photonbee · 1 year
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╰┈➤ gummy bee moodboard ✶.¸. ❉ ༘ ₊˚ 𓏸𑁍
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general-cyno · 10 months
since I've rambled quite a bit on zoro's side of things in some of my zolu posts, I wanted to give luffy a try too! though perhaps overall subtler than zoro's grand gestures throughout the manga, there's no doubt to me that luffy cares for him just as much and his relationship with zoro is one of the most important he has (without intending to downplay others btw), both as individuals and crew, so let's goooo.
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(warning: it's going to be long. sorry. also spoilers for the manga, as usual.)
albeit luffy and zoro's journey as a crew starts in the marine base where they met, I've mentioned here before that their childhood experiences, the way they sort of parallel each other's, also play a big role in their personalities and understanding of one another later on. the specifics are different, sure, but both were acquainted with struggle since they were young. zoro had already lost his parents by the time he was 8 and dragon left a baby luffy in garp's care, which... involved some questionable (dangerous) caretaking choices in order to make luffy "stronger". eventually, zoro would become a student in the isshin dojo, interact with koushiro and kozaburo, and start his rivalry/friendship with kuina just like luffy would later meet folks like makino, shanks and his crew whom he'd be inspired by, then dadan, ace and sabo, who'd become his family.
although we don't know yet what luffy's particular dream is, it's one he's had since young and that he mentioned to his brothers. similarly, as a kid, zoro wanted to become the world's greatest swordsman too, which he told kuina about and promised to strive for along with her. still, it's not until they lose sabo and kuina respectively that their dreams are accompanied by the necessity to become stronger for other people's sake. this is a specific sort of grief they share and are motivated by. and in luffy's case, his vow to become stronger is so he can prevent the further loss of those he loves.
(I'll get back to this, because it's important!)
fastforward to years later and we have a luffy that's started his journey to become the pirate king and achieve his dream. the insane thing about zoro's recruitment is that it only took hearing about the guy's name and fearsome reputation to have luffy pester koby about meeting him. I've also mentioned here that "fate" seems to be a recurring theme in OP especially in the latest arcs, and especially where luffy and zoro are concerned, seeing as they not only have a bunch of parallels with each other but also with important figures/characters in OP, some of who share or have shared a close relationship among themselves as well - namely, roger and rayleigh.
heck, luffy and zoro's lives are so intertwined you can even see lil zoro training during the ASL flashback chapters, when dragon mentions the dojo providing the revolutionaries with some food (ch 589). it's kinda incredible tbh. even so, when it comes to zoro... he was first and foremost a choice. regardless of how fate has come into play in the story, it was luffy's decision to actively seek him out and rope him into joining his crew, one he made after realizing zoro wasn't just a good guy but that he also had a cool, crazy dream and a determination to make it come true that was similar to luffy's own.
back then, luffy was already punching others (helmeppo) and getting angry on zoro's behalf, taking bullets for him and leaving himself wide open for zoro to protect during their confrontation with morgan. this is pretty much the beginning of his unwavering trust in zoro's strength and his willingness to step in when luffy needs someone to watch over him in turn. this is what their relationship is based on within? hours? of meeting and it's the foundation of the straw hat crew.
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he's praising zoro before he's actually taken morgan down and luffy doesn't even look back to check. the amount of trust luffy's placing on zoro off the bat is bonkers and it's literally just the start.
from shells town onwards - well, in spite of how luffy's considered an anchor by shanks in the first chapters of OP because of his inability to swim, I believe the anchor metaphor is actually kinda perfect to describe zoro and his relationship with luffy, more so from luffy's side, even if he doesn't necessarily say this stuff on the pages.
I may be going on a slightly poetic tangent but it works imo. anchor symbolism is pretty popular and you can find all sorts of articles about it online. I read a few out of curiosity and y'know, the anchor as a nautical symbol has supposedly been regarded as one rooted in feelings such as those of stability and safety. you can probably tell where I'm going with this.
in terms of stability, think of OP's arcs and how many of them zoro's been in alongside luffy. they don't always fight side by side strictly speaking, but zoro is a constant - he's usually there to fight the second strongest threat and sometimes protect or lead the others when luffy's otherwise occupied, or he handles things while luffy gets there/recuperates enough to battle again. for the most part, zoro's also there in a bunch of the crewmate-rescuing arcs and he's even the one to directly liberate brook's shadow in thriller bark. there's only two major instances in which luffy and zoro (+ the crew) get separated for a considerable amount of time, one of them unwillingly and the other by choice: sabaody and zou/whole cake island. ig you could count baratie/arlong park too, but I don't think as much time passed in between one and the other compared to zou/WCI and the reunion in wano.
something that really got me even though it was tinted by a comedic feel, is the fact that bon-chan turned into zoro out of all straw hats back at impel down when luffy was trying to rescue ace and how happy he was at the prospect of having zoro there to aid him. no matter how the adaptation differs from the manga, I couldn't help but think of opla luffy's I need you speech too. would he have been as happy to see any other members of the crew? likely so! still, zoro's definitely someone luffy particularly looks forward to having by his side when things get tough.
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irl, anchors are generally used to secure a vessel and prevent it from drifting. sounds a little familiar, I'd say.
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it's not as though zoro's the only character in OP who's "guided" luffy but there are moments when he does ground his captain in a manner other characters can't at the time, and my favorite part of it is how seriously luffy takes zoro's words/advice whenever it happens. water 7 and enies lobby are perhaps the best examples of this, as it comes up in the context of luffy's fight with usopp and robin's supposed betrayal.
