whumpshaped · 11 months
Hm, yeah there is geflochtener Zopf as braid, but personally Zopf means braid for me. Really fancy with that cocoa powder! Languages are so interesting I’m glad I got to learn about not bread today!
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saursoob · 5 months
Dream, Ivory - yang jungwon
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🎧 listen to: Dream, Ivory while reading !
genre: fluff, ignoring him due to work you find a way to make it up to him.
wc: 600+
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“who are you texting?” your boyfriend asked as he laid in bed next to you attempting to look over at your phone screen. you glanced over to him and noticed a slight pout resting on his lips, clearly upset that you weren’t paying attention to the movie he had put on for the both of you: ‘harry potter and the half blood prince’ you gave him no response, too busy typing away on your device to reply. (that and aside from the fact that you’re incapable of multitasking.)
as you laid comfortably on your back he decided to throw his left arm and leg onto you, side hugging you. “y/nnnn” he said as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and leaving a soft peck, begging for any sort of attention. you hummed in response, he smiled now that he had your attention, “stop texting, pay attention to your boyfriend.” you sighed, still fixated on your phone as you replied, “sorry wonnie, its work. i cant ignore it” his pout deepened making his dimples more pronounced as he paused the movie and snuggled up to you closer, deciding to close his eyes in the meantime as he patiently waits for you to be done.
about thirty minutes pass of your general manager complaining about how it’s your responsibility to make sure the new company interns had work to do and someone to go to if they have questions and simply going on and on about how you’re not doing enough as a whole. this claim was obviously bogus by the way, yes you’ve been training the new interns and giving them somewhat of simple assignments but it wasn’t your fault that one of the college students couldn’t grasp the basic task you thoroughly explained and not to mention didn’t even bother to ask you for assistance.
you had finally had enough and shut off your phone, you honestly didn’t care if your G.M yelled at you tomorrow for this, she had said more than enough. you sighed as you looked over to your boyfriend who looked sound asleep cuddled up on you. “wonnie” you said softly. “are you asleep?” your boyfriend would often rest his eyes and accidentally fall asleep so assuming he was you reached over your hand and began playing with the bangs of his hair. he leaned into your palm instinctively, a slight hum coming from him as his eyes opened softly to your touch. “you done?” he asked, voice still sleepy. “mhm” you responded and he gave a lazy smirk. “good” you smiled and reached for the remote to continue the movie but jungwon stopped you before you could unpause it. you look at him expectingly and he glared at you innocently, “what is it won?”
“don’t you think you should make up for ignoring me?”
“but it was work?”
he pouts.
“never mind.” he grumbled.
you gently position him on his back and straddled him, “what about this?” you say as you lean down to kiss his right cheek gently.
he chuckles, “mm not enough”
you giggle and kiss his forehead next, then his nose, admiring the love struck expression your boyfriend makes after each one.
after basically kissing his whole face you back away to look at him once more. without saying a word he pulls you in for a kiss on the lips, cupping your face to deepen it and releasing shortly after. “you’re so cute”
“now lets go to sleep, yeah?” still guilty you asked, “you sure? we can finish the movie now. im done on my phone, promise.” he shook his head on the pillow, “its okay, i just want you in my arms”
your boyfriend was so cute when he was like this, cuddled up in your big dark green sheets waiting to be embraced. you couldn’t help but think he looked so small in the big blanket. you smiled in between your response, “okay wonnie”
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A/N: late night wonnie drabble ! this is not proof read so i apologize if its shit ☺️☺️
perm tags: @skittlez-area512 @aaa-sia @nishislcve
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sinners-if · 1 year
hello! im really really sorry for asking this but - i can't stop thinking about your if and grey 😭 while it may be short, im really loving it <333 i just wanted to ask when will the next update come? ofc please don't push yourself and please take breaks and go at a pace that's most comfortable for you <3 sorry i just really love this if aoihufeojifnsuiudbhjofisd
I'm hoping to have a mini update to the demo by the beginning of next month to boost C2's wordcount, but chapter three is a big one and there's a lot I want to put it and get it right. We have the meeting with some very notable people, plot and foreshadowing is in overdrive, and Roman's asexuality gets addressed. My guess/prediction for the wordcount is C1+C2=C3.
