scrunchie-87 · 2 years
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heathersproship · 2 years
hi! thanks for answering my question about chansaw. my opinion is really similar to yours. and as an extra note, if the show/movie happened in a weird alternative universe that everyone including H.C and veronica remain friends, they could totally rule the world. another question if you dont mind, is if you think movie JD really did love veronica? thanks!
I never mind more questions lol, come at me!
I do think he really did love her, yes. And it’s relevant to mention Chandler in all this first because in regards to Veronica J.D. and Chandler parallel each other greatly (to the point where in the early draft J.D. even tells Veronica she “used to have a sense of humor” like Chandler did), though we need only look at how their relationships with her ended to see the difference.
Regardless of how Veronica fell in with them and to what degree, both relationships end with Veronica wanting out. Both relationships ultimately end with the deaths of Chandler and J.D. And both relationships end with Veronica winning their respective fights leading to their deaths, with Chandler being verbal in the alley of Remington and J.D. being physical in the boiler room. Again, the difference is how they take it.
When she’s beaten by Veronica, Chandler threatens to go scorched earth. “Monday morning, you’re history. Transfer to Washington, transfer to Jefferson. No one at Westerburg is going to play your reindeer games.”
When he’s beaten by Veronica, J.D. bows out gracefully. “Color me impressed. You really fucked me up pretty bad, Veronica. You got power in you—power I didn’t think you had. Slate is clean.”
Even though J.D.’s actions make him objectively worse than Chandler, which makes her the “better” option in the eyes of some people (she’s just a bully whereas he’s a murderer... even though being a bully isn’t exactly a good thing either? Like, she’s a literal bully??), tell me why it’s the serial killer who knows when to fold? He’s unhinged and violent and he has a fucking bomb. He could’ve pushed her down the stairs and let gravity do the rest since they were both pretty banged up from their fight. He could’ve turned the timer on at any time without her knowing and taken her with him. He could’ve stayed where he was rather than walking away to die where the brunt of the blast couldn’t reach her. He could’ve hurt her more as one final fuck you. But he didn’t.
It’s clear by the end J.D. respects Veronica and Chandler does not, and it’s that respect which shows he loves her.
Someone once asked in the Heathers movie sub on Reddit (and I’m paraphrasing because it’s been a while), why did J.D. blow himself up at the end rather than continue with his plan to blow up the school? The only explanation I have, and personally believe, is that he was just honoring Veronica’s last wish. He respected her enough, and loved her enough, to do one last thing. (Also, there’s the rule of three, right? Killed Chandler in the first act, killed Ram in the second, and then he kills himself in the last.)
Remember, the last thing she said to him before leaving the boiler room was that she wants “cool guys like you out of my life.” The fight is over, the bomb’s been turned off. Veronica walked out of the boiler room, leaving both him and the bomb inside (I forget if she drops the gun or what). He could’ve turned it back on and blown the school up anyway, exactly like he wanted and went to the trouble of planning out, but he didn’t. There’s also his history of moving around a lot; we don’t know how long he has in Sherwood—he could be gone the next day and there’d be very little chance of them keeping in touch, much less ever meeting again. Instead, he managed to get his beaten ass up, strap the bomb to himself, follow her outside, let her know there’s no hard feelings after all that, turn the bomb back on, and blow himself up in front of her so she knows he’s not only out of her life, but there’s no chance this cool guy will meet up with her again. Was it a fucked up way of saying goodbye? Hell yeah it was! But as he says himself, “the extreme always seems to make an impression,” so it makes sense he would go out with a big fucking bang. And she proved she had the fortitude to withstand him.
The reason we don’t see J.D. blowing himself up as an act of love in the movie is because the focus is on Veronica. She just stands there waiting for him to blow up, letting him light her cigarette the way he used her as a lighter earlier. In the musical, we focus on J.D. singing “Our love is God” as the very last words he ever says (to Veronica and in general), which shows his intent much more blatantly, and that’s not an accident. The musical with all its changes deliberately paints J.D. with a more sympathetic brush, making him an abuse victim to explain why he is the way he is, especially on West End, to the point of blaming his dad in the lead up to I Say No—and who are you not to sympathize with an abuse victim? The movie doesn’t do that. At all. It makes the movie J.D. come off as worse than his musical counterpart, not having a reason to easily explain why he is the way he is, and that’s the point. He’s fucked up, but he’s no victim about it. He doesn’t need an abusive dad constantly punching down on him every second of every day for him to turn out as he did, just like Chandler doesn’t need neglectful parents to turn out a controlling bitch who thinks getting involved with college guys as a high school junior is the cool thing to do.