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this is a really, really good moment imo. once luffy slows down to consider what zoro's saying, you can see he understands the importance of it. plus, luffy knows zoro's not someone who'd just leave a friend behind (he's fought to bring some of them back at this point, with luffy and the rest of the crew) and if anything, his "so the fact that he left our crew means nothing to you?!" outburst proves he's as upset as all of them about usopp's choice.
that said, you can tell how much luffy values and respect zoro's imput simply by the way he cries his soul out when usopp finally apologizes and asks to come back. luffy wears his heart on his sleeve and adores his friends, doesn't want to lose them ever, so reining all those feelings in to stay true to his position as the captain that zoro has placed his faith and loyalty in? amazing. and consider it from another angle: if he had ignored zoro, luffy would've lost him too. he certainly doesn't want that either or this would've gone differently.
this kinda thing happens also post timeskip, with zoro reminding luffy to get his shit together at punk hazard, bringing up the fact that they can't just ignore the threat kaido poses in zou to have the entire crew going after sanji, or when they're facing kaido and big mom in wano. zoro's someone luffy counts on to keep him steady and afloat, and this part of their relationship is something that was portrayed (again) nicely in the live action. in ep 6, it's zoro who manages to reassure luffy of his position as the captain and that he's done nothing wrong, that their crew isn't falling apart, because if luffy needs him then zoro vows to stand by his side til the very end. (they're insane).
in addition, their core similarities, understanding of each other and luffy's (almost unbelievable) faith/trust in zoro is what allows him to depend on zoro, specifically, when it comes to things like saving smoker in alabasta, not fighting back against bellamy's crew on jaya, or just mentioning the spilled oshiruko as explanation enough for zoro to get why luffy's angry during the onigashima raid, to name a few of examples off the top of my head.
as for the safety aspect of the anchor symbolism... that one speaks for itself I think. I feel like I must mention once more that zoro's not the only character or even the only straw hat to help or protect luffy, but he's fairly insistent and consistent in this aspect compared to others. compiling all the moments in which zoro's stepped in to protect luffy, worried about his well-being or signaled the rest when luffy's truly in danger/has reached his limits would probably break this site's image upload limit lol.
that said, luffy's the same back at zoro just in a bit of a less common manner or in a different way rather - mostly because of his belief in zoro's strength and the lengths he'd go to keep people safe, which includes allies and more so their friends. one could argue depositing that kind of faith in zoro can have its drawbacks (sabaody) or isn't completely fair (like when he goes all, "with you here, how could this happen?!" in skypiea) BUT. my opinion is that trusting zoro any less than that would likely hurt his pride more. so when luffy says stuff like this,
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it's not about having unrealistic expectations wrt zoro but more about fully trusting in the man who tearfully swore to him that he'd become the greatest swordsman and never lose again. the one who trusts luffy just as much in turn, called him captain and pirate king first. luffy's seen zoro pull through some impossible situations, so it'd be more unfair to doubt him this way if you ask me.
this is also why I mentioned luffy's childhood vow. if you ever wonder "how important is zoro to luffy?" compare this,
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to this:
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luffy's past is revealed hundreds of chapters after skypiea. yet in hindsight, it adds so many layers to his relationship with zoro. for someone like luffy, who promised to become strong so that the people he loves wouldn't have to leave him, who would even die as long as it means he won't lose a member of his crew, the fact that he can relax this much when he gets separated from his friends because zoro's with them is... a lot, man. when you remember luffy's lost people close to him or had them leave him (for very understandable reasons, often out of everyone's control), zoro being one of the most stable presences in his life since they met - someone who will help him fight to get their friends back or stay behind to watch over them when they can't all go together, that for zoro to leave he'd have to be pried by force from his side unless they both agree to it for the sake of their journey and crewmates, is likely to be a very comforting fact to luffy. luffy, who's afraid of/hates being alone more than getting hurt.
he doesn't voice it out but allowing zoro to protect him and the people they both care for is giant sign of love and unbeatable trust, where luffy's concerned. although he doesn't know about it, zoro's sacrifice in thriller bark demonstrated why luffy does this without hesitation too. however, it's worth noting that luffy does worry for zoro's own safety whenever he's there to actually witness him being in danger and he knows zoro well enough to tell when said danger is real. it happens during the mihawk duel, when kizaru almost kills zoro in sabaody then as kuma sends him away, for example. he gets angry, desperate and teary in all of these instances. luffy cares so much about him.
lastly yet just as relevant... is that luffy likes zoro, beyond metaphors and all zoro might represent/stand for in the crew. luffy thinks he's cool, that he'll certainly achieve his dream, enjoys teasing and bullying him harmlessly, offered to share his food with him to convince zoro into accompanying them in thriller bark, tried to give an injured zoro an entire barrel of alcohol because luffy knows he loves booze and thought it'd make him feel better, and is generally someone luffy's happy to be with.
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I bring up the wano hug a lot but honestly it doesn't get clearer than this. I've seen people try to downplay this moment but hey, context. people that luffy's hugged this way include 1) sabo, the brother luffy believed had been dead for years, 2) hancock who helped him try and rescue ace and 3) jimbei who's helped luffy during some of the most dire moments he's gone through, like impel down, marineford and WCI. for luffy to straight up hug zoro with just as much happiness, eagerness and enthusiasm in a relatively danger-free situation... he likes zoro, there's no better way to put it.
it's not that they can't butt heads sometimes either, but never seriously enough to damage their relationship. as a more recent example, luffy's shown he can put his stubbornness and recklessness aside when zoro's right even if he doesn't like it (ch 1060, about vivi's current situation). and as long as he's there, luffy won't let people interfere in zoro's fights, much less when it involves zoro's dream - like when he held johnny and yosaku back from stepping into zoro's duel with mihawk, even though luffy himself was worried about zoro.
so yeah, zoro might get to be crazier about luffy more often and explicitly but imo, it's an entirely reciprocal thing.
if you got this far, thanks so much for reading!
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could request more of the Mha biggest kinks? I really liked it. I would like to request two characters and the rest you can choose. The characters I wanted to request were Tokoyami and Aizawa. I hope you have a good rest of your day! Stay safe, and don’t get sick!
Alrighty! Let’s goooo!
Sorry, this took so long to come out, I had very little motivation and my brain was being mean, but I have motivation again now and so I'm ready to begin writing again.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get a fic out to you guys every three days or so.
