shag0hod · 2 years
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i ALSO do the chess server dtiys !!!!
org image underneath ^_^
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gravesung · 1 month
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hazy thoughts about mh.a/j.jk verses for my funky anime lad
m.ha sakura — quirkless
like i think that would make a lot of sense for him given the universal rejection and unkindness shown to him throughout his entire life. like every kid, he wanted to be a hero until those dreams were shattered and he became bitter. started fighting. started fighting people with quirks, and eventually began winning against them.
maybe furin high/makoshi is a place specifically for quirkless delinquents?? parents send their kids there when they can't deal with them anymore or are ashamed of them being quirkless. but sakura goes on his own, because he's heard it's a seedy place the pro heroes sort of ignore (because what can they really do about it? try to be teachers and get eaten alive by teenage boys? and how much do they really care about a bunch of quirkless teens fighting each other?)
m.ha sakura — stamina quirk?
verse that could put him in UA potentially. i think his quirk would give his body like, double or triple the fighting stamina/recovery a normal body would allow. his muscles take much longer to tire out and they repair faster
in that case, i could see his lifelong rejection just being because of his partial albinism like it is in canon. small town, shitty people, shitty parents. goes to UA to fight his way to the top — not because theyre the lowest of the low and he thinks he belongs there (he doesn't. lol) but purely out of spite and anger for everything he's been through
becomes more passionate about actually being a hero the longer he stays there though, as he learns to find himself again and he continually rushes mindlessly into trouble to protect people
very bak.ugo coded honestly. he's not a bully though, he just wants to fight
jj.k sakura
ooh very easy to work him in here — sorcerers are often treated like garbage by non-sorc communities (ie suguru's girlies). so i can imagine sakura came from a pretty isolated place, not only with what was seen as a freakish visual defect but also strange black magic shit???
so yeah that's where the mass rejection and hate came from in this verse. similar to mainverse, his parents were neglectful and abusive, he never made any friends, kids and adults alike looked at him with disdain. he started fighting. and kept fighting. and kept fighting.
at this point i think i could see him being recruited to tokyo jujutsu high if he stirred up enough shit, or furin could be a smaller school for wayward delinquent sorcerers — like an independent mini jujutsu society started by umemiya after he unified a rough town. band of boys who take on cursed spirits and curse users together.
so much better and healthier than mainstream jujutsu society honestly. these lads
(though i feel like they'd end up just being called curse users because they're not part of the system)
cursed technique tba. he seems to have noticeable potential to skyrocket in power compared to his peers, so i imagine his CT would also be head-turning in some way?
alternate jj.k idea for heem
i could see potential for sakura as a newer, influencable suguru recruit tbh. he's so broken and insecure, it would be so easy for suguru to sort of take the furin boys' place as a beacon of stability and belonging.
on one hand i think he would be very easy to connect with — non-sorcerers have treated him like garbage for his entire life, and that's exactly what suguru is trying to show people about them. but on the other hand, sakura has such a strong sense of morality that i don't think he would necessarily be manipulated that easily
so maybe he does get him on board in the beginning, but at one point (maybe after a more positive influence) sakura realizes this is all fucked up and tries to defect
going back to having a powerful CT, that would probably be why suguru would want to scoop him up before jujutsu society can
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aggressively-crying · 2 years
Wasp is going up against IDW Whirl! Not Cyberverse. BIG BIG difference. Your argument is confusing because half way I thew it I thought you where saying Wasp had something worse then being dismantled. I waited for you to say what Wasp had done to him that is worse then Whirl getting dismantled, having the government chop his hands off because they didn't like him going against his function, suffering depression because everyone is trying to kill him.
Sooooo..... what did Wasp have done to him???? because you did a dang good job about convincing me that Whirl is the superior poor mew mew because he gets blown up, dismantled, and everyone just generally hates Whirl.
1. I realized after posting that they specified idw rather than whirl in general. My reblog has since been edited, my apologies for misleading.
2. I think you're taking this a mite bit too seriously. The point of the contest is not about who has endured greater pain, but who is more pathetic about it. A waterlogged cat is not necessarily going through torture or even pain, but they just look so fucking pathetic about it that you can't help but feel your heart bleed for them.
Whirl, from what I have seen, is less of a sad, pathetic little creature and more like a cool uncle that's been to jail 6 times and desperately needs therapy. While has been through a lot, the difference is how he carries the suffering. Like. Being depressed and having no friends does not make one pathetic. Whirl is suffering, yes, and needs help, but he doesn't carry himself like a sad little limp pasta noodle and his tolerance for misery seems much higher than wasp's. He's more like a pissed off, wounded wolf in that he retains being a badass despite how much pain he is very clearly in and how much help he clearly needs. He gives off vibes of anger and suffering, not weakness and general malcontent.
Waspinator acts like he'd cry if he closed a door a little too loud. He's the kinda guy that would say "aheem heem whimper" out loud. The entire basis of his character is having cartoonishly shitty luck. "I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I like awake until my heart attacks put me to sleep" tier misery. The universe itself hates him. Every single episode he's in has him get scrapped in some fashion. He's like if the eagle got creative with tearing out Prometheus's liver every day. He is well aware of how hard he in particular is the target of constant injury and pain and he laments it at every opportunity. And on the somewhat heavier side, wasp has no friends either. Hes in the middle of a war on an unfamiliar planet with the most cartoonishly evil and despotic incarnation of Megatron Hasbro has cranked out. He gets sent out alone into battle to die by a boss who does not give a shit about him so many times but primus won't let him die <3 All he can do is mistakenly put his trust into teammates that are perfectly willing to use him as a meat shield. The only two people that were ever kind of nice to him comparatively got melted alive in a pit of lava and slowly replaced with increasingly murderous, sadistic freaks that were equally increasingly willing to tear him apart for fun. He is a sad, wet little freak of a man who has been possessed, shot, crushed, cubed, betrayed, brain damaged, electrocuted, thrown through a wall, screamed at, kicked in the dick, shredded, blown up, dismembered, flattened, decapitated, beaten, burned, buried and more, and each and every time, he has to drag himself back to the repair chamber with whatever limbs are still attached to him (if any) knowing fully well he'll have to do it all again tomorrow and nobody will care enough to ask if he's okay. Waspinator gets so few wins he actively keeps count of the shots he actually lands.
To top it off, wasp actually gets the exact same treatment as whirl in terms of nonconsensual frame adjustments. After flying back to Cybertron from Earth with nothing but his weak lil bug wings (which took millions of years), the second he got back, Megatron ripped his spark out of his shell and used it to power a new mech altogether, which wasp has no say in. He was fully conscious in the new con he was powering, but had zero influence on his actions.
Like. Wasp was fucked from day one and fucked til the end and he bumbled his way through life for the whole series. He went through none of this with a trace of grit nor grace. Waspinator is the definition of cringefail. He's a funny little guy that got fucked over repeatedly because his misery amuses the masses. He's like a plushie you pour milk on and throw at the wall as hard as you possibly can. He's the universe's stress all. Just a sad, sad little gremlin who is somehow still standing and considers that a curse.
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