Plus, the only reason he got this bad was because he decided Veronica was the one to fuck everything up for, even if it started off as accidental. His reaction to killing Chandler (shaken, “a little freaked” in his own words) is not the reaction of someone who’s killed before, as much as the fandom seems to think (or wants to believe) he has. After he got a taste, it just escalated vey quickly.
So yeah! Movie J.D. definitely loved Veronica. While his methods were extreme, he had the right idea: he just wanted to protect her. He wanted to give her what she wanted. He just has a very fucked-up way of expressing it (taken from his parents, no doubt. And it’s canon too; we just have to pick up on it). When they killed Chandler, he asks “At least you got what you wanted, right?” When they killed Kurt and Ram, he was under the impression she wanted it but didn’t want to admit it to herself. And when he blew himself up, it was because she asked for it: “You know what I want, babe? Cool guys like you out of my life.”
God I love them lol.
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chansaw · 2 years
as a a korrasami shipper i just wanted to say that i really really admire your dedication to what you believe in. i’ve never watched Heathers (or even listened to the musical) so i really have no idea who these characters are but after reading your analysis/meta posts i feel like i get them. of course i’m sad that korrasami lost but i also totally get why people want chansaw to win now
wowowowow this is 😳
tbh i can’t believe there are people other than myself who care about chansaw as much as i do either!!!
anyways thanks for the kind words anon and i hope you do get around to seeing heathers someday because in my opinion it laid the foundation for every iconic teen movie that came after it. there’s never been another movie like it and there never will be!
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broadwayloserstuff · 3 years
Chansaw Smut
So I got a request for smut prompt 28 for Chansaw. I haven’t really read Chansaw so I was looking for some one shots on Wattpad and I realized there really isn’t a lot of Chansaw smut. And ironically, I saw @mcdonaldstm in the comments section. I haven’t written g x g smut in a long time so I apologize in advance. I’m sorry it’s so long lmao. WARNINGS: I honestly don’t think there’s a lot but uh swearing, smut, mentions of a gun and blanks, and I guess not a very good Jdonica relationship. MINORS DON’T INTERACT! “He doesn’t love you, Sawyer!” The red-clad blonde yelled. Two feet away stood a tall girl with short brown hair. The girl wore blue and her eyes were filled with tears.  “He does love me, Heather! You haven’t had a steady boyfriend in your life! How the hell would you know?” yelled the girl in blue. “Because, if you haven’t been able to tell by now, he’s not a good person, Veronica,” argued Heather, “He pulled a gun on the first day of school!” Veronica’s face flushed and she stuttered, “It was filled with blanks! No real harm was done!”  Heather rolled her eyes. Veronica refused to believe that her shady boyfriend really loved her. After all, they had almost nothing in common. Yet, Veronica still thought he was a good person, even after every red flag there had been. Veronica pulled her coat on hastily and shot back, “He pulled the gun on Kurt and Ram because they were harassing him!” Heather let out a mocking laugh. “Is that what it was? Or do you just not want to know that he’s a sick psychopath? If he’s such a good boyfriend, where is he? It’s a Friday night and you’re here with me. Shouldn’t you be out on a date?” Veronica stopped her movement and sat on the loveseat in Heather’s room. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face between her legs. Heather could hear her soft sobs. Maybe she had gone too far. After all, Heather was also quite jealous of how much Veronica cared for JD. Veronica was sweet and smart but also a major dork yet, Heather had fallen in love with her anyways. Veronica felt the chair dip beside her and looked up. Heather sat next to her, staring straight ahead. Veronica went back to crying as Heather gingerly laid a hand on Veronica’s shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she murmured, “I went too far with that. But I stand by the fact that he’s not good for you, Veronica. He’s sketchy and someone else loves you more than he does.” Veronica picked her head up, looking dead into Heather’s aquamarine eyes. “Who?” she croaked. Heather hesitated. What if Veronica didn’t like her back? Would Veronica tell everyone that the most popular girl in school is a lesbian?  In a moment of pure love, Heather leaned over and pressed a small kiss to Veronica’s lips. Heather quickly pulled back. The pair sat in silence. “You like me,” stated Veronica. Heather stood up and walked to the window. “No shit, sherlock.” Heather heard no response from Veronica, so she sighed. “Listen, just give me a chance to prove I’m better than Jesse James. Just one night.” Veronica got up and pressed her lips against Heather’s. “One night, Heather.”  