock a brow. “It’s good.”
“You should slow down,” Steve whispers, afraid to draw too much attention toward your table. “There is more than enough.”
“It’s delicious and I don’t want you to steal my food,” you pout at Steve before you look at Bucky. “Why don’t you eat, soldier? You need food to stay strong and healthy.”
“I’m good,” Bucky barely touched the food in front of him. On your way to the restaurant, you talked non-stop about your past, and all the things your so-called parents forbid you. Like playing with your dolls or spending time with other kids.
You nod but worry Bucky might be sick. “Are you sick? Do you need me to help you?” You slip off the chair to press the back of your hand to Bucky’s forehead. “No temperature. That’s good. You’re not having a fever then.”
“Y/N,” Steve gets up from his chair to stop you from examining Bucky. “Please eat your food. Bucky is not sick. You need the food more than him.”
Steve pulls the chair for you, nodding at his friend. “You need to eat something too, Buck. We don’t want Y/N to worry about you. Give her what she needs…”
“I’ll eat, doll,” Bucky lifts the spoon to his mouth. “See. No reason to worry about me all the time.”
You shyly glance at your plate. There is chaos in your mind. A part of you wants to be close to Bucky, and make sure he’s safe. And the little part that’s left of the shy librarian is screaming bloody murder and begs you to run for the hills if you get the chance to do so.
So far, you don’t know which part of your personality will win the war going on inside of you. You’d love it to be the part wanting to be close to Bucky. Because without him, who are you?
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Steve shows you around the apartment they prepared at the Avengers’ tower for you. You follow him, barely sparing the furniture and decoration a glance.
“We got most of your things, some books too. If you need anything else, please let me know,” he hopefully looks at you, waiting for your response.
“That’s very kind of you, and Mr. Stark but—” you chew on your lower lip, afraid to anger the super-soldier. “Can I not stay with my soldier?”
“Y/N,” he sighs. “I know something tells you that you must stay close to Bucky, but it’s best if you stay here for a while. You need to time on your own, and to sort your thoughts.”
“I want—” you shake your head. “I need to stay close. Please don’t leave me here all alone with my thoughts. Please.” You grab Steve’s hand, tugging hard. “Please Dad…don’t leave me alone with them…”
“With whom?” he softly asks. “Y/N?”
“The ghosts of my past,” you whimper. “I can hear them in my head now. Mom. Dad. My aunt. The doctors. The men with the guns,” you sniffle. “They are screaming at me. If I’m close to the soldier, they are gone.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Steve wraps you in a hug. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea. Bucky hates himself for kidnapping and hurting you. He blames himself for forcing you to remember your past.”
“I hated my life before the soldier found me again. Nightmares and flashbacks aren’t new to me. I just didn’t know why the voices followed me around. At least now I know that I’m not crazy.
“If you want me to, I’ll ask Bucky if it’s okay that you stay with him for tonight.”
Steve wishes you’d seek his closeness. You’re a grown woman, still, Steve feels like he’s holding a newborn child in his arms. Not days ago, he believed he’d never get the chance to become a father, and now he’s holding his child in his arms.  
“We will ask him together. Okay. Don’t worry. Bucky is a good man and will not send you away. Get a few things and I’ll be waiting outside for you.”
Steve steps away to leave the room. He’s still torn between protecting you from his best friend and being happy that you trust Bucky enough to feel safe close to him.
“You’d have been a much better dad,” you murmur as Steve grabs the door handle. “Now I know why they never told me about you.”
“I wish I knew about you, Y/N. I’d have come to your aid and saved you and Bucky.”
“I know.”
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“No programming and no manipulation?” Tony huffs. “That’s impossible. It’s like she’s programmed to follow Barnes like a puppy.”
Shuri shakes her head. “You don’t understand. In a way, she got manipulated by Hydra. But – the part of Y/N seeking White Wolf’s closeness is the part that remembers his kindness in times of need. I talked to her for hours and ran all the tests. It’s her, nothing more and nothing less.”
“I don’t—” Tony shakes his head. “How’s that possible?”
“Her vulnerable soul and broken mind tried to find a way to bear all the pain and treatment. Somehow, a bond between these tortured souls formed so many years ago. And I think it’s unbreakable…”
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“Sold-“ you stop yourself from pouncing on Bucky. You nervously shuffle from one foot to the other, waiting for Bucky to tell you to get closer. “Bucky.”
“Hi,” Bucky offers a weak smile. “How are you?”
“I…” Dropping your gaze you shrug. “I don’t know, to be honest. I remember everything now. Hydra. You. My parents, who weren’t my parents. My time as a librarian. The soldier protecting me.”
“I remember you now too,” he slowly steps closer and holds out his hand. “Back then I made a promise to you. Do you remember?”
“Yes,” you nod and smile. “You said that no one will ever hurt me again. That you’ll save me and get me away from the bad people.”
“I will keep that promise from now on. I failed you in the past,” he takes your hand to gently hold it, “I won’t fail this time...”
The End...?
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roosterforme · 2 years
Is It Working For You? Part 10 | Rooster x Reader
Just in case you need to start at the beginning or visit an earlier chapter, check out my Masterlist!
Summary: Bradley gets a glimpse of the domestic bliss he never knew he wanted. He's in it deep now, but is he the only one?
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst, fluff, some swears, adult banter
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
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Bradley snuggled with you for a while, playing with your hair and telling you secrets. In his best estimation, he had about twenty-five Hawaiian shirts, and some of them had belonged to his dad. You estimated that it would take you months to see them all. He told you he had always wanted a dog but had never had one, and he promised to take you to a super secret ice cream shop he knew about just off the Naval base. 
At the mention of ice cream, you heard his stomach growl. "Ready for more dessert?" you asked, crawling off of his warm, delicious body and standing up.
"Are you talking about ice cream and cookies or more sex? I mean, my answer is the same either way. Yes, I am ready."
Bradley climbed out of bed and buttoned you into his Hawaiian shirt as you giggled. It was comically large on you, but it was very soft and it smelled like him.
As he pulled on his underwear, he slowly shook his head. "I love how that looks on you, Sweetheart," he said, scooping you up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed his scars as he carried you into the kitchen and set you down on the counter. The granite was freezing against your bare thighs and butt, and you wriggled around a bit. But Bradley warmed you up with some kisses.
"Here, have a cookie. You're going to need your energy for the rest of the night," you told him with a saucy wink. You took the lid off of the container of homemade cookies and held one up to him. He took a bite as he ran his fingers up and down your legs. He even looked good in the dim fluorescent light. How had you managed to get a guy who had six pack abs? Unreal. 
"Mmmm," he groaned before taking the rest of the cookie out of your hand with his teeth. He chewed it up and moaned, making your breath catch in your throat. You fed him two more and ate one yourself. 
Watching him eat made you focus on his mouth, and focusing on his mouth made you think of sex. You were needy for him, but you didn't want him to know how bad it was. You pressed your thighs tight together, and nibbled on your cookie. Then Bradley had the audacity to lick his fingertip. 
"Are you still hungry?" he asked, wiping a crumb from your lips.
You shook your head no and ran your bare toes along his legs, using your feet to pull him closer to you. He obliged with a smirk on his face.
"If there's something you want, Baby Girl, you can go ahead and ask for it. I won't tell you no."
You spread your thighs apart, exposing yourself to him as you guided him into place with your feet. You scooted to the very edge of the counter until your wet pussy was pressing against the front of the boxer briefs covering his hard dick. Bradley was licking his lips.
"I want you to fuck me again," you said in a much steadier voice than you expected, given how much your heart was racing.
"God damnit," Bradley groaned as he wrapped his hands around your thighs and met your lips with his. He used his big hands to push your legs further and further apart, then ran his index finger through your wetness and slipped it inside you. 
You cried out as his other hand slid up underneath the Hawaiian shirt and pinched your nipple. You had to grasp his shoulders to keep yourself upright. Then you slipped one hand into his boxer briefs, pulling his cock out and stroking his length. 
"I need to get another condom before we get started," Bradley whispered, his voice so raspy. He crooked his finger inside you before pulling it out of your soaking wet slit. He looked down at your pussy where you were wiggling and ready for him, perched on the very edge of the counter. He had pushed your legs so wide, it was indecent. "Don't you dare move an inch, Baby Girl. That's such a beautiful sight."
"I'm on the pill. And I'm clean," you gasped, so turned on, now you were clenching at nothing. "We don't have to use a condom if you're clean. But I mean, we still can if you want to." 
Bradley just looked at your eager face, completely dumbstruck at first. "I'm clean. I just had my standard issue, annual Navy physical."
You giggled, "Me too. But it's cool if you want to use a condom, oh my God-" Bradley was pushing his tip into your entrance with a firm grip on both of your thighs. He slid all the way in with one smooth, steady motion that had you whining and grabbing for his body. 
Heavenly. Silky. Warm. Perfect. Bradley bottomed out inside you and withdrew, over and over. His rocking motion had you rubbing your hands frantically all over the front of his body. He kissed your jaw and told you your body was made for him. It had been years since he'd done this without a condom, and you felt incredible. He was convinced you were the best. 
And the noises you were making? "Please, Bradley. Roo- Oh!" Beautiful. 
Bradley gripped your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him as he picked up speed. He watched your gaze go hazy as he rubbed his thumb across your clit. You were already squeezing his cock, and he didn't know how he was going to last. 
"Look at me, Sweetheart. Tell me what you need."
"Harder," you gasped out, and he was more than happy to oblige. He fucked you hard and fast on your kitchen counter. His hand snaked around your lower back to support you, and he pumped into you. You were the stuff of fantasies. Sex had never felt this good before.
"Roo! Rooster!"
He grabbed one of your ankles and planted your foot on the edge of the counter, the new angle making you scream. Your face crumpled in pleasure, cheeks flushed, mouth open. Your cries echoed around the small kitchen as his body slapped yours. 
"Roo!" you called out again, and Bradley's movements became ragged, slamming into you more haphazardly as you squeezed around him. Bradley came in your sweet pussy, head thrown back, chanting fuck, fuck, fuck.  
Your foot slipped off the edge of the counter and you wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him inside you. Bradley kissed your lips hard and then buried his face in your neck. You slung your arms loosely around his neck, just whimpering, "Roo...Brad...Roo," unable to complete either iteration of his name. Listening to you calling him Roo was making him weak.
He ran his hands through your messy hair and planted kisses all over your face, and he felt you smile as his mustache tickled your cheek. You looked up at him like he had just single handedly solved all the world's problems. He could really get used to seeing you limp and satisfied, clinging to him. You were so fucking capable all the rest of the time, he loved being the one responsible for this. 
You smiled and then moaned as he withdrew himself. Bradley kept your thighs apart and watched as his cum dripped out of you and onto the counter. "Fuck, that's gorgeous." He was completely mesmerized, stroking the side of your neck, keeping you still until you'd made a pretty little mess with your combined cum. "Let me get us cleaned up, Sweetheart. And then I'm going to make myself even more irresistible to you."
"I don't think that's possible," you whispered as he cleaned up the mess with a paper towel and gently wiped you clean as well.
"Sure it is. I'm going to clean up the kitchen and feed you cookies."
You were deeply in lust with this man, who was currently collecting all of your dirty dinner dishes and pans and loading them into the kitchen sink. Bradley was one of the most beautiful men you'd ever seen, and he was just strutting around your living space in his underwear, being large and sexy and helpful. You were still perched on the counter, just inches from where he was working.
"You want another cookie?" he asked, offering you a bite and then eating the rest of the cookie himself. He hummed along to whichever song was in his head as he alternated washing a few dishes and then peppering your face with kisses. Every once in a while he would share a cookie with you, leaning with his hand on the counter next to you, his bicep bulging. He was in your personal space. Your heart felt so full, so content. 
You checked the time on the microwave clock. It was 8:30, and you both had to work early tomorrow. What if everything ended when this night did? What if you both went to work tomorrow, and nothing felt the same with him? The weekend had been magical, but it wasn't reality. And you couldn't exactly have him kissing your neck and telling you how sweet you are all week at work. And what if he didn't even plan on anything else with you after this? He had told you he wanted you to take him seriously. But how serious did he mean? 
"Is this the recipe you made?" Bradley asked, breaking into your thoughts with that sexy voice. He was holding up a sheet of paper which you had definitely meant to put away before he had a chance to see it. 
"Oh, that's, um," you mumbled, reaching for the recipe page, but Bradley held it high, out of your reach. It was the special recipe your grandma had created for her husband decades ago. 
"It's called Marry Me Chicken?" he asked, referring to the name at the top of the page with a grin. "That's what you cooked for me?"
"Stop, just give it back," you begged, feeling your face flushing with embarrassment. "It's just the stupid name my grandma gave the recipe. I don't know why." You continued to reach for the page, but he just smirked. 
"Shouldn't it be called Marry Me Rooster instead? I feel like that would just make more sense in this scenario," he said as he handed you the paper. You stuffed it into the cabinet behind you as if it had burned your hands. 
"Oh God, now I'm embarrassed," you groaned as you turned slowly back toward Bradley. But he just looked you in the eye, all pretense of teasing gone. 