I dont want to promise anything (and this is definitely not set in stone as a lot of my summer will be focused on getting my paperwork together to go to a foreign university), but work is progressing steadily. Late this fall? Maybe early winter?
I'll keep you all updated! In the meantime, enjoy the drabble list. Or take a peak at my patreon for more drabbles!
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h00nerz · 1 year
soo i think i’m gonna put spots on on hiatus for a few weeks </3 i promise im going to finish it before summer ends it’s just that i’m just not enjoying writing it as much as i was in the beginning :( i want to dedicate time to other projects instead of forcing myself to write it, especially because it’s not going to be as good if my hearts not in it.
spots on will be back! i promise! in the meantime im gonna work on some wips & drabble requests :)
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
well, last time i wrote here i said i was going to catch up on all the suff i’ve missed and i am still doing that and you want to know why i’m taking so long? cause your girl caught fucking covid in the meantime😫😫😭😭
so yeah the past week or so has been hell for me, i had every possible symptom ever and i spent days just sleeping, nothing else. for real, everything i did hurt in some way, so yeah it was not fun. but i’m better now, thankfully. can’t wait to be fully okay and full of energy again ugh. now that i’m a bit better my catching up will continue and so be prepared to receive asks about stuff you most likely forgot happened lolol.
also in the meantime the exam results came in and it went well, so i'm super happy and extremely grateful to you and the book club for all the good luck wishes and all the love you guys showed me, that really helped me during the exam. i’m glad to hear that work is good (for the most part) and i hope your coworkers aren't driving you too crazy lately. remember, don’t stress or worry too much, don’t overthink stuff cause in the end it will all be alright. i promise you that. also take your time to recover, breathe, drink a lot of water and nurture your body. you deserve all the love in the world, for real💞💞
also aaaAAAAAAA i wish i could see your pets, i bet they are the most wonderful little creatures ever. just as adorable as their owner ;)🤍
i could never imagine my life without my pet either, it would be too empty, dull and sad🥺😭
i am still catching up but welcome to all the new nonnies out there (santi and vermillionsails and anyone else, i’m so so happy to see you joining our book club, loads of love to you guys!🧡)
also i can’t wait to see all the things you published in the meantime (like i see you posted a couple of the celebration drabbles and i am so so excited to read them and the future ones that'll come!!)🤎
ilysm callieee, i hope you are having a wonderful day and are feeling a bit better. i hope to catch up soon so that i can send in all my crazy thoughts and comments that no one asked for lmao🤭🥵.
it’s good to be back, this blog became my safe spot, my little comfort area so it’s always good to come back and talk a bit💓💓
okay last quick random thing, if you don't mind callie, what is a phobia of yours? and what are your biggest pet peeves?
i want to get to know you a little more and these are the first questions that came to mind lol
okay that's it for now, loads of love my sweet callie, remember i'm always here for you💕💕💕💕
ahhjdjdj oh no,,, hope you get well and are fully back to your amazing self soon teddy!! covid is brutal ugh but i’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling better! sending you a ton of good vibes, love, and strength ✨
AYE YAAAYYY!!!! congratulations on acing your exams honey 🥳🎉💕 you worked incredibly hard for them and i’m super happy that everything went well! at least you can finally rest and relax, and not worry about school for now :) hehe yeah work has fortunately been alright,,, it’s just tiring, you know? sometimes i wish i can take off a whole week but im saving my vacation days for a trip im planning later this year 😭 but thank you for the lovely reminder, darling! the stress and overthinking is no good at all and im really working on focusing myself for the sake of my mental health ksksks.
