#I SEE THEM IN MY NOTIFS i saw him in my notifs when windy got mentioned LOL
Hhh blog dropping but I mean by this person @akperson11
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s1ater · 3 years
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the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen
warning/s 🚫: swearing
slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮
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part one, part two
hawk: miss me princess?
you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.
he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.
y/n: you flatter yourself too much
hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos
y/n: other than them being nightly, sure
hawk: i’m a busy man
you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”
y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh
you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.
he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 
hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to
y/n: that’s a lie
hawk: is it?
y/n: i’d love to see you
hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face
y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?
but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.
you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.
hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy
you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.
it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.
y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over
hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao
eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.
he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.
y/n: sorry bud
hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)
it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.
you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.
you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.
your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 
“need a ride?”
you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 
“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 
“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”
“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 
“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 
“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 
“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 
he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”
“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 
it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 
he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 
because he wanted to fuck you. 
“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 
“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 
and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 
“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?
it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 
but you really wondered. 
“uh- i, what?”
you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 
wow, really? 
he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 
he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”
no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 
you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”
but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 
“you wouldn't be the first.”
“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 
he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 
“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 
“anytime, princess.” 
join the taglist lil doggy
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets
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The Badminton Racket -- Entry #1
Clarissa A. Sambile -- SC1H -- Core112
Once upon a time there was a girl named Hinata who was happily watering her flowering  plants. It was a slight of a windy day that made her long black hair sway with the breeze together  with her pink flowy dress. She looked up in the sky as her bright eyes seemed to twinkle as it gazed  in the sun, it was a beautiful day. She is an only child living with her mother, Sakura, whom she  is very much close with as her father died when she was just a toddler.  
Her mom called her to come to the dining area as they have some discussions to make,  “Hinata, things around the house had been getting tough lately, is it fine if we start being thrifty  and budget a little?”. As always, Hinata seems to accept the rules and she did what she has to  please her mom, “Sure mom, it’s not really that big of a problem”, Hinata said while smiling at  her mom. Her mom appreciated her for being understanding.  
Hinata’s 16th birthday is coming up soon and she didn’t wish for anything too extravagant  but as a mother, Sakura wanted to make her daughter’s day special considering she was an only  child and wanted what’s best for her. She decorated the house with plenty of colorful balloons and  baked a carrot cake which is Hinata’s favorite flavor, “I hope Hinata will appreciate this.” Hinata  went on a walk with her dog, Naruto, not suspecting that she was about to be surprised with a  birthday party. As she opened the door, she was greeted by her relatives with a happy birthday and  sang to her. They gave her gifts and her most admired person, which was her grandfather, Itachi,  gave her a pair of badminton sets, “Here is your gift Hinata, make sure you play with this with your  friends.” Hinata hugged her grandfather tightly, “Thank you grandpa!” 
When the party was over, Hinata was busy opening the gifts she received then suddenly  her mother approached her with a smile on her face, “It looks like I forgot to give someone a  present.” Confused, she turned to her mom and asked, “What do you mean mom? This celebration  is good enough of a gift.” Then suddenly her mother gave her a box, she opened it and was shocked  to see that it was a phone, her very first phone. She hugged her mother tightly and thanked her  countless times, “Thank you so much mom, I can’t believe it!” she exclaimed, “You know, I just  want to make my only daughter happy.” 
Hinata went to school the next morning and showed off her phone to her friends and quickly  gave her number to them. She spent days slacking off and not doing any chores in the house which  irritated her mother, Sakura. Sakura tried explaining to her daughter that using the phone too much 
can cause some trouble in the future. As a teenager, Hinata didn’t listen to her mom and just  couldn’t think of any possible harm that could happen to her.  
One night as she was texting her friends back and forth, a notification popped up meaning  that someone texted her. “Who might this be?” she pondered. Noticed that it was a guy named  Sasuke, who sent her a nice greeting, ‘hello’, she checked his profile and saw that it’s a charming  looking guy with dark hair and brown eyes around her age. She replied back with a ‘hi’ and they  started texting each other. Over time, it started with texting but now they start doing phone calls  and even video calls.  
As her mother did the laundry, she passed her door and heard that she was talking to  someone. Sakura knocked on her door and quickly Hinata ended the call and opened the door for  her mom. “Who were you talking to, Hinata?” Sakura asked, “It was…was..just a video my friends  sent me that’s why I laughed.” Hinata answered nervously. Sakura knew something was happening  but Hinata just wanted it to be kept a secret.  
One day as Sakura was mopping the floor her eyes stumbled upon Hinata who was texting  her friends, “Hinata, why can’t you help me around the house instead of just slacking off? I realized  ever since I gave you that phone, you never do house chores anymore. You even forget to walk  Naruto to the park.” Hinata got up and yelled at her mom “Why can’t you just be more  understanding mom? I am a teenager and I need to socialize more, right?”, she went upstairs and  slammed the door of her room.  
Sakura wanted to apologize to her daughter but Hinata didn’t want to respond to her mom’s  knocking. Hinata cried and all she had to talk to was Sasuke, he was there for her in everything  that he needed to be in. They called and she told him about everything that was happening between  her and her mom. “Everything is going to be fine Hinata, it was just a complete misunderstanding.”  Sasuke said over the phone. Hinata has strong feelings for Sasuke because of the way he made her  feel, together with his attractive looks. She gathered up the courage to confess, “Sasuke, I like  you.” and long story short they became a couple since he also had a crush on her.  
Weeks went by and the couple seemed to be doing fine, “I love you” Sasuke said, “I love you  too” Hinata answered as they ended the call. In the morning, Sakura confronted Hinata if she had  a boyfriend, “You were never like this, Hinata, wh-“, but she had been interrupted by Hinata, “Why  can’t you just stay out of my business?!” Hinata shouted. Sakura looked her in the eye and said,  “It’s because I am your mother.” This angered Hinata that made her leave the room. Hinata  checked her feed on social media and saw Sasuke with another girl who seemed to be on a date. She  confronted him over the phone, “Who is that girl you were with Sasuke? Are you cheating on me?”  and indeed, he was on a date with another girl, “I’m sorry Hinata, but you live so far away from  me and I needed someone closer.” but in the end, she broke up with him. Without her knowing,  her mom was actually listening at the door while the two were fighting on call.  
“I heard all of that Hinata, I know I might be too nosy but I just want you to be safe and I  don’t want anything bad to happen to you” Sakura said while hugging Hinata. Hinata apologized  and at the end they were back to being close like before. The next morning when Hinata came  down to the dining area, she was greeted with a warm scent of cooked bacon and pancakes, her 
favorite. Her mother greeted her good morning and they both had a wonderful breakfast together.  They had a conversation that  they both longed for a while and played badminton in the backyard.
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ella-se-vuelve-loca · 5 years
Downtown Winter Nights | Richard Camacho (9th Day of 🎄)
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Just a few more holiday fics left! We’re almost done with these! Lmao 💕
(Credits to the owner of this gif!!!)
Richard covered his scarf around his face as I fixed up my hat. “This is our stop..” We got off the CTA train and walked hand in hand outside, feeling the cold breeze of downtown, Chicago hitting our faces.
“Well, it’s not called the “Windy City” for nothing, that’s for sure.” Richard commented as I laughed. “You’re damn right.” A few moments of silence fell between us, before I heard him speak. “I’m here with my shawty (Y/N). Hey baby, where are we right now?” I looked up at him and saw he had his phone in his hand, recording the both of us walking down the street. 
“We’re in downtown, Chicago!” I smiled and got closer to him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “We ‘boutta drink some hot cocoa, take pictures and have a good time, ya know what I’m sayin’ haha!” He stuck his tongue out and ended the video before sending it to his Instagram story.
That’s actually the first thing we did. People we selling goodies and hot chocolate was obviously one of them. He bought two cups for the both of us and we and we stood off to the side, slowly drinking the hot liquid. “Mmm..” I moaned in delight, savoring the taste of chocolate in my mouth. He smiled at me and quickly snapped a photo of me.
“Richard, delete it!” I laughed and covered my face. “No way! You look adorable here.” He looked down at photo as I shook my head. “Noooo!”
“It’s posted.” He smiled as I slapped his chest playfully. “Oh my God, Richard I swear I better not look weird.”
“I guess you’ll just have to see for yourself.” He joked as he started walking away. “You bitch!” I laughed and chased after him, the hot chocolate long forgotten. He kept speed walking until he stopped in front of the Christmas tree and turned to look at me. “You better have a good explanation Rich – ” Right when I was face to face with him, he cupped my cheek and lifted my head so I could look up at him.
“I’m – ” He cut me off by placing a short kiss upon my lips and pulled away as soon as it happened. I didn’t say anything for a few moments as he smiled at me. “That’s one way to shut you up.” I laughed at him and pulled away. “Oh my God..”
“Hey, can you get some food for us really quick? I’ll be right back, I just gotta do something.” He asked as we started walking away. “What are you gonna do?”
“I can’t tell you yet. You’ll find out soon enough.” He winked and walked away before I could question him further. I shook my shoulders and walked over to a food stand to get us a quick bite. Since we’re in the windy city, we might as well get the all famous Chicago hot dog. A poppy seed bun, mustard, a pickle relish, chopped onions, tomatoes, peppers, some cucumber spear and just a teaspoon of celery salt – it’s so good.
“Thank you! Have a good night!” The lady spoke as she handed me our food after I had just paid. “Thank you – you too!” I walked away and found a bench to sit at as I waited for Richard. People were gathering around The Bean taking their photos. I probably looked like a fat ass right now with two hot dogs in my hands as I started eating one of them.
“Hey!” I heard an all too familiar voice as Richard found me and sat down. I handed him his food and he took it. “Ooh thanks baby.”
“Where did you go?” I asked as I took another bite. “Mmm… I’ll show you after this.” I nodded as I waited until we were finished with our treat. “Okay, so now for the surprise.” We stood up and he led me over to the street, where a horse carriage waited.
“Oh my God, Richard you didn’t…”
“Oh, but I did.” He smiled and walked over. “Hop inside.” I smiled, got on and sat down on the seats as he followed after me. We got comfortable and then we were off.
“What do you think, baby?” He asked as I smiled. “I love it!” I looked around at the city lights and forgot about the fact that it’s cold. He took out his phone and took a video. “A little surprise for her ‘cause she deserves all the love in the world.” I covered my face and laughed. “Chicago, you are a beautiful city!” He ended the video, but kept his phone out to take photos of us.
“Mi amor, this is so unbelievably sweet of you to do this.” He held onto my hand, brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss. “You know I’d do anything for you, mi vida.” Light snow was falling from the sky and Christmas lights was hung on every corner and street light. It all seemed so magical.
When we came back to our stop, he hopped off first and held out his hand for me to take. “Such a gentleman.” I laughed as he bowed his head. I leaned in and kissed his lips, happy we were able to share this moment together. “I had a lot of fun, baby.” He smiled at me, linked our arms together and we continued our little adventure around Chicago.
I looked down at my phone and saw the notifications that Richard tagged me in. I decided to take a look at the videos and pictures he got of how our night was going so far.
One picture stood out to me the most and it was of me. I guess I didn’t realize when he snapped that photo of me on the horse carriage.
“The Chicago Christmas lights don’t burn as bright as her smile 😍”
My heart fluttered as I glanced up at him and he had the biggest smile already etched on his face. I’m in love with this man with every fiber of my being. I leaned up and kissed his cheek as he chuckled.
“Te amo, (Y/N).” I leaned my head against his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around mine.
“Te amo, Richard.”
It was honestly the perfect night.
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dylanxmin · 4 years
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A Little Serendipity
before / next
It was 3 pm, which its been a while since I was trying to find a good theme for my new work, as someone can guess, I couldn’t. I did in the end but it didn’t fit properly or it felt like that, because I was thinking a lot, trying to find something worthy but it was useless, my hands were empty in the end. I decided to give a break for my mental sake so, I took my phone from the bed and look at to notifications. There were texts from the group chat, the one Hoseok added me, which I was still surprised of it. I wasn’t expecting to be accepted this quick but they did it anyway so, I was happy about it but seeing messages from Min Yoongi makes me little bit nervous and I was still trying to get over him, which I did a little. At least I thought, because I never saw him again after the day we had breakfast so, I really had no idea about getting over him. If I could see him now, how would I respond, how my emotions going to be respond to it, I didn’t have any idea about these things. It was just something uncertain but my bet was on getting over him so, I believed myself about having zero feelings for him. Then I looked at the message that came from Soo-bin and it made me to take a breath, it forced me actually. It was about having some drinks at evening, everyone was going to be there so, that idea made me little tense, but it was okay right? I did get over him so there is nothing for me to be tense, right? Aish, it is going to be alright. I was sure about it.
