syneester · 19 days
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Martyn :) (request from ig)
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teleport-warning · 9 months
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MDZS Secret Santa exchange for AO3 user PorcelainAlice, for a prompt requesting fix-it where Jin Zixuan goes to Nie Mingjue for advice on connecting with his many illegitimate younger brothers.
Also on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52171486
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shiresome · 9 months
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bladxbornx · 6 months
The sound of a coin dropping into an offering box, followed by dull ringing of the shrine's bells. A rare occurrence for the shrine. But this time it is not of Gensokyo's Hakurei Shrine, or Gensokyo at all. The one performing these acts, the magician known as Aura, has left one land of fantasy for another for the purpose of exploration and investigation.
Clap! Clap!
Though he's following through with the motions of prayer, Aura's mind is instead focused on the short journey from the mysterious shard on the banks of that strangely straight river to this shrine, the unusual difficulty he had trying to travel on the tori lined road and so had to travel along side it, how well armed the fairies of this land were, the seemingly missing sun.
And now here he was, at Mugenri's Senri Shrine, using the prayer ritual to possibly attract the attention of the shrine's staff. Aura figures that if Mugenri is anything like Gensokyo, then those who live in these sacred grounds are the best to ask for information. All for as little as 500 yen...
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eeveekitti · 1 year
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for school or smth
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summernightskies · 8 months
TCE ocs incoming!!
TCE is a series made by @eldritch-spouse, and you should totally check it and her other works out!!
AHEM AHEM **Taps microphone (praying that tumblr didn't fry the quality- also might be better in dark mode.)
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This is Darius! He/Him, sleazy, creepy, weird, and an odd mix of wrath demon and remnants of bird monster (Hence the feathers). Weirdly long arms and he's an unhinged and frequent visitor/'client' of TCE. He's also into some pretty freaky stuff.
He enjoys watching Vinnel's torture shows, and has almost been killed once or twice by touching the 'poppet'. Bringing in humans he finds for Nebul to 'train', sitting at the bar drinking, and flirting with monsters he sees.
Probably thinks admin is extra-hot. Bad relationship with his twin sister. Brags about his more colorful feathers to Scylla.
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This is Scylla! She/Her, and a bird-monster/wrath demon hybrid (But the bird monster is more apparent in her than in Darius) stalkerish, a show off, flirts but then plays hard to get, and she's also very obsessed with how she looks and she'll melt if you call her pretty. She's also the fraternal twin of Darius! Has claw-like hands, long featherd ears, and a fluffy tail which looks a bit odd when compared to regular demon tails. Her hair isn’t quite hair, but just a bunch of long feathers which she styles to look how humans wear their hair.
Frequent visitor of TCE, but will mostly stay clear if Darius is anywhere in the establishment. When she's there, she wanders around the aquarium floor (Standing far from the water), drinking at the bar floor, and occasionally attends Vinnel's shows if she's feeling vicious.
She can and will get into a fist fight with Darius if they happen to come across each other. Thinks Darius's feathers are weird, and hates him to the point she might cry if she doesn't attack him to release her anger. Will also loathe you forever if you dump water on her head. Her feathers will puff up uncontrollably and she’ll be a sobbing mess until she combs through it again (Insecure about her feathers? probably). Will also fight you if you do this.
Brags about her longer horns to Darius.
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Darius inherited more wrath demon genes, while Scylla inherited more bird monster ones. Darius is more likely to give into wrathful urges, but Scylla's more violent because that's her personality.
Scylla lives on the surface (And more in tune to human customs), but has a more primal nature. Darius lives in the common rings of hell, and... I don't know, he's just a demon.
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Thoughts about the clergy/Its people:
Syclla wants to bed any of clergymen's obsessions/matches.
Scylla wants to challenge the clergy members to a fight. But she won't because she'd thinks she'd be banned.
Darius wants to bring home any of the clergymen's obsessions/matches as a power play. But won't because he's not stupid. Will look at all of them weird, though.
Darius wants to see the clergy members jealous.
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Nicknames/petnames they would probably call you:
Birdbrain (He doesn't like you. Uses this in reference to how he hates Scylla.)
Pretty (Congratulations! She likes you to the point she would die for you. This is a word she usually reserves for herself, so be grateful.)