"Don't be," he rasped, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you close, running his hands up and down his Hawaiian shirt covering your back. "You have no reason to be, Sweetheart." 
But you couldn't even make eye contact with him. "Y/N, don't be embarrassed, Baby Girl. I loved that dinner."
"How about an ice cream sandwich?" you quickly asked, grasping at a new topic to bring up. You hopped down from the counter and slid down the front of his body. "Let's have some."
But he caught your wrist as you stepped out of his embrace. "Sounds good," he murmured, scooping you back up into his arms and carrying you to the freezer. Clearly he didn't want this weekend bubble to pop yet either. 
Shit. Bradley had embarrassed you, but he hadn't meant to. The recipe was called Marry Me Chicken? That was hilarious, since he'd be lying to himself if he hadn't already subconsciously thought about having a future with you. This should have been absolutely unheard of, but there it was, a life he wanted, dangling right in front of him.
He tried to reel you back in as you and he settled on the couch with the homemade ice cream sandwiches. He pulled you down onto his lap by your waist, and with a giggle you settled back against his chest and leaned onto his shoulder. Yes, this was better, this was where you belonged.
Bradley devoured his snack in two bites and then he pulled back the shirt collar and placed soft kisses on your silky skin. He let his hand rest on your bare hip under the shirt and you relaxed against his chest even more.
"Thanks for washing all the dishes," you said, and Bradley watched you lick some of the ice cream that was about to drip out of your sandwich before taking the last bite. "It would be worth keeping you around just for that, I guess. Plus I've noticed some other perks that you have to offer."
Bradley grinned against your ear. "Other perks?"
"Mmhmm, you're pretty good with your hands. And your penis."
You were always doing that, always bringing the topic back to physically being with Bradley. He wanted more. 
"I'm not good for much, Y/N, but I would be so good to you." 
Carefully you spun around in his lap so that you were facing him, probably checking to see if he was serious. He kissed you gently, your lips still cold from the ice cream. Your hands made their way into his hair as you deepened the kiss, and started reaching for the front of his underwear. Bradley would be crushed if you didn't want to take things further with him, but he was also not capable of denying himself this physical connection with you right now. Because it was too good. 
"Do you want to take a shower with me?" you asked him softly. Suddenly it was the only thing he wanted to do. 
"Lead the way," he replied, and as soon as you had him in the bathroom, you were all over him.
You started out bent over the bathroom vanity, Bradley fucking you from behind while the shower warmed up. This slowly dissolved into him fingering you as you grabbed along the shower wall and his back to keep yourself steady. Then Bradley kissed you so softly and reminded you that you were such a good girl, the only girl for him, while he pinned your back to the tile wall and slammed into you. 
After coating your belly in cum, he made sure to gently clean you off under the hot shower spray. He took his time, playing with your tits, and focusing on your legs as well. He used handfuls of your body wash coating you both in the scent. He would smell like you at work tomorrow, and he probably wouldn't be able to focus. 
Then he watched you wash your hair before you lovingly washed his as well. He felt like he was physically melting into your touch. Had anything ever felt as good as you did? 
By the time you were bundled up in fluffy towels, lounging in bed, legs tangling together as you kissed and played with his mustache, Bradley checked the time on his phone. Nearly 10:30. Maria would be returning soon. Tomorrow was Monday. The best weekend of his life was coming to an end. And where did he stand with you? He wasn't sure, but he also was not willing to broach that conversation with you yet.
"Will you promise me something?" you asked him. "You're never allowed to shave your mustache off without my permission. How does that sound?"
Bradley laughed and tugged you against him by your towel. "Deal. My mustache belongs to you now."
Your eyes went wide with mischief. "You must really like me. I wonder what else I could get away with..."
Bradley rolled onto his back, "A lot, Baby Girl. I would let you get away with too much."
You giggled and kissed his scarred cheek. He needed this. He needed you.
Then the front door of your apartment opened quite loudly, and Bradley heard Maria's voice. "I'm back! It's me! Please acknowledge! Please confirm you're not currently doing something dirty on the kitchen counter!"
You groaned at the same time Bradley cracked up, needing to bite his fist to keep from howling. "Well you just missed that by a few hours...." Bradley said when he could finally talk again. You rolled on top of him and covered his mouth with your hands.
"We're in my room, Maria!" you yelled in response to your roommate.
"Sounds good! Have a good night! And Y/N, we will talk tomorrow."
"God, you're the worst," you said before kissing Bradley deeply.
After an argument that involved more kissing than words, you agreed to set an alarm for 6:30 for Monday morning. Bradley needed to be on base at 8:00 for an early flight simulation, and you probably had a million emails to respond to. 
But when the alarm went off and you woke up draped across Bradley's naked body, you absolutely did not want to move. Bradley woke and reached for his phone to silence the alarm. Then he took a survey of your body on his. He ran his hand up and down your back before squeezing your butt. "Morning, Sweetheart," he told you, and his voice was the raspiest you had ever heard it. The need was immediate. You rolled onto your back and pulled him with you. 
He kissed your lips, your face, your neck, everything. He kissed you like he hadn't seen you in a month. He kissed you like he needed you as badly as you needed him. Pushing back your bedding, he slid lower down your body. Kiss after kiss landed on your breasts, then your belly and your hips. 
Bradley paused and looked up at you, that cocky look you adored was plastered all over his face. "You must have known, Baby Girl. God, you must have known how much I would love this little landing strip, me being an aviator and all." He ran his thumb down your mostly waxed bikini line, and you bucked up toward his face.
"Are you going to put your mouth on me?" you asked, your voice trembling with want.
Bradley smiled up at you, his mouth just inches from where you needed him. "Do you want me to eat your pussy?"
"Yes," you hissed and he smiled the cockiest smile before pushing your legs apart and licking you all the way from your entrance up to your clit. You cried out, slapping a hand over your own mouth, wishing for a moment that you didn't have a roommate. Bradley's rough mustache hit just the right spot for you, and then your hands tangled in his hair as you thrashed against his mouth. Within a minute, he had you rocking against his face. Occasionally you could hear him mutter perfect or beautiful as he expertly licked and fucked you with his tongue.
His fingers and mouth were a lethal combination for you. You heard the whines coming out of your mouth, but you couldn't believe you were actually making such lewd sounds. Bradley sucked on your clit with just the perfect amount of pressure while he fingered you, and when you came, you saw stars. 
Bradley kissed your lips, leaving your own taste there. "And any time you want that, Sweetheart, all you need to do is ask."
Moments later, you knew Bradley was moving around you, but you didn't want to open your eyes and acknowledge that he would be getting dressed to leave. When you finally looked, he was pulling his flight suit up over his black tee and admiring the way you looked in bed. 
"I'll make you breakfast," you managed to say as you stood and wobbled on your feet. 
Bradley pulled you against him to keep you upright, and the feel of his flight suit rubbing your naked skin was sinfully hot. "You don't need to do that."
"I want to," you replied and managed to pull on some random clothing, dragging him to the kitchen with you. Bradley sat at the small table and watched you carefully as you made him an omelette. You knew your hair was a righteous mess, and you were makeup free and wearing your glasses. You also realized the sweats you tossed on were two sizes too big for you. But, oh the way he looked at you. If he wanted either of you to get to work on time, he shouldn't be looking at you like that. Like he needed you. 
You set his food down on the table along with two mugs of coffee and the bottle of hot sauce he bought for you. He pulled you onto his lap, holding you to him with his left hand while he ate. "Am I going to see much of you today, or will you be in one of the offices working?"
You shrugged. "I'm not sure how many emails I will have to respond to, but I'm sure I could make an appearance near the tarmac."
"I would like that," he said, feeding you a bite of breakfast. "So much." 
And this is how Maria found the two of you as she came to get her own breakfast ready. 
"Goooooood morning," she sang and had to press her lips together to keep from grinning too much. "Everyone have a fun time last night?"
Bradley nuzzled your neck with his nose and told her, "The absolute best, thanks for asking." 
Ahhhh, Marry Me Rooster, AHHH! He's too precious. Thanks for reading along! There's just so much smut, because Bradley is irresistible. We've got a bit of a bumpy road ahead of us though, so hold on tight!
Read Part 11
@hotch-meeeeeuppppp @swthxrry @yaboid19 @mak-32 @miles-rooster @solacestyles @avoirlecoupdefoudre @daisyhollyxox @grxnde-dwt @callsigndiamond @harper1666 @throwinsauce @beebslebobs @awesomebooklover17 @wintercap89 @whosyourgnomie4 @rosesinmars @blog-name6996 @bcon24 @wishfulwithwine @backinwonderl4nd @babybloomer @monte-carlando @tetragonia @gingerbreadandpaper @emptyloverofmine @apparently-sunshine @chaoticassidy @missmirandafe @thedroneranger @changlingkhat @callsign-echo @sugarcoated-lame @callsign-jupiter @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @marantha @averyhotchner
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wannab-urs · 1 year
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The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 20
Hi friends!!
Can't believe we're at the 20th week of me doing this rec list! I also hit 400 fics on the Spreadsheet, which is wild. We've got 14 fics this week. It was a bit of an angst fest, but there's plenty of smut and even a few threesomes!
As always you can find the Spreadsheet here and the other Digests here. You can tag me in literally any Pedro boy fic (except RPF) and I'll add it to my TBR! You can also send me fic recs if you want, and even ask me for fic recs. I'll dig through the sheet so you don't have to :)
Fic recs below the Pedge:
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Blackmail - a Javi P/Joel series by @milla-frenchy
Javi is the new Fedra officer you have to deal with and he wants something instead of credits to let you and joel go on your supply run... he wants to fuck you! The way it starts with Joel getting cucked and then just.... descends into beautiful smutty depravity. This was so fucking good. I loved how Javi wasn't mean? Idk like the whole experience just sounded good as hell for reader after the initial discomfort of having to fuck someone to get what you want lol.
You need to relax, sweetheart - a Joel/Tess one shot by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
You're Tess and Joel's babysitter and they come home from date night and decide to help you unwind from a stressful night of caring for children... ya know... with their bodies. -- TW dubcon/noncon -- also there's some breeding kink in here and Tess is also pregnant. This fic is so good and twisted and delicious and wonderful byeeeee
Shore Leave a Frankie/Santi one shot by @theywhowriteandknowthings
Ok so you're a bartender and Frankie and Santi come into your bar sometimes on shore leave and they always flirt with you. And then this time they flirt with you and you like actively consider going home with them... and then you um find something out... spoilers sorry.... and decide to go home with both of them. And it is wonderful, sexy, and sweet. I'm gonna need a 30 part loose fit series on these 3 immediately <3
Rendezvous in Reno - a Dieter one shot by @theywhowriteandknowthings
AHHH okay so erotica writer!reader has a book signing and the subject of her first published erotic short story walks in knowing full well the story was basically fanfic of HIM. Heavy flirting ensues... then he comes to your hotel. This fic??? It's so sweet and fluffy and like... indulgent? It's like eating dessert for breakfast. There's a lovely surprise in relation to Dieter himself, also. I just love his personality in this and I love the sexy intimate smut and I want to die I love Dieter so much.
An Open Invitation - a Joel one shot by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
Joel watches reader and her girlfriend? fuck buddy? whatever. fuck from his window cause girl has got her curtains WIDE open and she is doing it fully on purpose.... anyway some stuff happens and Joel ends up in her house with her and her friend and then he gets used like a sex toy and loves every second of it and I loved every second of this fic. It's perfect. No fucking notes. 10/10.
Aches!Joel - a Joel series by @toxicanonymity
At the time of this rec, there's four parts. This features virgin!reader and a Joel that shows more restraint than I really expected him to be able to. This fic is sweet and the teasing and the will-they-won't-they throughout is so good. It's like edging but you're reading. And then... ya know. Aches!Joel owns my whole heart. fuckin wanting to wait for a soft bed to fuck her PLEASE... whatta man (the bar is in hell, I know, leave me alone).
Linger On - a Joel series by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
So you and Joel broke up 10 years ago and you moved on! You moved away from Austin and you got married and you have a kid and everything is great right? It's not. You're soooo not over Joel Miller. And then!!! Some events happen that put you face to face again and not just like.. briefly or temporarily. I don't want to spoil too much of this fic here in the review... just read it. It's angsty and yummy and I love it. (smutty also, who do you think I am?)
Carnal - a Joel series by @pascalsbby
Another camgirl!reader fic because I literally cannot help myself lmao. This one has the delicious twist of also being dad's best friend!joel AND best friend's dad!Joel... how fucked up is that? The correct amount of fucked up. The dirty talk going on in this fic is literally insane. My body went into fight or flight I was so turned on. And then on top of the crazy freaky yummy sex and like perv!joel and dom!joel and just all that going on... the story itself is really fucking good!!!
A Feeling That Never Came - a Javi P series by @theywhowriteandknowthings
You show up to your birthday/engagement party (i will not elaborate on that) and it's all kind of terrible and then your ex, Javi Peña shows up. Which should be a bad thing. Who wants their ex at their engagement party? You do. I promise you do. Desperately. So like... read this lovely bucket of angst as a bedtime story, cry yourself to sleep, and anxiously await the next part just like me.