When I was getting ready for the night, Soo-bin called me to be sure about my attendance to the gathering and warned me about my outfit, it should be pretty or something nice, otherwise she threatened me about shaving my hair, which it was typical Soo-bin. So I made sure her about my outfit going to be something nice, but our thoughts about something nice was different from each other so, it was hard for me to find something Soo-bin would like, but I tried my best to about it.
When I came to the street, I got off from the taxi and thanked to the driver after giving the money. I looked at around but couldn’t find the place that Soo-bin sent me so, I called her. I was little shaky but it was okay, after I wear something nice and it was thin and the weather was little windy but not much, it was sweat. I was shaky because of the event but hopefully they would think it because of the weather. When Soo-bin, answered my call, I told her the situation, so she said to me wait for her and I described where I was so she was going to get me here. After waiting for a few minute, I heard my name from my back. The voice was croaky but sweet at the same time and I was sure about its owner. I turned my back to voice and came face to face with Min Yoongi, then it hit me. The idea of getting over him was a lie, it was bullshit, it didn’t go away and it came harder then the first time. He smiled little so I did it same. “Why are you waiting in here?” he asked me but I couldn’t answer it because of the voice from my back, which it was so hyped and happy melody, calling for me by shouting my name in the street. I turned my back and saw Hoseok coming towards me, with a wide smile, then he waved his hands. He was wearing a white shirt with wide open neck, onto it a zigzag line jacket which it has blue and cream color and a black pants. He was wearing a necklace with three chain. He looked good with this outfit, actually it was fitting his character’s. “Oh heyy,” When he came to our side , he gave me a tight hug and then hugged to Min Yoongi, too. “Did I make you wait too long?” he asked with care but I nodded my head as a way of, no. “It wasn’t that long, I just came here.”
“Oh you were waiting for Hoseok, then?” Min Yoongi asked but it wasn’t like a question, it was more like a statement. When I looked at him I saw his black outfits. It was just black, he even had a little black hat, but if Im going to be honest, he looked so good, it was too much for me. His hair was falling to his forehead, they were little wavy and made him more handsome, than already. He was looking directly to me with a curious look that I couldn’t understand why. “Actually, Soo-bin was going to came here but I volunteered.” Hoseok giggled little, which it was too good to hear a voice like this, it could make you happy even in the worst scenario, believe me. “Did you guys just run across to each other?” His voice had some secret implies that I couldn’t understand why he was tried to do that, but I didn’t think too much about it. “Yeah, but we should get going right?” After saying that, he started to walk and leave me with Hoseok, which it hurt. I was making my hopes high for nothing, now I was sure. He didn’t like me at all, in the begging because he couldn’t stand to be with me more than five minutes. “He is right, Y/N. We should get going.” Hoseok, touched my arm and made me look at his smiling face, it made me feel good actually, looking at his smile made my heart go ease from numb. He was something different at making people feel good and I appreciate it, at that moment. I smiled back and started to walk with him.
When we arrived I continued to smile and hugged them one by one, then take place between Hoseok and Min Yoongi, because we were the last one who arrived here. We talked about how our days went then Soo-bin lifted up his little glass of soju then we were all locked to her, so she started to speak after fixing her voice. “Sooo, I need to make an announcement,” She looked us one by one, which it was on purpose to grow some curiosity on us. “Heyy, say it already!” Jimin was so impatient for the news, so I giggled at him, because he was so cute with his puppy eyes looking at Soo-bin, waiting for the announcement. “Okay,okay.” She looked at Taehyung then turned to us again, which it hit me right then, I couldn’t hold my excitement to myself and screamed little, “You guys are together!” They all looked at me with surprise because they wasn’t expecting this kind of attitude from me and I get it but I made a promise to be normal around them and it was me being normal, it was me. “Hey it was my line you, idiot!” She yelled at me little with disappointment but she wasn’t serious of course. “So you guys seriously official, now? Did we get it right?” Namjoon asked to them with excitement because they were waiting this for a long time, they were relieved with the news. Taehyung hold Soo-bin from her arms and gave her a little hug and then he kissed her on the lips, which it made guys go crazy and they screamed, cheered them with claps and etc. I did the same things with the guys but my eyes slide to Min Yoongi, which he was giving a wide smile to them and cheering them. Oh boy, it was a beautiful scene that made my heart trembled, when his eyes crossed mine, I take my eyes from him, immediately and turned to our new couple but my heart was beating so fast like it was on a race.
After drinking so much soju and celebrating for the new couple, now we were all drunk a little. I was laughing all the jokes they make and even make some jokes about the guys, which they were doing some acting like they were offended by it. I was having good time, after having so much bad experience, being in here and having these lovely people around me, it felt so great. “Okay, now Im going to ask questions to my best friend, but Im sure she will hate me for asking this but I have to guys, okay?” Soo-bin, take all the attention to herself and me, normally this would make me nervous but I was too drunk to be nervous at this point. Jin shout with opened arms, “Send it.” He was way more drunk than me, but his attitude was cute so nobody mind it. “I need some comparison about US guys and Korean guys.” She giggled at her question, but my eyes were opened widely, now. I felt heat on my cheeks, which I was sure that was visible. “You need to answer that!” Jungkook laughed while saying this to me, but I was shocked because of the question. They were waiting for an answer but it was little embarrassing for me to answer this question but I had to, at this point. “Ihm, I can’t do that comparison.” I said but they boo-hoed me with disappointment. It made me more embarrassed but it was the truth after all. “I never be with a Korean guy, okay?” I managed to say this and then they go quite but then Min Yoongi, broke the quietness. “Why? Korean guys are not enough for you or something?” I surprised of his questions and offended little, because I wasn’t expecting this kind of question from him, he was rude. “Of course its not like that Min Yoongi,” I stopped to look at him but he was so cold looking at that moment. “I leaved here after high school so, I never had to chance to be with someone in here.” After saying these he nodded his head and turned to Namjoon to say something about their job, like his attitude wasn’t rude at all.
Everybody were talking and laughing to something but I couldn’t because what happened before. I drunk little more, which it made my head numb and messy. I needed some fresh air to be alright, so I got up and headed to outside after telling them, that I would come in a minute. I got out and set down at the sidewalk, took a deep breath and looked at the sky. It was beautiful with a lot of stars, shining through each other, in an order. While I was thinking about the sky and stars, someone touched my shoulder and distracted me. I looked at my right side and saw Hoseok, which it made me smile, widely. “Oh, hey! Hello, you!” I said while shouting a little. He giggled at me and sit right beside me, then looked at the sky, where I was looking before he coming to my side. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?” I asked but he just smiled and nodded, which it made visible of his dimples, so I felt an urge inside me to touch them. I put out my forefinger and touched his dimple, pushed it little. He laughed at my action and I laughed with him, “You are cute,” I said to him, which it made him look at me in a daze. “Why did you surprised? No one told you that before?” I got closer to him to make him little more surprised, which it was on purpose. “Im not trying to flirt with you, be cool.” I giggled after what I said and he gave a big breath and giggled with me. I was happy with him, he is like a bright light for me, but I would never flirt him, because I can’t look at him in that way. I put my head on his shoulder because it was getting heavier and I couldn’t hold it still anymore. “Did Yoongi made you upset?” His unexpected question made me smile, because he mentioned his name and it made my heart trembled, again. “Oh, Yoongi.” I laughed my answer but he looked at me with curiosity, I looked at him too, “His name is too cute, isn’t it?” I asked with a reflex, but now he looked at me with scowled brown. “Just like his cheeks,” I said with a little action like squeezing his cheeks but I did it to the air. “I love his cheeks, they are so soft and kissable.” I sighed a little, but Hoseok was quite. I didn’t mind it at that moment because my eyes were closing now and I don’t have the strength to make them open. So, I didn’t do anything and listened to the street and Hoseok’s breaths.
hey guys 🤞🏼 hope you liked this part of the story:) if you want anything from me you can just message me:) for the taglist just comment down below:) lots of love 💜✨
taglist : [ @mochiloverbts ]
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arysafics · 5 years
if u do take requests please: a fic where clarke and bellamy are in a stable relationship but someone makes a comment about her body figure, and she starts to feel unconfortable and make diets, not feeling good on being naked in front of him and he notices
loose lips sink ships all the damn time
Summary: Clarke has always known Bellamy is too good for her, but it still hurts when strangers on the internet think that too.
Rated T, ~4000 words
Clarke has always known that Bellamy would make it bigsomeday. They’ve been together since he was in drama school and he starred in ashort film she wrote. It’s still the best thing she’s ever made, and it’s notbecause it’s her best writing (far from it), it’s because he made it amazing.
Since then, Clarke has given up writing scripts, findingshe’s better suited to novels, and Bellamy has had a lot of small roles in TVshows. There were a couple of recurring characters, and once, the villain in asci-fi show that ended up being cancelled after a season. But finally, his fucking agent did somethinggood for once, and got him an audition for a big action trilogy, which of course he got the lead for, starringopposite the mega-famous supermodel/actress, Echo Whiting.
The premiere was last night, and people are already goingcrazy for it. Bellamy has never been the type to keep up with social media, orread reviews about his work, but Clarke loves it. She gets a thrill every timeshe sees his name pop up on her Twitter or Facebook feed, whether it’s a reviewof his brilliant performance or just a fan screaming about how much they lovehim. Sure, it gets weird sometimes, especially because a lot of his fans arethirsting after him, but she hardly ever reads anything negative about him.
He’s still asleep, and Clarke elects not to wake him up. Hefinally has some time off after weeks of interviews and appearances, and Clarkeisn’t about to ruin his first day to sleep in.
She opens Twitter on her phone, and searches Bellamy’s name.The latest tweet is a link to an article of the best and worst dressed from thepremiere last night, and Clarke clicks on it, already knowing Bellamy will bein the best category. She finds himat number two, after Echo, and she stares at his picture, smiling to herself.She loves him because he’s kind and selfless and funny and talented. But he’salso really hot as well.
The caption reads: BellamyBlake can do no wrong when it comes to fashion. We don’t care what he wears, aslong as he keeps showing up to give us that dreamy smile.
Clarke continues scrolling, until she reaches the worstdressed. Okay, if it were up to her, these lists wouldn’t even exist. But also,secretly she kind of likes judging other people’s clothes. She has to agreethat number one on the list is kind of awful. There are just too many colourson Ontari’s dress, and all of them clash. The second one Clarke doesn’t thinkis so bad, but then, she’s no fashion expert.
She continues scrolling, and her stomach drops when she seesnone other than herself at number three. She hadn’t even realised anyone waspaying attention to her. She’s not even in the movie. She’s not a famous actor.She’s just Bellamy Blake’s girlfriend.
She doesn’t even think she looks that bad in the dress shewore last night. She felt sexy at the time, in skin tight red, and if the wayBellamy pulled her out of it after they got home last night was any indication,he thought she looked sexy too.
Her eyes scan the caption, wondering why she’s made theworst dressed list.
Look guys, we havenothing wrong with the dress itself. But Clarke, honey, it’s not for you. Sheneeds a stylist that can dress her for her body type, and hide all theunflattering bits. Oh, and by the way, this is a red carpet, not the red lightdistrict. Put those things away!
Clarke feels sick to her stomach. She looks at the pictureagain, and suddenly she can see what they’re talking about. The dress stretchesover her stomach and thighs, making her look bigger than she is. Or maybe shereally is that big. And the dress probably is too low cut for someone withbreasts like Clarke’s. Echo would probably look really good in the dress.
“Hey,” Bellamy says sleepily, cuddling up to her. Clarkeexits the article quickly, blinking back tears.
“Sorry,” Clarke says. “Did I wake you?”
“Hmm, I don’t think so. What were you reading?”
“Just a stupid article,” Clarke says.
“You’re not googling me again, are you?” Bellamy grins.Clarke smiles back at him. She has to remind herself that it doesn’t matterwhat one dumb article says about her. Bellamy’s opinion is the one thatmatters, and he loves her and thinks she’s beautiful.
“Someone has to do it,” Clarke says.
“Well, thank you for being my biggest fan,” Bellamy says,leaning over her to kiss her. He takes her phone from her hands, placing itaside, continuing to kiss her, letting his hands roam over her body. She tenseswhen he grips her thigh, and he stops. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Clarke says quickly. God, she’s so stupid. She can’tlet the words of some bitch pretending to be a journalist get to her. They’rejust jealous that Clarke is with Bellamy. And who could blame them?
Even knowing this, she pushes him off her and scoots out ofbed.
“I just really need to pee,” she says, shooting him a smileto show him she’s okay.
Bellamy raises an eyebrow at her, but he doesn’t push it.“Okay,” he says. “We should probably get up anyway. I still have to pack.”