Birdie/Birdy (Partner/Affectionate)
Featherless (Stranger/What she calls everyone who isn't a bird monster)
Sitting Duck (Or just duck) (You look weak to her and she's annoyed because her urges tell her to get a stronger partner/friend, but she still likes you.)
Prey/Scum (Enraged + If you're a human, probably won't use it if you're her partner.)
Ugly (The worst thing she could ever possibly call someone. Doesn't even dub her worst enemies this. because they're dead. Calls Darius this.)
Will probably be organized into a couple different posts after//
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Yk, I love Charlie x Emily x Vaggie but I'd like to suggest an alternative angle..
Pentious x Emily x Cherri.
Pentious and Emily being peak autism gets autism energy. Emily being a little too innocent, and Cherri pushing her out of her comfort zone. Pentious and Emily hitting it off immediately in heaven with their goofy connection, and Pentious immediately introducing Emily to Cherri when they get to hell. Both Pentious and Emily (The angels) admiring their rebellious still sinner gf.
Idk, I'm not even sure if it's my thing, but I feel like it's good for someone out there
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theloststarboy · 6 months
Is this foreshadowing of a murder or is this just gayyyy?
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guccigarantine · 3 months
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chryblossomjjk · 7 months
i keep gettin degrees to procrastinate :3
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ellelans · 8 months
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Horatio Finlay. Excuse me? My father's name. Horatio Finlay. You might think you're everybody's daddy in this town,but you're not mine.You don't tell me what leads to chase and how to chase them.So if I may give you some friendly advice: if you keep talking to the cops on my force,hinder this investigation in any way,I will put my fckng foot up your fckng ass until your heart fckng stops.
Reacher 1x03.
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
not me listening to a song going "this got taemin vibes" only to find out the artist is ten and he is in superm with taemin!
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Maybe the boops were the friends we made along the way
No wait the friends were the boops we have all along
No hold on the boops....boopity boop ... all along
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
For the Hurt/Comfort Dialogue: "I know it hurts, but just hold on a little longer!" Holding their hand once the pain becomes unbearable Charleshawk, please! 💜
ALRIIIIIIGHT this one was very hard to write for some reason but I finally got something im satisfied with. I tried to go for shorter here, but I dont think that quite worked. whoops
The ground shakes as another shell strikes earth somewhere far too close. Charles very nearly pitches over onto Hawkeye, catching himself by bracing one hand against the rickety wall. Hawkeye groans painfully and Charles does his best to ease himself off quickly, relaxing the pressure he’s putting against the wound in Hawkeye’s temple but still keeping his hand in place.
“Sorry, sorry.” He bites out. These are hardly ideal circumstances for first aid; battalion aid is a night mare on a good day, but the shelling is so close it’s managing to make everything much more difficult. The walls and ceiling shake with every explosion, cascading dust on their heads and covering everything in an additional layer of dirt and dust on top of the usual grime, and it’s nearly impossible for him to keep his balance. Still, he has a job to do. 
Charles eases some of the pressure off the surgical sponge he’s holding to Hawkeye’s temple, checking the damage underneath. Hawkeye’s skin is smeared red with blood, and there’s an angry bruise already forming around the still-weeping scrape in his temple. Charles carefully dabs at the fresh blood that beads there, before going back to maintaining steady pressure.
Hawkeye winces, his face screwing up in pain. Charles notices his teeth are painted red- he must’ve bitten his tongue, or the inside of his cheek. He’ll have to check later. For now, the head wound is his priority. The bleeding has slowed significantly in only a few minutes, which means he likely won’t have to do stitches, but that’s a small relief when there’s a very real possibility that Hawkeye’s skull might be fractured. 
All it took was one shell that hit a bit too close. The explosion shook the entire station, threw everyone standing to the ground, left Charles with his ears ringing. He managed to wobble up on unsteady legs, shaky from the shock, only to feel his heart stop dead when he saw Hawkeye crumpled in a heap on the ground, disoriented and weak, blood weeping down his face. He pulled Hawkeye over to the nearest wall and got him braced against it, giving him easier access to administer first aid.
Charles didn’t see exactly what happened, but he can put the pieces together based on their environment. His best guess is that when Hawkeye got knocked off his feet by the explosion, he bashed his head against the operating table he was standing by. Luckily he hadn’t sliced himself open on an edge. Luckily he hadn’t broken his bloody neck. 
“If I ask you questions, do you think you can answer them?” He asks.
“I’m concussed,” Hawkeye informs him bluntly, apparently seeing what he's getting at, “But… sure.” He agrees.