It's always been you - a Dieter one shot by @alwaysmicado
Dieter Bravo is not a good boyfriend and after a year you are faced with the brutal reality of that fact. This fic destroyed me emotionally for real. Like the way Dieter is so.... pathetic? The perfect depiction of that push and pull where you can't let yourself fall into him but like all you want is for him to hold you because you're upset? GOD DAMN. Perfect. And then the interlude time period and what happens there and the ending? All so fucking perfect. I would love more of these two. They're broken and sad and it hurt and I can't stop thinking about this fucking fic AH
Light Only Shows You Where the Shadow Are - a Max Phillips one shot by @oonajaeadira
You've got this friend that can't take a fucking hint and won't understand you don't want him like that, but thankfully a handsome and unsettling stranger is there to save the day... several times.... and it's a little weird that he's always there and that you can't quite remember what he looks like when he's gone... and he makes you feel a little off. This is such a wonderfully spooky fic and it really captures Max's vibes while, despite the stalker behavior, somehow being more tolerable than the canon Max. I desperately hope you get the inspo to write a full Max series. It would be delightful
I Know Places - a Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
So you're a bounty and Din catches you and he has to take you all the way from tatooine to coruscant. It's a long trip and due to some mitigating circumstances he can't carbon freeze you as you'll probably die and... dead people don't pay their debts so that just won't do. 3 weeks cooped up in the Crest with a tin can man you don't know and who is carting you off to certain death... surely that couldn't be a love story. Or could it? This fic is so fucking good. I love the story and the smut???????? To die for.
You Shook Me All Night Long - a Joel series by @macfrog
You are Joel Miller's assistant and he's the CEO and he is... handsy. But it's not making you uncomfortable, at all. This starts at the official work party, moves over to a bar, and then keeps going after that. I really loved this. Joel was the perfect amount of rich corporate asshole and possessive sexy man.
Plaited and Braided - an Ezra one shot by @bonezone44
Ez wins a bullwhip and learns to use it on a tree... then he learns to use it on you. This is so delightful. It's a little dark there for a bit, but it's much much sweeter than you'd expect a sadist!Ezra bullwhip fic to be. I would very much love to see more of these two.
Here's some art I saw this week
Joel and Ellie by @vickisigh
Din by @gaytedlasso
Frankie and his shifter form by @littledozerdraws (commissioned for SNAFU by @theywhowriteandknowthings)
Pedro by @bonezone44
Pedro as popular raccoon memes by @iamasaddie
Joel Miller Apologist badge by @sin-djarin
My Masterlist
My Kofi
Happy Reading!
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hiuythn · 3 months
Have you watched the Haikyuu movie? Do you enjoy it? I love it !! For me, my top fav Haikyuu ships are : KageHina, IwaOi, KuroKen, & BokuAka. (And you're Iwaoi fics are my fav until now, thanks for sharing them).
Now, can I ask your thoughts, please? Iwaoi and Kuroken are childhood friends to lovers ship, what made those 2 ships different to you? What made Iwaoi more famous? Also, what do you think of Ushijima/Oikawa and Oikawa/Kageyama ships?
Since which moment that you ship Iwaoi? What are your fav Iwaoi moments?
Sorry for my long ask, feel free if you want to answer or not.
guys with all these delicious asks you're sending in, I'm going to be stuck on my couch for the whole night...keep em coming
YES I enjoyed the dumpster battle movie, the animation was so good, the story beats and sfx and kenma's POV and idk how they managed to make a volleyball rally seem like a fight to the death but my god. I wanted to eat the movie
I think iwaoi and kuroken are different in that iwaoi are very much "equally pulling on each other's hair and spitting into each other's desserts and running after each other with a worm on a stick" type of dynamic. it makes for a very turbulent and fun pairing, and adding to that, the angst that inevitably comes along due to oikawa being so passionate about vball and iwaizumi...iwaizumi being Just Good Enough to play with him until the end of highschool. add to that the angst of oikawa being recognized as The Grand King setter, while iwaizumi always seems like a footnote. ah the childhood friend, ah the grand king's first wing spiker yes—but not his best. although iwaizumi himself has never once said he felt inadequate or left behind, you just can't help but wonder, can't help but feel it yourself, this gulf that spans the point from oikawa to iwaizumi. I don't think iwaoi is more famous in the way that means they're better, I just think it shows that people like it when things hurt hahahah
kuroken I would say is like a ball of fluff, like cotton candy, easy to swallow and easy to enjoy. or no, maybe you could say they're definitely simply just childhood friends, without all the drama that oikawa brings to iwaoi HHAHA. I wouldn't call the ship bland though, because if you peel back the layers of fluff, you rmr it's not just about quiet x loud, or small x big, or gamer x hot guy, which are labels that kuroken is often find themselves in—but that actually, kuroo has such an understated comprehension of how kenma has such a killer instinct, that kenma actually can get Serious, if you manage to get him in the zone. people will tell him kenma doesn't seem to like vball much, or that kenma seems too frail or too lax or too unsuited to exertion, and kuroo will just hum and smile like, well. if kenma didn't like it, he wouldn't do it. and that easy acceptance, that unspoken understanding that kenma never even had to tell him—somehow it just gets me. sometimes easygoing ships just hit different, when they're so comfortable with each other. like how kenma will tease kuroo with a blank-face by giving him mint candy when he knows he doesnt like mint. like they're already settled in together, what more can you say about them. also kenma being younger than kuroo is kinda cute, considering how shy kuroo was when they first met.
as for ushioi and oikage, I can definitely see where fans of those ships are coming from. I mean I once read a Yamaguchi/Oikawa fic and i rmr it being surprisingly good. the sheer amount of content, conflict and drama that oikawa brings with him to any ship is just so typical of him. of course he has to bring out the best in everyone he's matched with, that's just what a good setter does. ushioi and oikage are so rife with history and bad blood and competitiveness and hurt pride, I can only imagine how so good it is to write and read about the journey they take to make it to an end where the 2 characters are together and united. sometimes the journey fraught with strife is just as delicious as the happy ending.
I can't rmr the exact moment I started shipping iwaoi, just because it was so long ago, but prbably...I think it was probably when iwaizumi stopped oikawa from going to jail by committing manslaughter on poor little tobio when they were in middle school. and then yelling at him to go home and take care of his knee. iwaizumi's palpable concern masked as anger was so...yeah, i was like damn oikawa if you don't wife that guy up, I will.
and lastly, all iwaoi scenes are my fav, just bc we get so little, but my favs have to be the "you're a partner I can be proud of" scene; the "when oikawa feels threatened, there's only one person he sets to" scene, set up by Kageyama himself; the scene where oikawa points at iwaizumi for his last ever set in highschool and then proceeds to do an insane long ass set from across the court straight to iwaizumi: and lastly, the little sketch where iwaizumi is showing oikawa a book of fish and there's one named 'oikawa', looking so pleased with himself while oikawa is just like "..."
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
-Description: You and Spencer are married. When you needed to go undercover, something went wrong.
-Warnings: Angst, language, mention of rape, mention of fight
-Word count: 1214
-Note: Hey guys, I'm back with a somewhat more angsty one. Speaking of the warnings, those are only mentions, nothing got discussed in detail. This is also a repost from Wattpad! If you have any requests, send them in! Much love!
Request Guidelines
'Are you ready?' Aaron asked, while we sat in the black SUV with Derek and JJ.
'Yes, I'm ready.'
I was about to go undercover, meeting with the unsub on a so called date. After creating a fake profile on one of the most popular dating sites, it took me an hour of chatting, before he finally asked me out.
I wore a beautiful, black dress, with stunning, black heels under it. A necklace was hugging my collarbone, while my hair was just loosely behind me. I got an earpiece in my ear, hearing everything the team said.
I took my little handbag, and stepped out of the SUV. While I took place in the sweet restaurant, Derek and JJ came walking in, taking place not much further. While we were all waiting for the man to show up, Penelope began talking.
'While we need to wait for that creep, I really need your advice, cupcake. I am stuck between two choices for a gift for Kevin's upcoming birthday. Either a thick book with lots of words in it, or a lame men's perfume.'
'Garcia, let's keep this professional.' Hotch joined the conversation, before adding:
'But, I would go for the book.'
'Look at that. Boss man has taste.' Derek chimed in.
'I agree. Thank you, sir.'
'He's coming.' Aaron announced, making my heart beat faster out of nervousness.
There he was. Victor Parker, the unsub we needed to catch. Thanks to the pictures, we've sent of ourselves, we were able to recognize one another. He looked around, before spotting me. I smiled, waving him over.
'So you must be my gorgeous date? I'm Victor Parker as you know, it's nice to meet you.' he kissed me on the cheek, before taking place on one of the seats.
'Thank you, I'm (fake name), it's nice to meet you too.'
We began talking about whatever came up in our minds, the team telling me to keep him distracted. The food came quick in, as we ended it later with a dessert. He was quiet easy to talk to, you wouldn't say, he's the bad guy. But, maybe that was the dangerous part.
After a lot of talking, eating delicious food and laughing, our date came to an end. But, not if Victor has anything to say about it.
'Hey gorgeous, would you want to watch a movie at my place? You can pick.' he smiled widely at me, a glistering in his eyes, that made me somehow shiver.
'We still don't have evidence, agree on the invitation.' my boss ordered through the earpiece, as I smiled, sweetly.
'I would love too!' I told him, as we left after paying. While we were walking towards his car, the team was talking in my ear.
'JJ and I, will drive right behind you, pretty girl.' Derek reassured, as Penelope chimed in.
'I'll watch the street security cameras, keeping an eye out for you two.'
'Be careful, love.' the man I much rather have a date with, spoke a bit concerned, as I cursed in my head for not being able to answer them.
Spencer's POV:
I was watching the camera footage with Garcia, seeing the car my wife was in, while Morgan and JJ drove right behind them.
'And, boy wonder. Now you two are married, have you ever thought about having baby geniuses one day?' she asked, curiously, but I hadn't need to think about the answer.
'I-um, I actually would love to be a father someday.' I admitted, causing her to let out an enthusiastic shriek.
We turned our full attention back to the screens, Garcia switching from one security camera to another, the unsub and my wife still talking.
'Are you also scared of spiders? I'm terrified of them.'
My eyes went wide, hearing the sentence, (Y/N) just said. Garcia looked at me, worried as well. She just spoke the safety word, meaning something was wrong.
'Oh no, this is not good.' she turned around again to look at the screens, only seeing the car of Derek and JJ. She immediately began typing, the footage jumping from one to another.
No (Y/N) to be seen.
'Shit, we lost them.' I heard Derek curse through the walkie-talkie. I was quick in calling Hotch, my panic increase.
'Hotch, we got a problem.'
After explaining everything, it only took moments before he came storming in.
'Garcia, can you trace her earpiece?'
'No, I can't trace anything. They're probably somewhere without a signal.'
'No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I loved our date, I'm grateful we met.' (Y/N) her panicking voice sounded loudly through our walkie-talkie, she was clearly afraid. I began to panic more, scared something would happen to (Y/N).
'So, do you own this place?' she asked Victor, with a shaky voice.
'Oh, it's from your mother.'
'I'm on it!'
After the quick typing, she gave us the address, as we ran towards the SUV's. While driving with high speed, I couldn't maintain my emotions, my fears and concern visibly for everyone. It only got worse when hearing a terrified (Y/N) yelling.
'No! You don't have to do this! Please!' Morgan pressed harder on the gas, the inability of hearing the unsub bothered us every second more.
'No, please, stop!'
The next moment, we heard several screams and background noise. It looked like a fight was going on.
'We're here!' we immediately ran inside, our guns pointed in front of us.
As Morgan kicked in the door, we saw (Y/N), sitting on the back of the unsub, firmly holding his hands. Morgan quickly took it over from her, cuffing and escorting him away. Her shirt was off, leaving her in her bra. She had a blue eye, along with some other bruises.
I ran towards her, finally allowing the tears to roll. We both allowed. I wrapped gently my arms around her, scared to hurt her. After a lot of tears, I slowly pulled away, looking into her scared eyes.
'Did he?-' she shook her head, knowing what I was referring for. I was quick in taking my FBI coat off, helping her in it.
'He didn't. He only took my shirt off, before I hit him in the balls. It was a whole fight.' I sighed a breath of relief, glad she reacted fast, glad she was safe.
'I was so worried. You did so good, my love. I'm so proud of you.' I wrapped her in another hug, as I pressed kisses on her head, while rubbing her back, gently.
'Yes, sweetheart?'
'Bring me home, please?'
'Of course! But, let's first go to the ambulance. I want to make sure you're alright.'
So said, so done. The paramedics checked her out and took care of her wounds. Afterwards, we went home, took an relaxing bath, and fell peacefully asleep in each other's arms.
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punchdrunkdoc · 6 months
Part 3, Chapter 16
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 4 parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 16
As they crossed the threshold into the Rainbow Room, Matt felt Calina pause as she took in the venue. After a moment of stunned silent, she let out a single sound. “Oh.”
And it was all Matt needed.
He didn’t have to see the splendour of the room. He didn’t have to see the view outside the windows, or the lights of the night sky. That soft, wondrous noise told him everything.