“We have time,” Clarke says. “Go back to sleep.” He givesher that dreamy smile everyone is so in love with, then falls back against thepillows. Clarke heads to the bathroom, wondering if she should have told himabout the article. Except she already knows what he’d say. He’d tell her thearticle is wrong, and that they’re just trying to get attention, and that sheneeds to stop reading that shit. And he’d be right, obviously. Which is why shedoesn’t tell him.
  Clarke decides she’s going to go social media free for acouple of weeks, while she and Bellamy are in Fiji. He has some time off, andwhile he loves his job and his fans, Clarke knows he tires of being the centreof attention. It will be good for the two of them to disappear, even if justfor a little while.
“No Twitter, no Facebook, no Instagram. I’m not even goingto use Google,” Clarke tells Bellamy, putting her phone on the charger. They’restaying in a tiny little private villa, close to the beach, and Bellamy isalready dressed in his swim shorts. It’s a distracting sight.
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but I also know youvery well. If you last the day I’ll be surprised,” he grins.
“That sounds a lot like you don’t believe me,” Clarke pouts.
Bellamy laughs. “I believe you want to try.”
“I’ll show you,” Clarke says, poking her tongue out. “I’mnot even going to take my phone with me to the beach.”
“That sounds like a brag, but I don’t get why you would evenneed a phone at the beach.”
“Photos,” Clarke says. She picks up her phone and snaps oneof him to prove her point. “That’s going to be my new lock screen.”
Bellamy shakes his head, amused. “Come on,” he says, holdingout his hand. “The ocean is calling to me.”
Clarke takes his hand, grabbing her towel from the bed onthe way. They make the five minute walk to the beach hand in hand. It’s perfectbeach weather, warm and not too windy, and yet there is hardly anyone else onthe beach. They lay their towels down, and Bellamy waits for Clarke to take herdress off so they can get in the water. She hesitates, just for a moment. Thewords from the article run through her mind, reminding her about all her unflattering bits. She’s just wearing abikini underneath the dress, and it doesn’t cover all that much. She hadn’tlooked in the mirror when she put it on, and she’s suddenly worried about whatshe looks like in it.
Steeling herself, Clarke hurriedly pulls the dress over herhead and puts it down on her towel, trying to keep her stomach covered with herarms as long as possible. When she looks up, Bellamy is staring at her.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. He smirks. “Just wish we wereback at the villa instead of on this very public beach.”
“You wanted to come to the beach.”
“Yeah, but that was before I saw you in that bikini.”
“Stop it,” she says, giving him a playful shove. She stillloves it when he gets all flirty with her, looks at her like he wants to devourher. Yet part of her wonders if he’s just putting it on. Acting like he wantsher more than he really does. He grabs her arm and tugs her close, kissing her.“We shouldn’t do this here,” Clarke murmurs between kisses.
“Why?” Bellamy whispers back.
“You’re famous. People might recognise you and takepictures.”
“I don’t care.”
Clarke breaks away from his lips, trailing her fingers downhis arm and taking his hand. “We’re going swimming first,” she says, pullinghim towards the ocean. “And then when we get back to the villa you can dowhatever you like to me.”
“Okay,” Bellamy agrees, and he lets Clarke lead him into theshallows. He grabs her around the waist, and she shrieks, laughing as he kissesher, then pulls her down into the water. He loves her, Clarke reminds herself.He loves her and he wants her, regardless of what anyone else says. She has toremember that.
  Out of stubbornness and nothing else, Clarke makes it thewhole two weeks without social media. She does feel proud of herself, but thetrue prize is Bellamy admitting he was wrong for doubting her.
Of course, the first thing she does when they get home isopen Twitter, while Bellamy does the responsible thing and starts unpacking hissuitcase.
She goes through her notifications, liking questions fromfans about her next book so she can answer them later. She reads every tweetshe’s mentioned in, which usually isn’t that many, seeing as it’s been a whilesince her last book came out, and though she’s on Twitter a lot, she doesn’tactually tweet that much. Occasionally she’ll get people asking her aboutBellamy, but she never replies to those ones.
There is a tweet from what looks like a Bellamy Blake fanaccount, judging from the username.
Give Bellamy Blake anOscar @bblakefan291
@clarkegriffinwritesdid you see this? people are so mean
Clarke clicks on the tweet, wondering what mean thingspeople could possibly be saying about Bellamy. She doesn’t want to get into aTwitter war over it, and she probably won’t tell him if it’s too harsh, but shefeels like she needs to know anyway.
She finds the tweet is a reply to a picture, a photo takenof her and Bellamy while they were at the beach. Her first thought is that theyboth look really happy. They’re standing in the shallows and he’s got his armaround her and she has the biggest smile on her face. Then she reads thecomment that goes with it.
Kelly @bechorise
No offence but he cando so much better lol. What is he even doing with her?
Clarke rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the sinking feelingin her stomach. It doesn’t matter to her what some random on the internet hasto say about her relationship with Bellamy.
She knows she should just exit the app and forget about it,but she sees the tweet has three hundred likes already, and fifteen replies,and she can’t resist scrolling down to see what other people are saying.Perhaps some part of her hopes there are people defending her.
Bellamy and Echo @bellamyandecho
He should be withsomeone actually hot. Like Echo!!!!!
Georgia @georgiagg55
She actually has apretty face but she really needs to lose a few pounds
hell is empty @ladygagaisshakespeare
lmao someone finallysaid it
Bellamy Blake’s Wife @wifeofbellamyblake
I’m hotter than she ishe should be with me!!!
becho are secretlydating @bechoes
don’t worry, this isjust a cover, he’s actually with Echo. It would literally make no sense for himto be dating this nobody lol that’s all the proof you need
frankie @franksfornothing
you can tell she’s waymore into him than he is into her. He’s going to break up with her soon I canfeel it. Then we celebrate ladies!
There are a couple of tweets defending her, but the repliesto those tweets are just other people telling them to shut up. The worst one iswhere someone has reposted the picture, but they’ve circled and labelled allher flaws. Her cellulite, her stretch marks, the rolls of fat around herstomach.
Her chest is tight and her eyes well with tears. It’sstupid, she knows it’s stupid. They’re just strangers on the internet whoseopinions shouldn’t matter. But the thing is, she’s always kind of suspectedshe’s not good enough for him. When he first asked her out, she had troublebelieving it wasn’t some kind of dumb prank. Guys that look like that don’tdate girls that look like Clarke. They date girls that look like Echo Whiting.
And it’s not that Clarke thinks Bellamy is cheating on her,or wants to cheat on her, or is secretly planning to break up with her when thetime is right. But she can see what everyone else sees. That he’s better thanher. He’s more talented, he’s more charismatic, he’s more attractive. Clarkedoesn’t deserve him, and she’s always kind of known it. Deep down, there’s thisfear that one day he’s going to wake up and realise he can do better, and thenhe’ll leave her. To have other people validate that fear, to have strangers onthe internet voice her worst and darkest thoughts about herself and herrelationship—it just makes it seem more real.
The thought of losing Bellamy makes her ache. What if hesees this picture, sees how out of her league he is, starts seeing her the wayshe really is? How long would it take him to stop touching her, because hethinks she’s too fat? Stops taking her as his date to awards shows andpremieres because he realises she makes him look bad?
“Okay, I’m done unpacking,” Bellamy says, strolling out fromthe bedroom. Clarke quickly brushes the tears from her eyes, swallowing. Shecan’t tell him about this. He’ll think she’s stupid, or he’ll think she’sright, and either way she doesn’t want to deal with it. He stops, frowning, hisface etched with concern. “You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” Clarke says. Evidently, she hasn’t hidden her tearsas well as she would have liked. “Just watched a dog video.”
Bellamy smiles. “Cute. You want to get pizza for dinner? I’mnot really in the mood for cooking.”
Clarke hesitates. Pizza does sound good. But perhaps sheshouldn’t be eating pizza, if she actually wants to keep her boyfriend. “Youcan get pizza if you want. I’m not that hungry.”
“I can just order you some garlic bread if you want.”
Clarke huffs. “No, Bellamy. I don’t want garlic bread.”
“But you love garlic bread. And you might be hungry later.You can heat it up—”
“I said I don’t want it,” Clarke snaps. Bellamy snaps hismouth closed, frowning. Clarke takes a deep breath. “Sorry,” she mutters. “Ithink I’m just tired from the flight. I’m going to take a shower and go tobed.”
“Okay,” Bellamy says. Clarke doesn’t look at him as sheheads to the bathroom, but she knows he’s watching her, confused as to why shesnapped at him. Clarke doesn’t even really know herself, except that he’sencouraging her to eat things that will make her fat, and that annoys her.
While she’s in the shower, she decides she’s going to starta diet in the morning. Cut out carbs completely maybe. Only eat things that aregreen.
She towels herself off and puts her pyjamas on and gets intobed. She can smell Bellamy’s pizza when it arrives. Her stomach grumbles. Whenhe comes into the bedroom to offer her some, she pretends to be asleep.
  Clarke starts her diet the next morning. While Bellamy isstill asleep, she plans out what she’s allowed to eat for the for the week andsticks the chart on the fridge with a magnet. She’s already hungry just lookingat it. But she’s sure she’ll get over that.
Breakfast today is just half a grilled tomato. Bellamywanders into the kitchen as she plates it up.
“What’s that?” he asks.
“A tomato.”
“What’s it for?”
The look Bellamy gives her is sceptical. “That’s notbreakfast, Clarke. At least have some toast with it.”
“Can you stop telling me what to eat?”
Bellamy actually flinches. Clarke stabs her tomato with herfork, feeling guilty. “Sorry.”
“Clarke,” Bellamy says. “Is everything okay?”
“Uh huh,” she says. She doesn’t look up from her plate. “Ijust really have a craving for grilled tomato,” she says. She keeps talkingbefore Bellamy can say anything else. “Anyway, I need to get some writing donethis morning, so I’m going to be in my office for a few hours,” she saysquickly, picking up her plate and hurrying to her office.
She hardly gets any writing done. She’s hungry and she can’tthink straight and she feels guilty for snapping at Bellamy for no reason. She’swritten two sentences in two hours by the time she hears Bellamy get back fromhis run. She sighs to herself, leaving her work and finding him in the bedroom,stripping off his sweat soaked shirt.
“Hey,” she says, poking her head into the room. Bellamylooks up, throwing his shirt into the laundry basket. “Sorry about before.”
“It’s fine, Clarke,” he says. He folds his arms over hischest, his biceps bulging. Clarke quickly meets his eyes. This is a seriousconversation. “Are you going to tell me what’s really going on though?”
Clarke shrugs. “Must be getting my period.” All manner ofweird behaviour can be excused that way, right?
“That’s it?”
Clarke nods. Bellamy sags. “Fuck, Clarke,” he says. “You hadme really worried.”
“You were worried? About what?”  
“Yeah,” he says softly, walking over to her. He takes herhands in his. “I thought—I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.” He kisses her softly,then a little harder. He presses her against the doorframe, crushing heragainst his sweaty chest. Clarke’s heart races as she kisses him back, her needfor him growing.
“Bellamy,” she whispers, her voice husky. He presses a kissto each of her cheeks.
“I need you.”
“Come and shower with me,” Bellamy says, his lips againsthers again, his hands still holding hers. He tugs her towards the bathroom, andClarke lets him pull her with him. He doesn’t even bother shutting the bathroomdoor before he’s kissing her again. His hands slide under her shirt, and she tensesup instinctively, thinking about the circles that person drew on her picture,pointing out her chubby stomach. Bellamy stops instantly, pulling back.
“It’s okay,” she says, even though it’s not. She wants him,she really wants him. But the thought of him seeing her like the rest of theworld sees her makes her sick. She looks okay in her baggy shirt and jeans, butshe doesn’t want him to see her naked. Not until she’s lost some weight, andshe can look like a girlfriend he can actually be proud of. “I just—um,” shesteps back, away from him, eyes on the floor. “I changed my mind. I—” she feelsher throat closing up. She tries to swallow, so she won’t cry.
“Clarke, baby,” Bellamy says softly. “What’s going on? Tellme.”
She looks up at him, just as a tear rolls down her cheek.She shakes her head. “I don’t want you to think I’m ugly,” she says, and itsounds so stupid she could laugh, if her chest didn’t ache so much.
“Ugly?” Bellamy shakes his head. “Why would I ever think you’reugly?”
Clarke sobs, though she tries to hold it back. The truthspills out of her. “Everybody thinks I’m not good enough for you. And they’reright. Why are you even with me, when you could have anybody you want? Someonewho’s actually in your league?”
“Clarke—” Bellamy says, searching her eyes, confused andconcerned. “I don’t understand. Who thinks you’re not good enough for me?”
Clarke pulls her phone from her back pocket and opensTwitter. It only takes her a moment to find the tweet.
“I don’t get it,” Bellamy says. “This is a good picture.”
“Read the comments, Bellamy.”