weeeeeee take your time catching up! there’s zero rush at all! i’m still taking it slow with writing but i’m crossing my fingers that tonight i’ll be able to work on the next prompt and post tomorrow. i know these drabbles have been sooo delayed i’m pretty sure others forgot about them lolol but i’m excited to write nonetheless. but feel free to send in as many messages as your heart desires haha!! submit one ask or spam me with fifty, it’ll make me smile either way!
okay now for your questions. hMmm… i wouldn’t necessarily call it a phobia but i am scared of heights :((( there was one time i visited this park that had a bridge and i couldn’t even walk through it without my legs shaking and my hands gripping onto my friend for dear life haha. i’m fine on planes tho which is great bc i love traveling. i guess i just have to be in an enclosed space that makes it look like im really not that high up to be okay with it LOLOL.
for pet peeves, i HATE it when im in the middle of talking and someone cuts me off 😤 like pls let me get my thought out first ksdjsjks. i also don’t appreciate it when people borrow my stuff and not return it to the exact place they found it. i go crazy when im trying to look for something and it’s not there ;-; this one mostly applies at work but i don’t like it when my coworkers assume that i’m not busy with my own responsibilities and dump theirs on me thinking i’ll be able to work on them just like that. rude. 🙂
but how about you teddy? what are your phobias and pet peeves, if any? and if you have any more questions, send them :) im pretty much an open book and would also love to get to know you!
ilysm sweetheart and it’s good to have you back! i hope you’re having a wonderful day/night ❤️
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charlctterussell · 3 years
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Writer is 25+
In turn I prefer to write with writers who are older, you don’t have to necessarily be over 25 but, certainly and definitely older than 18. I won’t interact with anyone younger than 18 and if you are over, and don’t conduct yourself in an adult manner, the same will be said for that as well. I have no tolerance for bullying or shaming of any kind, and my tolerance for childish bullshit is like < 0.5 I’m not here for that, and I think everyone would agree that we all come here to explore creative things together with relaxation in mind and to have fun doing that. Although I know the cest pool of nonsense-isms accompanying the role-play world is a tale as old as time, but I will be selective in the company I keep here socially and collaboratively in that regard for my own peace and sanity.
Writing Style
Novella / Multi-Para
I really am such a sucker for detail, like seriously, if you want to capture my heart — detail me up mah friends! Having said that, I do again prefer collaborating with writers who write in the Novella and Multi-Para style as well in threads. I will also write in para too though because guess what? TONS of detail can be added in para bits just as well. But I get ambitious sometimes and descriptive, so BUYER BEWARE. Im really down to write and play in any length but when it comes to more serious scenes / pieces as far as threads — I do prefer my partners be the same in that regard or at least amped and enjoy something more than para. As a general rule here: Role-play is a dance between two people, sometimes more, and of course in that partnership you have to align for things to flow and the magic happen. Which I think is what we all strive for— really being able to indulge our imaginations collaboratively with like-minded partners. I have also always been a writer who puts a lot of thought and detail into the breaths of life big and small that live in words for my muse, so it’s important for me to sync up in that way for what I’m receiving as well. It’s also important for me to have chemistry with my partners cause it again, is role-play.😘That being said, I LOVE DRABBLINGS OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES IN PLAY, so please feel free to send/ tag me anything your heart desires. Like nothing is off limits there. — I live for mentions, and kinda inhelpably am a social butterfly so I really dig and will reply, and play, with any bit of back and forth you feel inspired to throw at me.
please do it. Please? If I’m following you back, it means I want to write with you and work with you. That also means talk to you too. If you have a question or kinda wonder about anything, anything at all, just message me. I love connecting with people, and happen to be super nice also. So, please don’t ever be afraid to connect and slip into my ims. I also do the disco, and communication is totally welcome there too. Member that chemistry thing I talked about earlier? (Whispers behind hand) This adds to it.