And it more than justified Foggy’s bragging from this morning. He really did owe his friend big time.
The hostess showed them to their table and he could sense Calina still gazing around the room. She shook her head in amazement. “How did you manage this? This place must be really hard to get in to.”
Matt shrugged. “I have friends in high places.”
“Like who, the Mayor?”
He laughed. “No. Foggy helped me out.”
“That was nice of him. This place is really fancy, Matt - I told you I’d be happy with a greasy diner.”
He made a move, as if to get to his feet. “We can leave then, if you want.”
He laughed and settled back in his chair. “Didn’t think so.”
“Well, I just figured, we’re here now. We might as well check out the food.”
The food, unsurprisingly, was delicious. Matt chose the prime tenderloin for his main and it was melt-in-the-mouth tender. Served with creamy, peppery mash and honey-glazed parsnips, it was heaven. Calina was enjoying her choice just as much, given the small moans of pleasure escaping her lips.
“Good?” he asked with a grin.
“Mm-hmm!” she replied around a mouthful of sea bass.
When dessert was finished, and the plates cleared away, they both sat back and enjoyed the rest of the bottle of champagne that he’d ordered. “I like this,” Calina commented.
“The champagne?”
“Yeah. I think I prefer it to Vodka - but don’t tell my sisters. They’d be horrified at me betraying my Russian roots.”
Matt laughed softly. “But you must have had champagne before. During one of your…missions.” He didn’t want to bring up any bad memories about her time working for the Red Room, but he was still so curious about her. He wanted to know every facet of her. Every detail, no matter how small.
“Yes, but it was different then,” she replied, thankfully not sounding upset about the direction of the conversation. “I think because the serum blunted my emotions so much, food and drink didn’t taste the same. It was just sustenance. Without the feeling of pleasure that came with eating and drinking, everything was just…bland.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It just means that I get to experience everything fresh now.” She shrugged. “I’m trying not to dwell on the reason that I’m so…inexperienced…about the world. I’m focussing on how much fun it will be to catch up with everyone else.”
“So what do you want to ‘catch up’ on next?” he asked, loving her outlook on life. Her wide-eyed wonder at the world had been one of the things that had made him fall in love with her. But that wonder wasn’t a reflection of naive, innocence. It was a testament to the steely resilience at her core.  She’d been through hell; but rather than letting it shape her into someone hard and cynical - she’d emerged from the other side willing and able to see the beauty around her.
She constantly left him in awe.
Unaware of the depth of his thoughts, Calina ran down her list. “There’s already been a lot of catching up today - the champagne, this date, shopping with Karen earlier-”
“What? I didn’t know that.” Karen had left work after lunch, but that wasn’t unusual. She covered the investigative side of their practice, which meant she was often out and about in the City.
Calina bit her lip. “I didn’t mean to get her in trouble.”
“She’s not in trouble. I’m not her boss - she's an equal partner. I was just surprised.”
“I was too. But she was really nice. And I obviously needed her help - I would have been way under-dressed for this place otherwise.”
“You look stunning,” he said, reaching across the small table to take her hand.
She laughed. “How can you tell?”
He could tell, because between the main course and the dessert, Calina had excused herself to go to the bathroom. And during her walk across the room, the reactions of the other patrons had told him plenty.
The elderly woman sitting three tables behind him had whispered to her companion, “Look at that girl - isn’t she gorgeous? Did we ever look as good as that in our hey-day, Helen?”
The group of women celebrating a 40th birthday had gossiped among themselves after Calina had passed their table. “She must be someone famous, right?” one of them had wondered. “With a face and body like that, she has to be a model or actress or something,” another had remarked.
Then there were the men. A chorus of rising heart-rates and the unmistakable scent of lust had followed Calina as she'd navigated a path through the room. 
But he didn’t want to make her self-conscious by telling her any of that. He knew that, despite her looks and everything the Red Room had made her do, Calina was shy at heart.
“I just know,” he replied instead.
Just then, a couple to their left sauntered onto the parquet floor in the middle of the room, and started slow-dancing. They swayed together under the glittering light of the chandelier, and were soon joined by a few more dancers.
Matt watched Calina, as Calina watched the couples, her chin propped on her hand. As one slow, bluesy song transitioned to another equally slow and romantic tune, Matt caught the soft, barely-audible sigh that escaped Calina’s lips.
And he knew it would be cruel to make her wait any longer. He placed his napkin on the table, got to his feet and held out his hand. “Will you dance with me, sweetheart?”
She looked up at him, and he could read the surprise in her voice. “What? I thought you didn’t dance?”
“I said that back when I was trying to convince you I was just some hapless blind guy.”
“Don’t you still have to convince everyone else of that?” she whispered, glancing around at the other people in the room.
“We’ll just pretend you’re the one leading.”
He took her hand and pulled her to her feet, then tucked his own hand in the crook of her arm. “Well? Are you going to lead the way?”
She laughed, and did just that, manoeuvring the two of them between the tables and onto the floor. He tucked one arm around her waist and held up his left hand. She placed her right hand in it, and draped her other over his shoulder, bringing the two of them close together.
And they started dancing.
“Anyone who knew you, would know that you could never be led,” she teased, as she played with the short strands of hair at the back of his neck.
“What are you talking about? I would follow you wherever you wanted to go.”
She laughed. “Very smooth. Cheesy as hell…but somehow smooth.”
“It’s my gift.”
She laughed, then rested her cheek against his. She’d been right earlier - in heels, she was exactly his height. He nuzzled against her smooth skin and pulled her even closer, tracing his hand up the bare skin of her back.
“Have I told you how much I love this dress?” he murmured.
“You may have mentioned it once or twice.”
“Good. Have I told you how much I love you?”
Her breath hitched, ever so slightly. “Um, not today.”
“Well I do. So much, Callie.”
“I love you too,” she whispered in his ear. “And thank you for tonight - its been wonderful. I wasn’t expecting the dancing, but it just made everything perfect.”
“I’m not sure what we’re doing could be called dancing” he remarked wryly. “We’re barely moving.”
She shrugged, seemingly content to just embrace on the dance floor. But he wasn’t - he wanted her to get the full experience. He shifted his hold on her hand, stepped back and spun her in a circle under his arm.
Her startled laughter made him smile. So next he whipped her out to the side, then pulled her back in, flicking his wrist to make her twirl into his arms. He spun her again, then dipped her, supporting her weight as she arched back.
More laughter. Her delighted giggle fizzed through the room like bubbles of champagne, drawing all eyes to her. But she didn’t seem to notice. And Matt couldn’t bring himself to care about the attention they were attracting.
All he cared about was her.
The distance from the elevator to Calina’s apartment door was far too short.
Matt walked as slowly as possible, wanting to prolong this night with her. She was flushed with champagne, and leaned against him as they meandered down the corridor, her gait slightly unsteady from the alcohol - something he’d teased her about when they exited the restaurant. “I thought Russians could hold their liquor better than this.”
“Not this Russian,” she’d replied. “I’m a total light weight. An embarrassment to my nation.”
He’d just laughed and helped her into the taxi.
Now he was loathe to let her go. He wanted to laugh with her some more. Talk with her. Kiss her and take her to bed. But all too soon they reached her doorway. “Do I get a kiss goodnight?” she asked, as if reading his thoughts. “I know you have your rule about going slow, but isn’t a kiss at the end of a date kind of like a tradition?”
He smiled at the question, and the way it sounded both innocent, and seductive as hell.
How could he say no to that?
He pulled her close, one hand pressed against her lower back and the other cupping the back of her head…and kissed her.
A long, slow kiss. A deep, thorough kiss.
He tasted the champagne on her lips and the chocolate on her tongue. He surrounded himself with her scent, and let his fingers explore the velvety softness of her skin.
Eventually he pulled away, just far enough to whisper in her ear. “Never let it be said that Matt Murdock doesn’t provide the full first date experience.”
She hummed in agreement. “Thank you again. For tonight. I had fun.”
“I had fun too.”
They lingered in the moment, neither one willing to let the other go. Calina continued to stroke her fingers through his hair as he lazily traced the line of her spine. The staccato beat of her heart filled his ears, the quick pace a sign of her growing desire. Her scent changed, growing richer and deeper, and his own body hardened in response. Her tongue was a faint rasp as it moistened her lips and then all he could think about was kissing her again. Kissing her and unlocking the door and giving in to this passion between them-
“You should go,” she said, throwing a metaphorical bucket of water on the moment.
“What? But-”
“You should go,” she repeated. “You still have to suit up as ‘you-know-who’. And you have work tomorrow.” She didn’t wait for his reply, just turned in his arms and unlocked her apartment door. With a quick peck on his cheek, and a final “Goodnight, Matt,” she closed it between them, leaving him alone in the hallway.
Matt shook his head, dazed at the sudden turn of events. One minute she was melting in his arms, the next she was gone - after literally putting a barrier between them.
He placed his hand flat on the door and cocked his head, trying to figure out what was happening on the other side. He could sense her leaning back against the door, a bare inch between his hand and the heat of her body. He heard her take a deep breath, and release it in a shaky exhale. Her heart still pounded, the endorphins still rushed through her veins. 
She was still turned on. She still wanted him…
And she was trying to give him what he wanted.
What he thought he needed:
The whole ‘going slow’, and ‘not having sex’ thing.
But it was bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Denying themselves this aspect of their relationship was just making them both miserable - not that they’d done much denying up until now.
Which just proved the whole idea was stupid and pointless.
He’d regain his trust in her over time. She’d learn to have faith in their relationship over time.
Time was what they needed - not space from each other.
With that decided, he knocked on the door.
She opened it seconds later, and he could sense the frown marring her forehead. “What’s wrong? Did you forget something?”
“Yes. This.” He stepped in to her space, grabbed her around the waist and kissed her. This time the embrace sparked with passion. His tongue swept into her mouth and his fingers dug into the skin of her back as he pulled her closer. He flung out one arm to slam the door closed behind them, his mouth still devouring hers. Then he spun her around and backed her against the door in one quick move.
The new leverage let him sink against her, until he could feel her hardening nipples against his chest. Her heels brought her up to just the right height for their bodies to line up perfectly, and he took advantage, pressing his cock against her.
She moaned at the sudden friction, and he swallowed the sound, desperate for more. He grasped her jaw and tilted her mouth to deepen the contact, as his other hand skimmed along the velvety softness of her dress.
But it still wasn’t enough.
He bent his knees slightly, grabbed her ass in his hands and boosted her up until her long legs wrapped around his waist. He heard a seam in her dress rip but he couldn’t find it in himself to care in that moment. He’d buy her a new one tomorrow. Or take it to a tailor. Hell, he’d find some thread and fix it himself, he didn’t care. He just needed to be close to her.
And in this position, with her legs spread wide, there was nothing between them but a couple of thin layers of fabric. He thrust against her, setting up a slow but thorough pace. As one particular pulse of his hips hit the right spot, she jerked in his arms and flung her head back moaning deep and low. The move broke their kiss but he just shifted his attention to that spot behind her ear.
His spot.
He laved attention on that patch of skin, nipping and licking and sucking. Calina gripped his hair with both hands and tried to pull him back into a kiss, but he wasn’t done. He grabbed her wrists and slammed her hands against the wooden door by her head. The residual rational part of his psyche had a momentary worry that his rough actions had hurt her, but a quick check with his senses revealed nothing but pleasure. Endorphins rushed through her body, pumped through her veins by her pounding heart. Her breath gave a little hitch every time he moved against her core, and he could feel the heat gathering there.
She was close.
But he wanted to be inside her when she came. He wanted to sink into that soft, wet, heat, and feel her contract around him.
So he released one of her wrists, wedged his hand between their bodies and unzipped his pants. He slipped his hand up the rumpled, stretched skirt of her dress, gripped her panties and ripped them from her body. Then he positioned himself at her entrance, moaning as he felt the beckoning warmth…and paused.
“Yes?” he asked, his voice deep and gravelly. It was the first word he’d uttered since she’d opened the door, but he wanted to check they were on the same page.
He wanted to check that she was fine with being fucked hard and fast against this door.
“Calina?” he gritted out.
“Yes!” she growled, grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him into her kiss. She sank her teeth into his lower lip at the same time she dug her blunt nails into his skin and that twin bite of pain snapped the last thread of his control. 
He drove into her, sheathing himself completely inside. Her back slapped against the door with every push of his hips, the rhythmic sound echoing in the apartment, joined in chorus by her soft gasps and his panting breaths.
He gripped her thigh as he moved faster, knowing he’d be leaving marks on her tender skin. As he reached his crest, he shoved one hand between them to stroke his thumb over her clit and that last bit of stimulation was all she needed. She came apart with a cry, and he joined her in release. 
He slumped against her, breathing hard. One hand still clenched her thigh, keeping her leg pinned around his waist; the other rested on the door beside her head. Her unsupported leg dropped to the ground, her spiked heel clattering against the hard wood floor.
She stroked shaky fingers through his hair. Traced the shell of his ear. Scratched through the stubble on his cheek, as if needing the contact to ground herself.
Moments later, he felt the movement as she swallowed. Then licked her dry lips. “You’re really bad at going slow,” she whispered in a teasing tone.