Bellamy looks back to the phone, his eyes scanning thescreen as he scrolls. His expression gets darker and darker as he reads. Helooks up, his eyes hot with rage.
“Clarke,” he says. “This is a load of bullshit. I love you and I want to be with you. Just the thought of you thinkingyou’re not good enough for me—” he cuts himself off with a huff. “Fuck anyone whomakes you think that,” he growls.
Clarke shrugs. “But look at me,” she says. “And look at you.”
“Clarke,” Bellamy says, his anger turning to anguish. “Don’tsay that. You’re beautiful. What can I do to make you believe me?”
“Nothing, Bellamy,” Clarke huffs. “It’s not your fault. I believeyou believe that. But one day you’re going to wake up and realise you should bewith someone who makes you look good. Someone like Echo.”
“I’ll quit the movie,” Bellamy says. “I’ll quit actingentirely. None of it means anything if I don’t have you.”
Clarke shakes her head, tears falling again. “Don’t give upyour dream because of me.”
“Don’t leave me,” Bellamy says, his voice trembling. “I loveyou. I love you.”
Clarke’s heart misses a beat. “I’m not leaving you,” she says.“God, Bellamy. This isn’t a break up.”
Bellamy exhales, his relief evident. He takes her face inhis hands. “Clarke. You have to know, I think you’re gorgeous. I don’t want youto ever doubt that. But I don’t love you because of the way you look. I loveyou because of you. All of you. Ilove you exactly as you are, and I will love you if you change entirely, and Iwill love you if you stay the same.”
Clarke’s heart thrums in her chest. She puts her hand overhis. With his words, the fierce sincerity in his eyes, her doubts vanish. He’snever once made her feel like she’s not worthy of him, and the fact that shelet some childish internet trolls make her believe any different fills her withshame.
“Bellamy, I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I should never evenhave read those comments. I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you, or thatI think you’re shallow—”
“Hey, hey,” he says. “You don’t have to be sorry. You feelhow you feel. But I want to know how you feel too, okay?”
Clarke nods. Bellamy drops his hands from her face. “Wouldyou really quit acting for me?”
“I would do anything for you.”
“You know I would never ask you to do that, right?”
“I know,” Bellamy says. “And that’s why I would.”
Clarke shakes her head, smiling. “I’m the last person whowould want you to give up acting. You know I’m your biggest fan, right?”
Bellamy smiles. “And I’m yours.”
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puckinginsane · 6 years
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Tyler Seguin Christmas one shot
When my boss told me I would have to be in Minneapolis for 3 days of meetings just a few days before Christmas I thought he was joking. I literally laughed right in his face until I actually saw his face and noticed he wasn’t laughing along. No, this was serious. We actually had to travel to Minnesota during the busiest travel days of the year to take in some meetings. He wasn’t happy about it either but there was nothing we could do to get out of it. Sales managers from around the country had been called in for these sets of emergency meetings. Nobody was happy but we sucked it up and made the best of it.
The company put us all up in cabins to feel like it was more like a vacation than a sales trip but it just turned out to be more frustrating than anything. The wifi was spotty, the bed was uncomfortable, and the water pressure in the shower sucked. I tried my best to stay positive but it wasn’t easy. I am so glad to finally be leaving this place and going home for the holidays. I can’t wait to see my family. It seems like as each year goes by I see them less and less but at least we always have Christmas together. I look forward to it. I love my family.
I have been getting weather advisory alerts on my phone all morning about a blizzard coming so I’m worried that my flight is going to be delayed or worse. I have to check out and get to the airport before it’s too late. When I get into the lodge I notice there is nobody else around. This can’t be a good thing. It’s Christmas Eve and there’s no one to be seen. I walk to the front desk and wait for the clerk to come out of the office to help me. Just as I check out I start getting more alerts on my phone. I step away from the front desk to check them. My flight is cancelled. All of the flights are cancelled.
No, no, no this cannot be happening. I can’t be stranded here. I walk back to the front desk. “I don’t suppose you have any open cabins,” I say to the clerk, knowing full well the answer is going to be no.
“No sorry, miss, we are all booked up. It is the holidays after all,” he replies.
“I know. I figured I’d try.” I grab my suitcase and walk over to one of the couches and sit down. There has got to be a way for me to get out of here. I look around on my phone to see if there is any other way to get out of Minnesota. The whole state is shut down. There is no way out at this point. I’m going to have to call my mom and let her know I won’t be home for Christmas. The phone rings a few times before my mom answers. “Hey, mom, it looks like I’m going to be stuck here in Minneapolis.”
“Oh no, sweetie, is everything ok?” she asks.
“It looks like a blizzard shut down the entire state. I haven’t been outside so I don’t know how bad it is.”
“Yeah, I’m watching on the weather channel right now. It does not look good.”
“This is what I get for taking an extra day to relax. Now I’ll never leave,” I complain.
“Do you have a place to stay?” she asks.
“No. And I don’t think I’ll be able to find a place either. All of the cabins here are booked. I guess I’ll just have to wait it out here in the lodge.”
“I’m sorry, that has to be rough. We will see you once you get home. Stay warm and stay safe.”
“Thanks, mom, I’ll keep you updated. Love you.”
“I love you too, sweetie.” My mom and I hang up and I stand up and walk to the window and push the curtains aside to see just how bad this blizzard is. The snow is coming down really hard and it looks pretty windy. There seems to already be a significant amount of snow accumulated on the ground. It did not look like this a few hours ago. I get a few more notifications on my phone. A state of emergency is in effect as well as a curfew. It just keeps getting worse. If I’m going to possibly find a place that has an opening, even if it’s a crappy motel, I am going to have to leave now.
I pick up my suitcase and start making my way across the lobby. “I don’t care what they say, I’m getting out of here,” I mutter to myself.
“I wouldn’t go out there if I were you,” I hear someone say to me as I walk passed them. I turn around to say something to them about minding their own business but when I see who it is my heart practically jumps in my throat. It’s Tyler Seguin from the Dallas Stars. I have such a big crush on him. I forgot that they had a game here last night. “It’s really bad out there.”
“I’m not getting stuck in this lodge. I need to see if I can find a place to stay.” I continue to walk towards the doors.
Tyler stands up and follows after me. “It’s pretty dangerous out there.”
I turn my head to look at him as I continue to walk. “I appreciate your concern but I’m leaving.”
He shakes his head at me. “You’re so stubborn.”
I roll my eyes and ignore his last comment as I open the doors and step outside. I’m immediately hit in the face with the brisk air and snow hitting my face. I push on through to where my rental car is parked. It’s hard to even tell where the car begins and ends. Everything looks like a blanket of white. I begin trying to dig my car out with my hands but as I dig in the snow more snow just fills in. It’s no use. I am really stuck here. Even if I did manage to dig my car out it’s not like I would really be able to get anywhere quickly. It looks like they have stopped trying to plow the roads. Everything is shut down.
I turn around to walk back into the lodge and Tyler is standing in the doorway leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest with a smile on his face. He chuckles as I walk passed him. “Well that was entertaining,” he says as he follows behind me as I walk to one of the couches. I sit down and he sits down on the couch across from me. Is this really happening right now? The one time I have Tyler Seguin all to myself and I am in such a bad mood. “It looks like we’re stranded together.”
“Yeah, it looks that way,” I say as I start sending texts to my friends letting them know my situation.
“What were you here for?” he asks.
“I was here for work. I was supposed to leave yesterday but I stayed an extra day to relax. I guess that was a mistake.”
“Same here. I stayed an extra day to get some last minute Christmas shopping done before going back home. My whole family is at my house right now and I’m here.”
“I can’t believe we are the only two idiots that got stranded.”
“I’m not an idiot. Speak for yourself.” He smiles a cheesy grin. “I’m Tyler, by the way.”
“I’m Amy.” I don’t know if I should tell him I know who he is. It could make things awkward. We are doing fine without him knowing I am a big fan of his.
“It’s nice to meet you, Amy. This isn’t how you thought you would spend your Christmas Eve I’m sure.”
“No definitely not.”
“What were your plans?” he asks as he leans his elbow on the armrest and rests his head on the palm of his hand and looks at me for my answer.
“I was going to go to my aunt’s house where my whole family always gathers. I haven’t seen them all year. I was really looking forward to seeing them.”
“That sucks. I don’t see my family much either. I was looking forward to some home cooked meals and spending a few days with them.”
The wind is so fast outside that you can hear the gusts outside the window. “It’s really coming down out there,” I say. I don’t know what else to talk about.
“I wonder if we’ll lose power. We may have to use body heat for warmth.” He smiles a big, toothy smile.
“Or sit by the fire,” I say as I point to the roaring fireplace across the room.
“Yeah but that’s not as fun.”
I can’t believe he’s flirting with me. Maybe he’s just overly friendly. I know he’s a pretty outgoing guy. I feel my cheeks getting warm from blushing but I try to play it cool. I shake my head as I fight a smile. “You’re terrible.”
He laughs. “So, Amy, where are you from?”
“New Jersey. You?” If I’m going to pretend I don’t know who he is I might as well go all in.
“Originally from the Toronto area. Living in Dallas now.”
“Oh a Canadian, eh?” I tease.
“Wow. You just did that.”
“I did.”
“I’ll remember that.”
I just smile. I’m thankful to be stranded with him. He’s making this enjoyable, well, as enjoyable as it can be. He’s kept my mind off the fact that I won’t be seeing my family at all this year. I can’t stop thinking about the fact that it’s Tyler Seguin and I am so calm about it. He seems really comfortable around me which makes me feel comfortable to be myself around him. I keep checking the satellite on my phone to see if there are any signs of this letting up but it looks like it’s going to be going on for a while.
There are no TVs in the lodge. There is a huge fireplace at the back of the room with chairs and couches scattered throughout. There is a coffee and hot chocolate bar off to the side of the front desk but not much for food, just little snacks. The lodge has high ceilings and it looks like an over sized, fancier version of a log cabin. They pride themselves on giving you an outdoor experience with a touch of luxury. I don’t even want to know how much staying here cost my company.
I look up from my phone to see Tyler watching me. I wonder how long he’s been staring. I have been so focused on what’s been going on on my phone that I hadn’t looked up in at least 5 minutes. I feel myself blushing again. He makes me so nervous although I think I have been doing a good job of hiding it. “Hi,” I say with half of a smile.
“Are you telling your boyfriend you’re stuck with some guy? Don’t tell him about the body heat thing.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I know it’s hard to believe that all of this is single but it’s true.”
He laughs. “You’re funny.”
“Thanks.” I’m so embarrassed but I’m trying so hard not to look away. My cheeks and ears feel like they’re on fire. It’s probably obvious to him that I’m a blushing, nervous mess. I work in sales so usually I am self confident but this is Tyler Seguin. He makes me feel like a puddle of mush when he looks at me and now he’s complimenting me. I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve had a crush on him for years and I’m just trying to keep myself together.
“You’re welcome.” He sits back on the couch and scratches the side of his face before crossing his arms over his chest. “It would be nice if they had a TV in here.”
“I have my laptop but I was having problems with the wifi. I’m sure the weather isn’t helping.” I don’t want to turn my laptop on anyway. Tyler is my desktop image and it would ruin everything if he saw that.
“We will just have to find other ways to entertain ourselves.”
I don’t even know what to say to that. He looks pleased with himself, like he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. He’s saying these things on purpose. I can’t even imagine how pink my cheeks are now. I get a text from my brother and open it. He sent me a selfie saying he wishes I were there. My brother and I are always sending selfies back and forth to one another. I want to take one and send it but Tyler is watching me. I know he likes taking selfies so I should just take one and not worry what he thinks. I hold my phone out in front of me and take a smiling selfie and send it off to my brother. I put my phone down on my lap and Tyler is smiling at me with his eyebrows raised. “My brother and I send selfies back and forth to each other,” I explain.
“That was cute,” he replies.
“I, uh, wow, thanks,” I nervously say as I look down at my lap. If it were possible to turn purple I’m sure that’s what color my cheeks would be at this point. Tyler Seguin just said I was cute. It’s a Christmas miracle.
“Why do I make you so nervous?” he asks, “your cheeks are so red.”
Like he doesn’t know the answer to that question. He has to know he’s attractive. I can’t be the first girl to melt into a puddle on the floor in front of him no matter how hard I try to fight it. “It’s hot in here. I need some fresh air.”
I stand up and walk outside. I take a deep breath and look up into the sky and let the snowflakes hit my face. My cheeks cool off with the touch of each individual snowflake touching my skin. It’s refreshing. Thump. I feel a snowball hit me square in the middle of my back. I turn around to see Tyler standing about 15 feet away with the biggest smile on his face. He starts cracking up as soon as we make eye contact. “I can’t believe I actually hit you!” he exclaims.