Part One Here
Part Two Here
Genre: smut
Type: headcanons
Warnings: smut, heavy kinks, BDSM, NSFW
Characters: Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Mirko, Aizawa 
 Other: I must admit, I headcanon Tokoyami as asexual, so writing for him was a lil difficult, but It presented a unique challenge and well, I love writing challenges and you know that!
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore @popcatx0
Fumikage Tokoyami/ Tsukoyomi-
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Submission- this man has 0% confidence. He doesn’t trust himself to dom. He’s gotten so used to not being in control being a bad thing, so according to trauma response, it’s likely that loss of control will become a kink for him. He needs this, okay? Needs to be taught that not having control isn’t always a bad thing. It really isn’t when he’s moaning beneath you.
Threesomes- he’s very used to not being alone, Dark Shadow will be there even during sex with you. It’s embarrassing at first, but you’ve gotten used to him being there during your dates, so it’s almost as if you’re dating Dark Shadow as well. Dark shadow indulges in Fumikage’s more... raunchy kinks, the ones that he’d be too embarrassed to ask you about.
Costumes- He just wants to be fucked while you’re both dressed like royalty. He doesn’t know why, but many types of fancy clothes turn him on. This may just be because his form of self-expression is rare, and so he has few friends who indulge in a more Emo style. He has no objections to being dressed like a prince or princess (he’d even wear bright colors for you).
Love and Affection- I headcanon him as Ace, so for this he’s Demi. And what leads to Demisexuals being sexually attracted to someone? Love and affection. Just kiss his beak and pet his head and tell him you love him. It might result in him crying because he’s never gotten that affection before.
Humiliation- He’s still kinky, okay? He likes being degraded, hit, and told just what a ‘silly little slut boy’ he’s being. He wants you to have him pressed into the pillow, whining as he babbles about what a bad boy he’d been.
Choking- Listen, a boy who wears a bright red choker wants it to be replaced with your fingers, okay? It’s best when you’re indulging in his costume kink + a little roleplay and you’re acting as some warrior or supervillain and he’s some hero boy trying to take you down. Usually results in him being choked against the wall as he grinds down on your leg.
Tsuyu Asui/ Froppy-
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Look at that beautiful woman
Switch- Look at her and tell me she doesn’t have the capacity to top or bottom. Really, she’s quite incredible like that. She also has very little preference so it mostly depends on whether you want to top or bottom.
Bondage- this is more of a bottom Tsu thing, she likes shibari best, beautiful ropes (or silk for better comfort) keeping her body from moving away, while the patterns and colors compliment her soft and sweaty skin.
Praise- Doesn’t matter who’s topping and who’s bottoming, praise is wonderful. Once you called her a good girl after training (when she totally kicked Kaminari’s ass) she just kind hid her face and squealed. It was adorable. She’s also very honest, so when she praises you it’s usually just her being honest with you. It’s so very sweet and ugh- damnit now I just wanna hug her
Hand Kink- Nothing is better then feeling your hands tracing her body, cupping her breasts, squeezing her ass, pulling her hair, just touching her. You’ve caught her just kind of... staring at your hands multiple times. The best thing is when she’s pressed down into the mattress, clutching the sheets, and you grab her hand, curling your fingers between hers and flexing them. 
Hair Pulling- Nobody has that much hair and doesn’t develop a hair pulling kink, and that’s literally all I have to say on the matter.
Tongue Play- More of a Top Tsu thing (hehe alliteration), she will tie you up with her tongue if she wants to, and she’s done that before. The oral is great, ass, pussy, dick, no matter where you want her tongue it will be there, and it will be everywhere. You want to be absolutely at her mercy? Just ask her to use her tongue. She may or may not get carried away because it just feels so powerful, to be able to make you feel so many things with just one body part that she’s trained to have complete control over. 
Rumi Usagiyama/ Mirko-
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Domination- Look, just- just look. Look at that woman. Tell me she doesn’t want to always be on top. Tell me she doesn’t take offense to being asked if she wants a break from topping. Tell me she won’t shove you against the wall, bed, floor, fucking table and just absolutely take control of you. Tell me she doesn’t own you. Now I’m not personally attracted to women but this woman is the one fucking exception. 
Mommy- She likes this mostly because it humiliates her bottom. It’s embarrassing to say something so lewd, to refer to her almost like your caretaker, and she loves it. Especially when her sub whimpers or stutters while calling her that, she fucking loves it.
Brat-Play/Punishment- If you’ve read the Team-ups special manga thingie, you saw her appreciate Bakugou’s pure rage towards villains, which makes me think she enjoys putting villains in their place. She lovess watching you misbehave, pretending she doesn’t care, then absolutely wrecking you when you get back home. Her favorite thing is the tears + plus barely being able to apologize for their brattiness.
Predator/Play- I mean, she’s an animal. She loves the chase, feeling so powerful over her helpless little sub. If her partner’s quirk makes them a wolf or something that traditionally hunts rabbits, then she’ll be estatic about competing with you for dominance before proving again and again and again that she’s the one who wears the pants in this relationship (or the one-piece hero costume ig)
Biting/Marking- Everyone. Everyone needs to know who you belong to. Even if your skin physically cannot bare marks, she will still bite and suck at your neck and shoulders to try and show off the marks. Show off the cute little sub that belongs solely to her.
Breeding- She’s a rabbit, it’s instict to want children. Even though she can’t get her sub pregnant, she will still babble about fucking a baby into you. Maybe if you’re AMAB and could get her pregnant, she’d just ride you until you get her pregnant (even though she probably doesn’t actually want kids, so protection is used).
Shouta Aizawa/ Eraserhead-
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Bondage- He's a hero, he's conditioned to know that he's won when his opponent is all tied up. He feels like he's won you over when you let him tie you up, and he loves the feeling of knowing you can't escape him.
Daddy- I mean seriously, you can't just act like a literal father figure to every single person around you and not have a daddy kink! He likes to take care of you, and he loves it when you cry 'Daddy please!'
Teasing- Even if he's a caregiver at heart, he won't just give you what you want. You need to beg and whine and scream for it. He wants to stave off your orgasm, avoid touching you where you need it, just to hear your pitiful whimpers and the way you cry for him.