But he wasn’t in the mood to joke about this. “Fuck going slow,” he rasped, pulling back to face her. “I want to be with you. Tonight. Tomorrow. Every day from now on. If you’ll have me.”
“Of course I will. I just thought this was what you wanted - what you needed.”
“I thought so too. But I was wrong.” This connection between them - the passion, the intensity, the way he felt when he touched her - it was too unique to ignore. Too powerful to treat so lightly.
All of which had scared him at first.
He’d worried that he’d get lost in her. Lose focus, and lose sight of who he was and who he needed to be for this city. Push aside the work that needed to be done to trust her again.
It was a fear left over from his relationship with Elektra.  
But his relationship with Calina was so different from that one, and he needed to stop measuring against that benchmark. He was different, as well. Older, now. Wiser too - or so he hoped - and in a much different place in his life.
And Calina was the opposite of Elektra. She brought light and hope and joy into his life. And he wanted to revel in every aspect of their love without feeling guilty or wary.
He knew - more than most people - how easily love could be lost. How light could turn to dark. How sadness and despair could take the place of happiness.
He didn’t want to waste a moment between them.
So he let released his hold on her, and steadied her as both feet her touched the ground again. Then he led her away from the door and into the bathroom where he gently cleaned her up and helped her out of her clothes. 
They slipped into bed together moments later, where he held drew her against his chest and held her close.
And they both fell asleep, dreaming peaceful dreams together. 
Chapter 17
Tag list: @hollandorks @stilldreaming666 @sio-ina-bottle @tearoseart-blog @acharliecoxedfan @freckledbabyyy @chezagnes
If you’d like to be added - let me know!
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
A Spoonful of Sugar pt 1
Summary: Once, after a battle, you visited Stephen with some of your delicious home-made pastries to help him feel better. Eventually that became a ritual.
Pairing: Doctor Strange x Fem!Baker!Reader
Warning(s): eventually friends to lovers, lots of mentions of eating pastries/dessert, fluff, idiots in love, possibly a smidge of angst, mentions of typical canon-like violence, lemme know if I’ve forgotten anything
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Stephen Strange had never been one for sweets, but since meeting you, he found himself looking forward to your visits after each battle. As the Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen had seen his fair share of battles, and they often left him feeling drained and depleted.
But you, the local baker, always knew just how to lift his spirits. Whether it was with a warm, flaky croissant or a gooey chocolate chip cookie, your pastries always seemed to put a smile on his face.
It wasn't just the sweets that made him look forward to your visits, though. There was something about your kind, caring nature that drew him in. You had a way of making him feel at ease, even in the midst of chaos.
So when the first thing he saw as he stumbled back into the Sanctum was your perfect smile, a sense of relief washed over him. “Hey, Doc, rough day?” you asked, offering him a tray of pastries.
He took a deep breath and smiled at you. “You have no idea.”
“Well, hopefully these will help,” you said, setting the tray down on a nearby table. “I made your favourites today.”
“You didn't have to do this,” he said, but he couldn't hide the gratefulness in his voice.
“I know, but I wanted to. And besides, you deserve it,” you replied, taking a seat across from him. “So, was it a glorious and valiant battle?”
Stephen shook his head. “Not at all. It was the usual chaos, destruction, and saving the world. So, you know, the usual.”
You laughed; a glorious sound. “Well, I'm glad you made it out okay. And hey, at least you get to come back to a warm meal and some sweets.”
He took a bite of one of the pastries and closed his eyes in bliss. “These are amazing. I still don't know how you have the time to do this--let alone actually do it.”
“It's all about the love and impeccable time management,” you said with a wink. “And maybe a secret ingredient or two.”
The two talked for a while longer, you regaling Stephen with stories from your bakery and Stephen telling you about the latest threats to the universe. Stephen felt his spirits lift as you both chatted, the warmth and comfort of the pastries and your company easing some of the weight of the day off his shoulders.
As he finished the last pastry, Stephen couldn't help but feel grateful for the baker's kindness. “Thank you, Y/n, really. You have no idea how much all this means to me.”
The baker smiled. “I think I have a pretty good idea, hun. You always seem to come back for more.”
He chuckled. “Guilty as charged. I just hope I can repay the favour someday.”
You shrugged. “No need. Just promise me you'll come back in one piece next time.”
“I'll do my best,” Stephen said with a smile, feeling lighter than he had in days.
As he made his way back to his studies, Stephen couldn't help but feel grateful for your warm presence and delicious pastries. It was a small comfort, but in a world full of chaos and danger, sometimes it was the small things that kept him going.
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A/N New mini series for Stephen 🥰 
Taglist Everything: @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee​ Stephen: @ironstrange1991
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sagethegaywitch · 1 month
Ortho's Birthday Bash
GN reader
TW: none
Genre: fluff, angst
Sorry for my absence, I've been busy getting ready for college and speed reading Percy Jackson. I'm working on the Pomefiore Dimensions chapter and it should be coming out soon.
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Ortho wakes up just like any other day, but he’s oddly saddened to realize it’s his birthday.  He should be excited because he got to spend another amazing year with his brother and his new friends at school, but he’s also reminded that he’s just a replacement for something long gone.  Iida doesn’t mean to but he often avoids Ortho on his birthday, seeing the replicated face of his deceased younger brother only reminds him of another year since he died.
Ortho will go about his day, trying to be bright and cheerful, but he struggles a bit and is hurt by Iida’s avoidance of him.  Some people will notice his strained attempts at conversation and joy, but most just brush it off as birthday jitters.  The only one he can confide in is you and you try your best to reassure the small boy, someone you’ve started viewing as your own little brother, that Iida is just working through some trauma and uncovered emotions, but he still loves Ortho.
Since Iida is avoiding him, Ortho will try to rebel by seeking you out and staying by your side the whole day.  Your friends might get a little annoyed that such a young student is taking away your attention and pestering them, but Ortho will just stick out his tongue at them behind your back and tell them it’s his birthday so he can do whatever he wants.
It gets to the point where Ortho doesn’t want to go back to the Ignihyde dorm, so you have to take him back to your dorm.  You weren’t really prepared for the boy to come back with you, but you suggested that you bake him a cake and hold a birthday celebration for him.
Ortho is overjoyed and doesn’t have to fake his happiness as he joins you in the kitchen, helping you mix ingredients and wash dishes.  While you wait for the cake to bake, you ask Ortho if he wants some more people to come over to celebrate his birthday, but he gets all shy and asks if it can be a private event.  After making the frosting and covering the cake in the sweet cream, you place the birthday candles on top and light them up before presenting the birthday cake to Ortho who sits eagerly at the dining table.
After you sing happy birthday, cut the cake, and enjoy the delicious dessert (I’m not sure if Ortho can eat food, but I headcanon he likes confetti or rainbow cake), you bring out the birthday present you had prepared for Ortho.  You’ve probably gotten him a 3D puzzle, something to test his wit and smarts.  He’s in awe that you got him a special little gift, instantly starting to work on it and try to dissect it.
When he’s almost solved it, there is a soft knock at your dorm room.  You leave Ortho to continue with his puzzle while you answer the door, shocked to find Iida standing there awkwardly.  Iida tells you that it’s getting late and he was worried about where Ortho had wandered off to.  You smile and carefully tell him Ortho has been feeling a bit dejected because his older brother had ignored him most of the day and Iida looks down in shame as he enters the room.  You pretend to be busy cleaning up the plates and utensils while Iida and Ortho have a heart-to-heart moment and apologize to each other.
As the two brothers start to leave, better informed on each other’s emotions, you offer them the rest of the cake and tell them to take care.  As Ortho walks ahead, Iida thanks you for watching over his younger brother and alerting him of Ortho’s depression.
When Ortho goes to sleep/recharge that night, Iida surprises him by patting his head and giving his forehead a kiss before stalking off to his own bed.  As Ortho falls asleep with a smile on his face, he holds your 3D puzzle close to his chest, near his flaming heart.
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ja-stuff · 3 years
Invalidating s/o's feelings/efforts
note: I should've posted this 2 days earlier but my stupid laptop broke down and the original draft vanished T_T ANDDD I hope you like this one too! slightly proofread~
word count: 3, 147
character: Haruchiyo Sanzu
tw: mentions of drugs, mention of the word killing, cursing, invalidating feelings, slight angst
genre: angst/fluff (comfort)
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It’s been two weeks since you last saw your boyfriend, Haruchiyo Sanzu. The other week he went on an out-of-town business trip together with Bonten, and this week you were so busy dealing with your grumpy supervisor and all other stuff at work. This made it so hard for the both of you to spend some quality time together, calls were impossible due to different time zones, and lately, you haven’t been spending much time at home. The both of you weren’t even able to communicate nor greet each other properly, ‘cause when you’re around he is out, when you’re about to work he’s asleep, and when you’re home he comes in late. So today, as it’s your day off, you decided to surprise your man with a candlelight dinner and watch a movie to chill, cuddle, and feel both of your warm touches on the couch after the hectic weeks.
During the afternoon, you started cooking the foods Sanzu had always liked, though your boyfriend wasn’t known to be a big eater, he sure does eat a lot when the foods are prepared by you. With a one-track thought that Sanzu will finish whatever you put on his plate, you prepared everything from the appetizers, main course, and the desserts deliciously and beautifully plated with all the effort you’ve got. After the dishes, you arranged the dining room into a more romantic scene. Placing a maroon-colored cloth over the tabletop, a candlestick with a dark red candle, a vase with your favorite flower in it, two wine glasses, and utensils and plates laid out in a formal fine-dining setting.
Feeling proud of what you did, you messaged Sanzu about his whereabouts and you only got an answer of, ‘30 more minutes to drive, love.’ You grinned, knowing that he’s a half-hour away, and you’re done with all your preparations. To complete this surprise, you went to your closet looking for clothes to wear. After a few scans, you chose the one that Sanzu bought for you three months ago, his first gift for you after moving in together in your shared penthouse. You glammed up yourself for Sanzu tonight, looking at yourself in the mirror being so sure that your boyfriend will shower you with compliments as it is his acts of love, you’re excited to hear the honey-like words coming out of his mouth and the sweet kisses right after each compliment coming at you like flowing stream.
A few minutes later, the front door of the house clicked and Sanzu made his way in. You ran downstairs to surprise him, but you were welcomed by his cold presence. This made you a little nervous but you shrugged it off and smiled. “Hey, Haru.” you greeted him.
“Where are you going?” he asked, eyeing you from head to toe, his eyes looking at you without any visible interest. “Oh uhm… I just wanted to surprise you. Like a house dinner date? and maybe watch a movie before we sleep? I think it’s a good idea to spend some time together after two weeks of being busy?” you were feeling concerned and a little disappointed about how Sanzu’s been treating you right now.
“Y/n I don’t have time for this. I am tired,” he said, drifting his gaze away from you while he removed his shoes and placed his keys in the key box. “I don’t wanna deal with any of this now,” he said, as he walked past you from a different direction, not even glancing at the visible setup of the dinner table you’ve set in the dining room.
“but I spent time making this.” You whispered to yourself, voice with a hint of annoyance. “And you didn’t even compliment me with my clothes.”
Sanzu was one hell of a hound when it comes to sniffing and hearing, and that’s a fact. So hearing your little whine of annoyance because of his actions, he snapped. He doesn’t like it when people are not being completely direct with him about their issues with him. So hearing those words from you and the way you said those words indirectly towards him, made him so frustrated.
“Hey, Y/n.” he voiced out. So you looked in his direction, eyes full of hope expecting Sanzu to agree to eat dinner with you.
“I never asked any of this, okay? I never asked for a fucking house date or watch a fucking movie before sleeping. I never asked you to cook for fuck’s sake. And your clothes? They’re— I don’t know. I don’t really like it. It looks... unattractive.” his voice sounded so neutral, his eyes growing darker as if it would devour you. You were taken aback by his words, especially with his last word. You have never once thought that Sanzu would say that word to you, yet here he is breaking a little of your confidence that you both build up so hard to make you fully embrace your flaws in the way he accepted and embraced all of you.
“But I’d appreciate it if you’ll eat some love,—“ putting your feelings aside, you tried to make your way in convincing him to eat, but you only got cut off.
“I won’t eat your food! I won’t eat any of them!” he started to shout at you “But Haru, I spent hours making this! I did all of this for you!”
“Do you really think that it’s only for me? c’mon you just did this for yourself. ‘Cause you always wanted to be leading this relationship, controlling me with whatever you only wanted. I never wanted this stupid date tonight. You’re deciding what you only wanted to do around me, what about what I wanted?” you were hurt by what he’s saying. You both know that it’s not true. This relationship isn’t controlled by either of you. You always asked him for permission first, and surprises like this weren’t resulting in you guys fighting. In the first place, Sanzu was very much more into doing surprises than you, aside from compliments, surprising you is his second act of love, and you’re just reciprocating the fun of experiencing surprises to him. You least expected that this would be his reaction to your first ever surprise for him, this is a terrible experience for you and you swore to yourself, you’ll not do this again.
“I don’t even want them. Just— I need space! fuck this!” he moved away when he realized he was too close to you. “I won’t eat it, okay? Eat by yourself, and do whatever you want with the leftovers, either you throw them or feed them to stray cats. I don’t care. Just give me space.” Then he walked away, going up the stairs to your bedroom.