Heather grinned and their lips met in a more heated kiss. Heather kept pushing Veronica backwards until they fell on the bed, Heather on top. Heather demanded entrance and Veronica gave it to her. Their tongues fought for dominance, Veronica deciding to let Heather win. Suddenly, Heather’s hands went to Veronica’s jacket, practically ripping it off in eagerness. Veronica got her message and unbuttoned her blazer and shimmied out of it, tossing her blue blazer to the side. Heather quickly buried her head in the crook of Veronica’s neck, sucking hickeys into her seemingly perfect skin. Veronica let out soft sighs of pleasure, her hand going into Heather’s strawberry-blonde locks. Heather’s fingers fumbled as she attempted to unbutton the white shirt Veronica had worn underneath her Heathers blazer. Eventually, she got the shirt unbuttoned and quickly moved kisses down Veronica’s chest, over the lacy black bra she had worn, and down her stomach.  Veronica was in heaven. Heather had already gotten her so wet and she needed her so bad.  Heather seemed to sense Veronica’s need and she quickly pulled off the tiny skirt Veronica wore. How that skirt had tortured Heather. It was so short, almost revealing her ass, but was just long enough that it didn’t.  “Be a good girl and spread your legs,” ordered Heather. Veronica quickly obeyed, being turned on even further by the commanding tone in Heather’s voice. It reminded her of how Heather spoke to everyone at school yet it was somehow softer. Heather pressed Veronica’s panties into her core. “So wet,” she purred, “And all for me.” Veronica whimpered, “Heather, please, no teasing.” Heather gave her one last smirk before quickly pulling off her panties and diving in between her thighs. Immediately, Veronica gripped Heather’s hair. A loud moan sounded from Veronica and Heather moaned in response, sending vibrations through her core. Heather inserted two fingers, pumping them at a fast pace as her mouth worked over Veronica’s clit.  As Veronica clenched around her fingers, Heather pulled her mouth back and used her thumb to rub Veronica’s clit. Veronica came with a loud moan as she rode out her high. Heather pulled her fingers out, licking them clean. Veronica tasted surprisingly good. 
As Veronica regained her composure, Heather placed her clothes in her lap and gave her time to get dressed again. “I’m done,” said a tired voice. Heather looked back at Veronica, who was now back in her clothes, and laid next to her. “Get some rest,” said Heather, “I’ll see you in the morning.” Veronica nodded and rested her head on Heather’s chest, closing her eyes and immediately beginning to snore. Heather pressed on last kiss to the top of her head before turning off her bedside lamp and falling asleep.
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Chansaw headcanons
Whenever they are at school Chandler secretly glances at Veronica.
Veronica sometimes catches her gaze and they stare at each other for a bit before both quickly looking away as if they weren't just staring.
Most of the time Veronica is talking to Mac when Chandler decides to stare a little bit longer really enjoying how happy she seems.
Veronica most of the times stares at Chandler when they are in class making sure others don't see it.
Both of them are always waiting until schools over so that they can finally do whatever they want.
The minute they are alone Chandler smirks a bit before kissing Veronica.
Veronica always blushes when that happens while also being happy to be able to be close to Chandler again.
Chandler is most of the time not really soft unless you're talking about Veronica. She is always really caring but only when they are alone.
A lot of times they sit together while Chandler watches some soap on tv and Veronica just reads one of her books.
There are times that Chandler is drawing Veronica and doesn't even notice that Veronica isn't as busy as she thought the girl was
Veronica at that moment mostly takes the opportunity to see what she is drawing.
"You know Heather you can draw really well why don't you want to show that to anybody?"
Chandler mostly jumps a little not expecting Veronica somewhere around her before looking at her. "I don't know I think I just don't really like the drawings enough. But weren't you busy?"
Veronica chuckles at moments like that finding it hilarious that Chandler jumps. "I wasn't really busy and your work is amazing. At least show me some of your work."
Chandler nods at that never showing her anyways.
Because Chandler doesn't show her anything she once grabs the sketch book and looks at all the amazing sketches loving all of it
Whenever Chandlet decides to take her makeup off Veronica seems to function even less than before especially when she notices the freckles.