Like/Reblog Etiquette
I don’t care if you like anything of mine, or reblog it. In fact please do! Especially if you love/like them. Omg in fact if you do it you’ll capture a little piece of my heart more than you had the first time you did it. 😆With me, it really is the small things and I get giddy over many of them. Just don’t flat out copy my work, save it, and then post it. Unnecessary. —unless you’re stealing and then in that case don’t do that either.
I ship with only one, and that is @isawthelight
This means I am not interested in doing this with anyone else here. My fingers are nimble though and my imagination runs far and wide, so there’s tons of other connection opportunities out there in that sea where our muses are concerned. Basically, just feel free to shoot me a message about anything you’re thinking at all if you’d like to write together! I also promise to do the same. If I follow you, I will read your rules and message you thereafter. It’d be cool if you also did that if you follow this blog, but totally not a rule breaker if you don’t. If I’m interested, I’ll be reading your stuffs and hitting you up! As a general note: I’d really love to hear from anyone who has interest enough to follow first like; why did you? What idea did you have? Don’t be shy to tell me what you’re thinking! I loveeee brainstorming too. My imagination is super vivid, so lots of times I can come up with something enjoyable and am really open to ideas or expanding upon those in ways that work. Or even if you haven’t followed me yet, and you’re interested in writing together and you had an idea butttt aren’t quite sure...Shoot me a message. I’m crafty so I promise you and your muse a good time either way.
So I’m going to be honest...and it’s kinda ironic...considering the themes in The Devil All The Time, but animal gore/cruelty where it involves slaying, or killing animals is something (and literally the only thing) I am sensitive about. That being said, my ‘husband’ things — (side-eyes him from afar 👀)
But I also want to say I’m in this verse writing and all in in doing so, so please feel free to write anything to your heart’s content where it fits or you have the idea to in this verse, or with and around me. Although I have my sensitivity, it’s a part of the story and if it’s mentioned, or written it’s okay! I will grimace and either skip past it if I’m reading something of yours, or read it and thank the lord it’s just words and fiction like I did with the book and film! :p Having said that, at this time, I won’t myself be tagging more than a couple of triggers outside of cancer, nsfw. That certainly will change once I begin/ and get into works on this blog, but at this time there won’t be too awful many just because I may not think of them all and really don’t want to make myself crazy in my attempt to be on the safe side 😆. I have to mention as well that I also prefer to write with partners who don’t really have many (hardly any as a matter of fact, or none at all) triggers and with that I tend to feel as though, if you’re here, and you’re reading, you must at least be aware of the book and/or film and it’s themes. If you arent or like me have sensitivities you’d like at least noted someplace cause we totally read one another’s stuff and love one another, tell me! If you’re here, I love you, and also certainly we all are different and human and have our own feelings about things. Let me know. I’m happy to tag something for anyone who reads mine, or my partners things. In the meantime though, I’m going to assume most are not squeamish around blood mentions, illness, swearing, murder, violence, sex, or anything else graphic in content. Because this blog will contain those and a bundle of other themes that more than likely will grip a persons soul/heart strings. I want to also say that I do read everyone’s rules I work with and if I notice something in a potential partner’s about a specific trigger that may be a constant thing here, or even upcoming or past, I’ll always courteously provide tags for them on my blog without any word about it. But once more, I will not be adding many trigger tags to start because this story is one for mature audiences, so I’m going to assume folks venturing here are of that sort. But there’s not just all that gritty grimey grimes stuff. There’s also so much love and fuzzy feels too.💘
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(To be continued.......)
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Replying to anon messages in one long post so as not to spam you guys! as always, no prompts filled here and i’m sorry for the wait x 
1. Hello 👋. I just found your blog and it’s absolutely amazing. You write so beautifully it’s so fluid and graceful almost. I was wondering if you were going to do a second part on the Secretary Peter, Boss Tony fic. Or literally any of them. I’m pretty sure I’ve read through most of your blog just to marvel at the writing. And then a second time for the starker.