Teaching- now he doesn't enjoy a teacher kink as in 'you're my student' kind of roleplay, but he does enjoy teaching someone inexperienced just how to suck him off, how to hold onto him, and what to say to make him growl.
Praise- He wasn't praised much, still isn't, so being told he's perfect for you will either end up with him literally crying on you, or fucking you harder just to hear you tell him how much you enjoy his cock.
Cock Worship- Nothing gets a man going like having your partner on their knees in front of you, kissing and sucking on your balls, treating you like a god. It's incredible to have you take your time pleasuring him.
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beantown-boy · 5 years
Punch Bowl ||An Andi Mack Fic|| (CW Homophobia)
Quick Shoutout to @abg-blah​ and @luzawithoutu​ for providing me with motivation, and to @dumb-binch-juice​ for providing me with inspiration
"Cyrus, please DON'T wear a tux to homecoming."
“Please, wear a tux,” TJ countered, giving Buffy a pointed look before turning to his boyfriend with a smile. Cyrus looked amazing. It was like the universe had decided that Cyrus should be able to look both handsome and comfortable in formalwear. He wasn’t so lucky. The shoulders of his suit jacket were awkwardly tight, and he was pretty sure that his socks hadn’t shown this much when he wore this last Homecoming.
“It’s too formal,” Buffy pleaded. “I’d go with the blue suit. Why stray from a classic? Plus, you just had it tailored. It would be a shame for that to go to waste.”
“But the tux makes a statement.”
“Yeah it does. ‘I’m too good for normal dress clothes’”
“Which you are. Don't let her undermine your confidence.”
Cyrus drew his hands up dramatically, cutting them off mid-argument.
“Dearest and most beloved advisors, I have come to my conclusion. Before I state it, I must say, I love you both in equal, though different measures. That being said, Buffy is right. It’s just a little too much. Don’t worry, Teej, I’ll rock the tux for next year’s prom.”
He jumped onto the bed, and quickly kissed TJ on the cheek before walking back into his closet.
“Gross,” Buffy teased.
As the closet door clicked shut, a series of sharp knocks came from the door to Cyrus’ room, followed by Marty’s muffled voice. “Hey, guys? Are you done in there? Jonah and Lenni are here, and they’re starting to think that Buffy killed TJ. Which you didn’t, right?”
Buffy smirked and gave TJ a playful shove before going to open the door.
“Not yet. I could never do that to Cyrus.”
“More like you couldn’t do it, period, Driscoll.” TJ shot back.
“Can you guys please make it through one night without bickering?”
“No.” They replied in unison before bursting into laughter.
Being friends with Buffy was great, but ever since she and Marty had started the whole 'being straightforward' thing she'd needed someone else for verbal sparring. And joking with her kept TJ on his toes. It was nice to know that he still had his sharp tongue, even if he rarely used it. Marty and Jonah were fun, but sometimes a bit witless. Buffy was anything but.
The pre-Homecoming dinner at the Goodmans' was just as good as the year before, if not better. Cyrus' dad always went all out when his son had friends over. And even if the meal still devolved into Jonah and Lenni heating up hot pockets and seeing who could eat the most of them without burning themselves, TJ was happy to spend the time surrounded by his friends and his boyfriend.
By the time the group split up between TJ and Buffy's cars, TJ was already getting snaps of the dance from Chet and William. He put his phone down as Cyrus and Jonah climbed into the backseat, leaving him alone up front. He stared at the two of them, as the awkwardness seeped in.
"So no one wants shotgun, huh?" TJ deadpanned.
"I mean, I was going to," Jonah explained, "but then I thought Cyrus might want to, and then-"
"I just know that the passenger seat is the least safe one in the car." Cyrus stated. "And I do trust your driving skills, but I don't necessarily trust everyone else on the road."
"Oh, so if I die, I'm dying alone, gotcha. Since that's cleared up, Jonah, do you wanna ride shotgun."
"Risk of death, let's goooo!" Jonah shouted, climbing over the passenger seat.
"See," TJ said as he pulled into the Grant High parking lot, "no fatal accidents."
“Told you I trusted you.” Cyrus
The dance was already in full swing as they entered the overcrowded gymnasium. A swarm of students surrounded the DJ booth, while others milled about between the snacks and the neatly decorated tables.
“Isn’t this amazing?”
Cyrus sighed as he took it all in. He and the other class reps had worked really hard to make sure that the dance went flawlessly, and judging by the look on his boyfriend’s face, TJ believed they’d succeeded. The junior class rep, Avery, TJ thought, waved Cyrus over towards the punch bowl. Cyrus looked cautiously between her and his friends.
“Can I just -”
“It’s fine.” Buffy interrupted. “Go talk to her, grab some punch and then meet us on the dancefloor.”
Buffy, as it turned out was a very good dancer. TJ didn't think he was abysmal himself, but he certainly wouldn't have managed half as well if she hadn't been by his side. They slid this way to that beat, as they ran into Jonah again. They made a turn at that moment because it seemed to fit just right, and Buffy broke off from him to join Marty. TJ spun into the guys from the team before Lenni pulled him back towards the others. The energy between the five of them was electrifying. TJ wasn’t sure how much time had passed before they settled with just bouncing in the crowd of Grant High students.
“Okay, Buffy,” Lenni huffed, “we get it. You’re tireless. But some of us would rather just watch someone else dance for a change. In your car you were talking about the Cyrus Shuffle. What even is that?”
Buffy’s laugh was almost drowned out by the sound of the crowd.
“It’s whatever dance moves Cyrus throws together whenever he says he’s gonna do the Cyrus Shuffle.”
TJ picked up after her.
“Each one is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You have to see it. He should be back any second now, unless-” He turned back to Buffy, who was already giving him her ‘I know exactly what’s happening’ smile. They had left Cyrus with Avery, another huge nerd. They’d almost definitely started seventeen different tangent conversations, and if no one interrupted them the class reps would probably spend the whole dance talking about chemistry or exam prep. One of them would have to get Cyrus.