“fine. You know, I’d always get it if you had just told me beforehand you were having a bad day. Guess I was just a nuisance to your high, Sanzu.” you say, volume enough for him to hear you clearly. He stopped for a second before scoffing and slamming the bedroom door.
You knew something was off by how he’s acting up. This little suspicion was confirmed when he walked past, smelling a substance that he promised he won’t be using anymore, but old habits die hard and that promises are meant to be broken. ‘I guess he still couldn’t keep his hands off ‘it’ away.’ you thought.
You’re well aware of the cons of dating a gangster, to put more thrill on that cons of being in the ‘momma I'm in love with a criminal’ type of relationship, your boyfriend’s a no joke as the second of Bonten and a dr*gl*rd at it. You were asked by most of your friends and even your parents about this, since dealing with someone who was under the influence of drugs, especially with one dealing with his withdrawal from it could be a little hard. Like right now, where he has purposely or accidentally consumed one substance that resulted in his nasty treatment of you will test your tolerance and wits in handling the situation. Still, the whole scene made you feel bad that he had broken one promise out of the three he made from you but you chose to stay calm and composed yourself trying to formulate questions to ask Sanzu when he’s not high anymore.
You walked to the kitchen and ate the meals you prepared, alone. Packing up the leftovers carefully in Tupperware and had it hidden in the refrigerator from the pantry. It’s not like you’re trying to hide foods from your boyfriend, it's just you don’t want to rile him up when he sees the ‘unwanted foods’ in the fridge. You wanted to avoid clashing with him, so you prepared the couch as your sleeping pod by using the couch blankets and throw pillows as your company for the night. After finding the most comfortable position to lay, you played a movie of your choice and drifted off to sleep in the first ten minutes of the movie.
“Fuck… I’m so hungry…” with a sleepy voice, Sanzu woke and felt his head spinning. “ugh… fucking headache.” he whispered, avoiding to startle ‘you’ who he thought was in bed with him.
“Love, do we still have some Advil?—“ he asked, patting your side of the bed, yet there was nothing. “Y/n” he called, sitting up while he rubbed his eyes. “babe are you in the bathroom?” he continued, but when he was left with no response, he stood up and walked to the bathroom, finding it empty, without you and even the Advil from the medicine box.
“Ugh, maybe they’re downstairs…”
Sanzu made his way downstairs, and the first thing that welcomed him was the sounds from the movie and you who’s sleeping peacefully on the couch. Sanzu smiled at your sleeping form wearing the clothes he knew he bought for you on the first day you lived together. He fished his phone out and took one… two… three and more photos of you sleeping at different angles, before turning the t.v. off and placing the blanket on you nicely.
“I’ll just wake you up after I eat.” Then he left after he kissed your forehead.
Stopping in front of the fridge, he opened it and first grabbed some water. He scanned for any ‘to-be-heated’ food placed in Tupperware yet he found none. He scanned the other fridge beside it but still none. This made him a little confused, he walked back to the living room and lightly shook you asking, “Love, you didn’t cook tonight? You should have told me, I could have gotten us take-outs. Did you eat?” his voice was so quiet yet it woke you up, “Should I order take out?” he asked, but your attitude to let out a scoff with his words, confused him even more.
“I already ate.” you simply answered, sitting up and gathering all the throw pillows to move to the other couch. “You did? Well, where’s mine? I’m so hungry, love.” he said with a little pout on his face. You tried your best not to give in with his little childish act right now. Sanzu’s always been good to touch those guilt in your heart, but this time you decided to push those guilt away. You’ve done nothing wrong, and you’re still upset with everything that had happened earlier.
“I threw it away. You said you don’t want any of it right? So I took your suggestion of throwing it away to the heart.” you said, laying on the couch again, turning your back from him. “W–what? You threw the food away?” he asked, questioning your action. “Yeah, luckily the stray cats appreciated all of it.” you said, emphasizing the words ‘appreciated’
“I am tired, Sanzu. I don’t want to make food for you. Order something or walk to the nearest convenience store out there. I’m sleeping. Hope you come down from your high soon.” you said, dismissing him immediately knowing the fact that the tone of his voice would want to make a request from you.
“Y/n… I– what?” he called but you ignored him.
Silence enveloped the room, leaving Sanzu dazed with your words and actions, he couldn’t get the hang of it, ‘did I do something?’ he asked himself and racked his head more with a few questions, then a wave of headaches hit him, giving him the answer that he was looking for. The flashbacks from earlier came into his mind, remembering the exact words he told you and how he dismissed you earlier, how he heard that you knew he had drugs– rather he got drugged at work.
“Fucking shit… babe! I swear I didn’t take any! I was not– no I was. Shit. Y/n? Are you awake?” he rushed to you and tapped your shoulder lightly, but you just shrugged it away. “Please baby, I’m sorry.” he said, his voice full of concern while his touch remained soft, “Please let me explain… I’m sorry.” his voice was shaking a little. “Y/n? Please?” you felt his head rest on your shoulder feeling his deep breaths against your neck.
The resolve you had earlier for not giving in so easily broke down, as much as you hated broken promises, you hate seeing Sanzu break himself for the things he does regret doing, ‘An explanation you say? Fine, I’ll hear it.’ you thought to yourself.
“Okay. Explain.” you sat up and patted the seat next to you, but Sanzu refused. He knelt before you holding both of your hands in his while he looked at you straight in the eyes with hurt and sorry.
“I– I didn’t take it…” he started, “I was with Ran and Rindou when it happened. You can ask them about it. You know, your cousins won't lie to you.” he looked at you with tears forming in his eyes. “We were asked by Mikey to deal with the small gang messing up with Bonten’s name. We hunted them down and found the warehouse where they had been staying. Not only was it their turf but it was also a factory where different substances are used. I hope y–you know that I am trying… I– I tried my best to withdraw because of you. I don’t know if you’ll b–believe me or not, but I fought a guy who threw some powder in my direction.” The tears from his eyes fell in sync, as his breathing started to get heavy. You know he’s trying his best to keep calm in this situation, as Sanzu knew that you were the type of person who disliked people who break promises.
“I swear… I didn’t take it. I was so mad that I—I went and killed… Y/n… I’m scared. Please don’t leave me. Give me a chance to change. I swear I won’t do it again. I did not take it. Believe me, a–accident Y/n… It was an accident…” your boyfriend’s now crying, looking sad and scared. “Believe in me Y/n, I’ll do better–”
“Haru, my love, You’re already doing great, and I believe you.” you cupped his cheek wiped his tears with your thumbs, and kissed his nose. “I believe in you, so you don’t have to be scared that I’d leave you because of that,” you assured him.
“But I broke one of my promises.” he looked at you with his glassy eyes,
“No, you didn’t. You said it, love, it was an accident.” you smiled at him, he looked down feeling guilty by remembering about the fight earlier.
“But you don’t deserve to be treated like that before.” he quietly said, his thumbs circling on the back of your hands.
“I understand that it was the effects of the substance. I know that you never meant anything about anything you said.”
“True! That’s true! I don’t mean any of it, believe me, Y/n.” you nodded, “I know and I know that when you’re sober you won’t say that even over our petty little arguments. I know you better now Haru. I just wanted time for myself earlier to sort things out, ‘cause even if we know you didn’t mean it, it still hurts being called unattractive when I am wearing the clothes you chose yourself, it made me self-doubt a little.” you said, “What did I tell you before? You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met in this life, Y/n. You’re even prettier than the moon!” this time Sanzu stood up and showed you his phone. “You’re so breathtaking that I could just die looking at your face!” you chuckled with how funny you think his exaggerations are. You know how Sanzu was before, hearing stories from your cousins about how he is cold, quiet, scary, ruthless, etc., but all of those impressions about him were nothing when you started going out with him. Sanzu's more like a puppy than a boyfriend, and that’s a fact you can only see.
“You’re so attractive! Look I even got it from different angles, and you even changed positions as if you knew you were being captured!” you chuckled about how he sounded like a bragging kid, with a tear-stained face, and glassy eyes that twinkled as if he didn’t cry earlier.
“Did you seriously take this?! Hun, this is too much!” you laughed, holding his phone and swiping the screens, even zooming in some funny ones where your mouth was open, and one where Sanzu took a selfie with your sleeping form.
“You’re so goofy in here, love!” you said, as you zoomed in his cross-eyed face with his tongue out, and a peace sign.
As you looked at his photo with so much love in your eyes, Sanzu felt a little better. Though he still blamed himself for the events before, he was sure that when you said you believed him, you really do. “Don’t leave me y/n,” he whispered, making you stare at the phone. You couldn’t explain how sincere and longing that voice was, but you knew that Sanzu’s really scared about the thought that you can easily walk away from him when you want to. “I love you.” with the same level of sincereness, he rested his forehead on your shoulder.
“And I appreciate every single thing you’ve done for me.” he pulled away and held your chin to make you look at him to kiss you. “Thank you, my angel.”
You felt Sanzu’s lips on yours trembling a little and feeling the shakiness of his breath. “I love you too, Haru.” cupping his face with your little hands as your thumbs caressed the scars on his mouth, you kissed him longer this time.
"I promise, I'll make it up to you tomorrow."
"As you should."
Thank you for reading! Hoped you liked it! Oh! Here are my master list ^^ stay hydrated and keep safe loves!
Please support or donate for me on Patreon and Ko-fi as well! (I'll be posting the commissions and other requests! I'll give my best with all of your support! )
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mayullla · 2 years
This is not a request but try to imagine angst with 13stepbrother au
Like when they are eating reader suddenly cough they think is it just a cold but as the day went by it get worse in the end reader have an deadly illness
Some of you guys just want me to suffer... I know I do bully Xiao and all but I don't go that far as to make him heartbroken like that!!!/j (fem!reader)
They would be torn, the teyvat residence would be so quiet nobody could say anything except force a smile in front of you telling you that it was gonna be alright that sooner or later they can take you to the amusement park and you can eat all the desserts and food that you absolutely love.
They wish that was the case as they watched you suffer quietly in your bed.
Not that the other brothers won't but Ayato and Childe would spoil you so so much, staying by your side. But at one point when your father come back from overseas, they would just snap at him. They never like your father for leaving you alone at a such young age and because of how sensitive they were at the moment with your sickness it was bound to happen sooner or later. Why did he leave you?? Why did he leave you when you are so sick like this!!
Everyone is careful, around you or not too many of them too sensitive and easy to snap. But Kaeya would leave the house more often in hopes to remove you from him yet regrets it later for doing so the next day but it just becomes a repeated cycle. Itto would make jokes with Chongyun and Bennett they would play with you games and bring you things that you might find interesting but their heart only aches. Diluc would come to the teyvat residence often to see you, yet all you could see is a frown on his face as he pats you on the head. Albedo would act as if nothing happened but you would see him more often than not drawing you, maybe to keep a memory yet the draws showed how weak and tired you are getting only to serve more pain to him as he looks at the details.
Venti and Kazuha would be stuck to your side telling you poems and singing songs, they would ask Xiao to join them yet Xiao would only avoid you thinking it was his fault that you were like this. He would visit your room late at night or when he knows you are sleeping because he can't bare to look at you in the eyes. Thoma would make a lot of delicious dishes and desserts for you, always telling you to get well. Zhongli would just stay beside you telling you fairytales that you like but also different things he experienced in his life.
Please get well... that is all they wish for... in selfishness as they won't be able to bare the pain of losing their little beloved sister.
Part 2 (kind of)
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citrustan · 2 years
lovefool [drabble 3] (jjk)
Pairing: jeon jungkook × reader
Genre: angst, fluff (sort of), smut
Summary: where taehyung helps jungkook plan for his first official date with you.
Word count: 1k-ish
Note: hi! this is a drabble of the main story 'lovefool', the chapters of which you can find on my masterlist (pinned post)! also, thank you, truly, for all the love you've given to lovefool and me.
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"I think it's a good idea." Jungkook speaks thoughtfully.
"What? The banana soufflé?"
"No, the supermarket date. Definitely not the soufflé. She hates bananas."
Taehyung gasps, "How dare she!"
Jungkook shoves his best friend into the wall, earning a girlish moan from the man.
"Focus. All I know is that she hates bananas and cheese."
"CHEESE? How dare-" Taehyung is flabbergasted, but immediately cut off.
"Please, stop. I've never been this confused in my life." Jungkook puts his finger to his forehead.
"Oh? We're serious about this?" Taehyung raises a brow.
"We are." Jungkook's eyes wander to the fresh basil leaves. You can't go wrong with pesto, can you?
"Why don't you guys just make gimbap? I have my mom's homemade kimchi, I can bring you some. Just get sticky rice and whatever else she prefers." Taehyung suggests.
"Mmh. I dunno, she's a picky eater. What if she doesn't like the seaweed or the egg?"
"Huh, okay. Let's keep looking."
Jungkook and Taheyung are practicing shopping and cooking for Jungkook's and your date the following week.
Well, Jungkook is practicing and Taehyung is... eating.
They browse through the racks at the grocery store you first met at.