Oh my goodness you are the sweetest thing ever. There will be a part 2 to that fic, I promise! It’s just taking me forever hahaha, you are such a darling. Honestly, you’re the sweetest thing ever, thank you so much!
2. @tina8009 “I hope that you will continue with updating archive of our own because after the new update on Tumblr I can no longer Use it because of my eye sickness and I am really love your stories. ❤️”
girl!!! don’t you worry, i promise i will! that sucks :( x but you are so sweet
3. I already loveeeeee that step Brothers au, do you plan on continuing it at any time?
it is on the list gorgeous! It might take me a while, but a lengthier series of instalments is coming! of course, if anyone else would like to go for it in the meantime, i’d be happy to see what they came up with! the more the merrier!
4. Are you going to continue Super Size Me by any chance??? I had about ten nose bleeds the whole way through the four chapters ((especially the fourth chapter)). Totally chill if not, I just loved it
hahahahah, you’re so sweet and oh goodness!!! this question comes every time i answer questions and i feel so terrible- i promise, i will update it!!! a break from classes is coming soon and then i shall be able to get back on track! I’m so sorry, thank you for being so lovely, you stunner!
5. The kitten story was so cute!!!!!!!!! Everything you write is so so cute!!!!
6. Wow Peter found Tony in New York and took him all the way to MIT in Massachusetts, the dedication to finding a kitten is strong
dude hahahaha i laughed so hard i almost replied to this message when i got it! sorry, i am not american :( and maybe that doesn’t excuse my awful geography but i have no idea where MIT is so let’s just say Peter was on a school trip…yeah…that makes sense. Cats are amazing and it makes perfect sense!
7. I would kill or die for a sequel to hades Stark 😭😍❤️ you’re so amazing
YOU ARE SO SWEET MORE WILL COME I PROMISE! do you have any ideas for it ;)
8. Oh my godddd!!!!! I read your Flash and Peter fluff story, and now i'm soft. I love this underrated ship, we need more content like this!!!!! Keep doing what your doing!
you are so sweet thank you so much! it’s the first flash/peter i’ve ever written and i wasn’t even sure how much i liked it but i think i’m sold ;) you are such a darling!!! More to come, I promise!
9. @psychology-fanatic Oh my gosh!! Please please PLEASE give me some more of the Hades stark that stuff is right down my alley I loved it!!
10. Omg omg omg I just read your Slytherin!Tony and Hufflepuff!Peter dribbles and I love them so much! I hope to see more in the future. You’re such a great writer, being able to flesh out a world in a couple short paragraphs, much love :)
AHHHH WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SO SWEET. and i love harry potter so yes any chance to write more and i will take it
11. Your peter/flash fic was so good. It was so fuckin CUTE
NO YOU’RE CUTE thank you sm darling
12. Pleaseee if you can will you write a sequel to the short shorts drabble
YES IT IS COMING! I’m sorry i’m so slow :( but i love that au and it is in the works!
I LOVE YOU SO WE’RE EQUAL! you are far too kind honestly you’re such a doll i don’t deserve you!
14. dont call yourself mama, it really just turned me on
I laughed so hard when i saw this, thank you so much for blessing me. MAMA LOVES IT.
15. hey hun! do you take dark prompts? i'd love to send in some kinda fucked-up shit but i don't want to trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable. x
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO YOU GORGEOUS! I SHOUDL HAVE DONE IT WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS BUT IM AWFUL. and um yes i do, nothing triggers me so go as crazy as you’d like ;) iM EXCITED XXX and you’re so sweet to ask mwah x
16. hello i just want to say that i really love your writing and hakfhksla it took me a few weeks to gather up the courage to message you :'))) bUT I JUST WANNA SAY EVERY AU YOU POSTED MAKES MY HEART GO WOAH AND IM SO HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOUR USERNAME ON MY TIME LINE phew and also i love you and pls take care of yourself <3
UM YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER HELLO! I am so glad you came to say hi because this message made my day, my week, my month and i do not deserve you! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HUN’ I LOVE YOU
17. @godlovesmcu hi !! i'm kinda new and i just posted my first drabble to go along with one of my moodboards ! it would be super cool if you checked it out (but you totally don't have to !)
