endious · 1 year
Kinda wholesale jeff mason though but imagine his s/o wanting to hold his hand while out together (pre night of murder) and he's just like "ew no what if people see" but he finally gives in after seeing how sad you are and he just shoves his hand into yours and he's just like "fine whatever". He secretly enjoys it no matter what he says. This might be super ooc but I thought it was cute
THE IDEA OF HIM EVENTUALLY GIVING INNNNN OH MY GOD listen ion write sfw stuff im not good at fluff or anything LMFAOAO BUT ! its so cute wthh
“Pleaseeee?” “No.” It’s instant the way he shoots down your question, tone flat and void of any emotion as he keeps his eyes on ahead.
You deflate momentarily before trying again. “C’mon! It’s cold and my hands are freezing!” “‘m not doing it.”
“Jeff…” You pout, casting your eyes to the sidewalk and hanging your head low as silence fell over the two of you accompanied by the sound of both your footsteps.
. . . God you were such a handful.
“For fucks sake, fine.” And he is annoyed with your persistence. He really doesn’t like the idea of his hand touching someone else’s, it makes his face scrunch up in disgust and if it were anyone else he would’ve told them to fuck off and kick rocks. But of course he had to be with the biggest baby in all of Forest Lawn.
The way you seem to have a skip in your step afterwards makes him feel irritated that you’re so happy go lucky all the time (and especially when you’re around him. He doesn’t understand where your joy comes from consider he sucks the happiness out of everything and everyone around him.) But the corners of his lips tug up slightly and he lets out a slight chuckle as he drops his head for a second.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, always so genuine and caring. It’s fucking weird to experience and deal with someone besides his annoying family worrying about him, but you aren’t obnoxious about it. It’s as if you’re slowly “understanding” him and what gets on his nerves the most. The thought makes him chuckle again.
“‘s nothin’.” He grins to himself, shaking your hand exaggeratedly in his own as if he’s trying to shake the foreign feeling he got away.
You giggle at the action, all smiley with heart eyes at him as you step a little closer and squeeze his larger hand gently before talking on about a creepy shop you thought he’d like to look at and his fingers ever so slightly push into your hand more.
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sovereignSlayer [SS] began trolling wonderfulVariation [WV]
SS: W3ll w3ll w3ll
SS: Look who n33ds h3lp l3a<ing th3ir hi<3
SS: I k33p t3lling yo> that yo> n33d to acc3pt o>r ad<ic3
SS: B>t no yo> d>mb h>mans n33d to "Learn how to problem solve on our own, or else we'll be overtly dependent on you and unable to solve our own problems when we can't contact you for assistance."
SS: That was from WQ by th3 way
SS: I copy past3d it from o>r last chat
WV: Who are you
WV: What the fuck is going on
WV: Why are you talking to me
WV: HOW are you talking to me, everyone from earth should be dead
WV: Whats a hive??? IS there a hive underneath my house???
SS: Oh y3ah I forgot yo> don't know m3 at this point
SS: H3llo "nic3 to m33t yo>" or what3<3r im slick and w3'r3 "fri3nds"
SS: What th3 f>ck was th3 thing yo> call3d >s? F>cking "blood b>ddi3s" or som3 shit?
SS: Do3snt matt3r w3'r3 fri3nds tr>st m3
WV: Why are you typing like that
WV: It looks dumb. Stop that
WV: Makes it harder to read your texts
SS: Wow
SS: What a comp3lling arg>m3nt!
SS: How abo>t this: no
SS: Yo> l3arn to d3al with it
WV: Thats idiodic
SS: What a wordsmith yo> ar3
SS: Damn yo> w3r3 right yo> r3ally w3r3 a dick now
WV: ?
SS: Dont worry abo>t it
SS: So yo>r3 st>ck in yo>r hi>3 b3ca>s3 AR trapp3d yo> in yo>r ho>s3 accid3ntally by blocking yo> in with yo>r cru>trud3r
SS: Yo> ob<io>sly n33d h3lp l3a<ing and I ha<3 j>st th3 thing to h3lp yo>
WV: How do you know that Im stuck in my house
SS: I can s33 yo> right now
WV: Are you fucking stalking me???