“Oh, you’re so gonna get it!” I yell as I start to run towards him. He starts to run away but I manage to catch up to him. I could pick up some snow and throw it back at him but instead I leap off of the ground and tackle him into a snowbank.
He opens his mouth wide, shocked that I just had the balls to tackle him. I’m a little surprised myself. “It’s like that now, is it?” he asks. I stand up and hold my hands out to pull him up. He holds onto my hands but instead of standing up he pulls me down and pushes me into the snow. “This isn’t over.”
“Cold! So cold!” I screech as the snow hits the skin on my back because my shirt rode up a little bit. He leans down towards me and his face is just inches from mine. Holy shit, is he going to kiss me? It seems like he’s going to kiss me. What the hell do I do if he kisses me? Will I even be able to kiss him back? I look at his lips and then into his eyes and back down at his lips. He smirks a little before closing his eyes, I close mine too anticipating his kiss. Instead of a kiss I get a handful of snow in my face. I wipe the snow as he laughs at me.
“You so thought I was going to kiss you,” he teases.
“You’re such a jerk!” I shout. That is so wrong on so many levels. I really was hoping he was going to kiss me. Now I just feel like a fool.
He continues to laugh at me. He holds his hands out. “Come on, for real, I’ll help you up. It’s too cold to be in the snow for this long.”
I grab a handful of snow and at the same time with my other hand I grab the waistband of his jeans. I pull them out just slightly and shove the snow down his pants. “Holy shit!” he shrieks as he grabs at the snow I left there and pulls it out. “I can’t believe you just did that.”
“You have no idea who you’re messing with,” I reply. I’m pretty proud of myself for coming up with that and following up. I just put my hand down Tyler Seguin’s pants. Oh my god.
Tyler holds his hands out for me one more time and this time I take them and he pulls me up and off of my butt. I brush myself off. I am soaked and so is he. We walk back inside dripping with melting snow. “We should sit by the fire to dry off,” he suggests.
“Yeah,” I agree.
We walk over to the couch that sits in front of the fireplace and sit down next to each other. The heat of the fire feels so good on my freezing cold skin. Now it’s just a matter of drying off. I still can’t believe I had the balls to put my hand down Tyler’s pants and he doesn’t seem to be mad about it. He still wants to sit next to me so that’s a good sign. He looks at me and shakes his head. “I can’t believe you did that. That took guts,” he says.
“Yeah I kinda can’t believe I did that either to be honest.”
“It was impressive.”
“That’s one way to describe it, I guess.”
“I deserved it.”
“Oh yeah, you definitely did.”
The crackling of the fire can be heard as both of us sit in silence as we continue to warm up and dry off. I was so mad I was going to be missing Christmas with my family but I get to spend it with Tyler instead. Not a bad trade off at all. We are sitting so close that our legs are touching. He hasn’t moved over and I am sure as hell not moving. I still can’t believe he was so close to my face. What if I went for it and kissed him thinking that’s what he was going to do? I would have made a fool of myself. Thankfully I usually wait for the guy to make the first move or I would have embarrassed myself even more than I already did. He knows I wanted him to kiss me. I closed my eyes like an idiot.
“I’m sorry I made you think I was going to kiss you. That wasn’t right,” he says after a few minutes of silence.
“It’s ok. I wouldn’t have known what to do with myself anyway,” I reply.
“Oh you mean you wouldn’t have stuck your hand down my pants? I guess it’s good that I didn’t then.” He looks at me and smirks. He’s such a flirt. I can’t handle it. “Oh, there goes those pink cheeks again.”
“Look who’s talking. Yours are just as pink,” I retort.
He looks away. I think I actually made him embarrassed. I get another selfie text from my brother. “You should send him one with the both of us in it,” Tyler says as he peeks over my shoulder.
“Hey! Nosey.” I put my hand over my screen.
He puts his arm around my shoulders. “Come on. You take one then I’ll take one on mine.”
“Ok.” I put the camera on and hold it out in front of us. He leans his head against mine and we both smile. I take the picture and send it to my brother.
“My turn.” He takes his phone out of his pocket and holds it out in front of us. Once again he leans his head against mine and takes the picture. “I don’t have a brother to send it to. I’ll just post it on Instagram. Is that ok?”
“Yeah, sure, it’s fine with me.” I have to act like it’s no big deal but I know that it is. He has hundreds of thousands of people who follow him and they’re all going to see it. This is crazy. He still has his arm around me as he types with his other hand on his phone. I’m starting to feel a bit too comfortable sitting here with him like this. I have to get up and walk around or something. I’m about to fall asleep. It’s been a stressful few days and I haven’t gotten much sleep. “I think I’m going to walk around the room or something. I’m starting to get sleepy.”
“You could use me as a pillow if you want. I don’t mind.”
“Are you serious?” I ask. There’s no way I can take him up on his offer.
“Yeah. Why not?” he replies.
“I don’t know,” I warily say.
“I’ll make up your mind for you.” He puts his hand on the side of my head and pulls it down onto his shoulder. “Sleep. I’ll wake you if anything exciting happens.”
How am I supposed to fall asleep when I have my head on Tyler Seguin’s shoulder? Why is he being so nice to me? I should stop questioning it and just take time to enjoy it. I take a deep breath. This just feels nice. I want to be stubborn and not sleep but my eyes are growing heavier and heavier and it’s beginning to be almost impossible to keep them open. I close my eyes and feel his head resting on mine before I fall asleep.
I feel Tyler shifting next to me and I wake up. I groan a little bit as I open my eyes. I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping but I need to stand up and walk around. “How long was I sleeping?” I ask.
“I’m not sure. I fell asleep too. Sorry I woke you up. My arm was falling asleep.”
“It’s ok. I have to get up. My butt hurts.”
He laughs. “No comment.”
“That’s a first.”
“I figured I’d spare you this time.”
I stand up and stretch. “Why start now?”
“Smart ass.”
“I’m going to walk around a bit. Sitting in one place is killing me.”
The lodge isn’t entirely big but it’s enough where I can walk around and get the blood flowing through my legs again. I notice Tyler going over to the coffee bar to make himself some coffee. I take my phone out of my pocket and notice it has gotten pretty late. I guess I slept longer than I thought I did. It’s almost midnight already. Soon it’ll be Christmas day and it doesn’t look like the snow has let up at all. It just keeps accumulating and accumulating.
I look over at Tyler who is sitting back on the couch in front of the fireplace with his coffee cup in his hand. He is sitting there just looking into the fireplace. He’s so cute. It’s just a few minutes away from Christmas and I feel like I need to find something to give to Tyler as a present, even if it’s just a joke. I think it would be so cute if I went over there with a present for him. I’m sure it would cheer both of us up and he would get a big kick out of it. There’s just not much around here to go with. I wish I had something in my suitcase but I didn’t have time to do any kind of shopping while I was here. There has got to be something I can find to give him.
I don’t want him to see me sneaking around and looking for stuff so I have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t see what I’m doing. It looks like he’s deep in thought over there by the fireplace so I don’t think I have to worry about him. I walk past a few tables with vases with fresh flowers in them. I guess I could give him some flowers. I don’t see anything else in this place that I could give him so it’s going to have to be flowers. I grab one of the vases off of the table and pick out a single flower from it before putting it back down on the table. For some reason this is so amusing to me. I’m about to give Tyler Seguin a flower for Christmas.
I walk over to Tyler holding the flower behind my back. I sit down next to him and he looks at me. “It’s officially Christmas,” I say, “I got you something.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” I pull the flower out from behind my back and he starts laughing as soon as he sees it. He takes it from me. “Sorry, it’s all I could find.”
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” He smells the flower before putting it down on the little table next to his arm of the couch. “Wow it actually smells really good.”
“I picked it just for you.”
“You are just the best.”
“I try.”
“I got you something too,” he says as he starts reaching into his pocket.
“You did?” I ask, surprised.
“Yeah,” he replies with a smile. He takes his hand out of his pocket and holds it over my head and I look up to see that he’s holding mistletoe. I look him in the eyes with my mouth hanging open. “Looks like you got some mistletoe over your head. Do you know what that means?”
I shake my head yes. “Yeah. I know.”
He scrunches his nose up. “I guess I have to kiss you now.”
“Those are the rules.”
He puts his hand on the back of my head and leans in to kiss me. His lips are soft and it’s a sweet kiss. He kisses my lips a few times before I get the courage up to kiss him back and I feel him smile before he starts kissing me some more. It’s slow and sweet and so amazing. I don’t think either of us want to stop. I kiss his bottom lip a few times before we slowly pull away from each other. “Merry Christmas, Amy.”
“Merry Christmas, Tyler.”
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goddessofgamma · 6 years
Windy Cities and Faulty Electronics, Chapter 11 (Ao3 link)
Summary:  The rain keeps falling as Thor and Bruce finally talk to one another about what has been going on between the two of them.
“Come in, Thor, it’s already open.”  Thor heard Tony’s voice from the other side of the door.  
There was a lot to take in as he pushed open the door; the lab was large and full of fancy equipment, experiments and gizmos half of which were alien to Thor.  His eyes scanned the workbenches and walls.  There were a few things he recognised: a beam splitter, a protein model, and what appeared to be a miniature water wave machine, and there were some things that Thor suspected Tony had designed himself.
His roaming eyes fixed when he spotted Bruce sitting next to Tony on the work bench.  Thor felt his breath catch in his throat as he saw Bruce, looking at Thor with an emotion he couldn’t quite place.  He’d tried to keep his thinking so that he only saw Bruce as a colleague, but he couldn’t help how his eyes traced the lines of Bruce’s face, his hair, feeling a pull inside him that just told him he wanted to be close to this man, in any way that Bruce would have him.  How did I fall so deep?  
The pattering of rain on the sunroof filled the silence before Thor spoke.
“Good morning Stark, Banner.” He smiled as genuine as he could, nodding at each of them in turn but never letting his eyes leave Bruce.
“Hello to you too, Thor,” Tony replied, ignoring Thor’s slight rudeness.  “Welcome to our humble lab.  Well, I guess, not so humble.  I paid for lot of the equipment in here so it’s a bit more cutting edge than most of the university labs.  Which is only fair for our famous polymath professor.”  Tony patted Bruce on the back as he walked around the bench to where a soldering iron was set up.
“It is very impressive.” Thor finally looked at Tony and gave him a courteous smile.  “I must confess to not knowing what all of the equipment is.”
“Bruce has a bunch of biology stuff I steer clear from.  I made some of the equipment myself, so that wouldn’t look familiar either.  Actually, I was just working on a new stabiliser when you came in, but I seem to have run out of solder.”  He shot Bruce a look that Thor was sure had some sort of hidden meaning.  “I’ll just go a fetch some more, I’m sure Bruce will be happy to keep you entertained while I’m gone.”  There was a particular melody in his voice as he said ‘entertained’ that almost had a teasing tone to it, and Thor felt out of the loop. Is there something I’m missing here?
As Tony left the room, Thor walked over to be nearer to Bruce.  
“Hi, Thor.”  Bruce smiled at him as he walked over, but his eyes occasionally darted away from Thor’s, as though he was trying doing his best to keep eye contact but failing a little.  “How have you been?”
“I’ve been well.  My brother has announced that he will be visiting in a couple of weeks, so I will have to prepare for my first visitor.”
“Could be nice to have family over.”  Bruce nodded at him.  “Are you looking forward to it?”
Thor tilted his head, unsure how to answer.
“Him and I do not always see eye to eye, but, yes, it will be nice to see him again.  I do worry about him sometimes.”
Bruce nodded and bit his bottom lip, like he was trying to form his words in his mouth before saying them out loud.
“Er, Thor, I’ve been meaning to tell you something but there hasn’t really been a right time.”  Thor’s mind whirred immediately.  Could he be telling me why he doesn’t want to go out with me again? “After we had our – um, well – our date, I got a call to say that my father had died. That’s why I wasn’t at the university for a week afterwards, I went back to America for the funeral.”  
Half of Thor’s heart soared and the other plummeted.  He was crushed, sad on Bruce’s behalf and worried that Bruce would forever associate that night with grief, rather than the time that they had spent together. Still, a small, insistent voice at the back of Thor’s head told him he didn’t leave because of you.  He could still want you.
“I’m sorry, I should have told you sooner, or texted you when I was there, I just…” Bruce cut off, looking down at his hands.  “It felt like another world over there.”
He shouldn’t be apologizing.  I’m the one who jumped to conclusions.
Thor took Bruce’s hands in his, gently.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Bruce.  If anything, it is I who should have made an effort to support you through mourning.”
Bruce let out a single humourless laugh.  
“I’m not exactly mourning him Thor, he wasn’t really the best father.  And it would have been tough for you to support me when I didn’t even tell you he died,” he joked.
