#I NEED her in snw. and I need her to be feminine and pretty and wear the dress style uniform
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startrekfemme · 8 months ago
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Janice Rand you are so pretty I'm so obsessed with you
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jean008 · 2 years ago
yes there is a visual difference with ceelia and nichols in real life and a lot on the show.
ceelia is not presented as feminine. that is a lie. she has the most masculine hair cut that is very unflattering to her face. majority of women can not rock a buzz near bald hair cut this is why majority of women regardless of their race are not bald looking.
Additionally, Ceelia is physically no where near as attractive as Nichols and the creators are not even trying to make up for this issue. in star trek, uhura is meant to be a very physically attractive character, that is the very first thing you notice about her when you see her by sight. it has been explored in comics, books and novels.
go watch the seires, when Lincoln visit the enterprise, his first reaction to uhura was to call her charming....which is another word of a beautiful woman. in the books, Savik, a vulcan is surprised that a human female could be so attractive when she sees uhura for the first time. in the alternate reality movies, uhura is describe as having a gorgeous face.
Ceelia's Uhura is presented the way she is in SNW, because the shows creators are ran by crazy feminists that dont like male gaze.
This is physically not cute in a romantic or love interest way. this is how you remove the male gaze from a character that was known for her good looks.
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go watch many youtube videos, especially in video games. there is a crazy feminist agenda to make women look more ugly , because crazy feminists want women to not be defined by their looks and SNW has applied this agenda with Uhura. my point is they are wrong in doing it with Uhura.
anyone that looks this picture of Celia and say she looks as physically beautiful or desirable to the male audience as Saldana and Nichols in telling a big lie.
Uhura is meant to be pretty, her beauty was a very important trait and a big deal for black women represented in mainstream media SNW has removed that from the series. it is so jarring that it almost takes you out when you watch the show.
Also on the show ceelia styling (hair and make up) is poor and it makes her look worse. her buzz hair style, shapeless uniform and the manly bulky cloths makes her look masculine and butch.
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TOS Uhura never looked like this.
About ethan peck spock. i will say they sort of improved on him with looks. I have heard girls say, peck is hot. i have never heard any guy say ceelia uhura is hot because she is not.
Peck I will say is maybe more handsome than Nimoy and Peck at least is tall and does not look all that too different from Nimoy that is takes out of the series as ceelia does. ceelia has zero resemblance to nichols. if the series was not pushing a secret agenda to make uhura non-binary in a subtle way and removing the male gaze., they would have cast an actress that at least had some similarities to nichols. many shows often find it easy to cast younger actors in prequels.
The real racism is that it is when the creators of the series did not want fans to see uhura as pretty anymore, they chose a dark skin actress who also claims to be a man. that is the real racism here, not me. I am black and as a black person, we know the agenda going on with hollywood and black women.
hollywood wants to masculise black girls, make us undesirable, make all of us gay by default because no men should aspire to want us based on physical attraction.
hollywood has an agenda to destroy black women while keeping the white pretty girl hierarchy. hollywood wants black girls to be strong, manly, independent and not need a man. that agenda is rejected heavily in the black community, yet they continue to push it down out throats in mainstream white america.
if you think i am wrong can you name me on black classic led tv show, where the young black girl is usually presented as masculine, bald or androgynous or not desirable to boys? name a classic black tv show. The Cosby Show? Family Matters? My wife and kids? A different world? Martin? The Jeffersons? Fresh prince of bel-air? Moesha? Sister Sister?
most young black teen girls or young youths in the black series I mentioned always looked like disney princesses and guys loved them for their good looks also.
trust me, ceelia looking the way she looks in snw. she will never have been cast in a black led tv series that is meant to appeal to black people or young black girls. so why present her that way in snw?
the real racist are snw creators not us fans asking why they made uhura ugly.
Wake up to the agenda. this is the real meaning of staying WOKE
Uhura hate vs Concerned fans? Who is really winning?
In response to SNW Uhura hate, I will like to address this objectively and logically.
1. Admitting it is wrong to hate or bully ceelia gooding.
2. Also saying she is miscast in the role of Uhura. 
I do not condone any hate or racism to any actor. Nonetheless I do believe some actor are not right for a part or sometimes actors are miscast deliberately for a part to push an agenda.
The very first time I saw the promo for snw, I was shocked at the Uhura photos as I could not truly tell if that was meant to be a boy or a girl. having to now accept that, this is meant to be a young Nyota felt too far-fetched.
We should not condone hate. However fans also need space to express genuine  concerns. I do NOT believe that the majority of people that say Ceelia Gooding is miscast hate her. they don’t just think she is right for the role and I agree.
SNW will never have cast a  Danny DeVito or a Jason Alexander actor in the role as Spock. They also would never have cast a Rosie O'Donnell as T-Pring or Chapel or Una. I love all these actors but they will be 100% wrong for some trek roles. This is the same with Ceelia Gooding as Uhura, an actress who may also be undergoing gender hormone therapy as a non-binary actor. It makes sense that Uhura looks very androgynous on the show, she is played by a non binary actor.
Sometimes even with racism, some actors still fit the part that could not be denied. Look at Halle Bailey, despite not been white she was still a perfect casting of Ariel in the little mermaid. This is not the case with Ceelia Gooding. There is nothing about her that is similar to TOS Uhura or what made Uhura Iconic.