SS: What? No
SS: Stop looking aro>nd yo> look lik3 a cl>ckb3ast who j>st lost its h3ad
SS: Im not th3r3 Im watching yo> thro>gh a comp>t3r scr33n right now
WV: Oh, so you hid cameras all around my house
WV: Fucking creep
SS: I didnt!
SS: DOnt block m3 i can h3lp yo> 3scap3 yo>r plac3
WV: Give me one good reason not to
SS: ill gi<3 yo> thr33
SS: 1: it wont 3<3n work
WV: 3<3n?
SS: Ughhhhhhh
SS: Even
SS: Yo> n3<3r g3t >s3d to my q>irk yo> sho>ld work on that
WV: n3<3r?
SS: 2: If yo> dont tak3 my off3r yo>r3 gonna b3 for3<3r st>ck
SS: And 3: its not lik3 yo> ha<3 anything to los3
SS: By th3 way im gi<ing this info for fr33
SS: B3ca>s3 I lik3 yo>
WV: Fine
WV: I'll take it
WV: Tell me your advice
SS: And ask yo>r fri3nds abo>t m3 im tr>stwo oh that was q>ick
WV: Like you said, I have nothing to lose
SS: Shit
SS: Ok
SS: Gi<3 m3 a s3cond to typ3 3<3rything out
WV: 3<3rything?
SS: Everything
SS: Again yo> n33d to work on compr3h3nsion, my q>irk r3ally isnt that hard to s>s o>t
SS: Yo> sho>ld s33 CD's q>irk, his mak3s min3 look lik3 a p>zzl3 for n3wly hatch3d gr>bs
SS: B>t thats off topic
SS: So what yo> want to do is go to a window not on3 on th3 gro>nd l3<3l yo> wanna go on on3 of th3 top floor th3n yo> climb o>t of th3 hi<3 onto th3 roof
SS: B3for3 yo> l3a<3 yo> n33d to alch3miz3 this it3m: WOOOOOSH
SS: 3q>ip it wh3n yo>r3 on th3 roof and j>mp off and th3n yo> sho>ld b3 fr33
WV: You want me to make a hover board that costs me all the grist I've collected so far
SS: y3ah d>h
SS: Its th3 only way yo> can l3a<3 witho>t imm3diat3ly dying
SS: And its not lik3 yo> cant j>st grind for mor3
WV: Fine
WV: If this doesn't work I swear to god
SS: No it will tr>st m3
SS: B3li3<3 yo>r blood b>ddy
WV: B3li3<3?
WV: You know what, I don't care
WV: Thanks for the code weirdo
wondefulVariation [WV] ceased pestering sovereignSlayer [SS]
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Five Otome/Romance Game Men I Adore
Hai hai many thanks for thinking of me for this tag game @justine-the-guillotine !!
 I always feel pressure to do these things perfectly, even though it’s just talking about things I like :’) so please bear with me in my, probably, screaming appreciation. I’ve been thinking of a list a characters for a whole day and honestly I’m suddenly blanking,,, who do I adore? lol who knows,,, Well actually you are about to know cause I am going to tell you LOL. OkAY. Enough of this blabbering, onto the list of many mens.
Please know I am excluding Lucien (MLQC) because it is obvious that I adore him to a fucking fault. If you want to see me do a whole appreciation about those him just hmu in my asks or message me and I will go on for days bby
This list is in no way order of most to least adored, I physically could not make that kind of decision jkdfjksdfh. ALSO PLS KNOW I DO SWEAR LIKE A FUCKING SAILOR AND I TALK OF SMUSHING LOVELIES OFTEN. IT”S JUST MY PERSONALITY SO SHHHHH IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT DON”T READ IT BOO, THAT SIMPLE!