For a moment, Thor felt a stab of anger to Bruce’s father, wondering what he could have done that would make a kind man like Bruce care so little that he was gone.  
“I wanted to tell you now, so you didn’t think I ran halfway across the world to get away from you.” Thor could hear an attempt at humour in his tone, but it fell flat as they both knew he wasn’t joking.  “I had a good time with you that night.”  Thor felt himself gravitate towards Bruce as he spoke.  “I had – well – a better time with you than I can remember having with anyone.”  A bashful smile was playing on his lips. “If you’d like to –“
“Yes.”  Thor didn’t know quite how Bruce was planning on ending his sentence, but if it in anyway involved going out again, he was in. Bruce’s grin widened.
“You didn’t know what I was going to say.  I could have asked if you wanted to eat our radioactive samples.”
“If that were served as a starter for our next meal together, I still think that it would be worth it.”
“That’s so sappy.”  Bruce sounded as though he enjoyed Thor being cheesy.  “What I was gonna ask was whether you’d like to go out some place soon, get some dinner.”
“Yes,” Thor replied again. “It would be a pleasure.”
“Okay.”  Bruce looked more bashful than Thor had even seen him. “Where would you like to –“
A notification noise that Thor didn’t recognise came from his phone.  
“Sorry,” Thor excused himself, reluctant to break his conversation with Bruce but wanting to know what the sound was.  
He raised an eyebrow as he read the alert.  His burglar alarm had gone off, having detected and intruder in the house, and had sent an alert to check that it wasn’t him before calling for the emergency services. It was a surprise to Thor; he rented his flat and hadn’t given it much thought when his landlady had asked him to give his mobile phone number for the system.
Bruce looked expectantly at Thor as his expressions changed as he got up to speed.  Once Thor had explained to him what had happened, they thought it was for the best that Thor make his way home, so they headed out of the fire exit, into the grey weather.
Thor was slightly put-out that his conversation with Bruce had been interrupted, but he was still cheerful; he’d always loved the feel of rain on his skin, the sound of heavy rain, and that combined with what Bruce had said to him had put him in the best mood he’d had in weeks.  He wants to spend time with me.  I didn’t do anything wrong.
By the time they had gotten far enough away from the building that they could have a proper conversation, they’d were soaked enough that Thor wondered if Bruce could see anything though his rain-spotted glasses.
“I’m sorry Bruce, you were interrupted.”
Bruce moved his hair out of his eyes, causing water to drip down his face as he did so.  Thor’s eyes traced the water played across his skin.
“That’s okay, would you – er – would you like me to walk you back home?”
My house is an hour’s walk away and he knows full well. Thor was a little puzzled, but the look in Bruce’s eyes told him that he’d like to spend time with him even if that time spent together was a long walk in the rain.  He felt honoured.
“That would be very kind.” They started to walk back in the direction of Thor’s house.  “So, I believe you were going to ask me where I wanted to go, the next time we go out together.”  Bruce nodded. “I still have not seen all that there is to see of Edinburgh, I still haven’t been to any of the museums or walked any of the crags.  Do you have any recommendations?”
“You haven’t been to any of the museums?”  Thor shook his head in confirmation.  “They’re really good, the National Museum of Scotland has a really big science section, it’s got Tim Peake’s capsule that he came back to Earth in, and Dolly the sheep on display.  And that’s really near the Surgeon’s Museums.  They have the largest public display of preserved organs on display in the UK, pickled body parts in jars that have been really helpful for research on how radiation affect the body.”  Suddenly Bruce stopped and snapped out his rambling.  “I’m sorry.”  He held his forehead in his hand.  “You meant for a date.”  
“Don’t worry.”  There was the hint of a chuckle in Thor’s voice as he replied.  “I’m sure that walked past jars of dead people’s organs would make for a very romantic second date.”  Bruce laughed a little as he covered his eyes, embarrassed by his own suggestion. “And Bruce, you must know that I would enjoy even the most confusing of days out, so long as it is time spent with you.”
Bruce finally allowed himself to look up, walking again, and making proper eye contact with Thor.
“I can come up with a better date idea than that,” he promised.  “You deserve a better time out.”
“Well, I am the reason you are here, walking for miles in the rain.  If anything, I am to repay you.”
Leaving the campus and making there way onto a quitter road, Thor noticed Bruce’s eyes flow over him, as if reading him.  I suppose it is only fair given how long I have spent looking at him.
“Your hair looks good short,” he finally said.
“Really?”  Thor ran his hand through the spiky, soaked hair on the hack of his head.  It still felt unfamiliar to him.  “I miss having it long.”
“Your looked good with long with long hair, too,” Bruce admitted.  Thor felt a little smug.  “What made you cut it, if you didn’t want it short?”
“Some creepy old man got bubble-gum in it.  I’ve never liked it short before –“ Thor held his hand to Bruce’s arm “- but if it gets the admiration of the only one who’s opinion I care about, I am happy.”
Conversation between the two of them flowed easily as they made their way to the northern side of the city.  The rain continued to fall, and Thor could feel his shoes soak through, but even that hadn’t dampened his mood.  He knew he should be worried about what was going to await him once he got home, but none of his anxieties seemed to stick in his mind, too preoccupied by his companion.
As they made their way down a main road, a car passed at twice the speed it should have been travelling, diving through a puddle and causing a mighty splash in their direction.  The lions share of the water soaked through Thor, who was closer to the road.
Instead of getting angry, Thor just laughed, and Bruce joined him.
“I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who isn’t a toddler enjoy the rain as much as you do,” Bruce said, amused.
“I never stopped loving the rain.  I’ve made a career out of it.”  
Walking back to his home, Thor felt that he should walk fast – they were going back there for an urgent reason after all – but as they got closer, Thor’s walking pace slowed, wanting to spend as much time with Bruce as he could before he would have to deal with something else.  He wished that there would turn out to be some fault with the alarm, so he could invite Bruce in to warm himself up, without having to deal with the police.  If Bruce could come inside, they would have the privacy to talk openly, to touch, to kiss…  I have to kiss him again, Thor swore to himself, elated that the thought was no longer a distant imagining.
The journey could only be stretched so long, however, and it didn’t feel long before they were on Thor’s road, a police van visible outside Thor’s house.
Bruce stayed with him as he introduced himself to the police officer, asking about what had happened.
“We got a call from one of your neighbours at the same time that your alarm went off, telling us that there was a suspicious-looking individual climbing up your drains and trying to break into your window,” the officer explained.  He had a badge on his uniform that called him ‘Happy’ but his expression did not match his name.  “We have him in the back now, slimy-looking guy, says his name’s –“
“Loki,” Thor finished. He didn’t need to be told to identify the black-clad, glaring person staring at him from the back of the police van to recognise that face.
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nnnngrsss-blog · 6 years
I’ll miss you Anastasia...
You are not aware but you made me fall in love with you and I still love you. What are you doing here right now?
I miss you so much and I cried many times during this time. Last night I cried so hard while thinking of you. Because thinking of you is so painful. It's hurting me so much when I think about you. You were always in my heart and you'll always be.
I tried to explain that how much I love you. But you're too young to understand me. You're too young to take me serious.
I tried to stay as a friend with you but I can't. It's hurting me so much, when I see you having fun with someone else. How can I continue to live with this pain? That's why I decided to stay away from you. I moved to my brother's house which who living in Bodrum. I never logged into my social accounts. I never met with new people. I tried to forget about you. I tried to forget everything. Because I know that my time is running fast.. I don't have much time to live in this world. I forgot how to be happy.. I tried to forget you and tried to be happy. But.. I never lived a good day since I disappear. You were always in my dreams and thoughts. Because I couldn't remove you from my heart.. I can't... You're a dream that will never be true...
I came back to home from brother's home. I have some medical issues. I need to be a critical surgery. That's why I came back to home. Yesterday, I accidentally open my instagram on my pc and then I saw the notification about that you started to follow me. Why? Why you are here? You can't miss me. I'm nothing for you. I did nothing for you.
I can't stay as a friend and the worst thing is; You already know that we can't be together. No matter what. First of all, I don't deserve you. We are far away from each other and I can't speak Russian. Even if I can speak Russian, I can't tell you what I want you to know about this life. Even if I can tell or teach you something, you'll not care about it. Because you are still young and you always tend to make mistakes. It's not wrong to be tending to make mistake. It's result of being young.
I always tried to warn you for your happiness. You are too young. You think, you can do what ever you want. Yes you can! But after a while, you'll regret about things that you were doing while having fun. Why do you think that your family is always yelling at you? Especially your mother. Because she don't want you to do something stupid. Because she knows that you'll be regret when you grown up. But you'll do it anyway. You'll have fun while doing something that your parents don't want you to do. But you'll be so regret when you grown up and find someone that who really deserve to be with you. And this man, won't want to be with you. Because of those mistakes that you have done when you was young. Probably you would say that; "I want someone who really love me with who I am. I want someone love me with my mistakes." But this means, I can do whatever shit I want and I want someone who ignore my mistakes and I want him to be ready about that I could do more mistakes. This is not make you smart. This words assume that he is fool. And nobody wants to seem like a fool. In same time, he will be upset. Because you wasted yourself doing what you thought you could do. Listen, this is important point. If someone not accept you with your mistakes. That means, he truly loves you. BUT If someone would accept you with your mistakes and without any question, that's mean; He want to use you. And throw you after he done with you. Like a napkin... Unfortunately, many guy professional about lying. And girls are got blind when liars start talk. Don't forget that! When you find the right person, you'll feel really precious. Because this man will not use you like a napkin. He'll never search or look at to another girl. He'll always reminds you of how much precious you are. Try not to lose this man. Because you'll never find it again. Also, you'll learn to respect each other's decisions. Sometimes you or him, have to abandon some decisions to respect each other. This respect will always keep happiness on high level. Always try to decide together. Exchange of ideas about anything you want to do. Find the reasonable result together. Never discuss! Never broke each other's heart! If he broke your heart, that mean; he is not the right person. I'm not saying that; When you and him arrive to a reasonable decision and this decision is not your choice, you'll be upset. For example; You wanted to go to outside with your new skirt and he doesn't want you to wear this skirt. You are explaining of why you want you to wear it; Because it's new and it's fit with my coat. He is explaining of why he don't want you to wear it; Because today the weather is cold and windy. Not necessary to take people's attention like this. But you can wear it when it's not cold and windy. SHE = [Want to wear] HE = [Don't want] There are two opposite thoughts. I know it's little bit heart breaking, but you know who have to respect to whom. To be reasonable. Sometimes you have to do small sacrifices. Respect is always keep love in alive.
Those are my last suggests to you about "how can I find someone who really deserve me". Listen or not. This is your choise. I just wanted to help you for your happiness as much as I can do. I hope you can find this man and be happy...
I can't continue without saying that; my inner voice telling me that you already done a mistake that I don't want you to do... Do you know why we can't be friends? Because my time is passing. I don't think that I'll live 4 or 5 more years. Even if you want to be with me someday. I can't do this. First of all, I don't deserve you! And I don't have enough money to do things that I imagined to do with you. Even if I could find some money.. I'll die in few years and this is not how I want to end my life. I can't look in your eyes while I'm dying in front of your eyes. It will hurt me so much that leaving you early like this... It's better for you to live your life with someone else. You are so beautiful and smart. You can find a rich and handsome man and live your life with fun. I want your happiness. Forget even I exist.
I don't know why am I still talking. You'll never understand or care. Maybe.. Maybe one day you'll truly understand me, but it'll too late for both of us.
I don't even hope about seeing you before I die. I never have you. I'll never be. You'll stay in my heart forever as the greatest lovable pain in my life.
I hope there is a another life waiting for us. I hope I can find you there again. I'll wait for you there. But this time, being as a right person for you. If there is no other life..... Sadly.. I lost my whole chance in this life. There is nothing to do about it. I wish I was born as a handsome, rich and powerful Russian to find you in this world and make you happy until I die. We both know this is impossible.
You think I'm exaggerate about everything. Maybe my words looks fake and cliche to you. But it's not. I'm telling the truth and it's all coming from my heart. Sadly, there is no way to show you that how much I love you and how important you are. I wish we could change our souls for a moment. Maybe that's the only way to prove it to you. But we can't..
You think you are in love with Egor for now. But this is not love. You will left him otherwise he'll left you when time comes. Don't let anyone use you! You'll understand this after you turn to 20-22 age. Don't listen my words. Trust nobody. I'm nothing for you. Listen to your mom's words! She is truly wants your happiness. As I do.. Sometimes she gets angry at you because she loves you. Don't get this wrong. She want you to be successful without mistakes. Hug her and say how much you love her.
As I said, I went to doctor and I was examined today. I'll be dental operation. This looks so normal but it is not for me. You can make research about how important relationship between heart and tooth. This is so critical surgery. It could cost to my life. May cause high degree of death. Not instantly but slowly. Even if it can't kill me, at best odds, I could get in to the coma..