Charles is inclined to agree with that diagnosis. In fact, he’s hoping that’s all it is. Still, he has to check. “Right,” He says. “Do you remember what you were doing right before you hit your head?” 
Hawkeye squeezes his eyes shut, focusing. “…Shell went off,” He manages to recall, “Close by. But… nothing after that,” He admits, opening his eyes again, “Goes all black.” 
Charles nods. At least he remembers that much. “Do you know the date?” 
“Not even on a good day.” Hawkeye replies.
“The year, then.” Charles prompts.
Hawkeye has to think about it for a moment, before he answers, “1952.” 
“Correct,” Charles tells him, “How about the month?”
“Shit,” Hawkeye mutters quietly, eyes searching the ceiling like it might hold the answers, “Ah… June?”
“July,” Charles corrects him. Not the most damning answer, seeing as it's only the 2nd, but still not ideal, “Do you know where you are?” He continues.
Hawkeye looks around, squinting. “Not… the 4077,” He replies, though he sounds uncertain about it, “It’s… it’s Korea, but not… the 4077. I can’t…” He grimaces, squeezing his eyes shut again, “I can’t remember.”
“That’s alright,” Charles murmurs. He checks under the sponge again. The beading of new blood is delayed, “Can you follow this?” He brings his free hand in front of Hawkeye's face and holds up a finger, moves it slowly from side to side and watches Hawkeye try to track it with his eyes. He’s squinting painfully, and there’s a definite struggle to keep up before he shuts his eyes again, “Any dizziness, nausea? How’s your headache?” He asks.
“Yes, yes, and bad,” Hawkeye tells him, not opening his eyes, “If you make me do that again, I’m gonna throw up on you.” He warns. 
“I don’t need to,” Charles assures him, “I think you were right- seems like a concussion,” He takes the sponge away from Hawkeye’s temple and tosses it aside, “I won’t be able to check for any fractures until we return to camp and I can get you x-rayed. For now, I still need to clean and dress that wound.” He explains.
Hawkeye’s eyes widen slightly. It’s probably the most alarm he’s capable of displaying at present. “You sure you can’t just let me lay here and bleed?” He asks, “I don’t… I don’t mind bleeding. ’S not so bad, really.” He tries. 
Charles rummages through his bag and pulls out a small bottle of alcohol, as well as a rag, a dressing pad, and a roll of bandages. He checks for morphine, for any sort of painkiller, but he doesn’t have any. He’d used them up on the patients earlier. “I’m not letting you breed new strains of infection in that,” He tells him firmly, tone leaving no room for argument. He pops the bottle open and pours some of the alcohol into his palm, then sets aside the bottle and starts rubbing the alcohol all over his hands like he’s washing them. When he looks up and finds unmasked fear written all over Hawkeye’s face, he softens his tone and adds, “I’ll be as quick as I can.”
Hawkeye watches him take the rag and douse it with the remaining alcohol. “Promise?” He asks weakly, looking like he might be sick. 
“Promise,” Charles replies, swift and firm, “Now, do your best to hold still.”
It’s as painful as expected. Charles takes the rag to the wound and a strangled, animal cry rips itself out of Hawkeye the second it touches his skin. He jerks back against the wall, instinctively trying to get away, and Charles has to brace his hand against his cheek and hold him in place to keep working. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Charles murmurs, not expecting the ache of sympathy he feels as Hawkeye continues to wheeze painfully under his touch, “I’m almost finished, just a bit more…” 
True to his word, Charles is done within moments. He tosses aside the rag as soon as he’s finished, then snatches up the dressing pad to tear open and press against the wound. Hawkeye groans against his teeth, hitting the ground a few times as Charles applies pressure to the wound again.
Charles gives him a moment to collect himself. Hawkeye is gasping for breath, slumped back against the wall with his eyes shut tight. “I’m going to need your hand for this next part,” He tells him quietly, “Do you think you can manage that?”
“Give… give me a second,” Hawkeye wheezes, not opening his eyes. He’s digging his fingers into the floor, his knuckles white, “Trying not to… trying not to pass out…” 
That would be a mercy for him right now. Unfortunately, it’s not an option. “Here,” Charles reaches over and works his hand into Hawkeye’s, “Squeeze. Hard as you like. It’ll help.” He offers.