Takeda Shingen (Ikemen Sengoku) - Okay, I will be honest, I was very skeptical of sengoku period romance games because I had played some in the past,,, but holy shit, Shingen blew me away. He quickly rose up the ranks of otome men in my heart, and I think about him at least once a day now. I related so much with his MC because it was so hard not to lust and swoon over that man. I have no idea how or when I fell hard for him but it happened and I am not mad at all. I self insert so much with my games,,, and it’s easy for me to slip my real feelings into my fantasies. And honestly I really wish I could have Shingen IRL, ~~though I’m sure I would absolutely freak out and hide under a rock if he ever paid me any attention. He represents the perfect man, lover, and husband to me; he’s on a god level kind of man. Shingen is compassionate, knows boundaries and has never restricted MC from doing anything she loved (without good reason), he’s reliable and strong in a way that makes my heart melt. AND  LET’S NOT FORGET HOW FUCKING BRILLIANT THIS MAN IS, HE IS SO FUCKING SMART AND I WISH CYBIRD LET US SEE HIS EXTREME INTELLIGENCE MUCH MORE,,,, He’s just so damn perfect it is near infuriating how good of a man he is. He fits my normal type so well; me saying “Tall, Handsome, Flirtatious, Sexy as Fuck and Infuriating” might of as well have been about Mr Takeda “I’ll marry you and give you everything for one smile” Shingen. I also really like characters that are loyal to their loved ones (yes in contrast to my bastard villain type kink, I also love those who show loyalty and devotion to the people they love) Shingen does more than enough of all of and I really do look up to him as a person and model for character,,,,, oh gods, and the way I imagine he would make sweet baby making love to ---*cough cough* ALRIGHT LETS STOP HERE BEFORE THIS BECOMES A WHOLE ASS SHINGEN APPRECIATION POST!!!
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) - I’m really tempted to just insert a daddy kink meme and leave it at that,,,, He is my absolute top otome man, or rather,,, one of my top “I wish you were real and we were married” men. As much as I whore around and claim to love a new man the most (besides Lucien because they’re on the same level now) every week,,, I will always come back to Mr. Flower Daddy. He holds such a precious spot in my heart, I can only try to explain the things that he makes me feel. Like a giddy school girl in love for the first time, but in this story they end up together. High school sweetheart kind of love that lasts till they’re old and wrinkled with time. Gods, thinking about Sirius makes me sob and my wallet sob harder . I must have a thing for men who keep denying their affections for MC (aka me self insert) because of things like responsibility, friendship, being labelled an old geezer,,etc. I have played his route about eight times over (probably) by now, it’s a little upsetting that his route wasn’t as spicy as his side content. Please Cybird, let Mr. Flower Daddy be the sexy and dramatic man he can be. I love the way he cares for others, how hard he works to achieve the bonds and peace he has now for not only everyone he loves, but for the country they all live in as well. His many layers intrigue me, seeing his reactions as well ughhhh I love this man so fucking much, how do people irl deal with love like this? I’m sitting here dreaming over Sirius Oswald,,, and his,,, big hands,,, Never have I held such large and terrifyingly real emotions and lust for an otome character. The man just screams let daddy take care of you baby but also let daddy wreck your pretty whore mouth, little lady or maybe that’s just me projecting my kinks onto this pure (lol) man. Not only is his body, heart, and morals absolutely stunning, HE IS ANOTHER INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT BEING AND I CANNOT STRESSSSS HOW MUCH I FIND SMART PEOPLE INCREDIBLY SEXY AND THE WAY HE USES HIS TALENTS TO SUBTLY AID HIS LOVED ONES UGHHHHHH I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE. GODS PLEASE LET ME BREAK INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSION AND MARRY THIS MAN!!!! 
Kent (Amnesia Memories) - OKAY LET ME JUST SAYYYY HE IS THE BIGGEST BABY AND BIGGEST MAN AT THE SAME TIME AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS IDC BUT HIS OUTFIT IS THE SHIT!!! FUCK YOU BELT HATERS!!! His outfit and his love slaps like the wholesome man he is. Absolutely I would love to h*ld his h@nds and give him the best smooches I can give. Because that is what he deserves. I really loved this game, growing to love Kent was easy despite his big brain fucker throwing math questions at me from time to time. I’m not sure what makes me like Kent so damn much, but I do and that’s what matters skjdfdskjfh. He is so damn precious,,, you all know those  “you so fucking precious when you smile” song video thingies? That is exactly how I feel about Kent. He’s so damn precious I want him to be happy always. And I will fight anyone who bullies him hnnn. 