“You’re his boyfriend,” Buffy said quickly. “You go get him.”
“You just want to kiss Marty while I’m not around to make fun of you.”
TJ didn’t catch her reply as he turned and tried to make his way through the crowd. Now that he was trying to get out, he realized that making people move was so much harder than he remembered it being. Even last year, people still had given him a bit of precautionary space, and sure, it had stung, but it had also been useful. He pushed the thought out of his mind as he slid between flying elbows. He was nice now. He had been for two years. It made sense that people would feel at least comfortable around him. And if that feeling came with feeling small and cramped sometimes, so be it.
Finally, he made it out of the crush of bodies. Relief crashed over him with a wave of cooler air, but the jostling of the crowd still left him a bit on edge. TJ took a moment to get his bearings before heading towards the punch bowl. He spotted Cyrus’ familiar blue suit from across the room, and immediately he felt more relaxed. It took him another moment to realize that something was wrong.
Avery was nowhere in sight, and Cyrus was shifting from foot to foot like he was ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. He was talking to someone who TJ couldn’t quite make out in the dim gymnasium light. TJ nearly sprinted past the tables to get to Cyrus. And as he got close, he recognized Ethan practically towering over his boyfriend. He felt himself go cold, hot, then cold again as he stalked toward the senior.
TJ was sick of him. Ethan had been a jerk to Cyrus before. He’d done horrible things to Chet’s sister Charlotte. Cyrus had tried reporting the guy last year, but despite the school’s zero tolerance policy for bullying, Ethan was still around. And now he was screwing with Cyrus again. TJ interrupted whatever insulting comment Ethan was making as he made it to the punch bowl.
“Don’t you have anywhere else to be? Or did your soccer buddies’ house party get busted?”
That was nice enough. He hadn’t outright insulted Ethan, which was good. Civility wasn’t his strong suit.
“I was just swinging by to my last ever HoCo,” Ethan replied. He flashed a toothy sneer that made TJ’s skin crawl. “And then I saw your little boyfriend here, and I couldn’t help but share a little senior wisdom.”
“Can we just go?” Cyrus suggested before freezing again when Ethan turned his attention back to him.
“No.” The way Ethan spoke made it seem more like a fact than anything else. Cyrus shrank back even further, and TJ tasted metal in his mouth.
“Ethan’s right,” TJ said. He felt like he wasn’t the one speaking. His voice was surprisingly level, even as his nails began to dig into his palms and a painful heat began to spread from the pit of his stomach. Whatever force was carrying him continued. “I’d personally love to hear what an idiot calls wisdom.”
“It’s easy, kids. Homecoming is for normal people. And that’s not you guys. I don’t care if you do the whole gay thing. But not at my homecoming. So get lost,” He shoved Cyrus towards the door, and muttered something under his breath that made Cyrus wince. Adrenaline and panic spiked in a moment of white-hot fury and-
“TJ, are you okay!”
Cyrus’ voice connected through the haze, and TJ felt himself slowly becoming a person again. He tasted blood in his mouth, and his face was still burning with wildfire. He realized he was on his back. His head hurt. His chest hurt. His hands hurt worst of all. He looked to find blood on his knuckles and under his fingernails. Then, he saw Cyrus standing worriedly above him, right next to Principal Donaghue, whose face was set in an unforgiving line.
“Mr. Kippen, I must ask you to leave the premises immediately. We will be discussing disciplinary actions Monday.”
The next few moments still felt like a dream. Cyrus was still looking at him with that concern, or maybe it was fear, as Buffy seemed to materialize to help him to his feet. The next thing he knew he was lying on his back, on the football field, in the chilly October night. Buffy was resting on his left, either unaware or uncaring of the grass stains on her dress. Cyrus was sitting on his right, more contemplative than concerned.
“I’m sorry.” TJ offered, eyes fixed on the night sky.
“Well,” Cyrus supplied tentatively, “This isn’t my first run in with school administration. I just haven’t been kicked out of a dance before.”
“I’m so sorry,” TJ repeated, thinking back to the look of shock on Ethan’s face when he leapt forward to punch the senior.
“I never meant to actually-- It was just so-- And he was-- I’m sorry. For ruining our night.”
Buffy laughed, and a plume of fog erupted with it.
"Congratulations, Blood-Nose, you are officially the loose cannon of Grant High's sophomore class, again." She paused, weighing her words, before continuing. “Besides, that Ethan guy had it coming. I’m actually a little bit jealous I missed the action. He’s one of those very punchable people. Right, Cyrus?”
Cyrus’s breath steamed in the silence. A moment passed, then another, and TJ’s heart clenched as Cyrus finally spoke.
"You are a great guy, TJ, and I know that. And I should’ve spoken up more to stop that from happening. But you’re still you. You’re headstrong and brave, and remarkably kind. But, sometimes, you remind people why they used to fear you. And that’s not a bad thing, as long as they know they don’t have to anymore. I know I don’t. I just love you. So, I will see you either after detention, or at your house if you get suspended. But tonight-"
Cyrus kissed him, and TJ was still scared. He was scared about what repercussions would come on Monday. He was scared about telling his parents what had happened that night. He was scared about all the rumors that were probably already spreading through the sophomore class. But for once, he wasn’t scared of himself. And for ten seconds he let himself enjoy that. Until Buffy said, “Gross,” and the three of them collapsed in crazy stressed laughter.
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tuwasduwillst · 7 years
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who the hell are you
i don’t know what any of that was about, but okay.
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would you stop blowing things up?? what is even the point
Shuichi and the others decide to try to go talk to him and get him to stop.
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stop blowing things up!!
he says he wants to destroy the school to end the killing game.
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well that’s just rude.
they try to convince him that they can stop it together and that there’s still hope; Shuichi says there could still be somewhere for them to go, though he’s mostly just basing that on what Kaito told them before his execution about someone watching.
still, though, that possibility is their hope. they still have things to investigate in the school; they can’t just give up now.