Hawkeye wraps his fingers around Charles’ hand and squeezes. Hard. It borders on painful, but Charles takes it without complaint. He keeps a close eye on Hawkeye, ready to catch him just in case he does pass out.
“Breathe, Pierce,” He advises, as Hawkeye’s breathing doesn’t seem to be coming any easier. He’s bordering on hyperventilating, “Slowly. In through your nose, out through your mouth,” Hawkeye manages a couple deeper breaths, and Charles rubs his thumb over the back of his knuckles, “That’s it. Keep breathing.”
Hawkeye tilts his head back against the wall. “It hurts,” He admits quietly, nearly whimpering, “God, Charles, it hurts so damn bad…”
“I know,” Charles murmurs. What he’d give for morphine right now… “I know it hurts, Hawkeye, but just hold on a little longer. You’ll be able to rest soon.” That’s a damn lie and he knows it. He hasn’t even finished properly treating him yet, he still needs to bandage the wound. Then he’ll need to drive them back to the 4077, which will be awful for both of them. And then, once they get back to the 4077, he’ll need to get Hawkeye into x-ray and treat him further from there. 
“Shit,” Hawkeye’s breathless chuckle snaps him out of his thoughts, “I must be in real bad shape…” He huffs.
Charles doesn’t like the sound of that at all. “What makes you say that?” He asks.
Hawkeye opens one eye to look at him, smiling faintly. Maybe he’s delirious. “You called me Hawkeye,” He says, “You never call me Hawkeye.”
Charles keeps his relief at that admission quiet. “Is that all,” He huffs, raising a brow at him, “I’m trying to be reassuring, nothing more. Bedside manner is part of the job, after all,” He reminds him, “You’re going to be fine. You just need to wait it out a little longer.” He gives Hawkeye’s hand a small, reassuring squeeze.
Hawkeye considers him for a moment. “…Thanks,” He murmurs at last, “For, ya know… trying,” He tilts his head back again, closes his eyes, “I know it’s not… I know it isn’t easy for you. Even if it is part of the job description.” 
He’s got him there. Charles isn’t great with the empathy side of the job- his word choice never seems to be right, his tone always seems to be off. But somehow, right now, it seems… easier. Maybe because this is Hawkeye, and sympathy and concern physically ache in his chest, twinging every time Hawkeye so much as winces.
He doesn’t know how to voice that, though. So he simply says, “…You’re welcome.”
Hawkeye hums his acknowledgement. A beat passes, before he asks, “Can I ask another favour?”
Charles nods. “Go ahead.” He invites.
“Would you… keep talking to me?” Hawkeye tilts his head back down, opens heavy, drooping eyes, “Tell me a story, recite a textbook, just… keep talking. It’s getting hard to keep my eyes open. I’m…” He hesitates for a moment, before dragging his eyes up to meet Charles’ “I’m scared I’ll fall asleep.” He admits.
Charles needs to bandage the wound. His arm aches from holding the dressing in place. “Alright,” He says anyways. He raises Hawkeye’s hand up to his forehead, moving slowly as he continues, “Here, let’s put your hand here… have I ever told you about my family home?” He places Hawkeye’s hand where his was, holds it there until he’s putting pressure on the dressing himself. He leans in, then, continuing on as he picks up the bandages and gets to work winding it carefully around Hawkeye’s head, “Last I was there, it was summer. My mother’s garden was in full bloom, and Honoria and I…” 
He tells Hawkeye about walking through the garden, painting as vivid a picture he can of warm summer days, cobblestone paths, and vibrant flowers. He works with careful hands, knowing that he’ll have to get Hawkeye up and load him into the Jeep sooner rather than later, and pitch him headfirst back into agony to drive back to camp. He can be gentle for a moment, though. Just for a moment. Just this once.
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voidcats-0ne5ive · 1 year
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So I made a thing…
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designedonchaos · 1 year
schitt’s creek sentence starters - Closed, @berkeleys
"Okay, so. Lots of talking. Lots of emoting." Mars is jotting down notes. He knows a lot of this already - of course he does. But going to Lara's old friend and the governor Julian Berkeley made sense when he might have to make a speech at this bloody opening. Schmoozing, chatting up old folks, and wining and dining was easy for the architect. Speeches... well. Mars would never say he was piss-poor at anything, but he knows he's got a lot to learn. "What else, Oh Wise One? I've got people to impress at this function." He teases, crossing one leg in his chair.
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