Myeong Hwi aka Theodore Wilson + Lee Gun Wook aka William Harris (Mystic Code) - Mystic Code used to be one of my favs, till they did the whole updating and redoing the story thing, with no full voiced lines etc (I really hope they bring that back). But two stood out to me the most was Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Harris. Both have very strong personalities and care for the greater good, and thick as fuck lets be real with that dom energy . I adore men with strong and noble (?? is this the right word??) personalities and also possess a compassionate heart. As Theo is with the MIU team members and Will is with MC. 
Theodorus Van Gogh (Ikemen Vampire) - whoallowedthismantobethisfuckingattractiveandlegal??????  *insert his magic mike CG* I have played Theo’s route in JP a few times, once to completion but knowing him in the EN version I am already absolutely in love with this man. How this came to be? Maybe it’s his bittersweet personality, the way he cares for MC in the same way Sirius does, but he’s a bit more brash about it than Sirius. I absolutely adored his character growth in his route and as you get to know him better he opens up more and more, ahh the tsundere is quite the cute trait XD. He is strong willed and passionate, he is caring of his loved ones, he is loyal to his family, blood or found, and he is an absolutely attentive loving person. Why ask for more when you can just love Theodorus Van Gogh? He is the absolute softy packed into a large brooding and brash package with a shiny 8-pack abs that I wish to slather maple syrup on and lap up for the love of----  for someone who loves pancakes so much. And I very much admire his drive to do what he wants and needs to do to the absolute best of his ability. His will to thrive for the best he can get has me swooning. He truly is a breath taking man,,, whether that be because he is being a complete sweetheart all of the sudden or he’s whipping you some nasty insult that is itching for a rebut.
Alright, that’s it! I cheated a little lololll but there aren’t any rules so >;3c I can do as I wish. 
I uhhhhhhh don’t interact with many other otome blogs T^T (but maybe you can change that hwehwe) so I won’t be tagging anyone. However, if you do see this and want to join in and tag your friends pls do!!! Share the love, pass it on, scream about more 2D mans.
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  420 stands for “4got 2 0pologize”  ’ ‘  all millennials do is commit minor felonies and be gay  ’ ‘  hoodies are one of the most powerful and underappreciated articles of clothing. cold? put on a hoodie. raining? put on a hoodie. no bra? put on a hoodie. nothing to wear? hoodie. cripplingly low self esteem? you already know. so versatile! so multifaceted!  ’ ‘  i thought christmas was like… next friday or something its in like 3 days fuck  ’ ‘  if you’re not in love with me by 00:00:00 jan 1 then just block me. i don’t need that kind of energy following me into the new year  ’ ‘  who needs ghosts? haunt your own house. wander around your own living room wailing and crying  ’ ‘  my kink is not opening messages and pretending theyre not there  ’ ‘  u know when ur growing out of phases and mindsets but u haven’t found where exactly ur shift in identity is going yet? that’s tonight’s mood  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare  ’ ‘  there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you  ’ ‘  god knew what she was doing when she made bruno mars short if he had been tall he would be too powerful  ’ ‘  motivation? haven’t heard of her in years how she doin  ’ ‘  Do you think people with LED headlights know that everyone hates them? Like…really hates them in an oddly personal way? Do you think they know?  ’ ‘  and the final mood for 2017 is: you know those days where you’re like, this might as well happen?  ’ ‘  putting more importance into self care, spirituality, love and peace of mind. start with stretching and deep breathing.  ’ ‘  dont forget to tell someone you love that you love them, thank people who deserve to be thanked, be more patient on people having a hard time, be more considerate, understanding, and be kinder, always.  ’ ‘  do you think in the 1700s there were people who were like nah man Mozart’s a total sellout I only listen to peasants beating things with sticks it’s way more authentic  ’ ‘  2032 is gonna be my year just u wait  ’ ‘  I want a “I made a playlist for you” typa love  ’ ‘  @ 2018 the bar is literally so low  ’ ‘  Just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. Flowers are pretty, but so are sunsets and they look nothing alike.  ’ ‘  i have a “why am i like this” moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  very sad to hear about donald trump. nothing happened to him i’m just sad to hear about him  ’ ‘  *me, eyes wide open at 3am* what happened to chandler bing once he got to yemen  ’ ‘  tonight’s mood is the deep desire to be held close in a dimly lit room, covered in blankets while rain is softly falling outside  ’ ‘  do ya ever bring your pet up to a mirror and ur like “that you”  ’ ‘  i guess im just too fucking dumb to lucid dream. cant ever realize im in a dream, i’ll look around me like damn i’m in my old elementary school and my teeth are falling out and im naked? well shit guess this is my life now. got fooled by my subconscious again lads  ’ ‘  u ever get no sleep and the next day ur body functions like the tumblr app  ’ ‘  you ever wonder how many people you’re in the “we’re friends but i would kiss you if you asked” club with  ’ ‘  is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week  ’ ‘  The only thing toxic that you should still be in contact with is that song Britney Spears made, because that song is lit.  ’ ‘  imagine if you named your kid dad. just dad.  ’ ‘  take care of yourself, please. i don’t know what id do if anything happened to you.  ’ ‘ crazy how personal growth can make you let go of people you swore you couldn’t live without.  ’ ‘  im in no position to have high standards but it doesn’t stop me  ’ ‘  you can start over at anytime. your day is not ruined. your world is not over. take a deep breath. start over.  ’ ‘  I’m gonna have a bomb ass life and I know it cause I’ve suffered so much and I know that wasn’t for no reason  ’ ‘  you ever just get in bed and ur like yep this is where i’m meant to be  ’ ‘  an unstoppable force (my love of books) meets an unmovable object (my lack of a desire to actually read anything)  ’ ‘  i just have this persistent feeling of “i’m not doing enough” combined with “i don’t have the energy to do anything” and it just really fucking sucks  ’ ‘  sorry I haven’t replied to ur texts I’ve been overwhelmed by literally anything that’s ever happened or will happen  ’ ‘  me when i see a wild animal in a metropolitan area: reclaim your space, we are the invaders, retake what is yours  ’ ‘  no offense but money would solve literally every single one of my problems. like all of them. i dont have a single problem that money wouldnt immediately solve  ’ ‘  i am not enough and it’s eating me alive  ’ ‘  what do u mean “what have i been up to” … i’m out here ruining my own life as always bitch  ’ ‘  always remember that love will always come back to u. in a different form, different person, different hobby, different touch. but in any way, love will always come back.  ’ ‘  The struggle between me wanting to be successful and me wanting to lay in bed 24/7  ’ ‘  If you play “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé at exactly 11:58:50 pm on New Year’s Eve, Beyoncé will say “World Stop” in 2017 and “Carry On” in 2018.  ’ ‘  Self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta  ’ ‘  you ever just like “wow that’s my voice? people listen to this clown on a daily basis?”  ’ ‘  ravioli ravioli give me a reason to live  ’ ‘  finally worked up the courage to tell the starbucks girl she was beautiful and i only puked twice  ’ ‘  do i wanna know??? no. but thank u monkey friends  ’ ‘  hey this is kinda ns.fw but i wann h*ld your h*nd  ’ ‘  talent: overthinking  ’ ‘  have you ever had that feeling that you really wanna workout to get a flat stomach… but you also just wanna eat pizza and watch netflix.  ’ ‘  if you google eyebrows are you eyebrowsing  ’ ‘  *skips tutorial* how the fuck do you play this game  ’ ‘  Literally heard a convo at the library where a guy was telling a girl that he’s an omega and the girl telling him that she’s a beta, and my mind just did not automatically connect the context to fraternity pledge classes at all and I just whispered to myself “what the fuck?? What the fuck??��  ’ ‘  my hands? ready to be held  ’ ‘  Catch These Hands! with your hands. we’re holding hands now. this is nice  ’ ‘  kinda weird that u can think about someone as much as u want and they have no idea  ’ ‘  physically, yes, i could fight a bird. but emotionally? imagine the toll  ’ ‘  I would rather wander around a store for 9 hours than ask an employee where something is and this I do not understand  ’ ‘  my childhood, or, as i like to call it, the general abyss with one or two memories attached to it   ’ ‘  i know ‘gay’ isn’t an emotion but let’s be real,,,,,,,,,it kind of is and i feel it 24/7  ’ ‘  babe get ready for a night on the town, i just found an old Subway gift card and there’s still $9.45 left on it  ’ ‘  just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined  ’ ‘  i’m the person who’s 100% down for spontaneous adventures but also 100% down to lay in bed all day. i’m on both ends of the spectrum  ’ ‘  this year has changed me more than I ever thought it would.   ’ ‘  it’s ok to disappear for a lil while and get your shit together.  ’ ‘  if you wanna love me hmu  ’ ‘  calling me baby makes me so freakin weak  ’ ‘  i’m that one guy on spongebob always screaming about his leg  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  i just want someone who’s excited to make out with me and text me all the time.  ’ ‘  never apologize for your giant dogs getting overexcited, if i get taken down by a 100 pound mass of fluff then that’s how i go.  ’ ‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  THIS GUY JUST ASKED ME WHAT MY NAME WAS AND I DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE SAID SO I SAID 4:45  ’ ‘  my blood is glow stick juice. thats why all my bones crack when i move.  ’ ‘  are cute dates and rough sex too much to ask for  ’ ‘  honestly, my goal in life is just to be a very warm person. i want to be as loving and as kind as i can be.  ’ ‘  just a small dumb bitch…. living in a lonely ditch  ’ ‘  you’re not selfish for wanting to be treated well  ’ ‘  when y'all fake conversations in your heads do you sometimes say random sentences out loud too? i was just tying my shoes and said very sternly and loudly “i DO know how ants work, fucker”  ’ ‘  true space facts: if u look up there it is  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  how am i sensitive and a bitch at the same time  ’
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dangan-happy · 3 years
(Miss Sonia, can we, um, h*ld h*nds, please?)
(tw///long vent. it’s really long and rambley. i’m sorry.)
to anyone from v3, i’ve been having a lot of trouble with a certain... ex-friend of mine.
i was going through my discord servers just clearing all of the notifications out of all the random servers i’m in and... he’s been messaging a private server with just me and him in it. for months. he made a playlist for me (multiple, actually), he’s made drawings of us, and he’s just been telling me about his f*cking life while i’m dealing with the triggers and the trauma that was caused by him.
we’ve had a complicated friendship. at some point he got way too dependent on me for his basic needs, and whenever i confronted him about his dependency, he said “oh nooo i’m sorry i’m so clingy 😔😔😔 i’m an emo middle school boy wilbur soot kinnie and i’m depressed so you are obligated to be my parent who i will rely on to remind me to eat food, drink water, wake me up in the morning, etc! no i will not help you in return like a balanced relationship, i’m depressed, remember? uwu i’m so anxiety i have childhood trauma, i was bullied! so im gonna guilt you into staying by talking about how i have no other friends 24/7!” and i needed to step away for a bit. we broke off for about a month before we started talking again, but it never got better. the second time it was him who broke it off, telling me ✨he needed to change himself and become a better person✨ (which he’s said multiple times. you can probably guess how much he “changed”.) and i told him that, fair warning, i don’t have to forgive you, and i may never forgive you! so stop talking to me.
and so when i realized he’d been messaging me, i told him this time directly, with no sugar coating, to leave me alone and that i had him blocked for a reason. and you know that’d be all fun and dandy, but the reason i didn’t do that from day one is because he goes to my school now! meaning i have to see him this september! in person! and he might ask me where i’ve been, or try to win me back or something i don’t know, i just know if he’d been dedicated enough to message me through the past two months we haven’t talked, oh god who knows what he’ll do when the next school year starts! i have the option to switch schools, but frankly... i don’t want to! i’ve always seen myself graduating from this school, i’ve been here since i was like four years old! i don’t want to leave! but i’m so scared of having to confront him. i’m already hated enough at school, i don’t need another person spreading rumors or talking bad about me behind my back!! but i just... don’t know what to do. i feel like there’s no solution. i cant do much, and no matter what i choose, it doesn’t end well for me. i feel so hopeless and i just...need advice. and a hug maybe..? ugh sorry for the long rant. i don’t really talk to anyone about this so... atleast it’s nice to finally tell someone.