I'm living in a useless body with tons of misfortune... I can't explain you how much I'm suffering. And regret.. Because of I'm gonna say goodbye to you with this way.. I know. I wrote everything in english, because I can't speak Russian. Probably you'll never understand my words. Because of translate problems. I'm sorry. This is the best I can do. I hope you'll never delete my words and read them at least once in a year. In this way, maybe someday you could understand me... I hope.. To be honest. I'm little bit happy to talk you at least for the last time again... I want to apologize for everything... Forgive me for not being the right person for you in this life... Forgive me if I do any mistake... I know.. Saying goodbye to you is biggest mistake of my life. But forgive me...
I never said that to you before, so I want to say before I left; Happy birthday! Thank to God I met you in this life. You are so beautiful and cute... You have such a unique voice.. I'm missing it.. I'll miss everything about you in this life. I wish you all the best!
And my last words... Take care of yourself. Trust nobody except your family. I believe you will be so happy in this life. I hope you will find the right person. I hope he'll never break your heart and he'll make you forget about me. Forget even I exist. I love you. I will always love you. Hope to see you in another world... Don't send any message to me. Because I can't read. I'll never get login to my social accounts. You'll never know when I die. Live your life. Forget everything about me. Try to understand my suggestions. Be happy.. For me... Goodbye my love.....
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pillowfluffs · 7 years
Best Friend!Baekyun
Part 1 of 2
genre: fluff
pairing: Baekhyun x Reader (female)
Part 2
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Byun Baekhyun. One of the best people you’ve ever encountered in your life. Ever since your mothers met each other while dropping the both of you off at daycare, a friendly relationship bloomed and continued to present day, you just turned 24 and he just turned 25. 
(It’s fate, you both have the same birthday). You woke up to the sun shining brightly through your white curtains after a long night of partying and celebrating with both of your guys’ friends. You feel a slight pounding in your head as the effect of alcohol from last night’s shots kicking back in. You rubbed your head, yawning, and reached over to the drawers next to your bed and pulled out some Advil. After taking the Advil, you laid back down and pulled your phone out from under your pillow. Notifications of “Happy Birthday Y/N!” messages from relatives overseas filled your phone. Text messages and snaps from other friends made your phone light up every 2 minutes. You rolled out of bed after scrolling through your phone for a few minutes and started your day. Today was the first you were 24. A month or two later and all the schools would be on break. You were brushing your teeth, “blasting” music from your phone, thinking back to some funny memories from last night until you got a text.
BB: “GM”
Of course, it was Baek, he always texted you good morning and good night. It was an unofficially made precedent. But you never complained ;)
YOU: “gm”
You put down your phone and continued on with your morning routine; brushing your hair, getting dressed for whatever errand or objective you set yourself, but for the first time in forever, you had nothing. You went back to your room to water your (almost dead) plants when your phone vibrated in your hand.
BB: “Yo, are you doing anything today?”
YOU: “for once, no”
YOU: “why?”
BB: “same”
BB: “do you wanna get breakfast?”
YOU: “sure. where tho?”
BB: “mm”
BB: “ooh, ik this new place that opened up and i saw some pretty good reviews about it”
YOU: “okay”
BB: “then pick you up in 15”
You turned off your phone and a smile grew on your face. As long as you’ve known Baekhyun and no matter how many sides of him you’ve seen, good or bad, there was always something about him that attracted you to him. The way he smiled and laughed and said things just made you want to hug him. Never once would you hang out with him and not be in a bad mood. Unless he was in a bad mood, which was rare-ish. The next thing you know, you’re in your closet picking out a cute, but casual outfit. So many choices, what to do what to do. Was it windy today? Chilly? Hot? Cloudy? Should you dress fancy? Or casual? Ugh, you wished Baek told you about the cafe more. You pulled out your phone to check the weather and saw that 7 minutes had already passed. SHI(O)T. You quickly pulled out your classic black jeans and your new baby blue short sleeved shirt. You looked into your full body length mirror and fixed your hair. You grabbed your wallet and waited by the door until Baek texted you his presence. A few minutes passed when you were just scrolling through your phone when you got a text.
BB: “here”
BB: “betch”
You clicked on the message notification and went to messages. As you were about to text your sassy clap back remark, he texted again.
BB: “jkjk pls dont kill me”
And there it was again. His usual funny charm that never failed to make you smile. You quickly replied while slipping on your white vans
YOU: “coming”
You grabbed your keys form your key basket and left your apartment. You went down the stairs from your apartment to see the familiar white Cherokee. He was on his phone when he glanced up as you were walking towards the car. He instantly smiled, waved, and rolled down the winder.
“Get in loser, we’re going to breakfast,” he laughed. “Good morning.”
You just gave him your classic what the.. Look while getting in.
“Hi,” you said. You saw that he was wearing the same type of clothes.. Actually, he was wearing black jeans, black vans, a white shirt below with a blue sweater with his sleeves rolled up and a watch. You just focused ahead as he drove. Smiling and looking out the window, you did your occasional glance at your phone. You turned back and started talking when you feel yourself calm down a little.
“So how far is this new cafe?” you finally broke the silence.
“Mm, not too far, it’s a few blocks away from the company,” one hand on the steering wheel, the other rubbing his chin. Their new song universe was playing softly in the background.
“Have fun last night?” he smiled at you.
“Yeah, it was bigger than I thought, honestly,” you looked back outside, passing by the familiar streets. “I woke up with a small headache though.. Did you have a hangover?”
“Surprisingly, no,” he shook his head.
“Lucky,” you pouted. Baekhyun just smiled to himself from how cute you were unintentionally being. It was the same for him too. Ever since that one time he saw you asleep on your textbook when he dropped by, just the way you looked made his heart flutter. He always admired how hardworking and studious you were. He never thought he would ever fall for his best friend like those cliche stories and movies, but here he was, falling for you more and more as time went by. Oh how he wished he could just reach over and hold your hand, but he couldn’t. He knew you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. You confirmed it yourself when he asked you if you were interested in anyone. Of course you said no though, how could you confess then and there? Especially with how shy you were sometimes. But little did he know that you did reciprocate the feelings, just as much. Plus, he knew that there was a long list of other guys that he found out were interested in you, but you never paid attention to them. Of course you didn’t. You had some high standards when it came to guys. Heck, they were so high that it even made Baekhyun doubt his looks. You reached for the radio and turned up the music. Universe played louder at Baek’s verse and you just silently sang along with him. He glanced over and smiled, his heart beat faster in his chest. He sang out and tried his best to sing enough so you would sing out too. Even though you didn’t admit it to yourself, he always knew you had a lovely voice. It was always gentle and soft and ohwefouwefh he just wanted to hug you and squish you. You made him so soft.
“I’m guessing you like our new album?” He raised his voice over the music slightly
“I love it,” you smiled. As the song ended, you finally arrived at the cafe and Baek parked right in front.
“Shilla,” you looked up at the sign and looked into the cafe. There was barely anyone there but it’s understandable since it just opened like half an hour ago.
“Ready to go in?” Baekhyun pointed to the doors locking his car. You looked over and nodded. You both walked forward together towards the entrance.
“Hey!” Baekhyun turned towards you, surprised.
“We look like a couple,” he laughed and gestured at both of your outfits.
“Yeah..” you said quietly. A blush slowly glowing onto your face.
He opened the door for you and walked in. The cool breeze of the air conditioning chilled you a bit, but it was okay.
“Let’s sit here,” he gestured to the table further in. “I can go order for both of us. They have your favorite here.”
“Okay,” you sat with your arms folded in your lap, you were a bit chilly. “Wait, but I need to pay,” you were standing up.
“No, no, no, no, no,” he came back and sat your back down. “Breakfast is on me today,” he smiled his signature smile that you prayed would never fade.
“Oh, are you sure?”
“Yes, now sit,” he pointed downwards. You saw him turn to walk back towards the entrance but turned left to the register. You sat there and was on your phone, snapping your streaks and scrolling through Instagram. You were feeling colder and colder until you feel something warm wrap around your shoulders. You looked back up to see Baekhyun standing behind you, hands on your shoulders as he wrapped one of his jackets around you.
“Oh, thank you,” you put your arms through the sleeves.
“No, problem, I noticed you were cold when we walked in.” He went back to the register and walked back to the table with two hot drinks.
“I got your favorite,” he set down the drinks and napkins and sat across from you.
“They have all my favorites here,” you smiled “Both food and person,” you thought to yourself. “This might just be my new favorite cafe.” You smiled and brought your drink to your lips. The refreshing smell of your latte filled your nose. “Mmm, this is so good,” you smiled.
“This is definitely my new favorite.”
You paused for a brief moment until you finally spoke up.
“How come you don’t have a schedule today?” you asked curiously. “I figured since you recently had this album released, and considering you’re one of the top groups in Korea, the last thing you should be doing is nothing.”
“Well..” and just from the tone of his voice, you knew he did something he shouldn’t have. “That’s the thing..”
“What is?” You stared at him. “Baek?” You lowered your head to get into his line of sight.
“I technically do have a schedule.. And it’s the busiest one of the year,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
Your eyes grew big at this. You knew how much trouble he would get in when he got back, especially since he did this last year too and you didn’t hear from him for a few weeks.
“Baekhyun, you shouldn’t have done this. Oh my gosh,” your mouth was agape in shock.
“But, I wanted to be with you,” he put on his puppy face. The face he knew was your ultimate weakness. “Plus, our manager doesn’t really know I’m gone. The guys are covering for me,” You could’ve melted right then and there but you stood your ground.
“Wha- But they’re not dumb enough to not ignore your absence. Plus, we were together last night!”
‘But I wanted to be alone, Y/N!” He sighed. “Please, just don’t worry about me and my soon to come punishment. just-“
You were taken back a bit at his sudden exclamation.
“Why, though?” You cut him off. “We see each other often, but today, you shouldn’t have ditched your schedule.”
“Because Y/N…” He paused, staring into your eyes.
gif not mine!
I hope you all enjoyed! and I’ll be posting part 2 tomorrow around this same time
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kawainekocath · 4 years
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The screamer and me
 I looked at my wrist for the time. “Shit” I cursed under my breath. I hope I am not too late. I scanned around the area and did not notice him being here. I quickly took my coffee and sat in the corner. As I was sipping my coffee, my eyes were looking for him. Then, I saw you talking to the barista. You sat down at your favorite place. I deliberately chose this spot because I could stare at you, without being seen. Your hands that touch that coffee cup, imagining them caressing my waist made me blush. I bit my lips, imagining you are touching every inch of my body. Then, as your lips touched the brim of the cup, I wish our lips touched. I shudder, resisting the urge to kiss you here. You do not have the slightest clue that I’m close, sitting at the corner watching you enjoying your coffee. Then you left. Leaving me all hot and flustered. Oh this mind of mine, I cannot stop thinking how it would feel to savor your touch, to feel your lips on mine. Every time I see you, I keep on praying for the courage to say hello. My mind wondered into a world where you and I exist. No other people would bother us there. No responsibility to take care of, hearts would not be broken. Only us forever. “Miss, are you alright?” asked the server. I snapped back into reality. “No, I’m alright. Thank you for asking” I replied, being as polite as possible, kept my anger at bay. I grabbed my stuff and quickly left the shop.
Back at my place, I recalled the 1st time I saw you stream. Your screams that attracted me to you. All of those screams were genuine. Although they were as you stated “manly screams” I would never hear men scream as they play horror games. I love that about you. No pretenses, only honesty. You were really scared. It started off as friendly teasing and just friendly banter. Then it happened. You sent me a “whisper” through twitch. We conversed through twitch. Me being supportive and thankful because you played very well. I’m thankful of your “manly screams” as well. It has been like that, since I first saw you. When I followed you on discord, we chatted. Both of us shared stories, things about ourselves that not many people know. It was a little touch and go as I’m afraid if I’m being too forward, you would hate it. That would be the end of me. The sound of a car horn blazing made me jump. I looked at the time, 2 P.M. I stretched and glanced over at my unpacked boxes. It had been 2 weeks, since I left everything behind. To be honest it was not easy. Took me quite some time to think and plan everything. I searched for teaching vacancies in North Carolina and sent resumes to them. Praying that they would accept me there. My prayers were accepted and I got a teaching job here. Fast forward to now, I’m here to chase an impossible dream. As I unpacked, I think about the things that could happen between us. To be able to touch you, to smell your body scent and to hear your voice up close made my heart flutters. “This is crazy” I murmured to myself. I unpacked the box that stated “computer stuff” and set the computer. Computer, internet connection all set for tomorrow.