Taehyung, being the more romantic one of the lot, provided him with a fairly large list of date ideas and Jungkook resonated with the one where he'd take you to the grocery store where he can buy you whatever you wanted and would cook with you.
He knows you enjoy baking and French and Italian pastry and dessert, he did not have enough time to conjure up baking skills nor did he want you to end up doing all the work. Something quick and easy would be more ideal.
"I just know you're going to go back to pasta." Taehyung whistles. He pops a grape into his mouth when nobody's watching.
"I mean, it is versatile and, ya know, pretty simple to prepare... and stuff..." Jungkook pouts.
"Delicious but basic." Taehyung reiterates.
"Classic! Basic is an exaggeration, you're just snooty." Jungkook teases.
"Hey, hey, I'm a man of- of fine calibre. Pasta is good, great even, but when YOU try to make pasta without enough knowledge, on a first date that too? You're already making her do all the work and what if it sucks?"
Jungkook smiles, "That's when I offer her my huge and fat collection of takeaway menus."
"And waste her time." Taehyung continues.
"It's not- it is time we might spend talking to each other!" With that, Jungkook pushes the shopping cart filled with items, half of which he doesn't intend to buy, further into the fresh produce section.
He ponders real hard in a futile attempt at thinking of a perfect dish that he can execute and that which impresses you.
Taehyung catches up to him, "Yo."
"Hear me out... sandwich."
"Absolutely not." Jungkook waves him off.
"Fish! Halibut, with the crispy potato scales!"
"Oh, yes! Halibut!" Jungkook exclaims, deadpan.
"Cereal?" He sighs.
"No, that's for our second date." Jungkook smiles. "The morning after." He winks, playfully.
"You're a pig." Taehyung fakes disgust.
"Well, hello there." Jungkook spots the long, green sticks in a bunch.
"Didn't you tell me _____ was a picky eater?"
"Yeah, alright, let's keep looking."
After thirty more minutes of browsing and window shopping, Taehyung takes notice of the weird dude following him and Jungkook around.
"Jungkook, this is weird. We've been in here for over an hour, I swear the boss man has asked that blonde employee to keep an eye on us." He traces his eyes to the corner. Then, said employee abruptly kneels on the ground and begins counting the mushrooms before him.
"Hm? He's just stocking up." Jungkook states unsuspectingly, making Taehyung squint his eyes in disbelief. "You-" He pokes the centre of his chest, "Are strange." Jungkook softly groans.
Taehyung lets out another involuntary sigh, internally skimming through the various cuisines he's had before. "Do you think she'll like salmon?"
"Doesn't it make your breath smell? I want to be able to kiss her."
"Ki- okay." The dark haired man sighs. "Actually." It hits him, "Why don't you make an obento? You know how to work with those Japanese flavours, hell, make it Korean! You can, like, include a variety of food that way."
"Sure! Or maybe a hot pot?"
Jungkook's face twists up dubiously.
"JK, it's better to do something you already know. She'll appreciate it."
Jungkook considers the suggestion. He thinks it might work. He has made it with Yuna before, she seemed to love it. Taehyung loves it. He reckons he can't go wrong with something Taehyung approves of.
"That... might actually work well." He drags his words out. "Huh. Okay. Obento and hotpot, it is!"
Soon after, they buy all the required ingredients and extra snacks for Taehyung. On Jungkook.
On the drive back home, Taehyung's curiosity is through the roof. He doesn't remember the last time his best friend was interested in anyone for more than a one time date or hook up.
"Have you spoken to Yuu about it?"
"I have, yeah. I mean I told her, that I like _____. Seeing her that day at the store, I swear, it lit something inside me. It's like love at first sight. It's real! I watched this video the other day- this doctor, I think it was a doctor. She studied love or something." His eyes widen in recollection, "Biological anthropologist!"
"She explained the whole 'love at first sight' phenomenon. It's a romantic attraction that is born because this person checks out all the qualities you look for, consciously or subconsciously."
Jungkook opens his mouth, waiting for Taehyung to feed him a matcha Pocky.
"So, an... alarm went off because you suddenly realised that you saw someone who you deemed to be your type?" Taehyung tries to understand his friend.
"To be honest, I think you and _____ are pretty spot on. It's perfect. Textbook love story."
"Ah... I- I don't know." Jungkook stutters, visibly blushing upon Taehyung's implication.
Taehyung inwardly thought the same thing as Jungkook when he first met you. You and Jungkook complete eachother. Taehyung felt an intense pull towards you as well.
His happiness for his friend was almost too hard to contain.
"I don't want to be cheesy right now, so I'll just pause this conversation and resume when we're not in traffic."
"But," He continues, "You look happy."
Jungkook simpers, "I am, hyung."
His use of the endearing, Korean term makes Taehyung smile twice as wide.
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jeongvision · 4 years
gxxd boy
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synopsis. what do you do when an opportunity presents itself in front of you and it’s so much better than what you have now? you go after it, of course. and for jaehyun, you don’t have to tell him twice.
pairing. fwb! jeong jaehyun ✗ fem! reader
genre. smut, angst?, college au, friends with benefits au, non idol au
word count. 1.6k this was supposed to be a timestamp
warnings. heavy cursing, sexual themes (fellatio, degradation, dirty talking, deepthroating, cum play, absolute filth, exhibition kink?), cheating, some religious analogies
song. break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored by ariana grande
author’s note. this story contains a very problematic scenario (cheating). i do not condone any behaviors presented in this story nor do i promote it. this story does not in any shape or form reflect reality.
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It’s not the first time you called Jaehyun over because of your needs. You were just casually carrying on with your day, doing what you do best, when you suddenly got in the mood for some blow. Luckily for you, he didn’t hesitate to help you attend to those needs of yours, as long as he gets something in return. That’s what friends with benefits are for, right? You come over, get a good fuck, and just leave when you’re done. No strings attached - that’s how you like it.
And it’s certainly not the first time he had reminded you that he has a girlfriend waiting at home for him.
Did you care? No, that’s his problem.
Did he care? No, he never liked her anyways.
But one thing’s for sure: he loves it every time you’re down on your knees with your mouth wrapped around his cock, swallowing up all the cum he has to offer.
And you oblige to his command as your mouth encloses down on his thick cock, you mouth feeling extremely full at the size of it. You brought one of your hands to wrap the remaining of the base where your mouth couldn’t reach. Instantaneously, you hear him let out a throaty groan. God, you love the sound of his voice. You could already feel your arousal dripping onto your panties at the sound of him.
You’re on your knees, a hand gripping onto his thigh for stability. You’re cladded in only your oversized yellow sweater and black panties, your essence dangerously threatening to leak past the thin fabric covering your nether region.
His denim jeans are pulled down to the floor around his ankles. He threw off his white tee after a heated makeout session with you earlier, his body presented in full glory out to you.
What a pleasing sight it is to take in. Must be nice to be God’s favorite.
You bob you head onto his member, cheeks hollowed out. Your tongue caresses the underside of cock when you go down on him and swirls around his head as you go back up. Both of his hands are threaded through your hair in a makeshift ponytail to prevent it falling on your face, occasionally pulling your head down to bury himself more in you.
He throws his head back at the overwhelming sensation you’re giving him, teeth gritted.
“Fuck, baby girl, I fucking love your mouth.”
You love it when he calls you baby girl. He always referred to his girlfriend as ‘her’ or just by her name. He was never fond of her, only agreeing to go out with her as per his parent’s request. She was a daughter of his parent’s friends from college. They insisted that he dates her and see where it goes. They’re two months in the ‘relationship’ and he wants nothing more than to break up with her, but with his parent’s breathing down on his neck, he just has to hold it off a little longer.
But when it comes to you, he just couldn’t wait. You were his salvation, his deliverance.
Only with you that he calls you all the cliché nicknames you could think of: baby girl, angel, sweetheart, doll. But if you were to be honest, your favorite is when he calls you his cumslut, his little whore. Just one word from him and you’re already on all fours for him - that’s how affected you are by him, and he is just the same.
You look up to him from your position and could see his neck decorated with all the purple and blue bruises you gave him earlier. The subtle lighting in your living room makes his Adam’s apple more defined than ever, deliciously protruding through his skin.
Fuck, you’ve never seen such a beautiful neck before. You just can’t wait to mark him up all over again.
You moan out with him still in your mouth, sending shivers throughout the latter’s body. He looks down at you with hooded eyes, pupils dilated.
“God, you’re so good to me, baby.”
And just as you were about to reward him with your throat, his phone rings.
You push yourself off him with a pop, a string of saliva connecting your swollen lips to his tip. “Ignore it,” you said. It’s probably his girlfriend, calling him to ask about his day.
The first phone call passes by, so you’re quick to pick back up where you left off only to be interrupted once again from his ringtone, prompting Jaehyun to curse loudly. You let go of him as he reaches behind him to pick up his phone that laid on your couch.
You raise an eyebrow, ignoring the saliva that spilled out of your lips, “Is it her?”
He nods to you.
You let out a scoff. Just as you thought, it was her calling again. Of fucking course.
With reluctance, he slides the answer button on his screen before bringing it up to his ear. He clears his throat before answering.
You could faintly hear her voice on the other line.
“Hey, babe! What are you doing? Are you busy right now?”
While he is on the phone with his girlfriend, an idea pops in mind. You smirk at the thought of it.
Let’s play a little game, shall we?
You start stroking his cock, your mouth fondling his balls with kitten licks in between. You could see him gritting his teeth, desperately trying to keep his voice leveled.
“K-Kind of. I’m with Mark right no- oh fuck,” His eyes roll back as you take his shaft back in your mouth and shove him all the way down in your throat, holding him there for a few seconds. He pulls the phone away from him while his other hand goes back on your head, lowly grunting at the tightness of your throat around his cock. You gag around him, tears forming in your eyes as you claw his thigh due to lack of oxygen. He lets go and you pull out, a string of saliva once again forming a transluscent bridge between your bottom lip and his dick.
Oh you were cruel to him, dangerously playing a risky game of getting Jaehyun caught red-handed for fucking someone other than his girlfriend.
He’s heavily breathing to regain his composure, completely delirious from your actions now.
“Babe, are you okay? Are you sick or something?”
You bat your eyelashes at him, feigning innocence from your ministrations earlier.
And that one look from you is enough to set him off.
He hisses through his teeth before bringing the phone back to his ear, “I’ll call you back later.”
And with that, he hangs up before his girlfriend could even utter another word, throwing his phone back behind him on the couch.
He lets out a carnal growl and grabs the back of your head, his veiny cock close to your nose, “Fucking dirty whore.”
You sinfully giggle at his reaction, “What’s the matter, baby?”
His eyes are infernal than ever, glaring down into your own orbs, “I was on the phone with my girlfriend and you wouldn’t stop sucking my cock off. Is that what you want, hm? Let the whole world know how much of a dirty cumslut you are?”
You only shrug your shoulders, answering him only by taking him back in your mouth. He was close to cumming earlier, feeling how you felt his member twitch in your throat.
He throws his head back again; his whole body is seventh heaven.
“God, you just love having my cock in your mouth, huh?”
You moan in response, his member still around your tongue sending shockwaves throughout his body. “Such a good little whore. That’s right, baby. Keep sucking me like a dirty cumslut you are.”
Both of his hands are on the back of your head, pushing you deeper on him. He’s close, you know it. You moan once again.
“Shit- I’m gonna cum.”
You pull him off and wrap your hands around him, stroking him at a frenzied pace.
“Cum all over my mouth, baby.”
And after a few more strokes, he bucks his hips forward as his hot white cum shoots out of his cock onto your tongue splayed out. Strings of it land on your tongue, some reaching to your chin and a few on your jaw.
His chest is heaving. He takes a moment to regain himself after his high while you swallow the semen in your mouth.
Delectable he is, for a body that could rival Adonis.
Just as you were about to wipe off the remaining cum off your face, he grabs onto your wrist and pulls you up on your feet.
“Wha-” but you’re cut short after Jaehyun licks his cum off of your neck, his hot and wet muscle licking against your heated skin, making your legs wobble before him.
Holy god, you could just orgasm right then and there.
He unlatches himself off of you and with a tongue full of his cum, he pulls you in for a kiss, giving you the dessert you asked for.
You moan into his mouth. As if your arousal wasn’t already dripping, you’re now soaked and pooling at this point.
You push yourself off his lips, admiring the fucked-out expression he wears. His cheeks and ears are tinted red, lips with a little swell, eyes fully blown out.
You grin at him. 
“Do you want to eat what my mom made?”
He raises an eyebrow at your question. Why are you offering him something to eat now?
“Your mom stopped by earlier?” he asks. You shrug your shoulders, earning a scoff from him before mirroring your expression, “What did your mom make?”
There’s a dangerous glint in your eyes, and that’s when it finally hit him on what you exactly meant.
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wonunuu · 3 years
iris beauty ❀
40: getting closer
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst, comedy
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
✎ word count: 1.6k+
✎ warnings: suggestive
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a/n: i gotta question.. do you think pet names between couples is cute? cos like me, no lol i mean like the only one i'd accept is "my love" but idk i just don't know (this has nothing to do with the au lmaoo just a thought in pj's little brain)
After your overtime shift at the café, you head back to your apartment to grab your textbooks. Finals were approaching, and there is no doubt that you were stressed. You need to, not only pass in your exams, but also excel in all of them to get at least a 3.8 GPA, and this is the only acceptable grade for you if you wanted to get accepted into a medical school.