the san-diego thing was AMAZING but i have to say i am just blown away by your moodboards honestly, just w ow
18. Your omegaverse aus (especially the one with starker on college and the one in which Steve finds homeless Peter) are my guilty. How you write omegas on those fics is so intriguing (and a little bit of creepy to me). I love them. Keep on writing!
THEYRE MY GUILTY TOO IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THEM. hahahah the creepyness is definitely me, im so thrilled you like them *blushing* more coming, i promise!
19. Do you know any starker where tony is dealing with internalised homophobia? He doesn't like that he's attracted to Peter, or when Peter comes out to him, tony isn't supportive ?
oohh! im afraid i don’t though the concept is intriguing, it sounds like there should definitely be fics out there and i’ll keep an eye out! there are many other starker blogs more knowledgable than me though, so ask around lovely, someone will be able to help you on your quest!
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Hey. I love your wax of wane series so much. your writing is amazing and Ive found myself somewhat attached to Josh and Chris's relationship. Ive been reading through maybe a chapter a night and your writing is so good and im kinda addicted. So I was looking through all the chapters in the series and i accidentally read a tag that I wish i didn't later on in the series about their breakup? Im a couple chapters away, but im terrified I wont be able to take the angst. is there a happy ending? plz
Thanks so much for getting in touch. I’m glad that you’re enjoying the series, and it’s nice to know that people are still into it even though I haven’t updated in a while ^^;So… the dreaded tags. It’s always a bit of a dilemma deciding whether to include them, but I generally err on the side of caution so readers can make up their minds about what content they want to consume. Unfortunately, as you’ve discovered, this sometimes leads to spoilers.In this case, I can’t promise you won’t feel the angst, if I’ve done my job correctly. From what is currently part 17 onward (I say currently because this will probably change), you’re in for a bit of a rough time. The latest part - The Mountains Are Calling - is still a work in progress, which I’ll update when I get the chance to, but again, let’s just say it’s not the most upbeat of fics.
In better news, I have at least two more multi-chapter fics plotted out that continue the series beyond part 20, and two other multi-chapter fics set before chapter 17 - both smutty and in one case almost sickeningly fluffy - so hopefully that will soften the blow a little bit. In the meantime, if you’ll excuse the blatant self-promotion, I have some angst-free alternatives that might tide you over. I’ve posted a few other fics on ao3 besides the ones listed, but they’re either from other fandoms or perhaps a little too dark:
Planet Terror:A longass smut odyssey I co-wrote with the amazingly talented @flowerkingofangmar . Josh and Chris go to the drive-in. It’s filth. I’ll leave it at that.
35mm:This is where I keep my Tumblr drabbles (all smutty), which are, so far, very much inspired by the artwork of the unabashedly awesome @desperado-raspado . She posts a lot of great Until Dawn content (primarily NSFW), so her blog is worth checking out regardless.
Guts and Sparks:This isn’t fluffy by any means, but it isn’t exactly angsty either (?) It’s another ongoing fic that I’ll hopefully finish someday. I won’t go into too much detail in summary for fear of spoilers, but the tags should give you a rough idea of what’s in store. Lots of gore, so if that’s not your deal, give it a miss!
I’m currently working on another multi-chapter Climbing Class fic set in a decidedly happier AU, so there’s that, too. Fingers crossed I’ll be in a position to post it soon.So, back to your original question. I’m loath to give away the ending of W+W, but can confirm that I do have an ending in mind that will, I hope, give some resolution. I’m sorry I can’t elaborate, but I hope you’ll keep checking back. Again, thanks a lot for the ask, it means a lot. Apologies for the huge fuckin’ essay! xx
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