This guy sounds super facken’ crummy! Ya’ did the right choice gettin’ rid of him in the first place! A private server, MULTIPLE playlists AND EVEN DRAWINGS?! Yeah, that.. that sounds hella’ fuckin’ weird dude. Friends makin’ shit for each other is normal from what I’ve been shoved into ma’ skull from the bastards here, but when ya’ didn’t know about any of it and SPECIFICALLY told him to fuck off before, that’s bad. Big bad.
He seems to be wantin’ to make ya’ his personal therapist or some bullshit like that, yeah yeah I get it, people have problems and whatnot and try to reach out to friends n’ shit BUT he was more FORCING than askin’ you to help him. Belittling' himself so ya’ would feel bad for him. We all got our problems, but we are not obligated to help anyone if we simply can’t. Forcin’ people to help you by manipulating and guilt-trippin’ is not a way to ask for help, at all! It's toxic as facken’ hell! Pleugh, some people get on my gears harder than the asshats I deal with everyday and night, that’s sayin’ somethin, alright?!
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You’re right, you do NOT have to forgive the bastard. If he’s not gonna change and keep being a little facken’ bitch all the time, better to break it off for good. And.. school…. Yeah that makes things a lil’ uhh… complicated. As cliche as this advice fuckin’ is, try to ignore him at the best of your abilities. If he starts forcing interactions with ya’, ya’ should tell a teacher or another friend you do trust. If he asks some bull shit like “Why don’t wanna talk to me anymore ]:3”, tell him as clearly as ya’ did before, that he needs to fuck off and that you don’t wanna talk to him anymore. Plain and simple as that, no sugarcoats, no filters. You don’t gotta run away from him, it’s YOUR school, he’s the one trying to set you off for some fuckin’ reason, it’s more than reasonable to be scared by him. He’s facken’ C-R-E-E-P-Y!! Even if he tries to fuck over your reputation, you know that anythin’ he says is not true. If people start hating the person he’s spreading rumors about, ya’ need to remember that is not YOU. Rumors are just facken’ lies people just looovvveeee to spread around for a false sense of superiority. Let me run the numbers.. Yup, bullshit.
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My best advice as said before, is trynna ignore his advances as much as you can. He just wants to set ya’ off and you can’t let ‘em. Tellin’ someone you trust like a family member, friend or whatever should help too, they could probably have bettah advice than me, a facken’ evil bear. That said, I GUESS you can get a hug, you’ve been through some shit. You need it. So bring it on you bastard.
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Hey good news anon! I'm from v3, so you struck gold! Because I'm gonna be answering your ask. Just making sure we're clear on that! Ok, let's see what we got here. Ex friend, huh? Well that stuff's never fun. Clearing out discord is always a good thing, I honestly need to do that...Huh, ok. That's interesting. I'm guessing you didn't have notifications on for this server since you just noticed now. Yikes, there go the red flags. Like, the constant messaging you is a little weird and red flag-y, but damn, then I got to the part about the fact that you've been working through trauma that he caused. Alright, this just went from weird to lowkey concerning. Honestly, it's kinda creepy re-reading that paragraph with the context. Like he's making drawings of you?? And playlists? And just generally acting like literally nothing happened? Ew, I'm getting some strong creepy vibes. Yyyyeah, dependent and clingy are some great words for this guy. Like you haven't even been friends, and this is  what he's been doing?
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Ok pause, being a kinnie isn't an excuse for actions. I hate that people use it like that (especially if they're kinning me! Like my existence didn't cause someone's actions, probably.) I can already tell that you were treated super unfairly. And like I'm not even done reading this ask and I already have a pretty strong feeling that cutting him off was the right idea. Oh god, he's a leech. Ok that sounded like a petty insult, but lemme back up a second and explain. I call people who cling to you and generally suck the life out of you with nothing in return leeches. It works out pretty well, so if I call him a leech again, that's what I mean. Wow, even reading this is exhausting. I can't imagine being caught in a position where you had to deal with this.
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Good for you for advocating for space! You one hundred percent did the right thing. Honestly, I don't think going back was a great idea, but these things are hard so I totally don't blame you for that. I totally respect your use of sarcastic sparkles, you used them like a pro! Yeah, I'm sure he's "changed" a whole lot judging by what he's been doing in that server. Yeah! Throw down the law! You had every right to say what you did about the forgiveness, so like, internet double high five or something! Yeah, that insta-block was a good reaction too. You don't owe him anything, and honestly your life is way better without him. 