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great, thanks, now that you’ve blown half the place up you’re willing to stop and cooperate. couldn’t have just spoken to everyone before the explosions, noooo.
he says he’ll wait until dawn. what gives you the right to place a time limit on them?? 
once it hits dawn he says he’ll end the killing game and kill himself? okay
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Monokuma shows up and says that the killing game is eternal and can’t be stopped.
also, destroying school property like that is ~an act of mutiny~. so now Kiibo’s going to have to fight off Monokuma and his stupid “kubs”. u_u
at least they’ll be distracted while Shuichi and the others poke around, i guess. still, what the heck. the guy just starts blowing things up without speaking to anyone else about it... geez... how inconsiderate...
Shuichi, Maki, Tsumugi, and Himiko all go into the school and decide to try to find the actual mastermind, because they think there could be someone in the school controlling things. they all split up, but before Shuichi can leave the school’s entrance--
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a hole in the floor in front of him is created by some of the damage to the building.
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staircase in the hole!
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aw. i was wondering where it was, since it hadn’t shown up yet...
since there’s damage to the door, Shuichi can get in.
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Shuichi looks around and most of his comments are “this seems comical” or “this seems like a kid’s idea of what an evil organization would have”
he won’t play with the RC helicopter :(
...not that he has time to, but.
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Shuichi finds this book about the history of Hope’s Peak. Maki shows up while he’s looking at it and he asks her to tell him what she remembers about the history of the academy. she sighs, but she does it.
what she says is what he remembers as well, but it doesn’t match the book, and the book is apparently the most accurate account of the school’s history.
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you can’t keep what you found from me, that’s unfair! i want to know now too :(
well, whatever he discovered, he decides he needs to go to Kokichi’s room and figure out more about him, since he found this book in his lab.
...don’t the rooms lock after the person dies?
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what the heck
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Shuichi’s remembering some kid asking him if he’s part of the Gofer Project; Shuichi says he’s not because he’s just a normal high school student. the kid was convinced all the kids were still alive despite the fake funeral thing and he was calling them ~heroes~.
oh, it was a delayed flashback light thing from the one Monokuma used after the trial. Maki apparently also remembered something like that.
time to go to Kokichi’s room! which i guess isn’t locked, because they get in easily.
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awww, the whiteboard is too tiny to see on Tumblr. it’s funny, though--he’s got “annoying” written by the “kubs”, “suspicious” by Maki, “trustworthy!” by Shuichi (aw)*, and “weird” by Kiibo.
--oh no, i accidentally hit it away! D: come back, whiteboard!
* or it’s “trustworthy?”, i can’t tell. either way it’s cute
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is that a lightsaber
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Shuichi says they don’t have time to look through them, but Maki says she’ll do it. that way Shuichi can keep looking at the rest of the room.
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speaking of the rest of the room, Kokichi had a bunch of stuff from the past murders. i was kind of wondering where that stuff goes after the investigation... and Shuichi commented on the missing inner tube after Kirumi’s trial.
Shuichi finds one of the motive videos on Kokichi’s bed and decides to play it. he doesn’t think it’ll be Kokichi’s video, but he wants to check it out.
it is his, though!
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once Shuichi’s done seeing that, Maki tells him he can go and she’ll keep looking through the blueprints, because they rely on Shuichi most in situations like these. before he goes, though, she wants him to look at something she found.
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it’s like a scavenger hunt! let’s go!
Maki thinks it’s probably just a prank, but Shuichi thinks it needs to be checked out. i agree, let’s goooo
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oh, good, this is the right place. i had no idea what that note meant by “garden”.
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Shuichi has another flashback before he leaves this area.
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oh, good, Shuichi thought it was stupid as well.
anyway, the reason is ~*hope*~. you guys in the DR universe have serious problems when it comes to “hope” and “talent”.
Kiibo also had a flashback, so he ends up crashing through the roof of the area Shuichi’s in. he offers to destroy Rantarou’s lab’s door so Shuichi can get in there and check it out.
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Kiibo does that and then tells Shuichi he’ll help him get anywhere he needs to go. even the place behind the bookshelf? o:
well, first: Rantarou’s lab.
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ooh, roses. Himiko shows up, having heard the sound of Kiibo blasting the door.
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uhhh... no.
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weird zodiac vault...
what the... really.
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and there’s a laptop on the table, so...
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one file on there and it’s a video. oh, it’s Rantarou’s weird video, but now i get to see the whole thing.
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one part of it was the video.
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was there something special about his Monopad?
Rantarou got blocked from saying something in the video.
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what kind of ultimate survivor gets lured over by a camera’s flash?
Shuichi thinks the mastermind knew his identity and that’s why he died.
another flashback!
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Shuichi’s school friends: u gonna fuck some hot girls in space, bro??
yeah that’s definitely what Shuichi’s main concern and priority was
once the flashback is over, Himiko says she’ll check for whatever the other part of Rantarou’s perk was so that Shuichi can continue moving. Tsumugi approaches him just as he’s decided to go to the bookcase room--apparently there’s a new room by Kaito’s lab that opened up due to the destruction, so Shuichi has to check that out first.
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it’s the room they were all asleep in.
there’s a thing on the table that apparently has all their information in it. Tsumugi noticed something she wants Shuichi to see.
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and Tsumugi is worried about that because Junko also had a twin sister.
what, is it like a rule in the DR universe that if you have a set of twins one of them has to be evil??? no. Shuichi makes a note of it just in case it’s relevant.
now it’s time to go to the library.
Maki’s down there and she has something she found in Kokichi’s room that she wants Shuichi to look at.
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Miu apparently made a prototype version of it. it works, but there’s nothing in there.
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Himiko shows up--she didn’t find anything in Rantarou’s room. Shuichi wonders if someone took whatever he’d had.
they decide to check out the hidden door, but one of the Exisals shows up before they can even really get close to it.
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then he blasts open the door.
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good idea!
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well, here’s the room.
they start talking about the mastermind and Monokuma’s voice speaks up, saying it’s time for the “last boss”.
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hey, it’s an ugly Monokuma head.