So, studying has been your number one priority for the past couple of days. You and Vernon, your study buddy, have been in and out of the campus library to do nothing else but study. And that’s where you’re heading again. 
“I’m almost there,” you manage to say, panting, while jogging towards the library where an impatient Vernon was waiting. For what felt like three weeks of jogging, the familiar building finally came in sight. There were countless students, some whose faces you’ve seen before, were making their way in--probably has the same reason as you. With this many students going there to study, you knew there would be competition in getting the tables and booths first, and you mentally scold yourself for arriving late. 
“Can you be any slower?” Vernon rolls his eyes teasingly, earning him a light punch on the shoulder from you. The two of you head in and look for available spots. You checked the first floor, but they were all packed. As well as the second, third and fourth floor. Your legs felt like they were about to fall off, tired and numb from climbing an endless amount of stairs. Not to mention, you were also carrying textbooks that’s equivalent to the weight of three elephants stacked together in your bag, and you say that with no exaggeration.
“There’s one,” he points to an empty desk just by the window. As you are walking, from the side of your eye, you see another group of students pointing at it and making their way. You increase your speed, dragging Vernon behind you, so that you could get there first before they could. Fortunately, just before they got there, you slapped your hand on the table. 
“Scram, freshmans,” you growled and Vernon crosses his arms, smirks. The group of friends roll their eyes before they walk away, and you smile in victory. Some would say your actions were a little immature, especially that comment you made, but you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Afterwards, you and Vernon take your seats, and start your hours of studying. 
Opening the door to the apartment, you were surprised to see Jeonghan sitting on your couch, watching the television. You walk behind him and snake your hands around his shoulders, wrapping him in a warm hug, and nuzzle your head between his neck. 
“Another long day at the library?” He caresses your hands and you nod in response. “Have you eaten?” he asks. You remove your hands and walk around the couch. You lay down and place your head on his lap. “I can make you something if you want,” he offers. 
“Will you?” you look at him, smiling. You’ve never really imagined Jeonghan cooking before. You don’t even know if he knows how to. But you weren’t going to turn down his generous offer to cook for you, whatever the result may be.
Jeonghan stands up and heads to the kitchen, and you watch him from the couch. He opens the cupboards, takes out the pan and places it on the stove. He then opens the fridge, looking for anything he can cook. To your surprise, he takes out a bag with a logo of your favourite restaurant. 
You cock your head to the side as your eyebrows meet. “I thought you were going to cook for me. That’s take out.” You stated, pointing at the bag he was holding. “I am going to cook. I’m gonna heat it up. That counts,” Jeonghan looks at you and gives you a smile that displays his teeth. Disbelief is all you feel. You scoff at his reply, and feeling too tired to argue, you lay back down. 
Jeonghan has been nothing but supportive these past couple of days. When you and Vernon were at the library, he would drop by to give you two snacks and drinks. Sometimes, like today, he would use the spare keys you gave him to enter your apartment to clean up so you wouldn’t do it when you get home. Embarrassed, you told him to stop cleaning your mess, but he said it wasn’t a big deal and that he didn’t want you to come home to such an unkempt apartment--the unorganized sight causes more stress, he adds.
You were grateful for everything Jeonghan has done, yes. But you can’t help but think of one specific person who used to do the same. Who used to tell you to eat before you go to bed, who reminded you to drink water, who reassured you that you would pass your exams, and who comforted you when things didn’t turn out the way you hoped for. Joshua has never left your mind since he went away. Often, you wondered what he might be doing and where he might be. You’ve had multiple urges to send him a text or ring his phone to check up on him, but you thought he might want some space. You knew he would come back when he’s ready, and you were willing to move on from the past and start anew with him. Gosh, you miss him.
“Mind telling me what’s in that pretty head of yours?” Jeonghan disrupts your thoughts as he walks towards you, holding a plate. He sits down and offers his free hand to help you up. You grab his hand and use your abdominal muscle to sit up. 
He hands you the plate and you take it from him, and immediately, the aroma makes your mouth salivate. “Mhmm,” you murmured, “this looks delicious. Thank you, Han.” 
Your boyfriend nods and urges you to take a bite. So you did. 
“What about you,” you ask after swallowing your first bite. 
“I’m okay, babe. Just eat, hmm?” Jeonghan smiles while reaching his hand to your face to tuck your hair behind your ear. You felt bad that you were the only one eating, so you feed him. At first he refused, but quickly cave in when you pouted. 
The two of you sat on your couch, taking turns to feed each other. Sometimes, he would follow up a bite with a soft peck or two--he called it a quick served dessert. You rolled your eyes at his corny remark, but you couldn’t hide the rosy tint on your cheeks as the blood rushes through them.
Jeonghan absolutely loved spending these little moments with you. No words can ever explain the feelings he gets when he hears your laughter--your smile alone is enough to make his heart melt as if it was ice cream under a fifty degree celsius summer day. He would not exchange this moment for anything else. There is nothing he wants more than to spend time with the person he loves most. 
After your meal, you head to the kitchen and quickly wash the dishes before going back to sit with Jeonghan. You plop yourself beside him and he takes his arm and wraps it around your shoulder. You do the same as you snake both your arms around his waist and rest your head on his chest, where the sound of his heartbeat is clear and audible. You don’t know if you just really love to hear his heart beat because you love him, or if it’s because of your longing profession of becoming a doctor. You think it’s a combination of both. 
“What should we watch?” Jeonghan asks as he flips through shows and movies available on netflix. You shrugged your shoulders and told him you were okay with any. Soon, the two of you settled with Grey’s Anatomy--a show you absolutely loved. Jeonghan was never a fan of medical shows or whatsoever, but if his girl was going to be a doctor, he’ll have to get familiar with some terminologies, right? 
Three episodes have passed and the two of you were still in the same position as before, cuddled on the couch. You were still watching intently, but you were not so sure about Jeonghan though. Not seeing his face, you guess that he probably fell asleep when you guys were just halfway through the first episode. You didn’t mind though. He deserved to rest. 
However, your guess was proven wrong when you suddenly feel his kiss at the top of your head, causing you to giggle. He did it again, and again, and again, each lasting longer than the previous one, and moving lower and lower. Kissing as a form of affection has become a normal thing between the two of you now. But this time, Jeonghan’s kisses feel more than just affection.
Images in your head started popping in, making your heart rate increase and your breathing pattern to change. 
“Yn,” Jeonghan softly whispers to your ears, making your insides churn, “are you okay?”
Fuck it. 
You unwrap your arms from his body and take your hands straight to cup his face, taking him by surprise. You close your eyes and lean in to kiss his lips. He freezes for  ma second but quickly melts right into the kiss. He uses his hands to take hold of your waist and pulls you in front of him. You oblige and place your knees on either side of his lap.
You detach yourself to catch your breath, but your eyes remained closed as you relinquished the taste of his lips. He did the same, but eager to taste your lips once again, he leans in and kisses you, quite roughly this time. He takes his right hand and places it at the back of your neck, guiding you as the two of you made out on your couch. 
“You still have extra clothes here, right?” You ask between your kisses. Jeonghan doesn't respond, and instead kisses you harder. Soon, he trails kisses from your lips to the side if your neck. Whispers escape you lips as you cock your head to the side to give him more room.
This night is going to be long. 
@yyxyzti @acciofirewhiskey @doiewonu @shuajeong @wooziverse @boogyuu @rjsmochii @haniehae @twentysixofmays @suhfluffy @dancingddays @lovingyu04 @sydneyy-jade @itsdnguyenxoxo @fluffyhyeju @haoraecane @dy-mglzz @1800zuho @t-secretpot @floweryjeons @yaebbinnie @t-secretpot @not-sojoyuus @xcalicoups @ryuyalana @bubblywonu @youbloominsideofme @lavenonie @wonwoonlight @yoonzinow @mariecoura @juji-han @strawbinnie-shortcake @isa499 @pseudoyop @serenadesvt @glouraeswei @glowingjaehyun @sunflowergyeomie @kunmaid @apricottulips @hao-ling @cheolright @pancakeandfrogs @yanniezx @jeonjungkaka @sunflower-euphro @monstathedisco
unable to tag: @tyongs @jeongjungkaka @jammyjamjamss @hauntedprincessarbiter @scoffingscully
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bostongirl13 · 3 years
A/N: It's been a while since my last post here. But I'm back, I think so and I will write more. I have one ff with Steve during my work, so maybe you will see something new. For now catch the new (late) part of the NEW DODGER PHOTO SERIES 
Summary: One stranger is enough to challenge what should last forever and undermine the love written in the stars.
Words: 900+
Warnings: angst, smut, fluff
My masterlist
New Dodger Photo Series 
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This was Chris's first project he got involved in since you became a couple. Of course, you knew what you were writing for, however, the theory has nothing to do with reality.
The first night without Chris was a nightmare. You couldn't sleep, you woke up every now and then, and although the enormous royal bed was the most comfortable place on earth, now it felt like you were lying on a piece of wood with studded nails. Poor Dodger also had trouble finding a suitable place. You just didn't know if it was because its owner was gone or because you were restless. The following nights weren't any easier. You tried to sleep in the guest room, the living room, and even the office. Of course, you didn't mention it to Chris because he would get on the first plane and go home right away. After two weeks, you got your first night's sleep without getting up and looking next to your boyfriend's body. Dodger also clearly calmed down which made you very happy.
It was Chris's birthday and you wanted everything to be perfect. You came up with an idea to surprise Chris. So you bought a ticket to Paris, left Dodger in Lisa's care, and wrote to Scott what the plan was. Everything ran smoothly and without complications. You both ate a delicious dinner, but you didn't make it to dessert.
His cock was inside you hitting all the right places deeply. He wasn't gentle, his fingers digging into your body holding you in a position that was comfortable for him. And you barely stood on your feet and held on to the balcony railing, struggling not to moan like a cheap whore. But you had to admit that you were her to this man.
"Oh god. You're so good, ”he growls, feeling you clench around its length. You felt every vein on his big cock and how it pulsates telling you that he is close.
“Cum inside me, I  want to be full of you, ”you gasped.
Chris snarled in response and began hitting your sweet spot harder.
It was the first of the few rounds of the evening. However, all good things come to an end, and after two days of plenty of sex, sleeping, and eating, each of you had to come back to your unwanted reality.
You picked up the Dodger from Lisa and went straight to your house. A black Mercedes was parked on the driveway. You have not remembered inviting any guests, and even more so, none of your mutual or separate friends drives such a car.
The door was open. You reached into your purse for pepper spray and squeezed the Dodger harder.
"Take it easy" you whispered to him or yourself, you didn't know who you want to calm down yourself.
"I'm in the kitchen!" you heard a woman's voice "Hey I thought you were in Par ... Who the hell are you?" the black-haired woman was standing in an apron and was baking a cake.
"I think I should ask this question"
Dodger was clearly not happy to see the intruder because he started to growl softly.
"I am Dien. I am Chris's wife and wife."
Did she just say ... What the fuck ?!
"Excuse me? I must have misheard," you shook your head.
"I do not understand?"
"Well, apparently," you said, "I don't know who you are and what you're doing here, but there is a door," you pointed "And if you have a problem with that, I'll be happy to call nice gentlemen in the police who will help you get out" you added.
The woman looked at you for a moment, unable to understand something.
"You're Dodger's babysitter right?" she said after a while, "Chris didn't tell you I was coming."
You opened your eyes wide. The blood started flowing faster through your veins and the pressure jumped up.
"I'm not Dodger's guardian, I'm Chris's fiancée. And you must have mixed up houses and men."
"I didn't think of anything, but you must have imagined something," she said and turned to the bowl full of dough. You wanted to grab her by the hair and force her out the door. But you were afraid that you might have a gun with you.
"Come on again. Get out of my house or I'll call the police."
"Listen to me girl. Whether you like it or not, I'm getting married to Chris" she started taking off her apron and reaching into her purse. You tightened your fingers on the gas bottle tighter but loosened the ones on the dog's leash.
"If you want, I'll call Chris and tell you himself", she raised her eyebrows, holding the phone in her hand.
"Get the fuck out of my house," you said firmly.
A smile appeared on the woman's face, "Maybe I expressed myself a little bad at the beginning, but you will not become his wife. Your name is Y / N, right? He told me about you."
The woman started walking slowly towards the door, but before she left she added. “Darling, he doesn’t care. He doesn’t think about you at night. He doesn’t talk about you and about how bad he misses you. Sweetheart, he doesn’t care about you and he doesn’t love you, maybe he never did. And everything is and was a lie. I’m sorry” and she left. Leaving you with a thousand thoughts, confused and shocked. Who was this woman and what was she talking about?
 Leaving you with a thousand thoughts, confused and shocked. Who was this woman and what was she talking about?
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tags:  @patzammit @ivettt​ @mostannoyingbillioner @speechlessxx​ @angrybirdcr​ @ozarkthedog​​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @sweetflowerdreams​ @worksby-d 
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