Saturday came and I counted the hours till your usual stream schedule. “Ping” Twitch notification came out stating you are streaming. I greeted chat as usual and watched you play a horror game. I teased about your manly screams, along with everybody else in chat. You were looking dreamy as usual, wearing that red sweater. I could not focus much on the game because my eyes were looking at your lips, kept thinking how would they taste like. I imagined your left hand caressing my back as we were engulfed with fiery kisses. I would nibble on your earlobes just to tease you. Dirty thoughts came rushing in and I felt myself flustered. At the end of the stream, u bid goodbye to everyone in chat. Then, you messaged me on discord. I wrote about how I appreciate what he did on stream. At first, I was hesitant but I muster up the courage and typed “I’m here” You typed “Don’t joke about this, I know you are far away” I replied by giving out my mobile number. Then, the phone rang.
  I was utterly speechless as I heard your voice at the end of the line. You still would not believe that I’m actually here in North Carolina. I did not share the boring details of my journey here as all of that were just something of the past. It is now that I cared about. We discussed on how we should meet. My heart just went through the roof. This was what I’m looking forward to as I stepped my foot in America. I thought of a place and told him to meet me there next Saturday. Time flew and it was Saturday once more.
 The Meet up
I had trouble selecting the perfect outfit for our first meeting. “Plain Jane” was not what I’m looking forward to. I sat in front of the wardrobe, contemplating between what I had. Unfortunately, nothing special came into my mind. Feeling frustrated, I took out a pair of jeans and a red crop top that would match your red sweater. I put on some makeup and let my hair loose. I stood in front of the mirror and checked my outfit. Perfect.
I arrived at our meeting place. The sign stated “Recreation Acres Soccer Complex” I walked among the trees, let the air caressed my cheeks. I sat beneath a tree, waiting for you. My phone rang, as I was about to answer it, I heard your voice. I turned around and saw you. My heart stopped. Here you were, standing in front of me. I tried to talk but nothing came out from my lips. You were as shocked as I am. Here we were, dumbstruck. I managed to calm my nerves and called out your name. “It is me, Cath” I spoke and walked closer towards you. I stood in front of you, smiling. You smiled back. I pointed towards the tree where I sat earlier and asked if we could sit there and talk. You followed and both of us sat beneath the tree. As the wind blew gently across our faces, the atmosphere was deathly quiet. Both of us struggled to start the conversation. “How did you end up here?” he asked, breaking the silence. I told him about buying one- way ticket here but I left behind the sob story. “So here I am, in front of you. I’m starting a new life here with a new job” said I. “This is crazy” he said, smiling towards me. “Hey, I’m crazy AND silly. You know about that. I need a change of scenery” I replied, staring into his brown eyes. I had to resist the urge to hug you and shower you with kisses. “So um, what are we going to do now?” I asked. “Well, let’s start with a friendly introduction. Hello my name is Brandon. I’m a game streamer. Pleased to meet you” he extended his right hand towards me. “Hi there. My name is Catherine. I’m an Elementary school teacher at Hillpark. I’m very excited to see you” I replied, shaking his hand. He squeezed my hand and said “you are silly, Catherine. I do hope you achieve whatever you desire here” I nodded and smiled without letting go of his hand. Finally, our hands touched. We chatted for a while and time flew by. It was getting dark. I came closer to him and stated it was getting dark. So both of us stood up and walked towards the parking lot. I asked if I could hug you and when you said “yes” I gave you a tight hug. The scent of your cologne made my mind goes crazy. I just want your scent to stay on me. After that, we went on our separate ways. Then, I reached my rented place.
I flopped myself on the sofa, feeling flustered. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to burst. I placed my right hand, the one that shook yours on top of my chest. I sat up and took off my crop top. I took a whiff at it, and smiled. I could smell your cologne mingled with mine. “our scents are dancing together. I want more of you” if only I could say those words to him. I pictured both of us mingling with each other, trying to smell one another. I wondered which cologne you would wear when you are in the mood for something sexy. Oh the thoughts that came pouring in. I became hot. “Guess its shower time huh” I murmured to myself.    
 I tossed everything into the laundry basket. I turned on the shower and stood under it. Water came down onto my hair and my body. “Cold shower huh” I said to myself. As I let the cold water caressed my skin, I imagined myself under the shower together with you. We would not mind the cold water touching our skins as we were too hot for each other. I would be ready for your hands, tracing my skin. Your lips would be on my neck, my back and bust. My moans would echo inside the bathroom. As you reached below, I would be wet from your touch. Your fingers would trace my inner thigh and my body would shudder at the touch. “I’m ready for you” I would utter those words as I’m going to reach my peak. I blushed and started to touch myself under the shower, imagining your big hands on me. “What a wonderful shower” I said to myself. Later that night, I received a text from you. You asked me to meet you at the same place where we met earlier a week from now.
A week passed and I was looking forward to our second meeting. After a quick shower, I ransacked my wardrobe for the right outfit. This time, I chose a red sundress and a pair of flat shoes. I put on a little make up and let my hair loose, but I still packed my scrunchie to tie up my hair if it gets too windy. I arrived at the park, waiting for you. My phone rang, and I followed your voice as you gave out directions to our rendezvous. Then I saw you waving your hand towards me, calling out my name. As I approached closer I could see you were sitting on a blanket, spread nicely on the ground. You pulled my hand so I would sit next to you. We were facing each other, as I properly sit on my claves. “A fine day to wear a sundress huh” I cursed to myself. He stated he was happy to be able to see me again. I agreed to this. I told him, seeing him here made my day. We shared a bit about our work because we did not want to bore ourselves with it. “Come closer” he said, holding out his hand to take mine. I took his hand and scooched closer. Our knees touched and I automatically shudder. “Are you cold?” he asked. I shook my head, signaling “no”. “Don’t be afraid, I would not bite” he assured me. “I do not mind if you bite” the thought occurred to me. “Oh, I am not afraid of you. I know your weakness” I said with proud. “Don’t you dare use it here, Cath. You will be in trouble” he said, a smirk shown at the corner of his lips. “Oh really?” I said smiling back at him. We could see people around us. Children playing at the playground. Old folks enjoy each other’s company. Love birds cuddling with each other. From the corner of my eye, I saw a couple making out. Unconsciously, I bit my lower lip and I started to play with my hair. I blushed bright red at the sight. Then I realized he was staring at me the whole time. “What is going on here? You seem nervous” he asked. I pointed my finger towards the couple. He looked at them and laughed. “I bet this is your first time seeing people make out in public” he said. I nodded and say “usually we do that behind closed doors”. “Yeah, do not worry about it. You will get used to it” he said. I smiled at him but the desire to kiss him had become unbearable. “It is now or never” I told myself and at the same time, thinking about the right words to say to you. “Brandon, you know why I’m here. No use denying it. Since our first whisper I have a crush on you. You are in my mind at night. Due to our time difference, it’s difficult to stay connected. My day is your night, vice versa. Long distance sucks. Now I’m here same time as yours, under the same sky” I told him about my feelings. He just sat there, not saying a word. My heart was beating so fast, as I cannot accept the possibility of losing him. He did not say anything for 10 minutes. “Brandon, could you please say something? You are making me nervous” I said as I brushed my hair to the side. “You know Cath, when I saw you here for the first time, I could not believe it. You left everything just to be here. That is crazy. I know it is difficult for you to do this all by yourself” he started talking. He placed his hand on top of mine. He gazed into my eyes and seeing his brown eyes made my heart went wild. He came closer and placed his thumb under my chin. I could not breathe and when I did, I could smell his cologne. “You know I could kiss you here since we are THIS close” I said jokingly trying to ease up the tension between us. As soon as I finished the sentence, he planted a kiss on my right cheek. “or I could kiss you and made you go crazy” he said and laughed. “Damn it! I will get you back for that” I said, as my fingers started to tickle his sides. I started tickling him till he laid on the blanket. We were laughing so hard, enjoying the moment. I stopped tickling him when I noticed that I was on top of him. “We better stop before you passed out from laughing” I said, trying to get off from him. He wrapped his hands against my back and pulled me closer. I rested my head against his chest. I could hear his rapid heartbeats. “I..” I tried to speak. “Shh, let’s enjoy this moment. Just the 2 of us” he whispered into my ear. I tried to calm my heart, but it did not work. He would know what I’m feeling at the moment. Our breathing was in sync. I closed my eyes, drifting into the world just the two of us. “Cath, it’s getting late. We better get going” he broke the silence. I opened my eyes and looked at my wrist watch. It showed 5 p.m. “Time flies huh” I said as I got up and fix my dress. “Let’s go. I’m sharing a cab with you” he said. Both of us took a cab and it arrived at my rented place. Both of us went out from the cab and walked towards the front door. We were standing, facing each other. “So um, thank you for today. I hope we can still see each other” I said as I was fumbling with the keys. “yeah, we will see each other again, Cath” he said and scratched the back of his head. “Your cab is waiting” I said, gesturing towards the cab. He placed his hands against my cheeks and our lips met.      
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
well today was alright, pretty boring really but not anything like, objectively bad. I got up to my alarm at 9:15 and got ready to head to my appointment with my new psychiatrist here in Chicago (because the one in New York I’ve been seeing since 2013 and love dearly is retiring, but I mean he’s 74 so I can’t really hold it against him for wanting to retire at that age, I’ll just miss him a lot). There was a little bit of stuff up in the air as far as getting there, basically just like 3 different ways to get to the bus that will actually get me there, so I had to adjust my plans after I didn’t make it to the other bus in time. But I got to the right place with some time to spare, so that’s good. the office wasn’t hard to find, I filled out some paperwork and then we basically just went over my history with everything which was somewhat less than pleasant to recount really but nothing I can do about that. I filled out a firm for him to be able to request my records from the old office so he’ll have that info. He refilled two of my prescriptions, he did say he wasn’t crazy about using Xanax and would recommend trying to taper that off, so I’ll see how I feel about that. But yeah, it didn’t take too long and was overall fairly successful so I was pleased. Took two buses home, both of which I had to wait a bit for and it was sooooo windy out today which made it feel very cold so that was unpleasant. But I made it home and then spent a while getting together paperwork for a job application I have to physically mail in and throwing stuff together for my passport application. I called the post office to see what their deal was and they said I had to make an appointment, so I made one for tomorrow that will hopefully go well. so I spent a while doing that before calling a lab for the bloodwork the allergist wanted me to get to make sure they accept my insurance, and they said they did so I decided to head down there and get that taken care of. I uber pooled there and back because the public transit options were inconvenient and I’m lazy. Once I got thee I waited for maybe 15 minutes before getting called back, and they did the blood draw and sent me on my way, easy enough. I had gotten a text message notification that the prescriptions refilled this morning are ready at Target, so I did my uber pool back to Target, where I grabbed the prescriptions, toothpaste, and toilet paper (you know, the essentials). Did another uber pool home because again I’m lazy and I had a huge thing of toilet paper with me lol. Once I got home I got a few things taken care of before sitting and watching a few episodes of The Jinx. So far, I straight up think he’s a psychopath and guilty as hell, way more than I ever expected of Michael Peterson or others in similar cases. I initially thought The Gifted was gonna be on at 7 like it had been in the past, but when I checked it wasn’t until 8, so I used the extra time to watch last week’s episode that I’d missed. Both episodes made some interesting progress, can’t say I saw that coming really, as far as them teaming up again and trying to bring the inner circle down. All of their characters are very well written, each having unique character traits that don’t feel like they overlap with each other really. The former prosecutor guy (I forget his name) is on a really disappointing trajectory really, which I know is the entire point, but like, I find it really unsettling to watch. And then there was the end scene with Lauren threatening the landlord and I was just like.....sweetie, you’re really proving their point here but using your powers to threaten them, which is basically what they’ve been saying you’ve been doing......so yeah, that was not good. going back to the first episode though, I did love when they charged the complex to rescue John and just started kicking ass and wiping everyone out by a mile, it was really cool to watch and Lorna is so incredibly badass and I love her so much (which is of course is helped by the fact that I’ve met Emma Dumont twice now and she’s an incredibly kind and interesting human being). Before tonight’s episode actually aired though I had to deal with it getting pre-empted by a certain individual who was addressing the the country, which I just straight up refused to watch, so I just switched to another channel who wasn’t playing it until I was informed he was done and then switched back to watch the democrat response. This whole thing is just....ugh. I don’t really talk about politics on here very often because it’s all just so fucking exhausting, and I’m so tired of things just getting worse and worse. The fact that we’re in a “government shutdown” right now is total bullshit anyway, it’s not a shutdown, it’s just an excuse to not pay workers and hurt hard working Americans who have done nothing wrong. I don’t know how this is going to end, but I definitely hope it does not include anyone capitulating and giving him funding for the wall. Anyway though. After The Gifted was over I watched the news for a bit before starting to get ready for bed, and now I am here and I am getting quite tired, so I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight my loves. Sleep well.
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