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i’m not calling you that.
it claims to be able to make Monokumas, so everyone demands that it do it right now. it doesn’t.
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hey, it’s Rantarou’s thing!
he had a map that had every single space labeled, including this secret room!
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he was also told about the Monokuma spares, which is probably why he was trying to get into the hidden door that one time.
Maki goes to get the pictures of Rantarou from Kokichi’s room so they can figure out what’s up with the blood on this Monopad.
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and what kind of idiot leaves it in the trash? surely there was somewhere better to leave that thing.
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Kaede’s vest?
Shuichi gets another flashback, this time of when Monokuma first showed up and erased his memories before the killing game started.
Himiko tells Shuichi she’ll keep looking here, so he can go somewhere else to investigate more.
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Shuichi and Tsumugi leave the room, but after they do the fight between Kiibo and the Exisal causes the hidden room to be blocked by rubble, trapping Himiko inside.
Shuichi says they’ll have to leave her there for now (Kiibo doesn’t want to risk hurting her by blasting it away) and continue their investigation.
oh, weird, the timer ran out and then it just gave me a huge chunk of time while keeping me in the same place.
since i wasn’t sure why it ran out and thought it might be due to my typing, i had to stop for a bit.
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Shuichi found a way to make flashback lights in one of the classrooms; it let him pick from several different versions of memories and then spat out a flashlight into a locker in the room. when the door gets opened, the room goes back to normal.
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Himiko found a hidden passage to the secret room; it’s not on Rantarou’s perk map.
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Shuichi thinks he’s found enough to figure things out.
Monokuma agrees to the trial because it’s more interesting than fighting Kiibo. he warns them that there will be consequences if they don’t accomplish what they’re aiming for, but everyone left is prepared to accept that. they know they can finish this.
Monokuma makes Kiibo’s gear get removed before the trial starts, and when he shows up again, he’s got his ahoge back.
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apparently the Monokubs put it back because he asked them to repair him.
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what if every ahoge was secretly an antenna
Maki has the bugvac with her, so Kiibo asks to take a look at it. apparently he can zoom in on things now.
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why bother making them in the shape of tiny Monokumas with cameras!
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aw, it’s kind of cute.
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apparently they function as a hivemind and they’re swarming all over the place. what the heck.
they bring up Kokichi using the electrobomb before.
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although, Tsumugi... well. it doesn’t matter right now. we’ll see what happens in the trial.
...i feel like i’ve accidentally spelled her name as “Tsugumi” in these posts before, uhh. oops. listen. ...her name is literally right there, why... i have no excuse...
trial time! the “kubs” already won’t shut up and i hate it. Monokuma asks Shuichi why he called this trial.
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gotta go back to that first case! he’s found new evidence and thinks that someone else was responsible for the murder, not Kaede.
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did he become the ultimate survivor after that? what was he before that, then...
anyway, reviewing things! they thought Rantarou was the only one in the library at the time he was murdered, but that isn’t necessarily true.
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someone was in the hidden room. someone had to have taken Rantarou’s Survivor Perk Monopad away from him after his death.
ughh, the bearsss
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you tell ‘em, Shuichi.
they argue that he just didn’t have it with him, but the photo of Rantarou clearly shows him holding it.
regarding the timing, the mastermind would’ve known exactly what was happening in the library due to the tiny... Nanokumas? i think that’s what they were calling them.
Monokuma claims the Monopad got taken back just because it was meant for Rantarou’s eyes only, so after he died, it was removed. he says it’s not relevant, though, because this is about Rantarou’s murder itself.
Shuichi says that the mastermind was the one that killed Rantarou, though.
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i still can’t believe it was just put in the trash can. who does that.
ughhh, i want to care about this trial but i really dislike those stupid bear cubs. just blow them all up already, they ruin everything
anyway... Shuichi says that Kaede’s shot put ball missed, so the mastermind had to fix it in order to keep the game going. that means that Kaede was executed for a murder she didn’t commit.
and now they’re trying to figure out who the mastermind is. Himiko suggests it was a 17th person, but:
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it said that the person comes to the hidden room often, so they weren’t always there. if it was someone that had to stay completely hidden, it seems unlikely that they’d risk that.
there’s also the flashback light classroom--it reverts to a normal one when the door is opened. if they were just a 17th person, they could just use their own room for stuff like that.
the unfortunate truth that reveals is that the mastermind is one of them. Maki says it’s possible it’s not one of them right there; Kiibo agrees, saying the mastermind could have faked their death.
in order to really know who the mastermind is, Shuichi needs to know who killed Rantarou. which means he needs to go over everyone’s alibis again.
Himiko and Maki were in the game room. Kiibo was in his room. and Tsumugi was in the dining hall, but she left to go to the bathroom.
the bathroom that has the ~secret passage~. since the card reader dust was still there, that passageway is the only way the culprit could have gotten into the hidden room at that time.
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Tsumugi denies that it’s her, saying it was just a coincidence that she was in the bathroom.
the trial continues and Shuichi points out that Tsumugi is the only one that didn’t try to command the “Motherkuma” to give birth to more Monokumas. she specifically told it to “create” more; it only works if the mastermind tells it to “birth” more.
anyway, Shuichi doesn’t want to think Tsumugi is the mastermind. he’d prefer if she could refute what he’s saying. he wants everyone’s help and cooperation to find the truth.
Tsumugi isn’t saying anything to defend herself; they all want her to say anything that would prove her innocence.
Monokuma tells Shuichi to do the manga thing.
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gotta be honest, i wouldn’t just stand around staring up if this happened, i’d immediately be backing away.
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she has nothing to say to defend herself, though, all she says is that she didn’t do it and it’s obvious their logic is flawed. point out the flaws, then! participate!
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no! get out of here
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go away!
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Shuichi says the trial is over; Monokuma covered up what she did and the whole game is illegitimate. 
she admits she messed up there, but that’s about it. the others start asking about the people watching.
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the only reason she cared about things being exciting or the rules was just to replicate the original feel of the killing game.