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Ohhh, shit this is an irl friend? That adds a whole new layer to this. Yeah, don't make yourself change schools if you don't want to just because of him. You've moved your life around enough for him. If you're happy where you are, then I'd stay there regardless of him. I get it, confrontation is scary, but I think it's something that's gotta happen. You don't owe this guy anything. Honestly, if he tries to talk to you, just tell him that you don't want him near you, and other things along those lines. Be super clear and concise. Just throw the hammer down. Aw man, you already aren't having a great time at school huh? That just flat out sucks. I mean, I'd totally be your friend. I think you have a solid leg up on him though. I'd take screenshots of the server, so if he tries to spread rumors you can shut him down with proof of how batshit crazy he's been. Hey, it's not hopeless. You actually have a lot of options. The screenshots are a good place to start, but I'd also try to rationalize things. Does it really matter if this person starts spreading rumors about you? What's worse, him causing shit from afar, or him directly inserting himself back into your life? Yeah, there might not be a one hundred percent perfect outcome, but you have a lot more room to work than you think. Hey, don't apologize. We all gotta get this stuff out there some time. I'm glad talking to us made things a little bit better at least! You don't have to waste any more time on this guy. Just keep going as best you can. You still have a whole life to live, and this guy doesn't have to be a part of it. Yeah! I'll give you a hug!! Anything to make you feel better! And I mean, you could call him a leech, but I'm not responsible for what happens after that, kay?
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Hey there anon, you mind if I try to help you out a little? Dealing with ex friends always sucks, trust me I've been there, but goddamn, you have a unique case, don't you? Wow, I cringed reading it. That's...that's just a lot. Playlists and messages are one thing, but drawings too? That's a whole lot of time and effort put into that, and I dunno, that really just rubs me the wrong way. Honestly, I gotta agree with the others. That's just flat out creepy, especially considering the impact he had on you. I'm just shaking my head as I read this, I think this person needs some serious help, and you sure as hell aren't the person to get it from. He needs professional help, and I'm sorry all his issues were pushed onto you. He has no right to just waltz on into your life after all the shit he did.
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I think complicated friendship was an understatement. Honestly, I think friendship is a pretty strong word for what your relationship with him was. Friends don't do the things he did. One person being absolutely dependent on another is not a friendship at all. I think Kokichi really phrased it well with the word leech. I've been in that position more times than once, and one of the biggest problems I have is that I can never push people away too well, but you did that perfectly. It's real great to hear that you were able to get space, even if it was temporary the first time. And before I keep going, let me just say that his excuses for being clingy and dependent are disgusting. Yeah, his attempts to change so far haven't seemed to have been much at all, and you said things perfectly with the forgiveness statement. Honestly, it's a little hypocritical that he'd be the one to shove you away, and then do all of this.
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Yeah, having him as an irl friend does add some new challenges, but I think you'll be able to handle it. I'm real sorry to hear that your school situation is like that. You don't deserve to have to go through all that either. However, I gotta agree with Kokichi. You have to weigh your options, and I think that keeping him away, even if he spreads rumors, is the best choice so he doesn't get a chance to clamp onto you again. If you like the school you're at now, then I'd stay. You don't have to give up your ideal future for one person, especially one like him, ok? There's a solution, and I think the screenshot thing isn't a bad way to go. However, you could also just keep on going and ignore him altogether. It's your life, and you have a right to live it how you want. I know that this can be considered a cheap tactic, but if he really doesn't leave you alone, I'd reach out to teachers or other adults who might have a little more influence.
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Again, it's totally up to you. I can't tell you exactly what you should do, only give you ideas. And one more thing to remember is that this person needs some serious help. Nothing he does is your fault, and you're not obligated to help him. That's not a healthy path for either of you, and you don't ever have to go back to him. You seem like a real tough person, and I'm proud of you for that. Not everyone can advocate for their space like you can, and that's an amazing ability to have. Yeah, you don't gotta apologize at all. I'm glad you felt safe enough here to get all of that out in the open. Sure thing you can have a hug! You have some time before September, so you don't have to figure all this out any time soon. It's all gonna be ok, I know you can handle this.
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