Alright friend, you caught me on a day when I've got some extra time and spoons so I'm gonna try and engage with your message under the assumption of good faith (but to be clear, with all due respect, framing your message as "objective" and "logical" is giving big dogwhistle energy...)
Quick piece of context setting, I'm mostly familiar with Star Trek media through social osmosis and not personally watching the movies or tv shows, but I would say I'm familiar enough for a general conversation. I also did about 30min of additional research to double check my info but if I get some details wrong, that's why.
For anyone unfamiliar, Strange New Worlds (SNW) is a prequel to the original series of Star Trek (TOS) so they feature a handful of the same characters.
Now, you say there is "nothing about [Celia Gooding] that is similar to TOS Uhura or what made Uhura iconic." I think there's plenty about Gooding that is similar to Nichelle Nichols/TOS Uhura. They are both black, they are both relatively femme presenting, neither is visibly physically disabled, and they are pretty close to the same height (5ft5in vs 5ft8in). So then are you upset that SNW Uhura wears her hair short? Or are you upset that she wears pants and a tunic style jacket as her standard costume rather than sheer tights and a dress that barely covers her butt?
As an aside, "iconic" is a wholly subjective category but I don't disagree that Uhura is an iconic character. That being said, since you point out that quality, if you're up for sharing, I'm curious what you think made TOS Uhura iconic that is so different with SNW Uhura.
To quickly address your counter example, sure, if Danny Devito were cast in a prequel role to Leonard Nimoy's Mister Spock, that would strain credulity. But let me ask you this -- do you *really* see the same level of difference between the visual presentation of Danny Devito vs Leonard Nimoy and Celia Gooding vs Nichelle Nichols? Really? Let me grab a few pictures just to be sure we're all seeing the same people...
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(image description: two photos, both featuring two men standing side by side; on the left is Danny Devito, a shorter heavy-set man, with George Clooney, a much taller and slim man; on the right is Leonard Nimoy with Jim Parsons, they are both tall and slim /end id)
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(image description: two photos, both featuring femme-presenting individuals standing alone and looking into the camera; the one on the left is wearing a silky red ball gown with a deep-v neckline that shows off their boobs, they are wearing light makeup and some jewelry and their dark hair is buzzed short; the one on the right is wearing a glittery gold ball gown that has two high slits to show off her legs, she is also wearing some makeup and jewelry and her longer fluffier hair is styled in an updo typical of the 1960s /end id)
Look.......... the only specific/clear(ish) objections you've raised about Gooding getting cast in this role are about her appearance. As I have hopefully sufficiently demonstrated, I think those concerns are unfounded. If you have issues with the narrative/plot/character development for SNW Uhura, your problem should be with the writers and not with Celia.
If you're up for a little self reflection, try and get more specific about what bothers you so much about the situation. Connecting some dots here, you said SNW Uhura is too different from TOS Uhura to be acceptable to you, but you did not raise the same concerns about Ethan Peck as SNW Spock, even though he's also different from Leonard Nimoy as TOS Spock. What's the difference in the differences that makes one of these fine and one of these not?
•mod dyr
adding this photo i found of nichelle and leonard bc its so sweet <3
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pryde7 · 2 years ago
No I respectfully disagree and I feel this is a dangerous mindset to send to black women.
Why can't black girls find love, happiness and have kids. white women are allowed to have it all including a good guy that loves them but somehow black girls are told to be strong independent and need no man? not have a family? but a white girl can want it and have it.
nature is there for men and women to be companions. why are black girls been told different?
It is like the shave head? hair is part of a woman's feminine beauty. when white girls shave their head, people go crazy but when a black girl does it, is fine and this is because society is fine with masculinising black women.
SNW is a dangerous show to black girls and I wish more people will see the agenda. if you notice on the show, they have all established most of the legacy characters as people to be desired romantically. Kirk, Spock, Pike, Chapel and even Laan all have had romances encounters but uhura is not allowed?
this is why people said they were using a mammy trope with her. of all the legacy characters it is uhura that is not allowed to have romance even when in TOS, Uhura was the complete package and any guy will have wanted to date her over chapel, yes even Spock.
Although I must say, I will no want to be chapel in snw either. chapel is having a full blown affair with spock knowing he never called it off permanently with tpring. so chapel is like...the other woman and we know that romance is going to end. I think uhura got the better deal in AOS with Spock than Chapel did in SNW.
Lastly it is not people really sayingshe is not pretty enough for spock. it is hollywood saying so and confirming it. we know how hollywood works, they only cast thin or sexy curvy pretty people to be romantic leads with male gaze. Gooding uhura is not ''pretty'' enough to be a Hollywood lead romantic figure and snw is a hollywood show.
Is it mean, rude and unfair? yes, however that is the reality of Hollywood and I think that is why they cast her. Gooding does okay for the role but they should have cast an actress who would have been a more believable version of a younger Nichols.
the show clearly did not one to find a younger uhura who was the saldana/nichols pretty kind.
I feel sorry for the people still shouting racist and sexist and bigots when all what some of us her doing is just simply saying how things are done in hollywood.
but as a spock/uhura shipper, i am glad they did not really go the spock/uhura root with SNW. If uhura had gotten with spock like chapel did when he still has a fiancé, uhura will be called a bed wench. now that is actual racism.
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TOS era Uhura meets classic movie era Uhura, DC Star Trek #33 "Vicious Circle"
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