Shuichi doesn’t believe that. that’s what they remember, but that doesn’t make it true. he brings up the book and asks everyone to say what they remember about Hope’s Peak and its history.
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oh, that’s what was bothering him. and the other things... oh, this isn’t hard at all, even with my terrible memory. nice.
Shuichi brings up Rantarou--he said he’d won a previous killing game in his tape, but he’s not one of the students from Junko’s other games they know about.
he also has suspicions about Kokichi. they all assumed he was a Remnant of Despair, but Shuichi doesn’t think that’s true.
i never thought that was true, it didn’t make sense... idk why they were so convinced he was. is it because he lied all the time?? ...i mean i guess he did lie about being the mastermind and set up a murder and stuff, so it’s kind of understandable... and they had a memory of it or whatever.
anyway, Shuichi brings up Kokichi’s motive video and his organization.
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it only had 10 people in it, too.
Shuichi talks about the flashback lights and the thing that makes them.
they “implant” memories and i don’t like the hangman’s gambit thing, geez.
the memories being false means that nothing they learned from the flashback lights matters. so even their memories about being students at Hope’s Peak...
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okay, well, i apologize for being rude to Naegi before, then. if that plan isn’t real then it’s fine.
anyway, the reason she had them remember Kokichi as a Remnant of Despair is because she wanted to get rid of him; with them remembering Hope’s Peak as well, they’d be likely to target him, like Maki did.
all of the lights served a purpose like that--pushing them to do one thing or another, or feel a certain way about things.
Shuichi wants to know who this “Junko” is.
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get out of there
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oh, good, it stopped. also, uhh, you’re kind of... drooling.
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DR reveals the truth: cosplayers are evil
Shuichi brings up the whole “cospox” thing.
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Megumi Ogata! <3
uhhh, right, actual game stuff is happening.
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that’s stupid.
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no u
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no, it’s just stupid.
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that doesn’t even make sense
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“Sakura is my muscle waifu”
same tho
except i’d never use the word “waifu” ever, even ironically
so anyway this game really doesn’t want you to actually care about it, huh.
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hey that ugly kid is there
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you can’t mix Roman numerals and Arabic numerals like that
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you know, if you’re sick of making these games or you’re bored or something, you don’t have to keep doing it.
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well gee, if people want to watch teenagers murder each other in a game like this, i guess there’s just no choice but to continue making it happen
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oh, hey! did you know i’m getting my passport today? i’ve never had one before, so i’m kind of nervous i’m going to mess up the application or something. i think it’ll be okay in the end, but i’m still a little worried. i’m really excited to go to Japan in May, though!
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i’ve never even been outside of the US before, so that also makes me a little nervous, but i’ll be with my sister and her boyfriend, so i think it’ll be fine. i do need to make sure i keep studying Japanese, though, because i’m the only one that knows enough to have a conversation or read anything.
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we’ll just be wandering around in Tokyo for the ~9 days we’re there, because we don’t want to wander too far and end up being lost or something. there’s plenty to do there, though! i want to eat a crepe~ which offends my sister because she’s been to France and had French crepes, but Japanese ones always look so good... and i’ve never been to France, so it’s not like i’ll know the difference.
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in 53 seasons? really? what the hell were they doing
but i was talking about Japan. anyway! yeah, it should be pretty fun. i’m trying to save up as much money as i can. i’m not sure how much i should bring with me, but IIRC they still don’t really use cards much over there.
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my sister is going to just withdraw cash whenever she needs it because apparently the conversation rate is better that way, so maybe that’s what i’ll mostly do as well. right now we’re looking at a place in Shibuya to stay at and it’s pretty close to a lot of really convenient things!
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money aside, i kind of worry about public transportation. we don’t really use much of it here and it can be tricky to figure out, y’know? though with all the apps and technology around these days, it’ll probably be fine.
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you can’t mess with me by using a piano~ you already did that once~
oh! there’s a really cute cafe that sells doughnuts that look like animals in Tokyo! we’re going to try to find it, but apparently it’s in a kind of hard-to-find place. the doughnuts are sooo cute, though.
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oh, it finished.
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sure, why not.
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“ultimate real fiction��� just sounds stupid
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what was i talking about before? oh yeah, the doughnuts. honestly, i think the food will be a highlight of the trip, i am so ready to try new things and hopefully like them despite how picky i can be.
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i think sometime before the trip i might go to one of those all-you-can eat Japanese places with my sister, just so we can try some things we've never had and make sure we're okay eating them. brand new things are fine to try, but you also don't want to get sick or just waste money on food during a trip like that...
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i hate fish, so i know that's going to limit me a lot. i think other than fish the most common meat is chicken, though, so that should be fine? and i can have vegetable dishes or whatever, too.
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hmmm... i ran out of things to say.
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i just chose the option that appeared in front of me, don’t bring me into this. i'm done
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she wins: they get to live at the school forever Keebo wins: they have to finish the game and only two get to "graduate"
this post won't even let me stick any images in here anymore, so i guess i'm going to have to describe everything.
Kiibo volunteers to sacrifice himself so ~hope can win~. Maki also volunteers to sacrifice herself.
Shuichi starts talking about how he rejects that hope, blah blah, Kiibo's like "noooo despair can never be better"
Shuichi says that the people watching want hope, which is why this game keeps continuing and they ignore everything they suffer through to get this point. so if they choose hope here, they're just giving them what they want and it'll never end.
Shuichi wants to know what kind of punishment Maki and Kiibo will get. if it's what he's thinking, everything makes sense, including why Rantarou would participate in another game like this.
the punishment is to participate in the next game; Rantarou must have sacrificed himself last time, which is why he wanted to win this game. so if they choose "hope" here, the game won't end.
he decides he's not going to vote. if no one votes, the audience will hate it. he's done playing.
Shuichi gets the other three to agree and all of them decide to just stop. the audience doesn't like that and decide Kiibo's personality needs to be erased.
Shuichi says he's going to change the outside world, since they're why that happened to Kiibo.
okay i'm sick of not having screenshots, i'm going to do something
(click here for the secret end of the game post)
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