Chandler is normally really insecure about them and doesn't like them but she does like it when Veronica isn't functioning so she mostly doesn't wear makeup when she is home.
Whenever Veronica is writing in her diary there is always a line like 'dear diary Chandler is going to be the death of me.' Or 'She wasn't wearing makeup again how do I survive her. How is her being so hot and amazingly beautiful allowed.'
When Veronica and Chandler watch some movies it's mostly or horror because Chandler wants to hold Veronica or it's some fantasy like movie because Veronica has been practically begging for it.
"Please Heather can we watch something else today?"
"Why you don't like my choice of movies?"
"That's not it but I really want to watch Harry Potter with you so please?"
"Well fine just because you ask me so nicely. But that means that you get the popcorn" Chandler says smirking a bit about how happy Veronica looks.
Veronica grins and doesn't even care about how she has to ask it she takes it as a win either way.
Veronica just makes the popcorn quickly to go back to Chandler and actually pull Chandler in her arms making sure that she is comfortable.
Normally Chandler would be angry about that but at moments like that she is comfortable and in a good mood so she leans against Veronica while watching with her. Never admitting that the movies are good.
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sapphicspaceknight · 8 years
Chansaw prompt in which the girls play some strip croquet? ;)))
Ah yes, strip-croquet, a classic ;)–
Veronica wasn’t exactly sure how her and Heather Chandler ended up naked in the back of her yard, kissing in the grass. Scratch that, Veronica knew exactly how it happened.
Heather had come over earlier that day and bitched to her about the other Heathers and how they’d made plans without her, and Veronica had no other choice but to let her in. The blonde had walked straight to her backyard and demanded they play croquet and that as soon as Heather won, she’d feel slightly less bitchy.
Veronica jumped right on and agreed and grabbed the mallets (red and blue, obviously) and balls.
They played a round, and Veronica easily lost. She looked over at Heather and she got a smug smile and a raised eyebrow in return. Veronica cocked her head. Did Heather want something for winning? She didn’t have the chance to ask.
“Well? What’re you waiting for, an invitation? Strip something off.” Heather said as she waved up and down at the girl. Veronica’s eyes bugged
“I-What?! You never said strip croquet!” The brunette exclaimed.
“Whoops. Now strip,” Heather’s eyes flashed with something as she commanded.
Veronica grumbled and took off her blazer and set it gently on the grass. Heather simply shot a sultry-was it sultry or was it just vicious?- smile towards her. The brunette gulped and grabbed her mallet, she didn’t exactly feel like losing anymore rounds.
Veronica then blushed, because if she lost it meant Heather would have to strip. Oh god, how the hell was she gonna do this. She calmed her thoughts and hit the ball with her mallet.
This could only end badly.
They played more rounds than they could count. Veronica won some and Heather won some. Sometimes it would simply shift between the two, or one would get (un)lucky and have a double, or even a triple win streak.
Veronica looked up at Heather, she only had her bra and panties on and the brunette quickly looked away. She would not stare at Heather Chandler. She would not stare at Heather Chandler. She would not star- Aw fuck it - she thought as she looked up and raked her eyes across the blonde’s body. Said blonde immediately noticed and sent a smirk her way.
“Oh, see something you like Ronnie?” Chandler said as she took a step towards Veronica.
“Uh… two somethings? Oh god wait- that was stupid of me- uh…” Veronica stuttered out as she blushed and looked away, a deep laugh attempting to hide her embarrassment.
Heather continued her way over to Veronica and stopped right in front of her and leaned close. She quirked an eyebrow at the slightly shorter girl, one that was perfectly managed and sharp as her nails.
“I lied to you, those other bitches didn’t ditch me, I just wanted to come over and have some… ah fun. I thought you were gonna be a pussy and not even take it this far, but I am oh-so-gladly mistaken,” Heather said as she brought a finger up to the girl’s chin and lifted it up, “Now grab what you like, but don’t be afraid when I bite…”
Veronica lunged forward and locked lips with the girl and grabbed Heather’s-
And that’s how Veronica ended up naked and making out with Heather Chandler in the middle of her backyard, and they were most certainly not leaving for a while.
(And yes, Heather’s bitchy attitude went away after she won)
–Send me a Heathers prompt with your ship and I’ll write a short one shot for you!
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